New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-10-24 [p 6]....THENJ ''Vs THIS M-USiso. Folih.v.11a I.' udoa...

Jti&e, to .AOflcrtiermrntt. Avtr-miM^ 11/>*i Paee-Bthaaa Bli rmasssae, Annoi st imi nts -\iih Fmpe etti column. Bankin*, doussa ann Baan aaa 10M nmg llb salama, loamam- kooMS- loth runt ats comma li mm ss < ii im rm loth I'tme 5tb saloma. l-i sim ss Moneta xxiii Fume 1*1 wnat Oooirrat Boaan.lim Has* iib comma. Dam mo Acapbhib* Mitt ''.ra- ia seraara, 1 i-iivi v.-itesa loth I'ao. Bib mnai, Prkw* Makim;--UlkPomx ."ul. c...inn. Dki ( nm lag* Bi. nh siiil iibiiiiliimas iisiMiit 11 if a lome bia ana 6th oaiamna. 1'INI A kt*-11 fa Page. otk column. t.KAi*i ani. is"i it- hm Patt gdeolnma. Hill ViMii IO,'', Puyt (ill cullin lei rm isi HM Pmpe alb eoluuiv, IM-1KI i l.c- 1 III, I titi'. 1-t ai: 2*1 ,111111111% to*T »vr i..iM. tiiA Para lt i n amn Wahi;-, oi- ssh Prints- TU Paxpt -btbeWBBta. >iimm. iou rapt Stn cotna Ml-, mas i- UM Ta -Iii; ISM Page. 0 h elsa Sr-* ri . 11, siions- *" ;.«,// im .-'..-*,.a Ocean ml mi .:- HM Pap Sd c* l oi n n ai K >i L i - t ¦'- / ...'¦- ti' I..-..-*. Li ai iiiTAti 11'A it'nr- g«i contrail Bblmioos Nonets 7th Pmot tl a cm Hil ados- ll i-f i- Mm PIA Pan BIB Ci'unin: haili- »r/i /'i ¦(. lib mi ..tu Ml. .41 No-'O- 7''. / «,/..(i'll .. ».! Fti smi-.ut- and llAiiKoii's -BM Pope BIB an-l ats cnliim - T>*. i ir- ll'/) mer.2d "ninon Lti-inrp- fitOUCtl " Al I'LHSKV BRAKU " XT- ; ¦» .,-.. ' ON! rtA**-' >| l, fii u mt i Finger N ml-. Comp ortabu Fki r Dr.J. rutnt l'i.... -ur a_ienea*a Sm! Mat-Lure Li itali. 1 Ball- .1 only *l Assist."lin he Un nil Ly Issn a ol ,-\|. 11, in-.-. A'l ili».-nsc« .>: td i. .: a 1.1 !s .ur...i. rea! iieni k " le. s-iii'i, *n,'- resst'it* ihorour-hli removed, "o cent* each, i*--: a-».'iun." i of lnprovel nail polltheta Bte*, *-i**or*, ins.. :.-.,t.. StC ms own nVa.'H it'll Banal ,; I Lowsol I'll., ss,. ,-s-i ind retail. Tbe lirar*i and moat Ssl l l.-illnl u^< nf 1 i ,n- an Rani! Ul lb* I'nl-.l M.!--. Obit ..':.,. s, -., s-, \-.Tk I.' ss. ilug near Borra Bros, Sn eoooeetloa with anv ol Everything is radiant in life when the an* pel tc I* .--,¦> I I k. it sn. nae thc ss t |.ri ra Tl KA lat.,- :-. Iii sure to auk rom ern roi lil :.." -t du Hie gao ala* article iuanafaclure-1 nv hs J U. B -ii.-ir 0 Ran. TER US OE THE TRIBUNE. patioge tree in thr Cn: lr I Slates. HATTY TKli I NH 1 sear.fl2 00 PAII.T HILI'M (sr:-!, o :: mil ,s -i. 1 i c.; 1000 BUKPAY TRI I'M:. 1 v a-. 2 00 VIKKI.V ai. '-'".» BSUI-WKEKLY iLl.iWK I year. 8 00 l:« iii-t i.s I*. O. order oi mr* ii . tte Au a, u HIL TK1BUKK. N w-York. Jfeto^lptk Sally Srib wu*. .a* FCUNCED BY HCF. ACE GREELEY. BUXDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1880. TRIPLE SHEET. THE NJ ''Vs THIS M -USiso. Folih.v.11 a I.' udoa cable dispatch lo Tnt Tmncxs -hov* « that lbe can.-.' of Ibo Bulli i.'- itib- sstaaioo traa thal Admiral Seymour bad reeeiv. Inn Mdei to proceed te Smyrna with or willi¬ wa! thc Beets "f the oilier rosser-; t'ue Powers Lre relnctsnl to take ap ilu* Qreefe claims, but mat beforced lo do so; Bootbisprei irina to appear a. Hemlel nL Mr. Loo I i-. tb iel to visit Ik a tl.-1. -i.-h Government in reganltolh Irish igl- lat-T- ;- still ins lived m mystery. -____ I ierc- poricl al ( icc'. ". ii t ia !'. kl eonntry in th. rem oj tbe for. thal Maleta g. = lim Kurds !;;s detfi ive. mere Pi rsi in viii '.es. Tbe Mex ca incut ha- enter il into a contract for tbe col i.f th.- mai - ii..; Vera Ci nz to Gal ve ton. 1> »w -ri*-..1» vie. .the ..lit _-'.l counterfeiter, '.sa. iiel-l in i. Chicago yesterday.-==-The o_> ma ' B ;. .1 .-I ll- o.'i i.;. to -'.¦;.¦- 30, $323,830 . wu u. i., .; thc 1> ii-ul. races yesterday u re i'hora, Cummie F. aud Monitor. : _= Preaidenl ll ci vosinLoa I .' . i. -, lbe a lu- nen of th .... a I! irv ir C. deg sc-'' r- day..-= ll :- Lc'v that 1 I -: Canal Cob pani sv :: ¦ (Ts'!-." I I ioi CliY l>0 Fl ITtBtN, ired the ... n !,'¦ u I ..... ¦ lied 1 ti . \'t ren i ¦ '.-. J., and ut- . ..ti bim bj ii mi.. . rec ) d< ll I ' -'- Th< is j.u!.! t ic lion ratified 1 eal ticket. hop - iuilv tl. ___=: the Coll pre ol tb. City helu ai tbeirgal-l er. ulai U2Lj gi ina), 87.15 croft. s --tocks feverish and neraily lov c, a'..i cloding led. hu Wi *; iii . I rib .' ervations in¬ di, ats > o | r od < w. uh* r. 1 her- n ¦ ¦,cat, [>¦> ; lowest, -i.', j ave, ,. VU) THE -ol TH IS SOLID FOR BANCO CK tm Valley Tirgniau, Julp 29, I "('mindel hal Li and J,"cksou would do ¦nevi* Ibej alive, !..-,-. t- .i li wuichtheyi >i .:: i tn uren:lier tbs men nh Doored forth their lifa ti, .1 on Vin f.t-;;i'~ ¦¦:'. ii ' do ic ibai .i na.v. Re- i_ru,i>-, a up ni yuin rotedept ods tbe inc* is ol 1!-,.- Democratic n.¦!..-:.".I Hw Hampton, o' 'he tneetiiu! in ,'a- J;,' - harmonp ia Vir- fiMuu. t Staunton, ,'niy *_**>. 18- t-in. n tr premium! Dsmoermts tf Staunton, tout itt tn ths rn. I. 'll. .'f'i '-. Vif, the uti.leiaiL'Ti id, he ird t . spe h ol dener-il \\ 't Uamptoo, deliver d in >i mu ton, on tB* :.'.'.r:t of July We have ah »re ul tue repert thcreol pab- Uabed in Tki Vallee Virpiniat on :'i* 29;n of J ult, an.l hereby lertify thal tba! i portwaa*! tially com 11. Ab. hibai d .;. Stoakt, ll.' 1 'i-.t-i t v. A. C. GoRnoN. in ..i: F. Lylk. Siaun'.ou, /"n.. Aug. 26 1880. WHY SO LU I LES Ml SI I OTK FOR HANCOCE. HOUAKOl RKPBBSaBTAT*rYRs, } WAsuiaoTtiN. 1). C.,April 23, lbso. \ lil ai: Sil: Your lav.u ssas duly received, 1 ¦you!*! most cheerfully introduce end urge the r>- not of u bili, anefi as -,<.n «nsaest, bm willi ii.*- (».-. -. ii . !».--m..i ,-.t i -. ii,..,.. BBeaalan Ililli, do uol lune iii.icn laioi*. t, has he- ton:e a n, .-; impoasi hie is', ansid. ration ol such a billa! .i. md when eonaidered, Ita chane* of pemamtx me House i. very rem«>te, nra- j|«.- g{ iv,.| t.«-n«r:>' m !:<» i-al lire licailol th. I'*ii- Mis>n 4Oniiiiiii*-*- lu . t-. Snasmln is siiil mer*' aitr." io i*r i. s .. ai.y --ki. !-i: !¦¦ to P-UBh tl s.oii.i not lie a: ail i'.m ba ¦>, thrr fore, teal tbs lull mil ba trot tbrougb. I will . o' ti with yonr brother, ll be tbiuko there is .nat: il J v. .¦;- il!\ Bel ill tba matter. Y. ry truly, 1 !.. Bi i.tzhoovi ii. E. W. Ci am ni \. ref, E\.'I. ntiy everybody hai r«_istered. The to*.il i. vi-ti itioi) in thi- city ii 216.974. In 1870 :t vari 183,064; In ls7'.', 167,837 Bepublicana bavi uo reaaon to dread tliii* «inn iii.ins inert .i-e. It m. lins an extra Be* pnblicaB for <\.t> extra iii-mo. ratic vole. Cooper Union wai i.. -u-^*-i la I eight with a gr* ai throBg tbat nearly ian Um police tbe ground when Ihe doon were dosed. Col* nd lagers* li's ...,,(...( li one nf hi* mo.-t btiliianf aftorte.dolid ai i cube in argoment and daa* ¦ling aa a star-abower in it-* Sashes oj wil ind rjoquenee, [twas a grand pies lor % Xros l>al- !ot, ho.i. st money, national boner, ami common lanae, ai d even those who dtfteied n dal widely fi'.m linn m mattera oi religion ind Cree thought ¦were compelled to ehnowledge thc downright hMMaQ -tm! pheao-ueaal geaini ol tt... dub. Thc discover, of bede ol grnnioe ¦nthiaeibi in the 1 .ii Weal i* one Ol thc miimm- pi recent Bxplontion la New-Mexii t, Bitominoni ooal ie (Mr .tuon enough wee! ol ih.- Mlssisnippi, bal v.-ins of true BBihra its have generally been eoiiiiiie.l IO "wild-cat j.i.inj>'( I usi-.'' 'J'lial ii,* ic are laexbanatib-i badi ol aathraeltc lei J thc (ihl Plm-BI jaiu'e. uiiii liiaL thc coal com- I pures well with the lVnnsyhmiia deposits, is Ihrv oont'liision whii'li OM ol our slull corri-- spot.dents luis reaclcd after going over Iks ground. ¦»- Our loaders uro favored this moniinp with .motlier ebaptet of Enropeaa travel bean the prsClBMf] hiuiil of mu regular l.oudnii cone- Bpotadont. hmrjflfBBB bang coiniirolioiisively divided into two lllSMS thlBWITChn hnve and those who have not bern to Kiiropt.this tjaamj is cm iain to please everybody. TboM who have UBBB among tho Alps will 1)!' -.'Ind tn bear ol' the pleasures ol the journey ii- n- (.oi'.nleil liv so nccoiiipli-hnl a traveller; |tt*MS who have uni tined at hollie v. ill coii-olo tliein- s, hes witb the it il:clion that they have asesped the tkoiiasnd anMyaneai tn which fveiy tourist is subjected. General (.rant maceaan admirable witneas la a military investigation. Thors tue no tranefl nf hesitation, his manner li direct ami Ina**.Its, bia information is ont roly al his command, and Ins nlf'poasesmon under a hot lire of ero*h \- iiiiiiiLltimi ls perfect. His testimony nt Ibe Warren Court, aiitrl from the fut lbs! it will nave au important bearing anon tin' Issue of s heated controversy, ia so characteristic of the man that we hope none cf our ie,nb ri will neg- led toezamtueit. There isan intoresting pas- iago tow.nil tim close wherein he deprecates anything Uko independent acti n on the battle-' field. He tines nd think thal suliT.ii'i itel have uti. occasion to think for themselves and con¬ sider whether tbs cr*mmander-*in--cbief knowa ! \ Inn lie is about. C. rn ("I'lint luis been shroud since bis dsys of battle, and'bas mei ihe '...lead's! soldiers of the age face ts face, tint bc found in general more incise uni arbitrary in lins respect i!i:in he waa himself. -»¦ Ur. H"i:riie.s Ins aeon the torchlight proces- sinus iiiul beard tim stump rhapsodies, bat like :i loyal Englishman is unwilling io admit thal Amt it ans take any more interest in their poli- ii<s limn bis own countrymen t\> in theirs. j "Tin.*, have anotbei nay nf showing intereai .. . ibai is ;il!," is hi* oft-hand comn.ent. Ccr- lainly tbe interest shown liv the English p o; lc i in tiie general elecliona ol' las! spring was a- in- tenn tm the excitement of our Presideutia' con- U'siti. While the comnarative estimate is pei- t ly jost, Mi. Hoghes will allow ns to snggesl his countrymen have bon-ownd some American ith .is which have inlensified popular Mst in their political coi lints. I'm i \- ample, tbs system of seciel tot in ^ was intro¬ duced not mani years ago, and Mr. Gladstone boa iiiinle within a year t vo eleel on journeya which cloaely resemble Ameiiean stamping This intensitj of national feeling i- a good s;gn, on wbichevei rideol the Atlsntic it may bs seen, lt is better foi any p oar --ive country to bava too much than too little poli¬ tics. The Btrain nf pojmlai exeitemenl loon wens oil. Tl,e (Iiiul nit ig effects ol torpor and iiKiilieictH'C are mon la ting. .<- Gi ml c.ii'ic'il li- u ai-lit to be angiy. "i only denounces Uie Mi rey letter aa Ihe arork .!' "ti clumsy villain who cannot ag-ell "n. write English or imitate hand writing,** bul e;il!- noon tbe National Committee * to pu e ... iee in tie hands af the ablest detectives al ii liii.i: thc ras-cftl down.*' Ilia isaer- lion thal tbe lithogiaphio cop of the letter cannot fail to be pi ;t io tu cc I n t.c n \ xi ii slit bj all who are familiar with bin handwriting ia : ot an * x.-' ra ion. vi. one who rom pan a called Im-.simile with u als., uti-; letters will ste that it is a cramped and :ii»> <d iuiitu- lien ol an easy, Bowing mid ii ,i! band. A il i; i- totally diff reut, too, fr bc- ol au alleged letti; rom 'ii: hi (1 ill the .same ji,.))' I' nilli n few Wt'l ks ago. Then, whatever General Garfield i*. bis < nemy will hardly ay be is illiterate, ami doea not know how t.