St. Bernadette · 01/11/2020  · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,...

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Transcript of St. Bernadette · 01/11/2020  · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,...

April 15, 2018

St. Bernadette

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16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

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November 1, 2020

16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

St. Bernadette

Parish Staff

Pastor……………………………………….Fr. Don Kline, V.F.

Associate Pastor……………………...………...Fr. Paul Avarez

Deacons………….……………....Al Homiski & Frank Nevarez

Parish Administrator…..……..…..….……..Deacon Al Homiski

School Principal……..……………...…………….Preston Colao

Director of Sacred Music………….………..…...Brina Ziemann

Director of CGS……………………..……......Mindy Longwell

CGS Catechist ………..………………….…Brittany Rodriguez

Faith Formation Facilitator…………….………..Diane Flitcroft

Finance Director…………………..…...……..Margaret Colwell

Accounting Managers…….....Paula LoPresti & Helen Romano

Facilities Manager…….………….…..…Deacon Frank Nevarez

Facilities Supervisor………..…………..………...Leticia Garcia

Facilities Team…………....……...Rosa Alvarado, Bertha Ortiz,

………………...……....................Reyes Perez & Ruth Zamora

Parish Secretary………………….………...……....Mitzi Palma

Director of Volunteers………….……………...Shirley Smalley

Ministry Services Facilitator……………………Diane Flitcroft

High School (LIFE TEEN) & Young Adult Minister…………..

…………………………………………………...Sammie Carel

Middle School Minister (EDGE)………….….Julia McDonald



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Holy Day


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First Friday (September through May)



Adoration Chapel

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Healing Rosary





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Anointing of the Sick

Call the Parish Office 480-905-0221


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Parish Office Hours

M-Th: 8 AM - 12 Noon; 1 PM - 5 PM

Friday: 8 AM—1 PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Parish Mission Statement

We exist as a Eucharistic

community to celebrate, proclaim,

and live the Gospel of Jesus

Christ in Word and Sacrament

for the Glory of God.


Parish School:

Saint John XXIII

Catholic School Community

16235 N. 60th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0939 Fax: 480-905-0955


Office Hours:

Monday—Friday 7 AM to 3:30 PM

Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament

(Part I of V)

Dear Family,

Peace and Joy in Our Lord Jesus!

The Solemnity of All Saints can inspire us to become who God has created us to be, namely, saints. As I

get to know the holy men and women who are now Saints in heaven, I am inspired by their heroic lives.

How did these ordinary people end up living such extraordinary lives? One thing we can point to is their

love for Our Lord… a love often fostered by spending time in His Real Presence in Eucharist Adoration.

Don’t take my word for it. Here is what some of the Saints have said about Eucharistic Adoration.

• “In one day, the Eucharist will make you produce more for the glory of God than a whole lifetime without

it.” — St. Peter Julian Eymard

• “We should consider those moments spent before the Blessed Sacrament as the happiest of our lives.”

— St. John Vianney

• “Every time we look at the Blessed Sacrament our place in heaven is raised forever.” — St. Gertrude

• “The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.” — Archbishop Fulton Sheen

• “A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent communing with Jesus in the

Blessed Sacrament.” — St. Padre Pio

• “The Eucharist is that love which surpasses all loves in Heaven and on earth.” – St. Bernard

• “I encourage Christians to visit Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament, for we are all called to abide in the

presence of God.” — Blessed John Paul II

• “Nowhere does Jesus hear our prayers more readily than in the Blessed Sacrament.”

— Blessed Henry Susson

• “In the presence of Jesus in the Holy Sacrament we ought to be like the Blessed in Heaven before the Divine

Essence.” — St Teresa of Avila

• “Any time spent before the Eucharistic presence, be it long or short is the best-spent time of our lives.”

— St. Catherine of Genoa

• “In the Eucharist is all the power that created the universe and all the love that redeemed it!”

— Msgr. Franklin Hurd

• “My greatest happiness is to be before the Blessed Sacrament, where my heart is, as it were, in its center.”

