RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA - Unimpresa International · 2019-09-10  · Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in...

RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA 10 settembre 2019

Transcript of RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA - Unimpresa International · 2019-09-10  · Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in...

Page 1: RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA - Unimpresa International · 2019-09-10  · Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in his first comments since replacing the respected Khalid al Falih , has said co-operation


10 settembre 2019

Page 2: RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA - Unimpresa International · 2019-09-10  · Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in his first comments since replacing the respected Khalid al Falih , has said co-operation



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10/09/2019 Financial Times PRIMA PAGINA


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Page 3: RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA - Unimpresa International · 2019-09-10  · Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in his first comments since replacing the respected Khalid al Falih , has said co-operation

PMI 6 articoli

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ECONOMIA 1 articolo

Page 12: RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA - Unimpresa International · 2019-09-10  · Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in his first comments since replacing the respected Khalid al Falih , has said co-operation

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STAMPA ESTERA 2 articoli

Page 15: RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA - Unimpresa International · 2019-09-10  · Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in his first comments since replacing the respected Khalid al Falih , has said co-operation

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15STAMPA ESTERA - Rassegna Stampa 10/09/2019 - 10/09/2019

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PRIME PAGINE 2 articoli

Page 18: RASSEGNA STAMPA ESTERA - Unimpresa International · 2019-09-10  · Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in his first comments since replacing the respected Khalid al Falih , has said co-operation


Trump country Weaker strongman Even a trade war can't hurt his rural Will the UK be the one to rein in Midwest support-NOTEBOOK, PAGE 8 popul ism?-GIDEON RACHMAN, PAGE 9

Unofficially official The EU financial services forum that flies under the radar - BIG READ, PAGE I


• Nissan board to oust chief executive T h e Japanese c a r m a k e r has dec ided to r emove Hiro to Saikawa a f t e r a fall in profi ts , loss of investor conf idence and revelat ions t h a t he was overpaid . It has 10 cand ida te s for t h e p o s t . - PAGE H ; LEX. PAGE 10

Johnson signals Brexit shift on Ireland T h e UK p r e m i e r has h in ted a t a part ia l c l imbdown on the so-called bo rde r backstop, saying he w a n t s a ssurances tha t Britain would not be t r apped . - P A G E 2 : R O B E R T S H R I M S L E Y & G I D E O N R A C H M A N , P A G E 9

• Saudi energy minister seeks to reassure Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, in his f i rs t c o m m e n t s since replacing t h e respec ted Khalid al Falih, ha s said co-opera t ion with Russia and o the r p roduce r s is set to con t inue "for t h e long term". - PAGE 4

• Uber to spend $2bn in freight push The r ide-hai l ing g r o u p has a n n o u n c e d tha t it will spend a t least $2bn over t h e next decade to expand its f re ight business . It p lans to h i re 2 ,000 employees for the Chicago-headquar te red a r m . - PAGE 12

• Mexico budget projections 'optimistic' Exper t s have expressed scepticism af te r t he g o v e r n m e n t unvei led wha t it called a "realistic b u t conservat ive" 2 0 2 0 budge t t h a t ta rge ts a 2 pe r cent g rowth increase a n d higher social s p e n d i n g . - PAGE 4

• Spending eases Japan slowdown fears Retailers, economis t s and minis te rs have said t he lack of a rush to bea t t he looming consumpt ion t a x rise suggests J apan will avoid a crippling s lowdown a f t e rwards , as h a p p e n e d in 2 0 1 4 . - PAGE 4


Job insecurity % of employees in a temporary position

2008 • 2018

Spain Poland

Netherlands Italy

France Germany

Turkey Greece

UK Romania

Source: Eurostat

20 30

More than a quarter of Spain's workers are in temporary jobs — a higher share than in any other European country. The proport ion in France and Italy has increased over the past decade to around one in every six

Georgieva set to step into Lagarde shoes K r i s t a l i n a Georg ieva , r i gh t , s h a r e s a j oke w i t h Chr i s t i ne L a g a r d e d u r i n g a W o m e n ' s Day e v e n t at t h e IMF h e a d -qua r t e r s earl ier th is year.