< Knell, A na ii' even all this were nol now come the Poa, iffi c ofi ' that ibe vi ry j" tctually m.! in use at the time nllegc-1 letter w is written ! In short, fhn evid -ni o tl thing w..s a .I tte forgcij for political purposes ii overwhelmingly oi elusive. Mr. Bu mini and hie associ.a cun¬ no! bavo been ignotant ol tbe reid nature ol tbe document, and mt tl in the infamy whii h attachea to nil concerned in mich an outrage for which nil dei nt citizens v, ill yet hope iv) W 0 its 1 ti, .-'.-lit '.<> the penitentiary. THE QRUh III OF I BW T BK. There was once b favorite theory oi Hie old Tweed Ring that Broad wa j -vhs destined lo Broadway from tbe Battery to Albany. Those of timm who took leisure enough from the favorite work of openingneu streets, de« spoiling public r-quarcs, devastating parks, ami masquerading generally as sn many Baron Hsnssmanns let Iocs:- on America, to mb up their classics, talked ol it bb the Appian Way of the Metropolis. All toads were to lead hore, and all wi re lo b branches ol' this route, noil centre in thc g^eat Metropolis of the New World, li was a dream which Sweeny (lill Ins li-st in make s reality. The conseajnencc, nttuined even bi rote Ins full and flight) w;is the constructs a graud boulevard, stretching far toward the nortliernmost part ol tim city. Hui though it looked at one time if butti.ess and trade and fashion would Anion tin louie laid ont for tlietn, til.- Boulevard above tbs Park Ills already ceased to be Broadway; it ia only its " extension ".a word generally used to denote lbs failure of an improvement. The march of Industry aiui Fashion bM wheeled by tbe right lluik nnd points nott hw ard by Fiftb-ave. Parallel lim of march through Manson and Lexington-aves. for tim divisions ol Fashion, and through Third ave. c.- those of Industry, clearly show thal the East bide routes are still to be followed. Already the two division! contend for tbs right ol wsy and tbs righi of the line; but, to continue tue military parallel, Fashion holds the advance and Trade ballal fd ,'i blCBthing-Spell a'miit tbs region ot Madison Square. Tboae who remember the rapid growth of tbe city iii yens pa-!, bowPVeT, will hardly dispute tbs proposition that before Mr. Vanderbilt Ims moved into bis new palace some enterprising merchant may have built a drv goods ha/mr on the adjoin¬ ing block, li linnie ti social aenaal mi a fi years ago when Bannon opened Ins confec¬ tionery .at Tinny sixth--1. simultaneously wiih the completion of Bb wait's magnificent residence two bim ki below; and tanby thought ii almost fl sacrilege for Trade thus qaicklj jw follow on tbe heel ol Paabion. Bnl th'- imisi rapid growth of New-York ha- mit been in ita extension ap tbe avenues to the north. The growth of tbs lower part ol the Metropolis in height has icon even moi startling, and is to-day more rapid and wonderful than in tbe past. Since tbe dosi of tim war the pint ol the city sJong Broad¬ way and below Foil leenth-st. in iv bs .-aid to have been built three tits blah, Prom tli'te itiui four Btories tbs buildinM bars gaini «u smell um! eight, and now to twelve mid fourteen. There h:ivo been laid np >-i tin'in layer nft.r later, strata upon struta, niul jill, ho to speak, of different architectural formations. The ronnajniairij ii ti aienrelloui development of the city la altitude. It jr ii development, too, winch could aoi well he nvoi.led, any mole than the surlnce extension northward have been. The peculiar confonnai ion ol tin- city.confined tor Its mi ire Length to Barrow lim it h between tun broad rivers.autde holli Beeeetary. The facilities of these rivera tor commeree will always keep the general wholesale busb-eas of tba city in the lower districts, and sela theee parla the *i.% cannot tfrow literally, it growl perpendicularly. Another, tboogb it minor eenie, producing the Mini effect, lit* iu the exiiaoi.imaiy costliness .'I the land in the business section. Thc occupation ol' thc Barites spue only frequently repeated bj story after st ny could maka buHdiag pay. Sonic of these developments in the last <!<.- cade or two have been very interesting. When {he pre-cut Herald Building wa* constructed could look down from il- roof upon every other building below C.inal-st. Been from eit'i*",- river or th" hay it stood head nnii least one story higher.thin all its fellows. To-day il ls completely shut ont by ii> taller surroundinga, Tkt Evening I'o-t and Tbiuuhi Building* have double Hie number <>l Hoon aud alnioet iwiee the -11ri. tilde ni feet ol the older publication offifcs. 'lin- owneri of the land on winch the Ekjuta¬ ble niul Western Union Buildings me erectt I found th.' ground too valmblc for structures . f ordinary height, and t icy lip rally built e OStlf'l IU Hie ilir. A si'oi,- ul' Other i.'i-' ui.I recall themselves to observing rcail familiar with the city. Thc daring sebemr^of architects, which ten years ago excited laughter, prove to !»¦ tame projects oom pared to thoie which have since been carried oil. Twelve-- tory build ngi are constructed now where live years ago the suggestion oi' -i\ nil seven was thought < \- trnvugnnt. From sub-basement to the top door i.i actual n-e. Iii;: Tribune Bail ling, i.u iii-iniel', li:; twelve stories, one of them mole linn double Hie u-u il height, un.l the basements are necessarily de per linn is cue- torn; rv. Building- which in oilier cities of the lui ni would lc looked upon ox almost palatial nie .very year inn doun to give place to highei structure*- Witness tbe demo¬ lition ol' tin' line buildings which lately stool opposite Trinity chinch and neal the Stock Exchange, and in II oadway oppo¬ site the Poet Office, uiiii .v n thone as high up as Cn.on -kinara anil Twcnty-third-st. ..'¦ altitude ol' Union Square, fiiT north il i-, Ins in!iin-t doubled i-i.i«' the Tiffany! tore d. ii l'i. Che: vi r1 church to loni their i,nM-ciit ham! omi st.ue. In lower Broadway, I lo.k uiiii block i- ion- growing in height with iii.- rapidity ot youth. Till II"! N/ in. /', './,.>'. on English exchanges come io ns full of I'm nuis,','i,Luci.liim iin.i defence ol tbe House o: Lords. I' i- an incubus aiton the Nation; it i- tiie bulwark o th, Nation'ssafetyj ii is gravelj warnedtbatit stands upon a precipice and is daily toppling to rai ititi* -dinted to rem* mber that it ie the table nndation of all .li pro peril i. / he Ath . r in r ileclar i th t English constituencies: -iii uk Beaven foi ' "the House of Peers'" with mueli feVvorns iicin nil m i'i!ry' . daughters; Ike Daily Newt wains it, tba! it can only en.lui. if it conduct! itaeli with discretion: //.- Thnet gravely hal* aiict s the s'ei;:'t.«t the two bouses in judicial . c iii- . and t ie to >;n notliii g, tc., .-i All ol' w iii h mighty pother romes from Ihe ,,: ls Iii. a P I ;i ll i- li', o bl th;* Irish Chief I i ii he te* min \ aceiili-ii ol ¦' i ail that if the peer* nge were .... enough I film nately ti ith- w iii tl [}il Hu people I, do .<. since Vet rd Bi ac* .!-','- wal, their sp ii .¦'¦ o waa bm a short one. Cotoinit fiom a Minister of th Crown, thi ml 1 .si In ni! c ' .,. ti which aen* received in the House of Conic >i Bul no .n i nu expert-*., ev. n afb ral! blot inc ol ho: n- sr and tin walla . t* Ho of ] tu seo il dimble ound like ancient .' li- v have heard th. I nt lo I lOO I Hldlj « i''l"L' ,: -Ct, \\ nil remember the dc undi Lord Gr. .. wheo ii.e lion-!' V:f Lord \ ht down by a threat '.t- make enough neu peera to change { Radicals, both British rm I Cm ti- nemal, went wild wil ht then; the efleto aristocracy ol Englu .1 was coming i.. tbe mound, I e Upper Hoase would he dissol <»d, dukes, earls, mai qi .* in i week oi two would he plain citizens, lt ,ill comes to nothing. It ,iKs,i...- (..'¦¦ come i" i...t.'iiii.'. About once in liv. ai Lin lb ase of Peers and tbe Commons get into the name |osit:on; rerj like, tu use a homely figure, iwo belUireront he-goats; tbeir horn- tie locked, arc in a white beal ol fury ; death, the loo'.ers-on think will eusne lie* !'oic either will budge. Tton suddenly they mildly unlock and bo peieeal li away. Thc Radical n England ia always threatening desii^ict um .o tbe hereditary peet age; bo thinks he mi ins what he says. Bnl he lot u*t nu-an it. The Bvemsre Englishman in bia -"Ui 'le ul'. I'ii es a lord. Ile ls OUe ot !iis inttional i-i.: 'ra'p.cs. lin has niin ti toady, lo abuse, to knuckle down to, t-> sw cai at; he could not do with! a1 him. Of all men he is the most uncomfortable when «ith his equals; he is iis.-.i to looking down or ap. As Hod--' says of his wife: ''Site ba a convayoienl thin- to have "a hoot a lu a-li OT when a lie in my ps . bot " a be m.un toiiil of 'he Idle weneb, too." A HOI PF h. ECSUI \L. Nobody baa ever explained why tbe Preach, win* are the gayest end wittiest people in the world, and tbe moil ingenious in devising nen varieties of humor, are capabl , be*yoi.d all others, <>r doing the m<>.i ridiculous thing*, without eonaciouaueRs of then- abanrd* it.. 'Ihey ha-.e ju-; buried the composei of " La I! lie II lem- willi I parade ot , ,, monj and lamentation whi< li seems not unlike an ail ,.u» ol om of his own burlesque*. 'J'|.. celebration <»l bli genius and virtui - in the press has la.-n followed by pompons obse¬ quies at the great Church of Lbe Madeleine, Distinguished artists and mueiciani fellowed the < oiiin i<» the fool of tbe alts ; actresses wen* into hysterics during the service; tourists came ia throngs to sc- the show; and a choir, oom* poi .1 ol the leading ringers at Ute opera, rendered, for thc tii-t time on an] at lt lions from tbe I ' -nil nurepn sented opera bordie of the defunct, adapted foi the ¦.' a :.>'i io winds of penib ace an I supplication from tb. B rana Mis al, M. Offenbach died, as vs<- are told, isit.i th*- con. solationi ol religion] but to tboee who seriously reflect npon bit Mle god work it ¦. ll 11- it' h. bad .juneil the habit iii bur¬ lesque hen,ml In- ii.-; breath and literally into the vii) grui i. [I is said, preposterous!) enough, in nis tic- lciii-c. thal though iiu night liol hu Quita proper, bt lightened our cares at nny rate by making us laugh; ha if laughter were always commendable, no mal lei tte I limb at. But it is impossible to think ol' OiTcnbach as a jovial and light- lic.ii ted minstrel, who merely traiisirresseil tim bounds of decorum now and then through an iincoiituillable exuberance of humor and excess of animal spirits. It is saul that Im liegiiti hit caner M a serious musician, with ii leven nee foi' Hie classical and romantic schools and un ambition to do somelliing in art. He hud ii fertile and pleasant fancy, with very sundi kn .wleiL'e ol Hm science ol composition ; BVrd his ambition, wc suspect, extended no further limn a willbafnsss to unite gund music, pro*#ided it did not require hard study, ami, above all, pro- tided it paid. Neither ol tims.