KMie PEiln HI S&...TII03. LINDSAY. vl iinrii n Nino Jkhklkk k, Vtiii. MtKKK. Kiikul liwi.r,t n...

ass y r" FV WJf"5'" r"- - ttw-p ; tsa r y t f w& -- ypJuST . tl ft taj & vm imj i . ,,rV 'S Wf 'OGIM- - KMie lis HI S& PEiln 'Jill'JiJI'JvJi'JI'lJI' & VOL. VII. NO. 1029. HONOLULU, H. 1., WEDNESDAY, MAY !), 1804. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN PRINTED AND POBMSUKD EVEUY AFTERNOON KXfKPT MINDAY BT Till Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT the orricE 326 k 328 lerchant St., Honolulu, H. 1. SUISCIUITION-H- ix Dollar a YitAB. l. Ilvi-m- l In Honolulu lit KirrrOxNTBA Month, in mtviitier, ME WEEKLY BULLETIN i - IH I'inil.ISIIKI- )- HJVX2B5.Y TUESDAY it hois llll.t.Alt- -. a Yum iu Pouit-Mlc- , tinl Mvu D'H.I.Mf to KoriMj,'ii SulisiTilicrs, pitynla'r in nclv.'imi1. HOOK AND JOB PRINTING I..I.XK IS M'll.lll''K HTVI.K, . -- ii mini iklkpiminim it ' . far- - r. 11. mix . -- mji I ao ln.t lii'tt.htiN U prlntcl ninl puli-ll-li.-- il lay tliV Pally Itiillt-ti- PiiIiIHiIiik Company, l.liulU'it, nt lt olllco. Mer-i'Iiu- iu -- Irfi'l, Honolulu. HiUMillnii M uiulv llnuli'l li)Mli, editor, rtHilei, oil Alnkeit lrvi't. Moliiilulil, ufort'iullil. A. litre- - letter for the inper " I'M I tor Hii.i.t.riN," ninl tiii.luciH letters " MniniKi'r lully lliillrtlu I'iiIiIImIiIiik Coinpiiny." INuin a iwr-oi- iiililri: niiiv iuuu tlclity In attillon. Ilusiuoia Oarda. LKWEHS & COOKE, li.lli.NrMH IMl l)KAI.KIV IN I.IIMIIKH Mill in kim or Urti.uiMi Matmuma. Korl Slrri't. Honolulu. H. UAOKFEL.D & CO., IlKNKHW. CilMMIIiililK AhKNT". ''.1 hit ami Hurra Hlrrrtu, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITU1ES, Vl . Mi.NKKIl 1illKNKKl IIUrlNKHh AhknT. Mitliiikonn, Koluilu, llnivuli, WILLIAM FOSTER, ATIllKNKV-rl,- VNI. NorIO I'UHIIf. N"- - 13 Kuuliiiiiiiimi at., Honolulu. TII03. LINDSAY. vl iinrii n Nino Jkhklkk k, Vtiii. MtKKK. Kiikul liwi.r,t n Kimilully. i'nrlii-ula- r 'Hriiiliiii m.I loiill klii.lnof r,iilr. lllouk, Kurt Htifi-t- . J. J. WILLIAMS. F3 HOTOGRAPHER Tli Only Collection of Klind VIhws ' U0M01.ULU iron works, '" IVM.INI., niOAII Mll.l Itllll Kltri, I'oOI.I.II". Iku.N, Itllth. M. l.hMi CtKTINlO. M.ii'liuirry of larvTipinui Mmlr 10 Uriln I'liriii''iiiioii It.llll III n I !' ii:.Tk.ioin.iuL' .1..1. worLH, .J - Hinrl SiiiIih , Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid. C'llinntm jjlwn 011 nil klu.U of slDNK.CONCHhTK A PJ.A.STKl: WtiltK -- t- o.m iinre a I'kci "1 JOHN F. BOWLER CHR. GERTZ, iMCOHlkH AMI IlKtl.KH IN ' Ceiil's, Ladles' aud Children's Uoots, Slioes and Slippers l No 1 03 Fort atri CHAS. in Km i lour kr or - KStll.lhH AND UONTINK.STAI. ' IDry O-ood- s V,, i KieiliuniHiiii trr. WM. DA VIES. Rigger and Stevedore, WRE OKH1R. KHIIMATKa ANH CoN'I'UAi TM US Al.l. KINI1H OK WOltK. 'Ml... . C.I... tt M v iiim t iii m lit- - iuiii , ,Mi I II ,i ttj Will rim ri'iilnrly iM'ttticu tliii, imim nml Uuhilun, Kiivtiilliupni. Mokiiliiiit, mil iiml PiiiilM on tlm Uliinit of Oiiliu. Kiar I'relKht, ftu., apply to tin- - Captain. lk. Iiiuii ru nt ulllcti of J 8. Wulkir, oVuf bircfcela' lUnk. Knit lrot. 167-1- 1 IE G. IRWIN & CO. (ILiirrxitci) CM'!-Ki- t KOK HAI.K FERTILIZERS I ILEX. OBIIM A PUNK Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. W tire nln pri'panil to take orilrrs for Moubi'h, N. Ollltvndt Ac OO 'a Fertilizers, Insuring prompt ilellvery ROILED LUCOL! Lirxie, Oement, KKKINKHSl'UAItH. HAI.MM.N Fairbauk Canning Co.'b Corned Boot Hrrinr m.'t Compounds, Rooting & Papers, Kid's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarbous' Diamond, Enamel & Ever- lasting Paint K,iwlnll ilpili'iiril tor Vhimiiiiii I'miii. FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE I M X IT IK A 'W aP If I 11 11 II II M 11 I I I'i Hnrtiord Fire Inunrance Co., Assets, 37,109,825.49. . I ....!.. 1 Ll nl. 1.1111111111 a i.:iiii:;iiimrH w.. . rirH .... ., inn i:n ., , i Assets, J4.3I7.052. ' YtaHWOH and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., tl.llllltril) Asaots, 56,124,057. New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, 5137,499,198.90, C. 0. BERGER a mm. . .. uonerai Aijonuor uawauan islands. HONHt.lM.II. Win. G. Irwin & Co. (.i.miti:i) Win. (I. I rw tn I'rrsiilrnt anil MHimrr Clilile Sprerkr, .... '. M.ulll.iril . Sii'ri'litr) itinl 'rreumirer riiro, C. I'orlrr Aiiiiuor SvJiga.r Factors AMI Commission Agents. AIIKNTt HI" TIIK Oceanic Steamship Company, ill- - h.W KUANltlHI'O CAI. cbrewerTco, I I.I.MI 1 Kl) General Mercantile Commission Ayents P. C. .loni'i. Prmiilriil (1. H. Itolinrltioii, .M;iu.i'ir K. IIUIiop. HwrrUry A t'lfHMurnr V. K Allrn Auilllor I). M. Coiiki- - . II. Wuturliomr ..:! tlliniort '0 h. Carter JUST ARRIVED PKIt UAIIK "CM) IHtYANT. i$& rf RAJ3Y CARRIAGES OF ALL STTI.KSJ Carpets, Rugs and Mats In tlir ljitet Piitlertit " " HOUSEHOLD Sewing Machines, HAND SEWING MACHINES, All with the Liitest Improvement". - ALSO OS HAND WESTER.MAYER'S CcWrateil Coltase Pianos n Pallor Organs, Guitars, Mi ilTIII.ll MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. KOIt HAI.K ED, HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO,, Kltif StriTt, opiMi. Ciillc ,V C(M,kr. iil-- tf III mini ri:i.i:iito.v t:s im- - m nrsTAck&co. COAL All l(lni In mix iUiuitlty from 11 lull; lo m ton. CHARCOAL Kroiu one mu to nny iiiiintlly. In l.ft. Irnclli- - ninl biiHt-i- l or.Silil, froln n lull; to mi) iplniitlty ; ulo WHITE & IJLACK SAND . 170 tf KrA.TIOKTA.J, T K II N lAJHI IT 01 AHV11 II U t lb J QTJHJTON STR.BJH3T. Detweeu Alakoa and RJcbards Streets. 'pilK PMlKltM(lNKi) AKU I'ltK- - X lllireil to lllllkl. hII Iflll.ta nf In.n UriiKh, llronti'. .tne, Tin ninl UiiiH'um. Imki.. ANo 11 Ooneral ltp.ilr lor , Vt. Slwtni KiiKllift. un'" .Mill.. Corn Slilh. ' " iiit-- r it iiri'in t mil .MlU'lllllrh .MIIIX,l'll'. .... . .. .. ,, f... , .1.., ...i '.v. ,.ir.,nwllj OI louir, t uu,r uii. ,',;"!,; i,1?1,,', Hi!,"J:..,:,I'i,!!i1,i',r ?. '"!'' ' ";. ......i.n ,uni.i 111111 1 iiiirr nilH'h AImj .Miii'lilnes for Katnit'tliiK biun'li from Uu ,"""H Arr,m .... . 1 nailuiy I. !... 1. ..a... " " i""'i,uJ ",tr'"tni in WHITE, RITMAN & CO. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lunch iu Town. Tea. and Corfet AT VI.L IIOt'K.S TIIK FINKST HUAND.s OK Cig-ar- s and Tobacco ALWAYK ON HANI) "H. J. lSTOjliTE. DProp. "Sans Souci" Hotel Seaside i Resort Waikiki. : ; Honolulu. iiiti'ii,, & mi, If HiKiimt ilrmr tueh tltimjr n In. ili n'l.teru . ut, pure no elnu tin uiifiw jtuu.1 f.Khl ., i(.iirni m.turln Uitivl nut L, ey.' .uru r.tmmt i.irr tlir '.iri I,, .mil lln ilhlii,l liilh nf M'.ii.iM'ir. I 1 renin Int., r.i.ilt.ttlu tn tlt'r "Siiiji Smir,.' itiiiti:it',i j.iiris si 1. 7.'.v.m.v T. A. SIMPSON, : Manager. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO,, '",' ,iVM 81 KING ST Wholesale and Retail Butchers ANH NAVY CONTRACTORS. O J Wallor, MatUHJOr Pacific Mail&S. Co. ' -- AND rilK- - Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co, For YOKOHAMA and H0NQK0N0. Htcniurrs ol the nliove l'oiiiniiilft will cull nt Honolulu 011 their way to tlir nliovt-(xirt-s 011 or uliotit tlio follow iiii iIhIi'm: Miiir-OAKI- .It " Juiic fi. isiil Htinr-llhl.t- llt ' July ft, IMil . Stinr 'CHINA' - ptotulivr .), IMil ijtmr'C'CAMc' .tictolxr i, IMM I .Sllur"l III.NA". NiKt'iiilwr IS, IMM atinr"Oti:ANir" .!.. iihIkt ll, lM Mtmr "CHINA" .Innuary i, I NO uur '(t'KANh" III, ISO Mtur "C MIX A' .ril 1, !?.. t For SAN FRANCISCO. Mtrnuurr u( tlir alxive t'oiiipnnic! will ' cull nt Honolulu 011 heir wiiy Iroin Hon. Loiiioniil Yokolinma to the nlnive jrt on ' or nhuut tlir follow hii! ihttcs: -- "liiir JaKI.H'" Mnr M IM Stinr"CH'Yul'ltlO)i:jANKIltO" . July IU, IMM Minr "lllll.illi" Anuil-- l .'I, Ia'ji Miur'i IIYwriM:KINU'v.. . Ui'tolK-- l U, INM UiT.AMC" NorpinUr in, Imm Minr CHINA IhivniluT III, Minr "MAKLH" . IVhrimn HI, IMO Minr' I'hta'" Mnrcfi , MO tmr UAEI.Ii " .April iW, ImO RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: TO OKII TO IIIIMi. IMMA. KOMI. C'nlilli . tt) 00 (ITA J Calilli. roiliul trip 4 luniitln ril ui .'if.' do Cntilii, round trip VI nioiitliK Jirj .Vl ltd i'i Kiirori-.ii- i St'muv .' un HO on LW o.ilinr lull fur., will I... uIIomciI 10 iKin'riit oil re turn tMrc If rrturn- - witiiin iv..iv.-monti- W ror Kr.'llil ninl Pii'onKf .iiipiv 10 H. HACKFELD & CO., . ' JIT If AgOUIS. ' Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco : llir NVk mill Kliif A I St'-- l Mr11111.ini " " MARIPOSA UI tlir Oi.-iiiil- c Mrniiislilp Couipmit win lii'iluriil llixiiilulii from hilm unit Aurk-Iuih- I 011 or iilmul JVLQ.V A'"' ""' ''i' t" Hit- - H,rl ,tli .11HU1..11111 I'lixrrtiuurt oil or Hlioul thnl ilnl For Sydnoy and Auckland : I'lii- - Wt ninl Ktnr A I Mrt lniuo.lii. " MONOW AI M . iif ti. iiteuiiic Mrumiliii. Co .m. ..H, I, ta h : ,, ,'r ol, .il.oui May 10th. V',"1.' Wl", '' prompt l.i-ni.-l- . aiiIi ......-.- , ,,Wnu u.,- - ......w, ,.,u 'i.- nt iiiiuvrniiMfi itrt mo r .nitil to iwii( tnnuuun uitis iu ALL fulfill IN THE UNITED STATES "" r'or furilirr f.trt icuii, rt. rri'iKln or I'liiip. apply to WM. 0. IKVIN & CO., Ltd., ''" Oeiieral Aunata. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time Taiole. LOCAL LINE S. S. AUSTRALIA. Ainv Honolulu l.n,vt' Honoluli. frum h. r for h. - Mnv IU .Mu) .ii Iiiiii' In Jinn- - it THROUGH LINE prom Mill Kniui'lni'i Krom tfydim) foi for hviliuy hull Kriuii'iBi'ii .lllllC IIiiihiIiiIh li.Hir ll.nuitutu MUMIWAI .Mny lo AI.A.MI.I1A. Mii H Juui' 7 .MAHll'OhA Miiv.ll MAItll'OhA, Jult ft .MoNiiWAI.Juin .' MUMIWAI Aui: J AI Mi;iA .lult .1 AI.AMKHA Aui; :Mi M Vltl PtibA. Aui ii MAItll'O.tA Miiit.'