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Okay so first thing first we need to decide if we want an anime or a game, cause thats going to change a lot of shit. If this is an anime I would only want a roster of 5 characters which I have shown below. If this is a game I might want to consider expanding the list.


Markus Sythe/ one handed sword(controlled,precision)- Wind

Gabriel Dual wield(aggressive/offensive)/ Hook swords- Fire

Jacob Dual wield(one reverse grip, evasive) - Water

Alexander- one handed/Two handed hybrid(aggressive, defensive) - Earth


Romeo- Two handed (reckless, aggressive)

Valentine-one handed/apprentice mage/necromancer (passive,defensive)


Before I get into the story I want to explain what I did with the characters. First Im not using any of our real namesbecause it just makes sense. Each character has their own unique weapon style along with an appropriate element. Markus and Gabriel have two styles because as they progress through the story they will achieve a new one, also they are the character we will open with so it makes sense that they develop a bit further. Each character can use powers from their element. I dont think Light and Dark should be given as an elemental power, but we can discuss this further. In fact at this moment I came up with a way to incorporate it if it is badly desired. So yeah thats the roster for now, on to the Story.

Character background: Alexander...AV

Both parents wanted to do something about the fighting between the archangel and archdemon, which were destroying everything bit by bit....Father made a deal with the archdemon, and mother the archangel. before their new powers fully settled in, they met one last time and conceived a baby...which after the birth, they left the child by the village orphanage with only his first name, Alexander. The parents went their separate ways and eventually became the new archangel and archdemon. This transformation was so that there would be less destruction and fighting so everything wouldn't get wiped out. This outcome made the two factions live at opposite ends of the world, but this didn't fully stop all the underlings from doing whatever they please. Alexander, back to the topic, was born with a bit of power from each parent, along with being a main decendent of the one of the heroes of the four villages, the village of rock. Because of his lineage, Alexander has more of a resistance to any attack wether physical, or magical. NOTE: All history/events from the past are not known. There are stories and legends that are heard every now and again, but everyone thinks that they are false or just stories. The main characters think there may be some truth to the stories, but that is not important now!

Villages of the main characters

There are four villages total, all a few hours apart in a circle around the old ruins in the middle of the forest. All people know to stay away from the old ruins, although they don't know why, they just don't go there. each village is prosperous in its own way, and they are all friendly and trade supplies to each other. There is the village of wind, which harnesses the abundance of the winds and storms they get; this village is prosperous with its use of its windmills, producing grains, flour, and vegetables. The village of water is just as prosperous with using watermills, fish hatcheries, and animals. The Village of rock isn't too prosperous with food items, but it is near large mountain ranges, rich with many different types of gems and ores. They smelt the ore into metals they can then trade as is or smith into strong weapons. The Village of fire is near a dormant volcano, and a large forest. This village supplies the other villages with lava, fire, and wood for their own useage. This is the only way for the other villages to get a heat/fire source to cook, smelt, and boil. The villages all trade with each other, and the people travel from village to village to settle or help.

Old Ruins in the center of the villages

The old ruins is a place that the villagers know and all try to avoid, they don't know why, but it's like a mutual "feeling" that they are better off staying away. The four main characters are different, though they don't know, but being young and adventurous for the two brothers and their orphan friend, they wanted to go and explore new parts of the forrest where they practice their stick sword fighting. While exploring they find the old ruins and are very curious to see what's around. Alexander, however found the Old ruins while trying to escape the angry villagers and stayed there and made camp for himself for a bit. While exploring some more, the two brothers and their orphan friend found the small camp setup that Alexander was at. After a small confrontation, they all settled down and began to explain what they were doing in turn, and eventually becoming friends. The two brothers and their orphan friend promise to not tell anyone about the Old ruins so that the villagers don't try and find Alexander, they go back and bring him some food and they declaire that spot the main area to meet each other at. The Old ruins, is a place where a piece of omni is sealed away, up until the four friends accidentally unseal him when they are getting cornered by the daemons in the beginning.