- ou- ditiona being attainable (m lie learned by experiment), ht tinned bia attention to smoothing tis:'. He lind various plans for making a lenaation, more, it must lu- con¬ fessed, like a mountebank than an artist ; and he wits but moderately BUttetMfal until, after a euclid study ni' tin- base, licentious ami unbelieving I'.iris ol' lbs Second Empire, he ilise rered tim mily spice that could tickle the Jaded palate of'that corrupt Bocioty. Twenty-five ve ra ago, therefore, in tin- Pas¬ sage Choisenl, i'm ninon and crowded centre of tin- life ul ilm boulevards, he opened the Bonffes Parisiena for (he express purpose ol supplying indee ney, in quality and quanti¬ ties to snit his customers. Ile became a purveyor ol rile entertainment! in the Bamc spirit id' commercial enterprise which rules the proprietor <>r a Bowery "dive." Ile had his reward. He made money and fame. He set an example of license which brutalized Hm st ure nf at least three great countries. Hs hit no (ewer than seventy work : nearly I'M tim clean ones were forgotten before his death, and lu- will only in- remembered by iii!-.- in which l.e prostituted music '<> Hie vies! us".; ()r tbe dramatist and the actor. There ate some faint indications in Prance of a reaction against ike Offenbach school ni' burlesque; in England anJ America the reac¬ tion is unmistakable, li seema io us one of Hm in,my excellences of the style of comic opera ndopted with roch brilliant success by Messrs, Sullivan and ftdb- rt in Eugland, and now taken up by Missis. Huck and Croft-! in America, tint it helps to wean people away Irom deeasing cutella nmenta. The time will come, wo dare say, v.l.eii respectable Lines ami gentlemen will blush tn (hat they sat thn a performance of " Genevieve de Brabant1' oe " La Vie Pai i uenm " ________.______ CHRISTI INITY /\ TH M IREET-PLACE. On last Snndaj we called attention to the nnnsnal teadincsa shown by the greal i couvi ntioiiB lot ly in conference to grapple n itb th ¦. prac leal que it ions nf the day. Duri na mst week the subject limn ht forward most forcibly hy those > iii n Ms-ion Las leen the kindred one o! the every-day practical wau lc wliich tobe done by Christians, and how they bes! could do it; a mutt r wiii. li coiiei in every render of lin. Tbibotib, whether pi fes-edly l in i-' :an ol ll-it. As im cv muli-. The Episcopalians tool np Hu question ci the official cm: loyment of i women or widowa in church wora, and d iii favor in tie a, mini im-nt of D C -.-..' ¦¦ " dm v slr-.i I ". ii. .ai : cu n| ** the young, the eic of tho poor sad sick, the "reclaiming ol tho fallen, and other works of "Christian cheri y.*1 rbia is, ioctl ci. n sc- kii'iv. lt 'L-im nt ni' ibe prudi i -ity in tdis matter "I ile I'h h R me. who, cn i bet ei i -!s. lev t ml ;. r within liiutis tn run lo watte. There ia ii wa I i' v, in the p i. pu groping lives of raanj singl Prob lani women. i hey li ive prob ibly talent, finp oi alli thal special womanlj qu brr- -, bot ha re im n narai on SV ij should they n d, th a, ¦>¦ Church to s ime define 1 du y f helped humanity oi not, ii v\ ni help i -ives. The objection u ged is iny wi man minded to <io Christs worn has I i or and nek nd children ali d es not ii il io wear -.-. uni! gu .;. to go umlei oider*, to b-» dubbed Sister ot L)i aconess. All of which ia true enough. Bul thi argument in lav "i of giving cn niiiic. titli recogni ion tn tbe wi rk of a rn tn is ince! ely the same as thal for ii ng them to clergymen. The struggling, unsuppoitti! in- diviilnal, the Christian widoa oi ¦¦ old maid,"' becomes one ol an honorable ptofes ion; n" l-l c -I '.' (if ICSID'C gO belele ll' .. a' ll -I; s I e w.»ik. The very title i'ml costume rppi-nl :.. lc own imagination. She h i tho added ii nf recognit ion from p opie mi !< ! like herself, ami the perpetual stimulus ol a certain wrtil de corp:. It i., m abort, the ili'b'ien.e between trud ring alon* a dusty bl ih- way alone and despisetl, and marching ina band vv ith music ami bannei -. So i.ii, -si much the hattei foi the woninn. But lo; tl*-.- wauk 7 Wt believe th Bl more Christian work wonld be done by thu kimi ol' "ii ei),it th in if the i our n ml u k and nedy were left to Ihe s|i -:iii"li'' ami Minn-. times half-hearb I attempta o' p ivatc Christian women; lor the simple retison that many wo¬ men will j.-in a istei!: iel and do good Chris¬ tian work in i, w.n. outside, would do no Christian work al all. Thej want in outlet un¬ tiled energy, executive ability, and love of control, .md they get it, in tbe hospital or asy- liim. winn- in private life it would a a te itself in vehement housekeeping, gossip or meddling. All Sisters and DeoconesMs cannot be siiiiiuiul Marya; the Cnurch should find room and work for the hail-converted, bustling, Mu Th" vii that may be feared from tli-an" temi- ordained women is that which they maj indict on the cause of Christ. Not overy young gili, howevei sinceie, who may be drawn by ;i disappointmeni in love, or aickly sentiment* ta forsweai the world and take orders, i- lit ndi- eiaUj to n, ni ni her Master in the world's eyes, Christianity baa to ahonldoi the short- . aimil':-nt ino tn my weall and unable clergy' men ami hypi ritical prof a'sore as it ia; do not i ii npon th" i .'ilise the weight of feminine in- competency and miataken rea". The sister- hoods ol thi Roman Church ar. kept under sm.: surveillance and oantrcl; the vain m worldly or smbitious nun luis no lo dil grace lui Mastei bj ber errors in the world's eye The heads of the Protestant Church mus! oopy their ristei also In this prctautionnry It v.ill uni d', we sn -ge i. tn tarn i. pretty iie:u(iiie.-cs io work "with b . Ut«bop*e sam tum in writing,'* if the eausi of Chrial is to l" lifted to a hight'! standard of humility, seal a id stein dev dum to duly. Then- is no Church, probably, which oft< billet i x im|iic cf everyday religiou and of il r-:i.)i, .lo.-i-ini s|,i;icicii ho markol (Iniii the quiet Moravians, aIh> recentlj rinsed one of theil grenianniial conferences in I -iladti- lina. No sci. not etea tbs Catholic with it. perfect system and if* s ol ct'c lien e. is as sne¬ ll I mi.-sioiiary s_*ent as lins, inply be¬ ll beat ii,en lu her rai.k - in Europe, the noblo bj lurili and tim mos,! thorough in eui- tm-", have gono out as missionaries. From tho dljl when ZeUUBIgW aud his companions caine to teach the Gospel to tho Iroquois to the plant tog or Moravian churches within tho Arctic Circle, their record lina been that ti lotty devo¬ tion to the highest idea. The Moravian joins to thia high leal a strict, shrewd aeanaaay la everyday mutters. Them are no poor in the Cbnreb, beenoM the Church, like that of thi Quaker, tenehei ererf ama to Ure within bli means. Sim hits, for instance, her Widow's Fund, in which each nun on Biarriagfl Imys a share for bli bride, that when he diee eha nay not be h fl pen ni less-. He is langai to dies* limply, to eal plain food, tbat beean afford to be geoeroni whoa occasion conies. In no fit ct are tie children made the nttfecta ol lueh esti. eial caie as in this. The Church takes them ns BOl wards. They have thor training ami their own lervicei all throughout the year. services which teach tho incidents of the lifo ol Jeans. s<» close in ihia care, and so Ino tins teaching, that the boyi and glrli are ap! not to think of theta* Ives as Americans or Pennsylraniina, bul as Moravian Chri tums. We draw attention to th. se little-known facts became other denomination! may find in them, Dseful hims how to bring Christianity with ""<>¦! . il. ct every day into tbe market-place. Tlic j) mocrats aro wons thaadespeyte. They ire..'./.. Non- but s Democrat would have besa ea stapid a-to tote.'a Republican letter ead pul Democratic ip* liing Into ii. Mr. Watterson sa1 11 is " tariff I ir revenue only " plank of ths Democratic platform iras adopted by tbe National Democratic Convention without adla* tenting voice. Tbe regular report ol tue Republi¬ can National Convention proceedings shows I si when t.ic .1' clara uni in thc Republican platform torn rfvenn whicb "should -,, rJiscnminats ss io favor American labor " wait ra id, there was ten iral an.l hearty appian**. Tti»l ie evidence salli iool to .-j.-;, me laboring man as to whiob party is bis better friend. _ Tbe Democrats sro procee ling on tbs rold soppo- -1 r i.. 11 that the la'om hil' man is a fooL Ile would be if he were stupid enooab to bs misled by a lie to vote to ii¦¦.:.. ins own wages. Every patriotic man ibould keep it in mind thal the Democrats are desperate In their determination togel po ¦.¦!.mn of tiie Government by foul means if they can'l bt fair ones. In tins stat ., if thor ia uiiii ung I ke a close tote, efforts will be mada by dc I) -liiii "mu to throwout votes ci.mi.'i. on one pretext or mother, to aecurt ihr state far them, lt patriotic men do their duty there will be a ina* ¦;. io o\ r helming that cheating will bc i in¬ ti . ,,! .. D in'| ii- deceived beean*e the Demoi rats are quiet. 1 tic. knosv tuat it ts uosv or n»v, r svitu I icm. _ Does any man of intelligence care to see in th*. Wm. e House a Bu per President who thinks tbe tanti'is a il. town las :>. ' I;' lie tl se bs will r.,!. soli.i < otni .ia ni toting lor ll inc ick. ire two vi sv- io be tat,- a "f the i tte at¬ tempts of the Democratic it appear thal General Garfield ta a Fiee-Trader be* elected, without bia knowledge, sn bon* beroi the Cobden Clab, of London, and favor oj rimina! ions in tbe interest of Chinese csp labor by tbe forgery ol a letter. One view ia a-to ti,i absurdity of such charges on such ba es -' one if sttc.'l f.Ur. eil Ml,ll V. i<!"l -c.\- d opinions on thc opposite *idc of those qu tiona, | c .tll.T \, ,- a. to | e -m. ii.- ¦¦ --I :i,.; ,i rt teal tbe absolute d< -,'¦ lion or 'i.z 'i crowd wbo resort tu ii. m ta linn! ol the campaign. Bun liny thc IV -al. noss trying! hy forgery. Tl A !.¦",.' .-a. jot r fool ri, a .. 'i.u a i-'.i ni Nut r 2 th. ext. '.'. Kapi of hil I- .;> i iu ! lld . eomc i d :. '1 he " cl.- " :.. ,s h ::.' exh Ii"; 11 ll, 11, J' liss len tho »her di . .- ii vic ted Ol .il -. otc '. ¦"¦ bl .'¦ ---i .1 '-' a D ck xii ¦!¦!,!.. a not - and no;hu i a lund call to . ['ai large that I '-¦¦ ed, asa. ile, ai:.I thal the set of mou v. III -.; hurl everj '. il, and dou't you forget ;t, in s's i-i. ¦i. C il, h iu .' in 'iii!. !-,. a cilizi ii -: tomporai v i. In tbe letter thia its-wage ... u;.r "In t,ns il ig with 'Il ringing i" \ ii the main atr. l not An fliii p itriofic men ol the Noitb do tu ir duty, they will bo thoroughly "licked 'in Nov. mber. Ham nm nould pul Den Kearney on the a tump al "nc. I'ii it is ab »ul thi onl. blundi r whi h n . mains tor aim to commit. 1 hs Di mocratlc Not. Committee have put oui circulars coataii mg a printed copy :'f tbe foraed let ter on Cbiuese labor, and in thi* they have pru- dentl) corrected the iniis]>elling of the bogus ta -. [lanium ha- been consulting a spelling* Bul docs h- expect the American pa blit tu that Geucral Garfield doesu'l know how to spell I _ PEKSONAL. 