7 18 12 Business PlanA

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  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Starting A New Venture – MGMT6630

    Business Plan:3D Additive Manufacturing Tecn!l!gies" #!$ – 3%DAM TM

     &!e 'tt


  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    )$ B,S-N.SS #'N#.PT)$)$ -NT/'D,#T-'N .1.#,T-V. S,MMA/2

     Tis usiness 4lan will !utline te sc!4e and 5ae%u4 !f te 3%DAM TM c!54an7" te 5aret"c!54etiti!n" and 8nancial !utl!! !f te 4r!4!sed c!54an7$ Te usiness na5e !f tec!54an7 t! e f!r5ed will e 93D Additive Manufacturing Tecn!l!gies" #!$ !terwise

    n!wn as 3%DAM TM$ Tis na5e c!5es fr!5 a c!5inati!n !f te tw! c!55!n na5es f!r tetecn!l!g7 te c!54an7 is ased u4!n" 93D Printing and 9Additive Manufacturing$

    “With 3-DAMTM comes manufacturing freedom!!” – Joe Ott 

     Te initial l!cati!n !f te 8rst !;ce s!uld e l!cated in

    additive 5anufacturing =AM?" nE4r!cess !f F!ining 5aterials t! 5ae !Fects fr!5 3D5!del data" usuall7 la7er u4!n la7er" as !44!sed t! sutractive 5anufacturing5et!d!l!gies" suc as casting" f!rging" and 5acining$ S7n!n75s: additivefaricati!n" additive 4r!cesses" additive tecniues" additive la7er 5anufacturing"la7er 5anufacturing" and freef!r5 faricati!n$ -t can enc!54ass 5etals" 4!l75ers"and electr!nics and a44l7 t! a range !f structural and functi!nal 5aterials as well asc!54!nents f!r an arra7 !f defense and energ7 a44licati!ns$

    H7 4ursue additive 5anufacturingI Tere are 5an7 ene8ts in using additive5anufacturing t! 5ae ardware !ver c!nventi!nal 5anufacturingJ:

    • Design KeLiilit7

    • N! t!!ling c!nstraints

    • All!ws c!54leL 5!dels

    • N! ard t!!ling reuired• N! 5aterial lead ti5e

    • Aut!5ated 4r!cess

    • /educed devel!45ent eL4enses

    • @aster c!nce4t design t! functi!nal c!54!nent

    • /educed 5anufacturing c!sts

    • Near wr!ugt 5aterial 4r!4erties

    • /educed 4r!duct life c7cle c!st

    • /educed 5anufacturing ti5e: !ursda7swees vs$ 5!nts

    • Mini5al sec!ndar7 5acining % near%net sa4e 4art

    • Additive 5anufacturing is an e5erging industr7$

    S!5e !f te di;culties wit additive 5anufacturing are:• New tecn!l!g7 – n!t ever7!ne is fa5iliar" tecn!l!g7 ev!lving

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    gr!wt 4ase it is n!t eL4ected t! 5ae 4r!8t !ver te 8rst 3 7ears as te f!cus will e !neL4l!sive gr!wt t! te e7 5anufacturing centers in te ,S$

     Te e7s t! success f!r 3%DAM TM will e f!cusing !n te f!ll!wing c!re attriutes:

    • @leLiilit7 – 4r!viding s!luti!ns f!r variet7 !f cust!5er and teir uniue reuire5ents$

    • Ada4tailit7 – ave tecn!l!g7 and ca4ailit7 f!r variet7 !f needs$

    • Sustained Gr!wt – ave ca4acit7 were and wen a cust!5er needs it$

    •  Tecnical 9>n!w%!w – ave understanding !f !w t! use additive 5anufacturingtecn!l!g7 t! 4r!vide est results$

    • S4eed – 4r!viding s!luti!ns faster and 5!re e;cient tan an7!ne else$

    • @unding – ave cas and ca4ital t! sustain gr!wt and 4r!8t$

     Te tecn!l!g7 as suc 4!tential tat President 'a5a ann!unced a Pil!t -nstitute f!rManufacturing -nn!vati!n in Marc +0)+6$ As descried in te ann!unce5ent" OTe 4il!tinstitute will !st centralied" !4enl7 accessile ca4ailities" te infrastructure needed t!su44!rt advances in 5anufacturing =!used in !ne !r 5!re facilities? tr!ug devel!45ent"de5!nstrati!n and evaluati!n !f 4r!duct and 4r!cess tecn!l!gies relating t! tetecn!l!g7 area =additive 5anufacturing?$O

     Tis usiness 4lan was devel!4ed using S5artPlan Generat!r versi!n )$J)0

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    )$+$ B,S-N.SS -D.A

    “3-DAMTM is manufacturing freedom”  – 3%DAM TM sl!gan Te usiness idea eind 3%DAM TM is t! cr!ss additive 5anufacturing tecn!l!g7 wit te9>in!s TM c!nce4t$ Te c!54an7 will create usiness centers !f eLcellence were 4e!4le

    can ring !r trans5it" 7 wee5ail" a design c!nce4t =usuall7 in f!r5 !f a #AD 5!del? andave te design faricated in a !urs t! da7s int! a useale !r near usale 4art$ Businessw!uld staC trained engineers and tecnicians t! assist cust!5ers in selecting te c!rrecttecn!l!g7 t! 5anufacture teir ardware$ StaC w!uld ave te necessar7 sills t! 4r!viding5!di8cati!ns t! designs t! use additive 5anufacturing 5acines t! 5ae est 4art 4!ssile"set%u4 and !4erate 5acines" and rec!55end c!!rdinate necessar7 4!st 4r!cessing$ Allnecessar7 raw 5aterials and 5acines w!uld e st!red at eac st!re l!cati!n$

    )$3$ B,S-N.SS M'D. Te usiness is envisi!ned t! e a S!le Pr!4riet!rsi4 during te initial start%u4 4ase$ Teusiness w!uld initiall7 target a s5all v!lu5e !f F!s" a44l7ing a 5ediu5 5argin$ As teusiness devel!4s it w!uld eL4ect t! gr!w int! 5ediu5 v!lu5e wit a 5ediu5 5argin$

    A large 5aret eLists f!r tis st7le !f usiness$ Additive 5anufacturing canc!54etec!54le5ent against all traditi!nal 5anufacturing 5et!ds =castings" f!rgings"5acining" etc$? and 5an7 industries" suc as aut!5!tive" t!!ling" aer!s4ace"5edicaldental" !7ist" c!uld utilie additive 5anufacturing$

