Biblio Obesite b

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ACUDOC2 Centre de documentation du Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches en Acupuncture 192 chemin des cèdres 83130 - La Garde, France Base de donnée spécialisée en acupuncture et médecine traditionnelle chinoise.

Domaine Acupuncture et médecine traditionnelle chinoise. Aspects historiques et sociologiques. Théories médicales traditionnelles. Etudes cliniques et expérimentales. nombre de références disponibles 140.200 références au 1er janvier 2006. Origine des documents Périodiques spécialisés en acupuncture et MTC (publiant régulièrement des articles d'acupuncture) : collection de 350 revues d'acupuncture et MTC titres (voir catalogue des périodiques). Articles de périodiques "extérieurs" (ne publiant qu'occasionnellement des articles d'acupuncture). Thèses et mémoires. Traités (bibliothèque de 2690 livres d'acupuncture et MTC (voir catalogue des traités). Antériorité Pour les publications en langues occidentales, les documents sont indexés à partir de 1683 (De Acupunctura de Wilhem Then Rhyne) : 1090 références avant 1950. Une recherche bibliographique rétrospective systématique a été menée. Pour les publications en langues asiatiques, les documents sont indexés à partir de 1980 (date antérieure pour certains documents). Bibliographies sélectives L'informatisation du centre de documentation du GERA permet la diffusion de bibliographies sélectives. (voir demande de bibliographie). Le tri peut notamment s'effectuer à partir : -de 220 descripteurs primaires (sections, voir plan de classement). -de 1800 descripteurs secondaires (mots-clés, voir thésaurus) fourniture des documents Le centre de documentation du GERA peut donner accès aux documents sous forme de photocopies. (3.2 € par article). voir demande de copie de document Informations / Demande de documentation Dr Johan Nguyen ℡: :

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1 -gera:6785/di/raACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA: A REVIEW.SMALL TJ. american journal of acupuncture.1974,2(3), 147-3.(eng). réf:33

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1- gera: 113908/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND OBESITY ABRAHAM C. KURUVILLA, MD. medical acupuncture. ,14(2),32 (eng*). [9.08 / - ] 2- gera: 72677/di/ra EJERCICIOS RESPIRATORIOS PARA LA OBESIDAD. LI YU XUAN ET AL. medicina holistica. ,55,131-2 (esp). [9.08 / qg- ] 3- gera: 70940/di/tp- num ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION: 35 ANS D'EXPERIENCE CLINIQUE.AMAIGRISSEMENT - TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE PAR ACUPUNCTUR. PU YUN-XING. editions de l'institut de medecine traditionnelle chinoise. ,,149-57 (fra). [9.08 / 05.10- d$- ] 4- gera: 29000/nd/tt MINCIR : LA METHODE CHINOISE, SECRETS DE BEAUTE DE LA MEDECINE TRADITIONNELLE CHINOISE. EDDE G. guy tredaniel,paris. 0,,239P (fra). [9.08 / - ] 5- gera: 11554/di/ra LES MASSAGES CHINOIS ET L'OBESITE. NIGOT. revue internationale d'acupuncture. 1950,2(3),141-4 (fra). [9.08 / massage- ] 6- gera: 18889/di/ra- num MASSOTHERAPIE CHINOISE ET MOBILISATION CHEZ LES ADIPEUX ET CELLULITIQUES. NIGOT. revue internationale d'acupuncture. 1953,5(1),19-25 (fra). [9.08 / massage- cellulite- ] 7- gera: 1279/di/ra ORALITE ET OBESITE, INTRODUCTION PSYCHANALYTIQUE AUX PROBLEMES DE L'OBESITE. DALLOZ JC. acupuncture. 1971,29,30-6 (fra). [9.08 / psychanalyse- ] 8- gera: 1283/di/ra- num PATIENT MOTIVATION : A FACTOR IN WEIGHT REDUCTION WITH AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE. COX BG. american journal of acupuncture. 1975,3(4),339-41 (eng). ref:0 Traitement par aiguille à demeure auriculaire (PA : bouche ou estomac) de 802 patients. 74 % ont eu une perte de poids significative de plus de 9 %. Le résultat est fonction de la motivation du patient à effectuer avant chaque repas 10 pressions sur l'aiguille auriculaire. [9.08 / 05.06- 05.10- ec- ] 9- gera: 11557/di/ra- num AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE AND WEIGHT REDUCTION. A CONTROLLED STUDY. GILLER RM. american journal of acupuncture. 1975,3(2),151-3 (eng). ref:0 Described are the results of a controlled study to determine the effectiveness of the auricular stomach, hunger and placebo points for hunger abatement and weight control. 120 volunteers were followed at weekly intervals, over the course of 6 weeks for a change in appetite patterns and weight loss. Results indicate that although 20% of the patients reported decreased appetite with a press needle placed anywhere in the ear, and another 20% of the patieents used the needles as reminders to diet, 70% of the patients treated with the auricular hunger point reported decreased appetite and [9.08 / 05.10- specificite- 05.06- cta- placebo- ecr- ] 10- gera: 1287/di/ra- num EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON WEIGHT REDUCTION. LAU BHS ET AL. american journal of acupuncture. 1975,3(4),335-8 (eng). ref:0 Traitement de 118 patients par acupuncture auriculaire (PA : oesophage, bouche, estomac, poumon associés éventuellement à faim, soif, rate ou foie). 3 aiguilles à demeure à chaque séance (2 au niveau d'une oreille, 1 à l'autre), mises en place pour une semaine. Pression intermittente en cas de sensation de faim. 8 semaines de traitement. Un régime à

1000 calories est conseillé, mais non imposé. Seulement 17 patients ont suivi le traitement de 8 semaines, et 57 au moins 3 semaines. Parmi eux, 17 ont perdu plus de 10 livres, et 40 entre 5 et 10 livres. [9.08 / 05.10- 05.06- eo- ] 11- gera: 1282/di/ra- num THE TREATMENT OF EXOGENOUS OBESITY EMPLOYING AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE. SOONG YS. american journal of chinese medicine. 1975,3(3),285-7 (eng). ref:8 This article reports on the treatment of 21 obesity patients employing auricular acupuncture. The auricular points used were Mouth, Shen-men, Stomach, Hunger and Spleen, and the period of treatment lasted from two to six weeks. The weight loss in these patients varied from 2 to 16 pounds. The rationale for using these points and cautions for this type of treatment were discussed . [9.08 / 05.10- 05.06- ec- ] 12- gera: 11558/di/ra- num AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE AND WEIGHT REDUCTION : A REVIEW AND OVERALL APPROACH. GILLER RM. american journal of acupuncture. 1976,4(1),33-6 (eng). ref:2 Les différents "profils d'obésité". Proposition d'un protocole thérapeutique d'acupuncture auriculaire : 1) Sélection des patients. 2) Sélection des points auriculaires. 3) Sélection de la méthode de stimulation. 4) Sélection des mesures diététique. Suivi du programme. [9.08 / 05.10- ] 13- gera: 1277/nd/ra TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE COMMUNE. IONESCU-TIRGOVISTE C. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1976,7,53 (fra). ref:10 [9.08 / - ] 14- gera: 1286/nd/ra LES OBESITES EN ACUPUNCTURE, ESSAI D'ETIOPATHOGENIE D'APRES LE RAISONNEMENT TRADITIONNEL ET TRAITEMENT. LACROIX JC. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1976,7,15 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / 03.01- ] 15- gera: 1285/di/re- num TREATMENT OF OBESITY BY ACUPUNCTURE. MOK MS ET AL. american journal of clinical nutrition. 1976,29(8),832-5 (eng). ref:0 L'étude a comparé chez un même patient, l'action des points auriculaires Bouche et Estomac piqués unilatéralement (Traitement A) bilatéralement (Traitement B) à celle de points auriculaires placebo (épaule, cheville); chaque traitement succédant à l'autre toutes les 3 semaines. L'étude a porté sur 24 patients et n'a montré aucune perte de poids significative. Par contre il n'y a eu aucun effet indésirable (et en particulier aucune chondrite). Aucune perte de poids significative n'est observée dans une étude en parallèle chez le cobaye. [9.08 / cta- eaa+cobaye- ecr- 05.10- placebo- specificite- lateralite- ] 16- gera: 28593/nd/tt THE ACUPUNCTURE DIET. WARREN FZ ET BERLAND T. st martin's press, new york. 1976,,136P (eng). ref:17 [9.08 / - ] 17- gera: 11561/di/ra [L'ACUPUNCTURE POUR TRAITER L'OBESITE]. IONESCU-TIRGOVISTE ET AL. akupunktur. 1977,2,76 (deu). ref:17 Etude du PA faim chez 82 patients. [9.08 / 05.10- ] 18- gera: 17331/di/ra OBESITA'E CELLULITE (DIETA, ATTIVITA MOTORIA, AGOPUNTURA). NOBILE F. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1977,29,15-19 (ita). ref:17 [9.08 / 05.17- ] 19- gera: 11559/nd/th CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DES BASES PHYSIOPATHOLOGIQUES DES TRAITEMENTS ACTUELS DE L'OBESITE, LA PLACE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE. SAREZINSKI G. these medecine,paris-cochin. 1977,145, (fra). ref:5

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[9.08 / - ] 20- gera: 11560/nd/me CONTRIBUTION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET DU MASSAGE CHINOIS AU TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE ET DE LA CELLULITE. ZILBERMANN S. memoire d'acupuncture,afa. 1977,24, (fra). ref:5 [9.08 / cellulite- massage- ] 21- gera: 11563/di/ra- num OBESITY. HONG-YEN HSU. bulletin of the oriental healing arts institute. 1978,3(4),6-8 (eng). ref:5 En MTC, la plupart des cas d'obésité sont dus à une perturbation du métabolisme de l'eau appelée Liu Yin, aboutissant à une stagnation de l'eau; on note alors des symptômes de stagnation des fluides dus à la faiblesse de la rate et de l'estomac au niveau du réchauffeur moyen (respiration courte, douleur des articulations des membres avec faiblesse voire paralysie, lumbago, sensation de froid au dos, pouls profond). Le traitement consistera à choisir une ou plusieurs formules phytothérapiques parmi celles citées en fonction des symptômes présentés par le patient obèse. [9.08 / stase+glaire- vide+rte- ] 22- gera: 11564/di/ra- num APPENDIX : INTRODUCTION OF OBESITY FORMULAS AND HERBS. HONG-YEN HSU. bulletin of the oriental healing arts institute. 1978,3(4),9-20 (eng). ref:0 Présentation de deux formules phytothérapiques utilisées en MTC pour les problèmes d'obésité. Description et propriétés des plantes composant ces deux formules. [9.08 / 26.02- ] 23- gera: 1197/di/ra TRAITEMENT DE LA CELLULITE LOCALISEE. NGUYEN HAI LONG. acupuncture. 1978,57,33 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / cellulite- ] 24- gera: 1278/nd/ra OBESITE. PAWLOWSKI B. acupuncture. 1978,54, (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 25- gera: 11562/di/ra- num THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CHINESE FORMULAS IN REDUCING ADIPOSITY : (1) A REVIEW OF THE CLINICAL EFFECTS. SHIGERU ARICHI ET AL. bulletin of the oriental healing arts institute. 1978,3(4),1-5 (eng). ref:0 2 formules de plantes chinoises, la première ayant une action d'inhibition des métabolismes (Siler Formula), la seconde régularisant le métabolisme de l'eau (Stephania and Astragalus Combination). On observe après une administration prolongée (plusieurs mois) une diminution d'environ 10 % du poids, une diminution très significative des tour de poitrine et tour de taille et une diminution des lipides sériques (cholestérol, triglycérides, phospholipides). Il est à noter que la première formule s'adresse surtout aux obésités fermes tandis que la deuxième s'adresse plutôt aux obèses ayant un aspect bouffi. Mais les meilleurs résultats sont cependant obtenus lorsque l'on combine les 2 formules. [9.08 / f275- 26.02- 09.07- ] 26- gera: 11565/di/ra OBESITE ET ACUPUNCTURE. CAROUGE. acupuncture. 1979,59,30-4 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 27- gera: 11566/di/ra L'OBESITE. FIEVET-IZARD. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1979,17,5-12 (fra). ref:14 [9.08 / - ] 28- gera: 11568/di/ra- num A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON THE EXCITABILITY OF THE FEEDING AND CHEWING CENTERS IN RABBITS (abstract). LEI MW. acupuncture research quarterly. 1979,10,47 (eng). ref:9 L'étude du seuil d'excitabilité des centres de la faim et de la mastication par EEG (microélectrodes) chez 35 lapins a montré que l'EA sur le 36E entraîne (à la différence du groupe

contrôle sans acupuncture) une diminution du seuil d'excitabilité et donc augmentation de la réponse du centre de la faim et une augmentation du seuil d'excitabilité et donc une diminution de la réponse des centres de la mastication. Au contraire, une augmentation du seuil de sensibilité et donc diminution de la réponse des Centres de la mastication. De même, la stimulation des points auriculaires : Faim, Bouche, et Estomac entraine une diminution de l'excitabilité des centres de la faim et de la mastication, ce qui permet d'expliquer l'action de l'acupuncture sur l'appétit et la réduction du poids. [9.08 / 05.10- 36e- eaa+lapin- ] 29- gera: 17329/di/cg- num TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE PAR ACUPUNCTURE. RAT P. conferences d'acupuncture, gera, toulon. 1979,4,131-40 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 30- gera: 11567/di/ra- num WEIGHT REDUCTION WITH AURICULAR ACUPRESSURE. SUN EL. american journal of acupuncture. 1979,7(4),311-315 (eng). ref:0 Traitement par acupression au niveau du point auriculaire estomac, au moyen d'un clip en plastique (Acu-Ring). Pressions intermittentes en cas de sensation de faim. 155 patients, perte moyenne de 1,5 livre par semaine. Ceux qui ont suivi le traitement au moins 6 semaines, ont perdu en moyenne 14,5 livres. [9.08 / 05.10- acupression- ] 31- gera: 11569/di/me REFLEXIONS SUR ACUPUNCTURE ET OBESITE. JACQUEMIN J. memoire d'acupuncture,afa,paris. 1980,90, (fra). ref:4 Essai de classification. Traitement proposé (36E, 9VC, 15VC, 45E, 4TR). Etude de 50 cas, les résultats sont légèrement supérieurs aux chiffres habituellement avancés par les traitements conventionnels. [9.08 / eo- ] 32- gera: 11556/di/cg- num LES OBESITES. NGUYEN VAN NGHI ET AL. cedat,marseille. 1980,,115 (fra). ref:29 Il va sans dire que pour avoir de meilleurs résultats, il convient : d'établir une diététique appropriée, de pratiquer une gymnastique énergétique, de faire des exercices respiratoires énergétiques , et de ne pas abuser sur le plan sexuel pour ne pas aggraver la déperdition énergétique des reins. Il faut sans cesse rappeler au malade qu'il doit participer au traitement. En effet 9 fois sur 10, on peut considérer que l'obésité n'est pas une maladie à proprement parler ; elle résulte le plus souvent d'un laisser-aller. Il ne doit donc y avoir à aucun moment prise en charge complète du sujet par le médecin, même si l'intervention de ce dernier est conseillée, voire souhaitable. Il faut faire comprendre au patient le problème et les solutions simples qui en découlent. Un minimum d'effort et de persévérance doit être exigé de l'obèse, il n'y a pas de miracle dans ce domaine surtout si l'on ne veut pas tomber dans le piège des cataboliseurs. Ceux-ci sont souvent le prélude à une thérapeutique sans fin, qui tout en permettant d'obtenir des résultats incontestables aggravent le sujet sur le plan de son équilibre psychique. [9.08 / - ] 33- gera: 11571/di/cg- num RESULTATS DU TRAITEMENT DES OBESITES. RAT P. conferences d'acupuncture,gera,toulon. 1980,5,204-8 (fra). ref:29 Traitement de 61 cas, 34 acupuncture et 27 placebo. Perte moyenne de 5,9 kg dans le groupe acupuncture, différence significative. Augmentation se la sensation de satiété dès la 2ème ou 3ème séance. [9.08 / eo- ] 34- gera: 11570/di/ra- num DIFFICULTY IN ENDURING HUNGER. WEI CT ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1980,15,117-9 (eng). ref:13 Discussion diagnostique à propos d'un cas de faim impérieuse. En MTC cela est connu comme "trop de chaleur à l'estomac fait que les aliments sont digérés trop rapidement", il s'en suit un retour rapide de la sensation de faim. Cela est du à une surabondance de Yang et à une insuffisance de Yin. Le traitement prescrit doit être capable d'éliminer la chaleur

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séjournant dans l'estomac d'où le 36E en acupuncture et la prescription "Kan-Lu" en phytothérapie. [9.08 / chaleur+e- 36e- ] 35- gera: 95610/di/co L'OBESITE. X. cedat, marseille. 1980,,34P (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 36- gera: 11573/di/me ETUDE ENERGETIQUE DE L'OBESITE. BETH B. memoire d'acupuncture, afa, paris. 1981,96,25P (fra). ref:0 Je terminerai en rappelant qu'il est aberrant de vouloir faire maigrir tous les obèses ; qu'il faut se contenter de résultats partiels qui permettent cependant des bénéfices somatiques et psychologiques considérables sans remettre trop en cause l'équilibre émotionnel et pondérostatique du patient ; qu'une des grandes cause d'échec du traitement de l'obésité réside dans le désir de toute puissance du médecin, visant à ramener à un poids idéal, théorique artificiel la totalité des obèses. Je pense qu'il faut simplement permettre au patient d'accéder à une plus grande autonomie à tous les niveau : physique, mental, spirituel, à un meilleur équilibre interne, même si cela peut l'amener dans certains cas à renoncer à maigrir ; essayer de rendre vos "obèses" heureux... et ils maigriront d'eux-mêmes !. [9.08 / - ] 37- gera: 11572/di/ra UN RESULTAT DANS LA CULOTTE DE CHEVAL (OBSERVATION CLINIQUE). NOGIER. auriculomedecine. 1981,22,20 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / cellulite- ] 38- gera: 1280/di/ra EFFECT OF "QINGSHEN" N°1 IN 50 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY. YU YONGPU. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1981,1(1),55 (eng). ref:0 Selon la MTC, l'obésité est liée à un excès d'humidité glaire et à un vide d'énergie vitale. La symptômatologie présentée par les obèses : asthénie, palpitations, respiration rapide, distension abdominale, sensation de lourdeur des jambes, lombalgies, selles rares, oedèmes, règles irrégulières, écchymoses, langue pâle et molle avec un enduit blanc, un pouls rapide et mou montrent qu'il s'agit d'un vide de la rate et des reins (vide du rein yang qui ne peut nourrir la rate yang ou vice-versa). Le vide de la rate entraîne l'excès de glaire qui va entraver le fonctionnement des poumons, de l'estomac, du chong mai et ren mai. Sur ces bases pathogéniques est utilisée la décoction Qinshen n°1 qui vise à tonifier la rate, réchauffer le rein yang, activer le sang et lever la stase. La durée du traitement a été de 4 à 23 semaines. Une perte de poids est observée dans 96 % des cas, la perte moyenne est de 3,72 kg. Dans 20 cas le poids a atteint le niveau souhaité. L'hyperlipidémie est améliorée, et la courbe HPO est normalisée. [9.08 / rn- 09.03- glaire- vide+qi- curieux- vide+rte- 09.07- ] 39- gera: 11575/nd/me ACUPUNCTURE ET OBESITE : REVUE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE. AH-KOON M. memoire d'acupuncture,bordeaux 2. 1982,,31P (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / rg- ] 40- gera: 11574/di/tt MAIGRIR AVEC L'ACUPUNCTURE ET LES MEDECINES NOUVELLES. SACKICK M. jacques grancher,paris. 1982,,194P (fra). ref:0 D'abord, maigrir avec l'acupuncture, donc sans médicament (on connait leurs inconvénients, dont la presse a si souvent parlé). La méthode est une méthode de santé globale, de remise en bonne santé. Le titre de cet ouvrage aurait tout aussi bien pu être : "Maigrir... en soignant tout le reste" car, avec l'acupuncture et les médecines nouvelles, on peut faire une remise en bonne forme et en bonne santé sur le plan fonctionnel que ce soit au niveau des douleurs, des dépressions nerveuses légères, des petits problèmes sexuels ou des dysfonctionnements de tel ou tel organe. Avec les médecines nouvelles, notamment électromagnétisme, auriculothérapie et laser médical doux, c'est, pour certains, le début d'un amaigrissement sans régime strict ou du moins

sans régime permanent, avec une orientation diététique plus ou moins consciente donc moins astreignante et plus facilement supportable. Surtout, il s'y associe une méthode anti- contrariété, donc anti-stress si bénéfique à notre époque tourmentée. [9.08 / - ] 41- gera: 86/di/ra- num WEIGHT CONTROL OF OBESITY : A SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE AND PRACTICAL APPROACH. SADOWSKY M. american journal of acupuncture. 1982,10(1),53-8 (eng). ref:0 Les points utilisés sont le point Gorge situé sur l'intersection d'une ligne verticale tangente auriculaire externe et d'une ligne horizontale parallèle à la branche ascendante de l'hélix, et les points 26VG, 12VC, 6VC, "Oméga II" (extrémité supérieure de l'hélix). En cas de stress d'autres points adjuvant sont également utilisés : 7C en cas de nervosité, 3C si ennui ou état dépressif, 36E et 5TR dans les cas extrèmes. Le traitement est poursuivi pendant 4 mois, chaque point étant stimulé avant de manger. Inconvénient : on note une chondrite infectieuse dans 1,5% des cas même quand l'aseptie a été rigoureuse. [9.08 / 05.19- 05.10- ] 42- gera: 11578/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF OBESITY BY ACUPUNCTURE (abstract). CHIK SZETO. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983,26,40 (eng). ref:2 Les causes de l'obésité sont multiples (polyphagie, sédentarité, problèmes endocrinologiques ou génétiques). Quoiqu'il en soit, il en résulte une accumulation de graisses dans les tissus adipeux et prise de poids. L'acupuncture peut traiter les obésités en augmentant le catabolisme, la circulation, en diminuant la polyphagie, et en mobilisant l'excès de graisse des tissus adipeux. [9.08 / - ] 43- gera: 1284/di/ra- num TRATTAMENTO DELL'OBESITA MEDIANTE L'AGOPUNTURA E LA FITOTERAPIA ORIENTALE. JUNG OCK YANG. rivista italiana di medicina orientale. 1983,4(1),13 (ita*). ref:0 Traitement de 140 patients par acupuncture (12VC, 25E, 9VC, 6Rt, 3F, 4GI + aiguille à demeure au PA Estomac) associée ou non à la phytothérapie orientale. [9.08 / eo- 26.01- 05.06- 05.10- ] 44- gera: 11577/nd/th TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE PAR ACUPUNCTURE. KHIAMI A. these medecine,marseille. 1983,550, (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 45- gera: 11576/rd/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AURICULAIRE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE]. MUKAINO Y ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1983,32(3),32-8 (jap*). ref:0 Traitement de 60 obèses randomisés en deux groupes : 1) Point auriculaire poumon. 2) Point 1,5 mm au-dessus du point poumon. Mise en place d'aiguilles à demeure durant 4 semaines et changées toutes les semaines. On observe une diminution de poids dans les deux groupes, mais plus importante avec le point poumon (différence significative). [9.08 / specificite- 05.06- 05.10- placebo- cta- ] 46- gera: 11582/di/ra AURICULOTHERAPIE ET OBESITE. CORNIC A. officiel des medecines naturelles. 1984,10,4 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.10- ] 47- gera: 11587/di/ra APPORTS DU MID LASER DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE LA CELLULITE. FRIDMAN J. cahiers de biotherapie. 1984,83 sup,71 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / cellulite- 05.14- ] 48- gera: 11584/di/ra [LA DIGITOPUNCTURE DANS LA CELLULITE]. LANZA U. rivista italiana di medicina orientale. 1984,5(2),63 (ita). ref:0 [9.08 / cellulite- acupression- ] 49- gera: 11579/di/ra [REMARQUES SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR

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ACUPUNCTURE DE L'ADIPOSITE ET OBESITE]. MASTELIER O. der akupunkturarzt aurikulotherapeut. 1984,5,131-2 (deu). ref:0 [9.08 / cellulite- ] 50- gera: 1281/rd/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE DE L'OBESITE PAR AURICULOTHERAPIE : ANALYSE DE L'EFFICACITE ET MECANISME D'ACTION]. MUKAINO Y. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984,(33)1,67 (jap*). ref:0 50 patients sont divisés en deux groupes : traitement par le point Shenmen et traitement par le point Poumon. Une aiguille à demeure est mise en place à l'oreille droite pour 15 jours. Les résultats sont appréciés sur le poids, l'appétit, dosages sanguins (glucose, Nefa), dosages hormonaux (insuline, gastrine, sécrétine). La perte de poids est significative dans les deux groupes, mais plus importante avec le point poumon. Les autres résultats suggèrent une action par réduction de l'insulinémie et augmentation de la sécrétion de gastrine. [9.08 / 05.06- 09.03- specificite- 05.10- 10.05- gastrine- ecr- secretion- ] 51- gera: 11590/rd/ra [COMPARAISON ENTRE LES POINTS AURICULAIRES CARDIA ET POUMON]. MUKAINO Y ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984,33(3),279-84 (jap*). ref:0 Il a été montré précédement que la stimulation du point poumon modifiait l'appétit et le métabolisme hydrique. La question est de savoir si les autres points électrodermiques de la conque ont une action similaire. 42 patients avec obésité simple sont randomisés en deux groupes : point cardia (C), et non point cardia (L). Une aiguille à demeure est mise en place et changée à 7 jours (traitement de 2 semaines). L'effet est évalué sur des questionnaires portant sur la quantité de nourriture, la sensation de faim ou satiété, la quantité de boisson, le volume urinaire. Parallèlement sont mesurés avant et après traitement : le poids, la pression osmotique du plasma et la concentration en hormone antidiurétique. Dans les groupes (C) et (L) on observe une augmentation de la sensation de plénitude, une diminution de la quantité de boisson. Le poids a diminué de 0,8 ± 0,1 kg dans le groupe (L) et 1,2 ± 0,3 kg dans le groupe (C). Il n'y a pas de différence significative entre les deux groupes. Dans le groupe (L) le volume urinaire a tendance à augmenter, la pression osmotique et ADH diminuent. Il n'y a pas de différence significative dans le groupe (C). En conclusion il n'y a pas de différence entre le point poumon, et le point cardia sur l'action, sur l'appétit ou le poids. Par contre le point poumon a une action sur le métabolisme hydrique. [9.08 / comparaison- placebo- cta- adh- p- 05.10- specificite- ecr- ] 52- gera: 11581/di/ra OBESITE ET ACUPUNCTURE. OLIVO H. officiel des medecines naturelles. 1984,10,2 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 53- gera: 11589/nd/th OBESITE ET ACUPUNCTURE, NOTRE EXPERIENCE A PROPOS DE 12 CAS. PERRET A. these medecine,bordeaux 2. 1984,424, (fra). ref:0 Il s'agit d'une étude sur l'emploi de l'acupuncture dans l'obésité. Ce traitement est expliqué dans son choix puis appliqué à douze cas. Les mécanismes d'action sont évoqués. [9.08 / eo- ] 54- gera: 11586/di/cg [DEPOSITION GRAISSEUSE DANS LE CORPS SELON LA THEORIE DE LA CIRCULATION DE L'ENERGIE]. SATHE VS. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion (abstracts participants from. 1984,,5 (eng). ref:0 L'obésité est caractérisée par une surcharge en graisse des tissus adipeux. Comme ceux-ci sont situés en général dans les tissus sous cutanés et les muscles qui sont également les zones de circulation de l'énergie Weï, on peut postuler que chez les personnes normales, la graisse des tissus adipeux forme une partie de l'énergie Wei. On sait par ailleurs que les

principales causes de l'obésité sont la polyphagie, le dérèglement alimentaire et la sédentarité. En MTC la polyphagie favorise l'obésité par surplus énergétique, par dérèglement alimentaire, par affaiblissement de l'énergie alimentaire et de l'énergie Weï, et la sédentarité par surplus et mauvaise circulation énergétique. De plus, l'accumulation de graisse dans les tissus adipeux entraine un ralentissement de la circulation dans les méridiens, ce qui affecte les métabolismes en général. [9.08 / 02.03- ] 55- gera: 11583/di/ra [OBESITE ET APPAREIL LOCOMOTEUR]. SMACCHIA R. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1984,49,47-64 (ita). ref:0 [9.08 / 18.01- ] 56- gera: 11588/di/ra- num [EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON 350 CASES OF REDUCING WEIGHT TREATED BY EMPLANTING EAR-NEEDLES]. XU BIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984,4(6),17 (chi*). ref:0 350 cas sont traités par l'équipe médicale chinoise au Koweit. Aiguilles à demeure au niveau des points auriculaires poumons, rate, estomac, shen men et sécretion interne. 1 à 2 points à chaque séance, aiguilles à demeure laissées en place pour 4 jours. Une série comporte 7 séances. Perte de poids de 4 à 5 kg en 1 mois. Méthode simple et sans effet secondaire. [9.08 / koweit- 05.06- 05.10- ] 57- gera: 11585/di/cg- num A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON THE EXCITABILITY OF THE FEEDING AND CHEWING CENTERS IN RABBITS (abstract). YANG MP. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion (abstracts participants from. 1984,,46-7 (eng). ref:0 Etude expérimentale chez 25 lapins. (Identique à réf gera [11568]). [9.08 / 05.10- 36e- eaa+lapin- ] 58- gera: 6172/di/el [OBESITE]. ZHONG MEIQUAN. in the chinese plum-blossom needle therapy,the people's medical publishing house. 1984,,171 (eng). ref:0 En MTC, l'obésité est en rapport avec la rate, déficience de Qi et l'humidité-glaires. Le traitement consiste à appliquer la fleur de prunier sur les zones paravertébrales (où à la palpation on retrouve des masses et tensions) sur l'abdomen, le bord inférieur du maxillaire inférieur et 36E, 6Rte, 12VC, 6MC et 14VG. Suivant les symptômes on insistera plus particulièrement sur les régions dorsales, lombaires et les zones médianes des membres inférieurs si l'obésité est en rapport avec des troubles gonadiques, sur les régions cervicales, sacrées, hépatique, les hypochondres quand l'obésité est liée à des désordres hépatiques et sur les régions lombaires, sacrées, inguinales et la zone du Du Mai si l'obésité est due à des troubles gynécologiques. Les résultats sont excellents. [9.08 / d$- ] 59- gera: 11580/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE PAR MTC]. ZHOU WEN QUAN. revue de mtc du yunnan. 1984,5(1),56 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 60- gera: 11591/di/ra- num OBESITE : LES PRINCIPALES REGLES PREVENTIVES ET CURATIVES. HADIDA P. revue francaise de mtc. 1985,109,90-2 (fra). ref:0 Rapport entre l'obésité et les 5 organes et traitements correspondants. [9.08 / - ] 61- gera: 11596/di/ra- num [ON THE THEORY THAT FAT PERSONS ARE SUBJECT TO DEFICIENCY OF YANG AND PHLEGM-DAMP WHILE THIN PERSONS TO DEFICIENCY OF YIN AND VIGOUROUS FIRE - AN INVESTIGATION ON RELATIONSHIP BODILY FORM AND AND* HE YUMIN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1985,5(11),674 (chi*). ref:0 Une étude sur 1257 sujets dans 3 villes chinoises confirme la théorie : la proportion de sujets Vide de Yang et Humidité-

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Glaire est plus importante chez les sujets obèses. Les auteurs soulignent que ceci ne peut être utilisé pour le diagnostic de Vide de Yang ou Vide de Yin, mais n'est qu'un élément d'orientation. [9.08 / 04.07- vide+yang- glaire- d$- vide+yin- ] 62- gera: 11594/di/ra- num EFFECT OF EAR ACUPUNCTURE FOR OBESITY (abstract). KOSKENNIEMI T. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1985,10(3),231 (eng). ref:0 Etude chez 18 obèses avec une surcharge pondérale de plus de 20 %. Mise en place d'une aiguille auriculaire changée régulièrement pendant 6 semaines. Le médecin donne au départ des informations sur l'obésité et une diététicienne organise un régime à 1000 calories. Après 6 semaines on observe une perte de poids de 9,7 % chez les hommes et de 8,2 % chez les femmes. Après 10 à 15 mois de 12 à 8,6 % chez les hommes et de 11,6 et 8,7 % chez les femmes. [9.08 / 05.10- 05.06- eo- ] 63- gera: 11592/di/ra [TRAITEMENT INTENSIF COMBINE DE L'OBESITE ET DES TROUBLES DU METABOLISME DES LIPIDES]. MASTALIER O. der akupunkturarzt aurikulotherapeut. 1985,4,107-110 (deu). ref:0 L'acupuncture ne suffit pas il faut associer un traitement homéopathique et diététique. [9.08 / 05.17- 09.07- homeopathie- ] 64- gera: 11597/rd/ra [MODIFICATION DU GOUT PAR AURICULOPUNCTURE CHEZ LE PATIENT AVEC OBESITE SIMPLE]. MUKAINO Y ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1985,34(3-4),211-6 (jap*). ref:0 Etude des différences entre stimulation de l'oreille gauche ou droite dans l'obésité. Dans la méthode A, 39 patients sont randomisés en deux groupes : (bl) point poumon bilateral et (r) point cardia droit. Dans la méthode B, 24 sont randomisés en deux groupes : (r2) point cardia droit et (l) point cardia gauche. Traitement de 4 semaines. La méthode A (bl) montre un effet supérieur à (r) dans la baisse de l'appétit et la perte de poids. Dans (bl) comme dans (r) on note une nette modification du goût dans le sens d'une augmentation de la sensibilité au salé. Dans la méthode B on trouve une corrélation entre le seuil de sensibilité au salé évalué avant le traitement et la perte de poids après traitement par (r2) ou (l) : plus élevé est le seuil, plus importante est la perte de poids, la stimulation du point cardia droit semble plus efficace [9.08 / 05.10- lateralite- gout- ] 65- gera: 11593/di/ra- num LONG-TERM EXPERIENCES IN THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY BY IMPLANTED EAR PRESS NEEDLES IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS (abstract). PENNALA M ET AL. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1985,10(3),211-2 (eng). ref:0 Etude chez 117 patients, la perte de poids et la tension sont évaluées à la fin du traitement (9 semaines) et à 1 an. La perte de poids et la diminution de l'appétit est moins importante dans le groupe sous béta-bloquant dont l'action inhibitrice sur l'acupuncture a été précédement rapportée. [9.08 / 07.05- medication- 05.10- 05.06- potentialisation- eo- ] 66- gera: 11598/nd/re [ROLE DE LA REFLEXOTHERAPIE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE NEURO-ENDOCRINE]. VOGRALIK VG ET AL. terapeuticheskii arkhiv. 1985,57(10),97-100 (rus*). ref:3 Etude comparée de diverses techniques (régime hypocalorique, physiothérapie, médicaments, activité physique, réflexothérapie) sur la perte de poids. L'étude de la réflexothérapie chez 86 patients obèses montre un effet positif sur les activités psycho-émotionnelles, sur les capacités d'adaptation à l'exercice physique, une stimulation du métabolisme par une élevation de la sécrétion des hormones thyroïdiennes, et au total une potentialisation de la perte de poids. [9.08 / 09.02- eo- ] 67- gera: 11595/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE PAR LA MTC]. X.

orientamenti mtc. 1985,2(4),232-45 (ita). ref:3 Traduction d'un article chinois. [9.08 / - ] 68- gera: 40275/rd/re [TREATMENT OF 47 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH CHINESE MEDICINES]. XIE DUAN WU ET AL. jiangxi zhongyiyao. 1985,4,35. (chi*). ref:3 Simple obesity was treated with "Tikeqing" preparation composed of the prosessed tuber of Pinellia ternata "Faxia", peel of Citrus reticulata "Chenpi", sclerotium of Poria cocos "Baifuling", rhizome of Ligusticum wallichii "Chuanxiong", fried rhizome of Atractylodes lancea "Chaocangzhu", fried rhizome of Atractylodes macrocephala "Chaobaizhu", whole plant of Plantago asiatica "Cheqiancao", fried tuber of Alisma orientale "Chaozexie", peel of Benincasa hispida "Dongguapi", peel of Areca catechu "Dafupi", fruit of Citrus aurantium "Zhiqiao", roasted rhizome of Cyperus rotundus "Zhixiangfu", and shoot of Artemisia capillaris "Yinchen". Ten grams of the preparation were given thrice daily. Patients were also given "Jianfei tea" prepared from the root tuber of Polygonum multiflorum "Shengshouwu", fruit of Crataegus pinnatifida "Shanzha", Oyster shell "Shijueming", fruit clusters of Prunella vulgaris "Xiakucao", flower of Caragana sinica "Jinjier", seed of Raphanus sativus "Laifuzi", and young leaf of Camellia sinensis "Chaye", 500g per month for 3 months as a therapeutic course for both drugs. Forty-three of the 47 cases treated lost weight, the effective rate being 91.5%. Two typical cases were described: one dropped from 100kg to 90kg and the other from 78.5kg to 73.5kg. [9.08 / - ] 69- gera: 31461/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 200 CASE OF ADIPOSIS TREATED WITH EAR POINTS "STICK-MASSOTHERAPY"]. DUAN RONGLIANG ET AL. shaanxi journal of tcm. 1986,7(5),215 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 70- gera: 18565/di/ra- num ROLE OF THE VAGUS NERVE IN WEIGHT REDUCTION THROUGH AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE. DUNG HC. american journal of acupuncture. 1986,14(3),249-54 (eng). ref:3 The use of auriculopuncture as a therapeutic method for body weight reduction is frequently reported. Various results have been claimed by different investigators. However, no hypothesis is ever offered to explain how placement of a mechanical stimulation in the ear can lead to weight loss. It is possible that vagus nerve may play an important role in auriculopuncture. An attempt is made in this report to present anatomical evidence for the validity of auriculopuncture in [9.08 / sympatique- 05.10- ] 71- gera: 18600/di/ra- num ATTEMPS TO REDUCE BODY WEIGHT THROUGH AURICULOTHERAPY. DUNG HC. american journal of acupuncture. 1986,14(2),117-22 (eng). ref:13 Cette étude sur l'efficacité de l'auriculopuncture dans les problèmes d'obésité a porté sur 36 patients volontaires. Les points auriculaires utilisés, au nombre de deux, se situent de part et d'autre de la racine de l'helix sont laissées en place tant que le sujet n'a pas perdu au moins 2kg, puis retirées. Après un repos de 7 jours on peut éventuellement recommencer l'opération. Les aiguilles à demeure doivent être pressées par le patient 30 minutes avant le repas. Résultats : 63,9% des patients ont perdu du poids (en moyenne 1,50 kg en deux semaines) mais seulement 39% ont perdu plus de 2 kg en 2 semaines. Malgré ces résultats, les auteurs estiment que l'auriculopuncture n'est pas un traitement efficace de l'obésité parce qu'elle ne peut que freiner l'appétit (sans incidence directe sur la perte de poids) et parce que le pourcentage des volontaires acceptant l'auriculopuncture est passé en quelques années de 20% à 5% et que le pourcentage de volontaires demandant un 2ème traitement après une première implantation auriculaire de deux [9.08 / eo- 05.10- ] 72- gera: 24683/di/ra ROLE OF THE VAGUS NERVE IN WEIGHT REDUCTION THROUGH AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE. DUNG HC. acupuncture research quarterly. 1986,10(4),121-7 (eng).

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ref:11 [9.08 / 05.10- ] 73- gera: 22777/di/ra- num [EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON 253 CASES OF REDUCING WEIGHT TREATED BY EMPLANTING EAR NEEDLES]. LI SHIJIE. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986,6(3),11-2 (chi*). ref:13 253 cas d'obésité ont été traités par auriculopuncture aux points suivants : San Jiao, Poumon et Endocrine, utilisés successivement et laissés en place 5 jours : 77,5 % d'amélioration. [9.08 / eo- 05.06- 05.10- ] 74- gera: 11170/di/ra- num MAIGRIR : UN TRAITEMENT PAR LES PLANTES. VIBES J. medecines nouvelles. 1986,14,86-92 (fra). ref:13 [9.08 / 26- ] 75- gera: 11599/di/ra LA OBESIDAD. VILLAVERDE JR ET AL. biociencias. 1986,3-4,73-110 (esp). ref:13 [9.08 / - ] 76- gera: 30629/di/ra [FOUR SUCCESSFULLY TREATED OBESITY CASES]. WANG YUFEN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1986,27(11),21-4 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / cc- ] 77- gera: 20978/di/cg THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE. CHANDNANI JK. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987,,55 (eng). ref:3 Etude menée pendant 10 ans sur 100 cas. Excès de poids de 10 à 40 kg. Auriculopuncture et somatopuncture tous les jours pendant 10 jours puis arrêt pendant 1 semaine. 3 séries de traitement. La perte de poids a été de 2 à 3 kg par série de 10 séances. Dans 80 % des cas la réduction totale de poids en 30 séances a été de 6 à 10 kg. 20 % d'échec. Pendant la semaine d'arrêt entre deux séries de séances, des aiguilles à demeure ont été placées sur le point faim de chaque oreille afin de prolonger l'effet du traitement. Les patients ont ensuite été suivis pendant 6 à 12 mois. [9.08 / 05.06- 05.10- eo- ] 78- gera: 31339/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 63 CASES OF FEMALE OBESITY]. CHEN ERMIN ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1987,10,13 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 79- gera: 19906/di/cg L'ACUPUNCTURE POUR L'OBESITE. CHIH HWA CHOU. in xe congres mondial d'acupuncture, societe internationale d'acupuncture,las vegas. 1987,,123 (fra). ref:3 Plan de traitement de l'obésité sans autre précision. [9.08 / - ] 80- gera: 20375/di/ra- num [OBSERVATION OF THE THERAPEUTIC EFFETS ON 1015 CASES OF OBESITY BY EAR ACUPUNCTURE]. CUI SHUGUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987,7(1),17 (chi*). ref:3 Etude menée sur 1015 cas traités par auriculopuncture (shen men, estomac, gros intestin, glandes endocrines, poumon, coeur) et 6Rte. 1 à 2 points sélectionnés à chaque séance. L'aiguille à demeure est placée pendant 5 jours. Les résultats sont meilleurs si l'obésité est récente et que les sujets ont moins de 35 ans. 62,5 % de bons résultats, 37,5 % [9.08 / 05.10- ] 81- gera: 22280/nd/re [A WARNING AGAINST EAR ACUPUNCTURE USED IN THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY]. DAHLQVIST A ET AL. lakartidningen. 1987,84(38),2970 (swe). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.19- ] 82- gera: 20336/di/ra- num

TRAITEMENT DE L'HYDROLIPODYSTROPHIE (CELLULITE) TROCHANTERIENNE ET FESSIERE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET ELECTROSTIMULATION. DAO C. meridiens. 1987,78,11-8 (fra). ref:0 Cent dix huit patients ont été vus en 4 ans pour "cellulite" et traités par implantation d'aiguilles d'acupuncture. Les aiguilles étaient reliées à un appareil d'électrostimulation permettant de stimuler 8 aiguilles à la fois. Chaque séance consistait à implanter 60 minutes les aiguilles dans la zone d'hydrolipodystrophie. La perte de poids a été en moyenne de 4,8 kg. La diminution des masses d'hydrolipodystrophie a été franche même en l'absence de perte de poids; la réduction du périmètre abdominal a été en moyenne de 6 cm, du tour de hanches de 6 cm. Les malades obèses ont présenté une réduction pondérale légèrement supérieure à celle mesurée chez les patients atteints d'hydrolipodystrophie simple. Les mensurations moyennes de taille, de ventre et de hanches sont restées stables après une période d'observation moyenne de 1,6 mois. La stabilisation des masses dystrophiques a été acquise avec une moyenne de 5 séances. Les hématomes ont été les seules complications locales. Les résultats que nous présentons sont encourageants et justifieraient une comparaison de l'électrostimulation et des autres procédés connus. [9.08 / 05.12- cellulite- ec- ] 83- gera: 30795/di/ra [46 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH NO. II QINGSHENYIN DECOCTION]. KANG TINGPEI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987,28(12),30-6 (chi). ref:24 [9.08 / 26.02- ] 84- gera: 22024/di/cg- num 42 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE (abstract). LEI ZHENPING. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987,,163. (eng). ref:24 42 cas d'obésité ont été traités par electroacupuncture pendant 20 minutes, puis aiguilles à demeure pendant 3 jours aux points 34E et 4Rte. Les aiguilles à demeure sont changées tous les 4 jours, le tout étant répété 10 fois puis éventuellement recommencé après un repos de 8 jours. Le traitement est stoppé après 3 séries. Résultats : 11 échecs, 14 cas : amélioration importante, 17 cas d'amélioration moyenne. 34E et 4Rte entrainent une diminution importante de l'appétit, ce que l'on ne retrouve pas dans le groupe contrôle. Il est à noter qu'en cas de polyphagie ou simplement de "sensation de faim" avant le repas on recommandait aux patients de stimuler les aiguilles laissées à demeure sur 34E et 4Rte. [Voir article complet ref GERA : 22903]. [9.08 / 34e- 4rte- 05.12- ] 85- gera: 30713/di/ra [42 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. LEI ZHENPING. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987,28(5),52-60 (chi). ref:0 (Voir traduction anglaise réf. GERA 22903). [9.08 / - ] 86- gera: 32985/di/ra [TREATING OBESITY OF YOUNG WOMEN WITH "HAI ZAO QING SHEN TANG"]. PAN YUN-MING. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987,22(6),274 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / f0- ] 87- gera: 30178/di/ra [TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY FROM LIVER THESIS : A REPORT OF 40 CASES]. QU ZHUQIU ET AL. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987,(3),23-25 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / 2.04+f- ] 88- gera: 20979/di/cg ROLE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY. RAMAN KAPUR. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987,,55 (eng). ref:0 4 groupes de patients ont été constitués. Groupe (1) : traitement par auriculopuncture, 20 cas, résultats 5 à 6 kg perdus par mois; groupe (2) : traitement par auriculopuncture

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et somatopuncture (45 cas) : les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus dans ce groupe; groupe (3) aiguilles à demeure au point auriculaire : faim (5 cas) perte de 2 à 3 kg par mois; groupe (4) thérapie par acupuncture (41) cas. [9.08 / 05.10- comparaison- ctanr- ] 89- gera: 32692/di/ra ["PI GU" (A METHOD OF LIVING WITHOUT EATING) AND ANT-OBESITY]. SHENG DUO. qigong. 1987,8(10),443 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / qg- ] 90- gera: 20980/di/cg- num WEIGHT CONTROL TREATMENT WITH ACUPUNCTURE. SOONG YS. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987,,56 (eng). ref:0 Etude menée pendant 10 ans sur 240 cas (201 femmes, 39 hommes). Le traitement a consisté en 1 à 33 séances d'acupuncture, 1 fois par semaine, électroacupuncture, 15 à 30 minutes sur 24E, 25E, 36E, 6Rte, 15Rte, 7V, 20V, 21V, 4VC, 6VC et 12VC. Aiguilles à demeure une semaine sur les points auriculaires (estomac, rate, pancréas, bouche, faim, sécrétions internes, shen men). 92,5 % de bons résultats avec perte de poids, 7,5 % d'échecs. [9.08 / eo- 05.10- ] 91- gera: 24235/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH "ANTI-OBESITY AND REDUCING BODY WEIGHT DECOCTION". ZHANG JU ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987,,418-9 (eng). ref:0 51 cas de surcharge pondérale ont été traités par une décoction de plantes médicinales. Selon la MTC, cette décoction tonifie l'énergie, nourrit le Yin, diminue la chaleur et draine l'humidité. Sur le plan occidental, elle pourrait aussi avoir une action sur le système nerveux central en diminuant l'appétit, augmentant les catabolismes, en diminuant la lipémie. Résultats : sur 51 cas il y a eu 3 échecs. 48 cas ont reçu la décoction pendant 8 jours avec une perte moyenne de poids de 1,7kg; 27 cas pendant 15 jours avec une perte moyenne de 3,19kg; 18 cas pendant 3 semaines avec une perte moyenne de 4,9kg et 11 cas pendant 4 semaines avec une perte de 6,14kg. 32 patients ont eu une perte totale d'appétit; 9 cas qui avaient des oedèmes concomittants ont vu ces troubles se résorber. [9.08 / 26.02- ] 92- gera: 25560/di/tt OBESITE ET ACUPUNCTURE. COHEN HA. maisonneuve,ste ruffine. 1988,,247P (fra). ref:0 Dans cet ouvrage, écrit par un médecin nîmois, spécialisé en acupuncture et traitant l'obésité depuis de nombreuses années, vous ne trouverez aucune recette, ni culinaire ni autre, vous permettant de maigrir. Ce livre s'adresse à tous ceux qui, sensibilisés par la prise de poids importante ou discrète, mais de toutes facons mal vécue, tentent de s'informer. Ce livre permettra de mieux comprendre cette affection, à la fois dans ses causes, dans sa genèse et dans son traitement. Il permettra sans conteste, au patient qui se soumet à une cure d'amaigrissement, de dialoguer positivement avec son médecin et de suivre pas à pas le déroulement de sa cure. Pour ceux qui choisiront de maigrir par les médecines douces et en particulier par acupuncture, ce livre les confortera dans leur choix judicieux. [9.08 / - ] 93- gera: 26507/di/ra- num OBSERVATION CLINIQUE : UNE OBESITE "ESTOMAC" DELZIENNE G. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1988,57,63-68 (fra*). ref:4P Un cas d'obésité traité par les points Weicang (V50), Kufang (E14) et Shuaigu (VB/8). [9.08 / 8vb- 50v- 4.07+e- 14e- ] 94- gera: 23078/di/ra- num [EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON 473 CASES OF REDUCING WEIGHT TREATED BY EMPLANTING SEEDS AT EAR- POINTS]. GU YUESHAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988,8(1),15 (chi*). ref:0 Etude menée sur 473 cas traités par acupression avec Semen Vaccariae sur shen men, rate ou poumon et sympathique. Les patients stimulent les points 5 minutes avant

chacun des repas. Bons résultats dans 59,4% des cas (perte >3kg). [Voir traduction anglaise ref GERA : 80632]. [9.08 / 05.10- ] 95- gera: 83148/nd/re- num HOW I TREAT ... THE OBESE PATIENT. HOOPER J ET AL. practitioner. 1988,232(1460,1353-6 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 96- gera: 23488/di/cg- num COMPORTEMENT ALIMENTAIRE : ASSIMILATION, OBESITE, MAIGREUR. KESPI JM. la revue des seminaires d'acupuncture de l'afera. 1988,3,117-137 (fra). ref:0 Le texte présenté ici est la transcription de la conférence de JM Kespi sur les comportements alimentaires. Situé dans le cadre du séminaire concernant la pathologie digestive, cet exposé a été l'occasion de nombreuses digressions, parenthèses, précisions sortant du cadre du sujet évoqué. L'intérêt de ces réflexions nous paraissant d'une grande richesse, nous avons souhaité les conserver sans pour autant alourdir le déroulement de la conférence proprement dite. Aussi, il nous a paru préférable de réunir toutes ces notes en fin de texte afin qu'elles puissent être compulsées, soit au fur et à mesure de leur évocation, soit indépendamment du sujet traité. Puisse cette façon de procéder convenir à tous ceux qui ont pu suivre avec grand intérêt cette conférence. [9.08 / 09.09- ] 97- gera: 22903/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF 42 CASES OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE. LEI ZHENPING. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988,8(2),125-6 (eng). ref:0 42 cas d'obésité ont été traités par puncture des points 34E et 4Rte tous les trois jours, ces points étant utilisés alternativement et stimulés électriquement pendant 20 minutes, une fois les aiguilles retirées, des aiguilles à demeure sont insérées à leur place pendant 3 jours. 10 séances constituent un traitement type. Les résultats sont très bons puisque l'on observe une perte de poids de 7,5kg après 3 traitements. Ces deux points semblent avoir pour effet d'inhiber les fonctions de la rate et de l'estomac. [9.08 / eo- 4rte- 34e- 05.12- ] 98- gera: 80611/di/ra- num A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON REDUCING WEIGHT WITH IMPLANTING NEEDLE IN EAR-POINT IN 253 CASES. LI CHIJIE. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988,1(3-4),96-7 (eng). ref:0 Points auriculaires TR, Poumon et Endocrine. Un seul point à chaque séance. Utiliser en alternance chacun des 3 points. Mise en place d'une aiguille à demeure. Une séance tous les 5 jours. 1 à 3 séries de 6 séances. Perte de poids dans 77.5% des cas. [9.08 / 05.06- 05.10- koweit- eo- ] 99- gera: 110877/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON WEIGHT REDUCE OF 300 CASES]. LI ZHENG-LIN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988,7(3),8 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 100- gera: 23889/di/ra LE OBESITA : EZIOPATOGENESI E TERAPIA. MINELLI E. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1988,4,34-46 (ita). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 101- gera: 33564/di/ra [TCM TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY]. WENG WEILIANG ET AL. journal of tcm. 1988,29(1),40 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 102- gera: 82733/di/re- num PROFITABLE EFFECTS OF NEW CHINESE DIET PILLS (XIAOPANGMEI) ON THE CONTROLS OF EATING BEHAVIOR AND BODY WEIGHT IN 536 CASES OF OBESITY. XU AI HUA ET AL. j p b t. 1988,29,33-8 (eng ). ref:0 Nous rapportons 536 cas d'obésité simple traités par Xiaopangmei + régime + exercice physique. Après 3 mois de

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traitement, 86 % des patients ont été améliorés sur le plan pondéral (5 bons ou très bons résultats). 74,9 % des patients présentant une HTA surajoutée ont vu leur pression artérielle régresser ou se normaliser. Une réduction considérable de cholestérolémie, triglycéridémie, et épaisseur des plis cutanés a été observée. Capacité vitale et force physique ont augmenté. Aucune néphrotoxicité ou hépatotoxicité n'a été observée. En conclusion, le Xiaopangmei apparaît comme un traitement très efficace dans l'obésité simple. [9.08 / ctp- 26.02- 07.05- 09.07- ] 103- gera: 53292/di/ra [ALL DISEASES TREATED ONESELF WITH QI GONG. OBESITY]. XU JING. qi gong. 1988,9(7),302-04 (chi). ref:14 [9.08 / qg- ] 104- gera: 80583/di/ra- num OBSERVATIONS ON THE EFFECT OF TREATMENT OF REDUCING FATNESS IN 350 CASES AFTER EMBEDDING WITH EAR NEEDLE. XUN BIN ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988,1(3-4),32-3 (eng). ref:14 Points auriculaires Poumon, Rate, Estomac, Endocrine, Shen Men. 1 à 2 points à chaque séance. 1 séance tous les 4 jours. Série de 7 séances. 1 à 3 séries. 66% des cas ont une perte supérieure à 3kg. [9.08 / 05.06- 05.10- eo- ] 105- gera: 35174/di/ra [TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY BASED ON SYNDROME DIFFERENTIATION : AN ANALYSIS OF 100 CASES]. CHEN RIUYING. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989,21(4),15-7 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / d$- ] 106- gera: 29772/di/cg- num OBSERVATION 650 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED WITH EAR ACUPUNCTURE (abstract). CUI SHUGUI. international symposium on diagnosis and treatment with auricular points, beijing. 1989,,165-6 (eng). ref:0 PA : Shen Men, Estomac, Poumon, Coeur, TR, Endocrine. Aiguille à demeure. 1 à 2 points à chaque séance. Séance tous les 3 à 5 jours. 5 séances par traitement. Perte >2kg dans 62.5% des cas. [9.08 / eo- 05.10- ] 107- gera: 108622/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE FOR 77 CASES OF THROMBOANGITIS]. DI ZILI. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989,8(1),12 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 108- gera: 80632/di/ra- num CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON WEIGHT REDUCTION BY PRESSING AURICULAR POINTS WITH SEMEN VACCARIAE. A REPORT OF 473 CASES (abstract). GU YUESHAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989,9(3),166. (eng). ref:0 Etude menée sur 473 cas traités par acupression avec Semen Vaccariae sur Shenmen, Rate ou Poumon et Sympathique. Les patients stimulent les points 5 minutes avant chacun des repas. Bons résultats dans 59,4% des cas [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 109- gera: 34969/di/ra [TO TREAT 22 CASES OF POSTPARTUM OBESITY WITH "ZHU YE HUANG QI TANG"]. JIA-LIANG G. zhejiang journal of tcm. 1989,24(8),357-379 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / post- partum- 11.10- f0- ] 110- gera: 50655/di/ra- num [STUDY ON PROPHYLACTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON SIMPLE OBESE COMPLICATED WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989,8(4),4-11 (chi*). ref:0 In order to understand the prophylactic-therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on the simple obese patients complicated by cardiovascular diseases, we observed in the simple obese patients the change in the pathogenetic and hazardous factors of combined cardiovascular diseases and in

the functions of the autonomic nerves which regulate cardiovascular activities. The results showed that the ratio between waistline and hipline and the lipid content decreased markedly, the extents of the decreases of the ratio and the lipid content in the patients were related to wether the therapeutic effects appeared or not. The results indicated that acupuncture and moxibustion might not only decrease the pathogenetic factors in the patients complicated by cardiovascular disease, but also prevent the patients from suffering from arteriosclerosis. Besides, acupuncture and moxibustion can decrease Y value in the patients complicated by the hypertension and increase Y value in the patients not complicated by the hypertension and the extents of the decrease and the increase related to whether the curative effect appeared or not. The results showed that acupuncture and moxibustion had a diphasic regulatory effect on the autonomic nervous function of patients. [9.08 / 09.07- 05.09- 07.01- 07.05- ] 111- gera: 108619/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON THE BLOOD SUGAR AND GLYCOREGULATORY HORMONES IN PATIENTS SUFFERING FROM SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU ZHICHENG, ET AL.. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989,8(1),4 (chi*). ref:11 [9.08 / - ] 112- gera: 29771/di/cg- num CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 72 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED WITH AURICULAR POINT THERAPY (abstract). LONG WENJUN ET AL. international symposium on diagnosis and treatment with auricular points, beijing. 1989,,164-5 (eng). ref:11 PA Shen Men, Estomac et Jiaogan. Si obésité constitutionnelle : Rate et Kou. Si obésité acquise : VB et JI. Si obésité secondaire : Intertragus et Yuanzhong. Application de Semen Vaccariae. Pression 3 à 5 mn 2h avant chaque repas ou si sensation de faim. Perte >3kg dans 83.33% des cas. [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 113- gera: 27409/di/ra- num IMPLANTATION OF AURICULAR NEEDLES FOR TREATING 350 CASES OF OBESITY : A THERAPEUTIC EVALUATION REPORT. MING JIA LI. journal of the american college of traditional chinese medicine. 1989,7(1-2),51-52 (eng). ref:0 PA Poumon, Rate, Estomac, Endocrine, Shen Men. Aiguille à demeure. 1 à 2 points à chaque séance. Séance tous les 4 jours. 7 séances par traitement. Perte >3kg dans 66% des cas. [9.08 / 05.10- 05.06- eo- ] 114- gera: 26877/di/ra THE ROLE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY. POLAK S. british journal of acupuncture. 1989,1(12),4-6 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 115- gera: 80698/di/ra- num AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY BY SINGLE BLIND METHOD ON THE ANTI-OBESITY EFFECT OF XIAOPANGMEI. QIN ZHENGYU. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989,9(1),5-8 (eng). ref:0 To evaluate the anti-obesity effect of Xiaopangmei, an experimental study by single method in three groups of rats was done. The first group were fed with Xiaopangmei-01, the second group with a placebo, and the third group were controls. As compared with the control and the placebo groups, the rats, that had been fed Xiaopangmei for six weeks showed body weight, food intake, weight of epididymis fat pad and the intestinal absorption of glucose an significantly decreased. The swimming tolerance test showed they swam longer than the other two groups. No significant difference was found between the three groups in the growth and development indices such as body length, length of femur and tibia, weight of heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, stomach, small intestines, gastrocnemius muscle, and adrenal glands. No side effects were found on the liver and kidney. The secretion of insulin was inhibited after the swimming tolerance test and the gastrocnemius muscle test was similar for all three groups of

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rats. We concluded that Xiaopangmei is an effective anti-obesity drug. [9.08 / eap+rat- 26.02- ] 116- gera: 29773/di/cg- num WEIGHT-REDUCTION WITH EAR ACUPUNCTURE AND ITS COMPUTER ASSISTANCE (abstract). RUN LIANSHENG ET AL. international symposium on diagnosis and treatment with auricular points, beijing. 1989,,166-7 (eng). ref:14 Programme informatique pour la prise en charge de l'obésité : diagnostic du syndrome, choix des points et détermination du régime. [9.08 / informatique- 05.10- ] 117- gera: 80688/di/ra- num THE TREATMENT OF 44 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH TCM. WENG WEILIANG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989,9(4),283-84 (eng). ref:0 Traitement par phytothérapie différenciation de 3 formes cliniques : 1) stase des glaires. 2) chaleur de l'estomac. 3) stase de QI et du sang. [9.08 / f0- ] 118- gera: 34421/di/re [CLINICAL SUMMATION OF 37 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. YINLONG Z. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1989,10(9),22. (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.09- ] 119- gera: 29709/di/cg- num OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AURICULAR PLASTER THERAPY ON 393 CASES OF OBESITY (abstract). ZHAN JUN. international symposium on diagnosis and treatment with auricular points, beijing. 1989,,103-4 (eng). ref:0 PA Rate, Estomac, Foie, Shen Men, Poumons, TR, Kou, Endocrine, GI et Xiaochang, en fonction du syndrome. Application de Semen Vaccariae, traitement de 1 mois. Perte >à 1,5kg dans 87.5% des cas. [9.08 / eo- acupression- 05.10- ] 120- gera: 29770/di/cg- num PRIMARY STUDIES ON THERAPEUTICS OF PRESSING AURICULAR ACUPOINTS TO DECREASE WEIGHT AND ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OBESTIY AND HEMORHEOLOGY. ZHOU KANGYU ET AL. international symposium on diagnosis and treatment with auricular points, beijing. 1989,,163-4 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.10- acupression- rheologie- ] 121- gera: 80113/di/ra OHRAKUPUNKTUR ZUR GEWICHTSREDUKTION. VERSUCH EINER OBJEKTIVIERUNG. ZWOLFER W. deutsch zeitschrift fuer akupunktur. 1989,5,101-3 (deu*). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 122- gera: 83364/di/ra CELLULITE : PATOLOGIA DEI LIQUIDI. CAPELLI E ET AL. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1990,67,43-6 (ita). ref:0 [9.08 / cellulite- liquide- 02.03- ] 123- gera: 82073/di/cg ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF CELLULITIS BASED ON CLASSICAL SYNDROMES DIFFERENTIATION. CONSIGLI P ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990,,43. (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / d$- cellulite- ] 124- gera: 63839/di/ra [APPROACH ON PATHOGENESIS AND MECHANISM OF OBESITY]. HUA QING. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1990,11(2),71 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / 03.01- ] 125- gera: 83967/di/ra- num TRATAMIENTOS DE LA OBESIDAD SIMPLE CON EL PREPARADO KANG LING JUE FEI HE JI. LI SHIXIONG ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1990,1(2),55-57 (esp). ref:0

La obesidad esta causada por la sobrealimentacion o insuficiente consumo de energia con la consecuente gran acumulacion de grasa. Esto produce un exceso de peso sobre la normalidad (>20% del peso corporel estandar). Ademas de los sintomas comunes como las palpitaciones, hipopnea, hiperhidrosis y cansancio, estos pacientes son susceptibles de padecer enfermedad coronaria, hipertension, diabetes, hiperlipidemias, etc...que pueden comportar una grave afectacion del organismo humano. Estos factores han llamado la atencion de todas las clases sociales. Tratamos 55 casos de obesidad simple, con el preparado anti-obesidad Kang Ling, comparando la eficacia terapeutica con 55 casos tratados con Fenfluramina (grupo control). Los resultados se exponen a continuacion. [9.08 / f0- ] 126- gera: 61420/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS ON THE EFFECT OF XIAOPANGLING AND JIANFEI CHA IN TREATING 96 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU WANHUA. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990,5,17-9 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / d$- f0- ] 127- gera: 60884/di/ra- num [CLINICAL ANALYSIS ON 93 CASES WITH CHILD OBESITY TREATED BY EAR-PRESSING TREATMENT]. LIU YIXIANG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990,10(3),14-5 (chi*). ref:0 93 cases with child obesity were treated by ear-pressing treatment of points on Shenmen, Internal secretion, Sympathetic, Kidney. 4-5 points once treatment, change one week and 4 weeks makes one course. The result is as follows : Obvious improvements 24 cases : improvement : 154 cases; Failed :15 cases; total effective rate : 83.9%. [9.08 / eo- acupression- 23.11- 05.10- ] 128- gera: 61342/di/ra- num [REGULATORY EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON SIMPLE OBESE COMPLICATED WITH HYPERTENSION]. LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1990,10(9),522-25 (chi*). ref:5 Acupuncture and moxibustion is one of the important therapies in TCM for treating obese. The authors have treated 41 simple obese patients complicated with hypertension by acupuncture and moxibustion which obtained good results. In the treating group, a total effective rate was 87.8% (36 cases). For the purpose of understanding regulatory effect of acupuncture and moxibustion, the authors have observed the obesity indices, the lipid's indices (TC, TG, VLDL-C, TC/HDL-C, HDL-C, LDL-C,LDL-C/HDL-C and AI), the physiological indices (saliva secretion, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and temperature) and the energy metabolism indices (BMR) in the simple obese complicated with hypertension before and after the acupuncture and moxibustion, The results showed that the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion could have good results. At the same time, there were the benign regulatory effect of acupuncture and moxibustion in the overeating, the blood pressure, the vegetative nervous indexes, the lipid Ievel and [9.08 / temperature- ctanr- 05.09- 07.05- 09.07- 09.02- ] 129- gera: 61981/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THE PERIPHERAL 5-HT METABOLISM IN PATIENTS WITH SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990,9(2),1-4 (chi*). ref:12 [9.08 / 5ht- 25.11- ] 130- gera: 81857/di/el SIMPLE OBESITY. LU JIANPING ET AL. in chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, publishing house of shanghai college of tcm,. 1990,,570-72 (eng). ref:12 [9.08 / - ] 131- gera: 83356/di/ra ROLLE DER AKUPUNKTUR BEIM HEILVERFAHREN DER ADIPOSITAS. MITTEILUNGEN K. akupunktur theorie und praxis. 1990,18(4),342-44 (deu). ref:12

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[9.08 / - ] 132- gera: 80358/di/cg- num OBESITE. RAT P. gera, toulon. 1990,mars,1 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 133- gera: 62900/di/ra [A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN 800 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY AND TYPING OF TCM]. SHEN TUJIN. acta medica sinica. 1990,5(6),22-3 (chi*). ref:0 Eight hundred cases of simple obesity were classified with the differentiation of symptoms and signs. Results showed that the type of deficiency of spleen mixed with phlegm-damp and the type of accumulation of heat-damp in stomach were most common in 800 patients with the rate of 70.25% (562 cases). The simple obesity was closely related to high serum triglyceride, heredity, post-pactumrtuurm and habitual constipation, etc.. The key links of phlegm-damp in the spleen and stomach must be grasped, differentiation of disease in combination with differentiation of symptoms and signs, the therapy of integrated Chinese medicine and Western medicine must be adopted in the prevention and treatment of the simple obesity. (acme : 902145) [9.08 / 09.07- d$- mo- chaleur+humidite+e- glaire+humidite- vide+rte- ] 134- gera: 60739/di/ra [A SURVEY OF THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH TCM]. SUN QINGFU ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990,31(5),53. (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / rg- ] 135- gera: 83300/di/ra DIE BEHANDLUNG VON KRANKHAFTER FETTSUCHT MIT EINER NEUEN ART VON OHR-AKUPUNKTUR. SZENT-GYORGYI A ET AL. deutsche zeitschrift für akupunktur. 1990,33(6),121-3 (deu*). ref:0 Considering the efficacy of Auricular Acupuncture therapy, it should be emphasized, that the patients compliance, patience and perseverance are essential conditions of the achievements. Irregular randomly repeated treatments not only yield poor or no results, but may also bring about a decrease in reactivity to the therapy or even resistance. The results of our study suggests that Auricular Acupuncture with the use of the ear loci described above, together with a well designed regime is an effective weight decreasing therapy without undesirable adverse side effects, and it can successfully be used in the treatment of morbidly obese patients. [9.08 / 05.10- ] 136- gera: 82072/di/cg AURICULOTHERAPY : THE INFLUENCE OF THE COMBINATION OF HUNGER AND CARDIA POINTS IN LOOSING WEIGHT TREATMENT (abstract). TOPOGLU M. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990,,43. (eng). ref:0 PA Faim et Cardia la 1°, 3° et 5° semaine. 2°, 4° et 6° semaine, points en fonction des problèmes spécifiques. Régime entre 800 et 1200 calories. 93% des patients ont une baisse de l'appétit. [9.08 / eo- 05.10- ] 137- gera: 83894/di/ra- num OBESIDAD. VELAZQUEZ J. medicina tradicional china. 1990,54,27 (esp). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 138- gera: 60317/di/ra [PREVENTION AND TREATMENT IN SIMPLE OBESITY]. WEI BEIHAI ET AL. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990,3,9-11 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 139- gera: 80965/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AURICULOTHERAPY FOR OBESITY]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990,40(1),130. (jap). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.10- ] 140- gera: 29404/di/ra TRATTAMENTO DELL'OBESITA SEMPLICE CON LA

MISCELA ANTI-OBESITA DI KANG LING. XI CAIKUN ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1990,5,37-9 (ita). ref:0 [9.08 / 26.02- ] 141- gera: 81295/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF OBESITY SIMPLEX WITH KANG LING ANTI-OBESITY MIXTURE. XI CAIKUN ET AL. journal of tcm. 1990,10(2),103-05 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / f0- ] 142- gera: 62871/di/ra [EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF "FAT PERSONS OFTEN HAVING PHLEGM"]. ZHANG CHAO QUN ET AL. journal of beijing college of traditional chinese medicine. 1990,4,9-11 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / glaire- ] 143- gera: 61331/di/ra- num [EFFECTS OF EAR-POINTS ON THE BODYBUILDING OF THE BOYS AND GIRLS WITH SIMPLE OBESITY]. ZHANG ZHONGZHI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990,10(5),21-2 (chi*). ref:0 The bodybuilding of the boys and girls with simple obesity was clinically studied using the ear-point methods. Dachang, Xiaochang, Neifenmi points of the ear were used. The results show that needles on the ear-points have a poor appetite and a poor drinking water, stimulate urination and defecation, have a slender waist and chest in circumference, and a lose weight after 3 months. All the findings suggest that the needles on the ear-points may be beneficial to the boy and girl body sculpting or physical culture. [9.08 / esthetique- 05.10- 23.11- ] 144- gera: 80747/di/ra- num WEIGHT REDUCTION BY AURICULO-ACUPUNCTURE. A REPORT OF 110 CASES. ZHANG ZHONGZHI. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990,10(1),17-8 (eng). ref:6 The author reports the treatment of 110 female obese patients with auriculo-acupuncture, using thumb-tack needles for subcutaneous embedding. As a result of the treatment, the body weight dropped from an average of 71. 9 ± 10. 8 Kg to an average of 67. 4 ± 10. 0 Kg; the difference was statistically significant (P<0. 05). The average drop in body weight was 3. 7 ± 1. 0 Kg, ranging from 0. 8 Kg to 11. 5 Kg. Among these 110 patients, there was a reduction of 1-5 Kg in 76 cases, representing 69. 6%. There was also a corresponding marked decrease in the circumferences of the chest and the waist in cases treated over 3 months. During the treatment, there was a decrease in the food and water intake in all cases, particularly in reduction of the water intake by about 61%. [9.08 / eo- 05.06- 05.10- ] 145- gera: 83950/di/ra- num REDUCCION DEL PESO CORPORAL MEDIANTE ACUPUNTURA AURICULAR. INFORME 110 CASOS. ZHANG ZHONGZHI. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1990,1(1),10-11 (esp). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.10- eo- ] 146- gera: 82516/di/ra- num WEIGHT REDUCTION BY ACUPUNCTURE OBSERVATION OF 115 PATIENTS. ZHAO YUMEI ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1990,1(1),91-4 (eng). ref:0 11GI, 6TR, 4TR, 9Rte, 4OE, 6Rte, 7P + Points selon le syndrome. Séance de 30 mn, 3 à 4 paires de points à chaque séance. Séance quotidienne ou tous les 2 jours, série de 10 séances. Perte >4kg : 46%. Perte >2kg : 37%. Perte <2kg : 17%. [9.08 / d$- ] 147- gera: 81780/di/el ADIPOSIS. ZHENG WENGAO ET AL. in chinese medicated diet, publishing house of shanghai college of tcm, shanghai. 1990,,370-73 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.17- ] 148- gera: 82070/di/cg TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE PAR DES AIGUILLES AURICULAIRES (résumé). ZHU JINGMING. 2eme congres

