Les Clés De La Minceur par Dr. Charles DC « ✔Livre ✔PDF

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Les Clés De La Minceur par Dr. Charles DC « ✔Livre ✔PDF

Dip aux Fèves et aux Fines Herbes

Pour : 4 personnes

Préparation : 5 minutes + réfrigération Cuisson : 15 minutes


375 grs de fèves fraîches ou surgelées 50 grs de persil haché grossièrement 50 grs de coriandre hachée grossièrement 1 ou 2 piments verts épépinés et hachés 2 gousses d’ail hachées 1 1/2 cuillère à café de cumin en poudre 3 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive 1 oignon émincé sel et poivre


Faire cuire les fèves 5 minutes dans de l’eau bouillante légèrement salée. Ajouter le persil et la coriandre, couvrir et laisser frémir 5 minutes. Égoutter les fèves en réservant une partie de l’eau de cuisson.

Dans un robot, mélanger les fèves avec les piments,l’ail, le cumin, 2 cuillerées à soupe d’huile d’olive et 3 à 4 cuillerées à soupe d’eau de cuisson des fèves. Mixer jusqu’à obtention d’une pâte lisse et assaisonner. Si le mélange est trop sec, ajouter un peu d’eau de cuisson. Verser le dip dans un bol et le placer au réfrigérateur.

Faire chauffer 1 cuillerée à soupe d’huile dans une poêle antiadhéslve. Faire revenir rapidement l’oignon. Lorsqu’il est doré et croustillant, verser l’oignon sur le dip.

Accompagnement suggéré : pitas au blé complet ou crudités.


Pour un dip aux aubergines, emballer 2 aubergine dans du papier d’aluminium et les faire cuire 30 à 45 minutes dans un four préchauffé à 180 °C. Les évider et écraser la chair avec 2 ou 3 gousses d’ail hachées, 2 cuillerées à soupe d’huile d’olive et 1 cuillerée à soupe de jus de citron. Assaisonner selon votre goût.

Poulet aux Haricots Rouges (3ème tiers)

Pour : 4 personnes

Préparation : 15 minutes Cuisson : 20 ou 25 minutes


huile de tournesol en spray 1 oignon haché grossièrement 1 poivron rouge épépiné et haché grossièrement 1 gousse d’ail coupée en deux 250 grs de chair de cuisses de poulet, sans la peau et coupées en dés de 3 cm 2 cuillères à café de piment doux en poudre 200 grs de riz complet à longs grains 410 grs de haricots rouges en boîte, rincés et égouttés 400 grs de tomates cerises 200 ml de bouillon de poulet sel et poivre

Pour servir coriandre ciselée quartiers de citron vert


Faire chauffer un grand poêlon résistant au four.Le huiler légèrement. Y faire revenir l’oignon, le poivron, l’ail et le poulet 3 minutes à feu moyen en remuant constamment.

Ajouter le piment en poudre, le riz, les haricots, les tomates et le bouillon. Assaisonner selon votre goût. Porter à ébullition et laisser mijoter 15 minutes.

Quand le poulet et le riz sont cuits, faire remonter un maximum de dés de poulet en surface et faire dorer sous le gril d’un four préchauffé.

Parsemer de coriandre ciselée et servir avec des quartiers de citron vert.


Pour une variante aux pois chiches, remplacer les haricots rouges par la même quantité de pois chiches en boîte. Ajouter 1/2 cuillerée à café de cannelle en poudre, 1/2 cuillerée à café de gingembre en poudre et le jus de 1/2 citron, en même temps que le piment, le riz, les tomates et le bouillon. Faire cuire comme indiqué ci-dessus puis décorer avec quelques feuilles de coriandre et de menthe ciselées.

Tagine d’Agneau aux Pruneaux (3ème tiers)

Pour : 4 personnes

Préparation : 15 minutes Cuisson : 1 heure à 1 heure 15


huile d’olive en spray 625 grs de viande d’agneau maigre, coupée en morceaux 1 oignon rouge haché 1 carotte pelée et coupée en rondelles 1 cuillère à café de paprika 1 cuillère à café de coriandre en poudre 1 cuillère à café de graines de fenouil 1 bâton de 3 cm de cannelle 2 gousses d’ail pilées 2 feuilles de laurier 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron vert 750 ml de bouillon de poulet dégraissé 400 grs de tomates concassées en boîte 65 grs d’orge perlé 15 grs de coriandre ciselée + quelques brins pour décorer 1 cuillère à soupe de jus de citron vert 400 grs de semoule complète sel et poivre


Faire chauffer une grande cocotte. Huiler-la légèrement et y faire dorer les morceaux d’agneau. si nécessaire en plusieurs fois. Retirer l’agneau à l’aide d’une écumoire. Faire revenir rapidement l’oignon et les rondelles de carotte dans la cocotte. Remettre les morceaux de viande dans la cocotte, ajouter le paprika, la coriandre en poudre, les graines de fenouil, la cannelle, l’ail, le laurier, 2 cuillerées à soupe de jus de citron vert, le bouillon, les tomates concassées et l’orge. Assaisonner à volonté.

Couvrir et laisser mijoter 1 heure. En fin de cuisson, ajouter la coriandre ciselée et 1 cuillerée à soupe de jus de citron vert.

Pendant ce temps, faire cuire la semoule en suivant les instructions de l’emballage et laisser reposer 5 minutes. Servir le tagine bien chaud sur la semoule. Décorer avec quelques brins de coriandre.


Pour une version au bœuf, remplacer l’agneau par la même quantité de bœuf.

Brochettes de Crevettes

Pour : 4 personnes

Préparation : 10 minutes Cuisson : 10 minutes


50 grs de cornichons hachés finement 50 grs de concombre haché finement 1 échalote hachée finement 50 ml d’huile d’olive 1 1/2 cuillères à soupe de vinaigre blanc 1 cuillère à soupe d’aneth ciselé 400 grs de grosses crevettes crues sel et poivre


Faire tremper 12 brochettes en bois dans de l’eau chaude. Mélanger les cornichons, le concombre et l’échalote dans un bol. À part, mélanger l’huile, le vinaigre et l’aneth, et assaisonner selon votre goût.

Enfiler 4 crevettes par brochette et faire cuire 10 minutes sous le gril d’un four préchauffé. Tourner les brochettes une ou deux fois au cours de la cuisson.

Disposer les brochettes sur 4 assiettes. Verser la vinaigrette sur le mélange cornichons-concombre-échalote et mélanger. Verser cette sauce sur les crevettes.

Accompagnement suggéré : pommes de terre nouvelles.

Saumon à la Salsa Cajun

Pour : 4 personnes

Préparation : 15 minutes Cuisson : 8 minutes


3 cuillères à soupe de mélange d’épices cajun 1 cuillère à café d’origan séché 4 filets de saumon de 75 grs chacun huile de tournesol quartiers de citron vert pour décorer

Salsa cajun : 410 grs de haricots cornilles

haricots blancs avec un œil noir en boîte, rincés et égouttés 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive 1 avocat pelé, dénoyauté et coupé en morceaux 2 tomates allongées (type roma) hachées finement 1 poivron jaune épépiné et haché finement 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron vert sel et poivre


Mélanger les épices cajun et l’origan dans une coupelle.

Badigeonner les filets de saumon sur les deux faces avec un peu d’huile de tournesol. Tourner les filets dans les épices en veillant à ce que le poisson soit parfaitement enrobé. Réserver.

Préparer la salsa en mélangeant tous les ingrédients dans un saladier. Assaisonner selon votre goût et réserver.

Faire cuire le saumon dans une poêle à frire préalablement chauffée, 4 minutes de chaque côté. N’utiliser pas d’huile.

Servir les filets de saumon avec la salsa cajun et des quartiers de citron vert.


Pour une salsa verde, égoutter et hacher finement 6 filets d’anchois à l’huile, et les mélanger à 3 cuillerées à soupe de basilic ciselé, 3 cuillerées à soupe de persil ciselé (ou de ciboulette), 2 cuillerées à café de câpres hachés grossièrement, 2 cuillerées à café de moutarde de Dijon, 3 cuillerées à soupe d’huile d’olive et 1 1/2 cuillerée à soupe de vinaigre blanc.