I think we could open up with a monologue from Markus saying how the world wasnt always such a hell. Then enter sort of a flash back. We will open up in the small village with the two brothers Gabriel and Markus practicing their swordsmanship out in the forest a short ways away form the village. They will hear a loud crack, the ground beneath them will shake, and a giant crater will open up splitting the village in two. The boys will run to the village to see what is going on and find their parents. As they approach, the sky turns red and opens up and they can see figures descending upon their little village. One brother screams, What is going on the other I DONT KNOW!. Once they hit the village they see creatures crawling out of the chasm and killing villagers. Buildings are on fire and both the creatures from the earth and the sky are attacking the humans. The brothers yell for their Dad, Mother, and Sister. It as at this time you could play as the brothers and run through the village looking for their parents. Tutorial would have been taken care of earlier with the practice fighting. The boys run up to where there house is only to see it up in flames. They yell for their father. Boys! Run! Run far away! Escape to the next village! At that moment the brothers witness a large demon tear their father in half. As the demon turns towards the now horrified brothers a crossbow bolt is shot into its eye. A man grabs the boys and throws them in a cart with horse. Keep it together! Listen to your Father and get to the next village! The man jumps on the horse and it begins to ride away down the path back into the forest. One of the brothers yells Uncle wait! What about Mom and {inserts sister name}. Forget about them! They were lost to the fire! Right now the priority is getting out of here! We can grieve later. The cart is then chased by a winged beast. The crossbow is out of bolts so the Uncle tells the boys to jump out when he gives the signal. As they approach the forest the boys jump and the uncle rides off keeping the beast distracted. As the brothers hide in the bushes they watch the beast quickly catch up to their uncle and kill the only reaming family they have left. The boys muster what strength they can and begin venturing further into the forest, towards the neighboring village. The boys then head to the other village, fighting mobs along the way. Once they get their they see the same events begin to unfold and they jump in to try and help, They run into Jacob, who was an orphan prior to the tragedies but the village looked after him, The three realize that they village is being lost to the mysterious beasts and the three boys escape back into the forest. They decided to make way to the third neighboring village. On their way they are attack by 2 bandits, Alexander and Romeo. After a quick fight Alexander and Romeo realize that the three are not beasts. They detail the attack that happened on their village. The now party of 5 begins to feel hopeless and wonders where they should go next. With all the neighboring villages being overrun by the beasts. As night begins to fall Gabriel suggest taking shelter in the ruins found near the center of the forest. During the night the 5 awake to find themselves surrounded by both the beasts from the sky and the ground. All hope seems lost when the ruins suddenly begin to glow. The beats pounce when a boom voice says Be gone wretches!! a wave of gray energy shoots out from the ruins disintegrating all the beasts. A shinning spirit of white, silver and gray, descends upon the boys and says Would you like to take back the world you have lost?! I can grant you the power to do so! Markus Steps forward and replies YES! with him the other 4 reply yes as well. The spirit then says its name is not important but the boys may refer to him as Omni. He tells them of a war between the light and the dark. Before there was a balance. But the 2 sides became greedy and have decided to claim earth for themselves. Humans are caught in the war between the 2 sides and are being purged from earth. It is Omnis job to maintain this balance. He grants each boy an element gifted from the elemental lords under his command. He gives them new gear and a point to go to. He says This is all I can grant you for now but you will receive more help from me and the lords further down your journey. There is much work to be done but with your help we can reclaim earth and bring back the balance.

Other Notes:

Here are some other ideas I had. First the boys need to free the elemental lords from prisons made by the angels and demons. Then they need to defeat 9 angels and 9 demons one for each ring/sphere of heaven and hell plus all the guardians of the elemental prisons. So right there is 23 bosses. Of course we can throw in some more fluff bosses if we really need to but 23 is a pretty big number. Hidden bosses wouldnt be hard to do either. As for the light and dark powers. I think each person can get a light/ darker attack for their element. So Gabriel would get like black lighting or white lighting each with a different effect. Each character can get both of these versions so you wouldnt need to pick a side. New powers/abilities/ and equipment are bestowed by the elemental lords, Omni and maybe even some warriors they meet along the way. As a boss is defeated they are replaced with a new lord appointed by Omni. So really you are trying to flush out the corrupt leaders to put in new ones that will uphold the balance. It is threw these new lords that out hero would have accesses to light and dark versions of their elements. And thats what I have for now. Please excuse any of my spelling or grammatical errors. I am notorious for being bad at that and I wrote this at 3:00am so work with me here lol. Hope you like what I thought up and of course it is up for debate. Also im sorry this is so long and thanks for bearing with me, but I had a lot to say and express.

