AR DEPART ENT - ibiblio.orgde Gue_Fre pouvait etre attachee a couleurs. Aussi demande-t-il !...

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Transcript of AR DEPART ENT - ibiblio.orgde Gue_Fre pouvait etre attachee a couleurs. Aussi demande-t-il !...

.· Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

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;", ,I ..o,ECiASSIFIED 1'"'



GQUV ERNE1&~Ifi' t:r'

e.1" GROUPE l>.6 bUBDl Vlt;;IONi:i



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Dans l 'affirmative·-·,; fa:ffi:• etablfr, r,ar le Gommandant 6.e .l'nni t·e d0nt'"'-il- ·?, agit m:ie '.a.E;1µ.e.nde en Vtie, ct'obtenir l'autorisatio11 Jiu .po,rt- de la· f_pur;rage,re 'Caux e:oulr2urs de ls. Croix de Guerre ., .,, .. _, ;_,

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re par le Commande:ment :..l\.mer:i:..ca_J:.Jf/k Guer

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fl7i:'ADQ,ITART.i·::RS 4th. MAJOR PORT CIµl{OR)BASE S ,CTION APO us ARilJl-Y Frezfch Liaison Office. 22 Juillet 1'345


c.,, A Mr. le General LAFITE Cf' Co:rr:mandant la Subdivision de la Ili!ANCHEa \'

Le Commai.7.da.nt d tune Unite Americaine now a de.mantle des precisions sur le port de la Croix de Guerre avec Palme, tel quti est prescrit par reglementations militaires francaises ..

La situation si_g-nalee par cet Officier, ntayant pas .le cara,ctere courant:, nous vous en donnons ci-a.pres court expose, et vous serious obliges de la souJJ1ettre v.os Services de lA Garnison, interesses, pour examen et reponse a la Liaison Francaise:•


Pendant les opera;;ions du debarquement, .3 detache:ments de la. 215eme Signal D-epot Company -u:ne unite bien distincte- ont ete respective­ment assignes aux lere, 5eme et 6eme Ingineer Special Brigades~

Tour a tour, chacune de ces Brigades stest vue attribuer la Croix de 1

Guerre . avec Palme, et y compris les Unites representees ou a ttachees aupres de . chacune d I elles. -------

:En consequence 1~3 Commandant de la 2.l5eme Signal Depot Gompa:rw, a et~~ informe trois fois de suite que son _Unit;e citee et q_ue la Croi4 de Gue_Fre pouvait etre attachee a couleurs. Aussi demande-t-il ! si etant donnee cette situation speciale , il ne pourrait 11as etne ' accorde aux membres de ltunite consideres individuellement, le pri­vilege de porter .soit un insigne, ou. soit la Fourragere.

Lt. A. PIGNOT French Liaison Of'ficer.

L--·--·---·-----·------··--------·----- ----,-··=•-..-.,~,,,.,-.,---·-····--------·-·-----------·--·····-·-

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'"" u '73S6 (J AUTHORITY


\ CO}~I".~

. ~ \

t Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

ii ,I tPECIASS!FlED f'NIJ '7JS6 (] . AlffiiORITY •


0 RD ER NO 758


0 .


nFor except.:ional war services rendered in th~ course of the Operations of the tiberation of Frahce 11

The 1st Engineer Special Brigade; comprising ['all the Units attached to that Brigade,· or having been detached fror.i it, which were- made pa:rt of the AA.ssault Force ITJT n ft were engaied in the assault on

- · · the-beaches '.o;f Normandy.

This citation allows the confer:Hng of the_ Croix de Guerre with Palm.

General of' the Army JUIN Chariii:f of State, Major General o:f National,Defense

Paris, 25 11ay 1945

Signed Charles DE GAULLE



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i, ., J)ECLASSIF!ED ,,NLJ '7JS6[ 7



Le Prtsi<lent au G-ouve.Tnement J?rovisoire de la

Republiq_ue Jl1rang&ise, Chef JJ.rmees;

n pour Servioef.=, except ionnels d.e Guerre ret1dus au cours des

Opfratio~i ae lib~ration de la ironce".

- .ls Iere Engineer Special bri6ade,. comprenant tout es les

unit#s sf;[:ectfes a cette Brigade ou. y Ptant detachPest qui

ont i'ait partie de la :i/orce d' Assout "U" et ont PtP engagees

ddnB l'ussaut des plages Normanctes -"s

... .... .... -. .

- •le 5 e _t;ngineer ·spe,o ia~..J:.ri,2:ade. comp re nsnt tout es le s c.dteo·tfe& a oette brigact.e,. b\l JI ftant a.eto.ChPBb, Qlli

ont feit part ie des Forces d I Assou.t ''0'1 · et "b.'' et ont EtP·

e 16agfes dsnti li"assout pleiges 1.\lormandes -

- L .. 6e Engineer Speoiul nrigsae., oompret.Lant toutes ;Lei:;

unit€s □ iiectles ~ cetta brigaae ou y ~t0nt ct~tachle6, qui

ant i'a it portie des iorce s d 1 .1,.ssou.t "0 11 et HJ:i •· et g_ui oat

. ttf engo.gles dons 1 1 assout plages i' -

Ce.s citutions oomportent l' attribution, de lo

Croix de Guerre avec Palme.,


P~ ""ii., Le Oolvn1,;l HISSONIER Directeur du Cabin$t

a.e I ~E• u. c-. - D. :er.

InclosurE; fJo 1.

1 :Pi{RlS, le 25 Mui 1945 )

I I I .,

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·-~ ';:;;--

ii 1 JJEClASSIF!ED ,,r~v 73S6 ( 7 AUTHORITY ,

BY L,) NARA DATE: J_ .. -·~- .. : .. ,·. ,,._ ... - "



The President of the Provisional Government of the French Republ:lc 1 Ch:i::ef r.:>f the .A:t:rnies: cites

0 RD 'ER OF. 1H'.E ;;,.r&"iiY I

11 For exceptional wartime services re_ndered · during the operations resUlting in the LJ:iberation of France11

'.I.he lst Engineer Special :Brigade including all the uni t 9 attacheg.. to that J3ri­gade or assigned~ thereto P which were a part of.Assault Force 11 un and partici­·pa'tsd in the assauJ. t 011 the lformandy beaqb.?a.

1I'.b.e 5th Engineer Special :Brigade including all the uni ts assigned or attached i;v that :Brigade, which participated in the .Assault Forces non and U]ff and. took ~.i,:;_;:·t in •iihe assault on the Normandy peaches.

:...r11e 6th Enr:\.--n~fer Specia"l :Brigade. including a.11 the uni ts a.M:i.gned or attached i;o tha:t tfrigacle which we-re u ~art .of AseauJ.'c F01'ces non and 11 ] 11 and partici­pated. in :,.the a£ sa:a.l t 0n the Normandy ·beach8s.

Inclosure l'Jo 2.

r:l:'hese citations are accompanied "by the aws.rd <if the Croix de Guerre with Palm

Paris, 25 May 1945

Signed: de G .A TJ L L :.E

Signed: MISS ONIE R Colonel


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c-_:t \t ~,Jlf~fff6T1 AUTHORITY •





SUBJECT: Avmrd of Croix cle Guerre.

23 June 1%5

TO CollJfilanding Officer., 215th Signal Depot Company., .APO 339, US A:criw •

. 1. The Presadent of the Provisione.l Govermaent of the French . Repu~lic ;oy Decision !fo 758, 25 Eay 1945, res avrarded thEJ Croix de Guerre vrith Palm to ,the 5th Engineer Special Brigade, includ:ing all the units assigned '"r attached to the Brigade, vrhich participated in the Lssault F-orces 110 11 and 11B11 and took part in the assault on the Normandy Beaches, France, The .sre_rd 1:-ras presented to the Brigade on the beach during ceremonies commemorating the first anniversary of the landing on the co2st oi Fl:'c>nce on 6 Jtu-;.e 19.lo.

2. This decision .s_utborizes your un:Lt to attach the Croix de Guerre strean:,.er to your organizational colors., or in the .Case of separe.te comp2nies., to the company- guid.on, (J;?,ef~ Par. 21b($)(c) and Par. 2l~(9.)(a), J~R.,.2607lO~) The Croix de Guerre Medal with Palm. is to be us,.ed only when decorations and service medals are prescribed by the cor.--!roc1.nding officer for a ceremony, and when so prescribed will be a-tta&hed to the strean::er near the spea:rhea .. d. This avrard does not 0ua,lify individuals to -v:ea.r the Eedal or r."ny other appurtene.nce to· indicate that the unit ha,s been cited, (Par,, 2lb(l) ( d), AR 260-10,; 25 December 1944.-) ·

For the\ Commanding Officer!

2 In.els: L CeTtified copy of Decision No '758 in French., 2.,, C•:;rtif:ied ropy o.f Decision No 758 trn.nslatiorr.

t Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

/;.,1 Jl.ECLASSIFIED' ,~"'v '73S6{ J · AUTHORITY , •

aviLNARA DATE:~) '

' ·. '., ' ,, '

• : I-:ffi'ij)r,TT \ r r'ri-.::r, S· -·. ·, ·- ,' :_ ~;:·:,:,,,·, .~-~.~,!~.:}~-~~-~ .. · ·· ,5iI'I{ iNG IN'EZ;IZ · SV:3'.; .,iJU:.i. 2111(].ADE

G01i;}'.\1Jl.rIQAT:IONS. ZOilTE, ·ETO APO: 1 564" pg, ARMY .

. . .23 .June- .19LS 2:do .. 6•

.•.- soo:JD::'CT: ; Admin:iJ3t;rat£ve Irtf'orma.tioh Iteg~r:d:jngcbroix de µtte:rl'.e.

-. Co~£iicttBg Qi'f~ce~:., \2'.l5t.h S.~al. Depot c::n~,,'oan,; . APO 339, US ,. • ' • ~ '; ' "' ·1, • • ', ' ' • ' • • •• , '· ' ,

@" ,·,,,'

'1. Re;fEtt'.enq~;, _ lElf:.t~J?~, t-hi:s, h'7adoJf,J?i?~:r-s; stfo,:{ eyt,,. il'W9,td of Crqix · d~ G1.?:erre•~ tla-bed' 2J.• JunJ.·1,<?LS,, ,file ~00·~$i 1~I1ich ·i,s your\.a11bhority ·:ear the mrard o..f tne Crqh:(dE> Guei:r,e as ~·• uni~,pitation_ ~o .io~. 0rg~niz;a'"". i:.ion, .the :follo-vdng. ac;µnirtistrat.ive. ::int;o1:~tion i,s forwa:rueq: .t\ir .your

. ;g~ielance • ' ' . ' ,' '·, ' ' ,, ' . ' .

Army, The streeme:i:i in.ay b~ (')twrtermaster, Communications Zone, of' qpEµ'ations., U.S. Army, APO S[};? ~ ,

-- - -· • .3. It; i·s contemplc:;ted that a certificate :for each individual of

y01,T_ vni:t -.rtil1 be printBd by the 5th Eng:itreer Special Brigade in the near""l~1:J; ure,. Thj_s cert:i.fic:'3,te will indi;::,a.te that the :ind:ividual wa.s a m:emh-3r of' e. s.ssig.,ed or attached to the 5th Engineer Special Brii;;ade at the time 0he Crci-:k da Guerre -was won. Further information vrill be fc:r':\rarded. your he.:tdciuarters co1,1cerning this certificate when

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

;"1., ..o.ECLASSIF!ED

''"' v '7JS6 l 7 AUTHORITY •


200.6 SUBJECT:


I-IT1~f~.D tV.:~1I~~2J.JJ S 5TKENGirn~:m m.:·::~:;,;\L "2::?.IGADE


23 June 19L~5 ,

Administrative Information Regarding Croix de Guer;re.

1. Refere:rfce, letter, this headou[).:l'.'ters, sub~ect, Award of Croix de Guerre, dated 23 June 1945, file ;200~6, ·which is your authority- for the av:ard of the Croix de Guerre as a unit citat,ion to your organiza­tion; the following adn1inistrative information is forwarded for your guidance,

2.. The. Croix de Guerre Eie~l witb. Palin may be reNtl,sitioned from the Adjutant General, Con:un.unic2tions Zone,. European Theqter of Opera­tic,;rr:s., U.S. Arrr.r.J:, APO 8f!tf. The stre8me:r may be rer<uisitioned on the rn.w.rterma.ster, Comm.unication,g Zone:, Euror,ean The2,ter of Operations., U.S. Army, J\F'O ~87 ~

" 3i •-It is~-co~templated that a certif'i-b2:!:.e for each ,individual of y01::.~ vrtt be )Jrintea. by the 5th Engineer Special Brigade in the nea.:r. ft::i:, -i..i.:re., This certj ficate will indic8:te that the ii.1.dividual wa.s a

· ~ f' · 1- • 1 .1. • ' " , 'h · i::.t· E · S . 1 mem\,e;r o~ e. 11nl\, assig:;:1i;x. or avr,acneo. i:;o -c, _e .., n ngJ.Deer pecia BI'igade 8.t the time chs C:roi--x d2 won. Fu:r·ther information will be _fc:rwaro.ed you:r headc,ua:rters COi.1cern:Lng this certificate when it . is

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ii,, JJECLASSIFfED ,,rov '73S6( 7

I ,•, •

~QV~~, il~-th ~p1•it, e~ ;j!i• to Al?~ 2~ t ~-·, .~!~:·' .• ·"<~\,- .. ~ :' ... ,-•·- ,, ,··.",(, ,,."_ Jrub;ltt% . R~l:atc1c~ o tr~~~ j- B•dq~na;i:1:-~

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~ . ~ .• ~, tJ:'f~cere ~r.i:d ~ . 9-t!l' ~.t"~.e~ti• m14 ,_11 ''b¢ l~:Wi~g tona~4. ~- s~~i~g ~• x~epori. of in pt1:r1tr.~

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-.-: -. ;·, ~

:--.,.:.~ (,. 11 ., ..DECLASSIFIED



svLJ NARA DATd J, -----··-•···· -·

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OkU!ilit~ C:tt111 okl~ho• Y'Ur~fll,; Ok'ltaho~ , . ~-# iti okliiibnm~

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Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·


ii ,1 JJECLASSIF!ED l''°U '7JS6( / AUTHORllY •

avLJ NARA DATE:{ J -- _ _..,. .. .,, .... -·"-

,, 0)





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Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

ii,, hDEClASS!F!ED ,,,~u '7JSM 7 · AUTHQ(ITY • I

BYld_NARA DATE: :)_ 1




AG 312.1

SUBJECT: Downgrading of Classified Records

TO: {}

Comr1anding 0:fficer 215th Signal Depot Company APO #339 c/ o PM, New York

S September 1945

l. Under authority contained in Par 15 .AR 380-5, the documents d.escribed. in l)aragral)h 3 below., classified by the originating agency and. forwarded. with other records to The Adjutant General, have been downgraded for filing purposes from !!SECRET" to ttRE:3rCR.IC'T'ED. t1

2. It is desired that all agencies furnished an:y of these docu­ments or copies thereof, be informed of the change in classification.

3. List of documents: 1>

Description of Document Issuing ReadQu.arters Date

IIistory 97-41.l (11479) 215th Signal Depot Co. l Jan - 31 Mar 44



Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

ii ,I J)EC!ASSIF!ED ,,NLJ '73S6( 7


W1?-8Hll'JGT0N 25, D. C.

~ REPLY REFER TC/: : AG312.1··

$UBJECT: Dow.ograd.i:ng of Class'ified. Records


. l. Und.~r authority. contain~d, in Par. l5 .AR 380-5) :: the d.ocuments descri'bed. in :paragraph J below,. classified. by th.e· orig:tnating< agency and. forwardE>d with other records' to The Adjutan-t G·ener~l, have .been downgrad~d "for fil.~ pur:poses. from: ~II'' ~.'~Il:l'f:;Jif:-~'.$t

; 'ii ,,,',''' •· ',

2. It ·fs desired_ that all agencies furnished .any:of these d.ocu­ments or co:gie~ thereof, be informed of the change·in classification.

~Description. of' Document Issuing Reaclq_u.arters Date



f. Reproduced from the Unclassifled / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

'I ., i,,DECLASSIF!ED r ,~u '73S6 ( 7 AUTHORITY •




AG 200. 6 OpG!i-




s~~ Auth7 CG: European:

Theater of : Ope:rations

Init t -:G; ~)~ /.. -(~. ·: Date: 9 :May 1945


APO 887 9 May 194!.i:

SUBJECT: · Individual Service Avvard of the Bronze Service Arrowhead

TO: Commanding Generals: US Strategic Air Forces in Europ·e Each Army Gr0up Communications Zone Each Army , X:VIII Corps (Airborne) Assembly Area Command United Kingdom Base, Communications Zone European Division, Air Transport Command Ground Force Reinforcement Command

Section Commanders, Communications Zone Comm.anding Officers: ,.

· _: -,Europe-an~ivil Affairs Division • :Military n1telligence Service

Headquarters Commandant, APO 887

1. . Reference: ,, " '

a. · Section I, Circula:r- 465, War< Department, 1944.,.

b~ ·· Letter, this headquarters, file and subject. a:s above, dated 14 February 1945. ·

c; Letter:, thi$ headquarters., file and subject as above, dated 5 AprilJ...945.

d. Letter, this· headquarters, file .and subject as above, dated 1 May·1945.

2. The units arid detachments which constituted Assault Forces OJ 3 and, ... , .. U are designated as having participated in .the. assault '."'lhich secured tA~.Z9f{~';tli.::Lt, __ '., .. ~i_tial -l'for~dy ~eachheads and the Airborrie operations conducted in,Jt~~'uhc- - ''ii( · t:wn therew.i th t . h':(:·1 ;:

• '~~ ~( •• '. 7, .

... ~ ;, ~, .. •.•.·•

_./.!_ ·-:··.

lst; Inf' D'iv · 29th Inf DiY HojHq Go,· V Gorps Hq/Hq 3try, V Corps .Arty MII Team #407 (G)

·,. MII Tea.'li J416 ( G) 58th Armored.FA Bn 62nd Armored FA 8n 186th FA :Sn 187th Fil Bn

t, Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

ii"' J)EClASSIRED. ,,rov '7JS6 ( 7

AUTHORITY • { ') /, I I avl,LNAP.A DATE:~) .

-~.! F~Ol}G~s \io\i AND ·112u coNTD

nq/Hq Btry, 190th FA Gp 190th FA Bn 200th FA Bn Hq/Hq Co, 3rd Armored Gp 741st Tank Bn 743rd Tank Bn 745th Tank Bn 7 47th TanJ{ Bn Hq/Rq· Tr, ·102nd Gav Gp (l.)'.ecz) l02nd:C~y Ren Sq (Mecz) 15t.h OrEi' BD Squad 16th' Ord_ BD Squad 50th Ord Arrun Co , .

996th Engr Trdwy Br Co Hq/Hq Co.,. -112lst Engr C Gp Ho)Hq Co, 1171st Engr C Gp 1340th Engr C Bn 81st Chem. Bn (Mtz) 4th Plat., 506th QM Car Co 606th OJA: GR Co 3275th Ql~ Serv Co 3604thr,QJ,vl Tr:;k Co J$9Zrtd ·'QtlI 'frk' Co .. · 56t,h Sig Bn ' '•· ~

293rd J:oint Assault Sig Co 3250th Sig Setv 'Go

ifq/Hq Det, -100th Ord Arrim Bn 526th Ord Tank Maint Co (L/D-et) · plus

Sig RR Sec atchd f:rom·.177tl-i Bn · ·€53'7tri'·· urii.7.Mlm e'er· -

B'q/Hq B;try., :L6-tn .A.~.A Gp Hq/Hq_ Btry, 18th.A.AA Gp 11Qt:,h:·'1tAA •Gun· Bn---(nt) 197th AAA AW Bn (SP)

5th En.g:f Sp Brig . 6th Engr Sp Brig 20th Engr C Sn 112thEµgr C Bn •. 146tb. Engr C Bn 234t_h Engr C Bn 25~t'h Engr C Bn 299th Engr C Bn 502nd Engr L Pon Co 503rd Engr L Pon Co 610th Engr -L Equ.lp Co 992nd Engr Trdwy, Br Co 2nd Ranger Inf Bn 5th Ranger Inf Bn 635th TD Bri

.. . l+th-_ Inf- D.iv-90th Inf Div 1st Engr Sp Brig Hq/Hq Co,' 6th Armored Gp 70th Tank Bn (DD)

. 746th Tank Bn 1106th Engr Gp 49th Engr C _an 237th Engr C Bn 238th Engr. C Bn 612th. Engr L Equip Co 991:st Engr Trdwy Br Co 582nd Engr Dp Trk Co 65th FA Bn Armored Btry B, 980th FA Bn, l55 Gun

320th AAA. Barrage Balloon Bn (VLA) (L/1 Btry)

, ;:3~7th ¾AA AW Bn ( p;_..qv) . 4l3th AAA Gun Bn (M) . 457th AAA KJ'{ :Sn .(SP) 467th AAA AW Bn (SP) l.i, Surg Teams, 3rd Aux Surg Gp Hq/B.q Co, :First US Arllly ijq, Spec Troops, First US Army 3712th 'QM T:rk Co Co C, 509th JlilP Bn. Tr B~ -ii5th dav''Rcn Sq 13th Field Hosp Co i.t 507th MP -:Sn

(Redes 803rd MP Co (Corps)) 503rd QlvI c·ar Co ..

FORCE null

£s7t,f\e-m:1 -B'fr .. Co :s:·'299tn·Engr C 'Bn 899th TD En Sls1, 1.A/AT 13'n · .3807t.h QM Trk Co 215th Skg Dep· 'co

~d!3DSquad ·· 38th Engr GS Regt' (L/band) 490th Port lh · 226th Port Co 227th Port Co

. .,,.._ 228th Port Co 229th Port Co 5l8:bh Port :Bn 27adi. Port Co

.. ,,,~~ .·· §_ ~ ·"-j :;.,_l- 1

t Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

,; .,_ ; 1,, JJEClASSfFJEii r<r•v 7JS6{ 7 ·



---:--,----·-- ---:✓---· -· --·-~ .-

279th Port Co 298th Pot-t Co 299th Port Co 300th Port Co 30lst Port Co 5l9th Port Bn. 3b2n.d Port Co .30---3rd Port Co :304th Port Co 305th Port Co · o

'220th Port Co -281st Port Go 1605th :Zngr lvT.ap Sec 6 'Tea..m;!3, Jrd Aux· Surg G15 Hq/Hq Co, VII :]orps 1st Plat., 506th CJ,.; C$-r Co MP Plat., VII Corps 50th )!led. 3n HcjHq 3try, VII Corps P.rty I;)ets J & :i:~, 175th S:i.g . .2.ep Co Hg/Hg :Btry, 11th AAA Gp u6th AkA•-Gun· a.!'J.• Pn 9o.rrun 4 74tl-l. A.p,J{ · Xd · -3n ( SP) . 37mm 535th AAA Mi Bn (Jl) 40mm Btry~C, 320th AP. 3ar Bln 3n -(VLtJ

50th Si.:;nal _dattalion , 207th "SIC Det PI -ream Ko. 10 MII Tearn. •.i:fo. 419 08 'l'eam :Jo, 6 1110th 1::ngr \. C) Gp l65'th 3i1 Photo Co

c,•· r .• ;::,

C.o .3; 5(7th }JP' 3n 3891st Q},t Trk Co 109th .A..A.A Gp 4th Cav Ren Sq 24th Cav Ren Sq ll2Dth _ .Sngr C Gp 60.2nd Brigr Cam 3n 603rd QM GR Co 3 5th Sig Const an 8'th 'factical A:,: Comicur1ication Sq 3th AF Intransit Dep Gp 819th Avn .i1,np-r 8n 41tli o;u•'.2JrJ Sod · 206-Znd ·_FF Avn· Plat '_AvA•·i1~d Dis pen 4211d Field Hosp 2:t1d Bee:'; Adv Su.,,·ply Plat.,

G·d ,:, ,;_

30:t11_. Cird Decon Go 'J82Qtn O)i .d6

' ;'

lat MedDep -

A!EBQJ~> :rJj{!'l'§.;

Hq/nq Ca, 82r1d );.irbor~;e Division B2ni:f''Airborne· MP Plat -82."'1.<l b.irbo:_cne·~s,ig Co 307th'Airbcirne -~led:Co · · · 307:th Air:borne Engr 3n Lh?th tifb?~ne· C'j.\i'...: Co · -· 7B2nd.- ·ki:rb~i-rie- ·o~d }faint Co ,, .. , -, ..

t!;Oth 1-.hi.~borne 'knt:i..aircr'3.£,t 3i'l.

,.. . ,· ' '

504th f:X'cht In.f · 50 5t;h. l?r:;ht ~ lr).f' 5Q8th.Prcht Inf

. 325th Glider Inf -Hq/J:iq. 3try., '8,2n.d Airborne Div Arty

3-19\h Glider FA :sn 520t.11 Glicle:r YA 3n .376t~1 · PJ'.cht 'l<'J.l. '3h

·456th Prcht Fi 3n

Ho/Hq Co, 101st · f~irborne Div ~ ,:o Pl...., ... '-' ,.f rn ~:t, ,r,:,.; 'fl e•o·-· -r' n·~ Di· .v 1,;~.... . o _, J_J,J..j_c; r ... -1...~ u · ~ P

101st J:dr::iorne SL: .::o ' · ·. t42tftli' kir'oo.i1'le' ~:i•t. Co

·32'7th Glider> Inf l:t)lst: 1}1.ider L1f ( less 2d Bn) ·sci2.-t±- P'r'cht Inf Hq/}Iq .. ,3tr~r. 1dist: kir0erne Div Arty 321st Glide1~ FA Jn

• ·· . 907th Glider Ft.· 3n ·, ,'' 'f77f1/ p;·;i~t 'FA ,3n

326th ::.µ--borhe 0r1i;r .3n $lat A:irt?o:rne ldi. Jn

326th hirborn.c £led Cc 50lst ?:rcht 506t·h Prcht Int· Cle;·· Det) 'lOist Airoorne Div ·507th ?rcrrt Inf- Regt

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

'J ·J 1f E7ClASSIF!ED.

tr 'JS6f7 AUTHORITr' •


J. Attention is ilwited to the f.s.ct that:

a.. The Bronze S.ervice· A;rro111:tiead is an individual _aw.srd and only. th.ose memoers of the orga.qizations listed aoo'-'.:e ·who~ :emoarke'd froJn. i:nglar;i:d as: part o,f Assault £9rces O, -~ and U or participat?d il'i' the Airiborne operations'"· are el:i::gi0le for: the a-v%!rd., ·

o. .A11y incl:iy±4ua1 who; par,ticipe ted _ £.7; this pperaiion DU~ was no£ -a member of _any o.i' t-h-;:: organizations listed in }:?a:1•agraph' 2, aJov~, will __ l:i~¥':1.:r'e an affida:vit · setting for·th the,. ci:rcumstJnces by· which· the am1:rd via·s. :-ea.rned,·

. and ,dll SU.PhD..t the ,-;.affidavit :throu,:sh co"rii:nand;,,:che.nne,ls to the major subor·1:tinate commander conceri.1.eq fo.r deGisi.o.p..

C. Only one such fti;dividu3:l, . .a;v..J~T,:d,j,f J)\'3~~m,:ft:te-O:·l~or cipe:rations in

:~!;_1~~t!:~~r~t%i:f~~~:}g:~;i;:i:;#l!~:ii:ti:f 6::. ??l, :bB worn 0~ th:s Euro-' 4 !' , , J~i., c;.oin12l:i%111.C.e, . wit,h_'"~·i,j~,~-,~~~~~3/·''4-1555 · 1tfor . B'e1'la:cc,neh t, , 19 44;'

•a:s' a:m~•rt6:0q.:: _by ,s~,cti'.on II, Girc,;,1lar,- 20, .,t'a:c De±':rartrµent, 1945, and Section I, C..;,r•·c·u1,;.;-~ .. 3i:::,c ·, t'm•·:3,.-.;>,;--.~,,;.:ir::-•,·-a:··r·t~·:r,s'' · ··""·'-'S'':·, ... ,.,_,:;c.·'<>_¢·."'::;'.'I"_ ir'-en!t· r··-;"e· s- Will- be mad;c, · oh n:a,:ye 6 • .J. . . . : , OJ..• , V-~ ·, , . , ,.: . . •µ'--j,'-bt;., · •"'°'' , , ,.1 ~~,_.• · ,~· ,: 1,•-~·+...,_,.. ·· ·"-'!,.~,.~;~~ t]' } -: J.-J.( , . ..,&.., , • ·, "-f . J. J.:. O .r

ffc~J.edalfi ,.- -D~co1-"8.tions. and· c.:t;,tg::ij;:farit1i',in,:cs~f:vic~ ir~co:rd,9 ,·of enliste-d personnel · and in It.em 3L on q.ualif ic:ation~ :,:ei-x'd.,f\o:ta::'6&\fiee;rs anJ., wa:rraJnt officers who5e eligib:ility .tq W~ax :~.:. BrorfZEr &erv:ic:e Arro,,;h~:a:-a: on the. the&ter ribbon is es.., - .. . ' '

ta.blished •


DISTRI3UTI0~r: nnrr plus -q,AG (3)

CG,. tiTql!SA . _· '" •. . .~_5)1 _c .. G,-~-?e.a.,_ .. .:.{}v:1?--ps.,'}':~.~:D:JJ~{:2:· .,,.·er·/,,:.~" ff• ::•.•i~:'·,~-~-~

CD~ ea µnit' concerned (l}

, I

\ I+ l. ,- ·.

\. . .

· f fl_~:_:f·t':_)r:: - ~ ,,' .. - -, " -~ ~ .,-. :· . "! ,, ~- ,,.,


, R., ·s. LOV:S'I'T 3riga.<;l:1er q-enr-,-ral, USA

,G.dju:ta.nt, General

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

i, , i-sDEClASS!F!ED ,,r.u '73S6 { 7 ·



(;Of~ft•j_TJ7t·: .. .-... 1~ri1 (-~T~): <:~U IG·~ · E1u 1,_::'0 -~ 6,~ & · U E: .b.HHi ·

' '

~tB,TEJC!fi·~ · ~·r11.dj_-vid-;ial ... 4-iia'i"d of the --J3ronze ~ Ser-vi,ce ,A+row·he a.J.$ ... _,: 1..i ,:. r ._;., · lti •

'_:10 · · . Conmrancting 0:fficer:, ;215th Sig~l Depot Company, .APO ·290, 1! S At:&1cy.

,, ' , •, T-i..- ~<- -; . . , =~ .f n" , f T :t ' TT c .0 ( - ~-!- , '° -r,;• ~ T ~ ~ ~ ... .1,, l,•il!-'-"er tb.e p,,_vV:L~J..cns. 0 .ue ",J cri} .n! .. ~f,.r ... :.q_a.o_ .. u8] :S J=!~,l~C:pean b.ea-'ce:r- o_f


0;;~a-~~;·~•?~:n:l:~:t:i;~-i~5a-:!~;_8 t,h:a;,;,~n;e'A;~1-~f~~"A;~~;1,_!~:~,i;J.a;:~~;~\:~~'1 r1.f' uni-'Gl;? v,;b.ic11 ·wero,.ess:~g;:ied.>bi a.ttcached to che ,5th Er.,g;,ne,).r Br,er.:::tal B:dgad.e du.rl:rrg t:he aSfia\;:J.°G which scc:-u.r•ed tl:le .Normandy BGachho~~- w'_i'th ihe./AfS~{CLl t Forces 0 ro'Ld fl.~ ,. " -,

,2~, _·,JPield:·Or.dor No" 14, ·this IL.1adq_uarters:r dated 'i°is"M.s,y 194J.~5ndie:at0s thc1t t'.he '.mrr1l°tor of. :pe-rs@nnel as shown: for. th~• ·'following 'lL."li ts_· a part bf Forces o- ru:id Bi ·- - •

...:;.,.._: .. · .. : .. J,11:TI ~ .. Ha~ & Hq Co 9 :d;h Engr Sp J3d~' -31th Ih:,.g:e Q0mb~ t ]n

. -jig.,},,, -Eng-.- C-"01":iat Bn. _ ·. ·-·j:3.6t~- :i;;g;, c:~~-t:~t 3~

:u;t'Plav0 lv-Wth'i:,ngr ~ep- .G.o -97th G'/JYt· ,R.'1.d . Co · ·,.· :- : :- , . _. .

, I . ,

Eq_ ·& Eq_ :Oei;o ·131st -(;J1I 'En w; Det H-q_ & Htj_,Det: 53:,d CV1 :Sn w/Medical Det 559th QJY! 0 Rhd · Co 2d. Platt. 607th Q)l1 Gra:v.:e,13 R@g Co Hq_ & m1 Dot,, 619thC&M :Sn w/Medical Ilot 35331 Q)YI Ga; !S'cLµnJ..y Go (formerly Go A,

Gas Si.rp:ply :Sn) 4042d G"/j:1 TrD .. ck Go

· 41)+1st Q,M_Se:rv:i.c:e Oo _'4i~cd : QJ.'1 __ Servi ::ie Oo 4~147 113:-,' G)'jl.J:, Se·. •-r:··j f'P , .. ,r:r1 J ;;- j'. ,.L ---~"' ,_,,.,,

. ~-530.. ,A;:o,j;)li;i l:ian rr:.w:ft Co 45 g tfr Amr,}:r l'b i an if1·::11ek C:J 4,.;;·9i,", ;1·11,,,.ih·1 ·;."' '-'n rp • .,.u.•• ,-,k-· Co

..,I _\..•J.l,'..., .n..L: _;:-J. .'l..l. ...... 1 • .:i.. -J.. --·-

26·,;,1,., r1·v,ur' ,-p_,,,,,,·,, IH ~·1.r• l) ,,'i C'la,,,ad, li---.i. .._ j~ _...:....,v..tL.U .,, . • J.t:, ..J -..,~. lv :,_v_

Hg_)?~ Hq_ JJcrG 9 2'5Yst:0 1cd Bn ··.rr/Modieal D2t 616'r;h Ord Am:rmr:,..:\ t.fon 00 3 46 6th 0'.:' d M1~11 'Go Hq_ & Hq_ Tiei:;, 6:u:·~ l'lGd Bn _.,,_ 391st Med Cc1l Co (Se·p) 392a. Meet Oo~~l r:,.:,; (ce;) 39 3a. lfed (:G: l 0(j ( Se~p) 643d Med, Oi&aring Co (Sep)

.·r:.,iTU1~J3ER OF PERSOllN'"EL· . 1.30 607 59_3 _ 536 ..

,- 3~ 17,5 , -J.9

', 23, 115

26' 21

8T: 115 214 216 214 lT( lTT 179

7 24

177 JJ)l 15

, 123

77 9-l-55

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

--"i•~ ;"1 ,, JlEClASSIFIED - ;; • '"" u '73S6( 7 , -

TJlJIT 1st Ge,.:;, Adv SL'l.pp.\y ?l:01<; 1 1_0t 165th ?5-gnal Ph0i.,6 Cc, (:Oet· P.p

175th Signal Ro-pair Co (Det;;) 2l~i;h S:i.gnal Depct Cc (Dot) 3d. Au:x~ 8i::.i·g Grou.:p~ 8 toam'2l JJ th 0hem De con Co 210 -1,h M:1:li tary Police 06 2jl..!.·,:;i1. Jo).nt Assa11l t Signal Co r{ii & :S:1 :Oet, 437th P-cir·b · :Sn ""~gl; t:h. .,Po--;}t~ CcJ ~t"G5 t<s. FG-r· t ::JJ· 13i;t;~.L Pert C0 137 th P.o:r.-·t Co .. Hq_ & Rei De·tr 502d Port _:Bn 270th Port Co 271st Fort Co

}fiJMBI:;R OJ!' PERSONNEL zfod. Il0pot Go' 33 162d Sig .Photo Tm) 5

20 24 64

165 162 304

34 234 214 174 109

4 ~;4 234

3{) It will 'be noted that paragraph 2, abo·'Ve 1_ states the 11 N1JJn'ber of per-\ so:-.!J.01 11 t,ri thin e2ch unit who are· entitled ·to wear the Bronze Service Arrowheadi In sono instt:mces .• this number wi-11 lle inc'o-rrBdt'· dUe to last minute changes hmed.b·cel.y· i:Jrior· t-o the invasion. It is desired that a complete roster nf those •indiv'id.uals in Forces O and :B le su"\mu tted to this headq_uarters with the

•·r:1.cti.cable delaYo ·

4o Attention is hwited to the fadt thiti

a., 1'.he Bronze ServiGre .Arrowhead is an individual·· award artd only those mer,ibers of -t'll:e orgR..rdzationz listed above who em'bark;ed £rom England as part of As•saul t :lforce s 0 and. 13 are eligible for the awa;rd.

bo · Any :tndi vicl11al who particip11t~d in 'this. ope;ration )iut was not ·a flembe:t of any of the orgarii zations lister. in 'paragraph 2, abovei" will prepare an affidavit se'.:;ting for·bh _the 9ircUB~tances by which the award was earned, anc1 will submit the affidavit through cor.onand channels to the major subordi.nate ·· CODI:1AllOer crmcerned fo:i;' decision~

Co Only cme incLiv-id.ual award is permitted for operations in this the~'c;~r· ;and n'n1:y one 'bronze service arrowhead wi-ll' be Worn on the Jiluropee,n-- -African 1-'lic\ctle -:Elost~1:n T4eate.r sJrv:i.ce ._ B.i bb9n,. .. ,

5♦ In compliance with paragraph 5d,,. Circv.lar 465, War Departmentw 19441 as anended. "by Section r~~ Circular 30, War Depart1I2ent 9 1945i) and Section Ii Oirculaf )Of Headq_uartors 9 European Theater o:f Operations, dnt~d 22 March 1945a · necesSarY en tries will 'be r.1ade on :page 6t nMedals~ Decorations and Ci tations11

in se-rvice records of enlisted :personnel and in rter.1 31 on q_ualif':Lcatfon cards af. officers ana. warrant officers whose eligibility to wear the :i:3ronz-e Service Arrowhead 1on the theater rib"bon is esta'blished.


·----;-~:;:} . i . l?. _/ - . ·-,.. __ ~..t:-l:~ . .._ ·--1' i \ /': l.,<h:-rr-./


Sctan.t Adjutant

- -

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

11 1 JlECLASSIFfED r<l~u '73S6 { I AUTHORITY

sy(_J NARA


I-,::2.]fa :CQ,"G 1R'.1.1S'JJ'3 ~CE ~liGJ:11£;7·:~- ~ LZ?LG -~ .fi1 t£L' Ct~~r"\~

. Got!~J.u-:·~r-;),,1=-··'..·


E:~:}tt;. 7/Jl•Si EJ:o · · A:'O _· :_, U2 .kBHY

... -

. ~

G;J.B,8Ci1~ :Indjvid.ti-3.l · Ai-lad of the 'J3ronze Se:cvico J\::rrowheaJ. @


'.1.• Und.or ·'t;hA n--v-'i ,,-, r-nc, of Le'+,:--r Hcar1a.ia··d·e;•,s l'i:1,-,..rsnenn TY 0 a•;•-e--·, -f· I:) - - • ,.1.-v ·::. .1-V ·-· ,._,,_..,,J. Ci V,.,...,, ·i} ..1.._., .'-~ .i....,,.(_, '· V .J.. --·~-t...l..•.-_t;' C1..- ~.t.......,. ~-' J.. 1:--r-

.- {iZ~?J:~;~:1~e"~:t·a_!n;1:~::::;:·~"G_c:sa!:!;:_~th~a;;~-11;e'~~:-1-t?~~ l'-~!;;:;1,::~;i~}a;·:~::fn~~; ri.t' "Lm.'i.t!:! lJ\fh{r,:;h; w0re ess:tg.;i.~o. ,jr attached to che :;,th Er:..g:cDe~ai~ B:r'lgad.0 ,· during tl;,s1 ;:asf;a·u.1-t wllic:h:sc.::ru.:ted 'che liformand.y B"achl1c~1.d.. the .·Ass::-lul't F'orC:-005 0 A.lld. ~;,-, :,, ;_

,26 . , Field Order Hoo 14; this H0adci_uarte:c>s·,' da3:eo. 13 }fa,y 194)~, indic~tes: ··: tha'i"; __ :t;ho~:r;tm.11or Uf·pers-0nnel as shown fo:r ·the ~0110\~ing ·units were :a part of Force~ .o' Wd B~.

ITIJTT He~ & Hq_ Co 'i) ':; ai•:_·Engr Sp Brig

· '31 -ch Er,.gr Cc,mba t Bn . 3hx ,,,i~ E"'.:Cr•I~ ,~~.,-,tb.; .;., 13n · , '-·'. v,-!..+, •..!.:t.G:5 ~v.._,.1.1... C"~-1. v

336:th· Engr Comta t 3n ls-t Pla:c 0 : l.;4yth ~ngr Dep Co 97 th 0J1 · Rlid: Co ! . _

Eq_ &· Eq:.:Detc 131 w\; _9-1 J3n ·w/Medi;'.;'ai JJet Hg_,.& 11<:f DetG 53jd. Q,,M J3n w/Meclical DGt 559th Q;M> :Rnd_ Go 2d Fla·b~ 6CT(th· Q,M G·rav.:e,1J B.@g Co Hg_ & rn:/Detr 619._th ·c~M Bn whfodical D0t 38)3d Qj>J[ Gae Bupnly Cci (fo.nnerly Co A,

G-as 81.1.pp1y J3n) 4o42c1. <:1}!i. Trnck Go 4141st Q,Ivr Se:r-v:lce Co 4142d QJ:VI Servi c·e Go · 41 LJjd Q,M Be:rYj,~O Go u5,d 4-:-nTil1il't 8n '1~'-,·u··:""l.r -Co

J . ;J ' .,~,1.1.J..r----·,.. .... -.1 . .,.. .J ... - ·•

456th i:,mp{·11°bian 'I':uck ·C:J 1'h9t",1,-l Ar11.;1·01·1';;., C:[r[ ri'.""L'' ~1.-- i:o '-f'J •J. }-.l. .1;..1,, • ..,~.J..., -l. t.l,.._l.. V

20,,.·th ru···,,u;• 1=<,,,.,,-,·,u IHe<·nr•c,.=-·1 0a,1.3.d - J. --'Vil~ . •• ~.•.~ ,) 1-.• 0,, , )..) :1. ,., •. _ ~

Hg_ & Hg_ Dot 9 251st Ocd Bn ·,·r/Ttfod.i'i.:al :Dat 6-1 6J·:h 01·d .1'"";;.,1,r 'it' ·1 r;', C.-- I; . ...~•..:.1 .... .L.. ,._u_... U

3466th Ord MAH 'Co Hg_ & Hg_ I!et;,o b'.1 ,d: lfod. :Sn 39ls'i'; Mecl Cc1.l Co (S2-p) 392d M"'°'d Oo~;__J.. 1:,0 (Gs~) 393d Med Cc;::. l C'0 (Sep) 643d . Med G-o (Sep)


. 586, -• ""Z'I' _. .,;"-

175· ': 19

23 175

26 21

203a. 3T·

115 214 216 214-lTr, 177 1·;9

7 24

177 IOl 15

12.S "\

77 9+ 55



Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

;11 , 1-,DEClASSIFIED ,. ~u 73S6 { 7

AUTHORITY • ; ') /, I I DATE:~5.