Haddock en Papillote Riz à la Noix de Coco

Pour : 4 personnes

Préparation : 15 minutes Cuisson : 20 minutes


4 filets de haddock de 150 grs chacun 4 cuillères à soupe de coriandre ciselée 1 piment rouge haché 1 échalote émincée 1 citron vert coupé en tranches + quelques quartiers pour décorer 1 bâton de lemon-grass haché grossièrement 1 bâton de lemon-grass entaillé 200 grs de riz complet 2 feuilles de citronnier kaffir fraîches ou séchées 50 ml de lait de coco allégé


Découper 4 carrés de papier sulfurisé de 30 cm de côté. Déposer un filet de haddock au centre de chaque carré et répartir la coriandre, le piment, l’échalote, les tranches de citron vert et le lemon-grass haché sur les filets. Fermer les papillotes.

Déposer les papillotes sur une plaque de cuisson et faire cuire 20 minutes dans un four préchauffé à 180°C.

Pendant ce temps, porter 400 ml d’eau à ébullition. Jeter le riz dans l’eau bouillante avec la tige de lemon-grass entaillée et les feuilles de citronnier kaffir, et faire cuire 10 à 12 minutes. Incorporer le lait de coco quand toute l’eau a été absorbée. Servir ce riz parfumé avec les papillotes et décorer avec des quartiers de citron vert.


Vous pouvez remplacer les filets de haddock par des filets de cabillaud ou de loup (ou d’un autre poisson blanc à chair ferme).

Chiches-Kebabs Boeuf et Poivrons

Pour : 4 personnes

Préparation : 15 minutes + marinade Cuisson : 10 minutes


400 grs de bœuf rumsteck ou filet 1 poivron rouge épépiné 1 poivron vert épépiné 1 cuillère à café de graines de coriandre écrasées 3 cuillères à soupe d’huile végétale 15 grs de coriandre ciselée 1 piment rouge épépiné et haché 1 gousse d’ail pilée 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron vert sel et poivre


Faire tremper 8 brochettes en bois dans de l’eau chaude. Couper le bœuf et les poivrons en dés de 2,5cm.

Mélanger les graines de coriandre, 2 cuillerées à soupe d’huile et la moitié des feuilles de coriandre. Assaisonner selon votre goût. Tourner la viande et les poivrons dans cette préparation.

Enfiler le bœuf et les poivrons sur les brochettes, couvrir et placer 1 heure au réfrigérateur.

Mélanger le reste de coriandre et d’huile avec le piment, l’ail et le jus de citron vert. Assaisonner selon votre goût et réserver.

Faire cuire les brochettes 15 minutes sous le gril d’un four préchauffé. Les tourner et les arroser souvent de marinade.

Servir 2 brochettes par personne. Arroser avec la sauce à la coriandre.


Pour un plat sauté, faire revenir le bœuf et les poivrons dans une cocotte, avec la marinade. Servir avec de la semoule complète.

Poulet au Citron et Persil

Pour : 4 personnes

Préparation : 5 minutes Cuisson : 8 minutes


4 blancs de poulet sans la peau de 125 grs chacun 1 cuillère à soupe d’huile d’olive 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron 3 cuillères à soupe de persil ciselé 1 cuillère à soupe d’origan ciselé sel et poivre quartiers de citron pour servir


Couper les blancs de poulet en deux dans l’épaisseur à l’aide d’un couteau bien aiguisé. Déposer les moitiés de filets sur une grille recouverte de papier d’aluminium et les assaisonner.

Verser l’huile d’olive, le jus de citron, le persil et l’origan dans une petite casserole et faire chauffer. Badigeonner les blancs de poulet avec ce mélange, à l’aide d’une cuillère ou d’un pinceau.

Faire cuire le poulet environ 4 minutes sous le gril d’un four préchauffé, en plusieurs fois. La viande doit être juste cuite et très moelleuse. Servir dès la sortie du four avec des quartiers de citron.


Pour une version plus épicée, ajouter un piment rouge épépiné et haché finement dans la marinade, puis faire griller le poulet comme indiqué ci-dessus.




Program Overview 27 Pick Your Weight Loss Plan 27

#1 - Steady Weight Loss Plan 28

#2 - Quick Weight Loss Plan 29

#3 - Turbo Weight Loss Plan 30

Structured Eating 31 How FLF Structured Eating Helps You Lose Weight 32

Lemon Water 34 Lemon Water Ingredients 35

Master Cleanse 36 Master Cleanse Summary 36

Master Cleanse Success Tips 37

Cleansing Side Effects 38 Herbal Laxative Tea 38

Saltwater Flush 38

Raw / Alkaline Foods Diet 40 Why raw foods? 40

Managing Fruits 50

Cheat Day 51 Branched Chain Amino Acids 51

48-Hour Fast 52

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Congratulations on taking that 1st action step to a better, healthier you. I’m not going to bore you with a bunch of words. What I am going to do is give you a bunch of action steps that you can instantly apply to get you started on your fat loss journey. Are you ready?

I only work with people who want to be serious about changing. Through my experience what I’ve found is that weight loss is only temporary. Lifestyle change is permanent. That’s what you want, right? You don’t want to keep yo-yo-ing up and down with your weight like you have been do you? Good. I don’t want that for you either. It’s easier to make a couple simple changes and keep the weight off for good.

Now, you’ve decided to take action and buy this. What’s the next step? It’s making the commitment to change. Another a-ha moment for me was when I discovered the phrase “if you think it, you ink it”. It means that if you write it down and you will always have better results.

I personally feel that God honors those who are vocal and clear about their goals in life. I find there is something very powerful about writing things down. If you don’t believe me, just try it out! I would love to hear your success story!

Below, I’ve created a contract. The funny thing about this is that as silly as it may seem to sign and date it, there becomes an accountability factor attached to it. Whenever I sign something I instantly feel more accountable than if I just say I’m going to do it.

Go ahead and show this to your friends and family to have them hold you accountable also. Make the promise that you’ll stick through this even when times are rough.

Tape this to your bathroom mirror and read it out loud to yourself one time per week and every single time you feel like giving you.

I believe in you. Now it’s your turn to believe in yourself!

Accountability Contract

I, ______________________________, make this promise to myself and my loved ones that I will complete the Fat Loss Factor program even though at times it may seem difficult. This includes:

1. Diet: If I cannot complete the cleanse, I will move onto the raw diet, if I cannot complete the raw diet, I will move onto the structured eating portion of the program.

2. I will give myself at least 75 days on this program because I realize that I deserve to live a better, healthier, lifestyle and I recognize that it takes time to develop a healthy habit.

3. I will NOT beat myself up if I cheat or have a moment of weakness. I will just continue the program as is and keep moving forward.

4. I agree that I will never see myself as a failure because there is no such thing as failure, just feedback. I choose to pay attention to my weak points and find ways to overcome them.

5. I will not give up again like I have in so many other programs without discussing this with at least one other person and contacting customer support if I get stuck.

6. I will make sure that I follow through with what I say that I’m going to do because I am a powerful person who takes action.

7. I will remember why I’m doing this program, especially when I’m tempted to stop doing it because it seems “too hard”. I will also take control of my thoughts so that my emotions won’t dictate my actions. Signed_____________________________Date____________

What’s Your Why?

In my professional opinion, the major reason why people do not succeed on their diets is because their WHY isn’t big enough. Your WHY is the real reason you want to lose weight. This is often underneath the surface stuff such as “ I want to fit into my skinny jeans again” or “I want to look good in my bikini”. These are much, much deeper. They deal with the more emotional aspects of your life, the suffering, the insecurities, the embarrassment that you feel. If you can access these deep reasons then you will have found your ultimate motivation.

Let me take a moment and share my personal experience with this. When I connected with my reason why, it felt so much bigger than me. I literally felt like I had to accomplish this no matter what. My WHY for losing my weight was to set an example for my 7 year old son. I wanted him to know that his health was important. I realized that the only way to do this was to BE the example. He watched me make healthy food choices, he exercised with me, he watched me exert will power when I walked by my favorite ice cream shop.

My proudest moment came when he could make his own healthy food choices and when he would ask me to exercise with him. That’s powerful.

So let’s find out your why. Set the clock for 10 minutes and start writing down the reasons why you want to lose weight. After you clear out the surface reasons, which are a great start, you’ll be able to dig deeper to find your WHY.

Once you find those reasons that motivate you, then circle them!

The Reason WHY I want to lose weight is:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Once you have found your WHY, come back to it and review it every week to keep you focused and motivated!

Goal setting

If you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there. The most successful people in life set goals. Now, Fat Loss Factor is all about creating an easy, fun lifestyle where you can look great, feel great and be able to keep the weight off for good. That’s what you want right? In order to get to that point, it’s necessary to set goals along the way to move you forward on your journey.

Use this worksheet to help you set a SMART goal.

1. Why do YOU want to adopt a healthier lifestyle?

I want to improve my health because __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Where are you going to start?

