Senegal - Enquête Nationale sur le Paludisme au Sénégal ...

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Transcript of Senegal - Enquête Nationale sur le Paludisme au Sénégal ...

Senegal - Enquête Nationale sur le Paludisme au Sénégal 2008-2009
Rapport généré le: April 28, 2016
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RéSUMé L’ENPS-II a pour objectifs de :
- Collecter, analyser et diffuser des données sur les indicateurs relatifs au paludisme au Sénégal ;
- produire des indicateurs fiables au niveau régional et au niveau du milieu de résidence (urbain et rural) ;
- aider le pays à entreprendre des enquêtes similaires périodiques pour suivre et évaluer les programmes et projets de lutte contre le paludisme ;
- fournir une base de données fiables et utilisables par la communauté scientifique internationale.
Les objectifs spécifiques de l’ENPS-II définis par le Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP) et ses partenaires sont les suivants :
- Évaluer l’accès des ménages aux moustiquaires, y compris les MILDA (Moustiquaires Imprégnées d’Insecticide à Longue Durée d’Action) et l’utilisation des moustiquaires par les femmes enceintes et les enfants de moins de 5 ans ;
- évaluer le taux de couverture et le timing de la pulvérisation intra domiciliaire ;
- mesurer la prévalence de la fièvre chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans ;
- estimer la prévalence de l’anémie chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans et les femmes en âge de reproduction ;
- estimer la prévalence du paludisme chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans par des tests appropriés sur le terrain et au laboratoire ;
- connaître les types de traitement du paludisme et les délais de prise en charge ;
- quantifier l’utilisation du traitement préventif intermittent (TPI) chez les femmes enceintes.
TYPE DE DONNéES Sample survey data [ssd]
Producteurs et sponsors
Programme Mondial des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Santé (Demographic and Health Surveys - MEASURE DHS)
ICF Macro Assistance technique
President’s Malaria Initiative PMI Appui financier
Academy for Educational Development AED Appui financier
Programme National de Lutte conte le Paludisme PNLP Appui financier
Production des métadonnées
VERSION DU DOCUMENT DDI Version 02 (février 2014)
Méthode d'échantillonnage
Pour avoir des indicateurs stables au niveau du District Sanitaire, un échantillon national représentatif de 320 grappes dans lesquelles 9 600 ménages ont été tirés, a été retenu. Les tests d’anémie et de paludisme ont été effectués dans un ménage sur trois. Les résultats ont été analysés au niveau national, au niveau des milieux urbain/rural, des 11 régions et des 15 districts sanitaires des régions de Kaolack, Kolda et Saint-Louis.
La procédure retenue pour le tirage de l’échantillon de l’ENPS-II est un tirage aréolaire, stratifié et à 2 degrés. L’unité primaire de sondage, appelée aussi grappe, est le DR ou une partie du DR lorsque ce dernier est de très grande taille. La partie urbaine et la partie rurale de chaque région correspondent chacune à une strate d’échantillonnage. Au total, 22 strates ont été créées. L'échantillon de premier degré a été tiré indépendamment dans chaque strate, et l’échantillon du second degré l’a été indépendamment dans chaque unité primaire tirée au premier degré. Au cours de l'ENPS-II, 9 291 ménages et 19 441 femmes âgées de 15-49 ans ont été enquêtés.
Taux de réponse
Taux de réponse des ménages 97,7% Taux de réponse des femmes 94,9%
Le Questionnaire ménage a recueilli des informations sur les caractéristiques du logement (approvisionnement en eau, type de toilettes, matériau de construction, disponibilité de l’électricité, possession de biens durables, etc.), la pulvérisation intra domiciliaire, la possession, l’utilisation et le traitement des moustiquaires. Par ailleurs, le questionnaire ménage a permis d’enregistrer les informations sur les tests de sang pour deux bio marqueurs : le test d’anémie pour mesurer le niveau d’hémoglobine et celui du paludisme pour déterminer la présence des parasites du paludisme. Les tests d'hémoglobine ont porté sur tous les enfants de moins de cinq ans (6-59 mois plus exactement) et les femmes de 15-49 ans, tandis que les tests de parasitémie n’ont concerné que les enfants de 6-59 mois.
La questionnaire individuel femme (femmes de 15-49 ans) a collecté des informations sur i) les caractéristiques sociodémographiques ; ii) l’historique des naissances ; iii) la grossesse et le traitement préventif intermittent ; iv) la fièvre chez les enfants au cours des deux dernières semaines et le traitement.
Collecte des données
Dates de la collecte des données Début Fin Cycle 2008-12 2009-01 N/A
Mode de collecte de données Face-to-face [f2f]
Le Questionnaire ménage a recueilli des informations sur les caractéristiques du logement (approvisionnement en eau, type de toilettes, matériau de construction, disponibilité de l’électricité, possession de biens durables, etc.), la pulvérisation intra domiciliaire, la possession, l’utilisation et le traitement des moustiquaires. Par ailleurs, le questionnaire ménage a permis d’enregistrer les informations sur les tests de sang pour deux bio marqueurs : le test d’anémie pour mesurer le niveau d’hémoglobine et celui du paludisme pour déterminer la présence des parasites du paludisme. Les tests d'hémoglobine ont porté sur tous les enfants de moins de cinq ans (6-59 mois plus exactement) et les femmes de 15-49 ans, tandis que les tests de parasitémie n’ont concerné que les enfants de 6-59 mois.
La questionnaire individuel femme (femmes de 15-49 ans) a collecté des informations sur i) les caractéristiques sociodémographiques ; ii) l’historique des naissances ; iii) la grossesse et le traitement préventif intermittent ; iv) la fièvre chez les enfants au cours des deux dernières semaines et le traitement.
80 enquêteurs ont été présélectionnés parmi les meilleurs anciens enquêteurs expérimentés. Ces personnes ont suivi une formation de 12 jours comprenant des exposés théoriques, des interviews simulées en salle et des séances pratiques portant sur les objectifs de l’enquête, la méthodologie, les techniques de collecte, les façons spécifiques de poser chaque question, le dénombrement des ménages et leur sélection, ainsi que les tests de paludisme et d’anémie.
À l’issue de la formation, 14 hommes ont été retenus pour servir de chefs d’équipe, et 56 agents ont été sélectionnés comme enquêteurs (femmes et hommes). Ce personnel a été réparti en 14 équipes composées chacune d'un chef d'équipe et de quatre enquêteurs. Dans chaque équipe, un technicien de laboratoire a été spécifiquement affecté aux tests d’anémie et de diagnostic du paludisme. En plus d’être responsable de la qualité du travail et de la gestion administrative de l’équipe, le chef d’équipe a appuyé les enquêteurs dans l’administration des questionnaires.
Traitements des données
Edition des données
La saisie et le traitement des données ont été effectués en utilisant le logiciel CSPro (Census and Survey Processing System). Seize opératrices de saisie ont été présélectionnées pour les travaux de saisie. Elles ont suivi une formation de mise à niveau de deux jours pour se familiariser avec les questionnaires de l'ENPSII.
Trois agents de bureau ont été chargés de la vérification des questionnaires du terrain avant de les transmettre à la saisie et à l'édition. Tous les questionnaires ont fait l'objet d'une double saisie pour éliminer du fichier le maximum d'erreurs de saisie. Par ailleurs, un programme de contrôle de qualité a permis de détecter pour chaque équipe et même, dans certains cas, pour chaque enquêtrice/ enquêteur, certaines des principales erreurs de collecte qui ont été immédiatement transmises aux équipes de terrain, soit par téléphone, soit à l'occasion des visites de supervision sur le terrain, afin d'améliorer la qualité des donnés.
