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  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    Mission: SAS certification in 25 days

    Maggie Miller|NOVEMBER 20, 2012





    Damir Ol ejar isnt a s!"erher#, $!t he a%%#m"lishe& '!ite a (eat )) "assing the S*S +erti(ie& Base

    r#grammer%re&ential in 2- &a.s/Olejar was #n the (ast tra% $e%a!se he nee&e& the %re&ential t# satis(. a "rere'!isite (#r a j#$ #((er/ #weer, he wishes he w#!l&

    hae s"ent m#re time taing in the material/

    3 ase& him a (ew '!esti#ns a$#!t h#w he !se& j!st 2- &a.s t# "re"are/

    Did you have any prior programming knowledge that helped?

    3 ha& n# "ri#r S*S n#wle&ge, h#weer, n#wing *V*, S56, + an& een s#me #l& 8)Basi% 9(#r e:am"le, !se #( a D3M; hel"e& me a

    l#t/ (He also has an educational background in Cognitive Science, AI, and Data-Mining.)

    How many hoursdays did you devote to studying?

    Between 4)< h#!rs #n a &ail. $asis/ #weer, 3 ma&e s!re t# rela: a l#t wheneer 3 (elt tire&, an& n#t t# #erl#a& m.sel(/ *""r#:imatel.

    3 rela:e& eer. thir& &a. while 3 st!&ie& a$#!t < h#!rs eer. #ther &a./ 3 ma&e n# e:%e"ti#ns (#r h#li&a.s #r weeen&s/ S*S)Base is#erl#a&e& with man. &etails, s# it sh#!l& $e st!&ie& sl#wl./

    !hat are your "est test tips?

    There are tw# $##s that 3 w#!l& re%#mmen&=

    )S*S +erti(i%ati#n re" >!i&e= Base r#gramming (#r S*S ?

    )6earning S*S $. E:am"le= * r#grammer@s >!i&e

    These tw# $##s %#er the same material, an& 3 w#!l& re%#mmen& st!&.ing (r#m a se%#n& #ne while !sing the +erti(i%ati#n re"

    >!i&e (#r e:er%ises/ >et as man. '!esti#ns an& e:er%ises (r#m as man. $##s as "#ssi$le/

    S*S is t# $e !n&erst##&, while eer. single &etail matters/ Tae as m!%h time as .#! nee& while st!&.ing an& tr. t# !n&erstan& all

    &etails/ +h##se the $##s that as '!esti#ns that l## lie the S*S +erti(i%ati#n re" >!i&e@s '!esti#ns/ *lth#!gh .#! sh#!l& (in& the

    a!th#r that s!its .#! m#re, this es n#t h#l& while ing the e:er%ises/ D# eer.thing, !ntil .#! n#w them $lin&(#l&e&/

    D# s"en& time !n&erstan&ing the '!esti#ns an& answers, instea& #( learning it all $. the heart/ 6earning the answers $. heart will n#t

    hel"A it ma. hae the #""#site e((e%t/

    There is a "lent. #( time, an& timing is n#t s#mething t# $e %#n%erne& a$#!t/ 3nstea&, $eing h#nest a$#!t n#wing 9#r n#t n#wing; the

    answer will sae .#! time (#r %#m"leting the #ther '!esti#ns/
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    Organiing .#!rsel( will hel" .#! s"ee& !" the st!&.ing/ *lth#!gh #rganiing in(#rmati#n ma. l## lie a waste #( time, it is a (#rm #( a

    "assie st!&.ing/

    !hat advice would you give to others thinking a"out getting certified?

    3 tr!l. wish 3 &i& n#t "ani% (#r $eing time&/ 3 was s# ner#!s that 3 (inishe& earl./

    There will $e "lent. #( time while taing this e:am/ C!rtherm#re, 3 wish 3 ha& m#re time t# "re"are (#r an e:am 9instea& #( haing a

    %erti(i%ate as the means t# satis(. the j#$ #((er;, sin%e it is w#rth a%ing s!%h a ni%el.)&eel#"e& %hallenge/ 3t reall. (eels great haing a

    (irst %erti(i%ate 9eer; in .#!r han&s, while 3 %an n#w #nl. imagine h#w am!sing it w#!l& (eel #$taining a m!%h higher mar/

    Are you considering any more SAS certifications?