I will begin by making a change in the area of: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What do you want to accomplish? What is your goal? Is it SMART?

S = Specific

M = Measurable

A = Attainable

R = Relevant

T = Timely

I would like to accomplish the following: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How are you going to reach this goal?

During the next week, then month, I will do the following: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. When are you going to start?

Create a schedule for this week:

Activity Day of the Week Time of Day _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Who can help you?

I am going to ask for help from the following people ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. How will you maintain this change over time?What barriers will interfere with your efforts to maintain the change? What kinds of strengths, supports, and rewards will help you combat those barriers?

Barriers _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Solutions _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My reward for accomplishing my goal is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If I do not achieve my goal, I will: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When you pick your reward for accomplishing your goal, you should pick something above and beyond what you’d normally do for yourself. Make it big. Go on a trip that you’ve been wanting to go on. Buy yourself a new wardrobe, Give yourself a spa day. Spend more on yourself than normal. You deserve it!

If you do not reach your goal, pick something that you would not enjoy doing, such as cleaning out the garage for your spouse, or taking out the trash for a month. A more constructive idea would be to volunteer at the local soup kitchen for a month. The point is to pick something that will not be convenient for you.


It is vital that you measure your success. The best way to do this is by tracking your weight and body measurements.

You can download our measurement form in the membership area.

We also provide you with our patented weight tracker where you can chart your weight progress and add before and after pictures. I’d highly encourage that you use these tools and keep measurements.

What you do NOT want to do is just rely on the scale and your weight.

DON’T be a slave to the scale!! It’s just one factor to look at. NOT the only one which is a mistake that most people make.

7 Day Food and Exercise Log

The Food and Exercise Log is a critical step in the Fat Loss Factor program. I find that it is very important to track your eating and exercise habits for a week. Fill this out as complete as you can and look for patterns.

How much are you sleeping? You should be around 7-8 hours a night

How much are you exercising? 3-4 times a week is ideal.

How many bowel movements? At least 1 per day. 2-3 is what we strive for. This is a gauge for your fiber intake.

What do your meals look like?

Now, look on page 55 of my book titled 15 Foods For Guaranteed Weight Gain. Circle all that you find on the food and exercise log. Are you surprised by what you find?

By looking at your past, you can find tiny areas that can be improved without much effort. For example, if you found out that you are drinking 3 sodas a day, drop it down to one and drink green tea in place of the other 2 sodas. This alone would cause you to lose belly fat.

The more you eliminate:

Wheat, Dairy, And Sugar from your diet. The faster you will lose weight. Pay particular attention to those types of foods and focus on eliminating as much as possible. You can do it!

FLF Favorite foods

I learned something very interesting during my research and experimenting with myself. I learned that we eat the same basic foods over and over again and that typically, we have about 15 different meals that we eat. Take a moment and think about it… I bet you are just like me and you eat the same things over and over again.

There is nothing wrong with this, especially if you eat healthy foods.

Go to page 47 in my book or look at the grocery list that I have given you.

By pre-planning these foods, we are setting ourselves up for success. You can always refer back to this and pick out your “go to” foods. One of the biggest complaints I get in my office is “ I don’t know what to eat”

We can overcome this by writing it down!

My Favorite Meats/Eggs:



My Favorite Fats/Oils:


My Favorite Fruits:


My Favorite Vegetables:


My Favorite Nuts/Seeds:


My Favorite FLF Recipes

I made sure to give you 100’s of different recipes so you have plenty of options. The one problem that I can see with this is that it may become overwhelming. So, let’s go ahead and write down a few of your favorites

There are a couple of ways to do this. You can copy and paste them into your own document or you can write down the title and page numbers below.

Raw Food Recipes:


Breakfast Recipes:


Lunch Recipes:



Dinner Recipes:


Snack Recipes:



Smoothie Recipes:


Foo Joo

Foo Joo is a little program that I developed that contains a bunch of restaurants and the healthiest choices at those restaurants. You can use this if you know you are going to a certain restaurant ahead of tie. This is the least important part of the program and I would put 99% of my focus into all of the other worksheets.

My Personal Speedy Grocery list:

Here is a quick list of items that I keep on hand for quick and easy meals. I highly recommend foods that are fresh but I also understand that time is not our friend sometimes ;-) My solution? I find quality frozen produce and meats to keep on hand when I’m in a hurry.

A more complete grocery list is provided on the download page.


Frozen chicken breasts

Frozen turkey burgers (unseasoned)

Frozen Wild Caught Salmon

Frozen Cod

Lean Ground Beef that is antibiotic and hormone free

Cage Free Eggs


Sweet potatoes/yams

Basmati Rice


Rice cakes


Ezekiel Bread

Canned Black Beans (unseasoned)


Spring mix greens


Frozen stir fry veggie mix

Frozen broccoli

Frozen Green Beans


Green Apples





Frozen Berry Mix


Coconut oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Raw Almonds

Raw Walnuts


Hemp Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Chia Seeds


Greek Yogurt


Filtered Water or Spring Water

Vitamin Water Zero (sweetened with Eryithritol)

Herbal Teas

Organic Fair Trade Coffee

Almond Milk


No Salt seasonings such as Mrs. Dash

Sea Salt

Dried Herbs

Frank’s Hot Sauce

Ketchup with no HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)



Protein powder


Digestive Enzymes

Greens Powder

Protein Cookies

Omega 3 fish oil

I am a huge supporter of Biotrust products. I use multiple products of theirs every single day. You can check them out here: drcharles.biotrust.com

Fantastic products, superior quality, and great price!

Ok, this is just a reminder if you came to my house right now, the list above is what you’d find. These are my go to foods or what I keep around regularly. Yours will be different

The next part of this guide is the actual program overview. When you pick apart the program, it breaks down like this:

Phase 1: Cleanse

Phase 2: Raw Food Diet

Phase 3: Structured Eating

All three of these are fantastic for your liver and will turn it into the fat burning organ that it should be. You can do all 3 phases which I would highly recommend at least once, or mix and match. The beauty of this program is that it is customizable to you. Go at your own pace if you need to. After all, how do we eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

Just know that my team and I are hear to love and support you. We know that you can do it.

Finally, remember that this is designed to be a lifestyle diet. This is exactly what I still do and have been for years. It works at helping you to lose fat, and it helps you to keep it off. And YES I still get to have my ice cream and pizza! After being on this program for a while, my body is conditioned to burn off those goodies fast. Now, I don’t eat these all the time, but if I have a craving, I go for it.

THIS is what lifestyle is all about. I don’t feel restricted, I don’t feel like I can’t have something. I make healthy choices and I also get to have my goodies also! You can have this too. I encourage you to stick with me for 90 days even if it is just the structured eating portion. I am confident that you’ll have more energy, more focus, more time back and more weight lost than ever before!

Are you ready? Did you get your forms filled out above? Please make sure you give your 110% effort and really try. That includes filling out those papers ;-)

Let’s move onto the program breakdown.

Program Overview

In this Quick Start Guide, I present three simple plans:

Steady Weight Loss Plan: Lose 1 to 2 pounds a week on average

Quick Weight Loss Plan: Lose 3 to 4 pounds a week on average

Turbo Weight Loss Plan: Lose 5 to 6 pounds a week on average

Each plan is represented by a color-coded calendar, with each calendar providing a detailed schedule for that plan. After presenting the plan calendars, I explain each part of the diet and give you a brief overview of why it works and why it is beneficial to you.

Pick Your Weight Loss Plan

Take a moment and consider your weight loss goals. How many pounds do you want to lose? How quickly do you want / need to lose the weight? For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds in three weeks, you should focus on the Turbo Weight Loss Plan. However if you are OK with losing 20 pounds over the next three to six months, and you want to enjoy more of the foods you love, then the Steady Weight Loss Plan will work just fine.

So let’s take a look at the plans…

#1 - Steady Weight Loss Calendar

Lose 1 to 2 pounds a week on average

#2 - Quick Weight Loss Calendar

Lose 3 to 4 pounds a week on average

#3 - Turbo Weight Loss Calendar

Lose 5 to 6 pounds a week on average

Structured Eating

tructured eating is a well-established approach to dieting and fat loss. The principles of structured eating are founded on the concept of intermittent fasting. If you are worried by the word “fasting”—possibly because you have never tried it before—don’t be. Fasting is an excellent thing to do for your health and


As you may already know, hormones play a significant role in the process of weight management. Some hormones trigger fat-burning while others stimulate fat-gaining. When you fast, those hormones that promote fat-burning are stimulated and those that promote fat-gaining are suppressed. The Fat Loss Factor presents specific diet plans that utilize the powerful tool of fasting.