"".1·· .• ~~-:;- !Ie;. 5~11 :Ongr Gp J3rig4) file· 11.G 2:;JC;;.6; s-u'Jj ec t§ Inc1i vi(lual Award of 'tn,e :Bronze S•.)r~:~ae .AI·r0w·head 1 ,iatoc: 29 M.0/Y" Vi'!-·=· Uc··1.t,c\ c

TJ1H•J: l~t Ge,.::;; Acv ·su.pp·,.y ?:~a';r }.,3•~ 165th S:'..gnal Ph9t0 Co (:Oet P.; ::..75'Gh Signal Ro·pair Co ('.De·c) · 2L5-f;h Depot Co (Dot) 3d Au.:r:. Jt::cg .Gro"Ltp~ 8 _-!;earns JJ th Che)]. :Oecon Co. 2.1O·02i Mi);i ta.r-y Poli co Co 29lH,1i Jo"int Assau.1 t Signal Ca }(q_ & R,1 JJGt? 4g7th, P;:r'i; :Sn ~~gl;,J~}1 Por·~ Co 12~:;-t~ti. J:-cTt OU: 'L3 ;;t:.\1 2cI t Gu

. .137:tb.. :Po1:t Co Hq_ & Hg_ De-t, 502d Port J3n 27vth Port Go . 271 st Po rt Co

I:rtJ}/ffi:;R O:B1 PJlJRSONllIBL ifod. :Depot Oo . 33 162d. Sig Photo Tm) 5·

20 24

' 64 165 162 304

34 234 2,;4 174

, 10,9 ·

34 234 .-234

3~ rt will. 'be notod that paragrap4 2 1 .a'bove 1 states the.n·uu.iriber of per ... sc:_z:co1 11 within e· unit who are entitled to W'ear the J3ronze S0r-vice Arrowhead" In. sor:o :t!ifftances; -~tnis · w:Hi ~e incorrect ·due to last minute changes i:m1:o.edi"21·;;e1;v. -orior to the invasion. It is desired that a complt:3te roster nf

• those:.,indiv'iduals in Forces O anli :Bae su"\nllitted to this headq_uartere with the least p:r,ac.tical:ile delaY,;

4~ · Attention :is'imrited to the fact thatt

ae The :B;ronzEI Servicre Arrowhead- is an_ individual award. and only thnse members 'of ·i;he orgR-niz;atio,ns listed abo-t>:.e who em"&ark;.ed. from. England as part of Assault Fore~ s O and. B ar~ eligible for the. a~ard..-

b, J',,ny indi viclual ~-ho participated in this 0peration "iut was not a Dember-af any of'. the organizations 1:is.tec:'1. in paragraph 2~ above.;- t!ill pre:pare a::n. affid-a.vit setting :t'o-r·bh' the circtUi1Sta.nces by which the awa:td·was ea:rned, and will ·submit_ the affidavit throu_gb. C'ornrna..nd channels to the major suborclinate c.oDT!l;cllloer c0ri.cerned for decision6

c 0 Only one S\ indivicluai award is permitted for· o})erations in this thea-ber and onl-y on~ bronze service a:rrowhead wili be worn on the E1..1r0:pean­African Middle !ilBstern Theater Service :Ribbon.

5. In conpliauc1;:, with paragr~ph 5a., Oirc1..uar· 465; ~far J)epartmen ti 1944~ as amended. by, S.ection lic Circular 90, War Department~ 1945~ and. Section Ii Circular-·-30 t Heac1q_uarters 9 European Theater of 0perc1;tions t dcrted 2.2. March 1945,

·necessary·entrie-s will "be Dade on page 6.., 11 Meda:l,Sg- Decorations and Citatiomsli in. service rec'o.:r:ds of enlisted personnel _and in Iter.1 31 on q_uali.fication cards of of'fice:ra an<'t" warrant officers \'.ihose eligibility t9 wear the :3ronz;e Service Arrowheacl on the theater ril:ioon is es,,,t_..a."Q1i$hed •. -

-------:-:"':? _., -. -;< ·, '---~ ·:,i·- - --· .-.-~ ~""'-"-·-·i· , I' t__.·ar,rr~-' · --- t"i WR@lJC:E R.. RlT SON ....

. C:i,f" ' , . . US.A .

. 2. &, ltant Adju:t·ant-

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

"" 1, ii 1.JJEClASSIFIED r<f V 7JS6[ 7 AllTHORllY •


·.· ~ .. ,.:,,f,c,,_,..,,_,~-,:,," . . . . ... . ,:" ~-~~~~~~

. . . . . .·· HEAD1U.ARTERS .. •·., ·.. , . '1!Auf,h! .CG:, Eui'opean: EtffiCPTIAN• THE'ii:TER DF OPERATIONS·' t T of'. Opns ':i•

· · '. UNITED B:TATES Aml:i · ·· 1 -··I.n{t • .. •· 3 J I c. , • . J -. ~JJJ~e} ''$ Feb 191+5··. ·.l,

'{f!\f;.:.f(: t :•,:Jl!J :.•:•::J•••,::)i·,~ \.•,

circ/sxs/;jt .. 'i ·,.

#~;-200.,6-0p&A , : · - · . APO 887.

5 Februaryl945 ', •r,2: ~~~$5\, 1



,', • • 1

, , '. ,

·s,~~~?E~T':i ·. B;at:t];~- Pa:r:t<cl'icipat~on Aw~rd.s .._ -,,..,~-' "" J - ~-' i ii.;· -, . '

·, .. -~~. , .·_ i:·, -~ . . -. : r'. ·.. '. · .. - . , ·,·,-;:.co1nnv,i:11ding Generals:,., .. · ..

,. ·:u.s. Stfat~gic. Afr Porces :r Each Arrnf Group

Gdl1!Il1unica.tions Zorte


in Eu.rope

" 1 ,- • ' - I , ,I l I

.... ,,::1-i•• ")ri ·a:s~::o~d3:11c_~· 'lyi.itrh' -~~ pr~vis.ions ~i JJar:c:i;g;aph'. 2;LQ, -{2h ~ 260-10, 25- Qpt,pf?~l.;· .1$)1+4}.--cp.:Q.}'i~i,;lnCetl(e.q.t: fa n1a<ie, ,Of I lltlits ·arv.ardecl 'b~tt:J!e· '"CT?dit f OX' · ~~~, ~Jlt~::t~;!; ~~~tt~:~~r:;.i~~•pu- 3, Se4ion

ftq·Bp Tr .:Eirs·t.US:.l~my .··. ' 2nd,,.,r .. 'lrlc ..... D-1w.'.·.· ... ··· Jrq/mf C¢:; , Rirs::t ( A[IiedJ .. Ji::tr boriie HCJ0B.~<c;; :"2ri'JLi:r:l?or;e Brig .

. . •-· · •. A:l'rfrY~_:.:·.:.;(t.i.s Inc. r, ement)•·.· 1-:I 'iftt·,·; :Bk±•. · ·2nd. AAA ·~ · ~ - · 5:1;,5, , "< .;y:?: .·· ... ' ··•· .~.t--' • ;.l~~~.:~rrt\~·±.Y ·~•. • : • _ .· ··. ..· H4i 0q_, Cp;, , ~ncJ. TD•· Gp , ·, •1:fQ0Hq- ,C~:, :_Ji~ ... e.r,~d. Gp, .i1-id· :ffewt:·$urg· Gp .

'RqtHq 'Ca''. 1st- /Pf} '-Gp •.. 2nd i1{ Bri.·~ 156rr1'rl! R);,,i .... ·· · ... ·:a.-f~.{~~~r~~ij\tJ\::'i:•' .· - .. _:·tfil~_rciltr:;n~: c1t1:,;y'.:,.· .. ··· ..

·/·•;•,;t]'{tt1~~f}(¥!\'l .. _: .· .\~:}:t,~ti~,·13~·· ii :.····· .. · ~q;/ijq ~tr:,;-, ,i$t /:1i -Br1 tfq/Hcf Det.~'. :' 2r:td. QH Bn JI~Mit~A:i' :l~f )Hi1 EWY ,Serv ;2~ ~aiigen,Inf Bn · '.,ls:t Jfo:b±le- lR4irlio B~o2.d- Go· 2nd l!Iohl1e Hadi.o Broad eo

·?i<l;:$~~p·S-~';,y 'Q6 .

· I_ ,,'I \

2ricL Ortr.,M]! 'Coil

~:~;t•_i :~\;).9:\t~.-?~'1+ .'.1:<;;~',. 2nd Fin IJJ,$1QSec

. !'..,g---~~~ ~£.:r:o::§::Hist·Se . .rv '\ _r",r 7f''·'· ·• ~~-:71r ·, ;/,<

i 7._./, ," •:""·"· ", ',.·:'

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2nd CIC Det Hq; C9 G, .2nd EGA Regt H,:g_~. Co D, 2nd. EGA Regt Hq, . Co: R., ·2nd .EGA J:r,egt 3rd. Inf Div .3rd .. ArK1c:l Dd_ v ✓ •

HojB:0 Go., ,,3rd Tll Gp Hq/Hq Co:, 3rdArmd Gp JrdAws surg. Gp . ~ 'd•-:, m .. _,.r, lsCn .. lrp ._ .

1:{q/~Iq Det~ Jrd ;Ee?- Bn .3rct Cml Bn Ottz} Jrd'.QlLCo ' 3rd-M~b1le Radio Broad Co 3 ,··s·· C . ' -rQ ·. ig, . o . , 3.X:d. S:Lg Gen Team -3rd .. CIC Det . 3'rd PT·'.I'eam. 4tli Irii.I?iv:. ·· ..... . HojHq. TrpJ. 4th. Gav Gp (Mecz) l{th·:sig· Bri . . . HojHq ;pet, 4th QM Bn. 4th Sig Center· Ln 4th' Fin Dis b Sec·- . --4th 11P CI S~.c . . l+th C.av' Ren· Sq l+th Gen Disp 4.p C µ, . ,

ufl. . onv; .~1osp 4th 1iRU (lvi) -(Typ~ Y) 4th :Lobi_le-. Radio Bro ad .. Co 4th Info e~ Hist Serv . 4th GIG .Det 4th1HI Te~ Hq/Hq O o:, V. G_orps

· Hq/Hq Btry, V CorpEl A1"ty · 5th .Armd Div . · W/Hq Bi;;ry:, 5th AAA Gp 5th Ranger :Inf Bn 5th Aux Surg Gp, 5th Info "6::·•,ttist Serv 5th .Sig. Gen

- 5th 'Fin, Di's.b ·,S.e.c 5+' s\uu ( T-,," V) vfi :l),'4:L ' :\ 1,{pe . ..L

_ 5th Evac •Ho.sp . · _ Hq/I-J;q co, vi CorpB Haj}lq Btry, VI Corps J.rty Hq/Eq Co,.· 6th Armd Gp Hq/Hq Co, 6th TD Gp ,Hq/Hq Btry J 6th ·FA Gp Hq/Hq Det, 6th G:rd Bn 6th Ord EE Co bth ,cinl D~p Co 6th S_ig Ctr Ln Team


.S ~ -E.T . .....\.:.-· ~:··~ ~ -

,6th Gen Di$p 6th P'Vil Team

. gq/Hq Qo., Seventh US. Army _Eq Sp Tr',· ,::fe:venth US Army Hq/Hc{ Co,. VII Corps-Hg/Hq Btry; VII Corps Arty Hq/Hq Co, 7th. Armd Gp Hq/Hq vb-,-, 7th TD Gp 7th: Irif Hegt '. . ?th Lieq., Dep Co .

· 7'th Fin Di;=,b Sec 7th'.,Ffeld_ Hosp .. Hq/Hq Co, VIII Gorps Hg/Hq:.:Btry,' VIII, Corps Arty 8th: I'nf .Div, . . Bth'FA Ob~n 'Bn-8ti{·Fin:D1sb . .Sec Stfi: : C I{f:-Det/ :- . .. _ Bq/Hq ·do,_' N'.iiith us Army Hq.Sp Trs,_ Hinth,US Army 9th Inf Div 9th Afmci Div

· "r" · ·, ·' \

Hq/H~ Go J 9th Armd Gp 9th FA 'Bn fL55mrn. H) 9th Ord, MM Co

. 9th li'.ield I~osp 9th ~trac Hosp 9th ,Hosn Train 9ti,i Fin:· Dish Sec 9th· CIC Det. . . C'laims Office Tea..lli No. 9 10th Engr. C Bn . 10th FA .Bn (105mm H) 10th Field Hosp . ;I.0th Med 'Lab lOt.h'Fin.Disb Sec, lO;th MP CI Sec. He1jRq Btry, . 11th A.~ Gp 11th Cinl. Haint Co lJ.±;~..P,;:iild ~ Hos.p .. . . . _ 11th .Kvac Hosp; (SM) llt,h· Hosp Train 11th EP·:cI Sec 11th J\/IR.U .{Type Y) llth ·Postal Reg Sec 11th ;PI Teain ' . , Hq/Hq' Det, 12th 1.h,,.m·:1· Grcup Hq/Hq De-\:,., . Sp T:rs., l:?.t;h Army Gp Hq Co., Sp Trs, 12th Army Gp 12th Armd Div Hq/Hq Co, l2th li.rmd Gp · ,

.,,,...,. Hq/Hq Btry, l2th . iVtA Gp FA . Cban J3.h. ~}_i¾th c~¼µt c~

I Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

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BY~ NAP.A OATE,.Q/w,) .

· · i2th 1'.PU. , . '',

.12th fill .Team . ' Hq/Hq Co,. XIII Corps .

Hg/Hq Etry, XIII ColJ}s ·Arty -Hq/Hq Btry,<lJth F'A Brig 13th FA Obsn. Bn

'13th CmLMaint Co 13th Med. Den Co .

-13th Field Hosp 1;3th. Postal fo:3g Sec 13tp. liRU (Type T) , 14th Armd Div · Hq/Rq 'rrp, 14th Gav Gp (:Mecz)

:,14t_h Traf _Reg .(jp . ;14.t.h Cml ]faint Co.

·'; O:rd -:MJl Co ' . yrd'. .BD pqd. JJ+tli MP c;r Sec Hq/I{g 'co, .Fifteenth US Army IIq Bp Tr., .Fifteenth .US, l~rmy · 15th 1n:f Regt . · 15th· Traf B.eg_ Gp . 15th Etpec-·perv eo-­

.15th •Gen Hosp 15th Fin Disb Sec ~- ~ .' .,:: ' ' ' .

. J:5tp. .. Orel BD.' Sqd Rq/Hq Ge, XVI Corps · :~~/4f[q_Bt;ry.,. XVI Corps l.rty _Hq/ dq :Btry, .16th AAA Gp1 16th FA Obsri Bn . 16th· Ord 1uM Co )~tli 0:t'd :Bb , Sqd. 16th:-Eosp Train. 16th .MP . CI '$ ec H~J/;{q ~~try,, .. 17th FL (}p

· J,.7th FA Bn (155nun H) · l'fth l~rmd., Inf Bn 1?'t1't Gav R_cp Sq l?tJiSig• Opnc3 .Bn 17tLi FA. .. qbsti Bn

,J.'.7ti1 V~t ,}fora~ Hcsp, . •. :lo/th Ord BD · Sqd · :lSf;~'l FJ,. J3n (l05mm H) ·

·Br:~ hr' ·B,1,· 1·0 th· ' ... G. · . .. ~-.. ~ry~, .~- p l81;h Or.d MM c·o '.18th c{r,i l✓Iaint . Co I.Sth;p · Tr.ain ::lfsth Fln- b:Lsb Sec , I"'•',. ' • '/ '

l.8th. Gav Rcii Sq lS;th .()rd .PI?· Sqd Hq/Hq :Go, X:IX Corps• · · Hg/Hg Btcy J ·XI;' .Corps . .t.rty

. Hq/Hq _Btry, 19t.h AAA Gp 19th At~d Ii;if .Bn . .

' +9th Ord BD · Sg;d . ' 20th ~ighte:r Gp. · , 20th Er+gr C Bn · ·.

20th Snee .Serv Co . . .20th Pqstal R8g sta 20th ;Fie.ld Hosp . .20th MRI! (M) (Type Z) 20th Ord Bo·· S d ,,, . . ·,.,,.q.,, 20th' PWI Team . 20th PI. TeMi . Hcy'Hq' Co, XXI Corps }fryHq Btry, ·xx.1 C_orps l\.rty

,-lk:~J~St•YR,, \~;st Port · 21st Decon .Co

·: 21s_t,: · G~ri, Hpsp • . . ?l$t· .Hoi:,p T;i;ain :

.. 2l.s:t F,·in D,isb Bee 2:1,:st Ord' BD' Sqd. i

·:p~t E,, ,21.s.t.J;_ea,Sqd De\ fiH, ,?1st. ,'.foa Sqd J)E;t YC, 2lfrt Wea Sqd DQt, zu,. ?Irt rrea. sqct

· Det ZP; 21st r'.~ea Sqd Det ZQ., 21st .Yiea Sqd 2~nd Figtrter; Gp .•

'Hq/Hq :3trY;, 22nd .At.A Gp · Hq/Hci_ Deti, 22nd Cm.I Smoke Gen. Bn Z2µd .PostalB'.eg Sec 22.ntl Fin.Ihsh .Sec 22ild Oi~ ,BD S qd . 53':rtl. Jt~g;hter Gp . Hg/FJq. Ob, ·23rd TD Gp

• -Hq/Hq ])et,:., .23,ro. Gml Smoke Gen Bn ?3· ... ·,· T- • .. ,f~ .. n ·, . ,,, ... ra. .. ar.h. .on,... . 23.rd Tin;P::i.g1f Sec· ·23hf:sta''ffoso 23td Gert.Wisp: Hq/fiq D'et, 24th /:llr Bn Hq/Hc{·cq,. ft,eg Sta ·24th Sp:ec·Serv/Co , · 24th. C~y Rcn·sq ;24th E~,ac '~l<S~p 25:~h. Tank .B_n: . 25th' PA Bn .· 25lh C~l D~~on Co I;I[#Hs ffs,,. 25-l:,h _Reg Sta Hg/1-l_q I)et, Ord. B.t1 Hq/Hq .Btr..r., 261;;1;t Ali.A Gp 26t{'l S.;i..g C 04a . Bn 2fith br¢!. I;:J1~ Co 26;!:,,h Fin Disb Sec

S "" i3'•T:'lm • -- l!! ~,~ .:!:: . ' -

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'!; . ··-·----------- .·_., ____ •· '--······:0,-·--- ---------· ~. --- ···-·--·---·...----·-

26~h Postal Reg Sec 26th.MRU ('.f'.ype.Y) Ord 1W Sqd. 27th Transport .Go· _ 27th ,Sig ·c~ris Brt •. Hq/Jiq Co; 27th J;teg Sta

. 27th Firi lJisb S~c 27t~ Zvac, Bosp. . 27th ?I Team 26t.' h - .,.. ·.,., n-· .

b. .1 . .Ll'll .1.;.l V .

28th Sig Co.ns Bn Hq/~:r Det, 28th <;M Bn (M) 28t]j ·-J:.I~d Dep Co 28th Gen: Roso -·. 28th 'Ffeld Hbsp 23th :tIP ct• Sec 28'trh · 'Det 2B-th :p,?:F · ,1f·~arr,:-·•·~ · 29\h rnr' :o iv: ·

.E .T -

35th Engr C Bn · 35th Spec Serv Co· 35:th' GnLl :[)econ Co 35th Sta· Hosp. ·•35th'Ord BD·Sqd 35-t:h A .. !!;.A'. 0pris. Df?t . J5tl) .pI; Team . ' 35 tn P'\J'JI -T earn. 36th' Inf· Div 86th Fighter Gp ' . Hq/Hq.,BtJ7:, 36th F;\ Gp '36th Rcn/rr ) (,t#l. Engr C Regt, J_6tn :f li. Bn (155rbm G) 3'6tn ,S:j_'g. Cons _Bn 3·6tl1 QH Co, , . 36th Sig Co. ;3,,trh-f,IBJJ , , • -i'" .:. , "' 36th Gen Hosp . 36th CIC Det~ · 37t!l tIRu on .· Hq/I·iq Btry, 29:th Af.J.1. Gp

Znd--Bn_,: 29t11 'Ir£ Regt Hq; Serve:. 06 & Herl Det, 29th Inf Regt

29t-h Sig C9ns Bn Ho_/Hq Bt,rf, '38-bh Al',.A Gp 38th Sig Cons .Bn 38th Ord. BD Sad 29th ·CIC Let

30th :w Div 30th Im R_egt 30th Cm:1. Decon Co 30th Ord:,-.BD· Sod

. ' - . - l

30th CIG Det Hq/Hq Btry, 31st AI-,A Brig Hq/Hq .Btry, 31st .A .. AA Gp 31st Transport Gp Hq/Hq · Det, 31st · Lled · Gp 31st · Cml Deccin Co 31st Orel 'BD Sqd 31st AAA Oprr Det· 31st PI Te'am Ho/Hq Btry, ' J2i1d FA Brig 3'.2'1hl · Sig Cons' Bn 3'2rtci' '01i. v -Ren Sq_ 32nd lilRU (Type Z) 32nd. Orcf BD Sqd 3Jr<l 'Spec- s·erv co·. 3-3i>ii '0:rd BD Sqd Hq/Hq Btry; 34th AAl Brig H ·rH'· n1..· 34t· 1 p;, ·B · q; .. q Bvry, • ,:1 •1.... rig 34th Bomb Gp (H) .34.'Gh 0ml ·tee.on· Co_ J4th AJ:,}t · Opn Det ' 3/4.t h _PI Team · 34th FTNl Team , Hq/Hq Btry, . J5tt~ AAA. Brig

· Hq/Hq Btry,. ·3.5th FA 'Gp 3'5th' Sig- Cons Bn

38th Gav Ren ~q .. · 39th Sig'. Hv Gon:;, Bri 39th 'FA Bµ:(105mm H) 39th PTE[ Team 40th Engr,C Regt (iess 1st Bn) 40tp Sig Ccin.s Bn 40th P:n • Teafu~ Det .·zp, 40t,h Hb~ . Ccnn Sq D,et. ZQ~ 40th .:Mbl Com' Sq D~:t, 1~, 40th Mbl Com Sq Det E, 40th. J\fol Com Sq Pet_ YC f:• 40th ].fbl. Com Sq '.Qet ·ZtJ,- 4otJ:1 Mbl Com Sq 41~,;t Sig Coµs Bn 41st FA Bn,. (' H)

·.4J;p-µ'""K.ilc~•.Dish Se~.c . 41st Zv~c I;Iosp. · 4_?nd Inf _Diy 42nd Hosp Train 42nd CIC .. Det. 4,2nd Fin Disb-Sec £.2nd: Field Hosp 42nd Pl')TI Team 42rid .QM War Dog Plat 43rd Sig- Cons Bn -Hq/Hq Det, 43rd Ord WJS Bn 4.3rcl Tan.le Bn ' . 43rd QM Rlid C.o . 43rd Hosp Train


' ~ 43rd F\'!I Team·

§..m\ ~ 1 -\ ' ' -¼ - ..

I •

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ii., i-,DEC!J\SSIF!ED ,,r~u '7J5'6[ 7 ..

44th Ren Tr . 44th Ord Bn 44 th ,Engr G Bn · 44th-Sig Co 44th Qlli Rhd Co 44th QM Co 44th Eva_c l-fo~p 44th Hosp Train · 44-th CIC Det -45th Inf Div

·45th-Rcn-Tr 0

' Hq/Hq bet·, 45th Ord Bn L~5th -Sig · Co 45th Ord MivI Cb c45£fr:Qlv.: Cci · ; ; • 4Sth Vet Co (Sep) ·45thHosp Train 45th Fisld·Hosp "45th Evac Hosp 45th CIC. n:et -45th HiIT Team -IfojHo_ Dei, 46th OJI Gp 46th Qivi GR Co ·

-__ 46th .Orel 1IE , Co -- 46th 1ffiU 46th_:..0en Hosp 46th PWI Team Hq/Hq Det, 47:th Qti Gp 47th. Tank Bn . _HajHq Det, 47th Ord Bn ·47th Liaison Sa 47th JiJIRU (M} -47th Field Hosp 47th PT!IT Team

.. Hq/Hq -Det., 48th Ord Bh 48th Tank Bn

_;cli15th··1ingr1..:.c--·•Bn 4Bt.h Qh GR Co . Hq/Hq Etry,· 49th AAA 1B1>ig · 49th Engr C Bn Hq/HqDet,_ 51st Ord Gp · 51st Engr G ·Bn

··51st APTJ __ 51st Sta -Hosp 51st Field.Hosp 51st .Svac H,osp Hq/Hq :Elt!'.y., _ 5 2nd AJ,.A Brig

. Hq/Hq Det, 5 2nd Ord Op -Bg/Hq De_t., "52nd .Med Bn CSep) 52nd MR.U (Kr), (Type Y) Hq/Hq Det, 53rd-:Med Bn HojH~t Pet_,, 53rd Qk Bn (M) 53rd Sig Rada,;: Haint Unit . . ,,,_,, .

e. &/ltii ~ ! . 53rd Field Hosp 53rd Ord BD Sqd Hg/Hg Det., 54th.0rd Gp Hq/Hq Det, . 54th_ QlvL Bn (M) 54th Sig Bn (Less Co. C) 54-th Fin Ilisb Sec 54th 1'.IR:U Hq/Hq I3try, 55th ,W Brig Hq/Hq De_t, 55th ,QM Base Dep 55th Fighter Gp -Hq/Hq Det, 55th Ord Gp .Hq/Hq Pet, 55th QM Bn (M) 55th Fin Disb Sec 56th 1:,rm.d Icl' Bn H0J/~Iq( Bet'.:,, 5hth Jlied Bn (Sep) 56th 9ig.Bn 56th Fin Disb Sec :fiq/Hq Det~ r57th Med Bn 57th Sig Bri 57-th Crri.l 1/Iaint Co 57th Ord ilJllIU Co 57th..,Fteld Hosp Hq/Hq: Co, 58th -Q.1I Base D ep Hq/Hq Co, 56th QE Base Gp Hq/Hq Det, 58th. :Med Bn 58th ,1rmd FA Bn 58th Fin Disb Sec 58th Gen Hqsp Hq/Hq Do,. 59th QH Base Dep HojHq Det, 59th Ord Gp Hq/Hq Det, 59th Q]li Bn (M) 59th ;trmd FA Bn 59tfl Sig_Bn 59th l§vac Hosp 59th Fin Sec Hq/Hq,Det; 60th Ord Gp 6Qm,h .. N.t,B~,Co (PCS) 6'otfi Citl Dep Co 6Qt-h Sig Radar lfaint Unit 60-t!h AG-F Band 61st.TrCarrier Gn

,, 61st $ig Radar Eaint Unit 62r1d Arm.d Fl~ Bn 62nd Armd .Inf Bn 62nd AAA Gun Bn Hq/Hq Co, 62nd QM Base Dep Hq/Hq Det, 62nd. Med Bn Hq/Hq Det, 6'21:id Ord LIDI:J. Bn b2.nd Engr Top; Co (Corps) bQnd l~iF Co (PO?)

-....... 6:aict Sig Radar liaint Unit 63rd Inf Div Hg/Hg Det,. 63rd Med Bn


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63rd Engr C Bn 63rd Cml Dep Co 6Jr.d Fin :I:h;b Sec 6-Jrd AGF Band 6Jrd GIC bet Hq/Hq Det; 64th O)JI Base' Dep. Hq/Hq Det, 64th :Me_d Gp 64th Ord Ainm Co 64th Cml D"ep Co 64th Fin Disb. Sec 65~h Irif Regt (Less Hq & 1st Bn) 65th Armd FA Bn @

Hq[Rq Det, 6Sth Ord, B~ 65th Sig Bn . 65th Fin Disb Sec 66th ;;_rmd. Inf Bn 66th Gml Base Dep Co 66th. Ord J.rrJIJ. co· ' 66th })]iP · Co (PCS) 66th·Hosp.Train 66th Field Hosp 66th Fin Disb Sec 66th l-J?U 66th fiGR fund -- --67th i\.fa.A · Gun B.r;i 67th.QE Refrg Co. (M) 67th )i-:;:p. Go (PCS) 67th Engr Topo Co 67th. Zvac }J:.osp 67th Ord BD Sqd 68th :~rmd Inf Bn Hq/Hq Det,. 68th Med Gp 68th MP Co· (PCS) · 69th 1'.rmd· FA Bn Hq/Hq ·Det, 69th, QH Bn 69th MP Co (PCS) 69th Cml Smoke Gen Co 70th Inf Div '7oth F .. ( Bn (105mm H) 7o-th·tank 'Bn 70th lied Dep Co 70th :MP Co . (PCS) 70th PI Team· .. 70th Fin Disb Sec 70th ere· Det 7lst lnfo'.Regt Hg/Hq Go, 7lst QM Base Dep HojHq Det ;. 71st Ord, Gp Hq/Hq Det,. 71st, Ord Bn 71st Med Dep Co 71st MP Co (PCS) 71st Fin Dish Sec 71st PI Team


. 72nd .AAA Gun Bn ',Hq/Hq bet, 72nd Ord Gp . 74nci. Pub ·Serv Bn_ 72nd, Ln Sq { Flight D) 7,-2rid MP· Go; (PCS) . :?2nd Sig, Co (SP)

. 73rd MP Co, (PCS) 73rd Fin· Disb 'Sec . , Hq/Hq Btry, 74th. AM. Gp 75th Inf Div 76th Fii. Bn (105mm HJ .HoJHq Det & Med pet, ?6th Ord Bn 76th PI Teani 77th Ord Dep Co 77th Ev_ac Hosp 78th Inf Div -

· ·;ii~~i{~·ft\Eti1;~ Det, 7Sth Ord Bn -78th Crnl.S.tnoke Gen Co Hq/Hq Btry, . 79th Fi. Gp Ren Tr :?.9th,. QIYI Co ?'9th Sig Co 79th. Cml Smoke Geri Co Hq/Hq Bt;ry, $0th A.AA Gp Hq/Hq Det,. 80th Ord Bn . Hq/Hq·Det, 80th QM Bn_ 80th. Cml Smoke Gen Co 80th Fin Disb Sec Slsi;FA· l,3n (155mm H) Hg/Hq_Det,,. . 81st QM Bn ' 8lst 'Fin uisb Sec 81st PWI·Team 82ndEngr CBn 82nd .i~i~md 1\/Ied Bn 82nd Crnl Smoke Gen Co 82nd P-WI Team 83rd Armd FA Bri . · Hq/Hq Det,. 83rd Ord Bn $}:r;d . Rn' :_; -..... B4th' i'rirf_,Di;, ·· 84 th .t:\rmd Ji1Ied Bn . Hq/Hq Det ,. 84 t11 Ord Bn 84th CIGD-et 84th P:'u Team $5,th Engr Hv Pon Bn 85th Orel HM Co 85t,h· .PI, Team . 85th :F::WI Team 86th. Engr Hv Pon En Hq/Hq Det., _ 86th Ord Bn 86th Fin J)isb Sec _

I:,.,..., 86th,PWI Team · l 87th·Armd FA Br1: 1 .

S E 1Q!'"'l E T ~ -_u_ ~-,-

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B7t-h · Gml 1Bn .~

· 8Jth dnu _Smoke 'Gen Oo · 87th QM Rhd Co , -· :;

, t7th obi :HM 'co t - .

$9:th Q)f .Rhd,' Co· 89th '.Ord. m.,(do \

~9th PI Te.c3.llJ.:. :-, 9Qth.PT 'ream 9ist 'Bomb\Gp, (H) , HojHq J{try ~ 9lst t,.t-,,4 ·Gp 91st, .Mec'r Gas:. Treat Bn . 91st . Ey~c 'H9.sp ; . -9lsit Ord'- BD Sqd 9 2.ri4 Bomb: q~' '{1:I) 92nd Gav Re;n Sq · 92rla. -cfaJ. En: '. . • .. -•• -9~d .Qto/}lM Co:: 92nd IPl-Team . 93id. . "Iirmd FA Bn 93rd J11ed' Gas Treat Bn ·_-

. _93 ia Q1f Rh<1\:o- · ·· -· · 93:rtd -. o'rtLJf·co'.: .(AA) 93rd Evac··Rosp'.(Sli{) 93rd PI\ T:,:ra.m · · · 93rd~PiAJl Te~_:·._ 94:th E4~r GS Regt .. 9-4ft11.J3om.ti l}p (H) 941;:4 Qa:r R~ sci 94th Qi.'¼ .Rhd :Qo,.;_ ~4th F'i:o Disb Seu· ~"GA Fi Tearn litl:i Bomb.· Gp (H)·-· -fi'n· ·· cs· R·· -·t .,';?,ii!, _ . .c:.; gr -_ .·.. eg ~lth li$0." Treat Bn

-·· ·:~~t~ ~~1ri Hosp . _ ,c- , • . 95til .!:!,V~C Ho?lp,_ (SE)

~11,~:):d~ h $± •· Bri •i?,Ji!'~b~;eC· ..

.. 9.J%,,J;1 ~~g Bn. , . . '--,_,~;~~t:PI~t' :' ?7th 'Q!1I @P " -~tit ::rnvac Ho~:p , ..

ll!it~r ri-.i·:"~~·\_Se.r) _

?·~, ~

' /


\ -

\ .

-. 99th ·cm1 · Bn ' \ . . . . '

9~f,}1 G.?11'., rlosp 100th .Inf . __ .Div ..

, ·1Q0.yb; :Bp111p,; Hp, lH} .. 106th Ren Tri ._-· ·: . . ijq/Hq_pet,~ J,.OOth'. Ord Bn 100th Q]I Rhd Co +OOtltQi co· ·. ' ioqt:h· s1g.;,co -100th/2;va:c/ Hosp :{slvl) . +00tti · QIG ))et I:fq/Hqi Di~t,/ .. lOlst 1 Ord Bp lQls:t PI/ Teai;n 162nd, Ini: Div _. Hg/rtq.,_'I'i-p;: J:O~nd; Cav Gp JMecz) HgJ'.Hq :beti102rid: QM Bn . . l041d:' oay·imfri Sq. . 102ridEvac<Hpsp. 102ndi G_IG D·et .

-, 1Q2rid -PI team · I02ri.d PWI Team .. lOJitd '.:rrif Div ; · , / , aq/Hq 13tr:v;; J.03rd AAA Gp · 10Jr:d/ MiA. AW Bn., (M) 3-Q3i'd Ren ,Tr : .: •. ' iojTd' QE Co._ -J;-Q'.3_:cd•·sig',.Go ,,. i0,3-rd CIC Def.;. 103ra 1:vtr r {arri :i;,0A,"th :Cni .!)iv' --id~th Ord }}Th/I G.o' ·1ef4tb . .AGF ,Bai&ct i0/4:th'PWl '.r'eam c_

.ffo)EiqJ3tryf lO?tkAM Gp _J:fri/)k:D~\d' 105th. QM Bn l+Q5'.th'. E¥ac . HQSJi . (SM}

Jilt;~: lff ::::!~> :> < . C

16Gt1i lsJJ:,., 1~vr B~, fop) 106t1~ 'pr :]erun.

-- 1·0-7•· 1fb._ ;;;;,'. a··· ] irF• --·c· -· .. - · .. :1.; , .ur J!•~A ·. • .o

. ibo/tn, i~~a~ Hosp · JQ8¾4 t)l¼ Bk.ry Cec _· ,, •. lqSt:tj' Evac 'Hosp . (SM) ffcf/#sJ\\rf, •.. 109,th:,\lJ, Gp .­J/)9:th A/il'c Q~ii · Bn (M) · ·

•-• ;'.1,1;1!~QtM; • ... · i:J4f~g__Il~:t~•: l~jtl\Med BA _;tt,Jf t}j ,9£! ~Jg ·.·· . .

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

_ _,., ~ ii,_, i-,DEClASSIFIED ,,Nu '7JS6( 1


·,lllth _Ord BD Sod .• · 111th -• Evac . HQ-?P .

-- ll4;;Gup't£n::(SMT ---- : ll?"EtEngr :i::;_ --- ~n, -· -. · :- ';

li2t fr A.Gf Band , · ·•_ _. 112tfr•iva:9 Ho~p ·(s1t1J ··· ll2th .A.Pff

_ ... ~2tfr;€lrd•Bt-):;Sgd:.- ,.~ -- __ . . . -~wfitii ~trf, i.liJth AAA Gp . · iiig/~~:-'l'r:p; f13tp. Ca:v Gp· (Mecz) •

\~:3th.}tLA Qµp: Btt ($1£}' . ,,-?~3-t~ .. sd,g :RJ :ea ~i- : . -· · " ,

< +l$tr:1•·fav; ~ca .Sq · _ .

. :i!+~1:&~~RkJ·~- ·. ~_]Ath __ s __ ig~,RI __ :-. ,_Qo_

~ , ' ; .... ' : ll4t1-1'.AGF.Band

-_ .. :;~~qci;)~tr,~; ... /;U,5.t)l.~Afj,.J:,;. G;f · ·:·+I5thLAGF.>Barid, ·. - _ · .. . : ,:·+J-6tli Ali::A ·Gun. :Bn (M). -:-,~6tg :9ig Rl :ao · · i _ -

' ,l}"'~ttr : Ey;a c '.Hopp _ .. --1-]l7tfr;:J:tc1;v·~Itcn,Sq · - _-::it 7th: .Sig: Rl Cn ; ~ :. - __ -::111th)~vac,{Hoffe>1Y :,, · -. _ llg/Hct Btry_; · li8th~ -- Gp :p9_· ~; _118:th Jnf,Regt -, J_JJtthJ1Jl:A;:u111,1.>Brr:(M)< 'f{gj}Iq- Btry', ll9th FA J}p -Jiq/H<1rP~tt.,_.J.19th l!Led Bn

--l:;l9th}lrmd ~ :&igr B~ ---. --120th En.o-r:G·Brt - . - . -,. .. ,. ·. - ·.,. ·-o , ...... -

. ~q}Hq _p~t, l~Oth M~d: J3n ,,T-eami • > - · ·· ·12ist 'Qir tar :J;; .. : ·i21st .PJ T~arnl · .

-,l22ncf.fJ:'Tearn:"·-. _;i,,?4~b: .if~- ·'Gun Bn·(M:}

,_·._•i:t~;!;!d~i~~nB:, l2..5th :.1;n ·· Sq : · · >

. lg5th Gia:v Ren Sq. ---·J:gqth 'AAlf Guri':'B1;t {M) . >1--26---b.b..:'' '0:r'd Jtfil)F co.: '. - _ , ' 12ei11_ J)rd,BD Sqd--- --~-

• : __ 127th~Oril.. ]✓JM. -·c.6_'-! ,l27ih' 'PT T , '. · - · ,.,.''. '. · __ . ._; .eam., · -1'28tp- "9rd :MM Co __

. :r2$.'irn 1Iiva:¢: Fio~p. , _ - ·~?Jth1lAA·Gpn J3ri (1!} - , :tjOtJJ. J!Il'iit Go· -: ).JQth ~eq HcYSp' ·- .-

. l,;l,S!, Ju,.!: Gun En_- (MJ -- ... ', . -., ._•,; /,•,. ~--, _, .. .' ~ '. --::-;, '

I . ,

Reproduced from the Unclassified ! Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

ii ,I JJECLASSIF!ED ''"' v 73S6 ( 1



Hq/Hq Det, 152nd QM Bn 152nd i.rmd Sig Co 152nd Sta Hosp 153rd FA Bn (811 G) 153rd Liaison Sq 154th Armd Sig Co Ab. Opns Det 154th. J.PU 155th FA. Bn {155mm H) 156th FL Bn (1Q5gim ·H) 156th Ord Tire Rep Co Inf Regt 157th FA Bn (155mm H) 157th Ord BD Sqd 158th FA Bn (105mm H) J::,;Btli Efi'gr c-···Brl ·-.


- '-1- - Hq/Hq-Btry, 174th FA Gp

' 174th FA Bn (155mm. G-SP) 174th AfU Hq/Hq Det, 175th Hed Bn 175th Sig Rep Co 175th APU

. Hq/Hq ·net, 176th M:ed -Bn 176th Ord Dep Co Hq/Hq Pet, 177th Med Bn Hq/Hq Det, 177th Ord Bn 177th Sig Rep Co 177th J.PU Hq/Hq D,et, 178th Med Bn Hq/Hq Det, 178th Ord Bn

~17,$1:rh .Q:i;d, pep Co .:1'i8th Sig Rep Co

Hq/Hq · Det, 158th QM Bn 158th Ord Tire Rep Co (Less Units 158th .APU . .

178th QM Bkry Go 2 & 3) Hq/Hq Btry, 179th F~ Gp

159th Engr C Bn . 159th Ord _BD Sqd 160th FL Bn (105mm H) 160th o:rct· BD Sqa - -161st Ord BD Sqd . Hq/t41 D et, _ 162hd QM Bn 162nd Ord BD Sqd 163rd · Sig Photo Co 163rd Cml S-moke Gen Co 163rd Ord BD Sqd 164th Engr_C Bn Hq/Hq __ Det, . lb4 th ~vI Bn 164th Cml Smoke Gen Go 164th 'Ord BD Sqd 165th Sig Photo_ Co 165th Ord BD Sqd Hq/Hq Det, 1_66th· QM Bn 166th Ord BD Sqd l67th -t.l:.A -@un:- Bn·l STui:':) ·"" l6J~h Sig Pho~o Co -167th QM Bkry Co l67th L.PU 16,?th -Ord BD Sqd lbSth Engr C Bn 168th Cml Smoke ~n Go Hq/Hq Det, l69th Med Bn 169th. _Ord 'Dep Go l69,th _Ord BD $qd H.q/Hq Det, 170th Med Bn 170th CrdBD Sq_d 171st. Engr C Bn 171st. FA Bn (105mm ff) . 172nd FL Bn-(155mm G-SP) 172nd Engr C Bn

.179th Inf Regt_ rBq/Hq Det, 179th Med Bn .J_80th Inf · Regt - . Eg/Hq Det &. lied DGt,180th Qlll l?n (liI)-,Hq/Hq Det, lEsoth :M:ed Bn (TC) ,.180th Sta Hosp 181st Engr Hv Pon Bn Hq/Hq Det; 181st Med Bn (Sep) Hq/Hq Det, lSlst Ord Bn lSlst _()rd D ep Go Hq/Hq Det, 182nd •1M·Bn fr-q/Hq Det .& 1,Ied Det, 182nd Ord Bn -182ncl Ord Dep Co 18?nd H.IP Co (ZI) . 18.'.3-:td F'.A Bn (155mm H) Hq)'Bq Det, 18Jrd Med Bn 184th .Aii.l'. Gun .Bn HqfHq, I)~t;., 184th Me_d Bn ·HqJHq :bei;,j ;i$4kh Ord Bn '1{54:tl'l 'Q1!f D'ep Sµp Go 1S4th QM Ldry Plat 'Rq/Hq Det·, 185th Ord Bn 166th Fil Bn (155mm H) 186th Ord Dep Go HojHq Btry, 187th FJ\ Gp 187th f A Bn (15 5mm H) Hq/Hq · Det, 187th Med Bn Hq/Hq Co, 187th Ord Base Dep 187th Ord Dep Co Hq/Hq Btry, 188th FA Gp 188th FI, Bn (155mm H) 188th S'ig Rep Co 189th Fl~ Bn (155mm H)

- Hq/Hq Btry, 190th FL Gp 190th FA Bn _(155mm G)

S_E1--ET ~-~~-- 9 -

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':"f ,g_ r--,J-,.l-lf-EC-lA.:...SS-IF-lE-D-~

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l9lst Tank Bn -19lst :MP -:Co :(zI)

---....;._ . \ E :T . ·§._.~-.-

2l4th Sig Radar 1faint Unit (Type C) 215th 'l}II Sahr Rep Co

H.q/Hq & Med Det, l92nd QM Bn 193rd FA Bri (105mrri H)

(11/) 2l5th Sig Dep Co -2l~th -Sig·Radar lfaint Unit (Type C) 216th -AAA Gun Bn l94th FA Bn ( 8" H)

.-195th-FA Bn · (8 11 H) . l95t1i. · A.J.'l.A AlrJ Bn (SP) 195th QM Gas· SuD Co

. 195th,Ox·_d·bep' C~ · .Hq/Hq:iBtr-J, · 196-tJi FA. Gp (Hecz)

· 1S)6th· F.i',. Bn· (105irm ,H) 196th Engr Dp Trk Co '197th M·,.f, A'OF -Bn ,(SP)

. Hq/Hq Det, 197th Ord Bn · · ._197th QM Gas Sup Co _ 20oth .FA Bn {155mm G)

20'6th QM ·Gas S11p: Co : .. 201st .Ord Dep Co ·

. '.Hq/Hq_Btry, 202nd Fil. Gp (J.iecz) 20·2nd· E0,gr C- Bn

·. Hq/Hq' Det, 202nd QM Bn · ·202nd Qj~ Car Co \ 202p.d o;d. Ilep · Co'' -

20Jrd. FA' Brt·.(155.imn H) 20ft'd. · C Hn 203rd (')\{ :Car· Co :203rd.. Mfi Co : ·

; 203rd Ji.PU-.· 20Jrd QE Ld.ry Sec 204th l'i.ii.A AW Bn 204th MP Co (Corps) Hq/Hq Det; ... 205th QM Bn (:M)

. 205th 'CIC Det . . . Hq/Hq Det, 206th QM Bn 206th llP Co :(Corps) 206th · s:tg Dep Co

. 206th. Jc.PU .. . . 206th ):']vI Ldry' Plat

_,,, 266trt'c'ic def/',_ .:. -· .• 207th·· F /,.. Bn (si,. H)'-.: ··;207th Engr c-·~n ,

· 207th Sig Dep, co· - ' 207t11 c1c· Det

' 208th Engr C Bn . _·20Bth Sig Radar Maint Unit 208th·: CIC- Det . 209th Sig Co 209th QK Ldry-.Sec Hq/Hq. Btry; 1• 2_11th. F ;~ Gp

. 21:Lth J,A Bi:1 (1,..5 11 G) :Hq/Hq Btry, .21'.3th AAA Gp

216th QM $· Rep Co 2l6th S-ig Radar Maint 216th CIC Det 217th Fi-,.' Bi:i t1051mn H) 217th Sig' Radar 11aint Unit 219th:QE 81:i;lv Rep Co (less 2nd Plat) 219th CIC Det.. . 220th FA Bn (105mm H) 221st CIC D et. 222rid_Inf.Regt 223rd' QI.I Salv RE3p Co

-- H¾Jf.Etf, 1Jet>j' ':22£.th O:r-d Base Gp 224th~ QH -S:a:1V.Rkp Co Btry -'C, 226th AAi-i. S/L Bn 226th_ Sig 0pn _ Co 227:th QM Sa~rColl O·o ·,,· Hq/ttq Bt:tJ-, 228-t;-h FA .Gp 228th F'A Bn (155mm H) 2Z9"th QH 3alv Goll Co 229th Sig Radar l!Iaint Unit 229th Ord }~\rc1,c Co · · 231st QU S2.1v· Coll Co 23 2rid Inf tlegt' : 232.hd. APU 232.hd:E~r c· cd · ~32nd. OJtSe:lv Coll Co Hq/Hq Det ). 233rid Ord Base. Gp 2;3:rcf QE Salv Coll Co · ?34th Er::i~. C Bn 235th Q'1I Coll Co 236-t;'h Sig n.adar Maint Unit

. ,,_, ' -23,?th Engi1 C Bn 2;:Btl;l :Eng~'.' c· Bn

-~:t{$t,J::i:.Sig~J~p.dar ·Maint Unit '239th: S'ig' (pn ·co' 2J+,)f,h ·p },. Br:i- ( 15 5mm G) Hc('1L::i Det; 21,.0th Med Bn

,.I - - (

21i-lst 11P Co . , ZI) 24-:~nd Inf Ij.egt 2.42Ed Q};I DP,p. Co. 2l/5th QM Dep Sup Co 246t,h Erigr: ,G Bn

2l3th _CIC Det _ Hq/Hq ~et & HE3d Det,

21+ 1 ~h 'Eng·r . C · Bri 250- ✓n. E::g:~ C Bn 250th C::lilJI Bn 250th. Sj_g Opn Co 25.lst Engt .. C. 1:?n.

214th QM Bn ! 252rtd_-FA. Bu (l05mm. H)

,·B Eb' ::E··T ---.I-,-

- I -

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

itJ .OECI.P.SSIF!ED "f u 73S6( 1 ·, AUTHORITY , ,


s sLE; --P-, .. _252nd Engr C Bn 252nd Ord MJ.1,f Go 253rd Inf Regt _254,th Im ltegt 254,th Engr- C Bn 254th FA· Bn' (155mm H) 255th Im Regt Hg/liq Det, 255th QI.Ill Bn 255th Sig Const Co 255th Ord MM Co @

255th Ivied Sec 256th FA ~n (8!l G) 256th1.iP Co .

257th Ord ]j]]iI ·co 257th Sig Const Co Hg/Ref Btry; _25'8th FA Gp 258th FA Bn (155mm G-SP) Hq/Hq Det & Jled Det" 258th Ord Bn 259th FA-Bn (4.5rr G) 259th Sig Const Co-2.60th Sig Radar Eaint Unit (TYPe C) . 26lst Sig__Hv Coi;;;,_Co 261st o;d M Co (AA) 262nd Sig Const Co ~64,tll. FA .Bn (sir H) 264th Ord :MJl.a Co 265th ~A Bn {240mm H) 266th FA Bn (240mm H) ~q/Hq l)et, 266th Q.M Bn 266th APU ,_. 267th APU 268-t.c\.i· FA Bn (8 11 G) 268th Sig Const Co -26$th Port Co · 269th FA Bn (240mm H)

· 269th Sig Const Co Hg/Hq Det, ?70th G'J;~ Bn 270th ·Sig Const Co ~ 272nd FA Bn (240mm H) Hq/Hq ·.Det & Med" Det, 272nd QM: Bn 273:rd Ord 11 Co (AA) '?/4th Inf Regt 275t1h Inf Regt ·275th Armd FA Bn 276th 1-nf' ·Regt 276th Engr C Bn . ·. 2,76th Ord }fain:\:, 'Co (AA) 277th Ord Maint . Co (ii.A) 278th Sig Pgn Gb 279th Engr C Bn 27.9th, Ord 1fainf Co 279th Qli Refrig Co 27.9th. AGF Band

Hq/Hq Btry, 21:sOth FA Gp (Mtz) 280th FA Bn. (155mm G) . 282nd Sig Pgn Co 283rd FA Bn (105mm H) Hq/Hq Det, 284th Qi\lI Bn (M) 285th FA Obsn Bn · Hq/Hq Det, 285th QM Bn (M) Hq/Hq Det, 286th 13iVI Bn (M) 286th Sig Radar ]faint Unit 287th Sig Radar }faint Unit 288th Sig Radar }faint Unit 288th APU 290th FA Obsn Brr 291st Engr C Bn 293rd Ord MM Go 294th' Engr C Bn 294th QM Salv Rep Co 295th Engr C Bn· 295th MP Co 296t h Engr C Bn 296th 1IP' Co 296t1 $ig Instlc; 297th Engr C Bn 297th Sig Instl. Co 29ich APU · 298th Engr C Bn 298th. Sig. Instl Co . 299th Engr C Bn

. 299th MP Co (PCS) 299th QM I.dry Sec JOOth Engr C Bn JOOth·Ord Majpt Co (AA) 301st NIP EG Co . 301st CIC D{?t 302nd Sig Opn Bn JO 2nd l\JIP E,Cr Co JO.3rd Bomb:· Gp/(tt)· J'Ojr<f'· Oprf "Bifk JO.lp,th Engr G Bn . Hq/Hq Det., J04th ]fed En 304th ]/JP EG· Co J04t,h -brd ]faint Co (.Ail.) 305-t.11 Bomb' Gp (H)

' 305th Sig Opn Bn 305th Cl}\it Rhd Co 305t-h''liJF EG Co 305t·h APU 306th Bomb Gp (H) 306th Ord !faint Go (AA)

,.,.,.. 307th Q.tvI Rhd Co 307th APU 307th CIC Det Hq/Hq Det, --30i:sth Qlvi Bri

i · Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·



'~v 7JS6( 7 AUTHORITY •


~! \ 343rd Orq Dep Co

344th Engr GS Regt 3L~5th QM Dep Sup Co 345th Harbor Craft Co J49th Engr GS Regt 348th Engr C Bn' 348th -t::}.M Dep Sup Co 3.49th Ord Dep Co 351st Bomb Gp (H) 352nd Fighter Gp .35Jrd Fighter Gp 353rd ·AAA s/1 B~r

3 05th QJ.\/i Rhd Co 309th -~:M Rhd Co 309th CIC Det 310th FA En (105mm ·H} HojHq Det, 310th Ord Bn 310th. Sig Opns. Bh. 311th FA.Brr (105mm H). 3l2th FA :Bn (l55mm H) Hq/Hq Det, 312th Ord Bn 312th _Dep Sup .Sq 3l~J?h Ir.if Regt 0

313'£.h Tr· Carrier Gp 3i3th Ord ·Dep Co 3JJ+th,In.f Regt 314th Tr Carri£fr Gp 314th Ord Dep Co 315th Inf Regt 315th Tr Carrier Gp H-1/Hq Det & Med Det., 315th Ord Bn 315th GIG Det 3lbth Tr Carrier Gp 317th APU Hq/Hq Det,.3l9trLD:(a. Bn Hq/Hq~Det,. 320th Crd Bn.

. Hq/nq Det·,.:32?nd Ord Bn Hq/Hq"'Det,: 323rd. Qrd Bn }24th Im Regt 3':Z5th Engr ·c Bn Hq/Hq Det,, 325th H:ed Bn 325th ·Ord Amm Co'" · . 328th Engr C Bn· Hq/Hq Det ,· }28th ]!Ied Bn 332nd Engr G$ Regt · 332nd Ord. Dep-_Co Hq/Hq Btry, 333rd FA Gp 333rd FA Bn (155mm. H): Hq/I~g Det, 333rd Ord Br,.., 33S-rd· Ord Dep co· ·· .334t11··Q1? ,C9 · 334th o:rd.Dep Co 335th Engr GS Regt Hq,(Hq Det, 335th Ord Bn Hq/nq Det, 336th Ord Bn Hq/Hq Det, 337th Ord En 339th Fighter Gp 339th Drd Dep. Co 339th Harbor Craft Co Hq/HqDei,, .340th.Crd :Sr+ 31/lst Errgr GS Regt J4lst Meet Co.[IIp: Sec 342nd Armd FA Bri 342nd'0rd Dep Cd

353rd Ord 11aint Co (AA) 354th Ord. :i:faint Co (AA) 1st Bn, 355th GS Regt 356th Fignter Gp 3:\1'.ltrh :tf i:ghtierr&p 358th Engr-GS··Regt · .359t:h Fighter Gp Hq/ Serv Co & Med Det, 364th Engr

. . GS Regt Hq/Hq Det, 1st Bn, 364th ,d;ngr GS Regt Co ~; 364th Engr GS -Regt Q:o Ii, _36, Engr GS Regt · Hq/Hq Det, 2nd Bn, Jb,4th Engr GS Regt 364-(h Fighter· .Gp 365th, APU 37:hst:· APU 372nd Engr GS Regt 372nd :MP EG Co 3 7.3,rd FA Bn ( 15 5rom H) 374th FA Bn (105mm H) 375th Engr GS Regt 375th FA Bn (105mm H) 37 6th Afu1 AW Bn (ll) 3'76th Med. Coll Co 377th £ng; GS Reg~ 377th _P-~A AW Bi::i (M) .3'.?Yt,h' '1\W .EG .Go, 377th ·:iied · Coll Co 378-thEngr C Bn 378th Med Coll Co 379th Bomb Gp (H) J8lst Bomb Gp '(H) 382nd· Fl{_ Bn (105rnm· H) 362nd Ivied Co+l Go . 3$J.:rd .FA Bn (105mm _H) . J8.Jrd Med Coll Co 384th Bomb ·,.Gp (H) 384th FA Bn (155mm. H) 384th :Med Coll Go . 385th Bomb Gp ,(H)

343r~ ~ngr GS R~gt \ Htry _G,, 385(h'.AAA NIT _Bn (SM)

17~:!l '.1. .

- 12 -

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; 1 , ..DECU\SSIF!ED ,,r,v '73S6 ( 7



Btry D, 385th AAA AW Bn (SM) 385th Engr C Bn 385th Ql'\i Trk Co (TC) 387th AAA AW Bn (M) 388th Bomb Gp (H) 389th Med Coll Co

. 390th Engr C-S Regt 390th Bomb Gp (H) 3 91st Med Coll Ce? 392nd Engr GS Regt 392nd Med Coll Co_ 3 93rd ifod Coll Co 394th Cl)l Trk Co (TC) 397th Inf Regt 398th Inf Regt Y18th 'B'onib"•Gp-"'(H) ... 399th Inf Regt 3 99th .ASF Band 400th AAA AW Bn 400th Armd FA Bn· -40lst Bomh- Gp (N..) _ -401st. QM Trk Co (TC)

, Hq/Hq Btry, 402nd Fl, Gp Hq/Hq ... Btry, L~05th FA Gp 405th A.AA Gun Bn Hq/Hq Btry, 406th FA Gp 406th Engr·C Co (Sp) Hq/Hq Btry, 408th FA Gp 4-09th Inf Regt 409th AAA AV{ Bn '(M) 410th Inf Regt -411th I:nf Regt 412th Engr Dp Trk Co 413th AAA Gim Bn (M) 414th AAA Gun Bn (SM) 4l7th Engr -Dp Trk Go 417th MII Team 418th CIC Det' 419th lied Coll Co 419th Engr· Dp T:rk Co l+20th Med ·coll Co 421st .A.SF Band Hq/Hq BtJ?~'", 422nd FA Gp 422nd Engr Dp _Trk Co 422nd 1.:Ieet Coll Co 423rd Med Coll Co 1; Dp Tik Co .422;.th HJ;I· Teain -.. l..25th Night Fight'er Sq Hg/Hq_ Det, 425th · !{eel Bn Hci_/Hq ,Det; 426th Med Bn

426th Med Coll Co 427th Med Coll Co 427th Qt\/I Tr Trans Co 427th ASF Band Hq/Hq Det, 428th Med Bn 428th MP EG Co 428th QM Tr Trans Co ~29th QM Tr Trans Co 429th Med Coll Co 430th AAA AW Bn (1\/I) Hq/Hq Det, 430th Med Bn 430th l' .. rnb Co 430th QM Tr Trans Co. 431st AAii NH Bn , 431st QlvI Tr Trans Co

.Hq'/Hq D et-~ 43 2nd Med En 43'2rtd Q}I ·Tr Trans Co 433rd AAA A~V Bn (H) 434th Tr Carrier Gp

· 435th Tr Carrier Gp .... " 43 5th 1:tl,I Gas Sup Co 436th Tr Carrier Gp 436th Ql!l Gas Sup Co 437th Tr 8arrie~ Gp 438th Tr C·arrier Gp 438th AAA AW Bn (I;I) 439th 'Tr Carrier Gp 4;i9th AAA A~'l B:n (M) 439th QM Tr Trans Co 439th Med Coll Co

· 440th Tr Carrier Gp 440th AAA JWJ Bn (M) 440th QM Tr Trans Co 441st Tr Carrier Gp

-441st AAA AW Bn (.;3P) 441st J.ied. Coll Go li, Qi.VI Tr Tram, Go 4-42nel: '±rif '1'1,dgt~ ;.,

-· 442nd 'J.'r Carri er Gp - 442nd Med Coll Co . 442nd Orci HAL'\!i: Go

443rd AAA · AW Bn (SP) 445th AAA AW Bri (H) 445th Ord R'JII Co 445th Med Coll Co 446th AAA AT_T Bn 446th Ord HAM Co 446th J{ed Goll Co·-

.,.~ 446th 1:!II Team

SEcrJ.~T --11:;-- l.3 __ .... -

44 7th Bomh Gp (H) 447th AAA AW Bn (H)

t Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

:"'_,_-'~ ii., i,,DECLASSIFIED .. f"NIJ 7JS6( 7 ·



447th Ord H.AM Co ·. 476th Amb Co 447th MII Team 477th H.mb Co 448th ]iied Coll Co 478th Amb Co. 449th Med Coll Co . . 479th Amphib Trk Co .450th Engr Dep Co 479th Amb Co 450th Med Coll· Co 482nd AAA AW Bn. (SP) 451st AAA A"if Bn (lri) ,. 482rid 11P .EG Go .

-451st Med' Coli' Co 482nd Co 452nd EoHb Gp (H) 48221_d Hed Coll Co 452nd lied Coll Co 483rd Ord Evac Co 452nd Ord- Evac. cJ 4832c': ·:.JiRefrig Co ·452nd Ji.III Team 484th U:rd. Evac Co 453.rd lfII Team 48/+th Med C~ll Co 454th 1i:ed .£'.-011 Co 485th Ord Evac . Co . 456t):i QE Ldry Co 485th ~ngr Mv Shop Co ·457th Bomb Gp (H) 41%th Bomb Gp .(H) .'457J6h Qlv. ldrv Co 486th J:,.AA Af,' Bn 457th MII Te~ 4$6-;tl{O:fd lfrva~\Go "458th ~\led Coll Co 487th Bomb .. Gp °(}I) ·459t4 AAA AW Bn (M) 487th Med-Coll Go 459th knphib Trk Co 48Sth .lmb Co . . 460th . AM, AW .Bn (H) 489t"k. ;Jnb Co 460th Ampnib Trlt Go 490th.-Bomb Gp (H) 460tn Ord Evac Co 490th Amb Co; AAA AW .:Sn (H) 491st.Med Coll Co 461st Ord E:vac Co 492nd Med Coll Co 462nd Ord Evac Co li-93rd Bon1b. Gp (H) li-b2nd Med Coll Co 493rd Armd FA Bn 462nd MII Team . 493rd Med Coll Co l+63rd J).fod· Coll Co · · 494th .l~rmd FA Bn 463rd Crd Evac Co . .1i.95t_h Armd FA Bn 463rd-QM Ldry Co 497th QM Ldry Co 463rd 1(1:I Team . 497th Med Coll Co 464th Med Coll- Co .. 1+99th Armd FA Bn 465th Engr Dep .. Co Hq/Hq Det, 499th Q1I Bn 465th Med Coll .Co 499th MP Co (Corps) ,467th J:M 1:;.::.r Bn (SP) 500th .b.rmd FA Bn Hq/Hq Det & '.&Ied Det:, 467th C'iM Bn 501st Ar.fu.d. FA Bn 467th ~ng;r lfaii;i.t Co 501st Engr .L Pon. Co 4/~1-t.h O;i;d :Evac Co.. 50i~f,,Jte,d, .. .QoJJ. Co 1/, Engr 11aint Co,: Q1i Rbd Co J:Iq/Hq Det, 470th QM Gp 502nd Engr L Pon Co 470th J\faint ·Co , 502nd'.ked Coll Co Hq/Mq D~t;, 471st QK Gp 502nd CIC Det Hq/Bq ~et, ·47lst Q.11 Bn 503rd. ~E Ca1~ Cb 471st Amb_ Co . 503rd Ord HM Co Hq/Hq Btry,. 472nd: FA Gp 503rd, Engr .1 Pon Co 472nd Amb .(fo . 503rd CIC _Det' 474th AAA AW-Bn (SP) 504th 1@ -Bn (l.rmy) Hq/Hq Dei:,, 474th QM Gp (TC) 505th Ord HM Co Hq/Hg_ Det, 476th QM Gp -;;- 505th -Engr L Pon Go Hq/Hq Det., 476th QM Bn (M)(TG) 505th CIC Det . J . .

£~-!! ,... ,,. ,_ '

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

: f. I jMtf1ss6To/ . AUTHQ(nY • .

BY(_j NARA DATE: :)_

§_ ;§~.·~ ! .· ·'\,.

506th Qi\f Car Co (less 2nd Plat) \ 536th.J1PU 507th lP. Bn 537th APU 507th (:'J\I Gar Co 538th Ord HM Co 507th Ord _HM Co 539th Ord Hl"\K Co 5D7th E;ngr L :Pon Co . 539th APU 508th Zngr L Pon Go 540th Engr C. Regt 508th Tulecl Co11 Co 540th QM Salv Rep Co . 509th lJP Bn. 5l+lst QJl;i Dep Co {less Det A) 509th CIC D et 541st Ord. HlI Co 510th .APU . Hq/Hq Det, 51.;.Jrd QH Gp Co A, 5llth MP ~11 543rd QM Dep Su:µ Co 511th Engr L Pon 'co Hq/Hq Det, 544th· }lvI Gp Hq/Hq :bet, 512nd 0,H Bn .544th-Ord Hlvi Co -512nd Engr L pon Co 545th Ord HM Co 512nd Ord Hlif Co 546th l~mh Co ;5,J?:t,~1 .CJQ ·Pfrt,., ,·,, :;;?4'fth,,J);c(;i. HM qo H'g/Hq Det, j.13th QM Gp 547th: APU ·. 513th QM Pack Co 548th.i,.AA A~'l Bn 513th .,'...PU Hq/Hq Det~. 548th QM Bn ,51l+tJ1 Ord HM Co 548th Ord Hl'11: Co 514th CIC. Det 548th L.mb Co. 515th Ord HU Co 549th QJI ldry Co 516tl1 Ord HM. Cd 551st Ii' A En (24.0mm H) 518th liIP Bn 551st QM .Rhd Co 518tn Engr KS Co 552nd Mi.A AW .Bn (M) 519tlt AAA Gun Bn 552nd FA Bn (240mm H) 519th Ord HM Co. 552nd Engr Hv Pon Bn Hq/Hq' f{et; 520th· QM Bn 552nd MP EG Co . Rq/Hq Det, .5.22nd OJJI Bn .· 552nd Ql[ Rhd Co 522nct Ord Hlvl .Co 553rd A.AA AW Bn (M) 52h.tb MP Bn 553rd )IP EG Co 524th QM. Car ,Co 553:J'.'d QJ,I Rhd Co 526th Armd Inf Bn 5531~d Ord m!I Co· .. 5·26th Q.M Hhd c~ 553rd APU · 526th Ord HM Co 554th AAA AW Bn (:M) 527th Engr L Pon Co 554th Engr' Hv Pon Bn HqjBq Det:,, 52gth QM Gp 554th Ord HM Co , Hq/Hq. D _.L 5.rinth n·M Bn · 554£h'. MP. :ECLCo : 52~,:,h. o:'r-Il!t;o '"<"·- . ~s~tlh' Rhd:co"", 529\h Qli. Salv Rep Co (11) . 555th· t.J.\A: AV( Bn /U) Hq/Hq Det.,, 530th Q,11 Bn Hq/HCL Det" 555th Q,Ei Bn :53ls:t .A}.1-!,: NH Bn ('M) 556th AAJ,. .AJ!J Bn (less i3try C) Hq/¾ Det., 53lst QM Gp. '557th FA Bn {155mm G) Hq/~;1 Det; 532nd QM Bn 5)7th AAA AW :Bn (E) 5.3 2nd. Ord ffil'l: Cq 557th Ord HM Co 533rd Mu.l. A1f: Bn (M) 558th Amb Co Hq/Hq Det; 533rd. QM Gp 559th FA Bn (155mm G) 533rd Ord HM Co Hg/Hq Det:, 559th QM Gp 533rd APU .. '. Hq/Hg_ Det-,. 559th QM Bn 534th AAfi. AW .. Bn (M) 559th Oro/mil Co 53 5th · AAA .NH Bn (M) 5 59th" .Amb. Co 535th Sig Const Co '""" 560th QTu(Rhd Co 536th Ord ,HM Co .560th- Al)J.p 'Co

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

.,-.,.. i; I J)ECIJI.SSIF!ED. f<t•U 73S6 ( 7 AUTHORITY •


560th .APU 561st FA Bn (155mm G) 561st Orct'.HM.Co ,

:, :562nd Q1Ji' Rhd.-·Co 563.rcl. MA AW Bn -(M)

·. Hq/Hq bet, 563rd QM Bn : 563rd Ord .ID{ Co

.564th. Amb Go " · 565th i1.AA AW ~n (M)

· . "565th Arnb Co . 566th Amb Co

:. "56bth APU · · . 567th Ord ffi.i, Co . ·56Bth Qlii Rhd ·co

570th J,.PU . . '571st QH Rhd Co :571st Arri.b ·c0·-57ist. I.PU . . 572nd AAA AiJ{Bn 574th Lmb Co

, 575th AAA AW Bn (SP) 575th Fl~·Bn (Sil- G:1 '575th J-;.mb Co·

, Hq/Ha Det, 576th QM Bn . ,· 576ti~ QE Rhd Co

.576th Amb Co 576-th APU ..

• .. 577th Sig Dep Co : 577th Engr Dp Trk Co . '577th Amb Co

.. 577th APU . . 578th FA Bn ( 8 11 H) 578th. L.mb. co·· 578th Sig Dep Co 579th 'Qr.11£ ldry: Cc, 580th _Zngr Dp Trk Co -5 SOth Amb Co .

· 581st Qk Sa:ies. Co . .;>)5:~l!s-t,.·';Ain.b @011 :-, ;

· ·se1at -1Pu : 5~2nd ·E~gr Dp Trk Co

,5fs2nd Ord 1-illlm _Go 5S2i:id: QJ.'\L Sales_ Co ·582r1d Lmb Co 58Jrd pig D ep: Co. 5tSJrd b.rn.b Co ·5s4 th i,mb _Co

··· 585th Ji.PU· - . HoJHq pet·J 586th QM Bn (M) · 5$6-th. Ord,"Amm Co · · Hq/Hq J::!.et, 587th OJE Bn 587th Ord;.i-illJID.:Co Hq/Hcj_'l(et, 588th QM Bn

Hq/Hq'.Det., 590th Orel Bn .· 590th Amb Co 591st" Arab Co 592nd ¼nb-Co

· 593rd D.rd Amm Co 595th QM Ldry Go ·595th MP EG Co

· 595th Amb Co 596th (}ti I.dry Co

,: 596th Ord Amm Go . 596th 1,mb Co , _· 596th j:,pU :· 597th Ord An1In' Co _, ·597t,h Amb Co .-, .. 598th QnA I.dry· Co

--"t<·5··~9-9"'t··~ ·c?1J( .T drv Co ,, , ·'. . .Ll ... ,.i • .i:. .i..., 'i.l

: 599th Ord Amm Go . -599tb Amb Go · •5:99th APU ' ,, . 60f§th QM lclry Co . 60lst idJi. i,Y{ Bn 60lst·TD Bn Ha & Sv Co, 601st Ord Bfl]rI Bn .. 602nd AAA Gun Bn (SM) Hq & Sv Co,. 602nd Ord Base Bn 602nd Erigr Cam Bn_ (less Co A) 60Jrd Engr Cam Bn. (Sp) 603 rd· ClJ,: GR . Co

_ C~ A, 604th Engr Cam Bn Go D,. 604th Engr Cam Bn 606th QM GR Co

· 607th Ord ;i.rnm. Co 607th 'Q1I GR Co 608th O)iI GR Co

. 609th Med Clr Co · 6lOth. E!lgr L Equip Co . 6llth ~ngr L E1,uip Co '6&1:b h-. ~,i GR-: ea ' .blZth TD Bn (T) · 6l2th. rJ\!I GR Co

· ·612-th.::Zr.:gr L Equip Co 614th TD Bn Bg/Rq Det & Hed Det,, 615th QM Bn Hq ·& Sv CO,- 615th Ord BAM Bn 616th Ql\i Dep Go 616th Hed Clr Co 617th Hed Clr Co 6i7th QJI Dep. Go 6i8th Med Clr Co

: 6l9th Med Glr Co \ 619th Ord Co

\ \ . _620th MP EG Go

Q~\!!i ,

I Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives­

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- - t: " u '73S6 ( 1 -AUTHORITY •


621st Med cir Co 622nd JYied cJ.i, Co Hq & ·Sv Co., 623rd Ord Base Bn 623rd Med Clr Co 624th Crd Amo Go 625th·Engr L Equip Co 625th Med Clr Co 626th Med Clr Co . 626th Engr L Equip Co 6~8th TI) Bn (SP) Hq/I-10 Det ~ {;28th @)ti Bn 628th Ebgr L Equip.Co 629th TD 'Bn 62_9th Engr :L Equip Co 629th 0JJI: Ld.ry Co . 630th TD Bn 630th Fkfa:i {gu H) 631st Engr L Equip Co 633rd 1,ied Clr Co 633rd QlK-Ldrv Co

-b-J,4th AAA Aw" Bn ·-634th -TD Bn 634th FA En, 'IL} 634th- rJL Trk Co , TC) 635th .AAA AW Bn . 6J5tl:r TD Bn 635th Med Clr Go. 636th 'ill Bn 637th' Ord .Amm ·Co· 638th TD En 6Ji3th-Ord .Amm Co 639th Ail Ji;'(Bn (11) £40th Or~ .Amm Co 640th Ql\1, Ldry Co 64ls;t · Ord Amm Co 643th T:0 Bn 643rq; QMTrk Co (TC) 645th 'I;DBn (~ss Co B) 646th Qlt 'Trk ·co · 647th APU. 649tli-Zngr Topo Bri 649th 'Med Clr Co 650th Q];I Trk co· (TC) 6 5 2r:id: ¢Jr:; Trk Co (TC) 6S~th·EngT Topo Bn 65-7·th. Orel Arnm Go 65Sth Ord Arnri:i. Co 660th.Med·c1r·co 6'6.0th . Ord Arrmi Co

ET f --. · 664th ·QM: Trk Co (Tc)

6b5t.h Topo Co 665th, Q,M·Trk Co (TC) 665th Ord: Co• 666th FA Bn (155.rrm1 H) 666th lied Clr Co 666th ·Q,M Trk Co (TC) 666th ·Ord Ainm Co . 667th FA _Bn (155mm H) 667th Engr Topo Go .{corps) 668th Ord Amm Co. 668th Engr Topo Go 67 4th QM Salv Coll Co 674th M~d Coll Co 675th 1/Ied Coll. Co 676th QM Salv Coil Co 677t;'4 !Eng;v, L -Eq,uip Co 677't,h Med .Coll -Co 680th.Ord Amm Co 682nd Ord Amm Co 682nd Med CJ.r- Co•. 684-tli 1:Ied Clr Co 685th.Ord_Arnm Go: 686 th Engr Base Equip Co' 687th .FA. Bn ( 105inm H) Hq/B.q Pet, 688th, q;&I Bn 689th QM Base Dep Co 689tb'Ord Amm _Co 690th FA B_n (155mm H) 691st Ff\. Bn (105mm H) 691st Ord Co . . 692nd FA Bn (105mm H) 692nd TD Bn (T) Hg/Hq Det, 692nd Q;ti([ Bp. 694th:Engr Base Equip Co 696th Engr Pet Dist Co 696th Q:t~ Salv Rep Co 697th FJ\. Bn_· (2_.4omm_ .. H)

- 698th FA Bn (~Orum H) ?.OQt.n·-O:rd.·,111.,co, ' .. ?02Iid'.'fu ·".Bn 1 -:•'":·,· ' .,,

703rd TD Bn (s·p) 703rd Ord lM Cq · Hg/Hg ·Co, 706-th P:ly Gr Div Hq/Hq Go, 7 08th Rly Gr Div 7 09t_h Ta.: :'.: bn 711th Cm.1 ~!i.8int Co 7l3th·H:P Bn (ZI) ?14th T{'x< 3n 72lsl .}lli-:p-c Den Co , Hq/Hq Del & 1Ii3cl Det..,, 72bth TulP Bn 7.3.3rd Rly Opn Bn 736th Tank Bn 736th Ord .. LM Co 738th Tank Bn

-oo-lst. QTuI Tr Trans Go: 661st Engr Topo Go 662nd Q),:. Trk Co (TC) 66 2:hd. 1ileci C,lr Co 663rd Engr Tope Co· 661.i_ th Ord :Arom Co 644t,h TD Bn 6 27th Engr L Equip Go

739th Engr _Hv Shop Do 7 40th Tank Bn

§.~~I. .

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Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

jl J i)DEClASSIFIED 1 73S6{ 7



740th FA Brr (8" 'H) . 741st _Tank Bri · · 743rd Tank Brr~ 744th Tank Bt1 744th Ord LM Co 745th .. -Tank Brr., 746th_ ·_Tank Bn

. 7 47th Tank Brr

~T 1 · -~ -~ -~ - 814th Sig Ser~ Co

·, . $15-t;h MP Co· (Corps) · 815th QM Ster Co 816:th' QM Ster ·. Co 816th-MP Plat (Corps) ·a17th MP Co 81$th_MP Co (Corps)

. 749th_ AAA Gun Bn (less Btrys A & B) 750th T,ank Brr

819th' Amphib _Trk Co $20th TD Bn . 820th 0)1I Ster Co 821st TD B.ri . 75qth APU · · @ •

,_751st FA Brr {l55mm B) 753r~ 'E·ank Bn 753rd FA Bn (155mm H) 75l.i:th FA Bn .(15511J1+1 H) 755th FA _Bn (155mm H)

821st. MP Co (Corps) · 822nd MP Co (Corps) 823 rd TD -Bn ' 823:rd MP Co (Corps) 824th TD Bn

Hq, 75'5,th Rly .Shop Bn (less Det A) 825th Ord' Bas:e Dep Co. 827th TD' :Bn . ·• 756-f-h 'T'ank Bn · · · · :V _: ' ~ ·.:. · .. < ; ,..-.i_;J,.c.':' T ;·;

758th APlT. .' ... - .

759th Tank Bn · 759th MP Bn (ZI) 763:i;-d,Engr Dp Trk .Co 767:th Dn .Trk Co

-. 7-6&-th .APU.. · ._- . r - -

770t.ti F .A Bn, (i. 5 n G) ,?7lst -TD Bn · (SP), 771st Tank Bn 77i;t. EA Bn (4·.5 11 G)

.772nd TD Brr 774:t,h FA Bn (4.5 a G) 775th APU . 776th FA--Bn (155mm H) 777,th FA Bn (4.-5n G) 779th ,_Ord U!.I ,Co

;781st Tank Bri . ·78Jr\i MP .. Bn 1784th .AAA .AW .Bn CM) - 787th AAA AW .Brr

7-88-th AAA AW ,._Bn: - · , • 78°:i--h,~:iti -AVt-Pn ~ -. ·,,," 1-, . . .1,::r,? ...,._. -~· 1.t r:, ~:-:; 15-' { .rt'" i:;'.. ..... ,,.J..I .. ,,. ,

790th :Engr-: P_et: Pist. Co·. 791st,. "Er1g~ · Dp Trk Co 792nd AAA A'"T Bn (SM) J93r~ EA Bn (6 11

• H)-600t6. ·ord. BII -Co. .. 801st .TD Bn · ' . 803rd. 'ID En (S_P) . .803rd .MP Go (Gorps,} 1303rd Ord IM Co· . 804th MP Co (Corps) 808th.FA Bn 810th·APU 811th ~TD Bn Sl4-tb: qu Ste:r :C.o · ,. :.,

. 82~tT11irop~'.f~ fJ],pfo:,d;S;:• 830th' Arnphib Trk Co, 831st Amph:ib Trk Co . 832nd .A.mphib Trk Co -837th·Q1,I.Gas Sup Co 839th Ord Dep Co . 849th Sig Int Serv·, 852nd ·:;;JM Funiig ~v:. Bath Co 853rd OJ{ Ster Co 856th' ')M Funiig 8,: B~th Co

. _857th QH Fumig & . Bath Co 863rd: AM AW Bn 863rd QM Furnig & Bath Co 864th Q1l Fumig & Bath Co 866th QM'Fwnig & Bath Co

. 868th Cr,d_ HA11. Qo

. 871st, QM Fmt1.ig & Co 872nd Ql,,I Fui:1ig & Bath Co· 880th. Oco. B:J'JJI Go 885th lVled Coll Co 886th Mei Coll Co 8$7th_Med. Coll: Co 8~?1{t-, ,_~r(~, HAly~, _Ho, s96tPLltec:_ Serv De;t . 89lot


.~ied Cir Co 89Jrµ T:O· Bµ . . 89Jrd · AA.A _ATif Bn, .(M) ,

: j ~ ' •

894th ,A,Aii. 10/f Bn 695th AAA_AW'Bn , · 896th AAA AW Bn 896th. Ord UAM: Co 897th .Ord. HAM. Go. 898th AAA- .. AW Bn

.,,... 898th. QM ldry Co \ 899th: -TD Bn

\~-. . 900th o_rd·HA __ \1'~ Co 903rd. Ord HAk Co

SEC.ET., --~- -- ..

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Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

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.. c,;"' /i ,, t-DEClASSIFIED

. . ,,r~u '7JSM 7 AUTHORITY • •


904th FA Bn (105mm H) . 905th Ord rIAJf. Co 907th Ord HAM Co 910th Ord ·HAlI Co 913th Ord Fi..b.Tu1 Co 916th Ord H.A:M Co 925th F.i~ B~ (105mm H) 926th Q,1,i Pet. Prod Lab 928th FA Bn (105mm H) 930th QM Pet Prod Lab 933rd FA Bn (l§5mm H) 935th Fl~ Bn (155mm H) 93.8th Fi:,. Bn (155mm H) 939th Fi,_ Bn (155mm H)

... 9lJJth QM•. Sal v · Rep Go -_. ,S([?lst-,Fk.B!l,Jl55mm H) ... 952nd Q}{Serv Co · . 953rd Fl. ,Bn (l55ITu11 H)

955th .FA Bn (105mm H) 9_55th Ord EVD Co 956th J.mb Co 957th FA Brr_ (155mm. .H) 9>9th_FA Bn (~.5-~ G) 96Qth Ql,i Serv.Co 962nd Engr ]faint Go 96:Yl'd Fi;. Bn { 15 5mm H)

. 965th•FA Bn (155mra H) _966th Eri_;g~ Eaint Co 967th FA Bn (155:rrm:1 H) -969th; F ii. Bn · ( 15 5mm H) 9b,, 9..1. ' . "" · ~, . t C . . uD. 1'.,Ilgr· Ma:t.n · o

• 970th QE Serv Co 9121st Q}J ,Se:rv Co

· _ 97 2nd: QM S,erv Co . Er;rgr l::aint Co

· · · 97 4th Or-d. Ev;,_c Go . . ' ' .

974th 0Jf Serv Co 9i6t.b.:-FA Bn (l55mm G)

·• 97t$th Ord Dep Go · 977th FA Bn. (l55mm. G)

· 977th Engr :M:ain.t C.o 5l78t'r-.1. Qr; Serv Co 978th FA Bn (l55mm G)

. 978th Engr ]faint Co · 979th FA Bn · (l55~, G) 979th 0 ... E S-erv Co 9fsoth FA Bn ( l5 5nun . G)

SE /l~ T . ~ --".f'~ § -l'-l/

. l/} · 993rd Engr Trdwy Br Co ; 994th Engr TrdWIJ Br Co

995th FA Bn (Brr H) .,997th. FA Bn (8 11 H) 999th QM Salv Coll Co i000th Engr Trdvv-y.Br Co

-1043rd Engr Gas Gen Unit 1049th .Engr Gas Gen Unit 1091st. Engr Util Det 1099th Engr Util Det Hq/Hq Co~- ll02nd Engr C Gp Hq/Eq Co, ll04th ]lngr C Gp Hq/Hq Co.., 1105th Engr C Gp Hq/11q Go, U06th Engr C Gp

._ Hq/Hq Qo, _ll07th Engr C Gp . ·Hg/Hq Go, .J.J.lOth Zngr C Gp

Hq/Hq Co, 1111th Engr C Gp Hq,/Hq Co, 1115th Zngr C Gp Hq/Hq Co, . 1120th Zngr C Gp Hq/Hg Co J ll2lst Engr C Gp _ Hq/Hq Co, 1128th Zn,? C Gp ._Hq/Hq Co J 1141st _ Engr C Gp Hq/Hq Co, ll4~nd Engr C Gp Hq/I-iq Co, 114.Jrd Engr G Gp

. Hq_/Hq Go, 1146th Engr C Gp Hq/1-Iq. Co, 1149t~ Sngr C Gp Hg/Hq Go, 1171st ~ngr C Gp '1189th ]!P Co. (lwn)

.ftq/~q ·Co;, 1186th Engr_C Gp H.q/gq Co, 1197th Engit• Base Dep Gp :i.20?nd Engr Comp Flat.· . 1204th Engr Co.rc1p Plat 1208th Engr Plat 1211th 2110:r FF Plat 1212th E:n;r FR Plat. Engr FF Plat 1216th Engr PF Plat

,,1~7,thi ·zhkr fpi·Piit l21Sth- Ebgr .FF Plat 1219th' Engr F? Plat 1220th.. Engr FF Plat 1232nd Engr FF Plat 1233rd Er1gr FF Plat 1235th Engr FF _Plat 1236th Engr FF Plat 1238th. Engr FF Plat 1241st Erigr FF Plat

. 9t50t_h Sig Serv Co (lel?B Det- A) · ~1st FA B,n (15 5mm G)

1260th Eng~ C Bn ' 1269:t.h· Bngr C Bn 1271st bngr C Bn :l27.6t.h_ Engr C Bn _ l27'$thErigr G Bn

9$lst Ord Dep Co . 9$7tll. :F ii. Bn. (l5 5mm G-SP) 988th Engr Trdwy Br·Co 991st FA Bn:· (155mm G-SP) 992n(L JEngr Trdwy Br Go

1).Zl~t _Engr- C-8 Eegt


. _lJli,Qth J,l;ngr C Bn

S ET · · - - - . '

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d f the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-Reproduce rom

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1353rd Ehgr Dp Trk Co 1368th Engr Dp Trk Co

· 1372nd Engr Dp Trk Co 1428th Se!v Det _ 1430th Engr Serv Det ·• lli5lst Engr Dp Trk Co 150ist Engr 'VlS Co 1510th EngrVJS C6 1514th Engr · ws Co 1553rd Engr Hv Poh Bn

, 1593rd Engr Util Det 1602nd Engr 1¥1.p0Dep Det-1607t~ _Ehgr. lfap. Dep Det 1608tli' fEngi· Hap Dep Det 1627th Engr Util Det 1663rd Engr lJtil Det 1677th Engr Su.rv Ln Det 1678th Engr Surv Ln Det 1682nd Engr 'StirvLn Det 17llth Eng,~ 1i9-p Dep Det 1713th Engr Map Dep Det i?15th Engr Map Dep Det 1752nd Engr Dp Trk Co 1753rd Engr Dp .'rr,k Co . 177 6th "Brig'.!' GS Co , 17S§rd Engr Parts Sup Co 1799,.t,d Engr Foundry Team l96lst Engr_ Dep Co (/wn) 2749th Engr L'Equip Co 2791st Epgr FF . P:;tat, ' 2S4lst Engr Dp Trk Co 2842nd ~ngr Comp Det 2889th E.ngr Int Team 2891st Engr Tech Int Team 2892nd E.rigr Tec;h Int Team 2893rd Engr 'l'ech Int Team 2894th Engr Tech lnt Team 2895th Engr·Tech Int T~a.m 2944th Engr Tech ;mt Teant 2950th En~my Tecn_Int.Team. 2947th '.flfr1gr.'I't:'ich··:1nt Team JOllt}i .QM Bkry C6 3012th QM Bkry Co 3013th QJ1;1 Bkry Co 3017th QE Bkry Go 3023rd O.rd BAM Co 30~.3rd. Ord Mai.Iit Co J0231'd Q]:I- Bkry Cc 3024th Ord Co 3026th OJiI Bkr:y Co 3027th OJI Bkry Co 3028th QM. Bkry Co 3029th QM Bkry Co

J0,38th CJ,M Bkry Co 3039th QM Bkry Co 3042nd Ord Ma,int Co 3042nd t;U:i GR Co 3051st 0.J'f Salv.· Coll Co 3052nd QE S.alv. Goll Co J053rd·Engr C Bn 3060th Engr Topo Co (Corps)

, 3062nd · QM Bkry Go . .}OS.3rd Ord lflJD Cb

3101st Ord }faint Co Jl()lst QM Off Kachine Rep Team 3102nd Drd Maint Co 3.102nd QE Serv Co 3103rd Sig Serv Bn ,

· 3104th QM Serv .Co 3105th ":JJ Serv Co ·3109t.h QI:£ Serv Go Ji:t;zt·h Sig S-erv- Bn 3115th Ord BAVM Co 3116th Q!-L Al✓i .Team 3121st QI1I Serv ·Co 3122nd QM Serv. Co '.$12tth QM Serv Co 3127th QM .Serv Co 3128th QM S e.rv Co 3130th Q}J Serv Co 3132nd Sig S~rv Co (,Sp) -31'.3.:3rd (ll.i Serv Co 3l..34th Q,H 1Serv Go 3J.36th Q.).1I Serv Co 3l.37tl1 Sig Mtr Msgr ·Co :'3lJ8th Sig . J:Itr 1Isgr Go 3138th Qli.I Serv Go .3;:!.4,0th- QM Serv Co . Hq/I-:Iq Det, 3146th Sig Se1•v Gp Jl5Jst Ord Jiiaipt Co 3152nd Ord Maint Co. Jl65th Ord·B.AFC Co 3168th QM-Serv Co 3169th QM Serv Co J17Qtri Ql'.I Serv Co 3171st QH Serv Co 3173rd 0}.I Ser'v Co 3192n4 QH Serv Co -3193~ QM Serv. Go 3194th Qlli Serv Go 3195th P)I Berv Co 3200th 9M Serv Co 3 201st Ord, BSAJli Co 3201:'it. Sj_g SIS Pet 3202nd Crd BS1M Co.

1, "- 3 202nd Sig Serv · 8.e-c '\ 3203rd QE Sgr'IT Co

3033rd O]Jl Bkry Co (M) 3036th QM Bkr';y- Go

\ A 3210th Sig Se:r,v Se~

f!V:J~1_ . - "-1 - 1

' - -·'-···---·--·--·-

t Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

. 7 ~ / ,~rJb°7JJ6T1 -_ AUTHORl1Y •

. BYa.NAP.A DATE:~) .

