E-mail: URL - Boston University · Adonon, Sophie. - Un trop lourd tribute, Cotonou : Editions du...

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WEST AFRICAN RESEARCH CENTER Rue E x Léon Gontran Damas, Fann Residence, Dakar - Senegal (en face de l'Agence Autonome des Transports Routiers (AATR) et du Centre

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THE WARC/LOC BIBLIOGRAHY List of books published in 2015 in the Francophone countries of West Africa

(plus Chad), available at the Library of Congress






Adjou-Moumouni, Basile. - Les coqs chantent de travers ! : Le discernement en question (Essai), Cotonou : SPL Editions/Les Editions Plurielles, 2015, 243 p. Brief summary: In this book the author provides case studies to provide actionable insights to educators, managers and leaders to adopt ethical values indispensable to the proper functioning of society. Country: Benin Assemblée Nationale du Tchad. - Livre d'or, Paris : Office Français des Relations Extérieures, 2015, 257 p. Brief summary: Guestbook of the National Assembly of Chad with pictures of some great figures of parliamentary history of Chad. Country: Chad Avocevou, Roger Gbètognon. - Le Bénin et ses 77 communes, 546 arrondissements et ses 5295 villages et quartiers de ville, Porto-Novo : Editions ROGAV, 2015, 271 p. Brief summary: Information on the exact number of villages, city districts, districts and communes of Benin. Country: Benin Azalou, Michel Romaric. - Actions et omissions punies par la loi en période électorale, Cotonou : Imprimerie COPEF, 2015, 48 p. Brief summary: Acts and omissions punishable by law during elections. Country: Benin Badjaga, Boubacar. - Le présumé innocent face à la justice et à la presse au Mali, Bamako : Editions La Sahélienne, 2015, 171 p. Brief summary: This book deals with the presumption of innocence in Mali. Country: Mali

Cour d'Appel de Lomé. - Arrêts annotés 2012-2013, Lomé : Editions Haho, 2015, 963 p. Brief summary: Court judgments annotated 2012-2013 Country: Togo Diakhoumpa, Cheikh. - Traité Théorique et Pratique de Procédure Pénale : Tome 1 : La phase préparatoire du procès pénal, Dakar : At the Author, 2015, 339 p. Brief summary: Criminal Procedure Theoretical and Practical Treaty. Country: Senegal Djossou, Prosper Bienvenu. - Le greffier en chef dans la pratique du greffe, Tome 1, s.l. : Imprimerie Le Rochet, 2015, 212 p. Brief summary: This book presents the chief clerk functions in the courts. Country: Benin Gonçalves, Wilfrid Eric. - Droit des sociétés : Mise à jour issue des réformes de l'AUDSC du 30 janvier 2014, s.l. : Editions Pothier, 2015, 237 p. Brief summary: Law on companies. Country: Benin Haden, Bruno Germain M.K.-Que dis-tu de la torture ?, Lomé : OPAC Editions, 2015, 106 p. Brief summary: In this book the author is based on practical experience to bring the reader into the world of torture. Country: Togo Hounkpatin, Justinien. - Décentralisation, Management et Gouvernance associative : Gérez mieux votre temps, vos informations et votre personnel : Modules pour élus locaux, personnel communal, acteurs à la base et toute personne, Porto-Novo : Editions Juridev, 2015, 134 p. Brief summary: The author addresses the problem of governance and management for local sustainable development by highlighting the issues, achievements, challenges and strategies. Country: Benin Ministère de la Justice, des Droits Humains et de la Promotion Civique. - Pacte national pour le renouveau de la Justice, Ouagadougou : Ministère de la Justice, des Droits Humains et de la Promotion Civique, 2015, 33 p. Brief summary: National Pact for Renewal of Justice. Country: Burkina Faso Ministère de la Justice, des Droits Humains et de la Promotion Civique. - Rapport général des états généraux de la justice au Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou : Ministère de la Justice, des Droits Humains et de la Promotion Civique, 2015, 32 p. Brief summary: General Report of the States General of justice in Burkina Faso. Country: Burkina Faso Mouvement Burkinabè des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples (MBDHP). - Situation des droits humains au Burkina depuis l'insurrection populaire, octobre 2014-avril 2015, Ouagadougou : Mouvement Burkinabè des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples (MBDHP), 2015, 68 p. Brief summary: Human rights situation in Burkina since the popular uprising, october 2014-april 20015. Country: Burkina Faso

Salami, Ibrahim David. - Droit administratif, Cotonou : Editions CeDAT, 2015, 403 p. Brief summary: Administrative law. Country: Benin Sawadogo, Filiga Michel. - Théorie générale des obligations : Les obligations selon leurs sources - Les obligations quelles que soient leurs sources, Ouagadougou : Editions Maison du Droit, 2015, 404 p. Brief summary: General theory of obligations. Country: Burkina Faso Sawadogo, Filiga Michel. - Le Droit OHADA des entreprises en difficulté : Prévention, procédures collectives, sanctions (2ème édition), Ouagadougou : Editions Maison du Droit, 2015, 328 p. Brief summary: The OHADA law on firms in difficulty: Prevention, collective procedures, sanctions. Country: Burkina Faso Yao, Koffi. - Diagnostic des fonctions de Juge de l'Application des Peines (JAP), Abidjan : Les Editions Matrice, 2015, 152 p. Brief summary: The duties of Judge of the Application of Sentences. Country: Côte d’Ivoire