The Structured Eating process can be divided into three components:

Structured Eating Level 1 – At this level, you maintain the same food intake and meals; however, you modify the intake times such that you consume the meals only between noon and 9pm.

Structured Eating Level 2 – At this level, you begin to add in foods in the list provided in the Turbo Weight Loss Plan. Consume about 50% of the time.

Structured Eating Level 3 – At this level, you begin to add in foods in the list provided in the Turbo Weight Loss Plan. Consume about 90% of the time.

The more fat-burning foods you consume (as listed in The Fat Loss Factor), the quicker you will see results. Although Structured Eating comes in various forms, this version leverages making the intelligent choices at the specific times. If you go out to eat for a hamburger, instead of adding tater tots, choose a salad. The plan you are on


allows you to pick the tater tots, but making optimal and healthy choices at these decision points will bring faster results.

How FLF Structured Eating Helps You Lose Weight

1. A Burst of Energy Burns More Calories – You will likely find that you are highly productive during your fasting period. This is because fasting for less than three days (72 hours) will increase your adrenaline level and ramp up your metabolism, in turn increasing the number of calories you burn. This extra energy may give you the boost you need for a workout or to get more of your daily tasks accomplished. All of this in turn leads to increased calorie burning.

2. Burning Off Fats Rather Than Sugars - The fasting process gives your body no choice but to burn stored fat. Any excess fat your body doesn’t burn during the several hours after a meal is stored in fat cells. When you consume food, the body prefers to burn carbs and then fat from the food, in that order. Fasting transforms the body’s metabolism so it burns mostly fat instead of blood sugar. By the end of a 24-hour fast, your body is burning far more fat than it would during a regular day of eating.

3. Consume The Foods You Like - Short term fasting allows you to lose weight and burn fat without missing any of the foods you like. With short-term fasting, you can consume all the foods you like—when you want them—and without any guilt, and the fat still comes off.

4. Increases The Hormones That Burn Fat – Hormones control your body’s core metabolic functions, with growth hormone being the most critical fat-burning hormone in the body. When you fast, insulin levels decrease, thus you burn body fat rather than store it. Growth hormone production also accelerates and the fat burning operations step into high hear.

5. Increases Fat Burning Enzyme Levels - Fasting increases the activity of two key fat burning enzymes. Hormone Sensitive Lipase triggers the fat cells to release fat, which in turn becomes energy to the muscles. Lipoprotein Lipase induces the muscle cells to take up fat, which in turn is burned as fuel. Fasting boosts both of these enzymes, and the end result is fat burning.

6. You Discover What Causes You To Eat – Fasting gives you an entirely new perspective on what causes you to eat. When you stop eating for a day, your various reasons for eating are laid bare. This psychological revelation becomes the most effective step to removing all your bad eating habits.

7. Builds A Positive Attitude - Each fast, however small, becomes an accomplishment that builds confidence. You feel good about your accomplishments and you come to like your relationship with food again. Each successful fast builds on the last, and ultimately you regain control over your food choices.

Eating for fat loss doesn’t need to be complicated and food should never be a source of anxiety or guilt. Mixing a few 24-hour fasts into your week can liberate you from the dieting drudge and allow you to enjoy food again.

Lemon Water

tart every day with warm lemon water. Note that “warm” means room temperature and does not mean you need to warm the water on the stove or in the microwave. Also—and this is optional but highly encouraged—include a pinch of cayenne pepper powder. For an 8-ounce glass of water, use

1/2 lemon. End every day by drinking warm lemon water. Before bed warm lemon water with a pinch of cayenne pepper powder.

The benefits of warm lemon water are:

Aids in digestion and waste excretion

Promotes immune system and heart health

Rich in beneficial calcium and potassium minerals

Warm water is ideal to use during a cleanse because it helps with digestion. The liver can process and filter food much easier with warm water, thus reducing the amount of toxins, food particles, and contaminants that are released into the bloodstream.

The vitamin C in lemon juice works as an antioxidant, neutralizing the effect of free radicals in the body. Another option: in addition to drinking lemon water in the morning, use greens powder also. Greens powder is packed full of powder vegetables and some fruits, vitamins, minerals, herbs, and probiotics. Using greens powder is a key ingredient in alkalizing your body.

I will take a serving of greens powder and then take a serving of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), which act as a protein source to help with building lean mass when exercising.

OPTIONAL: Want to accelerate your fat loss?


Try this in the mid morning (it will also help suppress any hunger pangs you may have before you start eating again)...

Make a power drink in the morning with greens powder for extra vegetable and fruits in your diet and Branched Chain. Amino Acids (BCAAs), which act as a protein source to help with building lean mass when you are active or exercising.”

Lemon Water Ingredients

Drink the Lemon Water six to eight times a day

Juice of ½ lemon or lime (preferably fresh squeezed and organic). Never use lemon juice from the bottle or frozen juice concentrate.

One tablespoon genuine grade organic A, B, or C dark amber maple syrup (preferably grade B). Do not use maple flavored syrup.

1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) natural or organic. Buy the flakes or powder in the spice isle of the grocery store. If you can tolerate it, keep adding more. Red pepper has great thermogenic effects.

Eight ounces of water (spring or distilled).

Master Cleanse

A Master Cleanse lasts three to twenty days and provides the following benefits:

Dissolves and eliminates toxins and congestion

Reduces body fat by two to eight ounces per day

Cleanses the kidneys and digestive system

Purifies the glands and cells

Eliminates waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles

Relieves pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels

Builds a healthy bloodstream

Master Cleanse Summary The night before you start the Master Cleanse, take a laxative tea

such as Smooth Move, or get Regular Tea by Yogi Tea. It can be found at Kroger or Whole Foods.

Perform the saltwater flush early the next morning.

Add two teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to four cups of lukewarm water.

Drink all within 20 minutes.

Perform this flush in the morning every day of the cleanse.

Drink lemonade six to eight times a day.

Squeeze ½ lemon into one cup of spring water.

Add one to two tablespoons grade B pure maple syrup.

Add a pinch of cayenne pepper powder.

Repeat the Master Cleanse daily for up to 10 days. I personally recommend three days on the cleanse, and then three days off, and then three days on the cleanse.

If you must eat, the following foods contain lots of water and will be OK. Use restraint, however, because eating slows down the cleansing process.







Seedless grapes

Any type of fresh fruit or vegetable juice

You can also drink organic herbal teas throughout the day.

Master Cleanse Success Tips Performing the Master Cleanse will be painful mentally because we

are emotionally linked to food, and we have been trained all our lives to eat meat and carbohydrates at every meal. Eating non-organic, store-bought meat is very hard on your body and is linked to many health problems. You can get plenty of protein without meat.

Your goal during this phase is to gorge your body with whole food nutrients so it can rebuild and repair itself. You will lose fat naturally, detoxify your body, and prepare yourself for the next phases of the Fat Loss Factor. Eat as much of these foods as you want!! If you are hungry, then eat!

If you happen to cheat on the natural foods diet, don’t give up. Pick up where you left off and keep going!

If you cheat on the cleanse. That’s OK, try again later. This program is designed to help you lose large amounts of weight in small steps.

There is no such thing as failure, just feedback. Don’t be afraid to fail. Accept it, move on and persevere. Remember: BABY STEPS!

Stay strong and remember that you will eventually have your favorite foods again. You do have the will power to wait two to three weeks.

Cleansing Side Effects

During the cleanse, you may experience detoxification symptoms such as headaches, nausea, acne, low energy, bad odor, bad breath, or white tongue. This is actually good news. It means you are purging toxins from your body. You are getting better!

Use peppermint oil or drink mint tea to combat detoxification symptoms.

Herbal Laxative Tea

To aid in the digestive system flush, purchase herbal laxative tea. Most health food stores and some grocery stores carry them. Drink one serving the evening before you start the cleanse. Here is one that works (but you can use another one) “Smooth Move” by Traditional Medicinals.

Saltwater Flush

The saltwater flush is a cheap, easy, controlled laxative that will cleanse your colon.

Prepare a full quart (four cups) of medium-to-hot water, and add two level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt (iodized salt will not work properly).

Drink the entire quart preparation within 10 to 20 minutes. This will begin the process of thoroughly washing the entire digestive tract.

Do this as soon as you get up in the morning every day during the Master Cleanse.

The breaking up, loosening, and purging of encrusted debris from the small and large intestinal walls is the most important part of the Master Cleanse. You will need to use the bathroom throughout the flush. You should have two to three bowel movements per day.