Evaluation des données
No content available
Description du fichier
Liste des variables
V2 bidx birth column number discrete numeric
V3 v000 country code and phase discrete character
V4 v001 cluster number contin numeric
V5 v002 household number contin numeric
V6 v003 respondent's line number contin numeric
V7 v004 ultimate area unit contin numeric
V8 v005 sample weight contin numeric
V9 v006 month of interview discrete numeric
V10 v007 year of interview discrete numeric
V11 v008 date of interview (cmc) discrete numeric
V12 v009 respondent's month of birth discrete numeric
V13 v010 respondent's year of birth contin numeric
V14 v011 date of birth (cmc) contin numeric
V15 v012 current age - respondent contin numeric
V16 v013 age 5-year groups discrete numeric
V17 v014 completeness of information discrete numeric
V18 v015 result of individual interview discrete numeric
V19 v016 day of interview contin numeric
V20 v017 na - cmc start of calendar contin numeric
V21 v018 na - row of month of interview discrete numeric
V22 v019 na - length of calendar discrete numeric
V23 v019a na - number of calendar columns contin numeric
V24 v020 ever-married sample discrete numeric
V25 v021 primary sampling unit contin numeric
V26 v022 na - sample stratum number contin numeric
V27 v023 sample domain discrete numeric
V28 v024 region discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V29 v025 type of place of residence discrete numeric
V30 v026 de facto place of residence discrete numeric
V31 v027 number of visits discrete numeric
V32 v028 interviewer identification discrete numeric
V33 v029 keyer identification discrete numeric
V34 v030 field supervisor contin numeric
V35 v031 field editor discrete numeric
V36 v032 office editor discrete numeric
V37 v033 na - ultimate area selection prob. contin numeric
V38 v034 na - line number of husband discrete numeric
V39 v040 na - cluster altitude in meters contin numeric
V40 v042 household selection for hemoglobin discrete numeric
V41 v043 na - selection for women's status module discrete numeric
V42 v044 na - selection for domestic violence module discrete numeric
V43 v101 region discrete numeric
V44 v102 type of place of residence discrete numeric
V45 v103 na - childhood place of residence discrete numeric
V46 v104 years lived in place of res. discrete numeric
V47 v105 type of place of previous res. discrete numeric
V48 v106 highest educational level discrete numeric
V49 v107 highest year of education contin numeric
V50 v113 source of drinking water discrete numeric
V51 v115 time to get to water source discrete numeric
V52 v116 type of toilet facility discrete numeric
V53 v119 has electricity discrete numeric
V54 v120 has radio discrete numeric
V55 v121 has television discrete numeric
V56 v122 has refrigerator discrete numeric
V57 v123 has bicycle discrete numeric
V58 v124 has motorcycle/scooter discrete numeric
V59 v125 has car/truck discrete numeric
V60 v127 main floor material discrete numeric
V61 v128 main wall material discrete numeric
V62 v129 main roof material discrete numeric
V63 v130 religion discrete numeric
V64 v131 ethnicity discrete numeric
V65 v133 education in single years discrete numeric
V66 v134 de facto place of residence discrete numeric
V67 v135 usual resident or visitor discrete numeric
V68 v136 number of household members contin numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V69 v137 number of children 5 and under contin numeric
V70 v138 number of eligible women in hh contin numeric
V71 v139 de jure region of residence discrete numeric
V72 v140 de jure type of place of res. discrete numeric
V73 v141 de jure place of residence discrete numeric
V74 v149 educational attainment discrete numeric
V75 v150 relationship to household head discrete numeric
V76 v151 sex of household head discrete numeric
V77 v152 age of household head discrete numeric
V78 v153 has telephone discrete numeric
V79 awfactt all woman factor - total discrete numeric
V80 awfactu all woman factor - urban/rural discrete numeric
V81 awfactr all woman factor - regional discrete numeric
V82 awfacte all woman factor - educational discrete numeric
V83 awfactw all woman factor - wealth index discrete numeric
V84 v155 literacy discrete numeric
V85 v156 na - ever participated in a literacy program outside of prim discrete numeric
V86 v157 na - frequency of reading newspaper or magazine discrete numeric
V87 v158 na - frequency of listening to radio discrete numeric
V88 v159 na - frequency of watching television discrete numeric
V89 v160 toilet facilities shared discrete numeric
V90 v161 type of cooking fuel discrete numeric
V91 v166 results of salt iodine test discrete numeric
V92 v167 na - number of trips in last 12 months discrete numeric
V93 v168 na - away for more than one month in last 12 months discrete numeric
V94 v190 wealth index discrete numeric
V95 v191 wealth index factor score (5 decimals) contin numeric
V96 ml101 type of bednet(s) slept under last night discrete numeric
V97 v201 total children ever born discrete numeric
V98 v202 sons at home discrete numeric
V99 v203 daughters at home discrete numeric
V100 v204 sons elsewhere discrete numeric
V101 v205 daughters elsewhere discrete numeric
V102 v206 sons who have died discrete numeric
V103 v207 daughters who have died discrete numeric
V104 v208 births in last five years discrete numeric
V105 v209 births in past year discrete numeric
V106 v210 births in month of interview discrete numeric
V107 v211 date of first birth (cmc) contin numeric
V108 v212 age of respondent at 1st birth contin numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V109 v213 currently pregnant discrete numeric
V110 v214 na - duration of current pregnancy contin numeric
V111 v215 na - time since last menstrual perd discrete numeric
V112 v216 na - menstruated in last six weeks discrete numeric
V113 v217 na - knowledge of ovulatory cycle discrete numeric
V114 v218 number of living children discrete numeric
V115 v219 living children + current preg discrete numeric
V116 v220 living children + curr preg 6+ discrete numeric
V117 v221 na - marriage to first birth int. discrete numeric
V118 v222 last birth to interview contin numeric
V119 v223 na - completeness of curr preg. inf discrete numeric
V120 v224 entries in birth history discrete numeric
V121 v225 na - current pregnancy wanted discrete numeric
V122 v226 na - time since last period (comp) discrete numeric
V123 v227 na - flag for last period discrete numeric
V124 v228 na - ever had a terminated preg. discrete numeric
V125 v229 na - month pregnancy ended discrete numeric
V126 v230 na - year pregnancy ended discrete numeric
V127 v231 na - cmc pregnancy ended discrete numeric
V128 v232 na - completeness of last term. inf discrete numeric
V129 v233 na - months when pregnancy ended discrete numeric
V130 v234 na - other such pregnancies discrete numeric
V131 v235 na - index last child prior to cal. discrete numeric
V132 v237 birth between last & interview discrete numeric
V133 v238 births in last three years discrete numeric
V134 v239 na - pregnancies terminated before calendar beginning discrete numeric
V135 v240 na - month of last termination prior to calendar discrete numeric
V136 v241 na - year of last termination prior to calendar discrete numeric
V137 v242 na - cmc termination ended prior to calendar discrete numeric
V138 v243 na - completeness of last termination date prior to calendar discrete numeric
V139 v401 na - last birth caesarean section discrete numeric
V140 v404 na - currently breastfeeding discrete numeric
V141 v405 na - currently amenorrheic discrete numeric
V142 v406 na - currently abstaining discrete numeric
V143 v407 na - times breastfed during night discrete numeric
V144 v408 na - times breastfed during day discrete numeric
V145 v409 na - gave child plain water discrete numeric
V146 v409a na - gave child sugar water discrete numeric
V147 v410 na - gave child juice discrete numeric
V148 v410a na - gave child tea or coffee discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V149 v411 na - gave child tinned/powder or fresh milk discrete numeric
V150 v411a na - gave child baby formula discrete numeric
V151 v412 na - gave child fresh milk discrete numeric
V152 v412a na - gave child baby cereal discrete numeric
V153 v412b na - gave child other porridge/gruel discrete numeric
V154 v413 na - gave child other liquid discrete numeric
V155 v413a na - gave child cs liquid discrete numeric
V156 v413b na - gave child cs liquid discrete numeric
V157 v413c na - gave child cs liquid discrete numeric
V158 v413d na - gave child cs liquid discrete numeric
V159 v414a na - gave child cs foods discrete numeric
V160 v414b na - gave child cs foods discrete numeric
V161 v414c na - gave child cs foods discrete numeric
V162 v414d na - gave child cs foods discrete numeric
V163 v414e na - gave child bread, noddles, other made from grains discrete numeric
V164 v414f na - gave child potatoes, cassave, or other tubers discrete numeric
V165 v414g na - gave child eggs discrete numeric
V166 v414h na - gave child meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken, etc) discrete numeric
V167 v414i na - gave child pumpkin, carrots, squash (yellow or orange i discrete numeric
V168 v414j na - gave child any dark green leafy vegetables discrete numeric
V169 v414k na - gave child mangoes, papayas, other vitamin a fruits discrete numeric
V170 v414l na - gave child any other fruits discrete numeric
V171 v414m na - gave child liver, heart, other organs discrete numeric
V172 v414n na - gave child fish or shellfish discrete numeric
V173 v414o na - gave child food made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts discrete numeric
V174 v414p na - gave child cheese, yogurt , other milk products discrete numeric
V175 v414q na - gave child oil, fats, butter, products made of them discrete numeric
V176 v414r na - gave child chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, etc discrete numeric
V177 v414s na - gave child other solid-semisolid food discrete numeric
V178 v414t na - gave child cs foods discrete numeric
V179 v414u na - gave child cs foods discrete numeric
V180 v415 na - drank from bottle with nipple discrete numeric
V181 v416 na - heard of oral rehydration discrete numeric
V182 v417 entries in maternity table discrete numeric
V183 v418 entries in health table discrete numeric
V184 v419 entries in height/weight table discrete numeric
V185 v420 na - measurer's code contin numeric
V186 v421 na - assistant measurer's code contin numeric
V187 v426 na - when child put to breast discrete numeric