.'7 MiiMlW M.Ni.t. ,ii MUMIWAI tin i'. , AI.A.Mhli FOR ONE MONTH ONLY CLEARANCE SALE OF FURNITURE y 1 fit ii 1 i J I iV ( 1 V l iiiuii ..I Itilii; nml lit Iini. -- iiru-ls lillir a I nr,;i ui of I' iii nml "mli.tiliitnu FxjptnsriTtJiHi AI l.tiW I. It Pi! H . liuui'i llilti'iii., Huii-iiii- .'li-- s Mi al ,iMiol.ii ,i ,i, I lii'iipi-- i l tin ti 'Iik I rtm i,-- in Honolulu ' g.j ;ni MNU l'AI A t ll Canadian - Anstralwn IN WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE FAMOUS TOURIST Tickets per $5 sSd tf C. P. R. are STEAMSHIP MONTHLY. THROUGH TICKETS Issued trom Houotalu to CANADA, UNITED STATES and EUROPE, iIho to FIJI and SYDNEY. For Fiji and Sydnoy: For Victoria and Vancouver B. C: tSrKAMKIth j.MI. i'.n KAilt Mm.MH. TKA MllltS SAIL Mny .11. .Iul I, Jul) 31 rrelulit tud Passenger Agents' ., II. Jli.MI IM.I., .Mulltrriil 1111111I11. r KI.r.K. V , e anailn M. M. Ml KKN. .iiii Krunr i ( mI (. Mil. IIIIOWS. Viiliroiiwr II C Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE W. C. iii.KH, I'rin. . II. I:kk ,ir. Cai-- i J. A. I'orl Mipl. KINAU, CLARKE, Uommandor, Will Iruvr Honolulu nt J r. m., i ijinuina, jinniiu-i- t isu mm Aiiikcim the tllllll lilt) . llll, tjtll tuiliiH'liiK' lliv folloln ilny nrrl vtiit: 11 llilo nl mlilniukt. ,iKAVKS """'',' . riu.iy Mu II ruif.fny Mii U I' N1I1I) .linn- - I I tli'.iliiy Jiinr IL frlilii .lillir : I'lii'Mlity Jul) 3 Krl.l.ix . . July i:i I'll, mlity Jill) .M Krlilttv ... A ui;. :t lui'Mmy . . AilB. 11 . .u(:. .M lot'.ifiiy Si'pt. 1 Prlilu) pt. 11 ruuHiit) pt. J.i rlilny.. . . un. .' I UCmIII) . Hit. in Kriilnt u 1. .' 1'uuMiiiy ..Nov. I) Krliluy .... Nov. Hi I Ur.ifil Nov. '.7 KrliliiN . . law. 7 Tiii'.ifit) . I arc. If ItvtlirillllK IfHVi'k tlilu, loilflilliK lit Miuir iluy; KiimiiIIiiii a.m.. Mu. Iiukonn In . m.; Mnkrim I c. m.; Miitiluvn Iln hi., u. Iiluihii. i. u. id.. f..iti.u-in.- . 'l")""l ituinlux"."" '"" A It III V Kb AT ..iliiriii) M.i) 111 V'ihii'Mlii . Mil) Jo .Suturitii) Juui' ,1 Wulni'Mliiy JiinrJU ft.iliirilny Jiiliu.Ui 11 Jul) II ;0"inlu) . Jul) JI Hwll l) . A iiK. I I S.iiur.hi) All II I Wi'iIiikmIiiv Auk. i ftatunliiy M'pl. I filiiuMltiy l'pt. I.' iiiiiruit) ho pi. '.".' ii.t. :i jiuuy O.'l. 1,. ' (tit. J 1 niiiunui) Nov. :t Wttliiiithi Nov. li Mtunliit Nov. j Wtilnr. iluy lln'. .1 ft:ituriii) IllV. I.I iilnitailtt) lrr. 1. No iTl-itfl- Will In rrivlVr.l itflrl I'J noon on ilit) of itiiiiu:. OLAUDINE, (JAMLK0N. Uounuaudor. Will Honolulu iwit) I urvliit 111 .1 r. M tourlillii; a I luiliiihii Uimlo lliilm, llbiiinii unit Kipitiiiiiu Itciurniiii; it III arnvrul lluiioliilu rtrr) iiioriilui!. IW No KrHiKln will nr r... xivc.l nflrr i V. U Oil lilt) of Milling. CouiiKlit'i'" niUfl In' ui Hie iiiiitliiiub lo rri'L'lvi f In Ir Krrinhi 111. uc util I. ..1.1 ourcrivt'b rti.HiU'utiii hii.t iiu n ,H.r,., Inll'liil Willie till- - Coiup.i) will nr line .till itillir 111 hHliilllun ,t hioik, . uiilakllii,' liny rrHin lilt ill . ol Hi. lll' ol "llllll'. I'lir Compiint tti I iini in 1, .hiiimI.ii' lor Muni')'wiiln nuli" pli I 111 ile ol l'uri'r Ring Up Both Telephones 122 lei. Baggage Express, Main! ill IIoIIiuhit Miui'iii)' nliop, tiiini ir. fl. nviir 1 on. 'i if I WlC.h Till Mo K WAIAKKAKUA NOTIOK A I.I. I'Altril'.r. lir.MIUMi luotiln ;V Wiiliikciil.uii i'lHU ui .Million Vulli) "ri' ll'r",, to olilulii n (tTiiii'.. "Inn f.oin lln uiiit,r"l.'iiiit ollirrwUi ilii't will Im proMi'iiii-i- l for tr'iiui.i. if i.uiiit oil llm pri'lui,' vtilliout ii li per loo JAM. ll IIOYII nl tile IjiihI lllliri', MiprHim-- on.i llnll.l mi:. Hll'llll'll', . ,IH 7 l'll 'Vtlt f INTKH.IS1.ANU Pit. OTA UK 'API. MS WILLIAM iAVIKi l"li J lli- - piil Itti-lv- .tear, in i itu-- l nl lutiir-lliili- "Irauinrt, oitur. Iin iiviii" in Pilot to it li mii ui lamlluk' in III, Hawaiian lilmul Ileal of nlnriiu'i liiipiln- ui oilli-- of J. h Wjlkt-- r iiim bpit-vkt'l- Hunk, roll kin ut. Uj" ll Steamship Line OONNHOTION SERVICE Stmr. MllllllkoUU.'KilMllllllir Stmr. ROUTE 01' THE WORLD $10 First 1 ... fjinn II C jnA I a uiass "uu) "lu" "' u' ulu ' INI I Kur I'li'krtn ninl Mrtimil Infonnn- - 1I011 uily to THEO. H. DAVIES&CO..,,,..r V,r ll.,,,,,,!.,,, hU,.l, "DAI NIPPON" Hotel Street (ArllDgtOD Block) rtic lirr rttor.- - h'n rmilvnl inotlirr Mpl.inliil Invoiir of I .t'i iip , 1 da mmM ruiic uooiis Por S. S. "China." I UMI'lll'IV Beautiful Silk and Crape lln " UihiiI- - In nil .ni.,. ptiipi an. I Ih'iiiril. Coliloii fiilil,' Cover. Il"'l Coviro, (ioniii. ' ,v,,, M"''- - Siik Crape Rainbow Suits, All ulon Finn') Hrii,Mirii., Embroidered Handkerchiefs ll.illl. .. .lllrki'l- - I'.lp", Kti' Kl,' NOVKLT1KS: I In I'rlii- - of III'-'.- ' II.hhI. will ton, itii'lii'liiit; Elegant Silk Kimonos! Hun 'xiiiir Iciiii'lii 11.1 I'm Ml. I I'M r... Large and Small Japanese Rugs hilk I' r.'llii.. Il'lil Inn lrnii! t tlir Mi. I. Il- l- .1 k. IIiiiiiIhhi llllliil", ll'lt'il ttll'i pil li llk l.iiup liiiiii"t, nuu itlf. Japanoaa Screem, Irnm S3 Up. Large Japanese Umbrellas tW i'm'i In' .N't Willi Poll- - ill lln. lirouiiil, nu'" for I'ii'iur-u- r l.ttlit ) mil of iliHirn, lln't lanl"' oiiiu'il mil or uiil .- 1- 11 Ifin . COTTON CKAPKS IN i.ltl.M V.MHI.n. lOt lllui'lll,ll li, ll.VHr'l. Mrs, J. P. P. Collaco, Proprietress. if. i.fNii; ""'"t ruuaic, uoner.iur auu uauerai Uimiiiebs Aguut. n" fr Vi' ll of llir ll,.. IlitK '" .".,..,,.,., ,r.n rateniee ui bORe'a uueiuical liODipound lor Olarllylng Caue Juice. M'Huiil li'li-p- l 1. n I'll 1 :uv Mit, limn huci'i. Hoi hIiiIii Mil. C. W. .MOOWH. Vim Nii Av,' , I' in. Elegant Auartmontr. lor Paiinnts. "'" ,N NtMV '"- - ItT- - li Mooie oiinr- - mvui'iU .ill ihr i,'.T! .'.'.?. o'l..'! iV rV,"', lii II. li .Mui'fiirliiiii'. nou-t- f K. A. .lACOUSON, W VTl AMI .IKWI.I. I'll O.I I nil Mm I llnlHiliilil II I' ii Hot 2s. M .ll ii ii I I'll lu Kdi' 1. ten I New.! Kltly MVM'iitt'il 'I'likc the littllt'tiii livery time. Antichrist's ltllilo or n Huligioua Fraud Kwtoh Ucllktin: A yiaortmnau who, to allure a (look of wild g'i'i'. iMiuajjo n lara.t band to perform in adtaneo of him, it, ' i without tlotiht, on a wild gon-,- i (.li.i'u, and if, per chanee, he dooi iiifiM'i'd in onu of tin- - trilic in tliis noM'l fatliion. lie, a II a hi yattn, may fitd not littli' iMMiphi!'d as to wlictlier jho noMii'oti'd wlr.uru !k dnu lo tlm nvi'ii(iM L'oniii' of tlit latitat fr or to tlio l'(,',, "Hipitlity of tln K"t-I'o- r ol)iom ri'aon ticli a farcical hunt may not lio an i'M;rday occur riMici in placci uliii'la can boast an aj 11 111 for induitliials l)luMtd with lucid interval", hut in our little Huh of nitfotry (not uiifrcoiiciitly tyled llilo), ulioD cliaritahlo institution arc aot iiuwlu-ri'- . and wlioso pro ti'tidcdlx di'fp drain pan betray a huHKcr-mu'go- r turn and tii-c- liar to wi-- c ol only, tlit uoclt of the chao has altogether dlai pcaretl. Ilev. It. K. D.iptiti, pator of hone Star Hot hoi. llilo. ulm-ecle- n 1'hI wil ""'"r1'."1 ,,,-;V- " iu'K lo '"' on a par with bill eul, ia ti(, ,.,,,,,. n.pmn',!,,,, 7 M.j . t liiint.maii Ho ha, SSs3ffi clc, drawing nttfiition to the llibl translated into I'ortuifiic.-- e bv I'adie i!) A. I'. I'iKueiredo. which lliblu it thu only one that iticetit Hev. liap tisloV full approliation, and hence tilt' tallly Hli wllicllhoi ailXJOIIi to "ce spread ntnoiig liU otiliihtoiictl Jlock. Now, the name of the Pad re in the advertiM'inont referred to may StrisrSnSnS btiKle, a lixcly minicterial hornpipe. a flinriiiiiiK ciiiimt. mi alluring' lanit, nun Ki'v. litipiitto nicrit." to lio coin pliinuntinl on In Inlily rnptivntltiK aiiM'rini' gi'iiuiK. Turning oor 0110 loaf of tli "nine i.tiio of tlio limit Ai Hoai Novak or Lono Star IMI10I C'liroiiii'lt. tlio roiiilcr liiul- - 1 ho ri'M-ri'iu- l man's nrtillori iIiiit, Iiow. anil arrow. l(o. MaptKto, liki a tiimttur intorpri'liT, I lion- - ili'litio pailrn at vn011y111111pt with Anlicliriht, man of Kill, ailil Him f if imrilil inn Iiii'Ii'mI ri'lini'ini'iilo lan-.- -t on no lov. an atitlioritr than St. Paul liiintlf t'J Tho. 1 1 :i ) I am nut proo'in'il to arno tin li.iiiilan1"' or iiiiiianilai;iMl coinlitii'ii of l(o. Mapti'toV cranium aftor ttii'li tiolont I'vliilntioiit of logical ri'i'iiiiii 111K ami rholorii-a- l Ihuiri.'li on hi-- , part, lint I do liiioori'h lio,' tho ri'Vi-rciii- l K"ntli'inau to tlio naiiiii of I'ailro A. I. Iii;iii'iri'ilii on tho titlo pau'o of lu Ilililo and in his advorliMMiiont lay (ho fori'iiioiitiont'd xynoiMiii uf padri'. na an to niako kniiixu lo hin diipotl lluclt, and to all ollior.-- . uhinn ho i iMidoavorini to dupi'. uhat ri'liani'o may ho laai'd on I ho aiithoiitioity, torai'ity. and infiilliliility of a Mifalo train-hito- d lay Antii'hrinl, tho man uf fin and mil of porilitiuii 'whii-l- i ll.lilo Rov. It.'tp tinto flam. t to ho tho true uord of doll; thorolay lining avxay with what may ln ju-- il toriuod a roll Kiottri fraud, or. aivi'itliiif,' to iiiuM h'xnorapln r- -. a dialaolifal tU'i-t-- lion ih'lilioiatoly prui'li-o- d with a viow of oapiiiriiiK tho unwary I'orlu iii'Mi. ll it had n.icy fin thowulf tu puito hi iMitor I'tou a trillot.i.i far mil of tho plii'op' t'lulhiii. I'w. llilo, Mav ll. IS'.M. 8omn Hnrrlblu I'uiu. "I tlullft'd Uoi'li oujoyuii'iit," !aid'l. 1'. rdtardtoa (ihili" D.-iii- h orat ri'purlii. ",t funiit miiiIi thai noiiif papor had Ktarlod' and uluoh wont from uno oditur toauuihor thriMihuiit tho laud. k'ainiiiK with oach jiuiriioy a ouiim-a- l additiuu that adtli'd iinii'h to ilio id a. Ou, x.iid 'That ihoSiuux Indiiin.-- . had a noUii,iiur of their uwn; tlolilnpii'iit .iih-i'iiho- rh will ho priiiiitly oil ' A not Iter added. 'No. "tin-- , the will 10 hiuuxetl A third iaul: ,' oiiliM'rtliorrt Would M'UII leave the edltni III the SioiiNp.' A fourth tanl: ' I'lie Simiv nor tho laottor' A fifth addi'il. 'Or taiuly if Sioux lalilo.' and a himIi so ill, worn Willi tlio liilanoiiK nut raeuiiHiie-- h uf tho r Hi. nolilu uuiod: 'A inui'li wurn and nuiftiotKil Allionrail popillneo lb now willing to SlullX fur lielll'e lllid If OL'ato lh,-- o fiiiiiiieiith a a bmtix tonir uf tho ' Sioux pieiuo ah, lit) of Aiiieruaii 'dlliTs In julto if thot ptoa-- e '' - Provontiou In Unttor I liau fiire. and , lhuM uliu , aro nidi loot tu ihouuialMii fan nrouuit at Hl'k' h i r t . i.i. .,. i pur,, and Iri'o liuui the iifid whifh finiM the diM'.'!-.,- .. Yon fan ieh upmi H.a.ailV S.u ",ip,inlla a- - a rouieih for rhoii "'! and eatarrh. aNo for mon ' lorm t ui fruiila, i iall rlieiim, laoil-- . ' and other diMMMsi eaiiM'd H itiiiiurit liluiid. li iiuii' ami Mlaher. tho whole !y -- 1 , i a i HoodV I'tlls aro oaiv and K'iitl ill ellei'l. Mef hauif-- -' Iluiiif, fornor Hutel ami Nun. mu Mieot LuiIiiik lit day, weoli or iinuith Torin-- : 'S, and .Mlfontn per uii'hi: id mid ?l.''fa poi Weolt .Manager If. una of the "Imipire" now ha- - tho line-- t toflt of wiiioi nml hipiorn hi Honolulu. I'iiioapplo fofktaili, a pfiualt at tho "Kuipire." I'tirnor of Niiuaiiii am I lintel fttreot tii-r- iMfrfjifiuai oJUH Mtl.WLSU uW uf Ihr HulUtin Ujlkt,