— St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

• “In the Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration we meet the merciful love of God that passes through the Heart

of Jesus Christ.” — Blessed John Paul II

As we prepare to open the St. Bernadette Perpetual Adoration Chapel, I am going to spend some time over the next several weeks

sharing the incredible blessing perpetual adoration can be for our parish community, our families, and for our adorers. It is my hope

that many people will be inspired to become a committed adorer of Our Eucharist King.

To begin perpetual adoration, we will need at least 336 committed adorers. Why do we need 336 people? For exposition of the Most

Blessed Sacrament to happen, we need at least 2 people for each available hour of a 24-hour week. These committed adorers will then

be praying for our parish, offering words of gratitude, bringing petitions, glorifying God and enabling a multitude of graces to be

showered upon us all for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

To be continued…

God Bless,

Fr. Don Kline, V.F.





Misguided zeal and pride

Jesus warned the scribes and Pharisees, the

teachers and rulers of Israel, to teach and

serve their people with humility and sincerity

rather than with pride and self-seeking

privileges and honor. They went to great

lengths to draw attention to their religious

status and practices. In a way, they wanted to be good

models of observant Jews. "See how well we observe all

the ritual rules and regulations of our religion!" In their

misguided zeal for religion they sought recognition and

honor for themselves rather than for God. They made the

practice of their faith a burden rather than a joy for the

people they were supposed to serve.

True respect for God inclines us to humble ourselves and

to submit to his wisdom and guidance. We cannot be

taught by God unless we first learn to listen to his word and

then obey his instruction.

One Father and Teacher

Was Jesus against calling anyone a rabbi, the Jewish title

for a teacher of God's word (Matthew 23:7-8), or

a father? The law of Moses in Scripture specifically

instructed all fathers to be teachers and instructors for their

children to help them understand and obey God's

instructions (Deuteronomy 6:7)? Why did Jesus rebuke the

scribes and Pharisees, the religious authorities of the

Jewish people, in the presence of his disciples? Jesus

wanted to warn both his own disciples and the religious

leaders about the temptation to seek honors and titles that

draw attention to ourselves in place of God and his word.

Pride tempts us to put ourselves first above others.

The Scriptures give ample warning about the danger of self

-seeking pride: Pride goes before destruction, and a

haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). God opposes

the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6;

Proverbs 3:24).

Origen (185-254 AD), an early Christian teacher and bible

scholar, reminds those who teach and lead to remember

that they are first and foremost "disciples" and "servants"

who sit at the feet of their Master and Teacher the Lord

Jesus Christ:

"You have one teacher, and you are all brothers to

each other...Whoever ministers with the divine word does

not put himself forward to be called teacher, for he knows

that when he performs well it is Christ who is within him. He

should only call himself servant according to the command

of Christ, saying, “Whoever is greater among you, let him

be the servant of all."

True humility

Respect for God and for his ways inclines

us to humility and to simplicity of heart - the

willing readiness to seek the one true good

who is God himself. What is the nature of

true humility and why should we embrace it

as essential for our lives? We can easily

mistake humility as something demeaning or harmful to our

sense of well-being and feeling good about ourselves. True

humility is not feeling bad about yourself, or having a low

opinion of yourself, or thinking of yourself as inferior to all

others. True humility frees us from preoccupation with

ourselves, whereas a low self-opinion tends to focus our

attention on ourselves. Humility is truth in self-

understanding and truth in action. Viewing ourselves

honestly, with sober judgment, means seeing ourselves the

way God sees us (Psalm 139:1-4).

A humble person makes a realistic assessment of oneself

without illusion or pretense to be something one is not. A

truly humble person regards oneself neither smaller nor

larger than one truly is. True humility frees us to be

ourselves as God regards us and to avoid falling into

despair and pride. A humble person does not want to wear

a mask or put on a facade in order to look good to others.

Such a person is not swayed by accidentals, such as fame,

reputation, success, or failure. Do you know the joy of

Christ-like humility and simplicity of heart?