Ms Georgieva has officially b e e n con-f i r m e d as t h e sole c o n t e n d e r to rep lace Ms Lagarde at t h e h e l m of t h e f u n d : t he lack of o t h e r n o m i n e e s m e a n s t h a t h e r s u c c e s s i n t h e r a c e is , i n e f f e c t , gua ran t eed .

T h e IMF sc rapped a rule t h a t its m a n -aging di rector could not be older t h a n 65 y e a r s old to o p e n t h e doo r t o Ms Geor-gieva, 66, chief execu t ive of t h e World Bank a n d a f o r m e r EU commiss ioner for h u m a n r ights . Ms Lagarde is set to t a k e ove r as cha i r of t h e E u r o p e a n Cen t ra l Bank on N o v e m b e r 1. Report page 2

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Activist Elliott pushes for AT&T shake-up after taking $3.2bn stake » Time Warner purchase under fire + Staff exodus criticised + Trump cheers on investor LINDSAY FORTADO, A N N A N ICOLAOU AND ORTENCA A L I A J — NEW YORK

Activist inves tor Elliott M a n a g e m e n t is p u s h i n g fo r an o v e r h a u l a t AT&T a f t e r t a k i n g a $3 .2bn s t a k e in t h e t e l e c o m s g r o u p a n d cr i t ic i s ing its acqu i s i t ions , s u c h as t h e $ 8 0 b n t a k e o v e r of T i m e Warner .

In a l e t t e r to t h e AT&T b o a r d , Elliott , r u n by Pau l Singer, o u t l i n e d a p l a n to t ack l e w h a t it sa id was t h e c o m p a n y ' s "p ro longed a n d subs tan t i a l u n d e r p e r -f o r m a n c e " . It a lso t o o k a i m a t AT&T's p u r c h a s e of DirecTV a n d its f a i l u re to b u y T-Mobile, saying "possibly t h e mos t damag ing deal was t h e one not done".

Dona ld T r u m p , w h o w a s cr i t ica l of AT&T's t a k e o v e r of CNN o w n e r T i m e Warne r last year, cheered Elliott's move, u r g i n g t h e $ 3 8 b n a c t i v i s t f u n d t o

o v e r h a u l CNN's coverage of t h e W h i t e House .

"Great news tha t an activist investor is now involved with AT&T," h e tweeted .

T h e Elliott le t ter said AT&T h a d failed t o "a r t i cu la te a c lear . . . r a t i ona le" fo r w h y it n e e d e d t o o w n T i m e W a r n e r , wh ich also o w n s HBO a n d t h e W a r n e r B r o t h e r s m o v i e s t u d i o . AT&T f i r s t s t r u c k i ts dea l to b u y T i m e W a r n e r in 2016. "We should be seeing s o m e m a n i -fe s t a t ions of t h e . . . s t ra tegic bene f i t s by now," Elliott p a r t n e r Jesse Cohn a n d associate por t fol io m a n a g e r Marc Stein-b e r g w r o t e in t h e l e t t e r t o t h e AT&T boa rd .

Elliott also cri t icised AT&T for allow-ing e x p e r i e n c e d T i m e W a r n e r execu-t i v e s t o l e a v e . A f t e r b u y i n g T i m e Warner , t h e c o m p a n y a p p o i n t e d AT&T

v e t e r a n J o h n S t a n k e y t o r u n t h e a c q u i r e d T i m e W a r n e r bus inesses . Mr S t a n k e y h a s o v e r s e e n a t u m u l t u o u s m a n a g e m e n t s h a k e - u p as t h r e e of t h e four senior leaders of T ime Warner have lef t , a n exodus tha t Elliott desc r ibed as "alarming".