Transcript of KMie PEiln HI S&...TII03. LINDSAY. vl iinrii n Nino Jkhklkk k, Vtiii. MtKKK. Kiikul liwi.r,t n...

Page 1: KMie PEiln HI S&...TII03. LINDSAY. vl iinrii n Nino Jkhklkk k, Vtiii. MtKKK. Kiikul liwi.r,t n Kimilully. i'nrlii-ula-r 'Hriiiliiii m.I loiill klii.lnof r,iilr. lllouk, Kurt Htifi-t-.

assy r" FVWJf"5'" r"- - ttw-p ;tsar y t f


--ypJuST. tl ft

taj & vm imji . ,,rV 'S Wf'OGIM- -

KMie lis HI S&PEiln 'Jill'JiJI'JvJi'JI'lJI'&




Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,

AT the orricE326 k 328 lerchant St., Honolulu, H. 1.

SUISCIUITION-H- ix Dollar a YitAB.

l. Ilvi-m- l In Honolulu lit KirrrOxNTBAMonth, in mtviitier,


- IH I'inil.ISIIKI- )-

HJVX2B5.Y TUESDAYit hois llll.t.Alt- -. a Yum iu Pouit-Mlc- ,

tinl Mvu D'H.I.Mf to KoriMj,'ii SulisiTilicrs,pitynla'r in nclv.'imi1.


. -- ii mini iklkpiminim it ' .

far- - r. 11. mix . --mji

I ao ln.t lii'tt.htiN U prlntcl ninl puli-ll-li.-- il

lay tliV Pally Itiillt-ti- PiiIiIHiIiikCompany, l.liulU'it, nt lt olllco. Mer-i'Iiu- iu

-- Irfi'l, Honolulu. HiUMillnii Muiulv llnuli'l li)Mli, editor, rtHilei, oilAlnkeit lrvi't. Moliiilulil, ufort'iullil.

A. litre- - letter for the inper " I'M I torHii.i.t.riN," ninl tiii.luciH letters " MniniKi'rlully lliillrtlu I'iiIiIImIiIiik Coinpiiny."INuin a iwr-oi- iiililri: niiiv iuuu tlclityIn attillon.

Ilusiuoia Oarda.


li.lli.NrMH IMl l)KAI.KIV IN I.IIMIIKH Millin kim or Urti.uiMi Matmuma.

Korl Slrri't. Honolulu.



''.1 hit ami Hurra Hlrrrtu, Honolulu.


Vl . Mi.NKKIl 1illKNKKl IIUrlNKHh AhknT.

Mitliiikonn, Koluilu, llnivuli,



N"- - 13 Kuuliiiiiiiimi at., Honolulu.


vl iinrii n Nino Jkhklkk k, Vtiii.MtKKK.

Kiikul liwi.r,t n Kimilully. i'nrlii-ula- r

'Hriiiliiii m.I loiill klii.lnof r,iilr.lllouk, Kurt Htifi-t- .


F3 HOTOGRAPHERTli Only Collection of Klind VIhws'

U0M01.ULU iron works,

'" IVM.INI., niOAII Mll.l Itllll Kltri,I'oOI.I.II". Iku.N, Itllth. M. l.hMi


M.ii'liuirry of larvTipinui Mmlr 10Uriln I'liriii''iiiioii It.llll III n I !'ii:.Tk.ioin.iuL' .1..1. worLH, .J -Hinrl SiiiIih ,

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.C'llinntm jjlwn 011 nil klu.U of


-- t- o.m iinre a I'kci "1JOHN F. BOWLER



Ceiil's, Ladles' aud Children's Uoots, Slioes

and Slippers l

No 1 03 Fort atriCHAS.

in Km i lour kr or -KStll.lhH AND UONTINK.STAI. '

IDry O-ood- s

V,, i KieiliuniHiiii trr.


Rigger and Stevedore,WRE OKH1R.


'Ml... .C.I... tt M v iiim t iii mlit- - iuiii , ,Mi I II ,i ttj

Will rim ri'iilnrly iM'ttticu tliii, imim nmlUuhilun, Kiivtiilliupni. Mokiiliiiit,mil iiml PiiiilM on tlm Uliinit of Oiiliu.Kiar I'relKht, ftu., apply to tin- - Captain.

lk. Iiiuii ru nt ulllcti of J 8. Wulkir,oVuf bircfcela' lUnk. Knit lrot. 167-1- 1



CM'!-Ki- t KOK HAI.K



Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

W tire nln pri'panil to take orilrrs for

Moubi'h, N. Ollltvndt Ac OO 'aFertilizers,

Insuring prompt ilellvery


Lirxie, Oement,KKKINKHSl'UAItH.


Fairbauk Canning Co.'b Corned Boot

Hrrinr m.'t

Compounds, Rooting & Papers,

Kid's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarbous' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting Paint

K,iwlnll ilpili'iiril tor Vhimiiiiii I'miii.




I M X IT IK A 'W aP IfI 11 11 II II M 11 I I I'i

Hnrtiord Fire Inunrance Co.,Assets, 37,109,825.49.

.I ....!.. 1 Ll nl.1.1111111111 a i.:iiii:;iiimrHw.. .rirH.... .,inn i:n ., ,i

Assets, J4.3I7.052. '

YtaHWOH and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,tl.llllltril)

Asaots, 56,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,

Assets, 5137,499,198.90,

C. 0. BERGERa mm. . ..uonerai Aijonuor uawauan islands.


Win. G. Irwin & Co.


Win. (I. I rw tn I'rrsiilrnt anil MHimrrClilile Sprerkr, ....

'. M.ulll.iril . Sii'ri'litr) itinl 'rreumirerriiro, C. I'orlrr Aiiiiuor

SvJiga.r FactorsAMI

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,

ill-- h.W KUANltlHI'O CAI.

cbrewerTco,I I.I.MI 1 Kl)

General Mercantile

Commission Ayents

P. C. .loni'i. Prmiilriil(1. H. Itolinrltioii, .M;iu.i'ir

K. IIUIiop. HwrrUry A t'lfHMurnrV. K Allrn Auilllor

I). M. Coiiki- -

. II. Wuturliomr ..:! tlliniort'0 h. Carter





Carpets, Rugs and MatsIn tlir ljitet Piitlertit



All with the Liitest Improvement".



CcWrateil Coltase Pianosn

Pallor Organs, Guitars,

Mi ilTIII.ll



Kltif StriTt, opiMi. Ciillc ,V C(M,kr.iil--tf

III mini ri:i.i:iito.v t:s im-- m


All l(lni In mix iUiuitlty from 11

lull; lo m ton.

CHARCOALKroiu one mu to nny iiiiintlly.

In l.ft. Irnclli- - ninl biiHt-i- l or.Silil,froln n lull; to mi) iplniitlty ; ulo


170 tf


QTJHJTON STR.BJH3T.Detweeu Alakoa and RJcbards Streets.

'pilK PMlKltM(lNKi) AKU I'ltK- -

X lllireil to lllllkl. hII Iflll.ta nf In.nUriiKh, llronti'. .tne, Tin ninl UiiiH'um.Imki.. ANo 11 Ooneral ltp.ilr lor ,

Vt.Slwtni KiiKllift. un'" .Mill.. Corn Slilh. '

" iiit-- r it iiri'in t mil .MlU'lllllrh.MIIIX,l'll'..... . .. ..,,f... ,.1.., ...i '.v.,.ir.,nwllj OI louir, t uu,r uii.,',;"!,; i,1?1,,', Hi!,"J:..,:,I'i,!!i1,i',r ?. '"!'' '

";. ......i.n ,uni.i 111111 1 iiiirr nilH'hAImj .Miii'lilnes for Katnit'tliiK biun'li fromUu ,"""H Arr,m

.... .1 nailuiy I. !... 1. ..a..." " i""'i,uJ ",tr'"tni in



The Best Lunch iu Town.

Tea. and CorfetAT VI.L IIOt'K.S


Cig-ar-s and TobaccoALWAYK ON HANI)

"H. J. lSTOjliTE. DProp.

"Sans Souci" Hotel

Seaside i Resort

Waikiki. : ; Honolulu.iiiti'ii,, & mi,

If HiKiimt ilrmr tueh tltimjrn In. ili n'l.teru . ut, pure no elnu tinuiifiw jtuu.1 f.Khl ., i(.iirni m.turln Uitivlnut L, ey.' .uru r.tmmt i.irr tlir '.iriI,, .mil lln ilhlii,l liilh nf M'.ii.iM'ir. I 1 Int., r.i.ilt.ttlu tn tlt'r "Siiiji Smir,.'

itiiiti:it',i j.iiris si 1. 7.'.v.m.v

T. A. SIMPSON, : Manager.


'",' ,iVM81 KING ST

Wholesale and Retail Butchers



O J Wallor, MatUHJOr

Pacific Mail&S. Co. '

-- AND rilK--

Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co,


Htcniurrs ol the nliove l'oiiiniiilft willcull nt Honolulu 011 their way to tlir nliovt-(xirt-s

011 or uliotit tlio follow iiii iIhIi'm:

Miiir-OAKI- .It " Juiic fi. isiilHtinr-llhl.t- llt ' July ft, IMil .

Stinr 'CHINA' - ptotulivr .), IMilijtmr'C'CAMc' .tictolxr i, IMM I

.Sllur"l III.NA". NiKt'iiilwr IS, IMMatinr"Oti:ANir" .!.. iihIkt ll, lMMtmr "CHINA" .Innuary i, I NO

uur '(t'KANh" III, ISOMtur "C MIX A' .ril 1, !?.. t


Mtrnuurr u( tlir alxive t'oiiipnnic! will '

cull nt Honolulu 011 heir wiiy Iroin Hon.Loiiioniil Yokolinma to the nlnive jrt on '

or nhuut tlir follow hii! ihttcs:--"liiir JaKI.H'" Mnr M IMStinr"CH'Yul'ltlO)i:jANKIltO"

. July IU, IMMMinr "lllll.illi" Anuil-- l .'I, Ia'jiMiur'i IIYwriM:KINU'v.. .

Ui'tolK-- l U, INMUiT.AMC" NorpinUr in, Imm

Minr CHINA IhivniluT III,Minr "MAKLH" . IVhrimn HI, IMOMinr' I'hta'" Mnrcfi , MO

tmr UAEI.Ii " .April iW, ImO



C'nlilli . tt) 00 (ITA JCalilli. roiliul trip 4

luniitln ril ui .'if.' doCntilii, round trip VI

nioiitliK Jirj .Vl ltd i'iKiirori-.ii- i St'muv .' un HO on

LW o.ilinr lull fur., will I...uIIomciI 10 iKin'riit oil re turn tMrc If rrturn- -

witiiin iv..iv.-monti-

W ror Kr.'llil ninl Pii'onKf .iiipiv 10



Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco :

llir NVk mill Kliif A I St'-- l Mr11111.ini

" "MARIPOSAUI tlir Oi.-iiiil- c Mrniiislilp Couipmit winlii'iluriil llixiiilulii from hilm unit Aurk-Iuih- I

011 or iilmul


A'"' ""' ''i' t" Hit-- H,rl ,tli.11HU1..11111 I'lixrrtiuurt oil or Hlioul thnl ilnl

For Sydnoy and Auckland :

I'lii-- Wt ninl Ktnr A I Mrt lniuo.lii." MONOW AI M


iif ti. iiteuiiic Mrumiliii. Co .m. ..H,I, ta h

: ,,,'rol, .il.oui

May 10th.V',"1.' Wl", '' prompt l.i-ni.-l- . aiiIi......-.- , ,,Wnu u.,- - ......w, ,.,u'i.-nt iiiiuvrniiMfi itrt mo r .nitil to iwii(

tnnuuun uitis iu ALL fulfillIN THE UNITED STATES

"" r'or furilirr f.trt icuii, rt.rri'iKln or I'liiip. apply to

WM. 0. IKVIN & CO., Ltd.,

''" Oeiieral Aunata.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time Taiole.LOCAL LINE


Ainv Honolulu l.n,vt' Honoluli.frum h. r for h. -

Mnv IU .Mu) .iiIiiiii' In Jinn- - it

THROUGH LINEprom Mill Kniui'lni'i Krom tfydim) foi

for hviliuy hull Kriuii'iBi'ii

.lllllC IIiiihiIiiIh li.Hir ll.nuitutu

MUMIWAI .Mny lo AI.A.MI.I1A. Mii H Juui' 7 .MAHll'OhA Miiv.llMAItll'OhA, Jult ft .MoNiiWAI.Juin .'MUMIWAI Aui: J AI Mi;iA .lult .1

AI.AMKHA Aui; :Mi M Vltl PtibA. Aui iiMAItll'O.tA Miiit.'.'7 MiiMlW M.Ni.t. ,iiMUMIWAI tin i'. , AI.A.Mhli



y 1 fit ii1 i J I iV (



l iiiuii ..I Itilii; nml lit Iini. --iiru-ls

lillir a I nr,;i ui of I' iii nml"mli.tiliitnu

FxjptnsriTtJiHiAI l.tiW I. It Pi! H . liuui'i

llilti'iii., Huii-iiii- .'li-- s

Mi al ,iMiol.ii ,i ,i,I lii'iipi-- i l tin ti 'Iik I rtm i,--

in Honolulu' g.j ;ni MNU l'AI A t ll

Canadian -AnstralwnIN WITH


Tickets per $5 sSd tfC. P. R. are



For Fiji and Sydnoy: For Victoria and Vancouver B. C:

tSrKAMKIth j.MI. i'.n KAilt Mm.MH. TKA MllltS SAIL Mny .11. .Iul I, Jul) 31

rrelulit tud Passenger Agents'.,

II. Jli.MI IM.I., .Mulltrriil 1111111I11. r KI.r.K. V , e anailnM. M. Ml KKN. .iiii Krunr i ( mI

(. Mil. IIIIOWS. Viiliroiiwr II C

Wilder's Steamship Co.