    -t is envisi!ned tat cust!5ers w!uld c!ntact a l!cal 3%DAM TM usiness center t! initiate a F!$ A F! 5a7 c!nsist !f a reuest t! assist in engineering an additive 5anufacturings!luti!n as well as create s!5e 4artsardware t! te cust!5erQs necessar7 s4eci8cati!ns$Additi!nal 4!st 4r!cessing 5a7 als! e reuired and w!uld e c!!rdinated wit !uts!urce4r!cessing su44liers$

    As 4art !f a Diversi8cati!n Gr!wt Strateg7 3%DAM TM w!uld 4ractice @!rward -ntegrati!n 7getting in fr!nt !f te cust!5erR te cust!5er is te 4ri5ar7 f!cal 4!int$ Te cust!5erw!uld 4a7 a fee f!r evaluati!n and n!n%re!ccurring engineering t! evaluate as well as 4re4 a4art=s? f!r uild$ Additi!nall7" a devel!45ental uild 5a7 reuire )%3 test uilds t! ensurenecessar7 results$ Te cust!5er w!uld additi!nall7 e carged f!r 5aterials" 5acine ti5e"and tecnician ti5e t! 5ae ardware$ @inall7" a cust!5er w!uld e reuired t! 4a7 f!r an74!st 4r!cessing necessar7 tat cust!5er elects f!r usiness center t! 4erf!r5 =tis 5a7 e!uts!urced t! strategic 4artners and w!uld e a facilitati!n fee in additi!n t! su44lier fees?$

    )$$ B,S-N.SS G'AS

     Te gr!wt !f 3%DAM TM will e !f 4ri5ar7 i54!rtance t! te usinessQs success$ T! assist ingr!wt te 8rst tw! 7ears will e s4ent estalising a s!lid f!undati!n$

    + 7ears !f !4erati!n:• -ncrease 5aret sare – estalis st!res in largest ,S 5anufacturing l!cati!ns


    • -ncrease 5aret 4enetrati!n !ver ti5e – c!ntinue t! gr!w eac st!reQs revenue atleast )+$J 7earl7 =tis is te industr7Qs eL4ected gr!wt rate fr!5 +0)) t! +0+0?$

    • .L4and te nu5er !f clients % c!55ercial" residential" g!vern5ent" and industrial5arets

    • .stalis new 4ricing incentives and 4r!5!ti!ns

    • Build l!ng lasting ualit7 4artnersi4s

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    • .stalis relati!nsi4s wit l!cal advertise5ent agencies =weel75!ntl7 K7ers"radi!" televisi!n" news

    • 4a4ers" classi8eds" c!llege ca54useswesites" @ace%!!" 4ers!nal we4age?•  &!in #!55ittee @+ !n Additive Manufacturing Tecn!l!gies)

    6 7ears !f !4erati!n:• -ncrease 5aret sare – estalis a st!re in )0 5aF!r ,S cities$

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    Additi!nal B!ard 5e5ers w!uld e advis!rs fr!5 vari!us invest5entventure ca4italgr!u4s$

    +$3$ A##',NTANT

    Acc!unting and

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    l!!ing int! using additive 5anufacturing t! i54r!ve teir ca4ailities$ G." Pratt Hitne7"B!eing" and !ceed%Martin are s!5e larger c!54anies all l!!ing t! i54r!ve5anufacturing 7 94rinting 4arts$

     Te current 5aret d!esnQt ave l!cal 9t!%g!%t! 4laces were cust!5ers can easil7c!ntactinteract wit s!5e!ne w! will el4 te5 tae advantage !f additive 5anufacturing

    f!r teir reuire5ents$ All c!54etiti!n is l!cated in a few select l!cati!ns and te7 4r!videservices internati!nall7 t! cust!5ers" usuall7 targeting large usiness$ Tere is n! !ne 4lacet! get all 7!ur 5aterials and additive 5anufacturing 5et!ds and 4!st%4r!cessing under!ne r!!f$

    3%DAM TM w!uld 4r!vide a 4lace f!r cust!5ers t! ave !ne%st!4%s!44ing f!r teir5anufacturing$ #ust!5er=s? can c!ntact te usiness center 7 4!ne" we" !r face%t!%face$Sales engineers w!uld e availale t! el4 cust!5ers w!r tr!ug 4r!duct devel!45entand iterati!n until te 8nal 4r!duct is read7$ Pricing w!uld e evaluated ased u4!n tenecessar7 a5!unt !f engineering and devel!45ent t! 5ae ardware" 5aterialc!nsiderati!ns" and 4!st 4r!cessing reuire5ents$S!5e !f te uniue ene8ts !f a O>in!sO st7le !f additive 5anufacturing w!uld eJ:

    • /educed Heigt Structures % c!54!nents n! l!nger c!nstrained 7 t!!ling

    de8niti!nca4ailit7• -ntegrated Part #!ns!lidati!n % advanced single%4iece designs

    • -54r!ved Perf!r5ance % advanced features can e c!5ined int! designs

    • .5edded @eatures – integral t! 4art

    •  Tail!red Materials % functi!nall7 gradient all!7s" 5etal%c!54!site c!54!nents

    • S4eed % Additive 5anufactured 4arts !ften ave wees t! 5!nts lead ti5ereducti!n" in c!54aris!n t! 4arts 5fg$ 7 castings !r f!rgings$

    •  T!!ling % Additive 5anufactured 4arts !ften d! n!t reuire t!!ling t! e c!54leted$

    • .L4ertise % cust!5ers w!uld ave access t! 4e!4le wit eL4ertise in taing c!nce4tideas fr!5 initiati!n t! 8nal deliver7$

    Pictures c!urtes7 !f /a4id ualit7 ManufacturingJ

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    3$3$ #'MP.T-T-'N

    'ter c!54anies tr7ing t! ad!4t te 9>in!s 5!del are:

    )$ M7dea Tecn!l!gies – digital 5!del s!4 and an additive 5anufacturing and ra4id4r!t!t74ing 4r!vider$ tt4:www$57deatecn!l!gies$c!5  =See A44endiL )?$'wners: Micael Sie5erAnnual Sales: J+0> #!54etit!rQs distriuti!n cannel: -nternet#!54etit!rQs 5areting strateg7: -nternet SalesPr!ducts and Services: Pr!duct Devel!45ent 3%D #AD M!deling" /a4idPr!t!t74ingAdditive @aricati!n" Sutractive /a4id Pr!t!t74ing" /a4id T!!ling Manufacturing#!54etit!rs 4rice strateg7: 5id t! ig c!st$@ees:Design .ngineering