Humility is the queen or foundation of all the other virtues

because it enables us to see and judge correctly, the way

God sees. Humility helps us to be teachable so we can

acquire true knowledge, wisdom, and an honest view of

reality. It directs our energy, zeal, and will to give ourselves

to something greater than ourselves. Humility frees us to

love and serve others willingly and selflessly, for their own

sake, rather than for our own. Paul the Apostle gives us the

greatest example and model of humility in the person of

Jesus Christ, who emptied himself, taking the form of a

servant, and... who humbled himself and became obedient

unto death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:7-8). Do

you want to be a servant as Jesus loved and served

others? The Lord Jesus gives us his heart - the heart of a

servant who seeks the good of others and puts their

interests first in his care and concern for them.

Lord Jesus, you became a servant for my sake to set me

free from the tyranny of selfish pride and self-concern.

Teach me to be humble as you are humble and to love

others generously with selfless service and kindness.

Gospel Reflection




from your provident hand we have received

our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of

happiness. You have called us as your people

and given us the right and the duty to worship

you, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus

Christ. Through the power and working of

your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our

faith in the midst of the world, bringing the

light and the saving truth of the Gospel to

every corner of society.

We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the

gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of

mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms

when they are threatened; give us courage in

making our voices heard on behalf of the

rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of

faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all

your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in

the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every

danger overcome— for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and

all who come after us— this great land will always be “one nation, under

God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We ask this through

Christ our Lord. Amen

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Each of us has positive symbols and memories that touch our hearts and minds in unique and special ways. For

many, St. Bernadette is one of those memories and/or anchor symbols. As you drive down the freeway or our

neighborhood streets, the steeple of our Church and the chimes that ring out through the day are a clear sign of

God’s presence and the faith of our community. Amid a backdrop of negative voices, the spirit and determination

of our parishioners serve as a beacon of light and a sign of hope. Because of the generous sacrificial offerings of

many parishioners, we began our fiscal year strong and vibrant. Over the past few months, we have adapted but

we have not changed the character of our parish, our spirit, our determination, and our commitment to love and

serve God and one another.

It is important for us to remember that, although some things at the close of the fiscal year looked a little different,

our parish has continued to grow and flourish. The accomplishments of the past year are truly remarkable and

proof of what can happen when we cooperate with God and His plan. We have a strong foundation and an

unwavering commitment to growing in holiness, deepening our devotion to the Eucharist, offering the holy

sacrifice of the Mass on a regular basis, providing Confessions daily, welcoming the stranger, and helping those

in need. Over the past year, your generosity and faithful financial support of our parish has allowed us to maintain

our current staffing levels, to offer strong catechetical and faith formation programs, to provide a vibrant in-person

and online Catholic faith-based school program, to keep our community outreach programs open, and to continue

our ministries, all while implementing the necessary COVID protocols, adjustments, and protections.

Each June, our Parish closes its fiscal year and we begin working on the Annual Report that is submitted to our

Finance Council, to the Parish and the Diocese. Our report highlights many of the amazing things that we have

collectively accomplished. A few are listed below.

Over the past year we have:

• Welcomed 195 new families bringing our membership to over 1,800 parishioners.

• Celebrated 18 funeral/memorial masses, 17 infant baptisms, completed Sacraments of Initiation for 88 adults,

teens & youth, and 12 weddings.

• Increased online giving by 37% to 40% of the regular and special donations.

• Decreased the mortgage principle from 1.27M to $192K (current debt) and a 51% decrease in related

interest payments.

• Achieved Capital Improvements that include a new Tabernacle with Altar candles, new school playgrounds,

access system upgrade for the Adoration chapel, and created an onsite Community Police substation.

God’s grace has taken us this far and will sustain us in the months and years ahead. Suffering and trial have

redemptive meaning that leads to hope and hope gives rise to resilience and a deeper level of faith. Your

faithfulness, fidelity and your commitment to live out the Gospel makes a difference and provides a foundation for

evangelization and growth in holiness. You are a sign of the living presence of God and we joyfully acknowledge

all that has been achieved and all that is yet to come. Join us as we celebrate our blessings and vision of God’s

plan for our continued growth and faithfulness.

In Christ,

Deacon Al Homiski






Saturday, October 31 5:00 PM Kari & Marcus Bryant

Sunday, November 1 8:00 AM �Gregory Mohr

10:00 AM St. Bernadette

5:00 PM Pepper Markovich

Monday, November 2 6:30 AM �Col. Edgar Burce

8:30 AM �Lorraine Christini

Tuesday, November 3 6:30 AM Charlie & Ella Mae

8:30 AM �Alfred Homiski, Sr.