    3n&ee&, 3 am %#nsi&ering ing the S*S +erti(ie& *&an%e& r#grammer (#r S*S ? +re&ential *S*, sh#!l& m. %areer in%l!&e the S*S


    assing the S*S Base ? +erti(i%ati#n Test

    I completed the SAS Base 9 exam just after its production release last July. Since Im often seeing questions regarding the

    certication tests on the SAS listser! I thought I "ould post some of my thoughts regarding the experience. #all it a

    preemptie stri$e.

    %irst! let me say I denitely recommend the prep guide! aaila&le here '( SAS #ertication )rep *uide+ Base )rogramming for

    SAS 9! ,hird -dition. As "ith all SAS )u&lishing &oo$s its expensie and dense! &ut the practice exams are helpful and it

    remains a useful reference after youe used it to pass the test. SAS also oers online test preparations "hich are similar to

    the prep &oo$! &ut integrate actual syntax "riting and a comprehensie practice test. ,hey are more than t"ice as much! &ut

    "hen I "as preparing SAS "as oering a free 9/ day 0des$ copy1 to educators. ,hat oer appears to &e gone! &ut a list of

    current discounts on prep materials and exam fees is aaila&le here.

    ,his "as my rst time ta$ing a SAS certication test so I cant really comment on "hether things are dierent or not

    compared to other SAS exams! &ut a fe" things that stuc$ out in my mind "ere+

    23 It "as harder than I expected it to &e. I ultimately did ne on it! &ut I really expected it to &e easier &ased on the prep

    guide. %or example! "hile reading the guide I had no pro&lem "ith the chapter tests! &ut the practice exam and the actual

    exam seemed much harder. Ill admit the seat did get a little "arm in the &eginning "hen I thought I might hae to shell out

    425/ to ta$e the test again. 6o"eer! the questions &ecame easier as the test progressed.

    73 Some of the stu on the test "as notcoered in the prep guide. ,here "ere not enough questions that "erent coered to

    ma$e you fail if you only used the prep guide! &ut it appears they do expect you to hae $no"ledge other than that presented

    in the guide.

    83 ,he test tries to &e ery tric$y. I thin$ this "as my &iggest pro&lem "ith &oth the practice and actual exam. ,hey thro"

    some things in there that you "ould neer do or neer expect anyone to do in real life. ,his is actually pro&a&ly a good thing

    as far as assessing understanding goes. ou really hae to $no" the processes and "hat results they generate to get the

    questions correct! &ut its ery frustrating from a test ta$ers perspectie. ou hae to chec$ eery minute detail to ma$e sure

    they didnt slip in a 0*:,#6A;1. %or this reason I

  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    Me:06i! Id li$e to ta$e the SAS Base 9 examC1

    Front desk:0SASC1

    Me:0es! the Base 9 ersion! please1

    Front desk:0ou mean S'A'SDC1

    Me:0es! the SAS InstituteD1 Ethin$ing &ac$ on it I "onder if he thought I meant the British S'A'S exam +33

    Front desk:0:h here it isDyou $no"! Ie &een here seen years and neer gien out a test &y this companyD1

    I guess theres no "orry of my local mar$et &ecoming saturated "ith certied SAS professionalsD.

    Fuestions or commentsC )lease add them &elo".

    /.// G 5 5

    2 G 5

    7 G 5

    8 G 5

    = G 5

    5 G 5

    0otes! 0.00ag. rating E0H score3

    ealing >ith the #omputer K Battery ?ecycling ilemma

    I ,ech L uct ,ape M)8 )layer N

    70 Responses to Passing the SAS Base 9 Certifcation Test

    2. embarrassedsays+April 2/! 7//O at 2/+7P pm

    I found the test for SAS Base 9 #ertication ery diQcult. I purchased the practice exam from SAS and passed it

    "ith a score of 9P. So! Im thin$ing the real test is going to &e a &reee to pass. In fact! on the "ay to ta$e the

    test Im on the phone planning a cele&ration party. Boy! "as I em&arrassed "hen I failed the test. Ie &een

    "or$ing "ith SAS since 29P8 and Im considered a )o"erGAdance SAS user at "or$. Ie &uilt po"er programs

    Efrom scratch3! that include 7/!/// R lines of code! runs in 2/ minutes and deliers 2//s of reports! graph!

    charts and updates data&ases. Ie "on a"ards at "or$ for my programs. But I cant pass the certication test.Shame on me;;; Although! at "or$ I hae a multitude of &oo$s! online help and of course time to test the code.