HBO chief R ichard Plepler qu i t a l t e r deciding he would not b e given t h e s a m e l e v e l of i n d e p e n d e n c e i n t h e n e w reg ime , whi le David Levy, t h e h e a d of T ime Warner ' s T u r n e r cable TV division also lef t . Mr S tankey initially p r o m o t e d Kevin Tsuj ihara , t h e chief of t he Warne r B r o s f i l m s t u d i o , o n l y t o s e e h i m a b r u p t l y resign two w e e k s la ter in light of misconduc t allegations.

M r P l e p l e r ' s e x i t , in p a r t i c u l a r , a l a r m e d ana lys t s b e c a u s e he h a d b e e n c red i t ed wi th lead ing HBO's successes

AT&T sa id it w o u l d rev iew El l io t t ' s l e t t e r a n d t h a t ' m a n y of t h e a c t i o n s o u t l i n e d a r e o n e s w e a r e a l r e a d y e x e c u t i n g t o d a y '

t h rough t h e past decade, cu lmina t ing in b l o c k b u s t e r h i t s s u c h a s Game of Thrones.

"This lack of con t inu i ty in l eade r sh ip p r e s e n t s a rea l conce rn , " Ell iot t sa id . T h e f u n d has built a war chest to t a k e on compan ies t h e size of AT&T, which has a S275bn m a r k e t value.

S h a r e s in AT&T w e r e u p m o r e t h a n 4 p e r c e n t t o as h igh as $38.14 in ea r ly Wall Street t rading.

AT&T said it w o u l d r ev i ew El l iot t ' s let ter . "Many of t he ac t ions ou t l ined a re ones we a re a l r e a d y e x e c u t i n g today," t h e c o m p a n y said. AT&T's s t r a t egy "is d r iven by t h e u n i q u e por t fol io of va lua-ble bus inesses we've assembled . . . and as Ell iot t po in t s ou t , is t h e f o u n d a t i o n for significant value creation". Lex page 10

Putin rebuked as tactical voting drive makes big dent in Moscow stronghold HENRY FOY — MOSCOW

Russia 's ru l ing p a r t y h a s lost m o r e t h a n a t h i r d of i t s s e a t s in M o s c o w ' s c i t y c o u n c i l as a n g r y v o t e r s d e l i v e r e d a s t r o n g r e b u k e t o P r e s i d e n t V l a d i m i r P u t i n a f t e r a s u m m e r of d i s c o n t e n t in t h e coun t ry ' s capi ta l .

T h e local ballot fol lowed m o n t h s of pro-t e s t s aga ins t l iving s t a n d a r d s , gove rn -m e n t co r rup t ion and moves to suppress oppos i t ion pol i t ic ians, desp i te a police c rackdown against demons t ra t ions .

Candida tes backed by a b road opposi-t i on m o v e m e n t c l a i m e d 2 0 ou t of 4 5 seats in t h e Moscow city council , accord-ing to official elect ion data , while candi-da t e s backed by t h e ru l ing Uni ted Rus-sia pa r ty won 25. In 2014, Uni ted Russia t ook 38 seats inc luding 10 won by inde-p e n d e n t candida tes it had backed .

Whi le t h e resul t of t h e n o r m a l l y low-

key local elections will have little impac t on h o w Moscow is gove rned , t h e bal lo t was seen as a b a r o m e t e r of dissat isfac-t ion wi th Mr Putin, ahead of pa r l i amen-t a ry e lec t ions in 2021 a n d his po ten t ia l h a n d o v e r of power in 2024.

Uni ted Russia was rou t ed in elect ions fo r t h e local p a r l i a m e n t in t h e fa r eas t -e r n coasta l region of Khaba rovsk , win-n ing jus t two ou t of 36 seats . However , its c a n d i d a t e s c o m f o r t a b l y w o n all t h e contes ts t ha t took place to elect regional g o v e r n o r s , a m i d a l l ega t ions of ba l lo t s tuff ing in some areas.

