11 beurre mixa

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  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa







  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa


    Mixa beurre fondant corps- hot filling implementation

    Formula 603991/2: To obtain a butter texture in other words a firm and notsticky cream with melting application

    Fabrication process : Concentrate/dilution on one time process with endof manufacturing at 40C

    Filling process: Filling at 40C without cooling tunnel

    Quality Controls: texture analysed by penetrometry

    Product history: at the beginning, this texture was for Garnier brand withproduction at Karlsruhe plant on the 20T Skid with TMS target of 150min

    and real TM 150/180min (product is on stand by for the moment). Then theR&I developed this product for Mixa with production at Israel plant. Thistexture will be used for other formulae for the other brands of the Group.

    Now: we made several trials of fabrication and filling to analyse the textureimpact. Study to limit the problem of condensation into the storage vessels.The Israel plant produced 8 fabrications of 3,6T ( 107 Ku FG) with real TM

    = 140min

    Product presentation


  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa


    To add 12% of hot 511S into the oily phase

    Heating temperature of the oily phase : 65 70C:

    we determined this temperature according to cold 511S temperature

    To add gelling phase 75238 + 52022 after the emulsion

    Dosing 511S of dilution ( 19C in Isral) less of 20 minutes

    Dispersion after dilution less of 10 minutes RT = 40C

    Keys points of production Process

    Not cooling step at the end and final Temperature= 40C

    Filling at 40C at the maximum volume of the jar

    to limit condensation problem

    Mixa beurre fondant corps- hot filling implementation


  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa


    Mixa beurre fondant corps Hot filling implementation

    The goal- filling the bulk at a temperature between 37-43 C.

    Solution Isolation of mobile storage vessels to keepthe temperature.Step 1 Isolating the mobile storage vessels withfoaming polyethylene.Step 2 validation of the bulk temperature over adefined period of time.


    Date Filling room-mobile vessel


    Production date-22/11/2010 42c

    24/11/2010 40c

    25/11/2010 38.5c

    26/11/2010 37.5c


  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa


    Main issue Condensation in the storage vessels

    Mixa beurre fondant corps- hot filling implementation


  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa


    Main issue Condensation in the storage vessels

    Solution leveling the temperature of the vesselsurface to the bulks

    Step 1 Installation of heating device over theupper area of the vessel

    Step 2 Installation of heating device over themanhole cover

    Mixa beurre fondant corps- hot filling implementation


  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa


    Main issue Condensation in the storage vessels

    Results- No condensation found on the top surface ofthe bulk.

    Ambiant Heated

    Mixa beurre fondant corps- hot filling implementation


  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa


    Method: Followed by penetrometry measures during the time (measure of strength bycompression) with a specific equipment. Measures done on FG at 20C. Final result isthe strenght resultant in gram g.

    Conclusion: We propose to the R&I to use the penetrometry withsensorial analysis when they look for a particular texture that is difficultto well analysed with classical controls

    Evaluation of the cosmeticity : Penetrometry

    -2 0 2 4 6 8 10













    Force (g)

    Distance (mm)

    Proto 36013 prlv2

    Mobile P20

    T> 16h



    allure de plateautexture homog

    Strenght (g)

    Distance (mm)

    Mixa beurre fondant corps- hot filling implementation


  • 8/4/2019 11 beurre mixa


    A retenir

    Cette nouvelle texture est trs demande par les marketing qui recherchent de plus en plus de textures

    riches et beurre notamment pour les produits corps. Cette formule est une mulsion coule en pot 40C et refroidie en PF temprature ambiante.

    Les difficults rencontres concernent la temprature laquelle elle devait tre coule pour obtenir latexture souhaite sans tunnel de refroidissement en tenant compte de la fragilit de la texturecisaillement et en limitant la formation de condensation critique dun point de vue qualitatif et

    microbiologique. Lquipement industriel a t adapt et les conditions de production ont t affines

    lors dun pilote industriel.

    Dun point de vue caractrisation de la texture ce projet a fait lobjet dun dveloppement de protocole

    de pntromtrie . La spcification contient donc une mesure de pntromtrie sur PF.

    Dautres projets similaires sont en cours dtude plus ou moins avance pour les marques CCB, Vichy.

    Prcdemment un projet Garnier avait t dvelopp mais navait pas abouti.