Preface Thesis RebeccaVTaylor

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Transcript of Preface Thesis RebeccaVTaylor

  • 8/8/2019 Preface Thesis RebeccaVTaylor






    BSc (Hons) Grad Dip Ed

    Submitted in total fulfilment

    of the requirements of the degree of

    Doctor of Philosophy

    March 2008

    School of Dental Science

    The University of Melbourne


  • 8/8/2019 Preface Thesis RebeccaVTaylor



  • 8/8/2019 Preface Thesis RebeccaVTaylor




  • 8/8/2019 Preface Thesis RebeccaVTaylor



    The principal aims of this thesis were to use digital 3D craniofacial data to measure

    the difference between individuals in different populations, to provide a detailed holistic

    description of the population at large, as well as to investigate the feasibility of

    classifying individuals in different populations based on the morphology of their

    craniofacial features.

    In this thesis, three empirical studies were undertaken using a variety of digital 3D

    craniofacial images. Each study required digital 3D data of either the skull and/or the

    face to be acquired, represented in different forms and analysed morphometrically.

    The first study developed a method and recorded the results from soft tissue depth

    data collected from clinical X-ray computer tomography images of the head. Digital 3D

    images of the face and skull were acquired from 63 deceased adult males and the results

    for differing age groups and ponderal states recorded. The perpendicular distance

    between the skull and its overlying soft tissue surface (i.e. tissue depth) was measured

    at 34 anatomical landmarks for every individual. Statistically significant differences

    were only found between the weight subgroups, normal and overweight, overweight and

    obese and normal and obese; no statistically significant differences were found between

    persons of different age. The results of this study have shown that the acquisition of

    head and neck data using the Aquilion 16 combined with amira and Geomagic

    Qualify software was an extremely effective method for measuring the depth of the

    soft tissue surface overlying the skull. Due to the absence of piercing or indentation of

    the skin, as used in other methods, the current method described in this thesis provides a

    suitable method for predicting the soft tissue surface of the face, required as the

    foundation for forensic facial approximation.

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    The second study described and classified individuals into one of two populations in

    an anthropological collection. This study captured the 3D facial images of, and then

    visualised, described, measured and classified two distinct ancestral groups, Asian and

    Caucasian, which were further divided according to their gender. On each 3D facial

    image a sparse set of landmarks (18) and a dense set of landmarks (9327) were defined

    and identified. From the analyses applied to both the sparse and dense landmark sets,

    principal component analysis of the densely corresponding sets of landmarks on the 3D

    facial images of the anthropological collection was the more detailed and discriminatory

    method for describing gender and ancestral differences. The average densely

    corresponding 3D images defining each ancestral and gender group were clear tools for

    the visualisation and modelling of differences between the groups. The most accurate

    method for the classification of the anthropological collection was found after

    undertaking a discriminant analysis with cross validation using the 25 principal

    componenet scores from the dense landmark set that were found to have at least one

    statistically significant difference between the four groups. This fully automated process

    provided a total correct classification of 95% (range: 92 100%) of the anthropological

    collection (195 of 206) and no incorrect classification of any individual to a group that

    did not share at least one major characteristic, either gender or ancestry. Therefore,

    ancestry and gender of individuals in the anthropological collection could be predicted

    with a 95% accuracy using a digital 3D facial image. A major advantage of this

    classification process was its complete independence from any form of human

    judgement as the classification process was fully automated.

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    The final experiment investigated the task of attempting to lateralise the source of the

    seizure of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), a condition with facial

    manifestations. This study captured two digital 3D facial images, a neutral and

    voluntary contraction pose, from four different subgroups. These subgroups consisted of

    16 patients with idiopathic generalised epilepsy (IGE); 28 patients with partial epilepsy

    on either the right (R-TLE) or left (L-TLE) side of the brain; as well as a control group

    of participants with no epileptic condition (28). Classification of these individuals into

    the four groups was done using the statistically significant principal component scores

    calculated from a principal component analysis on the normalised deformation fields.