TIME TABLEW. C. iii.KH, I'rin. . II. I:kk ,ir.

Cai-- i J. A. I'orl Mipl.

KINAU,CLARKE, Uommandor,

Will Iruvr Honolulu nt J r. m., i

ijinuina, jinniiu-i- t isu mm Aiiikcim thetllllll lilt) . llll, tjtlltuiliiH'liiK' lliv folloln ilny nrrl vtiit: 11llilo nl mlilniukt.

,iKAVKS """'','.riu.iy Mu II

ruif.fny Mii UI' N1I1I) .linn- - I

I tli'.iliiy Jiinr IL

frlilii .lillir :I'lii'Mlity Jul) 3Krl.l.ix . . July i:iI'll, mlity Jill) .MKrlilttv ... A ui;. :tlui'Mmy . . AilB. 11

. .u(:. .Mlot'.ifiiy Si'pt. 1

Prlilu) pt. 11

ruuHiit) pt. J.irlilny.. . . un. .'

I UCmIII) . Hit. inKriilnt u 1. .'1'uuMiiiy ..Nov. I)

Krliluy .... Nov. HiI Ur.ifil Nov. '.7KrliliiN . . law. 7Tiii'.ifit) . I arc. If

ItvtlirillllK IfHVi'k tlilu, loilflilliK litMiuir iluy; KiimiiIIiiii a.m.. Mu.

Iiukonn In . m.; Mnkrim I c. m.; MiitiluvnIln hi., u. Iiluihii. i. u. id.. f..iti.u-in.-.

'l")""l ituinlux"."" '""


..iliiriii) M.i) 111

V'ihii'Mlii . Mil) Jo.Suturitii) Juui' ,1

Wulni'Mliiy JiinrJUft.iliirilny Jiiliu.Ui11 Jul) II

;0"inlu) . Jul) JIHwll l) . A iiK. I I

S.iiur.hi) All II I

Wi'iIiikmIiiv Auk. iftatunliiy M'pl. I

filiiuMltiy l'pt. I.'iiiiiruit) ho pi. '.".'

ii.t. :i

jiuuy O.'l. 1,.

' (tit. J 1

niiiunui) Nov. :tWttliiiithi Nov. liMtunliit Nov. jWtilnr. iluy lln'. .1

ft:ituriii) IllV. I.Iiilnitailtt) lrr. 1.

No iTl-itfl- Will In rrivlVr.l itflrlI'J noon on ilit) of itiiiiu:.

OLAUDINE,(JAMLK0N. Uounuaudor.

Will Honolulu iwit) I urvliit 111 .1

r. M tourlillii; a I luiliiihii Uimlo lliilm,llbiiinii unit Kipitiiiiiu

Itciurniiii; it III arnvrul lluiioliilu rtrr)iiioriilui!.

IW No KrHiKln will nr r... xivc.l nflrri V. U Oil lilt) of Milling.

CouiiKlit'i'" niUfl In' ui Hie iiiiitliiiub lorri'L'lvi f In Ir Krrinhi 111. uc util I. ..1.1

ourcrivt'b rti.HiU'utiii hii.t iiu n,H.r,., Inll'liil

Willie till- - Coiup.i) will nr line .tillitillir 111 hHliilllun ,t hioik, .

uiilakllii,' liny rrHin lilt ill . ol Hi.lll' ol "llllll'.

I'lir Compiint tti I iini in 1, .hiiimI.ii' lorMuni')'wiiln nuli" pli I 111 ileol l'uri'r

Ring Up Both Telephones 122


Baggage Express,Main! ill IIoIIiuhit Miui'iii)' nliop,

tiiini ir. fl. nviir 1 on.'i if I WlC.h Till Mo K


A I.I. I'Altril'.r. lir.MIUMi luotiln;V Wiiliikciil.uii i'lHU ui .Million Vulli)"ri' ll'r",, to olilulii n (tTiiii'.."Inn f.oin lln uiiit,r"l.'iiiit ollirrwUi ilii'twill Im proMi'iiii-i- l for tr'iiui.i. if i.uiiit oilllm pri'lui,' vtilliout ii li per loo

JAM. ll IIOYIInl tile IjiihI lllliri', MiprHim-- on.i llnll.l

mi:.Hll'llll'll', . ,IH 7 l'll 'Vtltf


'API. MS WILLIAM iAVIKi l"liJ lli- - piil Itti-lv- .tear, in i itu-- l nl

lutiir-lliili- "Irauinrt, oitur. Iin iiviii" inPilot to it li mii ui lamlluk' in III,Hawaiian lilmul Ileal of nlnriiu'iliiipiln- ui oilli-- of J. h Wjlkt-- r iiimbpit-vkt'l- Hunk, roll kin ut. Uj" ll

Steamship LineOONNHOTION






$10 First 1 ... fjinn II C jnA I auiass "uu) "lu" "' u' ulu '


Kur I'li'krtn ninl Mrtimil Infonnn- -

1I011 uily to

THEO. H. DAVIES&,,,..r V,r ll.,,,,,,!.,,, hU,.l,

"DAI NIPPON"Hotel Street (ArllDgtOD Block)

rtic lirr rttor.- - h'n rmilvnl inotlirrMpl.inliil Invoiir of

I .t'i iip , 1

da mmM ruiic uooiis

Por S. S. "China."

I UMI'lll'IV

Beautiful Silk and Crapelln " UihiiI- - In nil .ni.,. ptiipi an. I


Coliloii fiilil,' Cover.Il"'l Coviro, (ioniii.

' ,v,,, M"''- -

Siik Crape Rainbow Suits,

All ulon Finn') Hrii,Mirii.,

Embroidered Handkerchiefsll.illl. ..

.lllrki'l- - I'.lp", Kti' Kl,'

NOVKLT1KS:I In I'rlii- - of III'-'.- ' II.hhI. will

ton, itii'lii'liiit;

Elegant Silk Kimonos!

Hun 'xiiiir Iciiii'lii 11.1

I'mMl. I I'M r...

Large and Small Japanese Rugs

hilk I' r.'llii.. Il'lil Inn lrnii!t tlir Mi. I. Il- l- .1 k.

IIiiiiiIhhi llllliil", ll'lt'il ttll'i pil li

llk l.iiup liiiiii"t, nuu itlf.

Japanoaa Screem, Irnm S3 Up.

Large Japanese Umbrellas

tW i'm'i In' .N't Willi Poll- - ill lln.lirouiiil, nu'" for I'ii'iur-u- r l.ttlit ) milof iliHirn, lln't lanl"' oiiiu'il mil or uiil.- 1- 11 Ifin .


lOt lllui'lll,ll li, ll.VHr'l.

Mrs, J. P. P. Collaco, Proprietress.

if. i.fNii;

""'"t ruuaic, uoner.iur auu uaueraiUimiiiebs Aguut.

n" fr Vi' ll of llir ll,.. IlitK'" .".,..,,.,., ,r.n

rateniee ui bORe'a uueiuical liODipound lorOlarllylng Caue Juice.

M'Huiil li'li-p- l 1. n I'll 1 :uvMit, limn huci'i. Hoi hIiiIii

Mil. C. W. .MOOWH.Vim Nii Av,' , I' in.

Elegant Auartmontr. lor Paiinnts."'" ,N NtMV '"- -

ItT-- li Mooie oiinr- - mvui'iU .ill ihri,'.T! .'.'.?. o'l..'! iV rV,"',

lii II. li .Mui'fiirliiiii'.nou-t- f



O.I I nil Mm I llnlHiliilil III' ii Hot 2s. M .ll ii ii I I'll lu

Kdi' 1. ten I New.!

Kltly MVM'iitt'il

'I'likc the


livery time.

Antichrist's ltllilo or n HuligiouaFraud

Kwtoh Ucllktin:A yiaortmnau who, to allure a (look

of wild g'i'i'. iMiuajjo n lara.t bandto perform in adtaneo of him, it,

'i without tlotiht, on a wild gon-,- i(.li.i'u, and if, per chanee, he dooiiiifiM'i'd in onu of tin- -

trilic in tliis noM'l fatliion.lie, a II a hi yattn, may fitd not

littli' iMMiphi!'d as to wlictlier jhonoMii'oti'd wlr.uru !k dnu lo tlm

nvi'ii(iM L'oniii' of tlit latitat fr or totlio l'(,',, "Hipitlity of tln K"t-I'o- r

ol)iom ri'aon ticli a farcicalhunt may not lio an i'M;rday occurriMici in placci uliii'la can boast anaj 11 111 for induitliials l)luMtd withlucid interval", hut in our little Huhof nitfotry (not uiifrcoiiciitly tyledllilo), ulioD cliaritahlo institutionarc aot iiuwlu-ri'- . and wlioso proti'tidcdlx di'fp drain pan betray ahuHKcr-mu'go- r turn and tii-c-

liar to wi-- c ol only, tlit uoclt ofthe chao has altogether dlaipcaretl.

Ilev. It. K. D.iptiti, pator ofhone Star Hot hoi. llilo. ulm-ecle- n

1'hI wil ""'"r1'."1 ,,,-;V-" iu'K lo '"'

on a par with bill eul,ia ti(, ,.,,,,,. n.pmn',!,,,, 7 M.j .

t liiint.maii Ho ha,

SSs3fficlc, drawing nttfiition to the llibltranslated into I'ortuifiic.-- e bv I'adiei!) A. I'. I'iKueiredo. which lliblu itthu only one that iticetit Hev. liaptisloV full approliation, and hencetilt' tallly Hli wllicllhoi ailXJOIIi to"ce spread ntnoiig liU otiliihtoiictlJlock. Now, the name of the Pad rein the advertiM'inont referred to may

StrisrSnSnSbtiKle, a lixcly minicterial hornpipe.a flinriiiiiiK ciiiimt. mi alluring' lanit,nun Ki'v. litipiitto nicrit." to lio coinpliinuntinl on In Inlily rnptivntltiKaiiM'rini' gi'iiuiK.

Turning oor 0110 loaf of tli "ninei.tiio of tlio limit Ai Hoai Novak orLono Star IMI10I C'liroiiii'lt. tlioroiiilcr liiul- - 1 ho ri'M-ri'iu- l

man's nrtillori iIiiit, Iiow. anilarrow. l(o. MaptKto, liki a tiimtturintorpri'liT, I lion- - ili'litio pailrn at

vn011y111111pt with Anlicliriht, man ofKill, ailil Him f if imrilil inn Iiii'Ii'mIri'lini'ini'iilo lan-.- -t on no lov. anatitlioritr than St. Paul liiintlf t'JTho. 1 1 :i )

I am nut proo'in'il to arno tinli.iiiilan1"' or iiiiiianilai;iMl coinlitii'iiof l(o. Mapti'toV cranium aftor ttii'litiolont I'vliilntioiit of logical ri'i'iiiiii111K ami rholorii-a- l Ihuiri.'li on hi-- ,

part, lint I do liiioori'h lio,' thori'Vi-rciii- l K"ntli'inau to tlionaiiiii of I'ailro A. I. Iii;iii'iri'ilii ontho titlo pau'o of lu Ilililo and in hisadvorliMMiiont lay (ho fori'iiioiitiont'dxynoiMiii uf padri'. na an to niakokniiixu lo hin diipotl lluclt, and to allollior.-- . uhinn ho i iMidoavorini todupi'. uhat ri'liani'o may ho laai'don I ho aiithoiitioity, torai'ity. andinfiilliliility of a Mifalo train-hito- d lay

Antii'hrinl, tho man uf fin and milof porilitiuii 'whii-l- i ll.lilo Rov. It.'tptinto flam. t to ho tho true uord ofdoll; thorolay lining avxay withwhat may ln ju-- il toriuod a rollKiottri fraud, or. aivi'itliiif,' to iiiuMh'xnorapln r- -. a dialaolifal tU'i-t--

lion ih'lilioiatoly prui'li-o- d with aviow of oapiiiriiiK tho unwary I'orlu

iii'Mi. ll it had n.icy fin thowulftu puito hi iMitor I'tou a trillot.i.ifar mil of tho plii'op' t'lulhiii.

I'w.llilo, Mav ll. IS'.M.