Hq/Hq Det, 3215-th Sig Serv Bn 3 215th Ord BSAM Co . 32l6th QE Serv Co 3217th QF Serv Co·-· 32l8th QE Ser_v Co 3 22].st C.21,I S erv Co 3222nd QE -SE;rV Co 3223rd :1}/i Serv Co 3 229th OJ!{ S erv Co 3 230th ca,r Serv Do., 3233rd QM Serv Co 3 23Bth QJ;~ Serv Co 3 246th QL. Se1-v- Co 3 250th Q]i Serv Co 3250tl'1 sig·~serv 'co 3251st C),1[ Serv Go 3251st Sig ·Serv Co 3251st Crd Dep Co 3252ncl. CJ-Vi Serv Co 3252nd. Sig Serv Co 3253rd QM Serv Co 3254th Sig Serv do 32_:i?th · Sig Serv -co 3262nd QM Serv Co· J2i;Jrd QI'J Serv Co . 3264th Sig Serv' Co . 3265th .Ord Base Dep Co -3275th C'iM-Serv Ca -3 279th Cl):'.I Serv C(J 3282nd QE Trk Go (TC)·

. 3284th S;ig Serv Det 3285th Sig Serv Det 3286th Ql:i'Serv Co 3287th QE Serv Co . 3288-th QM _Serv Co 32Es9th n1vI !:ierv Co 329?th QM Serv Co .JJ00t4 QLI Serv -Co . 3325th 0):5, T:r}t Go (TC) ))26th Q};~ Trk Co 33.37t'h Q1I Trk Co {TC) 3338th QJYI Trk Co (TC} 3339th QM Trk Co. (Tor J353rd C'lJvi Trk ·-Go (Tc').

-)J54th QM Trk Co (TC) 3355th Ql.L Trk Go (TC) 3356th Q],I Trk. Co (TC) -3357th Qli Trk ,Co (TC). 3358th C:,J;I Tr_k Co (TC) 336oth Qih Trk Go (TC) 338'4,th QM. Trk ()o (TC) . 3396th QU T:rk ,Go {TC) 3403rd C'1M Trk Go -(TC) 3405th Ord },IAM Co

3406th Ord 1v1AM Co 3407th Ord.TuIATuI' Co 340$th Ord· MAM Co 3409th Ord M!ul!. Co JJ+lOth ,QM Trk Go (TC) 3418th QM Trk Qo (TC) 3419th QM Trk-Co (TC) 3419th Ord ¥1AM Go 3421st QM Trk Po (TC) 3422nd Ord lWE Co 3423rd Ord MAM Co

· 3423rd Oj:I Trk Co (TC) 342lhth Ord JyJli.IYl Co, 31+24-th CJJ Trk Co (TC) .34:::2bth QM Trk Co (TC) 3432nd. Ord MAH Co. . . 3435th Q,l\;f Trk Co· (T8) . 3439th Ord ¥1AM Co . 3439th OJ,[ T;rk Co (TC). 3442nd Ord MAM Co ., 3454th QM Trk; Co ( T.C) ,' 3454th Ord MM Co . ' ;3455th Q]:[ Trk Co (TC)- . 3456th Ord MA'<Il Co- . 3451th Q,1{ Trk Co (TC) J460th Ord MAM Co . 34615th Ord ].ffi.M Co . 3471st Grd lQlJ\iI Co

· 3472nd Ord MbTuL Co 3473rd Ord mm Co , ,347bth Ord TuU\.M Go 3478th QM Trk Co {TC) _ 3478th Ord MAM Co . 3485th QM Trk Co· (Tc) '.3486:th Qli Trk Co (TC): .34g7th Ord MAM Co :34B7th QM Tr-k Co. (TC) :34~8:th Ql\b.T:ck; Co .{TC) J496th Q}J Trk Co (TC) ;3499th Ord Nll\1L Co 3594th O:,rd ~.A:l,1I Co·

' 3:509tµ Qrd · Mf:J\11 Co 35:I.;?t,h ~lci '.I'J?k Co·· (TC) 3512th O;rd MAM Co 35J..3th 0H l'rk _Co (TC) J5lJth Ord ·:t!Jl~M ·_co 35l4th QH 'I'rk Co (T_C) 3518th. Qrd MAM Co 3521st Ord MJ'.\ll;f .Co -35 27th Ord -1\:TAM Co 3530th Ord MA,M Oo· 3 53 2nd Ord Tull\M . Co .: 3534th · Ord Nlluk Co 3537th QM Trk -Co (TC)

·-, . k.· .. _ 35h.2nd_Ord MAM Co S E dP'· - JR T ""'-~t ::- ..,. ' '

- ·21,..

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

·"' ~- ;,1., JJECLASSIFIED' · ~- . '' ~u '7uff6{ 7 ·

.3543rd Ord MAM Co . 3544th Ord 1l!J.i Co

3544th O)I Trk Co (TC) 3549th ,QM Trl-: Co 3573rd C'J!I Trk Co (TC) 3576th QM Ttk Co . (TC) 3578th QH Trk Co (TC). 3582nd QU Trk Co (TC) 3583rd Ql,1 Trk Co (TC) 3584thQE Trk &o ·(TC) 3593rd 91,i: Trk Co .(TC) 3594th Qh Trk Co (re;

. 3595th Qi•i Trk Co (TC) 3598th Ql;I Trk Co (TC) 3604th QU TD,k Co (TC) 3·6llth Ql\i Trk Co (TC) 3611th Ord HAM Co 3613 th Qh Trk Co (TC) 3616th (11;£ Trt Co (TC) 3617th Q1I Trk Co (r.CC) 3 6lB-th Q1I Tr k Co ( 1:C) 3628th .Q.M '1'rk..-Co~ (':re) 3629th QM 'I'.tk Co (Tc) 3630th Qli Trk Go (TC) 36ilst Qb: Trk. Co (TC) 3654th QM Trk Co (TC) 3659th QJ:i Trk Co (TC) 3682nd QM Trk Co (TC) 3683rd QlvI Trk Co (TC) QM Trk Co (TC)

. 3685th G,ri T_rk Co (Tc) }636th QM Trk Co (TC) 3687th: QM TJJk Co (TC) .36SSth QM Trk Co (TC). 3689-th QM Trk Co (TC) 3690th QM T:tk Co (TC) 369lst QM Trk Go (TC) 3694th Q,ti Trk Co (TC) ·.35J?6'.th Ql.f ;r:i;:k .Gp ,(J~) 3696th t:iJJ Trk -Co 'tTG) 3698th Q:E T:rk Co (TC) 3699th Qli 'I':i;:}c ,Co (TC) 3-701,c}t QH Trk Co (TC) 3702n¢l. Q,E Trk Co (TC) ~703rd QM Trk Co (TC) 3704th QM Trk Co (TC) 3705th Q~1I Trk Co . (TC) 3706th QM Trk Co (TC) 3707th QM Trt Co (TC) _3708th QM Trk Co (TC) 3710th QP1 Trk Go \TC) 3711th QM Trk Co (TC) 3712th CitI Trk Co (TC) 3'806th Ql;(Trk Co (TC)

. 3807th OJK Trk Co (Tc) 3808th Q:tvl Trk Co (Tc) 3809th QM Trk Co (TC) 3810th QJ\1 Trk Co (TC) 38llth Qli Trk Co (TC) 3812th QH Trk; ·Co (TC)

. JSlJth QM Gas Sup Co 3814th Qlvl Gas Sun Co 3815th QH Gas s·u1J Co 3816th QM Gas Sup Co 3856th C)JJ Gas Sun Co 3859th QH Gas Sup Co 3860th QTI Gas Sup Co 3865th QrI Trk Co (TC) 3867th QE Trk Co (TC) 3883rd QM Trlc Co (TC) 3884th Q}\I Trli Co \ TC) 3885th Ql(I Trk Go (TC) J889th.Qll Trk Co ~TC) 38.9],.st Qli Trk Go \TC) J892nd QliE Trk Go (TC) 3894th Q1IGas Sup Go 3901~~ ~:~ Trk Go ~TC) 3907tn Q,h 'J;'rk Co '-TC)

. 3912th Q1:I · Trk Co (TC) 391:3th QH Gas Sup Co 391:4th QH Gas Sup Co 3 916th QJII Gas Sup Co 3939th @.1 Gas Sup Co ~3"9,4,0th QM Gas Sup Co 3954th G.'tM Gas SuD Co 3981st Qi.\\: Trk Co" (TC) 3985th. QH Trk Co ITC) 3967th Q,M Trk Co TC) 3991st Q.LI Trk Co TC) 3992nd ~H Trk Co. (TC) 4003rd r:u Trk. Co (TC) 4029th QivI Trk C?. (TC) 40Jot. h QM Trk Co (TC) 403 2nd Ql\l Trk Co (TC) 404~_Lst: Qi:;il Trk Co (TC) 4042nd QM Trk·Co (TC) 4043rd qE Trk Co 1TC) J..,.01+4+.vh Q.t;;_ 'Irk Co .Tel 404.Sth JJ Trk Co TC L .. 0L,.6th qE. Trk Co (TC 4047th Q.M T.rk Co (TC) 4053rd Q.E Serv Co 4054th qK Serv Co 4055th 1U Serv Go 4067th Q}II Serv Co J..068tl1 QH Serv Co 4084.tll .~i Serv· Co 4093rd Ql[ S erv Go 1+183rd ()lvI Serv Co

. 4191st QlI Serv Co

g·~ii - 2Z ..,

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

f1 ,,:,,DECLASSIFIED' ,, f4 u '7JSM 7

4l96th Qlil Serv Co 4207th QJK Trk Co (TC) Hq/Hq Det 7 4,249th QJI Comp Bn 4255th QM Trk Co (TC) 4266th DJ1I Trk Co (TC) 4Z68th QM Trk Co (TC) 4269tl-i (!J;I Trk Co (TC) 4270th Q1I Trk , Co (TC) 4285th QM Rhd Co -

. 4286th Q]:i Rhd Co 4288th CJ!I Rhd €Co 43 61st QE Bkry Co 4~362nd _Q£:1 Serv c·o _ 4377th ·QJ![ Trk Co ,{TC) 4378th Q:E Trk Co (TC) 4379-1:th QM ~-rt Cq, (TC)

---·~4--500lli---o;J\r-Trk Co (TC) 4381st QH Trk C0- (TC) 43E52nd OJ.C Trk Co (TC) 4472nd Cai Trk Co (TC) 4473rd C'J!.I Trk Co (TC)

6&539~h-VT/~G H; c~ -(Dj.;;,bmided) CA Detachments l,ist'ed belmv: ~ SRBl


SREl SRFl AlCl AlC2 AlEJ_ AlFl BlBl Bldl BlFl -QJ4J,, CIBl ClEl -C2Fl C2Gl Dlil DlFl DlGl D2Cl­D2Dl D2El D2Fl D]Dl D3fl D4Cl_ Dl+Dl D4Fl

~J.f.!:]! - -~ · CA. Detachments

-\ D4Gl D5Al D5Cl D5El D5Fl D5Gl D6Bl D6Dl D6El D6Gl D7Cl D7El D7Gl D8Bl

·--- - -' .:;:-DlOBl ElG2 E1H2 FlD;2 FlG2 F2D2

_ ,F2G2 F3G2 GL-Y:2 HlD2 HlG2 H2D2

: H3D2 H4ff2 H5D2 H6H2 H7H2 IlD2 IlG2 11H2 I2D2 I2G2 I3D2, I3G2 I3H2 IL.D2

·ILr.G2 Ilr.H2 I5D2

_ ISG2 . I5H2

IbD2 .I6G2 I6B2 T?D2

-- I7G2 I8D;2 I8GJ IJP2

cont t cl.

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

•,.:;,/ ,{. I : ..DECLASSIFIED · ~ . fir.iv 7JS6f 7

'" ,-

Cli. Detachments , 'I9G2 IlOD2 .IlOG2 IllD2 Il3G2

'Il4G2 Ii5G2



cont 1d Hq/Hq Det, Advance Sec, Com Z Hq Sp Trs, J.;,dvance Sec, Com Z Hq Co, Advance Sec,. Z - ~'. Hq/Hq Go, Southern Line of Comm

(Disbanded) · Serv Co, Southern Line of Co.tTuu

(Disbanded) . . I

Hq, Cont.l Advance Sec

2. Sb. much of letter-,-order No 1, this headquarters, file and subject as above, dated 24 December 1944, as pertpins to:

Blst Airborne 'Sn_gr Bn

81st Airborne AA Bn

3. Attention is invited to paragraph 7}:2, Section I, Circular ·195, Far Department, 1:8 Hay 1944, regardir1g eligibilit;z of individuals to wear a bronze service st_ar. on tl:w t,llea\er ribbon. ·. ·

4. In compliance with paragraph e, Circular 62, Y1ar Department, 11· \ Februar"'".r i9h4, and letter, this headquarters, AG 200.6. OpGA, subject: 11 Individu--' als EntitJ'.ed to Battle Participation Credit!!, 30 December 1944, necessary entries will be made-in service records (WD AGO Form No 24) of en;l.isted personnel, and on qualif ic!ltion cards (VW AGO Form No 66-1) of officers and warrant officers, whose eligibility to wear a br6nze service star on the theater ribbon is established.·

By command of General EISE1'J1IOWER:-

. tisir~ti~T16))~:,;;:t;;f&1~1iD\;. p1is

TAG,,:·_ Wash 45, D·~c, Supreme Comdr, A.FF CG;, HTOUSll . . .. CO.J -each unit, .concerned. OCQ:M (Sup Div, Cl¢thing Br)

(.3) (2)

. (5) (1) (2)

~re fYf:;,.;-c:ct--R.. B. LOVETT

Brigadier General, USA .Adjutant General ' ' ' ' ,., \

f: Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·


" u 7JS6l 7 . _ AUTHORITY • •

BYi[NARA DATE:.fl/1.µ.5 .·

AG 2.00 .6 OpGf-;..

RM/urn/ms APO 887

26 J.u_:g.e 1945

SUBJECT: B~ttre ·participation Award~ - Central .l:iurope·campa;ign (Uo 3)

TO: {jjJ

comm>c).nding · US strategic Air .B'or·c·es in 1'.iurqpe · ' Army Group

Communications zone , E·ach' Army .XVI

_ __1_ Assem:biy'.'"t,:res. Command ·. Berlin Di:Stri.ct BT€Hl1{;n Port Command


"' Unit'ed Kingdom Base, Communications z_one' ... Europ_ean Di-vision, Air Trans port Co~~d•

Ground Force 'Reinforcement Co,u,.mand;.. · ~se'ctio11 ·commanders~ Communications. zone S' Commanders, commun;i.cations Zone- ·

~- "Commanding Officers: _ . European Civil Affair.s Di:vision Mi:\.;i. ta.ry Intelligence Service · . . .

·;. HeadqU:0.rters Commandant, Commu~ica:1:iions: Zcnie

1.. ln accordance with the provisions of paragraph 21b (2)~ Aft 260-10., ·25 Octob$r 1944, announcement is made_ of unlts awarded 'battXe oredit for ·part.icipa.tion in the campaign 11 Cent,ral Eu:rope!I as es:taolished by General Orders ]'Jo_ 40, 'War .i.!epecrtment., 1945.

150th •E'ng,r .c Bn · -150t.h Apu . "I{g & Hq D6f, 15l~t QM En liq & 'Rq 1)'e•t~ 161st Ord Bn Rq -8c-· H.<1 D:et,, 1S-2nd QM B'n Hq :&' B:q Btrr, '.15Srd FA Gp -l@3r& FA B~ · . Isi•rd' L1;~is0n. Sq ~'.t53;d Ffu Disb sec ""· .. ; . •', :·' ' ·., . 0153:rd APC 3:53' 'AEU. J.. •

• !'54"-th ·MJ-'i Qpns Det :.j:5~'th Fin Disb Sec -n.i,5:th ABN )Ji, -En :i:t~th Fi. Bri 1S1~fr'Engr C Bn

· E:q::&, liq' Ilet ~ l,57t:h QM· Bn ·108th Engri C Bn Eq & Hq De:t, QM Bi;i.

_1Q8:th Ord Tire Rep co 158th APU

·. 159th. Ord ED Sqd 1:,ng;r C Bn 160th. 2~p.u 190th _Ord. BD Sqd IVW Team. ,*160 . 1B1si Cml bmoke Genco ,Hq ~. Hg Det,~ l6lsti Ord Bn. 1Gl'st, ¢rd Bfil ~'qd l62nti, FA Bi:i 162-nd'i Cml Smoke Gen Co,

': • ,j, •" ' ' r ·, ,itf,( !c

Rq & .. Hq Det., 162-nd QiVI''B-Ja!l l62ud\Ci.PU ·. . .. _l6Znd.':Ord. ED Sqd ·.

' 163rd Eng, C Bn · liq &. Hq D,et, 163rd QM: Bn ·ijcf,.& liq Det; 163r;d Ord Bn , l&H3:rd Criil Smoke: G~n Co


Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

· J)ECLASSIFIED /Jill) '7JS6( 7.

l:&3i~d Sig Photo Co 163rci'.ipu · ,, l64t:h Engr C Bn Hq & Hg _164:\;h Ord Bn 164t,h Cml' Smoke Gen Co 164.¾h .t.PU 164th Ord BD Sqd" .. 165th. Cinl Smoke G~n Co

. . ' ' ,~ .. l ·. €/

165th: Engt C. Bn • · kci- &'Hq, net, :,l65th QM Bn Rq_ & Rq. bet, )G,~th M:ed Bn 165th Sig Pb.o.;to .C-o lo5th Ord BD 0qd X66th ~ng:r p Bn Rq & Hq Dei;, .. lti6~h ·111ed Brr nq, t~- liq, Det:; 166th QM Bn 166th Sig Co

•I ' ., • ',

166th Ord BD Sqd 167t.h Engr C Bn Eq·& Hq Det, 1~7th Med Bn 167th Liais·on· Sq ~- - • fo7th''-~ml Smoke· Gen Co:· .

· 167th ·:iig Photo Co ,. l67th:Fin Di~·b Sec 167th vet Food In~P Det 167th Ord BD Sqd liq & liq Dot, 168th Med Bn l6~th Engr C En l6.8th Sig Photo Co 168th C~l ~moke ,Gen Co

· 165th QlVi Trk. Go . 168th Ord Bb Sqd IIq & Eq Det, 169,th J\!Ied, Bn· 169th Ord BD 89.d . 170th FA Bn Hq & Hq Det, ):.7Dth Med En. 17.0th. LPU . . . ' 116th orcr BD $qa •:. l 7ltt kngr C Brr ... , Rq & Bq Det, 171st ired En 172nd. FA Bn . .. ' .

1'72'nd Engr G. Bir Hq & Hq Det,. 172nc\ OrdBn· Hq· \t Hq Det/ 11ind .. Med, Bn 172nd APU ' ,· ~ .. , !', ;.; • ,' .

Hq .. J{Bq· Btry., 173rd FA Gp Rq &.Hq Det., '173rd Med Bn

. ' .

173rd •t.PU Hq & Hq Btry,. 174th FA Gp 174th FA Bn Hq & Hq Det_. 174th Med Bn Hq & Hq Det 1 174th, Qiv.1 Bn Rq.& Rq Det, 175th Q;IVI Bn.

R· ~ s._.-T_-.-_.r_ ... _·· "\.,T Jf ,D -- ~,7·➔ ·]t~-·-,'~ ,& .Hg_ Det., 175th IVIe_d Bn.

175th. ::{i.6 .Rep Co 175th AFG IP-VT Tes.m f'fel7.5 l76th. .. FA Bn

.Hq & Rq .Det,. 176th J.iJled Bn Hq & Eq DetJ~.Me-d -D13t., 176th Qlli Bn 176th. Ord Dep Co ; 176th Re inf. Co ... ·· liq ff:, liq.,, J3trf., l 77t.h Fi~ Gp 177th 'FA::B:u ~-~. · . H.q & Hq,,Det~.,., ,& ILeq JJetJ 177th QM Bn liq & Hq Det;., 177th. :ivied Bn Hq & Hq.,pet:, 177th Ord Bn 177th,Rei:nf Co L'Z7,th.- :Si.6 lie.p!Co 177th ;;~Pu' .... ,,, 178th Engr C Bn Hq & liq Det, 178th Med Bµ Hq &""Hq',bet, 178th' Ord Bn 178th Ord nep Co 178th QNI .bkr:y Co . lJStli .11:ei:nf. Go '' 178th APU , HCJ. & Hg_Btry,,'179ih. F-f;. Gp 179th Fi\· Bn )19th Engr C Bn liq & Hq Det, 179th Med Bn 179th Sig Rep- Co 179th APU

.. l80th bngr Hv Pon Bn liq, & Hq"Det, 180th ll!Ied Bn

. Eq & .HQ Det) 180th Q])Jl Bn , 180th Gen Hosp

· 181st Engr··Rv Pon En Hq & Hq Det, 181st QM Bn Hq & Hq Det, 181st 111ed En. Rq.;.& Hq· Dst, 181st Ord Bn 181st Ord Dep co Ilq 181st Le.oar supv Ctr­Hq & Hq Btry, 182nd f~ Gp 182nd FA Bn

· Hq & Hq Det, 182nd Med En liq & Hq·Det, 182nd QIVI En Hq '& Eq pet; 182nd Ord Bn 182nd Ord De p Co . Hq 182nd tabor Supv Ctt

~..... Hg & Hq Btry, 183rd F.A. ''Gp . liq & Hq J)et., 183rd ]:l[ed Bn 183rd C Bn Hg 183°r,d Ls.bor Supv Ctr

"· 184th Iing;r c Bn 1 ' \ Hq & Hq Det., 184th Med Bn

RE S T:~it TED- ; - --~---

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

i1 •I /',DECLASSIFIED ,,,~u 73S6 f 7 . AUTHORl1Y •

. - BYL) NARA DATE: ;)_

R.E S -I ·c T .E D

Ho & Hq.Det,.184th Ord Bn r:---~-i 200th QM Gas Sup ·co

184th_ Or-d Dep Gp .

.. 184th ]?ort Co, :tr°q & ,liq Det, 1'?5th :Med Bn Rq & Eq Det, 185th Ord Bn

. 186th FA Bn . 186th Ord Dep Co Rq. & Hq Btry: 187th FA Gp 187th FA Bn 187th Engr C Bn :liq & Hq Det 1 · 187-e'h Med Bn .Hq & Rq Det~ 187th Ord Bn .l87th Ord Dep Co 187th Sig Rep._Ce 188th Engr C-Bn Hq & Hq :net., )88,tP., _Med Bn -J'.rq < & II<{ Df?t "-·& -Med Det 1 188th QM Bn · Reinf. Co )88th Sig Rep Co .l8.9th Re inf. co

.. Hq & Hq Btry,: ,l90~h FA Gp . l.90th FA Bn .. ,Hq . .& . Hq -Det., .. , 19 <;th- -Ord · Bn . Rq & ~q Det_, 190th QM Bn

190th Rein!' Ce . ... .

.,.l9lot FA Bri ... ; .191st .. Tank .Bn. _ Hq. 19+st Labor Supv Cen liq, 192nd .Labo~ S.upv Cen B;q & Rq Dat, ,l92nd Q:B; Bn B'.q & Hq, Btr.y, l93_rct FA Gp 193rd · FA Bn .

. :· :nci. & liq net, 193rd Ord 13n. · i93rd· QM Gas .,.:;up co

.. Rq, 193rd. Labor Supv Cen

. J,94th Gli Inf Regt -Hq. & Hq Btry,, _194th FA Gp

\.19,4th· FA Bn · ... :••':l94th QM Gas S4p Co

Hq, · 1_94th ,L&bor Supv Cen Hq &Jiq Btry, 195th FiL Gp 195th, luVi. l,J'l Bn 195th Ord J)ep. ,qc, Bq· & Hq Btry, 198th FA Gp

. _ 196th FA Bn . BA & B'.q -Det_ & Med Det, 196th QM Bn . · l9_6th. En-g Dp Trk Ce · :l97th Afi.i,_.Lw Bn Hq & Hq Det, -l9'7th Ord Bn lf7th QM o,as sup co

. 198th Cml-. De p Co

l 'liq & Hq Det, 201st QlvI Bn r . . ...

'201st Ord Dep co :liq, &--Wa.-B"try, 20211.d FA Gp 202nd .FA Bn 202nd .bngr d Bn Hq-& liq Det, 202nd Q.tvI Bn 202nd· QM ·car co '202nd ·ord Dep co 202nd·APU Hq & Hq Btry ,· 203rd FA' Gp 20:3rd Engr C Bn 203rd MP co 203rd. crc:b~i 203rd APU -:E/1 :.&· ·Ag -~tfy ,' ')~04th FA _Gp 204th FA-:Sn· . 204:th En6r C_'~Bn' 204tn ltu:P Co · liq.-&· Rq Btry~ 205~h FA Gp Hq & liq Deb," 205th Q.i\/1 En 205tn" CIC '·Det Hq ·& ,flq ·Det~ 206th QM Bn 206th Sig Dep Co 206th Re'inf- Co 206tfr. MP Co 2a°6th -CIC Det .· 206'th ~:..;ru .. Hq & Hq Btry, 207'th FA Gp FA Bn 207th Engr C ·Bn· • 20'7th Reihl '·co:,.- . Z07th si·g Dep Co . Hr,. & j:fqBt:ry~ 208th FA Gp ~ ,,.

20'8th: Fl:,.. Bn .

208tl( bi1gr C Bn 20tit-h: Rein±' Co '.~o8th sie;;_..rCadar i\/.[aint ,Unit 2b8'th 1.{(ed Disp ·

2.08th CIC Det 2-09th Reinf' Co -2.09th,c&ig .,:Pgn Co ·2o_9th \Med .l.iis p Hq'1&, Ifq Btry, 210th FA Gp 210th :MP co· . Rq &-:Hq Det; 2l0th QM Bn 210th 'QIVI Ldry De't - ·. . . Rq ' & Hq Btry, 211th Gp ·· 211th FA- :Sn

_,,_ 211th Reinf co 211th Cni.l tfiaint Co Hg, &· Hq.'Det & Med .Det, 211th Q.M Bn 198th Sig_ Ph.oto .co

io~t1:t, mi: Bn :

! E ~ I_ ~-G 2;1:nDw,r tdi:y JJet

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

i! . I JJECLASSIFIED ,,t•u '73S~{ T

~~J) TED

nzllth Si6 Radar i\Qaint Unit - - -'-~ 231s~ B:einf' Co

:aq & 1-fo D_et,_ 212th Ord 13n 231st AFG,. 212th CIC Det 232nd Q]'vl salv co-;_ 213th Crc Det 332nd Ord BD Plat 214th J:iJ,L Gun. Bn Eq &. Hq, lJct, Zl4th 215th Fi,. Bn 215th Sig Dep Go 215th Q;M balv Rep Co 215th CIC D~\ a


/.... . ,.,. 215th ~p Ir~f.Control

"'.' , . . ,::-::,.,. .

216th.I:.iVL. Gun Bn 216±ij:1 O.r<l lli,I .. c_o 21Gt,D;:~fu;: RElP . ·co 216th Sig Dep Uo ::, 1_,,:,7,b_ r1·r: .D1 e.t ~ -.V'~).,-,l; V ::\7-'"•, ••... - '

217th J",.),.J,., Gu.n _Bn 217.thlV.iP Go. .


·217th_Big &,dar unit Hg_ & Rq Det., 218th- Ql\1 Bn 218th J(![ed. Dis,p 2isth .CIC Det liq & ']:q BtrJ; .219tli _fi. Gp· Hq, & Eq-D~t, ,219th Q}Ji Bn

• ~I S1;d-'!. Rep. Co_ 220th J~rmd ko4. Bn E:q' &Hq Det & i\iied Det, 220th (-il,;_ Bn-220-t;h Cml Co 220th Ord. Ri.Tu1 Co

· 220th CIC Det 220th Med J.0isp . , 221-t;fl ,CIC Dei:; 222:E.d.Cnl Dep Co 222nd Reinf ·co 2?2nd ere: Dei:;. 2 2pxd ¥etp;,~.G,,2 .. , 225r<l CIC Det ·· . E:dJ.{IJ,.q_ ;f).ct:; 22/+_'gh Ord 3c>s e J)o:9 224th Q)/1 Salv Re Jr Co 224th Reirif Co . 224th Lbri }Eed co. 22~fh .t{einf Co 225th LPTJ 226th Sit; Opn Co 227th .fl.PU Hq & Eq Det,. 228th Q~ BU 228th Reint Do 228tl!: Sig Radar_ J[aint _Unit 229th Eng;r G Bn 229th o,rd. Evac co 229th Q}.vI Scslv Col Co 230th bi&, Ro.,dar ll[aint 2olat QI\! SfalV CoJ.:l Cc.



. 232nd APU Hq & Hq Det,. ·233Fd Ord 233rd QlVI 8£.lv. Coll Co 2i33rd Re in.1 Co ' 233rd Ord BD Plat 234th Bngr 8 Bn , 234th Rein£' Co 234th Orcl-Sv Plat 235th Q,11/i Salv Col.1 c.o Z3~th .• Re in;f' co

Bas.e Dep

· ~p-iith Sig Ra:d:ar IYiaint Unit Hqc,,,$,~H(fhl8,%,;,ee,<~a,7,.,t,Jat ;,(J\/L.Bn.~ ,

237th Q]:11 Salv Co).: Co · . 23.8:j:;h Sig; Ea,dar lviaint unit

2.3 9th Sig . Radar Unit 239th oig·Gp C.O

. 24;0"\,:Q> Fi~ Bn

.liq.A liq Det; _24:0th lvied En 240~h Sig Radar }iaint Unit 2~\st FA Bn liq-~ Hg_• Deti 241st ivied Bn 242nd Fil Bn liq & HqDet, 242nd Med Bn

-24Znd Q,l\i Dep i'.iup Co 243r,d; E;ngr G Bn

. 24qrd Grd llf.U:JvI Co 244th FA Bn 244th }mgr G Bn ·rrq & Rq D<?t, ::?.44t-h Q1v.i. Bn 244th. Ord· Co··" 24!;ith.Eng,1;' C Bn. 24Gth .S i 6 Opn Co

· 248th, .E'n6;.r G En 249tb; . .e,ngr -G ·Bn 249th ,Sig Opn Do

-liq&,; Hq Btry,. 250th FA Gp 250th FA .Bn

. 2 50th Engr C Bn Hq & Hq.Det, 250th QM Bn 250th Qlf Dep · Co Sig.Opn Co 251st £ng1., C Bn

. 251st 0 i 6 Hv Cons Co Hq & Hq Btry,. 252nd FA Gp 25.2nd Bn5r C Bn

•i<...- 252.n~ OrdTuffi& Go . 25-Srd, .Armd i!'i. B.n 253rd ·lmg._.e Bn.



Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

. n C

/4;.J r.f EClASSIFIED 13S6( 7


svl.J NARA DATE: ·;2

254th FA Bn 254th Engr CBn 254th Gen Hos:p 255th.FA Brr. Hq & Hq Det, 255th Ql\JI Bn 255th Ord ltM Co 255th Sig Cons co 255th Med Det 256th FA Bn . 256th Engr C Bn


2.56,th Ord MivI Co. 256th i\1ed Det 257th.FA Brr 257th.Engr C Bn


· ~~ ,2:5:Yth. :Ord.JvTI4-, Cp,.,i .. 257th Sig Cons Co 258th Engr C Bn Hq & .Hq Det, 258th Ord Bn

· . 258th .Sig Cons Co 2·s8th, QM Rhd Co '259tl1 FA Bn . 259th Slg·cons rro-~ 260tl:1 Engr C. Bn Hq &..Rq Det~ 260th Ord Bn ·260th~Sig Radar ~aint Unit 261st Fl,. Bn ., 261st Ord 111 Co Eq 8/ Eq Det~ 262nd Ord Bn ':Z62nd Ord Mess _Det 263rd Ord. Me.s s Dt

.. 2 64th FA Bn .. 2,64th Engr· C Bn

.. 264th. Ord MM Co

.. 265th FA Bn · 265th Ord 3-vac co·

2°66th Fl,. Bn . Hq & _B;q · Det, Z66th QM Bn

266th,Ord Me5s Det .. 2 66t11:;~Pu· ..

267th FA Bn 267tli Sit.Evy cons Co 2 6'7th LPU·. 268th FL. Bn. 268th 9ig Cons C·o . ·. ,_.:.,

268th Ord Evo.c Co ·.· '298th QM Bkry Co ·· '£6~th APU

Z,69th F1\ B:n . •• I•

,,·' 2"69~h Sig cons co 270th FA· Bn

, . 270th -S-ig· Evy Cons Co 270th Ord 1~iVb Plat

R~ S~T:E D \ . \ Hq .& Hq De_t,. 271st

272nd }!7;;. Bn ·. Q.iVl Bn

272nd l'iied D~t 27.3rd i\lled Det 273rd Fi~ Bn 273rd. Qrd lviaint Co 274th Armd-,F'.A Bn 274th Med Det 275th Sis Gans CQ -275th Ord 1\/iaint Co 2 7.6th Ar~d Fi.· Bn 277th FA Bn 277th Engr C ,Bn Hq &:· liq Det, 277th Qi,,;, 277;th. oi:a. 277th·Sig,?..GN'Co ··· · 278th FA Bn 27,8th Ene;r C B1i 278th Sft-6 ,Pgn Co. 279th Engr G .Bn , 2/9'\iih. Qtd lVW,it.It Oo 279th Q,l.\/L Ref co· 280th FA Bn. 2 60th Eng,r G I3n ..


Rq_ & liq Det, 280th Q:M Bn 281st F.A Bn 281st En6r G Bn 281st Ord i:Iaint .Co 28l~t Ord Brdlis.tic Det 2 82.nd. .Fb.. Bn 2 ~2nd :i:Gnt;;r C Bn 2 82i'1d. Port Co 2 62nd 8 i 0 Pt5n Ge 282nd Ord Ball;i.stic De-I. Z83rd F.i~ Bn 283rd Ord Ballistic Det B83rd lied· Det. 284th FA Bn 284th Ensr C_Bn Hq & Hq Det.,·: 284th QM :Sn 284th Qii }?c,ing CD 284th }1ed.00t · 2 85th FA .€ :.;.~i B~l. 285th Er.t r - ,_; Bn

' ' 0 • .

liq & Hq Det~ 285th QM Bn 2 85th :Med Det 286th F,:. Bn 2 86th ""nt5r G ,Bn

Hq & Uq Det, 286th QM Bn 2 86th Oro. l)ili'ii Go · ..

266.t.h o;i.6 Ra,do.r ,;:..;e..;i.nt 267th Ein6r G BU


. :, ... ~, ', .. ,5,.. { .~

B. !~-~_{E Q

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

:~~- j/,Jlf1J16T1· AUTHORITY •


287th ,Sig Radar lv'iaint Unit 2 88th .r:irigr C Bn 288th FL Obsn Bn 289th Engr C Bri 2 09th Sig R8.dc.r lJi.aint Unit 290th FL.-·obsn Bn 290th Engr C Bn

. 290th Ord WJ:✓I Co

290th Sig Matnt Unit 291st F_i', Obsn Bn 291st Engr ·c"'' -Bni·· 292nd FI~ obsn Bn 292nd Engr C Bn 293rd.E)'ngr C Bn Qi d. Mlfi C-o' 293rd I\d.ed :Det 294th Ord J',®f[Y-Cb 294th QM Salv Rep Co 294tll Med De~ 295th Ord BJ/I Co 295tli Med.~ D.?t 296th ~ngr C ·Bn 297th _Sig, Inst~ Co 297th ~rd HNi. Co 297th P,einf' Co 297th APTJ 298th Engt C Bn ,· _· 295th Port co· 29·8th Sig rnstl co 298th Reinf Co 299th Ord ~aint co 299th Sig Inst Co 299th Reinf Co 299,;;h LPU 300th Lngr C Bn 300th .Re inf Co 30bth*:oia,;·1\',.o.i:"x1t '(;o -, 300th -LFtr

30lst· sfg_ G.p1~s· Bn 301st · l~lf' EG Co 302nd · Trs.ns port ;Jing 302nd kP EG Co 302n4 'ord l\:J\/I co 302nd Sig Opn En 303rd -,_)ir Rhd Co

306t'h Drd 1V1aint co 307th 1-,.bn 1n;;r .bn Hq & Hq Det &/ l~10d. Det . .; 307th Q,iVi Bn 307th hbn &ed Co 307th t"'· Rhd Go 30.'lth C'J11.Ldry Det 307th CIC Det, Hq .:c liq Det, 308th Qli Bn 3.()8:hh Ord ,fau.Vi. Co 308th Q,,;,,1 Ldty .Det liq'·& ·Hq Dot· & Med JJat, ;'-09th Qi,," Bn 309th :R.e-im· 01[)) :

... 309th MP EG SM 309th CIC Det 3lQ_t.h 0i 6 ' 0.p:rfa Bn liq .& HqJJ,et, 310th Ord bn

· 310th .iie;inf Co 310th MP tG sec 311th :Re-inf Co Hq & Hq Det, .312th Urd Bn 312th ·11elrif Co . 312th lt•iP EG S8c 313th Tr Cc.Yri0r Gp 313th Ord .Uep Co 314th Tr C""rrier Gp Hq fo }Iq .Uet & 1:::i'Jd. :ct, 314th Ord Bn. 314th Ord Dep Co . 314th .ASE' Bo.nd 315t~'l.-Tr-car:rier Gp Hq cc :Hq Det, 315th Ord Bn 316th'Tr 8arri0r ijp Hq2~ HqDet, 31_6trl Ord J:3n 316th Ord Co Hq &'Hq Det & Med Det, 517th Ord Bn 317th OrdIVJ.i,i Co•Reinf Co 31Tth1✓IP-·E& Bee· 317tb:'APU ·. ' '_:: 318th Reinf Co 318th QE Ldry 3_19th · Gli_· F;~ Bn Hq & Hq Det, 3Lth Ord Bn 319t~ Sta .Gomp Sq 319th .Reinf Co 320th Gli FL Bn

Hq .& Rq Det & Jied .uet. 304th QJ:,~ B:[h Hq&. Hq Det, 32uth: Ord En 320th Reinf Co 304th i\,:=P EG Co

304th · Ord l'V::aint Co soSth Sig,_Opn Bn l-lq & Hq. Df,t' ,& Mad Det, 305th 305-t'h C 6rd lviz.c'int Go

305th IiIP .GG Go 005th 1-i.PU

320th ;,IP BG 800

321st Glider Pi~ :Un Q,r~ Bt1 :tiq & Hq De-b, 321st

I. 32'.Ls.t Ord Am Co

321st MP BG Det 322ml 1,lP EiG Seo

-6- ~ P. ~ ~ T I 0 ~ v D ,..l .L.:.l /.) _ _ V ..t.. J..:.f _

Grd Bn

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

. ., r

if ,I .J)ECLASS[F!ED f'NiJ '7JS6 { 1




325th Gli Inf Regt 325th Ord Amm Co ,326th Ensr Bn

,•Hq& Hq Det, 326th Ord Bn 326th Ab:ti Med Co 326th Re inf Co 327th Gli Irif Reg;t liq & liq_ Det, 328th Ord Bn 328th 1IP EG Det 329th Harbor Craft Co

-329th Ord Dep Co 0

329th APU Rq & liq Det, 330th Ord Bn

~332:nd Engr GS Regt Hq & H.q Det & Med Det, 332nd Ord Bn 332nd Ord Dep Co

'---c3o3ril D"igr- S:S-- Regt l{q & Hq. Btry, ~33rd FA Gp 333rd FA Bn Hq & liq Det, 333rd Ord Bn 333rd _Ord D~ep Go 334th Engr 88 Regt Hq & Hq ,Df_t, 33-%:l:~ _Ord Bn ~34t~ Ord Dep Co 334t)?. QJ)JI Dep Sup Co 334t1'! EP EG Sec· 335th Engr GS Regt liq & Hq Det, 335th Ord Bn 336th Engr C Bn

336th tKP EG Det Hq & Hq Det, 337th Ord Bn 331th liiP i::iG- Sec 339th Ord Dep Co Hq & Hq .0et, 340th Ord Bn 340th Ord Dep Co 34 ls t GS Rgt 341st l\JiP &G Det 341st l\fod Disp 342nd Armd FL-:i. _Bn Hg_ & Hq lJB t _. 342nd J).i1e d .bn

342nd Ord Dep Co 343rd Engr- GS Regt 343nd Ord Dep co 344th Engr 'GS B:egt 344th Rein.f Co

'"344i:;:}i Ord "-I)ep Co 345th Qll!I I,ep Co 345th Reinf Co 346th E;nf"r GS Re"t , · , ... o. , 0

-- 346th Q~ Dep Sup Co 346th Ord Dep Co 347th .8ng GS ;aegt 34_7th Ord Dep Co 34 8th E,ngr O Bn 348th Ord Dep Co 34-8th Q,lv:: i)ep ·&up Co 1Iq & Eq Btry, 349th Fii Gp 349th Ord Dep Co

2.. 1~ttention is invited to paragrr,ph 7b.,. StJction I, "ircular 195, War Department.,. 18 May 1944, as amended by Sec III, Cir 90.,. 21 March 1945, re­garding; eligibility of individuals to v-rear s. oronze survice star on th0 theater ribbon.

3. In complitnce with parag, S, Circuls.r 62~ ,J0.r .u6p~rtm,mt, 11 _ February '1044; Circular 111.,. this headquarters., 15 :UovEimber 1944, 8-S r,mended

by Circular 30, 22 lviarch 1945, letter, this hsadg_ua:rters, · file LG 200.6 ;-·dpr:i.L; 's'ub;j;c,ci!;':°: 11 Individu.,als .bl--;.titled to .B~i"f't1: p;~,ficfpation ur-8ditn, 28

:April 1945, nec6ssary enti:iE;;s will be made ·on 6, rrl'/16d;;.ls, Decorations}· and Gita.tions 11 in service recorci.s of enlisted per;:;oDJJ.el e..nd in I"em. 31 on qualification cards of officers and vv-arrant officers, whose eli6 ibility to wear a bronze service star on the theater ribbcni: I:s'established.

DISTRIBUTI01T: D, plus D.c,, (S)

(~) CC;,· eae;h unit concerned(l) OGQ)YI (bup Div)ClothLl;::, Br (2). CG, Ba Corps & Div (2).

Bri6adi0r General, L.djutint General

-7-R E ~CT ED --,-~----


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if . I J)ECLASSIFIED ,,, .. v 73S6 ( 7 AUTHORITY •


, &~ ~- ,,f') J. · d · ·r -• .l!i .u· ---tz:J-~ --~,-. IiEADQ,DjARTERS


AG 200. 6 OpGA

RM/DVS/ grni

{Rear) .... APO 887 4 July :]_9454

'SUBJI;;CT~ Battle, Participa,tion Awards - Rhineland Campaign (No 4)

TO . .

-: Qom.r.nandfng Generals: · .. tfS· Strategi~ Air For,ces in Europe

E·ach Army Group US Gr?U.P. Control Go\mci,l co·mxrn;1..ri{cat i )ns Zone : r~ ch A-.:irrJ' XVI Co'rp$ Assembly .,,:iire,a C,cmrnand·.· Be:plin Distr:±c-t .

. 13Jfi-emen ?ont {Jomi'rand __ .... , ~ Unit~d ·King.dam Base, Commu~fcafions· Zone Tu:ro·-pean Division, Air· '1:ranspqlt .Command

-8-round Force Reinfo:r>cemei'lt Colmt!?,Ud · ·· ·Bec"tt-9n o·ommanders, Coxm11unic$ct"ionS·'zone

Service- Cci::rrmanders, CommunJcations Zone t'.fo111ta~nding · Of.f'icers: • · _ ..

E\iro-pean Civil Affail'.'s; Division t·tf11 tary Intelligenc~ Seryi.ce ,

B;e:adq¼arters Commandant, Comtimnica t1.ons. Zone

. ;J:. 1i:l .accor·dan.ce with. the p:rOV].S.ions ·of pe:ragriapb, .2],b,, : .aR 260:~IO, 25 Octo.ber 1 fA4, a~nounc$!nent is ,:r1.a.d~. of unit s~warded b.attle: Cl.'e1Ut f'or part:l,cipation ih t·he carnpa, 1tRhine1and11 as es,ta:bli:<i.hetl by General· Orders No 40, War ·D?;,;:iartm.en.t,. 21 May 1945 ~

6th A~r~d Div. _ '.BJill-[q' Det, 55th Ji/fed Bn . ; 89th· Inf' Di:v

· i~:ls:f';Q}t ·G$:.J.t Go. {2·:(st Ey:a~( H-61?P 12l&t lro'sp T;r-a in Miirtt De·t Hq, _ :I.31st .. Labo·r · Supv Giimter Rq, 13.2pd Lab or S1Y9v Genter Hq~ · l33rd 1,abor Sur,.v Center

.ltq~ I3.4tna'.itabor. 8upv Center 171:st EnR:r C Bn 200th FA-,Bn

. · ~OOt~ ~f: 0-as Sup Co • 200th Re inf Co Hq/~q. De t ; 12·011:1 t r;;u;1 Bn 20.lst ·Ord Den Co

·20ist Reinf Co

201st Gen E.osp Hq/1rq ·Btry,, 202nd FA Gp 2•pfJµ¢1. FA: .. :E:ni.: .. stJ,:~(fl: Ehg~:yd ~n " ;Hq/Hq Det,. 20,.,rra. ~l-1 Bn 202nd Q,J~ .. Cm: .. Co·· ·202na .. Re inf . Co 202-nd Ord Di:rn Co 2 02 nd A:?}] . .. .I-Iq/H~. Btry, 203rd FA Gp :2.0:srr: ·A:AA .AVJ Bn 203rd :Sng:rC :Sn 2 03:f-d il•!J'n Go · 200ra ojl Cl?,r Co 203-r¢1 4osp ''Ship.Compl 203rd Ql\'.i Ldry Det 203:rc1 CIC Deµ

·;.RE,·ST CTJJ;;,D ~ ~ - ~ -

-r'\'"-· . . /_ ,..,,.., ...... '," ··. ~- . ' _, . . .. ,


Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

f:, , , i,[)ECLASSIF!ED {/~u 7JS6( 7



203rd liPU .Hq/Hq· Btry,; ·204th FA Gp

. 204th>.FA,:'Bn: · '. 204th Engr C Bn 204th .MP Cd. 204th Hosp Shiv CompJ_ Rq/Hq,Btry, 205th EA Gp

· Hq/Bq De t, ·20 5th Ql:~ Bn 205tli·CIC- ·De't' ~ Hq/Hq'.D( t; 266t\1 Q.M Bn • 206th :r''.7P Go J1;:if.