    SAS does not oer this luxury "hen testing;; ,he lady at the testing center oered the follo"ing+ ,his test must

    &e really hard; I only remem&er one person passing it in the year that I hae &een here.


    7. deeated by SASsays+April 7P! 7//O at =+78 am
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    ,han$ you for your article Bryan and for your comment em&arrassed.

    I failed the Sas &ase 9 test today &y = questions;; Im SAS noice. %or 7 months! I studied the prep guide

    faithfully! did all the practice exercises and did the practice exam this "ee$end.

    ,he points you made expressed all the things I "as feeling as I "as "al$ing out of the test $ind of confused as to

    "hy I didnt pass "ith all the studyingGcramming I did. And es the test still has the section in the &eginning

    "here you read all the legalese.

    ,he test is tric$y and I underestimated it. 6o"eer I studied my ass o so I am unfaed. Im pro&a&ly going to

    &uy more practice tests on the net so that the next time I "al$ into the prometric center! Ill $no" "hat Im

    getting into and nally pass the thing.


    8. Bryansays+

    May 5! 7//O at 7+5/ am

    efeated and em&arrassed!

    Sorry to hear you didnt ma$e it this time. I denitely thin$ the more practice tests the &etter &ut "ith the

    caeats that em&arrassed mentioned L they can &e deceptiely easy and dont approximate the "ay "e use SAS

    in the 0real "orld1 ery "ell. )lus theyre expensie! so $eep a loo$ out for those deals.


    =. Annysays+May 2O! 7//O at 22+29 pm

    I am going to appear in Ist "ee$ of June . %rom "here can I nd practice exams or good "e&site for tric$y

    questions C If someone has that one .)lease share "ith me more tips.


    5. Jonettesays+July O! 7//O at 5+72 pm

    I "ould &e interested in the ans"er to Annys question as "ell.


    . Dansays+Septem&er ! 7//O at 2/+85 pm
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    I passed the SAS Base #ert at the &egining of last year E9/H3 and foud it ery simple. 6o"eer! ie &een using

    it for 5Ryrs and hae a computer science degree. I purchased the cert prep &oo$ and the practice questions

    from SAS. I thin$ that passing this exam is a&out three things 23 $no"ing the stu@ 73 getting used to the "ay

    they as$ the questions@ and 83 "hether you are the type of person "ho does "ell in tests. I found that for approx

    8/H of the questions i needed to examine all possi&le ans"ers L so i didnt fall ictim to the Tgotcha.

    I dont consider those that fail the test to hae lesser $no"ledge or a&ility.


    O. NARAYAN KNDsays+April 2! 7//P at =+7O pm

    undu' april 25! 7//P

    2 li$e to ta$e SAS Base certication -xam.As soon as possi&le.

    I am going through 0,6- UI,,U- SAS B::1 for the rst time.,hat is only I hae. I really need help from someone

    "ho can send me some $ind of sample questions for the -xam.I li$e to &orro" )?A#,I#- *VI- SAM)U-FV-S,I:W if any used one is aaila&le.

    than$s for co'operation.

    my email+ WA?AAW#VWVXA6::.#:M


    P. !ra"insays+May 2O! 7//P at O+2/ am

    I am going to appear in Ist "ee$ of June . %rom "here can I nd practice exams or good "e&site for tric$y

    questions C If someone has that one .)lease share "ith me more tips.


    9. !ra"insays+May 2O! 7//P at O+22 am

    I am going to appear in last "ee$ of May . %rom "here can I nd practice exams or good "e&site for tric$y

    questions C If someone has that one .)lease share "ith me more tips.


    2/. hardi#says+June 7=! 7//P at 8+=7 pm[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    i m going to ta$e sas cert.exam in this july! i hae sor sas &ase 9./! &ut i need some practice exams

    matireal!if anyone hae idea a&t it pls tell me on this id.



    22. Anonymo$ssays+May 2P! 7//9 at 2/+8/ am


    Anyone interested in giing me a fail examination score reportC I need one for my presentation and cant nd

    one any"here. I can oer something else in return. If interested then please gie me your email address and "e

    can discuss it further.