8omn Hnrrlblu I'uiu."I tlullft'd Uoi'li oujoyuii'iit,"

!aid'l. 1'. rdtardtoa (ihili" D.-iii- h

orat ri'purlii. ",t funiit miiiIi thainoiiif papor had Ktarlod' and uluohwont from uno oditur toauuihorthriMihuiit tho laud. k'ainiiiK withoach jiuiriioy a ouiim-a- l additiuuthat adtli'd iinii'h to ilio id a. Ou,x.iid 'That ihoSiuux Indiiin.-- . had anoUii,iiur of their uwn; tlolilnpii'iit.iih-i'iiho- rh will ho priiiiitlyoil ' A not Iter added. 'No. "tin-- ,

the will 10 hiuuxetl Athird iaul: ,' oiiliM'rtliorrtWould M'UII leave the edltni III theSioiiNp.' A fourth tanl: ' I'lie Simivnor tho laottor' A fifth addi'il. 'Ortaiuly if Sioux lalilo.' and a himIiso ill, worn Willi tlio liilanoiiK nutraeuiiHiie-- h uf tho r Hi. noliluuuiod: 'A inui'li wurn and nuiftiotKilAllionrail popillneo lb now willing toSlullX fur lielll'e lllid If OL'ato lh,--ofiiiiiiieiith a a bmtix tonir uf tho' Sioux pieiuo ah, lit) of Aiiieruaii'dlliTs In julto if thot ptoa-- e ''


Provontiou In UnttorI liau fiire. and, lhuM uliu, aro nidiloot tu ihouuialMii fan nrouuit atHl'k' h i r t . i.i. .,. i pur,, and

Iri'o liuui the iifid whifh finiM thediM'.'!-.,- .. Yon fan ieh upmi H.a.ailVS.u ",ip,inlla a- - a rouieih for rhoii"'! and eatarrh. aNo for mon

' lormt ui fruiila,i iall rlieiim, laoil-- .' and other diMMMsi eaiiM'd H itiiiiurit

liluiid. li iiuii' ami Mlaher. thowhole !y -- 1 , i a i

HoodV I'tlls aro oaiv and K'iitlill ellei'l.

Mef hauif-- -' Iluiiif, fornor Hutelami Nun. mu Mieot LuiIiiik litday, weoli or iinuith Torin-- : 'S, and.Mlfontn per uii'hi: id mid ?l.''fa poiWeolt

.Manager If. una of the "Imipire"now ha- - tho line-- t toflt of wiiioinml hipiorn hi Honolulu.

I'iiioapplo fofktaili, a pfiualt attho "Kuipire." I'tirnor of Niiuaiiii am I

lintel fttreot

tii-r- iMfrfjifiuai oJUH Mtl.WLSUuW uf Ihr HulUtin Ujlkt,

Page 2: KMie PEiln HI S&...TII03. LINDSAY. vl iinrii n Nino Jkhklkk k, Vtiii. MtKKK. Kiikul liwi.r,t n Kimilully. i'nrlii-ula-r 'Hriiiliiii m.I loiill klii.lnof r,iilr. lllouk, Kurt Htifi-t-.



3WI;'i " iii nii

i'l I'cr chare of the na-- 1 hick thox wx "' s ''per capita had nterfered and .i.:,. unless nil siiftis failI J miporillll'(innl ,,, nlm)Ullt tl, $275.2 Im wanhHl , .pUe nKht he year mnXmJ.

capita. In Oregon these two debts 'tween Gallagher and Peterson. , there Will be moisture enough "nil"' liom bl--amoiitit to22..: per catita. I These said Wilson pulled off thSnirc t'"!"-- '' "' America.

The public drill of Hawaii is S3J I Gallagher once or twice, but Brown to kceP gomB imt" lheper eapita it diaws six percent urged on the light. Peterson tariff is put on sugar. Tatrawa is tHed more

rue. let money to lice- - e and put up it1,ok,,'r aml ,ho m,,,K,' hitemlwl ! Harrison T.W. lUwllns, ,lrr0)v lim.

l 1S. rc,ulthe entertainment of guests witnesses of the siuiabble, gave . plantinu or irrigating

, kept -- eparale. and let Hi one; evidence to the Peterson .. n. .,..,. tll,.( anart for the entertainment of iiu.ited (he fiifht and Wilson ,ls u"'


ntwT twor.AntUChrNt'4 Illlile or a llelljloui I'p.iuil

-- by "lMx "Home Hurrtble Tun.

IMIth illtvttr.Uiig nlnrii-- cilllorial.Hiilurlo Mini Sui'li-l- iy l'eir I'uKKenpote.The l'!inrjH Knllj Through.

TMIRIl IM....Iah-ii- I nml Uvnernl IIpiih.Murine, NnvJilillclarj Jiiltiug.'I lie I .null 'I"Our lliiiul. '

Tin' AiiiitIi'iiii l,e:ie.iieim-mi- i

A Pri'iti'liurimtlic Poor li; "Kiiiim ' n- -'


ILJll l.Uiy .A.Ulimu.1 1 1 i

i'lutu- -l to anther S,ci nr I'ottn.11..1 a,, tu. u....,u ..f aii

- .'

WI:dxKSOAY. MAY . iwu


Aii intention to publih n list ofsalaries paid lo execnt ve officer in ,

tl... L'nited St ' it i was about to be.

carried into effeet, when the cominu.meal ion elsewhere appearing froma correspondent ou the subject ofalaries was unexpectedly received.

'1 litis far the opponents of the ProviMoual Government, who are iiiilecoucilod lo the manner of it. form

or Us avowed policy of national extinction, or both together, haebeen largely neutral ou the unctionof salaries ns ou other matter ofdetail connected with the ex'-tiu- g .

form of government and with thepropoM'd republic. Thi is lx'cau--- e

thev do not recogui.e the legitimacyof the authorit v at present exeicised.that authorityjiaving beei

from the people nor approved by the peophs However, itis iutcrotiug to compare the professions of republican simplicity,which have been loudlv trumpetedin behalf of the revolutionary cause.with the practice of those who have

'charged them-elve- s with the workof giving the unsophisticated il


au.lers an mitialory object Ihmhi hith beauties of republicauisiii. Ourrulers nave voted tneir Head. I'resiileut Dole, a salary of Jl'J.OOii a yearBelow is an alphabetical list of Stale i

and Territories of I he American I

Union. It will be observed that oulvthe "llmpire .State," N'evv York, andthe great State of Pennsylvania appr.iach, though by the large gap ofS'JtKK). the liberality of the HawaiianProvisional Government in thesataties granted their executive hea.U:

"mtI"mi I'.iiti .iiiiii HvivKVnrl'l 11IUTMIII- -. I l'SJ. (Vl.llNilllaiiiImiiiiii I :t:i..UT ti'MiArliiim. .Mi..Oi ','HiArkii I. .'J', ITli HamI'allfuriili. I,'.'';'.!." n.O"'i'.Idmi... us.i'-- s ,j"i. Olllll'.Tl.-H- t . 7IH.,.'V .'.!li.liiHur.'. I'.". LH .'.urnHi.rM.v .Ril,!..' t..'iiiunrirlu I .I7!IVI t.moliliilm .'1-.'i .'.''Ill mil- - .I.JI,:I '))Imll.tiii .M'l.'.lel n'lI in Hun Ivnll.iry.. .'.UOUiAit. I.nlt !! I,"iKnii-a- - l.l.'7,iri 1,.miKhiiiiii'Kv .A.ilrt ijtiil.oiii.1 mi 1.1 '."."; I.ikkiM.ilne ull.isil a.iMMiirvliiml.. I.til.'sm !.'J :ct.!Ht l.lJi

l cIiIkiii .til,s!i l.nmiMliili'-ui- ii .1,'J'iMii...-i- .. l,MHi I.imi.Miiniri .J.iiTi'.l- -l '),U"KJ

.Muni li.i IS.' I 4i J.i".lN. Iir..-k- ..ii,tiiu J.iStm

I..7HI .t.'MISen 1 '.III - III . :t7n VIII ,MSvw .li'i-.'- V I..II.UII ,miii

M.'XII IV1..VM 'J.MllN'cH S k .'.,Ui7.M lil.isl

1'iir.illiiii. .til7,i'l7 .l.sjliiti U'.'.'ln .

Ohio . I,ii7.',:i l . I.okit r. u'ii Sl.i.TiiT I..V111

IVlllii'.vIvillilil .....J-ix.U- I I U.MIi.Ii.kIh uiiuii :ii;..:ji i.uhi- ('amiiiiii .lA'ii.ti'.i '!.''

ljl.ltl J..'"IViin. mv 1,7117 .'.IS l.ooi'Ci.xii.. 'lAVtMl I. 't'lilll . .'U7,!S1'1 ilVrniunt :il-- ,i l.''Virtiluln. 1 tlW.tiMi .. ...Ol i

Wurlilliuteil .Ili.T.i) --'.We-- t VirKlnla. 7H.',7!II -- , '"WI- - diiriii .l.iJl,s-i- i .VimW.iiiiIiik ui7Hi .'.''l'l

ftii'i.rv (jlvi'ii - fur ii. vitii r ticfuriWutliillKlnll w mlniit il a- - II M.ll.i

Salaries and Such

Kuitoii Ui'Llctin: -Mir: ago


wheregood reading,

even lime.add govern- -

1 ... lim: Vceon ni!.' to t ...Ajiril Planter's Monthly thea-e.M- d

valuation of country is $in,MK),(KIO; animal gross rev.'llll", .l.ti'iIMK); population I00,(XMI, ami pubiicdel'l, i'.'I.HHI.OOO, or :il per capita.

Mr. Dole rncnives I l.'l.'i the engros- - annual ruvenuu of the

country. The Consul Kranci-c- o fid" a good time, and it takes1 lO.'i of the entire revenue to payfor it. Twenty seven public ollicu.lsof Hawaii receive, as salaries, 111 ofthe gros revenue the countryMr. Dole receives annually $M forevery sipiaro mile Hawaii's sur-face, and the Consul at San Praucinco $0,150 per hipiate mile.

Dole receives I .'KtUllof the assessed valuation of the1:01111 try the San Franciscosiil makes merry on 10,000 oart olthe same, while 27 ollice holdeis ah-- orb yearly 1 !l.ri7 of ihe nut ire -s

il value men atl'J.OOO per year would one yeiu

absorb the whole country at its a- -

ses-c- d valuation 10,000 I(KKI dollars-a-yea- r C'oiimiIk would imrformHi, miiiic dirty tricKtime.

'I lie Slate of Oregon hah an esed of more than

She has more than l.'ljtimes the surface Hawaii, andmorn three the population, and she her (ovuriior i

12,000 or $IWW per year. Ho ro

lyiWVlli ) rM ILWrJ Tl lb- - ' 1 "rillimtllll


and had i

' soonthat








eelves 3 (he rtalar.v the young man ;

San Fraucieo and mint reside in'

he capital of Ihn State, which Is notlife permanent homo.

California, winch contains withinliorilera nearly every variety of

oil and climate, which producenearly everything which can he prodnced in the temperate whichhas larjje tnatiufaet tiring interests,ntitmreas 01 a largo nuinnerof dcep-wate- r. coastwise, and insitlevesel, has an assessed valuation of ,.?l,O71.l02.:t'J7, more than 21 timesiIih of Itnwnit. more- . tlinn 'l ."" e population, and she pays

her governor miehalf of .?12.0U0 or(

.. The State delit of Cnlifornln '

tier annum, iava"ie sniiii-nniiiiaii-

make these coinparisoiiM ftir Ihe

l7.VlhV""l...... ""wl? IV. I ..II ill hiiiiiiik.1'. ..- - Ilir i

uformed that high salaries are dueto the ol ice; that it i necessary for

mi. i iimi',1.-- mentertain public guests. If this is

public guests lie properly accounted i

lor, so that taxpayers will have someaurauce that It has ihmmi devotedto its intended use. This plan hasits drawback, I will admit. for it willnot make the horny-hande- sons oftoil au more contented with theirrice and ttoi to read that it has justcost the government to fill,. toiiiaeli. of foreign legationsand the toiuach of our president'""d cabinet with I urkoy. champagne,y'c.. Imt hev help to pay for it, and, , ...II- - .Ill 111111.., 1. 1, 1

of the cost. Some of ourliauded sous of toil are in an illIiuuior already, for we see the mem'rs of 1 1... oligarchy cl.ith.Ht in pur

iit- - ami iiiii. iiiivii .mil itiiiii riiiii.- -

luouslv three times a day, while we,who do Hie hard work are oftenclothi'd in thin atmosphere and com- -

pelted to feed upon the same.In an editorial in the Uru.r.TiN of

May ( I read the following: "Itmust be remembered that the pre- -

-- cut mntcrs of Hawaiian affairs'vnnt anv thing but a pure republicanV".'1 : 'tvouM not Im lo rule.t lliowrlt(.r r ,10M. Words spoke the,ui,. ' are t have a tetmblic in

name inn u.n in laci- - ai icasi notyet I am in favor of a republicaniorui of L'overnni.'iit, but I care littie for the form if Hie sub-lan- ce Im ' . i.. t.'....u...i. i: i :.. 'i in' iiiu'-."-- iii libitum iiv.-i- i in

f r:it comfort in dera feudal systemof government. A comfort thai isu strange contrast with the npialidpoverlvot tliu glasses in t lie lugmud of the present day. Yet we arctol.l Hint the present government ofr.nglnml essentially democratic.

! I'Iitc is Imt little in a name when itI comes to government.

Now, l'Mitor, strange a ituriy seem, some of the hewers ofwood and drawers of water try todefend the system of paying high-- alaries

They have an eaierateil ideathe labor performed public ollice'i.ililers, tney Hunk II will help tokeep no the wages received by coin-moi- l

laborers, and last, but not least,think that none of it comes out

their pockets. A little relleclioninvest gat ion will show how far

he-- e idea- - are from the truth. Theduties of an executive ollicer arelargely such as any individual ofordinary education and common-- ciixc in ful I j competent lo perform.Ibii this is not all Very ordinarypersons are frequently -- I cani. nearsaving iiMially selected to All thatplace.

High salaries ar no guaranteehonesty or capacity. GovernorPeiinoyer is the peer of any publicman in (he United Slates to-da-

vet he is serving his second term aschief executive of his statu for $15110per y r. Signing appropriationhill- - pised the legislative bodydoe- - not repiire great knowledge orexperience,

I lie el many people who thinkih'ii a chief executive in the UnitedSlate- - uiu-- t decide whether aia bv the legislative body, and

to him for his signature,is a 1,'immI law or not. Such wasand - in 'I. the intention of the vetopower in the I nited States, and anvxecutive who vetoes a bill which has

lii-e- talked about by the people,iinl regui.iriv pa-ce- o ny 1 lie logislu- -

tivelioiiv, a nines powers winch donot belong to him. When I began j

iiumm. i uenevu iiiiii i nave siiovvuthe necessity for e. oiiomy, but I

fear thai you can not give space tothe whole article at once, so 1 willdivide it.