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mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990,,42. (fra). ref:0 PA Endocrine, Pancreas, TR et P. Application de Semen Vaccariae. Utiliser chaque oreille en alternance. Séance tous les 3 à 5 jours. Pression 3 à 5 mn, 30 minutes avant les repas ou au moment de la sensation de faim. [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 149- gera: 65472/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON TREATING DISEASES AND REDUCING OVERWEIGHT BY "JING ZHO SHEN HU XI FA"]. CHEN MING ET AL. qigong. 1991,12(7),291 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / qg- ] 150- gera: 84143/di/ra- num THE TREATMENT OF PATHOLOGICAL OBESITY BY A NEW AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE METHOD : A FIVE-YEAR CLINICAL EXPERIENCE. GHAZI K ET AL. american journal of acupuncture. 1991,19(4),323-28 (eng). ref:0 Since January 1985 fifty patients suffering from pathological obesity have been treated by electrostimulation of auricular acupoints. Treatment lasted from one to six months and resulted in an average weight reduction of 5. 5 kg (SD 4. 81)/month/ patient. An apparent advantage of this treatment was the improvement in other previously existing pathological conditions, e. g. , hypertension, hyperglycemia, etc. As far as we know, the electro-stimulated point combination used in this study is a new method. [9.08 / 05.12- cta- 09.07- eo- 09.03- 05.10- ] 151- gera: 63260/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON 342 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE]. HU LIMEI ET AL. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991,12(1),18-20 (chi). ref:10 [9.08 / eo- ] 152- gera: 83551/di/ra OSSERVAZIONE CLINICA SU 68 CASI DI OBESITA SEMPLICE TRATTATO CON COMPRESSE DI RABARBARO RAFFINATO. JIAO DONGHAI ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1991,3,74-5 (ita). ref:10 [9.08 / p179- ] 153- gera: 64786/di/ra- num [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 80 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND CUPPING]. LI MINGGAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991,11(6),27 (chi*). ref:0 This article presents the treatment of 80 cases of simple obesity with acupuncture and cupping. The primary points include Zhongwan (Ren 12), Tianshu (St 25), Juque (Ren 14), and Daheng (Sp 15), which are performed with reducing technique. After the treatment, 24 cases were short-termly clinical cure, 14 were markedly effective and 31 were improved. The total effective rate was 86.25%. Voir traduction anglaise, réf gera [35645]. [9.08 / 14vc- td- 12vc- 25e- 05.08- 15rte- ] 154- gera: 62450/di/ra [CLINIC OBSERVATION OF DA YUAN YIN DECOCTION FOR THE OBESITY]. LIU SHUHUA ET AL. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1991,12(2),60-7 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / f184- 26.02- ] 155- gera: 62503/di/ra- num [OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON ANTIOBESITY IN THE VARIATION OF PLASMA CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE AND THE FUNCTION OF VEGETATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1991,11(2),83-6 (chi*). ref:0 The authors observed the changes of the obesity index, lipid index, the equilibrium indices of the vegetative nervous system (Y value) and the plasma cAMP of 46 cases of simple obese before and after acupuncture. Of 46 cases, 39 were of the non-sthenia of liver-Yang (group 1) and 7 of the sthenia of liver-Yang (group 2). It was found that the sympathetic nervous

function of the patients in group 1 was markedly higher than the normal. In both of them, the lipid metabolism was abnormal and the content of cAMP in plasma was significantly lower than the normal. The marked effects were achieved on the cases which received one course of treatment (1 month) by acupuncture, the total effective rate being 84. 8%. The acupuncture brought about not only antiobesity effect but biphase changes on the blood pressures and Y value as well, that is, acupuncture raised the blood pressures and Y value of the patients in group 1 but reduced the blood pressures and Y value of the patients in group 2. In addition, acupuncture brought about good regulation effect on lipid metabolism and plasma cAMP of patients. This suggests that the regulation effect of acupuncture on plasma cAMP of patients with simple obese might be an important link by which antiobesity effect may [9.08 / amp- d$- feu+foie- 09.07- ] 156- gera: 84199/di/ra- num ACUPUNCTURE FOR PATIENTS WITH SIMPLE OBESITY. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991,2(2),109-16 (eng). ref:0 Points auriculaires ou somatiques en fonction de 10 syndromes. Semen Vaccariae au niveau des points auriculaires. Une séance tous les 5 jours, traitement de 6 séances. Acupuncture somatique 20 minutes, tous les jours, 12 séances. [9.08 / d$- eo- 05.10- acupression- d$- ] 157- gera: 82927/di/ra- num ACUPUNCTURE AS A MEANS OF PROMOTING WEIGHT REDUCTION AND OF GIVING UP SMOKING (ABSTRACT). MASTALIER O. akupunktur. 1991,2,142. (eng). ref:12 The health problems and complaints associated with overweight, sitomania, nicotine and smoking affect large sections of the population throughout the world. The loss of control and moderation as well as the patients's psychic or psychosomatic background often doom numerous attempts of weight reduction and restriction of sitomania and nicotine addiction to failure. For most people, the withdrawal phase is inimaginably difficult, given the stress of our everyday lives. This of course, results in a high relapse rate. Before commencing therapy with acupuncture and laser frequencies, a thorough, target-oriented case history which takes account of psychological problems is an absolute must. The problem of a probable weight gain after withdrawal from nicotine addiction must be taken into consideration. This paper reports on some 20 year's practical experience with therapy programs after Nogier, Bahr and my own concept of point combinations. For the overweight, it has been possible to achieve considerable reductions in weight which have then been maintained. In most cases, a single or a few auricular acupunctures were all that was required to stop smoking, for which there was a relatively small relapse rate. Problems with withdrawal symptoms were even rarer and could usually be influenced by magnetic field therapy? The failure rate was approx. 15-20%. [9.08 / 20.02- ] 158- gera: 83736/di/ra- num ACTIVATION OF THE SATIETY CENTER BY AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE POINT STIMULATION (ABSTRACT). SHUNJI ASAMOTO ET AL. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1991,16(3-4),204. (eng). ref:0 Stimulation of the rat inner auricular regions that correspond to the human respiratory, cardia, lung, trachea, stomach, esophagus, and heart acupuncture points, evoked potentials in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus (HVM), the satiety center. Needle implantation into any of these points reduced the body weight to its initial 290g after the rat had gained about 410g in 20 days, and significantly reduced initial 450g body weights (p<0.01) in 14 days. Nonacupuncture point stimulation did not reduce body weight. After the HVM was lesioned, body weight increased, and acupuncture point needling had no effect on body weight. Needling of the auricular acupuncture points evoked no potentials in the lateral hypothalamus (LHA), the feeding center, and did not influence weight reduction induced by LHA lesion. [9.08 / eaa+rat- 25.01- n ventral- 05.10- ] 159- gera: 82633/di/ra MERKBLATT ÜBERGEWICHT STRITTMATTER B. der

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akupunkturarzt aurikulotherapeut. 1991,1,36-40 (deu*). ref:0 [Leaflet-overweight]. [9.08 / - ] 160- gera: 29200/di/ra [EFFECT OF ELECTRICAL ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION IN OBESE MICE (PART 2). X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991,41(1),79. (jap). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.12- eaa+souris- ] 161- gera: 64429/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON EFFECTS OF JOHN'S SLIMMING CREAM AND MULTI-PURPOSE SPECTRAL THERAPEUTIC DEVICE IN REDUCING ABDOMINAL OBESITY]. ZHANG SHANQIN. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991,11,28 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 162- gera: 63598/di/ra [EXPLORATION ON TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY FROM STOMACH-HEAT]. ZHAO YINLONG. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1991,12(5),212 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / chaleur+e- ] 163- gera: 65192/di/ra [CHARACTERISTIC AND MECHANISM OF WEIGHT-LOST WITH QIGONG]. ZHOU DE-YI. qigong. 1991,12(4),171-8 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.16- qg- ] 164- gera: 37367/di/re- num ACTIVATION OF THE SATIETY CENTER BY AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE POINT STIMULATION. ASAMOTO SHUNJI ET AL. brain research bulletin. 1992,29(2),157-64 (eng). ref:0 Stimulation of the rat inner auricular regions that correspond to the human pylorus, lung, trachea, stomach, esophagus, endocrine, and heart acupuncture points evoked potentials in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus (HVM), the satiety center. Needle implantation into any of these points reduced the body weight to its initial 290 g after the rat had gained about 410 g in 20 days, and significantly reduced initial 450-g body weights (p < 0. 01, Student's t test) in 14 days. Stimulation of other acupuncture points did not evoke HVM potentials and did not reduce body weight. After the HVM was lesioned, body weight increased and acupuncture point needling had no effect on body weight. Needling of the auricular acupuncture points evoked no potentials in the lateral hypothalamus (LHA), the feeding center, and had almost no influence on weight reduction induced by LHA lesion. [9.08 / n ventral- specificite- pe- 05.10- eaa+rat- ] 165- gera: 84300/di/ra CAS CLINIQUE DE MEDECINE CHINOISE. BASMADJIAN D. asclepios. 1992,1,18-20 (fra). ref:14 Cet article présente à travers une histoire clinique bien documentée (obésité et oedèmes généralisés, crampes musculaires, sciatalgies consécutifs à un stress émotionnel interne), les modalités du raisonnement traditionnel chinois qui président à l'établissement du diagnostic dialectique et de la prescription des points d'acupuncture, avec leurs indications fonctionnelles. L'évolution de la pathologie énergétique est également discutée. [9.08 / d$- 23.12- ] 166- gera: 43055/di/ra [COMPLICATIONS IN OBESITY TREATED WITH "ANTILIPID TABLET FOR WEIGHTLOSS AND LOWERING LIPIDS"]. CHEN MINXIAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,33(6),27 (chi). ref:14 [9.08 / 09.07- ] 167- gera: 44944/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 337 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY IN CHILDREN]. CHEN MINXIAN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,12,16 (chi). ref:14 [9.08 / 23.11- ] 168- gera: 39363/di/ra

[GENERAL SITUATION OF STUDIES OF SIMPLE OBESITY SYMPTOM WITH TCM FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS]. CHEN QI-HOU. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,27(3),139 (chi). ref:14 [9.08 / rg- ] 169- gera: 44404/di/ra [THE PRINCIPLE OF INVIGORATING THE SPLEEN AND REGULATING DAMPNESS FOR THE TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY]. CHI SHENGYE. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,24(12),17 (chi). ref:14 [9.08 / 4.07+rte- glaire- ] 170- gera: 36404/di/ra- num ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF "CELLULITIS" BASED UPON CLASSICAL SYNDROMES DIFFERENTIATION. CONSIGLI P ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992,3(4),329-32 (eng ). ref:14 Objective : To determine whether acupuncture treatment is effective on the increased volume of glutei, hips and/or lower limbs affecting connective and fat tissue. Setting : Milan, Italy. All patients arrived in our private consultation rooms after reading an article on acupuncture and "cellulitis" in a popular health magazine. Patients : 102 female patients, aged between 15 and 58. Design : patients divide into four groups according to the principles of TCM. Group 1-Shen Xu syndrome with stasis along either or both Zushaoyang and Zutaiyang meridians. Group 2-Qi Xu, Pi Xu or Yang Xu syndrome with fat evenly distributed on the thighs down to the knees. Group 3-Qi and/or Xue stasis syndrome : young patients in postpubertal age with a uniform swelling of the thigh. Group 4-swelling or phlegm due to Pi Xu syndrome. Data were analyzed after 2 courses of 10 sittings (two sittings a week, each lasting 20 minutes. Main outcome measures : Decrease in centimeters of the thigh circumference, disappearance of the subjective symptoms and clinical manifestation due to the specific syndrome. Results : Effective results obtained in 87 patients (84 %). Good and excellent results (2-3 cm decreased) obtained in 31 patients (71 %) for Group 1,16 patients (69 %) for Group 2,5 patients (72 %) for group 3,15 patients (75 %) for Group 4. Conclusions : Our data demonstrate that acupuncture is extremely effective for these disorders when the traditional principles of diagnosis and treatment are followed. The best results were achieved in patients under 25 years practicing regular physical activity and following the diet recommended. [9.08 / d$- cellulite- ] 171- gera: 35982/di/ra L'OBESITA IN MEDICINA ENERGETICA TRADIZIONALE. DI STANISLAO C ET AL. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1992,74,37-46 (ita). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 172- gera: 44141/di/ra [AURICULAR PRESSING THERAPY FOR SIMPLE OBESITY]. DONG LAN. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1992,13(10),462 (chi). ref:17 [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 173- gera: 39378/di/ra [A SUMMARY OF THE PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE STUDY OF OBESITY]. JIAO DONGHAI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,33(3),47 (chi). ref:17 [9.08 / congres- ] 174- gera: 43702/di/ra [PIGU DECREASES FAT SO THAT ILLNESS IS PROHIBITED AND LIFE IS PROLONGED - SIDELIGHTS ON THE PIGU TRAINING CLASS HELD BY EMINENT QIGONG MASTER, ZHANG RONGTANG]. LI FUQING. qigong and physical training. 1992,4,26 (chi). ref:17 [9.08 / qg- ] 175- gera: 35645/di/ra- num CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 80 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND CUPPING. LI MINGGAO ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992,3(1),83-6 (eng ). ref:17

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1) 12VC, 25E, 4VC, 36E, Rte, 2) 14VC, 15Rte, 6VC, 40E, 6Rte, 3) 11Rte, 31E. Utiliser en alternance les groupes 1 et 2. (3) : en cas d'atteinte localisée. Technique de dispersion : enfoncement rapide, stimulation intense. Aiguilles en place 30mn. Puis ventouses aux points. Abdominaux 15mn. Une séance par jour. Série de 10 séances. 4 séries. Perte >2kg dans 86, 25% des cas. [9.08 / 05.08- ] 176- gera: 35853/di/ra- num THE LONG-TERM THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN 167 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992,3(2),99-107 (eng). ref:0 From 1987 through 1989, 380 cases simple obesity were treated at this Hospital with acupuncture and moxibustion with a short-term effective rate of 87.6 % upon completion of one course of treatment. The following is a report of long-term therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion in 167 cases which were followed up one year after completion of treatment. [9.08 / eo- 05.09- ] 177- gera: 36341/di/ra EFFICACIA TERAPEUTICA E PREVENTIVA DELL'AGOPUNTURA NELL'OBESITA SEMPLICE. COMPLICATA DA PATOLOGIA CARDIOVASCOLARE. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1992,5,43-8 (ita). ref:3 [9.08 / 07.01- ] 178- gera: 43953/di/ra [RECENT PROGRESS IN THE CLINICAL STUDIES ON WEIGHT LOSS BY ACU-MOXIBUSTION AND ITS MECHANISM]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,33(9),52 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / rg- 05.09- ] 179- gera: 57555/di/ra- num PROFILAXIS Y TRATAMIENTO DE LA OBESIDAD SIMPLE COMPLICADA CON ENFERMEDADES CARDIOVASCULARES MEDIANTE ACUPUNTURA. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1992,2(4),17-23 (esp ). ref:0 Con el objeto de comprender los efectos profilácticos y terapéuticos de la acupuntura y moxibustión en la obesidad simple complicada con enfermedades cardiovasculares, hemos observado los cambios en los factores patogénicos y de riesgo, así como la función del sistema neurovegetativo sobre la regulación cardiovascular. Los resultados de la acupuntura y moxibustión fueron buenos, con un porcentaje de efectividad general total del 88,24%. Simultáneamente se encontró que la acupuntura y moxibustión ejercen un efecto conversor beneficioso sobre el índice lomo-cadera (factor patogénico), índice arterioesclerótico (factor de riesgo) y la regulación vegetativa del corazón y vasos sanguíneos (índices de equilibrio del sistema nervioso vegetativo). Todo esto sugiere que la acupuntura es un tratamiento de elección para la obesidad, y una terapia importante en la prevención y tratamiento de las complicaciones cardiovasculares. [9.08 / 07.01- ] 180- gera: 84280/di/ra- num PROPHYLACTIC AND THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON SIMPLE OBESITY COMPLICATED BY CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,12(1),21-9 (eng). ref:11 In order to understand the prophylactic-therapeutic effects of acupuncture and moxibustion in simple obesity complicated by cardiovascular diseases, we have observed in 102 cases the changes of pathogenetic and hazardous factors and the regulating function of vegetative nerves on cardiovascular activities. The results showed that the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion was good with a total effective rate of 88. 24%. At the same time, acupuncture and moxibustion were found to have a benign conversion effect on the loin hip ratio (the pathogenetic factor), the arteriosclerotic index (the hazardous factor), and the vegetative nerve function of regulating the heart and blood vessels (the equilibrium

indices of the vegetative nervous system). All this suggests that acupuncture is a treatment of choice for obesity and an important method of preventing and treating complicating cardiovascular diseases. [9.08 / 07.01- ] 181- gera: 39852/di/ra [EXPERIENCE IN TREATING ADIPOSIS]. MA YIN-DU. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,27(4),158 (chi). ref:11 [9.08 / - ] 182- gera: 35593/di/ra- num VERGLEICHENDE UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZWISCHEN ÜBLICHEN SCHLANKHEITSKUREN UND AKUPUNKTUR MIT HILFE PSYCHOLOGISCHER TESTMETHODEN. NAGY V ET AL. deutsche zeitschrift für akupunktur. 1992,35(2),39-41 (deu*). ref:11 The study was carried out at four reduction diet counselling centres (two in Budapest and two in Pécs). A 1000 calorie- controlled diet was prescribed for all clients. The clients at one of the centres in each city also received acupuncture therapy. All clients were given psychological tests to determine the degrees of neurosis, depression, psychosomatic reactions and anxiety prior to and at the end of the eight-week programme. The results were analyzed statistically. The relative weight reduction ranged from 5 to 15 kg. The clients who received acupuncture therapy demonstrated greater weight loss. Their psychosomatic symptoms and neurotic behaviour were also reduced. The authors are of the opinion that acupuncture therapy as an additive to diet programmes can improve weight reduction. [9.08 / psychisme- cta- ] 183- gera: 35646/di/ra- num ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR SIMPLE OBESITY : OBSERVATION OF 53 CASES. PENG MINGHUA. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992,3(1),87-8 (eng). ref:21 11GI, 12VC, 4VC, 36E, 9Rte, 37E, 40E, 6Rte, 3F associés à points selon symptômes, et PA Rate, Estomac, Rein, TR, GI et Endocrine. Acupuncture : 1 séance par jour ou tous les 2 jours. Traitement de 1 mois. Auriculopuncture : mise en place de Semen Vaccariae tous les 3 jours. 4 à 8 pressions par jour. Perte >2kg dans 71,7% des cas. [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- glaire- 4.07+rte- ] 184- gera: 36699/di/cg- num TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH THE PLUM-BLOSSOM NEEDLE THERAPY COMBINED WITH AURICULOTHERAPY. ABSTRACT. RUGHINI S. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992,,234 (eng). ref:0 From November 1990 to February 1992, 31 patients (25 female and 6 male, the age range was 16-52 years) affected by simple obesity were treated combining the Plum-blossom Needle technique with auriculotherapy. Most female patients (18 cases) suffered a concomitant irregular mestruation; 5 women were hypertensive, with tachycardia and varicose veins; in 2 cases the excessive body weight occurred after surgical removal of a thyroid nodule. Out of the 6 male patients, 2 experienced an abnormal increase of body weight after stop smoking; 3 cases suffered from hypertension; in 1 case obesity was present from his child hood. The treatment carried out with Plum-blossom Needle therapy contemplated a common procedure for all cases, plus stimulating specific body areas and acupoints according to the TCM differentiation of syndromes. The auricular points mainly selected as the basic prescription were: Spleen, Stomach, Endocrine and Hunger; other auricular points were added on the basis of clinical symptoms. The ahieved results were the following: - clinically cured (body weight reduced within normal range, symptoms and signs disappeared): 8 cases. - markedly effective (body weight decreased by 5Kg, symptoms and signs markedly improved): 6 cases. - effective (body weight decrease by more than 2Kg, symptoms and signs improved): 10 cases. [9.08 / d$- 05.10- 05.05- ] 185- gera: 44828/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON MOXIBUSTION FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION]. TANG CHUNYU ET AL.

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acupuncture research. 1992,17(4),261 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.09- ] 186- gera: 36227/di/me OBESITE GRAVIDIQUE ET ACUPUNCTURE. VERRET J. memoire d'acupuncture efa, paris. 1992,,101P (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / 11.10- ] 187- gera: 36720/di/ra- num PRISE DE POIDS EXCESSIVE PENDANT LA GROSSESSE. VERRET J. revue francaise de medecine traditionnelle chinoise. 1992,155,246-57 (fra). ref:92 [9.08 / 11.10- ] 188- gera: 43668/di/ra [DISCUSSION OF EXPERIENCE ON PRECAUTION AND TREATMENT OF OBESITY]. WEI BEIHAI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,33(8),49 (chi). ref:92 [9.08 / - ] 189- gera: 44453/di/ra [TCM-WM CRITERIA OF DIAGNOSIS AND EFFICACY ON SIMPLE OBESITY]. WEI BEI-HAI ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1992,12(11),690 (chi). ref:92 [9.08 / mo- ] 190- gera: 36093/di/ra [THE AURICLE ELECTRICAL STIMULATION MODULATES FEEDING RELATED HYPOTHALAMIC NEURONAL ACTIVITY ON THE NORMAL AND OBESE RATS]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992,42(1),26. (jap). ref:92 [9.08 / 25.05- eaa+rat- 05.10- 05.12- ] 191- gera: 35949/di/ra- num EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM IN PATIENTS WITH SIMPLE OBESITY. ZHAO YINLONG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,12(2),129-32 (eng). ref:92 37E, 40E, 44E, 11GI, 6Rte, 9Rte et PA Rate et Estomac, associés à points selon symptômes. Tonification ou dispersion selon vide ou plénitude. Séance de 20 à 30 mn, 1 séance par jour ou tous les deux jours. Mise en place de Semen Vaccariae au niveau auriculaire pour 5 jours, chaque oreille est utilisée alternativement. Pression 30 mn avant chaque repas. 1 mn sur chaque point jusqu'à obtenir une sensation de douleur. 6 séances. Perte >2kg dans 83, 7% des cas. [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- 09.03- 09.07- ] 192- gera: 45029/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON METABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES IN OBESITY SIMPLEX]. ZHAO YINLONG ET AL. jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992,23(6),44 (chi). ref:0 Voir traduction anglaise, réf gera [35949]. [9.08 / - ] 193- gera: 45188/nd/re [THE EFFECT OF A DECREASE IN BODY WEIGHT IN PATIENTS WITH THE POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME]. ALIEVA EA ET AL. akush ginekol. 1993,,33-6 (rus*). ref:0 Eighty patients with the polycystic ovaries syndrome and excessive body mass were examined. In 60 patients body mass reduction resulted from diets and in 20 it occurred over the course of acupuncture. Such treatment resulted in pregnancy in 27 (33. 7%) patients. Therefore, diets or acupuncture for body mass reduction are recommended for patients with polycystic ovaries and obesity as the first stage of treatment. [9.08 / 11.02- 11.09- ] 194- gera: 8134/di/cg- num A BASIC STUDY OF AURICULOTHERAPY : EFFECTS OF BODY WEIGHT ON THE HEALTHY VOLUNTEER SUBJECTS (abstract). KAGEYAMA T ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,363. (eng). ref:0 Traitement de 12 patients par aiguille à demeure au niveau auriculaire (points de moindre resistivité). Pour chaque patient : semaine 1 et 2 :observation, semaine 3 et 4 : simple pansement sans aiguille, semaine 5 à 10 : véritable traitement

avec aiguille, semaine 11 et 12 : contrôle. Durant ces 12 semaines : contrôle du poids 4 fois par jour. Puis nouveau contrôle 2 mois et 6 mois après. Dans 9 cas sur 12, réduction significative du poids dans la période de traitement par rapport à la période de contrôle. Article complet en Japonais, ref. GERA [20883]. Anglais, réf. GERA 24726. [9.08 / 05.10- resistance- ] 195- gera: 10184/di/cg- num OVER WEIGHT : AN INTEGRAL TREATMENT (abstract). LIAU-HING C ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,502. (eng). ref:0 Traitement efficace chez 8 patients sur 10 (300 cas). [9.08 / - ] 196- gera: 45492/nd/ra 215 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED WITH TCM MODALITIES. LIU G . journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,13(2),97-100 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 197- gera: 48013/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON 123 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU SHU ZHENG ET AL. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,28(11),498 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 198- gera: 45631/di/ra- num EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON WEIGHT LOSS EVALUATED BY ADRENAL FUNCTION. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,13(3),169-73 (eng). ref:0 In order to understand the relationship between patients' adrenal function and simple obesity and effect of acupuncture on it, the obesity indices, lipid indices, fasting blood-glucose, noradrenaline, dopamine, adrenalin and cortisol were observed. The results indicated that patients with simple obesity had hypofunction of the sympathetic-adrenal system and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system. Acupuncture treatment not only affected weight loss but also enhanced functioning of the two systems, suggesting that the effect of acupuncture on weight loss may be produced by enhancing the functions of both the sympathetic-adrenal system and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system. [9.08 / 09.03- 09.07- 09.04- da- cortisol- na- ] 199- gera: 49109/di/ra- num ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993,4(4),343-50 (eng). ref:13 This paper, reporting results of acupuncture treatment in 655 cases of simple obesity of common types, show that, after one therapeutic course (one month), the treatment curative in 141 cases, markedly effective in 157, effective In 298 and ineffective in 59, for a total effective rate of 91 %. The etiology and pathology of these types of disease are analyzed and the theoretical basis for correct diagnosis and treatment according to differentiation of symptoms and sings and forgns and for selection of channels, points and acupuncture methods is also outlined. The clinical results in this series show that reduction of body fat is closely correlated vith acupuncture treatment (P<0.001), indicating that in this series acupuncture was effective in the treatment of simple obesity of common types (warm-Heat in the Stomach type, Exessive Heat in the Small Intestine type, Constipation due to Dryness in the Intestine type). This is because the authors selected and matched auricular and body points, used thick needles and adopted correct methods such as deep insertion, strong lifting and trusting, quick twisting and twirling as well as intermittent manipulation, all of which were aimed at obtaining a good needling sensation. The authors hold that acupuncture in the trident of obesity is safe, effective, has no side-effects but good long·term therapeutic effect, and is therefore worth recommending. [9.08 / chaleur+ig- deqi- chaleur+e- d$- cta- 05.10- d$- ] 200- gera: 38604/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH IN ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH DEFICIENCY OF THE SPLEEN AND

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THE KIDNEY]. MA XIAOPING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993,12(2),56 (chi). ref:15 [9.08 / vide+rte+rn- ] 201- gera: 10122/di/cg- num ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR SIMPLE OBESITY : OBSERVATION OF 53 CASES (abstract). MINGUA-PENG. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,494. (eng). ref:15 Voir article complet ref. GERA [35646]. [9.08 / - ] 202- gera: 37999/di/ra- num [OBSERVATION ON THE CONSTITUTION OF SIMPLE DAMP-PHLEGM TYPE OF SIMPLE OBESITY IMPROVED WITH QINGJIAN (NIMBLE) CAPSULE]. QIAN YANFANG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,34(4),232 (chi*). ref:0 Formulated with pure Chinese materia medica in compound form, Qingjian capsule possesses the actions of dispersing damp-phlegm, activating Qi, eliminating stasis, dissipating fat to lose weight, resulting in the improvement of physical constitution of damp-phlegm nature in simple obesity. Through 40 cases of simple obesity with damp-phlegm constitution, the effective rate for losing weight is 75 %. It also lowers blood lipids, improves the apoprotein, and decreases subcutaneous fats. [9.08 / d$- humidite+glaire- f0- ] 203- gera: 17459/di/ra- num TRATAMIENTO DE LA OBESIDAD SIMPLE Y OBESIDAD CON HYPERLIPEMIA MEDIANTE TERAPIA DE ACUPUNTURA Y PRESION AURICULAR Y ACUPUNTURA. QINGFU S. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1993,3(3),16-20 (esp). ref:0 Se trataron 161 casos de obesidad simple, con o sin hiperlipemia, mediante acupuntura convencional y terapia de presion en puntos de auriculopuntura durante 3 meses en una experiencia ciego simple. Los pacientes a los que se administraba Capsulae Oenothera Erythrose-palae fueron tomados como controles positivos. Se registraron el peso corporal, perimetro toracico, abdominal, y de piernas y brazos, apetito, sueno, deposiciones, CT, TG y HDL-C séricas para su comparacion. Los resultados indican que el tratamiento obtuvo mejores efectos en el grupo de terapia de auriculopresion y acupuntura corporal que en el grupo control. En el grupo de auriculopresion, la disminucion media del peso corporal fue de 5.04 kg en el 84, 55% de los pacientes, que también mostraron disminucion del apetito, CT y TG séricos. [9.08 / 05.10- 09.07- acupression- ] 204- gera: 47420/di/ra [323 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED BY TABLETS FOR LOSING WEIGHT AND REDUCING BLOOD-FAT]. SHEN TUJIN. shang han lun. 1993,8(5),27 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / 09.07- ] 205- gera: 45498/nd/ra A SURVEY OF THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY BY TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE. SUN Q ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,13(2),124-8 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / rg- ] 206- gera: 45933/di/ra- num SIMPLE OBESITY AND OBESITY HYPERLIPEMIA TREATED WITH OTOACUPOINT PELLET PRESSURE AND BODY ACUPUNCTURE. SUN QINGFU ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,13(1),22-6 (eng). ref:0 161 cases of simple obesity with or without hyperlipemia were treated by pellet pressure on auricular acupoints plus body acupuncture for 3 months in a single-blind experiment. Patients on Capsulae Olei Oenothera Erythrosepalae were taken as positive controls. Body weight, circumference of chest, abdomen, arms and legs, the appetite, sleep, bowel movement, blood TC, TG and HDL-C were recorded for comparison. The results indicated that treatment in the auricular and body acupoint group was superior to treatment in the control group. In the acupoint group body weight dropped by an average of 5. 04 kg in 84. 55% of the patients, who also showed decreased appetite, blood TC and TG. [9.08 / 09.07-

cta- acupression- ecr- ] 207- gera: 45622/di/ra- num 75 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH AURICULAR AND BODY ACUPUNCTURE. TANG XIAOFENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,13(3),194-5 (eng). ref:0 Traitement par acupuncture somatique et auriculaire en fonction de 7 syndromes. Auriculopuncture : aiguille à demeure laissée en place 3 jours, alternativement à chaque oreille. Acupuncture : séance de 30 mn tous les 2 jours, une série de 10 séances, éventuellement une deuxième série. Dans 88 % des cas, perte >1, 5kg. [9.08 / 05.10- d$- ] 208- gera: 8253/di/cg- num QIGONG AND AURICULOTHERAPY WITH SEMEN VACCARIAE FOR HUNGER CONTROL IN SLIMMING TREATMENT (abstract). TASSI L ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,375. (eng). ref:0 Traitement de 20 patients par 1) Qigong, 2) Auriculopuncture (application de Semen Vaccariae au niveau de Poumon, Estomac, Bouche, Faim, Endocrine, Shen Men), 3) Régime à 1200 cal. Traitement sur 3 mois. [9.08 / 05.10- qg- acupression- ] 209- gera: 5899/di/cg- num EAR ACUPUNCTURE FOR WEIGHT LOSS (abstract). TONG LI D ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,263. (eng). ref:0 Traitement par aiguille à demeure ou Semen Vaccariae au niveau auriculaire, associé à des massages au niveau local, et thé spécial. [9.08 / 05.10- massage- acupression- 05.17- ] 210- gera: 45932/di/ra- num OBSERVATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF 393 CASES OF OBESITY BY SEMEN PRESSURE ON AURICULAR POINTS. ZHAN JUN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,13(1),27-30 (eng). ref:0 Traitement par différentiation des syndromes (5 formes cliniques). Mise en place de Semen Vaccariae, pression 20 fois avant chaque repas. 26% ont une perte de poids > 3kg, 61% entre 1,5 et 3kg et 12,5% au dessous de 1,5kg. [9.08 / acupression- cta- d$- 05.10- ] 211- gera: 38324/di/ra [SUMMARY OF 84 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED BY EMBEDMENT OF NEEDLES IN OTOPOINTS]. ZHANG SHUHUA. journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,16(6),39 (chi). ref:2 [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 212- gera: 37878/di/ra [TREATMENT WITH ACUPUNCTURE ON OBESITY SIMPLEX]. ZHAO YIN LONG. jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,24(2),44 (chi). ref:2 [9.08 / - ] 213- gera: 36984/di/ra EFECTOS DE LA ACUPUNTURA SOBRE EL METABOLISMO DE LOS HIDRATOS DE CARBONO EN PACIENTES CON OBESIDAD SIMPLE. ZHAO YINLONG. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1993,1,38-41 (esp). ref:2 [9.08 / 09.03- ] 214- gera: 58168/di/ra OBESITY TREATMENT BY MEANS OF AURICULOTHERAPY. (ABSTRACT) ADAM AP. acupuncture in medicine. 1994,12(1),58 (eng ). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.10- ] 215- gera: 13390/di/ra- num DIETETIQUE POUR L'EXCES DE POIDS. AUTEROCHE B ET M. folia sinotherapeutica. 1994,18,22-6 (fra). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.17- ] 216- gera: 17167/di/ra 215 CASI DI OBESITA TRATTATI CON LA MEDICINA TRADIZIONALE CINESE. GUICHUN L. rivista italiana di

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medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994,56(2),46-8 (ita). ref:0 Negli ultimi anni i casi di obesità sono aumentati, prevalentemente nelle città. Il meccanismo dell' obesità è l'eccessivo accumulo di grasso principalmente nel tessuto sottocutaneo dato dall' introduzione smodata di calorie che si trasformano in adipe. Gli Autori usano varie modalità per il trattamento di 215 casi di obesità con buoni risultati, come riportato qui di seguito. [9.08 / - ] 217- gera: 109418/di/cg L'AURICULOTHERAPIE ET L'ACUPUNCTURE CHINOISE : ETUDE COMPARATIVE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'OBESITE J -C. I.D.M BOUCINHAS. annales du premier symposium international d ' auriculotherapie et d' auriculomedecin. 1994,,31 (fra*). ref:0 The Authors present a total of 2 100 cases of obese patients treated in the Nutrition Service of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil. Among them 920 were treated using Auriculotherapy , 220 using Acupuncture, 520 using appetite depressant drugs, 350 just supportive psychotherapy and different or mixed methods for the others. The use of the F-Test for variation analysis found a highly significative difference between the use of Auriculotherapy or acupuncture and just diet plus supportive psychotherapy. [9.08 / - ] 218- gera: 48129/di/ra- num [EFFECT OF JIANG-ZHI JIAN-FEI YAO ON GASTRO-INTESTINAL MOVEMENT AND ADIPOSE CELL OF ABDOMINAL WALL]. JIN HUI-MING ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1994,14(4),230 (chi*). ref:0 Jiang-Zhi Jian-Fei Yao (JZJFY), an obesity-reducing drug, its active principle is the refined Rhubarb, the mechanism of its obesity-reducing effect was studied. JZJFY was injected intragastrically. The results showed that there was no significant increased of body weight, but a reduction of food intake, prolongation of stomach evacuation time, acceleration of intestinal movement 6 days after medication in rats. Meanwhile the adipose cells in abdominal wall were varied in size, and with Sudan III stain the color of adipose cells was light. Authors suggest that the obesity-reducing effect of JZJFY was relevant to above-mentioned changes. [9.08 / p148- eap+rat- ] 219- gera: 20883/di/ra- num [EFFECTS OF AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON BODY WEIGHT IN THE HEALTHY VOLUNTEER SUBJECTS]. KAGEYAMA T ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1994,44(4),339-46 (jap*). ref:0 The effects of auricular acupuncture stimulation on non-obese healthy volunteers were test subjects (n= 35) averaged 31.5 (17-57) years old, and average BMI was 25.3 (19.2-35.7) kg/m2. Small (2.0 x 0.15mm) auricular needles were applied intracutaneously into the bilateral cavum conchae vagally (Arnold n.) innervated region that was identified by having low resistance (27.1 -345.5komega/cm2) for six weeks. Body weight was measured four times a day, and was charted by the subjects themselves. Results showed that, in the period of without auricular stimulation, only body weight was measured and charted, 31.4%) of the subjects reduced their body weight. In the auricular acupuncture treated period, 19 out of 27 subjects (70.4%) decreased (p <0.01), 4 (14.8%) increased, and 4 (14.8%) had no change in their body weights. In conclusion, the results suggest that success in maintaining weight reduction can be attributed to graphic illustration of ones weight pattern. Bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation can also reduced the body weight of healthy non-obese subjects. This is consistent with the suggestion that daily charting of body weight and auricular acupuncture might be effective in the treatment of obese patients. (Voir article complet en anglais réf. GERA : 54726). [9.08 / ee- 05.06- resistance- 05.10- ] 220- gera: 54004/di/ra [INVESTIGATION ON SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH XIAO-BU SLIMMING TABLET]. LI CHUNSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994,35(6),362