'. 206tli' .Re inf 06 · ,: :2 06tbr Sig I),ep. iqo .: C. ·- 2'b.6th· G1e,· J)et , ·

2d6th'Jl?u·, ·· .·• .. ·. ·• ,_ B:q/Hci 'Btr,y ,> 207th FA- Gp

207th :pA Bn -207th.Engr Cifln

-20:r,tth::Retrif Co - 20:?·th .. Si'~ <De-o Go:

, . V -•• -

·ZO'?th q:r,c. 'Det-.- _. 2O'.ft:b.• 'QE Ldry• Det

.i208t.h FA Bn .· liq/mt Btry, 208th FA Gp,· 208th _Engr C Bn.

. :2p~;tl1 Re irtf Go::·.· _ 2:·qstli Sig I:Jep Oo· · .. _·.

_ ':. 20~8th Sig JJadar Maint Unit: 208th Hied Disp

",, 208th CIC Det ~ . Rq/Hq_ Det, 209th \~:;: Bn·

209th· Or.d' Amm Go . 2·09ttr"'liBinf: Co

.., · ·~ - ,-, :. :·: :,-., •. ' ~ . "'~''.. · ... t',' Ir :.·:2u9tn,·,tSig".PF-f·rt Gcf", -,2·· 'o·d'-h ;'i\1e· d :r\-1· s.,.;· ·:

d Gl..L l·_ _iJ ,;:;

. 209th ~,,_;, Ldry Det B'.q/Hq 'Btry,: 210th FA Go Hq/Hq D~t .. 210 QM Bn · .. 2-I0th' 1/2:I-' Co 'Hq/Ffq Btrv· 211>:FA Gp'

- 211th FA1 Bri ' •, ' ~ Hq/Rq _& }1'.ed Bet', 811th QJ\'1: '.t~nL -2llth 'Cml },raint Co 2<llt:b.' -Reinf .. Co:-2llth Sig Radar Waint Unit Itq/Rq Det ,: 2eI2th Ord Bn 2'1:2th Port Co 212th ,Rei'(lf Co .

2:f3th ClC :Eiet · 2f~ttC Gtfi Ldry. ,Det 214th AAA:Gun,Bn :s;q/Hq IYet ~- 214th. Qlf Bn 214th -MP Co, . :zj:. ~tfa qig Rada!r Ma int. 215th FA Bn., -8:L5tfi'· QJlf. Sal vs Rep

·. 215th S.ig De;? 1C0 21.5tp. s'fg Rada[r Faint;

· ?.1: 5+-f, T1,ed D" s,..,, · f--.1·~ ,,v. . ...1, _ . ., ' ' . :':, .J,.. - .c--':

: 2:L'sth ~'~ Tra.:f ::?1a t .. 2If tb..- CIC ,Dlt :.· , . .

· 1·216tJJ.-AAA. .Gun. 1Bn -2T&tJ;{ ·0r,d Bii do : 2!.6;th QrC .$alv '.Re:::, Co 1 2'16th CIC D·et .

' ,217th AA-ii Gun Bn -



. ,2l7th }~:? Co_ .. : : · .,• .·•.•· 217tJ,1. ,Si~ _JCai p.t . Un it

· Hq/Bq,,Det., 21$th QM:· Bn ·-: . '218th ted DJsµ . ,2JJ:tth G Iq Il,S) t ,' . . .· _1-Iq/Htf B,try,...:21Sth 'FA· Gp_

,.' Hq/1-Iq_ Det, 219th Q!,lf En . 21 \}th q,M Sal v llep Co

2Z0th' A.rmd Eng:r Bn ,. -Eq/:S:q Det·, & Med Det 7 220th QM Bnt

· · 220th Ord HAE Co '220th. Cin1 }:;aint Co, ··22ot·h ere· Det . 2,~( Gen Hosp

·. i~J:~··,~:t D~Zist Qti Bn ' 221st' Sig Dep Co'

·221.$tGe.n Hosp CIC Det

. J:Iq/Hqi Det & li4f.ed Det, 222nd Q,Iv.I Bn ~~~nd 0:m,l Dep Co·

. 2.82nd:. Rein.f .Co '·

122211.d· d · 0" :de't .. , . . . I . Iiq/Hq. De,t & I'."yd · Det, 228rd QM Bn . st~Jd. p:einf' ... , C,o £2otd Q}ff. Salv ReTJ co Hq/Hq Btry, 224th FA Gp Hq/Hq Det, 224th.Ord-Ba~e Dep 224tl?. Abn F'ed Co· .. 2;24th 'ReJnf Go,

'2l2th Q>;; Ldry Det :.i,-f:3J:2th GIG be,t · ,fl~/Hq· ·Det, 213th Q,;M Bn,. 213th Port Go

/"'--.: 224th sa.i·v Rep Co t · .. ·•. 2·2.5th Rei nf Ctj

. l .,• ,, ... :22ptq. :Ord Ren Co '., \ ·._··1'· ·.> 22·5ttr· SJ.ct Radar Ya int Unit

' ' ' . ~

R D· 8 T~R"-11_·• C T ~ D - .... _;.... ...... -h- - - ·- -j ' ' I' ~1 2~. .

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

ii , , J)EClASSIF!ED 1•1•u '7JS6{ 7



[-· \. s R ·:·J: .. -.·,..C '}[· .E ··:D. ,·.

r'""."' : ".""." --:-- ·'""' -- . 2i5tK ·A~u'.· ' -- .. I ' 23·9t'11'cleb hosp 22Bth, AAA SLT Bn · . .f 2 40:t'b. FA\ Bn 22'6th Cml Base Den Go. ! Hq/Hq Det,: 2'4,0t\1. ~H Bn-22frth, Sig Opn • Co '· Hq}Rq ''Det/ .240th: Med Bn 226th Sig_ Radar !l\'lJ:aint Unit , 24'0~h. Q,J(II. :D¢p,C(lo: . . , . 226th ·Geti' Hosp 240-tn· Si;].: Radar,J.Iaint Unit 2.27th Ord, .:.A_mm-,R~n Co· 840th Gen Hosp 227,th Gen Ho-s'p' :240tll .Pih Disb Sec 227-th APU . - .24i~tt' FA· BO:/-~ ·· .• 22?-th phem Base· £>1ep'Ot · Qo. j .. ·,: }Iq/j1q µet,. 241st. li'.ed .Bn Hq,/4iiq.:qe,t, '228'th: ·ord 'pa~ D:ep 2:4/Lst Gen .·.HosD :, · 228th Reinf' .Co ' · • .. . '.tlq/IJg Pet,• 24.finp_ Med Bn 22.sif:k· Sig E:a'dar: Maj: ht 1~~:t :iiitci/!iq I>et ;. 242np. _ Ord Bn 22'8tn APU ',B'&~);'l,:d '%)\[ DepGf:lo 22:9-bh<Enbr C Bn < ·- · · .24ir1ci hJn '.Ho1sP· Rq/Hti: 1)e:t~ 2?9th "Q)i{ Bn.' fM,3J'.~d Ertgr C Bl'.l:' 229-bfl ,Qlt> Sabt ·coll Co %t4o~a:. ,Ord .. MAE Co 209th ·ard Evac. Cd. ·•24:4'.th Fk-Bh

28/Jth ~§-.r:~: R,~d~~_-M:ai nt Up,i t ~.~.·.·~-·:c.:r: .. ~4-.·.~.t. :_~_._::.'..:,:-Eo':nr:· .. _::.~.,-1,'_-~,.:{ ',·;•,_·B ... }o .. l ;_:◊·· •

250th 'Rein:f' ·:co , " · .. :. ·"""" vu ,.-,_ ---C>..L·.

2 .. 36.:t;''1,.\ .. ~.•.·. ·s'1;_-ai:r: 'Rad,a._ r. '.ti?Ia in. 't Uni_ t.· s,4'1:t:t' -~ 'F:na-""'. G Bn' ." 1.;;,J 1J ...i=r.. .a, ¥ "c:'~l..·, :.:'-!-.'·-, ·, b..L;:,· ..... ~:-,. L i I • •

Hi;t{:ttq''_D~tj-. 231,s.t -\led. Comp En li . Det ·& Ned; Det, 245th QIY.i Bn Hqj'Hq •De·t·, 251:st; Ord Ba.s:e.i Dep ·- . . . "Q,rif. IYe·p t3up Co·

0 231~,t-QT{ ·sabi Cailil Go' ~<t~:th :.s1;~~ .6-pn Qp .·. ,.•·. ' ' 2.:sitst'~Re::inf ·co <-; l!qfTJq:'.Det &-Fed]Jet;, 247th Ord Bri 2~J;-st A?U ·. . . · Hq/Ht;i Det, &. rre0.' Det jl, 247th 0)[. Bn 2::52}:bct' Ql'I :Sa1'v ,:coll Go · 248,tli Engr -C Bn'' · · , 2S~n:d Ord ·•:ri.rB. -RE3p Co 248th Sig Opn Co · 232i:id Ortt 'BD Plgt 149th Erid er_ Bn ·.

i~~flt 253i,? (}\:,f fui~ ll~!i ,.1,, ;i~Bf!'n:C~. ?~5-rd Re-inf Co/ .. • < lj;JS ,J\.EngT c_ 1;:ln . 233-id- Q}!l\' Sa):,v ,C◊;J;l Co . ;t~., Det,., 2fi0t,h ~Ji½f Bn

· 853rd \Jr:d Bb 1ic1at · If$J'~.lh Qi,1 Dep' (Jo 231tli, Epg1:> :a Bn · ' ~~~;~:~,:-~.t¢: 2J~h8: Co' 234-tlq_ Reinf"·Go 2:S(fat"O; &en. Lipsp. ·

;~~~ !-:~;{:.:':p; i :: - -~2B:· q.5·"",···.•.·.:.·,½·,.•.••··:•::.~.;_:,·_. __ ·.tt···q:'.,,'•'·i':.·····_ .. · .. :,;_s·~--.·.,,.n·.·:.·--·,·.·.·•.g0:t .. ~ .• -.·.:··-· .. r···;..·.-:·.· ... ·T-·:r. •-~ .. ····_\.•.5.· .. _• .. '.•··.B.:,1c_·••:·-•_·,-.n··o$. -nt_•.'··.•-s•t>~·c· do--. J3n .

. 22_ ._ •. :.~.·_.-.·.i.: __ -.5;.·5·.;c.·,·./;t;c;.".:;::~:~.n ..... ·;.••.:.;_•.-,.~.:,t.;·;··1{·:n'&i_·,.·~.'-f'.-•.··.· .. f_:;_JJ:c:. ,.'.·.-_·•o,;_:,-.·9.!\1·1·_ Co ;:;';::-: - . :;,_o ..:J.v-0 ,.,. :n.-v "- 2 5 it s:J;,,:,Ge n Hosp

23:~ith Sig_ Rei.dqr J'fiaint Unit 251,s:b, ¢,:; Lctry .pet. 2~5th~ Ger.i :Eir:tsp . . , Hq):Hg_ :pt:':p-y";,. 2.£\2bd · F4 0-J)

:_:: .. •.·J,2:0 .. ~i_,.-_·.·•.•.•,;··:., ... : .. :0.: __ .: ... -... ~.:_Htt.-.• .... -_qn· .. ·•.·.-.• ... • .. ·,.•~•In:_.,-··_~_'..~.:.~-,·•·~.•-"·~.' .. ··.:_~.-.-,_:.:·C·.•·. -... ~_i.f)nt"-... ~-:.·_',:·t-· :~~t .. Bn .. · .•• . : :;i[;:g!""O/Bn . . . ~v c ~ ;,_,. ,_ Rti(:a~·-·DEft_ &, Li~d Det,, 252no: Ord Bn

·25:f(f;h .,Q;J\' Sq;:;Lv, _ Co,ll C-0- 25r.;13:o. ,.Ord vo , 2~7th ,Gen Ilb s·p . - . 2 5:3:r7_a; A.r1nek FA. Bn

2.;s'et:h· :E£ngr/:C BJ1 .- .. ·253;f.c'.J: Enir G· '13i:T •. · 23,8th. S-fg Radar llaint: Dnit . .,_ Hq/Ro_.::,:J)et, &. Y(eEI. -Det; 253rd'· Ord, Brr

~ 2,39th Sig .O.phs. · Go 2S3:rd, Sig Radar. }faint. Unit 239th_-• S{g_ Rada.!l? Iai'nt ·Unit 253:r•&.,:Oril:. Ailli'tl RGn Pla:t

, R E' S T ~ ~ .C ] 7· B ··:1:t . . --.-::,- ~ '"'.:'" -~ =-:.--:- -,

' ~

Reproduced fro~ the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

f, , 1 ._DECLASSIFIED. ,,r~u '7JSM]


. . svLl NARA DATE: :J.


253rd J'fed Det 2$ Al'U FA Bn' .;- !2'$:6th·Ord' Mess Deh

· .. 25.4:th :E.ngr :co¢bat . Bn . · ·.26i7th FA ,:J3fr.. . . '2:54th O;t'd .Jli'{~M Co·. ,, <: t,iJ2';67th•·Port:. Co 2B4:th' S·tg Radar ]fiai :nt Unit ,-)267th Sig· Hv Cons Co 254th Jlied De·t. . . 1 :,,,2.68th FA· Bn ', '255th 'FA Bri'- •··· .. · , · )268bh • 'S:i,g.. Gont;i Co , · Hg/Rq ~bet, · 2q

15th Q).11 13n.. /1.·i2;p'8tb;·d Det ·· ·· .{3$5th $t,il G,qri's' Co:. ; .... ;2&:9th wA 'Bn , . :25.Sth. Ord -~rilllf Qd ... <" ijq'.,(Hcr;D,eH, 269~11. o::d Sv Bn ,255th~·S0ig Ma·da:n,~Jrlaint Uni.t :'c):tq/Hq·Ivet; 269tb. :~v, .Bn · ,2,$6th. FA Bri ·; • ,~r,. , ,::/z•t5$tn S:Lgf Cons· Co .

. ·256:th-.Engr C Bu •·.· }?Ii~/,Hq._:Oe\ -~c,·1'::1a. ·De.t, 270th Qlt Bn :256th


0rcl },i.}f Op. _.·· ·?2~Q;th .FA En . .. . . · 2J5¢tn ~~ft :r;A~y .. pet ,· (\~:iqit1~'i'~ig Hv . eons Qo

.·._ "'256tn Mer,j, ,D.e.t· :>%.70th Ord MVD Plat , . '" ,, ZS'7ti ~1}}Br1·, , . , ·. :;/)ri~jB;q_. €fo, 271st Ord Sv Bn

25,7t:h .Engr G Bf;l · .. · ... ~ .· : '. • . . i11i:RifJRq_cDet; ··'27:tst. Q,lvI Bn Rq/Hg ,De.ti&. Mf)d Det·, 25'7tlt {)t>d Bu ;;;i~fa:iit Med I:>ef i. . .

257t,fr. :ord MM , go '.: ., . ' . ... , :;if~#~~f: li1A ,B:1:1: . ~- ,\. , 2·57·-fih ]m? :;Go \ : , . ).t,.:t1~JJ.q Bet, 2-'7 , Ord Sel"v .. Bn iS,7t'b.)3,fg_;;C·6ns: :oq,... L, t?!fcJ:/!iq, pet''~ .nicid Det,;, 272h<i. QTui fu

. '25lli7h : Si-tf·R.adar· }"i~i n t Unit . • :272nd 01;>'d ,.Ma.trit . Co .:: 25B;th \81'rigr .. C Bn; . ' , · <: ~z,1:,gn¢i. }!fod 'Det . Hq/!fq:,.;De't, 2\5'9th OrB. Bn · , .. ' .. 2'>PA•, Bn: · , -215-Bth •.S:fg-';'(;p,ps'.':Co · .1

: • '.2173'.rd. Ord ·Eiaint Oq .: )js,~~:h; X}1t Rhq. 90 ''2.?3rd: ?te.d Det •. .. ·.,.25,9th' FA ;Bn,v • · .,,· :.274th:• Amnd :FA :i3n;, .'II~/Rq,n~·t•,<:25$th_.Q:iff Bn · .ffq/Rcf Dat, ·& ll.Jed :,D8t, 2174th QH lli . . 25.,$.th,I:Sig. 'Cori's Co '\. ;2'7'4th Ji!ted 'Det . ' .25Sth '_Jif.P.:·· Co,.;... .·•·.·:··fv7:sfb.' A:b1,hd ·Fa. Bu-

'· :z9{Jth:Engi,;, C: 'Bn . 21Stb:.: Sig ,C6ns. Co , B:q/ffq.·,:.Di3.t; 260th Drd .En '275t:n:, Or'd IAa:tt;1.'t Co ·-''.lfq;Rcf"~Det:/&:,•Me-d Det, ·· .. ~60tq: ;QM Bh :::,:Q7'5t'·JbcUM~diDe;:t . ; ;;260th··'QJ:f. Ldry :De.t. · , !i?$'t'h.:.A'r1:ri:d FA Bn · 260th ',t' D~t : <, , R'q/Jt~',Det;, '.~.7~th. Ord C.omp. Bn

.·.··. Z~OthCSig :Rada)• lf~int -Unit .• 276th Ord'' ;:,-1a:1.nt ·Go •' 26'.ist;\FA, Bn. :; . ~'tf?th; FA: Eh'. · · · ',· }m:q··:,& Rq Det, 86ilst. Qrd· Brt .. ·277ttl'Engr' 'c '-sn . . ·

z , 2e·1,·st ,;:Ord· h:ai,nt · eo... - r· ,Rei/Wt D~J/· 277tti',:~It:' ·-Bn · .?lJLst:.,t3~g·H~Y Const Co 2.7?th Sig••Pgrr Co ,

.Hq/Rq:,: ·Dit, "?62: Or,d, B.rt : ,. ' 279th'.'o,rd }1/{ai nt Go ;:E(if'Hq. I)et· qt te.:d.'',Detj! 268rtd Ql:f Bn , 2Yt9th'' ]rJcd· Det , ..

.. · ,)~62:nd. ~ig Cons Co 2?8tW "FA Bti :·2&· FA. -En/ ' ' . .. '.278th::Bng:r O ~D;'

'. 2q4t'h C. J3n i · ' .··.•.. · :~ 1~$.tn. Bfg Pgn Co . ;Hq/Hq. J)et '.&, Feel Det~ ;.264th Q.t'\1. Bn ;;, ;2o/9th:·:Engr {; Bn . 'J,-

:,264t:h>OEd' Tu'ft{ :-co::• :'21?,Qtn'' 0r:<l 0 -I1fa±nt Co ! .2$5,t:h :WA Br{ . '\ , '2,7'.gtfr 'Qli R6.t: Co . *"' ✓Hq :-:aJt{ · ''266bh ,~M ,Bn .


\ , 2 .. ·.8,. n.·,t.n.·· ·: #.=' Bn • · - . ~:--~t.lf··:· .· , . "'; ,..,-. ' ,,: V

~ 2$.'6-th ~~ B~: , . \ . · ;:213Gth '.,Bngr !J Bn

. " C

,.,,,., .. ;:,,,,, ... ; 'fli'E,,~-,!~ .. Pt.:: . .s,; .. _B_b·tt:' ',' ? .· ·/\:/ ;:::Sl1:; •. , .. ; :·i? .. . .. . ....

l_ t Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the Nauonal Archives-

,; 1,. 'irJ tPECLASSIF!ED ~. '7JS6[ 1 AUTljQ((ITY • mw· I svl.) NARA DATE: J. · 5 - '

Hq & Hq, Det .; 280th. ~:M Bn: . : 28 Ot.h .. · Ord 10,$1 nt .. Go. , ' 2,80th P:6rtt Op ': · .. 2a:1s:t FA·Bn · ·., __ -._ ·. . 2$-i;st Epgr' p, BU .· . '~·s:t~t. ,0:rp. lCifn.t · Q9 ,Po,~t Co '_ . ;, ... 281st. Grd-_ l3allisti'~s D$t ~si~b i[eo. iD~t .< · 2,82ncl Fit Bn 282nd Bngr,G En 2 a.2nd Poit (Jo _ · 2s2na. ·:sf& p,;.n .co . 2az'.dJ1 ord -B~lli,s-ttos -Ti' ,, 28~i'n4 ]fod Det

_ .~89:p9 lj1A(Bn. .·-· 2B3nd · Port- C:o ._·· . _, _ _ __ · 283;& 6.:b,d 1B.e:,'l'.tistic~f 1)0-t·

· 2·8··;.,, :_,.;·· .;, -d ... ·. D· '-t·.· i . ,, . · .. c.'-/J?v., £Jq •• e . "" . , .. _.· .

. ze~~I;t~ 1:4 :'ift:r<' ...• - 1 >.: · · · · · 28'41,;q: t]ngr: 9 ·. Bri

. ·:s:q/Hci Bet;J 2<34th q_iv: Bn 28'4 :eh ·QJI _Rfg, Co 2 84t h Ph:r·t, . Go •· 285tfa, Flt ··ob.sni·-Bn.

· 28,5f1\: Engr c .. J;ln Rq/B:ct "De.t , _ ~Hp ~h r~:: tn· 28'5th Q}i ~.g· Go, 2fi'sth: :?oi>t 0:D· ·

'2$5~~'S:fg_P~n 86 285th 1!ed Det

, :- , ·, · t~· · ·. • r · ·, ·•

286tll .FA·"Bn.. _·· __ . __ . 1{ :g/Hq Dat;, ~·Spth <te;~ Bu 2$$th Drd Mlf:: Co _· .. ·_ . _ .. __ · 28,6ti{ $1g:Itadar r:~a.tnt U.nit 286th'. Qk '.Ldry, bet

,, 'S' .·" '.i ,-, ' :c,'·_.'•I''_ ' V ,• ', ,:••, • .• J t-r- • t 28o/]b., IM·&: 1I-ad,:i:: 1wa.·~n-r:;_ .Jn,;1, 2;81'7:i::p,-:Qrt 1:I:,dr•j!1 .P.e~:,./· · ~8Btb, PA f\bsr.i.-Bn;' ... ~ .'·' ' .k. '~ ~ ,' 'y ... '•I : . ' I

2$Btf,E;ngr: 0 Bn •·, 28~thi, Eng.r; 9 -,Br.i

, ~9$,thfS:i,g· Rad,f!:l;- ~taipt DRttJ:. · 29Utn>:.FJLJ3u ..... ·, ... Z?Oln".nng±o }}n, -.2SQ.;th F:P' Qo· ·· ·· · . 2.SDth _, GJ[<;Ld,ry Det 290th JEed Dst.· ./ 291st .P4 ;ObSrt En.,:· 129:tst • Rng~. C J~n 2·92:ndi FA _:obsn. ·Bri

:' .. ,, ' - ' - ',,·

' '

.·T <E ·D-,,,.''~, ... ,~ 1 -,•:

' '.292:nd Rn!Yl' C Bn, .•,.· ' .. , Q

29'2nd 'EILP C6 2.H?ticJ:' ~!L ;Ld:by . Det:;. ' 892ncF IfoiU J)gt • _, . . 29337~, Eng~:CiBn}·'·

•' 29.3'.:r:d. Ord .. 1 ffl.1.;,Qo.:: ,·'• .. , 29~rd·:Qf:I,Ldry 1Det 294c-th. Eqgr q B,n ( · 29&th,, :~tf Sa1y R,s.p 'co· 294:-t.h\ )5e-d ·.Det;·_ .. 29 5t:6: Ord\ Hr( Qo 2,Q5.t:h'Ql'\tt Ldry'· ~et 295th _1:I6d. Pet• .. ?95th..Engf a, Eh~--29 6th . :t'.P Go, · 296th 'Q,M Iidry D$t ·, . Med De t ~11}P,iEngr . 6 ·.,· Bn ; i;1 17A'.In; . Ord -HM , Qo:

• 2GlJ-~h. 8~g '.lnpit . Co 20 17th, Reinf· co:

~J7t!i .tpf . _-•.... ', ·_ ' . '~ ~1711:;-t.. •,.•,ed Deb : An~.--::· ti ' - r:t_ ·B"; ' 2·y<~c,,.b ·r.-"'i,ng1\ _v . n ~!;}$:t};i: '01'!(X C ?ta :t n t ' ,0 () ' -✓

· -:·;;:t't,J:i9_0,~hsb Co

2:;'c;0th B.e·:t:nf Co .. ~Q&ttt Gon> Hosp· , ·2'i:i 0 :t'''; · _.,;;; ~i ·,D;,.·t· :-. -- .. i

. ~ q, n : Ie u , (" _· ... , . .

2?atr1 Q:bc1 Latbt .00. 299t[.l,,Reigf Co.· 1


. 29si"tb:, S•i-li Inst Co . 299th Mp--;co .· · · 2~9th:~/ .Lc\1;.y Det 2. ~#Vf?i: ,Jiru:. . .··· ·.,.: 3,00~fa,,:E1)g,r C B~ . , -: : '

. 300;$lf(~:r 0. ~)'ia tp.t;: ,, cro · 500th Bein:C Co

'061at,';,,3:ro~ '0PD$' Bn ,, . ·_.,,_·.:1,_.,,.,_ .. q .· '-,·,, ,· ~OTs,t l\~P E(f Go , 302nd 1 'J:ri-ins NJ'.intr .

. :so2t1c1:, Sig o·ih Bti .. ' •r-x.o- 2:, n· d•· .• tl'D .tr,fi ·c· 'O.' ~·,' .;•··,.,,;····~:':,{i1,~-· ~t:t· •''

302nd '.Port. Co '3•' · .... , 1;;.B-.. ,·:_·: .. i-: ·.r."1 .. : _ ·• lD3t>d " omu !dn

-~-30S-~8,{1:8fe, ,;01i~ Brt, f s0,$fq>:;:vr Bend co . ' ~-•_ .. ·,•' .J.:'.•~-. _';','::) .... ·t': .. c•" • • • I,

I 00ZS..1.:Q '_i; (i)'r ,, 0 , . •. • '· .•. ··.· •·,, Hq}Eq:·;~ectf fr Jfed _ :pst;, ;5JD4t,b. 1t?i .. Bn ,

'T'.E D-·-·. '~,.:...·.",·.~',,,

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the Naiional Archives·

-'li 4• _ --.--:-J)ECLASSI FfED

iwo '7JS6( 7 AUTHORITY ,


£E~f,:@D / .... _

304th Ord. I'f.a,_int Co 384th I!.P EG Co 304th Port Co 305th ' Bomb G-n ·

3l?th Ord ?E Co -31 '?tn Re.inf Co 31·7th . ,Q.E Ld:ry pot· 3Ji7.thA?t

305th · s1g Opn Bn Hq/B'.q De t .& lVIe.d De t; 30 5th 1trr EG Go

,~q/Rq '.Pet, ',318th Ord. Bn 305th .Qj\t: Bn. _ '31;£3th: ftcinf ... Go

cf565th Ord I"aint Co 305th Port Go

· '·305t.h A.PU , 306th Bomb:Gp

U · .u. :":.-<. LT :''-" ·


3oli·t· .J!,. 7'.".•":l.-- E_r, ··.·.• ... :_·o 306t11 ·Ord' lt&fn.t Co 306th Qt .'Rhd' 'Qo 306fh 'Qb. Ld~y Det -30?tl1' ,Abrf :Etl12:r-. Bn Q1L Ldry .. Dc::t 319th . .Gl i .FA Bn . .•

·, 319th St~ Comp Sq Ii-q/Hq_ Det ~- Ord Bn 3'1'9th 'RE: inf Go rz.1·ot·1'·.,- .. d,.~ •·. 7"·~·nt D·~.,_ u-· ·<-<· 1., c'.'! 6 : li.U i::;o L·.p. l .· c., L

. ,.,.1··,,o't,.~, .. 7 •··.if· -La.· .. · . -l)·· ·t • 0-'-:._ .o. ,'-ac),J . .. ry · e, 320th .&li Fi Bn ', . . - . r- ·- ., •

- Bq/Hq; De,tL 3_2!:0tb;, Ord Bn 320th Re in.f ,Co ·· ·

·nq/Hq· Dst ·&_ Ked J)et ,· 307th Abri · lffed Go· 307·t11: QL, ·. Rnd. Co

307th Q,,!11 Bn ' 320.t-li t:ed Au to :r,taint D8t 3,20;th ·r~c .J,idry bet

:< 07t' Anu · -, 0 .· .. .4 . .L .•.

307th C.J_:C·' J),'.3t - . . Hq/B:q JJet, '308th Qf:"Bu · 308t11: Q:;2 Rhd Co 3G9t·l1 ?seJnf Co 309-th Qt-i · Ldry · Dst 310th Sta :comp - Sq 310th Sig'0 Opn :Bn IIq/Hci Det', 3lOth Ord Bn 310t:h .Re:im'f co Sloth $'- .Hhd "'co· ;3"]_ Otll :?j}\r; Ldry De t 311th E.einf', Co' 3lith- .. A::7U. . H 1'.i:iQ I;e: t : 312th Ord :IBn q/,, ,, . . ··• -'~ _.,. alZ'i;n Retnf co 312th. :j-r,: .Ldrv 'De t .

· 3I3th ir. ,Oa,rr-1er -Gp 313th Ord De:J' Co 314tµ'Tr :carrl$r Gp· Hq/]3'q- Det·· &):·ed'D6t_.. '314th 314:sh· Ord. Dcp Go 1

31 4th' ASF · Band 31


5th Tr- . Ca:rrfe.r Gn ;a:q/Hq Det ,, 315th Ord Btt · Rq/Rq Df, t ,_ 315th Q).: Bn : 015th · GJ-:>Ldry Dot 3-'16th-·: Tr -Carrier 'Gp RqJ;Eir:f 1)e,t$: 31,Bt_h 'Ord Bn 3l&'th Ord.Amm Go ·

321st (Hi FA Bn :Rq/Hq }De t, 321 sot Ord Bn Reinf Co :32:fst I'2P EG :Sec -~r ,:;-~-e .·t. "t"Y ·. ,, i' ... ~- d ,.... t ~3c-. ' Q - --- . hQ ,_-iq_ J..1et !:c. 1,_,_c . ue ·, o ;:;net rd. J:::'n 322nd rJP · .Ee+ . Sec Rq/Hq Det & J\{ed Det, 323rd Ol'd Bn · ;i24th · Ord- A:mm. Co 32'5th .Gl:f Inf Regt .

·Hc:{/I:!:q'. / Sq, 3t5th ,_'.P,r;ioto Wing· Ren 325th Ord Ant:n c·o

.. i3$6ih: Abi;. Eri'gr. Bn Hg/.Hq Dqt,, 326th Ord P./1 32°.$th Abn T'ed Co ;yz6th Ord Dc::r Co ;s2,6t,h. ::te, i.p:t Go 3;2_1~b-1 G Ii tnf, ·fo5gt 327,th Ferr:ring Bq 327 tl1 }:.iJ' ECf 86 c Eq)}Iq ~Dot,/ o28t'l1 Ord Bn 32-Gt-h Fo;,g.; Sq

Ord Bn 528th, "RE-inf- ,co 32\Jtl:1 Air $er1v Sq 329tli Re inf, .Co 329t11 H$._:rbo~ Craft Co Hq/l{q Dct,. :o30th' Ord-Bn 33,0:th Harbor· Graft Co RJ:oihf · Co 33l'st Qr.: Dep ·Ou 031st Rtinf Co ··-

B:q_/~q:., Det' &, 'yea. Det, , . ;o'o.2'nct Z.ngr :-1._s Re :;t

317th O~d ,_n ?qJ~q -Det 8~, 11,:' :Oct?. 332nd. Ord Bn

R i=i' S .· ' R 'I C 'i1 ? D . -:.~~, :_ -~ ~ 5 ... ~~-:;:. 7:: -

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

,'?=- :'.

~.:312nd O:rd J0ep Oo '34'7th:. Ord'; Dfia.p Co 332n·d REdnf Co;. 348th En£tr C - Bn

., . Iicr/:ffq'''Btry; ;$33rd FA Gn .. 348th 'o"rd, Dcp Co . _· ·· 3·33rd - FA . Bn . 348th · ,CJJif;, /Den': Go ,_-. Bq'./Ijct: Def,O· 333rd 0+-d Bri< H@Rq' BtI',y;-~.349:th FA Gp

·. ··3,33rd; Ord Deri Co S4,9th Ord Deb ,C.o. -,,, 3:~4tkl Eng:f, .ss 'Regt' ·.··· ':549;t;h }!E EQ S~c ..

Hq/Iig_.Dtt, · _3~-5k~h Prd Bn 340th ';R(cji_nf' qq·. 3'.34th Ord :i)~p- Co . 3:41.lth "{E!'<::t,l)fsn 334tfr'Qrt ·De'i( Sµ.p., .eO '$~h ;11. Bn .·. -·-.

·•--~35th·'EqgrGS·Regt: _:_3;5,t}.th lirteo Disu. ; :. Hq/Tiq D~:t·, ~3-35tq: b:rd 13~ 1

·• .-. i&iJst Engl'· G$7 Rt3gt 3;35th· Orid Base 'Dep Co . · t5,$;lilt ,.Bomb' fi:P : - __ · __

· '335.tb: ·A.,F EG S.e c . ~ . !:t~/B:q Bt:i:::t,'.. _35lst FA Gp ' : -· 356t)?: Erigr · C B'0: · . · · •-· _ . . .. : - . _ . . S5J;~t FA ·Bn.: . '· · -•· ~Iq/Hq tiet s:; }te,d Det 336•t'h Ord :Srt "551st O:bd lViaint .Oo · :•: ,':~5.~t:i;:f itl'g 9:o( .. -- > ··' · .· · .• ~ - · ·· ·· ,;},5J$,t 0 RQ.; Cq' . 3;56'tt(Harbcir Craft Co. . : ~5ist. GIG Det .

' -356t'l;, "f:tP Ee+ Soo . . ~'q4nd :'-ti)ghten t ~lp_ .··. : Hg/Hg" :Di~•, 3'37,u1 'Drd Bn :352nd :orct · Eatnt C_o

-309:t-li F.'ighter~~G};)' _ ·• ·. __ _ _. _. · ;:552nd i~E Rhd Go, .. 1-Iq;/Hq·.Det· ·& ~&e·o: DBt, 03·B1;n· O!'d;'. '.&1'J. :9~~nd\Re.i~:f' CQ . _ _ .

• • '3,39tn Ord De;o_ Co . ·· ' . .. •$;ift1d'Ha:fho:r. :Qraft Co:-:~~Btl<:( -~· De"p? Go,' ' ' c---0' i, ~53~d'. }?igh_ter (}~'' .

3~.9-th '.Ha:rbor Craft ·3&3·rq· Ord .qaint: Co _3'39ti( T'§P' -E'\1 ~e~ j·~-~th., .Fhg,r ,GB Rqgt · ·) · n· .L ·3··Ll'.ot' o a·cM· , .. "'_.- ....... -_ ·.--- ·t c Hci, fr,~ .. t.0, ·~ · n · ;r <oq .• o.54-t;li, or~ L--,S;in -.... o· -3-40-th Ord De.p: Co. 554th. Re-•inf: 00

·. '_3:4c:Otir Rt3inf ,CQ . . . •' ' }~5th Ftg1lt0r, Gp ·· '. :34]:_sJ :En,gr · GS- Regt . , 0,5.~tb :&ngr GS Regt

· · -Rq/'.::-fq_'.J)et, 3~1s t }'led Gp . , 3'55th '·Q}5 Rh¢! (Jo ,· -;34:fst' £1'.?: EG Sec · 355,th Re-inf. co·

· · 3421;1~ Bn~r GS. Re-x't 3:5:5th Harhor. Craft Co '.: 342n't1'.;'~lrmd .Fi~ J3n~ :356th Figl1.t6r Gp

3:&t!n·a/ ·ord _Dpn Cd. . '. 3.57'th'• Fiqhter Go ··•,3:,i§ia., t.~i~ '/l'.Sgf(egt '' 3S:7:/th';$f'b.QJ? .•. JJfa_f:t C.b .

3~5r~ OJ:i.<~f·D,.e>p Co .. · ·. :o58t1{ Engr· GS Regt · _ 34/Lt~ ):tngr C}'._~ .~?gt·· '3!?,9:tb_,;J:i'ightcr> ·Gp -

-.-· 344tn:'~1s:,D91)·· C?. , ;:5~9.1'.;1'1_ E;9g:t, G3 Re~t ··· Q':c4.t.h. Rcln.:t Co· -_ fte inf· .Co

;34,itti;, Barbor' Craft Co. 1 360th~ :Sn12:.r. GS EteO'.t

···:;,44tJ:i" Q:rc1- Dev '.Go 36Qth, r::::tco' ,; · .. :, ,O·

•· · 345t1-i '.ffarbor'· Graft .Go .. 360tl'L Re·itif Co 3a,5t:h ,i\iTed co: - 3ql<st 1Engr. ss I{cgt . 3ti5th QJ.>;' ~Den. co 36I9t .Ft.clhts:rr GP .. , " ~ - , ... ,. -~ ·v·~---,' , _.·..1-· ·_ • i:........"'-' -

· 545th R·e'in.f·'Goc' :S61~t' ,._;,:n- Go' · ··3·45th'., ~e& ui ~ro , , <±iii~,a::' ti~-- C6. 346th ~ngr GS Re-~f- . '""" · · :3;6Qbd :;,;;;d, Lab

'.',, 346)th,s••b:r,d,'D0u··Co- ' ${;2nd I1:rt( ' : 34r;t:t,h) :2rtgr' cfo: ,· ~egt . S:63\~rl ~_,: 'S~ C6

B---·., .. -.B. 1

8--.•~-.-.. :•_··.~ .. ---.'... 0 T. -~ ,£ ·,7\~ '~?. :· ,· .. ·~t;,:~~:· ' ,: ,,'',, 1,',

' ', ·'. I' .. ' ,,

j ;(,,,,.' ,'

'''.__ . -· ),

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

,, , .PECLASSIFIED ,~r.,v 7JS6 ( 7 ·



~64th Eingr G.S,Regt 364th Fightsr G:J ,,, .

.·. •',• R Tl~ .. $, ,~·t·. 1.1.( L 0. ,, p' E D ·~ -· -r1· ... -: '' ,, .. ', ·' ,,---::-•, - ~

. •· ,. · ..... ' . · 38ls't E-r1gir er En

3.65th EnJ:i; GS Regt 365thRcinf·Go· 365th Dru :=~siint Co

• 3:66th 3:nc.r. GS, 'RE>.o't. . ..7" , ~ C , - ·-o,

3q6th'RG:tn.f. Co . 3 6 7th :T:I;nr.t r ·:o En 367th RE, int'· Go 3.6'7th' 0 ·r1 'i" •·~ .. +- ·C,9··. , r--. >'J,}D'!:'_ . ,36,3th Engr iJS It.egb 368th Rc1nf Co ·· 363th . Orel l/aint Co:

. ·36,9th Rngr G Bn · 369th Ord ,Faint 3&9th .A . .'?'U 3·7:0t.h 3n,7r C Bn

·s,· ~ •

· 371st. Eng;r Q, Brr ~'71Qt Ord .,,,yr- Co 3'7l;t A:?lT ·'/ "°' , i~

· · 372nd, li!ngr GS.· Rsgt 372nd; I;'::?.. EG C~o .,.. ,,. 37:2n,ct Harbor Graft ·co ·

. 'r:r..,r1.•3··.r·_,a·_.' ''b.;, ,...r•···,.G!.S Dr ;..,;t· ,, u. ·l -..L..:!l;t.(:;_ .. . , '.. _ -!...t.? (."")_ ,

.:,:,r1.4~ T',,.,· -,rs.Q c:r..: nt · .....,. I _ li'7.d. J~l.l-£-:::J. -~ '-LT J-..J., 'lY~ q .. ·,

3?:~t'h ,,:•1s0:gr G'.B ''' · 3'7bth Para\Pa'BD~ 37.&t h b.J.1L .h.W Bn ~. /· £·:•.",_:.~:r ,.-. .. :·;..;-..·_ ., ,·· c7,l3 1,.;·h .r::.,n6 r · bn ··,J'tl,O:-.-.co1 co 3?qtl'l R2iriT Co , ,:: 3'T7th Bn,;;:::r GS Re>1:t ' .3,'?Yth '?ara Fb Bn~·, 3717:t::;_ ,:;.,_;'.;..{-ii. .LYI Bn ' 3'77:t.h I':C.d Coll Co 3'77:t;.ii,[c? EG Co 377th Re,5.n;f' Co ,;;,7 . .C:,.Lh. ·"<'·. rrrr, i:C no ._,,,, i-c' ,ti;._:·, ·.<t:. · Tr•~ v.

·,~7:3t}-l .:;":>·;e o~ '.~Gb'll,:. .. Go .. ~7,~,t?1. 1\?_iiJf'.. :{Jd: C' ..

., q 7 ,,,tJl: Bomb 5'p, ,. •:• ·""'7 9t 1 . " ,, ,., .;. ctT, 'R, •' , ,'\.J,, ', . · .. ,!.l, l;;y.;;~:;, i;;;,.,1," vn

; ,:ffa/t.tq'.Det ,. '5:79Jr1:1 :?Ort Bl} .. ·~.?:7~. , ~ . ·'D ;.._ " ,. ·~-· ,:-r-.. ': . ., :'' u r,,;;:J;\:;j:1 H\0 l:B,.Lc v.O. ·

,:3aot1i Rc.J.1tf :co:.·. ': ,µ80th •Q?'; Trk· Go,·: 381st 13'6.mb.·, G~;;:i ~'

Hq/Eq_ Det:, • 33l'st 381St Q/'.- Ti"'k Co

. -za1· t'·'-D. ' 'f' ·. C · . 0 ,., s. . . 'HE-in . o Fq_/i:fq D0t,. 3:32nd fn·2· :a·-. :"\;.. ·T· ·r. 7,,..· 'r•o 0, ,') -., L,O , ·•"'(l,l'i,. a , , .~ y

332nd t:ed. Coll Co 383rd Led. -,Coll Co 384th ~B~th 3$&th

Boinq Engri Bomb

Bfr ·, G:~

981:i~h Engr Bn'··.-:$B5th J/P Bn

:P.ort Pn

Port Bn

YJ'M 1 -rz'q Di r ... :t'·:, ·,= ":o·-:i 5+b. Por,t Bn· -~t·!..'--1:/,...c,_.:.. .- ....., "-' 1,..1,,._ ~ ~

588th ,~y-· Trk. Co · 585,7:th ic;J:;.A . AVJ :Sn_ . ~a:~t~ Bomb, Gp

:·."3? ·Bu :r:ed c,011 Co

·3'88th ~. a>·, ~··J:1· yy,pJ;,. 38:B'th ;~: .. '11rk Co 389th Ln9.:.r ., GS' Rc;zt .. , .. · (,.__, ,, . - .

389th Bomb··· 11D 389th :'Ie.c1 Coll· Co $9-Qfh Bobib Gb ~9Q;ih· :2ngr. GS 1=i0gt 39 6th L,.'....1-'::. LW Bn :390th :ifP Bn · 1'£'ed Coll Co 391st jJ,,.i;, lf(,I Bn ,, 391st . .~n , .• 391s:t l:1cd. G.Pll Co 3i92ncl Bomb Gp .·

', "',.--,r, , .,-.. .. , ···a·· ·c 1··1· C 0;;,0UO, H.G ·,·,_ 0 · · 0

,393:rd :~~~d >,do:iT' Co• 393rd Ord'·::'.,_i}:1'''co 7 9,;,th·_, ,~;, 1 rri:1z C . e /'i.:.. .: ,, .. ~'·:·: .::-·· .•·~~ , ·°' 39"5th' ·:;i.-.:: l'rk C,o

J..,..,. ;_; -·~ , •·· ,' ,., .l .1.

v9'c):t.n S•:1.2: ·• Co . ,):1,q/J1q_ D€>t_,,'., ,39'6tn ?ar..t- Bn

. . o:96th ~lt' Tr·~ 0(> ... "~riq_/I4§{ 'td.t ~ ": B97tb :Port, :On '•'fi,B7th R'cihf. Go. ,, :,_, • , , , I ' , , .. ,, •. "., ..