Put 1:11 Pauukmiii.k.Honolulu, Mav 7. I.S'.II.

.Mechanics' Hi , corner Hotel

A few davs you publi-- l. - couuniiuicaiion, Mr. iMlitor, I

eil mhii remark's made by a c.rres !" " with intentiou of shovyingpoudeiit, in regard to sftlnries paid ,I,',I 'couoniv 111 public airairs heiein this countrv to public uuWh-- ' "' Hnwau i tiece-sar- y. to be-e- r,

which mak'e for he "' ecnouiie, -- and how -- and tohit-th- e bulUeye "I'"w "l '' of the tnethods of

With your permission I .vill ,"' v pracliM.d by (his11





receiver.Mr. yearly

entireand Con



in lui.'.aine


ofthan tunes




llll1horny-- 1











1 J,YT eVTlJ,amma87 King St. Mutual Tel. 662.

ll.ivt! ' lieekeil fnuii llnt.'b nml 1 1 -- -

llelM'..-ilire- .'t III ll.'illlllltl.lll. N.IIteehet'klni; kI.'UIii.u.

Ilii);i!ii!i' iiIhiij- - put Mule llnoiin..

Charges lirocrJera.t

T. C. Mf(JlrIUIi,1U.V-.J- Uauigur,

t,imijl4 -mtlmrrrl&'Mf'il lillflf HHitlMtlUiWi 'lliiMHMton''THE OHAnOE FALLS THBOUOH.

-w,Uon Rnd Brown ftre Prove(1 lnno.

f Ald, Row

C. 13. Wilson and J X. Brown weredischarged in the District Courtyesterday afternoon on a charge ofbeing accetoriu to the assault onHurl I'etenon by Ben Gallagher atthe Hawaiian Hotel. 1 lie evidencewas almost the same as that in the

f jj,,,, Gallagher. Frank Vida. '

, . Love, V. M. Lucas and BertPuinrninI'tlini'l uum . !.. iirlni.itinl'. wil-- !. .

nesses for the prosecution, and onlythe Two last-name- d gae evidence toii.a,. i,ni nmVvii n.l !"- -

was oos t ve t hat hot i etenoautsurieii n the asault on him, and

illlH SiniClllt'lll llll'W UlU llllliain ,f

'from C. W. Ashford, counsel for ,

Mefense, that i one wanted to knownnu nee nil inai irauriirei iii a iiuui, ,

a must have his ear chewed anil his

Interfered four times to prevent airciiHrni row. i ney win inn iu-i-

defendants use anv such languageas stated by Peterson. Bot h defend-- 1

ants dented in loto the evidence of .

I he complainant, and after argu-ment bv counsel both were discharged. C. V. Ashford for Brown;Cecil Brown for Wilson; A. M.Brown for the prosecution.


Maui Racing Association j

... -c

4th of July Races.



Hie due itieo ra eyes Tor repairs. forfor Fred. andpublic two as

effectthat P,ow i'"- -


















for nil fi..iiiiii rtiueHordes.

ijiihii rrra1,have also the 1 ligh Urass "...2.1 Hace -- "WAIICAPU" PUUSK,

$l.Ki.Itiinnliiij line, K Mll- - llifur Mil.

;j, C(i "WAIffKK" Pt.'KSK.i.vuiimi

Trnttltii! nml I'iicIiik Ilni-f- . I UK,,iihhIp, iei :i 111 .1 All liir.'s wltn n

ef 2iturMtiTtoK.iMltn.i..t'sri not - limn 1111

un iuco-"h.l- i..a ruuar,.. 9mmiu.

KutilllliK Itmo. W Mile ll.i-l- i, fori.. !...! :.. i:..l.. .1....I'niil u- - II IihiiiI- - nr iinlcr. to carryIIKI ll. I UHce-"VVILl- 'KU" I'UKSR,Slim.on.

It'llllllllK ( ', .Mile mill llfwntKnit fur nil IIiiwi.Iiiiii lire. I llor-.1- -.

l(h LILIL'OKA-LA.V1- "


Itnntitlii: Kui'c. I', Mile l)...l.. Kr.-- f

for nil.

7(h Hace --"COKINTIUAN" UACEMEDAL, $75.00.

ttimnliiK llnce. I Mile D11-I- 1, Free fornit Hawaiian llic.l Hem's to lie rlit.l.'iitiy of the AhkIuiIiii.

8th INU and PACIXO ItACE. PL' USE..iro.oo.

I Mile (.i:tt- - Ihi-- I i III .'! In Imrnnii.Kri'i. to nil lior-o- - wit', im holler nt

limn ;! iln.

ilth lace-"KAIlU- LUr' PUUSE.fl'ilHN).

Itiliiiilnv ItiCf. I Mile I'ahli. Freefor nil Uiiwnllun llreil llnr-r- x.


i:XKi!l'HVK lOvixiiri'KK.10.11 lw

)i; 101?m m ijiLniii ii

The Publio's Favorites!

Stock Company

2 Attractive Shows 2

Thursday Evening, May iOtb:

llulrt-eo- '- III) Oomeily SmcexN

"May Blossom"Saturday Matinee and Evening:


Prices. 50o., 75o t. $1.

Ailviinte bnl ill U.I. le'Vey'n Mere.n7-n- t

6 to .a.. :m:.Do not forget the lime In rim; up



1. htlll iri'uirei to r pnir lliinlen o- -.

HprlnkliTh, Wattir Kiliin; Shwh amiflmrpeiilliK Inoliiilliiv I'nrv-ili- lt

KiilviH mill K.ilHhiir. I.nwii Mowers nIitltv Also HetlliiL' iIIh.h, In fuut

Work for simI re.tiirnnl. Url tf



Kj Hcrli'H Stock, Julv 7. IMW, tnWdlter lllll.of tliu l'luneur IIiiIMIiik nml

Aieoulatloii. All rttotib nru wnruvUmtliut livutlntlliK aitlil ilmrx,

irfn1r-.- i.

lawiai Rasters GU'ii

Saturday, Mny 6, tHQJt

TIik dark clavs we are hav- -0

ing just are not pleasantbut if the clouds will let down

. ,,i,nra,n eiiougn (or int. piaiua- -

tions it will nuai) inoili' for, . , .

tllC .PPOOlC.. lUSt .VfJU tlltidroilirht knocked the profits ofthe sui?ar olantcrs eallev west:


Hendry breakers are goingto plantations by every steamer

. , . ..and the Hendry Mould Hoards increasinir in popularity be--cause It leaves such a clean

around"I he demand for the Tansy

ron Stove by people of econo. , ., . . ...

micai laeas is growing, webelieve it to be the best andcheapest stove for the moneyto be found anywhere. A

;1s Var ":';HZvou' can get it from us whrnyou buy a Pansy.

Have you noticed how thegrass is shooting up with theassistance of the damp weathei?That means that )ou want alawn mower. We have theconventional style thatgrass of ordinary length. We

that are needed wherever(

i the urass has been neidected.The advantage in having a

lliuh Grass Cutter is in thefact that it will cut short grassus wen. ror garuen use we

I a Hill StOCK ,.C priuklingPot from a irallon up to the

, :.... on size. itpanih." s" uiu iiil-iv-: is nun: 11.111- -

tjcr of their rusting. If youare too tired to run a spritiUliny pot v! can sll yon tin-be-

lawn sprinkler yousaw $2 50 'no that will

work easy and covt a p.icctwenty foot in diameter.

Can yon think ofanyreason why yon should not havea full set of dt'oiratcd chinawhen we are selling eiiniiit:1 laviland Ware in installmentsof a half-doze- n or a sin-

gle piece at a time? It is justas easy for un to buy thisware and be able to duplicateany broken piece as it is tobuy other styles of decoratedware, sold only in full sets, amiwhen one piece is broken youcannot get another.

Some people,

prefer to cook,

over an oil stove than one thatburns coal or wood We areselling the Dietz Oi! Stove,built just like any other, andhas an oven, broiler, saucepans, etc. reo pie who iiv !(.. ..II . lk...uuvv iiniuj, in 111 11.11 us 1111 y

are less expensive to run anilcook just as well as a woodsrriv.- - In i vvinn ilinvitHwhere tieople do not lequireii'ii ... ,

to be nut up ten hoursin the day, we In.-liev-e tht oilstove to be a jood lhinjOurs are very complete andeconomical of oil.

There does not seem to beany let up in number oithe people who want to jet agood strong fence for very litlie monev.- The d onus for the

.Jones" Locked 1

Pence1. ,

is urowiuo; daily and we arealways ready to meet it. We

lor a stay and washers ischeaper than seventeen centseach for posts. We have soldthem stays, wire and washers

a u......a .1 :iiiiu uiiwtiLti liu:ill 111 convince

I themselves that a fence madeI on the Jones Locked principle

is strongest that can be

suit. This is an ae of imita-tion and a dislikes to havehis neighbor jet the best ofhim where a little money willplace him the same rank.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'dllplMiille Hiireekeln' lllix'l.,


ami .Miuauii htn ei . wmibihk oy ipnm'a I nave COUVIUCei a a ri'O II U in-da- y,

week mouth Terms: IT, and UDCie UaDlll . . .

r,(l oer uk'liti ?! and S.! uer VLr nlf lJt l)le tll',t Cllts




152 Mulual Telephone -- 152.( nwdCi Vhen one man is sa-is- r.

BXJK.aHjai3 tisfied others rapidly follow

'l'ui,nil klnib tooN,

nilkiinNof .IoIiIiiiik eulleil















itmtmm m lilllmt I'lfi iMm .Til.ttit ...v'.afeHB.H.Ha.l


The Taguwn Coal Mlno in

IncuttMl in Filklioku Kill ill

th. bind of KtaUml ,!,,, I

and was discovered abouttwenty yearn ujo. It wanowned by the governmentand mined simply for thegovernment's nue

(treat improvements, howvVvr were made Hltiec itH()r) "' H ....h,..,.,.!;.... .ili.nif

tlutti all other .lapaneHe e.ialstw r0mvi,r eountries:


China, Manila and Strait's i

Settlements. It has found I

its Wav even to Boillbav.

Two cargoes uive beenimported into the HawaiianIslands recently, and it hasno superior in this market usstove or steam coal.


Sole Agent for K Ogura &


hollister & CO.,1' i

Import nd Sell Wlolmle ainl i

lit tall

A I.I. K IN tf HI"


TobaoooH, Cigurottet)

ArtiploCilt'll s'lOl'K l roMI'I.KTK.

VV nlu rllll fulitlmin tn th

Soda " ,,,h

Water 0T?u

Business Esplanade.Mlli'- - nml CuriiiT ol

('on Hii'l ntrcrt".




Saturday May 12

JV.7 3133 CCI.CC:

Admission, 25o.IUi'1 tf

In tho Circuit Court of the First Clrcult, Hawailnu laluniU.

I '.V K

1 l .Marin Sullivan, 'iiii- - of HoiihIiiIii,ouim .i..-iici- i u-. on remUm; mutllliug llu- - i.itltl.111 of Aliniliiiin 1' Midi IIoikiIiiIii. .ixceiitnr of tlie will uf

11I1I tentii e, priiyliiK ftir 1111 onl.irof wile nt

un" fiillnus: I'iiri'i'l of Inml. limine liniirov.'ini'iitH, lielnn (lie fmnil.vI111111. -- i.tnl hi Knlllil, nmlu ili'i'tur linn .niAiinoi'ii'-iiiiiMironn- rriH.n, m.ii eiwnii'iifell ll lllllltk It kll llllll. Ill II t Iflilllllll Ixtllllil

( ))(i j M, j( , reruiiu I. kuIIiumiIiI,

V,.N:"iio 'iS'ilua'Mul'i Y'

lenle or.ler.M. Unit the li.-l- r of .alii ile- -

aiil .""'''' i'ir thin toun on.MOMI.W. tlm lllli tiny ol .Mny, A. I).isui. m in'k v miii the Court itoomof Kiln Court. 111 Honolulu. Oului. thenii'til tliero to -- how .'ain-i- . why 1111 onlerr.'n,letii,t.'' " l?r',"t'Ml f"r tl"' ,f nl"'''

(liil.'il lloiioliilu II. I., April (, Ih' me ;imrt:

ion, i:it UKO. bt't'AH Clerk.


l HOXli I'AI roit.Mi:i(i.Y OKKA.MNulliinil nl net, llono'ii 11, linvliii;uiiil.tiiii to me for tli lieiii'tll

WtJJJ.J.T..'iuiMiiih-irtuu,'r.'"- "'" "!' mn'ri '"Imom ' iii.'irciiiini m tu em.-.- , withinH ilitvi.rr.iiii Oil- - liil.', lifter uliliih .lulu 110

win .iv.-.- i

' "- a"',,I'ljni.ei -- licet. II noliilu, .Muv :t IMII.

l'.!l '.'


IMVIOKNll Wll.l UK lil'K AMIA itiynlil.t to the Hteeklml'len-- of tlivw Ml vn (!iimi-a- lit III.' Olli.-- of

Wm u. Irwin oo.. i.'.i. .m m. iu" u. iiivvi.,

in.'T :ti 'I ri'ii-nie- r.


I.MIMM AMI APIKIl lATK I Wll.l.I imv un lilll- - .'inn r.icii'il in ln iiionvwillioui iu rill. n hi. lei

(llltl MilM'YIlKlloiinllllil, Mil T, IMII. HIT lw


IAII IMIh HAS KKMOVKIi II InXJ lllllee to No. - 10 tit It I It MIKfl, IH'XIlour to .liiint'H i'iouiliell U-- .i Olll.cllnnr ..l. Iln. UO-'v- ,


1(1. S I AIIOI'I llj M HI s orT",I..111I niuiilili. font hoi! nini'li itiileuliuiillon nml iuriu to

0 A. il .lU.iMtu I. 0. llox i'M, Uuuululu.

m iuktma

I 1 I jl I I) A T

j J j flj j JR,



- -





Jlj Jji




Dinner Sets, Sets,

Kngii.sli Wsirdrnbos, Plato Glass Front;M.irMtitop Wash Stands,

Marltlotop Dressing Tables,Suntch VA lust s of Drawers,

Dining Hall Parlor. Chairs,u

Iloyal Worcester Vas

Koyal Worcester Sets,

'Decorated Vases, Tumblers, Glasses,rvr LlUAltb. c,aI.ot juggj rJlimp8 Screens,





l'. IKN ri:l I'MIKU Till'. LAWS IKK Irtl.AMiS



7T. t -- jr r. S - 'f jm kJW -I V. 7




"S-- !