'tr. Hnebes returns to Ne* fork next Thiii sila. and will sail tor homo on November U, I h" ex Rm press Eogi nit .iocs not nke pom - 'or ol pew home, Panboroagb Hill, fifteen min's noni Windsor, heron January. Bbs will spend tbe holt.lays in tbe Isle .. Wight. General Garfield on Wednesday last v;site.l his fellow-townsmnn, David Grey, on bia hundredth birthday anniversary. Biz of the centen eight children, twenty-two grandchildren, tbirty* eight great-gran children, ami cnn»groat* grandchild were among tbe guests, A fi er Qeoeral Garfield bad taki n h av. ol him, be said to a corr- stKindenl ol Tkt Cleveland Uernld: "I \ot-.i for I lloma* J.-IT-1., I have sen main good Presidents, hut none who siill mtv, ls c..un¬ its better than Mr. Garfield, lie ia a greet man, ami 1 fe. ul.iii ss nen 1 think tint my hut ballot ss iii le C i-t lol Illili.'' I'he death ol tbe Maharajah of Jeypore ii men¬ tioned as a misfortune for all native India. Ths ape* lally of tho Maharajah '.a- t bal he via* a l'liuee who improved his dominions with at ceasing to be a ii. i, vc Ile governed well, with justice sud lenity, but he governed ss a natits Prince doe by decree an ui inagemenl of men, aud nol Maa British Com* . a ' 11, ts iitakitiif hil rule tn native eyes a alive. He was always improving Jevpore, hut he l.-ti it a native city ss separate as Benares, io. -lead oi turn,tn.' it into w Imitation Tar s, ll-1 en* couraged schools, bul (ney were the cheap, native bedge-scbools | and though to liked Europeans, he h' pl al. i from il.cir of life, lie looked, with hu keen, Ibm lac, spectacles, like a dark, worn-out German profe-isor; bul be ss...-, a groat n inn- l'i in .-. novel in-less, svttti a hn;h louse wi own place am mg Undi Mr. Dudler, Buck, writes Mr. Croflur, tbs nu- thorof the libretto of " D *eret,"isan ont-and-oul Yaukee in speech and demeanoi He ls noa forty- one years old, and was born in Hartford, llciis.s In Brooklyn, sod los bouse,* sort ol may bird's l. t, at ands directly on the bank of the Hast River, bighabove Wall Btreel Ferry, overlooking tbe bay foi miles. His psrlor, sitting-room snd dining-room alt) ali on Hie imi side and las -Iuds is on tho third th.. ii a In. vc, coin ii a,m. 11 ii a una of ne most uictUI-SOOt views to be obtained i.. the world, l ii* r,-1 have ., ii him engaged in dreaming out tbe meas¬ ures of soma melody. At ins right, as be sile al tallie, id a liiic niaie, a violin ia in Hie ooru.u an. -- H"t. liea, may lw, on a chair within reach. I t»kn him one dav m wnat manner he cornposerl. " j f^TJ ova r lbs words that are lo he matched," he *.,n| 2? rliink over the idea fo he SSatSfsd, and thea irr-w*,!. silt the music come*, and I hear it in rrv In-ajj" When I am in choral composition. I can rtftea lia_. all tba liif*erutrients of au orchestra amping awa.7 each in its place,** ' Wtsmviiiov, Oct. 2.1...Secretary Thompaos lift al 10:1111 o'clock this morning for Indians, when _ Will until alter the election. * 6LSERAL NOTES. Tho cnn-um pt ion of muir* and bor 'lenh k atcadllv Iik it ,'t»l.'.-r in ftBBCe, Tit* wc.,-. ,, n_ tn ai 171.Lt "fl t" mi' a ;:i I-LU to 1,9S_.C'**0 f" '-:.«la la 1870. lu bs BttaeJ] loft.e pr ..¦.ires tin. ^ Hiiiiii'iloii nf liorai llcsii may th) ronald*-red t" hnvr f..r.. Iskra root. Tim ate-***-** jirlce nf lion.? ru at l-fro-aa lo 85 orate per pouod. Bach BM 'Uta-* liiiiulrcdwcjirlit of ni'-ii', VTiiiet) I*rap-ablS ot la:r,_ -, |i -iri-.i iii many vt va, -ii li a* jtatavjeu, i,. ,,.., ., _, ba bsd, li ii-.)'. |n -. -'i, Bllst, Bte. ~"* Tba net receipbi b»r the forty ii(-rf(.r'-i-tnr*»jaj nf the niiriieri'iii Pallion P ., were fY_o,0M l*Bflsn pst fat aaasi tx wore stteaSSd by no ?"a.rt-iaai 175,0 Bj | aisoaa, Inetadlag lbs gina and >i -.- -n a War. iiioiir--. Hi'-l'i inc* liu;>cr.,-(l (f flerniuiiv, 'Le «;r_w -'¦ruins of Kassi i, and otto ri ol *._. pr di h ivp bess dlr I ls I Into tour psi ta, ,:, <|itr «¦ tc thu BHKtc for rtir ( xx* :¦..* i' tic ".'i-' n< ii. _ mf iii.- tiicitre. a *-( cud Leliii','lliiUe-! m inch in untiita ol the tillsss ss sr* icu- I i rf ar fops* ia toni Iii tn tit'- itti'l -'ii ,m .cii' of carving aud d awinc. Jo-i ii -. ..-r, -_, IPI- i tue role ol < br-lat, iceiti d lin -. ."., ._. DOO "tin i' ia ron- en.-.i-' i nt lbs ;! . I'M tl -. Tho wife nf Qeaeral Albert8. Jobi iton, it lljc co ir.-c ot ii rec.-ai ri i i v.. -.'. r of rsi San Qhbt les fi . loo tai Ber lui tild, AA'Jl" Il l-l .-om ll) ill.! of tte- .'' icu, in tlic iprins ol 1881. sod before ht , res!*.attos ai k .vs, ... | ins tran iio'i* t'lof wit-I the Boothera mea tben rest u. di m*, XNtat to esrry Csllfsrnis Into tba I. b l.'ion, sbcaafi thal darius the winier of 1860-81 ii" vt. tress ol Blina sll Um Ufae. El Bred hit fut*-, l m, ind iras nie.ttiy BartevBd by the seeessloa di ,. news from the Soot., He would walk tbe flu iud p.'uv cl Ilia! bia cn.mire vv tal I tte apo di, ,.orr'.f| )i civil tra:', ll- wat -¦:.,.! v- o' bia di mitha illly of barta* to Btht his own astir-* IVxaaiBsf li ni a lin; .1 ir.-, (jv r ¦' ri v.. zpriined bli stesdlssi parpossto do hu tb U ited States so long ss hs wss sn offl ¦- i tanti ii rrsisostlsawns seeepted sad f". w.iru inid iie u.iid un bia mind thal i"- bu issi ii lui. - Avj-ii bia "-vu people lt wa* BetoetilT'-sissa ceded tb.tbe fell thal ihe rrtna badi , ititi ill bfl ''i .. t * le.W . a ti iii.- -i vee aay loaf -. " ' I tore i-ri." '.pla!. M:.*. Jo .t is I - nt Bera somsn, jroa hoew. Bs resisnsd "i Bpi IO, ..a -.imiier arriv.l he eoa April35. Tai i. e v id bill i st i u .ii IT vv is :, oi- . .tiru- a r v j- .' ion !; -in,- .i to Ale Il: dil it it ta . -ii_r anio i I .' .-, then Oetsraor nf the st tte. While l' sosa of li- ie-i uti u j, _ ae tn Lo| vii:, le-. Maa) v. inc bi mra ¦ un bij t :. Kl 'es iu_ tlioir af d -air- to -oin. .'.mil of rh -in Bs kbre tbi bi ¦ ir i-i illfornl i, a> BothJas re be ij i..m. il: iii ioobbI f mei . setae el sIvU ¦¦.¦. itii'hai ¦.¦. it vtoni I be neut or. 1 ti Hov thal Ocneral -loni a ..) |i vi at wi ii " . cid ii- ¦*¦-. esau i: a."., wno :, .d bi u -.¦¦ ll r. tl :.. .ii" .-.-':. -, ,v it in \ ii ¦. ;. be ,. i ni v. r ii .-a n i. ,,j, .it ., ... ;. c li... -. BITS "1 CRITICISE. Tub Repextaxt llow, . Ar hm i ¦, t ¦, V Mt a frc* " 'i ,:, i tl.I bett I Inn,tl. e., ¦; ,'. Ill " "¦.'.' a .Ill-lie- ,. || ll)S-U, tS : i to I IV lie don " bi oi . -* .- v ii ii .> .; ¦. 1 -i r rVqiiuan . ; fie Cor nnli tsM -i I. t: tua iri'-iii il saved bun isl li:.* vvav vv.t,-I :.:i I ni..-., pt rrl'l I Im a iib intti :!¦. material for oi ,i to no >. roi 'l 'iv ai-- ... thing* P rrj -i a tim i;,.'i iK.-v .iii then, a .'...ti. fiieir v, .iiisi-al ..i.i,:-, tile tl ip I? . I, .ii! jurs, and <: ..,.-.- .i al Ga. M. b.WAN's Ktii.'i.t:..M. Ronan Isa uniqsa pi r-t-i;..: ty. lt .re I) du are ti d in .,,!.. i .... ties, tri itali ki i"iten*iv( * Hui . VIA ld Imssiostioii t*orrr st wtrk abspi K<b< ci into su artistic whole, .'lie picture t* *o r.,'. i it ons aaoirytwba ooiop lied :" recflsn*a*tBS hu t thal it is tine i.-.ttur t teuurr* aol le bistorj nra il ... tbi t' tc I.-t 'un * ba* dee ¦ .:. >eit ii widell Inn ¦ i -at H ora on l ,.c " Di Ut!ni of Cir'!- i'ami v " iud produi«.! .ni oui mind*, tbal baa accorpplianru to ttist work, be ba* lefl tue s c.n pr a.'. ni bo na I - I a-atci D fol ,, r v .Un been bronchi Into elco contact, and i! is throe into greater iir.. ouaeoce be eau atis iialill'c o' M. U. .i..n's 1. ..¦! ,. .. cn, ,:,,'. rn :- I-, oilba p. i; .a niton would, tn bli case, uTect la ti <r''a than if the c cc anth sluosl snj otbei vrttea -1 .tputa- tioii. I i I. Sp tutor, tit Mu. Black's Lab. Novel..Two othst h n i.: ra art, o rii.iii-, Slr, H k'.-., sn -ui Bely, Mi. B_cl.toro aud Hr. iJ.or^a Btu lo,,I,I; bU| Vt'll.l- ll V .lill .1. UJU1tS I live bim tbe pu lin foi deacrtptios ori I ¦¦ l 'ii -ina-: lois .li I '..- illnstina ibe landseaps to Uie Birure*. I ire often mere *i*-*-ctatora at a d'ors-in ; tb nfl I'liuiitt.¦:: is .-a i: ,: liefura ru witb a pietuti . tn ll-id 'a lilia, vv I'., . bto ic if. md lo ... -ania!* ibeir, w::cii i* in,- iruci mnbod, becauisM lun::an ii_'uic ia tbs bl*rhfJ*t tblns In liter- ) ..s wi at lu plaarlo H pictoIISJ ur-'. And .nan., lt I*. Wi i tn. di-v mistake to na for th ii.-m* fourth tims lim set of cha ¦. iaocbl leserved iu ia in Tne i»tra gt v-e. l l'ii u ton." (' .. u i : ra tin * III !.! kl -I I bOI I:-, ll -Vc '', .' ' a:, ii s ,i - -tod ,i turtbei re.itlt il.hi iit»t,fi-, .-ne t..: .-. .| ni,- owler frost tin u-1allon, iu i_m *. li.*.lUs lo ...isi).. I 'li..t i- _ _ii:i, tn, .a- ii, l's :.. in Lai,ii ,d i, ., vv,:.-'- ,. J ni uni!, on es hal of s t ind ij .."1* In ii netty aa i ki i. tins lusBion..[11 a Act-.- i.o. Ciuui.r.3 KotQaXki'ti Moral '. ..rcsi:.- I'ii.alls Klatrslev i, .a.. I lilli tun . a-''* |..'l,'i.. ac expre**tti lt" ttl >U td a Hlld m. i.dt tm lu mi-ti. more truij sud t v . a ¦> vi bia COnl lui- lain- lt. la |> cl, -|.fL'lil-a i" .uici.iii, n .ii ic leuce, laidiury rtfoi ur, ami ia i In uk n i; ol un ii ne >..' iii s- ,,|.- . v..-'. 'v ;"rt*| him ID tile other*, tm I-!-... viLi" len ¦.ni .. - ll** tlc- ii in-. .n .;;..: (i-i niri"''.i ut I lui -a va* B cliliri lil'l in Slid S ('LT. ei'l.ili, li .' av "v !... c- ilenna process, but to ibe ttuc-i-oiie ; v..i* ll:i- vv; <,tv.' lulu rt annul,'. ir '1 I '-'iai* which waa tbs l»ssli ol sll > -;,,f* bia vv-niue-, mic eii.ii-.u ii i: in- nu i I,, ... :u *."* which .Uaw uu ii an lue ti:..- .¦"'_ pered, of roeras, by pralae ol di-Binaiit' .".t aiu»"J power wbteU no oi Ai'ctiriiin-: io I *" *,' it-iiicd c.meii* ol 'iiti. -in. i i.e., said a ;i - 1*** htlouM in li VV"|I. ,¦! ,,;[, em ;. |,| noturns, t.'i'lii" ..(>iiii: k. "in ilmpl) 1 ii.itnic, si a photom apb. wlii di ctn tout .' ''""JJ inn* umtetiles ti c *l.«'le. .¦J BpOll* lt aa .i Work Ol nit. such wa* ibe i-i n jal-ni'* *J -. Mo doubt thia la t ie. I'hei ! i n.t. ks wini a ,. um pi ,' , I ruell. Illili) ¦'.I a' low finn ol'. ii I'''''1* hjiiii, sud n-iirictmit oeuturj m..,iisi or, nen* o! (ut 'l'licl..ll I. "v. ll el pu d .' "Bl V'1*. aunt -iiiiici be |-.inn lin ki all willi Unit wc. i"** penni lc*.mu n vr> picture tin leiathct-li »i li.ul'**? (if tbe |!l soil .ll. lill- leo! I'tl ll.:* .' llJ M".*--«oi tbs srti»t and the poet. 1 un tn uk m '''¦¦'_ i ls, eran sssniuint (what I neither wanui no Cut icy Mille: .i* vvoi ks of mt. |.i .it, dil! iii»a* eat atm of auen Imoss nm ie. bo to ilettsbt ssJ in n'- tut.tb ci-, bm t.- touch taetr hem. .' ¦s,t'" In inn. v. ia *i ni is a -ii ...1 latter Ibunuii) of hu ev leii.j.oi.irii'* ..¦ l'ii" 'i -' 1 act uv, .md (.<". ** ii .1 in Ins mstelit' s* i-lioi.,-,! ,) ii. in,-re ilinn l -*' . rv a.- lt v ,n niola- lev alu acaitow lt dj:. .'. 'ila ¦.ni'icai.c Lill 1 1.1 .' I *l|tl HlK ll vvhclllfl nil)' houli i,f I link I'.1' cvci v. ion- noni ^ lin.-: IBS 'U"t I.leB lue ll or ,",|lJ' no itv ut nott c..tu i.e .ni I rcMViUal '.". '*-* 'j^JJ !.. I'lui. le* Kiiumcv, ojrslti ami .i.'.iUi. a n iv- tai fy,. wnic. iBe wno rai'ctulij ti«w--i'ieU nu ui .""'*,"''*..,_. Iniii lias niven asm tin: inuuiaflMBSi un lue..I ino-.' ii.m.i- a ai Cititiiiusu.