    3%D #AD M!deling" +%D t! 3%D #AD #!nversi!n" /everse .ngineering % J0r  Seni!r Pr!duct Design and Design f!r Asse5l7 Manufacturailit7 % )00r/a4id Pr!t!t74ing Pr!ducti!n – B7 u!te  /a4id 4r!t!t74ing c!sts are driven 7 te sie" 5aterials and !ter fact!rs$

     +$ Sa4ewa7s – 3D Printing c!54an7 f!r designers and D!%-t%2!urselfers$

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    Materialise % tt4:5anufacturing$5aterialise$c!5 % a Belgian 8r5 tat uses additive5anufacturing t! 5ae a range !f 4r!ducts" including 5edical devices$

    3$$ P/'D,#T-'N AND D.-V./2

     Te f!ll!wing are te antici4ated c!sts c!nsiderati!ns t! 4r!duce te 4r!ducts and services



     w!uld !Cer$• .valuati!n and N!n%/e!ccurring .ngineering % Service c!st is te salar7 !f te sales

    engineer" te tecnician la!r 4er !ur" and an7 5acine ti5e and 5aterials c!st t!devel!4 te uilds and 4!st 4r!cessing reuire5ents$

    • Mae 4arts !n%site % #!st !f !veread" 5acine c!st 4er !ur" la!r 4er !ur f!rtecnicians" 5aterials c!sts$ Additi!nal c!st is c!st !f an7 s4ecial andling c!ncerns

    • P!st Pr!cessing % Service c!st is te salar7 !f te sales engineer 4lus" f!r internal4r!cessing: te tecnician la!r 4er !ur" and an7 5acine ti5eR f!r eLternalsu44liers % c!st !f !4erati!n 7 su44liers

    • Distriuti!n will e acc!54lised using services suc as @ed.L and ,PS t! 5!veardware$ -n%4r!cess ardware will e si44ed !vernigt eL4ress etween 4!st4r!cessing centers$ Si45ent t! te cust!5er will e eL4ress !r !vernigt at tecust!5erQs desire and illed acc!rdingl7$

    • #!sts will e 5ini5ied wit i54le5entati!n !f lean 5anufacturing c!nce4ts t!5ini5ie !lding c!sts" turn ti5e" etc$ and value cain 5anage5ent f!r eLternalsu44liers$

    3$J$ T.#

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    Pictures c!urtes7 !f .'S =tt4:www$e!s$inf!en!5e$t5l ?" Arca5=tt4:www$arca5$c!5?" and '4t!5ec =tt4:www$!4t!5ec$c!5?

    3$6$ /.G,AT'/2 -SS,.S

    Additive Tecn!l!gies are generall7 c!nsidered OGreen Tecn!l!g7O$ But due t! te 8ne4article sie !f 4!wders used in 5anufacture s4ecial PP. and air 8lters will e reuired$

    -nert gases" suc as arg!n" will e used in te 5anufacture !f 3D 4arts$ Tis 5a7 reuire a4er5it$

    'ter regulat!r7 c!nsiderati!ns will e 4r!tecti!n !f -ntellectual Pr!4ert7 !f cust!5ers$ Astis tecn!l!g7 can easil7 e used t! c!47 designs" infringe5ent 5ust e evaluated andc!nsidered($ Als!" 4r!duct liailit7 s!uld e acc!unted f!r and 4r!4er insurance =)Milli!n5ini5u5? carried in te case !f a ad 4art causing da5age t! 4ers!ns !r 4r!4ert7( !rlitigati!n$

    3$($ @,T,/. P/'D,#TS

    New 4r!ductsservices will need t! e included in te 3%DAM TM 4!rtf!li! in te future$ As teadditive 5anufacturing tecn!l!g7 c!ntinues t! gr!w and cange te c!54an7 will need t!gr!w and cange wit it$ Tis will reuire 7earl7 review and evaluati!n !f eListing and newtecn!l!gies$ An ev!lving 4lan will e 5anaged 7 te Tecn!l!g7 Tea5 t! review currenttecn!l!g7 ca4ailities" reuire5ents" and cust!5er needs and feedac$/ec!55endati!ns will e 5ade t! 3%DAM TM 5anage5ent f!r necessar7 re%t!!ling anddevel!45ent !n a uarterl7 asis$ New 5acines 5a7 e leased !r !ugt !utrigt$

    A5!ng te current c!nsiderati!ns f!r individual st!re gr!wt te f!ll!wing will e !f 4ri5ar7i54!rtance t! r!und !ut te usiness c!nce4t and s!uld e inc!r4!rated wit%in te 8rst +%3 7ears$


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    •  T!!l and @inising S!4 – a t!!ling and 8nising s!4 is envisi!ned t! e a necessar74!st 4r!cessing reuire5ent f!r te current 4!rtf!li! !f additive 5anufacturingtecn!l!gies and 5aret needs$ Hile te current 4lan is t! !uts!urce te additi!n!f a 5acine and 8nising s!4 w!uld 4r!vide te necessar7 ste4s 9under !ne r!!ftat 3%DAM TM needs f!r te 9>in!s usiness c!nce4t$

    • Stress /elief" .T ANA2S-S

    @r!5 A $%AM&WO%' $O% %&()TA*)+), AM&%).A, MA,/$A.T/%),00" 9-n +00*5anufacturing 4r!duced )$ trilli!n in nati!nal inc!5e" 5aing it !ne !f te largest sect!rsin te A5erican ec!n!57$ Te Nati!nal Ass!ciati!n !f Manufacturers as esti5ated tat"Uever7 )$00 in 5anufactured g!!ds generates an additi!nal )$3( w!rt !f additi!nalec!n!5ic activit7 % 5!re tan an7 !ter ec!n!5ic sect!r$Q Tis als! el4s create F!s – !nestud7 f!und tat eac F! in 5anufacturing su44!rted tree F!s in te rest !f te ec!n!57$A5erican 5anufacturing as een a5!ng te 5!st successful in te w!rld$ @igure + =el!w?de5!nstrates tat ,$S$ 5anufacturing !ut4ut egan t! increase 5!st ra4idl7 after )"4r!4elled 7 ra4idl7 increasing 4r!ductivit7$ Tis i54r!ve5ent is un5atced 7 an7 !ter

    G( c!untr7$

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Picture fr!5 A $%AM&WO%' $O% %&()TA*)+), AM&%).A, MA,/$A.T/%),00