T h e r e su l t s suggest t h a t a c a m p a i g n led by act ivists to encou rage ci t izens to v o t e t ac t i ca l ly t o s t o p U n i t e d Russ i a c a n d i d a t e s w a s s u c c e s s f u l . A n d r e i Metelsky, h e a d of Uni ted Russia's Mos-cow b r a n c h , los t t h e s e a t h e h a d he ld since 2001.

"Th i s is a f a n t a s t i c r e s u l t f o r s m a r t

v o t i n g . We f o u g h t f o r it t o g e t h e r . T h a n k s to eve ryone for the i r con t r i bu -tion," said Alexei Navalny, Russia's mos t p r o m i n e n t opposi t ion activist , w h o was impr i soned dur ing t h e protests .

E l e a n o r B i n d m a n , at M a n c h e s t e r M e t r o p o l i t a n Univers i ty , sa id it w a s i m p o r t a n t no t t o exaggera te t h e signifi-c a n c e of t h e r e s u l t s "g iven t h a t p r o -Kreml in cand ida te s in t h e m o r e impor -t an t guberna to r i a l e lect ions e lsewhere , such as St P e t e r s b u r g , w e r e e lec ted as p lanned" . But she a d d e d t h a t t h e s t rong p e r f o r m a n c e s h o w e d t h e o p p o s i t i o n was "capable of work ing together" .

Mr Put in ' s s p o k e s m a n said t h e vo te was "very , v e r y succes s fu l fo r Un i t ed Russia. It migh t have go t t en m o r e sea ts at s o m e places a n d f ewer at o thers , b u t on t h e whole , t h e p a r t y showed its polit-ical l eadersh ip nat ionwide". France urges trust page 2


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Draghi's bid to go out with a bang faces opposition

A n a l y s i s * ' PAGE3

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BA pilot strike hits 280,000 customers Chief execut ive Alex Cruz has a d m i t t e d t h e first pilot s tr ike in t he airline's h is tory will h u r t its b r and , while Willie Walsh, boss of o w n e r IAG, faces an investor grilling th is w e e k . - PAGE 11

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ISSN0153.4831 112e ANNÉENUMÉRO 23029 36PAGES

Antilles Réunion 4 €. Guyane-St Martin5,20 €. Belgique 3,40 €. Espagne 4,30 €.Grande-Bretagne 3£70. Grèce 4 €. Italie4,30 €. Luxembourg 3,70 €. Maroc 30 DH.Suisse 5,70 FS. Tunisie 4,8 TND. Zone CFA3000 CFA.

En Allemagne, le doute s’est installéL’analyse deNinon Renaud

Célébrée pour son modèle éco-nomique et sa stabilité politique, l’Allemagne voit ses repères bou-leversés : son économie flanche et l’extrême droite s’envole dans l’est du pays. // PAGE 9

Comme aux Etats-Unis, les entreprises de la zone EMEA – essentiellement l’Europe, mais aussi le Moyen-Orient et l’Afri-que – soignent leur trésorerie. A la fin de l’année dernière, leur tré-sor de guerre était en hausse de 15 % à près de 1.100 milliards d’euros, selon une note de Moody’s. Ce niveau constitue un record, même si l’on est encore loin des 1.690 milliards de dollarsamassés par les entreprises amé-

ricaines. Autre différence : alors qu’aux Etats-Unis ce sont essen-tiellement les géants de la tech qui conservent des trésoreries gigantesques, de ce côté-ci de l’Atlantique, les compagnies pétrolières et gazières sont les championnes du cash. Le sec-teur de l’énergie récolte les fruits d’une discipline financière plus stricte mise en place après la chute des cours du brut en 2015. // PAGE 25