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-10-24 [p 6]....THENJ ''Vs THIS M-USiso. Folih.v.11a I.' udoa...

Jti&e, to .AOflcrtiermrntt.Avtr-miM^ 11/>*i Paee-Bthaaa Bli rmasssae,Annoi st imi nts -\iih Fmpe etti column.Bankin*, doussa ann Baanaaa 10M nmg llb salama,loamam- kooMS- loth runt atscommali mm ss < ii imrm loth I'tme 5tb saloma.l-i sim ss Moneta xxiii Fume 1*1 wnatOooirrat Boaan.lim Has* iib comma.Dam mo Acapbhib* Mitt ''.ra- ia seraara,1 i-iivi v.-itesa loth I'ao. Bib mnai,Prkw* Makim;--UlkPomx ."ul. c...inn.

Dki ( nm lag* Bi. nh siiil iibiiiiliimasiisiMiit 11 ifa lome bia ana 6th oaiamna.1'INI A kt*-11 fa Page. otk column.t.KAi*i ani. is"i it- hm Patt gdeolnma.Hill ViMii IO,'', Puyt (ill cullin

lei rm isi HM Pmpe alb eoluuiv,IM-1KI i l.c- 1 III, I titi'. 1-t ai: 2*1 ,111111111%to*T »vr i..iM. tiiA Para lt i n amnWahi;-, oi- ssh Prints- TU Paxpt -btbeWBBta.>iimm. iou rapt Stn cotnaMl-, mas i- UM Ta -Iii; ISM Page.

0 h elsaSr-* ri . 11, siions- *" ;.«,// im .-'..-*,.aOcean ml mi .:- HM Pap Sd c*l oi n n ai K >i L i - t ¦'- / ...'¦- ti' I..-..-*.

Li ai iiiTAti 11'A it'nr- g«i contrailBblmioos Nonets 7th Pmot tl a cmHil ados- ll i-f i- Mm PIA Pan BIB Ci'unin:

haili- »r/i /'i ¦(. lib mi ..tuMl. .41 No-'O- 7''. / «,/..(i'll .. ».!

Fti smi-.ut- and llAiiKoii's -BM Pope BIB an-l atscnliim -

T>*. i ir- ll'/) mer.2d "ninon

Lti-inrp- fitOUCtl" Al I'LHSKV BRAKU "

XT- ; ¦» .,-..' ON! rtA**-' >| .¦ l,

fii umt i Finger N ml-. Comportabu Fki rDr.J. rutnt l'i.... -ur a_ienea*a Sm!

Mat-Lure Li itali. 1 Ball- .1 only *l Assist."lin heUn nil Ly Issn a ol ,-\|. 11, in-.-. A'l ili».-nsc«

.>: td i. .: a 1.1 !s .ur...i. rea! iieni k " le. s-iii'i, *n,'-

resst'it* ihorour-hli removed, "o cent* each, i*--:

a-».'iun." i of lnprovel nail polltheta Bte*, *-i**or*,ins.. :.-.,t.. StC ms own nVa.'H it'll Banal ,; ILowsol I'll., ss,. ,-s-i ind retail. Tbe lirar*i and moatSsl l l.-illnl u^< nf 1 i ,n- an Rani! Ul lb* I'nl-.l M.!--.Obit ..':.,. s, -., s-, \-.Tk I.' ss. ilug near

Borra Bros, Sn eoooeetloa with anv ol

Everything is radiant in life when the an*pel tc I* .--,¦> I I k. it sn. nae thc ss t |.ri raTl KA lat.,- :-. Iii sure to auk rom ern roi lil :.." -t du Hie

gao ala* article iuanafaclure-1 nv hs J U. B -ii.-ir 0Ran.

TER US OE THE TRIBUNE.patioge tree in thr Cn: lr I Slates.

HATTY TKli I NH 1 sear.fl2 00PAII.T HIL I'M (sr:-!, o :: mil ,s -i. 1 i c.; 1000BUKPAY TRI I'M:. 1 v a-. 2 00VIKKI.V ai. '-'".»BSUI-WKEKLY iLl.iWK I year. 8 00

l:« iii-t i.s I*. O. order oi mr* ii . tteAu a, u HIL TK1BUKK.

N w-York.

Jfeto^lptk Sally Sribwu*..a*




Folih.v.11 a I.' udoa cable dispatch lo TntTmncxs -hov* « that lbe can.-.' of Ibo Bulli i.'- itib-sstaaioo traa thal Admiral Seymour bad reeeiv. Inn

Mdei to proceed te Smyrna with or willi¬wa! thc Beets "f the oilier rosser-; t'ue

Powers Lre relnctsnl to take ap ilu*

Qreefe claims, but mat beforced lo do so;Bootbisprei irina to appear a. Hemlel nLMr. Loo I i-. tb iel to visit Ik a

tl.-1. -i.-h Government in reganltolh Irish igl-lat-T- ;- still ins lived m mystery. -____ I ierc-poricl al ( icc'. ". ii t ia !'. kl

eonntry in th. rem oj tbe for. thalMaleta g. = lim Kurds !;;s detfi ive.

mere Pi rsi in viii '.es. Tbe Mex ca

incut ha- enter il into a contract for tbe col

i.f th.- mai - ii..; Vera Ci nz to Galve ton.1> »w -ri*-..1» vie. .the ..lit _-'.l counterfeiter, '.sa.

iiel-l in i. Chicago yesterday.-==-The o_>

ma' B ;. .1 .-I ll- o.'i i.;. to -'.¦;.¦-

30, $323,830 . .¦ wu u. i., .;

thc 1> ii-ul. races yesterday u re i'hora, CummieF. aud Monitor. : _= Preaidenl ll ci vosinLoaI .' . i. -, lbe a lu-

nen of th .... a I! irv ir C. deg sc-'' r-

day..-= ll :- Lc'v that 1 I -: CanalCob pani sv :: ¦

(Ts'!-." I IioiCliY l>0 Fl ITtBtN,

ired the ... n !,'¦ u I.....

¦ lied 1 ti . \'t ren

i ¦ '.-. J., and ut-. ..ti bim bj ii

mi.. . rec ) d<llI ' -'- Th< is

j.u!.! t ic lion ratified 1eal ticket. hop -

iuilv tl.___=: the Coll pre

ol tb. City helu aitbeirgal-l er. ulai U2Lj gi ina), 87.15 croft.s --tocks feverish and neraily lov c,

a'..i cloding Wi *; iii .¦ . I rib .' ervations in¬

di, ats > o | r od < w. uh* r. 1 her-n ¦ ¦,cat, [>¦> ; lowest, -i.', j

ave, ,.

VU) THE -ol TH IS SOLID FOR BANCO CKtm Valley Tirgniau, Julp 29, I

"('mindel hal Li and J,"cksou would do ¦nevi*

Ibej alive, !..-,-. t- .i liwuichtheyi >i .:: i tn uren:liertbs men nh Doored forth their lifa ti, .1 on Vinf.t-;;i'~ ¦¦:'. ii ' do ic ibai .i na.v. Re-i_ru,i>-, a up ni yuin rotedept ods tbe inc* is ol1!-,.- Democratic n.¦!..-:.".I Hw Hampton, o' 'hetneetiiu! in ,'a- J;,' - harmonp ia Vir-fiMuu. t Staunton, ,'niy *_**>. 18-t-in. n trpremium! Dsmoermts tfStaunton, tout itt tn ths

rn. I. 'll. .'f'i '-.

Vif, the uti.leiaiL'Ti id, he ird t . spe h ol dener-il\\ 't Uamptoo, deliver d in >i mu ton, on tB* :.'.'.r:tofJuly We have ah »re ul tue repert thcreol pab-Uabed in Tki Vallee Virpiniat on :'i* 29;n of J ult,an.l hereby lertify thal tba! i portwaa*!tially com 11. Ab. hibai d .;. Stoakt,

ll.' 1 'i-.t-i t v.A. C. ..i: F. Lylk.

Siaun'.ou, /"n.. Aug. 26 1880.


WAsuiaoTtiN. 1). C.,April 23, lbso. \lil ai: Sil: Your lav.u ssas duly received, 1

¦you!*! most cheerfully introduce end urgethe r>- not of u bili, anefi as -,<.n «nsaest, bm williii.*- (».-. -. ii . !».--m..i ,-.t i -. ii,..,.. BBeaalanIlilli, do uol lune iii.icn laioi*. t, has he-ton:e a n, .-; impoasi hie is', ansid. ration ol sucha billa! .i. md when eonaidered, Ita chane* ofpemamtx me House i. very rem«>te, nra- j|«.- g{ iv,.|t.«-n«r:>' m !:<» i-al lire licailol th. I'*ii-Mis>n 4Oniiiiiii*-*- lu . t-. Snasmln is siiilmer*' aitr." io i*r i. s .. ai.y --ki. !-i: !¦¦to P-UBh tl s.oii.i not lie a: ail i'.m ba ¦>, thrrfore, teal tbs lull mil ba trot tbrougb. I will. o' ti with yonr brother, ll be tbiuko there is

.nat: il J v. .¦;- il!\ Bel illtba matter. Y. ry truly, 1 !.. Bi i.tzhoovi ii.E. W. Ci amni \. ref,

E\.'I. ntiy everybody hai r«_istered. Theto*.il i. vi-ti itioi) in thi- city ii 216.974.In 1870 :t vari 183,064; In ls7'.', 167,837Bepublicana bavi uo reaaon to dread tliii*«inn iii.ins inert .i-e. It m. lins an extra Be*pnblicaB for <\.t> extra iii-mo. ratic vole.

Cooper Union wai i.. -u-^*-i la I eight with a

gr* ai throBg tbat nearly ian Um police tbeground when Ihe doon were dosed. Col* ndlagers* li's ...,,(...( li one nf hi* mo.-t btiliianfaftorte.dolid ai i cube in argoment and daa*¦ling aa a star-abower in it-* Sashes oj wil indrjoquenee, [twas a grand pies lor % Xros l>al-!ot, ho.i. st money, national boner, ami common

lanae, ai d even those who dtfteied n dal widelyfi'.m linn m mattera oi religion ind Cree thought¦were compelled to ehnowledge thc downrighthMMaQ -tm! pheao-ueaal geaini ol tt... dub.

Thc discover, of bede ol grnnioe ¦nthiaeibiin the 1 .ii Weal i* one Ol thc miimm- pi recent

Bxplontion la New-Mexii t, Bitominoni ooalie (Mr .tuon enough wee! ol ih.- Mlssisnippi, balv.-ins of true BBihra its have generally beeneoiiiiiie.l IO "wild-cat j.i.inj>'( I usi-.'' 'J'lialii,* ic are laexbanatib-i badi ol aathraeltc lei Jthc (ihl Plm-BI jaiu'e. uiiii liiaL thc coal com-


pures well with the lVnnsyhmiia deposits,is Ihrv oont'liision whii'li OM ol our slull corri--

spot.dents luis reaclcd after going over Iksground.


Our loaders uro favored this moniinp with.motlier ebaptet of Enropeaa travel bean the

prsClBMf] hiuiil of mu regular l.oudnii cone-

Bpotadont. hmrjflfBBB bang coiniirolioiisivelydivided into two lllSMS thlBWITChn hnve andthose who have not bern to Kiiropt.this tjaamjis cm iain to please everybody. TboM whohave UBBB among tho Alps will 1)!' -.'Ind tn

bear ol' the pleasures ol the journey ii- n-

(.oi'.nleil liv so nccoiiipli-hnl a traveller; |tt*MSwho have uni tined at hollie v. ill coii-olo tliein-s, hes witb the it il:clion that they haveasesped the tkoiiasnd anMyaneai tn whichfveiy tourist is subjected.General (.rant maceaan admirable witneas la

a military investigation. Thors tue no traneflnf hesitation, his manner li direct ami Ina**.Its,bia information is ont roly al his command, andIns nlf'poasesmon under a hot lire of ero*h \-

iiiiiiiLltimi ls perfect. His testimony nt IbeWarren Court, aiitrl from the fut lbs! it willnave au important bearing anon tin' Issue of s

heated controversy, ia so characteristic of theman that we hope none cf our ie,nb ri will neg-led toezamtueit. There isan intoresting pas-iago tow.nil tim close wherein he deprecatesanything Uko independent acti n on the battle-'field. He tines nd think thal suliT.ii'i itel haveuti. occasion to think for themselves and con¬

sider whether tbs cr*mmander-*in--cbief knowa! \ Inn lie is about. C. rn ("I'lint luis beenshroud since bis dsys of battle, and'bas mei ihe

'...lead's! soldiers of the age face ts face, tint bcfound in general more incise uni arbitraryin lins respect i!i:in he waa himself.


Ur. H"i:riie.s Ins aeon the torchlight proces-sinus iiiul beard tim stump rhapsodies, bat like:i loyal Englishman is unwilling io admit thalAmt it ans take any more interest in their poli-ii<s limn bis own countrymen t\> in theirs.

j "Tin.*, have anotbei nay nf showing intereai... ibai is ;il!," is hi* oft-hand comn.ent. Ccr-

lainly tbe interest shown liv the English p o; lci in tiie general elecliona ol' las! spring was a- in-tenn tm the excitement of our Presideutia' con-U'siti. While the comnarative estimate is pei-t ly jost, Mi. Hoghes will allow ns to his countrymen have bon-ownd someAmerican ith .is which have inlensified popular

Mst in their political coi lints. I'm i \-

ample, tbs system of seciel tot in ^ was intro¬duced not mani years ago, and Mr. Gladstoneboa iiiinle within a year t vo eleel on journeyawhich cloaely resemble Ameiiean This intensitj of national feeling i- a

good s;gn, on wbichevei rideol the Atlsntic itmay bs seen, lt is better foi any p oar --ive

country to bava too much than too little poli¬tics. The Btrain nf pojmlai exeitemenl loonwens oil. Tl,e (Iiiul nit ig effects ol torpor andiiKiilieictH'C are mon la ting.