    27. Anonymo$ssays+Woem&er 7P! 7//9 at 7+=O pm

    Yery fun! I am french and passed the test yesterday. All you descri&e! is exact. I failed "ith 5=H

    It is expensie + 275Z in %rance

    I conrm+ the &oo$ is not enough! and the sample test on school "e&site or sas "e&site are easier.

    %or example! I did 9G2/ "ith a sample test on a french uniersity "e&site and 5G5 on the sas "e&site! so I "as a

    &it disappointed.

    But the test is interesting.


    28. Anonymo$ssays+%e&ruary 2/! 7/2/ at +=O pm

    6ey! rst of all! than$ you for "riting this article Bryan.

    I passed the exam this morning and it "as ery tric$y. Some questions I had no honest clue. And some Eless than

    2/ out of O/3 questions "ere really easy! &ut &ecause I had encountered so many tric$y questions! I had to

    triple'chec$ that I "as right. I ended up using the "hole 7 hrs alloted and didnt get a chance to go oer all of

    the questions I mar$ed for reie" Eyou can mar$ questions for reie" to go &ac$ to them at the end of the exam

    and "or$ on them3.

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    Uuc$ily I too$ a course that "as supposed to prepare me for the exam E&ut I thin$ it "as a huge rip o3 and the

    instructor gae me 5/ practice questions! "hich "ere from a SAS'issued practice exam. ,hat helped A U:,. I

    cant stress ho" important that "as for me. I didnt use any &oo$! although they sold me ,he Uittle SAS Boo$

    "hen I too$ the course. I neer used it. ,hey gae me handoutsGslides in the course I too$! and that "as pretty

    good. ,hey "ere full of example code. But the most helpful thing after the practice exam! I thin$! "as the SAS

    helple lol. )retty easy to understand and use [ for me at least.

    ,han$s again;


    2=. Anonymo$ssays+March 7! 7/2/ at O+/2 pm

    Just one request.I am going to gie my SAS BAS- exam on middle of March.After practicing the SAS practice

    exam I found! I need some more questionsGexams to practice.I "ill &e highly o&liged if you can $indly send me

    those 5/ questions for practice or if you hae something "ith you "hich can help me.My mail id is0droyX&su.edu1. ,han$s in adance for helping.


    25. Anonymo$ssays+March 5! 7/2/ at 2/+7/ am


    #an you please help me!

    i am ta$ing up my exam in april!

    If you can please share the practise questions K ans"ers for me please! K please adise me &oo$ to refer

    it "ould &e great help





    2. Anonymo$ssays+March 27! 7/2/ at +7O am

    If you hae those 5/ questions! can you please for"ard them C

    I am "riting the exam in a "ee$. than$s.


    2O. Anonymo$ssays+[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    March 27! 7/2/ at +79 am

    my email I L


    2P. Anonymo$ssays+March 2! 7/2/ at 22+88 pm

    I just too$ the SAS Base certication today and failed "ith a 5OH. I too$ the SAS classes in the past month! &ut

    hae neer really used SAS. I had ta$en the SAS practice exam and got 9OH and had read a )rep *uide.

    ,hought I "as "ell prepared! &ut there "here many question "here t"o ans"ers loo$ed exactly the same. oes

    anyone hae question more in line "ith the actual test that they can send so I can reie" and see "here I need

    to hone upC my email ,han$s to anyone "ho can help.


    29. ra%says+March 2O! 7/2/ at 2+=2 pm

    hi! iam ne" to this site

    iam "riting &ase sas exam that is ne" pattern 7/2/.

    can you please post your 5/ questions to my id . my email id istal$

    i "ill &e than$ful to you in adance!please post me the questions




    7/. ni#ita!bssays+March 2P! 7/2/ at 2/+8/ pm


    I "ill &e giing exam in rst "ee$ of April. I "ould reallllyyyyyyy appreciate if you could email me those 5/

    questions and slides on my email id ni$itap&;

    ,han$ u so much in adance ;


    72. Anonymo$ssays+March 29! 7/2/ at 22+/2 pm[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission



    I "ill &e giing the sas &ase certication exam 2st "ee$ of April..If you could share the 5/qGns and slides that

    "ould &e the great email id is + sriya87//

    ,han$s in Adance.


    77. Anonymo$ssays+March 7=! 7/2/ at 7+=2 am


    I see you hae &een getting a lot of requests lately a&out the prep questions. If possi&le! please also for"ard me

    the same at &

    I hae used other prep &oo$s &ut it sounds li$e I need more exposure.

