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  • 7/29/2019 Le Repentir


    Le Repentir


    du latin mdival repoenitere, regretter, emprunter au latin classiqiepaenitere etre

    mcontent de soi (pnitent)Employ ds Chanson de Roland au sens de renoncer , cesser de , qui signifie encore

    aujourdhui regrtteramrement davoir pris une dcision, davoir accompli un acte ou de

    navoir pas accompli un acte .

    La valeur religieuse de manifester le regret davoir commis une faute et la promesse de la

    racheter est egalement atteste en ancien francais.

    Hans Wehr: p 98 tawba= repentir, penitence, contrition, penance (eng)

    Se repentir:

    1. ressentir le refret (dune faute), accompagn du dsir de ne pas recommencer, de rparer.[cf. regretter, se reprocher, sen vouloir, pleurer ses pchs]

    [antidote] Se repentir de : regretter davoir commis (une faute condamnable) et se

    promettre de ne plus la commettre.

    2. Regretter (une action), souhaiter ne pas avoir fait (qqch.); subir les consquences

    dsagrables (d'un acte).

    La pnitence

    1. Profond regret*, remords* d'avoir offens Dieu, accompagn de l'intention de rparer ses

    fautes et de ne plus y retomber, dans la relig. chrtienne.

    [cf. contrition, rsipiscence]

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    Le concept de repentir se compose de trois elements interdpendants les uns des autres:

    le savoir (al-ilm) ltat (de remord) (al Hal) laction (al-amal) Le savoir: prise de conscience de la gravit des maux causes par les pchs et du

    voile quils dressent entre lhomme et le divin.

    Letat: il depend et survient aprs la prise de conscience (1). Il correspond unsentiment daffliction due lloignement du divin car certitude que le pch est

    lorigine de cette perte. Laffliction pour cet acte ayant entrain lloignement du divin

    se nomme le regret.

    Laction: Lorsque cette affliction triomphe du Coeur et le domine (2), un nouveletat est engender dans le Coeur que lon nomme volition et aspiration dffectuer un

    acte en connexion avec le present, le pass, et le future.

    Sa relation avec le present cest de rpudier le pch quil commetait jusqualors.

    Sa relation avec le future, cest la ferme resolution de romper avec le pch qui a

    cause lloignement et lalienation du bien aim jusqu la fin de sa vie.

    Sa relation avec le pass, cest de rparer ce qui est rvolu et qui a t cause par le


    Le savoir estlorigine de tout ce processus, elle en est la foundation.

    Elle en dautre terme la foi et la certitude. LA foi dans le sens de croyance que les

    pchs sont despoisons qui causent la perte et certitude, c-a-d le raffermissement de cette

    croyance et le rejet du doute et de sa domination exerc sur le Coeur.Bien quil est souvent rduit uniquement au sentiment de regre t(2eme element), le

    repentir correspond lensemble de ces trois elements (ilm, hal, amal). Car sil y regret (2), il

    est forcment prcd dun savoir qui est pr-requis, et ncessairement suivi dune ferme

    resolution qui est le rsultat de ce regret.

    Ghazalis definition prend en compte lensemble.

    Sa ncessit et son bienfait

    definition du ncessaire:

    deux types de novices:

    athar, akhbar et Quran

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    Setting ones intention

    Hikam Sakandari: beginning illuminated= ending illuminated

    First hadith in Nawawi: intention. Have the firm intention to study in order to seek the

    pleasure of Allah.

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    Hadith of Gabriel

    Most important hadith in Islam because it is a summation of the entire teaching of the religion

    and also because it was told 80 days before he died, so very close to the last period.

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    On intention, Imam Haddad

    1. Sincerity in acts of obedienceCondition and a sign of a sincere intention is that the behaviour does not belie the intention.

    2. Good intentions in permissible (mubah) acts

    Good intentions does not affect wrong actions. (ex of man standing with backbiter; ex. )

    Strive, my brother, always to intend that your obedience be solely for the sake of God, and

    that whatever licit things you may use are only to help you to obey Him.

    3. Making numerous intentions for a single action: each one has a complete a reward, so you

    have done in this signle act multiple acts!

    ex. of this in acts of devotion:Reading the Quran: a) communing with God; unearthing the

    knowledge of the Quran; giving benefit to oneself; and to others; etc

    Learning: intend to: learn but also teach it; reminding and remembering; giving and receiving

    in gain; encouraging adherence to Allahs book; and the sunna of the Messegner. 10

    INTENTIONS in this single act of learning.

    ex of this in mubah actions: Bismillah, allahumma barik lana fi ma razaktana wa rzukna

    khayrun minhou wa jaa

    Oh allah bless us with what you provided for us and provide for us with which is better and

    make it an aid for us in obeying Allah and His Messenger

    ex. dressing: one intend covering ones nakedness (which in itself is an obligation act, not a

    recommended). Do not intend showing off for people. Following the sunna of the prophet;

    beautifying oneself to worship Allah (which is a command in the Quran); also display the

    ffavour of Allah on that person.

    the sunnas: begin with the right; taking it off with our left; start by bismillah whren dressing;

    + dua when dressed.

    the book of intentions, kitab an-niyyah

    meaning of intention

    1st meaning

    2nd meaning:

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    Reducing ones intake of food

    The concept ofshar(shar al kalam, shar at-taam, etc) excess. We would normally refer to

    this as gluttonous eating but it is actually a kind of obsessive way of doing things .

    Gluttony comes becomes you look at food and then become all wet in your appetite and youwant to just indulge in it.

    The same applies for gossiping.

    The manner of reducing ones food.

    This is not about an eating regime for the purposes of body building and nutritional in terms

    of health although what he is going to suggest is no ay going to reduce our health. Eating for

    spiritual health will in fact bring levels of physical discomfort and weaken you but only for a

    small period of time once you get used to it.

    What a person would do in their live sis to reduce their food to a level of healthy eating for

    the physicality and then move into a spiritual eating for the psiritual health because ultimatelyif you do not obtain the spiritual health for your eating, your physicality will be affected

    without a doubt.

    Once you have been able to attain a habit of physical nutritional lifestyle and ethically

    nutritional lifestyle.

    _ He uses wheat, barley, etc. : remember that this was the staple food at the time.

    The point is to move from unacceptable eating, to nutritional eating, then enter into a spiritual


    The process of reducing food intake is gradual : unnacceptable eating> good eating >

    ethically nutritional eating > spiritual and nutritional eating.

    The body should not be affected by that process : gradual reduction.

    3 factors : quantity, quality, time.

    Quantity : 3 levels

    1st degree : the rank of the uprightly righteous : limitation of the quantity to sufficient

    sustenance.sufficient sustenance, ie not about desires but xwhat allow you to keep your back

    straight. He is fearful of harm from it, upon his intellect and life.

    2nd degree : to satisfy oneself with half a measure of food for the day, ie 1/3 of the belly :

    Umar and other companions : a saa(2.5 kg) of barley per week > App. 400 g of food per day.

    3nd degree : one measure of food : 800g of food per day. He does not go above that because

    it is excess. Thats the limit. We have to get here.

    ccl : you only reach for food when you feel hungry. the sign of true hunger is that you eat

    anything given to you. Picking and choosing is a sign that youre not hungry.


    1st degree : holds food for three days maximum. Abu Bakr= 6 days

    2nd degree : without food for two days

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    3rd degree : eat once a day only. For he who eats twice, his hunger is not real. The benefit of

    hunger will leave him.