Adoum-Bakhit Haggar, Hassan. - Le Tchad et son pétrole : Défis politiques et enjeux géostratégiques, Douala : Editions Veritas, 2015, 297 p. Brief summary: Policy challenges and geo-strategic issues related to the Chadian oil. Country: Chad Bagayogo, Shaka. - Le delta intérieur du Niger, grenier de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Bamako : Presses Universitaires du Sahel/La Sahélienne, 2015, 135 p. Brief summary: In this book, the author invites the reader to understand the importance of the central delta of the Niger River, the cornerstone of food self-sufficiency in West Africa. Country: Mali Bouba, Bahaoua. - Le franc CFA et la secte terroriste Boko Haram doivent mourir : L'urgence d'une nouvelle monnaie africaine, Ndjamena : Editions Sao, 2015, 142 p. Brief summary: Call to Action for the abandonment of African CFA franc and the creation of an African currency. Country: Chad Calao Production. - Le Répertoire des Exportateurs du Sénégal, Dakar : Calao Production, 2015, 160 p. Brief summary: Directory of Exporters of Senegal. Country: Senegal Camara, Loukimane. - Dans l'élan de l'émergence de la Côte d'Ivoire selon Alassane Ouattara, Abidjan : Frat Mat Editions, 2015, 160 p. Brief summary: Articles explaining the overall policy advocated by President Alassane Ouattara for the economic emergence of Côte d'Ivoire in 2020. Country: Côte d’Ivoire

Chacha, Christel Teddy Senou. - Je suis comptable : 100% pratique en entreprise, Dakar :Original writer, 2015, 474 p. Brief summary: Business accounting practice tool. Country: Senegal Cloubou, Agboessi Noumonvi. - L'émergence de l'Afrique : Le greffage qui s'impose, Cotonou : Star Editions, 2015, 232 p. Brief summary: Call to awaken executives on their role in the overall development of Africa. Country: Benin Conseil Présidentiel de l'Investissement. - Réformes du Gouvernement du Bénin visant l'amélioration du climat des affaires, une meilleure compétitivité de l'Economie Béninoise et une meilleure évaluation "Doing Business" 2016 du Bénin, Cotonou : Secrétariat Permanent du Conseil Présidentiel de l'Investissement, 2015, 27 p. Brief summary: Reforms of the Government of Benin to improve the business climate, better competitiveness of the Beninese economy and better evaluation "Doing Business" 2016 for Benin. Country: Benin Conseil Présidentiel de l'Investissement. - Autres réformes engagées par le Gouvernement du Bénin pour un meilleur climat des affaires et une meilleure compétitivité de l'Economie Béninoise, Cotonou : Secrétariat Permanent du Conseil Présidentiel de l'Investissement, 2015, 11 p. Brief summary: Other reforms undertaken by the Government of Benin for a better business environment and increased competitiveness of the Beninese economy. Country: Benin Direction Générale des Impôts. - Impôts et taxes en Côte d'Ivoire : Tableau synoptique des impôts, taxes, redevances et prélèvements divers du dispositif fiscal ivoirien - Edition 2015, Abidjan : Direction Générale des Impôts, 2015, 46 p. Brief summary: Overview of taxes, various fees and levies of the Ivorian tax system. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Ersa, André. - Précis de comptabilité SYSCOA, Tome 1 : Initiation comptable - Plan comptable SYSCOA - Taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires - Comptes de patrimoine - Compte de gestion - Compte de résultat - Charges de personnel - Effets de commerce - Emballages commerciaux, Dakar : Université Catholique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (UCAO), 2015, 241 p. Brief summary: SYSCOA accounting precis, Volume 1 Country: Senegal Koffi, Kouassi Jean. - Houphouët-Boigny-Alassane Ouattara, les traits communs d'un leadership de développement, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons (NEB), 2015, 120 p. Brief summary: In this book the author points out the common features of development policies by Presidents Houphouët-Boigny and Alassane Ouattara. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Malloumi Moustapha Abakar. - Les conditions d'une émergence au Tchad, Ndjamena : Editions Sao, 2015, 144 p. Brief summary: The author reviews and analyzes the emergence of different success criteria and questioned Chad's ability to achieve this goal. Country: Chad

Nossi, Patrick. - Guide pratique des procédures fiscales 2015, Ndjamena : Juriscom, 2015, 24 p. Brief summary: Practical Guide to Tax Procedure. Country: Chad Pegnadi, Essohana. - Mémoire du génie agricole kabyè, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 117 p. Brief summary: Book that chronicles a century of technical and agricultural engineering of Kabyè people living in northern Togo. Country: Togo Younouss, Mohamed . - Côte d'Ivoire : en route vers l'émergence, Paris : Les impliqués Editeur, 2015, 130 p. Brief summary: In this book the author presents the source of what has become an interest, a love, a passion for President Ouattara who has generated so much hope since his appearance on the Ivorian political scene. Country: Côte d’Ivoire


Ali Koré, Aboubakar. - Pouvoir/Identité, Etat-Nation : Analyse des thèmes du pouvoir et de l'identité dans les manuels de CP1, CP2 et CE1 (Mariam et Hamidou) - Tome 1, Ndjamena : Al Mouna, 2015, 74 p. Brief summary : Analysis of the themes of power and identity in textbooks of basic grades of primary school. Country: Chad Dan Dah, Laouali Mahaman. - Une expérience de réforme dans le système éducatif, Niamey : Imprimerie NTI, 2015, 250 p. Brief summary: In this book the author shows the importance of education in the development process and highlights the reasons for hope despite the difficulties facing the sector. Country: Niger Dieng, Aly. - Adminaa : Nouveau programme CM 2, Dakar : At the Author, 2015, 192 p. Brief summary: Issue for schoolboys and schoolgirls finishing primary education with exercises. Country: Senegal Enam, Gaby. - Petits contes écoliers, Lomé : Editions Graines de Pensées, 2015, 56 p. Brief summary: Collection of eight stories for schoolchildren. Country: Togo Huannou, Adrien. - Et si la FLASH n'existait pas ?, Cotonou : CIREF, 2015, 126 p. Brief summary: History of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Abomey. Country: Benin


Ahimde, Franck. - Ma santé, ma vie, Cotonou : Editions GOD PHARMA, 2015, 40 p. Brief summary: In this book the author gives some dietary rules for maintaining good health. Country: Benin

Gouvernement de la République de Guinée. - Demain la Guinée : De la crise sanitaire à la reconstruction, Paris : Matalana Attitudes Plus, 2015, 50 p. Brief summary: This document reports on the health crisis subsequent to the Ebola fever epidemic and the efforts made to solve it. Country: Guinea Conakry