Wednesday, November 4 6:30 AM Jim & Karen Birdick

8:30 AM �Byron Johnson

Thursday, November 5 6:30 AM �Adela Vielma

8:30 AM The Burks Family

Friday, November 6 6:30 AM Michael J. Smiley

8:30 AM Deacon Al Homiski

Saturday, November 7 8:30 AM Jimmy Birdick

5:00 PM The Schipansky Family

Sunday, November 8 8:00 AM The Filipe & DeSousa Families

10:00 AM St. Bernadette

5:00 PM Dan King



“Be Not Afraid, I Go Before You Always.”

Readings for the


Indeed, the word of God is living and

effective, sharper than any two-edged

sword, penetrating even between

soul and spirit, joints and marrow,

and able to discern reflections and

thoughts of the heart.” — Hebrews


Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/Ps 24:1b-4b, 5-6/1 Jn 3:1-3/

Mt 5:1-12a

Monday: Wis 3:1-9/Ps 23:1-6/Rom 5:5-11/Jn 6:37-40

Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11/Ps 22:26b-32/Lk 14:15-24

Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Lk 14:25-33

Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a/Ps 105:2-7/Lk 15:1-10

Friday: Phil 3:17—4:1/Ps 122:1-5/Lk 16:1-8

Saturday: Phil 4:10-19/Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9/Lk 16:9-15

Next Sunday: Wis 6:12-16/Ps 63:2-8/1 Thes 4:13-18/

Mt 25:1-1

From the Admissions Office:

We are currently accepting applications for admission! If you are

interested in receiving an extensive look at our school, please

contact our Director of Admissions, Leticia Albright, at or 480-905-0939 to schedule a

personalized and Covid-friendly tour of our campus! We host

tours daily from 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. where you will have the

opportunity to meet our devoted faculty and staff while getting an

inside look of our community! For more information, visit our


Calling All Alumni! Are you an Alumnus or Alumna

of Saint/Pope John XXIII? Do you know someone

who is? We want to hear from all of our alumni to see

where they are, what they’re up to, what they’ve

accomplished and so much more!

Email or call Development Director, Marissa Heinley at

mheinley@ or (480) 905-4424 so that she can

update your Saint John faculty and staff with all of your

accomplishments. We are so proud of each and every one of our

alumni and hope to hear from you soon! May God Bless You!




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With joyful hearts we welcome our parish’s newly

baptized infants into God’s family:

Lunabella Fulp — baptized in Christ on September 5th

Peter Anderson — baptized in Christ on October 3rd

SVdP Fall Food Drive

Bags will be distributed on

Saturday/Sunday November 7


& 8


Food will be collected

Saturday/Sunday November 14


& 15



11/7 & 11/8 — Bags will be on tables outside of mass.

Please pick one. Bags will also be available in the

Parish Office.

11/14 & 11/15—Food must be dropped off in front of

the School gym and will be sorted and boxed in our

outdoor Ramada. Food will not be accepted outside

the Church or in the parking lot. Please drive to the

gym by the south entrance to the parking lot.

Some Parish volunteers are needed

to help collect and sort the donations.

Contact the Parish office for the signup genius link.

“The generous will be blessed, for

they share their food with the

poor.” Proverbs 22:9

Please give generously from

your heart to your neighbors

in need. Thank you for your

ongoing support.