    ,han$ you in adance.



    78. Anonymo$ssays+March 75! 7/2/ at +89 pm


    I see you did get lots of questions a&out SAS Base exam. I suppose to ta$e my exam ery soon. If you can share

    5/ exams questions "ith me it "ill &e ery &ig help. My email+alla\yu$

    ,han$ you


    7=. Anonymo$ssays+April 2/! 7/2/ at 7+8/ pm


    I "ill &e giing the sas &ase certication exam in April..If you could share the 5/qGns and slides that "ould &e the

    great email id is +$s"

    ,han$s in Adance.


    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    75. Anonymo$ssays+April 27! 7/2/ at +/ pm

    I am "or$ing as a SAS )rogrammer in #linical ?esearch :rganisation. I "ill proide training in SAS G SAS'BI G SAS'

    I G #M G SAS L #linical and %inancial G SAS )rojects through :nlineGinclass along "ith 2//H certication

    guidance at a ery lo" price.

    Wote+ SAS BI and other SAS related Soft"ares "ill &e installed on your system

    #ontact+ ranthi /929P=9O29/EIndia3! P='5/O'2=9EVSA3.



    7. Anonymo$ssays+May 2! 7/2/ at =+/5 pm


    I am planning to ta$e up SAS Base certication in May 2/. #an anyone please send me the latest exam dumps

    or any study materials that could &e of use to me. I use the Uittle SAS &oo$ and the SAS Base #ertn )rep guide.

    Any other &oo$ that i can useC



    7O. Anonymo$ssays+May 2! 7/2/ at =+/ pm


    )lease send the latest SAS &ase exam dumps or any study materials




    7P. SriRama&'(says+May 8! 7/2/ at O+55 pm

    6i there![email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    I am planning to ta$e Base sas certication next Month. I see lot of fol$s tal$ing a&out 5/ #ertication qs.

    I "ould really appreciate! if someone ta$es time to send them oer to me. 6ere is my email


    ,han$s a lot in adance;;



    79. barindam''says+May 2/! 7/2/ at 27+8O pm


    i also appearing &ase sas exam.i also prepared myself. &ut i read your artical!the questions are ery i

    afraid to sit on exam &eco its too costly. i read a&t 5/ question set is there "hich is helpful to pass the exam.if

    anyone can proide me i "ill &e greatful to u.



    8/. Anonymo$ssays+May 22! 7/2/ at 27+8P am

    6i Anonymous!

    %irst of all congrats on passing Sas exam.I am also planning to gie one!to"ards the end of may.6o"eer! I am

    loo$ing for the latest 7/2/ question papers.Also! if you can gie some tips and share some info it "ill & great.

    my email id+



    82. Anonymo$ssays+May 28! 7/2/ at P+75 pm

    hi congrats on passing the exam;;;;

    I too failed my rst attempt last month and thin$ing t"ice a&out appearing again. could you please f"d the

    practice questions that helped you it "ould mean a lot to tsn7$2/




    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    87. Anonymo$ssays+May 77! 7/2/ at 9+8P pm

    6i All!

    preparing for Base SAS9 certicationD. so if any one hae questions could you please send to my mail'id.

    attempting this "ee$ so please send quic$ly dont mindD.




    88. cora)says+June 2! 7/2/ at 7+2= pm


    I am preparing for SAS &ase programming exam. %or that I need SAS #ertication umps ESAS Base

    )rogramming for SAS ] 93. )lease! help me to get this :? any material "hich can help me to pass exam. I Tll

    really appereciate if anyone help me outD.,han$s.

    My email id


    8=. Anonymo$ssays+June 8! 7/2/ at =+8P am

    6i !

    I "ould &e appearing for Base SAS exam &y end of this month. Weed help to prepare fro the same.

    ,ried hard to search net for Base SAS certication guide &ut all in ain+EE

    )lease help DDDDDDDD..

    My email id+pri\

    E)riyan$a Sharma3


    85. Protest against Kno*)edge Censorshi!says+June 8! 7/2/ at 5+/P pm

    6i -eryone[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    Im an experienced independent SAS consultant Epharma and nance3 and share your collectie frustrations "ith

    the complication inoled in getting this EBAS-3 qualication. ,he SAS Institute seem to &e ma$ing a ery &ig

    eort to assure that they ma$e unreasona&ly large prots from eery person "ho "ants to acquire certication.