    A su%categ!r7 !f 5anufacturing" additive 5anufacturing ad a t!tal !f 5aret sie !f )$(illi!n w!rldwide in +0))" acc!rding t! a new industr7 re4!rt fr!5 H!lers Ass!ciates -nc$H!lers Ass!ciates said te additive 5anufacturing industr7 as gr!wn in d!ule digits f!r)J !f its + 7ears$ Te industr7 declined 7 4ercent in +00" ecause !f te recessi!n" utten re!unded in +0)0 t! gr!w +$) 4ercent" t! )$3 illi!n$ New advances in 5etals anddesign t!!ls are fueling new usinesses t! d! additive 5anufacturing" te re4!rt said$

     Tirteen c!54anies in .ur!4e n!w 5ae additive 5anufacturing s7ste5s" and H!lers said.ur!4e is a !ted !f 5etal%ased AM eui45ent$ Direct 5anufacturingEusing additive

    5anufacturing t! 5ae 8nised 4r!ducts" n!t Fust 4r!t!t74esEas gr!wn fr!5 virtuall7 er!in +003 t! + 4ercent !f te industr7Qs t!tal revenues in +0))$

    Emerging ndustr!Additive 5anufacturing can e c!nsidered an e5erging industr7 in te ,S$ @r!5 A,AT)O,A* ST%AT&). 1*A, $O% AD(A,.&D MA,/$A.T/%),0"" te Nati!nal Science@!undati!n states tat 9Advanced 5anufacturing is e5erging as an es4eciall7 4!tent driver!f future ec!n!5ic gr!wt$ A distinguising feature !f advanced 5anufacturing is itsc!ntinual i54r!ve5ent in 4r!cesses and ra4id intr!ducti!n !f new 4r!ducts$ -t is tis4aradig5%sifting as4ect !f advanced 5anufacturing tat as te 5!st 4!tential t! s4in !Centirel7 new industries and lead t! 4r!ducti!n 5et!ds tat are 5!st liel7 t! 9stic in te,nited States ecause te7 are ard t! i5itate$

     Te tecn!l!g7 as suc 4!tential tat President 'a5a ann!unced a Pil!t -nstitute f!rManufacturing -nn!vati!n in Marc +0)+6$ As descried in te ann!unce5ent" OTe 4il!tinstitute will !st centralied" !4enl7 accessile ca4ailities" te infrastructure needed t!su44!rt advances in 5anufacturing =!used in !ne !r 5!re facilities? tr!ug devel!45ent"de5!nstrati!n and evaluati!n !f 4r!duct and 4r!cess tecn!l!gies relating t! tetecn!l!g7 area =additive 5anufacturing?$O

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    $+$ TA/G.T MA/>.T S.GM.NT

    #!54etit!rs are targeting select 5arets in 4lastics !r 5etal !r !t" wit l!w t! 5ediu5scale 4r!ducti!n$ N! !4erati!n is l!!ing t! ring all te 4ieces t!geter$ 3%DAM TM will target

    tis 5aret$ P!tential #ust!5ers can e divided int! 3 categ!ries:

    S5all Businesses %

    • + 7ears !ld =generall7 w!uldnWt e start%u4s in teir 8rst 7ear?

    • -nc!5e %

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    S5$ Business )00 J)3 6((6)"30

    g$ Business )0 J+ 6* 6)"*



    Total +0+



    Figure #. – E$pected %um&er of "ustomers in Each 'ar(et Segment ) .L4ectaverage gr!wt !f )+$J 4er 7ear 4er st!re$

    $$ MA/>.T N..DS

     Te current ,S 5anufacturing 5aret is still rec!vering fr!5 te +00 recessi!n and!uts!urcing due t! Gl!aliati!n$ T& Mc#ue fr!5 is Ma7 +0)+ article in @!res states wit98nancial ardsi4s f!r 5an7 A5erican%ased 5anufacturers" additive 5anufacturingtecn!l!gies !Cer a wa7 f!r c!54anies t! get started !n a s!estring$ Additive is tes!luti!n f!r A5ericaQs 5anufacturing ga4 wit te rest !f te w!rld$

    Als!" te current additive 5anufacturing 5aret d!esnQt ave a l!cal 9t!%g!%t! 4lace f!rcust!5ers interested in taing advantage !f te tecn!l!g7$ All c!54etiti!n is l!cated in afew select l!cati!ns and te7 4r!vide services internati!nall7 t! cust!5ers$ Tere is n! !ne4lace t! get all 7!ur 5aterials and additive 5anufacturing 5et!ds and 4!st 4r!cessingunder !ne r!!f$ Additi!nall7" tere is a need f!r fast devel!45ent and 4r!ducti!n !fs5alls!rt runs$

    $J$ T/.NDS

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


     Tis is a gr!wing 5aret$ Tecn!l!g7 gr!wt and devel!45ent !f 4r!cesses and 5aterialswill 4la7 a ig r!le in 5aret$ Standards and regulati!n will 4r!vide directi!n f!r te industr7and tecn!l!g7$ 9Te Marc +00 /AM w!rs!4" resulted in +6 researc rec!55endati!ns$A5!ng te5)3:)? Pr!duce a new f!undati!n f!r #AD s7ste5s t! !verc!5e 5!deling li5itati!ns ass!ciatedwit uilding AM 4arts"

    +? #reate cl!sed%l!!4 and ada4tive c!ntr!l s7ste5s wit feed%f!rward and feedacca4ailities f!r AM5acines"3? Devel!4 and identif7 sustainale =green? 5aterials tat are rec7clale" reusale" andi!degradale"? Devel!4 training 4r!gra5s wit certi8cati!ns f!r industr7 4ractiti!ners"J? Devel!4 and ad!4t internati!nall7 rec!gnied standards" suc as t!se initiated 7 ASTM-nternati!nal" and6? .stalis a nati!nal test ed center wit AM 5acines and eL4ert users t! leverageeui45ent and u5an res!urces in future researc$

    $6$ G/'HT< P'T.NT-A

    Acc!rding t! T& Mc#ue in is Mar +0)+ @!res Magaine* article e states" 9AdditiveManufacturing" aa 3D Printing" will reac 3$) illi!n w!rldwide 7 +0)6 and J$+ illi!n 7+0+0$ -f 3%DAM TM can ca4ture even ) !f tis 5aret tat w!uld e 3) 5illi!n d!llars inrevenue$ J gr!wt in revenue te neLt 7ear w!uld result in 3+"JJ0"000 !f revenue" 4erst!re$

    J$ T

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Su44lies w!uld e 5anaged wit Pull%S7ste5s f!r te vari!us 5etals and 4lastic raw5aterials$ Servicec!ntracts wit 5anufacturers w!uld ee4 5acines running at 4ea e;cienc7$