For those readers who are concerned about blood pressure deviation due to salt ingestion, the uniodized salt and water have the same specific gravity as the blood; therefore, the kidneys cannot absorb the water, and the blood cannot absorb the salt. Hence, there is no salt retention. This saltwater flush may be performed as often as needed for proper washing of the entire digestive tract.

Perform this saltwater flush every day in the morning while you are on the cleanse, and remember that you will be saltwater flushing for the first hour of the day.

After the saltwater flush, begin taking the lemonade drink. During waking hours, drink six to eight ounces of lemonade daily along with six to twelve cups of room temperature water for a continuous purging of impurities from the digestive tract.

Raw / Alkaline Foods Diet

Why raw foods?

aw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are all chock full of nutrients. What specifically sets them apart is the fact that they have live enzymes in them that naturally heal and repair your body. When you cook food, you start to kill off the nutrition and the enzymes. This is where the term “enriched”

comes in. Whenever you see that word on your food labels, it means that they’ve taken the nutrition out of the food and then had to put it back in, hence “enrich” it.

So what makes a food acid or alkaline? There are several things, but the most important rules are:

If a food is high in alkaline minerals including magnesium, potassium, calcium or sodium, it is likely to be alkaline to the body.

BUT – regardless of its alkaline mineral content, if any of the following are true, then it will be acidifying:

Contains sugar

Contains yeast

Is fermented (like soy sauce)

Contains fungi (like mushrooms)

Is refined, microwaved, or processed

The below chart is for those trying to “adjust” their body’s pH level. The pH scale is from 0 to 14, with levels below 7 being acidic (low on oxygen) and numbers above 7 alkaline. An acidic body is a sickness and a “fat magnet.” What you eat and drink will impact where your body’s pH level falls. Balance is Key!


NOTE: For the next one to two weeks your goal should be 90-100% raw foods picked from the alkaline foods list below.



Alfalfa Corn

Barley Grass Lentils

Beet Greens Olives

Beets Winter Squash


Cabbage Blueberries

Carrot Canned or Glazed Fruits

Cauliflower Cranberries

Celery Currants

Chard Greens Plums**

Chlorella Prunes**


Cucumber Amaranth

Dandelions Barley


Dulce Bran, oat

Edible Flowers Bran, wheat

Eggplant Bread

Fermented Veggies Corn

Garlic Cornstarch

Green Beans Crackers, soda

Green Peas Flour, wheat

Kale Flour, white

Kohlrabi Hemp Seed Flour

Lettuce Kamut

Mushrooms Macaroni

Mustard Greens Noodles

Nightshade Veggies Oatmeal

Onions Oats (rolled)

Parsnips (high glycemic) Quinoa

Peas Rice (all)

Peppers Rice Cakes

Pumpkin Rye


Radishes Spaghetti

Rutabaga Spelt

Sea Veggies Wheat Germ

Spinach, green Wheat


Sprouts Almond Milk

Sweet Potatoes Black Beans

Tomatoes Chick Peas

Watercress Green Peas

Wheat Grass Kidney Beans

Wild Greens Lentils


Daikon Red Beans

Dandelion Root Rice Milk

Kombu Soy Beans

Maitake Soy Milk

Nori White Beans



Shitake Butter

Umeboshi Cheese

Wakame Cheese, Processed


Apple Ice Milk


Avocado Cashews

Banana (high glycemic) Legumes

Berries Peanut Butter

Blackberries Peanuts

Cantaloupe Pecans

Cherries, sour Tahini

Coconut, fresh Walnuts


Dates, dried Bacon

Figs, dried Beef

Grapes Carp

Grapefruit Clams


Honeydew Melon Cod

Lemon Corned Beef

Lime Fish

Muskmelons Haddock

Nectarine Lamb

Orange Lobster

Peach Mussels

Pear Organ Meats

Pineapple Oyster

Raisins Pike

Raspberries Pork

Rhubarb Rabbit

Strawberries Salmon

Tangerine Sardines

Tomato Sausage

Tropical Fruits Scallops

Umeboshi Plums Shellfish

Watermelon Shrimp



Almonds Turkey

Chestnuts Veal

Millet Venison

Tempeh (fermented) ACIDIFYING FATS & OILS

Tofu (fermented) Avocado Oil

Whey Protein Powder Butter


Stevia Corn Oil


Chili Pepper Hemp Seed Oil

Cinnamon Lard

Curry Olive Oil

Ginger Safflower Oil

Herbs (all) Sesame Oil

Miso Sunflower Oil


Sea Salt Carob


Tamari Corn Syrup


Alkaline Antioxidant Water Nutra-sweet

Apple Cider Vinegar Aspartame

Bee Pollen Sucralose

Fresh Fruit Juice Neotame


Lecithin Granules Beer

Mineral Water Hard Liquor

Molasses, blackstrap Spirits

Probiotic Cultures Wine


Veggie Juices Catsup


Calcium: pH 12 Coffee

Cesium: pH 14 Mustard

Magnesium: pH 9 Pepper

Potassium: pH 14 Soft Drinks


Sodium: pH 14 Vinegar

Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the system. Note that a food’s acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so, lemons are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion, but it leaves a very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid forming.




Drugs, Medicinal

Drugs, Psychedelic





Beer: pH 2.5

Coca-Cola: pH 2

Coffee: pH 4

** These foods leave an alkaline ash but have an acidifying effect on the body.

UNKNOWN: There are several versions of the Acidic and Alkaline Food chart to be found in different books and on the Internet. The following foods are sometimes attributed to the acidic side of the chart and sometimes to the alkaline side. Remember, you don’t need to adhere strictly to the alkaline side of the chart, just make sure a good percentage of the foods you eat come from the alkaline side. The foods below can be eaten in moderation.


Brazil Nuts Maple Syrup

Brussel Sprouts Milk

Buckwheat Nuts

Cashews Organic Milk (unpasteurized)

Chicken Potatoes, white

Corn Pumpkin Seeds

Cottage Cheese Quinoa

Eggs Sauerkraut

Flax Seeds Soy Products

Green Tea Sprouted Seeds

Herbal Tea Squashes

Honey Sunflower Seeds

Kombucha Tomatoes

Lima Beans Yogurt

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing.

Managing Fruits

Cut back on fruits!

Yes, I said it. You’ve heard all your life that fruits are healthy and help you lose weight. This is just a half truth. Here’s the real story…

Fruit is full of fructose, which is much more readily transformed to fat inside the liver than glucose is. So when you are eating a lot of fruit, it is being stored as fat. This could be the #1 reason why people who eat healthy can’t lose weight. They are eating too much fruit! Fruit exits the liver as fat, so it doesn’t cause those insulin spikes. It is also low glycemic, and contains fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals. I don’t eliminate fruit from my diet, but I now eat it in moderation. About 150 to 300 grams a day.

The best way to approach this is to just eat more raw veggies and a little bit of fruit every day. Your liver will be happier and your weight loss efforts more successful!

Cheat Day

n the day prior to the fasting, you can eat almost any food(s) you desire. We call this day the “Cheat Day” and the free eating continues until 8pm. When the clock strikes 8, you will go into fasting mode and remain in this mode continuously for 24 hours. The fasting continues while you are asleep and

on into the next day, during which you can drink only steeped green tea or water.

The goal of the Cheat Day is to elevate the hormone leptin, which will signalthe body to start burning fat. This is accomplished by calorie bombardment.

Branched Chain Amino Acids

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are beneficial nutrients, and if you work out, you can take them on your fasting day. BCAAs are popular with athletes because they help reduce muscle and protein breakdown during a workout. They are protein-building blocks, and they preserve muscle. In people who are confined to bed, they are used to slow muscle wasting.

To calculate your BCAA intake level, multiply your weight by 0.3 and divide the result by 6. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you would take 8 grams of BCAAs (take this dose six times throughout the day). When you get to 8pm on the following day, have a meal that is low in carbohydrates. I would suggest a chicken breast cooked in coconut oil with a large salad or possibly some steamed broccoli.

The very next day, you can eat normally.


48-Hour Fast

he 48-Hour Fast is performed one time every other month and is for extreme fat burning. During this time, you can have water, herbal teas, and chew gum. These three things are enough to get you through the fast.

The fast works extremely well. The below photographs illustrate my own personal results:

Good Luck!

Dr. Charles


English Version

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Version Française




This book is intended as a reference material, not as a medical manual to replace the advice of your physician or to substitute for any treatment prescribed by your physician.

If you are ill or suspect that you have a medical problem, we strongly encourage you to consult your medical, health, or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it. If you are taking prescription medication, you should never change your diet (for better or worse) without consulting your physician, as any dietary change may affect the metabolism of that prescription drug.

