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  • 8/3/2019 Compte-rendu ANCU Confrence Octobre 2011


    Compte-rendu de la confrence publique



    Organise par : lAssociation Canadienne pour les Nations Unies Grand Montral

    Date : Mardi 18 octobre 2011 de 18h30 20h30

    Lieu : Pavillon Athanase-David, UQAM, salle D-R200, 1440, rue Saint-Denis

    Confrenciers : Furio de Angelis, reprsentant du HCR au Canada, Denise Otis, conseillrejuridique au bureau du HCR Montral

    Mots de bienvenue et remerciement des partenaires par Michel Duval, secrtaire de

    lACNU-Grand Montral

    Mots de bienvenue et introduction la confrence par Louise Lamarre Proulx, prsidente

    de lACNU-Grand Montral

    Mme Lamarre Proulx parle de la mission de lACNU-Grand Montral qui est de fournirun espace d'information et de discussion pour encourager un plus grand engagement de la socit

    civile du Grand Montral vis--vis l'action des organes principaux, des commissions et desagences spcialises des Nations Unies.

    Ensuite, la prsidente attire lattention sur la confrence de la FAO sur la famine etlaide humanitaire qui se tiendra le 16 novembre 2011.

    Mme Lamarre Proulx prsente galement le blog de lACNU-Grand Montral que lonpeut trouver ladresse suivante :

    La prsidente prsente le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unis pour les Rfugis (HCR)et attire lattention sur lexposition photo installe dans la salle, prsente par Citoyennet et

    Immigration Canada portant sur la Journe Mondiale du rfugi et sur des personnes rfugiesqui se sont intgres la socit canadienne.

    La prsidente indique que le but de la confrence sera, laide des confrenciers,dapprendre plus sur ltat de la situation des rfugis aujourdhui, particulirement la situation

    dans les camps des rfugis.

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    Communication de Furio de Angelis, reprsentant du HCR au Canada

    M. de Angelis sadresse laudience en franais au dbut de la confrence : il constate

    quil faut reconnatre les efforts de lACNU-Grand Montral. Il exprime galement un grandmerci au Canada et aux Canadiens. Il continue sa prsentation en anglais.

    2011 is a special year, because amongst other things, we celebrate the 60


    anniversary ofthe UNHCR Refugee Convention, which was passed in Geneva in 1951. Mr. de Angelis presents

    the original Nansen Medal, which was given to the people of Canada on November 13th

    in 1986in order to recognize the people of Canada for their contribution to the cause of refugees. The

    first recipient of the Nansen Medal was Elenaor Roosevelt, 2011s recipient is Nasser Salim AliAl-Hamairy, founder of the Society for Humanitarian Solidarity. Mr. de Angelis emphasizes on

    Canadas role as important and leading contributor to human rights.Mr. de Angelis describes the work of UNHCR. He talks about the UNHCR offices that

    can be found in 125 countries and that work for the cause of more than twelve million refugees,asylum seekers and other displaces people. There is an increasing trend in these statistics. The

    goal of UNHCR is to provide protection and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers byproviding them with basic needs and further help. UNHCR is often called the guardian angel of

    the 1951 refugee convention.Today, UNHCR asks states to recommit to the basic needs of refugees, stateless people

    and asylum seekers. Mr. de Angelis estimates that it will take 50 more years until we can talkabout full responsibility of states about statelessness.

    Refugee protection is a global concern and it must be shared widely.Mr. de Angelis talks about todays situation and the problems that UNHCR faces: all the

    states have a joint agenda. It is an ambitious yet practical agenda, which serves as a guide forconcrete actions for governments and NGOs. It is often difficult for the governments to

    distinguish between economic and forced emigration. Today, only 24 countries are offeringresettlement places, which is an insufficient number compared to the large number of refugees.

    The goal of UNHCR is to address this imbalance, as expressed during the convention in Geneva.Women and the youth are especially affected: their harsh reality is often marked by sexual and

    gender based violence, insufficient health services and the lack of education.Mr. de Angelis also addresses the problems that lie ahead:

    Refugees are returned to their countries where they face danger for their lives and for thefreedom (Mr. de Angelis uses the French term refoulement).

    According to Mr. de Angelis, education must be the highest priority for refugees. Only76% of refugee children go to elementary school. The percentage for the secondary level

    is even lower: it comes to only 36%. In both cases, the number of girls is lower than thenumber of boys. UNHCR presents a 5-year education strategy in order to expand the

    opportunities of education and increase the access to education. Another aspect mentioned by Mr. de Angelis is the detention of asylum seekers: the

    duration of detention can be overlong and the conditions can be very hard, which canlead to physical and psychological problems. It is shown that detention is not deterrent to

    immigration. Mr. de Angelis explains that the states have to review their detentionpractices and conditions.

    Mr. de Angelis also talks about the responsibilities of the media and the press, who oftencreate a dangerous link between social problems like violence and criminality and the presence of refugees and asylum seekers. The positive contribution of migrants is not


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    There is a legal vacuum when it comes to displaced people who are displaced because ofnatural disasters: there is no international legal regime for people affected by naturaldisaster to go to another country. The Nansen principles (established during the

    conference in Oslo, Norway in June 2011) are a founding stone to help solve this legalproblem.