V188 v437 na - respondent's weight (kilos-1d) contin numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V189 v438 na - respondent's height (cms-1d) contin numeric
V190 v439 ht/a percentile (resp.) discrete numeric
V191 v440 ht/a standard deviations (resp discrete numeric
V192 v441 ht/a percent ref. median (resp discrete numeric
V193 v442 wt/ht percent ref. median (dhs discrete numeric
V194 v443 wt/ht percent ref. median (fog discrete numeric
V195 v444 wt/ht percent ref. median (who discrete numeric
V196 v444a wt/ht std deviations(resp) dhs discrete numeric
V197 v445 body mass index for respondent discrete numeric
V198 v446 rohrer's index for respondent discrete numeric
V199 v447 result of measurement of resp. discrete numeric
V200 v447a women's age in years from household report contin numeric
V201 v452a under age 18 (hh report) discrete numeric
V202 v452b line no. of parent/caretaker discrete numeric
V203 v452c read consent statement discrete numeric
V204 v453 hemoglobin level (g/dl - 1 decimal) contin numeric
V205 v454 currently pregnant (household report) discrete numeric
V206 v455 result of measuring (hemoglobin) discrete numeric
V207 v456 hemoglobin level adjusted by altitude (g/dl - 1 decimal) contin numeric
V208 v457 anemia level discrete numeric
V209 v458 na - agrees to referral discrete numeric
V210 v459 have bednet for sleeping (household report) discrete numeric
V211 v460 children under 5 slept under bednet last night (hh report) discrete numeric
V212 v461 respondent slept under bednet discrete numeric
V213 v462 na - washed hands before preparing last meal discrete numeric
V214 v463a na - smokes cigarettes discrete numeric
V215 v463b na - smokes pipe discrete numeric
V216 v463c na - chewing tobacco discrete numeric
V217 v463d na - uses snuff discrete numeric
V218 v463e na - smokes country specific discrete numeric
V219 v463f na - smokes country specific discrete numeric
V220 v463g na - smokes country specific discrete numeric
V221 v463x na - smokes other discrete numeric
V222 v463z na - does not use tobacco discrete numeric
V223 v464 na - number of cigarettes in last 24 hours discrete numeric
V224 v465 na - disposal of youngest child's stools when not using toil discrete numeric
V225 v466 na - when child is seriously ill, can decide whether med tx discrete numeric
V226 v467a na - getting medical help for self: know where to go discrete numeric
V227 v467b na - getting medical help for self: getting permission to go discrete numeric
V228 v467c na - getting medical help for self: getting money needed for discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V229 v467d na - getting medical help for self: distance to health facil discrete numeric
V230 v467e na - getting medical help for self: having to take transport discrete numeric
V231 v467f na - getting medical help for self: not wanting to go alone discrete numeric
V232 v467g na - getting medical help for self: concern no female health discrete numeric
V233 v467h na - getting medical help for self: concern no provider discrete numeric
V234 v467i na - getting medical help for self: concern no drugs availab discrete numeric
V235 v467j na - getting medical help for self: cs discrete numeric
V236 v467k na - getting medical help for self: cs discrete numeric
V237 v467l na - getting medical help for self: cs discrete numeric
V238 v467m na - getting medical help for self: cs discrete numeric
V239 v468 columns used for last birth only variables discrete numeric
V240 v471a na - mother had tinned, powdered or fresh milk discrete numeric
V241 v471b na - mother had tea or coffee discrete numeric
V242 v471c na - mother had any other liquid discrete numeric
V243 v471d na - mother had cs liquid discrete numeric
V244 v471e na - mother had cs liquid discrete numeric
V245 v471f na - mother had cs liquid discrete numeric
V246 v471g na - mother had cs liquid discrete numeric
V247 v472a na - mother had cs foods discrete numeric
V248 v472b na - mother had cs foods discrete numeric
V249 v472c na - mother had cs foods discrete numeric
V250 v472d na - mother had cs foods discrete numeric
V251 v472e na - mother had bread, noodles, other made from grains discrete numeric
V252 v472f na - mother had potatoes, cassave, or other tubers discrete numeric
V253 v472g na - mother had eggs discrete numeric
V254 v472h na - mother had meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken, etc) discrete numeric
V255 v472i na - mother had pumpkin, carrots, squash (yellow or orange i discrete numeric
V256 v472j na - mother had any dark green leafy vegetables discrete numeric
V257 v472k na - mother had mangoes, papayas, other vitamin a fruits discrete numeric
V258 v472l na - mother had any other fruits discrete numeric
V259 v472m na - mother had liver, heart, other organs discrete numeric
V260 v472n na - mother had fish or shellfish discrete numeric
V261 v472o na - mother had food made from beans, peas, lentis, nuts discrete numeric
V262 v472p na - mother had cheese, yogurt , other milk products discrete numeric
V263 v472q na - mother had oil, fats, butter, products made of them discrete numeric
V264 v472r na - mother had chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, etc discrete numeric
V265 v472s na - mother had other solid-semisolid food discrete numeric
V266 v472t na - mother had cs foods discrete numeric
V267 v472u na - mother had cs foods discrete numeric
V268 v473a na - read consent statement (hiv) discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V269 v473b na - result of measuring (hiv) discrete numeric
V270 v474 na - heard of tuberculosis or tb discrete numeric
V271 v474a na - tuberculosis spread by: air when coughing or sneezing discrete numeric
V272 v474b na - tuberculosis spread by: sharing utensils discrete numeric
V273 v474c na - tuberculosis spread by: touching a person with tb discrete numeric
V274 v474d na - tuberculosis spread through food discrete numeric
V275 v474e na - tuberculosis spread by: sexual contact discrete numeric
V276 v474f na - tuberculosis spread by: mosquito bites discrete numeric
V277 v474g na - tuberculosis spread by: cs discrete numeric
V278 v474h na - tuberculosis spread by: cs discrete numeric
V279 v474i na - tuberculosis spread by: cs discrete numeric
V280 v474j na - tuberculosis spread by: cs discrete numeric
V281 v474x na - tuberculosis spread by: other discrete numeric
V282 v474z na - tuberculosis spread by: don't know discrete numeric
V283 v475 na - can tuberculosis be cured discrete numeric
V284 v476 na - keep secret when family member gets tb discrete numeric
V285 v477 na - number of injections in last 12 months discrete numeric
V286 v478 na - injections administered by a health worker discrete numeric
V287 v479 na - source for injection by health worker discrete numeric
V288 v480 na - syringe and needle from new, unopened package discrete numeric
V289 v481 na - covered by health insurance discrete numeric
V290 v481a na - health insurance type: mutual/community organization discrete numeric
V291 v481b na - health insurance type: provided by employer discrete numeric
V292 v481c na - health insurance type: social security discrete numeric
V293 v481d na - health insurance type: private/commercial purchased discrete numeric
V294 v481e na - health insurance type: cs discrete numeric
V295 v481f na - health insurance type: cs discrete numeric
V296 v481g na - health insurance type: cs discrete numeric
V297 v481h na - health insurance type: cs discrete numeric
V298 v481x na - health insurance type: other discrete numeric
V299 v482a na - arrange care of biological children under age 18 discrete numeric
V300 v482b na - primary caregiver of children under age 18 discrete numeric
V301 v482c na - arrange care of non-biological children < 18 discrete numeric
V302 bord birth order number discrete numeric
V303 b0 child is twin discrete numeric
V304 b1 month of birth discrete numeric
V305 b2 year of birth contin numeric
V306 b3 date of birth (cmc) contin numeric
V307 b4 sex of child discrete numeric
V308 b5 child is alive discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V309 b6 age at death discrete numeric
V310 b7 age at death (months-imputed) contin numeric
V311 b8 current age of child contin numeric
V312 b9 child lives with whom discrete numeric
V313 b10 completeness of information discrete numeric
V314 b11 preceding birth interval contin numeric
V315 b12 succeeding birth interval contin numeric
V316 b13 flag for age at death discrete numeric
V317 b15 live birth between births discrete numeric
V318 b16 child's line number in household discrete numeric
V319 midx index to birth history contin numeric
V320 m1 na - tetanus injections bef. birth discrete numeric
V321 m1a na - tetanus injections before pregnancy discrete numeric
V322 m1b na - month last tetanus injection before pregnancy discrete numeric
V323 m1c na - year last tetanus injection before pregnancy discrete numeric
V324 m1d na - years ago received last tetanus injection before pregna contin numeric
V325 m1e na - last tetanus injection before pregnancy (cmc) discrete numeric
V326 m2a prenatal: doctor discrete numeric
V327 m2b prenatal: nurse/midwife discrete numeric
V328 m2c prenatal: auxiliary midwife discrete numeric
V329 m2d na - prenatal: cs health profession discrete numeric
V330 m2e na - prenatal: cs health profession discrete numeric
V331 m2f prenatal: trained birth att. discrete numeric
V332 m2g prenatal: trad.birth attendant discrete numeric
V333 m2h prenatal: relative discrete numeric
V334 m2i na - prenatal: cs other person discrete numeric
V335 m2j na - prenatal: cs other person discrete numeric
V336 m2k prenatal: other resp (uncoded) discrete numeric
V337 m2l na - prenatal: cs other discrete numeric
V338 m2m na - prenatal: cs other discrete numeric
V339 m2n prenatal: no one discrete numeric
V340 m3a na - assistance: doctor discrete numeric
V341 m3b na - assistance: nurse/midwife discrete numeric
V342 m3c na - assistance: auxiliary midwife discrete numeric
V343 m3d na - assistance: cs health profess. discrete numeric
V344 m3e na - assistance: cs health profess. discrete numeric
V345 m3f na - assistance: trained birth att. discrete numeric
V346 m3g na - assistance: trad.birth attend. discrete numeric
V347 m3h na - assistance: relative, friend discrete numeric
V348 m3i na - assistance: cs other person discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V349 m3j na - assistance: cs other person discrete numeric
V350 m3k na - assistance: other resp (uncod) discrete numeric
V351 m3l na - assistance: cs other discrete numeric
V352 m3m na - assistance: cs other discrete numeric
V353 m3n na - assistance: no one discrete numeric