Gi ml c.ii'ic'il li- u ai-lit to be angiy."i only denounces Uie Mi rey letter aa Ihe

arork .!' "ti clumsy villain who cannot ag-ell"n. write English or imitate hand writing,** bule;il!- noon tbe National Committee * to pu e... iee in tie hands af the ablest detectives al

ii liii.i: thc ras-cftl down.*' Ilia isaer-lion thal tbe lithogiaphio cop of the lettercannot fail to be pi ;t io tu cc I n t.c n \ xi ii slitbj all who are familiar with bin handwriting ia: ot an * x.-' .¦ ra ion. vi. one who rompan a

called Im-.simile with u als., uti-; letterswill ste that it is a cramped and :ii»> <d iuiitu-lien ol an easy, Bowing mid ii ,i! band. A ili; i- totally diff reut, too, fr bc-

ol au alleged letti; rom 'ii:hi (1 ill the .same ji,.))' I' nilli n few Wt'l ks

ago. Then, whatever General Garfield i*. bis< nemy will hardly ay be is illiterate,

ami doea not know how t.< Knell, Ana ii' even all this were nolnow come the Poa, iffi c ofi '

that ibe vi ry j" tctuallym.! in use at the time nllegc-1 letterw is written ! In short, fhn evid -ni o tl

thing w..s a .I '¦ tte forgcijfor political purposes ii overwhelmingly oi

elusive. Mr. Bu mini and hie associ.a cun¬

no! bavo been ignotant ol tbe reidnature ol tbe document, and mt tlin the infamy whii h attachea tonil concerned in mich an ontruge.anoutrage for which nil dei nt citizensv, ill yet hope iv) W 0 its 1 ti, .-'.-lit '.<>

the penitentiary.THE QRUh III OF I BW T BK.

There was once b favorite theory oi Hie oldTweed Ring that Broadwaj -vhs destined lo

Broadway from tbe Battery to Albany.Those of timm who took leisure enough fromthe favorite work of openingneu streets, de«spoiling public r-quarcs, devastating parks,ami masquerading generally as sn manyBaron Hsnssmanns let Iocs:- on America,to mb up their classics, talked ol it bb theAppian Way of the Metropolis. All toadswere to lead hore, and all wi re lo b branchesol' this route, noil centre in thcg^eat Metropolis of the New World, li was a

dream which Sweeny (lill Ins li-st in make s

reality. The conseajnencc, nttuined even bi roteIns full and flight) w;is the constructsa graud boulevard, stretching far toward thenortliernmost part ol tim city.Hui though it looked at one time if

butti.ess and trade and fashion would Aniontin louie laid ont for tlietn, til.- Boulevardabove tbs Park Ills already ceased to beBroadway; it ia only its " extension ".a wordgenerally used to denote lbs failure of animprovement. The march of Industryaiui Fashion bM wheeled by tberight lluik nnd points nott hw ard byFiftb-ave. Parallel lim of march throughManson and Lexington-aves. for tim divisionsol Fashion, and through Third ave. c.- thoseof Industry, clearly show thal the East bideroutes are still to be followed. Already thetwo division! contend for tbs right ol wsyand tbs righi of the line; but, to continue tuemilitary parallel, Fashion holds the advanceand Trade ballal fd ,'i blCBthing-Spell a'miittbs region ot Madison Square. Tboaewho remember the rapid growth of tbecity iii yens pa-!, bowPVeT, will hardlydispute tbs proposition that before Mr.Vanderbilt Ims moved into bis new

palace some enterprising merchant mayhave built a drv goods ha/mr on the adjoin¬ing block, li linnie ti social aenaal mi a fiyears ago when Bannon opened Ins confec¬tionery .at Tinny sixth--1. simultaneouslywiih the completion of Bb wait's magnificentresidence two bim ki below; and tanby thoughtii almost fl sacrilege for Trade thus qaickljjw follow on tbe heel ol Paabion.

Bnl th'- imisi rapid growth of New-Yorkha- mit been in ita extension ap tbe avenuesto the north. The growth of tbs lower partol the Metropolis in height has icon evenmoi startling, and is to-day more rapid andwonderful than in tbe past. Since tbe dosiof tim war the pint ol the city sJong Broad¬way and below Foil leenth-st. in iv bs .-aidto have been built three tits blah, Promtli'te itiui four Btories tbs buildinM barsgaini «u smell um! eight, and now to twelve

mid fourteen. There h:ivo been laid np >-i

tin'in layer nft.r later, strata upon struta,

niul jill, ho to speak, of different architecturalformations. The ronnajniairij ii ti aienrellouidevelopment of the city la altitude.

It jr ii development, too, winch could aoiwell he nvoi.led, any mole than the surlnce

extension northward have been. Thepeculiar confonnai ion ol tin- city.confinedtor Its mi ire Length to Barrow lim it h betweentun broad rivers.autde holli Beeeetary. Thefacilities of these rivera tor commeree will

always keep the general wholesale busb-eas oftba city in the lower districts, and sela theeeparla the *i.% cannot tfrow literally, it

growl perpendicularly. Another, tboogbit minor eenie, producing the Mini effect, lit*iu the exiiaoi.imaiy costliness .'I the land inthe business section. Thc occupation ol' thc

Barites spue only frequently repeated bjstory after st ny could maka buHdiag pay.Sonic of these developments in the last <!<.-

cade or two have been very interesting. When{he pre-cut Herald Building wa* could look down from il- roof uponevery other building below C.inal-st. Beenfrom eit'i*",- river or th" hay it stood headnnii least one story higher.thinall its fellows. To-day il ls completely shutont by ii> taller surroundinga, Tkt EveningI'o-t and Tbiuuhi Building* have double Hienumber <>l Hoon aud alnioet iwiee the -11ri.tilde ni feet ol the older publication offifcs.'lin- owneri of the land on winch the Ekjuta¬ble niul Western Union Buildings me erectt I

found th.' ground too valmblc for structures. f ordinary height, and t icy lip rally builte OStlf'l IU Hie ilir. A si'oi,- ul' Other i.'i-':lll.esui.I recall themselves to observing rcailfamiliar with the city.Thc daring sebemr^of architects, which ten

years ago excited laughter, prove to !»¦ tame

projects oompared to thoie which have sincebeen carried oil. Twelve-- tory build ngi are

constructed now where live years ago thesuggestion oi' -i\ nil seven was thought < \-

trnvugnnt. From sub-basement to the topdoor i.i actual n-e. Iii;: Tribune Bail ling,i.u iii-iniel', li:; twelve stories, one of themmole linn double Hie u-u il height, un.l the

basements are necessarily de per linn is cue-

torn; rv. Building- which in oilier cities ofthe lui ni would lc looked upon ox almostpalatial nie .very year inn doun to giveplace to highei structure*- Witness tbe demo¬lition ol' tin' line buildings which latelystool opposite Trinity chinch and nealthe Stock Exchange, and in II oadway oppo¬site the Poet Office, uiiii .v n thone as highup as Cn.on -kinara anil Twcnty-third-st.

..'¦ altitude ol' Union Square, fiiT north il

i-, Ins in!iin-t doubled i-i.i«' the Tiffany! tored. ii l'i. Che: vi r1 church to loni theiri,nM-ciit ham! omi st.ue. In lower Broadway,I lo.k uiiii block i- ion- growing in heightwith iii.- rapidity ot youth.

Till II"! N/ in. /', './,.>'.

on English exchanges come io ns full ofI'm nuis,','i,Luci.liim iin.i defence ol tbe Houseo: Lords. I' i- an incubus aiton the Nation;it i- tiie bulwark o th, Nation'ssafetyj ii is

gravelj warnedtbatit stands upon a precipiceand is daily toppling to rai ititi* -dinted torem* mber that it ie the table nndation of all

.li pro peril i. / he Ath . r in r ileclar i

th t English constituencies: -iii uk Beaven foi '

"the House of Peers'" with mueli feVvornsiicin nil m i'i!ry' . daughters; Ike Daily Newtwains it, tba! it can only en.lui. if it conduct!itaeli with discretion: //.- Thnet gravely hal*aiict s the s'ei;:'t.«t the two bouses in judicial. c iii- . and t ie to >;n notliii g, tc., .-i

All ol' w iii h mighty pother romes from Ihe,,: ls Iii. a P I ;i ll i- li', o bl

th;* Irish Chief I i ii he te*

min \ aceiili-ii ol¦' i ail that if the peer*

nge were .... enough I film nately ti ith-w iii tl [}il Hu people I, do .<.

since Vet rd Bi ac* .!-','- wal, theirsp ii .¦'¦ o waa bm a short one. Cotoinit fioma Minister of th Crown, thi ml .¦ In ni!


.,. ti which !¦ aen* received inthe House of Conic >i Bul no .n i nu

expert-*., ev. n afb ral! blot inc olho: n- sr and tin walla . t* Ho of ]tu seo il dimble i» ound like ancient.' li- v have heard th. I nt lo

I lOO I Hldlj « i''l"L' ,: -Ct, \\

nil remember the dc undi Lord Gr. ..

wheo ii.e lion-!' V:f Lord \ ht down bya threat '.t- make enough neu peera to change {

Radicals, both British rm I Cm ti-nemal, went wild wil ht then; the efletoaristocracy ol Englu .1 was coming i.. tbemound, I e Upper Hoase would he dissol <»d,dukes, earls, maiqi .* in i week oi two wouldhe plain citizens, lt ,ill comes to nothing. It,iKs,i...- (..'¦¦ come i" i...t.'iiii.'. About once inliv. ai Lin lb ase of Peers and tbe Commonsget into the name |osit:on; rerj like, tu use a

homely figure, iwo belUireront he-goats; tbeirhorn- tie locked, arc in a white beal olfury ; death, the loo'.ers-on think will eusne lie*!'oic either will budge. Tton suddenly theymildly unlock and bo peieeal li away.Thc Radical n England ia always threatening

desii^ict um .o tbe hereditary peet age; bothinks he mi ins what he says. Bnl helot u*t nu-an it. The Bvemsre Englishman inbia -"Ui 'le ul'. I'ii es a lord. Ile ls OUe ot !iisinttional i-i.: 'ra'p.cs. lin has niin ti toady,lo abuse, to knuckle down to, t-> swcai at; hecould not do with! a1 him. Of all men he is themost uncomfortable when «ith his equals; he isiis.-.i to looking down or ap. As Hod--' says ofhis wife: ''Site ba a convayoienl thin- to have"a hoot a lu a-li OT when a lie in my ps . bot"

a be m.un toiiil of 'he Idle weneb, too."

A HOI PF h. ECSUI \L.Nobody baa ever explained why tbe Preach,

win* are the gayest end wittiest people in theworld, and tbe moil ingenious in devisingnen varieties of humor, are capabl , be*yoi.dall others, <>r doing the m<>.i ridiculousthing*, without eonaciouaueRs of then- abanrd*it.. 'Ihey ha-.e ju-; buried the composei of" La I! lie II lem- willi I parade ot , ,,

monj and lamentation whi< li seems not unlikean ail ,.u» ol om of his own burlesque*. 'J'|..celebration <»l bli genius and virtui - in thepress has la.-n followed by pompons obse¬quies at the great Church of Lbe Madeleine,Distinguished artists and mueiciani fellowedthe < oiiin i<» the fool of tbe alts ;

actresses wen* into hysterics during theservice; tourists came ia throngs tosc- the show; and a choir, oom*

poi .1 ol the leading ringers at Ute opera,rendered, for thc tii-t time on an]at lt lions from tbe I ' -nil nurepnsented opera bordie of the defunct, adaptedfoi the ¦.' a :.>'i io winds of penib ace an Isupplication from tb. B rana Mis al, M.Offenbach died, as vs<- are told, isit.i th*- con.

solationi ol religion] but to tboee whoseriously reflect npon bit Mle god work it¦. ll 11- it' h. bad .juneil the habit iii bur¬lesque hen,ml In- ii.-; breath and literallyinto the vii) grui i.