POLITIQUE La composition de la nouvelle Commission doit être dévoilée ce mardi à Bruxel-les. Annoncées par sa future présidente, l’Allemande Ursula von der Leyen, la liste des porte-feuilles et les personnalités qui les animeront donneront une idée des priorités de l’institution qui va guider l’action de l’Union européenne au cours des cinq prochaines années. Transition climatique et révolution numé-rique devraient constituer les deux principaux piliers de la stratégie du futur exécutif euro-péen. // PAGE 6

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Contrôle dustocken temps réel • Baisse descoûts logistiquesPréparationde commandes automatisée

Adaptable à l’e-commerce • Élimination deserreurs






l’essentielRoyaume-Uni : les travaux du Parlement suspendusLe Parlement britannique a étésuspendu lundi, dans unea m b i a n c e t e n d u e a p r è sl’annonce de la démission duprésident de la Chambre.// P. 7

Réassurance : AXA réaffirme

ses ambitions Un an après l ’achat de XLGroup, AXA réaffirme sesambitions dans la réassurance,qui représente 5 % de son chif-fre d’affaires. // P. 29

Vinci a fait de Lyon le meilleur aéroport d’EuropePour la première fois depuisdix ans le meilleur aéroporteuropéen de l’année est fran-çais : c’est Lyon-Saint Exupéry.Vinci, qui le gère depuis troisans, en a fait une vitrine. // P. 17

Diamants : la plus grande mine fermera en 2020A rg yl e , e n Au s t r a l i e , e s texploitée depuis 1983. Sa fine n t r a î n e r a u n d é c l i n d uvolume mondial de diamants.Et peut raviver les prix.// P.26

Les éleveurs se ruent, sous pression, vers le bioAu Salon de l’élevage, cettesemaine, à Rennes, les coopé-ratives agricoles mettent envaleur la délicate conversion

de leurs éleveurs vers le bio.// P. 23

Le jeu vidéo dope le marché du PCSur le marché déclinant du PC,seul le PC gaming va bien. Dansun entretien aux « Echos »,Ja s o n C h e n , P D G d ’A c e r,revient sur ses difficultés àcroître. // P. 21

// PAGE 16

l Les deux constructeurs se préparent à revoir très largement le cadre de leur alliance.l Participations croisées, règles de fonctionnement, dossier Fiat Chrysler : tout est sur la table.

Les entreprises européennes amassent toujours plus de cashSTRUCTURE FINANCIÈRE Selon un rapport de Moody’s, le niveau de liquidités accumulé par les entreprises approche désormais les 1.100 milliards d’euros.

Europe : les défis de la nouvelle Commission

Renault-Nissan : le scénario du big bang








rg et




Buzyn dévoile son plan pour limiter l’afflux aux urgencesSANTÉ La ministre de Santé a annoncé lundi un plan de 750 millions d’euros sur trois ans pour « refonder les urgen-ces ». Principale innovation : un service d’accès aux soins joigna-ble non-stop par téléphone ou par Internet. Mais les revendica-tions portaient sur des capacitéssupplémentaires et des hausses de salaire. // PAGE 2 ET L’ÉDITORIAL D’ÉTIENNELEFEBVRE PAGE 14

Pesticides : la consultation commence malENVIRONNEMENT La consul-tation publique de trois semai-nes ouverte lundi par le gouver-nement sur les distances minimales à respecter entre habitations et zones d’épandage s’attire les foudres des associa-tions environnementales. Elles considèrent que les jeux sont déjà faits et contestent la métho-dologie adoptée. Les agricul-teurs, pour leur part, ne sont pasfavorables à la création de zones« zéro pesticide ». // PAGE 4

Leboncoin s’offre L’argus de l’automobile pour doper son activité // P. 18

Air France prêt à reprendre la majorité des lignes et personnels d’Aigle Azur // P. 17 ET « CRIBLE » P. 34

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10/09/2019Pag. 1

19PRIME PAGINE - Rassegna Stampa 10/09/2019 - 10/09/2019