V354 m4 na - duration of breastfeeding discrete numeric
V355 m5 na - months of breastfeeding discrete numeric
V356 m6 na - duration of amenorrhea discrete numeric
V357 m7 na - months of amenorrhea discrete numeric
V358 m8 na - duration of abstinence discrete numeric
V359 m9 na - months of abstinence discrete numeric
V360 m10 na - time wanted pregnancy discrete numeric
V361 m11 na - time would have waited discrete numeric
V362 m13 na - timing of 1st antenatal check discrete numeric
V363 m14 na - antenatal visits for pregnancy discrete numeric
V364 m15 na - place of delivery discrete numeric
V365 m17 na - delivery by caesarean section discrete numeric
V366 m18 na - size of child at birth discrete numeric
V367 m19 na - birth weight (kilos - 3 dec.) discrete numeric
V368 m19a na - weight at birth recall discrete numeric
V369 m27 na - flag for breastfeeding discrete numeric
V370 m28 na - flag for amenorrhea discrete numeric
V371 m29 na - flag for abstinence discrete numeric
V372 m34 na - when child put to breast discrete numeric
V373 m35 na - times breastfed during night discrete numeric
V374 m36 na - times breastfed during day discrete numeric
V375 m38 na - drank from bottle with nipple discrete numeric
V376 m39 na - times ate solid, semi-solid or soft food yesterday discrete numeric
V377 m42a na - during pregnancy - weighed discrete numeric
V378 m42b na - during pregnancy - height measured discrete numeric
V379 m42c na - during pregnancy - blood pressure taken discrete numeric
V380 m42d na - during pregnancy - urine sample taken discrete numeric
V381 m42e na - during pregnancy - blood sample taken discrete numeric
V382 m43 na - told about pregnancy complications discrete numeric
V383 m44 na - told where to go for pregnancy complications discrete numeric
V384 m45 na - during pregancy, given or bought iron tablets/syrup discrete numeric
V385 m46 na - days tablets or syrup taken discrete numeric
V386 m47 na - during pregnancy, had difficulty with daylight vision discrete numeric
V387 m48 na - during pregnancy, had difficulty with night blindness discrete numeric
V388 m49a during pregnancy - took fansidar for malaria discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V389 m49b during pregnancy - took chloroquine for malaria discrete numeric
V390 m49c na - during pregnancy - took unknown drug for malaria discrete numeric
V391 m49d na - during pregnancy - took country specific drug for malar discrete numeric
V392 m49e na - during pregnancy - took country specific drug for malar discrete numeric
V393 m49f na - during pregnancy - took country specific drug for malar discrete numeric
V394 m49g na - during pregnancy - took country specific drug for malar discrete numeric
V395 m49x during pregnancy - took other drug for malaria discrete numeric
V396 m49z during pregnancy - took no drug for malaria discrete numeric
V397 m51a na - respondent checkup after deliver timing discrete numeric
V398 m54 na - received vitamin a dose in first 2 months after deliver discrete numeric
V399 m55a na - first 3 days, given milk other than breast milk discrete numeric
V400 m55b na - first 3 days, given plain water discrete numeric
V401 m55c na - first 3 days, given sugar/glucose water discrete numeric
V402 m55d na - first 3 days, given gripe water discrete numeric
V403 m55e na - first 3 days, given sugar/salt/water solution discrete numeric
V404 m55f na - first 3 days, given fruit juice discrete numeric
V405 m55g na - first 3 days, given infant formula discrete numeric
V406 m55h na - first 3 days, given tea/infusions discrete numeric
V407 m55i na - first 3 days, given honey discrete numeric
V408 m55j na - first 3 days, given country specific discrete numeric
V409 m55k na - first 3 days, given country specific discrete numeric
V410 m55l na - first 3 days, given country specific discrete numeric
V411 m55m na - first 3 days, given country specific discrete numeric
V412 m55n na - first 3 days, given country specific discrete numeric
V413 m55x na - first 3 days, given other discrete numeric
V414 m55z na - first 3 days, given nothing discrete numeric
V415 m57a na - antenatal care: your home discrete numeric
V416 m57b na - antenatal care: other home discrete numeric
V417 m57c na - antenatal care: cs home discrete numeric
V418 m57d na - antenatal care: cs home discrete numeric
V419 m57e na - antenatal care: govt. hospital discrete numeric
V420 m57f na - antenatal care: govt. health center discrete numeric
V421 m57g na - antenatal care: govt. health post discrete numeric
V422 m57h na - antenatal care: public mobile clinic discrete numeric
V423 m57i na - antenatal care: cs public discrete numeric
V424 m57j na - antenatal care: cs public discrete numeric
V425 m57k na - antenatal care: cs public discrete numeric
V426 m57l na - antenatal care: other public discrete numeric
V427 m57m na - antenatal care: pvt. hospital/clinic discrete numeric
V428 m57n na - antenatal care: pvt. mobile clinic discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V429 m57o na - antenatal care: cs pvt. discrete numeric
V430 m57p na - antenatal care: cs pvt. discrete numeric
V431 m57q na - antenatal care: cs pvt. discrete numeric
V432 m57r na - antenatal care: other private discrete numeric
V433 m57s na - antenatal care: cs other discrete numeric
V434 m57t na - antenatal care: cs other discrete numeric
V435 m57u na - antenatal care: cs other discrete numeric
V436 m57v na - antenatal care: cs other discrete numeric
V437 m57x na - antenatal care: other discrete numeric
V438 m60 na - drugs for intestinal parasites discrete numeric
V439 m61 na - time spent at place of delivery discrete numeric
V440 m62 na - anyone checked respondent health before discharge discrete numeric
V441 m63 na - how long before discharging respondent health check too discrete numeric
V442 m64 na - who checked respondent health before discharge discrete numeric
V443 m65a na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: cost too much discrete numeric
V444 m65b na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: facility not discrete numeric
V445 m65c na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: too far/no tr discrete numeric
V446 m65d na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: don't trust f discrete numeric
V447 m65e na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: no female pro discrete numeric
V448 m65f na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: husband/famil discrete numeric
V449 m65g na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: not necessary discrete numeric
V450 m65h na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: not customary discrete numeric
V451 m65i na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: cs discrete numeric
V452 m65j na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: cs discrete numeric
V453 m65k na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: cs discrete numeric
V454 m65l na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: cs discrete numeric
V455 m65x na - reason didn't deliver at health facility: other discrete numeric
V456 m66 na - after discharge/delivery at home anyone checked respond discrete numeric
V457 m67 na - how long after discharge/delivery at home respondent he discrete numeric
V458 m68 na - who checked respondent health after discharge/delivery discrete numeric
V459 m69 na - where respondent check after discharge/delivery at home discrete numeric
V460 m70 na - baby postnatal check within 2 months discrete numeric
V461 m71 na - how long after delivery postnatal check took place discrete numeric
V462 m72 na - who performed postnatal checkup discrete numeric
V463 m73 na - where was the baby checked for the first time discrete numeric
V464 hidx index to birth history contin numeric
V465 h1 na - has health card discrete numeric
V466 h2 na - received bcg discrete numeric
V467 h2d na - bcg day discrete numeric
V468 h2m na - bcg month discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V469 h2y na - bcg year discrete numeric
V470 h3 na - received dpt 1 discrete numeric
V471 h3d na - dpt 1 day discrete numeric
V472 h3m na - dpt 1 month discrete numeric
V473 h3y na - dpt 1 year discrete numeric
V474 h4 na - received polio 1 discrete numeric
V475 h4d na - polio 1 day discrete numeric
V476 h4m na - polio 1 month discrete numeric
V477 h4y na - polio 1 year discrete numeric
V478 h5 na - received dpt 2 discrete numeric
V479 h5d na - dpt 2 day discrete numeric
V480 h5m na - dpt 2 month discrete numeric
V481 h5y na - dpt 2 year discrete numeric
V482 h6 na - received polio 2 discrete numeric
V483 h6d na - polio 2 day discrete numeric
V484 h6m na - polio 2 month discrete numeric
V485 h6y na - polio 2 year discrete numeric
V486 h7 na - received dpt 3 discrete numeric
V487 h7d na - dpt 3 day discrete numeric
V488 h7m na - dpt 3 month discrete numeric
V489 h7y na - dpt 3 year discrete numeric
V490 h8 na - received polio 3 discrete numeric
V491 h8d na - polio 3 day discrete numeric
V492 h8m na - polio 3 month discrete numeric
V493 h8y na - polio 3 year discrete numeric
V494 h9 na - received measles discrete numeric
V495 h9d na - measles day discrete numeric
V496 h9m na - measles month discrete numeric
V497 h9y na - measles year discrete numeric
V498 h0 na - received polio 0 discrete numeric
V499 h0d na - polio 0 day discrete numeric
V500 h0m na - polio 0 month discrete numeric
V501 h0y na - polio 0 year discrete numeric
V502 h10 na - ever had vaccination discrete numeric
V503 h11 na - had diarrhea recently discrete numeric
V504 h11b na - blood in the stools discrete numeric
V505 h12a na - diarrhea: government hosp. discrete numeric
V506 h12b na - diarrhea: govt health center discrete numeric
V507 h12c na - diarrhea: govt health post discrete numeric
V508 h12d na - diarrhea: mobile clinic discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V509 h12e na - diarrhea: worker discrete numeric
V510 h12f na - diarrhea: cs public sector discrete numeric
V511 h12g na - diarrhea: cs public sector discrete numeric
V512 h12h na - diarrhea: cs public sector discrete numeric
V513 h12i na - diarrhea: other public sector discrete numeric
V514 h12j na - diarrhea: private hosp/clin. discrete numeric
V515 h12k na - diarrhea: private pharmacy discrete numeric
V516 h12l na - diarrhea: private doctor discrete numeric
V517 h12m na - diarrhea: private mobile cln discrete numeric
V518 h12n na - diarrhea: worker discrete numeric
V519 h12o na - diarrhea: cs med.priv sector discrete numeric
V520 h12p na - diarrhea: cs med.priv sector discrete numeric
V521 h12q na - diarrhea: cs med.priv sector discrete numeric
V522 h12r na - diarrhea: other med.priv sect. discrete numeric
