122 Exam Essai 2013 Cor

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122 Exam Essai 2013 Cor

Transcript of 122 Exam Essai 2013 Cor

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    Examen dessai : semaine du lundi 14 janvier au samedi 19 janvier 2013

    Dure de lpreuve : 3 heures Le corrig comporte : 3 pages

    CORRIG __________________________________________________________________________________________

    I/ CORRESPONDANCE COMMERCIALE ( 5 points) A&M Appliances &Co LTD Albion Works, 25 Deansgate Manchester M60 2QA

    Ref - LL/BS 3 March, 2013

    Ms Lesley Long Sales Manager Hughes & Grant LTD 21 Ashton Drive Liverpool, L 12 R47 Re: Outstanding invoice Dear Ms Long

    We have received and checked your statement for the quarter ending 30 September and agree with the balance of 1245.75 shown to be due. Until now we have had no difficulty in meeting our commitments and have always settled our accounts with you promptly. We could have done so at this time, unfortunately the bankruptcy of an important customer has resulted in temporary cashflow problems for us.

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    We would be very grateful if you would allow us to defer payment of your present account to the end of next month. This would enable us to sort out this unexpected inconvenience as efficiently as possible. During the next few weeks we will be receiving payments on a number of large contracts. If you grant our request we shall have no difficulty in paying off our debt with you in due course. If you wish to discuss this, please give me a call on 0114 232434 Yours sincerely Brevia Short Brevia Short (Mrs) Assistant Accountant. II/ EXPRESSION PERSONNELLE EN ANGLAIS (5 points) Eco-friendly attitudes should be adopted in the office. Because heating, cooling and providing electricity supplies to office space are responsible for a great deal of CO2 emissions, solar power should be considered as an alternative. A cost/benefit analysis ought, therefore, to be undertaken. To begin with, solar-operated power sources could provide power to the office as heating, cooling and powering office space is responsible for a lot of carbon dioxide emissions. We should start enquiring about their costs.

    Computers in the office use a great deal of electricity annually when they are on standby / not in use. So automatic shut-offs for lighting and setting computers to power down automatically after 15 minutes of idle time should be installed to cut energy. Printing demands large amounts of copier paper: it should be limited. In addition, staff could reuse the back of printed paper.

    Staff getting to and from work costs employers hours of lost productivity a year, adding up to billions in wasted time and fuel every year. Our company could choose to introduce rewards for workers who get to work by using public transport. Telecommuting (working from home) should be developed too. Many administrative tasks don't require staff to be present at their office desks.

    An environmentally friendlier architecture and supply system could be adopted. The building should be checked to see if it meets the standards for saving water, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. No new office furniture should be bought unless it is absolutely necessary as in the case of replacement of damaged furniture. Why not consider buying second-hand furniture?

    Finally, let's mention a very convenient place for us all: the restroom. Old toilets should be changed. Toilet flushing is the single biggest water waste in the office; more eco-friendly devices are widely available today. All these measures are examples of simple steps every one of us could take to contribute to reducing waste. I am confident that the resulting financial benefits will also convince management to consider these options and invest in some of them.

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    1) Faux - the U.S. chain sets out to improve global sales by making a long-awaited entry into one of the world's fastest-growing economies.


    ...the company's expected entry comes at a time of growing popularity of coffee outlets.

    2) Vrai - The Starbucks outlets[...] are likely to be located in retail stores and hotels associated with the

    Tata group.

    3) Faux - A spokesman for Starbucks, [...], said its talks with the Tata group are "moving forward" and that the U.S. company hopes to make an announcement soon.

    4) Vrai - ...the partnership would take advantage of the strengths of various other companies under the

    Tata group umbrella.

    5) Vrai - India remains one of the big unexploited markets for Seattle-based Starbucks.

    6) NM

    7) Faux - As a result, overall domestic consumption of coffee rose to an estimated 108,000 metric tons in 2010, up 80% in the past decade

    8) Faux - Cafe Coffee Day, a unit of Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Co., runs the largest chain of

    coffee retail stores.

    9) Vrai - ...the country could one day rival China, where the company plans to more than triple the number of its outlets.

    10) Vrai - Starbucks signed an initial agreement with Tata Coffee to source and roast premium coffee

    beans in India. IV/ VERSION (5 Points) Lundi, en raction la nouvelle dune possible ngociation, les actions de Tata Coffee ont grimp de 11% pour atteindre 890,35 roupies ($18,15) la clture la bourse de Bombay. Selon Himani Singh, analyste en biens de consommation lagence de courtage Elara Securities base Mumbai, s'il est vrai que les actions de Tata Coffee pourraient sapprcier du fait des attentes de commandes long terme pour approvisionner les activits de Starbucks en Inde, il est trop tt pour quantifier les avantages quen tirera la firme indienne. Daprs un autre analyste local, les lois indiennes qui restreignent l'accs la proprit aux trangers pourraient reprsenter un obstacle pour Starbucks. La rglementation en vigueur au niveau local limite le taux de participation des enseignes trangres engages dans partenariats locaux 51%. Toutefois, en croire Saloni Nangia, le vice-prsident responsable de la socit de conseil Technopark Advisors, malgr la prsence en Inde d'environ 2 000 salons spcialiss dans le caf, le march ne serait pas satur.