[I is said, preposterous!) enough, in nis tic-lciii-c. thal though iiu night liol hu Quita

proper, bt lightened our cares at nnyrate by making us laugh; ha if laughterwere always commendable, no mal lei tte I limb at. But it is impossible to

think ol' OiTcnbach as a jovial and light-lic.ii ted minstrel, who merely traiisirresseiltim bounds of decorum now and then throughan iincoiituillable exuberance of humor and

excess of animal spirits. It is saul that Im

liegiiti hit caner M a serious musician, with

ii leven nee foi' Hie classical and romanticschools and un ambition to do somelliing in

art. He hud ii fertile and pleasant fancy,with very sundi kn .wleiL'e ol Hm science ol

composition ; BVrd his ambition, wc suspect,extended no further limn a willbafnsss tounite gund music, pro*#ided it did not

require hard study, ami, above all, pro-tided it paid. Neither ol tims.- ou-

ditiona being attainable (m lie learnedby experiment), ht tinned bia attentionto smoothing tis:'. He lind various plans for

making a lenaation, more, it must lu- con¬

fessed, like a mountebank than an artist ; andhe wits but moderately BUttetMfal until,after a euclid study ni' tin- base, licentiousami unbelieving I'.iris ol' lbs Second Empire,he ilise rered tim mily spice that could ticklethe Jaded palate of'that corrupt Bocioty.Twenty-five ve ra ago, therefore, in tin- Pas¬

sage Choisenl, i'm ninon and crowded centreof tin- life ul ilm boulevards, he opened theBonffes Parisiena for (he express purpose olsupplying indee ney, in quality and quanti¬ties to snit his customers. Ile became a

purveyor ol rile entertainment! in the Bamc

spirit id' commercial enterprise which rulesthe proprietor <>r a Bowery "dive." Ile hadhis reward. He made money and fame. Heset an example of license which brutalizedHm st ure nf at least three great countries.Hs hit no (ewer than seventy work : nearlyI'M tim clean ones were forgotten before his

death, and lu- will only in- remembered byiii!-.- in which l.e prostituted music '<> Hievies! us".; ()r tbe dramatist and the actor.There ate some faint indications in Prance

of a reaction against ike Offenbach school ni'

burlesque; in England anJ America the reac¬

tion is unmistakable, li seema io us one ofHm in,my excellences of the style ofcomic opera ndopted with roch brilliantsuccess by Messrs, Sullivan and ftdb- rt

in Eugland, and now taken up byMissis. Huck and Croft-! in America, tintit helps to wean people away Irom deeasingcutella nmenta. The time will come, wo daresay, v.l.eii respectable Lines ami gentlemenwill blush tn (hat they sat thna performance of " Genevieve de Brabant1'oe " La Vie Pai i uenm "


CHRISTI INITY /\ TH M IREET-PLACE.On last Snndaj we called attention to the

nnnsnal teadincsa shown by the greal i

couvi ntioiiB lot ly in conference to grapple n itbth ¦. prac leal que it ions nf the day. Durina mst

week the subject limn ht forward most forciblyhy those > iii n Ms-ion Las leen the kindredone o! the every-day practical wau lc wliich

tobe done by Christians, and how theybes! could do it; a mutt r wiii. li coiiei in everyrender of lin. Tbibotib, whether pi fes-edlyl in i-' :an ol ll-it.As im cv muli-. The Episcopalians tool np

Hu question ci the official cm: loyment of i

women or widowa in church wora, and iii favor in tie a, mini im-nt of DC -.-..' ¦¦

" dm v slr-.i I ". ii. .ai : cu n|** the young, the eic of tho poor sad sick, the"reclaiming ol tho fallen, and other works of"Christian cheri y.*1 rbia is, ioctl ci. n sc-

kii'iv. lt 'L-im nt ni' ibe prudii -ity intdis matter "I ile I'h h R me. who,cn i bet ei i -!s. lev t ml ;. r withinliiutis tn run lo watte. There ia

ii wa I i' v, in the p i. pugroping lives of raanj singl Prob lani women.

i hey li ive prob ibly talent, finpoi alli thal special womanlj qu brr-

-, bot ha re im n narai on .¦

SV ij should they n d, th a, ¦>¦

Church to s ime define 1 du y fhelped humanity oi not, ii v\ ni helpi -ives. The objection u ged is iny wi man

minded to <io Christs worn has I i or andnek nd children alid es not ii il io wear -.-. uni! gu .;. to goumlei oider*, to b-» dubbed Sister ot L)i aconess.All of which ia true enough. Bul thi argumentin lav "i of giving cn niiiic. titlirecogni ion tn tbe wi rk of a rn tn isince! ely the same as thal for ii ng them to

clergymen. The struggling, unsuppoitti! in-diviilnal, the Christian widoa oi ¦¦ old maid,"'becomes one ol an honorable ptofes ion; n"

l-l c -I '.' (if ICSID'C gO belele ll' .. a' ll -I; s

I e w.»ik. The very title i'ml costume rppi-nl:.. lc own imagination. She h i tho added

ii nf recognit ion from p opie mi !< !

like herself, ami the perpetual stimulus ol a

certain wrtil de corp:. It i., m abort, theili'b'ien.e between trud ring alon* a dusty bl ih-way alone and despisetl, and marching inaband vv ith music ami bannei -.

So i.ii, -si much the hattei foi the woninn.But lo; tl*-.- wauk 7 Wt believe th Bl more

Christian work wonld be done by thu kimi ol'"ii ei),it th in if the i our n ml u k and

nedy were left to Ihe s|i -:iii"li'' ami Minn-.

times half-hearb I attempta o' p ivatc Christianwomen; lor the simple retison that many wo¬

men will j.-in a istei!: iel and do good Chris¬tian work in i, w.n. outside, would do no

Christian work al all. Thej want in outlet un¬

tiled energy, executive ability, and love ofcontrol, .md they get it, in tbe hospital or asy-liim. winn- in private life it would a a te itself invehement housekeeping, gossip or meddling.All Sisters and DeoconesMs cannot be siiiiiuiulMarya; the Cnurch should find room and workfor the hail-converted, bustling, ilict.ilnii.ilMu" vii that may be feared from tli-an" temi-

ordained women is that which they maj indicton the cause of Christ. Not overy young gili,howevei sinceie, who may be drawn by ;i

disappointmeni in love, or aickly sentiment* taforsweai the world and take orders, i- lit ndi-eiaUj to n, ni ni her Master in the world'seyes, Christianity baa to ahonldoi the short-. aimil':-nt ino tn my weall and unable clergy'men ami hypi ritical profa'sore as it ia; do noti ii npon th" i .'ilise the weight of feminine in-competency and miataken rea". The sister-hoods ol thi Roman Church ar. kept undersm.: surveillance and oantrcl; the vain m

worldly or smbitious nun luis no lo dilgrace lui Mastei bj ber errors in the world'seye The heads of the Protestant Church mus!oopy their ristei also In this prctautionnry

It v.ill uni d', we sn -ge i. tn tarni. pretty iie:u(iiie.-cs io work "with b. Ut«bop*e sam tum in writing,'* if the eausi ofChrial is to l" lifted to a hight'! standard ofhumility, seal a id stein dev dum to duly.Then- is no Church, probably, which oft<

billet i x im|iic cf everyday religiou and ofil r-:i.)i, .lo.-i-ini s|,i;icicii ho markol(Iniii the quiet Moravians, aIh> recentlj rinsedoneof theil grenianniial conferences in I -iladti-lina. No sci. not etea tbs Catholic with it.

perfect system and if* s ol ct'c lien e. is as sne¬ll I mi.-sioiiary s_*ent as lins, inply be¬ll beat ii,en lu her rai.k - in Europe, the

noblo bj lurili and tim mos,! thorough in eui-

tm-", have gono out as missionaries. From tho

dljl when ZeUUBIgW aud his companions caine

to teach the Gospel to tho Iroquois to the planttog or Moravian churches within tho ArcticCircle, their record lina been that ti lotty devo¬

tion to the highest idea. The Moravian joins to

thia high leal a strict, shrewd aeanaaay laeveryday mutters. Them are no poor in the

Cbnreb, beenoM the Church, like that of thiQuaker, tenehei ererf ama to Ure within blimeans. Sim hits, for instance, her Widow'sFund, in which each nun on Biarriagfl Imys a

share for bli bride, that when he diee eha naynot be h fl pen ni less-. He is langai to dies*

limply, to eal plain food, tbat beean afford tobe geoeroni whoa occasion conies. In no fit ct

are tie children made the nttfecta ol luehesti. eial caie as in this. The Church takesthem ns BOl wards. They have thor trainingami their own lervicei all throughout the which teach tho incidents of the lifo olJeans. s<» close in ihia care, and so Inotins teaching, that the boyi and glrli are ap!not to think of theta* Ives as Americans or

Pennsylraniina, bul as Moravian Chri tums.

We draw attention to th. se little-known facts

became other denomination! may find in them,Dseful hims how to bring Christianity with ""<>¦!

. il. ct every day into tbe market-place.

Tlic j) mocrats aro wons thaadespeyte. Theyire..'./..

Non- but s Democrat would have besa ea stapida-to tote.'a Republican letter ead pul Democraticip* liing Into ii.

Mr. Watterson sa1 11 is " tariff I ir revenue only "

plank of ths Democratic platform iras adopted bytbe National Democratic Convention without adla*tenting voice. Tbe regular report ol tue Republi¬can National Convention proceedings shows I siwhen t.ic .1' clara uni in thc Republican platformtorn rfvenn whicb "should -,, rJiscnminats ss iofavor American labor " wait ra id, there was ten iralan.l hearty appian**. Tti»l ie evidence salli iool to.-j.-;, me laboring man as to whiob party is bisbetter friend.


Tbe Democrats sro procee ling on tbs rold soppo--1 r i.. 11 that the la'om hil' man is a fooL Ile would beif he were stupid enooab to bs misled by a lie tovote to ii¦¦.:.. .¦ ins own wages.

Every patriotic man ibould keep it in mind thalthe Democrats are desperate In their determinationtogel po ¦.¦!.mn of tiie Government by foul meansif they can'l bt fair ones. In tins stat ., if thor iauiiii ung I ke a close tote, efforts will be mada bydc I) -liiii"mu to throwout votes ci.mi.'i. on one

pretext or mother, to aecurt ihr state far them,lt patriotic men do their duty there will be a ina*

¦;. io o\ r helming that cheating will bc i in¬ti . ,,! .. D in'| ii- deceived beean*e the Demoi rats

are quiet. 1 tic. knosv tuat it ts uosv or n»v, r svituI icm.


Does any man of intelligence care to see in th*.Wm. e House a Buper President who thinks tbetanti'is a il. town las :>.

' I;' lie tl se bs will r.,!.soli.i < otni .ia ni toting lor ll inc ick.

ire two vi sv- io be tat,- a "f the i tte at¬tempts of the Democratic itappear thal General Garfield ta a Fiee-Trader be*

elected, without bia knowledge, sn bon*beroi the Cobden Clab, of London, and

favor oj rimina! ions in tbe interest of Chinesecsp labor by tbe forgery ol a letter. One view ia

a-to ti,i absurdity of such charges on such ba es-' one if sttc.'l f.Ur. eil Ml,ll V. i<!"l -c.\-

d opinions on thc opposite *idc of those qutiona, | c .tll.T \, ,- a. to | e -m. ii.- ¦¦ --I

:i,.; ,i rt teal tbe absolute d< -,'¦ lionor 'i.z 'i crowd wbo resort tu

ii. m ta linn! ol the campaign.

Bun liny thc IV -al.noss trying! hy forgery. Tl A!.¦",.' .-a. jot r fool ri, a

.. 'i.u a i-'.i ni Nut r 2 th.ext.

'.'. Kapi of hil I- .;> i iu

! lld . eomcid :. '1 he

" cl.- "

:.. ,s h ::.' exh Ii";

11ll, 11, J'

liss len tho »her di. .- ii vic ted

Ol .il -. otc '. ¦"¦ bl .'¦ ---i .1 '-' a Dck xii

¦!¦!,!.. a not- and

no;hu i a lund call to .['ai large that I '-¦¦



ile, ai:.I thal the set of mouv. III -.; hurl everj

'. il, and dou't you forget ;t,in s's i-i.

¦i. C il, hiu .' in 'iii!. !-,. a cilizi ii

-: tomporaiv i. In tbe letter thia its-wage ... u;.r "In t,ns

il ig with 'Il ringing i" \ii the main atr. l

not An fliii p itriofic men ol the Noitbdo tu ir duty, they will bo thoroughly "licked 'inNov. mber.Hamnm nould pul Den Kearney on the atump

al "nc. I'ii it is ab »ul thi onl. blundi r whi h n .

mains tor aim to commit.

1 hs Di mocratlc Not. Committee have put ouicirculars coataii mg a printed copy :'f tbe foraedlet ter on Cbiuese labor, and in thi* they have pru-dentl) corrected the iniis]>elling of the bogus ta

-. [lanium ha- been consulting a spelling*Bul docs h- expect the American pa bli t tuthat Geucral Garfield doesu'l know how to

spell I_

PEKSONAL.'tr. Hnebes returns to Ne* fork next

Thiii sila. and will sail tor homo on November U,I h" ex Rmpress Eogi nit .iocs not nke pom - 'or

ol pew home, Panboroagb Hill, fifteen min'snoni Windsor, heron January. Bbs will spend tbeholt.lays in tbe Isle .. Wight.General Garfield on Wednesday last v;site.l his

fellow-townsmnn, David Grey, on bia hundredthbirthday anniversary. Biz of the centeneight children, twenty-two grandchildren, tbirty*eight great-gran children, ami cnn»groat*grandchild were among tbe guests, A fi er QeoeralGarfield bad taki n h av. ol him, be said to a corr-stKindenl ol Tkt Cleveland Uernld: "I \ot-.i forI lloma* J.-IT-1., I have sen main goodPresidents, hut none who siill mtv, ls c..un¬its better than Mr. Garfield, lie ia a greet man,ami 1 fe. ul.iii ss nen 1 think tint my hut ballot ss iiile C i-t lol Illili.''