V523 h12s na - diarrhea: shop discrete numeric
V524 h12t na - diarrhea: traditional pract. discrete numeric
V525 h12u na - diarrhea: cs oth.priv sector discrete numeric
V526 h12v na - diarrhea: cs oth.priv sector discrete numeric
V527 h12w na - diarrhea: cs oth.priv sector discrete numeric
V528 h12x na - diarrhea: other discrete numeric
V529 h12y na - diarrhea: no treatment discrete numeric
V530 h12z na - diarrhea: medical treatment discrete numeric
V531 h13 na - given oral rehydration discrete numeric
V532 h13b na - given a pre-packaged ors liquid discrete numeric
V533 h14 na - given recommend. home solution discrete numeric
V534 h15 na - given antibiotic pills or syrups discrete numeric
V535 h15a na - given antimotility discrete numeric
V536 h15b na - given an antibiotic injection discrete numeric
V537 h15c na - given an intravenous (iv) discrete numeric
V538 h15d na - given home remedy, herbal med. discrete numeric
V539 h15e na - given zinc discrete numeric
V540 h15f na - given other (not antibiotic, antimotility, zinc) discrete numeric
V541 h15g na - given unknown pill or syrup discrete numeric
V542 h15h na - given non-antibiotic injection discrete numeric
V543 h15i na - given unknown injection discrete numeric
V544 h15j na - given cs discrete numeric
V545 h15k na - given cs discrete numeric
V546 h15l na - given cs discrete numeric
V547 h15m na - given cs discrete numeric
V548 h20 na - given other treatment discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V549 h21a na - given no treatment discrete numeric
V550 h21 na - received any treatment discrete numeric
V551 h22 had fever in last two weeks discrete numeric
V552 h31 na - had cough in last two weeks discrete numeric
V553 h31b na - short, rapid breaths discrete numeric
V554 h31c na - problem in the chest or blocked or running nose discrete numeric
V555 h31d na - had fever/cough in last 2 weeks: amount offered to drin discrete numeric
V556 h31e na - had fever/cough in last 2 weeks: amount offered to eat discrete numeric
V557 h32a fever/cough: government hosp. discrete numeric
V558 h32b fever/cough: govt health cntr discrete numeric
V559 h32c fever/cough: govt health post discrete numeric
V560 h32d fever/cough: mobile clinic discrete numeric
V561 h32e fever/cough: wrkr discrete numeric
V562 h32f fever/cough: cs rural maternity center discrete numeric
V563 h32g fever/cough: cs health hut discrete numeric
V564 h32h fever/cough: cs community pharmacy discrete numeric
V565 h32i fever/cough: oth public sector discrete numeric
V566 h32j fever/cough: private hosp/clin discrete numeric
V567 h32k fever/cough: private pharmacy discrete numeric
V568 h32l fever/cough: private doctor discrete numeric
V569 h32m na - fever/cough: private mobile cl discrete numeric
V570 h32n fever/cough: wrkr discrete numeric
V571 h32o fever/cough: cs religious dispensary discrete numeric
V572 h32p na - fever/cough: cs med.priv sect discrete numeric
V573 h32q na - fever/cough: cs med.priv sect discrete numeric
V574 h32r fever/cough: oth med.priv sect discrete numeric
V575 h32s fever/cough: shop discrete numeric
V576 h32t fever/cough: traditional pract discrete numeric
V577 h32u fever/cough: cs friend/ relative discrete numeric
V578 h32v na - fever/cough: cs oth.priv sect discrete numeric
V579 h32w na - fever/cough: cs oth.priv sect discrete numeric
V580 h32x fever/cough: other discrete numeric
V581 h32y fever/cough: no treatment discrete numeric
V582 h32z fever/cough: medical treatment discrete numeric
V583 h33 na - received vitamin a1 (most recent) discrete numeric
V584 h33d na - vitamin a1 day discrete numeric
V585 h33m na - vitamin a1 month discrete numeric
V586 h33y na - vitamin a1 year discrete numeric
V587 h34 na - vitamin a in last 6 months discrete numeric
V588 h35 na - any vaccinations in last 2 years part of campaign discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V589 h36a na - vaccinated during campaign a discrete numeric
V590 h36b na - vaccinated during campaign b discrete numeric
V591 h36c na - vaccinated during campaign c discrete numeric
V592 h36d na - vaccinated during campaign d discrete numeric
V593 h36e na - vaccinated during campaign e discrete numeric
V594 h36f na - vaccinated during campaign f discrete numeric
V595 h37a na - fansidar taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V596 h37b na - chloroquine taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V597 h37c na - amodiaquine taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V598 h37d na - quinine taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V599 h37e na - combination with artemisinin taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V600 h37f na - cs antimalarial taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V601 h37g na - cs antimalarial taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V602 h37h na - other antimalarial taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V603 h37i na - pills/syrup taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V604 h37j na - injection taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V605 h37k na - aspirin taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V606 h37l na - acetaminophen taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V607 h37m na - ibuprofen taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V608 h37n na - cs other taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V609 h37o na - cs other for fever/cough discrete numeric
V610 h37p na - cs other for fever/cough discrete numeric
V611 h37x na - other taken for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V612 h37y na - nothing taken for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V613 h37z na - don't know if or what was taken for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V614 h38 na - had diarrhea in last 2 weeks: amount offered to drink discrete numeric
V615 h39 na - had diarrhea in last 2 weeks: amount offered to eat discrete numeric
V616 h40 na - received vitamin a2 (2nd most recent) discrete numeric
V617 h40d na - vitamin a2 day discrete numeric
V618 h40m na - vitamin a2 month discrete numeric
V619 h40y na - vitamin a2 year discrete numeric
V620 h41a na - received vitamin a after most recent in card discrete numeric
V621 h41b na - ever received vitamin a dose discrete numeric
V622 h42 na - taking iron pills, sprinkles or syrup discrete numeric
V623 h43 na - drugs for intestinal parasites in last 6 months discrete numeric
V624 h44a na - place first sought treatment for diarrhea discrete numeric
V625 h44b na - days after diarrhea sought advice or treatment discrete numeric
V626 h44c na - still has diarrhea discrete numeric
V627 h45 na - times zinc was given discrete numeric
V628 h46a place first sought treatment for fever discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V629 h46b days after fever sought advice or treatment discrete numeric
V630 hwidx index to birth history contin numeric
V631 hw1 age in months contin numeric
V632 hw2 na - weight in kilograms (1 dec.) contin numeric
V633 hw3 na - height in centimeters (1 dec.) contin numeric
V634 hw4 ht/a percentile discrete numeric
V635 hw5 ht/a standard deviations discrete numeric
V636 hw6 ht/a percent of ref. median discrete numeric
V637 hw7 wt/a percentile discrete numeric
V638 hw8 wt/a standard deviations discrete numeric
V639 hw9 wt/a percent of ref. median discrete numeric
V640 hw10 wt/ht percentile discrete numeric
V641 hw11 wt/ht standard deviations discrete numeric
V642 hw12 wt/ht percent of ref. median discrete numeric
V643 hw13 reason not measured discrete numeric
V644 hw15 na - height: lying or standing discrete numeric
V645 hw16 day of birth of child discrete numeric
V646 hw17 date measured (day) contin numeric
V647 hw18 date measured (month) contin numeric
V648 hw19 date measured (year) contin numeric
V649 hw51 line no. of parent/caretaker discrete numeric
V650 hw52 read consent statement discrete numeric
V651 hw53 hemoglobin level (g/dl - 1 decimal) contin numeric
V652 hw55 result of measuring (hemoglobin) discrete numeric
V653 hw56 hemoglobin level adjusted by altitude (g/dl - 1 decimal) contin numeric
V654 hw57 anemia level discrete numeric
V655 hw58 na - agrees to referral discrete numeric
V656 hw70 ht/a standard deviations (according to who) discrete numeric
V657 hw71 wt/a standard deviations (according to who) discrete numeric
V658 hw72 wt/ht standard deviations (according to who) discrete numeric
V659 hw73 bmi standard deviations (according to who) discrete numeric
V660 idxml index to birth history contin numeric
V661 ml0 type of bednet(s) child slept under last night discrete numeric
V662 ml1 times took fansidar during pregnancy discrete numeric
V663 ml2 type of visit at source for antimalarial during pregnancy discrete numeric
V664 ml11 child has fever/cough now discrete numeric
V665 ml12 na - child has had convulsions in last 2 weeks discrete numeric
V666 ml13a fansidar taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V667 ml13b chloroquine taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V668 ml13c amodiaquine taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V669 ml13d quinine taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V670 ml13e combination with artemisinin taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V671 ml13f cs other act taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V672 ml13g na - cs antimalarial taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V673 ml13h other antimalarial taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V674 ml13i na - pills/syrup taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V675 ml13j na - injection taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V676 ml13k aspirin taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V677 ml13l acetaminophen taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V678 ml13m ibuprofen taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V679 ml13n na - cs other taken for fever/cough discrete numeric
V680 ml13o na - cs other for fever/cough discrete numeric
V681 ml13p na - cs other for fever/cough discrete numeric
V682 ml13x other taken for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V683 ml13y nothing taken for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V684 ml13z don't know if or what was taken for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V685 ml14a na - injection for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V686 ml14b na - suppository for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V687 ml14y na - no suppository or injection for fever/convulsion discrete numeric
