Download - Let's Practise! Build Up Your Vocabulary

Page 1: Let's Practise! Build Up Your Vocabulary

TASK N°1 : Insérez dans chaque phrase un mot formé à partir du radical entre parenthèses et de l’un de ces suffixes.

TASK N°2 : A l’aide d’un dictionnaire , associez chacun des mots de la liste . à un mot de sens voisin pris dans la liste .

TASK N°3 : Remplacer les mots soulignés par un verbe que vous choisirez dans la liste. Pensez à faire les changements nécessaires.

In 1957, Melba Patillo, 15, was one of the nine students who wanted to go to Central High School in Little

Rock. When she arrived near the school, angry white men were speaking in a loud voice. She was so scared she walked quickly to the school to escape. She remembers people kept looking at her. She looked quickly at the bodyguard who tried to protect her. Just before getting into the classroom, she said thank you very softly.

Black is beautiful

Build up your Vocabulary!

Date :

a- Though the situation of black people seemed ……………………… (hope), some people decided to rebel.

b- Desegregation would have been impossible without a……………………… (politic) decision.

c- The attitude of the white supremacists towards the Freedom Riders was not ……………………………… (accept).

d- Martin Luther King’s speech in Washington D.C could only raise ……………………………… (respect) comments.

e- Martin Luther King could have been ………………………………… (resent) after being stoned during a protest march.

f- They kept on fighting ……………………………… (regard) of the opposition they constantly encountered .

-ABLE = that can be -LESS = without -AL = belonging to -FUL = full of

give up – emancipate - let –

challenge – march – vote –

resist – force - fight - fair

fight back – just – free –

struggle – compel – yield - defy -

allow - poll – demonstrate

glance – march – shout – stare at - whisper

Page 2: Let's Practise! Build Up Your Vocabulary

TASK N°4 : Faux –amis (false friends !) Utilisez le contexte pour trouver le sens des mots soulignés. Attention, il existe en français des mots identiques ou ressemblants, mais leur sens n’est pas le même dans les deux langues.

Gaining equal rights was a very long process.


For decades, Blacks demanded equal rights .


When the Freedom Riders started their journey , they knew they would be in trouble, abused and even threatened.


Martin Luther King kept telling his audience that Blacks would eventually be equal to Whites. He actually had to wait till 1963.

………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………

TASK N°5 : Employez le verbe donné entre parenthèses au prétérit simple ou au prétérit en BE + -ING ( à l’actif ou au passif).

In November 1960, a tiny six-year-old black girl , Ruby Bridges , ………………………

(walk) to school. She was the only African-American child to attend an elementary school in New Orleans in Louisiana. After a court ………………………… (order)

desegregation, she …………………………

(guard) by federal marshals. As soon as they………………………… (see) her, racist demonstrators …………………………

(start) throwing tomatoes at her. They also ………………………… (shout) abuse at her. As she …………………………

(walk)along the sidewalk, she ……………

(felt) terrified. Yet she ……………………

(pretend) not to hear their insults. When she ………………………… (reach)school, they still ………………………… (threaten)her.

Through this painting , Norman Rockwell

………………………… (want) to denounce the violence in the early years of school desegregation. He ………………………… (make) people aware of the ugliness of racial discrimination and the plight black people ……………………………….… (confront)with.

Page 3: Let's Practise! Build Up Your Vocabulary

TASK N°5 : Traduisez le texte suivant en choisissant la forme du prétérit qui convient .

TASK N°6 : Mettez le verbe ou le modal entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient ( à l’actif ou au passif).

TASK N°7 : Schéma accentuel : Ecoutez et notez le schéma accentuel des mots suivants.

Ex : intimidation

a- Segregation

b- Emancipation

c- Discrimination

d- Constitution

e- Rejection

f- Exclusion

g- Demonstration

h- Decision

Quel rôle joue la terminaison –ion dans la place de l’accent principal d’un mot ?

Tandis que nous marchions vers le Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King commença son discours. C’était incroyable : des milliers de gens étaient en train de l’écouter. Ce jour –là, MLK , qui s’adressait à ses concitoyens, devint célèbre dans le monde entier.

On April 4th, 1968, the famous black civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, ……………………… (assassinate) by a sniper. He ……………………… (shoot) dead in Memphis, Tennessee, where he ……………………… (go) to lead a march protesting against low wages and poor working conditions. He………………………

(take) to hospital where he ……………………… (die) soon afterwards. A massive wave of violence ……………………… (break) out all over the country , primarily in black urban areas. In several countries marches ………………………

(hold) to honor the memory of a man who……………………… (stand) up for justice and peace.