    All of the 20 countries that welcome the highest number of refugees are developingcountries themselves. Mr. de Angelis criticized that these countries have to carry the

    heavier burden. Germany for example is in 25th

    place.Canada has a liberal asylum policy. UNHCR consults with the government and the Canadian

    authorities; they have established healthy relationships. Canada can be seen as an advocate ofmultilateral actions (which reflects the spirit of the United Nations) and as an important supporter

    of strategic resettlement (for instant, Canada also supports the Mexican Plan of Action).Therefore, Mr. de Angelis concludes that Canada is a very important partner for UNHCR.

    Communication de Denise Otis, conseillre juridique au bureau du HCR Montral

    Mme Otis prsente le travail du HCR au Canada : le bureau du HCR consiste en desemploys nationaux et un Reprsentant qui est un employ international, qui forment trois

    quipes dans trois rgions : Vancouver, Toronto et Montral. Mme Otis voit le Canada commetant un pays dasile et de rinstallation important. Mme Otis constate que le gouvernement est

    responsable pour les besoins matriels des rfugis. Ainsi, les responsabilits du HCR constitueen 1) la protection des rfugis, 2) la rinstallation des rfugis, et 3) la mobilisation du public.

    Entre autres, les quipes visitent les installations frontalires qui soccupent de la scuritaux frontires, par exemple aux aroports. La tche du HCR est de superviser le statut des

    rfugis et dtre prsent pendant les audiences au tribunal. Le HCR observe les processus auxtribunaux des demandeurs dasile. Lquipe sinterroge aussi sur les lois lies la demande

    dasile : quelles personnes ont le droit dobtenir dasile et quelles personnes ne remplissent pasles critres. Une cause importante pour le HCR sont les personnes vulnrables , par exemple

    des personnes qui ont fait des expriences traumatiques.Le HCR Montral travaille aussi avec dautres organismes qui sont sur le terrain .

    Ensuite, le HCR sera capable de prendre des dmarches auprs du gouvernement, si cela estncessaire.

    Le HCR Montral intervient galement de faon individuelle, surtout dans le cas des personnes vulnrables .

    Lquipe du HCR veut renforcer la connaissance sur la situation des rfugis dans le public Canadien. En plus, le HCR rpond aussi aux besoins dinformation en fournissant des

    rponses. Trs souvent, le HCR est la source premire dinformation quand il sagit de laquestion des rfugis. Dans le mme contexte dides, lquipe du HCR Montral organise des

    ateliers annuels et se consacre lducation dans le monde scolaire, du gouvernement, desorganisations para-gouvernementales et des NGO dans ce domaine.

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    Priode de questions

    Q:Is there a discrepancy between the novel cause and reality? Is it difficult to address problemsthat exist in certain countries if Canada shares economic interests with these countries (example:

    the Mexican woman in Montreal who has been sent back to Mexico)?

    A (Furio de Angelis): Canada has still a long way to go, but people have to see what Canada hasalready accomplished. There are standards submitted by independent sources and everyone has to

    comply to them. The standards are always being improved.

    Q:Please elaborate on the topic of statelessness, the change of national boarders and nationality(example: Uzbekistan, Russia)

    A (Furio de Angelis): In the past, lots of people have been falling into the cracks because of

    changes like this. In case of the Soviet Union, UNHCR had a lot of participation by doing lots ofdrafting for the new nationhood and citizenships, all while working together with the

    governments. Also, the topic of statelessness has been addressed during the Convention on theReduction of Statelessness in 1961.

    Q :Pourriez-vous SVP parler du brouillon qui a t discut Oslo au sujet du dplacement cause des catastrophes naturelles?

    A (Furio de Angelis): Les principes humanitaires de Nansen qui ont t tablis reconnaissentque le problme du dplacement cause des catastrophes naturelles existe. Ceci constitue une

    excellente base et un bon cadre pour les actions qui doivent suivre.

    Q :Le comit parlementaire tudiera un nouveau projet de loi qui peut avoir des consquencesngatives pour les rfugis (parce quil mnera plus de dtentions). Dans le cas o cette loi

    sera signe par les Canadiens, cela pourrait encourager dautres pays faire pareil.

    A(Furio de Angelis): UNHCR is in constant contact and negotiation with countries. Canadasown legislation already responds to the basic rights of stateless human beings. Canada should

    maintain the model and inspire other countries to do so. There is a current debate betweenUNHCR and the government. UNHCR tries to stay close to the governments need and

    UNHCRs own believes and goals at the same time.

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    Q :Expliquez SVP le systme actuel de demande dasile au Canada tout en le comparant avec

    des rgimes dautres pays.

    A(Denise Otis) : Les pratiques au Canada sont dj trs complexes. Il est donc difficile de faireune comparaison. Les recours possibles au Canada sont par exemple de faire un appel, dvaluer

    les motifs humanitaires ainsi que les risques dun renvoi. Bien sur, il existe encore dautrespossibilits de recours.

    Mots de conclusion et remerciement des confrenciers par Robert Letendre, trsorier de

    lACNU-Grand Montral

    Le HCR cest lONU son meilleur .

    Compte-rendu : Christina Jrges