Art I like volume 5 by Florent Vial

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Art I like volume 5 by Florent Vial

Alëxone est né à Paris en 1976. Il a vécu et travaillé en Belgique de 2004 a 2007.Il est membre du collectif d'artiste appelé 9ème Concept. Il est notamment le père des Pingouins taggeurs, personnages récurrents de ses graffiti, visibles sur plusieurs murs d'Europe. Son univ-ers est composé entre autre d'éléphants mas-qués, de pingouins, mais aussi de bandits au long nez retroussé.Le monde d'Alëxone est humoristique et coloré.Les personnages sont le plus souvent compo-sés d'aplats colorés cernés de sombre et se passent de reliefs et de réalisme. L'homme y est souvent représenté masqué, souvent armé et mis en scène dans une profusion animale et végétale évoquant parfois les miniatures per-sanes.Les fonds sont souvent composés de mots réunis par association d'idées, de bulles de textes, de lettrages et de fonds calligraphiés, le tout dans un style rappelant le surréalisme.

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My name is Michael Sieben and I live and work in Austin, Texas.I fill my days:Designing skateboard graphics for Roger Skate-boardsWriting and Illustrating articles for Thrasher MagazineOperating Okay Mountain Gallery with my fellow MountaineersWorking on various freelance projects with the Volcom Art LoftPainting and Drawing for personal enjoymentSkateboardingParticipatingSmilingI also enjoy watching movies and riding bicycles with my wife Allison, eating lunch with my dad, and hanging out at the river with anybody who enjoys hanging out at the river.

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Michael SiebenUnknown title

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Michael SiebenUnknown title

Los Angeles native Mike Stilkey has always been attracted to painting and drawing not only on vintage paper, record covers and book pages, but on the books themselves. Using a mix of ink, colored pencil, paint and lacquer, Stilkey depicts a melancholic and at times a whimsical cast of characters inhabiting ambigu-ous spaces and narratives of fantasy and fairy tales. A lingering sense of loss and longing hints at emotional depth and draws the viewer into their introspective thrall with a mixture of capri-cious poetry, wit, and mystery. His work is remi-niscent of Weimar-era German expressionism and his style has been described by some as capturing features of artists ranging from Edward Gorey to Egon Schiele.

His more recent work is been shown at Kinsey/DesForges Gallery in Culver City, CA, Rice University Gallery, Houston, TX, and Gilman Contemporary Gallery, Ketchum, ID.

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