    Correct classification occurred with 58% of all individuals in the epilepsy sample

    placed into their correct group, a figure that increased to 64% (18 of 28 patients) when

    only the TLE individuals were classified i.e. 60% of the L-TLE patients and 69% of the

    R-TLE patients. Although both of these classification results were better than chance,

    the classification results are still quite low and further work is required to improve them.

    It is predicted that if the time taken for the capture of fleeting facial expressions in 3D

    could be shortened then the power to lateralise the side of the epileptogenic lesion in the

    TLE patients would strongly increase.

    Finally, the current movement in clinical medicine and forensic science towards

    implementing hardware that now routinely acquires the morphometric characteristics of

    the craniofacial complex and represents them in digital 3D data presents more exciting

    opportunities for the future. The results of this thesis have enabled a greater

    understanding of the acquisition, representation and analysis of digital 3D craniofacial

    data. As a result of the awareness provided by this major body of work, many diverse

    fields may benefit. These include video surveillance, diagnosis of syndromes affecting

    the craniofacial region, planning and assessment of orthodontic treatments andcraniofacial surgery, forensic science particularly the approximate reconstruction of the

    facial features of deceased individuals from their remnant skull evidence, prediction of

    facial features for archaeological remains displayed in museums, etc.

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    This is to certify that

    i. The thesis comprises only my original work towards the PhD;

    ii. Due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other materials used; and

    iii. The thesis is less than 100,000 words in length, exclusive of tables, figures,

    references cited and appendices.

    Rebecca V Taylor

    Date: 26 th March, 2008

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    I extend my thanks to Professor John Clement for supervising this thesis and

    providing me with advice, knowledge and encouragement. I would also like to thank Mr

    David Thomas, a co-supervisor.

    My greatest debt of gratitude is to Dr. Peter Claes, for providing invaluable guidance

    and instilling clarity and structure to this work. It was Peters programming skills that

    enabled me to undertake the dense correspondence of the digital 3D facial images.

    The staff and students of the School of Dental Science have been wonderful and have

    made coming into study the most pleasant of experiences. I would also like to thank

    Professor Eric Reynolds, head of the school for allowing me to undertake my research

    at the school. Furthermore, Dr Sherie Blackwell and Ms Jacqueline Hislop-Jambrich

    have been great friends and avid proof readers of my thesis.

    I would like to thank Ms Grit Schlotthauer, an exchange student from The University

    of Applied Sciences in Giessen-Friedberg in Germany for her enthusiasm and insight

    towards data acquisition from the CT images at the VIFM.

    The support of Dr Mineo Yoshino and Dr Sachio Miyasaka and the National Institute

    of Police Science in Japan is greatly valued. Their donation of the Fiore surface scanner

    to the School of Dental Science contributed greatly to this study. Thanks also to Tanijiri

    Toyohisa, Medic Engineering, Japan, for his donation of the 3D-Rugle3 software.

    Associate Professor Ian Gordon of the Statistical Consulting Centre, The University

    of Melbourne provided his expertise and consultation in statistical analysis of my data.

    The Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, in particular, Professor Stephen

    Cordener, the Institutes Director allowed me to use data collected from their X-ray

    computer tomography scanner. I would also like to thank Dr Chris ODonnell for his

    assistance with the equipment.

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    Professor Mark Cook and Dr Udaya Seneveratne of the Neurology department at St

    Vincents Hospital, Melbourne assisted me with the collection of participants and

    guidance within the epilepsy and facial asymmetry study in this thesis. Also to Dr Ross

    Carne of the Neurology department at Geelong Hospital who allowed me to come to his

    clinic to collect both patient and control data.

    I gained impetus from discussions with Dr Robin Hennessey of the Royal College of

    Surgeons in Ireland, Peter Hammond of University College London, Dr Caroline

    Wilkinson of Dundee University in Scotland, and Professor Dirk Vandermeulen and Dr

    Sven deGreef of Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven.

    This thesis would not have been possible without the cooperation of all the

    participants. I am extremely grateful for their assistance and enthusiasm.

    Financial assistance for parts of this thesis was granted by the School of Dental

    Science at The University of Melbourne, the Australian Dental Research Foundation

    (ADRF) and the Australian Research Council (ARC). The generosity of these

    institutions has made this thesis possible.

    Without the love, support and patience of family and dear friends this work would not

    have been completed. Special thanks must be given to my grandfathers, Pappy and

    Poppy as well as my sister, Nicole for believing in me and supporting me during each

    and every step. To my mum, Pam, thankyou for being there for me, feeding me and

    cleaning up after me. Your support is infinite and unconditional and for that I am

    extremely grateful. Finally, I must thank Andrew for his love, encouragement and the

    many hours he spent proof reading each chapter.

  • 8/8/2019 Preface Thesis RebeccaVTaylor



    Table of Contents

    ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................iii


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..........................................................................................vii

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................................ix

    LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................xiv

    LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................xvii

    LIST OF GRAPHS .......................................................................................................xix

    LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................xx

    SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION OF RESULTS ..........................................................xxi

    CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION............................................................................1

    1.1 J USTIFICATION OF THESIS ...............................................................................................1

    1.2 C ENTRAL AIM ..............................................................................................................2

    1.3 R ESEARCH QUESTIONS ...................................................................................................2

    1.4 D ESIGN OF THESIS ........................................................................................................2

    CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................7

    PART A: FORENSIC FACIAL APPROXIMATION.................................................8

    2.1 I DENTIFICATION OF HUMAN REMAINS ...............................................................................8

    2.2 F ORENSIC FACIAL APPROXIMATION ..................................................................................9

    2.3 H ISTORY OF FACIAL APPROXIMATION .............................................................................10

    2.4 A HISTORY OF SOFT TISSUE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ..........................................................20

    2.5 T HE DEVIL LIES IN THE DETAILS ................................................................................25

    2.6 T ESTING FACIAL APPROXIMATIONS ................................................................................26

    2.7 M ETHODS FOR MAXIMISING IDENTIFICATION ....................................................................29

    2.8 C ONCLUSION FOR FORENSIC FACIAL APPROXIMATION ........................................................31

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    PART B: DEFINING ANCESTRY & GENDER.......................................................33


    2.9 A NCESTRY AND GENDER : W HY MEASURE THE FACE ?......................................................35

    2.10 B RIEF HISTORY OF ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS ....................................................37

    2.11 3D SURFACE SCANNERS .............................................................................................44

    2.12 V OLUMETRIC SCANNERS ............................................................................................45

    2.13 R EPRESENTATION OF 3D FACIAL DATA ........................................................................47

    2.14 C LASSIFICATION USING 3D FACIAL IMAGES ..................................................................48

    2.15 C ONCLUSION FOR DEFINING ANCESTRY AND GENDER ......................................................49

    PART C: EPILEPSY AND FACIAL ASYMMETRY...............................................50

    2.16 E PILEPSY ................................................................................................................50

    2.17 F ACIAL ASYMMETRY ................................................................................................55

    2.18 C ONCLUSION FOR EPILEPSY AND FACIAL ASYMMETRY .....................................................60

    CHAPTER THREE: 3D DATA ACQUISITION.......................................................61

    3.1 I NTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................61

    3.2 F IORE , NEC J APAN ...................................................................................................62

    3.2.1 Accuracy and reproducibility of Fiore...........................................................68 Summary of results for accuracy and reproducibility of Fiore................70

    3.3 VIVID 910, K ONICA M INOLTA .................................................................................72

    3.3.1 Accuracy and reproducibility of VIVID 910..................................................76 Summary of results and conclusions for accuracy and reproducibility of

    VIVID 910...........................................................................................................79

    3.4 A QUILION CT SCANNER , T OSHIBA ................................................................................813.4.1 Processing DICOM files................................................................................82


    3.6 D ISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ......................................................................................88

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    ANALYSIS AND DATA REDUCTION.....................................................................91

    4.1 I NTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................91

    4.2 R AW 3D IMAGES .......................................................................................................93


    LANDMARKS ....................................................................................................................95