,,,;,a7t't ··-vx· rr:rk'i Go

. ·,, ~'.;8J,.t ~?~btiP: , , 098th, 1.~iif:.. (~~,, Bn ·

~,.,_~ ••, : ,, •:,-• '[ ~r',, __., :,- ':~ '~, •, •.-.. •\, -c •• • '

598th .i:;.;pgr'. u-:::i ,Rugt ':'39:Sth :~r 'J;rlr ·Co

· '39&,tg R®i ti:f 06 , • ·

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

;, 1 J)ECi.ASSIF!ED" JU~ V 7JS6( 7 AUTljQ!lITY , , ,


··Circult1-·r. 90, 2l Ji.arc·h I945-! :r~,;1,ard:Lµg. cl ;l,gi1hlttli,,o'.f, in~.iv:id~als .to: 'i.itl.ear ,a bron:z0.:,,servic·0 star on· tJfl.0 ··thea:tor ribbon~ ' ·· ·

3. In C;Olnp1iance with 'paragraph 'E3~: G:trcfo:lait 62, ;/ar Llepartmcn:t:;: l,l Fpbruary 1944; Oirci:,1Ja:r. '.l;ll, thi:s lhcadquartGrs, 15'.WlovomJ:)er,1944~ as am~ndcd by Gird-µ,1$..t· 30:/ 2.2 l\:a-rch 1945, . and

· ·+e~t:i3B.r, this heaa.qt1art0rs, fiJ.G . b!i 20{:f~•?: QpG:fJ.., subJect i !fI.ndi­viq.uaTs .. _Entitleq;·to Batt:Vi Pa:rtic:ij}Eltiori C:rod:tti1·,(28J-:1.pril HJ45, ni:rnassary .erxt1>ies vti1lb0' ~ao;.e o.n ];}~g:'~. •\&;, 1111'.EJqa·i~/ De9,orations, ar.yi ·01tatiotrnl:1 in servJ .. ,◊~ -t~c9:~g,s of tit:il1$tod pc:nsonncT and in It~:nt,.3.1 :on · q_u1,11Jfica:tt~~ e:~;t>d$· rif ~f''.t'icirs aqd~ warrant o.fffc0rs, vlhqs6i .e];5:.gibiT1ty .t.e, ~'~~ ~ .'m?i?~Z.W· s~;i'Vic.e., ?-t;ap. o:h tb.0. tq.ea:tor rihhon ls :e$ ' · ·, ·· · · ·

BY co Mt;5Jt11) · 0 F C¼EliE~Jt:~~PliEY ;<

... .... ~--DI.p.TR:JBUTION; 1tDrr .pl{;_s

'T43ff; ',•w.ash, ~5, DC . . : ,Sui5rsr0e ·09mdr,, AEF ,,,•':;JTOTJSA, 1.-:co,~:· sa:cl:;L unit concorncd

·. OCQH J,$B.p Div, C1othing, Br ca·· 'Ro C6rns & D,v

~ , . : l. · -~~. · · ~: :~."· . __ --:-·. ·. _ . . : ~ · · CG,. •·· .b.S s cm. bly L-~ro a C ◊mn1an a.

.... ' \ ·,,.. '.'.~ . . ), \ \"' 'r ,,·~-, .!~· .. <•,, ..


1-,- I

It '.;;. ,8 FT1' b C: T ,g Di ?: .i.:, ,•'•,,::::.. •"·.\·· .. ·.• :·,··-.. ..,.. .-,,,,., , . ' , >• ' , . ~ th-

,. ' ' ,

_' '1, I ' ',' ,'

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

ii, 1 JJECI.ASSIF!ED. I"~ v '73S6 ( 7 AUTHORITY •


a~ -.<5o_d_h¾

AG 200. 6/BPA

SUBJECT:. Battle 'Participation Credit - Campaign HRhineland11

TO Commanders of all Units Listed


28 June 1945

(List No 2)

L Battle Participation Credit fo:r campaign ttfiJ1ineland 11 has been -approved by t-he Co~1Inanding General, European Theater of Operations U S Army for the units 1ist.ed in inclosure I\Tumber 1 1\ were recommended for tl',is award by tha Commanding General_, Ninth Arrn;_rc This credit ;will be confirmed by letter-o~,:-ders to be issued by Theater Headquarters at a later date~.. .

2,, Attenti0:n is .invited ·to paragraph 7b, Section I, Circula:t'. 195 _, \/far Depq,rtrriel1t.:, :t8 ]fa;y l944, regarding eligibility of individuals to wear a bronz.e service star o:a the theater ribbon.

" )., ·· In compJ..-.i..ance paragraph 8-, Circulay 62_. T'far Department, ll Feb-ruary 1944, _Circular ill., Head.quarters European. 'l'heater 9f Operations, U S · Arm~5 15 No·1rember 1944., as amended by Cireular ,30~ 22 M:arch 1945; and letter Headquarters European Theater of Operations., U ,S Army, file AG 200,,6 OpGA, subject! nrndividuals Entitled to Ba.t-t.le Pe,rticipe:bion Greditir-' 28 April : 194.5., necessarJ entries will be made on page 6, :,1~edals., Decorations, and Citations rt in ser-:rice records. of enlisted personnel and Item 31 on q_ualifica-

. tiort cards of officers, -whose eligibility to. wear a bronze service star on the theater ribbon is established. (Authority: 2d Indorsement, -,Headquarters

'European ThS!ater of Ope:rati.ons, 11+ June 19.45 to letter Eeadq_uarters Ninth Army~ file 200,,.6 (BPG) GNV,.AG, subject; 11Battle :Participation Awards - trRhineland 11'

Garn.paign11 , dated 4 June 1945}" ·

4a Attention is invited to General Orders· No 33, War ~part:ment, 1 May ·1945 redesignating the· C&'Ti:paign 11GermanyH as the campaign 11Rhinelandrr., No Battle Participation Credit can be clain1ed for the carnpe..ign u~rmanyll by units; or by for service in u:0..its-" listed in Inclosure No. 1.. Entries in personnel records wi:ll be appropriately corrected.

;5o Suppl.ementary lists of units entitled' to Battle Participation Credit fyr the campaign 11Rhineland.11 w:ill be a,nnounced in separate letters as soon as such credit is - approved by the· Gene;al,_ European Theater of Opera­tions, US Army.


1 Incl List of Units

DISTRIBUTION l ea unit listed.·


Reproduced from th~ Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

; 1,, i-PECLASSIF!ED f<NU '73S6 { 7


BYlJ NARA DATE: :)_ - f

Incl No l to ltr Hq 7th Ar:m;7 File A!'J: 200.6/BPA cftd 28 June. 1945

1st Med Dep Cp 1st: Med Gp., Hojgq Det 2d Ev-a.c Hosp 3d Aux Sur g Gp 3 ' 0 v· ·P · · Ha· /r:r ne+. Q '<,ol,\• · ••. n, l o, J.lq _ ~

. 4th Conv Hosp 4th Fin Disb Sec 1,.th·M? CI Det· 5th 11 ,,_ __ •'Sui ,,.o- Go

- _i,...i...r... ..t.,::, ·,1.

6th Arrr,'3" Div 5th Evac Hosp 6th Ord W\K Co 6th _QJ-tI Bn, Ho}Hq Det 7th· Orel BID£ Co. . 7th O)f Bn.., Hq/Hq Det Bth.Corrv Hosp &th Inf Div .. Nirrt.b. US Ho/Eq Co/Sp

~loth Med Lab _ llth MF CI Det ... 12th F:i,.n Disb Sec ·

13th' Flo.· Hosp 13th J\ffiU 14th 'cml · ll Co 15th Sp S_erv Co 16th :MP CI Det l&th Ord MM Co 16th Sp Serv Co l7th'Sig Opns Bn 20thFld Hosp 22d Fin Disb Sec 23d. Cml · S G Bn, Ho/Hq Det 23d: QJ."\-I Car ·.Co 24th Q];f Bn, Hq/Hq Det . • 27th Cml S G Bn~ Ha/Hq Det 28th Med Dep Co 30th Cml Decon Co 30th lJed· Gp., Hq/Hq Det 30th Ord Bomb Disp Sqd 31st Med Gp, Hq/Hq De~ 32d FJi., Brig~ Ho/Hq Bt:ry 34th FA Bri5, H;g/Hq Bt:ry 35th Med Dep Co )5th 8ig.L Cons Bn 37th Engr G Bn 36th Traffic ~eg Gp 3~th Sig'Hv .Cons Bn


. . - . ,

4J_st Eva,c Hosp 44th Ev&c Hosp 1;4,th Q1':iL Rhd Co 2J-5th Evac Hosp . 46th J)ffi.U . 47th MRU i+8i.:,h Fld Hos:o 48th Ord Bn, Eo}Rq Det 50-c.h Med Bn, Hq/Hq Det 50th Ord .lJTu'rl Co· 5lst .4PU 51st Fld_ Hosp· 51st Ord Gp j 'Hq/Hg_• De-t 53d Fld Hosp 53d Ord Borrt.b Disp Sqd 53d IPV'.1' Team 54th Imu

I~ ~.., -r-.• 56-cn J:'ln ,visb Sec 57 t,};t Ord. hr.m . Co 59th .Crd Gp, Eq,/Hq Det

. 60t-h Cml Dep Go 60th Ord. Gp, Eq/Hq Det 6Cth FI Team . 62d Med Bn, Ho/Hq Det 63d Fld Hosp Crrl Dep Co 6L~th IP:N Team. 6Lth .1fod Gp, Hq/Hq Det 65th .Ord Bn, Hq/Hq Det &Zth Fld Hosp . 68th Tuled Gp, Hq/Hq Det 70th Inf Div 71st Ord.Gp, Hq/Hq Det, 7 4th Cml S G Co . . 75th Inf Div 79th C:rrJ_ S G Co · 79th FA Gp~ Hq/Eq Btr,J. '79th Inf L'iv 79th Ord Gp> Hq/Hq Det 8O1::,h. Crnl S G- Co. ~1st Q:M Bn, . Eq/Hq De.t l:52d .Abn Div 8;3d Cml .3 G Co B4tt.'O:rd En, Hg/Bq Det 86th :Med Bn, Hq/8q Det

· .. 87th Inf Diy 87th Q.M Pt.hd Go

R ~ S ~ ~ D· .l-£....... d:_-2__


Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

'"' 1'· ;'; ,1 i-PECLASSIF!ED

'" u '7JS6{ 7 AUTHORITY • ,

BYl:L.NAPJ\ DATE:ll/w.J,

Incl No l to L tr Hq 7th Army . File AG 200.6/BPA dtd 28 June 1945 (cont 1d)


89th Inf Div, 91st. Med_ Gas Treat Bn 92d Ord TuIM Co 95th 1Eed Gas Treat Bn 96th Evac H@sp 9·6,t,· Q,..- n · t_T • hT D· et . .n. )J.:. :.,TI~ ,10.J nq 97th Evac:. Hosp 100th Evac Hosp 100th Ord Bn5 Ho/Hq Det 101st Ord Bn, Hq/Hq Det 102d Evac Hosp 102d b.f Div 10,3d E-;,ra:o Hosu 104th fo.:i: IY.i V -

l05th Evac Hosp 1.08-th Evac Hosp Evac;..-Hosp

~ J:_llth Ord Bomb Disp Sqd · 111th Ord MM Co "'112th AGF Band

112th Ord Bomb Dlsp Sqcl 113th Evac Hosp 113th Sig RI Co 114th Evac Hosp 115th Evac Hosp 116th Ord Bomb Disp Sq_d 119th Evac Hosp 122d Ord Bomb Disp Sq_d 124th Ord HM Co 126th Ord MJ\K Co 128th o;c1· nm Co 13oth Qrd MM Co 131st Q;\f Trk Co 132d Ord M:BA: Co 134th Evac Hosp l37th Sig RI Cq 138th Engr C Bh l47th Engr C Bn 153d FA Bn 158th Engr C Bn :i5Sth Q1,I ,Bn, Hg/Hq Det. .159th Ord,Bomb Disp Sqd

1 162d Ord Bomb Disp Sqd 164th Engr O Bn 165th Sig Photo Co 166th O.,M Bn, _E;q/Hq Det

167th Engr.C Bn 168th Sig Photo Co 169th Med Bn, Hg/Hq Det l70th Med Bn, Hq/Hq Det 172d Engr C Bn l? 5th }fod Bn, Hq/Hq Det •-.,..:. :.... i "' ~ ~ • ' . 1. ( )en ,. :i.g Rep Co 176~,h Med Bn 9 Ho)Hq Det 176-th Ord Hep Co 177th Med Bn, Hq/Hq Det l:?8th :Med Bn_, Hq/Hq Det 178th Ord Dep Co 179th FA Gp, Hq/Hq Btry lSOth Engr hv Pon Bn 181st K1gr Hv Pon Bn lB~st O:rd Bn) Hq/Hq Det Ord Deu Co ,, '

l82d Ord Dep Co l8Jd Tu!ed Bn:, Hq/Hq Det 18:-ith Eed Bn) Hq/Hq Det 185th O:rd Bn, Hg/Hq Det 187th Engr C Bn . 187th Ord Bn; Hq/Hq Det 188th l~ed En, Hq/Hq Det 190th Crd Bn, Ha/Hq Det 19?th Qli[ Gas Sup Co 203d C Bn 207th Engr C En 208th Engr C Bn 2l0Ur FA Gp, Hq/Hq Btry 21 ~tih Sio De-p, Co .,I , 0 ..

216th Ord HM Co 220th Cml j)faint Co 220th HAM Co 231st ,~i SaJv Coll Co 233d Q1E Salv Coll Co 210th 1faJd 'En~ Hq/Hq_ Det 2Ust ]fod Bn, Hq/Hq Det

. 242d. Med Bn., Hq/Hq Det 2J+8th Engr C Bn 252d Engr C i3n 256th F·A Bn 260th Ord Bn, Hg/Hq Det 265th FA Bn

· 266th FA .Bn 266th FA Bn

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·


7JS6f 7 AUTiiORllY •

Bvl.:"f NARA DATE: ·;2

Incl No. l to Ltr Hq 7th ArITJT.J. . . \ . File A.G 200.6/BPA dtd 28 June 1945 (copttd)

Bn 272d FL J3tl . . . 277th Ord ·Maint Co 277th Qlt · Bn ?,' Ha/Hq Det 278th En_g:" C Bn 2,.,;·Q-1-1.-, q.;,:;, pg-:n C·o :" u ;.;.1.l ;_ ...L..0 . 0 1.

27~1tl1. t.:f}l :Ref C.o 280th F'A Bn' 282d O::cl Ballistics Det 291st F:1.. Obsn Bn 295t,h Ord E:M Cc

· · 29· 6/ h V',:g,.. c·- Bn -.~~ _1;-.I;, ..1. -

29E?~-h Eng:? C Bn . 308th CJ"·:t;n; Hq/Hq Det 3l0t,h Ord. Bn) Rq/Hq Det 3J.Oth Sig Opns Bn -31Zt;f1 Ord Brt, - Ho/Hq1 Det

• 314"th Ord Dep Co . :.. 316th Ord. 1',rmn Co

320th Ord Bn., HcJHq Det 328th Ord En, Ha}Hq Det 330th Ord Bn, Hq/Hq Det 332d Ord Dep Co 333d Or.d Dep Co . 33.i+th Crd Bn, Hq/Hq Det 33l!;th Ord Dep Co 335th Ord Bn, Hq/Hq Det 340t,h Ord Bn, Hc/H:=t Det. 345th Ql!I Dep Co 346th Ord Dep Co 34,:st.h Ord _Dep Co 34Esth, Q;s.'.: :Dep' Co 349th Orel Dep Co. 352d Ord }faint ·co Jb2d Med La'q 367th Ord }faint Co 382d: qE Trk Co. 402d Q))ii Trk Co 404th FA Gp, Ho)Rq Btry U7th 11Itr Amb Co 420:th Med Coll Co

1 421st :Hed Goll Go 423d Eed Coll Co 426th lfed Brr, Hq/Rq Det 426th 1,(ed Coll Go

433d · AAA .i',:'IJ Bn -1e3'7-ch MIT Team 4[.0i;l:1. AM AV¢ En LA2d Ivied· Coll C0 . 1iL:5th AJ';J,. J._T/'{ B.o. · 41,5th llsd Coll Co 41;.7th Ord· Hi-\H Co· ·4;;0th Eed_ CoJ.l Co 45J.:st _Med Coll Co 1.5· I, h' ,,. d ·c 71 f:o 4 At, ,. 1,.Le~. 0-'-:- ~

4.S7ch Med Coll Co 45E}th Med Coll Co 459th lied Coll Cfi 460th Arnpb Trk Co 461st ilm.?h Trk Co 462d Med Coll Co k.63d. _Med Coll Co i~6:+th Ord Eva,c Co 46 ___ '_~


i:th ~"1:~2~ so~l1· Go·

1,.6 ! 0h 1\aeCL vO...L.-1- Go 468th Ifed Coll Co 469th Pm~h 1rk Go

- I

471st QM Gp, Hq/ Hq 1+71st QM Bn_, Hq/Rq 472d }1t:t> tmb Co

· 4?6+..h QM Bn.., Rq/Hq 47%h lil:,r Amb Co ~.8lst 1fod. Coll Co 482d 1\JJ? EG Co Lj,82d Ord 'Evac Co 416~h Ord Evac Co 488:thlc'Itr Am.b Co· 4B9th 1/i:t~ Jlkib Co lf1lst lvied Coll Co 2+9.2d 11fod Coll Co 493d Med Coll Co . 4-97th Med ·Coll Co

. 499th. 1Jied Col]_ Co 500t,h Med Coll Co '.50lst Med Coll Co 502d. Med Coll Co. . 503d Ord HM. Co

Det Det


427th ·Me.d Coll Co . li2~th lteEi Coll Co

· 505th Ord HI'f- Co 506th GIG Det

. ·· · 506th QM, Car Co (Formerly · 66.04th QM- Car Co (Prov) )

.3 · (over)

li ~ §_ ~:± )IR

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·


BYLT NARA DATE: J. - . , ----~- -·----·- ---·· --------


Incl No 1 to Ltr J{q 7th Armv File AG 200.6/BPAdtcl 2s JU~l~ 1945 (cont'd.)

RHilifEL.AJ"\TD C/uvPAIGN (LIST° #2)

508th Engr L Pon Go 512:th Or·d ffi!I Co 512t.h Ql\c. Bri, Ho/Hq Det. 519th Ord H'.vI Co ,520bh QJ!if. Bn, Ho/Eq Det

. 526".:.h QtI Rhd Co · 5S2d Q;L R'l_,

0rfo)Hq Det

· 532d QE R.ep Co 535th Sig· Hv Cons Go 536th Engr L Pon Co

. 536th Ord P.J.1: Co '54.tYc.h QJ;I Salv Rep Co, 51+'3d Qlf G:.J., .Hc/Hq Det 544th Ql1 Up,. Hq/Hq Det

. 545th Ord HM Co 547tr~·FA Bn 5i{(th Ord HM Co 548th AAA AW Bn 54.Stn QM B:ri~ 1iq/Hq Det •5.49th AAA AT'i Bn :,.5 5oth Qsr Gp, Hq/Hq Det 551st FA Bn 552d FA Bn 552d -EP BG Co .. 5 53d Ord. BY Co 553d Qg ?J1d Co 554th Engr Hv Pon Bn 554th rP EG. Co 554th Ord HH Co 554th Q,l-:. Rhd Co 555th Ord H?: Co 560th AFU 56oth QI:I Rhd Co 561st Ord HH Co 563d QH Bn J Ea/Hq Det 565th Ktr Am.b Co 566th lEt r Amb Co 567th Ord BJiI Co

. , 573d AAA AW Bn 57 4th Engr 1 Equip Co 57 4th Etr Amb Co 578th Sig Dep Co 579th QM Bn J, Hg/Hq Det 579th QM Ldr;t Co-581st A.PU 581st, .:QM. Sales Co .

582d Engr Dµ.mp. Trk Co ~g 2d · 0 rd .1illilll Co 582d_QM Sales Co 584th Mt~ Amb Co r:<"'>''·b C d r;,..;,..,,,· 00 ,)001, .l. . 1r rlUJ.ia V

588th 0r·d · ~:,rqm Co 592d Ord Bn~ Ho/Hq Det 593d Ord furirrl Co. 597th Ord. iW.1i11 Co_ 598lh o'rd liim Co ·599th Ord !,mm Co 602d Engr Cam Bn 603d TD Bn 60bth Engr Cam . .Bn., Co nnH

60?th QM Gra,rss. Reg Co 609th Mod Clr Co 61Bt,h Eed Clr Co

">- ' 620th IP BG Co ·6ZLst L:ed Clr Co 622d !:led. Clr Go 624th Ord i~Tl;l Co 625th Engr 1 EQ_uip Cb

· 626th Eed Clr .Co . 626th QM Ref Co 627th Engr L Equip Co 627th Ked Clr, Co 62Sth Q1f Bn_, Hq/Hq Det 629th li:ed Clr Co 631st. E:ogr L Equip Co 633d. l\!Ied Clr Co "635th Ued Clr Co 63?-tl:i O:;:-d .timm Co· ·640th ··1i1ed Clr Co 6L,Gth Ord Amm Co 6Ust Ord .Amm Co· 642d . Ql\:'. Trk Co . 61+3d 1!Ied CJ,r Co 644th. TD Br). . ·649th Med Clr Co 649th QM Trk Co 6;,lst Qi'!I Trk Go 652d QM 'Trk Go 655th Engr Topo Bn . 6.5flth .Med Clr Co

· 658th. Ord Amm Co 662d QM Trk Co 665th Ord iunm Co

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

[ 1 , i-,DECLASSIFfED ,,r~u 7JS6 ( 7




Incl .N0 l to Ltr Hq 7th Army . , File AG 200.6/BPA dtd 28 J1me 1945 (cont 1d)



h QM Trk Co 668·i::,h -Ord .Amm.. Go 668th QM Trk Co 669th QM Trk Co 67 4t,h Qlil Sa\v Coll Co 696th Ord. .Co ' 701st Tk Bn 740th 'i'k Bn 7~.4t,h L Tk Bn 767th Engr Dump Trk Co 771st Tk Bn 771st TD Bn 77.2d TD Bn .. 777'tb -AAJ\. N-Y B".l 793d Eng:r· Drnnp Trk Co 802d TD Dn· Sl 9th .A.mph Trk Go 900th ·OrJ. H.ti\};( Co

• 903d Ord E.Al\1 Co :., 9l0th Ord H-_A11,1 -':;o

916th Ord .E..!\:M Co 9 46th QJ'l Sal v Rep Co 954th Ord Dep Co 955th Ord :Mtr Veh Dist Co 965th FA B:!'.1 969th )\faint Co 974th 0)1[ ,Serv Co 982d Engr }\faint Co FA Bn : . ll05th Engr C. Gp., Ho/Hq Co 1110th Engr G Gp, Eq/Hq Co 1.142d Engr C Gp, Ho/Hq Co -ll43d Engr G Gp, Hq/Hq Go 1146th Engr C Gp, Hq/H.q Co 1147th: Engr C Gp~ ··· Hq/Eq Co 116Qth Engr G Gp i Ho/Hq Go ll86th Engr C Gp, Hq/Hq Co 1219th Engr Fir-e Fighting Plat 12J6th 5ngr Fire Fighting Plat 1254th Engr C Bn 1256th Engr C Bn 1260th Engr C Bn Engr · C Bn 1265th Engr C Bn 13 53d Engr Dump Trk 06 ,,._ 1~55t.h,Engr Dump Trk Co

l.365th Engr Dump Trk Co lJ6Sth Engr Dump Trk Co i3'70th Engr Dump Trk Co 1473d Engr Jifaint Co 1501st Fngr Water Sup Co 10J9ih Engr._ C En. 196~~st AV'.i'.l Depot Co 2705_th Erigr Dump Trk Co 2733d Engr L-Eo;u.ip Co 302..0th Q,~I Bkry Co 3011th. QM Bk:ry · Co 3013th (~tJ.L Bk:FJ .. Co JOi.?th Q1,~ Bkry Co JCJ23d .Qlv1 Bkr<J Co 3028th Q31[ Bkry Co S;Q:Jo/+.h·. r'J"Ji B'>'--•·,r °r'o _,, ,.._ ..., .c!).,.L ;.~.Lj , V -

303'8 sh QI~ Ecqr Co .SO.:>l_st Zngr C Bn 30~~~d Engr. C .En 30:)3d Eiiisr C Bh 30f>.'Lst .O:c~d Ivitr V$h Dist Co 3104\:.h. QM Ser:J:" Co Jl2'1th . Q]ci Serv Co· 3128th 0JvI Serv Co 3)_JJd Ql.llL Serv Co _31~1Sth QM Serv:- Co .31p;i t.h QM Serv Co .3170·;:,h _t_:t!i S8rV Co ji.73d QJA: Serv Co 3J~92d. QM Serv Co 3::i._9]°d QIVI Serv G.o 319l1,th QM S'erv co· 3195th QH, .Serv .. Co 3216th Qlv1 S_erv Co 3217th ·QJ;I . Seri~ Co 322lst_ 1.H .serv. Co 322)d Q.YI Serv Co 3225th QlE Serv Co J2;',0th QE Serv Co J2JStl1 Q]£ Serv Co 3246th Q).vf. IServ . Co 3326t.h QM Tr:k Co 3J.;.09th' O:rd N.LA.M Co 31+15th 1~J.[ Trk Co 3\16th QM· Trk Co JU9th Ord ¥.!JIJ\£ Co

a;,..,'.;.~·.:J0,~...:l:,.'li,....,,~ "•.··-·--"-

~- Reproduced from the Unclassifled / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

ii ,1 ;-,DECLASSIFIED f<Nfj '7JS6( 7



-,,,__,_," _.,__,.. ,.~

--..::a .. E,..g,.:,~~~Aj::""fr"tf' - ~ -, ·- -~. - - ·- - -Incl No l to Ltr Hq 7th Army · File ~_G .. 2_00!'6/BJ?A <ltd 2B June 1945 (cortt!d)

·' _ Rfill\iELAl\TD C1\111P AIGN : . (.LIST . #2)

jLl-2oth QM Trk Co 3422d Ord ]1.i:Af!'Co -3439-ch QM ·_Trk Gp 3l.i:40th CJf 'Trk Co 34i+5fh Ord MAM Co J455fh C/.lff_ Trk Co' !

'7i4t:.6+·,~ Oc-d Hfll.1 r.o ·· -!;,, .. -:':: j;~~~l,..::ir -~-~.----· ·- :..,1

3/+56:c.n Q;Ji.: .t:rk .Qq -3464f.h Ord tfat Co }472d Ord MAlvI C-9 3473d Ord· MAH Cp 3476th Ord 'irw{ Co 3-L:.:16th Ql!I Trl<;:' Co_ . J497t11 QM TiK Co J-5Ol/ch Ord Ml-\lvI Co 3508th Ord Mt:Jff. Go · 3 5J:Oi;h Ord ~111\:}! Co · '3 512th Ord I,A:JM Co :3,518;th Ord HJJT _Co 3522d. Ord M)Jir Co 3525th. Or.d MA!i Co 3532d Ord lif./:J/ Co -3534th Ord M,<,M Co 3535th Ord WJK Co 35/+6tn O:td NU\}£: Co 36'75th Q]f T:tk Co· 3695th QM_ Trk Co

. J6D6th ·Qii Trk Co 3699th QM -Trk OQ 3790th QM _Trk Co 3701st qM Trk. Co 3702d QM 'l;rk_ Co : 3703d QM Trk Co_ 3?v'~th Qf\a 'rr¾;. Co. 11705th (Yiii rrri..: Go

· 3~~a§~ft'ti~ .. ;~.,_,c!o , 37ci/tr1 CJk Trk Gd ·. 3708th ?}i Trk Go 3738th. QM Trk Co 3303d Qlf 'I'rk Co· 38:U-i:th QJff_ Gas S.o.p Co 3860th QM Gas Sup Co 38'6/+th (J)ff. Trk Co -387';\.h Q}JI Gas Sup Co · 3965th QH Trk Co

· Zi)JO-ch C/·.f Trk cs_ 4Dt,ls l:. . ClI 'r.r.k Co 40.i.:-i-::t_h QlI Trk Co L,,204th ~;I ·s0rv- Co 42156th QH.Rhd Co 4337th QM Se:rv Co. 43 5.Zeth QM Bk-ry Oo 4370th ~![ Bk:ry Co

R ;_<Tb\ GTE 1> ~~2~--~--

. .,.

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

-"" ,,f- ii •I tDECLASS!F!ED ~- . N .

1'1~0 7JS6 { 7 ·


BYl.T NARA DATE: :)_ l j f)

Rlr/L0u3·/ _ Vl Vv / grm,

AG 200.$ QpGA APO 887

21,., .June l945 . ····•: ,".

SU.RJ·:E:CT: B1rt~1e Parti'cipation Awards - A:rdenr+~~ Qampa:tgn (No 1 ).

. ·TO e . , ..

:. ..C·~~~n~~._ng" · .. ~ene~~lS: 1_ ~ 1f8' Strategic Air Forc~·s, i:n•;Euro,pe. Each #rmy Gr0up · C:ommunicaticnis: Zoh~ Bia ch· Army · · · 'XVI ·Gorps' .. . Ks sembiy ~rea Comm$-11d

.. B~rlin.Distriet . Bremen Port. Cq1ntnan.d . . United Kingd.em Base, Contrirunications Zone

· Europe?,n Division., Air, T:rs?,:osp9r.:t Gomm.and . ',G.J'Q"tJild, Foro-e Rei-:q:for.ce:men:t' 'Oomrriand

· •s~·:et ion 'Cornma1n;der~, Commµnieat ton.s, Zone · · , Service. Gommanders, C.ornmu.nicatiohs -Zone·

'. ,,Cqmmanding O.ffi,ce~s: : i · , :_::B;~r'opea:n Civil Affairs Division

i\[ilitary Intellige,n~e S'°frvice . . He&qquarter~ Commandant,. 0($in111unJeatJ9ns z,one

•i,,,I'; ' .• '

. :t•; . 1:n aoc;rdartce with. the pro'Visiohs of paragraph 81b (2); AR 2$0~10, ?q Q,etober 1844; anno11h<Nmeht ts :ma<:le of,..units:

\ ~ward$,.d. batt,le credft <rqr pt1:rtic:j_pa:tion in the 1,1.Ardennes" 'as.· eztahii}:hed' Qy JJaragra.p11 l~* Ge.nerai OrdE!rS ·No 40, War Depart-

rlient,:::1945: -,' · · _., · ··

··. B:q a/Hq.·Det, Fil'-~t··u;;; A:inriji;, -:,2d_;,,C.av Ren' Sq · ~:.· -:jiq-:& Hq·'Det,.Sp Trps; Pil:'st US hrmy 2nd, Evad:Hoap </: Hq· (}o., · Sp. T'±lps,. First VS· Army, 2nd Ord l":1t. Go ,: ·, · <Hq/Hq CO,. First ,l"i.:trbo_; Army 2'nd ]Job Rad Broad Co · --·. · · ~4, .. :t·st _A:bn T.ask, force. • Hq/Hq :Det, 2nd ~M Bn

·.,._ ·'"·1st =t1:±'.f''tDiv 2nd 1 $pee Serv Co

. ·' Hq & liq· Cp:,•: 1st T.:b Gp . ·.gnct, /¼.~r Cargo., R·esup .net . . : . .. 1st Med Dep 9o, ; .. •Hqi. Hq :Co· & Sp Trs,,L.

:-.-- .- 1,st ·-C-fc De:t , . -:. · .. : TbA:,.rd JJS, A.rmy .··· ·:·'; "-4.s,t ·f-i:r-r>bargq R·esup, De.t • ·2ncLSig. Cerite:-r Det -~ ',, ~ :p-Wff ,.Ttmn( 'l . . . . <3rd Armel ·Div · ,

t1S(t: ~Hcrsp-'' 'Tt-a:in , ; _, Hq' & Hq .Po.,, III Corps .. <1st b.ux;- SuF Gu ... vit~ith M:P P:1:flt . . . Bria~ Inf Div· .-~ , ., Hq & . Hq, Btry III Corps, 21;1cf::Armd Dr,v-:··· .· ... · . .,,... , Arty; ::;. ·2d\Rariger·. :t.nfaritry.Brt . H~ &.Eq:,·Co'., $rtl TD Gpou Ir4··&d!q. Ti> •. 2d Gav G'p ( • . ·!lg· &''/lq' tr• 3rd Cav Gp

R E ]~:f -~_._l_· C T ~ ; -,. 1- ' . '

I •, ' • , t • ,

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

-~"··· :, I rl)EClASSIF!ED ;,,~u '7JS6 ( 7

I ':•



. $rdCav Ren. Sq . I.PW No 16 :·· Hq & ·Hq ,co; 3:r:-d Rein.f Dep · · .10th f~P- Cr Sec

. 3rd Inf'o & Hiat, Serv 1,lth~i.:rmd Div. . :S~d-· Spe C Serv• Co Hq/Hq -co,. . 11th t.rmd Gn 3fd An:x Surg Gp 11th MP CI Det , ..

__ ;3rd Mob:. Eid Broad Co _llth ,E:osp, .Tr_ain 3rd Oml· Mortar Bn PI Team No 11 ijq/Hq Det, 3rd -QM Bn. Hg &; Rq·}?et,:, l?th_ Army Gp. 3crd _Air· Cargo Be sup Sq .. ;Hq Go.(: .Spi,Tr.:psf 12th liI'my Gp 4th 'Inf -Div . Bq & Rq.- De,t;.,. Bp _Trps:, 12th _Army

: ' Armd' Div : _. Gp , . __ ·_. . _ . ' .· Hq/Hq- Det ,' 4th QM Bn . VVAC D;et, . 12t:p. a Gp, . 4th Aux Surg Gp P & PW Det,. 12th-1irmy·Gp

·_ 4th Q.o,nv,: Hosp .. • ., , Hq & Hq Co,· XII Corps, w/MP Plat 1 • 4;th Med.' G·en Dis_p· ~· ··. f;Iq -. & Hq '.Btry\ XII Corps l1rty ·· .. 4th Spec -Ser.v: Co . ·- IIq, & Hq. Co, · 1,2t,h hrmd Gp . · Team No·-4, · 8th Tac· Air Comm Sq. 12th-Evac Hosp :.rnf' .Div ._·. · -.t.Pw.· _Team 12 ~Hg &·.Hq_ C~; V Corps w/MP: Plat . 1:3th MJ?. CT Det ':a:q &/Hq .Bt.ry, , iL C0r.p$ 'Arty : ' - 'l'f3th :Stg Radar ,.IvJaJnt Unit Hq &\¥q>Bt;ry, 5th FA Gp ··13th ... Ppsta1 .Reg Sec ..

~ 5th .~mgr' .C .Bn, . 13th MRU .. -5th:}f~b Raq Broad Co .. ',13:th. .. Fia nOsn $th :ftv-a? -.Hosp . ~rq ,&i Hq\ T.t>, .14th, Cav Gp

· -· ~~-~:Te-~No~ ·&- · ·· ·:··:t4tn~J::~G1rsn '""En?'. - ...... ·· 6th Arrnd Div ·1_ · .;_14th)tn. Sq . Hq &)Iq Go 1 . 6th fs-rmd Gp -·::Hq & ._Hq Det, Med Det, 14th Ord :a;q/Hq Det':, 6th Ord Bn · : Bn • -. .

)3th, 0.:J?d !/IE Co . · · 14th ·,Gmi~ Maint Co ··_6th.-Sig· Gen Det · <14th lvTP CI :Det · . 7th Ord tirrv: Co : ··.:'pr ·±'ea:m No 14 tt. Cml .Dep Co 15th, OTd MJ\!1 Co ~7th ~11:e•a. Lab ... 15:t;h-·Ord ·BD Sqd fl\fI 'J;eam 7c .. '' .>iisth:_Fin Disb Sec 8th Arwd Div . ·, S--15t1;t G_en Hosp Hq,,&-Hci_ Co,:-. 8th TD Gp , : lptri-• J.We¢1 Dep Co Rq/Hq. I)et. & ]Ced -Det, . 8th Q,M Bn . ,,Hq & .Hq Btry; 16th, Licl-iA Gp

-~--stJa. Fin DLsb .Se~ 16th Gml 1raint . Go ·:\fth \tnf' •Diit. ·_ . ·:!.;6th ,MP CI Det --.. 9th Arma: :b:iv .· :-.,'.!:6th Spep Serv ·co

_:$:g · &;: · I:Iq Sq,, : IX' Troop_. Carrier ·•16th· GBn 'Hosp . --Jtq & Hq Go:,,. 9t1i TD Gp . . • ,16th- O,rq Bd Sqd

, 9th CIC Pet . :: Rq,, &.::.Hq Co, .17th Abn- D.~v -.·, ., · . . ·~t;h:,)rr.fq Reg' Gp .Ifq &, Hq Btry, 17th· l~bn 'Div' 11.rty , .9tll_ MI(GI Det. !JP Plat, 17th i'ibn,Diy, : ._,;-_.

· Pl Team· .·No- 9 · · Band :1 ~th 1}bn Div' . . .... • . . PWI T.eam ,No ·g ,;;.,..17th· Prcht J!!faint Co . -· .· -, , ..

. g Fld Hosp·· ,.. · .,_ .:'/5}£'.f HQ.\,Co.J>. T7th li!'md .. ·G:p .. : 10th i,,rmd- Di,v . '~---1T'7t~.--•F:-i?Ob~ri'· Bn '., Hq &.Bq Det, 10th Ord Bn 17th.Sig Opn. Bn 10th Med Lab ....... ,17th Hosp Train

.... ~ •",_' •':'; ':;' . ' : ~ '. '\:. ' .

·• R , R- s ·. I I '.::~--4""" c<; D g _ .. .b~_.c...::;:: -

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·


1J u '73S~ ( 7

., .RES '(1).c. TED•

. p- =~st Ord BD· Sqd l 7t"n GIG Det. · 17th, .Ord Bd Sqd Hq· & Hq Co,, XVIII Corps (i-drborne) Hq & Hq,. Btry ,.: XVIII Corps lirty B:q/Hq Btry, ·• ])3th AAA Gp 18th-Gav :R.9n Sq

H(J_ &•Hq Btry, 32nd AAA Gp Hq/Hq Btry·{ 32nd FA Brig 32nd Cav Ren Sq• 3~nd Sig,· L Con Bn"

19~h Ord .Bn . . 20th, Q Bn. 20th Hosp T~ain _0

21st Hosp Train 21st Ord BD Sqd 22nd Fin' Di sb -Se• 22ncl Hosp Train PI }To, 22 , IPW ,Team No .22. ;

32nd Oro.·J\:TM•Co 32:nd;Med Dep ·co. -32nd: MRU · . 32nd>Evac Hosp , IPW Team No 32 3~rd S:i:g Cons:, Bn 33rd. Spec Sv :Co 34'1:;h_ Cons••Bn Hqc&,Hq Det, :34th Med Bn 3%t:O. Hosp Train

23pd.Hq1/Hq 'co,: Sp Trps Sig Co, $p, 23rd Hq Sp Trps HqlHq Co,· 2.3rd TD Gp Hq/m1 Det., · 23rd· Cml Smoke Hq/Hq Dyt, '24th Ord Bn 24th Sig Co_l?, Bn g _.

OB·TeamNo 54 35th:Inf. Div. 35th 81,:g · L .Cons Bn

24-t1;1--Reg Sta :.., 24th. Hosp Train OB" Team,.· N.o 24 PI Team lfo. 24 H~4BH.,.,J?Jt~;;'''.EgA~h Ord Bn 25t1i Reg , S~a 2~th Ho~p 'I':r@Jp. ·. 25th Ord . BD. Sq d 25th Inf. Di,v .. -. 26th Sig Cops Bn 26th Ord. 1~<l Co 26th Post Reg Ses 26th J.\JJRU . . 26th Ord BD Sqd 26th Hci Sp Tr.a in , IPW Team - }Jo .. 26 .. Hq & . . Hq ·:5t1;y, 27th AAA Gp OB Team No 27 · 28th rrrr- n1 v .. 28th c+ep Hosp OB Team .11To 28 29t_h Inf"Regt. 29th Sfg L'Gcin Bn 29th Ord BDSqd 29th IPW ·Team 30tb: Inf. Div · 30th Spec Se;,v Co 30th Fie,ld _Hosp 30th Ord BD $qd 3ls.t Cm], .De6on Co


Gen Bn ~5th: Eva.c Hosp . 35th, Ord BD Sqd 36th,Sig Hv Gons Bn 3§th Ord BD Sqd 317thTraf Reg Gp 1rq .. & Hq· Det,: '37th Med Bn CB Tean;i: No _;37 Hg.". ~;t:~qrJ~~lY:, ,~8~ h AAA Brig 38th. Cav R~h Sq .::• 38th. Sig.L Cons Bn 38th .. Fin ;Disb Sec '.<.8·t·h· · ur . rr · . · .., . .,. ... -earn 39½1f Sig HvCons Bn 39t.h Evac Hosp MRU .· .. 40th Si.a· L Cons Bn

" ' -0

40th Fih-Dtsb Sec 41 · St&Z: ::cons·· Bn .,. '. C, .. .

Hq:& Hq:Det,, 41st Reinf :Bn 41. Fin Disb ioec. 42nd Gau;Itcnrl>q · 42nd ,Fielfil IiOSD .c

4~nd .QIV.::/;War :Bog,,:Plat -· · 43;r,,d. c~·v Ren ,SQ , · 43:fid. Si,g, ~ C0nst Bn 43rd ,,Ho'srP -Tra:in 44th Rvac., ,Hosp 45th .,_. ~:r .,

,· ~ ttVp:C .i::..O~J'.) r

45th Fi'e,ld Ho'sp. 45th ·B:o,g'p, ·tra:tn

,,,_ 46 Fin .Df sb Sec 46th Fld,H0,sp Hq/Hq Det; '<J/Tth

S-~, t::, T c· T. i:: 1"\ ..i. ..-1.. : .l..J. i-1· - - --- - - - --."-,···

Ord Bn

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

i1 , 11-,DECLASSIF!ED ,,,.,u 7JS6l 7 AUTHORITY •



47th Ord M1✓: Co 66th Med Dep Co 47th Fld Hosp 67th Ev~c Hosp OB Team No 47 67th Ord BD Bqd 49th MRU Hq/Hq Det, 68th Med Gp Hq & Hq Sq, 50th ';i:r Carrier Wing Hq & Hq Det,. 69th Ord Gp Hq/Hq ·:pet, 50th lVIed Bn Hq & · Hq Det; .. 69th Med Gp 50t4 Ord Arum Co 69th Sig Bn . 50th APU Hq: & Hq Det, §9th Reinf Bn '50th 'Flcf ·Hosp @ PI Te·am No, 69 . Hq/I-Iq Pet,. 51st Ord Gp Hg/Hq Det, 71st Ord Gp 51st Ertg!' C Bn .Hq/Hq Det, 72nd Ord Gp 51st :?ld )fosp . Hq & Hq Co, 72-nd Q:M Base Dep 51st APU . 72nd Pub Serv Bn E:g/Hq Det, 52'nd Ord Gp Hq & Hq Det', 72nd Reinf Bn Hq & Hq Sq, 53rd Tr Carrier Gomd IPW Team No 72 Hq ts. Hg Det, 53rd J'✓.Ied Bn 73rd Fin Disb Sec

. 53rd Fld. Hos·p 75th Inf Div 53rd IPW Team IP1iv Team No 75 54th SiP: Bn PI Team 75 OB. Team-·uo ·54 76th "'Inf Div 55th Ho·sp 'l'rain•· 76th FA Bn 56th Si~ Bn Hg & Hq Det~ 76th Ord Bn

,56th Fj.n Dfsp Sec 76th Gen Hosp 56th 'Gen ;Hosp. IPW Team No 76 56th APU . ·77th F°in Disb Sec PT-TBami. 0 No ·ss 7'Tth' EVac ':Iic:i"s·p ·-' .IPW No,5G 78th Inf' Div 57th Ord Co 78th. Fin Disb Sec 58t.h Armd FA Bn Hq/Hq Det, 79th FA Gp E:q_ &.-Eq_.Co, 58th ~ I>ase De-pot Hq .& Hq Det,.. 79th Re inf Bn 58th. Fld ·Hosp - Hq & Hq Det~''; ;79th Ord Bn PI'· Team 58 79th Cml 1Smoke Gen Co 59th .Field."Jfosp IPW Team No 79 60th .Om). Dep Co 80th Inf Div 60th Fld Hosp.. 80th ere Det PI Team No $0 Bls.t Abn AA Bn ~ 6lst Engr CBn 81st Cml Mortar Bn 61st Cml Dep Co \' Hq/Hq Det,, 81st ,Q_M En -IPW Team No ·51 81st Cml Smk Gen Co ···52n,d A'rmd FA Bn PT Team· No 81 ·60rd IS.ed Bn,. Hq &· Hq Co;· 82d Abn Div 03rd AGF Band-. Hq & Hq Btry, 82d AB Div A!'ty .6.o'.:-d Fin Disb· Sec 8~d ABl\T Div .. Band Rq/Hq Det, 64th Med Gp 82d ABN MP Plat PI Team· No- 64 Hq & Hq Det, .82nd Ord Gp IPW-Team No 64 82nd Hosp Train Rq & Hq Det, 65th .Med Gp 82d ABN Sig Co ; 65th Field Hosp . .,. .... 82d CIC Det -PI Team No 65. ,83rd Inf Div Rq· & Hq Det,., 66th Med G? -"".-~-·3rd A:md FA Bn

. R E S T I ~! E ]2 . . .

