BTS blanc

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of BTS blanc

  • 8/11/2019 BTS blanc


    BTS blanc

    Nom : ______________________________________________________________________

    1. Comprhension Oral. Vous allez voir la vido Proactiv TV Commercial trois reprises, espaces chacune

    de deux minutes. Vous devez lexpliquer par crit en franais.





















  • 8/11/2019 BTS blanc


    2. valuation de la production orale en continu et de linteraction.

    Rpondre les questions :


    Who are you ?





    B. What would you like to do later ?





    c. Talk about your work experience :





  • 8/11/2019 BTS blanc


  • 8/11/2019 BTS blanc

























  • 8/11/2019 BTS blanc


    B. Lire et prsenter le document :

    Why you need sunscreen in the winter

    We often forget about sun damage during the winter, but the sun sure doesnt. Whether its hidden (1) behind the

    rain or shining bright on a summer beach day, it can harm your skin.

    Basically, the skin really doesnt care if its summer, winter, spring or fall it just measures the cumulative amount of

    sun exposure that you have from the day youre born until the day you die, and it just keeps adding up (2). For a lot of

    the skin cancers, what happens is, as we get more and more sun, eventually one of our weaker cells reaches(3) its limit

    and then forms a cancer.

    On cloudy days, some of the damaging rays of the sun go right through the clouds. Using sunscreen should just become

    a part of someones daily skin-care routine.

    Theres still enough sun in the winter to cause damage. And for people who enjoy winter sports and are out on the

    snow, then the risk becomes even greater because we get a lot of reflection of the sun rays off the snow back up into

    the skin. If theyre alpine skiing, then the sun is also a lot stronger up there, so skiers have to be vigilant about putting

    strong sunscreen on. If most people arent out in the sun for very much time at all, sort of running between their car

    and their office, then just a daily moisturizer with an SPF 30 should be fine. You dont have to feel like youre burning

    to actually get burned or damage your skin. Anyone who skis a lot will tell you, One of my worst sunburns was when

    I was skiing.

    Its protecting your skin 100 times greater than your skin would be without it, whereas (4) a 15 would be 15 times

    better. The problem is in those tests they put a ton of sunscreen on a very small area of skin and then test it. Nobody

    in real life uses that much, so were not really getting an SPF of 15 or an SPF of 100; were getting a lower SPF.

    Choose a sunscreen that provides broad-spectrum protection, which means it protects from both UVA and UVB rays.

    For daily moisturizer, a 30 is probably fine. If someones going to be out in the sun, then we like the stronger ones. The

    key is to use a lot of it and reapply every two hours.

    (1) Hidden: to hide: Se cacher.

    (2) adding up: To add up : additionner.

    (3) Reach: To reach: atteindre

    (4) Whereas: tandis que

  • 8/11/2019 BTS blanc

























  • 8/11/2019 BTS blanc


    C. Rpondre les questions en anglais par rapport au texte B.

    a. Why is it important to use a sunscreen in winter?





    B. Which would be the problems if we dont protect our skin?





    C. Which is the best way to use a sunscreen?





    d. Do you use a sunscreen? Explain:



