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  • 7/27/2019 Wohlenhaus-Stan-Donna-1966-Brazil.pdf



    .0" w en no i: ' T o v : -. ' en' ' -li t . ' ' ' "

    Vol . IV


    February 19^^


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    F9b -7 66i-.-.VikT'. f .

    No. 1

    Dear Chris t ian fr iends,

    his wife has been a member of the ctorch in wa a recently afterths case of the woman, her huBbatid cane ba ^ n united Inoeveral yeara of backsliding. T s tc who ethe Lord and are working in the church, raiseLast Sunday the annual .^^.^^.^^e'd'and^^IcrLTber'fe'^^^Marambala. Every year , persons signed the rollhis commitment to Christ for the coming, year. ^1 persons egbook for 196^*


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    meeting of the church ladies where particular emphasis is laid on how to maketheir homes Christian. We are happy to be' busy in the Lord's work and dosolioite your prayers on our behalf that .we may continue to have good healthin order to be able to take advantage of every opportunity to teach the willo f God t o o t h e r s .

    During theence of churclCampinas,: Sao PaUlo state in soutliern Brazil and as usual was a tirie of>on-derfljl fellowship with others as ideas arri platis;were presented and discussed, vStan went to the conference by way of the Belem-Brasilia road on the bus withJim More land ,as a traveling companion. The trip from Belem to Campinas tookfive days of. bus riding, for the most part ' over-rbads that wouldn't be calledgood gravel roads in the U.S., but cost only $1

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    V o l . . IV May 1963" N o . 2Eear Christian"friends,

    DANI^WFff^wnHTTP^^a^^ arrived i Months of waiting and planning oane to an end IANIEL LES W0HLENHAU3 was born April l4th at 8:15 p.m. I Ahealthy J lb, 5-oa,Doy, Danny IS making his presence felt in all areas of our lives. Debbie andDavid are thrilled and vie constantly for chances to help take care of him.onna " also doing fine and Is about back to working strength again much to theama-emen o Brazilian friends. Several of the customs here concerning'giving light to a son , as the Brazilians say, seem strange to us. The mother^oes not leave the house or resume normal duties for 4o days after the birth.During this time she has a diet built around chicken which is considered expert-8ive and is not normally eaten every day. Donna has not eaten chioken ;sinc0Danny was born and she started working some around the house in about a week.Aith^gh we are somewhat amused at these customs we do see merit in them for theBrazilians since meat is generally a rare item in the regular diet for the poorpeople and the days of rest help to rebuild the mother's strength for her rigorous d ail y d u tie s.

    We want to t^nk those of you who sent special gifts to the Marambala churchor hair new building. Work had almost stopped during the wetter months cf . anb., March but work will begin again soon on the foundation and the building will go as fast as the voluntary labor of the church members can do i t.Money is still needed,up to ^l^OO, to buy the necessary materials' for the build-ng and we would like to ask again for your help for this sister congregation.Please send your gifts for this building to our forwarding agent clearly markedMarambala church building",Don^ and I recently had the privilege of participating In a wedding for the

    u I 0^ Brazil. Ayoung girl from the Marambala church was married onarch 2&th. We served as her witnesses and I performed the religious ceremony.legal marriage is accomplished before the c i v i l authorities and the r e l igious ceremony is an expedient to be used or not et the choice of those beingmarked. About 5 p.m. we went to the court house where the judge performed theshort and perfunctory civil marriage ceremony. From there the whole party wentto the Marambala church building where a service much like U.S. weddings wasperformed but without the minister pronouncing the couple man and wife. Afterthe religious service we, as witnesses, being a part of the bridal party, went^ a't a relative's house where the bride and groom sat in audiencen living room and received the congratulations of well-wishers who were0^ an y stopping In. The wedding pictures were taken during this reception+ - ceremonies. We stayed for the evening meal where the "new couple,neir witnesses, and their Immediate families were the guests of honor. Theride and groom shared one plate of food at the head of the table, Tte meal,typical of special occasions in this part of Brazil, Included beef, pork, and