    6$ SA.S

    6$)$ SA.S ST/AT.G2

    -t is envisi!ned tat cust!5ers w!uld c!ntact a l!cal 3%DAM TM usiness center t! initiate a

     F!$ A F! w!uld e evaluated !n te s4!t f!r l!w c!54leLit7 5!delsardware and wit%in da7s f!r c!54leL F!s$ u!tati!ns w!uld e valid f!r 30 da7s$

    #ust!5er inf!r5ati!n and 4r!Fects w!uld e e4t in a dataase$ Sales engineers w!uld eale t! reference 4ast F!s t! s4eed u4 4r!cessing !f re4eat cust!5ers$ &!s w!uld l!! t!c!54lete wit%in !urs f!r l!w c!54leLit7 l!w v!lu5e F!s t! a 5!nt f!r iger c!54leLit7


    6$+$ P/-#. ST/AT.G2

    Pricing w!uld fact!r in te c!sts !f !veread" 5aterials" and 4er !ur c!st f!r 5acines and4ers!nnel$ Te cust!5er w!uld 4a7 a variale fee =set !n nu5er !f reuired !urs and

    di;cult7? f!r evaluati!n and n!n%re!ccurring engineering t! evaluate as well as 4re4 a4art=s? f!r uild$ Te cust!5er w!uld additi!nall7 e carged f!r 5aterials" 5acine ti5e"and tecnician ti5e t! 5ae ardware$ @inall7" a cust!5er w!uld e reuired t! 4a7 f!r an74!st 4r!cessing necessar7 tat cust!5er elects f!r usiness center t! 4erf!r5 =tis 5a7 e!uts!urced t! strategic 4artners and w!uld e a facilitati!n fee in additi!n t! su44lier fees?$A 4r!8t 5ar%u4 !f 30 will e added t! eac F!$

    6$3$ P/'M'T-'N ST/AT.G2

    Sales will e generated tr!ug advertise5ent and ca54aigns$ Te ca54aign will utilie TV"trade F!urnals" and te internet =we 4ages" @aceB!!" etc$?$

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Sales were f!recasted 7 4r!Fected te a5!unt !f sales revenue generated 7 te averageincrease in cust!5ers eac 5!nt ti5es te eL4ected revenue eac cust!5er w!uldgenerate$ 2/ + acc!unts f!r st!res in e7 cities$ 2/ 3 acc!unts f!r J st!res in e7 cities$.L4ect average gr!wt !f )+$J 4er 7ear f!r eac st!re$ Tese nu5ers are ased u4!n aest scenari!$#!st !f sales is te !veread f!r te sales engineers and tecnicians 4lus an esti5ated

    5!ntl7 !4erating c!st f!r te 5etal 5acines !f 000 and 4lastic 5acines !f 3000$





    '+ ', '- ' '/ '0 '1 '11 '1* 231 23* 23#


    ng 0 0 0 0






















    P!wderMetal 0 0 0 0 0 0










    P!wderPlastic 0 0 0 0















     Tale ): Sales @!recast





    '+ ', '- ' '/ '0 '1 '11 '1* 231 23* 23#





















    0 0 0






























     Tale +: Sales @!recast #!sts

    Sales  2ear ) 2ear + 2ear 3

    Sales .ngineering * 000 J03 000 66 000

    P!wder Metal ) 000 (0 000 (J 000

    P!wder Plastic )0 000 J33 000 (0 000

    Total sales 36 000 ) ((6 000 + 33 000

    Direct costs6 sales

    Sales .ngineering +0 000 J+J 000 6+0 6+J

    P!wder Metal + 000 (0 000 *+ (J0

    P!wder Plastic + 000 J+ J00 6+ 06+

    Total6 direct costs6 sales +** 000 6( J00 (6J 3(

     Tale 3: Sales @!recast and #!sts 7 2/

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Figure +. ) Sales monthl!

    Figure ,. ) Sales !earl!

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    ($ T.T-NG PAN

    ($)$ MA/>.T-NG P/'G/AMS

    As 4art !f a Diversi8cati!n Gr!wt Strateg7 3%DAM TM w!uld 4ractice @!rward -ntegrati!n$ Aste cust!5er is te f!cal 4!int f!r te usiness 5!del" 3%DAM TM !;ces will e targeted cl!set! te cust!5ers$ #ust!5ers will e c!ntacted tr!ug advertise5ent and ca54aigns$ Teca54aign will utilie TV" trade F!urnals" and te internet =we 4ages" @aceB!!" etc$?$

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    *$ MANAG.M.NT AND .MP'2..S

    *$)$ MANAG.M.NT T.AM AND >.2 P./S'NN.

    #.' #T' &!e 'tt will 4erf!r5 as #.'#T'$ &!e will ave c!54lete !versigt and res4!nsiilit7 f!r te

    c!54an7 as well as tecnical aut!rit7$ At 3(" &!e is nearing c!54leti!n !f is MBA andMSM. degrees$ &!e as eL4erience in additive 5anufacturing" s4ecialiing in te aer!s4aceindustr7 and reuire5ents$ &!e as eLtensive 4r!Fect 5anage5ent uali8cati!ns and is aregistered .ngineer%-n%Training =.-T? candidate in te state !f MA$ &!e currentl7 w!rs atPrattHitne7 as an -ntegrated Pr!duct Tea5 ead f!r te .ngineering -ntegrated S!luti!nsGr!u4 .ngineering -nn!vati!n #enter$

    #@' Te #@' will e ired after te c!54an7 is funded$ Te #@' s!uld ave te f!ll!winguali8cati!ns:,nder te directi!n !f te #ief .Lecutive ';cer =#.'?" te #ief @inancial ';cer =#@'? asdirect !versigt !f te f!ll!wing re4!rting line: Acc!unting" Acc!unts" #!55unicati!ns"Purcasing" Printing Du4licating" -nf!r5ati!n Manage5ent" Manage5ent -nf!r5ati!n


     Te #@' as !verall 5anage5ent res4!nsiilities f!r @iscal and Business Services and aslegal res4!nsiilities as te internal audit!r f!r te c!54an7$ Tis 4!siti!n is acc!untale f!rte devel!45ent and i54le5entati!n !f 8scal s7ste5s" udgeting 4r!cesses" 8nancialre4!rting" and 8scal 4!licies and 4r!cedures$