V688 ml14z na - don't know if suppository or injection for fever/convul discrete numeric
V689 ml15a when started fansidar discrete numeric
V690 ml15b days child took fansidar discrete numeric
V691 ml15c first source for fansidar discrete numeric
V692 ml16a when started chloroquine discrete numeric
V693 ml16b days child took chloroquine discrete numeric
V694 ml16c first source for chloroquine discrete numeric
V695 ml17a when started amodiaquine discrete numeric
V696 ml17b days child took amodiaquine discrete numeric
V697 ml17c first source for amodiaquine discrete numeric
V698 ml18a when started quinine discrete numeric
V699 ml18b days child took quinine discrete numeric
V700 ml18c first source for quinine discrete numeric
V701 ml19a na - for fever/conv: consulted traditional healer discrete numeric
V702 ml19b na - for fever/conv: gave tepid sponging discrete numeric
V703 ml19c na - for fever/conv: gave herbs discrete numeric
V704 ml19d na - for fever/conv: cs discrete numeric
V705 ml19e na - for fever/conv: cs discrete numeric
V706 ml19f na - for fever/conv: cs discrete numeric
V707 ml19x na - for fever/conv: other discrete numeric
V708 ml19y na - for fever/conv: gave nothing discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V709 ml19z na - for fever/conv: don't know if something else was done discrete numeric
V710 ml20a when started combination with artemisinin discrete numeric
V711 ml20b days child took combination with artemisinin discrete numeric
V712 ml20c first source for combination with artemisinin discrete numeric
V713 ml21a na - when started cs antimalarial discrete numeric
V714 ml21b na - days child took cs antimalarial discrete numeric
V715 ml21c na - first source for cs antimalarial discrete numeric
V716 ml22a na - when started cs antimalarial discrete numeric
V717 ml22b na - days child took cs antimalarial discrete numeric
V718 ml22c na - first source for cs antimalarial discrete numeric
V719 ml23a when started other anti-malarial discrete numeric
V720 ml23b days child took other anti-malarial discrete numeric
V721 ml23c first source for other anti-malarial discrete numeric
V722 ml24c na - first source for antibiotic pill/syrup discrete numeric
V723 sdistr health district discrete numeric
V724 scomm commune discrete numeric
V725 sconces concession contin numeric
V726 slocalit locality contin numeric
V727 sech household sample discrete numeric
V728 slang questionnaire language discrete numeric
V729 slangint interview language discrete numeric
V730 sinterp interpreter discrete numeric
V731 sprgwght pregnant women weight (6 decimals) contin numeric
V732 s226aa benefits with sleeping under net: no benefit discrete numeric
V733 s226ab benefits with sleeping under net: more effective agains mosq discrete numeric
V734 s226ac benefits with sleeping under net: kill mosquitos/ other inse discrete numeric
V735 s226ad benefits with sleeping under net: keeps mosquitos away discrete numeric
V736 s226ae benefits with sleeping under net: better in preventing malar discrete numeric
V737 s226af benefits with sleeping under net: better in preventing abort discrete numeric
V738 s226ag benefits with sleeping under net: protects against diseases discrete numeric
V739 s226ah benefits with sleeping under net: save money because child n discrete numeric
V740 s226ax benefits with sleeping under net: other discrete numeric
V741 s226ba problems with sleeping under net: no problem discrete numeric
V742 s226bb problems with sleeping under net: bad smell discrete numeric
V743 s226bc problems with sleeping under net: irritation/coughing discrete numeric
V744 s226bd problems with sleeping under net: sickness discrete numeric
V745 s226be problems with sleeping under net: nausea discrete numeric
V746 s226bf problems with sleeping under net: dangerous chemical product discrete numeric
V747 s226bg problems with sleeping under net: abortion/stillbirth discrete numeric
V748 s226bh problems with sleeping under net: respiration difficulties discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V749 s226bi problems with sleeping under net: not efficient discrete numeric
V750 s226bj problems with sleeping under net: dirts discrete numeric
V751 s226bx problems with sleeping under net: other discrete numeric
V752 idx94 index to birth history contin numeric
V753 s306a sp/fansidar for free discrete numeric
V754 s306b cost of sp/fansidar discrete numeric
V755 idx95 index to birth history contin numeric
V756 s405 number of days with fever discrete numeric
V757 s410aa other symptoms: shiver discrete numeric
V758 s410ab other symptoms: headache discrete numeric
V759 s410ac other symptoms: cough discrete numeric
V760 s410ad other symptoms: nausea discrete numeric
V761 s410ae other symptoms: angina discrete numeric
V762 s410af other symptoms: skin rash discrete numeric
V763 s410ag other symptoms: mumps discrete numeric
V764 s410ah other symptoms: vomiting discrete numeric
V765 s410ax other symptoms: other discrete numeric
V766 s410b did a malaria test discrete numeric
V767 s410c received malaria test results discrete numeric
V768 s410d malaria test results discrete numeric
V769 s418a buy sp/fansidar discrete numeric
V770 s418b cost of sp/fansidar discrete numeric
V771 idx96 index to birth history contin numeric
V772 s208 read consent statement (malaria) discrete numeric
V773 s211 result of measuring (malaria) discrete numeric
V774 s212 result of malaria test (tdr) discrete numeric
V775 s214 read consent statement (other malaria) discrete numeric
V776 s214a blood sample id number discrete character
V777 s214r lab malaria test result discrete numeric
V779 hv000 country code and phase discrete character
V780 hv001 cluster number contin numeric
V781 hv002 household number contin numeric
V782 hv003 respondent's line number contin numeric
V783 hv004 ultimate area unit contin numeric
V784 hv005 sample weight contin numeric
V785 hv006 month of interview discrete numeric
V786 hv007 year of interview discrete numeric
V787 hv008 date of interview (cmc) discrete numeric
V788 hv009 number of household members contin numeric
V789 hv010 number of eligible women in hh contin numeric
V790 hv011 na - number of eligible men in hh contin numeric
V791 hv012 number of de jure members contin numeric
V792 hv013 number of de facto members contin numeric
V793 hv014 number of children 5 and under contin numeric
V794 hv015 result of household interview discrete numeric
V795 hv016 day of interview contin numeric
V796 hv017 number of visits discrete numeric
V797 hv018 interviewer identification discrete numeric
V798 hv019 keyer identification discrete numeric
V799 hv020 ever-married sample discrete numeric
V800 hv021 primary sampling unit contin numeric
V801 hv022 na - sample stratum number contin numeric
V802 hv023 sample domain discrete numeric
V803 hv024 region discrete numeric
V804 hv025 type of place of residence discrete numeric
V805 hv026 place of residence discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V806 hv027 selection for male/husb. int. discrete numeric
V807 hv028 sample weight for male subsamp discrete numeric
V808 hv030 field supervisor contin numeric
V809 hv031 field editor discrete numeric
V810 hv032 office editor discrete numeric
V811 hv033 na - ultimate area selection prob. contin numeric
V812 hv035 number of eligible children for height & weight discrete numeric
V813 hv040 na - cluster altitude in meters contin numeric
V814 hv041 total adults measured discrete numeric
V815 hv042 selection for hemoglobin discrete numeric
V816 hv043 na - selection for women's status module discrete numeric
V817 hv044 na - selection for domestic violence module discrete numeric
V818 hv201 source of drinking water discrete numeric
V819 hv202 na - source of non-drinking water discrete numeric
V820 hv204 na - time to get to water source discrete numeric
V821 hv205 type of toilet facility discrete numeric
V822 hv206 has electricity discrete numeric
V823 hv207 has radio discrete numeric
V824 hv208 has television discrete numeric
V825 hv209 has refrigerator discrete numeric
V826 hv210 has bicycle discrete numeric
V827 hv211 has motorcycle/scooter discrete numeric
V828 hv212 has car/truck discrete numeric
V829 hv213 main floor material discrete numeric
V830 hv214 main wall material discrete numeric
V831 hv215 main roof material discrete numeric
V832 hv216 rooms used for sleeping contin numeric
V833 hv217 relationship structure discrete numeric
V834 hv218 line number of head of househ. discrete numeric
V835 hv219 sex of head of household discrete numeric
V836 hv220 age of head of household discrete numeric
V837 hv221 has telephone discrete numeric
V838 hv225 na - share toilet with other households discrete numeric
V839 hv226 type of cooking fuel discrete numeric
V840 hv227 have bednet for sleeping discrete numeric
V841 hv228 children under 5 slept under bednet last night discrete numeric
V842 hv234 na - test salt for iodine discrete numeric
V843 hv235 na - location of source for water discrete numeric
V844 hv236 na - person fetching water discrete numeric
V845 hv237 na - anything done to water to make safe to drink discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V846 hv237a na - water usually treated by: boil discrete numeric
V847 hv237b na - water usually treated by: add bleach/chlorine discrete numeric
V848 hv237c na - water usually treated by: strain through a cloth discrete numeric
V849 hv237d na - water usually treated by: use water filter discrete numeric
V850 hv237e na - water usually treated by: solar disinfection discrete numeric
V851 hv237f na - water usually treated by: let it stand and settle discrete numeric
V852 hv237g na - water usually treated by: cs discrete numeric
V853 hv237h na - water usually treated by: cs discrete numeric
V854 hv237i na - water usually treated by: cs discrete numeric
V855 hv237j na - water usually treated by: cs discrete numeric
V856 hv237k na - water usually treated by: cs discrete numeric
V857 hv237x na - water usually treated by: other discrete numeric
V858 hv237z na - water usually treated by: don't know discrete numeric
V859 hv238 na - number of households sharing toilet discrete numeric
V860 hv239 na - food cooked on stove or open fire discrete numeric
V861 hv240 na - household has a chimney, hood or neither discrete numeric
V862 hv241 na - food cooked in the house / in separate building / outdo discrete numeric
V863 hv242 na - household has separate room used as kitchen discrete numeric
V864 hv243a has a mobile telephone discrete numeric
V865 hv243b na - has a watch discrete numeric
V866 hv243c has an animal-drawn cart discrete numeric
