Nawab Bahadur Yaar Jang


Transcript of Nawab Bahadur Yaar Jang

PowerPoint Presentation

PresentationByHyder KhanMBA31On the Occasion of Pakistan Resolution day

As you all know that we gathered here for celebrating Pakistan resolution day. The day which play vital role in independence, the day which leaded us to freedom, the day which realized Britain Government that Muslims are separate nation so they should have their own individual Country.

Well there are many heroes who participated in this resolution but Id like to talk to you today about Mr. Bahadur Yaar Jang. He is counted in those Muslim Leaders who worked hard for Muslim Community and Separate Muslim Country.

Early LifeActive politician and influential orator of Hyderabad NawabBahadurYarjung was born in 1905.Journey of BahadurYar Jungs education started from his home in his early age. He himself took very keen interest in studies. He not only gets modern education but also religiously trained initially by his grandmother and then home tutors. He got education in DarulUloom, Madrassa e Alia and MufeedulAnam. He learned Arabic, Urdu, Tafseer, Fiqah, and Hadith in these institutions. He was a brilliant and intelligent student of his time.

Work In ResolutionIn 1940, session of Muslim League was the result of BahadurYar Jungs selfless struggles. He persuades CM Sr. Sikandar Hayat of Unionist Party, give permission to Muslim League for annual session in Lahore. In that memorable meeting of Muslim league 1940 at Lahore he delivers an influential speech. After his speech Mohammad Ali Jinnah have to wind up the session with his speech. Jinnah took BahadurYar Jungs speech as a final speech of the session of the Muslim league.

Hyder Khan MBA 31