    4.3.1 Collecting profile data...................................................................................96

    4.3.2 Analysis of profile data..................................................................................98

    4.3.3 Collecting a sparse set of anatomically corresponding landmarks.............100

    4.3.4 Analysis of sparse landmarks.......................................................................102

    4.3.5 Selection of the most relevant data from the sparse landmark set...............1054.4 D ENSE SET OF ANATOMICALLY CORRESPONDING LANDMARKS ...........................................106

    4.4.1 Collecting a dense set of anatomically corresponding landmarks............. .110

    4.4.2 Analysis of dense corresponding landmarks and selection of the most

    relevant data.........................................................................................................111


    4.6 D ISCUSSION .............................................................................................................114


    5.1 I NTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................117

    5.2 T HE FORENSIC FACIAL APPROXIMATION (FFA) SAMPLE ..................................................119

    5.3 D ATA ACQUISITION AND ANALYSIS ..............................................................................121

    5.4 R ESULTS .................................................................................................................125

    5.5 D ISCUSSION .............................................................................................................131

    5.6 C ONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................135



    6.1 I NTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................137

    6.2 T HE ANTHROPOLOGICAL COLLECTION ...........................................................................140

    6.3 S PARSE LANDMARKS .................................................................................................140

    6.3.1 Euclidean distance measurements...............................................................142 Discriminant analysis using Euclidean distance matrix analysis..........146

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    6.3.2 Conventional Euclidean distance measurements.........................................147 Discriminant analysis using conventional Euclidean distance


    6.3.3 GPA and PCA of sparse landmark set.........................................................156 Discriminant analysis using PC scores from the sparse landmark set...161

    6.4 D ENSE CORRESPONDENCE OF LANDMARKS ....................................................................164

    6.4.1 Discriminant analysis using PC scores from the dense landmark set...... ...169

    6.5 D ISCUSSION .............................................................................................................171

    6.5.1 Summary of Results......................................................................................171

    6.5.2 Discussion: Description techniques.............................................................172

    6.5.3 Discussion: Classification............................................................................174

    6.6 C ONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................175


    7.1 I NTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................177

    7.2 M ATERIALS : EXPLANATION OF SUBJECT PARTICIPANTS ...................................................179

    7.2.1 Sample..........................................................................................................179

    7.2.2 Photography and data storage of individuals in the epilepsy and facial asymmetry study....................................................................................................179

    7.3 R AW 3D FACIAL IMAGES : I NTERSURFACE DISTANCE ......................................................180

    7.3.1 Results: intersurface distance on raw 3D facial images..............................183

    7.3.2 Summary of findings for intersurface distance............................................187

    7.4 S PARSE LANDMARK DATA ..........................................................................................188

    7.4.1 Results: sparse landmark data.....................................................................191

    7.5 D ENSE CORRESPONDENCE .........................................................................................198

    7.5.1 Results: dense landmark data......................................................................200

    7.6 D ISCUSSION .............................................................................................................203

    7.7 C ONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................209


    8.1 D ATA ACQUISITION DEVICES .......................................................................................211

    8.2 3D IMAGING SOFTWARE ............................................................................................2148.3 F ORENSIC FACIAL APPROXIMATION ..............................................................................215

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    8.4 A NCESTRY AND GENDER ............................................................................................217

    8.5 E PILEPSY ................................................................................................................219

    8.6 O VERALL FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR 3D FACIAL ANALYSIS ...............................................222

    8.6.1 Psychological testing...................................................................................222

    8.6.2 DNA mapping...............................................................................................223

    8.7 F INAL CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................224



    APPENDIX ONE ....................................................................................................................253APPENDIX TWO ...................................................................................................................261

    APPENDIX THREE .................................................................................................................273

    APPENDIX FOUR ..................................................................................................................289

    APPENDIX FIVE ..................................................................................................................309

    APPENDIX SIX .....................................................................................................................317

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    List of Figures

    Figure 2.1: The American 3D method by Betty Pat. Gatliff ...................................13

    Figure 2.2: 2D facial approximation by Karen Taylor ..............................................14