V867 hv243d has a boat with a motor discrete numeric
V868 hv244 na - own land usable for agriculture discrete numeric
V869 hv245 na - hectares for agricultural land discrete numeric
V870 hv246 na - livestock, herds or farm animals discrete numeric
V871 hv246a na - cattle own discrete numeric
V872 hv246b na - cows, bulls own discrete numeric
V873 hv246c na - horses, donkeys, mules own discrete numeric
V874 hv246d na - goats own discrete numeric
V875 hv246e na - sheep own discrete numeric
V876 hv246f na - chickens own discrete numeric
V877 hv246g na - cs own discrete numeric
V878 hv246h na - cs own discrete numeric
V879 hv246i na - cs own discrete numeric
V880 hv246j na - cs own discrete numeric
V881 hv246k na - cs own discrete numeric
V882 hv247 na - owns a bank account discrete numeric
V883 hv248 na - number of sick people 18-59 contin numeric
V884 hv249 na - member of the hh died last 12 months discrete numeric
V885 hv250 na - number of members who died last 12 months discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V886 hv251 na - number of orphans and vulnerable children contin numeric
V887 hv270 wealth index discrete numeric
V888 hv271 wealth index factor score (5 decimals) contin numeric
V889 hml1 number of mosquito nets discrete numeric
V890 hml1a number of mosquito nets with specific information contin numeric
V891 hml2 number of children under bednet previous night discrete numeric
V892 shdistr health district discrete numeric
V893 shcomm commune discrete numeric
V894 shconces concession contin numeric
V895 shlocalit locality contin numeric
V896 shech household sample discrete numeric
V897 shdomain domain discrete numeric
V898 sh103g stove discrete numeric
V899 sh103h improved kitchen discrete numeric
V900 sh109f plow discrete numeric
V901 sh109g horses discrete numeric
V902 sh109h cows/bulls discrete numeric
V903 sh109i camels discrete numeric
V904 sh109j donkeys discrete numeric
V905 sh109k sheep/goats discrete numeric
V906 sh109m chikens discrete numeric
V907 sh109aa windows with grids to prevent mosquitoes discrete numeric
V908 sh109ab doors with curtains & grids to prevent mosquitoes discrete numeric
V909 sh110 house walls treated with insecticide in last 12 months discrete numeric
V910 sh111 how long ago walls were treated discrete numeric
V911 sh112 who treated the walls discrete numeric
V912 sh112a paint walls after treatment discrete numeric
V913 sh114a use mosquito nets out of sleeping rooms discrete numeric
V914 sh114b household members use mosquito net all year long discrete numeric
V915 sh114c reasons household members don't use mosquito net all year lo discrete numeric
V916 sh114da reasons for no mosquito nets: lack of means discrete numeric
V917 sh114db reasons for no mosquito nets: not necessary discrete numeric
V918 sh114dc reasons for no mosquito nets: use other thing discrete numeric
V919 sh114dd reasons for no mosquito nets: no mosquitoes discrete numeric
V920 sh114de reasons for no mosquito nets: don't like discrete numeric
V921 sh114df reasons for no mosquito nets: don't know discrete numeric
V922 sh114dx reasons for no mosquito nets: other discrete numeric
V923 hvidx_01 line number discrete numeric
V924 hvidx_02 line number contin numeric
V925 hvidx_03 line number contin numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V926 hvidx_04 line number contin numeric
V927 hvidx_05 line number contin numeric
V928 hvidx_06 line number contin numeric
V929 hvidx_07 line number contin numeric
V930 hvidx_08 line number contin numeric
V931 hvidx_09 line number contin numeric
V932 hvidx_10 line number contin numeric
V933 hvidx_11 line number contin numeric
V934 hvidx_12 line number contin numeric
V935 hvidx_13 line number contin numeric
V936 hvidx_14 line number contin numeric
V937 hvidx_15 line number contin numeric
V938 hvidx_16 line number contin numeric
V939 hvidx_17 line number contin numeric
V940 hvidx_18 line number contin numeric
V941 hvidx_19 line number contin numeric
V942 hvidx_20 line number contin numeric
V943 hvidx_21 line number contin numeric
V944 hvidx_22 line number contin numeric
V945 hvidx_23 line number contin numeric
V946 hvidx_24 line number contin numeric
V947 hvidx_25 line number contin numeric
V948 hvidx_26 line number contin numeric
V949 hvidx_27 line number contin numeric
V950 hvidx_28 line number contin numeric
V951 hvidx_29 line number contin numeric
V952 hvidx_30 line number contin numeric
V953 hvidx_31 line number contin numeric
V954 hvidx_32 line number contin numeric
V955 hvidx_33 line number contin numeric
V956 hvidx_34 line number contin numeric
V957 hvidx_35 line number contin numeric
V958 hvidx_36 line number contin numeric
V959 hvidx_37 line number contin numeric
V960 hvidx_38 line number contin numeric
V961 hvidx_39 line number contin numeric
V962 hvidx_40 line number contin numeric
V963 hvidx_41 line number contin numeric
V964 hvidx_42 line number contin numeric
V965 hvidx_43 line number contin numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V966 hvidx_44 line number contin numeric
V967 hvidx_45 line number contin numeric
V968 hvidx_46 line number contin numeric
V969 hvidx_47 line number contin numeric
V970 hvidx_48 line number contin numeric
V971 hvidx_49 line number contin numeric
V972 hvidx_50 line number contin numeric
V973 hvidx_51 line number contin numeric
V974 hvidx_52 line number contin numeric
V975 hvidx_53 line number contin numeric
V976 hvidx_54 line number contin numeric
V977 hvidx_55 line number contin numeric
V978 hvidx_56 line number contin numeric
V979 hvidx_57 line number contin numeric
V980 hvidx_58 line number contin numeric
V981 hvidx_59 line number contin numeric
V982 hvidx_60 line number contin numeric
V983 hvidx_61 line number contin numeric
V984 hvidx_62 line number contin numeric
V985 hvidx_63 line number contin numeric
V986 hvidx_64 line number contin numeric
V987 hvidx_65 line number contin numeric
V988 hvidx_66 line number contin numeric
V989 hvidx_67 line number contin numeric
V990 hvidx_68 line number contin numeric
V991 hvidx_69 line number contin numeric
V992 hvidx_70 line number contin numeric
V993 hvidx_71 line number contin numeric
V994 hvidx_72 line number contin numeric
V995 hvidx_73 line number contin numeric
V996 hvidx_74 line number contin numeric
V997 hvidx_75 line number contin numeric
V998 hvidx_76 line number contin numeric
V999 hvidx_77 line number contin numeric
V1000 hvidx_78 line number contin numeric
V1001 hvidx_79 line number contin numeric
V1002 hvidx_80 line number contin numeric
V1003 hvidx_81 line number contin numeric
V1004 hvidx_82 line number contin numeric
V1005 hvidx_83 line number contin numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V1006 hvidx_84 line number contin numeric
V1007 hvidx_85 line number contin numeric
V1008 hvidx_86 line number contin numeric
V1009 hvidx_87 line number contin numeric
V1010 hvidx_88 line number contin numeric
V1011 hvidx_89 line number contin numeric
V1012 hvidx_90 line number contin numeric
V1013 hvidx_91 line number contin numeric
V1014 hvidx_92 line number contin numeric
V1015 hvidx_93 line number contin numeric
V1016 hvidx_94 line number contin numeric
V1017 hvidx_95 line number contin numeric
V1018 hv101_01 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1019 hv101_02 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1020 hv101_03 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1021 hv101_04 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1022 hv101_05 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1023 hv101_06 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1024 hv101_07 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1025 hv101_08 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1026 hv101_09 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1027 hv101_10 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1028 hv101_11 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1029 hv101_12 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1030 hv101_13 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1031 hv101_14 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1032 hv101_15 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1033 hv101_16 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1034 hv101_17 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1035 hv101_18 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1036 hv101_19 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1037 hv101_20 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1038 hv101_21 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1039 hv101_22 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1040 hv101_23 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1041 hv101_24 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1042 hv101_25 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1043 hv101_26 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1044 hv101_27 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1045 hv101_28 relationship to head discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V1046 hv101_29 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1047 hv101_30 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1048 hv101_31 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1049 hv101_32 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1050 hv101_33 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1051 hv101_34 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1052 hv101_35 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1053 hv101_36 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1054 hv101_37 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1055 hv101_38 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1056 hv101_39 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1057 hv101_40 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1058 hv101_41 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1059 hv101_42 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1060 hv101_43 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1061 hv101_44 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1062 hv101_45 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1063 hv101_46 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1064 hv101_47 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1065 hv101_48 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1066 hv101_49 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1067 hv101_50 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1068 hv101_51 