    ,o improe my #Y Im going to sit the 0SAS Base )rogramming for SAS 91! A//'7223 and

    although I "ould guess 7/ years of programming on projects for large companies "ould get me through Id

    really li$e to see some sample questions and ans"ers! especially after "hat people hae &een saying here;

    If anyone can proide me "ith this or any other useful certication info Id &e happy to gie any help and adice

    I can in return! for example I $no" a Erelatiely3 inexpensie source of study material required for the next

    certication leel Ei.e. 0SAS Adanced )rogramming -xam for SAS 91! A//'7273. I "ould hae thought a prep

    guide for this "ould &e "idely aaila&le &ut I had to spend a long time researching on the Internet to nd the

    most suita&le &oo$.

    My e'mail address is+


    ind ?egards


    8. Anonymo$ssays+June 8! 7/2/ at O+72 pm

    ou might nd this &log helpful for preparing to SAS Basic -xam+


    if someone could send me additional questions for preparation i "ould really appreciate it




    8O. Anonymo$ssays+June 8! 7/2/ at O+5P pm

    and i found those exams eery&ody "as loo$ing for+




    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    8P. Protest against Kno*)edge Censorshi!says+June P! 7/2/ at 2+8O am

    I just "anted to than$ you for that esnips site! I hit the 0o"nload1 &utton and it chugged a"ay for a "hile and

    then copied an executa&le E.exe3 le in the directory as I had requested. After unipping this le E>in^ip

    soft"are 0ealuation1 is quite easy to get for free3 I then dou&le'clic$ed on it and it too$ me through an exam

    that loo$ed realistic enough. ,he default is 5/ questions &ut I thin$ you can set it to 2=/.

    ,here "ere a couple of minor &ugs E8 out of 5/ questions "ith no possi&le ans"ers displayed to clic$ on3 &ut I

    just s$ipped oer these and the simulator gae me "hat I condsidered a 0practical1 passing mar$ "hich "as

    a&out my expectation from the diQculty of the questions EI got 7H! een though the oQcial pass mar$ is OH

    this result "as &ased on 5/ questions of "hich I could only ans"er =O and Ie not studied much yet3. Any"ay

    Im feeling quite reassured a&out the real exam no" so again than$ you ery much! Id &uy you a drin$ &ut "ere

    pro&a&ly in dierent countries and far a"ay EIm in the V3.

    Im currently studying for the adanced exam using a &oo$ that SAS pu&lished in 7//9 ESAS Adanced )rep*uide for SAS 9 "hich I &ought on'line in paper&ac$3. Strangely it is not aaila&le Eor at the ery least its pretty

    "ell hidden3 on the oQcial SAS "e& site Ein hard'copy or electronic format3. Just a sta& in the dar$ +3! Id guess

    they dont sell this &oo$ as it "ould encourage people to study for the certication on their o"n and then ta$e

    the exam directly through instead of going through their courses "hich are quite expensie

    Earound 47!/7/ VS for adanced certication een ia self'paced e'learning as I understand it! BAS- costs

    42!8/ unless you lie in the VS or #anada in "hich case it seems you get a 5/H discount "hich seems a little

    unfair as the VS is "ithout argument the richest country on the planet;3.

    Anyone out there please let me $no" if there is any adice or info I can help you "ith.


    89. Anonymo$ssays+June 9! 7/2/ at O+=O pm

    6i ?ini!

    I am planing to gie SAS exam in mid june Dcan you pl for"ard me the prcatise questions





    =/. Anonymo$ssays+July 2/! 7/2/ at 2+=8 pm[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    I am ne" to SAS eld. I actually dont $no" ho" to gie this exam and all this stu. it "ould &e great if you could

    guide me ho" to proceed "ith sas training. Actually i am interested in SAS programming. )lease let me $no"

    "hich &oo$ i should refere and also the study materials for SAS so that i can gie the SAS certication exam and

    pass out the same.

    )lease any&ody help me out.

    %or"ard me the study materials and information

    Uoo$ing for"ard for your co'operation.