    Figure 2.3: Manual facial reconstruction using the Manchester method ................15

    Figure 2.4: The reconstructed male face using Vanezis model for computerised 3D

    facial modelling ......................................................................................................17

    Figure 2.5: Three different approximations from the one skull using statistical

    computerised modelling. .......................................................................................18

    Figure 2.6: Digital sculpture system. ...........................................................................19

    Figure 2.7: Two-tangent nasal projection method developed by Gerasimov ..........25

    Figure 2.8: A chart from Bertillon's Identification anthropomtrique (1893 )..........39

    Figure 2.9: Bertillonage measurements .......................................................................40

    Figure 2.10: 3D facial archetypes. ................................................................................49

    Figure 2.11: Epilepsy flowchart ...................................................................................53

    Figure 2.12: Examples of the two types of bilateral symmetry .................................57

    Figure 2.13: Analysis of shape variation in a 2D structure with object symmetry. 58

    Figure 2.14: Example of the images used to determine the perceptual effects of

    asymmetries in the expression of emotion. ..........................................................59

    Figure 3.1: Example of 2D photographic distortion. ..................................................62

    Figure 3.2: Fiore detector .............................................................................................63

    Figure 3.3: Diagrammatic representation of how Fiore works. ................................64

    Figure 3.4: Frankfort horizontal plane .......................................................................64

    Figure 3.5: Defining the 3D face. ..................................................................................65

    Figure 3.6: Fiore & Argus 3D data acquisition system ..............................................66

    Figure 3.7: Image preview capture; ideal position for Fiore .....................................67

    Figure 3.8: Image preview capture; bad position for Fiore .......................................67

    Figure 3.9: The model head with 8 anatomical landmarks ............................68

    Figure 3.10: The VIVID 910 .........................................................................................72

    Figure 3.11: Measuring principle of the VIVID 910 ..................................................72

    Figure 3.12: Scanning options selected in Geomagic Qualify to run VIVID 910 73

    Figure 3.13: Manual Registration of 3 facial scans ....................................................74

    Figure 3.14: Final registered and merged 3D facial image ........................................76Figure 3.15: Head cast model showing location of the 14 points ...............................77

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    Figure 3.16: Registration of 3D facial scans ................................................................78

    Figure 3.17: Toshiba Aquilion CT scanner .................................................................81

    Figure 3.18: Projection view of CT data .....................................................................83

    Figure 3.19: Image segmentation in amira. .................................................................84

    Figure 3.20: 3D surface of the skull as viewed in amira ............................................85

    Figure 3.21: 3D volume file of the soft tissue surface of the face ..............................86

    Figure 4.1: Anatomical correspondence.........................................................................92

    Figure 4.2: European male average from 35 faces.........................................................94

    Figure 4.4: The profile extraction tool: vertical.............................................................97

    Figure 4.5: The profile extraction tool: transverse.........................................................97

    Figure 4.6: The function window of the Fourier Shape Descriptor software.................99

    Figure 4.7: Identification of landmark gonion.............................................................101

    Figure 4.8: Landmark detection...................................................................................102

    Figure 4.9: EDMA demonstration................................................................................104

    Figure 4.10: Registration of the 24 facial landmarks from 206 individuals using

    Procrustes superimposition....................................................................................105

    Figure 4.11: Representation of features with changing number of pseudo-landmarks108

    Figure 5.1: Flowchart of the representation, analysis and data selection as applied to the

    collection of soft tissue depth data for forensic facial approximation 118

    Figure 5.2: Cases admitted to the VIFM during 2002 .............................................120

    Figure 5.3: Flowchart of method for the collection and analysis of CT data .........122

    Figure 5.4: The skull with all the chosen landmarks ...............................................124

    Figure 5.5: Colour deviation map showing the intersurface distance ....................125

    Figure 5.6: Results of the t-test between soft tissue depths of the BMI subgroups of

    normal and overweight. ........................................................................................127

    Figure 5.7: Results of the t-test between soft tissue depths of the BMI subgroups of normal and obese ...................................................................................................128