*added ideas and possibilities*-AV

1. possibility) Because the king/emperor and the Arch Mage used to be best friends since they were kids, they were always very competative and trying to be better than one another. Eventually this competativeness led to them both being selected as the next king/emperor of the land, but it was with this competition where their friendship bred a grudge by the friend whom lost. The king/emperor, thought that the best thing he could do for his friend was to appoint him as the new Arch Mage which would be his right hand man. Though he accepted his position, it wasn't to help strengthen his friendship, but to find his own land to rule over, but over many years of learning and his grudge increasing in strength, the Arch Mage sumerized that the only way to rule was to kill the king, but he also realized that the king was progressively shaping the land in his image and all the people loved and respected him and his ways. The only thing the Arch Mage could think of was to destroy everything and recreate it in his own way. The Arch Mage, useing all of his knowlege and skill, ended up secretly creating a new plague. A plague like none other, to spread death and destruction. The new plague was born and grew from the Arch Mages own madness. With all he had learned, the Arch mage was first going to spread his plague to the Arch demon, causing the angels and demons to break out into war. But the main goal of the Arch Mage by stirring up the war, was to draw out a greater being not angel nor demon, but known only as Omni a deity that holds peace and balance. The Arch Mage knew that if he could only control Omni, then the creation of his new world would finally begin.

2. Rather than just saying "YES" to recieve Omni's help, we say yes and Omni asks each of us what we would wish to accomplish other than to restore peace and balance, which each person states thier own. Thats when Omni grants us our powers, describing the risk of draining our physical energy and if too much has been drained, then we die.

3. (in my opinion) to start, we should be told by Omni that in our current state, we don't stand a chance against any of the angels or demons. Thats when he tells us to try and focus on finding combat and weapon teachers so we can get better at fighting without relying on our powers. And he tells us to keep training ourselves to get better at controlling our powers.

4 note*. Almost everyone is affected by the plague, if not they are either really lucky or have a strong willpower (like us) to overcome it (maybe having possible minor side effects as well). The plague is derived from the Arch Mages own madness, which is comprised of two parts; dimentia and mania. The demons have their own influence on how big of an area is affected by the plague, and the angels want to purge it, so they wage war on the demons. Being evenly matched they just keep spreading, without realizing, death and destruction.

5 idea. I think, for our final gear we are sent to go get the needed materials to forge and imbue each piece with some sort of magical enchantment/power of our choice. My meaning is to have each of what I list as a different item>>head, chest, leggings, left hand, left shoulder, left foot, right hand, right shoulder, right footdemon>arch-demon, angel ranks: pygmy>angel>arch-angel, humans(us): squirmishers>warriors>knights>arch-knights>??deity??, omni: deity>arch-deity>grand deity

another idea i have is that IF there is omni, a being of peace and balance, then is there an alter ego of omni? if so, a being of hate and chaos? are they two parts to the same being that have split?

with the idea above the arch-mage had a grudge against his friend, causing him to (unknowingly) become a vessel for omni's alter ego to grow stronger from all the chaos, hate, destruction ect. that the arch-mage causes. eventually we fight against the arch-mage, and by the kings plea as his friend asks if we could try to spare his friend. after we win the fight, the arch-mage and the king work out their friendship. now that the arch-mage is back to normal, what was the cause? omni's alter ego! we find out that it manifested inside the arch-mage and grew stronger the more he caused chaos in the world. we try our best to fight him but cannot win, and we start geting our asses whooped. I personally see all my friends starting to slowly die, and the way I am(will die to protect my friends) try to sacrifice myself to ensure all of my friend's lives. alter omni tries to take control of my body instead and tries to force me to kill them instead, but with my training to control myself through various parts of the story, i barely hold him off. suddenly omni rushes towards me and (fuses?) controls me as well. with the two deitys in my body fighting for control, the power of them both being inside my body starts to bring me to agonizing pain from the power of them fighting and causing my body to start getting destroyed. with the help of the holyfire and soothing mist powers my friends have, they are able to temporarily stop my body from being destroyed, but im still in agonizing pain while omni and his other ego fight. just when the battle for control reaches its max, my character becomes silent and still(thought to have died) but then my body starts glowing like omni's, and it rises in the air while a different voice, no one has heard before, speaks through me. "Do not worry, his body is severly injured, and not only from physical injuries, but he will be ok. if it were anyone else, they wouldhave been completely obliterated, but his will to save his friends and his natural resistance helped to keep him alive, along with your help as well. if you are wondering if i am omni, then you are partially correct. i have combined as one in his body and with all of your help. let me show you all what happened." Everyone is able to see into the battle from when omni first entered into the body.