This   book   and   the   author’s   opinions   are   solely   for   informational   and  educational purposes.

The author specifically disclaims all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book.

Table of Contents

Principle #1 - Prepare For Success ........................................................ 10

Body Measurements .................................................................................. 10

Principle #2 – Out With The Old, In With The New ......................... 14

Program Overview ..................................................................................... 15

Part 1 – Law Of Un-Adaptation ............................................................................................ 15

Part 2 – Get Rid Of Toxins ..................................................................................................... 15

Principle #3 – Lifestyle-Un-Diet ............................................................... 16

Functions of the Liver ............................................................................... 18

Phase 1 - Master Cleanse (3 to 10 days) ............................................. 23

The Cleanse ........................................................................................................................... 23

Master Cleanse Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Recipe ................................................................. 24

Phase 2: The Raw Foods Diet .................................................................. 26

Why Raw Foods? ................................................................................................................... 29

Managing Fruits ................................................................................................................... 39

Liver Cleaning Foods ............................................................................................................ 39

D-I-E-T – A Four-Letter Word ................................................................. 43

Simple Carbohydrates .......................................................................................................... 44

Complex Carbohydrates........................................................................................................ 44

Glycemic Index ...................................................................................................................... 45

Fiber 40 For Life .......................................................................................... 45

Functions And Benefits Of Insoluble Fiber ........................................................................... 45

Benefits Of Insoluble Fiber .................................................................................................... 45

Food Sources Of Insoluble Fiber ........................................................................................... 46

Functions Of Soluble Fiber .................................................................................................... 46

Benefits Of Soluble Fiber ....................................................................................................... 46

Food Sources Of Soluble Fiber .............................................................................................. 46

Proteins ......................................................................................................... 48

Good Protein Sources ............................................................................................................ 48

Bad Protein Sources .............................................................................................................. 48

The Skinny On Fats .................................................................................... 49

Fats To Use ............................................................................................................................ 49

Fats To Reduce And Avoid .................................................................................................... 50

Fat  Loss  Factor’s  15  Foods  For  Maximum  Weight  Loss ................. 50

1. Almonds, Walnuts ............................................................................................................. 50

2. Beans, Sprouts ................................................................................................................... 51

3. Green Vegetables ............................................................................................................... 52

4. Lean Beef, Buffalo, Chicken, Turkey ................................................................................. 52

5. Oatmeal ............................................................................................................................. 53

6. Eggs ................................................................................................................................... 53

7. Nut Butters (Almond Butter, Cashew Butter, etc.) .......................................................... 54

8. Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Fish Oil .................................................................... 54

9. Jasmine, Basmati, Brown Rice, Whole Grains .................................................................. 55

10. Vegetable Juices .............................................................................................................. 55

11. Colored Fruits, Berries And Vegetables .......................................................................... 56

12. Hemp ............................................................................................................................... 56

13. Whey Protein Powder ..................................................................................................... 56

14. Wild Caught Salmon ....................................................................................................... 57

15. Raw Or Lightly Pasteurized Organic Whole Milk, Cheese, Kefir, Yogurt ...................... 57

Fat  Loss  Factor’s  15  Foods  For  Guaranteed  Weight  Gain ............. 58

1. Doughnuts, Pastries .......................................................................................................... 58

2. French Fries, Potato Chips ................................................................................................ 58

3. Store-Bought Juice, Fruit Drinks ...................................................................................... 59

4. Decaffeinated Coffee ......................................................................................................... 59

5. Fried Fish, Fried Seafood .................................................................................................. 59

6. Raw Clams, Oysters ........................................................................................................... 59

7. Lunch Meat, Smoked Meat, Hot Dogs, Bacon, Sausage ................................................... 60

8. Alcohol ............................................................................................................................... 60

9. Soda ................................................................................................................................... 61

10. Diet Pop, Diet Drinks ....................................................................................................... 61

11. Deep Dish Pizza ............................................................................................................... 62

12. Ice Cream ........................................................................................................................ 62

13. White Bread, Pasta ......................................................................................................... 63

14. Sugary Breakfast Cereals, Candy.................................................................................... 63

15. Vegetable Oil, Shortening, Margarine ............................................................................ 64

Don’t  Deprive  Yourself  Of  These ........................................................... 64

Eat These Foods Together To Pack On The Pounds ........................ 64

Smoothie It Up ............................................................................................. 64

Base For The Shake ............................................................................................................... 65

Fat Loss  Factor’s  3  Axioms  Of  Success ................................................. 67

Axiom 1: Holiday Principle ................................................................................................... 67

Axiom 2: Eat Something Raw At Every Meal ....................................................................... 68

Axiom 3: Read Your Food Labels!! ........................................................................................ 69

Food Companies Fatten You Up And Make You Sick ...................... 69

“Whole  Grain”  Is  A  Marketing  Lie ........................................................................................ 70

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) ........................................................................................ 70

Trans Fats ............................................................................................................................. 71

Additives, Colorings, Flavorings, And Preservatives ............................................................ 71

Sugar Substitutes .................................................................................................................. 71

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) ............................................................................................ 72

Added Salt ............................................................................................................................. 72

What  You  Don’t  Want  To  See  On  A  Food  Label ................................. 72

“Is It Man-Made  Rule” ........................................................................................................... 73

Structured Eating ....................................................................................... 73

Branched Chain Amino Acids ............................................................................................... 74

Cheat Day .............................................................................................................................. 75

How FLF Structured Eating Helps You Lose Weight ........................................................... 76

Breakfast: The Most Important Meal Of The Day – Or Is It? ......... 77

The Issue With Breakfast ...................................................................................................... 78

What’s  Causing  This  Hunger ................................................................................................ 79

Why Skipping Breakfast Assists With Fat Loss .................................................................... 80

The Fat Loss Factor Diet Plan Revealed .............................................. 82

Lemon Water ........................................................................................................................ 82

Fasting Success Tips ............................................................................................................. 84

Structured Eating Amd Low Blood Sugar ............................................................................ 85

Pick Your Weight Loss Plan .................................................................... 85

#1 - Steady Weight Loss Calendar ......................................................................................... 87

#2 - Quick Weight Loss Calendar ........................................................................................... 88

#3 - Turbo Weight Loss Calendar........................................................................................... 89

The 48-Hour Fast ........................................................................................ 90

Principle #4 – Wash Away Fat With Water ......................................... 91

Benefits of Drinking Water ..................................................................... 93

Water Success Tips ............................................................................................................... 93

Principle #5 – Good Healthy Supplementation ................................. 94

Top 12 Supplements for Healthy Weight Loss ................................. 94

1. A Good Whole Food Multi-Vitamin/Mineral .................................................................... 94

2. Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules/Liquid ................................................................................... 95

3. Extra B Vitamins: .............................................................................................................. 95

4. Greens Powder .................................................................................................................. 96

5. Probiotics .......................................................................................................................... 96

6. Fiber Supplement: ............................................................................................................. 98

7. Protein Powder ................................................................................................................. 98

8. Cayenne Pepper Pills ......................................................................................................... 99

9. Glutamine .......................................................................................................................... 99

10. Chamomile, Yerba Mate, Green Tea, Oolong Tea........................................................... 99

11. Digestive Enzymes ........................................................................................................ 100

12. Lepti-Burn ..................................................................................................................... 101

Principle #6 - Rebuild Your Body & Melt Fat All Day Long ........ 103

Six Work Out Excuses .............................................................................. 103

1. Takes Too Much Time ..................................................................................................... 103

2. Too Boring ....................................................................................................................... 103

3. Too Painful ...................................................................................................................... 104

4. Lack Of Motivation .......................................................................................................... 104

5. No Commitment .............................................................................................................. 105

6. Too Intimidating ............................................................................................................. 105

Reasons Why You Should Exercise ..................................................... 106

Lingo: The Language Of Working Out ................................................ 108

Proper Posture Defined ......................................................................... 109

The Law Of Adaptation ........................................................................... 109

Best Time To Exercise ............................................................................. 111

Exercise: Suck Your Belly Button To Your Spine................................................................ 112

Suggested Workouts / Times ............................................................... 114

Changing It Up .................................................................................................................... 114

Principle #7 – Sculpt Muscle And Trim Fat! ..................................... 115

The Dreaded Cardio ................................................................................. 115

High Intensity Interval Training ......................................................... 115

Sample Workout #1 ............................................................................................................ 116

Sample Workout #2: ........................................................................................................... 116

Ultimate Fat Blaster ................................................................................. 117

Bonus Belly Fat Blaster....................................................................................................... 117

Success Tips ................................................................................................ 119

Principle #8 – It’s  All  A  Mind  Game...Relax ....................................... 120