    Figure 5.8: Results of the t-test between soft tissue depths of the BMI subgroups of

    overweight and obese ............................................................................................129

    Figure 6.1: Flowchart of the representation, analysis and data selection as applied to

    individuals in the anthropological collection139

    Figure 6.2: The 24 landmarks used in the ancestry and gender classification

    application ............................................................................................................142Figure 6.3: Significant Euclidean distance pairs found through an EDMA. .........145

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    Figure 6.4: Comparing Euclidean distances between Caucasian males and females


    Figure 6.5: Comparing Euclidean distances between Asian males and females ...150

    Figure 6.6: Comparing Euclidean distances between FA and FC ..........................151

    Figure 6.7: Comparing Euclidean distances between MA and MC .......................151

    Figure 6.8: Registration of the 24 facial landmarks from 206 individuals using

    Procrustes superimposition. ...............................................................................157

    Figure 6.9: The affect of varying the first three PC scores on the mean sparse

    landmark face of individuals in the anthropological collection. .....................160

    Figure 6.10: Average of the anthropological collection at PC0 for the dense

    landmark set .........................................................................................................165

    Figure 6.11: Modelled PC data for the dense landmark set ....................................167

    Figure 6.12: Average faces for the dense landmark set.. .........................................169

    Figure 7.1: Flowchart of the representation, analysis and data selection as applied to

    individuals in the epilepsy and facial asymmetry study.......................................178

    Figure 7.2: Neutral and VE pose ................................................................................180

    Figure 7.3: Measuring intersurface distance using 3D-Rugle3. ..............................182

    Figure 7.4: 14 landmarks selected for epilepsy study ..............................................188

    Figure 7.5: Average of the normalised deformation field in x, y and z-axis ...........200

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    List of Tables

    Table 2.1: The four categories present in forensic identification. ...............................9

    Table 2.2: Previous research and methods for collection of soft tissue depths ........24

    Table 3.1: Accuracy and reproducibility of Fiore. .....................................................71

    Table 3.2: File extensions and their full file names ....................................................75

    Table 3.3: Accuracy and reproducibility of VIVID 910. ...........................................80

    Table 3.4: Reliability of measurements in Fiore and VIVID 910 ..............................80

    Table 3.5: Summary of 3D data acquisition techniques used in this thesis .............87

    Table 4.1: Summary of data processing ....................................................................112

    Table 5.1: Landmark number, name and description .............................................123

    Table 5.2: Comparison of the mean and standard deviation of the soft tissue depths

    for the total males and the 3 different BMIs studied ......................................126

    Table 5.3: Comparing the mean and standard deviation of the soft tissue depths

    for the total males and the 3 different age groups studied.. ............................130

    Table 5.4: Historical and comparative perspective soft tissue depth studies of adult

    males. ....................................................................................................................134

    Table 6.1: Experimental sample the anthropological collection ..........................140

    Table 6.2: Landmark numbers, definition and location in the face for the sparse

    landmark set .........................................................................................................141

    Table 6.3: Layout required by PAST ........................................................................143

    Table 6.4: Discriminant analysis using 44 Euclidean distance pairs. .....................146

    Table 6.5: Conventional Euclidean measurements between the 24 landmarks .....148

    Table 6.6: Number, mean and standard deviation of measurement in each group.


    Table 6.7: Discriminant analysis of FA, FC, MA & MC using 35 Euclidean

    distances ................................................................................................................155

    Table 6.8: PCA of Procrustes residuals describing craniofacial shape variability

    within the sample of 206 individuals ..................................................................158

    Table 6.9: Discriminant analysis using first 13 PCs of shape variation .................162

    Table 6.10: Discriminant analysis using first 13 PCs of shape variation and

    centroid size ..........................................................................................................163

    Table 6.11: Discriminant analysis using all 65 PCs of shape variation and centroidsize .........................................................................................................................163

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    Table 6.12: Discriminant analysis using Centroid Size and 24 significant PCs ....164

    Table 6.13: Discriminant analysis using PC 1 -13 above average eigenvalue .......170

    Table 6.14: Discriminant analysis using 25 significant PCs ....................................170