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    ) '

    We are starting to set up the schedule for our fUrlou^ which will begin inMosamhar-oiLthia y^r 4Jie -Lord-Billing.e-hope to-vie^^aV Xe^tst one-wf^^,ra^^pyyou, "wJio/Hkyel bienj so faith^l^iri subpoj^ii^g ujs. /|you''WilXjb^ r4o6ivliig inoi^detdilpd ij J^ws aptit Jthis in the ^(^Infe nrfohtllB sis tm ^aps ^e^oin^ jfinal4ze'c a :'n nJ i^^Ybui'^'^oJwbito^'for^Chr^^vj iin-v di; : ;-J-- izl'io'.-; oi :-J ^rs/; 3ai'l o ."I '-n''; c .j" i-'s.r .-.'i J'n ;.. - /-;; r^.rin r/'CcOv- -5 i ^ u/: SrL:ii n o^iJJSvi 'io ^cuo:' rv; ! ; :. o:....;xv ^ rv: sriu *1 n':jr.v; :::f.;o"i'' JiJfjd b ^

    i i ou r i c o nsd ' / .o .-tOr o/;r; v i l ; - c :10 iv J'. ;/ !r r' -r n aJ ,iri odJ cr;;.?'. v.,.\-.FINj^IAIi BEPORTJ-i i ^r.: r-oJa^faary &mwh t966 r -a^jsj^. : :Oj'r -.n; 'iu'3 J e i b .:> r: sc i:,:;;? Marclrt:^;.' ."> i f-Ii ^567. OIl j. 1ri T r,Tptal c^li.05^aOi;;:{n lou-:! -1-t^'^'fcTot^ 41^-5^*85 ' "- w-^ ,/..: .OO;'': ot ,t ' -I*rl

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    kO 1V 6 6


    Ju ly 1966Dear Christ ian friend;

    tMr^rSvpT and falthfUl supporters.....ng3 have happened recently which we would like to share with you.digging the foundation for their new build-as fast as tte vof^t f""dation have been purchased and work will continueallv f" , Marambaia church will be offici-lly recognizeo as a legal religious entity as soon as the statutes and by-laws,

    men^ ''5' ' "' "6 June,Can be registered with the govern-If v/'" their spiritualn " chu r ch bu i l d -church buildint^""'' designated for the Marambaia

    orns^^^tion Maranibaia July A_6. Despite the Inconvenience caused byonstruction in progress it proved to be a success. Donna taught one of the 2f program. 18 children were present every day andeceived special recognition. ^

    Bplp^'r another step forward for the churches ofChrist in theelen area. Tte first radio program produced in this area by the churches ofBiblf a.m. This half hour program of music, answers toible questions, advertising of the local churches of Christ, and preaching willf Sunday at the same hour. Missionary Dick Robison is responsibleor this new program called "Volta a Biblia"(Back to the Bible).^rlough time is drawing close for us. Present plans call for us to be in thesin^P^w^^ seem possible that three years have passed! + Many things have happened during this time, and we areLrinrio67 } y""" ehui-ch or groupKsLf ^7^^ John Ransom, 209 E. IJth, Russell,ansas 67665. He is handling all arrangements for our speaking dates. We would

    v "V ^pporters that expenses will continue during our flirloughwe hl^ beenTnliafiifThe return trip to the U.S. for our family will cost about |1, 000. Up until thep esent time our monthly income and expenses have been nearly the same and weave been able to lay aside very little for this purpose. We would like to askeach one of you to consider making a special offering for "travel expenses" overand above your regular giving during the next three months.To each on who has prayed. sent a gift, and written a letter we express ouriieartfelt thanks. We could not be here except with your help. MLy the God ofail percies bless and keep each one of you.

    Your co-workers for Christ ,

    No. 5

    Sev e r a l

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