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11 ., 7j)ECLASSIFrED 1''


u 7JS6 { 7 AUTHORITY •


/ ~ E §. p- ~ .,.C ! E D

Bn ·:: .. , . (_1/'• .. :-- ,'.:19~fc{ AAA AW Bn Hq/Rg_ Det, 83rd _Ord 83:rd C-IC Det

'84th ', Inf' Div ' . . . . :illq & .Eiq Det. & Med Df;t, 103 Qm

Co-,.e:}~ :; $.4th,-Engr ·Cam Bn ··Hq/Rq'!D.~t~ ;'84:1;;~. Qrd Bt1

· : 84th CIC De.t : ·: ·; s5th TD·· Bn:, ·_ · •·· . ·

.·:Bn •· . . 104,th AGFj,Ba.nd 104th Ccil Proo: Co.

' • ~ I'

• - 1 • 104th Evac Hosp

; Hq · & Hq; Pet·:·•· Med Det, •· 86th Ehgr Hv Poq;,_ Bn '"86th Cml Mortar Bp

PI, TElaaj 'io4,, , ,· 85th QM Bn PT Team ,105.

'!PW Team °i05·

Hq:& HqjDe~, 8pth ~lPBn 'mi 8c 1Iq, Det,, 86th Ord Bn ''8'7th Inf' Div . . PWI 'ream Nd 87 ·

:'f38th E~gr H Pon. Bn ·S9th Qi"\!: .Rhd C9~;:, -'90t h. Inf' : :P.:br . c·o:: B'., _g·oth _.Si'g • Opns Bn ,Hq &; :s;q Det·, ·90th Q,IvI Bn Hq & Hq 'pet,·· 90th Rein:f' Bn ;9lst Crr.fl~,K0rtaP- Ea 9lst Med Gas. Treat .B'n

. 92n.d Ivie,d Gas 'Bn Hq:i& Jiqf De:t.-, 02nd. Re inf Bn ·92rid Or.d. J'1ff· Co · ··••.r ,. , . .·"

'.92nd .FJrt., D1>S:b Sec ·:93T;& $ig"Bn . • ' g·3rd Med Gas·, Treat En '94th Inf :Oiv· 94th· SJg Bn :g4th.Fin Disb. Se9 95th Engr:Gs. Regt 96'th Eva•t Hosp 9?t-h Stg·· Bn ..

io6th Inf ,:Div . . }tq & Hq .D~t·, 106th QM Bn 107th Ord_ lVITff Co . 107th Evac Hosp·, 110th E\l'ic; #9SP I.PW 'I1eamNo 110 IPW T.eam No, iii._: . 112th Epgr. C Bn ·· 112 t.h AG.F Band · IPW .. Team 112

· 113 tl.i AAA Gun Bn I.13th Sig rtr do.·

· IPi/'{ .. Team 113 . · : . 114tbl Sig ::RI Gq: ,. _,: 114th. Ord ;BD- '.Seid PT Team No, 1T4~_. •· .·· ~]l• >& ,Hq, Btry:,· 115.:th ·AAA Gp 115th, AAA. Gun Bn. 116th Ord.J'.'IM. G0 11; .Sig R;;"I, Go trw Team 115 IPi1'lf Team 117· '

· 1l8th Sig BI. Cq. ll 9t_h AAit. · Gn Bn

Rq ~-c Hq, Det, & Med Det, 97th ': .. Q,lVf Bn i · .. , · ·. .

120 1-.. PU .. .. . Hq ·&, Hq_'D~f; & 'Med :pet, 1~2nd

91th·, Ho_sp " 98. Pin Disb Be.Q 99th ·Inf Div · Hq/Hq Det, lOOth,0'.r'd Bn PI T0ruri No 100 .. liq &Hq,Co~ ;I.Olst Abn Div Hq" f:. 'Hq Btry_~ .Abn Div l(;H11t Abn Sig Co · MP. l:Ja t•, .:1,0lst Abn ·}?iv Hq/:(£0,: De·t; O;rd Bn' lOJ Evac ·UO~Sp ' 101st CIC Det Hq & Hq .·Tr,. 102nd. Cav Gp

i l02nd Gav Rcri Sq 102nd Eyac·. Hosp· ·


QI:'[ Bn,. . - ...

l.24th A:PU . , , ., ll,,

l25:th 1:;.J:..i!.. Gun .. Bn l26th Q.rd ~1M. Co · :: 12_6tll, O~d ,BD· Sqd . 12:,?tl:l. Ord '.IYmt Co 128th Ord M)vI Co l2'8tri 'Ev~c ~os.p .. 13'9:frh lDlA . Gun En · co:· B-~. 129th :1-ibil .Elngr Bn ,

(f'orillerl-y ,;599th Abn Engr Co) 129th ~Ord ·MM co·

.,,;;., 130th G8n Hos,p 131st · Or•d JilV( Co . l39rci Eng~ ·<r Bn · · ·

. ~ Eq:·&,'~q Det'.,, l$4ph Med Gp

11 ~ ,Si.hi c T,E:.D·, ·. <... _, .• if." 5\" a". .. , .'.c . ;

,, . ': ·""'"·~' .·'

"-,. '·

d d f- m the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

Repro uce ro

..--.. -x-DE-CLAS--:-:-Sl::::-F!=:ED:--1

fVJ!J '73S6(1 -

134th Ord ].'It= Co 134th Heel 1/fes:s :Det 135th Engr,OBn 13-5th·-0rd I;illl{ Co 13qth QM Truck Co 13.6th QM Truck Co 137th J-;.PU 137th IPW Team 138th Hosp· Trair:i:, M:aint Det

'139th Abn-Engr Bn -l4l·st iVAJ:i. Gun· Bn -14::llst Hosp lrna:tn Maint Det

· 143 A:PU . . - -- D -144th Fin . isb: Sec 145th EngrC ·Bu 146thEngr C·Bn 146th-Ord MVD Co 146th QM Tr1t Co 1417th i~PU -. 150th Engr C _Bn __ Hq: & Hq Det) -152~d-'•QivI -Bn 152nd Q,J:11 Ldrj' Det 153rd. Fh.. Bn i53 li?:r:f . --IPVil Team No 155 155_th .&bp, -illi Bn 155th APU Hq & Hg_ Det_, '157th QM Bn_ 158th. Engr C Bn i _

158th O;r,d· Ttre~ Rep Ge:>'. 158th APU' 15:9th. (;)rd B;D Sqd 160th En.,gr c, Bn 160tli L.PJJ -160th Ord, BD -Sqd: 1'6Ls t Ord :BD Sgd Hq/Hq Det, 162p.d Qll![ Bh 162nd I..PU _ . 162nd O!'d BD Sqd Rq ·&_ liq Det, l6.3rd '~l\li Bn 164th Engr C, Bn 164th i1.PU ,_, 164th Med Sv:bet 165th Med Bn - , , 165th Si.g Photo Go 166t-J::l:._ Engr G Bn mt/ffq :pet,,.,. 1G6tn QM Bn.

-16'6th Sig :Photo· C9 · liq &:Hq pet, ·167th Med Bn 167th S~g Phdto .Go


:n~/Hq De.t.,..: lq9,t.h Med'. Bn _ Hq/Hq_ D~-t, 17Dth Med Bn '17()th i,.BU . Hq, &. Hq::. Det,, __ 171st TIEed Bn . 172nd'. .Ff,; ·J3n. ,,, -Hq_: & ,,Hq . D~ ts, ::I 72d J\Ee d Bn 17 4th: FL Bn: · .'. ,,.. Hq/Hq DBt·,. l7iQ'-th Med Bn

--. l'l,5tbJ Sig Rep -Co T76th Fi.i:, Bn -... , "

-1Iq/:Hcrt ppt:,. ,176th Med Bn J[q '& Hg 'Det & "1\1ed Det, 176th

, Qh/I Br:i - -1'7_6th Ord Dep· Co ~q .& Ifq Btry, '177th Ff,. Gp

'177th FL Bn HQ & Rq , Det, 1?7th Or_d Bn -Hq_/Rq·Det, ,17'7'th Med Bn 1178th Eng C Bn -Hq/IIq De:t, 178th Ord Bn 178 ,Ord D<i P. Co Hg/Hq Btry:; 179th FA Gp l? 9th Fl1 Bri Hq ·&_Hq Det, 179th Med Bn 1}79, Sig· Rep _·Co l,'..t9t,h i:t].D; - ··- ·:: ·•· ·• . Hq & Rq Det, 180th Med Bn 181,st- .E1:1gr Hv; Pon Bn Hq/Eq Ded~, 181st Ord Bn Hf:lXHq_ P$t., :18lst QI£ Bn H'.q. & Hq Btry, 182d Ff,. Gp 1-Icf & Hq_ ,Det.., 182d Med Bn Hq & Hq Det, 182d QM Bn 182n:d Ord Den Co Hq 8C Hq Btry: l83d Fi·;,, Gp 183rd Engr C Bn Hq O&,Hq_ Det, : 183rd ~M Bn 184th Engtr c ··Bn Il{J/Rq Det~ 1$4th Ord Bn 184th O~d Dep Go Hq/Rq De·f, 185th. Ord Bn 186:th F1.i~ Bn Hq '.,& Eq· Bt'ry,· 1187th Fi'.;. Gp 18'.7'\:;h P/"' Bn .. i.8'7thEngr G Bn Rq· &· ·Hq. De.t ,,i 187th Med Bn Hq' & 'Hq Btt-y,. 190th Fi-.i. Gp

-,,~l90th: FA Bn-. Hq &' Hq_, :bet~ 192 QM Bn 19,,_9d' GLI _Inf· Regt (Dispa:nded)

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

i1 1 J)EClASSIF!ED ,,r,v-7356 { 1 AUTHORITY • • •

BYLT NAP.A DATE:( J.h If 5 .·

R E s ED ..... - -Hq & Hq Bt:ry, 193d Gp Hq3&clHQrS.oj3a253rd-p0rd Base Dep 194th GLI Tnf Regt 233rd -Reinf Co 195th AA.ii J;.W · Bn 233rd Ql? Silv Coll Co 1~5th Ord Dep Co 234th Riinf Co 196th Fb.·Bn 234th Ord Sv Plat (BD) 196th Q}I'. Ldry Det 235th. QivI Salv: Coll Co 197th QM Gas Sup Co '235th Reinf Co 200th FL Bri 240th Ff.,.. Bn ·

. ·• ' 200th QM Gas Sup Co Hq/Hq Det, 240th f,1ed Bn Hq & Hq Det, 201st · Qi-!I B·n ·244th Fl .. Bn 202nd Erigr C Bn . 246th Sig Op Co Hq/Hq Det, 202nd Ql'i Bn Hq_ & Hq Det' &,~N.[ea. ];Jet' 247th 202d Ord Mai nt Co QM Bn . 202d APU . 249th Engr C Bn 203d Engr C Bn 252d Ord Mivr Co 2·03rd QM Car Co 253rd Sig Radar Ma int Unit 2b3d CIC·:Det 254th Fi1 Bn Z04th Engl'> C Bn 255th FL En 205th ctc~_-Det •. __ 255th. Ord MM Co Hq/Hq~Det, 206th QJ.v1 Bn 256th Ord .Ivi:M Co 207th, Engr C Bn 256th Med Det 20t3th•.Sig Radar !faint Unit 257th F1..,, Bn 209th 1'Eed Disp 25?th Ord 1\1:l'lfl Co Hq & Hq De t, 210 QlW Bn Eq_,.&- Hq Det 25Sth Ord lln Hq & Hq Btry, ·211 th F~~ Gp 259th FL Bn Hq & fk{ pet '& Med Det, 211th QM lirt :Cfo'"' #\. 259th Sig Con Bn 2llth Sig Radar Eaint Unit Hq & Hq Det, & :Med Det,. 260th

'·2l2th CTC Det ' · QM Bn . 2-.12th: Q;NJ Ldry Det 262d Sig .L Cons Go Hq '& Hq Det, 213th ~M Bn 266th Ffl Bn . 215"th Fil Bn 267th F.h Bn 215th Sig Dep Co '' '268th Sig Hv Const Bn 215th •~[ Sal v Rep Co 268th Sig ·Hy Con Go 216th Qr!.' Salv Rep Co 2~9th Fit Bn 216th Sig Dep Co Hq & Hq Det., 271st 'q;M Bn 217th . . Gun Bn 272nd Fl-i Bn 217th Sig Radar Maint Unit Hq & Hq Det & lfe_d Det, 272nd Hq 8c B:q Det, 218th QlvI Bn Ql\f Bn- ,. 218th CIC Det . 272d Med D~t. · ~,: . Hq & Hq: Det & Med Det, 220th 273d .-Fl1. ,Bn , _;

Qlf "Bn'·' 27 3rd -I\16d De-t · Hq ,~ Hq·· Det f-::. :Med Det, 221st 274th iirmcl FL Bn

QM Bn 2G:-4th Med Det .. · 222d CIC ])e,t 2\"J5th Grd, l\liai'.nt .Co 224th ],.BN Med Co 217.6th Lrmd F~::,_ .Bn 224th Q;vI Sahr Rep Ct> 277th Ii11i.- Btr· 228th Sig Radar :Maint Unit 'i,""" 217.?th Ord Maint Co 231st' 1~Pu' 277th .Sig PGW co··_ 232 Ord BD Plat 279th Or'd. lfa--in-b .Co 232 Ord Serv Plat (BD) .. ~80 Fl:. Bn

~ .. ·

B. E_ S, .,. R- ,, C T E D _, - - - . ' - ~. - - -... ' . . . ' . . ~ .

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Repro uce .----:::-:-::::;:;;:;:::-7

·•-i,.;. : DECLASSIFIED - fii-!B 73S6 [ 1

AUTH~ITY • /') j 1 / 1 · avll_NARA DATE:~5

~~·~::.·.·· .. ·c.✓,.· ... E. D - -·- . ~_,. -··-~ •• ,,..~,. ,, ' • ,;,.. ,<• ··~ ,, • '" • • •• '•

280 Pi .. Bn 31.5th. QM Ldry Det 280th Engr C Brr 1-Iq .& Hq ·Deti 316th Ord En 281st Engr C· Bn 319th Glider FA Bn Ord Ma int Co · 319th Sta. Comp Sq 281st Ord Ballistic Det (Formerly; - 321st Glider FA Bn

6821 Vel CaL!:b Team) (Prov..) 325th Glider Inf Regt 282d Engr .o Bn '326t.h Libn Eng. Bn _ 282nd Sig J?GN Co ,, 3.26th iibn liled Go 284th FL. Bn . · 327th Glider Inf Regt 284th Engr C. Bn 33.2d Engr GS Regt 285th Engr c, B;r::r 332nd' Ord Dep Co 286th FA Bn Hq.& Hg Btry, 33d Fli Gp 288th. FL Obsn Bn. 333d FA. Bn 290t.h FL Obsn Bn 334th Ord Dep Co 291st Fil _Obsn Bn 339th Q,1vT. Dep Co 291st Eng C ·Bn · 340 Ori;i Dep Co. 293d Engr G Bn 34l'st Eng GS Reft 293d Ord t}r Co 342nd Engr GS Regt

' 293rd Q.~t Ldry Det 342:nd ◊Pd Dep Co . 294th QMlSaJ;_v~:p..e:p €o~_-2;3_ . 046th Erigr GS Regt 296th Engr C "Bn 318th Engr C Bn 297th Sig' Instl Co 351st Engr GS Regt 29&3 Engr -,..c Bn : 35,lst ,Ord Ma:rrmt Go 298th -Sig Instl. Go 2 99th 0:rB I.Ia'i nt Cb 30'():&h_Jin~: r; 1;3n i, · , · 300th Re,inf' Co' 302d J:!IP 'EG .. Go · . 30;5rd:-&:t.g :opn- Bn. · ; jo4th Mt ECf Cd- ·,.; liq & Hq Det & Hed.Det, 304th

QT.~ Bn 304th Ord Maint Co ·.Co h., 305th Sig Opn Bn 305th f.,._-pu 306th Ord Jfa.i nt Go q07t.h li.BN,Engr Bn 307th, ABN Med Go-39'7t.h '_Gi:r:1 Rl:lcl :.?o, . E.9. · :& B,q De,t, · v08 Q,W; Bn

\,. -S.08:t;h·_Q,wr Rhd Go 1 309th R$1~:f 'Co. : " 1 509t.h Q~I Ldry Det ....


l,·,,.,_ ... R .. q_ ·&., -E~ Det, .310th_. Or_d. Bn ,·., . Rq. & ·Hq Det &. Jied D:et, .31.o'th ; .. 1.:

, Qit[ Bn~ . · 310th .. ,Reinf-Co .3llth- Re inf' Go. · ·,z: '. . .r..: .• , c· vI2·l,h Reirif o . 'Hq & .Hq. De;t & l\!red :Det, •. 314th

Orel Bn .. : ·

S5lst Reinf' Co Z,5lst CTC Det

--z:s2·a.· Av P'n-•d···c·o (....-,c...,.•..., ·-cc,-.:.. .LL. . .

3.52ud Reinf Co 3·55th Engr GS Regt 359th Re'. i nff Co . --;,., ·,~,.,,

360tb:.Reinf Co ;:63i->d QN: ,qerv Co . 364th Engr GS Regt 365th Ord. l\,laint Go 368th Eng GS Regt

· :3.\'.7:,2d £:n o-r- GS Re ,:;rt _ ; ·, .. ,:- >. . P· : ·,, e:, .. 376th Pai'a F.,;l Bn f:57 6th 1~Ji1.. l~YV l3N .~?6kh .. Be inf Go .. 1:&77.tJ:.;:' Para ,F'-L. Bn

:s$Dth $£ .T:r:1c Go · ,38iBt, QJYI Trk Go

~:S2rici Q,L\ 11rk Co. 3:i~~o. ·Med_ Gpll Co ~SJ lfo-d'- GO'll Co.

,~88tfr Qt:.· T:d{. Co .. ·. 389th Eng:r· GS Regt

3904:;h li.L,{;. J...W Bn 592,nd Engr. GS Reg,t 397th QIF .T.rk Co

· , 39Bth Engr G_S .:Regt 398fh ·Q:r!T Trk' ·co 399.t h Or,, 'I'rk Go ' ' ·-· ,:-V


i ---------~----~-""---'-----'-~~-~--~-· -~-·~· . ' .. '.: ,,,_,, .. -~~------~· ~·~·.' --.::..J

Reproduced from thE) Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

ii/! t,DECLASSIF!ED '' ~u 7JS6l 7 AUTHORITY •


- ~-,-R.E~,. ,.·· .. ED.·•·

:..--:-· ' . .. . 2 ... A:tt.e.hti.Qrt is ipv,itecl to paragraph 715, .Section 1 1 Circular

~95, rWa:r Dtjpa:r:tmEfn-c~ 18 May 194Ll, as .?-,."heqcled by, $ec III, Circular ~.o;,'24 ,Ma.roh 1945, reg:3.rding sligib;t:l.Jty ()f in.p,iyiduals to wear a .br-onze se-rv:ice sta.r on the theater :r;Jbbon. · ',1"' ,.. ' . . . ', . ' ' . • .. ,· ,, ,, ,

'.,, ·.,,, · ...

c·ojJfDI~tt~~D O? ci~--~:1\J,~~+t ,DEV·ESS .·


... Br·i~?;t1-di~r> G0neral; ·DSl~,

, · ;1rijnt,?pt G-cnoral

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

'i , nDECLASSIFIED f,r•u '7JS6 ( 1 AUT~flY


Tn• v.

!{ ~f:.DG2 ~.t .... ti'..~,'. l.·ir; J~tJl10 2~. ~~\}J TIT-'~;\ T~ -~lt l_'.: F C i:7 ·;~: (' TIO 1-T." ..

TTJ~LT~·~J) SJ.~-- T: ~;:J I~~]liff

" " . ,, ...... ' .................. .. ,. '>- • <> 0 ... • c, • 0 0,. • o • ♦ • ♦ •"'

~~ C i~ ::·_: ~ t

:'1~1.~~t,:.: CG, ~I-u:r~o-.Jenr1 T: cf o· ?.~~::?.tio-·1 f:i:

:I·'1~_tiz .. }.::: (j</:J : :-IJate: 16 N;v 1944 .. ~ .. /l ~ • ., ., " • I> .......... " ., • ;, .. '> 0 • ♦ <> O ,0 0 " • <, 4' <> O O D • ~ • .,

,~-:,o C;ft? 16 Nov 1944

Can1paign (:rJo 1) Generals: US Strategic it:Lr }~orces ir1 J:u_r9pe ~acb. l\.rnzy- GrouJ) Co:m11Lunications Zone )};ach Army XVIII Corps (Airborne) 2uropean Division., ,\ir Tr&ns~1ort CoIT'Jnand Ground Force Eep1acement Sy13tem United Ein3dom. Base, Cmrnl}.U11.icatj_ons Zone

Section Conm1anc1ers, Co:nn11L1ications :\one-­Co.rru11cmdinc Oi'fj_ce:rs;

European Civil f\.ffatrs Dtvtsion .,. 1Iilitary Intelligence :Jervice

Commandant, .l\.merican .School Center Headcuarters Co.D1.'clands.nt; :r::uro: ean Th<Jater of Operations:, APO 887.

1. L11 accordai.1ce vrith the )rovisio:1.s of pa:r.'a;:;:raph 12 b (2), .1':,_,._l. 260-10; Cl3, 1 November 191;.3, 'armouncement is made of units ~;"\•:are1ed bE,ttle credit for pa1rytici­)ati6n in the campaign 11 lformandyn as est21.:ilishec1 by the · ~f:-.r Department:

·1~, fFo ,., c~-o Tr·ps · 171· -~st L'-:J r:. ~ vO' ~ .( - , l __ ...

Hq/Hq Co; V Corps Hq/Hq Co; VII Corps TT /H c v-TI r'

US 11.rmy

.10.J _q o; L_ ·0orps lir- 1Hrr r,o YIY C1or··)S .i.. L .... -J_j. ~·- \.J ~, -.!.'!... .t:..... l ,.

let Inf Div 2nd Inf·Div 2nd Armd Div 3rd Armd Div leth L1.i' Div Armd Div 5th Tm Div 6th Inf Div 9th In.f Div 2$th Inf Div 29,th Inf Div 30th Inf Div 35th Inf D5.v 79th Inf Div 83rd Lni' Div 90th Inf Div Hc/I-Iq Co, 2nd t/B Inf Jrig 2nd Rangor•Inf Bn 5th Tianger Inf Dn 99th Inf Bn (f;ep) 1,...

Pc fuc, P_,tr_,_,,-..t. .• -.J.J /..t.-3. -Hq/IIe; Btry; Eq/Hq Btry;

.T-4a/T-Jr'1, r:,..,.,t-!"' . .-,r:· J....:. "1/ .L.l.'-:,_ ... ~ ..,,

T,- /T"I' 'i'~ ,t-lCJ,1

1 i-lq .1) GI-.Y~

47th ALA Binig 49th M,L Brig 11th l,AA Gp 12th 1\.lJ\ C,p 16th !i.)A Gp

HcyHq Btry;, Hq/Ho Btry-. . I - ,

+7th 18th 26th 29th 92nd

,, ·" ,, ,.,_-;_~'.._ .. d ...

rrr:vH"' Btry:, :;:, J,~:~ ?·\-.. y,v ·• rLi,,· rc,.1 __ ~- <', . ,_ Hq/1-Iq Bti-y, FICJI-Iq_ Dtry; 108th

109th 1.Tr_i /T.J.n T.::')-!- .., .... \T -,).,J...-j./ -..t."''1. l.J'..J.l. U ,

Ec/H~, Btry, 115th lL'i.i~ Ec:)/'Hq Btr:r, 207th Mi.A 103rd L\A AW 13n (tI)

110th 115th 116th 118th 119th l_?Qth

J,?Bth 129th ltJ4,th

1i./~l1. Gun B11 ( hl) Gun Bn Gun Bn

(M) (M)

J.AA Gun Bn (Vi) JLV~ Gun :Jn ( H) MJ;. Gm1 Bn (E) AA/\. Gun Bn (M) AAA Gfo"1 Dn (H) AAA Gun J;)E," (I''}, i\AA. Gun b 1 ":\f­

Gp Gp Gp Gp Gp

Gp Gp Gp GlJ

. .S-~~"':'.-cC~J -?"=>:,,--:'.7..,_.;.iT.:-,__; .it:L..

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

. .JJEClASSIFfED }l,\l I) '7JS6 ( 1 i\UTHORJ1Y • 1..,;, /, avLT NAP.A oArr:WD.J)


195th lu~A AYf Bn (SPl 197th J.\!Jl AF! Bn ( SP 203rd Ll,J. AW Bn (,SP 204th L.Al\. AW Bn (SE 217th Af"..J.\ Gun Bn (LI) 225th .AA J/L Bn (SH) 320th AA B111 Bn- (VLL) 376th ALL: AW Bn (l!I) 377th M.L laW Bn (Li)


385th J_·,.AA AW Bn (Sn) _386th ;,;~LAW Bn (SU) 337th Ml.Ji. AW Bn (.SP) 391st 1\.1\;,',_ ATI' Bn ( SE) 397th AJ-,_;~ NH Bn ( SE) 407th .·,},.A Gu."1 :3n ( Sli) illth i'J;},_ Gun Bn (ti:) 4l3th lJ1.L Gun Bn (E) · lr-J.Jirth iu\A Gun Bn ( SE) 430th Al;.;,\ AYJ Bn (~=) 43t'sth l'.l: .. L, l'.".7 Bn (L[) li.40th l,J,j._ Nrl Brr (~'1) 445th Al'.i .. t .. W Bn Cn 447th .t~f. AH Dn (H) 448th i\J,}, ~:,.Tl Bn CJ) 449th J\11;: J~TI Bp. (li) 452nd .:1:_LL DJ Bn CI) 453rd '"""" ... .i_"J'if- Bn (.:_,_,) 455th Alli'. AT! Bn (I.I) 456th Ji4\J\ XIJ Bn CI) 457th .\A.L :)JV Bn (:::E) 459th /,.}:,;;_';. LW Bn (E) 460th AAA ·1,.1f Bn (n 46lst .,'_J_:,_,_-:,_ _,'.Ji'J Bn (:I) 462nd LJJ,. _,7J Bn CJ h63rC Jl::,,_:j_ i~t'f Bn (lI) 467th _;;~~ ~J'l Bn (SP) l+TJrc ~'u.:;;~ -'--J!ff Bn (SP) br 71.i-tb 1,_,::_:_ ;;N Bn (SP) L:,86th ;~.';,_ L11 Bn ·(.SP) L:.89t11 ;.,_;.,;_~ DF Bn (3P) I Ol .,_ .. , ·-:u n '-·-·- ·) + / S u .,_..,_,.;,_,,_ Dl1 \, i::i1(

495th JJ,.;;_,,_ Gun Dn (SH) Btry 1:., 1;_3lst ;_:__:_ X7 Bn Btry B, Li.31st L;,:.';,. :~~I Bn 519th J".11,. Gun Bn ( s:;:) 531st L.L};_ 111 Dn (:~) 535th .L;J;, LT! Bn (2-i) 537t:h ;;:;,;,,: L2! Bn (1.I) 550th f,,;Jl ;;:; Bn (E) 552nd f;,L;;._ 11Yf, Dn (z.:) 554th J_J:,;. ;;,: Bn (:I) 601st LJ,;;, Gun Bn (;3II) 602nd ;:,;_~;~ Gun Bn ( s:;:.1) 605th /.J;A Gun Bn- (SE) ..


633rd J.\i\ll (1TW Bn (LI) HH

634th r ~ r t..~r Dil (H) J_lJi.1 740th li.M, Gun Bn c.•--,1.c) 0J.:l

784th f\ !. ~-Jl.,,i_ .. l,.f.l. L'.T Dn (SH)

148th .!.....ti.. 0Dl1.S Dot 149th L1i.-Opn.s Det Hq/Hq Co:, 3rd ,M, '.l Gp 11J;'ri1Cl

Hq/IIc1 Co; 6th .Armel G·p HC'jHq_ Co, 7th ,\rnd Gp 70th 'fank Bn 709th -1'z,nk Bn 712th Tt~11I:e Dn 735th ,To111c Bn 737tt1- 1'.2-nk Bn 74.lst Tank Bn 71,,_3rc~ Ta11k Bn· 7M~th T2,nk: Bn 7h.5th T2_nk Bn. 74.6th,..Tank Br1 7L{/tb. B11. 749th Tenk Bn 759th T2..i."1lcDn Hc}Hc~ Bt17, V. CorDs ,r .'arty

VII Corps I-IC!L/I-k: Btri; .c·;.rty· µcJ"-I~ Btry; VIII Corps :.rty .,_.,_ ... ; l 1 ... _;_,

Ho IF0 BtrJ'.; XIK Corps ·~·,.rty i-i/;ii~:-u('lpc'.

Btry;; ?9th.FA Gp Btr~t; 119th l.L-.iJ l i

Hq/Hc: Bti~y; 1J+2nd -r_rCJI-Tn Bt1~~.r; 174th l.l .:.._.,;_

rJ-r }3tr3r:, ~~?9th _·iCJ, .b.c1 r .

187th I-IojI1q Btx~y;

I!;/;!_~9 T:ltry; 188th }L,./ ""'i Bt.ry:, 190tl1 Fc/F,, Dt,ry; 176th _,; ..i.-·:L

u,/Fr" Btr:,; 202nc1 ,I.J, - .,,-.,( n~: Irr(:- Dtr3r) 226'tl1 ,J.J.. ii J. ~J.

'r-Ic,Jrrc :3try:, 256th J. :. ,1..,_ ·:L

Hq/IIs_ ~Jtry;, )J3~~d HcjHc!_ :Otr:y, 406th

.Jrc1 F~·, Obsn Bn

. 3th. FA Ob sn Bn 12th F~'." Obsn :Oi1 13th F,.~ Oban Bn 58tl1 .brmcl FL Gp 62nd .c'.irmd FL Dn 65th 2:t:'Eld F.L Bn

F:~ Gp Iii:~ Gp i:j1 ~-,L ,J.;:.. Gp ·p;l. Gp F.i.\. Gp F' n Gp F/1. Gi_;:J

F' Gp Fii Gp ·_f.:1.~.!. Gp Tr'. ~H Gp F;4 Gp Fil.. Cip

.,,87th liri,1d FL Bn 153rd F:~ Bn (8 11 G) 172nd Fi',_ Ib (L1--5i! G) 17Ll-th F,'1- Bn (l55 G-SP) 183rc:. FL Bn (l;55 H) l~t>th p_::c,_ :8n (l55 H)

""' . 187th P_L Dn (l.55 H) ' , -?-

§: '3 }>() !

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-



'" v '73S6( 7 AUT~ITY




Hq,, Eui·opee..11 Theater of Opera.tions, · cq~t r ct ...

188th FA Bn (155 H) 190th FA Bn (155 G) 195th Fl\. li)i.1 (Sn H) 196th F.A 13n (105 E) 200th FA Bn (155.G) 202nd FA Bn (155: :II) 203rc, FL Bn (l'.>5 II) 2_0/ F!L Bn (155 H) ,, 228th FA Bn (155 H) 25f;th FA Dn ( +5 5 (r.SP ) 265th F...:';, Bn. (2li.O T-I) 333rd Fl,. Bn (155 I-I), 5 51st FO::,. Bn ( 21+0 E) 5.52nd RA En (240 H) 561st F:" Bn (155 G) 559th F;, Bn (15 5 G) 578th i;'A En ( 8'11 H) b87th Ff. Bn (105 Il) 690th Ff" Bn (105 H) 733rd FA Bn (J.55 G)._ 793rd FL~ Iln- (sn E) . 941st Fi~ Dn (1+~5 11 G) 951st FA~ En (155 II) 953:rd FA Bn (155 H) 17th Ph Obsn B n ·lstt FA Obsn (105 H) 955th FI\. Dn (105 H) 957th F /i. Bn (105 H) 959th FA Dn Or15 11 G) 963rd F,\ Bn .(lJ5 H)

. 965th FA '.Bn. (155 E) 967th F,\ Dn' (155 H) 978th r:1 Dn ·(155 G) 979th F.\ Bn (1.55 G) 980th E\\ Dn (l55 G) 9Slpt F,\ Dn (155 G) _ 9S7th F,~ Dn !1 1

1 .. ~J

5~ ~i~,~n.:~)

991st FA Bn ) . v-0.1/; 5'97th FA Bn. $rr H) . 6Qth I,.GF D-3nc.l f. 1·T'ci. r r.;.,, .-,2,n··,".,_ V .,.> -• .., --;...,-1:l ..I-I- ',,

66th ::.GF Band 104th. il GF . 13-,J.ilcl 279th., fl(]_," -Band -t"'·/tT17,cp--~ 1th n-y G· (''" C"") .L~-1 ,.Cl·-i>• .... .1. ~J,u \.J.d :i rp . I:LG ~ :ti

Hq/Hq;'.I;r -102nd Cav Gp (!'foczi)_ Hq/H~L,. T:r 113th Cav Gp (liecz) l;th:: Oav Ren Sqdn (Eecz) . 24-t:h· Gav Ren. Sqdn (liocz) 38th Gav. Ren 5q_dn C,tecz) ip::-:1.1.d Cav 1lcn Sqc1n (Ifocz) 7 !Jth Cav Ren Sqcl.11 (rfocz)

:r,, m .L ,..,..

:~G .200.6 OpG.'~t 9 November 1944,, ltr

J..25th Gav 'ncn Sqdn (]1.iecz) ])~th Cml l' Co Ho)Hq Det) 23rd Cml Smk: Gen Dn 30th .Cm .. l Decon Co 31st Cb.L .. Docon Co

•.33rd Gml Decon Co Det;, l+Oth Cml Lab

. 57th _Cml l'iiain.t Co. ~6-ot;h Cm]_ Depot Co blst C1::u Depot Co 79th CELL Srnl< Gen Co 80th Crill ;3r,iJ{ Gen Co 8lst Cml r3n (i:Itz) 84th Cml Sr.1': Gen Co A{..,.J h Cml ,-, (· ."t· ) bu C, . . . L .Lill .L:. Z

87tl} CnD. Dn (llt-z) 0?-nc1 Cr"" J•n ('-1+,.,) . / t;.....I:.!,. .• ...L.LLJ...J.._ ~. , LJ µ

Det ll3th Crnl Proce,ss Go U+ O.f.f & 126 Et( Det 12Cth Gm.l ProceBs. Co(J Off & ;J..26 EM) 16lst"'Cml Sm.le. Gen· Co 1st :2.'ingr 5pec Bx·ig 5th })1Gr Spec Brig 6th ::h.c-r' <:;1')oc B1"ig nq}ri; Co; '·i103r~1 Rngr C Gp Hq/Hq Co~. llOLvth .C Gp Hcl)'Hq ·Co; 1105th F.i:1-gr ··c Gp' Hq/I-Iq Co:; ll06th &1-gr C Gp Hc;/Hq Co; 1109th Rngr C Gp Hq/Hg_ Co:; 1110th Engr C· Gp Uq/Eq_ Co~ 'llllth Ebgr C Gp yr, IFn Go~ -ll.1_5tb. C Gp l.½tf :•.i.'-•_:!. ~ ~ ~ ._,,

IIq/Iic;_ Co;. ll20tl1. Eng:r C l1p l!,~/~{ct co; ll2lst

1 Engr C Gp

V~•/Ha Co·; ll2Sth Engr C Gp 1I~>IIci eo; llOlst C Gp T·i-. Jn C 1 '-1 ,.:,l .f.. = C ,..., .nq nq o,. · ..L._ i s"' 1..xp Fn/11rr r' o- ·l. l.~6t··. h Engr C Gp J.-: .... .L ·:t, ..,I ) - -

.3·051~-e, Ei1r;2~ C Dn J052nd E,ngr C Thi 305JJ..~d '.61.1,gr O R."l ,33-/:,h En6r GS Reg!;; 2nd .. Bn J58th En13r C-8 'TI.egl:. 4 9th )":ingi~ C Bn· 5lst Engr C I3~1 37th .En:g:r·c Bn 82nd Engi; C Bn 86th Engr , H;v Pon Dn- , ·20th ?lngr. C Dn 6li3t Gng:r C -Dn -ll2th lmgr C Bn ;14,?th F!ngr Q Dn U1-6th C Dn

Reproduced fmm the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

ii., K. DECLASSIFIED /<NU 73S6( l'·

ll~$th ltngr O R'1 14 9th Engr. C Bn. 150th }tngr C lJ11 l5';'th Eng-_c C Dn l64th :Engr C Bn 158th Engr C ·:an 16 _3rd Engr C, En J331~c1 Zng:r · C Dn least Bhgr Hv Pon 20Jrd · Engr-. C · Bn ;;-~04t,h Fagr G Ln 206th Eng:r C Dn 207th mgr ·c :;:::n 208th Engr O Dn 23hth &gr· C Dn

. 237th &g:r C Bn 238th Engr O Bn 246th E:.'1gr · C Bn 247th ·lmgr C rn 254th ~}igr C Bn 291st C Dn 294th Engr C Bn 295th Engr C Bn 300th 7::t-:igr Cl R_,_

296th '.Ci-:ig.i:' C bn 297th :Sngr . C B:<1. 2°7. 8th Eng>r C Bn o, 299th mgr c· D.1 J)6th ]2ngr G Dn 3L 0 -'-h T' c,·::-,,1 . i+a L, ,,:.:ingr J.J,L


C'o i1, 552r1c1 li~4;r I1v~ Pop ~-i

c,1)2nd· :chgr CcJE. :iJn 603rd Can BnL1 SP) 23 Hq Sp Trs 654th :Cngr iropo Dn (Lrny) l278th·Bngr C Bn · 1340th :u:1gr c Bn 67th EngT Topo Co 663rd Engr ':J;opo Co 668th Engr Topo C0. · 72nd ]Zl:lgr. L Pon'Co -4,06th Engr C Co) 23rd Hq Sp Trs 501st mgr L Pon Co 465th Engl;' Dopot Co 467th Eri.1:,;:i:· Haint Co • 5v,2nd Enrsr L Pon Co 503rd L Pon Co--505th Engr L Pon Co 507th FJ1gr L Pon Oo 508th :Eiigr L Pon Co 5L'2th Eng_c L Po'n- Co 51]-Eh } 'l. Pon Co 572i'ld :;:,;ngr Dp Trk Co 582nd Jngr Dp Trk Co 608th I:ngr L Equip po, 609th Tn.

0,rr_ .. L ~cnii~'J Co ...... ~ ·J:

6lbth Engr. L Equip Go ,

61J,tl-i. Engr 1-J::;quip Co 6;;L2th l'};ngr: I/Equip Co 613th :.Gngr L Equip Co 62Jrd Engr L_ Equip Co 626th Ecvigr L Equip Co 629th' mgr t Equip Co 631st Engr L Equip. Co 7-64th'Erigr Dp Trk Co 767th Dp Trk Co 96lst·Engr liaint Co 962nd Engr :faint Co 966th. Engr H0int Co 988th E_-,_gr Trdwy Dr Co 939th Engr Trdr·iy Dr Co 99:i_st Engr Trdwy Br Co 992nd )1.ingr Trdr,7 Br Co 995th En,gr l'rd:vry Dr Co 996th z_1'lgr Trc1wy Dr Co 1091st 3r1gr Util Det 1501st :2Jngr ~:tr Sup Go 1510th :::;ngr f!tr SD:p Co l?,17th :Sngr FF Plci.t 121gth' iligr FF Plat l?l9th Fd1gr FF Plat 1220th Tugr FF .Pl~t JJ+0lst Engr S/L Ea:int Unit (11) 160,2r1d Engr Map Det l 'o/ Cl, 5+ h -;i'n c,-r l.{--,;::i Dot . _ ."V-- -.:.i.L":b . filc.,_.t

1682nd Dng;r: Swv lird,son Dot 2889th lQ-:igr' Tech Int Toa.m (Research) 2891st }-:;;ngr Toch L1'lt Toa111 (Combat) · 2892nd 3ngr Tech Jnt 'Toai:u (Combat) 2i:59L1--th 3-~:ri6,r Tech Int Team ( Co1':Lbat) 2l0th LIP Co (Corps) ~14th MP Co. (r.or1\s) l+/+9tli 11,rp Co (Corps) Co d,, 503:rd HP B:n 507th EP Bx/ 509-f:.h llt" Dl'i 5l8th l.iP Bn ·

Co Co

428th UP E,scbrt Guard Co 4J7tl1 l:I? E_,::;coi~t Guarc1 Go 472nc1 I.ff' I;scort Guard Go 4s2nq ?.il' Escort Guard Go 552nd HP Escort ·Guard Co 553rd · LIP Escort Guard Co

,,.)95tl1 l.IP -'J:Bsc,ort Gli-ird Co · 1st Plit, M3rcl :HP P:! Process Co 2nd ,Sig Bn 5oth Sis Dn

; 56th Sig -Thi ·• 17th Sig 01::i!'lS Dn'.

. ., ,-,J+- ·'. --~:"'o·i-·zj 17'1 ._;. :~ ~ ' ""~ -.c ~--~ ,, -· ~


Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·

··">'"' i1,, ...DEClASSIHED tmv 73S6{ 7 AUTHORITY • ,


c. '

Hq, · Europeat1 Theater of 0per~t1'ons·.,. US i\rniy, ~\J} 200.6 ,,. . ...

9 November l9Li-4.,~ ltr cont 1d.

32nd ·sig Const Brr 35th Sig Cohst Dn 40th S:i,g · Const :On, ll3th S;Lg R.I./ Co l65th Sig'Photo Co 175th Sig Ropair Co0

6th .,Plat., 187th Sig Repair Co , ------2.l5th .Sig Dep Co ' . 246th . S;ig Opns Co ..