(chi*). ref:13 124 cases of simple obesity were treated with self -formulated Xiao-bu Slimming Tablet, with Fangfeng Tongsheng Powder and Yuejiancao oil pill as control. Results showed that the therapeutic effect, body weight index of Slimming tablet were all remarkable and superior to the control one. It not only reduced body weight and fat tissure deposits in the body, reversed the triglyceride level in the blood towards normal, but also improved the scoring of obesity relevant symptoms. Drug administration didn't affect patients' appetite and activities, through the bowels releaved a little bit frequent. [9.08 / ctp- ] 221- gera: 55686/di/ra- num TRATAMIENTO DE 215 CASOS DE OBESIDAD CON DISTINTAS MODALIDADES DE MTC. LIU GUICHUN. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1994,4(3),15-7 (esp). ref:13 [9.08 / d$- ] 222- gera: 56044/di/ra- num AURICULAR DIAGNOSIS IN ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION. LIU ZHI-CHENG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1994,5(2),129-38 (eng). ref:0 For a better understanding of the morphology and changes in bio-electricity and sensitivity to pain in the ears of obese patients, as well as the role of auricular diagnosis In complementing categorical approach, we observed changes In symptoms, signs and obesity indices before and after needling in 439 cam of simple obesity. Meanwhile, the morphology and bio-electrical features and changes in sensitivity to pain of the ear were also observed in 358 of the 439 cases. Results of the observation showed significant differences In the morphology of ear, positive rat of sensitive ear points and values of average electricity parameters of ear points Room patients of different types. After the needling, the patient's obesity indices abnormal ear morphology, positive rate of sensitive ear points and values of average electricity parameters of ear all showed Improvement, and the improvement was found to be closely related to the therapeutic effect. The use of auricular diagnosis to assist categorical identification has produced better remits than the conventional approach. This suggests that auricular diagnosis may not only assist In correct identification of categories and better point selection, thus enhancing therapeutic effect, but can also have Important implications for the theoretical study of [9.08 / d$- 05.10- 04.04- ] 223- gera: 13308/di/ra- num RECENT RESEARCHES ON THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. LIZHEN Q. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994,4(3),44-50 (eng). ref:0 The paper reviews the treatment of obesity with ear acupuncture and body acupuncture as well as the two methods combined since 1987. From the influence of acupuncture on carbohydrate metabolism, fat metabolism, regulation of hormone, function of autonomic nerve, endocrine, digestive and renal functions, etc.., the mechanism is also explored. [9.08 / rg- ] 224- gera: 53851/di/ra- num [REGULATIVE EFFECTS OF ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ON GASTRIC HYPERFUNCTION INDUCED BY ELECTROSTIMULATION OF THE LATERAL HYPOTHALAMUS AREA OF RABBITS]. MA CHENG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1994,19(2),42-6 (chi*). ref:28 This paper reported our observation of the action of acupuncture on the change of gastric function induced by the excitation of the lateral hypothalamus area (LHA, the feeding center), and research on the mechanism of the acupuncture to inhibiting excessive appetite and reducing hunger in obese people. Electroacupuncture at Zusanli (ST 36) or Neiting (ST 44) could inhibit the hyperactivity of the stomach induced by stimulation of LHA (P < 0. 05, P < 0. 01). The electroacupuncture effect on LHA remained statistically significant (P < 0. 05, P < 0. 01) 0. 5-2. 5 hours after acupuncturing. The alpha-receptor blocking agent phentolamine (1mg/kg) was not distinctly affected (P > 0. 05) on the inhibition of electroacupuncturing Zusanli (ST 36) to

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restrain the hyperactivity of the stomach induced by stimulation on LHA; But beta-receptor blocking agent propranolol (0. 3mg/kg) could obviously inhibit the effect of electroacupuncturing Zusanli (ST 36) to restrain hyperactivity of stomach triggered by excitation of the LHA. The result shows that electroacupuncture obviously inhibits gastric hyperfunction caused by excitation of the LHA, for as long as over 3 hours, thus indicating the participation of the humoral factors. Since the electroacupuncture at Zusanli (ST 36) only inhibits gastric hyperfunction caused by excitation of the LHA, it is suggested that the electroacupuncture has an anticholinergic effect through the gastric beta receptor, therefore it inhibits the appetite, relieves hunger and reduces body weight in obese people. [9.08 / 05.12- 36e- 44e- peristaltisme- potentialisation- 25.05- eaa+lapin- ] 225- gera: 56080/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE PLUS MASSAGE IN 12 WAYS OF BODY BUILDING. NIE HAN-YUN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1994,5(3),305-8 (eng). ref:28 [9.08 / - ] 226- gera: 17542/di/ra- num REVISION SOBRE EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA OBESIDAD SIMPLE CON MTC. QINGFU S. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1994,4(1),27-30 (esp). ref:0 [9.08 / rg- ] 227- gera: 17182/di/ra QUADRO GENERALE DEL TRATTAMENTO PER L'OBESITA CON LA MEDICINA TRADIZIONALE CINESE. QINGFU S ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994,56(2),67-70 (ita). ref:0 Negli ultimi anni l'incidenza dell'obesità è in apparente aumento. In accordo con gli studi fatti su 34.006 persone prese in esame nel 1987 a Beijing, è stato visto che 3.560 erano obese con una percentuale del 10.47%. L'incidenza di obesità nella cità di Najing è del 26.95% su 971 individui esaminati nel 1986. Un analisi retrospettiva, fatta su 3.160 neonati nella città di Shenyang (Cina), indica una percentuale di 7.05 obesi. Il trattamento dell obesità per mezzo della medicina tradizionale cinese (MTC), ha portato buoni risultati tanto da essere maggiormente presa in considerazione, sia in Cina che all'estero. Questo articolo presenta un riassunto del trattamento dell'obesità con la MTC. [9.08 / - ] 228- gera: 56099/di/ra- num EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON CALORIC INTAKE OF PATIENTS WITH SIMPLE OBESITY. SUN FENGMIN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1994,5(4),379-87 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 229- gera: 48663/di/ra OBESITA SEMPLICE ED OBESITA COMPLICATA DA DISLIPIDEMIA TRATTATE CON AURICOLOTERAPIA MEDIANTE SEMI DI VACCARIA E AGOPUNTURA SOMATICA. SUN QINGFU ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994,55(1),49-52 (ita). ref:18 161 casi di obesità semplice associati o meno a dislipidemia sono stati trattati per 3 mesi con auricoloterapia con il metodo del seme di Vaccaria associato a somatopuntura in un esperimento a singolo cieco. Come controllo positivo è stato utilizzato un gruppo di pazienti trattati con capsulae olei oenothera erythrosepalae. I parametri di confronto sono stati il peso corporeo, la Circonferenza del torace, dell'addome, delle braccia e delle gambe, l'appetito, il sonno, l'alvo, il colesterolo totale e HDL e i trigliceridi. I risultati sono stati migliori nel gruppo dei trattati rispetto al gruppo di controllo. Nel gruppo dei trattati si è verificato un calo ponderale medio di 5.04 kg nell' 84.55%, una diminuzione dell'appetito e del contenuto ematico di colesterolo e di trigliceridi. I casi di cui si parla in questo lavoro sono stati trattati dal 1987 al [9.08 / 05.10- acupression- 09.07- ] 230- gera: 109414/di/cg ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF AURICULOTHERAPY EFFECTS OF AURICLE STIMULATION ON THE FEEDING RELATED

HYPOTHALAMIC NEURONAL ACTIVITY IN NORMAL AND OBESE RATS T. SHIRAISHI. annales du premier symposium international d ' auriculotherapie et d' auriculomedecin. 1994,,20 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 231- gera: 56086/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF OBESITY BY INTEGRATING NEEDLING, CUPPING AND MAGNETIC THERAPY : A REPORT OF 356 CASES. TONG SHU-XIAN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1994,5(3),337-9 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.08- ecr- 05.13- ] 232- gera: 15250/di/ra- num TRATAMIENTO DE 75 CASOS DE OBESIDAD SIMPLE MEDIANTE AURICULOPUNTURA Y ACUPUNTURA CORPORAL. XIAOFENG T. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1994,4(2),17-8 (esp). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.10- ] 233- gera: 17225/di/ra 75 CASI DI OBESITA SEMPLICE TRATTATI CON AGOPUNTURA AURICOLARE E SOMATICA. XIAOFENG T. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994,57(3),42-3 (ita). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.10- ] 234- gera: 48664/di/ra OSSERVAZIONI SUL TRATTAMENTO DI 393 CASI DI OBESITA TRATTATI CON AURICOLOTERAPIA MEDIANTE SEME DI VACCARIA. ZHAN JUN. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994,55(1),53-5 (ita). ref:0 L'autore ha trattato l'obesità con auticoloterapia mediante semi di Vaccaria dal 1986 con risultati soddisfacenti. In questo lavoro sono presentati i risultati su 393 pazienti. [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 235- gera: 17199/di/ra EFFETTO DELL'AGOPUNTURA SUL CALO PONDERALE VALUTATO ATTRAVERSO LA FUNZIONALITA SURRENALICA. ZHICHENG L ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994,57(3),26-8 (ita). ref:0 Al fine di comprendere la relazione tra funzionalità surrenalica dei paziente e obesità semplice e l'effetto dell'agopuntura su quest' ultima, sono stati esaminati gli indici di obesità, l'assetto lipidico, la glicemia a digiuno, la noradrenalina, la dopamina l'adrenalina e il cortisolo. Dai risultati si comprende che i pazienti con obesità semplice evidenziano una ipofunzionalità del sistema simpatico-surrene e del sistema ipotalami-ipofisi-surrene. L'agopuntura non solo è stata efficace nel calo ponderale ma anche ha beneficiato i due sistemi. Si puo ipotizzare che l'effetto dell' agopuntura sul calo poderale passi attraverso la stimolazione della funzionalità dei due sistemi, il simpatico-surrene e l'asse ipotalami-ipofisi- [9.08 / na- da- cortisol- 09.05- ] 236- gera: 17538/di/ra- num EVALUACION DE LOS EFECTOS DE LA ACUPUNTURA SOBRE LA PERDIDA DE PESO Y SU RELACION CON LA FUNCION ADRENAL. ZHINCHENG L ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1994,4(1),21-4 (esp). ref:0 Con el objeto de comprender la relacion entre la funcion adrenal del paciente y la obesidad simple, asi como los efectos de la Acupuntura sobre ella, se estudiaron los indices de obesidad, indicadores lipidicos, glucemia en ayuno, noradrenalina, dopamina, adrenalina y cortisol. Los resultados indican que los pacientes con obesidad simple presentan hipofuncion del sistema simpaticoadrenal y del eje hipotalamohipofisoadrenal. El tratamiento con Acupuntura no solo influye sobre la pérdida de peso, sino que potencia estos dos sistemas, lo que sugiere que el mecanismo de accion de la Acupuntura sobre la pérdida de peso puede residir en la pol tenciaciacion del sistema simpatico-adrenal y del eje hipotalamohipofisoadrenal. [9.08 / na- da- 09.05- cortisol- ] 237- gera: 70906/co/re A RANDOMISED PLACEBO-CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL OF AN ACUPRESSURE DEVICE FOR WEIGHT LOSS. ALLISON DB ET AL. int j obesity. 1995,19,653-658

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(eng). ref:13 [9.08 / ecr- ] 238- gera: 84765/di/ra- num OBSERVATION ON CURATIVE EFFECT OF LLFR LOWERING AND FAT RESTRAINING TABLETS ON COMPLICATED OBESITY. CHEN MINXIAN. journal of tcm. 1995,15(4),252-5 (eng). ref:13 Lipid lowering and fat restraining tablets (LLFR tablets), or tablets of alcoholic extract of rheum, were found to have good curative effect in 64 cases of obesity complicated with hypertension, lipemia and paramenia. The course of treatment is three months. Slight ab dominal ominal pain occurred in a few cases after administration, but with spontaneous [9.08 / p148- 07.05- f0- 09.07- ] 239- gera: 57282/di/ra- num NEW INSIGHT ON THE ETIOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF CELLULITE ACCORDING TO CHINESE MEDICINE : MORE THAN SKIN DEEP. GARDNER-ABBATE S. american journal of acupuncture. 1995,23(4),339-46 (eng). ref:0 Cellulite-subcutaneous deposits of fat that dimple the buttocks and limbs-is a condition that affects millions of women of all ages. Although its treatment and removal is usually confined to the beauty industry including cosmetic surgery, according to this author, its etiology and clinical significance is more than skin deep, as is its management. This article discusses the Chinese concept of damp/phlegm as a basis for understanding the development and care of this symptom, which the author considers indicative of a deeper energetic abnormality worthy of more serious attention. [9.08 / cellulite- ] 240- gera: 88614/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF TREATMENT OF 156 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY]. HU PANDI. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1995,16(1),26 (chi). ref:8 [9.08 / - ] 241- gera: 56193/di/ra- num EAR-PRESSING COMBINED WITH BODY NEEDLING IN TREATMENT OF OBESITY : A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 39 CASES. HUANG ZHI-YONG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995,6(3),263-5 (eng). ref:8 Traitement par association: 1) de l'acupuncture auriculaire (Rate, P, Tr, Endocrine, Shen Men, Fesse et Abdomen) avec mise en place de Semen Vaccariae et 2) acupuncture somatique (11GI, 6Tr, 7P, 4GI, 25E, 26VB, 9VC, 10Rte, 40E, 6Rte..) en dispersion. Points choisis en fonction de la différentiation des syndromes. Une séance par jour, série de 20 séances. [9.08 / d$- acupression- 05.10- ] 242- gera: 54637/di/ra- num RECENT PROGRESS IN THE STUDIES ON WEIGHT REDUCTION BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. LIU ZHICHENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1995,15(3),224-30 (eng). ref:0 [9.08 / rg- ] 243- gera: 54327/di/ra [GOOD REGULATION OF ACUPUNCTURE IN SIMPLE OBESITY PATIENTS WITH STOMACH-INTESTINE EXCESSIVE HEAT TYPE]. LIU ZHI-CHENG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1995,15(3),137-40 (chi*). ref:42 In order to investigate the regulatory effect of acupuncture on obesity patients with the Stomach-Intestine Excessive Heat Type, the pre-acupunctural and post-acupunctural obesity index and biochemical indices of 718 patients with simple obesity was observed. It was showed that the marked weight loss effects was achieved in the cases by acupuncture, while the biochemical indices improved. It suggests that acupuncture had a good regulatory effect on the function of nerve, endocrine, digestion and energy metabolism. [9.08 / chaleur+e- d$- ] 244- gera: 56219/di/ra MECHANISMS UNDERLYING THE EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION ON SIMPLE OBESITY COMPLICATED BY HYPERTENSION. LIU ZHI-CHENG ET

AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995,6(4),371-8 (eng). ref:42 [9.08 / 07.05- 05.09- ] 245- gera: 107256/di/ra GOOD REGULATION OF ACUPUNCTURE IN SIMPLE OBESITY PATIENTS WITH STOMACH-INTESTINE EXCESSIVE HEAT TYPE. LIU ZHI-CHENG, WANG YI-ZHENG, HU. KUI, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine (english edition). 1995,1(4),267 (eng*). ref:13 In order to investigate the regulatory effect of acupuncture on obesity patients with the Stomach-Intestine Excessive Heat Type, the pre-acupunctureal and post-acupunctural obesity index and biochemical indices of 718 simple obesity patients with Stomach-intestine Excessive Heat Type were observed. It was showed that the marked weight loss effect was achieved in the cases by acupuncture, and the biochemical indices improved. It suggests that acupuncture had a optimal regulatory effect on the function of nerve, endocrine, digestion and energy metabolism. [9.08 / - ] 246- gera: 54254/di/ra- num ELECTROACUPUNCTURE AND EXERCISE IN BODY WEIGHT REDUCTION AND THEIR APPLICATION IN REHABILITATING PATIENTS WITH KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. SHAFSHAK TS . american journal of chinese medicine. 1995,23(1),15-25 (eng). ref:13 The efficacy of ear electroacupuncture on appetite and weight control was investigated in 3 separate studies. Part I: The Stomach, Hunger, or placebo ear points were stimulated in three different groups. Stimulating the Stomach, or Hunger, points was significantly more effective in appetite control than stimulating the placebo points. Part II: Stimulation of 3 pairs of ear points (Stomach, Hunger, and Shen Men) was performed on 61 obese subjects for 8 weeks. Only 43 subjects engaged, in addition, in an exercise program. 79% of the subjects succeeded to follow a low calorie diet for 8 weeks with subsequent weight reduction. Active exercises significantly increased weight loss. Part III: 19 obese patients with knee osteoarthritis participated in electroacupuncture, diet, and exercise program and 89% of them lost 5-10 kg in 8 weeks. [9.08 / specificite- 18.18- ecr- cta- 05.10- ] 247- gera: 88325/di/ra [A CLINICAL STUDY ON HYPERLIPIDEMIA TREATED WITH TIAO ZHI TONG MAI TABLET]. SHAO NIANFANG ET AL. shandong journal of tcm. 1995,14(11),486 (chi). ref:30 [9.08 / - ] 248- gera: 88305/di/ra [AN OBSERVATION ON CHILD ADIPOSIS TREATED WITH RUBARB TABLET AND PHENFLULAMINE]. SHI YUMIN ET AL. shandong journal of tcm. 1995,14(8),363 (chi). ref:30 [9.08 / 23.11- mo- ] 249- gera: 53691/di/re- num EFFECTS OF AURICULAR STIMULATION ON FEEDING-RELATED HYPOTHALAMIC NEURONAL ACTIVITY IN NORMAL AND OBESE RATS. SHIRAISHI T ET AL. brain research bulletin. 1995,36(2),141-8 (eng). ref:30 It is known that auriculotherapy occasionally affects dramatic body weight reduction for obese patients, although the physiological and anorexigenic functions are not clear. Effects of auricular stimulation on feeding-related lateral (LHA) and ventromedial (VMH) hypothalamic neuronal activity in normal and experimental (hypothalamic and dietary) obese rats were investigated. The LHA and/or VMH neuronal activity were recorded from feeding-related regions in Wistar SPF/VAF male and experimental (hypothalamic and dietary) obese rats, anesthetized with urethane-chloralose, under stereotaxic coordination. Recording was through 3 M KCI glass microelectrodes, while stimulating the ipsilateral vagal innervated region of the auricle. This is equivalent to the cavum conchae in the human, and was identified by resistance less than 10-50 k omega. The stimulating electrode was a stainless steel ear acupuncture (0. 12 x 2. 0 mm). The latency of potentials evoked in the LHA by unilateral stimulation of a specific site in the ear was 28. 1 ± 3. 3 ms (8-92, n = 41). LHA

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neuronal activity was depressed 45. 6% (n = 12, p < 0. 01), and VMH activity was excited (60. 5%, n = 18, p < 0. 01). The auricular acupuncture stimulation clearly modulates feeding-related hypothalamic neuronal activity of experimental (both hypothalamic and dietary) obese rats. These auricle acupuncture stimulation effects were correlated to the degree of obesity. In conclusion, the results suggest that auricular acupuncture stimulation may not reduce appetite, but is more likely concerned with satiation formation and preservation. Thus, auricular acupuncture should be more effective on obese rats than on normal rats. [9.08 / 25.05- 05.10- rat- resistance- eaa- ] 250- gera: 54726/di/re EFFECTS OF AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON NONOBESE, HEALTHY VOLUNTEER SUBJECTS. SHIRAISHI T ET AL. obesity research. 1995,3 SUPPL ,667-73 (eng). ref:26 Effects of auricular acupuncture stimulation on nonobese healthy volunteers were investigated. Subjects (n = 35) averaged 34. 5 years old, and BMI was 25. 3 kg/m2. Small (0. 15 x 2. 0 mm) auricular needles were applied intracutaneously into the bilateral cavum conchae that was identified by having less than 100 k omega resistance. Body weight was measured four times a day and charted by the subjects themselves. Results showed that, in the period 11-2, in which only body weight was measured, without auricular acupuncture stimulations, 57. 1% of the subjects reduced their body weight. This indicates that charting body weight themselves might be useful to maintain their weight. In the auricular acupuncture treated period, 19 (70. 4%) out of 27 decreased (p < 0. 01), 5 (18. 5%) was increased, and 3 (11. 1%) had no change in body weight. In conclusion, the results suggest that success in maintaining weight reduction can be attributed to graphic illustration of one's weight pattern. Bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation can also reduce body weight of healthy non-obese subjects. This is consistent with the suggestion that it might be effective in the treatment of [9.08 / resistance- 04.04- 05.10- ] 251- gera: 88670/di/ra [CORRELATIVITY BETWEEN ABUNDANT EXPECTORATION AND CORONARY HEART DISEASE IN OBESE PERSONS]. WANG QI ET AL. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1995,16(5),46 (chi). ref:15 [9.08 / glaire- 07.03- ] 252- gera: 23264/di/ra [RECENT PROGRESS IN THE STUDIES OF OBESITY, A SUMMARY ON IV NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OBESITY]. WEILIANG W ET AL. journal of tcm. 1995,36(5),303 (chi). ref:15 [9.08 / rg- congres- ] 253- gera: 88789/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON GUOYAO JIANFEI YUYIE (CHINESE HERBAL SHOWER GEL FOR OBESITY AND HEALTH PRESERVATION)]. WEN CHANG-LU ET AL. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1995,15(3),163 (chi). ref:15 [9.08 / - ] 254- gera: 22127/di/ra [EFFECTS OF AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE ON THE EXPERIMENTAL OBESE RATS]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995,45(1),105. (jap). ref:15 [9.08 / 05.10- eaa- rat- ] 255- gera: 22129/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ELECTRO-AURICULO-STIMULATION ON THE BODY WEIGHT OF HEALTHY VOLUNTEER SUBJECTS]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995,45(1),106. (jap). ref:0 [9.08 / 05.10- 05.12- ] 256- gera: 54674/nd/re THERMOGENIC, ANTI-OBESITY EFFECTS OF BOFU-TSUSHO-SAN IN MSG-OBESE MICE. YOSHIDA T ET AL. int j obes relat metab disord. 1995,19(10),717-22 (eng). ref:0

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the hypothesis that anti-obesity action of bofu-tsusho-san (TJ-62) works via activating the brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and inhibiting the phosphodiesterase activity. DESIGN: MSG obese mice and lean controls were fed a diet including 1. 4% or 4. 7% TJ-62 of weight of food for 8 weeks. Another group of MSG obese mice were fed with 1-ephedrine (1-E) + d-pseudoephedrine (d-PE) of equivalent amounts as contained in TJ-62 (4. 7%) for 8 weeks. Yet another group of MSG obese mice were further supplemented with Glycyrrhizae Radix (GR) extract + Forsythiae Fructus (FF) extract + Schizonepetae Spica (SS) extract (that inhibited phosphodiesterase activity) of amounts contained in TJ-62 (4. 7%) for 8 weeks. MEASUREMENTS: The following were measured: The concentration of ephedrine and its congeners in TJ-62; the inhibitory effect of TJ-62 on phosphodiesterase activity; body weight; food intake; retroperitoneal white adipose tissue (RWAT) weight; interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) weight; mitochondrial protein content in IBAT; cytochrome c oxidase activity in IBAT; guanosine-5'-diphosphate (GDP) binding in IBAT mitochondria. RESULTS: One gram of TJ-62 contained 3. 33 mg of 1-E and 0. 73 mg of d-PE. One mg of TJ-62 was equivalent to 2. 5 mg of caffeine in the inhibitory effect on phosphodiesterase activity. After feeding with TJ-62, GDP binding was significantly increased in a dose dependent manner. Body weight and RWAT weight decreased in both MSG obese mice and lean controls. Food intake was not changed by TJ-62. Feeding with 1-E + d-PE produced responses of about 70% of those of TJ-62. These responses were, furthermore, enhanced by the addition of the three extracts to the levels that were similar to those produced by TJ-62. CONCLUSION: Bofu-tsusho-san (TJ-62) works via activating the BAT thermogenesis and inhibiting the phosphodiesterase activity in mice. [9.08 / p89- souris- p99- p195- eap- ] 257- gera: 88990/di/ra [PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TCM PSYCHOLOGY AND OBESITY]. ZHOU LONGBIAO. chinese medicine and traditional culture. 1995,15(2),15 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / - ] 258- gera: 58027/di/ra- num OVERATING : TREATMENT OF OBESITY AND ANXIETY BY AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE, AN ANALYSIS OF 800 CASES. APOSTOLOPOULOS A. acupuncture in medicine. 1996,14(2),116-20 (eng ). ref:0 Auricular acupuncture (placement of press needles) was applied at the stomach point (according to Nogier) and sometimes at the point of psychological balance (Shenmen) for the control of anxiety and for help in weight loss in 800 patients over a two year period. Press needles were inserted and left in for 10 to 15 days at the auricular acupuncture point and resited again after 4 to 5 days. At the same time, instructions were given for the standard treatment of obesity (information leaflet, low calorie diet, aerobic exercise, behaviour modification, psychological support, etc.). The patients were followed up for a period of one year. The participants were 683 women and 117 men aged between 15 and 76 years. The Body Mass Index (weight/height) was used to determine the degree of obesity, and cases were divided into three groups according to the number of acupuncture sessions as follows: 468 patients (Group A) had one acupuncture session, 278 (Group B) 2 to 4 sessions, and 54 (Group C) had over 4 sessions, all conducted at 15 to 20 day intervals. A reduction in overeating was reported by 81.1% of patients, and 46.7% of the 697 patients who had noted anxiety symptoms claimed that treatment had helped in the reduction of anxiety. Regular exercise was encouraged, and started by 43.4% of the 703 who had no such habit. There was no significant weight loss in 35.2% of patients. During the first 3 months there was an overall significant weight loss in 64.8% and 35.5% at 6-12 months. The percentage weight loss was higher in Groups B and C and remained higher at six months and one year after the start of acupuncture treatment. Group B presented a good six month result in 61.2% of patients and a good annual result in 39.1%. In Group C results were 88.9% and 77.8% respectively. The control of overeating and anxiety

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using auricular acupuncture at the stomach and Shenmen points in this audit has been beneficial. Its correct use in an integrated obesity control programme may prove of significant long term help. [9.08 / seance- 05.10- ] 259- gera: 57489/di/ra [BULIMIA CONTROL]. APOSTOLOPOULOS A ET AL. abma news. 1996,13,16 (eng ). ref:8 Auricular acupuncture (placement of press needles) was applied at the stomach point (according to Nogier) and some times at the point of psychic balance (Shenmen) for the control of anxiety and for help in weight loss in 800 patients during a 1993 -1994 two - years period. Press needles left for 10 -15 days at the auricular acupuncture point and placed again after 4 5 days were used. At the same time instructions were given for the proper treatment of obesity (information leaflet, low calorie diet, aerobic exercise, behaviour modification, psychological support etc.). The results were followed up for a period of one year. The participants were 683 women and 117 men aged between 15 and 76 years. The Body Mass Index weight/height) was 25 in 151 patients (normal weight) 25 - 30 in 226 patients (moderate obesity), 30 40 in 367 (severe obesity) and 40 in 56 (malignant obesity). The cases were divided into three groups according to the number of acupuncture sessions as follows: 468 patients (58.5% group A) had one acupuncture session, 278 patients (34.8%, group B) 2 - 4 patients (68% group C) over 4 sessions every 15 - 20 day intervals. 649 (81,1%) patients acknowledged that treatment helped in the reduction of bulimia and 326 (46.7%) of the 697 patients who reported existing "anxiety" symptoms acknowledged that treatment helped in the reduction of anxiety. Regular exercise was started for 305 patients (43.4%) of the 703 who had no such habit. There was no significant weight loss in 282 patients (35.2%). There was an initial (1 - 3 months) significant percentage of body weight loss (% B.W.L) in 518 patients (64.8%) and a percentage of body weight loss at 6 -12 months in 284 patients (35.5%). The percentage B.W.L was higher in groups B and C and remained higher at six months and one year after acupuncture treatment started. Group B presented a good six - months result in 61.2% and a good annual result in 39.1% of the participants. In group C there was a good six - month result in 88.9% and a good annual result in 77.8% of the participants. In 28 patients there was a significant recovery within one year. The therapeutical help offered in the control of bulimia and anxiety by auricular acupuncture at the stomach point and at the Shenmen point is valuable. Its correct use in a "integrated" obesity control program may help significantly and in a long term period possibly more than other comparable medical programs (e.g. drugs, diets, psychological support). [9.08 / - ] 260- gera: 55277/di/ra- num ASPECTS PSYCHOSOMATIQUES DE L'OBESITE EN ACUPUNCTURE. DU BOIS R. meridiens. 1996,107,41-54 (fra*). ref:0 Ce travail propose un traitement de l'obésité selon les cinq mouvements psychiques Shen, Yi, Po, Zhi et Hun, en détaillant chaque fois le mécanisme physiopathologique sous-jacent et la clinique qui lui correspond. [9.08 / shen- psychosomatique- ] 261- gera: 86954/di/re- num PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF TRIPLE THERAPY FOR OBESITY. HUANG MH ET AL. international journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders. 1996,20(9),830-6 (eng). ref:0 OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the effectiveness of triple therapy in treatment of simple obesity. SUBJECTS : Forty-five cases of simple obesity with a body mass index (BMI) above 30 kg/m2 and percentage of body fat more than 25% in males, and 30% in females were collected. Subjects were composed of 8 males and 37 females ranging in age from 16 to 70 years old with a mean age of 33. 8 years. METHODS : The triple therapy for obesity included weekly auricular acupuncture, diet control and aerobic exercise counseling for eight weeks. The reduction in body weight and body fat were measured upon just completing the therapeutic course. The changes of body weight in follow-up at one month and one year later were also analyzed respectively. RESULTS : The results showed a 4. 4 ± 2. 9 kg

reduction in body weight and a 5. 6 ± 3. 0% reduction in body fat after completing the treatment course. Five cases had their body weight reduced to within the normal range, 18 cases showed a marked effect (body weight reduced by more than 5 kg and body fat reduced more than 5%), 16 cases were considered effective (body weight reduced by 2-5 kg and body fat reduced by 1-5%), and 6 cases were considered to be ineffective (body weight reduced by less than 2 kg and body fat reduced by less than 1%). The rate of effectiveness was 86. 7%. The rate of body weight rebound (weight regained more than 1. 5 kg) was 6. 7% and 18. 9% one month and one year later, respectively. The effectiveness of weight reduction was significant correlated with the compliance of participants with each therapeutic method, but not with age. No special side effects were noted during or after the treatment except for two cases who had intolerable pain when receiving auricular acupuncture. CONCLUSION : The triple therapy resulted in a satisfactory body weight reduction and a good maintenance of the target weight after treatment. Furthermore, more frequent aerobic exercise during the treatment course contributed greatly to body weight reduction and maintenance, as indicated by the correlation analysis. [9.08 / - ] 262- gera: 55871/di/ra- num [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON LIPID, TXB2, 6-KETO-PGF1ALPHA IN SIMPLE OBESE PATIENTS COMPLICATED WITH HYPERLIPIDEMIA]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1996,21(4),17-21 (chi*). ref:46 The authors observed the changes of symptoms and signs, obesity index, lipid index (TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C), atherosclerosis index (AL), ratio of waist centimetre to hip centimetre (W.C / H.C), TXB2 and 6-Keto-PGF1alpha in 34 simple obesity patients complicated with hyperlipidemia before and after acupuncture so as to make clear the influence of acupuncture on pathogenic factors led up to circular diseases. The results showed that the marked weight loss effect was achieved in the cases by acupuncture, while the level of TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C, AI, W.C / H.C, TXB, 6-Keto- PGF1alpha in the patients were finely regulated. It suggests that the acupuncture treatment not only treated obesity and hyperlipidemia, but also resisted the pathogenic factors led up to circular diseases. [9.08 / 09.07- ] 263- gera: 57772/di/ra RECENTI PROGRESSI NEGLI STUDI DI DIMINUZIONE PONDERALE CON AGOPUNTURA E MOXIBUSTIONE. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. rivista italiana medicina tradizionale cinese. 1996,65(3),76-80 (ita ). ref:10 [9.08 / 05.09- rg- ] 264- gera: 57716/di/ra- num 40 CASOS DE OBESIDAD SIMPLE TRATADOS POR LA ACUPUNTURA COMBINADA CON LA AURICULOTERAPIA. OBSERVACION DEL RESULTADO TERAPEUTICO CLINICO. MAO JIAN BO. pulso de la vida. 1996,10, 14-8 (esp ). ref:0 [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 265- gera: 55629/di/ra OSSERVAZIONI DELL'EFFETTO TERAPEUTICO DELLE LLFR, TAVOLETTE PER L'ABBASSAMENTO DEI LIPIDI E LA DIMINUZIONE DEI GRASSI" NELL'OBESITA COMPLICATA. MINXIAN C. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1996,66(4),43-5 (ita). ref:0 Résumé à entrer. [9.08 / - ] 266- gera: 55473/di/ra- num [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF AURICULAR-PLASTER THERAPY IN WEIGHT REDUCTION]. QI SHULAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996,16(12),15 (chi). ref:0 [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ecr- ] 267- gera: 35716/di/re- num REDUCING NALTREXONE-RESISTANT HYPERPHAGIA USING LASER ACUPUNCTURE TO INCREASE ENDOGENOUS OPIATES. READ A ET AL. brain injury. 1996,10(12),911-9 (eng). ref:0 A 28-year-old woman with acquired brain damage suffered

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subsequent profound mental disability and an intense hyperphagic syndrome complete with life-threatening pica. She was the single subject of two consecutive experiments. In the first, Naltrexone, an orally administered opiate blocker, was given to reduce hyperphagia and distress, but was associated with even greater urgency when eating meals and a manifest increase in distress. While distress reduced to premedication levels on withdrawal of treatment, urgency of eating did not reduce so quickly. In the second experiment a laser acupuncture procedure was used at 2. 5 Hz and 10 Hz for 10 days each with an intervening 10-day placebo condition to increase the availability of the subject's endogenous opiates, and thus hopefully produce opposite effects to the first experiment and effect a positive treatment. The 10 Hz condition produced a significant but transient reduction in pica measured by attempts at pica on a supervised walk shortly after each treatment. The subject was also easier to manage on walks, and appeared happier. Further studies using physical exercise or acupressure to achieve similar or better results are discussed. [9.08 / cc- naloxone- ] 268- gera: 57690/di/ra [IS DABAO A DIAGNOSTIC MARK FOR THE NOURISHMENT UNBALANCE]? ABSTRACT) SERBU L ET AL. revista romana de acupunctura. 1996,5(2),120 (eng ). ref:11 [9.08 / 21rte- ] 269- gera: 55418/di/ra- num [THE ANTIOBESITY EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON WATER AND SALT METABOLISM]. SUN FENGMIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1996,21(2),19-24 (chi*). ref:0 For the purpose of understanding the antiobesity effect of acupuncture and it's influence on water and salt metabolism in the patients suffering from simple obesity, we have observed the changes of symptoms and signs, obesity indices, blood sodium, blood potassium, mOsm of plasma and urinary aldosterone before and after acupuncture treatment in 75 patients with simple obesity (42 cases with edema, 33 cases without edema). The results showed that the total effective rate of antiobesity treatment for one month was 89.3%. Before acupuncture the concentrations of blood sodium and aldosterone of the patients with edema were significantly higher than those of normal persons or the patients without edema, but the concentration of blood potassium and mOsm of plasma of the patients with edema were significantly lower than those of normal persons or the patients without edema. After acupuncture treatment the concentrations of blood sodium and aldosterone decreased markedly and the concentration of blood potassium and mOsm of plasma increased remarkably in the patients with edema. It indicated that acupuncture treatment not only had a good antiobesity effect, but also improved the water and salt metabolism of the patients with obesity by the regulation of nervous system [9.08 / 23.12- ] 270- gera: 58315/di/ra (THE INFLUENCE OF JIANPI XIAOZHI POWDER ON THE WEIGHT OF RATS). ZHU SHAN. traditional chinese medicinal research. 1996,9(3),12 (chi ). ref:9 [9.08 / rat- eap- ] 271- gera: 67966/di/ra CONCETTO DI OBESITA SECONDO LA MEDICINA TRADIZIONALE CINESE. CASPANI P. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1997,89,23-42 (ita). ref: [9.08 / - ] 272- gera: 48456/di/re- num ACUPUNCTURE/ACUPRESSURE FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION.? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. ERNST E. wienier klinishe wochenschrift. 1997,109(2),60-2 (eng). ref:30 Acupuncture and acupressure are often advocated and used as a means of controlling appetite and reducing body weight, supported by case-series and uncontrolled studies that show encouraging results. This paper reviews placebo/sham-controlled clinical trials published on this topic. Two independent literature searches identified four such studies.