    =2. Anonymo$ssays+July 72! 7/2/ at 8+/= am

    ,han$s a lot! Ie do"nloaded teh le 0A//'7/21 and I "as "ondering "ich diference is &et"en A//'7/2 and

    A//'722 this num&er is sho"ed at rst comment

    And if some&ody hae more materials study please send it to me

    ,han$s for your understanding


    =7. Anonymo$ssays+July 79! 7/2/ at 9+=2 pm

    6i! #ould you please for"ard the 5/ practice questions to me. Im planning to ta$e the test next "ee$.





    =8. Anonymo$ssays+August O! 7/2/ at =+59 pm

    May the almighty &less youDthan$s for the a"esome lin$

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission



    ==. Anonymo$ssays+August 9! 7/2/ at 2+7= pm

    6iD can some&ody send me latest &ase SAS certication dump I am planning to

    appear for the exam next month. &adly need the prep material


    =5. Anonymo$ssays+August 7P! 7/2/ at 22+8/ am


    #an you please help me!

    i am ta$ing up my exam in oct!

    If you can please share the practise questions K ans"ers for me please! K please adise me &oo$ to refer

    it "ould &e great help





    =. Anonymo$ssays+August 82! 7/2/ at 2+2/ pm

    I am ta$ing the exam in four "ee$s. I% anyone has any practice questionsGmaterials! I "ould greatly appreciate

    it. ,han$s!



    =O. Anonymo$ssays+Septem&er 2/! 7/2/ at O+2/ pm

    #ongrats on passsing the exam

    can you please share those 5/ #ertication questionsali/[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission





    =P. #irtisays+Septem&er 77! 7/2/ at O+8 pm

    hi Aparna!

    #ould you please send latest &ase SAS certication dump at dr$irti\& possi&le.

    than$s K regrads!



    =9. #irtisays+Septem&er 77! 7/2/ at O+=O pm

    ear ?ajini!

    could you please send me 5/ SAS questions in case if you hae receied it atdr$irti\&

    ,han$s K ?egards!



    5/. Anonymo$ssays+:cto&er 5! 7/2/ at 2/+72 am

    hi guys!

    I just got certied yesterday +3. i thin$ the &est site i found "as sascert.& I found the comments

    after the questions particularly useful. Best of luc$;



    52. Bethsays+:cto&er 2O! 7/2/ at 2+5O pm[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    6ere is the most recent ersion of the SAS prep guide+




    57. Anonymo$ssays+Woem&er 8/! 7/2/ at 2/+58 am

    I too$ the exam last "ee$ and failed &y one question;; ,he test "as more diQcult as i expected. I am going to

    ta$e the exam again! and "ould appreciate it if any of you could send me some practice questionsGexams to my

    email s"eetiepie52/

    Is there any relia&le "e&site that I can do"nload G &uy the practice examsC

    ,han$s heaps;


    58. sirisha(+,-says+ecem&er 27! 7/2/ at P+=/ pm

    hi this is sirisha! planning to ta$e sas &ase certication exam can anyone please share the 5/ questions "ith me!

    please send them

    thanx in adance


    5=. Anonymo$ssays+ecem&er 2O! 7/2/ at 5+2P am

    #an u pl send those 5/ questionsD.I am preparing for &ase Sas email Id

    harithareddy.pXgmail .com


    55. Anonymo$ssays+ecem&er 8/! 7/2/ at 27+/P pm

    I am planning to ta$e the test in Jan.. #an u pls mail me the set of 5/ ques on my id


    ?eply[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission


    5. Anonymo$ssays+January 5! 7/22 at 2/+2P pm

    than$s a ton;;;;;;;;;


    5O. Anonymo$ssays+January 2P! 7/22 at 5+85 pm

    i hae SAS dump please contact me en$at\


    5P. shi"a#$!says+

    %e&ruary 72! 7/22 at =+8P am

    congrats on passing the exam

    could you please share those 5/ #ertication questions and handoutsGslides that u "ere tal$ing a&out.

    it "ill &e of great help to me.

    my idshia$

    than$ing you


    59. Anonymo$ssays+March =! 7/22 at +59 pm


    )lease can you share a copy of the doc you do"nloaded to me please my mail isgrace&ola7//




    /. Anonymo$ssays+April 2/! 7/22 at 7+72 pm[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/23/2019 Sas Mission



    #ould someone send latest SAS &ase certication dump to me X hurricane/=/=Xhotmail.comif possi&le. I am

    planning to ta$e exam on April third "ee$.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]