I 1 111 G Tlj Q




. c;




Iron Bedsteads,Hito.


National Cane ShredderOK HAWAIIAN

CW '44



H .!L s?2"i

xv v Sl

iluc Siii.kiiI)i:i:s anil are now picpiiicil in rtceive oi.le.The .ulvitiitnu r ! be derived from the lice of Ibe C.vnk

SllliKDIiHli me tlmioiit lib cstiililihlii'.l mi. I bv I'lmiterngtu.raiiy.

I lie liirct nuiiilier ol ('in ii. rs ig III. 'in in the I'uUi.l Mnlcf, UiH'ii,Argetiluie Ui'iulibi'. I', ru, Aili-liHli- n mnl ebcwli.-ie- , Ii.mi w'ilu. sr to theiImivc cIiiiiii.

I'll, u f 'he Siiiihiuii.i. very l.iruely iiugiiicuts the iiiiniiliiy ni cdiiuIn- - null .'un erhcl '2- - U fill ,), nb'o tl e cxtrnuiinii of juice (.1 lo I'JX).

II - 11 r.'.ii -- iifegiiurd, niikiin; kinevn 1.1 once the pi. of nuypi - of iron, flnktv from cure, or .my thine whih would In linlilt; 1.1 il .umethe mill, mid iillowiue, i.nipl. lim.' to 'eui.'V. ..uic before .h.ui.igine the mill.

The Sin, 1:11111,11 i vi i Mrouglv in nle, mi. I from hc imiiiui r f it" opera-tion it cuts hi i.mip tin m' pi s of wie .1 or ii"ii without oft. 11 hrci.kiue, the

' SlIlihlUiKK ; mid if any lung breaks it - oiiic of tin- - kiiivee or cutli rs,'which fii 11 he .piickly ,111 I ii'nii..inli allv repine. I The SiiiikiiOkk, us its

!''""." '""'""" ,l',r'. l"v !'uu' ' " nr. ' v"rylM lV,:,"' lv""" "I" "lug u 1111.I idln vviiit; the mill lo Ihui.iiiglily pn out the puces without ripiiriug the iuiiu.''ist' e.xtt 1 power uece-piir- v to grind or crui-- the whole

-- ,.n...., thnslircdiled unifoouly ,,,,.1 evenly lotin. null rolls, ami dnc nw.iv with the iiccc-rii- of spteading the Imgn-M- - by

' lltilid bclweeii the tiiilb, vvheic rcgillidiuv; in llc. .No greater iiuiollut ofIj Imjlir cunnc'iv - rciulnil to oiieinie tin MiiiiauiKii 1I11111 that vvb cli wu..,,,,,,,,;,,,,, ,, fi ,..,,.........un- - fvin t v ( imdr.iwin c, for the inn of out

j iueer 10 iti't.ill and ii.i't ilium.I I" order,.., -- . sketch , I in, .1,,I dliinu.ler ..nil width ol the mill ioIIh with which MIIIkiiukx ii to l.oc.niiccl. d.I"r" "" f"t IVOIH I I(I l t Ml, ,, which the null enuiiie -

' "; .a front null roll -- h.ilt, millol bid tiliite. I liene KKiiUKiin


.mil Muni Mill, K0I1.1I1., where I hey me yiviun ieat I'rice- - mill luiiher parlictil n. m.iy be b, upplyini; to

WM.r .

hvPA.. l.(" C. xx ii xx


and Sim


H. II.

llo'.'l hlr.-.'i- ,

Next dour loin-- i it












1,.... .Vl.. fllrl,i... .fi.... r

HusKiiliKlic ennliliiiL' nuy c mi lent en- -

ll'l T IMI.I ' ' "IcmIcI, nUo the bciuht fioiu tli.-- lineiliftnut'c c. liter thii bbiifl to bout .ml

now bciui; until by the lillo Mium o

G. IRWIN &flit fff'fj. fur the ..Mile.M inf

4.T. Tailor!sI'OOK oi'

J ust Received !

in.' .tin


Agent to Take Acknowledgments

- Wll.l. AITIINO TO -

Management and Sah o( Properly

VMl -

Gollcctiuu in All Its Branches.

Urruw No. IJ iletclitnil atrwl1.7-- tf

111 NUl'ANU ST K



P'R,OM 1 4 XJIDry Gouds, Fanoy Goods, Lawns, Etc., Etc, Etc.

Gent's Furnishings of Every Description.



Horn's Bukeiy.



CO., L'd.,






Page 3: KMie PEiln HI S&...TII03. LINDSAY. vl iinrii n Nino Jkhklkk k, Vtiii. MtKKK. Kiikul liwi.r,t n Kimilully. i'nrlii-ula-r 'Hriiiliiii m.I loiill klii.lnof r,iilr. lllouk, Kurt Htifi-t-.



Time Table


T K. .A. 1 1ST SI'd Kwt Miiu

II. It. A. I.'M. P.M. P.M.

l'bvc Huiictnhi . ,W l:-l.- l U.V, l,iU)U:i.- - IVnti iiit . ...::io jmu .:iu o:miAftivi- - Ktt:i Mill. . .11 '37 2:fi7 fl:.W tl:2

I'd llnNlll.l'll't

'. II. II. A.A.M. A.M. P.M. I'.M.

I ..! vi- - Ktvn Mill H!l Iiim:i :i.-i- 5:12 i

l.ritw IVurl I'ity .ilnV. Ililf. I:K n:loAmVf Ilnililllllil 7::sn II;iVi l:fV. n-- n


A. Sntnnlnys onlv.II. Dully.I'. ."ntiiliiviifxerptett.I). Hnliinlny!.cxi'cli'il.

(flu Jlailii .1! illrlin.WliON'KSDAY, MAY Jl. 18!U.

m:2s.ikte news.J


W.hMiAVi Muj 7.

Am blunt- - Iriiipml, ., (rum HunKiiinil-o- .

Mtnr Klnsu (nun llmttill Mini MmilHliur Jiiuifa Mttkt-- (rum Kininl '

Departure.Wu.M.Mitt. Mp 'I.

bfhr Mury K KuMi-- r fur Kimiil in i p mauur Jiiiuh. Miiki-- fur Kiipnn nt I p metiur I'oic lor Muliitwull tit ' m

Ciirgoos from Ivlntul Horto.

Mlnr Kllliili n,HVt h;ii tinr. itt ltu-.-

I'f Mjtllt(Hl, lmt enrn I lion-- , III 'Inlla hltli-.- , Lit) pk .irlc.SlmrJiio Mnkt-- l.iif,- - "tlKur, 1WpI.ii;.rlii--, I horc nml s pk;j sitii'lrlc-- .




Krmn Hnitull unit Mnnl, htiiiii Kin it.Muy olriinn: llt-- Mr Tiromliivml ttlfo, lf:iinif. V r tnuli Mr V

Hull, ri J Ai lliiiiiy mulullu, Mlv I'utl-uh- l'

Ju.l.l. m uy Mirih: MU lli-li--

"!M". ' ." """'If) "" .Snhlh-- r n..ilchild, Mm II llxeinli iiml .MM. Mr ,,Hum iiml J tln-ii- , Mr- - K. I iviiiiiuiiit-- , TM llnrrimn, II t Ait-il- T nut... IIHut hikI w li, r S Kynin-r.l-v- , Mm V. V1'liclp., Klim. I'ubn, Dr Kiiuhi'ii, Win II'omiti-ll- , l" II llleki-y- , I I. Cliini-nt- . All

Kli k it I ul .I'Jtlu-k- .

IiKI'IKTI HVr.for Mmil. r luir I'liiinll . Mt

? J.a,!,,,,,, Mr" J ' J a Uiilker.J Knluii mill i0 ili'ck.

VmoU In Port.V h riillinli'lililii, llnrkrr. frmn I'iiIIiih,

IVrui! ''H?01"""!''0"' ",M,,'i I'om llllu

? Il"'-'lillm- . Nmiiiirn.frum Jiii.huAm MIlomir iii:kct Miirnlti( e'tur, iSur- -

liiml, (mm tin-S,- , ml, ,'(.,(,.Am liktiio Jiuii' I, Siniifu il. JiiIiii mi, (nun

Neurit IVAm lik M'.ll-n- . Mi.iiii,...ii. (ioiii .Nui

lruiii'l ntAm lil.ini-- N I'li-ll- f. Ilnliliiint, (r miii

Am likini Mur.t Wliiki'limui, N! (mm."nil I'nnil'ln'll

Am .'itlviiiiir. . (rumNetvi'iilli-- , N h V

Huh lik It I' lllllict, MurrlM.ii. (mm MmKrimrlxMi

Si'lir .Shun', llirkliiilni, ( i Ni..riiKili', N S V

Am, (rmn II 'Am rlir IIuInti MhIiIimi, I'lill.iri;, (rum

Niiwriinlii. N S V

Am dk NfH-lMi- y, Mulli-i- m,, (mm N- -

riisllv, N S V

Am sclir Hi I ii ,N Kilnlmll. Ili'lllniC'ii.Ilillll Klllrkll

Am lik r D llrtiint, J.hmIiuii, (nun .Situl'runi'l.Tii

I'orulKn Vobkula Exyoctoa.L' . S MiiihiwhI. I'liii-j- , (mm ami I'run.

rln'n, Muy 10a H 'i, lliiii-lliitii- (mm mhiI'ri'iii'l'iii, Mii Mi

i' A . S Wiirrin'ii.i., I'ltrrr, (mm Vin- -iiiiiiir, Mn itf A S " AtuMii, Mi'uiirl, (rum Siilin-t- ,

Mm MlO a S Murliiii'ii, lliiywiinl, (rmn hyilnt't.

Mn.t .11

n A li a (Jiii'llu, IVuriii. (mm lluiiKkiinyitinl liikiiliiinm. iiiii. Mhv

Am k Amy Tnriiur, (rum NVu Yurk, JnlIlk M lliukdlil, (rum I.ImtkjiiI, .Iiiiii. ."

Ucr dk J y illmlf, (mm, Apr - in

8ttlpilU Niiln.Tim -- Kilmer ltiiilmii will lie in (ruin

Kuiinl iniTiiIni:.'I lie hark VII in I u nrrlvi-.- t m I'mn.

cIhuiiii April 17, L'l iln Iroin Ili.iiuliUii.SliUn MrAllliuiT uf llu. t mi ill W. II.

Hull went uiil in. iiiii-Ii- t uf tlin lfiiiiuTIVIf llilf

The Dteilinur llliwuil lunl lur fun'ikfiiuiit yniUTuiiy iifttTiiuini It will li.rrplui'uit hj n iivtt uim.


Tim Natioualu Will Qivo n Cnuctirt onthu Monowul'e amvitl.

It ic vitv tfrntifyiii"; in thi..m.niluulilic tt) learn thai tint HawaiianNaiiunat hand will kivo a atthu Hawaiiuu Hntul on tint tttiihjof thi! ui rival of tho S. S. Moimwaifroin San Francihi-o- . It in hoiiio timeliini-t- t "our hantl" has tavonul tlnpublic with it doliglilfiil music amitin aniioiiiiuiiiiiiuii m f,'ri'i'ti'il withplohrtiuo. Tho fulloiviii"; programwill ho rondori'il:

I' Ml I I,1. Miin-l- i iNiiiittimit run.)". iifuiniri'-- - I'uui iiml I't'iiMiiii

hnppi'li. (uriii'l e'nlu - I'm i mi riii- - Mururu

lli'lftji'iNlrl lltlll- - llllllllilllll Nll(s,

h MII, I.iIh.miu.;uimi.

rim ii,A. h.ixuphi.iii rmlu iiii fit Mlliiukiiliuil lliulii in. Dipliiinii, hum ,

lliirim.in7. ajliulliuhi. - Ituit.K Vul.riij.i-- . ni'tt,

Vhli i'i.H'h. ijiilup 'I uriiiulu, iiftt, I In I,

I In ii it I'uuiii

)r. S. Si'iiii, lliiin Kiilpi, Hanimiii Co., .Mn . Ha: "l-'.i- r vliiniiiiifuiil'li (.'lnttnliurlainV C'niili li t

ily N jixt'olltiiil." II) H fii'ilthu tlisua-- u is ilupiivfil uf all i lain;.. r

Mr ciMiM'iiiii'iifi'.s. TIihiii r. nn ilnnIjur in Hitiiif' dm in lialiii"-- .

in- - il I'oiilniiin iiolhiiiK injnnoiiK. li.'i

ami f(l i'uui hnilh-- for miIu hy allilunlnrn. lloiiMJii.Sinitli L'u.. A;nuUfor tho Hawaiian Ulauilt..

'""' -- - r xt-


"May Ulosjom" ovt'ii- -'

nig- -

So of I'ar-ili-c Tranfor Com-pany, j

Foreign jury calk-i- l for Jliltt) to--'


Mrn. Chantiy has a card of tlmrik '

in this papor.

A linrltntitiiio is Ulphoni'd olfport as w j;o to press,

Tli Kinau lirntilit 10,'.M)." liagH ofsiiltar from llauaii thin trip.

tM'tuii Voli-an- pn'i'ii.'('M return-ft- lhy tho stoamur Kinau toilay.

TIik Hawaiian Hag Hying ovurtliMICi'i!iitivo oiiilding is grow '

nig uuturoii.V. II. Cornwull and C. II. Dii-liu-


of Maui ovur liv tho stcamoVKinau to day.

"Undo Tom's Cahin" will lm iv.nly tlu Dailoy Stock Co. as a mntiiiuoon Saturday afternoon.

Tint f nlillurnlirilr nrliwilt t titl1uiout at thu ltirotania hall for theirusual weekly praotico this ovening.

Tho Si'hui'tzi'ii Club inet yestcr-- (day ovo'iing, and ndjoiirnud williuuttrauat'tiug any husiiiejis of import-- Ianco.

Thri-- Chinamen pleaded guilty intho District Court this morning toplaying olio fa and worn lined $loeat'h.