None of these is without significant methodological flaws and their results are contradictory. The two relatively rigorous trials show no effect on body weight. On balance, no clear picture emerges to show that acupuncture / acupressure is effective in reducing appetite or body weight. Claims that these forms of treatment have specific effects on these conditions are therefore not based on well-performed clinical trials. [9.08 / rg- ] 273- gera: 87081/di/ra- num ACUPUNCTURE,CUPPING,EAR PRESSING,AND HERBS IN TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY. LIANG QIU-HU. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1997,8(3),225-30 (eng). ref:22 Four approaches were applied to 250 cases of simple obesity from June 1988 to May 1994: (1) acupuncture and cupping, (2) ear pressing, (3) traditional herbs, and (4) a comprehensive approach which used acupuncture, cupping, and herbs. Good effects were obtained for the first 3 approaches (80-81.5%) and excellent results were obtained by the comprehensive approach (96.8%). [9.08 / ecr- comparaison- 05.10- 05.08- acupression- cta- ] 274- gera: 56682/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF TREATMENT OF SIMPLE ADIPOSIS MAINLY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LIOU ZHICHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997,16(1),6 (chi). ref:7 [9.08 / 05.09- ] 275- gera: 57145/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. journal of tcm. 1997,38(3),155 (chi*). ref:7 [9.08 / - ] 276- gera: 87182/di/ra- num TRATAMIENTO DE LA OBESIDAD. NGUYEN J. medicina holistica, medicinas complementarias. 1997,48,7-18 (esp). ref:7 [9.08 / rg- ] 277- gera: 68183/di/ra- num A HIGH-PROTEIN REGIMEN AND AURICULOMEDICINE FOR THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION. NIEMTZOW RC. medical acupuncture. 1997,9(2),15-22 (eng). ref:56 Background: Obesity is considered to be a complex, multifactorial disease. The prevalence of overweight among American adults increased by 5% between 1987 and 1993. Patients are more willing to accept alternative medicine solutions to this clinical challenge; especially the use of auriculomedicine in combination with a natural high-protein regimen which is drug-free. Method: I treated 21 patients for obesity who were either self-referred or referred by their primary physician. Many of the patients admitted to failing popular diets and never reaching their weight goal. The patients were evaluated to eliminate organic causes. Each patient underwent a history and physical examination. A high- protein diet was prescribed in combination with auriculomedicine. Results: All patients reached their weight goals losing an average of 12lbs. per month. There were no untoward reactions. Acceptability of the treatment was high. Patients reported that auriculomedicine helped significantly to prevent "bingeing". Conclusion: A high-protein animal regimen in combination with auriculomedicine was used successfully to lower weight in patients who had previously failed popular diets. The regimen was well-tolerated and a statistically significant decrease in triglycerides was observed. [9.08 / 05.10- am- ] 278- gera: 75568/di/ra- num LA OBESIDAD TRATADA CON LAS CINCO RAMAS DE LA MEDICINA TRADICIONAL CHINA. PINTAT N ET AL. medicina energetica. 1997,34-35,4-9 (esp). ref:4 [9.08 / - ] 279- gera: 56400/di/ra- num EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON ENERGY METABOLISM

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IN SIMPLE OBESITY. SUN FENG-MIAN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1997,8(2),123-8 (eng). ref:4 Traitement par auriculopuncture (Aiguille à demeure) et somatique en fonction de 3 syndromes. 1) chaleur de l'estomac et intestins. 2) stase du QI du foie. 3) vide de rate avec obstruction des glaires. [9.08 / d$- 05.10- ] 280- gera: 56873/di/ra 75 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH AURICULAR AND BODY ACUPUNCTURE. TANG XIAOFENG. journal of tcm. 1997,17(1),55-6 (eng). ref:14 Points : Traitement en fonction de 7 formes clinique associant points auriculaires et somatique. Protocole : Aiguilles à demeure au niveau auriculaire changées tous les 3 jours alternativement à gauche et à droite. Acupuncture un jour sur deux, séances de 30 minutes. 10 séances éventuellement renouvelées. En cas de dépôt graisseux localisé, électro- acupuncture locale à haute fréquence. Résultat : Perte de poids 3 à 10 kg : 5 cas, 3 à 5 = 26 cas, 1,5 à 3 : 35 cas. [9.08 / 05.12- 05.06- 05.10- d$- ] 281- gera: 67443/di/ra [STUDY ON EFFECTS OF CODONOPSIS EUPOLYPHAGA ANTI-OBESITY POWDER IN MICE WITH NUTRITIVE OBESITY]. WANG WEI ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1997,17(12),739 (chi*). ref:0 Objective: To observe the effects of Codonopsis Eupolyphaga anti-obesity powder ( CEAOP) in mice with nutritive obesity. Methods: CEAOP 0.5~2.5g / kg was given to mice for 4 weeks and its effect was observed. Results: CEAOP could significantly reduce the Lee's index, weight of fat cushion and fat index, lower the blood levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride and blood glucose, but influence neither the calories and quantity of food intake, nor the endurance against anoxia and fatigue, the property of stool was not changed at all Conclusions:The anti-obesity effect of CEAOP was similar to Fenfluramini but without influence on appetite and bowel movement, tolerance against anoxia and fatigue The mechanism of the anti- obesity might be related with its metabolism regulating actions on lipids and glucose. [9.08 / eap- souris- ] 282- gera: 58635/di/ra [RESEARCH IN ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF ADIPOSIS DOLOROSA]. CHENG JIANFEI. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998,17(4),6 (chi*). ref:0 20 tunisian patients were treated by circumference acupuncture plus cupping, ear acupuncture and body acupuncture to regulate the whole body. The findings showed that obvious effectiveness occurred in 6 cases, effectiveness in 11 cases and ineffectiveness in 3 cases, with the total effective rate 85%. The differences of serum cholesterol, serum triglyceride and blood sugar between pre-treatment and post-treatment were of statistical significance (P<0. 05 and P<0.01). Body weight was reduced by more than 3 kg. in 17 cases. [9.08 / tunisie- 09.03- cellulite- 05.08- 05.10- ] 283- gera: 73465/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 40 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. LI JIA ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998,18(9),539 (chi). ref: [9.08 / - ] 284- gera: 73250/di/ra APLICACION DE LA ACUPUNTURA Y MOXIBUSTION PARA MANTENER LA LINEA. LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL. el pulso de la vida. 1998,18,14-8 (esp). ref: Traduction espagnole de: Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1998, 18(4), 265-71.En base de la diferenciacion de sindromes, Ios autores han tratado 359 mujeres adultos no obesas con proporciones corporales no deseadas mediante la acupuntura corporal, la moxibustion y la acupuntura auricular. Se consiguieron buenos resultados estéticos y de reduccion de peso, lo que sugiere que la acupuntura y moxibustion puede regular de forma efectiva los indices somatotroficos

como el peso corporal, la circunferencia de pecho, cintura, cadera y muslos, la proporcion entre cintura y cadera, el grosor del tejido adiposo, el grado de obesidad, el indice de mesa corporal y el porcentaje de grasa corporal en los casos del grupo de sobrepeso y los grupos de ligero sobrepeso o normales (1,2). Se concluye que la acupuntura y moxibustion es una buena terapia para obtener un cuerpo bien proporcionado. [9.08 / - ] 285- gera: 67371/di/ra- num APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR KEEPING SHAPE. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1998,18(4),265-71 (eng*). ref:8 On the basis of TCM differentiation, the authors have treated 359 adult female cases of non-obesity with undesirable body shape by combined application of body acupuncture and moxibustion and auricular acupuncture, and achieved quite good remoulding and orthopedic results, suggesting that acupuncture and moxibustion can very effectively regulate the somatotypic indexes of body weight, circumference of the chest, loin, hip and thigh, the ratio of the loin to hip, sebum thickness, obesity degree, body mass index and body fat percentage of the cases in the overweight group and orthopedic groups 1, 2. It is therefore concluded that acupuncture and moxibustion is a good therapy for obtaining a graceful body shape. [9.08 / esthetique- 05.10- 05.09- ] 286- gera: 68646/di/ra- num [THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY IN RATS]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1998,23(1),69 (chi*). ref:8 The results showed that the obesity model of male SD rats might be obtained by high fat diet, the rate of production obesity was 56.8%. The experiment studied that the obesity rats were cured by acupuncture and fenfluramine (FFA) respectively. The results showed that acupuncture had a good regulatory effect on the amount of food and water taken in, body weight, body length, Lee's index, fatty amount of body (pericardium, groin and perinephros), weight of main organs and gland, contents of TG, TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, BG in blood and AI. This action of acupuncture is better than that of FFA. Monoamine content of lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) in the experimental rats were observed by push-pull prefusion technology. The results showed that Noradrenaline (NA) content of LHA in control group was markedly higher than that in normal group, while the NA content of LHA in acupuncture group was markedly lower than that in control group. It suggests that the regulation of acupuncture on LHA was one of essential link in the antiobesity effect of [9.08 / rat- eaa- ] 287- gera: 70685/di/ra LA OBESIDAD TRATADA CON LASS CINCO RAMAS DE LA MEDICINA TRADICIONAL CHINA. PINTAT N ET AL. el pulso de la vida. 1998,17,46-50 (esp). ref:14 [9.08 / - ] 288- gera: 72105/di/ra OBESIDAD CON O SIN HIPERLEPEMIA. TRATAMIENTO POR OTOACUPUNTURA (PRESION CON SEMILLAS DE SEMEN VACCARIA) MAS ACUPUNTURA SOMATICA. QINGFU SUN ET AL. revista argentina de acupuntura. 1998,85,24 (esp). ref:14 [9.08 / - ] 289- gera: 58359/di/re- num STIMULATION OF AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE POINTS IN WEIGHT LOSS. RICHARDS D ET AL. aust fam physician. 1998,1(27),73-7 (eng ). ref:14 Many overweight people are aware that diets can help with weight loss but have difficulty in suppressing their appetite. Acupuncture stimulates the auricular branch of the vagal nerve and raises serotonin levels, both of which have been shown to increase tone in the smooth muscle of the stomach, thus suppressing appetite. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation of specific auricular acupuncture points on appetite suppression. METHODS: Sixty overweight subjects, randomly divided into an active and a control group, used the AcuSlim

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device twice daily for four weeks. The active group attached the AcuSlim to the acupuncture ear points shenmen and stomach, whereas the control group attached the device to their thumb where there are no acupuncture points. The goal of a 2 kg weight loss was set and changes in appetite and weight were reported after four weeks. RESULTS: Of those who responded, 95% of the active group noticed suppression of appetite, whereas none of the control group noticed such a change. None of the control group lost the required 2 kg, with only 4 subjects losing any weight at all. Both the number of subjects who lost weight and the mean weight loss were significantly higher in the active group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Frequent stimulation of specific auricular acupuncture points is an effective method of appetite suppression which leads to weight loss. [9.08 / ecr- acupression- 05.10- cta- ] 290- gera: 69806/di/ra 75 CASI DI OBESITA SEMPLICE TRATTATI CON L'AGOPUNTURA SOMATICA E CON L'AURICOLOPUNTURA. TANG XIAOFENG. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1998,71(1),67-8 (ita). ref: L'autore ha adottato l'agopuntura auricolare e somatica nel trattamento dell'obesita con soddisfacenti risultati, come riportato di seguito. [9.08 / 05.10- ] 291- gera: 66579/di/ra [TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY IN CHILDREN WITH PHOTO-ACUPUNCTURE]. YU CHANGQIN ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1998,18(6),348 (chi*). ref: Objective: To study the treatment of simple obesity in children and observe its effect. Methods: Two hundred and two patients were treated with self-produced photo-acupuncture apparatus (101 cases) or ear-pressing (101 cases), and their effects were observed and compared. Results: Effects of both methods were satisfactory. The photo-acupuncture showed a better result than that of the ear-pressing. After treatment, the obesity indexes lowered significantly and levels of blood lipids, glucose, cortisol and triidothyronine were all improved markedly. Conclusions: Photo-acupuncture is a safe, painless, nontraumatic and effective method for treatment of simple obesity, and it is easy to be accepted by [9.08 / 23.11- 05.14- ] 292- gera: 76172/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON TREATING STUDENT'S SIMPLE OBESITY WITH QIGONG]. DONG HUA ET AL. qigong journal. 1999,20(8),378 (chi). ref:7 [9.08 / - ] 293- gera: 75137/di/ra [LIPID CHANGES IN DIFFERENT AREA OF RABBIT WITH HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA AND ANTAGONIST OF HERBS]. GAO XIUMEI ET AL. china journal of traditional chinese medicine and pharmacy. 1999,14(5),20 (chi*). ref:7 Forage with high fat was used to make experimental rabbit model with hypercholesterolemia. In the study, the control group, the model group (MG), the preventive treatment group with herbs (PTGWH), the natural recover group (NRG), the treatment group with herbs (PGWH) and the duoxikang group (DXKG) were set up. The results showed: the prescription with the function of decreasing the fat and activating the blood could inhibited the high content of serum TC, LDL-c and APOB in different extent either in PTGWH or in PGWH, could increase the content of HDL-c and APOA I/APOB, could promote the output of TC and LDL-c in liver and Ch in red blood cell membrane. The effects in PTGWH was better than in PGWH, but there was no significant difference between PGWH and DXKG. The results also showed: the lipid in serum and liver could decrease in both MG and NRG, but the Ch and Ch/P1 had slightly change, this indicated that the lipid in red blood cell membrane could not be recovered through diet control, only should be recovered by herbs. [9.08 / rat- eap- ] 294- gera: 69990/di/ra ROLE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY. KAPUR R. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999,10(1),9-14 (eng). ref:7

Obesity, as the term implies, is an abnormal accumulation of fat in the stores of adipose tissues throughout the Body. It is the most common nutritional disorder in infants, children, and adults in affluent societies, where it is responsible for more illhealth than all the vitamin deficiencaes put together. The main parameters for measuring obesity are weight and height of an individual. A suitable working rule for the treatment of obesity is that the weight of the patient should be brought down within 10% of the desirable weight for any given height. [9.08 / - ] 295- gera: 88111/di/ra [ADVANCES IN THE PHARMACOLOGICAL STUDIES ON TCM AND ITS PRESCRIPTIONS FOR THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY]. LI BOPING ET AL. chinese traditional and herbal drugs. 1999,30(7),548 (chi). ref:7 [9.08 / - ] 296- gera: 59830/di/ra CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF OBESITY. LI J. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1999,19(1),48-51 (eng ). ref:7 Obesity manifests itself as derangement of qi and blood with disorder of the defensive qi in particular to be a causative factor of primary importance, meanwhile, deficiency of the primary qi in Sanjiao may also contribute to it. Fundamentally, its pathological changes are also related to dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. According to syndrome differentiation, obesity can be classified into three types, namely, heat in the stomach and intestine, spleen and stomach qi deficiency, and deficiency of primary qi. The main methods of treatment include clearing and reducing heat in the stomach and intestine; regulating qi in the fu organs and promoting water metabolism; balancing and regulating qi and blood, yin and yang, and removing stagnation of defensive qi. [9.08 / d$- ] 297- gera: 72874/di/ra CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF OBESITY. LI JIA. journal of tcm. 1999,19(1),48-51 (eng). ref: Obesity manifests itself as derangement of qi and blood with disorder of the defensive qi in particular causative factor of primary importance; meanwhile, deficiency of the primary qi in Sanjiao may also contribute to it. Fundamentally, its pathological changes are also related to dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. According to syndrome differentiation, obesity can be classified into three types, namely, heat in the stomach and intestine, spleen and stomach qi deficiency, and deficiency of primary qi. The main methods of treatment include clearing and reducing heat in the stomach and intestine; regulating qi in the flu organs and promoting water metabolism; balancing and regulating qi and blood, yin and yang, and removing stagnation of defensive qi. [9.08 / - ] 298- gera: 70289/di/ra- num EJERCICIOS RESPIRATORIOS PARA LA OBESIDAD. LI YU XUAN ET AL. medicina holistica. 1999,55,131-2 (esp). ref: Estudio experimental sobre los efectos terapeuticos de los ejercicios respiratorios provocando una rapida disminucion del peso en 546 casos de obesidad. [9.08 / qg- ] 299- gera: 77093/di/ra [MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION ON ACUPUNCTURE EFFECT ON OBESE RAT]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999,24(4),307 (chi*). ref: In present study, optic and electron microscopes were used to observe the fat tissue, small intestinal mucosa and liver tissue of obese rat. The results showed that as compared with normal rat there were many morphological changes in the obese rat. The brown fat cells were enlarged, full and fat drops enlarged too, the number of mitochondrion and blood capillary decreased in obese rat. After acupuncture treatment, above changes reversed markedly. This paper provided one of important morphological bases for acupuncture antiobesity which was achieved by enhancing energy consumption and reducing energy intake. [9.08 / eaa- rat- ] 300- gera: 34521/nl/re

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FAILURE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY: A PILOT STUDY. MAZZONI R ET AL. eat weight disord. 1999,4(4),198-202 (eng). ref: Pas en France. Acupuncture has been anecdotally reported to induce weight loss in obese patients. This pilot study examines its efficacy in a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Forty (33 F, 7 M) obese (BMI > 30 kg/m2) outpatients were randomised to either placebo or acupuncture (12 weekly sessions of minimal acupuncture and somatic moxibustion-acupuncture associated with auriculopuncture respectively). BMI, eating attitudes (BES), anxiety (STAI), depression (BDI), and obesity-related quality of life (ORWELL 97) were measured at the beginning and end of the treatment. Six (30%) patients in the treatment group and 12 (60%) in the placebo group dropped out. Intention-to-treat analysis did not show any significant effect of acupuncture on BMI and obesity-related quality of life; eating attitudes improved in both groups, possibly because of the placebo effect. A significant improvement in anxiety and depression was only observed in the acupuncture group. In conclusion, acupuncture does not promote weight loss and is not recommendable in the treatment of obesity. It may, however, improve the psychological status of obese patients. [9.08 / cta- ecr- ] 301- gera: 70471/nd/re COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MODES OF THERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF THE OBESE PATIENT. MULHISEN L ET AL. j am osteopath assoc. 1999,99,8-12 (eng). ref: There has been a growing trend for people to increasingly turn to complementary and alternative medicine. The increasing prevalence of obesity has combined with this trend to create an expanding market for these modes of therapy to aid in weight management. This article focuses on complementary and alternative modes of medical therapy currently being used for the treatment of obesity: nutritional supplementation, hypnosis, and acupuncture. [9.08 / - ] 302- gera: 72739/di/ra A HIGH-PROTEIN REGIMEN AND AURICULOMEDICINE FOR THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY: A SECOND CLINICAL OBSERVATION. NIEMTZOW RC ET AL. medical acupuncture. 1999,10(2),21-5 (eng). ref: In a previous article by Niemtzow, "A High-Protein Regimen and Auriculomedicine for Treatment of Obesity: A Clinical Observation" (Medical Acupuncture, Fall/Winter 1997/98, Vol.9/ No.2), a sustained average weight loss of 2.7 pounds (Ibs) per week, and a statistical reduction in triglycerides (TUI) was reported. Although the total cholesterol (TC) lowered clinically, it was not statistically significant. From this previous group of patients, only 6 data points were available for the determination of TG, TC, heavy density lipids (HDL), and light density lipids (LDL). Because of the paucity of lipid data, a larger group consisting of 42 patients was evaluated under the same criteria, with the exception that the high- protein regimen underwent minor modifications to meet the minimum guidelines of the American Dietetic Association and the United States Recommended Dietary Allowances. METHODS Forty-two patients were treated for simple clinical obesity who were either self-referred or referred by their primary physician. The majority of these patients admitted to failing popular diets and never reached their weight goal, or were short-termed successful but eventually regained weight. Patients were evaluated to eliminate organic causes. Each patient underwent a history and physical examination. The previous high-protein diet was prescribed with minor modifications. Auriculomedicine was performed for each patient. RESULTS: The regimen was well tolerated and a statistically significant decrease in weight and TG was observed during the 1 2-week period starting at week 0. The TC decreased significantly only during the first 6 weeks starting at week 0. HDL levels decreased in the first weeks and started to rise in weeks 9 to 12. LDL appeared to decrease in the first 3 weeks and then, rose in weeks 6 to 12. TC, LDL, HDI value changes were not statistically significant long-term, but this could be due to a diminishing sample population. There were no unto ward reactions despite a minor change in the high-protein regimen. Acceptability for the diet remained high. Patients reported that auriculomedicine helped to prevent cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods. After

discharge from the program, 38.9% of the patients reported relapse. CONCLUSION A high-protein animal regimen in combination with auriculomedicine was employed successfully to produce a sustained weight lose in patients previously failing popular diets. All patients reached their weight goals losing an average of 1.6 Ibs per week. TG levels significantly decreased in a similar fashion, whereas TC and HDL dropped significant in the first 6 weeks and 3 weeks, respectively. LDL levels did not vary significantly. The possible homeostatic effect of auriculomedicine and a high protein regimen on serum lipids warrant further investigation. [9.08 / 05.10- ] 303- gera: 76145/di/ra [33 CASES OF SINGLE OBESITY TREATED WITH KINTOP CAPSULES]. QI KUN ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1999,9,30 (chi). ref:9 [9.08 / - ] 304- gera: 76651/di/ra [JIAO DONGHAI'S EXPERIENCE IN TREATING CHILDREN'S SIMPLE OBESITY]. SHEN XUEMIN. zhejiang journal of tcm. 1999,34(12),509 (chi). ref:9 [9.08 / - ] 305- gera: 70236/di/ra (RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT OF SATIETY CENTER IN THE REDUCTION OF WEIGHT BY ELECTROPUNCTUR)E. SHU JING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999,18(6),30-1 (chi*). ref:9 Objective: To investigate the central mechanism of the reduction of body weight by electroacupuncture. Methods: Observation was carried out of the effect of electroacupuncture on food intake, obesity indices and adipose amounts in different parts in SD rat model of food-induced obesity and of changes in electric activities of ventromedial nucleus (VMH) of rat hypothalamus by cerebral stereotaxis and neurocyte microelectrode recording. Results: Food intake, obesity indices and adipose amount were significantly higher in control group than in normal group. Food intake, obesity indices and adipose amount markedly dropped in acupuncture group. VMH spontaneous discharge frequency was significantly lower in control group than in normal group. VMH spontaneous discharge frequency was significantly higher in acupuncture group than in control group. Conclusion: The excitation of satiety center may be one of the ways that acupuncture produces a reducing effect on body weight. [9.08 / rat- eaa- 05.12- ] 306- gera: 69989/di/ra EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE WEIGHT REDUCTION ON WATER ELECTROLYTE METABOLISM. SUN FENG-MIAN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999,10(1),1-7 (eng). ref:9 A common disease, simple obesity is sometimes accompanied by edema. As is well known, edema is the result of abnormal retention of water and sodium. However, no study has been reported on the effect of acupuncture on simple obesity complicated by edema. This paper, therefore, focuses on this aspect of simple obesity by recording the changes of the chief symptoms, signe, obesity indices, blood sodium (Na+), blood potassium (K+), plasma osmolality (BOsm) and aldosterone during acupuncture treatment in order to define the effects of acupuncture on both body weight and water electrolyte metabolism. [9.08 / - ] 307- gera: 70610/di/ap REGIME THERMAL. X. le figaro/aurore. 1999,SEP,1P (fra). ref:2 Avec mention d'un médecin acupuncteur. "Il vaut mieux avoir dix kilos de trop et faire du sport plutôt qu'aucune activité physique et dix kilos de moins. Car on peut très bien avoir une structure métabolique propice à être gros", reprend le médecin, également acupuncteur. [9.08 / - ] 308- gera: 77021/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE EFFECTS ON SATIETY CENTER OF HYPOTHALAMUS OF RATS WITH EXPERIMENTAL OBESITY]. ZHAO MEI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999,24(2),98 (chi*). ref:2

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[9.08 / eaa- rat- ] 309- gera: 76133/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF WEIGHT-LOSING DECOCTION ON EXPERIMENTAL OBESITY IN RATS]. ZHU XIANG-SHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1999,11,46 (chi*). ref:2 Rats which were successively fed with high-fat and high-nutrient forage for 45 days rendering obese rats models and then randomly divided into four groups: large dose, medium dose, small dose of Weight-losing Decoction groups (comprising Radix et Rhizoma and Canlis Polygoni Multiflori) and distilled water group as control. Rats in treatment groups were treated by pouring the decoction into the stomach for 30 days and the body weight, weight of lipid inside the body, lipid weight/body weight and 5 toxicity assays were detected as indexes. The weight-losing effects and negative effects of the Weight-losing Decoction were investigated. The result showed that large and medium dose of Weight-losing Decoction had a significant effect on losing weight in obese rats and no side effects were found. [9.08 / rat- eap- ] 310- gera: 109903/di/cg L'INTERVENTION DE L' AURICULOTHERAPIE DANS L'OBESITE ET LE CONTROLE DU COMPORTEMENT ALIMENTAIRE.. BAZZONI G. (ITALIE).. iiieme symposium international d ' auriculotherapie et d' auriculomedicine. 2000,,97 (fra). ref:2 [9.08 / - ] 311- gera: 73807/di/ra [GENERAL REVIEW OF THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH ACUMOXI IN RECENT 15 YEARS]. CHEN GEYI. zhejiang journal of tcm. 2000,35(4),175 (chi). ref:2 [9.08 / - ] 312- gera: 77767/di/ra [EXPLORATION OF WEIGHT RADUCING EFFECT OF KINTOP IN OBESE RATS AND ITS MECHANISM]. CHEN YU ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2000,20(9),685 (chi*). ref:2 [9.08 / eap- rat- ] 313- gera: 71607/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HYPERLIPEMIA WITH WENDAN JIANGZHI DECOCTION]. GAO JIAN-DONG ET AL. shandong journal of tcm. 2000,19(3),142 (chi). ref:2 [9.08 / - ] 314- gera: 86352/di/ra [LOU SI-WEI'S EXPERIENCE OF TREATING ADIPOSITY]. GUO YI-RAN. jiangxi journal of tcm. 2000,31(2),6 (chi). ref:2 [9.08 / - ] 315- gera: 73194/di/ra ESPERIENZA CLINICA NEL TRATTAMENTO DELL'OBESITA MEDIANTE AGOPUNTURA. LI JIA. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2000,79(1),58-9 (ita). ref:2 L'obesità si manif`esta di per se come un danno del qi e del sangue, con in particolare un disordine del qi difensivo quale fattore causale di primaria importanza e possibile contemporaneo contributo di un deficit del qi primario nel sanjiao. Fondamentalmente, le sue modificazioni patologiche sono in relazione anche con una disfunzione della milza e cello stomaco. In base alla differenziazione delle sindromi, I'obesità puo essere classificata in tre forme, vale a dire calve nello stomaco e nell'intestino, deficit del qi di milza e stomaco, e deficit del qi primario. I principali metodi di trattamento comprendono la purificazione e la dispersione del calve nello stomaco e nell'intestino; la regolarizzazione del qi negli organifu e la promozione del metabolismo dell'acqua; il riequilibrio e la regolarizzazione di qi e sangue, di yin e yang, e la rimozione della stasi del qi difensivo. [9.08 / - ] 316- gera: 71081/di/ra [TREATMENT PRINCIPLE FROM PHLEGM RETENTION ON SENILE HIGH BLOOD FAT]. LIU JIA ZHEN. journal of tianjin college of tcm. 2000,19(1),15 (chi). ref:2 [9.08 / - ]

317- gera: 77959/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THE RAPHE NUCLEUS OF OBESE RAT]. LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL. chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm. 2000,6(7),52 (chi*). ref:2 In the present study, push-pull perfusion and biochemical technique were used to study the influence of acupuncture on content of monoamines in the rape nucleus of obese rat. The result showed the tryptophan (Try), serotonin (5-HT), 5- HT/5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) tyrosine (Tyr) of the raphe nuclei in obese rat were markedly lower than that in normal. While the contests of noradrenaline (NA) and dopamin (DA) were markedly high that in normal. There was a negative correlation between level of 5- HT in dorsal raphe nucleus and obese degree. After acupuncture treatment, the content of 5-HT of raphe nucleus in obese rat was markedly increased while those of DA was markedly reduced. It suggests that a good regulatory effect on the monoamines of raphe nucleus in the obese body play an important role in the antiobesity by acupuncture. [9.08 / eap- rat- ] 318- gera: 72818/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON LEVEL OF MONOAMINES AND ACTIVITY OF ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATASE IN LATERAL HYPOTHALAMIC AREA OF OBESE RATS]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2000,20(7),521 (chi*). ref:2 To study the mechanism of acupuncture in treating simple obesity. Methods: Central nerve push-pull perfusion and biochemical technique were used to observe the effect of acupuncture on obese rats, and the obese parameters and the change of monoamine transmitters and activity of ATPase in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) of the obese rats were investigated. Results: The levels of noradrenaline (NA) in LHA of obese rats were higher than those in the normal group, but the level of serotonin (5-HT) and the activity of ATPase in LHA of obese rats were lower than those of the normal rats. After acupuncture treatment, the weight of the obese rats reduced, while the level of NA in LHA reduced and the 5- HT and activity of ATPase increased (P < 0.05, P<0.01). Conclusion: The effective regulation on LHA of obese rats is possibly one of the key factors in the anti-obesity of acupuncture. [9.08 / 5ht- na- rat- eaa- atp- ] 319- gera: 74267/di/ra [ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE ON VENTROMEDIAL NUCLEUS OF HYPOTHALAMUS IN RATS OF OBESITY]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. journal of tcm. 2000,41(1),25 (chi*). ref:2 Effects of acupuncture on spontaneous discharges of nerve cells in ventromedial neucleus of hypothalamus (VNH) and levels of monoamine neurotransmitters in rats of obesity were observed. Results indicated that levels of tyrosine (Tyr) and dopamine (DA) were decreased. and the levels of 5 - hydroxytryptamine (5 HT) and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5- HIAA) increased in VNH: The frequency of spontaneous discharges of nerve cells in VNH lowered significantly in the obesity group as compared with those in the normal group: When acupuncture attained effect of weight reduction, the frequency of spontaneous discharges of nerve cells in the VMH increased obviously: the levels of Tyr. DA, tryptamine and 5HT/5-HIAA increased and 5 HT level decreased in VMH tissue. It is suggested that the benign regulative action of acupuncture on VNH is possibly one of the crucial factors for acupuncture in reducing body weight. [9.08 / rat- eaa- ] 320- gera: 77621/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THE AMYGDALE OF OBESE RATS]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. acupuncture research. 2000,25(1),18 (chi*). ref:2 In this experiment the amount of food and water taken in, body weight, body fat, and monoamine content of amygdala in obesity model of male SD rats obtained by high fat diet were observed before and after acupuncture.The results showed that the contents of tyrosine (Tyr), dopamin(DA)and noradrenaline(NA) were lower in control group than those of normal, but the contents of serotonin(5-HT)and 5-HT/5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid(5-HIAA) were higher than those of

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normal. After acupuncture treatment, the weight loss was achieved while the level of Tyr and DA increased, the level of 5-HT and 5- HT/5-HIAA decreased in amygdala of obese rats. it suggests that a good regulative effect of acupuncture on amygdala of obese rat is an important link in the antibesity. [9.08 / 5ht- rat- da- na- eaa- ] 321- gera: 74015/di/ra EAR-PRESSING IN TREATING OBESITY : OBSERVATION OF 72 CASES. LONG WEN-JUN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2000,11(3),219 (eng). ref:2 Obesity is not a Sign of healthy constitution. With the progress of human society and the improvement of science and technology, we have changed our understanding towards health. Obesity not only affects the physique but also harms the constitution. For the past 2 years, we have treated 72 cases of obesity simply with auricular-plaster therapy and obtained good therapeutic effects. [9.08 / acupression- 05.10- ] 322- gera: 91447/di/ra [STUDY ON QUALITY STANDARDS OF QINGYAN OBESITY-ATTENUATION CAPSULE]. LU LING ET AL. journal of anhui traditional chinese medical college. 2000,19(5),41 (chi*). ref:2 [9.08 / - ] 323- gera: 72935/di/ra- num L'ELECTRO-ACUPUNCTURE (EA) REDUIT L'OBESITE EXPERIMENTALE CHEZ LE RAT ET ELEVE L'EXCITABILITE DU CENTRE HYPOTHALAMIQUE DE LA SATIETE. NGUYEN J. revue francaise de mtc. 2000,186-187,108 (fra). ref:2 Résumé et commentaire de l'article de: Zhao Mei et al. The time-effect of central action in acupuncture treatment for weight reduction; Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2000, 20(1), 26-9. Réf gera: [70648]. [9.08 / - ] 324- gera: 71067/di/ra [EFFECTS OF GUHANYANGSHENJING ON PLATELET FUNCTION OF RAT WITH HYPERLIPEMIA]. QIN YU-HUI ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology. 2000,7(2),102 (chi). ref:2 [9.08 / - ] 325- gera: 72839/di/ra PART I CLINICAL ACUPUNCTURE LERCTURE EIGHTEEN OBESITY. SHANG XIUKUI ET AL. word journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2000,10(2),60 (eng). ref:2 [9.08 / d$- ] 326- gera: 94264/di/re- num CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS OF CURATIVE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE OF POINT JIAJI ON SIMPLE OBESITY. SHEN JIE ET AL. tcm shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000,3(1),55 (eng). ref:2 [9.08 / ecr- htjj- ] 327- gera: 109886/di/cg EFFECTS OF BILATERAL AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON BODY WEIGHT IN HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS AND MILDLY OBESE PATIENTS.. SHIRAISHI T (JAPON).. iiieme symposium international d ' auriculotherapie et d' auriculomedicine. 2000,,31 (fra*). ref:2 We investigated the effects of auricular acupuncture stimulation on non-obese healthy volunteers and mildly obese patients. Subjects (55 and 5, respectively) averaged 34.5 years old, and BMI was 24.3 and 27.5 kg/m2, respectively. Small (0. 15 x 2.0 mm) auricular needles were placed intracutaneously into the bilateral cavum conchae identified by having a less than 100 kQ/ cm2 resistance. In two-week pretreatment the period, in which body weight was measured without auricular acupuncture stimulation, 57.1% of the subjects showed a reduction in body weight. This indicates that charting one's own body weight might itself be a useful method of weight control. In the auricular acupuncture treatment period, 35 healthy subjects out of 55 (63.6 %) showed a decreased, 11, 20, an increase, and 9 (16.4" no

change in body weight. The obese patients showed individual variation, but all achieved weight reduction, with a highly significantly correlation between body weight and fat volume. The CT/MRI cross-sectional pictures supported these findings. In conclusion, the results suggest that success in achieving weight reduction can be partly attributed to the act of charting of one ' s own weight pattern. Bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation can help reduce body weight both in mildly obese patients and in healthy non-obese subjects in accord with the idea that it may be useful in the treatment of the obesity. We propose a possible mechanism for the weight-reduction effects of bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation. [9.08 / - ] 328- gera: 90873/di/ra [THE RELATIONSHIP OF OBESITY WITH PLASMA LIPIDS AND FATTY LIVER AMONG HIGH INTELLECTUALS]. SONG WEN QI ET AL. journal of anhui traditional chinese medical college. 2000,19(4),58 (chi). ref:2 [9.08 / - ] 329- gera: 78254/di/ra- num COMMENT TRAITER LA BOULIMIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE? STEPHAN JM. meridiens. 2000,114,119-46 (fra*). ref:2 Résumé: Encore inconnue il y a 30 ans, la boulimie ne cesse d'étendre ses ravages. Elle touche environ 3 % des femmes jeunes et est 4 fois plus fréquente que 1'anorexie mentale. La boulimie consiste en un besoin impulsif et violent de manger qui peut être indépendant de toute faim véritable et que la satiété ne calme pas. Après l'absorption rapide et sans plaisir d'une quantité parfois énorme de nourriture, les boulimiques tentent de l'éliminer en vomissant, en prenant des diurétiques voire des laxatifs, le plus souvent en cachette, dans la honte et la culpabilité. En Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise, la boulimie trouve son origine dans la perturbation de la loge Terre, mais surtout dans l'atteinte des entités viscérales, en particulier celle du Cœur : Le Shen. Le traitement va donc consister à rééquilibrer le couple Rate- Pancréas, Estomac ainsi qu'à régulariser l'intrication des troubles des âmes viscérales : Shen, Zhi, Po, Yi et Hun. Une explication de la boulimique selon la nosologie chinoise permet de choisir les points suivants : E 36 (Zusanli), RP 6 (Sanyinjiao), E 40 (Fenglong, RP 3 (Taibai'), RP 2 (Dadu), VG 20 (Baibui), MC 6 (Neiguan), C 7 (Shenmen), E 45 (Lidui), P 1 (Zbongfu), V 42 (Pobu), VC 17 (Shanzbong), VC 14 (Jujue),V44 (Sbentang), F 13 (Zbangmen), V 49 (Yisbe), F 14 (Qimen), V 47 (Hunmen), VB 25 (Jingmen) et V 52 (Zbishi) utilisés tous ou en partie, en fonction de la détermination de l'organe atteint. [9.08 / - ] 330- gera: 88911/di/ra [ANALYSIS ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE COMBINED WITH OTOPOINT PELLET PRESSURE THERAPY FOR TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY]. SUN LANYUN. acupuncture research. 2000,25(4),302 (chi*). ref:21 Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture combined with otopoint pellet pressure therapy for treatment of simple obesity patients with different ages and various duration of disease. Methods: 118 simple obesity patients were divided into 4 groups according to, the age: 1) below 20 year old group, (n = 29), 2) 20 - 30 year old group (n = 32), 3) 31 - 40 year old group (n = 30), and 4) above 40 year old group (n = 27), and another 4 groups according to the duration of disease: a) below 1 year group (n = 21), b) 1 - 5 year group (n = 57), c) 6 - 10 year group (n = 30) and d) above 10 year group (n = 10). Indexes of body weight, body weight index and ratio of waistline and hipline were used to assess the therapeutic effect. Otopoints Ershenmen (MA-TF 1), Bianmi-point, Dachang (MA-SC 4), Xiaochang (MA-SC 2), Pi (NIA-IC), Wei (NIA-IC), Dan (EX-LE 6), etc were selected and stimulated by pressing the adhered vaccaria seeds and body acupoints used were Yinlingquan (SP 9), Sanyinjiao (SP 9), Zusanli (ST 36), Xuehai. (S.P, 10), Tianshu (ST 25),'etc. Results: After one course of treatment (30 days), the total effective rates of group 1 -4 were 93. 1%, 84.4%, 80. 0% and 63. 0% separately and those of group a-d 95.2%, 86.0%, 80. 0% and 20. 0% respectively. It suggests that the younger the age and the shorter the duration of disease, the better is the therapeutic effect. Thus, simple obesity should be treated earlier. [9.08 /