Adabra, Kodjo. - La bêtise humaine, Lomé: Editions Awoudy, 2015, 120 p. Brief summary: This is the story of a ghost who came back to life with a mission and who discovers all human errors. Surprised by the daylight, he took refuge in the body of a young man who goes mad and dies thereafter. Country: Togo Adegoke, Newthing. - Trop grand pour mourir petit, Lomé : Editions HAHO, 2015, 103 p. Brief summary: In this book the author reminds man of the purpose for which God created him. Country: Togo Adjira-Aziadekey, Sylvestre. - Les histoires de Yao et Akuwa, Lomé : Editions Continents, 2015, 34 p. Brief summary: Illustrated collection of tales. Country: Togo Adonon, Sophie. - Un trop lourd tribute, Cotonou : Editions du Tamarin, 2015, 171 p. Brief summary: In this novel the author painted two destinies that everything seems to oppose, but that friendship brings together. Country: Benin Agbazahou, Apollinaire. - Cactus dans le ménage suivi de Chaude alerte, alerte rouge, Cotonou : Editions Plumes Soleil, 2015, 92 p. Brief summary: Collection of plays. Country: Benin Ago, Adia. - Amen…Cris et pleurs, Abidjan : Les Editions Matrice, 2015, 139 p. Brief summary: In this book it's about the story of a woman made pregnant and then married by her lover against the advice of her parents. Before the hardships of life, the couple will end up in a cult that will lead the young woman to the brink of insanity. Will she find peace when she mets Erich? Country: Côte d’Ivoire Aguid, Beyer Haroun. - Les illusions mortelles, Ndjamena : Editions SAO, 2015, 68 p. Country : Collection of poems. Country: Chad Ahonsou, Jeannette. - Un tunnel sans bout Lomé : Editions Continents, 2015, 185 p. Brief summary: In this novel, the author makes a plea for improving the status of women. Country: Togo Akiti, Jean Amévi. - Le gâteau du mariage suivi de Le Prix, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 71 p. Brief summary: Collection of plays. Country: Togo

Alexis, Kouakou Akissi Viviane. - Amours, choix et regards, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons, 2015, 155 p. Brief summary: Without condoning homosexuality the author calls in this novel to have another look at this phenomenon which shocks the habits even in this so-called modern society. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Anite, Adji. - La fièvre d'un manège, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 157 p. Brief summary: In this novel intertwine African reality and requirements of professional life. Country: Togo Apedo-Amah, Ayayi Togoata. - La guerre civile des aputaga, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 115 p. Brief summary: Civil war breaks out in a kingdom, fueled by greed and betrayal each other. Inspired by the true story of the Guin people living in southern Togo. Country: Togo Apedo-Amah, Ayayi Togoata. - Les trônes sacrés jumeaux, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 132 p. Brief summary: Drama. Country: Togo Apédo-Amah, Ayayi Togoata. - 5 octobre an zero, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 105 p. Brief summary: A play inspired by day of October 5th,1990 that remains a memorable date in the history of Togo, a black Friday in the democratic process. Country: Togo Assalé, Olivier Koua. - Brave institutrice, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons, 2015, 115 p. Brief summary: Collection of stories. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Assima-Kpatcha, Essoham et al.- Au cœur d'une relecture des sources orales en Afrique : Etude sur l'histoire africaine en hommage au professeur Théodore Nicoué Lodjou Gayibor, Lomé : Presses de l'Université de Lomé, 2015, 781 p. Brief summary: Study on African history in honor of Professor Theodore Nicoué Lodjou Gayibor. Country: Togo Assiobo Tis, Claude. - Pêcheurs de sirène, Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 134 p. Brief summary: To avoid the capture of Mamiwata, worshipers of the voodoo fish behead the king, who alone knows the secret code of this fishery ... They must at all costs find the head ... The book is part of a trilogy with "Les frères siamois ou les dernières hallucinations du professeur Amévo" and "Les métamorphoses de Koffi K.". Country: Togo Assiobo Tis, Claude. - Les frères siamois ou les dernières hallucinations du professeur Amévo, Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 138 p. Brief summary: This story is part of a trilogy with "Pêcheur de sirène" and "Les métamorphoses de Koffi K.". Country: Togo Assiobo Tis, Claude. - Les métamorphoses de Koffi K., Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 68 p. Brief summary: This story is part of a trilogy with "Pêcheur de sirène" and "Les frères siamois ou les dernières hallucinations du professeur Amévo". Country: Togo

Atsain, Désiré. - Vengeance de femme Suivie de : L'enfant aux yeux bleus et Les traces du passé, Abidjan : FratMat Editions, 2015, 148 p. Brief summary: Three stories in comics. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Azo, Vauguy. - Péril Loglêdou : Voyage au pays des gens perdus, Abidjan : Editions Matrice, 2015, 62 p. Brief summary: Poetry. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Badji, Papa Samba. - La mauvaise conscience : Pièce de théâtre en 4 tableaux et 9 scènes, Dakar : Ruba Editions, 2015, 118 p. Brief summary: Drama featuring bad conscience. Country: Senegal Biaou, Yves et al.- Les dieux sont en colère et autres nouvelles, Cotonou : Editions du Tamarin, 2015, 115 p. Brief summary: Collection of stories. Country: Benin Bodelin, Bodi Banche . - Le compte-rendu, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 77 p. Brief summary: This drama is the trial of Africa dedicated to the impunity of the assassins, predators and thieves. This is a difficult and poignant moment of truth for the actions of the one and the other are revealed publicly. Country: Togo Boka, Kouadio Arnaud. - Le procès de Souralè, Abidjan : Les éditions Matrice, 2015, 118 p. Brief summary: In this novel the author raises the issue of the status of women in a patriarchal society that hardly recognizes her fundamental rights. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Bouatini, Séverin. - Le crime du professeur Diounga, Abidjan : Les éditions Matrice, 2015, 156 p. Brief summary: In this novel the author depicts the problem of adulterous sexual relationships between teachers and students which sometimes leads to tragedy. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Bouyé, Guy Landry. - Coup de foudre en plein incendie, Abidjan : Les éditions Matrice, 2015, 148 p. Brief summary: Love story. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Camara, Mamadou. -La saison des larmes, Dakar : Ruba Editions, 2015, 92 p. Brief summary: Collection of stories. Country: Senegal Couchoro, Félix. - Amour de féticheuse, Cotonou : Star Editions, 2015, 254 p. Brief summary: This novel brings additional light to the knowledge of the mentality of the first Africans trained in the colonial schools and their relations with Western and African culture. Country: Benin