     Ten 7ears !f 4r!gressivel7 res4!nsile leadersi4 4!siti!ns wit at least 8ve 7earsQeL4erience in 5anufacturing and!r start%u4 cs!54an7 acc!unting at a 5anagerial level$@a5iliarit7 wit ealtcare rei5urse5ent s7ste5s$ Successful trac rec!rd in te5anage5ent !f 4e!4le" udgets" s7ste5s" and 4r!cesses$ #!llege graduate wit 5aF!r inAcc!unting@inance$ MBA and!r #PA reuired$

    Acc!unting and

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Y Basic n!wledge !f 4!l75er c!54!nent design in trans4!rtati!n a44licati!nsY N!n%destructive testing eL4erience !r certi8cati!n$ Basic n!wledge !f ferr!us 5etallurg7"eat treating" and failure anal7sis

     Tecn!l!g7 /esearcer: /eviews and evaluates additive 5anufacturing tecn!l!gies f!ra44licati!n t! usiness$ Partici4ates in te creati!n" i54le5entati!n" and ad5inistrati!n !f

    veicle gr!u4 4!licies" 4r!cedures" and w!r instructi!ns$ ,tilies te engineering Maturit7M!del c!nce4t t! drive 4ers!nal and regi!nal 4r!cess and n!wledge devel!45ent$,nderstands design" devel!45ent" and failure anal7sis tr!ug assigned engineering4r!Fects$ A44lies funda5ental engineering 4ractices and decisi!n 5aing f!r 4r!le5s!lving$Preferred uali8cati!nsY M$S$ in Mecanical !r Pr!Fect .ngineering !r euivalent degree fr!5 an accrediteduniversit7Y Manufacturing !r additive 5anufacturing eL4erience !r certi8cati!nY Pr!Fect 5anage5ent eL4erience PM- certi8cati!n

     Training ualit7: Maintains understanding !f te varied and alanced needs !f c!stc!54etitiveness" 4r!duct reliailit7 r!ustness" inn!vati!n" c!nstraints relating t! tegl!al availailit7 !f 5aterial and 5anufacturing 4r!cesses$ !cal eL4ert in assigned 4r!duct 4r!cess$ .ducates and 5anages c!54an7

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Z+% 7ears !f selling eL4erienceZ+ 7ears !f sales eL4erience wit a 5anufacturing disci4line a 4lusZSuccessful trac rec!rdZ#!54uter Sills in MS ';ce" #/M" He

    M-N-M,M .D,#AT-'N /.,-/.M.NTS:

    %7ear c!llege degree !r euivalent

    *$+$ .MP'2..S

    • Sales engineers – cust!5er interface" engineers 5arr7 u4 tecn!l!g7 t! cust!5erneeds$ Tere will e +%3 4er st!re$

    • #AD and Build tecnicians – 5!dif7 designs t! 5ae tecn!l!g7 friendl7" !4erate andrun 5acines$ Tere will e ) 4er 5acine and tw! #AD !4erat!rs 4er st!re$

    • P!st 4r!cessing tecnicians % 4r!vide an7 necessar7 4!st 4r!cessing andc!!rdinati!n$ Tere will e !ne 4er st!re$

    • Si44ing/eceiving – si4 and receive ardware" su44lies" etc$ Tere will e !ne 4erst!re$

    Personnel '1 '* '# '+ ', '- ' '/ '0 '1 '11























     Tecn!l!g7 Tea5
























    Sales.ng$ And














     Tale : M!ntl7 Pa7r!ll

    Personal  2ear ) 2ear + 2ear 3

    #.'#T' *0 00 *0 000 *0 000

    #@' *0 00 *0 000 *0 000

     Tecn!l!g7 Tea5 +0 000 +0 000 +0 000

    Branc Managers 6 6 +*0 000 3J0 000

    Sales .ng$ and Tecs 360 000 360 000 ) 0 000

    Total wages *30 00 ) 00 000 + )0 000

     Tale : 2earl7 Pa7r!ll

    *$3$ @,T,/.

    3%DAM TM will ave ) initial st!re in a 5aF!r 5anufacturing center !f ,SA$ Te 4lan will e t!gr!w t! + st!res 7 end !f sec!nd 7ear$ Te neLt g!al will e t! gr!w te usiness t! avest!res in eac !f J 5aF!r 5anufacturing centers in ,SA in J 7ears$ Te l!ng ter5 4lan wille t! gr!w t! ave !ne st!re in J0 5aF!r cities in )0 7ears$

    *$$ >.2 @-G,/.S

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    He 4lan t! ire 3 sales engineers and 3 tecnicians and ) Branc Manager in te 8rst 7earf!r te 8rst st!re$B7 7ear tw!" we 4lan t! ire sales engineers" tecnicians" and 3 ranc 5anagers t!staC 3 additi!nal st!res$He 4lan t! i54le5ent an annual training curriculu5 f!r eac 4ers!n f!r u4dating teir

    tecnical n!wledge$

    $ A#T-V-T2 PAN

     Tis secti!n descries s!5e activities tat will e needed t! i54le5ent te w!le !r 4arts !f te usiness 4lan$

    'rder and -nstall Macines – 5acines and installati!n at )"000"000 a%4iece$ ) 4lastics" +5etals" ) 5etr!l!g7 and ins4ecti!n" ) !ven and aut!clave [ J"000"000St!re – )J"000 s$ ft$ \ 3$J+3 4er f!!t 4er 7ear [ J+"*00$ Plus )"000"000 f!r u4gradesand !;ce reuire5ents$ .uals )"0J+"*00$00

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Figure -. – 7cti8ities "alendar

    )0$ @-NAN#. AND .#'N'M2 @-G,/.S

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    1.1 ST73T9P F9%D%:

    Start)up "osts

    /esearc Tecn!l!g7 )00 000

    /esearc St!re !cati!n +00 000

    Per5its and @ees )00 000

    Mareting Stud7 )00 000

    Total Start)up "osts J00 000

    Start)up funding

    Ban !ans 3 000 000

    Ban !ans + 000 000

    'ter -nvest!rs + 000 000

    Grants + 000 000

    G!vern5ent !ans ) 000 000

    Total Start)up funding )0 000 000

    Total E;uit! J00 000

     Tale 6: Start%,4 @unding

    Figure . – Financed "apital 8s. 3emaining "apital 7fter "osts Te f!ll!wing are 9Seed #a4ital funding eL4enses tat will e incurred 4ri!r t! te usinessstarting:

    • /esearc Tecn!l!g7 – )00"000 – tis is t! researc te est 5etal" 4lastics" and5etr!l!g7 5acines necessar7 t! su44!rt te usiness c!nce4t$

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    • /esearc St!re !cati!n – +00"000 – Tis is t! 8nd and fund te initial st!re l!cati!n4lus !ter 3 l!cati!ns f!r neLt 3 st!res$