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05.10- acupression- ] 331- gera: 88913/di/ra [PROGRESSES IN THE STUDY ON MECHANISMS OF ACU-MOXI TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY]. WEI QUNLI ET AL. acupuncture research. 2000,25(4),309 (chi*). ref:21 Simple obesity is one of the common and frequently encountered diseases. A marked therapeutic effect has been obtained in treating it by using acupuncture and moxibustion therapies. According to modern researches, its possible mechanisms include: 1) acu-moxi can suppress patients' overeating appetite, correspondingly, the hyperactivity of the absorbing function of the stomach and intestines is also restrained, reducing the intake of energy; and 2) acu-moxi can facilitate energy metabolism, increase energy consumption and promote lipodieresis, resulting in successive reduction of weight at last. The therapeutic effect of acu-moxi in weight reduction is realised by way of adjustment of neurons endocrine activities. In this paper, the writers review the mechanisms of acu-moxi-treatment of simple obesity on the basis of clinical researches and animal experiments and put forward some viewpoints on the study of acu-moxi treatment [9.08 / rg- ] 332- gera: 88183/di/ra TREATMENT OF 150 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH BODY ACUPUNCTURE AND OTOPOINT PELLET-PRESSING THERAPY. WU JUNLI. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2000,10(4),39 (eng). ref:21 [9.08 / 05.10- acupression- ] 333- gera: 79196/di/ra LES EFFETS AMAIGRISSANTS DE L'ACUPUNCTURE. XIE SU FEN. acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise. 2000,2,76 (fra). ref:21 Traduction de la Revue de la Clinique d'Acupuncture-Moxibustion 1999; 10: 24. [9.08 / - ] 334- gera: 86293/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON HYPERLIPEMIA TREATED WITH LIPIHUATANJIANGZHIPIAN]. XIONG WEN-SHENG ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology. 2000,7(2),70 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 335- gera: 78267/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF OBESITY: A REPORT OF 40 CASES. YIN ZHI-FANG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2000,11(4),325-7 (eng). ref:21 At present, the incidence of simple obesity is steadily increasing in China. The treatment of modern medicine is not ideal and there are side effects with medication. In recent years, the author has treated 40 cases of simple obesity with acupuncture and electric stimulation and obtained good results. [9.08 / d$- ] 336- gera: 73483/di/ra [WEIGHT-REDUCING ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND APPROACH TO ITS MECHANISM IN RATS OF OBESITY]. ZHAN XIUQIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000,20(7),437 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / rat- eae- ] 337- gera: 70648/di/ra- num THE TIME- EFFECT RELATIONSHIP OF CENTRAL ACTION IN ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION. ZHAO MEI ET AL. journal of tcm. 2000,20(1),26-9 (eng). ref:21 Voir traduction italienne de réf gera: [94765]. Purpose: To study the time-effect relationship of action of acupuncture on the satiety center of ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus (VMH) in rats with experimental obesity. Methods: Microelectrode recording method of nerve cells and stereotaxic technique for brain were adopted with discharge frequency (Hz/s) of nerve impulse in VMH as the index, and the time-effect of acupuncture action in different periods between groups were observed. Results: Electric activity in acupuncture group was higher than that in the obesity model group

(P<0.001) and the normal group (P<0.01) respectively, and the curve of acupuncture action within 2 hours showed irregular fluctuation. Conclusion: Acupuncture can increase excitability of the satiety Center, with a better long-term [9.08 / 36e- 44e- ] 338- gera: 112451/di/ra ANTI OBSESICY EFFECT OF WULONG TEA INGESTION CHEN LING. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 2001,44(2a),217 (deu). ref:6 [9.08 / - ] 339- gera: 115442/di/ra ANTI OBSESICY EFFECT OF WULONG TEA INGESTION. CHEN LING. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 2001,44(2a),217 (deu). ref:6 The anti-obesity effect of Wulong tea was investigated in 102 Chinese women with simple obesity, who took 8g (2g+4 times/ per day) of Wu long tea every day for 6 weeks. Fifteen percent of the women lost more than 3kg in weight and 67 percent lost more than 1kg. Plasma levels of triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) had significantly decreased after ingestion of Wulong tea for 6 weeks. Improvements were also observed in circulatory, respiratory and digestive symptoms associated with simple obesity. This research proves that drinking Wulong tea can improve simple obesity without any side effects. [9.08 / - ] 340- gera: 109325/di/ra L'AURICULOTHERAPIE CHEZ LE PATIENT OBESE DR GIANCARLO 6. BAZZONI. les annales. 2001,,21 (fra). ref:6 [9.08 / - ] 341- gera: 104430/di/ra [EXPERIENCE ON TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE]. DUAN YANGQUAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001,42(7),403 (chi). ref:6 [9.08 / - ] 342- gera: 89859/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON LONG-TERM THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 268 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. FANG GUIMEI ET AL. journal of tcm. 2001,42(1),23 (chi). ref:6 [9.08 / - ] 343- gera: 107099/di/ra CLINICAL STUDY ON RHUBARB EXTRACT TABLET IN TREATING SIMPLE OBESITY. JIAO DONG-HAI, SHEN XUE-MIN GAO YA-PING ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine (english edition). 2001,7(1),33 (eng). ref:6 [9.08 / - ] 344- gera: 99629/di/re- num AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE DECREASES NEUROPEPTIDE Y EXPRESSION IN THE HYPOTHALAMUS OF FOOD- DEPRIVED SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS. KIM EH, KIM Y ET AL. neurosci lett. 2001,307(2),113-6 (eng). ref:6 The aim of the present study was to investigate whether stimulation of auricular acupuncture point has any effects on the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY), appetite-inducing factor particularly abundant in the mammalian hypothalamus. In food-deprived condition, enhanced NPY expression was detected in both the arcuate nucleus (ARN) and the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus via immunohistochemistry in Sprague-Dawley rats. Needling the unfed rats on the auricular point resulted in decreased NPY levels in both the ARN and PVN, while it increased NPY levels in the ARN and PVN of fed rats. The present findings indicate that auricular acupuncture may affect NPY expression in the ARN and PVN of the hypothalamus. [9.08 / 05.10- eaa- rat- ] 345- gera: 104873/di/ra [67 PATIENTS WITH SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH SYNTHETEC THERAPY]. LI DAOPING ET AL . journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001,17(9),11 (chi).

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ref:20 [9.08 / - ] 346- gera: 111823/di/ra STUDY ON ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE ON VENTROMEDIAL NUCLEUS OF HYPOTHALAMUS IN OBESE RATS LIU ZHICHENG SUN FENGMIN, SU JING ET AL .. journal of tcm. 2001,21(3),220 (eng*). ref:20 [9.08 / - ] 347- gera: 94931/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON THE REDUCTIVE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON BODY WEIGHT]. LOU YU-FANG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001,20(2),12 (chi*). ref:20 Purpose: To observe the reductive effect of acupuncture on body weight and improve the curative effect on obesity. Method: One hundred and twenty-one cases of simple obesity were divided into 6 groups. Weight and waistline were taken as indices for the observation of the reductive effects of acupuncture, diet and exercise on body weight. Result: and Conclusion: Acupuncture markedly improved the curative effect on obesity and 97% did not relapse. [9.08 / ctanr- ] 348- gera: 99519/di/ra EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON BLOOD-LIPID CONTENT AND ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION OF OBESE PATIENTS. QU HUIQING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2001,12(3),291-94 (eng). ref:20 52 patients were treated for obesity. Their plasma cortisol and aldosterone levels decreased, and serum triglyceride and serum total cholesterol increased. There was a significant difference in comparison with the levels in a normal person (P<0.05 or 0.01). The above manifestation showed a decrease in adrenocortical function and metabolic disturbance of lipid. After acupuncture, the indices improved significantly and weight decreased. [9.08 / 09.05- ctanr- d$- 09.07- ] 349- gera: 99295/di/ra [STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF RHUBARB TAN TO WEIGHT LOSS OF EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL *]. SUN XIA ET AL. journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine. 2001,25(4),47 (chi*). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 350- gera: 100399/di/ra [STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF RHUBARB TAN TO WEIGHT LOSS OF EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL *]. SUN XIA ET AL. journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine. 2001,25(4),47 (chi*). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 351- gera: 104621/di/ra- num [THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 60 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED WITH ACUPOINT CATGUT EMBEDDING THERAPY.]. WANG GUOMING, LI LIXIA SONG YONGQIANG, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001,21(7),395 (chi*). ref:3 [9.08 / ecr- ] 352- gera: 96763/di/ra [REPORT ON 39 PATIENTS LOOSING WEIGHT WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. WANG SHAOYNG ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001,17(7),19 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 353- gera: 104383/di/ra COMPARISON OF THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE, BODY ACUPUNCTURE AND COMBINATION OF AURICULAR PLUS BODY ACUPUNCTURE FOR TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY. WEI QUNLI, ET AL.. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2001,11(3),28 (eng*). ref:3 [9.08 / ecr- ] 354- gera: 94092/di/ra [TREATING 32 CASES OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. XIE WENXIA. zhejiang journal of tcm.

2001,36(3),12 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 355- gera: 97333/di/ra [TREATING 32 CASES OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. XIE WENXIA. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001,36(3),122 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 356- gera: 97264/di/ra [ON REGULATION OF HUMAN APPETITE BASED ON THEORY OF YIN AND YANG]. ZHANG ZHONG-CHENG, HONG CHENG-YUN, LIU ZHI-CHENG. journal of nanjing university of traditional chinese medicine(natural science). 2001,17(5),272 (chi*). ref:3 Through an analysis of die human appetite regulation network, the authors present their views on the regulation of the human appetite. The regulation of the human appetite reflects the checking, coordinating and interacting relationship between yin and yang, and the disturbance in the appetite reflects imbalance between yin and yang. The theory of yin and yang is of important theoretical and practical significance in guiding the research of the regulation of human appetite. [9.08 / - ] 357- gera: 94765/di/ra LA RELAZIONE TEMPO-EFFETTO DELL'AZIONE CENTRALE NEL TRATTAMENTO CON AGOPUNTURA PER LA RIDUZIONE DEL PESO. ZHAO MEI ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2001,83(1),45-7 (ita*). ref:3 Traduction italienne de réf gera: [70648]. Purpose : to study the time-effect relationship of action of acupuncture on the satriety center of ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus (VMH) in rats with experimental obesity. Methods : microelectrode recording method of nerve cells and stereotaxic technique for brain were adopted with discharge frequency (Hz/s) of nerve impluse in VMH as the index, and time-effect of acupuncture action in different periods between groups were observed. Result : electric activity in acupuncture group was higher than that in the obesity model group (P<0.001) and the normal group (P<0.01) respectively, and the curve of acupuncture action within 2 hours showed irregular fluctuation. Conclusion : acupuncture can increase excitability of the satiety center, with a better long-term [9.08 / rat- eaa- ] 358- gera: 95308/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON FEEDING CENTER OF HYPOTHALAMUS IN EXPERIMENTAL FAT RATS]. ZHAO MEI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001,21(5),305 (chi*). ref:3 Purpose To study effect of acupuncture on the feeding center of hypothalamus in fat rats. Methods Experimental fat medol rats were stablished in SD rats by means of feeding high-fat forage. Nficro-electrode record technique of nerve cells and stereotaxic technique were used for recording . electric activities in unit time in the hunger center of lateral area of hypothalamus (LHA) and the satiety center of ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus (VMH) . Results Acupuncture can significantly reduce excitation of LHA (P< 0. 01), increase frequency of electric activity in VMH (P<O. 01), inhibit hyperorexia and reduce caloric intake, so as to reduce fatty. Conclusion The regulative action of acupuncture on the central nuclei is one of main mechanisms of acupuncture reducing fatty. [9.08 / eaa- rat- ] 359- gera: 109302/di/cg A 3-YEAR EXPERIENCE IN TREATING OVERWEIGHTED PATIENTS ALSO SUFFERING FROM OTHER AILMENTS BY TCM DIET PRESCRIPTION COMBINED WITH AURICULOTHERAPY A. DE MARTINO. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002,,299 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 360- gera: 109300/di/cg DIET THERAPY ACCORDING TO TCM VS. CONVENTIONAL HYPOCALORIC DIET: A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL STUDY FOR OVERWEIGHT TREATMENT C. PANICO ET AL. wfas international symposium on

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acupuncture. 2002,,297 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 361- gera: 101887/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF A MENSTRUAL CYCLE WEIGHT-REDUCTION METHOD ON FEMALE OBESITY]. CHAI ZHENG-JIANG . shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,21(2),5 (chi*). ref:3 Purpose : To observe the effects of different times' acupuncture on blood pressure and hemodynamics in essential hypertension patients. Method : Fifty-four essential hypertension patients were treated with electroacupuncture in three different times (Chen, Wei and You periods) selected according to a day-night change in bodily blood pressure to observe the effects of different times' acupuncture on blood pressure and hemodynamics in them. Results and Conclusion : The effect of You period's acupuncture on blood pressure and hemodynamics is superior to those of Chen and Wei periods (P<0.05). Chen and Wei periods' acupuncture also has an effect on blood pressure and hemodynamics, but there is no significant difference (P>O. 05). [9.08 / ecr?- ] 362- gera: 103432/di/ra [STUDY ON CORRELATION BETWEEN OBESITY AND SYNDROME OF BLOOD STASIS]. CHEN GUI-HAI . journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,26(2),129 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 363- gera: 109304/di/cg OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF 25 CASES OF HYPERTENSION WITH STARGUO PROTOCOL FOR OBESITY. G. DE PAOLIS. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002,,301 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 364- gera: 110736/di/ra [EFFECT OF "JUANDU TABLETS" ON BODY WEIGHT AND ORGAN COEFFICIENT IN MODEL RATS]. GENG DONG - SHENG, ZHANG WEN - BIN, ZHAO RU - HAI. xinjiang journal of tcm. 2002,20(6),8 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 365- gera: 113314/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 100 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED WITH ACUPOINT CATGUT EMBEDDING]. HSU TZUMIAO. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,22(2),95 (chi*). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 366- gera: 116305/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 100 CASES OF OBESITY TREATED WITH ACUPOINT CATGUT EMBEDDING]. HSU TZUMIAO. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,22(2),95 (chi*). ref:3 Purpose : To observe the therapeutic effect of acupoint catgut embedding therapy for obesity, Methods : Acupoints were selected based on differentiation of symptoms and signs, and 100 cases of obesity were treated with acupoint catgut embedding therapyo 5 - 6 acupoints were applied one time, cutgut embedding was given every other week, 7 treatments constituted of one course. Results : The body weight lost 5-12 kg in 58 cases, accounting for 58 % , 4-7 kg in 37 cases, accounting for 37 % , and 5 cases was ineffective. The total effective rate was 95% . Conclusion : This therapy has a satisfactory therapeutic effect on obesity. [9.08 / - ] 367- gera: 107965/di/ra [MINUTES OF 4TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF MIDDLE AND YOUTH ON INTEGRATIVE TRADITIONAL CHINESE AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. HUANG QI, NI HAI-XIANG, SHAO GUO-MIN, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2002,22(10),780 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 368- gera: 109211/di/cg THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE

COMBINED WITH DIETOTHERAPY: PRELIMINARY RESULTS I. SARRACCO ET AL. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002,,148 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 369- gera: 109603/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 30 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH ELECTRICAL ACUPUNCTURE AND AURICULAR PRESSURE THERAPY]. JIN TAO. jiangsu journal of tcm. 2002,23(11),45 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 370- gera: 109303/di/cg TREATMENT OF BODY-OVERWEIGHT ACCORDING TO THE DIFFERENTIATION OF SYNDROMES IN ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION L. GUARDIA. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002,,301 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 371- gera: 109305/di/cg QIGONG EXERCISES FOR HUNGER CONTROL IN SLIMMING TREATMENT L. TASSI ET AL. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002,,303 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 372- gera: 103278/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF HEZE ORAL LIQUID (RQT;T 0 BR;A) IN TREATING CHILDREN SIMPLE OBESITY]. LE QIN, WANG DA-XIAN, XIA XIN-HONG, ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2002,22(5),384 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 373- gera: 106270/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF PROMOTING BLOOD CIRCULATION AND REMOVING BLOOD STASIS ON EXPERIMENTAL RAT WITH HYPERLIPIMIA AND A - LP]. LI JI ET AL. information on traditional chinese medicine. 2002,19(2),63 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / acls- rat- ] 374- gera: 116304/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU WENJUN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,22(2),93 (chi*). ref:3 Methods : Fifty cases of simple obesity were treated with acupuncture manipulation and electroacupuncture combined with auricular acupoint taping and pressing therapy, and moving cupping on the abdomen. Results : Before treatment, body weight (BW) and contents of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG) and low density lipid protein (LDL-C) were higher than the normal values, and after treatment BW and contents of TC, TG, LDL-C decreased in varying degrees, and after ceasing of the treatment the indexes decreased in varying degrees at follow-up. Conclusion : This therapy has an obvious transient effect and a more stable long-term therapeutic effect. [9.08 / ecr?- ] 375- gera: 113313/di/ra- num [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU yunzhu. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,22(2),93 (chi*). ref:3 [9.08 / ctanr- ] 376- gera: 108978/di/ra STUDIO SULL'AZIONE DELL'AGOPUNTURA SUI NUCLEO VENTROMEDIALE DELL' IPOTALAMO DI RATTI OBESI. LIU ZHICHENG ED ALTRI. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2002,89,66 (ita*). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 377- gera: 107930/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THE PERIPHERAL 5-HT METABOLISM IN PATIENTS WITH SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU ZHI-CHENG, ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and

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moxibustion. 2002,9(2),1 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / 5ht- ] 378- gera: 109298/di/cg A 5-YEAR EXPERIENCE WITH THE TREATMENT OF BODY-OVERWEIGHT BY THE NUTRITIONAL STARGUO MENU VS. COMPUTERIZED HYPOCALORIC TREATMENT M.E. BONORA. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002,,296 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 379- gera: 103350/di/ra [AN EXPLORATION INTO ZHU DANXI'S THEORY OF APPETENCE PATHOLOGY]. MA YUFANG . jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,23(4),4 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 380- gera: 108962/di/ra INQUADRAMENTO NOSOLOGICO E TRATTAMENTO DELL'OBESITA SECONDO LA MEDICINA TRADIZIONALE CINESE. P. QUAIA. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2002,89,11 (ita*). ref:3 Latest western classifications of psychic troubles are atheoretical and consequently join symptoms and signs in clinical patterns without inside coherence. In this study, the author, in the light of chinese medical theory, provides a meaning and an unity to symptoms that seem independent, leading them to physioenergetic theory of organs, viscera and channels. Attention was drawn mainly, but not only, to anxiety and depression tyroubles which are commonly observed in clinical practice. In particular, a correlation between anxiety syndromes (acute, chronic and phobic-obsessive anxiety), depression syndromes (unipolar , bipolar, mania) and physioenergetic patterns of chinese medicine (liver-qi stasis, liver- and heart-fire, phlegma and so on) is supposed. In the conclusive part, a unitary pathogenetic interpretation of different clinical patterns is proposed. This clinical patterns are distinguished from western medicine, but their superimpositions and possible mutual changes are well known. [9.08 / - ] 381- gera: 101368/di/ra [DISCUSSION ON OBESITY WOMEN'S STERILITY' S DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT RULE FORM THE ANGLE OF CONSTITUTION]. SONG YONG-MEI . chinese journal of basic medicine in traditional chinese medicine. 2002,8(2),52 (chi*). ref:3 After discussion of characters of obersity people's constitution, the author puts forward that phlegm constitution is the main characters of obersity women. This is the pathogenesis background of obersity women's sterilliti' s occuring and development. We shoud thought about constitution factor in diagnosis and treatment obersity women's sterillity. [9.08 / - ] 382- gera: 109223/di/cg THE ROLE OF ELECTRO-ACU PUNCTURE STIMULATION IN TREATMENT OF OBESITY T HARDJATNO HARTONO. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002,,166 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 383- gera: 106003/di/ra OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR 60 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY. WANG HONGYU. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,22(3),187 (eng). ref:3 [9.08 / ecr- ] 384- gera: 105434/di/ra [CURATIVE EFFECT OBSERVATION OF OBESITY TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. WANG ZHIJUN XUE XINGYING. journal of external therapy of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,11(4),28 (chi). ref:3 [9.08 / ecr?- ] 385- gera: 102011/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON MONOAMINE NEUROTRANSMITTER, IN RAPHE NUCLEI IN THE RAT OF

OBESITY]. WEI QUNLI . chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,22(5),331 (chi*). ref:3 Purpose : Effect of acupuncture on monoamine neurotransmitters in raphe nuclei in the obesitic model rat which was established by feeding high caloric forage in the weaned SID male rat. Results : The levels of tryptophan (Tryp) and 5- hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) increased, and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) level and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio decreased in the raphe nuclei of the obesity group as compared with the normal group; and acupuncture could produce weight reduction, at the same time, it could increase 5-HT level and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio and decrease contents of Tryp and 5- HIAA, but did not change levels of dopamine and noradrenaline. Conclusion : Benign regulative action of acupuncture on 5-HT and its metabolites in the raphe nuclei is possibly one of factors of acupuncture for weight reduction. [9.08 / - ] 386- gera: 101093/di/ra- num [COMPARISON BETWEEN AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE, BODY ACUPUNCTURE AND COMBINATION OF AURICULAR AND BODY ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATING SIMPLE OBESITY]. WEI QUN-LI ET AL. journal of nanjing university tcm. 2002,18(1),45 (chi*). ref:3 [9.08 / ecr- ] 387- gera: 107653/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF ANTIOBESITY DECOCTION OF RHIZOMA ATRACTYLODIS HERBAL MEDICINE ENHANCING FAT METABOLIZATION]. WEI XUBIN ET AL. china journal of tcm and pharmacy. 2002,17(8),466 (chi*). ref:3 [9.08 / - ] 388- gera: 102952/di/ra [COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT FOR OBESIS]. WU SHUZHEN, SU TONGSHENG. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,23(6),541 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 389- gera: 104944/di/ra [THE CLINICAL STUDY OF MANIPULATIVE THERAPY ON SIMPLE OBESITY: A REPORT OF 106 CASES]. XIE YUAN - JUN ET AL. . chinese manipulation and qi gong therapy. 2002,18(4),5 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 390- gera: 101795/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN TREATING 45 OBESITY CASES WITH DIABETES II]. XU FANGMING ET AL. tianjin journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,1(19),55 (chi*). ref:* Objective : To observe the curative effect of acupuncture - moxibustion on the patients with obesity with non insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus. Method : 45 cases had been divided into seven types according to the theory of TCM All of them were treated with body and auricular acupuncture; some of them combined with moxibustion. F%, A%, BMI, FBG, FINS, IAI, TC, TG, HDL - C, LDL - C were compared after treatment with those before treatment. Results : The results showed that after three courses of treatment, the concentrations of FBG, FINS, TC, TG, LDL - C obviously decreased while that of HDL - C increased, insulin resistance were distinctly improved. 23 of 45 were cured, 11 of 45 were improved, 11 of 45 had no obvious change after ter treatment, and the total effective effective effective rate was 75. 6 % . Conclusion : Acupuncture - moxibustion had a good curative effect on obesity with non - insulin - dependent diabetes [9.08 / - ] 391- gera: 110217/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF EFFECT OF EAR ACUPUNCTURE AND CHINESE MEDICAL HERBS ON CGRP, ET, TXB2 /6 - KETO - PGF1A OF DIABETIC RATS]. XU QINGZHONG ET AL. china journal of tcm and pharmacy. 2002,17(9),534 (chi*). ref:* Purpose : To investigate the effect of ear acupuncture and Chinese medical herbs on Calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) Endothelin (ET) Thromboxand B2 (TXB2) and 6 - Keto - PGF1a in diabetic rats. Methods : After ear acupuncture

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and Chinese medical herbs were given to streptozotocin - induced diabetic rats for 14 weeks, radioimmunoassy was used to measure the plasma CGRP, ET, TXB2 and 6 - Keto - PGF1a Results : CGRP, ET and TXB2 levels were significantly increased and 6 - Keto - PGF1a lowered slightly in diabetic rats compared with control group. Treatment of ear acupuncture and Chinese medical herbs could obviously reduce levels of plasma CGRP, Er, TXB2. Conclusion : Above results indicate that one possible preventive and therapeutic mechanism of ear acupuncture and Chinese medical herbs in the diabetic microangiopathy was to up - modulate the level of CGRP and ET, TXB2 and 6 - Keto - PGF1a and adjusting the ratio of the former. [9.08 / - ] 392- gera: 101916/di/ra- num [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH WARM NEEDLING PLUS MEDICINAL MOXIBUSTION AND ELECTROACUPUNCTURE]. YANG JINSHAN . chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,22(4),237 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / ecr- ] 393- gera: 106309/di/ra INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE ON INSULIN RESISTANCE IN OBESITY PATIENTS. YI WEI, ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2002,12(2),17 (eng*). ref:* Aims- To investigate the influence of acupuncture on insulin resistance in obesity patients. Methods: In treatment group, 20 obesity patients were treated with acupuncture of Neiguan (PC 6), Zusanli (ST 36), Daimai (GB 26), Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Zhongwan (CV 12), etc. . In control group, 12 normal volunteer subjects were observed. The obesity index, fasting blood sugar (FPG), plasma insulin (FINS) and C-peptide contents, and insulin sensitive index (ISI) were measured before and after acupuncture treatment. Results: Before treatment in comparison with control group, FPG, FINS and C-peptide of obesity patients were significant higher (P < 0. 01 ), while ISI was considerably lower (P< 0. 01); after acupuncture treatment, the levels of plasma insulin and C peptide decreased obviously, ISI increased markedly (P < 0. 0 1 ), and the obesity index was considerably improved with a total effective rate of 85 %. Conclusion: Acupuncture can alleviate obesity and improve insulin resistance. [9.08 / - ] 394- gera: 102122/di/ra [EFFECT OF DIET CONTAINING CHITOSAN AND HERB EXTRACTION ON THE WEIGHTS AND BLOOD LIPIDS LEVEL OF RATS IN ANAPLASIS]. ZHANG CHUN-JIE, LUO PING, FENG CHI,ET AL. chinese journal of basic medicine in traditional chinese medicine. 2002,8(4),41 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 395- gera: 119979/di/ra [RESEARCH OF ANTI-OBESITY DRUGS]. CHEN HAO-HONG, WEI YAN-MEI. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine . 2003,12(9),897 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 396- gera: 125231/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT ON SIMPLY OBESITY AND MECHANISM RESEARCH ]. CHEN JIA-HONG, QIN XIU-DI. liaoning journal of tcm. 2003,30(12),1032 (chi*). ref:* Simply obesity is one of the common and frequent diseases in society. Recently the treatment on simply obesity has greatly made progress not only in the clinical aspect but also in the experimental mechanism research aspect. But the mechanism research of weight reduction is mostly limited to nucleus of hypothalamus. More scientific and specialized clinical research reports will be expected. [9.08 / - ] 397- gera: 121123/di/ra [EFFECTS OF RHUBARB COMPOUND ON ADIPOCYTE LEPTIN AND C/EBP A EXPRESSION IN OBESE RATS]. CHEN YU,QU XIAO-YI , JIN HUI-MING ET AL. chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm. 2003,9(4),27 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ]

398- gera: 121695/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF 50 CASES OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUG-INDUCED OBESITY BY LINGGUI ZHUGAN DECOCTION]. DING GUO'AN, YU GUOHAN, ZHANG JIAODONG, ET AL .. journal of tcm. 2003,44(6),441 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 399- gera: 125419/di/ra [AN EXPLORATION ON LEPTIN RESISTANCE AND KEEPING FIT THROUGH STOMACH MERIDIAN]. FU JIE - YING, WU YAN - HUA. new journal of tcm. 2003,35(12),6 (chi*). ref:* Based on the analysis of leptin study, it is considered that leptin resistance (LR) and insulin resistance (IR) in obese subjects are mutually affected and cause - result related, so that improving LR and IR for the treatment of obesity and its complications is significant. Stomach meridian is responsible for inhibition of appetite, promotion of calorie production, inhibition of fat synthesis, biphasic modulation of body weight, improvement of IR and IR and local reduction of fat, and is closely related with leptin. Hence, the selection of sensitive meridians and acupoints for improving the IR and IR in accordane with syndrome differentiation may obtain a good effect for keeping fit. [9.08 / - ] 400- gera: 113287/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF NOURISHING QI THERAPY ON ISI AND TNF-A IN FAT TISSUES OF DIET-INDUCED OBES RATS]. HE LI, ET AL. chinese journal of information on tcm. 2003,10(2),32 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 401- gera: 116278/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF NOURISHING QI THERAPY ON ISI AND TNF-A IN FAT TISSUES OF DIET-INDUCED OBESE RATS]. HE LI, ET AL. chinese journal of information on tcm. 2003,10(2),32 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 402- gera: 120853/di/ra [OBSERVATION ABOUT THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF TUINA ON TREATMENT OF OBESITY - A REPORT OF 30 CASES.]. JIA XIAO - GE. chinese manipulation and qi gong therapy. 2003,19(3),19 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 403- gera: 111700/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATON OF TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE .]. JIANG MEI - XIANG ET AL.. chinese manipulation and qi gong therapy. 2003,19(1),17 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 404- gera: 114691/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE. ]. JIANG MEI-XIANG ET AL.. chinese manipulation and qi gong therapy. 2003,19(1),17 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 405- gera: 119309/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF 100 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED BY ELECTROACUPUNCTURE .]. KUANG QIUHE. journal of external therapy of tcm. 2003,12(4),24 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 406- gera: 116899/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND OBESITY. KURUVILLA A. medical acupuncture. 2003,14(2),32 (eng*). ref:* Background : The prevalence of obesity is increasingin the United States. Treatment options for obesityinclude a reduced-calorie diet, increased activity, behavior modification, pharmacotherapy, and surgery. In addition to these treatment options, acupuncture may be an effective adjunct therapy. Objective : To describe the efficacyof acupuncture in the management of obesitywhen administered in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity.Design

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Prospective, randomized controlled trial from February-April 2001. Patients and Setting Twentyobese female health care workers (22-42 years) were recruited in Phoenix, Arizona for the 8-week study; 10 of these women were randomized to receive ear acupuncture at the relevant points. All participants had a baseline body mass index higher than 27. Intervention Acupuncture treatment weekly for 8 weeks (15 minutes per session) with needling of the Shen Men, mouth, stomach, small intestine, and endocrine points. Patients also consumed a 2000-calorie/d diet and increased physical activity. Main Outcome Measures Change in weight from baseline to trial completion. in addition, change in appetite and compliance were documented. Results : Mean weight loss for patients in the acupuncture group was 9 lbs, while controls demonstrated a mean weight loss of 4 1bs. Compliant acupuncture participants had a mean weight loss of 10.3 1bs; compliant controls had a mean weight loss of 3 lbs. ANOVA (analysis of variance) repeated measures yielded a significant change in weight loss from baseline to trial completion (P=.003). There was also a 2-way interaction between weight loss and group (P=.03). Conclusion : These findings indicate that ear acupuncture at designated points, in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity, can be effective in treating obesity. [9.08 / ecr- ] 407- gera: 118636/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ON SERUM LEPTIN IN PATIENT WITH SIMPLE OBESITY]. LEI H, DAI W. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,22(8),5 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 408- gera: 120931/di/ra WEIGHT-REDUCING BY ELECTRACUPUNCTURE IN 28 CASES LIU FU-ZHEN. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2003,1(3),45 (eng). ref:* Thirty-one cases of infant respiratory tract infection were treated by no-pain health-care Tuina plus medicated bath. Since the therapeutic effects were satisfactory, so parents and infants are willing to accept. [9.08 / - ] 409- gera: 123152/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON CONTENTS OF LEPTIN, INSULIN AND NEUROPEPTIDE YIN OBESE RATS ]. LIU ZHI - SHENG, SUN FENG -MIN, SUN ZHI, ET AL. acta chinese medicine and pharmacology. 2003,31(5),42 (chi*). ref:* OBJECTIVE: IT IS TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THE CONTENTS AND BLOOD - BRAIN TRANSPORT OF LEPTIN, INSULIN (INS) AND NEUROPEPTIDE Y ( NPY) IN OBESE ORGANISM. METHODS: THE CHANGES OF BODY WEIGHT, LEE' S INDEX, FAT, LEVELS OF CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL LEPTIN, INS AND NPY IN OBESE RATS WERE OBSERVED BEFORE AND AFTER ACUPUNCTURE. RESULTS: THE BODY WEIGHT,LEE' S INDEX, BODY FAT, THE CONTENTS OF BLOOD LEPTIN, INS AND NPY AS WELL AS HYPOTHALAMIC NPY IN THE OBESE RATS WERE ALL MARKEDLY HIGHER THAN THOSE IN THE NORMAL RATS, BUT THE CONTENTS OF HYPOTHALAMIC LEPTIN AND INS IN OBESE RATS WERE AIL LOWER THAN OF NORMAL RATS. AFTER ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT THE MARKED WEIGHT LOSE EFFECT WAS ACHIEVED WHILE THE CONTENTS OF BLOOD LEPTIN, INS AND NPY AS WELL AS HYPOTHALAMIC NPY OBVIOUSLY DECREASED, THE CONTENTS OF HYPOTHALAMIC LEPTIN AND INS OBVIOUSLY INCREASED IN OBESE RATS. CONCLUSION: THE ABNORMAL TRANSPORT OF BLOOD - BRAIN OF LEPTIN, INS AND NPY BE AN IMPORTANT REASON FOR THE OBESITY. THE GOOD REGULATION OF ACUPUNCTURE ON LEVELS OF CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL LEPTIN, INS AND NPY POSSIBLY WERE ONE OF MECHANISM IN THE ANTIOBESITY ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE. [9.08 / rat- eaa- ] 410- gera: 111556/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON CONTENTS OF NITRIC OXIDE AND NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE IN THE HIPPOCARNPUS OF THE OBESITIC RAT .]. LIU