based off of wind, fire, water, and earth

power ideas: rather than a light or dark side of our power it should be destruction and creation instead...... wind: destruction: hurricane with slicing winds, create: destruction: black hellfire (hard to control, or even escapes control), create: holyfire white/gold(purification)....water: destruction: ice, create: steam(can heal) destruction: molten lava/magma(liquid rock), create: plantlife......everything can be altered and tweaked.

the villages where we are from are very significant towards us for ex. the village my character is from is (like the others) one part of a fallen civilization. because of my heritage of unknown history(history was destroyed) my character is naturally more resistant to any type of damage being magic or physical. the others, i have not thought of yet.

Actual Story:

{I think we could open up with a monologue from Markus saying how the world wasnt always such a hell. Then enter sort of a flash back.} We will open up in the small village with the two brothers Gabriel and Markus practicing their swordsmanship out in the forest a short ways away from the village. They will hear a loud crack, the ground beneath them will shake, and a giant crater will open up splitting the village in two. The boys will run to the village to see what is going on and find their parents. As they approach, the sky turns red and opens up and they can see figures descending upon their little village. One brother screams, What is going on the other I DONT KNOW!. Once they hit the village they see creatures crawling out of the chasm and killing villagers. Buildings are on fire and both the creatures from the earth and the sky are attacking the humans. The brothers yell for their Dad, Mother, and Sister. It as at this time you could play as the brothers and run through the village looking for their parents. Tutorial would have been taken care of earlier with the practice fighting. The boys run up to where there house is only to see it up in flames. They yell for their father. Boys! Run! Run far away! Escape to the next village! At that moment the brothers witness a large demon tear their father in half. As the demon turns towards the now horrified brothers a crossbow bolt is shot into its eye. A man grabs the boys and throws them in a cart with horse. Keep it together! Listen to your Father and get to the next village! The man jumps on the horse and it begins to ride away down the path back into the forest. One of the brothers yells Uncle wait! What about Mom and {inserts sister name}. Forget about them! They were lost to the fire! Right now the priority is getting out of here! We can grieve later. The cart is then chased by a winged beast. The crossbow is out of bolts so the Uncle tells the boys to jump out when he gives the signal. As they approach the forest the boys jump and the uncle rides off keeping the beast distracted. As the brothers hide in the bushes they watch the beast quickly catch up to their uncle and kill the only reaming family they have left. The boys muster what strength they can and begin venturing further into the forest, towards the neighboring village. The boys then head to the other village, fighting mobs along the way. Once they get their they see the same events begin to unfold and they jump in to try and help, They run into Jacob, who was an orphan prior to the tragedies but the village looked after him, The three realize that they village is being lost to the mysterious beasts and the three boys escape back into the forest. They decided to make way to the third neighboring village. On their way they are attack by a lone bandit, Alexander. After a quick scuffle Alexander realizes that the three are not beasts. They detail the attack that happened on their village. The now party of 4 begins to feel hopeless and wonder where they should go next. With all the neighboring villages being overrun by the beasts. As night begins to fall Gabriel suggest taking shelter in the ruins found near the center of the forest. During the night the 4 wake to find themselves surrounded by both the beasts from the sky and the ground. All hope seems lost when the ruins suddenly begin to glow. The beats pounce when a boom voice says Be gone wretches!! a wave of gray energy shoots out from the ruins disintegrating all the beasts. A shinning spirit of white, silver and gray, descends upon the boys and says Would you like to take back the world you have lost?! I can grant you the power to do so! Markus Steps forward and replies YES! with him the other 3 reply yes as well. The spirit then says its name is not important but the boys may refer to him as Omni. He tells them of a war between the light and the dark. Before there was a balance. But the 2 sides became greedy and have decided to claim earth for themselves. Humans are caught in the war between the 2 sides and are being purged from earth. It is Omnis job to maintain this balance. "Before we continue, I must hear everyone's reasoning for why i should grant you your powers. So,... let's start with you Markus then Gabriel, Jacob, and Alexander."

>>??Markus: "My reason is so that I can do my best to help restore our land back to the way it was before all of THIS! I want to restore it to a peaceful land for everyone to love and enjoy together." Gabriel: "My reason is the same as my brother's, I want to help him in any way possible that I can!" Jacob: "I would like to help get rid of this to make all the people who are afflicted in some way ease their pain and suffering."??