“When I was





10:00 AM



Eucharistic Adoration Donna Homiski 602-738-6429

Friday Night Healing Rosary 480-905-0221


Boy Scouts Tim Whitney 602-403-4121

Knights of Columbus Martin Perez 602-404-4095

Sociable Seniors Shirley Teed 602-996-6151


Finance Council Mike Smalley 602-799-2256

Parish Council Don Tellis 602-370-3271


Sunday Donuts Volunteer Office 480-905-0221


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Mindy Longwell 480-905-0221

RCIA Shirley Smalley 480-905-0221

Infant Baptism Shirley Smalley 480-905-0221

Marriage Prep Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221


Annulments Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221

Funerals Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Funeral Hospitality Carol Flood 602-953-3625

Ministers of Care - Mayo Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Ministers of Care - Homebound Bill Walsh 480-236-6515


Altar Linens Donna Casillas 602-577-4326

Altar Servers Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221

Art & Environment Chita Dilema 480-797-0145

Eucharist Ministers Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Greeters Tom Horst 602-790-6414

Lectors Jon Altmann 602-765-4588

Sacristans Mike Smalley 602-799-2256

Ushers Bill Leicht 602-788-8254


Culture of Life Margaret Hinski 480-905-0221

Cursillo Kathy Andrzejczak 480-515-9696

St. Vincent de Paul Help Line 480-905-4439

Meals for Families in Crisis Rachel Bears 602-402-0220

& New Moms


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Mindy Longwell 480-905-0221

Life Teen Sammie Carel 480-905-0221

EDGE Julia McDonald 480-905-0221

Men’s Bible Study Brian Weber 602-295-6033

Women’s Bible Study (Info only) Parish Office 480-905-0221


This Week at St. Bernadette

Mass Monday through Friday mornings at 6:30 & 8::30 AM

Saturday mornings at 8:30 AM

Daily Confessions before daily mass 8:00 —8:25 AM

















LITURGY: 8 AM, 10 AM, 5 PM In the Church

6:00 PM LIFETEEN In the Hall

7:00 PM Boy Scouts In the Gym

7:00 PM Into the Breach In Room 5

9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study In Room 5

9:15 AM Election Day Adoration In the Church

4:00 PM CGS In Rms. 1,2,3,7

4:00 PM LIFETEEN Bible Study In Chapel

6:00 PM CGS In Rms. 1,2,3,7

7:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul meeting In Room 5

4:00 CGS In Rms. 1,2,3,7

6:00 CGS In Rms. 1,2,3, 7

6:00 EDGE In the Hall

6:30 PM RCIA In School Library

6:30 PM KofC Officers’ meeting In Gym

6:00 AM That Man Is You In Conference Room

9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study In Room 5

7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study In Room 5

6:30 PM Friday Night Healing Rosary Online

LITURGY: 5 PM In the Church

LITURGY: 8 AM, 10 AM, 5 PM In the Church

6:00 PM LIFETEEN In the Hall

Friday Night

Healing Rosary

every Friday in Church &

on Zoom at 6:30 PM

Please use meeting ID

674 186 578;

password Rosary and the link below:


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Sandra Simon

6 0 2 . 8 8 2 . 8 0 3 8


S T . B E R N A D E T T E P A R I S H I O N E R S& S T . J O H N X X I I I F A M I L Y  

S C O T T S D A L E N A T I V E & V A L L E Y R E L O C A T I O N


15% of My Commission

from a Parishioner

Closing will be donated

back to St. Bernadette.

Sandra Simon

6 0 2 . 8 8 2 . 8 0 3 8


S T . B E R N A D E T T E P A R I S H I O N E R S& S T . J O H N X X I I I F A M I L Y  

S C O T T S D A L E N A T I V E & V A L L E Y R E L O C A T I O N


15% of My Commission

from a Parishioner

Closing will be donated

back to St. Bernadette.

Sandra Simon

6 0 2 . 8 8 2 . 8 0 3 8


S T . B E R N A D E T T E P A R I S H I O N E R S& S T . J O H N X X I I I F A M I L Y  

S C O T T S D A L E N A T I V E & V A L L E Y R E L O C A T I O N


15% of My Commission

from a Parishioner

Closing will be donated

back to St. Bernadette.

Hansen Desert Hills Mortuary & Cemetery

Family Owned & OperatedServing the Diocese of Phoenix Since 1949 • 6500 E. Bell Rd. • (480) 991-5800

Duane Moore, CFSP 4th Degree Knight of Columbus

Licensed Funeral Director Cemetery Counselor

Parishoner(602) 763-8946

Kimberly KlausKimberly KlausREALTOR®REALTOR®


Selling or Buying a House? Selling or Buying a House? Call Kimberly Klaus!Call Kimberly Klaus!