ZHICHENG , SUN FENGMIN, DIU MÙWHUA, ET AL.. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,23(1),52 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 411- gera: 114814/di/ra STUDY ON ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE ON VENTROMEDIAL NUCLEUS OF HYPOTHALAMUS IN OBESE RATS. LIU ZHICHENG SUN FENGMIN, SU JING ET AL.. journal of tcm. 2003,21(3),220 (eng*). ref:* Effects of acupuncture on the spontaneous discharge of nerve cells and levels of monoamine neurotransmitters in ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus (VMH) of the obese rats were investigated. Results indicated that the levels of tyrosine (Tyr) and dopamine (DA) were lowered, the levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and 5-hydoxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) increased, and the frequency of the spontaneous discharge of nerve cells in VMH lowered in the obese rat group as compared with the normal group. When acupuncture obtained the effect of weight reduction, the frequency of spontaneous discharges of nerve cells in VMH were markedly increased, and the levels of Tyr, DA and tryptamine (Typ) and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio elevated, and the 5-HT level lowered. It is suggested that the virtuous regulative action of acupuncture on VMH might be one of the key factors in acupuncture for weight reduction. [9.08 / - ] 412- gera: 111448/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE ON LEPTIN AND INSULIN - RESITANCE IN SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU ZHICHENG, ET AL. chinese archives of tcm. 2003,21(1),40 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 413- gera: 114439/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE ON LEPTIN AND INSULIN-RESISTANCE IN SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU ZHICHENG, ET AL. chinese archives of tcm. 2003,21(1),40 (chi). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 414- gera: 118637/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT ON SIMPLE OBESITY COMPLICATED WITH DYSMENORRHEA]. LIU ZHICHENG, HONG CHENGYUN, SUN ZHI, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,23(9),521 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 415- gera: 114547/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON CONTENTS OF NITRIC OXIDE AND NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE IN THE HIPPOCAMPUS OF THE OBESITIC RAT. ]. LIU ZHICHENG, SUN FENGMIN, DIU MÙWHUA, ET AL.. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,23(1),52 (chi*). ref:* Objective : To study effect of acupuncture on the content of nitric oxide (NO) and the activity of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the hippocampus of the obese rat. Methods : The changes of body weight, body fat, and content of NO and activity of NOS in the hippocampus before and after acupuncture were observed. Results : The body weight, body fat, and the content of NO and the activity of NOS in the hippocampus all were significantly higher than those in the normal rat; there were high positive correlation of the levels of NO and activities of NOS in the hippocampus with the body weight, Lee's index; after acupuncture treatment, the marked weight reduction effect was achieved, and the level of NO and the activity of NOS in the hippocampus decreased significantly. Conclusion : Abnormal levels of NO and activities of NOS in the hippocampus may be an important factor for obesity; the benign regulation of acupuncture on the level of NO and the activity of NOS in the hippocampus is possibly one of the central nervous mechanisms of reducing body [9.08 / - ] 416- gera: 113397/di/ra [EFFECT OF 'ACUPUNCTURE ON CONTENTS OF LEPTIN AND INSULIN IN OBESE RATS]. LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, SUN ZHI, ET AL. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2003,12(3),460

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(chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 417- gera: 116388/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON CONTENTS OF LEPTIN AND INSULIN IN OBESE RATS]. LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, SUN ZHI, ET AL. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2003,12(3),460 (chi*). ref:* Objective : It is to explore the effect of acupuncture on the contents and blood-brain transport of leptin and insulin is obese organism. Methods : The changes of body weight, body fat, the levels leptin and insulin of central and peripheral in obese rats were observed before and after acupuncture. Results : The body weight, body fat, the levels of serum leptin and insulin in the obese rats were all markedly higher than those in the normal rats, but the levels of hypothalamic leptin and insulin in obese rats were all lower than those of normal rats. After acupuncture treatment the marked weight losing effect was achieved while the levels of serum leptin and insulin obviously decreased, the levels of hypothalamic leptin and insulin obviously increased in obese rats. Conclusion : The abnormal transport of blood-brain barrier of leptin and insulin may be an important factor for the resistance of leptin and insulin in obese rats. The good regulation of acupuncture on levels of hypothalamic and serum leptin and insulin possibly is an important link in improving the resistance of leptin and insulin as well as regulation abnormal metabolism in obese organism. The effective regulation is possibly the key factors in the anti-obesity of acupuncture. [9.08 / rat- eaa- ] 418- gera: 125408/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON CONTENTS OF LEPTIN,INSULIN AND NEUROPEPTIDE Y IN OBESE RATS]. LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, SUN ZHI, ET AL.. chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm. 2003,9(10),39 (chi*). ref:* Objective: it is to explore the effect of acupuncture on the contents and blood-brain transport of leptin, insulin (LNG) and neuropeptide Y (NS) in obese organism. Methods: The changes of body weight, lee's index, body fat,levels of central and peripheral leptin, LNS and NS in obese rats were observed before and after acupuncture. Results : The body weight, lee's index, body fat, the contents of blood leptin, INS and NS as well as hypothalamic in the obese rats were all markedly higher than those in the normal rats but the contents of hypothalamic Leptin d INS NGin obese rats were all lower than of normal rats. After acupuncture treatment the marked weight lose effect was achieved while the contents of blood leptin. LNG and NS as well as hypothalamic NS obviously decreased, the contents of hypothalamic leptin and INS obviously increased in obese rats. Conclusion : The abnormal transport of blood-brain barrier of leptin, INS and NS nay be an important reason for the obesity. The good regulation of acupuncture on levels of central [9.08 / rat- eaa- ] 419- gera: 118638/di/ra EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON UNCOUPLING PROTEIN I GENE EXPRESSION FOR BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE OF OBESE RATS LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, ZHAO DONG-HONG, ET A. chinese journal of integrative medicine. 2003,9(3),204 (eng*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 420- gera: 122206/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON LEVELS OF LEPTIN AND EXPRESSION OF LEPTIN RECEPTOR GENE IN OBSES RATS]. LIU ZHICHENG, SUN FENGMIN, ZHAO DONGHONG, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,23(7),412 (chi*). ref:* Objective : To explore cellular and molecular mechanisms of acupuncture for anti-obesity. Methods : Expression of leptin receptor (OB-R) gene was determined with RT-PCR technique, and contents of serum and hypothalamic leptin and insulin (INS) were measured with radioimmunoassay. The changes of body weight, Lee's index, body fat, contents of serum and hypothalamic leptin and INS as well as expression of hypothalamic OB-R gene in the obese rats were observed before and after acupuncture. Results : The body weight, Lee's

index, body fat and levels of serum leptin and INS in the obese rats were all markedly higher than those in the normal rats, but the levels of hypothalamic leptin and INS and the expression of hypothalamic OB-R gene in the obese rats were all lower than those in the normal rats. After acupuncture treatment, the marked weight lose effect was achieved and the levels of serum leptin and INS were obviously decreased, the levels of hypothalamic leptin and INS as well as the expression of hypothalamic OB-R gene significantly increased in the obese rats. Conclusion : The benign regulative actions of acupuncture on the levels of central and peripheral leptin and INS as well as the promotion of the expression of hypothalamic OB-R gene are possibly important cellular and molecular mechanisms in the anti-obesity of acupuncture. [9.08 / - ] 421- gera: 124099/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON LEVELS OF NEUROPEPTIDE Y IN THE BLOOD AND HYPOTHALAMUS AND ITS GENE EXPRESSION IN OBESE RATS]. LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, ZHAO DONG-HONG, ET AL. acupuncture research. 2003,28(3),192 (chi*). ref:* Objective:To explore into the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of acupuncture in anti-obesity. Methods: Thirty-six SD rats were evenly randomized into control, model and electroacupuncture (EA) groups. Obesity model was established by feeding the rats with high fat diet forage. "Zusanli" (ST 36) and "Neiting" (SI 34) were punctured and then stimulated electrically by an EA therapeutic apparatus (10 Hz, 1. 5 V, 10 min), once daily, continuously for 14 days. The expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) gene in the hypothalamus tissue was determined with RT-PCR and Northern Blot techniques, and the contents of plasma and hypothalamic NPY were measured with radioimmunoassay. Changes of body weight, Lee's index and weight of fat tissue around the pericardium, kidney and epididymis were also observed before and after acupuncture. Results: Compared with control group, the body weight, Lee's index and body fat in model group increased markedly (P < 0.050.01) , and when compared with model group, these indexes of EA group lowered significantly (P < 0. 05), showing that EA could reduce body weight. Comparison among three groups displayed that NPY contents in the serum and hypothalamic tissue of the model group were significantly higher than those of control group (P<0. 01) ; and those of EA group were considerably lower than those of model group (P < 0.01) . RT-PCR and Northern Blot analysis displayed that compared with control group, NYP mRNA expression of model group increased significantly (P < 0. 01), while after acupuncture treatment NYP mRNA expression was reduced significantly in comparison with that of model group (P<0.05-0.01). Conclusion: Acupuncture induced reduction of serum and hypothalamic NPY levels and suppression of NPY mRNA over-expression in the hypothalamus may be its important cellular and molecular mechanisms in resisting obesity. [9.08 / eaa- rat- ] 422- gera: 118853/di/ra EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON EXPRESSION OF B-ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR GENE IN ADIPOSE TISSUE IN OBESE RAT LIU ZHICHENG, SUN FENGMIN, ZHAO DONGHONG, ET AL .. journal of tcm. 2003,44(7),503 (eng). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 423- gera: 120527/di/ra [STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE ON ARCUATE NUCLEUS OF OBESE RATS]. LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, ZHAO MEI, ET AL. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine . 2003,12(10),1018 (chi*). ref:* Objective : It is to explore the mechanism of acupuncture on obesity. Methods : The changes of body weight, Lee's index, body fat, leptin and insulin (INS) levels of central and peripheral and the pontaneous discharges frequency of nerve cell in the Arcuate nucleus (ARC) in hypothalamus of obese rats were observed before and after acupuncture. Results : The body weight, Lee's index, body fat, levels of serum leptin and INS in the obese rats were all markedly higher than those

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in the normal rats, but the levels of hypothalamic leptin and INS and the spontaneous discharge frequency of nerve cell in ARC were all lower than those in the normal rats. The marked weight lose effect was achieved with acupuncture treatment while the levels of serum leptin and INS obviously decrease, the levels of hypothalamic leptin and INS, and the spontaneous discharges frequency of of nerve cell in ARC of obese rats were markedly increased. Conclusion : The abnormal transport of leptin and INS of blood-brain barrier, and the low nerve function of ARC may be the important reason for obesity. The good regulation function of acupuncture on the leptin and INS levels of central and peripheral, and the nerve function of ARC possibly were one of the anti - obesity mechanism of [9.08 / - ] 424- gera: 122641/di/ra [TREATMENT OF OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ACCORDING TO SPLEEN THEORY]. MENG YUN-FENG,ZHOU MEI-QI. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,19(7),4 (chi*). ref:* When ever you see discussions of acupuncture treatment in Nei Jing , always emphasis on the importance of the spirit " shen " . The importance of observating grasping and mediating spirit "Shen". From the TCM classics, the spirit "shen" can the analysed from 3 ways. The observation of spirit " shen" Holding of the spirit 11 shen" and the treatment of spirit " shen" We will know the ways to determine the progression and reriousness of the diseases by observing the eye, colour, pulse, physial and mental state. In the clinical setting, it also helps we to determine whether the acupuncture treatment will be benificial. it also mentions that during the treatment both the doctor and the patient should have a settled mental state; both doctor and patient should be concentrating: towards the treatment and the needle rensation. Making good judgement of when to use reinforce method and reducing method. When treating the spirit "shen" it includes mediating headers body and Roul, patients mental state and also in balancing the yin and yang.The reducing excess and tonify deficteny and Rawing the bodies Qi. It has great importance in elevating the benifical level of acupuncture treatment in [9.08 / - ] 425- gera: 121844/di/ra [EFFECT OF PLUMULA. NELUMBINIS NUCIFERAE AND NEFRINE ON MODELS OF EXPERIMENTAL DIABETES AND OBESITY]. PAN YANG, SHANG WEN - BIN, WANG TIAN - SHAN, ET AL. journal of nanjing university of tcm. 2003,19(4),217 (chi*). ref:* [9.08 / - ] 426- gera: 120930/di/ra TREATMENT OF 60 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY BY ACUPUNCTURE PLUS TUINA THERAPY SHANG XIAO-LI , SHANG XIAO-LING. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2003,1(3),42 (eng). ref:* Treated 28 cases of obesity by electroacupuncture plus auricular-press therapy, and 15 cases got significant effect, 10 cases got effectiveness, 2 cases got improvement and I case had no effect. [9.08 / - ] 427- gera: 117435/di/re- num EFFECTS OF BILATERAL AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON BODY WEIGHT IN HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS AND MILDLY OBESE PATIENTS. SHIRAISHI T, ONOE M, KOJIMA TA, KAGEYAMA T, SAWAT. exp biol med (maywood). 2003,228(10),1201-7. (eng). ref:* We investigated the effects of auricular acupuncture stimulation on non-obese healthy volunteers and mildly obese patients. Subjects (n = 55 and 5, respectively) averaged 34.5 years old, and BMI was 24.3 and less than 27.5 kg/m2, respectively. We also studied the effects of single-blind sham treatment in approximately 500 age-, sex-, and BMI- matched subjects. Small (0.15 x 2.0 mm) auricular needles were placed intracutaneously into the bilateral cavum conchae identified by having a resistance of less than 100 kOmega/cm2. In the 2-week pretreatment the period, in which body weight was measured without auricular acupuncture stimulation, 57.1% of the subjects showed a reduction in body weight. This indicates that charting one's own body weight might itself be a useful method of weight control. In the auricular acupuncture

treatment period, 35 healthy subjects of 55 (63.6%) showed a decreased body weight, 11 (20%) showed an increased body weight, and 9 (16.4%) showed no change in body weight. The obese patients showed individual variation, but all achieved weight reduction, with a highly significant correlation between body weight and fat volume. The CT/MRI cross-sectional pictures supported these findings. Sham treatment had no statistically significant effect on body weight. These results suggest that success in achieving weight reduction can be partly attributed to the act of charting of one's own weight pattern. Bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation can help reduce body weight both in mildly obese patients and in healthy non-obese subjects. In conclusion, this is in accord with the bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation that it may be useful in the treatment of the obesity. We propose a possible mechanism for the weight-reducing effects of bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation. [9.08 / - ] 428- gera: 126109/nd/re EFFECTS OF BILATERAL AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON BODY WEIGHT IN HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS AND MILDLY OBESE PATIENTS. SHIRAISHI T, ONOE M, KOJIMA TA, KAGEYAMA T, SAWAT. exp biol med (maywood). 2003,228(10),1201-7. (eng). ref:21 We investigated the effects of auricular acupuncture stimulation on non-obese healthy volunteers and mildly obese patients. Subjects (n = 55 and 5, respectively) averaged 34.5 years old, and BMI was 24.3 and less than 27.5 kg/m2, respectively. We also studied the effects of single-blind sham treatment in approximately 500 age-, sex-, and BMI- matched subjects. Small (0.15 x 2.0 mm) auricular needles were placed intracutaneously into the bilateral cavum conchae identified by having a resistance of less than 100 kOmega/cm2. In the 2-week pretreatment the period, in which body weight was measured without auricular acupuncture stimulation, 57.1% of the subjects showed a reduction in body weight. This indicates that charting one's own body weight might itself be a useful method of weight control. In the auricular acupuncture treatment period, 35 healthy subjects of 55 (63.6%) showed a decreased body weight, 11 (20%) showed an increased body weight, and 9 (16.4%) showed no change in body weight. The obese patients showed individual variation, but all achieved weight reduction, with a highly significant correlation between body weight and fat volume. The CT/MRI cross-sectional pictures supported these findings. Sham treatment had no statistically significant effect on body weight. These results suggest that success in achieving weight reduction can be partly attributed to the act of charting of one's own weight pattern. Bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation can help reduce body weight both in mildly obese patients and in healthy non-obese subjects. In conclusion, this is in accord with the bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation that it may be useful in the treatment of the obesity. We propose a possible mechanism for the weight-reducing effects of bilateral auricular acupuncture stimulation. [9.08 / - ] 429- gera: 121176/di/ra [ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF OBESITY]. SUN Z LIU ZC. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,22(6),43 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / rg- ] 430- gera: 120115/di/ra [ADVANCEMENT IN RESEARCH OF TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE]. SUN ZHI, LIU ZHI - CHENG. journal of nanjing university of tcm. 2003,19(3),188 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 431- gera: 117448/di/ra STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRIC NERVE STIMULATION ON OBESITY] TIAN D, LI X, SHI Y, LIU Y, HAN J. beijing da xue xue bao. 2003,35(3),277-9. (chi). ref:21 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of transcutaneous electrical stimulation produced by Han's acupiont nerve stimulator (HANS) in treating obesity. METHODS: Sixteen volunteers with primary obesity were recruited, without any

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instructions or attempts to control their dietary. The trial started in November 2001 and ended in June 2002. Each obese volunteer received transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) at 8 acupoints. The electrical parameters were: frequency at 2 Hz, with pulses width of 0.6 ms; intensity varied depending on individual's sensitivity to electrical stimulation to maintain a comfortable level. The treatment was administered 3 times per week. Body weight was recorded before each TENS treatment. RESULTS: The main value of body weight decreased gradually during the trial, with a net decrease of (2.06 +/- 0.31) kg at the end of 12 weeks' treatment (the first phase), corresponding to a decrease of (2.78 +/- 0.40)% as compared with the initial body weight (P < 0.01). In the interim period of 4 weeks (during the Chinese Spring Festival), a partial recurrence of the body weight occurred. During the second phase of treatment lasting for 15 weeks, there was again a reduction of body weight for (2.81 +/- 0.68) kg, corresponding to a decrease of (3.90 +/- 0.40)% (P < 0.001) as compared with the pretreatment level. CONCLUSION: An open trial of HANS treatment revealed a moderate, but significant effectiveness on weight reduction in a group of people with primary obesity. The therapy remains effective for the second phase of treatment. It is anticipated that a better effect can be achieved if the treatment is accompanied with diet control and appropriate exercise. [9.08 / - ] 432- gera: 117581/di/ra [STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRIC NERVE STIMULATION ON OBESITY] TIAN D, LI X, SHI Y, LIU Y, HAN J. beijing da xue xue bao. 2003,35(3),277-9. (chi). ref:21 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of transcutaneous electrical stimulation produced by Han's acupiont nerve stimulator (HANS) in treating obesity. METHODS: Sixteen volunteers with primary obesity were recruited, without any instructions or attempts to control their dietary. The trial started in November 2001 and ended in June 2002. Each obese volunteer received transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) at 8 acupoints. The electrical parameters were: frequency at 2 Hz, with pulses width of 0.6 ms; intensity varied depending on individual's sensitivity to electrical stimulation to maintain a comfortable level. The treatment was administered 3 times per week. Body weight was recorded before each TENS treatment. RESULTS: The main value of body weight decreased gradually during the trial, with a net decrease of (2.06 +/- 0.31) kg at the end of 12 weeks' treatment (the first phase), corresponding to a decrease of (2.78 +/- 0.40)% as compared with the initial body weight (P < 0.01). In the interim period of 4 weeks (during the Chinese Spring Festival), a partial recurrence of the body weight occurred. During the second phase of treatment lasting for 15 weeks, there was again a reduction of body weight for (2.81 +/- 0.68) kg, corresponding to a decrease of (3.90 +/- 0.40)% (P < 0.001) as compared with the pretreatment level. CONCLUSION: An open trial of HANS treatment revealed a moderate, but significant effectiveness on weight reduction in a group of people with primary obesity. The therapy remains effective for the second phase of treatment. It is anticipated that a better effect can be achieved if the treatment is accompanied with diet control and appropriate exercise. [9.08 / parametre- 05.12- ] 433- gera: 125811/nd/re [STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRIC NERVE STIMULATION ON OBESITY] TIAN D, LI X, SHI Y, LIU Y, HAN J.. beijing da xue xue bao. 2003,35(3), (chi). ref:21 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of transcutaneous electrical stimulation produced by Han's acupiont nerve stimulator (HANS) in treating obesity. METHODS: Sixteen volunteers with primary obesity were recruited, without any instructions or attempts to control their dietary. The trial started in November 2001 and ended in June 2002. Each obese volunteer received transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) at 8 acupoints. The electrical parameters were: frequency at 2 Hz, with pulses width of 0.6 ms; intensity varied depending on individual's sensitivity to electrical stimulation to maintain a comfortable level. The treatment was administered 3 times per week. Body weight was recorded before each

TENS treatment. RESULTS: The main value of body weight decreased gradually during the trial, with a net decrease of (2.06 +/- 0.31) kg at the end of 12 weeks' treatment (the first phase), corresponding to a decrease of (2.78 +/- 0.40)% as compared with the initial body weight (P < 0.01). In the interim period of 4 weeks (during the Chinese Spring Festival), a partial recurrence of the body weight occurred. During the second phase of treatment lasting for 15 weeks, there was again a reduction of body weight for (2.81 +/- 0.68) kg, corresponding to a decrease of (3.90 +/- 0.40)% (P < 0.001) as compared with the pretreatment level. CONCLUSION: An open trial of HANS treatment revealed a moderate, but significant effectiveness on weight reduction in a group of people with primary obesity. The therapy remains effective for the second phase of treatment. It is anticipated that a better effect can be achieved if the treatment is accompanied with diet control and appropriate exercise. [9.08 / - ] 434- gera: 125933/nd/re [STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRIC NERVE STIMULATION ON OBESITY] TIAN D, LI X, SHI Y, LIU Y, HAN J.. beijing da xue xue bao. 2003,35(3), (chi). ref:21 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of transcutaneous electrical stimulation produced by Han's acupiont nerve stimulator (HANS) in treating obesity. METHODS: Sixteen volunteers with primary obesity were recruited, without any instructions or attempts to control their dietary. The trial started in November 2001 and ended in June 2002. Each obese volunteer received transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) at 8 acupoints. The electrical parameters were: frequency at 2 Hz, with pulses width of 0.6 ms; intensity varied depending on individual's sensitivity to electrical stimulation to maintain a comfortable level. The treatment was administered 3 times per week. Body weight was recorded before each TENS treatment. RESULTS: The main value of body weight decreased gradually during the trial, with a net decrease of (2.06 +/- 0.31) kg at the end of 12 weeks' treatment (the first phase), corresponding to a decrease of (2.78 +/- 0.40)% as compared with the initial body weight (P < 0.01). In the interim period of 4 weeks (during the Chinese Spring Festival), a partial recurrence of the body weight occurred. During the second phase of treatment lasting for 15 weeks, there was again a reduction of body weight for (2.81 +/- 0.68) kg, corresponding to a decrease of (3.90 +/- 0.40)% (P < 0.001) as compared with the pretreatment level. CONCLUSION: An open trial of HANS treatment revealed a moderate, but significant effectiveness on weight reduction in a group of people with primary obesity. The therapy remains effective for the second phase of treatment. It is anticipated that a better effect can be achieved if the treatment is accompanied with diet control and appropriate exercise. [9.08 / - ] 435- gera: 126122/nd/re [STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRIC NERVE STIMULATION ON OBESITY] TIAN D, LI X, SHI Y, LIU Y, HAN J.. beijing da xue xue bao. 2003,35(3),277-9. (chi). ref:21 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of transcutaneous electrical stimulation produced by Han's acupiont nerve stimulator (HANS) in treating obesity. METHODS: Sixteen volunteers with primary obesity were recruited, without any instructions or attempts to control their dietary. The trial started in November 2001 and ended in June 2002. Each obese volunteer received transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) at 8 acupoints. The electrical parameters were: frequency at 2 Hz, with pulses width of 0.6 ms; intensity varied depending on individual's sensitivity to electrical stimulation to maintain a comfortable level. The treatment was administered 3 times per week. Body weight was recorded before each TENS treatment. RESULTS: The main value of body weight decreased gradually during the trial, with a net decrease of (2.06 +/- 0.31) kg at the end of 12 weeks' treatment (the first phase), corresponding to a decrease of (2.78 +/- 0.40)% as compared with the initial body weight (P < 0.01). In the interim period of 4 weeks (during the Chinese Spring Festival), a partial recurrence of the body weight occurred. During the second phase of treatment lasting for 15 weeks, there was again a reduction of body weight for (2.81 +/- 0.68) kg,

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corresponding to a decrease of (3.90 +/- 0.40)% (P < 0.001) as compared with the pretreatment level. CONCLUSION: An open trial of HANS treatment revealed a moderate, but significant effectiveness on weight reduction in a group of people with primary obesity. The therapy remains effective for the second phase of treatment. It is anticipated that a better effect can be achieved if the treatment is accompanied with diet control and appropriate exercise. [9.08 / - ] 436- gera: 126255/re/nd [STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRIC NERVE STIMULATION ON OBESITY] TIAN D, LI X, SHI Y, LIU Y, HAN J.. beijing da xue xue bao. 2003,35(3),277-9. (chi). ref:21 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of transcutaneous electrical stimulation produced by Han's acupiont nerve stimulator (HANS) in treating obesity. METHODS: Sixteen volunteers with primary obesity were recruited, without any instructions or attempts to control their dietary. The trial started in November 2001 and ended in June 2002. Each obese volunteer received transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) at 8 acupoints. The electrical parameters were: frequency at 2 Hz, with pulses width of 0.6 ms; intensity varied depending on individual's sensitivity to electrical stimulation to maintain a comfortable level. The treatment was administered 3 times per week. Body weight was recorded before each TENS treatment. RESULTS: The main value of body weight decreased gradually during the trial, with a net decrease of (2.06 +/- 0.31) kg at the end of 12 weeks' treatment (the first phase), corresponding to a decrease of (2.78 +/- 0.40)% as compared with the initial body weight (P < 0.01). In the interim period of 4 weeks (during the Chinese Spring Festival), a partial recurrence of the body weight occurred. During the second phase of treatment lasting for 15 weeks, there was again a reduction of body weight for (2.81 +/- 0.68) kg, corresponding to a decrease of (3.90 +/- 0.40)% (P < 0.001) as compared with the pretreatment level. CONCLUSION: An open trial of HANS treatment revealed a moderate, but significant effectiveness on weight reduction in a group of people with primary obesity. The therapy remains effective for the second phase of treatment. It is anticipated that a better effect can be achieved if the treatment is accompanied with diet control and appropriate exercise. [9.08 / - ] 437- gera: 119719/di/ra [AN APPROACH TO ETIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY OF OBESITY]. TONG YI, ET AL. chinese archives of tcm. 2003,21(4),574 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 438- gera: 111055/di/ra [EFFECT STUDY OF NINGHONG SLIMMING TABLETS' ON RATS MODEL OF OBESE HYPERLIPEMIA]. TU CHANG-CHUN, LI XIAO-YU, TU YI-LI, ET AL'. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2003,12(1),11 (chi*). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 439- gera: 118368/di/ra OSSERVAZIONE SULL'EFFICACIA TERAPEUTICA DELL'AGOPUNTURA IN 60 CASI DI OBESITÁ SEMPLICE WANG HONGYU. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2003,93(3),39 (esp*). ref:21 Simple obesity refers to a disease characterized by body overweight due to excessive calorie intake and over accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. With the improvement of life conditions, obesity has become a factor that impairs the health of the people. From 1997 to 1998, the author had treated 60 cases of simple obesity with acupuncture and obtained satisfactory results. The results of treatment are reported as follows. [9.08 / ecr- ] 440- gera: 120915/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN 80 CASES]. WANG MENG-WEN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese: medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin. 2003,23(6),38 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ]

441- gera: 122653/di/ra [A STUDY AND VIEW IN THE ACUPUNCTURE ACTION TO SIMPLE OBESITY]. WANG SHAO-JIN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,19(7),65 (chi*). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 442- gera: 114170/di/ra [A COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT FOR SIMPLE OBESITY: A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 212 CASES]. WANG XIAO - YAN. new journal of tcm. 2003,35(4),44 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 443- gera: 117161/di/ra [A COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT FOR SIMPLE OBESITY : A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 212 CASES]. WANG XIAO-YAN. new journal of tcm. 2003,35(4),44 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 444- gera: 117598/di/ra EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON MONOAMINE NEUROTRANSMITTERS IN RAPHE NUCLEI IN OBESE RATS. WEI Q, LIU Z. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2003,23(2),147-50. (eng). ref:21 Effects of acupuncture on the levels of neurotransmitters in the raphe nuclei were investigated in obese rats. It was found that the levels of tryptophan (Trp) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were increased, and 5- hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) level and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio decreased in the raphe nuclei of the obese group as compared with the normal group; and that acupuncture could produce weight reduction, increase the 5-HT level and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio, and decrease the contents of Trp and 5-HIAA, but did not change the levels of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA). It is indicated that benign regulative action of acupuncture on 5-HT and its metabolism in the raphe nuclei is possibly one of the factors for reducing weight by acupuncture. [9.08 / - ] 445- gera: 125950/di/ra EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON MONOAMINE NEUROTRANSMITTERS IN RAPHE NUCLEI IN OBESE RATS. WEI Q, LIU Z.. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2003,23(2), (eng). ref:21 Effects of acupuncture on the levels of neurotransmitters in the raphe nuclei were investigated in obese rats. It was found that the levels of tryptophan (Trp) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were increased, and 5- hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) level and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio decreased in the raphe nuclei of the obese group as compared with the normal group; and that acupuncture could produce weight reduction, increase the 5-HT level and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio, and decrease the contents of Trp and 5-HIAA, but did not change the levels of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA). It is indicated that benign regulative action of acupuncture on 5-HT and its metabolism in the raphe nuclei is possibly one of the factors for reducing weight by acupuncture. [9.08 / - ] 446- gera: 126272/di/ra EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON MONOAMINE NEUROTRANSMITTERS IN RAPHE NUCLEI IN OBESE RATS. WEI Q, LIU Z.. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2003,23(2),147-50. (eng). ref:21 Effects of acupuncture on the levels of neurotransmitters in the raphe nuclei were investigated in obese rats. It was found that the levels of tryptophan (Trp) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were increased, and 5- hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) level and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio decreased in the raphe nuclei of the obese group as compared with the normal group; and that acupuncture could produce weight reduction, increase the 5-HT level and 5-HT/5-HIAA ratio, and decrease the contents of Trp and 5-HIAA, but did not change the levels of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA). It is indicated that benign regulative action of acupuncture on 5-HT and its metabolism in the raphe nuclei is possibly one of the factors for reducing weight by acupuncture. [9.08 / - ] 447- gera: 120670/di/ra

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EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON MONOAMINE NEUROTRANSMITTERS IN RAPHE NUCLEI IN OBESE RATS WEI QUNLI AND LIU ZHICHENG. journal of tcm. 2003,23(2),147 (eng). ref:21 [9.08 / eaa- rat- ] 448- gera: 117721/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON PARAVENTRICULAR NUCLEUS OF OBESE RATS]. X. chinese archives of tcm. 2003,21(7),1059 (chi*). ref:21 Objective: It is to explore as concerns transmit messages factor and nervous mechanism of antiobesity by acupuncture. Methods: The changes of body weight, Lee's index, body fat, the levels of leptin and insulin(INS) in the serum, the levels of leptin, INS, neuropeptide Y(NPY) and a - melanocyte stimulating hormone (a - MSH) in hypothalamic tissue, and the frequency of spontaneous discharges of nerve cell in the Paraventricular nucleus(PVN) of obese rats were observed before and after acupuncture. Results; The body weight, Lee's index, body fat, the levels of leptin and INS in the serum, level of hypothalamic NPY and the frequency of spontaneous discharges of nerve cell in PVN were all markedly higher than those in the normal rats, but the levels of leptin, INS and a- MSH of hypothalamic tissue were all markedly lower than those of the normal rats. There are positive interrelation between the spontaneous discharges of nerve cell in PVN and obesity index, levels of serum leptin and INS as well as hypothalamic NPY. There are negative interrelation between the spontaneous discharges of nerve cell in PVN and levels of leptin, INS and a - MSH in hypothalamic tissue. Conclusion: The abnormal stimulated nerve function of PVN, the abnormal transport of blood - brain barrier of leptin and INS, the abnormal levels of leptin, INS and a - MSH in hypothalamic tissue may be an important reason for the obesity. The good regulation of acupuncture on the levels of central and peripheral Leptin and INS, and the levels of hypothalamic NPY and a - MSH as well as the nerve function of PVN possibly were an important mechanism in the antiobesity of acupuncture. [9.08 / - ] 449- gera: 112112/di/ra [DIFFERENTIAL TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. XU BINGGUO. zhejiang journal of tcm. 2003,38(1),20 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 450- gera: 115103/di/ra [DIFFERENTIAL TREATMENT OF SIMPLE OBESITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. XU BINGGUO. zhejiang journal of tcm. 2003,38(1),20 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 451- gera: 119444/di/ra [TREATMENT OF ADIPOSITAS WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. XU BINGGUO. chinese herbal medicine. 2003,18(3),108 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 452- gera: 121376/di/ra [42 CASES SUFFERED FROM SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE]. XU LIN YANG PING. inner mongol journal of tcm. 2003,23(3),21 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 453- gera: 122375/di/ra [EFFICACY OF SANZHU JIANFEI DECOCTION (SZJFD) ON THE LEVELS OF LEPTIN, BLOOD SUGAR AND INSULIN IN NUTRITIONAL OBESITY IN RATS]. YUAN HAIBO, WANG JIULIAN, , YANG YUMIN, ET AL. journal of henan university of chinese medicine. 2003,18(105),31 (chi*). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 454- gera: 125136/di/ra [STUDIES OF "FEI SHAN ZHEN"IN TREATMENT MODEL OF RATS SIMPLY OBESITY]. YUAN QING, JIN RUI, OUYANG BO - WEN, ET AL. acta chinese medicine and pharmacology. 2003,31(6),34 (chi*). ref:21 [9.08 / - ]

455- gera: 112773/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS ON THE EFFECT OF MAGNETIC NEEDLE TREATMENT ON SIMPLE OBESITY COMPLICATED WITH HYPERLIPIDEMIA]. ZHANG L , LI DS,SHENG L. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,22(2),7 (chi*). ref:21 [9.08 / ecr- 09.07- ] 456- gera: 115764/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS ON THE EFFECT OF MAGNETIC NEEDLE TREATMENT ON SIMPLE OBESITY COMPLICATED WITH HYPERLIPIDEMIA]. ZHANG L, LI DS,SHENG L. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003,22(2),7 (chi*). ref:21 Purpose : To observe the effect of magnetic needle treatment on simple obesity complicated with hyperlipidemia. Methods : Sixty cases of simple obesity complicated with hyperlipidemia were randomly divided into a magnetic needle group and a control group. Changes in obesity indices and blood fat indices were observed. Results and Conclusion : Magnetic needle treatment had a reducing effect on obesity. Its decreasing effect on serum cholesterol was better in the magnetic needle group than in the control group. [9.08 / - ] 457- gera: 121808/di/ra [65 CASES OF ADIPOSIS DUE TO TYPE - 2 DIABETES TREATED WITH JIANG - TANG - ZHI CAPSULE: A REPORT OF 127 CASES]. ZHANG WEI. journal of ch engdu university of tcm. 2003,26(2),13 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 458- gera: 123666/di/ra [EFFECT OF COMPOUND PRESCRIPTION OF CLEARING-AWAY HEAT, REMOVING PHLEGM AND ACTIVATING BLOOD CIRCULATION ON INSULIN RESISTANCE IN OBESITY HYPERTENSION PATIENTS]. ZHANG YUHONG, LU FU'ER, LI JIANGLIN, ET AL. journal of tcm. 2003,44(10),747 (chi). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 459- gera: 119476/di/ra OBSERVATION ON SIMPLE OBESITY (28 CASES) TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE ZHU YE,ZHEN YIFENG,SHIZHIYUN. journal of practical tcm. 2003,19(9),485 (eng). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 460- gera: 124026/di/ra [EFFECTS OF DECOCTION OF PINELLIA TERNATA, ATRACTYLODES MACROCEPHALA AND GASTRODIA ELATA ON INSULIN RESISTANCE IN EXCLUSIVE OBESE PATIENTS ]. CHEN WEI-MING, WANG XIN-RAN. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2004,13(2),153 (chi*). ref:21 [9.08 / - ] 461- gera: 129400/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF QUICK CUPPING THERAPY AT POINTS SHENQUE BAZHEN ON OBESITY ]. HE LING-NA , TIAN FENG-WEI , LI NING . chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004,24(6),395 (chi*). ref:21 Objective To explore therapeutic program and application feasibility of quick cupping therapy on points Shenque Bazhen for simple obesity. Methods Seventy-five cases of simple obesity were randomly divided into treatment group (n = 42) treated by quick cupping on points Shenque Bazhen , and control group (n = 33) treated by oral administration of sibutramine, an inhibitor for appetite. The body weight (kg) , body mass index (BMI) , waist circumference (WC) and distribution rate of body fat (F%) before and after slimming treatment were assessed. Results There was no significant difference in therapeutic effects for body weight and BMI between the two groups (P >0.05), but the treatment group in WC and F% was superior to the control group (P<O.05); after treatment, BMI in the treatment group had significantly change (P<0. 05). Conclusion Quick cupping therapy can obviously improve WC and F% for obesity, particularly for [9.08 / ecr- ]