Coulibaly, Moussa Mary Balla. - L'appel du Tabalé : Demain le Mali, Bamako : At the author, 2015, 111 p. Brief summary: In this essay the author tries to answer the question: What should the State of Mali do against the humiliation and the temptation to destroy the Malian nation by jihadists? Country: Mali De Siou, Bilina. – Pérégrinations, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 166 p. Brief summary : Novel both literary and philosophical, the main character tells his life and his feelings through his travels. Country: Togo Diallo, Boubacar Séga. - L'Empire du Wagadu : Etat de la question, Bamako : Editions La Sahélienne, 2015, 64 p. Brief summary: History of the Empire of Wagadu, first political construction of the current Mali. Country: Mali Diarra, Aïcha. - Coninoconos : De la poésie à la prophétie, Bamako : Editions La Sahélienne, 2015, 62 p. Brief summary: Poetry. Country : Mali Diouf, Jean Philippe. -Lettres à un ami franc-maçon : Puis-je aller à la loge et à l'église ?, Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 193 p. Brief summary: In this book written as letters to his friend Mason, the author questions the compatibility of Christianity and Freemasonry. Country: Togo Djadal-Rab, Issa Brahim. - Hymnes à une révolution, Ndjamena : Al-Mouna, 2015, 214 p. Brief summary: Poems. Country : Chad Dje, Charles Célestin. - Excisée par amour, Abidjan : Les Editions Matrice, 2015, 137 p. Brief summary: In this novel, it's about the story of a husband who, at the request of his mother, and despite his intellectual status, asks his wife to be circumcised to be in line with the tradition that considers women not excised as unclean. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Dofonnou, Laetitia. -Sombre soleil, Lomé : Editions Continents, 2015, 142 p. Brief summary: In this novel the author tells the vicissitudes of marriage and the matrimonial home that often become an unbearable hell for young couples. Country: Togo Dokodjo, Gabriel Koum. -L'abîme des démunis, Lomé : Editions Haho, 2015, 209 p. Brief summary: In this book the author describes the lives of street children, for whom it is not to understand life but to learn to defend themselves and to adapt to the harsh conditions of their lives. Country: Togo Dossavi-Alipoeh, Ayi Renaud. - Rosées lointaines, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 86 p. Brief summary: Collection of poems. Country: Togo

Etty, Macaire. - Les larmes de Dieu, Abidjan : Les Classiques Ivoiriens, 2015, 215 p. Brief summary: In this novel the main character, Njesse, undertakes a struggle for the restoration of a cultural event to preserve the identity of his people. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Fanny-Cissé, Fatou. -La sueur du cœur, Abidjan : Cercle Média, 2015, 174 p. Brief summary: Collection of stories. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Fanou, Eve. - La tranchée : Recueil collectif de nouvelles, Cotonou : Editions Plurielles, 2015, 159 p. Brief summary: Collection of stories. Country: Benin Fassinou, Adelaïde. -Le journal d'Esclamonde, Cotonou : Editions Plurielles, 2015, 205 p. Brief summary: This book is like a movie where we see moving various actors in roles so vivid that it is hard to distinguish the real from the virtual. Country: Benin Gbagbo, Michel. - Comprendre la psychologie de l'enfant, Abidjan : Les Editions Matrice, 2015, 176 p. Brief summary: Book to provide researchers with the necessary basics related to the psycho-intellectual development of the child. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Gbégbé, Bato Olivier. -Une vie à trois visages, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons, 2015, 152 p. Brief summary: In this book it's about a marriage not accepted by the groom's father who stirs up the secret society. The couple found death in mysterious circumstances, leaving their only child whose grandfather wants to take over the inheritance. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Goli Bi Irié, Mathurin. -Silence…la récréation est terminée, Abidjan : Editions Matrice, 2015, 180 p. Brief summary: This is a novel starring a pregnant young high school girl. Her lover refuses to recognize his responsibility. In this situation, she chose to commit suicide to avoid being the laughing stock of the people. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Hlouin, Christophe Houekpon. -Si ma belle-mère était sage suivi de Femme je te célèbre, Cotonou : Les Editions du Flamboyant, 2015, 58 p. Brief summary: Collection of poems. Country: Benin Hourra, Patricia. - Christelle ou le destin d'une esclave sexuelle, Abidjan : Editions Matrice, 2015, 175 p. Brief summary: In this novel the author sheds light on a serious topic: sexual slavery of African women in France in particular, in the Western world in general. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Idé, Adamou. -La parenthèse du fleuve, Bamako : Editions Tombouctou, 2015, 265 p. Brief summary: In this book the author addresses the problem of children of peasants gone to university to acquire knowledge but who will face bitter disappointments. Country: Niger