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1069 hv101_52 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1070 hv101_53 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1071 hv101_54 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1072 hv101_55 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1073 hv101_56 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1074 hv101_57 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1075 hv101_58 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1076 hv101_59 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1077 hv101_60 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1078 hv101_61 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1079 hv101_62 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1080 hv101_63 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1081 hv101_64 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1082 hv101_65 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1083 hv101_66 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1084 hv101_67 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1085 hv101_68 relationship to head discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V1086 hv101_69 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1087 hv101_70 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1088 hv101_71 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1089 hv101_72 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1090 hv101_73 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1091 hv101_74 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1092 hv101_75 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1093 hv101_76 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1094 hv101_77 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1095 hv101_78 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1096 hv101_79 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1097 hv101_80 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1098 hv101_81 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1099 hv101_82 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1100 hv101_83 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1101 hv101_84 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1102 hv101_85 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1103 hv101_86 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1104 hv101_87 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1105 hv101_88 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1106 hv101_89 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1107 hv101_90 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1108 hv101_91 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1109 hv101_92 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1110 hv101_93 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1111 hv101_94 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1112 hv101_95 relationship to head discrete numeric
V1113 hv102_01 usual resident discrete numeric
V1114 hv102_02 usual resident discrete numeric
V1115 hv102_03 usual resident discrete numeric
V1116 hv102_04 usual resident discrete numeric
V1117 hv102_05 usual resident discrete numeric
V1118 hv102_06 usual resident discrete numeric
V1119 hv102_07 usual resident discrete numeric
V1120 hv102_08 usual resident discrete numeric
V1121 hv102_09 usual resident discrete numeric
V1122 hv102_10 usual resident discrete numeric
V1123 hv102_11 usual resident discrete numeric
V1124 hv102_12 usual resident discrete numeric
V1125 hv102_13 usual resident discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V1126 hv102_14 usual resident discrete numeric
V1127 hv102_15 usual resident discrete numeric
V1128 hv102_16 usual resident discrete numeric
V1129 hv102_17 usual resident discrete numeric
V1130 hv102_18 usual resident discrete numeric
V1131 hv102_19 usual resident discrete numeric
V1132 hv102_20 usual resident discrete numeric
V1133 hv102_21 usual resident discrete numeric
V1134 hv102_22 usual resident discrete numeric
V1135 hv102_23 usual resident discrete numeric
V1136 hv102_24 usual resident discrete numeric
V1137 hv102_25 usual resident discrete numeric
V1138 hv102_26 usual resident discrete numeric
V1139 hv102_27 usual resident discrete numeric
V1140 hv102_28 usual resident discrete numeric
V1141 hv102_29 usual resident discrete numeric
V1142 hv102_30 usual resident discrete numeric
V1143 hv102_31 usual resident discrete numeric
V1144 hv102_32 usual resident discrete numeric
V1145 hv102_33 usual resident discrete numeric
V1146 hv102_34 usual resident discrete numeric
V1147 hv102_35 usual resident discrete numeric
V1148 hv102_36 usual resident discrete numeric
V1149 hv102_37 usual resident discrete numeric
V1150 hv102_38 usual resident discrete numeric
V1151 hv102_39 usual resident discrete numeric
V1152 hv102_40 usual resident discrete numeric
V1153 hv102_41 usual resident discrete numeric
V1154 hv102_42 usual resident discrete numeric
V1155 hv102_43 usual resident discrete numeric
V1156 hv102_44 usual resident discrete numeric
V1157 hv102_45 usual resident discrete numeric
V1158 hv102_46 usual resident discrete numeric
V1159 hv102_47 usual resident discrete numeric
V1160 hv102_48 usual resident discrete numeric
V1161 hv102_49 usual resident discrete numeric
V1162 hv102_50 usual resident discrete numeric
V1163 hv102_51 usual resident discrete numeric
V1164 hv102_52 usual resident discrete numeric
V1165 hv102_53 usual resident discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V1166 hv102_54 usual resident discrete numeric
V1167 hv102_55 usual resident discrete numeric
V1168 hv102_56 usual resident discrete numeric
V1169 hv102_57 usual resident discrete numeric
V1170 hv102_58 usual resident discrete numeric
V1171 hv102_59 usual resident discrete numeric
V1172 hv102_60 usual resident discrete numeric
V1173 hv102_61 usual resident discrete numeric
V1174 hv102_62 usual resident discrete numeric
V1175 hv102_63 usual resident discrete numeric
V1176 hv102_64 usual resident discrete numeric
V1177 hv102_65 usual resident discrete numeric
V1178 hv102_66 usual resident discrete numeric
V1179 hv102_67 usual resident discrete numeric
V1180 hv102_68 usual resident discrete numeric
V1181 hv102_69 usual resident discrete numeric
V1182 hv102_70 usual resident discrete numeric
V1183 hv102_71 usual resident discrete numeric
V1184 hv102_72 usual resident discrete numeric
V1185 hv102_73 usual resident discrete numeric
V1186 hv102_74 usual resident discrete numeric
V1187 hv102_75 usual resident discrete numeric
V1188 hv102_76 usual resident discrete numeric
V1189 hv102_77 usual resident discrete numeric
V1190 hv102_78 usual resident discrete numeric
V1191 hv102_79 usual resident discrete numeric
V1192 hv102_80 usual resident discrete numeric
V1193 hv102_81 usual resident discrete numeric
V1194 hv102_82 usual resident discrete numeric
V1195 hv102_83 usual resident discrete numeric
V1196 hv102_84 usual resident discrete numeric
V1197 hv102_85 usual resident discrete numeric
V1198 hv102_86 usual resident discrete numeric
V1199 hv102_87 usual resident discrete numeric
V1200 hv102_88 usual resident discrete numeric
V1201 hv102_89 usual resident discrete numeric
V1202 hv102_90 usual resident discrete numeric
V1203 hv102_91 usual resident discrete numeric
V1204 hv102_92 usual resident discrete numeric
V1205 hv102_93 usual resident discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V1206 hv102_94 usual resident discrete numeric
V1207 hv102_95 usual resident discrete numeric
V1208 hv103_01 slept last night discrete numeric
V1209 hv103_02 slept last night discrete numeric
V1210 hv103_03 slept last night discrete numeric
V1211 hv103_04 slept last night discrete numeric
V1212 hv103_05 slept last night discrete numeric
V1213 hv103_06 slept last night discrete numeric
V1214 hv103_07 slept last night discrete numeric
V1215 hv103_08 slept last night discrete numeric
V1216 hv103_09 slept last night discrete numeric
V1217 hv103_10 slept last night discrete numeric
V1218 hv103_11 slept last night discrete numeric
V1219 hv103_12 slept last night discrete numeric
V1220 hv103_13 slept last night discrete numeric
V1221 hv103_14 slept last night discrete numeric
V1222 hv103_15 slept last night discrete numeric
V1223 hv103_16 slept last night discrete numeric
V1224 hv103_17 slept last night discrete numeric
V1225 hv103_18 slept last night discrete numeric
V1226 hv103_19 slept last night discrete numeric
V1227 hv103_20 slept last night discrete numeric
V1228 hv103_21 slept last night discrete numeric
V1229 hv103_22 slept last night discrete numeric
V1230 hv103_23 slept last night discrete numeric
V1231 hv103_24 slept last night discrete numeric
V1232 hv103_25 slept last night discrete numeric
V1233 hv103_26 slept last night discrete numeric
V1234 hv103_27 slept last night discrete numeric
V1235 hv103_28 slept last night discrete numeric
V1236 hv103_29 slept last night discrete numeric
V1237 hv103_30 slept last night discrete numeric
V1238 hv103_31 slept last night discrete numeric
V1239 hv103_32 slept last night discrete numeric
V1240 hv103_33 slept last night discrete numeric
V1241 hv103_34 slept last night discrete numeric
V1242 hv103_35 slept last night discrete numeric
V1243 hv103_36 slept last night discrete numeric
V1244 hv103_37 slept last night discrete numeric
V1245 hv103_38 slept last night discrete numeric
ID Nom Libellé Type Format Question
V1246 hv103_39 slept last night discrete numeric
V1247 hv103_40 slept last night discrete numeric
V1248 hv103_41 slept last night discrete numeric
V1249 hv103_42 slept last night discrete numeric
V1250 hv103_43 slept last night discrete numeric
V1251 hv103_44 slept last night discrete numeric
V1252 hv103_45 slept last night discrete numeric
V1253 hv103_46 slept last night discrete numeric
V1254 hv103_47 slept last night discrete numeric
V1255 hv103_48 slept last night discrete numeric
V1256 hv103_49 slept last night discrete numeric
V1257 hv103_50 slept last night discrete numeric
V1258 hv103_51 slept last night discrete numeric
V1259 hv103_52 slept last night discrete numeric
V1260 hv103_53 slept last night discrete numeric
V1261 hv103_54 slept last night discrete numeric
V1262 hv103_55 slept last night discrete numeric
V1263 hv103_56 slept last night discrete numeric
V1264 hv103_57 slept last night discrete numeric
V1265 hv103_58 slept last night discrete numeric
V1266 hv103_59 slept last night discrete numeric
V1267 hv103_60 slept last night discrete numeric
V1268 hv103_61 slept last night discrete numeric
V1269 hv103_62 slept last night discrete numeric