    • Per5its and @ees – )00"000 – Tis will fund necessar7 4er5its and fees f!restalising te st!re in 8rst st!re l!cati!n$

    • Mareting Stud7 % )00"000 – Tis will fund a 5areting stud7 f!r te

    • Grants – +"000"000 – SB-/ % Pase - and Pase --" @ed" State" !cal$

    • G!vern5ent !ans % )"000"000 – SBA =J0" SBA?" etc$Total4 5166

     Tird stage =gr!wt? funding w!uld e necessar7 f!r eL4ansi!n e7!nd te 8rst st!re andw!uld e necessar7 at last uarter +0)3$

     Te f!ll!wing descries te l!ng ter5 assets$ De4reciati!n 4eri!d was calculated at5ini5u5 3 7ears$ S5art4lan)0 calculate a de4reciati!n !f )J 4er7ear as standard$

     2r) 2r+ 2r3.ui45ent – J"000"000 +0"000"000 +J"000"000/eal%estate – )"0J+"*00 "+))"+00 J"+6"000Total4 5-6,*6/ 5*+6*116*5#6*-+6

     Te f!ll!wing descries l!ng%ter5 liailitiesR dets tat w!uld e 4aid ac !ver a 4eri!d !f5!re tan a 7ear$

    -nterest A5!rtiati!n2rBan !ans – 3"000"000 6 )+)Angel -nvest!rs – +"000"000 )+)'ter -nvest!rs – +"000"000 )+)G!vern5ent !ans – )"000"000 3 )+)

    \interest rates and a5!rtiati!n7r$ ave een assu5ed$

    Pr!8t and l!ss eL4enses – !ter antici4ated c!sts =s!rt ter5 liailities? f!r te !4erati!n !f7!ur usiness$

      '1 '* '# '+ ', '- ' '/ '0 '1 '11 '1* 231Acc!unting

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    )0$+ P/'@-T 'SS TAB.

     2ear ) 2ear + 2ear 3

    Sales 36 000 ) ((6 000 + 33 000

    Sale c!sts +** 000 6( J00 (6J 3(

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    BTO pro

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Figure 0. ) %et pro

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Figure 11. :ross margin !earl!

    )0$3 BAAN#. S

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


     2ear ) 2ear + 2ear 3

    "urrent assets

    iuid assets ) +( +0* % +6J *3 %++ +J J3

    Sales 36 000 ) ((6 000 + 33 000

    Total current assets ) 63 +0* %( * *3 %) )) J3

    Fi$ed assets

    @iLtures and 8ttings 8Led assets 6 0J+ *00 + +6 000 J J+* 000

    Acc de4reciati!n 8Ltures 8ttings8Led assets ) +)0 J60 ( +63 360 ) 36* 60

     T!tal 8Ltures and 8ttings8Led assets *+ +0 ++ 000 60 3J )J 00

    Total assets 6 *J * ) J)0 (( )J +( (


    Sare ca4ital ris ca4ital )0 000 000 )0 000 000 )0 000 000

    Acc!unts 4a7ale +** 000 6( J00 (6J 3(Accrued taLes +(3 0) 33 +00 (++ (00

    !ng%ter5 liailities 0 0 0

    Balanced pro

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


     2ear ) 2ear + 2ear 3

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    >i;uid assets6 incoming )0 000 000 6 6 )30 %6 (0 066

    >i;uid assets o&tained from acti8ities

    Sales 36 000 ) ((6 000 + 33 000

    'ter earnings 0 0 0

    Total earnings from acti8ities 36 000 ) ((6 000 + 33 000

    Other li;uid assets o&tained

    VAT and taL refunds 6)+ 0*+ + *J )6 + ( (+

    -ncrease in acc!unts 4a7ale 0 0 0

    -ncrease in s!rt%ter5 liailities 0 0 0

    -ncrease in l!ng%ter5 liailities 0 0 0

    Sale !f current assets 0 0 0

    Sale !f 8Led assets 0 0 0

    New ca4ital increase 0 0 0

    Total li;uid assets o&tained J* 0*+ 63J )6 *++ (+

    >i;uid assets spent

    #as eL4enditure + 3( + )3 )36 300 +(J 3(

    Total e$penditure from acti8ities + 3( + )3 )36 300 +(J 3(

    Other li;uid assets spent

    VAT and taL 4a75ents 3+3 )60 (+) *+ ) +J3 +00

    /educti!n in s!rt%ter5 liailities 0 0 0

    /educti!n in l!ng%ter5 liailities 0 0 0

    Purcase !f current assets 0 0 0

    Purcase !f 8Led assets ) 0J+ *00 +)) +00 J +6 000

    Total li;uid assets spent 3)3 J+ )* 06 3+ )J (+ 63(

    %et cash Aow %3 3JJ *(0 %)3 3 )6 %)0 6 0*

    >i;uid assets6 outgoing 6 6 )30 %6 (0 066 %)( (J (J

     Tale )0$ #AS< @'H

    ))$ N.TH'/> S./V-#. P/'V-D./S

    ))$) BAN> 

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    3%DAM TM will initiall7 w!r wit ,SAA Ban" l!cated in T1$ Tis is an all 4ur4!se internati!nalan tat as n! rances" tat instead w!rs entirel7 !nline$

    ))$+ A##',NTANT

    Acc!unting and

    ))$J ADV./T-S-NG% MA/>.T-NG AG.N#2

    A 5areting gr!u4 will e selected t! assist in te 5areting ca54aign !n a 7earl7 c!ntract$ Te initial 5areting gr!u4 s!uld e eL4erience in a regi!nal t! nati!nal ca54aign" w!ringwit 5anufacturing" and start%u4 usinesses$

    A )00 udget will e set f!r 5areting$ Te 5areting ca54aign will start in &une +0)3and c!ntinue tr!ug Dece5er +0)3$

    ))$6 -NV.ST'/S V.NT,/. @-/MS

    ))$( -T P/'V-D./

    An -T 8r5 will e s!licited !nce a l!cati!n as een deter5ined f!r te initial

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    )$ OASTM -nternati!nal Tecnical #!55ittee @+$O ASTM -nternati!nal Tecnical#!55ittee @+$ N$4$" n$d$ He$ )( &ul7 +0)+$]tt4:www$ast5$!rg#'MM-TT..@+$t5X$

    +$ ODesignati!n: @+(+ ^ )+a % Standard Ter5in!l!g7 f!r Additive Manufacturing Tecn!l!gies$O ASTM $"2" - 0"a$ ASTM" )( &ul7 +0)+$ He$ +0)+$]tt4:enter4rise$ast5$!rg8ltreLL0$cgiI/.D-N._PAG.S@+(+$t5X$