Stress And Weight Gain .......................................................................... 120

How To De-Stress ..................................................................................... 121

Fat  Loss  Factor’s  Five  Mindgrowth Keys ............................................................................ 121

Elements Of A Healthy Mindset ........................................................... 122

3 Forms Of Exercise That Can De-stress Your Mind ..................... 123

Yoga ..................................................................................................................................... 123

Tai-Chi ................................................................................................................................. 124

Pilates .................................................................................................................................. 124

Principle #9 – No Breathe, No Life ........................................................ 125

Deep Breathing Routine ......................................................................... 125

Top  7  Reasons  To  Get  A  Good  Night’s  Sleep..................................... 127

12 Ways To Relax ..................................................................................... 128

Principle #11 – Look Your Best To Feel Your Best ....................... 130

Top Ten Makeover Tips .......................................................................... 130

Principle #12 – Turning Your Program Into A Lifestyle ............... 133

Lifestyle Tips .............................................................................................. 133

Motivation Tips ......................................................................................... 134

Depression/Self Esteem Issues ............................................................ 135

Belly Fat Tips ............................................................................................. 136

Addressing Hypothyroidism................................................................. 137

Binge Eating, Emotional Food Cravings, And Portion Control .. 137

Appendix ......................................................................................................... 140

Tools For A Fat Loss Factor Kitchen ................................................... 140

Fat Loss Factor Home Gym Equipment ............................................. 141

Principle #1 - Prepare For Success

“The  most  practical,  beautiful,  workable  philosophy  in  the  world  won’t  work  - if you

won’t.”  – Zig Ziglar

o achieve success in all that you do, you must plan correctly. Adequate planning lays the foundation for this program. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

You will use a journal and a stat sheet to help you record and monitor your progress throughout the program. These tools will allow you to track your progress and accomplishments. You need to be aware of both your micro-accomplishments and your major ones. This is important to keep you motivated and consistent on the Fat Loss Factor Program.

In presenting this program, I will not waste much time discussing theory and principles; rather, I will concentrate on those techniques and methods that are proven to work.

So…take  a  deep  breath  and  get  ready...  Your life is about to change...

Here we go!

Body Measurements To accurately assess your progress through the Fat Loss Factor program, you will record your body measurements at the beginning and as you progress through the program. Take these measurements once weekly. Pick a day and record the measurements each week on that same day (for example, every Friday).


To take your measurements, you will need the following items:

Seamstress measuring tape Journal Digital camera Calipers (optional) Scale

Seamstress Measuring Tape A seamstress measuring tape works best. Measure the following areas each week and record the data in your journal:

Measure the middle of your right arm (highest point in your bicep without flexing).

Measure chest (underneath arms). Measure waist (around the smallest part). Measure your hips (the widest part). Measure your right thigh (middle).

Journal Use a journal to track your progress. Buy a binder and binder paper so you can add new sheets as required. Check your journal each day in the morning and evening, updating as required. Track the following information:

Meals, planned and actual (weekly / daily) Plan for the week (weekly) Body measurements (weekly) Weight (weekly) Thoughts (daily)

Goals (weekly)

Digital Camera Take before and after pictures of your body. Here are some tips for taking these pictures:

Use the same background. Hold a newspaper showing the date you started. Take the picture from the same distance each time. Tan for your after picture. Smile for your after picture.

Calipers Calipers will allow you to measure your percentage of body fat. Have experts take your body fat measurements. They will be more accurate. Inquire at your gym.

Scale Weigh in once a week. Weight is the least important of the four measurements   because   weight   loss   doesn’t   necessarily   mean   fat   loss  has occurred. Most people, upon checking their weight, hope to see the number decrease each time; however, it is important to lose fat but not muscle. If your weight is decreasing, but you are losing muscle, that is not a good result. So shake off the old ways of thinking and get ready to learn about and use additional methods to test and measure your progress.

Another way to get motivated is to check your clothing periodically. Throughout this program, observe how your clothes are fitting. You

should find they are getting looser. This can serve as evidence that you are making progress.

Principle #2 – Out With The Old, In With The New “Man  is  what  he  eats.”  – Goethe

he techniques presented in this section are designed to reset your metabolism and lower stress on your digestive system. By implementing these techniques, you will improve the function of

your digestive tract, making it more efficient. You will feel healthier, have more energy, and ultimately lose weight.

Ten benefits you will gain from Principle #2

1. Lose excess weight.

2. Eliminate harmful toxins causing your fat cells to shrink.

3. Strengthen your immune system.

4. Gain energy.

5. Sharpen your mind.

6. Increase your endurance.

7. Accomplish more.

8. Sleep better.

9. Improve your overall health and well being.

10. Break down emotional ties that you have with food.


Program Overview

Part 1 – Law Of Un-Adaptation Our bodies were designed to adapt. As humans, our ability to adapt has helped us survive for thousands of years. BUT there is a problem with this when you apply it to your health. Your body adapts to a particular way of eating and you hit what is known as a fat loss plateau. And this is what stops you from losing weight on a diet.

Have you ever noticed that when you start any diet program, you lose weight at the beginning and then the amount you lose tapers off and it becomes much harder to lose additional weight?

What is the Fat Loss Factor Solution?

Cleansing   and  cleaning  out   the   liver   to  prime  your  body’s  metabolism  for long term weight loss. Then, giving you an easy plan to follow for as long as you choose to!

Part 2 – Get Rid Of Toxins To rid your body of fat permanently, you need to cleanse your body of toxins. Over the years, your body has accumulated toxins from processed foods, pollution, and chemicals in the environment. These toxins accumulate in your fat cells. If you remove the fat cells, you can remove the toxins.

What separates this program from other programs is you will break your mind and body down, and then build it back up. In the process, you will change your lifestyle.

Principle #3 – Lifestyle-Un-Diet

giant portion of your belly fat (and body fat for that matter) is due to three things: (1) incorrect diet, (2) poorly functioning liver, and (3) a clogged up Colon.

If you find yourself eating a large amount of processed foods, dairy products, red meat, preservatives, etc., you are ingesting an enormous amount of toxins. These toxins overwhelm your two main detoxification organs…that’s  right,  you  guessed  it:  your  liver and your colon. Since this happens over a long period of time, your liver and colon become sluggish, slowing your metabolism.

Guess what they also do?

Shuttle excess toxins into fat cells. In most people, this fat is shuttled to the belly, butt, hips, or thighs. The areas close to those 2 organs.

Most crucial step in the program: Cleaning Out Your Liver

Let  me  tell  you  a  story…

Long ago, there were two lumberjacks competing to see who could cut down the most trees in a day. The entire town gathered round the forest to watch this event. Early in the morning, the contest started and both men were chopping away. Each man swinging and swinging, with trees falling left and right. Suddenly, the second lumbar jack stopped and sat down under a tree. He pulled out a file and started sharpening his axe. In the meantime, the first lumberjack kept chopping down the trees. All the  people  stood  there  in  amazement  and  disbelief.  They  couldn’t  believe the second lumberjack had stopped to take a break! They started talking about how there was no way he could win now. After half an hour of sharpening his axe, the second lumberjack stood up, and started swinging. The trees fell left, and right. At


the end of the day, there were two piles of wood. The townspeople were astonished to see that the second lumberjack was the clear winner! His pile was twice as high as the first lumberjack’s.   The   first   lumberjack,   amazed,   walked   over   to  congratulate the older, wiser, second lumberjack. He then asked him:  “How  did  you  do  it?”  

The  second  lumberjack  laughed.  “Well,”  he  said.  “While  you  kept  hacking away with your axe, I simply took the time to sharpen mine so that it was much more effective. I then was able to cut down twice as many as you could, because your blade was so dull  from  overuse.”

What do I want you to learn from this?

If we take the time to prepare our bodies and metabolism, our results will  be  better.  Isn’t  that  what  you  want?  That  is  what  Fat  Loss  Factor  is  based on: a smart approach that helps your body achieve maximum fat loss and keep the fat off!

How do I know if my liver is sluggish?

Individuals who have sluggish livers are likely to display any or several of the following health issues:

High cholesterol and triglycerides Non-insulin dependent diabetes (Type II), insulin resistance, or

Syndrome X Weight gain, especially around the abdomen Difficulty losing weight Immune system dysfunction

What the heck does your liver do anyway, and what does it have to do with losing weight?