Kanho, Dieudonné G.- Fille, Femme, Mère : Etre sacré, Porto-Novo : Editions Jechridi, 2015, 94 p. Brief summary: This book reveals the values of women in the life and all the good that humanity derives from her. Country: Benin Kassouin, Juste Christian. - Confiance assassinée, Cotonou : Editions Kristio Ephata, 2015, 240 p. Brief summary: Collection of poems. Country: Benin Katawa, Arsène Mabadjam. - The lovely flower, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 50 p. Brief summary: "Does education pay off when you know there is a means of making quick money? The book addresses this question we face in our lives day in and day out. With school, bar and bed for setting, this play showcases the regular places students find themselves at, by choice. However, this choice cannot be without consequences. The three female characters this story develops around clearly show the example". Country: Togo Keïta, Hanane. - Femmes sans avenir, Bamako : Editions La Sahélienne, 2015, 146 p. Brief summary: In an intellectual couple, the husband decides to take a second wife. What the first woman considers a betrayal. Country: Mali Koffigoh, Joseph Kokou. - La princesse Yenenga, Lomé : Editions Continents, 2015, 69 p. Brief summary: Collection of poems. Country: Togo Konaté, Magma Gabriel. - Les rampants suivi de "La condition", Bamako : Editions Jamana, 2015, 56 p. Brief summary: Collection of stories. Country: Mali Koua, Jean-Bruce. - La villa, Abidjan : Edilis, 2015, 168 p. Brief summary: Collection of 5 stories. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Kouévi, Kokoè Essénam. - Face cachée, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 170 p. Brief summary: Collection of stories. Country: Togo Kounta, Albakaye Ousmane. - Le pinceau et la plume : 52 toiles de Vincent Van Gogh suivis des poèmes de Albakaye Ousmane Kounta, Bamako : Club de l'Action Poétique (C.A.P), 2015, 118 p. Brief summary: 52 paintings by Vincent Van Gogh followed by poems by Albakaye Ousmane Kounta. Country: Mali Mbaye, Babacar Ndaak. - La souris qui vole : Contes et récits, Le Plessis-Trévise : Teham Editions, 2015, 68 p. Brief summary: Collection of tales and stories. Country: Senegal

Minga, S. Siddick. - La femme de Dieu, Bamako : La Sahélienne, 2015, 196 p. Brief summary: This novel is a profound reflection on the destiny, the power and love, with a backdrop of the sad stories of our everyday world sometimes built on infidelity, lies and hypocrisy. Country: Mali Nako, Mamadjibeye. - Ruine ou vie vaine ? : …du rire aux larmes, des larmes au rire !, Alger : At the Author, 2015, 87 p. Brief summary: Drama on the inequality of opportunity in the job market. Country: Chad N'cho, Fulgence Alexandre. - Le chant des rivières, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons, 2015, 62 p. Brief summary: Collection of poems. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Ndao, Cheik Aliou. -Singali l'orphelin, Abidjan : Editions Eburnie, 2015, 94 p. Brief summary: Translated from wolof language, this novel points out child abuse within families. Tossed between the denial of justice and the nastiness, the hero of this book traces his path. Armed with courage, willingness and desire to succeed, the orphan Singali will he manage to get by? Only his fate will tell. Country: Senegal N'Diaye, Amadou Ganour. - L'imposture, Bamako : Editions Jamana, 2015, 158 p. Brief summary: Reflections on the fate of a planet attacked by armed men working for its destruction. Country: Mali Ndilbe Nabe, Elysée. - Les conquêtes malsaines, Ndjamena : Editions Sao, 2015, 96 p. Brief summary: Novel Country : Chad Ndohou, Luisiano. - Une vie de bonnes fortunes, Abidjan : Cercle Média, 2015, 187 p. Brief summary: In this novel, the main character who shows little regard for tradition and customs is caught, years later, by the consequences of a dissolute life. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Nomaye, Clarisse. - Femme tchadienne, femme de toute part, Ndjamena : Editions SAO, 2015, 32 p. Brief summary: Collection of poems. Country: Chad Nubuké, Folika. - Le tam-tam des ingrats et autres contes du Mono, Lomé : Editions Ponts de lianes, 2015, 179 p. Brief summary: Collection of tales. Country: Togo Ouédraogo, Sakré Seydou. - Les faits divers…Tome 1, Ouagadougou : Editions Impact-Plus, 2015, 174 p. Brief summary: Various facts collection. Country: Burkina Faso

Ouédraogo, Soungalo. – Somboulio, Ouagadougou : Editions Folio Burkina, 2015, 167 p. Brief summary: Clear-sighted educator, the hero of this novel embodies the courage and hard work. His refusal of injustice and abuse of authority have often led him to behave as an iconoclast. Country: Burkina Faso Ousmane, Amadou. - Le témoin gênant, Niamey : Editions Medis, 2015, 171 p. Brief summary: Through the pathetic story of a court audience, the author brings the reader into the temple of Themis. Country: Niger Prudencio, Eustache A.- Crescendo : Poèmes VI, Cotonou : ONIP, 2015, 65 p. Brief summary: Collection of poems. Country: Benin Prudencio, Eustache A.- Ailleurs…Un jour…Peut-être !, Cotonou : ONIP, 2015, 90 p. Brief summary: Love story. Country: Benin Samb, Mamadou. - Les larmes de la reine, Le Plessis-Trévise : Teham Editions, 2015, 359 p. Brief summary: To speak of the new Africa and take a trip to Africa of great empires, the author depicts the probity of a prince face of injustice, the valor of a queen and the courage of a people facing the adversity of nature. Country: Senegal Senghor, Léopold Sédar et al.- La belle histoire de Leuk le lièvre, Dakar : Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal (NEAS), 2015, 63 p. Brief summary: A reissue of the famous African tale 'The beautiful story of Leuk le lièvre ". Country: Senegal Soungalo, Hélène A.- Mémé, pourquoi m'excises-tu ? : Récit pour enfants, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons (NEB), 2015, 39 p. Brief summary: Story for children about female circumcision. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Tabiou, Dolibe. - A mal d'amour lasse, Lomé : Editions Continents, 2015, 75 p. Brief summary: This story evokes the many grievances of women, especially in traditional African societies in which still persists the idea that women should only stay at home. Country: Togo Tailly, Alain. - John Ziguéhi, Abidjan : Frat Mat Editions, 2015, 245 p. Brief summary: By entering the path of his hero John Ziguéhi in places of desire for survival, love and ambition, the author opens our souls to nostalgia, making us relive the atmosphere of an era. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Tchassim, Koutchoukalo. - Fictions africaines et écriture de démesure, Lomé : Editions Continents, 2015, 332 p. Brief summary: This book is an analysis of works by African writers. The author gives the reader the opportunity to place each work in time and get an idea of the context in which these works were written. Country: Togo