    3$ O-ndustrial S4ace #!st #!54aris!n$O Greater

    $ >!tin" &!el$ O @'/ /.V-TA-`-NG AM./-#AN MAN,@A#T,/-NG$

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    A44endiL ): M7dea Tecn!l!gies

    A44endiL +: Sa4ewa7s" -nc$

    APP.ND-1 3: Single St!re =

    Total $20 $7" "3" 6,2$%

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA



    Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Saes &ngineering #8 000 110 2"0 12$ 032

    'o()er *e!a 1$$ 000 162 000 182 2"0

    'o()er 'as!i+ 10$ 000 117 000 131 62"

    Total sales 3$6 000 38# 2"0 $37 #07

    Direct costs, sales

    Saes &ngineering 2$0 000 270 000 303 7"0

    'o()er *e!a 2$ 000 27 000 30 37"

    'o()er 'as!i+ 2$ 000 27 000 30 37"

    Total, direct costs, sales 288 000 32$ 000 36$ "00

    Sales monthl

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Sales earl


    Personal Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    C&-C 80 00$ 80 000 80 000

    C/ 80 00$ 80 000 80 000

    e+noog eam 2$0 000 2$0 000 2$0 000

    Bran+ *anagers 6# ##6 70 000 70 000

    Saes &ng. an) e+s 360 000 360 000 360 000

    Total "a#es 830 00$ 830 000 830 000


    Start&u' Costs

    Resear+ e+noog 100 000

    Resear+ S!ore Lo+a!ion 200 000

    'ermi!s an) /ees 100 000

    *are!ing S!u) 100 000

    Total Start&u' Costs "00 000

    Start&u' (undin#

    Ban Loans 3 000 000

    Ban Loans 2 000 000

    !er nes!ors 2 000 000

    Gran!s 2 000 000

    Goernmen! Loans 1 000 000

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Total Start&u' (undin# 10 000 000

    Total E)uit # "00 000

    *+- PROF%T . LOSS TA/LE

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Saes 3$6 000 38# 2"0 $37 #07

    Sae +os!s 288 000 32$ 000 36$ "00

    444444444444444 444444444444444 444444444444444

    /TO 'ro(it "8 000 6" 2"0 73 $07

    /TO 'ro(it 0 17 % 17 % 17 %


    Saaries 830 00$ 830 000 830 000

     A))i!iona Saaries +os!s 273 #01 273 #00 273 #00

    *are!ing an) a+!ii! +os!s 0 6 3"2 800 0

    5ere+ia!ion 1 210 "60 1 210 "60 1 210 "60

     A++oun!ing - HR - A)er!ising Seri+es ## ##6 100 000 100 000

    Suies oi+e an) oera!ing9 ## ##6 100 000 100 000

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    :!ii!ies, ;eb, , 'one 20 000 20 000 20 000

    nsuran+e ### ##6 1 000 000 1 000 000

    *ain!enan+e 'an 100 000 100 000 100 000

    Resear+ e+noog 100 000 0 0

    Resear+ S!ore Lo+a!ion 200 000 0 0

    'ermi!s an) /ees 100 000 0 0

    *are!ing S!u) 100 000 0 0

    444444444444444 444444444444444 444444444444444

    Sum direct costs $ 13$ $"3 # #87 260 3 63$ $60

    /inan+ia +os!s 40 40 40

    Pro(its 2e(ore ta1 4$ 076 $"3 4# #22 010 43 "61 0"3

    Pro(it 2e(ore ta1 0 41 178 % 42 "$# % 4813 %

    Net 'ro(it monthl

    Net 'ro(it earl

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Gross mar#in monthl

    Gross mar#in earl

    *+3 /ALANCE S4EET

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Current assets


  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    Total assets 6 $8" $$8 1 #"2 237 42 "68 316


    Sare +ai!a > ris +ai!a 10 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 000

     A++oun!s aabe 288 000 32$ 000 36$ "00

     A++rue) !a=es 273 #01 273 #00 273 #00

    Long4!erm iabii!ies 0 0 0

    /alanced 'ro(it5loss 0 4$ 076 $"3 48 6$" 663

    Total lia2ilities . e)uit ca'ital 10 "61 #01 6 "21 $$7 1 ##2 737

    Pro(it (or the ear  4$ 076 $"3 4$ "6# 210 4$ "61 0"3

    *+6 CAS4 FLO7 ANAL!S%S

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Li)uid assets, incomin# 10 000 000 6 6$$ 130 4201 $#7

    Li)uid assets o2tained (rom acti8ities

    Saes 3$6 000 38# 2"0 $37 #07

    !er earnings 0 0 0

    Total earnin#s (rom acti8ities 3$6 000 38# 2"0 $37 #07

    Other li)uid assets o2tained

    ?A an) !a= reun)s 612 082 1 #61 333 8#1 638

    n+rease in a++oun!s aabe 0 0 0

    n+rease in sor!4!erm iabii!ies 0 0 0

    n+rease in ong4!erm iabii!ies 0 0 0

    Sae o +urren! asse!s 0 0 0

    Sae o i=e) asse!s 0 0 0

    @e( +ai!a in+rease 0 0 0

    Total li)uid assets o2tained #"8 082 2 3"0 "83 1 32# "$"

    Li)uid assets s'ent

    Cas e=en)i!ure 2 #37 ##2 8 826 800 2 "1$ "00

    Total e1'enditure (rom acti8ities 2 #37 ##2 8 826 800 2 "1$ "00Other li)uid assets s'ent

    ?A an) !a= amen!s 323 160 36# $11 381 3$#

    Re)u+!ion in sor!4!erm iabii!ies 0 0 0

    Re)u+!ion in ong4!erm iabii!ies 0 0 0

    'ur+ase o +urren! asse!s 0 0 0

  • 8/18/2019 7 18 12 Business PlanA


    'ur+ase o i=e) asse!s 1 0"2 800 0 0

    Total li)uid assets s'ent $ 313 #"2 # 1#6 211 2 8#" 8$#

    Net cash (lo" 43 3"" 870 46 8$" 628 41 "66 30"

    Li)uid assets, out#oin# 6 6$$ 130 4201 $#7 41 767 802

     2/) 2/+ 2/3#urrent /ati! [ 0$)6 %0$)0 %)$J \indicates l!w liuidit7Det /ati! [ )$6+ 3$3 0$(6 \indicates st!re is w!ring !ut !f detDet t! .uit7 [ )$3+ \