I'he death ol tbe Maharajah of Jeypore ii men¬tioned as a misfortune for all native India. Thsape* lally of tho Maharajah '.a- t bal he via* a l'liueewho improved his dominions with at ceasing to bea ii. i, vc Ile governed well, with justice sud lenity,but he governed ss a natits Prince doe by decreean ui inagemenl of men, aud nol Maa British Com*

. a ' 11, ts iitakitiif hil rule tn native eyesa alive. He was always improving Jevpore, hut

he l.-ti it a native city ss separate as Benares, io.-lead oi turn,tn.' it into w Imitation Tar s, ll-1 en*couraged schools, bul (ney were the cheap, nativebedge-scbools | and though to liked Europeans, heh' pl al. i from il.cir of life, lie looked, withhu keen, Ibm lac, spectacles, like a dark,worn-out German profe-isor; bul be ss...-, a groatn inn- l'i in .-. novel in-less, svttti a hn;h louse wi I.isown place am mg Undi

Mr. Dudler, Buck, writes Mr. Croflur, tbs nu-

thorof the libretto of " D *eret,"isan ont-and-oulYaukee in speech and demeanoi He ls noa forty-one years old, and was born in Hartford, llciis.sIn Brooklyn, sod los bouse,* sort ol may bird'sl. t, atands directly on the bank of the Hast River,bighabove Wall Btreel Ferry, overlooking tbe bayfoi miles. His psrlor, sitting-room snd dining-roomalt) ali on Hie imi side and las -Iuds is on tho thirdth.. ii a In. vc, coin ii a,m. 11 ii a una of ne most uictUI-SOOtviews to be obtained i.. the world, l ii* r,-1 have., ii him engaged in dreaming out tbe meas¬ures of soma melody. At ins right, as be sile altallie, id a liiic niaie, a violin ia in Hie ooru.u an. --

H"t. liea, may lw, on a chair within reach. I t»knhim one dav m wnat manner he cornposerl. " j f^TJova r lbs words that are lo he matched," he *.,n| 2?rliink over the idea fo he SSatSfsd, and thea irr-w*,!.silt the music come*, and I hear it in rrv In-ajj"When I am in choral composition. I can rtftea lia_.all tba liif*erutrients of au orchestra amping awa.7each in its place,** '

Wtsmviiiov, Oct. 2.1...Secretary Thompaos liftal 10:1111 o'clock this morning for Indians, when _Will until alter the election. *


Tho cnn-um pt ion of muir* and bor 'lenh katcadllv Iik it ,'t»l.'.-r in ftBBCe, Tit* wc.,-. ,, n_tn ai 171.Lt "fl t" mi' a ;:i I-LU to 1,9S_.C'**0 f" '-:.«la la1870. lu bs BttaeJ] loft.e pr ..¦.ires tin. ^Hiiiiii'iloii nf liorai llcsii may th) ronald*-red t" hnvr f..r..Iskra root. Tim ate-***-** jirlce nf lion.? ru at l-fro-aalo 85 orate per pouod. Bach BM 'Uta-*liiiiulrcdwcjirlit of ni'-ii', VTiiiet) I*rap-ablS ot la:r,_ -,|i -iri-.i iii many vt va, -ii li a* jtatavjeu, i,. ,,.., ., _,ba bsd, li ii-.)'. |n -. -'i, Bllst, Bte. ~"*

Tba net receipbi b»r the forty ii(-rf(.r'-i-tnr*»jajnf the niiriieri'iii Pallion P ., were fY_o,0Ml*Bflsn pst fat aaasi tx wore stteaSSd by no ?"a.rt-iaai175,0 Bj | aisoaa, Inetadlag lbs gina and >i -.- -n a War.

iiioiir--. Hi'-l'i inc* liu;>cr.,-(l (f flerniuiiv, 'Le «;r_w-'¦ruins of Kassi i, and otto ri ol *._.

pr di h ivp bess dlr I ls I Into tour psi ta, ,:, <|itr «¦tc thu BHKtc for rtir ( xx* :¦..* i' tic ".'i-' n< ii. _ mf

iii.- tiicitre. a *-( cud Leliii','lliiUe-! m inch in untiitaol the tillsss ss sr* icu- I i rfar fops*

ia toni Iii tn tit'- itti'l -'ii ,m.cii' of carving aud d awinc. Jo-i ii -. ..-r, -_,IPI- i tue role ol < br-lat, iceiti d lin -. ."., ._.DOO "tin i' ia ron- en.-.i-' i nt lbs ;! .

I'M tl -.

Tho wife nf Qeaeral Albert8. Jobi iton, itlljc co ir.-c ot ii rec.-ai ri i i v.. -.'. r of rsiSan Qhbt les fi . loo tai Ber lui

tild, AA'Jl" Il l-l .-om ll) ill.! of tte- .''

icu, in tlic iprins ol 1881. sod before ht ,

res!*.attos ai '¦ k .vs, ... | ins traniio'i* t'lof wit-I the Boothera mea tben rest u. di m*,XNtat to esrry Csllfsrnis Into tba I. b l.'ion, sbcaafithal darius the winier of 1860-81 ii" vt.

tress ol Blina sll Um Ufae. El Bred hit fut*-, l m,ind iras nie.ttiy BartevBd by the seeessloa di ,.

news from the Soot., He would walk tbe fluiud p.'uv cl Ilia! bia cn.mire vv tal I tte apo di, ,.orr'.f|)i civil tra:', ll- wat -¦:.,.! v- o' bia di mitha

illly of barta* to Btht hisown astir-* IVxaaiBsfli ni a lin; .1 ir.-, (jv r ¦' ri v..

zpriined bli stesdlssi parpossto do hutb U ited States so long ss hs wsssn offl ¦- i tantiii rrsisostlsawns seeepted sad f".

w.iru inid iie u.iid un bia mind thal i"- bu issi iilui. - Avj-ii bia "-vu people lt wa* BetoetilT'-sissaceded tb.tbe fell thal ihe rrtna badi ,

ititi ill bfl ''i .. t * le.W . a

ti iii.- -i vee aay loaf -." ' I

tore i-ri." '.pla!. M:.*. Jo .t is I - nt Berasomsn, jroa hoew. Bs resisnsd "i Bpi IO,..a -.imiier arriv.l he eoa April35. Tai i.

e v id bill i st i u .ii IT vv is :, oi- . .tiru- a rv j- .' ion !; -in,- .i to Ale

Il: dil it it ta . -ii_r anio i I .'

.-, then Oetsraor nf the st tte. Whilel' sosa of li- ie-i uti u j, _ ae tn Lo|

vii:, le-. Maa) v. inc bi mra ¦ un bij t

:. Kl 'es iu_ tlioir af d -air- to-oin. .'.mil of rh -in Bs kbre tbi bi

¦ ir i-i illfornl i, a> BothJas re beij i..m. il: iii ioobbI f mei . setae el sIvU ¦¦.¦.

itii'hai ¦.¦. it vtoni I be neutor. 1 ti Hov thal Ocneral -loni

a ..) |i vi at wi ii " .

cid ii- ¦*¦-. esaui: a."., wno :, .d bi u -.¦¦

ll r. tl :.. .ii" .-.-':. -,

,v it in \ ii ¦. ;. be ,. ini v. r ii .-a n i. ,,j, .it

., ...

;. c li... -.


Tub Repextaxt llow, . Ar hmi





Mt a frc*" 'i

,:, i tl.I bett I Inn,tl. e., ¦;

,'. Ill "


a.Ill-lie- ,. || ll)S-U, tS

: ito I IV lie

don " bi oi . -*

.- v ii ii .> .; ¦. 1 -i rrVqiiuan . ; fie Cor nnli tsM

-i I. t: tuairi'-iii il saved bun islli:.* vvav vv.t,-I :.:i I ni..-., pt rrl'l IIm a iib intti :!¦. material for oi,i to no >. roi 'l 'iv ai-- ... thing* Prrj

-i a tim i;,.'i iK.-v .iii then, a.'...ti. fiieir v, .iiisi-al ..i.i,:-, tile tl ip

I? . I, .ii!jurs, and<: ..,.-.-.i

al Ga.

M. b.WAN's Ktii.'i.t:..M. Ronan Isa uniqsapi r-t-i;..: ty. I) du are ti d in .,,!..i

.... ties, tri itali ki i"iten*iv( *

Hui . VIA ldImssiostioii t*orrr st wtrk abspi K<b< ci

into su artistic whole, .'lie picture t* *or.,'. i it ons aaoirytwba ooiop lied :" recflsn*a*tBShu t thal it is tine i.-.ttur t teuurr* aol le bistorj nra

il ... tbi t' tc I.-t 'un * ba* dee¦ .:. >eit ii widell Inn ¦ i -at H ora on l ,.c " Di Ut!ni of Cir'!-i'ami v " iud produi«.! .ni oui mind*, tbalbaa accorpplianru to ttist work, be ba* lefltue s c.n pr a.'. ni bo na I

- I a-atci D fol ,, r v .Unbeen bronchi Into elco contact, and i! is i« .¦

throe into greater iir.. ouaeoce be eau atisiialill'c o' M. U. .i..n's 1. ..¦! ,.

.. cn, ,:,,'. rn :- I-, oilbap. i; .a niton would, tn bli case, uTect la ti <r''athan if the c cc anth sluosl snj otbei vrttea -1 .tputa-tioii. I i I. Sp tutor,

tit Mu. Black's Lab. Novel..Two othsth n i.: ra art, o rii.iii-, Slr, H k'.-.,

sn -ui Bely, Mi. B_cl.toro aud Hr. iJ.or^aBtu lo,,I,I; bU| Vt'll.l- ll V .lill .1. UJU1tS Ilive bim tbe pulin foi deacrtptios ori

I ¦¦ l 'ii -ina-: lois .li I '..-

illnstina ibe landseaps to Uie Birure*. Iire often mere *i*-*-ctatora at a d'ors-in ; tb nflI'liuiitt.¦:: is .-a i: ,: liefura ru witb a ll-id 'a lilia, vv I'., . bto ic if. md lo ... -ania!*ibeir, w::cii i* in,- iruci mnbod, becauisMlun::an ii_'uic ia tbs bl*rhfJ*t tblns In liter- ) ..s wi at

lu plaarlo H pictoIISJ ur-'. And .nan., lt I*. Wii tn. di-v mistake to na for th ii.-m*

fourth tims lim set of cha ¦. iaocblleserved iu ia in Tne i»tra gt v-e. l

l'ii u ton." (' .. u i : ra tin*

III !.! kl -I I bOI I:-, ll -Vc '', .' '

a:, ii s ,i - -tod ,i turtbei re.itlt il.hi iit»t,fi-,.-ne t..: .-. .| ni,- owler frost tin u-1allon, iu i_m *.

li.*.lUs lo ...isi).. I 'li..t i- _ _ii:i, tn,

.a- ii, l's :.. in Lai,ii ,d i, ., vv,:.-'- ,. Jni uni!, on es hal of s t ind ij .."1*In ii netty aa i ki i. tins lusBion..[11 a Act-.- i.o.

Ciuui.r.3 KotQaXki'ti Moral '. ..rcsi:.-I'ii.alls Klatrslev i, .a.. I lilli tun . a-''*|..'l,'i.. ac expre**tti lt" ttl >U td a Hlldm. i.dt tm lu mi-ti. more truij sud t v . a ¦> vi

bia COnl lui- lain- lt. la |> cl, -|.fL'lil-ai" .uici.iii, n .ii ic leuce, laidiury rtfoi ur, ami ia

i In uk n i; ol un ii ne >..' iii s- ,,|.- . v..-'. 'v ;"rt*|him ID tile other*, tm I-!-... viLi" len ¦.ni .. - ll**tlc- ii in-. .n .;;..: (i-i niri"''.i ut I lui -a va*B cliliri lil'l in Slid S ('LT. ei'l.ili, li .' av "v !...c- ilenna process, but to ibe ttuc-i-oiie ;

v..i* ll:i- vv; <,tv.' lulu rt annul,'. ir '1 I '-'iai*which waa tbs l»ssli ol sll > -;,,f*bia vv-niue-, mic eii.ii-.u ii i: in- nu i I,, ... :u *."*

which .Uaw uu ii an lue ti:..- .¦"'_pered, of roeras, by pralae ol di-Binaiit' .".t aiu»"Jpower wbteU no oi Ai'ctiriiin-: io I *" *,'it-iiicd c.meii* ol 'iiti. -in. i i.e., said a ;i - 1***htlouM in li VV"|I. ,¦! ,,;[, em ;. |,|noturns, t.'i'lii" ..(>iiii: k. "in ilmpl)1ii.itnic, si a photom apb. wlii di ctn tout .' ''""JJ

inn* umtetiles ti c *l.«'le. .¦JBpOll* lt aa .i Work Ol nit. such wa* ibe i-i n jal-ni'* *J

-. Mo doubt thia la t ie. I'hei !i n.t. ks wini a ,. um pi,' , I

ruell. Illili) ¦'.I a' low finn ol'. ii I'''''1*hjiiii, sud n-iirictmit oeuturj m..,iisi or, nen* o! (ut

'l'licl..ll I. "v. ll el pu d .' "Bl V'1*.aunt -iiiiici be |-.inn lin ki all willi Unit wc. i"**

penni lc*.mu n vr> picture tin leiathct-li »i li.ul'**?(if tbe |!l soil .ll. lill- leo! I'tl ll.:* .' llJM".*--«oi tbs srti»t and the poet. 1 un tn uk m '''¦¦'_i ls, eran sssniuint (what I neither wanui no

Cut icy Mille: .i* vvoi ks of mt. |.i .it, dil! iii»a*

eat atm of auen Imoss nm ie. bo to ilettsbt ssJin n'- tut.tb ci-, bm t.- touch taetr hem. .' ¦s,t'"

In inn. v. ia *i ni is a -ii ...1 latter Ibunuii) of hu evleii.j.oi.irii'* ..¦ l'ii" 'i -' 1 act uv, .md (.<". ** ii .1 in Ins mstelit' s* i-lioi.,-,! ,) ii. in,-re ilinn l -*' .

rv a.- lt v ,n niola- lev alu acaitow lt dj:. .'. 'ila ¦.ni'icai.cLill 1 1.1 .' I *l|tl HlK ll vvhclllfl nil)' houli i,f I link I'.1'

cvci v. ion- noni ^ lin.-: IBS 'U"t I.leB lue ll or ,",|lJ'

no itv ut nott c..tu i.e .ni I rcMViUal '.". '*-* 'j^JJ!.. I'lui. le* Kiiumcv, ojrslti ami .i.'.iUi. a n iv- tai fy,.wnic. iBe wno rai'ctulij ti«w--i'ieU nu ui .""'*,"''*..,_.Iniii lias niven asm tin: inuuiaflMBSi un lue..I ino-.'

ii.m.i- a ai Cititiiiusu.