    Table 6.15: Summary of the description and classification results for this

    anthropological collection ...................................................................................171

    Table 7. 1: Epilepsy study sample ..............................................................................179

    Table 7.2: Descriptive statistics of asymmetry score for the neutral and VE pose


    Table 7.3: T-tests between movement scores of corresponding landmarks ...........197

    Table 7.4: Classification table of normalised deformation fields using PC 1 11 202

    Table 7.5: Classification table of normalised deformation field using 15 significant

    PCs ........................................................................................................................202

    Table 7.6: Classification table using PC 22 on the normalised deformation field of

    the TLE patients ..................................................................................................203

    Table 7.7: Summary of methods and results from previous research into symmetry

    of the face as a localisation and lateralisation tool for partial epilepsy. .........208

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    List of Graphs

    Graph 6.1: PC1 vs Centroid Size ...............................................................................159

    Graph 7.1: Boxplot showing difference between the left and right sides of the face

    when comparing the intersurface distance when the VE face is superimposed

    on the neutral face. ..............................................................................................183

    Graph 7.2: Scatterplot showing the relationship between the left and right

    intersurface distance when the VE face is superimposed on the neutral face.


    Graph 7.3: Probability plot showing the distribution of values for the difference

    between the intersurface distance on the left (L) and right (R) sides of the face.


    Graph 7.4: Bartletts test for equal variation ...........................................................186

    Graph 7.5: Bartletts test for equal variance- combined TLE ................................187

    Graph 7.6: Boxplot of asymmetry scores for the neutral and VE 3D facial images

    using group as a variable. ...................................................................................191

    Graph 7.7: Boxplot showing the difference in the asymmetry score when the

    neutral asymmetry score is subtracted from the VE asymmetry score. ........193

    Graph 7.8: Boxplot of overall movement scores. ......................................................194

    Graph 7.9: Boxplot showing comparison of the average movement score between

    the left and right sides of the face .......................................................................195

    Graph 7.10: Boxplot comparing the difference of the average movement score

    from the right side and left sides of the face. ....................................................196

    Graph 7.11: Boxplot showing the difference in the movement score of the left and

    right cheilion for each of the groups in the Epilepsy study. ............................197

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    List of Abbreviations

    2D Two-dimensional

    3D Three-dimensional

    ANOVA Analysis of Variance

    BMI Body Mass Index

    CBCT Cone Beam Computer Tomography

    CT Computer Tomography

    DF Deformation Field

    DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine

    DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid

    ED Euclidean Distance

    EDMA Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis

    EEG Electroencephalogram

    EFSA Elliptic Fourier Shape Analysis

    F Female

    FA Female Asian

    FC Female Caucasian

    FFA Forensic Facial Approximation

    FSA Fourier Shape Analysis

    GPA Generalised Procrustes AnalysisHU Hounsfield Units

    ID Intersurface Distance

    IGE Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy

    LM Landmark

    M Male

    MA Male Asian

    MC Male Caucasian

    MRI Magnetic Resonance ImagingOA Other Ancestral

    PC Principal Component

    PCA Principal Component Analysis

    RGB Red-Green-Blue

    SA Same Ancestral

    TLE Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

    VE Voluntary Expression

    VIFM Victorian Institute Of Forensic Medicine

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    Scientific Publication of Results

    Cook MJ, DSouza W, Carne R, Clement JG, Thomas DL, Morris K, Taylor RV ,

    Seneviratne U. Facial asymmetry: a useful lateralizing sign in partial epilepsy as

    measured by computer-assisted 3D facial morphometry. Poster presented at the 20 th

    Annual Scientific Meeting of the Epilepsy Society of Australia, Cairns, Australia,

    13 15 April, 2005.

    Taylor RV , Thomas CDL, Clement JGC. The distribution of information content

    across the human face a study using Fourier shape analysis. Poster presented at

    the 17 th Meeting of the International Association for Forensic Science, Hong Kong

    21 26 August, 2005

  • 8/8/2019 Preface Thesis RebeccaVTaylor