Functions of the Liver The liver operates like a complicated filtering mechanism, breaking down fat and cleaning out substances that can harm the body. To accomplish  this,  it  uses  a  substance  called  “bile,”  a  greenish  (sometimes  yellowish-brown) liquid that cleanses the organs and blood. The bile fluids are recirculated throughout the entire enterohepatic system up to eight times each day. For a person to lose weight, the overall composition of this circulating fluid should be low in fat and/or toxins; otherwise, excessive weight gain results as the body reacts naturally to these chemicals.

It is critical that the liver regulates fat metabolism efficiently. If it fails to do so, weight gain will occur and fat accumulates in all the wrong places—usually in the belly region, arms, around the buttocks, and in other places where body fat is commonly found. Fat deposits in these regions are often a sign of an unhealthy, poorly functioning—or even a completely dysfunctional—liver. In a scenario where the liver stops functioning properly, the situation resembles a filter clogged with waste, fat, toxins, and other debris, and it ultimately fails to perform its job. Small globules of fat begin to circulate in the blood stream, unabated, and they wreak havoc on the various organs of the body and ultimately they form cellulite deposits.

If the liver becomes dysfunctional in any way, the fat deposits will accumulate and almost certainly remain on the body. Over time, as the body ages in years, more toxins (and fat) overburden the liver and its filtering function is impaired. As a result, more age on a body often results in a clogged filtering mechanism (the liver) and this makes it difficult—or even impossible in some cases—to lose weight, no matter how active we become. Even though a person works out in the gym or is active in other ways, the fat remains, and this is primarily due to a dysfunctional liver. As you can see, it is very critical to keep your liver healthy and functioning properly.

How can The Fat Loss Factor help?

The Fat Loss Factor shows you how to maintain a healthy liver, one that functions optimally and filters your system so you can burn fat all day long, seven days a week. Even while you sleep! This is what The Fat Loss Factor will do for you.

Although the liver has literally hundreds of functions, some are far more critical  to  the  body  than  others.  Let’s  first  look  at a few general statistics to get an understanding of the liver operations and the magnitude of their impact on the body.

Depending on food intake, the liver produces between 250 ml and 1 liter of bile per day.

To keep the body healthy, the liver performs more than 400 functions each day.

The liver is the most complex organ in the body. It is the second largest organ (the skin is the largest) and located

on the upper right side of the abdomen, above the stomach. The liver filters and detoxifies more than 1,400 liters (1,479

quarts) of blood daily. The liver has eight independent segments, and a person can

survive with a loss of up to 70% of the liver, if the remaining portion is healthy.

The liver is regenerative, unlike most other body tissues, and depending on its health, when damaged it can return to some percentage of its original capacity.

Major Functions of the Liver

1. Detoxification of the blood. The liver is responsible for detoxifying the blood and removing poisons such as alcohol and other foreign agents. If the liver is not functioning properly, its ability to detoxify is hindered and those foreign agents will continue to circulate and cause damage. Fatty structures are only one example. Other toxins can run

rampant, and unchecked can do serious harm to a body with a dysfunctional liver.

2. Metabolize drugs. The   liver   is   also   the   body’s   mechanism   to  metabolize drugs. The liver may make the first modification to a drug, following which the modified substance circulates and has other effects on the body. If the liver functions improperly, drugs can bypass this modification process and move into the body unchanged, and significant harm can result.

3. Syntheses of bile and the formation of bile salts. The body requires bile salts in the breakdown and absorption of cholesterol and various fat-soluble substances, including critical vitamins. The liver also is instrumental in the basic creation of energy. To accomplish this, it breaks down amino acids, and the toxins and byproducts of this process are ultimately excreted through the urine.

4. Processing and excretion of hormones. Various hormones, including steroids, are excreted by the liver into the bile. The liver also excretes calcium. The body is confronted daily with a barrage of estrogen-like chemicals that have a toxic effect and can lead to major health problems if not detoxified by the liver.

5. Vitamin and mineral storage. The liver synthesizes and stores vitamins and minerals, such as A, B12, D, and E, which are then held in sort of a queue in the liver. When the body requires a certain vitamin, the   liver   releases   the   needed   component   from   this   “vitamin   storage  reserve.”    

6. Destroy foreign agents. Damaged red and white blood cells and other foreign agents, such as bacteria, are destroyed through the process of phagocytosis.

7. Blood sugar moderation. The liver is the chief moderator of blood sugar (or blood glucose) and regulates blood sugar levels between meals. If blood sugar concentrations fall to dangerous levels—possibly

due to insufficient nutrients or lack of food, or excessive exercise—the pancreas releases hormones that cause the liver to increase blood sugar levels. Conversely, if these levels rise—due to a meal, snack, or other nutrient intake—the pancreas releases a different hormone, the effect of which ultimately causes the liver to convert glucose into glycogen, and in turn this prompts cells in the body to absorb blood sugar, thus lowering the levels. In this fashion, the liver is extremely important in the regulation of blood sugar.

It should be evident that if the liver fails to function properly, an assortment of complications can result, affecting fundamental bodily processes such as digestion, energy levels, and accumulation of weight in the body (in fat deposits and cellulite).

And the process compounds on itself. Once fat has accumulated in the body—due to poor diet and lack of exercise—the liver also becomes fatty and burdened with its own store of fatty deposits. Like a huge elephant laboring up a steep incline, the liver falters in its normal operations and its ability to break down and remove excess fat from the blood diminishes. The fat circulates throughout the system unchecked (or hardly so), and this leads to further weight gain.

And one of the drawbacks of this is that toxins increase in the body. If the liver is malfunctioning and unable to perform its daily duties, toxins build up in the fat stores of the body, where they can sit indefinitely. And the presence of various toxins can adversely affect the liver. Since the liver is responsible for processing toxins, it is susceptible to damage in the event a toxin arrives that it cannot handle.

Toxins the Liver Must Process Below are some of the toxins the liver encounters:

Plastics Pesticides Airborne pollutants Carpet fibers Dry-cleaning chemicals Water pollutants Pharmaceuticals Recreational drugs Furniture chemicals Household cleaning products Personal hygiene products Food preservatives Artificial sweeteners

It is nearly impossible to avoid these toxins as they permeate our environment. Even so, we must do everything we can to limit our exposure. Having a conscious understanding and awareness will go a long way to accomplishing that.

Toxins that are not properly processed end up being stored in fat cells. Since some of these cells reside in the brain, adverse emotional effects can result, which may lead to mental disturbances and reproductive disorders. As you can see from this discussion, weight gain is not just about adding a few pounds here and there; in addition, there are other serious implications. All the more reason to eat healthy and avoid junk food.

Fat Loss Factor presents two primary sections related to diet.

Turn your liver into a metabolic fat burning furnace Fat Loss Factor Lifestyle Un-diet

To accomplish the first of these, we need to reduce our toxic burden by limiting junk meals, unhealthy fast-food, and those toxins listed above. In short we need to improve fatty acid metabolism and protect the liver.

Fat Loss Factor Liver Cleansing/Healing/Metabolic Boosting Protocols Lemon Water – This tiny little change in your daily habit can produce huge differences in your health  and  weight  loss!  Let’s  just say that you are priming the pump for the rest of the program.

The benefits of the lemon water are:

Aids in digestion and waste excretion Promotes immune system and heart health Rich in beneficial calcium and potassium minerals

Phase 1 - Master Cleanse (3 to 10 days)

The Cleanse First we do a cleanse that lasts three to ten days (this step is optional and for advanced users).

Why Do I Need To Cleanse?

When functioning correctly, the liver breaks down and assists in burning fat for the body. That is, when working correctly, it will keep us slim. Toxins, on the other hand, get stored in fatty tissue and block the

actions of fat-burning enzymes, hormones and nutrients. Therefore, not only do toxins cause the liver to become fatty, but they are also stored within the liver with the fat. The problem with this is obvious. The liver is the primary organ that eliminates toxins. If it is overburdened due to fatty contents, it must work harder to carry out its day-to-day responsibilities.

Thus a gentle cleanse is super effective in removing the body of toxins and allowing the normal processes of the liver to clear and burn fat.

What If I have Diabetes? Will the master cleanse work for me?

Yes, but as always, you need to make sure to consult with your health care professional before doing any type of detox or cleanse or weight loss / exercise program. I did some checking around on the Internet and on the site www.mastercleanse.tv, I was able to locate some alternative cleanse recipes for diabetics:

The alternative recipe you can use if you are suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. As an alternative for cayenne pepper and maple syrup, cinnamon and Agave syrup can be used. Just in case you are suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, consultation with your doctor is needed.

Master Cleanse Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Recipe

Ingredients: About two tablespoons freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice

(never use frozen juice, frozen fruit and canned juice). Agave syrup at one tablespoon Cinnamon at a tenth teaspoon Water in room temperature and at about eight ounce

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