Activism botviz

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Activism botviz


Empowering Collaborations between Activists and Bots via Data Visualization

Carlos Toxtli, Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Alejandra Monroy, Flor Aguilar, Juan Pablo Flores, Shloka Desai, Asesores: Norma Elva Chavez, Saiph Savage.

West Virginia University, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Stanford University

Social Media and Activists

Social media for activism is becoming increasing popular. From the Arab Spring to #BlackLivesMatter, social media is used to bring awareness to causes and even dispatch tasks to help the cause.

Social Media, Activism, and Bots

Recently, online bots have been used to coordinate volunteers and help activists produce action at scale…

But understanding the emerging collaborations is difficult. Activists usually have to go through and analyze large amounts of data.

Hard to understand strengths of new collaborators or where friction in the collaboration is emerging

ActivismBotViz: Overview

Online platform which, via data visualizations, enables people to understand the characteristics of a volunteer workforce.

ActivismBotViz: Data Visualizations

Is a platform that contains two types of data visualizations collaborations: A) Diversity and B)Stalling

ActivismBotViz: Data Visualizations

The Diversity view shows the diversity of the topics that people are interested.

The Stalling view shows the citizens that delay the collective effort of the bots+volunteers.

ActivismBotViz Data Visualizations

The Diversity view shows the diversity of the topics that people are interested.

ActivismBotViz Data Visualizations: Stalling

The Stalling view shows the citizens that delay the collective effort of the bots+volunteers.