Togora, Salimata. - Destins de femmes, Bamako : Editions La Sahélienne, 2015, 98 p. Brief summary: A woman betrayed by her husband after twenty years of marriage and who is striving to build a new life. Country: Mali Tomasmbaye Tolmbaye, Daniel. – Nostalgiques, Ndjamena : Editions Sao, 2015, 92 p. Brief summary: Collection of poems. Country: Chad Tontondji, Nawanou K.- Les Fables sous les tropiques, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 51 p. Brief summary: Collection of fables. Country: Togo Zamble Bi, Germain.- Marie-Josée la métisse, Abidjan : Editions Matrice, 2015, 96 p. Brief summary: This novel raises the mulatto's dilemma in black Africa: White lost among Blacks or Black with depigmented skin? Country: Côte d’Ivoire Zokévo, Zoudégla. - Qui vivra verra, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 159 p. Brief summary: Collection of stories. Country: Togo


Patronat de la Presse Togolaise. - Guide du journaliste - Election présidentielle 2015 au Togo : Plate-forme des médias pour l'élection présidentielle transparente et apaisée au Togo, Lomé : Patronat de la Presse Togolaise, 2015, 215 p. Brief summary: Journalist's Guide to the 2015 Presidential election in Togo. Country: Togo Sigue, Boureima Jérémie. - Médias et Gouvernance : Le sel ou le poison, Ouagadougou : Editions Le Pays, 2015, 328 p. Brief summary: In this book the author tries to demonstrate that governance can not be operational, productive without relying on the media. Country: Burkina Faso Vondoly, Kodzo Adzewoda. - Le journalisme au Togo : contraintes et réalités du terrain, Lomé : Editions Continents, 2015, 233 p. Brief summary: Journalism in Togo: constraints and realities on the ground. Country: Togo


Adjou-Moumouni, Basile. - Ce que je sais 1968, Cotonou : Les Editions Plurielles, 2015, 168 p. Brief summary: This book presents the version of the candidate Basil Adjou-Moumouni in order to contribute to establishing the historical truth about a crucial episode in the history of Benin. Country: Benin

Adoudou Adil, Artine . - Ma vérité sur le Tchad, Ndjamena : Assoum Com, 2015, 96 p. Brief summary: In this book, the author makes an objective analysis of the socio-political and military imbroglio in which was the country for decades. Country: Chad Adoukonou, Aubin E. -L'os dans la gorge de la cité : La réduction de l'hypocrisie politico-administrative au profit des réformes et de la bonne gouvernance, Cotonou : Editions du Tamarin, 2015, 200 p. Brief summary: Advocacy for real reforms for good governance. Country: Benin Bagaou, Djimet Clément. - Pour quelle gouvernance politique au Tchad ?, Ndjamena : Editions Sao, 2015, 100 p. Brief summary: This book sheds light on the different the democratization process in the multiparty era. State management is the author's central concern. He makes proposals for good governance. Country: Chad Berthé, Hamidou. - Bamako ventre de rumeurs…et de regards de palabre, Bamako : Editions La Sahélienne, 2015, 77 p. Brief summary: Insights into the events that led to the collapse of the Malian state. Country: Mali Camara, Moussa Makan. - Panorama de la politique extérieure du Mali 1960-1990, Bamako : Presses Universitaires du Sahel/La Sahélienne, 2015, 168 p. Brief summary: Issue of the division of Africa in micro-states. Invitation to the union of African states. Country: Mali Coulibaly, Ally. - Alassane Ouattara, ce que je sais de l'homme, Boulogne-Billancourt : Editions Talleyrand, 2015, 172 p. Brief summary: A biography of President Alassane Dramane Ouattara. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Dabley, Olvis. - On va où là ? Tome 1 : 1993-2006, 13 ans de crise politique en dessin de presse, Abidjan : Olvis Dabley Agency, 2015, 65 p. Brief summary: The political crisis in Cote d'Ivoire in cartoons (Volume 1). Country: Côte d’Ivoire Dabley, Olvis. - On va où là ? Tome 2 : 2007-2011, Des'accords de Ouaga à une incroyable élection !, Abidjan : Olvis Dabley Agency, 2015, 65 p. Brief summary: The political crisis in Cote d'Ivoire in cartoons (Volume 2). Country: Côte d’Ivoire Djadal-Rab, Issa Brahim. - Hymnes à une révolution : Témoignages, Ndjamena : Al-Mouna, 2015, 200 p. Brief summary: Testimonials about resistance to colonial penetration, the liberation struggle and the basic values of the Chadian people. Country: Chad