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462- gera: 129401/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON HYPOTHALAMIC SUPRAOPTIC NUCLEUS IN OBESE RATS ]. HIU ZHI-CHENG1 , SUN FENG-MIN', YUAN JIN-HONG1, E. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004,24(6),399 (chi*). ref:21 Objective To explore the effect of acupuncture on the nervous function of hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus (SON) in obese rats. Methods Changes of obese rats before and after acupuncture were investigated by neuro-electrophysiological and biochemical techniques and compared with the control group. Results Levels of the body weight, Lee's index, body fat, fasting blood sugar (FBS), fasting insulin (FINS) and neuronal spontaneous discharges in the SON were all significantly higher than those in normal rats, while the insulin active index (IAI) was significantly lower. The frequency of neuronal spontaneous discharge in SON was positively correlated with obesity index, FBS and FINS, but was negatively correlated with IAI level. After acupuncture treatment obesity index, FBS, FINS and neuronal spontaneous discharges in SON in the obese rats were significantly lowered, while the IAI level significantly elevated. Conclusion The abnormal excitation of SON may be one of important factors for obesity, and beneficially regulative action of acupuncture on nervous function of SON in the obese organism is possibly one of central mechanisms of acupuncture slimming [9.08 / - ] 463- gera: 127938/di/ra OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ELECTROACUPUNCTURE IN SIMPLE OBESITY. JIN TAO . journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2004,2(2),20 (eng*). ref:21 Thirty cases of obesity were treated by acupuncture plus auricular point-embedding method based upon pattern identification, and another 30 cases were treated by single auricular point-embedding method for control study. After the treatments for 30 days, the effective rate was respectively 90.0% and 66.7%, with the statistic significance (P<0. 05) between the therapeutic effects of the two groups. [9.08 / - ] 464- gera: 127939/di/ra INFLUENCE OF ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ON SERUM LEPTIN IN PATIENTS WITH SIMPLE OBESITY. LEI HONG, DAI WEI. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2004,2(2),23 (eng*). ref:21 To investigate the influence of electroacupuncture on leptin, the serum leptin level was observed by radioimmunoassay before and after electroacupuncture treatment in 30 patients with simple obesity. After stimulation of electroacupuncture, serum leptin level dropped in the patients with simple obesity. [9.08 / - ] 465- gera: 127940/di/ra CLINICAL RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON SIMPLE ADIPOSIS. LOU YU-FANG,

ZHANG YA-ZHEN TAN FU-MEI. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2004,2(2),26 (eng*). ref:21 To observe the effect of acupuncture on simple adiposis, 121 cases of simple adiposis were divided into 6 groups and treated with acupuncture, dietotherapy and motortherapy. Weight and waistline were observed. Acupuncture had a markedly curative effect on adiposis and 97.8% patients after the treatment did not relapse. [9.08 / - ] 466- gera: 127941/di/ra TREATMENT OF 30 SIMPLE OBESITY PATIENTS WITH EIGHT MAGIC TURTLE TECHNIQUES. PIAO LIAN-YOU, ZHANG XUE-LI, LIU YING. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2004,2(2),29 (eng*). ref:21 The points, Neiguan (PC 6)-Gongsun (SP 4), Houxi (SI 3)-Shenmai (BL 62), Lieque (LU 7)-Zhaohai (KI 6), or Waiguan (TE 5)-Zulinqi (GB 41), were selected according to the eight magic turtle techniques and some acupoints were added on the basis of syndrome differentiation. Thirty obesity patients were treated. Marked effectiveness occurred in 6 cases, effectiveness in 21 cases and ineffectiveness in 3 cases, with a total effective rate of 90.0%. [9.08 / - ] 467- gera: 127942/di/ra NEEDLING OF JIAJI FOR 30 PATIENTS WITH SIMPLE ADIPOSIS. SHEN JIE, HOU QING. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2004,2(2),31 (eng*). ref:21 To treat 30 patients with simple adiposis with needling of point Jiaji (Ex-B2, T3-L5), after 2 courses of treatment 12 got a marked curative effect, 15 got a curative effect, 3 got no effect, accounting for 10 .0%_ The total effective rate was 90 [9.08 / - ] 468- gera: 125684/di/ra [BASIC THINKING AND METHODS OF ESTABLISHING CLINICAL PROGRAMS FOR ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF OBESITY]. XU BIN, LIU ZHI-CHENG, ZHANG ZHONG-CHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004,24(2),129 (chi*). ref:21 Based on the data of clinical and mechanism studies on acupuncture treatment of obesity attained by our group in many years, in combination with relative clinical reports and the advances of clinical and mechanism studies of acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of obesity, the authors expound the basic thinking and methods of establishing clinical programs for acupuncture treatment of obesity from the four aspects, selection of subjects for acupuncture treatment of obesity, acupoint selection based on disease differentiation combined with syndrome differentiation, stimulating amount and characteristics of the body weight changes in acupuncture slimming therapy, in order to summarize and explore clinical laws of acupuncture treatment of obesity and promote early establishment of standardized clinical programs for acupuncture treatment of obesity. [9.08 / rg- ]

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DI ZILI¤ 107 ,

DONG HUA ET AL¤ 292 , DONG LAN¤ 172 , DR GIANCARLO 6. BAZZONI¤ 340 , DU BOIS R¤ 260 , DUAN RONGLIANG ET AL¤ 69 , DUAN YANGQUAN¤ 341 , DUNG HC¤ 70 , 71 , 72 , EDDE G¤ 4 , ERNST E¤ 272 , FANG GUIMEI ET AL¤ 342 ,




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LI BOPING ET AL¤ 295 , LI CHIJIE¤ 98 , LI CHUNSHENG ET AL¤ 220 , LI DAOPING ET AL ¤ 345 , LI FUQING¤ 174 , LI J¤ 296 , LI JI ET AL¤ 373 , LI JIA¤ 297 , 315 , LI JIA ET AL¤ 283 , LI MINGGAO ET AL¤ 153 , 175 , LI SHIJIE¤ 73 , LI SHIXIONG ET AL¤ 125 , LI YU XUAN ET AL¤ 2 , 298 , LI ZHENG-LIN ET AL¤ 99 , LIANG QIU-HU¤ 273 , LIAU-HING C ET AL¤ 195 , LIOU ZHICHENG ET AL¤ 274 , LIU FU-ZHEN¤ 408 , LIU G ¤ 196 , LIU GUICHUN¤ 221 , LIU JIA ZHEN¤ 316 , LIU SHU ZHENG ET AL¤ 197 , LIU SHUHUA ET AL¤ 154 , LIU WANHUA¤ 126 , LIU WENJUN¤ 374 , LIU YIXIANG¤ 127 , LIU yunzhu¤ 375 , LIU ZHI - SHENG, SUN FENG -MIN, SUN ZHI, ET AL¤ 409 , LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL¤ 128 , 129 , 284 , 317 , LIU ZHICHENG¤ 242 , LIU ZHICHENG , SUN FENGMIN, DIU MÙWHUA, ET AL.¤ 410 , LIU ZHICHENG ED ALTRI¤ 376 , LIU ZHICHENG ET AL¤ 110 , 155 , 156 , 176 , 177 , 178 , 179 , 180 , 198 , 199 , 262 , 263 , 275 , 285 , 286 , 299 , 318 , 319 , 320 , LIU ZHI-CHENG ET AL¤ 222 , 243 , 244 , LIU ZHICHENG SUN FENGMIN, SU JING ET AL .¤ 346 , LIU ZHICHENG SUN FENGMIN, SU JING ET AL.¤ 411 , LIU ZHICHENG, ET AL¤ 412 , LIU ZHICHENG, ET AL¤ 413 , LIU ZHI-CHENG, ET AL¤ 377 , LIU ZHICHENG, ET AL.¤ 111 , LIU ZHICHENG, HONG CHENGYUN, SUN ZHI, ET AL¤ 414 , LIU ZHICHENG, SUN FENGMIN, DIU MÙWHUA, ET AL.¤ 415 , LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, SUN ZHI, ET AL¤ 416 , 417 , LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, SUN ZHI, ET AL.¤ 418 , LIU ZHI-CHENG, SUN FENG-MIN, ZHAO DONG-HONG, ET





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WANG YUFEN ET AL¤ 76 , WANG ZHIJUN XUE XINGYING¤ 384 , WARREN FZ ET BERLAND T¤ 16 , WEI BEIHAI ET AL¤ 138 , 188 , WEI BEI-HAI ET AL¤ 189 , WEI CT ET AL¤ 34 , WEI Q, LIU Z¤ 444 , WEI Q, LIU Z.¤ 445 , 446 , WEI QUNLI ¤ 385 , WEI QUNLI AND LIU ZHICHENG¤ 447 , WEI QUNLI ET AL¤ 331 , WEI QUN-LI ET AL¤ 386 , WEI QUNLI, ET AL.¤ 353 , WEI XUBIN ET AL¤ 387 , WEILIANG W ET AL¤ 252 , WEN CHANG-LU ET AL¤ 253 , WENG WEILIANG ET AL¤ 101 , 117 , WU JUNLI¤ 332 , WU SHUZHEN, SU TONGSHENG¤ 388 , X¤ 35 , 67 , 139 , 160 , 190 , 254 , 255 , 307 , 448 , XI CAIKUN ET AL¤ 140 , 141 , XIAOFENG T¤ 232 , 233 , XIE DUAN WU ET AL¤ 68 , XIE SU FEN¤ 333 , XIE WENXIA¤ 354 , 355 , XIE YUAN - JUN ET AL. ¤ 389 , XIONG WEN-SHENG ET AL¤ 334 , XU AI HUA ET AL¤ 102 , XU BIN ET AL¤ 56 , XU BIN, LIU ZHI-CHENG, ZHANG ZHONG-CHENG¤ 468 , XU BINGGUO¤ 449 , 450 , 451 , XU FANGMING ET AL¤ 390 , XU JING¤ 103 , XU LIN YANG PING¤ 452 , XU QINGZHONG ET AL¤ 391 , XUN BIN ET AL¤ 104 , YANG JINSHAN ¤ 392 , YANG MP¤ 57 , YI WEI, ET AL¤ 393 , YIN ZHI-FANG¤ 335 , YINLONG Z¤ 118 , YOSHIDA T ET AL¤ 256 , YU CHANGQIN ET AL¤ 291 , YU YONGPU¤ 38 , YUAN HAIBO, WANG JIULIAN, , YANG YUMIN, ET AL¤ 453 , YUAN QING, JIN RUI, OUYANG BO - WEN, ET AL¤ 454 , ZHAN JUN¤ 119 , 210 , 234 , ZHAN XIUQIN ET AL¤ 336 , ZHANG CHAO QUN ET AL¤ 142 , ZHANG CHUN-JIE, LUO PING, FENG CHI,ET AL¤ 394 , ZHANG JU ET AL¤ 91 , ZHANG L , LI DS,SHENG L¤ 455 , ZHANG L, LI DS,SHENG L¤ 456 , ZHANG SHANQIN¤ 161 , ZHANG SHUHUA¤ 211 , ZHANG WEI¤ 457 , ZHANG YUHONG, LU FU'ER, LI JIANGLIN, ET AL¤ 458 , ZHANG ZHONG-CHENG, HONG CHENG-YUN, LIU ZHI-CHENG¤ 356 , ZHANG ZHONGZHI¤ 143 , 144 , 145 , ZHAO MEI ET AL¤ 308 , 337 , 357 , 358 , ZHAO YIN LONG¤ 212 ,

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index des sujets/ subject index (non exhaustif) -¤ / ¤ 87 , 93 , 158 , 164 , 169 , 183 , 190 , 224 , 250 , 282 ,

20 , 336 , 3 1.01 -¤ GENERAL ASPECTS AND HISTORY/ ASPECTS GENERAUX ET HISTOIRE combinaison médecine occidentale- mtc¤ 133 , 189 , 248 , congrès¤ 173 , 252 , informatique¤ 116 , 2.03 -¤ qi, blood, body fluids/ energie, sang et liquides organiques *¤ 54 , 122 , énergie mentale¤ 260 , liquide¤ 122 , 2.04 -¤ organs and functions/ organes et fonctions curieux¤ 38 , poumons¤ 51 , reins¤ 38 , 2.05 -¤ meridians/ méridiens méridien curieux¤ 38 ,

2.06 -¤ points/ points E14¤ 93 , E25¤ 153 , E34¤ 85 , 97 , E36¤ 28 , 34 , 57 , 224 , 337 , E44¤ 224 , 337 , huatuojiaji¤ 326 , propriétés électriques¤ 194 , 219 , 249 , 250 , RTE15¤ 153 , RTE21¤ 268 , RTE4¤ 85 , 97 , spécificité¤ 9 , 15 , 45 , 50 , 51 , 164 , 246 , V50¤ 93 , VB8¤ 93 , VC12¤ 153 , VC14¤ 153 , 3.01 -¤ chronobiology/ chronobiologie *¤ 14 , 124 , 4.01 -¤ DIAGNOSIS/ DIAGNOSTIC gout¤ 64 , vide de rate et reins¤ 200 , 4.04 -¤ face and ear diagnosis/ examen auriculaire et facial *¤ 222 , 249 , 4.07 -¤ syndromes/ syndromes *¤ 61 , chaleur de l' intestin grêle¤ 199 , chaleur de l'estomac¤ 34 , 162 , 199 , 243 , differenciation des syndromes¤ 3 , 58 , 61 , 105 , 123 , 126 , 133 , 146 , 155 , 156 , 156 , 165 , 170 , 184 , differenciation des syndromes¤ 199 , 199 , 202 , 207 , 210 , 221 , 222 , 241 , 243 , 279 , 280 , 296 , 325 , 335 , 348 , feu du foie¤ 155 , glaire¤ 38 , 61 , 142 , 169 , 183 , 251 ,

humidité-chaleur de l'estomac¤ 133 , humidite-glaires¤ 133 , humidité-glaires¤ 202 , stase de glaires¤ 22 , vide de qi¤ 38 , vide de rate¤ 22 , 38 , 133 , vide de yang¤ 61 , vide de yin¤ 61 , 5.02 -¤ principles of treatment/ principes thérapeutiques activation de la circulation et levée de stase.¤ 373 ,

5.03 -¤ acupuncture/ acupuncture association ou interaction médicamenteuse¤ 65 , deqi¤ 199 , latéralité¤ 15 , 64 , séance d'acupuncture¤ 258 , tonification-dispersion¤ 153 , 5.05 -¤ plum blossom needle/ fleur de prunier *¤ 184 , 5.06 -¤ intradermal needle. embedding sutures/ aiguille à demeure. catgut *¤ 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 43 , 45 , 50 , 56 , 62 , 65 , 73 , 77 ,

8 , 104 , 113 , 143 , 219 , 280 , 9 5.08 -¤ cupping/ ventouses *¤ 153 , 175 , *¤ 231 , 273 , 282 , 5.09 -¤ moxibustion/ moxibustion *¤ 110 , 118 , 129 , 176 , 179 , 185 , 244 , 262 , 274 ,

85 , 2 5.10 -¤ ear acupuncture. auricular medicine/ auricul nct re. auriculoméde ine opu u c *¤ 3 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 15 , 17 , 28 , 30 , 41 , 43 , 45 , 46 , 50 , 51 , 56 , 57 , 62 , 64 , 65 , 69 , 70 , 71 , *¤ 72 , 73 , 77 , 80 , 88 , 90 , 94 , 98 , 104 , 106 , 108 , 112 , 113 , 116 , 119 , 120 , 127 , 135 , 136 , 139 , 143 , 144 , 145 , 148 , 150 , 156 , 158 , 164 , 172 , 183 , 184 , 190 , 191 , 194 , 199 , 203 , 207 , 208 , 209 , 210 , *¤ 211 , 214 , 219 , 222 , 229 , 232 , 233 , 234 , 241 , 246 , 249 , 250 , 254 , 255 , 258 , 264 , 266 , 273 , 277 , 279 , 280 , 282 , 285 , 289 , 290 , 302 , 321 , 330 , 332 , 344 , auriculomedecine¤ 277 , 5.12 -¤ electro-acupuncture/ electro-acupuncture *¤ 82 , 85 , 97 , 150 , 160 , 190 , *¤ 224 , 255 , 280 , 305 , 432 , paramètres de l'électroacupuncture¤ 432 , 5.13 -¤ magnetic acupuncture/ magnétothérapie *¤ 231 , 5.14 -¤ laser acupuncture/ laser *¤ 47 , 291 , 5.16 -¤ qi gong. massages/ qi gong. massages *¤ 163 , acupression¤ 30 , 48 , 69 , 108 , 112 , 119 , 120 , 127 , 148 , 156 , 172 , 183 , 191 , 203 , 206 , 208 , 209 , 210 , 211 , 229 , 234 , 241 , 264 , acupression¤ 266 , 273 , 289 , 321 , 330 , 332 ,

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massage¤ 5 , 6 , 20 , 209 , qi gong¤ 2 , 89 , 103 , 149 , 163 , 174 , 208 , 298 , 5.17 -¤ dietetics/ diététique *¤ 18 , 63 , 147 , 209 , 215 , 5.19 -¤ adverse effects/ accidents thérapeutiques *¤ 41 , 81 , 5.20 -¤ tcm and alternative medicine/ mtc et médecines douces homeopathie¤ 63 , 6.01 -¤ algology/ algologie potentialisation médicamenteuse de l'acupuncture¤ 65 , 224 , psychisme¤ 182 , 7.01 -¤ CARDIOLOGY- ANGIOLOGY/ CARDIOLOGIE- ANGEIOLOGIE *¤ 110 , 177 , 178 , 180 , 7.03 -¤ coronary diseases/ coronaropathies *¤ 251 ,

7.05 -¤ hypertension/ hypertension *¤ 65 , 102 , 110 , 129 , 238 , 244 , 8.01 -¤ DERMATOLOGY/ DERMATOLOGIE cellulite¤ 6 , 20 , 23 , 37 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 82 , 122 , 123 , 170 , 239 , 282 , esthétique¤ 144 , 285 , 9.02 -¤ thyroid gland/ thyroïde *¤ 66 , 129 , 9.03 -¤ diabetes mellitus/ diabète *¤ 38 , 50 , 150 , *¤ 191 , 198 , 213 , 282 , 9.04 -¤ hypoglycemia/ hypoglycémie *¤ 198 ,

9.05 -¤ adrenal glands/ surrénales *¤ 235 , 236 , 348 , cortisol¤ 198 , 235 , 236 , 9.06 -¤ pituitary gland/ hypophyse ADH¤ 51 ,

9.07 -¤ hyperlipidemia/ hyperlipidémie *¤ 25 , 38 , 63 , 102 , 110 , 129 , 133 , 150 , 155 , 166 ,

91 , 198 , 203 , 204 , 206 , 229 , 238 , 263 , 348 , 455 , 1 9.08 -¤ obesity/ obésité cellulite¤ 6 , 20 , 23 , 37 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 82 , 122 , 123 ,

70 , 239 , 282 , 1 9.09 -¤ thinness. malnutrition/ maigreur. malnutrition *¤ 96 , 10.01 -¤ GASTROENTEROLOGY/ GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIE peristaltisme¤ 224 , sécrétion¤ 50 , 10.05 -¤ stomach. duodenum/ estomac. duodénum *¤ 50 ,

gastrine¤ 50 , 11.02 -¤ vulva. vagina. uterus. adnexa/ vulve. vagin. utérus.annexes *¤ 193 , 11.09 -¤ infertility. contraception. abortion/ stérilité. contrace tion. ivg p *¤ 193 , 11.10 -¤ obstetrics/ obstétrique *¤ 109 , 186 , 187 , postpartum¤ 109 , 109 , 14.14 -¤ psychiatry/ psychiatrie psychanalyse¤ 7 , psychisme¤ 182 , psychosomatique¤ 260 , 18.01 -¤ RHEUMATOLOGY- ORTHOPEDICS/ RHUMATOLOGIE- ORTHOPEDIE *¤ 55 ,

18.18 -¤ knee/ genou *¤ 246 , 19.02 -¤ tongue/ langue gout¤ 64 , 20.02 -¤ smoking/ tabagisme *¤ 157 , 23.11 -¤ pediatrics/ pédiatrie *¤ 127 , 144 , 167 , 248 , 291 , 23.12 -¤ oedema/ oedèmes *¤ 165 , 269 ,

24.07 -¤ / animaux de laboratoire rat¤ 250 , 254 , 270 , 286 , 293 , 299 , 305 , 308 , 309 , 312 , 317 , 318 , 319 , rat¤ 320 , 336 , 344 , 357 , 358 , 373 , 409 , 416 , 418 , 421 , 447 , souris¤ 256 , 281 , 25.01 -¤ MECHANISM OF ACUPUNCTURE. ACUPUNCTURE AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM/ MECANISME D'ACTION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE. ACUPUNCTURE ET SYSTEME NERVEUX CENTRAL *¤ 158 , sympathique¤ 71 , 25.10 -¤ central neurotransmitters/ neuromédiateurs centraux dopamine¤ 198 , 235 , 236 , 319 , naloxone¤ 267 , noradrénaline¤ 198 , 235 , 236 , 319 , 320 , sérotonine¤ 128 , 319 , 320 , 377 , 25.11 -¤ plasmatic and peripheral factors/ facteurs plasmatiques et périphériques *¤ 128 , 26.01 -¤ HERBAL MEDICINE/ PHYTOTHERAPIE *¤ 43 , 43 , 74 , 26.02 -¤ prescriptions/ prescriptions *¤ 21 , 25 , 83 , 86 , 91 , 102 , 109 , 115 , 117 , 125 , 126 , 140 , 141 , 154 , 202 , 238 ,

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da yuan yin¤ 154 , fang ji huang qi tang¤ 25 , 26.03 -¤ plants/ plantes forsythia¤ 256 , glycyrrhiza¤ 256 , paederia¤ 218 , 238 , rheum¤ 152 , schizonepeta¤ 256 , 27.01 -¤ methods/ méthodes cas clinique¤ 76 , cas clinique¤ 267 , comparaison de 2 techniques de la MTC¤ 51 , 88 , 273 , essai clinique non randomisé¤ 88 , 129 , 347 , 348 , 375 , essai comparatif éventuellement randomisé¤ 361 , 374 , 384 , essai contrôlé randomisé¤ 9 , 15 , 50 , 51 , 206 , 231 , 237 , 246 , 266 , 273 , 289 , 300 , 326 , 351 , 353 , 383 , 386 , 392 , 406 , 439 , 455 , 461 , essai ouvert (acupuncture)¤ 8 , 10 , essai ouvert (acupuncture)¤ 11 , 31 , 33 , 43 , 53 , 62 , 65 , 66 , 70 , 73 , 77 , 82 , 90 , 97 , 98 , 104 , 106 , 113 , 119 , 127 , 136 , 143 , 145 , 150 , 151 , 156 , 179 , étude controlée (acupuncture)¤ 9 , 15 , 45 , 51 , 150 , 182 , 199 , 206 , 210 , 246 , 273 , 289 , étude controlée (acupuncture)¤ 300 , étude controlée (phytotérapie)¤ 102 , 220 , étude experimentale humaine¤ 219 , expérimentation animale (acupuncture)¤ 250 , 254 , 286 , 299 , 305 , 308 , 318 , 319 , 320 , 344 , 357 , 358 , 409 , 416 , 418 , 421 , 447 , expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ cobaye¤ 15 , expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ lapin¤ 28 , 57 , 224

, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ rat¤ 158 , 164 , 190 , expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ souris¤ 160 , expérimentation animale (phytothérapie)¤ 256 , 270 , 281 , 293 , expérimentation animale (phytothérapie)¤ 309 , 312 , 317 , expérimentation animale (phytothérapie) / rat¤ 115 , 218 , placebo¤ 9 , 15 , 45 , 51 , revue générale¤ 39 , 134 , 168 , 176 , 205 , 223 , 226 ,

42 , 252 , 262 , 272 , 276 , 331 , 429 , 468 , 2 27.02 -¤ / techniques d'exploration potentiels évoqués¤ 164 , rhéologie¤ 120 , temperature¤ 129 , 27.03 -¤ biological l products/ produits biologiques AMP¤ 155 , cortisol¤ 198 , 235 , 236 , dopamine¤ 198 , 198 , 235 , 235 , 236 , 236 , 319 , 319 , gastrine¤ 50 , noradrenaline¤ 198 , 235 , 236 , 319 , 320 , noradrénaline¤ 198 , 235 , 236 , 319 , 320 , sérotonine¤ 128 , 319 , 320 , 377 , 27.04 -¤ pharmaceutical products/ produits pharmaceutiques naloxone¤ 267 , 27.06 -¤ geographical terms/ termes géographiques koweit¤ 56 , 98 ,

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INDEX DES SOURCES 1 - divers à vérifier le figaro/aurore¤ 307 , 2 - congrès 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris¤

23 , 136 , 148 , 1 annales du premier symposium international d ' auriculotherapie et d' a riculomedecin¤ 217 , 230 , u cedat,marseille¤ 32 , conferences d'acupuncture, gera, toulon¤ 29 , conferences d'acupuncture,gera,toulon¤ 33 , gera, toulon¤ 132 , iiieme symposium international d ' auriculotherapie et d'

uriculomedicine¤ 310 , 327 , a in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and

oxibustion papers, beijing¤ 77 , 88 , 90 , m in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and

oxibustion, beijing¤ 85 , m in xe congres mondial d'acupuncture, societe internationale

'acupuncture,las vegas¤ 79 , d international symposium on diagnosis and treatment with auricular points, beijing¤ 106 , 112 , 116 , 119 , 120 , la revue des seminaires d'acupuncture de l'afera¤ 96 , second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion (abstracts participants from¤ 54 , 57 , third world conference on acupuncture¤ 194 , 195 , 201 , 208 , 209 , wfas international symposium on acupuncture¤ 359 , 360 , 363 , 368 , 370 , 371 , wfas international symposium on

cupuncture¤ 378 , 382 , a wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma¤ 184 , 3 - divers à vérifier cedat, marseille¤ 35 , 4 - extraits de traités in chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, publishing house of hanghai college of tcm,¤ 130 , s

in chinese medicated diet, publishing house of shanghai ollege of tcm, shanghai¤ 147 , c

in the chinese plum-blossom needle therapy,the people's medical publishing house¤ 58 , 5 - mémoires memoire d'acupuncture efa, paris¤ 186 , memoire d'acupuncture, afa, paris¤ 36 , memoire d'acupuncture,afa¤ 20 , memoire d'acupuncture,afa,paris¤ 31 , memoire d'acupuncture,bordeaux 2¤ 39 , 6 - divers à vérifier beijing da xue xue bao¤ 436 , 7 - revues d'acup ncture et MTCu abma news¤ 259 , acta chinese medicine and pharmacology¤ 409 , 454 , acta medica sinica¤ 133 , acupuncture¤ 7 , 23 , 24 , 26 , acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research¤ 62 , 65 , 158 , acupuncture in medicine¤ 21 , 258 , 4 acupuncture research¤ 185 , 224 , 263 , 269 , 286 , 299 , acupuncture research¤ 308 , 319 , 330 , 331 , 421 ,

acupuncture research quarterly¤ 28 , 34 , 42 , 72 , acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise¤ 333 , akupunktur¤ 17 , 157 , akupunktur theorie und praxis¤ 131 , american journal of acupuncture¤ 8 , 9 , 10 , 12 , 30 , 41 , 70 , 71 , 150 , 239 , american journal of chinese medicine¤ 11 , 246 , asclepios¤ 165 , auriculomedecine¤ 37 , beijing da xue xue bao¤ 431 , 432 , beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 87 , 138 , biociencias¤ 75 , british journal of acupuncture¤ 114 , bulletin of the oriental healing arts institute¤ 21 , 22 , 25 , cahiers de biotherapie¤ 47 , china journal of tcm and pharmacy¤ 387 , 391 , china journal of traditional chinese medicine and pharmacy¤ 293 , chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 56 , 73 , 80 , 94 , 127 , 144 , 153 , 266 , 283 , 336 , 351 , 358 , 365 , 366 , 374 , 375 , 385 , 392 , 410 , 414 , 415 , 420 , 461 , 462 , 468 , chinese archives of tcm¤ 412 , 413 , 437 , 448 , chinese herbal medicine¤ 450 , chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 98 , 104 , chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm¤ 317 , 397 , 418 , chinese journal of basic medicine in traditional chinese medicine¤ 381 , 394 , chinese journal of information on tcm¤ 400 , 401 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine¤ 61 , 129 , 155 , 189 , 218 , 243 , 281 , 291 , 312 , 320 , 367 , chinese journal of integrated traditional and

estern medicine¤ 372 , w chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine (english edition)¤ 245 , 343 , chinese journal of integrative medicine¤ 419 , chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology¤ 324 , 334 , chinese manipulation and qi gong therapy¤ 389 , 402 , 403 , 404 , chinese medicine and traditional culture¤ 257 , chinese traditional and herbal drugs¤ 295 , der akupunkturarzt aurikulotherapeut¤ 49 , 63 , 159 , deutsch zeitschrift fuer akupunktur¤ 121 , deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur¤ 338 , 339 , deutsche zeitschrift für akupunktur¤ 135 , 182 , el pulso de la vida¤ 284 , 287 , folia sinotherapeutica¤ 215 , henan traditional chinese medicine¤ 253 , hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 126 , information on traditional chinese medicine¤ 373 , international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai¤ 91 , inner mongol journal of tcm¤ 452 ,

international journal of clinical acupuncture¤ 146 , 156 , 170 , 175 , 179 , 183 , 199 , 222 , 225 , 228 , international journal of clinical acupuncture¤ 231 , 241 , 244 , 273 , 279 , 294 , 306 , 321 , 335 , 348 , jiangsu journal of tcm¤ 240 , 251 , 369 , jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 151 , 379 , jiangxi journal of tcm¤ 314 , jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 192 , 212 , journal of acupuncture and tuina science¤ 408 , 426 , 463 , 464 , 465 , 466 , 467 ,

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journal of anhui traditional chinese medical college¤ 322 , 28 , 3

journal of beijing college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 142 , journal of ch engdu university of tcm¤ 457 , journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 345 , 352 , 424 , 441 , journal of external therapy of tcm¤ 405 , journal of external therapy of traditional chinese medicine¤ 384 , journal of henan university of chinese medicine¤ 453 , journal of nanjing university of tcm¤ 425 , 430 , journal of nanjing university of traditional chinese medicine(natural science)¤ 356 , journal of nanjing university tcm¤ 386 , journal of practical tcm¤ 459 , journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine¤ 362 , journal of tcm¤ 101 , 141 , 238 , 252 , 275 , 280 , 297 ,

18 , 337 , 342 , 346 , 398 , 411 , 422 , 447 , 458 , 3 journal of the american college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 113 , journal of the japan society of acupuncture¤ 45 , 64 , 139 ,

60 , 190 , 219 , 254 , 255 , 1 journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 50 , 51 , journal of tianjin college of tcm¤ 316 , journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 38 , 76 , 83 , 84 , 97 , 108 , 115 , 117 , 134 , 143 , 166 , 173 , 176 , 178 , 188 , 191 , 196 , 198 , 202 , 205 , 206 , 207 , journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 210 , 220 , 242 , 285 , 296 ,

41 , 383 , 444 , 445 , 446 , 3 journal of traditional chinese: medicine and chinese materia

edica of jilin¤ 440 , m journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 211 , 349 , 350 , les annales¤ 340 , liaoning journal of tcm¤ 396 , medecines nouvelles¤ 74 , medical acupuncture¤ 1 , 277 , 302 , 406 , medicina energetica¤ 278 , medicina holistica¤ 2 , 298 , medicina holistica, medicinas complementarias¤ 276 , medicina tradicional china¤ 137 , meridiens¤ 82 , 260 , 329 , modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine ¤ 395 , 416 , 41 , 423 , 438 , 460 , 7 new journal of tcm¤ 399 , 442 , 443 , new journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 105 , 169 , officiel des medecines naturelles¤ 46 , 52 , orientamenti mtc¤ 67 , pulso de la vida 264 , ¤ qi gong¤ 103 , qigong¤ 89 , 149 , 163 , qigong and physical training¤ 174 , qigong journal¤ 292 , revista argentina de acupuntura¤ 288 , revista de la medicina tradicional china¤ 125 , 145 , 177 , 203 , 213 , 221 , 226 , 232 , 236 , revista romana de acupunctura¤ 268 , revue de mtc du yunnan¤ 59 , revue francaise d'acupuncture¤ 13 , 14 , 27 , 93 , revue francaise de medecine traditionnelle chinoise¤ 187 , revue francaise de mtc¤ 60 , 323 , revue internationale d'acupuncture¤ 5 , 6 ,

rivista italiana di agopuntura¤ 18 , 55 , 122 , 171 , 271 , rivista italiana di medicina orientale¤ 43 , 48 , rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese¤ 100 , 140 , 152 , rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese¤ 180 , 216 , 227 , 229 , 233 , 234 , 235 , 265 , 290 , 315 , 357 , 376 , 380 , 439 , rivista italiana medicina tradizionale cinese¤ 262 , shaanxi journal of tcm¤ 69 , shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 388 , shaanxi traditional chinese medicine¤ 124 , 154 , 162 , 172 , shandong journal of tcm¤ 247 , 248 , 313 , shang han lun¤ 204 , shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 99 , 107 , 110 , 111 , 128 , 200 , 274 , 282 , 305 , 347 , 361 , 377 , 407 , 429 , 455 , 456 , shanghai journal of tcm¤ 78 , 303 , 309 , shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 161 , 167 , tianjin journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 390 , traditional chinese medicinal research¤ 270 , word journal of acupuncture-moxibustion¤ 325 , world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion¤ 223 , 332 , 353 , 393 , xinjiang journal of tcm¤ 364 , zhejiang journal of tcm¤ 109 , 304 , 311 , 355 , 449 , 451 , zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 86 , 168 , 181 , 197 , 354 , 8 - revues extérieures akush ginekol¤ 193 , american journal of clinical nutrition¤ 15 , aust fam physician¤ 289 , beijing da xue xue bao¤ 433 , 434 , 435 , brain injury¤ 267 , brain research bulletin¤ 164 , 250 , eat weight disord¤ 300 , exp biol med (maywood)¤ 427 , 428 , int j obes relat metab disord¤ 256 , int j obesity¤ 237 , international journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders¤ 261 , j am osteopath assoc¤ 301 , j p b t¤ 102 , jiangsu journal of tcm¤ 118 , jiangxi zhongyiyao¤ 68 , lakartidningen¤ 81 , neurosci lett¤ 344 , obesity research¤ 249 , practitioner¤ 95 , tcm shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 326 , terapeuticheskii arkhiv¤ 66 , wienier klinishe wochenschrift¤ 272 , 9 - thèses these medecine,bordeaux 2¤ 53 , these medecine,marseille¤ 44 , these medecine,paris-cochin¤ 19 , 10 - tirés- à- part ou manscrits non publiés editions de l'institut de medecine traditionnelle chinoise¤ 3 , 11 - traités guy tredaniel,paris¤ 4 , jacques grancher,paris¤ 40 ,

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maisonneuve,ste ruffine¤ 92 , st martin's press, new york¤ 16 ,

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