255th ·Sig Corist Co 257th S1g Const Cp . 282nd . Sig Pig Co • 286th Joirit .i:tssau+t · Sj.g Co

· 293:i~d .Jo:l,.ttl,:;> Ass-ailt' Sig Co, . 294th ·,fo';int, I\,l:lSD.Ult Sig 06. 6th s:tg' Ctir' liaison Tec:un; 3J32n,si S:tg Sory Co 325Dth $ig. 2orv bo.-525ls.t '8ig Son Co

• 3252n,cl~ Sig' Serv Co ,Si9, ,Cf/; Sp,, 23r .. d Hq Sp Trs Hq;Ho.L Co;l~t TD Gp Hq/Uq Co:;2nd ·TD Gp Hq/I'l:q 0o.,3rd 'J;D Gp , ' Rq~Rq co; 7th1J;D Gp 607th TD Bn (T)


6···J. -.. 2~ .. i:,h.. T. n .. · B.n IT·.) 629th TD Bn SP) 630th TD Bn T) 634th TD Dn SJ;) TD Bn . T) '6Li/4th TD Bn (SP) 65._ .. 4th TD B.-n (SP)

'702nd TD En. (SP) 703rd TD D11 ·.·sr) 704th TD Fil SP). 801st _TI) Bn T) ·802nd TD Bn . T) 80Jrd , TD Bn SP)

. 813th TD Dn 'T)-Sl3th TD Bn SP) 82lst,TD Bn. T) f52Jrd rD Bn (T) 89.'.3rct TD Dn (s:P) 899th TD fu (SP) ' Hq/Hq Dot; 31st Med Gp

:Hq/Hq Dot; S'fth .lfoc1 .Bn Hq/Hq Det; 60~h lfod Dn -HojHq · De:t;; . 61st Hod Dn tra-·;~o DeJ--' 68'-'-h 17cd r-1,J P.'J./.J..i. J, ' . ~?.: _\.., .1::.i. ~ ,LJ'l:

Hq/Hq Det;·· 134th 11ec1 Gp RojHq Det,: 50th I:{ed_ Dn

}Io)Hqt· D~t.; :5Jrd lried Bn _ Hq/Rq f)e-q•< .62frd Jlpd ~

9l_st. Med'Jfas T:p~t Bn .. ~q/Hq Det~·· l67th· }Ied Bn HcJ/Hq Dot;, l75th .Med Bn Hq/Hq Iiet; 176th Ued Bn'. Hq/Hq Det; l77th :µed Bn

. HoyHq Det; -178th Ued. Bn · Hq/frq Det; 179th 1£ed Bn Hq/Bq. Det., 180th Eed Bn 261st Nfod'Bn Ec;/I-Iq Det) . 426th. lied Bn 3,8'2rid lfoc1 Goll Co $83r¢\ J!ed Coll Go 384th Med Coll Co: ,39'lst ired Coll Cb ,392ri.c\)v1ecf Ool;L m::,' .39.'3.rd 14;ed: Qoll Co

·42?:tifl Iled Goll.Co 438tl). f'le~ Coll Co 1+~7thc lfo~l Coli Co, .. ,Ali;<t:fh lJecl Coll Go .?t~Qt,1-i,' Wif:,c1 .Co.ll: Co . :4,5'.1:~.~; Ji[¢d'. Co~;L Co

1+~:i311tl JJG~l Coll . Co 4ffe$t~t ;~¢d· Cfoi;t Cc .. #54£.h l,fecYColl ·co-465rt1 mrct Coll Co 464th ~fod Goll. Co. 491-st 1IcK1 G9ll Co 492rtd':Ucd Goll Go . 493rd Moel Goll Co 4-97th }Ied Goll' Go 498th Hed Goll Co l~99ts11 Ue,d .. Goll Go. 500tl11Ied Co.II Oo · 501st 1Ioc1 Coil Co 50211.d Iled Coll Co -52+6 ilmb .co· . ··. 564 Ar:1h Co, 565th L1Jb Co ·

-566th Amb ,Co 574th ~\-.Gib C 0

5 '?'.5t11 Lrn};l Co . . 576th . Lm~ .C.o . .

· "'..,. ·577th :,s1rb 00 ' .. 5:1~th :C'L1:1b Co . : .%RsJ L:rib Co · 5:9.4 th :;.i:/J.b · b o . 609th J,fod ,Olef11:' Co t>l7'1;h·.1J;ed Olear Co

' ': 6Iith Mo2t Ql(;)ar · do .· ·,; ??,...,· ':• .

. ~

II Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassmed Holdings of the NaiionaJ Archives-

i; ,J 1'D EClASSlFIED I" u 7JS6 ( 7 ·



621st .Eed Cle<::_r Co 622nd 1I~ d. Cle-~_r "C.0 633rd' Med Clea11 Co.'l Heel. :clear Cc-, 649th lled Clea,_r- ·-co

· 662nd Eec1 Gleai' Go 66L~tfu l&ect' Clear Co f 8··,•1 t•' ,r 'd' rt7' Ir, O ··+ ~ J.\!10 t ~J-e .. ar ~I!'.

ls.,·" ;' iao'· ,, "" Su'"' . ,:->. . v .:,;,_'1 , . .Uel:-' · ,l,- -0Q '),·-,:,,·'TT. '

-:,-J.1~::t- ~:S Y,Ct.t? · . :~ ·· 3rd /'jJx: Sixr.g Gp.· 4.,_ h , Co-1-:r~,· '"ITo sn· :· " · ·

:1..1_.l.- µ :.L - . ,-1 •.

5th ·1:r;vac · Hosp 10:tll' JJe:c:l,'..Lab : · . 13th ,Field }loEJp 16th,:Field }Iosp. :, 24th· Hosp.· ' 32.rtd EV$,C Hosp· · ,, 3Stl{ Avac Hosp 4Lst·-Jtvac tromd. 42nd Fie,i r:1 · ffo,;\'1 1 '4th :;:,;v~c Hos-)~,,,' 4.. . .. _ , : 1_. 45th ~vac }Iosp. l~Stb·; p,;i,7 d;_ i~Sc,.;-, 4 7:bh, '.F'i~ld · Ho;P ·

• 51s:f F:(eld Hos\J'. ~7th }}tac , Hosp .

.9J __ !'l_+_· =-,7 ~;(' fT•'.'~. , -~V --~~"----' H_0,_;1J

96th 3-v,ac Hosp 97th :~~ra<; · HosD '2~•.' . . , .. ~-- =~\ ·\::: : '~-;. ~ . .i;, ,;,>4tn ),:N c&. dO &p ·


l00th :itv2:c Hosp 1.02:o.d _ 'ivt3.c Hosp. 10_:3rd·-:\;vac :To S~)

104th '.;1\J'a,c, .HoGp · l07th Evio;_c· IfosD 10 c;..,; 11· '"~ ac ,_:;o "'ti . ·.,;=-~,:~•·.t .. .1::i ,_ . r;: ~ ~-., ~-!~ ..... 1':". • Dov _g~ l.5"-'.~1d ,:i;tc:. dOS,P Jrdir Dep Plat:.vJ211d :tfef 1)ep _Co 2. Sec, 'Ldv Dep. Plat/ J3rcrr:ect DeD Go. 12 -S4rg: Te,afos,:, 4th JU.LY. Gp 1v/ /15 Durg•Teans atchd

_ HqtHg:' U~t :r 51st Qrd Gp T•' tj:_:<, c'\\'t'', 5" -cl ·o·'v., 1 ri .rl(}/ ... .i_~£· ue· ) ' rGJ.1:-• : J; 'Ct tTp

H:, tr1 · •;,,, t' , ·7;, t,- O ' (' C!_JJ..', c;:, lJ,:; ;, . , _t,5: , • ;'Ci ,-:-p

Hc/I-lq 'Det; '7Zhd,'. Q1-;d Gp HqlHq Det; _224th, Ord· Base Gp. }lq/:p__q T)~t~ '·6th .Or.d Bn .1::i:-dFn · T'e· '➔• ,: 25- -1. h Or u1 Fn J...LJ;.··.----+·-L/

1 v.~;., .,. l:, . , ,_,!->-·.

HWHq 'Det0; :4 ?th 'Ord . Bn

Ho)Hq .:Oet;: LJsth Ord DU HojHq l)e.t; ?,.L~th Ord En :gojHq D~t; 71st Ord 'Bn }IqJHq- Det;; 7L~th,, Qrd En Ho)Hq Det l 83rd Ord Bn

,..,..,.../ l-h ': -- . .l. r)..( i . o· •:,: ::i r~'-i/ '"q_ l)~ v; 6t-,tD .rct J'Iq/Hq Det :-, 86ti,1 Ord :sn .-Hq/t-1._1 Det; · J00th; Ord Bn Hpjt+.1 D~t; 101st • O_rd Bn_

· Hq/Hq J~it;.,).77th Ord Bn Hq/Hq , b~t; · 181 ~t I Ord; Bn HcJ/1-!4 Pet; : '.:\Bl:i:tl-J-'. O_rd. Bn

' Hq/ffq De'!:,;, _19lst ' Ord· Bn I.r',., '1H · ·D,:,t· · 257 t· o· ~' nn-'-~JJ _ 1q , . ~ . _,, · ~S , I,Q ~

- H;\\/Hq_ :Oi.t; J10th •. Ord +3n ,J~Ici;/ficr De:t:,' 3:~Jth·;Qrd .. Bn 2nd \):rd I::Jii Co . .

I ·6tl1 ·ord. °LlM ·co l'o;i'11_· 11·•r·ct·: p,!1?,·' co· ''l:J,,__ ...... _ \ . -·"···--

lJLh 'Ord lD:i ·G~' · j ,,1 ,I '>- <

~J,Bth 01id 1ili1 Co · Lr-7th Qrd lvll:I Co

5\::i-\:,h Qrd /~rrq Co ,'5Jtii Ord Attll C'o" ;92no '"rri

,I , _,.,.,J,. :,'.,L•· ! ~j,/ : _,..', ~

.il~;I-~h .Orct. , .. -. :l?p~h Ord .Go

];4?7:th. Orct IJM Co ;,:lcJQii,11 9rd J,;ilf Co , 2'7'6t'J,. Ord Dep . Co' ,;:11:o't:h:'f;rd Den- co• .. :19'5t:h'. Ord D'eD Co

?Q? 'rl ,\ ~ ) n~·~ Co '·~~~i~)5~~{ ~IT:!I Co .2:55t,h :vrc': '}Jll; Co

· 25~t11 Q:rd Co, , .?:57th !)rd Co , 0_ -7"~.J_·. -,,,_ ;_;.· ·o· · · '•, ·, •,- co. < .A -"-) · ~ ·-.i..i..v. . ro~ 1~11 .,----

'273:bd Ord M _Co (AA) 271\th :01;c1 .M -qo (AA) 279th Ord IvI. Co. (AA)

'277th. Ord _IJ Co (A!'.) 27,9th Prc(Ivl Go (Mt) .J0Ot1h _ Orcl 1v1 Qo (Lh} :_3.3;2nc1 Dre Dep Co B.34th __ Orel. Dep Go 3/~?ud Ord JJep: Go . 3ti/ Ord I;!ep. -Co

•·· 3I1.'7th Ord D0p- Co ._;J+56tli Or¢! ll1v~c-Co . L;,t,2nd ·C>rd tvar.::" C;o IL+6:3rd 9ft~ :'.'3V\'lC Co

. .: -47lst O:rst :•Z~rac ,Co -'£i:C:i:)r¢t Grc1, foy,_,p ·_ y,o '~.84tl1 t1rtfBvc1c1;-co··

· · ·4135tJi Or~ ':G"lr91c Go -,,,~ .:,z~s6t11 O:rd Evae c~-

48'8tl;l ·ortl. 'Evac Co , ... , ~03td. Otd JIM Co

505th Q:rd ,HJ\Jl CQ

. -I Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

."f ~ j/ cl if EClASSIFIED

r '73S6l 7 AUTHORITY •


507tb, 0:fd HM 00 5j,2'\ih Ota. HM Co 514th Ord EJ\1 00 515th Q1;d ill[ Cv -519th Ord KM Co 525th. Ord JIM Co 53:2r.1,cL Orc:t'~-3M Co 541st Ord JIM do 531st. ◊rd- E,l,I 0,,

· - 53~Sf d Otd 31'-1 Co 537th Ora_·HM Co 53i1th Orel :EH 00 544th 0:i;d. · BH Cn 559th Ohl HM Co 560th Ora. EM; Co 582n,r'l_ ·:o:i;a, ,A,:r:im Oo 587th Or0c Amm 0,) 593r~ Grd 4irrlm On 597th, Ord •. , Go 599th Ord Afrn11 Oo 616th Orr'!_ ~mm On 518th O~c'l Amm Cr;

. 619th O~ra. -Amm O,i. 624th Ord Jl.m:n Co 625th Ora_ -Amm Co 637th Ord Amrn Go 641st Ord },.run On 665th drr.L J\,.Tu-n C:n · 666-b.h Ora .. A~1U Co 668th Orel Arrm1 Go 839th Orel. De:P- C,, 868th Orr'l. ii,.½.M C0 896th Orrl IL,J-4 Ch 897th Ore\ iLJ'-'l Co 900th O:tct H,;J:11 Ch 9O2:nf\_ Orft HJ',.E Ch 903rd. Or<l J:bH Co 9l3tn, ora_ ::Lm 00 9$5th Ord. Milp 00 974tl1. Orel Evac Oo 340;1th Ore\ M;J:,I, (fo 3419t:b.-Orc1- M .. :.11 Oo 34Zq.n,ct Orcf l'-1.,i,;M Co

· 3~123:rd. Or!l lVL.JvI · Gr'i · · -3·12'-:l;th yr!'!. ·ilti./u1I Oo 34;:l-.2nd. -Ord. M...Ji Co 34;56th_ Orel 111.i.H Co 3 ,,r:.. 0 th···o,,...;i ·M·,M c,,

.. !'i• . .J,) . ' . , . ...1:,•U. ~,!,J,-.J:-'--- J

3468th Orce ::L'Ji. Co 34~2na. o;,i_. I:Ll.E Co 3-173:tia: QrA_· £:ili.1"1 Cry' 3476'tl1. Qr,'l ·M_..M 3473th. OrfL l\bl': 3Lfa21~a_ Oi'.~1 1LJ-.i; 34\'??th Ord lvLJJ

r;, \)') -

Cr) G0 Co_·

3fi0,1th Orr'L lVI.1\J,( C,"> · 3509th Orn. Mi.il1. Co 3512th O+d M..u~ Co 35J.3th Ord lfi.Jl,M Oo 3fi16th Orel M~ill[ Co 35l8th Ord M.i\M 00 3.530th Ord· 11L-,M Co 3531st. O;t"fl_ M..ill,f Co 3525tp. 0,:rd 'M,i'JJI 0,) 353°:l:th Prd M,,-i.H c.) 356frth 0:rd VL,J'll Co 2nd -O+a- p:J) Sqd · 5th O!fr.d :BD $qc1 14,th. O:h'l :;s;o Sq_d, 15t;b. Orel )3D Sqrt 16th Orn, ]D Sq_c't :I. 7th O;rd :DD oq_d l8t4 Orel ;rm Sq_d 19th, Orel '.BD Sq_d 20th "'O;rec J3TI Sq_d 2Ist Ord J3D Sq_cl 23i'J'L Oril B:O Sqd 26f'h O~a, :BP Sg_ct 27t4 O~r. Eil $g_cl 30th O;r:d :BD Sq_rt 3$th Urd .;B:O Sq_cl 88th Ore!, BD Sg_0_ Orci Plat iirJ)Aq_ :D~i; t 47th Q,'M Gp lia/tio Det, ,J::npt GJ1Gp. Eq/rlg, D~t 1 L~76th QM Gp J:;gj:riq_ JJEJh 1st Q/'.'f En . liq.(liq_ D?t l c1th Q}lf Bi:). Hq/ B:g_. D~t, 3rcl Q,H En Hq.::rq rJ~t, . 24th .i,mphi'P Trk J3n Hg}i-l:q_ De'\,, $],st -Q~"I :.:n Hg_/Hq Det, 9lst Q)Y.1 :Sh Rq_/n9_ .:O~t, 95th 1~H :Sn B;q_/ftg_ Dey 1 ;37tl:+ ~H J3n Hq_/4q Di:it, lPZnr, Q,H lln Eq_/:"Ig __ P\ft 1 J.3lst Q,M 13n :S:gj.tiq_ :O~t, lo7th Q,t-vr :Sn ;,Iq_/ffq_. JJet, l 76t 11 QJ.1 :Gn Hq_/3:q_ :Oet, 201st q]:/f Bn :Jqjffq_ D9t, -18.2nc't Q}cil! .:En HoJ-:,q_ DElt) 202n/1. Q.L'f_ :Sn Co .1i,. 203rd cy1 G-A.r:i Sup J3n

"'- · Hq}1.q_ D~t·~ ·.r◊Sth QJ,1 Bn Hq_/B:a. :Qet, 21'.1-th QJ{ Bn iiq_/ dq_ :Oe t , z.,1,tt h _ DJti B n :dq_/dq_ Det, q,M· Bn F.La IFq :Det . 280tl., QM Bn B~/j~ :O~t: ,305th QM Bn B;q:/H<1 Det, 308th QH J3n JJ,q_/rt'q J),('y, ',;532nd ~,r Bn

"CC'i7~ ~~· ~-~-~R:~

..,. '

t Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassmed Holdings of the National Archives-


~~J~a Dat, 533~~ ~~ /n~ Det ; 522nrl Hq_j::J.~~ ;t}Erc- • 537th n.q_t,::Ia._ ·Det 1 538tp. Hq/;,Ta Det LL_=_·,...j.. --..,,-J.~. __ u.,. £Joli

0)11 :Bn QJ1 :Sn OJ-1 13n Q;-1-En ('J_"i :Bn QM En H.q_{-iq_< Det l 577t h

Rq_/ir:1 :Oet 1 _619tb, C,irJI :Bn Rq_/.tiq_ .Det, 692ncl. ,Q.H J3n ·a1t11 QN :a~.-1. Gt1 88th Q;~ Rho. Co 89th OJ,1 Rh,1 Oo 97th. 0}'1 Rhr7. .Co 12A'.~h Q).;1 .11:k 'Trk Co (2000 Gal)

19'hh QJYI Gas Su,p Co -2,~10t.h Q,M. Ga,s · Sun Co 2l6t h QH SalY 1i~p Ori ( SH) 2~4th Q;!f _SEl,lv Rep Co (SH) 23;::'r(l. qH Sal v- Goll Co ,,

. 2i3(:tl1_,.q;ItI Salv Ceil}, Ch 3(: th QH •P,efrig Or1 (M) 294th. QJ'1 . S11,l v llep Go 30.8th. C'J"l F.hd Go · . 30Stil. Q;'.{ 11.hrr Uo 3-15th QJ1":0ep Su:p ·co 348th, Q)JI:.,D0::p Sup Cr:i 'Z'3'<-ri'\ Q11 SsT-v Co ;3;th'·qi'1 ',frk 'Co.

427tb Q}t Tr Tr_ar..s Co 428t~1 C~4. Tr TTP.ns_ Co 420t:n, QH Tr Tra}'lS Co t1:-30't11 ,CtlvI Tr Tf n.,ns Co 43lst ·. Q):l .Tr T;rans Co 432:nrl QJ."-:1·i:I:r Tra.i7s Co 439th QM :l:1r Trans Co 4:Wfh, Q;'-1 .Tr i:;:'rar~s Oo 44l.s:t .. · Oj-'1 :Tr T:i:~.,r1s Co ~

1~2~-cl __ Q,t;; Tr :J!r{"1.ns Co 11:::.l°b3ri(. Cj::f. 1J;!r Trans Co 41_:,.:.::,,\:J;~ ·OJ,f -Tr- .,T-rar~G C0 1:,5::z.':&:l Am:oh1J:i .Trk Co 45~\j~ ·J~~;iD ·"Trk Co L~6Qyh· 1¥Q?;J.jJi~ ~·rk Co 4E:'.Lst'hio''T.;...k Co

~~ ·-:~-~~ rp1·..i....-~62D.fl. ~~;,;~1.,i;,.?. 4 ~lk Co tl-6;5rcl .il.!"J'Gb.i-b Trl-;: Co zk6Tit\ J,mph:Lb ':frl~ Oo 46fft;h Arrl:phi'b ·Trk Co 469th J,.rqjhib· T.r 7i: Co ,i~Oth Jinnhib Trk 00

'~7~?~ ~:mp~1~?· ~rk Co !J,79th .i.n-pin!J ·.1.,.;r.k_ Go s9J~s(. q;r5: I.hi't ·c? 5t>2nc1 Q):f :::~r.,l Oo 5. d:,.,· ;,.-" re,,.·.-- -~· ·rr

i..,,C:.,:_:.y-T;. \'t).\~ · ..t<...b.1,.L ~-11 i:::: c::.--'--t- 'n. 01,;:, -P .,.; 21 "·o c v'-±1.J- -<-..i. ~ .. .1-..,_..:;. ,\..> .

o.55th ~vt-Rhcl Co 55f5th Q,t\f .Rhd Go

··559th Q,M-Rhcl_Go .. s 6et1t Ql'\1 .:Rhd c,; ·.66:Zn;cl'Q)iI-Rhd Co· 574th Ql'<i li.½.d. Co

. 503rcJ~\QJ'-1 Car Co 506th Q.J.0L"Car Co (less 2ncl Flat) 581st ·QJif · Sales Oo · , 456tb. ·q;i Ld:ry C0 · ( Sl:'.1) p7~th OJ,{ JJ1:lry C1 ( SH) 595th, QM Ldr3r Co (SM)

·, 59 9th . Qi-"':1 Ldry C<"i • ( SM) 600-bh /:')-1 L0,ry Co ( SM) 600~.d .QJ,t GE Co 606th · Q;-VI Gll Co 607,th . Qj!f dit Co 608''{:ti . ~N Gft Oo 8l5tb ~:E151Jio .Trk. Co 8l5th .. '1'..J·.•~1:l'b Trro· Qo . ..,_ '• ... '

817th .0.L:ph:.o Trk Co. 818th ;';,:~1iqJ,b Trk Co 819th ~\1!,t!:i.t'b 'l:rk.Co 821st, ·• .t~rE::,h:l.b Trk Go 857th: ~~- ~~·;-1.n:~g & :Bat.~ Co (M) ~E3:nl, qr!, ..,•.,_;;;rnt; & Bath 00 (M) 92.qth ~H Pe.\; Prod Lab· ,c.'J·I S'°rv Co

. 9'67th ¢Jj:il Ssi'v G0 970th q,JVI Serv Cri 972ncL. QJ_vT. 02:r.-v Go 97Gtl1 ,~}.,~ :;r,:ofy Go

· 971st Q.:•~ s,::.r: Co 99·~1-:c}:( Coll Co 301~''.;}i Cji ·sk,'Y Ct) (H) ( S:P)

. 3·oi.8tl1 -(\} 1~ ·i~(~/:·v 0()

... ~ •· .. ~;.·, (:i·.- -~.,· - /'I ;j/"\ 1 , '{ '"• ),Vi --' Ji: ''tT v/; ·so~t ;.;: ''C)M. ]k~,;~ Co

. 170.-i.0'9+\..; .(';\\JT .·pL ... .L,~~ Co ·9 f-.'"., ,.:·.i.., ·.,_r-J. . ..UY.:....L.;,;

30.:\LB·S. Q.H G-R Co ' ',-,. Q .. " ·,•. .. ··. nI,<, ,,n C u l.t,J!lc'..L ~"l 1..:rr-...... · •O

it:!~~-6~-~!~~° Co 3i,,'?i:h' C'./)J[ sr:r:v- Co

Ser-v· ,Co

,3l\~:. '.cf~, • Ct1'1 :Se rv 00 ~ 3:(·S ?Y- ,i ~) Grxr Go ·.·tfr:8{\~.".fi., .(1£;1 :r::e'rv Oo

·.,.:~·-·;~.:i.c,~ i:;J~l ·.Serv Co ' . . . . ;:;.r,·cv Co

·:·~r Go 32('~·-.·,. ·1_:3?·:.;:·;\ .. ~·-~­

..... . 3:;~\./(:1.~- ~;·. /~).j · ;~ c.;:· :c-7

Co Go

: /:--;~~~\;tf ;;:~ ; :;.; ~: · ~~lBtl~ f'J,1 Se.'fr Co

. -~:~· ,~. ~s~-< ~~ -.·. ~ -. ~-~ r- ~

(M)( Sp) (lzl \~(~I)) (H)(gp) (H)(s;)

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

.-"f 1,- ,1- 1 z-PECLASSIFIED

1 l~u '7JS6[ 7 AUTHOR/1Y • -

sYll::.NARA DArr:lJ/w.5

3:20 2ncl Q,M S erv O o. 3230th ~~ Serv Co 3233rcl ~\1 Serv Co 3263rd OJ;{ Serv Co 3275th Q,1.\1 Serv Co 3279th QM Serv Co 3325th .Q,M Trk Co 3403rcCQ..M Trk·Co 3582nd Q,,.TVI. Trk Co 3583rd Q;M Trk Co 3604th QJ,1 Trk Go 3683rd Q}-1 Trk Go 368L1th QJI[ Trk On 36fl5th_ Q,H Trk Co .3686th (=i,M Trk C ) 3687th Q;M Trk. Co 3688th Q,M Trk Co 3692n/t Q,Ivfl,rk Co

· 3630th QM Trlr Go 3701st Q,M Trk Qo 3702nd. Q,M Trk Co 3703rd. Q,1\,; iirk Oo 3104th ~;M T rk Qo

• 3705th ~M Trk Co 3706th q,M Trk Oo 370'7th ~M Trk Co 3708'th QM Trk Oo 3,710th Q,.i'\4 Trk Co 3711th Q;MTrk Co ,37l2th Q,l'-'.l Trk Co 3@07th QM T rk Co 3808th QM T rk Co 3809th QM Trk Co 381.l)th QM Trk Co

· 38llth (Us1' _!Jlrk Co 38l2th r;JJ\. ·Trk Co

3804th. ~ Trk Co 389lst C-V.vl T rk Co 38'02nd rt}/i Trk Co 38l3th (8:~ Gas Sup Co 38l4-t4 q}i Gae Sup 0fl

. 3815th SM: ·cevs Su.p Go 3816th 9-1 Gp,:=;- Str_p Go 38ZOt:t: r~~t G-as Sup Go 3877th C~J,i G·c,2 SFp Gr; 3878th QM (~;c,S 811:r Ori

. 3,549t.h C'J'-1 Tani:: '.i:rk Co 3981st QM T2 . .:r1i. 1

•1:z'k C0

3913th Q;[\/J:. Gas Sup Co 3914t_li q,M Ga.s St1p Co 3918th Q,M Gas Su.p Co 3939th C1)1[ Gas Su.:p Co 3908th OJ1 Trk Co 39Q~th QM T:rk Co 4002ncl QJ:: Trk Co

(750 Gal) ( 750; Ga'.L)

s~-:::'"-::i~ -"'~_::--

4009th Q,M ·Trk Co 40·Hst c~1 Trk Co -10tb2n.d cy.1 T rk Co 11-043:r-d Qi.1\!I Trk Co ·104,4th QM Trk Co 4045th 0),1 Trk Co 4046th Q,M Trk Co <k047th Ctr,'M Tr.k On 4049th OJ~ ~rk Co 4050t:P. QM Trk Co 4058th fi'M Se:r-v Oo 4061st q;t1 Serv Co LJ:083rcl QM Serv 00 4088th q,M Serv Co 4090th · Q,M S erv Oo 4092nd Q,M _Serv Co 4093rcl. Q}1 Serv Oo 4132nd 0J11 · s e,rv o o 1n4lst QM Serv Go 4142hd . .Q,M: Serv Co 11'.L43rcf QM Serv Co ,Jl44th Q]:1 Serv Co tl-145~h cyl: Serv do 4H,6t1i 0,M Serv 00 ,n82JJ.d QM S~rv Co 4J..83ro. QM Be:rv Co Al90th 0M Ser,r 0o Li"',g··-·iLi J,1 se··rv Co ·7';..J;. · · .~ ~ ., .. 1.f-

Htj.Jiiq_ Det, ,187th Port 3n Rqjilo_ De'l; r 490th Port '.Bn 13:a l:tia. Det 494_ t.h P. o~t lln .;..,/~ .... ' f

H /Ed Det · 50],st Port :Sn qi_ ~ . ' . Hq_Hq_ Det, 502nd Por.t Bn #q /Hq Det, 509th P0rt :Bn Hr:i_/ff.g_ Pet, 5l4-th P-::ii-t J:::q. Eq/:H'g_. J)~t, · Bl~t,l:,i. ~ort :➔:n. E,;;,Jif.g_ D~t t 519tn Port J.3n J..8tl'\ih ;"ort. Co. le.5th :Pcl:!;t v':) 1B6th_ J'.ort Go 187tb, Port .Ob 386th P0rt Co 227th. Po:rt Go 22f}th Port Co 229th PoYt Co 23Bth I'ort Co 239th Port CJo 2<'10th Port C'o •

-s;:,;.-~~;tist,: P~rt C1; . 270th Port,Co 271st Fort Co · 272wi Port Oo 273:i;:(1 :Port · c-◊ 278th Port Co 279th Port Oo

.,..g_ ~,

Reproduced from lh(l Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

.. ,,, ,.,., . DECLASS[F!ED. fVJfj 73S6 l 1 AUTHORITY • /')/,II BY.i[_ NARA DATE:~}

280th P()rt Co 28ls:t Port Oo 282nd. Po:rt Oo 283rd P O;t't Co 284th Port Co .285th Port Co 2913th Pori; Co 29:9th Po;r-t Co 3-00th·Po-rt C0 301st Por:t Co 302nd ~ort, Coii~; 3()3rii. Port Go'"''.· 3Q4th Port Go 305th Port- Co· ' 396th J?ort ·00 307th Port Co 3o'st1i' Port,-· Co 309th Po'rt Co 434th '~Port· ·oo 435th J:?,ort Co ' 436th Port .ffo 437:th-Port' ;a9-•.

526th·P0nt ob· 527th Fort Co €-28th p'~it Co 52~'t'h'3?o:rt· Co Eg_/Hg_: c9, ,'1L~th ·R,e:p;t Dep .. H.q(Rq '':D·et , .. .:18th J?.epl Bµ-. Hq}tlq_ D:et, 82nd Rtpl Bn Eq/Eq !)et_,, _86th· Re:rl :Bn Rq}Hq_:O~~ ,> 87th ReplI3n Hq_/Hq Det:,:. 4lst ReJ>l Bn #q/liq Det, .· B:epl :Bn ~30th E.0-01·00 30.9th R/pi Cfo 310th- Re:pl ·Co 31lt4: Rept Go 313th Repl:Qo· 317th lie:pl' Co 318th R-e'Pl 00 319th·Re~l- _06 . · Re:pl ·co. 4119th R:e6l···G6 450th,Repl 'C-o

· · 451st Re:pl' Co 452nd Rep}- Co 453r<;l <Repl. Oo . 454th Ilepl'Co 466th Re-p]; . , Co

467.tfr Rc;l '0() 4§:8tp._:;a,ei1 , Go : '4o?th RElpl Co 48-lst -B.epl· Co 4,82nd · Re;pl · co· 464t_h ·Re~l 0'.)

/l85th. Re:pl Co '486th EeJ?l Co 5th MRTJ (TJrp€ Y)

_ ll_th MEI.U (Type Y) 26th MR.U (Type Y)

. · 3.2nrl MRU (Type Z) · 1st ED Sec· 7th ]'D.

. ··_sth FD Sec .. 10th FD Sec

i,J:th ]'D' ·15th F;D Sec ilst FD Sec ~2nd FD Sec

· : 42nd _FD Sec 52nd FD Sec '56th FD Sec

• _58th l"'J) Sec · .:: ,59th FD Sec

·_ 60th FD Sec .••, .- .. , '

, Il~t .A., l 7th :BPO -,._ · i7th Postal Reg Sec

20th Postal Reg Sec 1

' 21s-!r P(;stal Reg Sec .. l31. .1t ..:\'PlJ

.. · : li3th. J:..PU .._. .. ,· 116th AP1J . ,_,.,: l.35th _;ii.PU . . : 'l,37th APU : -·. 138th ;APU ·· · ·,It.k2nd APU

.·f15th -:lPU ·. 151st 1.iliu

... ·.isith 1i1?U -, · 1ssth -'u,u .

. ' :l$7th ,\PU ,J;58th- .,\.PU l-60th &,U

167th .rt!'U . l75th JiPU 177tl1 ,A,PU

. 3Q5th .iu>U

307th .APU 553:rrt APU

. ,:· 5'1'-:Lst .aPU. . 575th 1D?U 576th ;J)U

"". 581st )J?.P' ... · ,.,,..' 583rd · APU . ','58Gth .1D?V ·.'

.. 596th . .1:J?U .

1st _CIC Det :L-st. O;EC ~e.t (Prov)(82n(l .A/B Div) 2nd OJ;O :Pet,

, <2;,a_ CJ:O Det' "t>rr:iY)(lOlst .Aj?; Div) 1:_10-

---~· '~~-,-~:£;. £'_'~ ·;·~~- ·•.--•.

Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the National Archives-

"",,_ ii 'I J)EC!.ASSIF!ED ,,hu '7JS6( 7



,'J' 4th, ·oro Det -, 010 Det 8\h CIQ ·I.let 9th GIC·IJet· 28th CIC. Dei;; 29th. Old


~Det · 30th etc .Det 35th 61~:Det 79-ch GIG- ]et 831;"0.: CIC)1et 90th GlQ .Det- 0

'2()5tn CI~ Det · 207;t.'.h cro· Det 208~n O_I.0 Det-. 219th OIO· :Pet 301st. QIO. :Oet . 418th CIC-· 50.2ml 010· Det 5◊3rcL CIC D2t 50,1:th CIC Det -50 6tfi 6':i: C· D et:. ·2nr( info & Rist Ser-v

· (for~erl~: the 6Sl8th ;Ln£o & '_


E:;ts~:· Ser~ 'CJ?:rov) · . 'l?3~d-,Lia1sori- Sq_ •

2rni Moli~4a,ftfo }\r-oan.casting. Co dom.T:1: Pi~t; F:l.r'st'. l~r~y Pp, ', '>·mn:ci Ptibl Serv En

23r~. H4/E:q C0; Sp Trs 11.CC ·overhear._ '.Det #5 (Non'""'~/o)

. '

682ist Velo'city Cal:tb :f!eam (Prov) :Pet- ·Et 2lit Weather· Sq_ :Pet BR; ~llcit Wecl,ther $q D¢t- YO~ ._$l13t Weather Sq !let ·zu, ·. WeeXner Sq. !Jet. Hff 1 ~lst 1100 Go□r.1 Sq ~et E, 40tb ;Mcb Gom SQ JJet 'IC,• ' :MQo Gomm Bq

· P.e;t ·:zu~ .40t11 "kloo Oomm Sq ira~t 1st ECARegt 1st Hotor Trr,ns Plat Dets of ECiill 1isterl oelow; tl~r•1·1cn Ha · •·. 11:B ll ·.·co liq_ ' .

-~b rf · On Rq_ UI)tr C0 Hq.

1i~n 00' Hq_ ·11]?.tl \;o Hg_ SRBl ' SRC1 SRJ)l SRFi .in.AI .. nci A2Cl .alEl

AJ.11, :nn1_·. :6101 .· :Bl;Dl 131'.ffii :BlFl-, GlAl_ .. 01]31 C2B1 C3Bl C1.c1-C1Di

. 01:mi'•) . ozmt. 011h. ···. 02FiJ'. ~ , G2Gl ·. TILA1 D2A1, ::.•· JJ3/41!. ,1,. :04,iil ._, · .. ,, •• ••'• •,,'=I(, I

J)5AJt .

.Il11l1t. . , JJ2B,1;.; ,' ' ..... ~1>· D4J3'1,. -:0513:l;. , .. DpB:t' D7J3l :bs:Bi D93I . :0'.LO~ £::' JJ;LO:L ;o2c1 D30l.. D,101 :0501· D601. D7.Dl •· .. DID! , .. l)ZD_I· 1 .

. · ]3:01. D4]1 J)5]1. '. I)6Dl . JJ?JJi '.Dj,_El ·

,:D.2'.E1 . D3El.

•;;,... :04:m1 Il5"El :06$f D1,E1 Dl?:t ;DZB'l -

"""11~ ~

• I ,, • • ' \

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives·


l~u '7JS6 ( 7 AUTHORITY • () /, I I SY~NAP.A DATE:~)

- .... ✓ .. ~

BSJt~·.· 1)4-G'J iJjFl n6;i

" D72l -~lGl. D2Gl. ll3~1 Dl.i.~l :.

~fJ;i •.' ·D7Gl SR;;;l · .•... Hqft[q Co, lOlat • AB Ditf :MPi Plat, lOlst AB DJv lolst:AB Sig Co ·8d,l.sA; . AB .Ord;. ·Ma:tnt Qo

tJz6t~·).B: 9,M Co· .. . 32;'.lftJ:c;-Glider·.Inf: Regt 40.1:S:t ·Glider Inf }:Zegt , ]02:nf Par~c):rnt,e · l;nf,, R~~;t, _ .·. B:q,tqq Bt'rj.. 101st AB D_rv J.i.rty ~lJder Fil. ·BJJi· . .'.96:?tb. Glfd~r F'i,Bn -.• ·. 377t}i ;,~ra(h>:1-te _;ii1. Bn 326th .AB E.l;lgi" .Bn .

· 81st ,.!l;J3. -U Bn · 32:6-th Mij~'<Jd ,c~. .., 50ls,J }rar:s,ch1.:rt."- ,J;nf Regt 506~h. ,?a.:ra~tJ,te; ·· In..f :Reg:t · . OB Ilet. No--5_ . , · MI;l.. Det- N.0-.410 . , .PhotQ i:uterp T€le.L.'J, ·NO 9 fiiI Tea;n' No 1 .·· . ,. . ,,~ . .

.?.WI l'ElelUl Na ·9 : ·Tnird. Aux,SJJI'.g GP Team No_J Team No ·4 ·of· the 8th Tac Air

,.G(\\.mm.lJJi SQ #Gi/.dqa Go,·· J32nd AB D.iv Ji.-P .I2'1e.t,;.. $2nd ::JJ .. Di -v .82nd JtB Sig_. Co.

.. .:307th ~~ Med Go .;.l;07t1:l. =-,m_ Q,M, Qa, 7,g2na. AB 01·d }fiaint Co

· ::307th AB .JEngr Bn 80th '.kB A.A Bn . 325th Glider InfRegt

. 2ni Bn, l+Ols t G licl~r Inf RE;gt <5o5.tl1 :Parachute Inf' Regi;; :=50'tth_ 1?ara,chwce Ir>.£ Regt S08tJ1,_·]?aracb:q.te Inf, Regt·

,.Hq/Bq,> Btcy;;_-,82nd ~.:B Div .... trt~r ' · 3:19:t;h: G' Fi:. '.Bn . 3.20th 0,Gli,der FA Bn

4,56-th_P!al~cl).ute Flt Bn 'r ,,· ..- ' I ,

~ /-- ·. -;.,"r

:: . Hq;Rg_ Co., X:l Corps =-i~_q/8:g_ Btl'S"', J':ii Corps Artillery • }'3,-f., Ir.,,... ,..,.,_.,..~~- 40t'F Ti'', ·G'O M ... '.~-!}•l/ J.1..-,.-1 -·-' 'u.J...<f j . : .!.J. j_ ~-.- -..... f

_,.r,-_·1·•:a: 1.Ha· n+.~~r• · 11, 1_·*1h. · r,1·, G,D .. , y, ..t ..J.. .!...'·V.J.. ;J, -----r.'"t+l.:J- -- ·-- ·,,._

T!.c,~,lna . T~+-,- ~J..7,3,,~r1 p,· (to • ' 1,l\-1,-1 ;.L !) u .J..rJ ·j ' I i,I.. y. - .1.... .t:

.: 1-iq/Hq Bt,::-:•y-,· .2d$th FA Gp · 208th _FA B11. 250th FA Bn , ·.

- , 400th, Arm.d Fi-.. Bn 7Jlst .FA Bn' 961st FA )3n ·974th Fil. Bn 975th FA Bn

. 989th Fl~ BP. , 999th .]'J:. Bn

. , 92nd ,Signal Bn. j,ZjJ:;l;'.q. 'Sig SE;Jrv Co

·· .. ,,11,;n ~; 'cl: , e: .. _ . i,~;l.lll;!; O)n Gas ,_,U}? Co 0~'Gi;fu; ~J DeP Co . $52~di ,'.Ql'\IT :Rhd c~ : ~ndl. .,,!cl~t -~- 5o6·th, OJ1IGar Co

'.'i9:l~'tl} ~wk Trk Co :).zJr:s t, 55K1- },::c.~c~ Bn · · 494th niea. Goll 0o 496tb. Hed Coll Co _$5.6¥£1. Ii[ed Clr c6

--t;i,,;,:tri-,;,, f:0 l lth ,ii,?.tr'c.~ Gn ";:~.~I:'~t,$~1.1,,~:;.:t .;.,.v ,, ..,.i;,..-.;...l:/4-- 7:·,:-.:-U·_ .,t!

,1'ith "l'lt"l G·:ri ,. _))- .~ ~J./ _tj;:-1

Engr c Rn ., • ·E!lg,1.',,,G Bli . 66f:ith, Eng:t Tope Co , · ·970Jch Engr Maint bo

9-98£.h '.J;rdv(y B;i:: Co '1107-\;h Engr c Gn 2896-t'h EJ:1gr ,Teoh lrit Team 2jr¢1 ,.~:,.L Gp

· 5it-6tl} l,iJ.. ;JfV B.n .0th,'· PI Toaru

· 48t.h PI Team-, ' .. (

l~5th PI _Team . c:,1st PI Team _, .

19th :o:EJ; unit /,it, 'D' .. 11" T: - ' _ o~ 11 .. , "-"-- · .eam 66th :Vi,'I T eain 67ch ?WI ToaJn CIC Det 26 (la,ter d,esignated aei .

OlC Dot 1-Jo 215) 1j.26tli, MII :ream i,.0_1·_ c,+, ,,,rT_·_.,. 'T'°•a-.,..., '".;t.l f.,,,il y J.~·J.~.J... .....,. 'U.t,.

: J.i. i;h Tu1RU (Mbl) .,,,.., · : :, 'J9iih. Fin Disl;l Gee

·. : \fi5th Fin. !);i:sb Sec · ;, : ·_1I.9/Hr~1,;:Jo,'t, ·~· ':f3 l'( _. it•J Pl Bil.

.. ~, 206th ReP:1 Co ' ..

, -;,-12-,


., Reproduced from the Unclassified/ Declassified Holdings of the Naiional Archives·

f:,,, JJEClASS. IFIED «~v 7JS6 ( 7 ·



207th RE>}?f Co, 208th Rep:): Go 465th :Rc;pJ, Q,o lJ9th .L.i.?U

217th MP Co Go D , 2nd JW;.i. Rogt Dst FF, 21st v:ea,thcr Sq_ D8t FF, 4-0th Co,mn Sg_ (J':Jbl) 4th Support 1 XI:x? T~· .. c .31.~Ji;h Bmib Gp ('::I)

(H) (ii)

91.t.tb. Bomb Gp o;:;th Bomb Gp· ✓--:.

S,ot:1 Bomb Gp ('Pl 100th B'crb Gp ?fo 385,th· Bomb Gp . (H) J8Eith Borrib Gp (H) 390th Bomb Gp (H) 447th Brunb Gp (H) 4,52nd Bomb Gp=(H) 486th Homb Gp (R) h87t' B mb'~ (r' . n J o . u}J •• 1)

49ot:1. Bc,mb Gn (E) · 493rd B~mb Gp (H) 55:tI1 Fish.tor G]) 7Gth Fichtcr.Qp

.3.39th F;i,ghter Gp 333rd F;i.,ghter Gp 357th :B'ighter,, GP 91st Bomb Gp (H) · JO 3rd Bomb G.P .· (H) J06th1Bomb Gp (E) 379th Bomb GP (II) Bcmb Gp (H) 40]jst Bomb Gp (H) 20th Fighter Gp 356th Fighton Gp 364th F;ightor Gp 92nd Bomb GP (H) 305th Bomb -GP (H)' BOmb',GP ,(E). 361st Bcmb Gp (H) 398th Bomb Gp (B) 457th Bomb GP (H) 352P~ Fighter Gp 35 9th Fighter Gp Hg_;H,q Sq, IX Tr Carrier Oo'J:::rd' Hq/Hq .Sq, _5oth Tr Carrier '!iing Hq/I-:Iq Sg_, 52nd Tr ca:rrior Wing Hg_,.i'.r:Iq SQ; 53rd.'Tr Carrier Wing L"'{ Troop carrier ?±'indcr Group(Prov 31st Transport Group

2 • .:,.t:·tcnticn is inv:i, tea. tr: _paragraph 7'o, Sccti en I, Circular 195, '/ar Do:partmcnt., 18 May 1944,; clif,i"b'ility cf to wear a bronze service star on the tl1catc:r ribbon.

J. In com.plis,ncc wit:1. paragraph G, Circulo.r 62, v!ar Department, 11 February 1944, ncceoa:ary entries will ·b~. niaclf., on scrvic-.;, rcµorcls (V:D LGO Form No 24) of enlisted. pcrsonnv:l j and on· qualHicc:1.t icn ccrd.8 fW · .c-...GO Fann No 66~;1.) of officers c::.nd. wan'ant ciff;i.eors, whose cliri'tliUty to wear a bronze service cta.r on the · tllc~ltor ril)bon is cstublishc..d.

By cc:mraand of Gcncml LISEl\JHOWER,

DLS'T:?IBT]TICN: 11 .~n o.nd n D!' T-... ~G,.: ~~~·r:1.s'r1, D.C~ Suprcrru:/ Crn.c1r ~ ... ·.1.~F GG ;_ li/ll10'CS_~ co, each u:iit conccrncct OCQ,):Jl(Sup ,Dtv, Clothing Br)

'LG Opn::i

plus ( Q'\ __,,, (2) (5) (2) '(2) (2)

!C✓1 } ~.J.!0

~ ; ___ ,::--,?/---: B • B • LOVLTT ,

Brigadier Gcno:ro.l, us:~, l.djutant Gonoral.