Elomon, Luc. - Consignes de vote : Critères bibliques pour le choix d'un candidat : Un choix pour le Bonheur ou le Malheur, Cotonou : Les Editions Zoe-Dunamis, 2015, 139 p. Brief summary: In this book the author gives voting instructions based on biblical criteria for choosing a candidate. Country: Benin Gobi, Salou. - Lettre d'un citoyen, Niamey : At the author, 2015, 146 p. Brief summary: This book is a call to the President of the Republic to have an objective reading of his insight of his own actions, while avoiding the misleading statements of admirers. Country: Niger Houetohossou, Justin. - Ainsi va l'Afrique, Cotonou : Les Editions Plurielles, 2015, 141 p. Brief summary: The author's contribution to the fight for freedom, peace and democracy in Africa. Country: Benin Houngnon, Janvier Koutchoro. - Le Bénin démocratique : Quatre (4) raisons qui justifient l'urgence d'une moralisation des élections, s.l. : At the Author, 2015, 122 p. Brief summary: Advocating for greater moralization of the elections. Country: Benin Kiffo, Gemzo. - Le Togo à l'heure de la Refondation, Lomé : Editions Cassiopée, 2015, 148 p. Brief summary: Essay on the necessary overhaul of Togo politically, economically and socially. Country: Togo Kouamé, Jean-Baptiste. - Le temps des Janissaires, Abidjan : NEI-CEDA, 2015, 322 p. Brief summary: In this book the author takes a fresh look at a state held hostage by diehard of all kinds who want to fight because they have not ended the conflict occurred because of inequitable sharing of the cake of the republic. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Kpelly, David. - Pour que dorme Anselme : Lettres ouvertes à S.E.M. Arthème Ahoomey-Zunu, Premier ministre togolais, sur la mort d'Anselme Sinandaré, Lomé : Editions Awoudy, 2015, 75 p. Brief summary: The author of this book celebrates Anselm Sinandaré, considered by much of the press and of national opinion as a martyr of the Togolese regime. Country: Togo Lawson, Latévi-Atcho Elliott. - Pour une Afrique plus forte face aux enjeux internationaux, Lomé : Editions Graines de Pensées, 2015, 378 p. Brief summary: Book that takes a critical look at the evolution of Africa in international relations since independence. It analyzes the central role of the Organization of African Unity and the African Union, the influence of world powers, intra-African conflicts, obstacles to socio-economic development and democratization. Country: Togo Mbaikoubou, Beral. - Les bons cons te font de bons ennuis : Critique de l'imposture politique au Tchad, Ndjamena : Editions Sao, 2015, 96 p. Brief summary: In this book the author criticizes the behavior of the Chadian politicians made of lies and contempt for the population. He denounces the silence of the intelligentsia and its responsibility in this situation. Country: Chad

Modi Alzouma, Moussa. - Le régicide du 9 avril 1999 au Niger : Ombres et lumières, Niamey : Editions Alpha, 2015, 159 p. Brief summary: Investigative work on the tragic death of President Ibrahim Bare Mainassara occurred on April 9, 1999. Country: Niger Nepo, Roch Sosthène. - Le monde tel qu'il me parle : Réflexions sur un monde en ebullition, Porto-Novo : Imprimerie Eternel Presse, 2015, 357 p. Brief summary: The author proposes an alternative analysis grid to better understand some of the major challenges and issues that shape the progress of Benin, Africa and the contemporary world. Country: Benin Programme de Réforme de l'Etat et de la Modernisation de l'Administration (PREMA). -Rapport général Atelier sur l'état des lieux des réformes en Guinée, Conakry : Ministère de la Fonction Publique, de la Réforme de l'Etat et de la Modernisation de l'Administration, 2015, n.p. Brief summary: Report of the workshop on administrative reforms in Guinea. Country: Guinea Conakry (Guinea) Soro, David Musa. - Sur l'appel de Daoukro : Dialogue avec Platon, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons, 2015, 135 p. Brief summary: In this book the author invites to writing new pages of the history of Côte d'Ivoire by using the political philosophy of Plato. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Sy, Mamadou Albert. - Pour comprendre les élections locales de 2014, Dakar : Presses Universitaires de Dakar, 2015, 178 p. Brief summary: A book to understand local elections in 2014 in Senegal. Country: Senegal Sylla, Lanciné. - Crise, conflit, violence : Théories et pratiques de la gestion des conflits, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons (NEB), 2015, 398 p. Brief summary: Theory and practice of conflict management. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Tambari Jackou, Sanoussi. - Le multipartisme et la démocratie sinusoïdale du Niger de 1946 à 2014, Tome 1, Niamey : Nouvelle Imprimerie du Niger, 2015, 396 p. Brief summary: In the volume 1 of this book the author raises the debate on the sinusoidal movement of political life in Niger, which alternately passes from civil and democratic systems to military and autocratic regimes. Country: Niger Tambari Jackou, Sanoussi. - Le multipartisme et la démocratie sinusoïdale du Niger de 1946 à 2015 : Annexe, Tome 2, Niamey : Nouvelle Imprimerie du Niger, 2015, 354 p. Brief summary: This volume 2 is an annex to Volume 1 of the book of the same author and title. Country: Niger Toha, Faustin. - Henri Konan Bédié. Appel de Daoukro : Ma vie, servir la Côte d'Ivoire, Abidjan : Editions Tabala, 2015, 118 p. Brief summary: Biography of former President Henri Konan Bédié. Country: Côte d’Ivoire

Traoré, Ange Linaud. - La tragédie du capitaine Sankara, France : Editions Dagan, 2015, 182 p. Brief summary: The tragedy of Captain Thomas Sankara told in the form of a play. Country: Burkina Faso Wadja, James Aka. - Crises ivoiriennes : Les silences coupables de l'Eglise catholique, Abidjan : Le Réveil Edition, 2015, 295 p. Brief summary: This book deals with the posture of the Catholic Church during the Ivorian crisis. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Yvhane, Cheick. - Côte d'Ivoire : On va se reconcilier Pian!, Abidjan : Les Classiques Ivoiriens, 2015, 123 p. Brief summary: In this book the author tackles the ethnic issues that led to civil war in Côte d'Ivoire. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Zantou, Pascal et al. (Dir.). - Le Bénin dans tous ses états : Tome 2 : 2013-2014, Cotonou : Editions Plurielles, 2015, 253 p. Brief summary: Compilation of interviews with academics and experts on the political, economic, cultural and social situation in Benin. Country: Benin


Ago, Adia. - La Nitchourdjala, Abidjan : Les Editions Matrice, 2015, 97 p. Brief summary: In this book the author tells the story of a woman promised to a man from birth and who refuses the marriage when she became an adult. In her family nobody understands why she refuses to conform to tradition. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Ako Kayi, Jacqueline. - Rien ne pourra me séparer de l'amour de Dieu qui est en Jésus-Christ…, Lomé : At the author, 2015, 98 p. Brief summary: Autobiography in which the author makes the genesis of her love of God since childhood. Country: Togo Almeida, Aurélie d'. - La joie de la vie consacrée, Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 204 p. Brief summary: For the author of this book, the consecrated men and women are responsible for the face of the Church and its influence worldwide. Country: Togo Congrégation pour le Clergé. - Le prêtre ministre de la miséricorde divine : Eléments pour aider les confesseurs et les directeurs spirituels, Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 93 p. Brief summary: This book contains elements to help confessors and spiritual directors. Country: Togo Diaby, Mohamed. - Un visionnaire nommé Michel Daou, Bamako : Editions La Sahélienne, 2015, 55 p. Brief summary: History of the French Company for Textile Development through a biography of Michel Daou. Country: Mali

Dogo, Koudjolou Henri. - Si Pagouda t'était conté… : Petite histoire d'une grande famille, Lomé : Les Editions Graines de Pensées, 2015, 228 p. Brief summary: In this book the author invites the reader to discover the customs of Kabiyè land, in northern Togo. Country: Togo Fondation Zinsou. - Romuald Hazoumè Arè, Cotonou : Fondation Zinsou, 2015, 47p. Brief summary: French/English Bilingual book presenting the new creations by Romuald Hazoumè. Country: Benin Fondation Zinsou. - De l'afro-cubain au vaudou-funk, 50 ans de musique au Bénin, Cotonou : Fondation Zinsou, 2015, 90 p. Brief summary: French/English Bilingual book tracing the history of Beninese music. Country: Benin Gletching, Ngarhibi. - Eglise évangélique du Tchad : une société secrète ou l'église de Jésus Christ ?, Ndjamena : Editions SAO, 2015, 176 p. Brief summary: In this book, the author presents the hidden face of the clergy of the Evangelical Church in Chad. Country: Chad Jean Paul II. - Ecclesia in Africa, Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 200 p. Brief summary: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Africa of Pope John Paul II to the bishops, priests, deacons and laity on the Church in Africa and its evangelizing mission. Country: Togo Kadanga, Alexandre K. (Ed.). - Le patrimoine immatériel du Togo : Voyage à travers des aventures imaginaires, Lomé : Presses de l'IRES-RDEC, 2015, 205 p. Brief summary: This book is about the intangible heritage of Togo which consists of legends, tales, sayings, proverbs and riddles. Country: Togo Kakpo, Marcel. - Le pardon, chemin de vie abondante, Cotonou : Graphic Bénin, 2015, 128 p. Brief summary: In this French/English bilingual book the author explains how forgiveness can improve social life. Country: Benin Kassouin, Juste Christian. - 10 jours de prière avec les âmes du Purgatoire, Cotonou : Editions Ephata, 2015, 128 p. Brief summary: This book is a directory to better know the souls in Purgatory and on how to pray and receive grace. Country: Benin Kassouin, Juste Christian. - 365 jours avec les âmes du Purgatoire, Cotonou : Editions Ephata, 2015, 271 p. Brief summary: Collection of prayers that helps the Christian to better understand the importance and consequences of his daily actions. Country: Benin

Keïta, Fatoumata. - Sous Fer, Bamako : Editions La Sahélienne, 2015, 161 p. Brief summary: Reflection on the social code in Mali, where the family decides for the individual. Country: Mali Lopiamaji Mbaiwoji, Priscille. - Les saveurs de chez nous : 111 recettes de cuisine du Tchad : Découvrir les plats d'un pays à diversité culinaire, Ndjamena : Editions SAO, 2015, 127 p. Brief summary: Recipes from Chad. Country: Chad Manga, Jean-Bosco. - Le retour au Jardin d'Eden, Maroua : Minico Editions, 2015, 132 p. Brief summary: This book tells the disappointed hopes of the people of the oil areas of Chad who had founded his hope on this wealth at the time of its discovery, abandoning agriculture and livestock. Country: Chad Marin, Jacques. - Aimer c'est pardonner : L'appel au mariage solide, mystique et réaliste, Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 418 p. Brief summary: For the author of this book life couple based on love and forgiveness. Country: Togo Mehounou, Appolinaire. - Le plus beau cadeau de ma vie, Bohicon : Editions Dieu est Grand, 2015, 184 p. Brief summary : In this book the author shows his great love for Jesus Christ. Country: Benin Okambawa, Wilfrid Kolorunko. - Les béatitudes : Le médicament pour le Bonheur, Dakar : Lux Africae, 2015, 165 p. Brief summary: In this book the author advises the reader to use the Beatitudes to cure or relieve a sore. Country: Senegal Sanogo, Solomane et al.- Manuel Senoufo pour tous, Bamako : Editions Jamana, 2015, 171 p. Brief summary: Senufo language Learning Manual. Country: Mali Seydinan, Chérif Ahmed. - La dictature culturelle, Abidjan : Les Editions Matrice, 2015, 372 p. Brief summary: In this book it's about the story of an imaginary African country where the leader has realized the futility of government systems inherited from the colonial period. Therefore, he decided to set up a task force responsible for helping to find a clean government system in the country. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Sodji, Francis Sanvi Anoumou. - Le cordon ombilical réincarné : Pour la nécessaire Métamorphose-Renaissance de l'Humanité, Lomé : Les Editions Graines de Pensées, 2015, 475 p. Brief summary: In this lyrical novel the author invites the reader to meditation and self-criticism for the advent of a better world. Country: Togo

Soro, Alphonse. - Secrets d'une mission rebelle, Abidjan : Nouvelles Editions Balafons (NEB), 2015, 171 p. Brief summary: In this book the author shares his secrets of former rebel in the Ivorian crisis of 2002. Country: Côte d’Ivoire Tounoukoin, Gildas Sèmèvo. - Ma mission : 35 secrets pour réaliser son rêve et accomplir sa destine, Porto-Novo : Les Editions "Jeunesse Epanouie", 2015, 172 p. Brief summary: In this book the author gives secrets to achieve one's dreams and fulfill one's destiny. Country: Benin Vandame, Charles. - Se livrer sans rien sentir : Mon itinéraire spiritual, Ndjamena : Editions Al Mouna, 2015, 80 p. Brief summary: In this book the author traces his spiritual journey. Country: Chad Vodounon, Kisito (Abbé). - Pratique du combat spiritual, Lomé : Editions Saint-Augustin Afrique, 2015, 152 p. Brief summary: Book on spiritual warfare practice. Country: Togo