J. IfeiiiK'tt and Vellelv Parkerare tho only ones hooked for theColonies per S.S. Mouowai,due fromthe const to morrow.

lilsowhero appeir.s tint programof tho Maui Hieing A'xocinliou'meet of .Inly I. It i a line lull, pro-mising a grand day's sport.

Tim Hawaiian National Hand willgive a concert at the Hotel on the

'evening of tint arrival of the S.S.Mouowai from tho Const.

A diamond valued nt $lit0 wadropped from the ear ring of a ladyat the Opera House yesterday even-ing, during the performance'

di Rimini" was grand- -

ly played hy the Dailt-- y Stock Com-- i

pnii v last night. Croudcd spaceprevents a full report this isitue.

The late John I. Parker will heliuried at Mnua. Hawaii. There willho funeral at the house ofhis parents, however, at I p. tu. to-morrow.

The dead trcc in the (jut-e- Km-m- n

hall yard, facing Nuiianu sticet,make the locality pn.'M-ii- t a veiyuuKii;hlly nppenrauce. The tree'sought to hit cut dots u.

Mrs. Gnus will lecture on Paris atKuwninhao church Friday evening.A fuller uotii-- will appear

Till is one of the choicestlectures of the series.

Dan Lyon-.- ' dancinu cla-i-.- s nu--

at Arinn Mull on every Tiie-"l-t- t millKridny evening, at 7 uVloek, afso onSaturdav nfii-ruoo- nt '2 oYlm-k- .

Tuition J."i cents fur ea.-- lesion.S.'ttlsffictioii gnnraiilued or noclinrgeH maile.

Ono of the many frcipienlcr ofi lie notorious Tong lliug Societyluiildiug was fuuui! guilty of suiok-iu- g

opium in the District Court (

d iy and to one uiituth'rtimprii-ouiuuu-l at hard lalmr. Delcc-tiv- o

ll.iyle mad" the arrest.

Theie e. a hitch in Maker's play-ing as catcher for the Crescents onSaturdav nei. Maker is hns platerin the P. (J. hand and ProfiidciIk his services in tho afternoonconcert at llmma Siptare, liisr--porlc- d

that the cluli has two "darklinri-es.- "

( J real iiulueemeut', are oirt-re- inI hi- - paper to people who would lil.ea Iiuiiih iu the chariniiiK region ofI 'carl City. Tin- - tiam fare-- , pn-e- iit

the cheapest transit ever known inthis alioultho eliuiate may leaily venlit-- Uyeompetmit witiicsi-cs- .

(lrent repairs have lifen made totint race track ai Kapiolaui park.Onl, a few finishing tone he are d

to make tin track iu iln ln-s- t

il was ever in It nowonly lemainsfnr owueis of hort- - tucome uploihc hcralcli and a lirslrate ila'h sport on .luue II will hensHiri'd.


for tho Kloctiuu of 0111- -

curs.fPti., iiii.ini...i'c nt ii... ,,a ...:.... ....- - ....,...'. w, in.' iin-- i it miLeague are actively engaged prepar-

ing tickets for the coming electionuf oflhers on May lis It is Imlievcilthat two and possilily three ticketnwill he put up and league ment hut lietweeii r(XI ami lidtl vob-- s

will he cast. Noiuiuatloiib will hitmade at a meeting to lm held onMat 'Jl. An exciting lime is ,'il- .

Tlin American League claim- - auiomiicrMiip oi (hi men.

The league Mill has the same oldkick -- spoils Nearly all the policepit's and informers recently given

'lie grand liouuce aie iiietuhcrr- - ofthe league and they are thirstingfur gore. ILii't'iH appointments ofstranger.-- , who have not he-- n iuthe country hut a few weeks,to position- - iu tho c'n-- t mn- - doparttuent, do not .heet uilli theirapproval With the oftwo or three men all the ollieei.s nntier I'orl Siirtiour Sninli-r-- , are-- Iranicis. With all the home material available this hoi-tin- g of miknown uitMi inio po-iiio- iit is

conileiiiut-il- . Men iu town whohate faiitil- u- to support are

for carpel haggeir.

A lady at Tooley-- , La., wa- - vetsiek with Inlious e'olie when M ('Ttsler, a proiiiuieiit merchant of thetown, (iate hel a hottleof ( 'ImillliiTIain's I'ulie, Cholera and Diarrho aUeincdy. lie says nhe was Will inforty ininuli", after taking the lir- -t

dose. For sal liy all dualurs. Men-so-

Smith A; Co., Agents for theHuwaliau Inlands

nr irrn


Several Convlctlcmo Interesting Documents Filod.

Knuohokni pleaded guilty to lar-ceti-

first ilei'ri'ii.Punatiiii was found guilty by a

uativo jury of unlicensed liquor sell-- 1

iug, mid was lined SIlK) and .?lS.r0cost s.

Pnhtipti was convicted of gamingand lined ?50 and .:i" costs.

Nnkni, gaming, was mil. pros'd. )

Katilin for defendant.Paoo withdrew his appeal from

conviction for gaming below andwas allowed till Monday to pay hisline. Kaujia for defendant.

David V:il inn. ni'iiml f utiiiini I

possession, has been uol. pros'tl forvairrnncy.

Aukai, a "kitl" of about 10 sum.iner, was tried for stealing .f'Kiodfrom a Chinese woman. The jurvretired nt 'I'.'.iO. Ivaulia for defetiif- -ant.

At the icqtiest of .Mr. Kosa, De-

puty Attorney-Clenera- l Wilder asked '

leave to enter a nolle prosequi in be '

half of the two youngsters, Ivahnua-nu- i

and Kahatin, who aptealed fromcommitment, to the ReformatorySchool for burning a hoti belongiug to A. Kosa nt Diamond HeadDefendants are about nine and sevenvenrs of age. Kahookano for deIl no,

Ka'uakitii, a native woman, is ontrial for liquor selling. Kaulia for'defendant.

T . foreign jury is called for !::Silo'clock to morrow morning.

In the case of Claus Sprcckels vs. i

O. V. Macfarl.itie the SupremeCourt, by Chief .Justice .liidd, hasrendered a iiuauiiuous opinion, nit j

holding the decision of .lude Whit-ing iu the Circuit Court to allow C. 'A. Sprcckels to be substituted forthe original plaint in" on acquiringhis interest iu the suit. JudgeCooper Of the Circuit Court sal in1place of .lust ice Frenr, distptalilieil, '

in the appellate court. F. M. Hutchfor plaint ill': A. S. Hnrlwell and C.W. Ashford for defendniil.

The Chief .Iii'tice is nlo the'author of a unanimous decision in'the matter of the bankrupt T.Ahtiiig. This bankrupt was sent-enced in the Circuit Court to im-prisonment at haul labor for litemouths for fraud iu not keep ngproper books of account, lie ap-pealed and found hail, and the Cir-cuit Court -- cut up the followingqiii'Mioii-- :

"I. Is Section 7 of Chapter -'--',

Laws of 1HSS, iincoupliliiiiounlf"2. Can a Circuit .Itidgei'omiuit

n bankrupt to prison on a hearingfor the purpuie of examining thebankrupt, and on such proceedings aswere held iu I his m e, without prosentatioii of a criminal charge? i

".'J. Do the facts found warrant '

tho coin.iiitineul on the complaintI'uetl iu the -- aid ca-- e, and doe- - thecomplaint warrant tho Muding ,

made?"The Court n (itllou.- -

"Sccijon 7 'f Chapter '22 f the Lawsof IHSS, anlhori.inga Circuit Judgeto iii.mi-o- ii a bankrupt, if. on hisexamination or on hn. applicationfor dischaige, It shall appeirth.ithe ha- - done or omitted to do cerlain acts, lu-l- to . uucou.,iiutiou-al- .

"Such aeis or timis-iou- s not lutingpuiii-hab'- i) eriiuinally wlieu cotumit-ted- ,

eaniiol be made'so on the hap-p-uiu- g

of aiiotle'r event which liasno c nneel ion with them.

"Such proceeding- - are not an excepiioiijti hi- - general protision iuAiticle? of the Cuiistitution. thatno per-o- n shall he held to answerfor any ciime or oireiiM. utih-i-- s uponindictment.

"Till n.r.-lins-l tin. Imnl.rupt alleged that he failed lodchw-- r

up his cah book. The limliug of '

the Cou that he had mil kepi sucha bunk i.-- not nipouniif to the'charge." i

The ea-- e - remitted to the Circuit '

Conn with directions to dischargethe bankrupt from th fimprisonment. F M. Hatch lor thepetitiuiiei; C. W. for thebankrupt.

A pel it ion has bi-e- u fih-- in theClerk's ollice fur (initiate of I he willof Josepli li'ohert-- , al-- u known as'lo-e Furl 'ido Roberto, ami as ,o-- e


Faiit ado liolieries It was admitted '

iu piobate in California in IS'.H.The leslalor left a huge tohis wife, in the of her death ormarriage what might rem uu of il

-- to go lit liieji tlniteiii) children.She is gisen (inwer to tin as -- he)leases With the property or llioilev

obiniiied for il. Then", is ltMK)ii

woith of piopcrly in Honolulu,principally on Maunakt-- street,

the neceshity of having t h"will probated here.' Mruce and A. .1.

Cartwright, attorneys in fact for thewillow, ate tin petitioner.

If King Sol.nnoii wt nlive hewould nutVMiy: "tin tutln- - trnitlingninn, letirn hU ttut-- , nml lm tvi-e- ."

Mr. C. W. H.ittell. n CincinnniitKiveliiig in. m roire.--. inting thoQueen fit) I'linliiig Ink Co, rtfterMilferiii!,' intensely for ttvo or three'Ill.tSUIIh hillienev--. of the hlnilier,

g fruin rlieiiiii:iiiin, eoinliletoly cnrid il with two niiiltcathins of Cliiiniherl.itn's I'.iin lluliiiThis ri'im-d- in gaining n wide rem-tatiin- i

for it- prniiiit cures of rheii-iiinti-i-

lame hncli, sprains, nwellnigs, and l.iinnner.-.- . .'sJ cent Imitletfor sale hy all tlealcrs. Ilein-oii- ,

Smith Co . A'eni- - fur tie- - HawaiianMaud..


MltN rxiTAlV Won.Dnn- limn nl I'niiii.t nn.' Iht

in. lit.irtft-l- i 1I..1I1L- - iu nil llu- - Urn I

frii'ii.l- - uim iienipii nnl to Iut-i-- I! nn I

Itiiilly in lln-i- r i.iimi u(nn. I f.illi i turi-iln- c nl tin. htiii

nil uml - .nt Hiuilim lliitMTi- - Ihi-r- t in. im I

..Hurt i. r ht w nl un I ilfi'il in nnfi-iii- iir

I'll! Irilf h i.i'll tin (. wlilnu mi,(nilii'ilt liii-i- i lm. tin- - priiini t til ill vim-r- i

wiiil Inii It


Ol'S M-- . ' iiavi: lint Hill M.I.II IliU ll.'llli- -l III III" - li .. lull'llllfi. i;h'-I- ,tli I nl II Klttiii In

n i ml nn ii'Ii.iiiiIi-i- - nmlii in ti. nl Su. t i. tjui't'ii mrn-l- , Iii-

iii. Iin.l till,, i mm Yf lu. will nut lnri'hpuii.ll.l.. lur imt tlthia tittinu lit II.Kittiu SUN yi: ( O.

lluliuhllu, Muy I, IS'J) lu.1l lf


Thoy Celebrate White Lotus Daywith Fit Exorcises.

One of their lender, kindly furuishes tho following report of thecelebration of White Lotus Day bythe Theosophists of Honolulu:

The Theosophical cln-s- , togetherwith quite a number of friends in-

terested in Theosophy, celebratedInt night what is termed iutlipo-ciet-

White Lotus Day. The lotusi an old emblem of purity and im-

mortality, and also an nllu-io- u tothe divine force of nature mid life,used iu nearly all tho old religions,and in modern time more especiallyhehl by the Mtiddhists and by the,Latin and (Jreek Christian Churcho.Therefore Lotus Dayn-igli- t hi takenas a pari of purity and of I

of iiiau, but, in thesociety, it is espec ally the

anniversary of tho demise o"f tin-mo-

earnest and itispind exponentnnd teacher of the modern dipctisat ion of Thcoophy, (he late Mine.Illavatsky. Thi anniverary wasreverently kept yes,tn,iy jM ,(,.ryone of the .'Hm branchc belongingto the society in every part of theworld. Iu Honolulu the meetingwas held at the Thcu-ophic- al Li-

brary, which was tastefully decorat-ed with Mowers, in a must "creditablemanner, by the ladies of tin- - cla.An excellent program cnllt eucd withuiuic and composed of recitationsof appropriate pro--au- d poetry walistened to with uutlinching atten-tion.

It was ainiouticfd that the futuremeetings of tin- - cla-- s would be heldon Friday evening", psychic cxperiincuts and illu.-trntc- if lectures onmicrocopicnl life being promised,as also the expet-te- arrival of aTheosophical lecturer from the re-

gular slnir of the San Franciscolieadquarters. Mrs. ,v, Mesant, whohas just made mc-I- i a triumphal touriu India, will alo be probably -- ecure I, if. on her i I visit "to

she i;ipnii to make the tripon the Oceanic line. Tliu prospects ofthe year are therefore good for theHonolulu students.

Hoocl'GOuresSaved My Wife's Llfo

VVonkno3o, Saltr.hcuni.

few& .

dJfteXfci-M . . I :i'V,v..,!'.?U ' .'1-;- " TTaKSVsri ! .

Joint ir. Jov.eaKnlntat. XVattli.

M0f my own frt-t- - hIIIic it nrt-ori- iintilsifit byii;r)tir, itii'l uiiIiIhk to tin romI to ttio

Ltl.lctnl, I wMi tu I II 1. 1 tlix r.t'-- l iiu.illll.--i otllmj.fs S.irtnpnr.ll.-- i an I llooil-- t I'lllt. I tlitnk

i 'I'l-in- , uml litvi-rri.t- i

I tin ir l. -- i in my mnMy ttiif. l I s tu- - ti dtilli Ictl

ttiiii v.ratnii- - i, iitioii il sv . II rlicinn. Ii. I in irty i ll I ril I li.'l t,( I ,i - ..ilii't ciiimIi

luriliu'l r'ti l.illtii'.l in- - iiciiH-1 .1 nn id iMetlU) try llikHi't It tiii.ioulitc.lly

Saved My Wlfo From tho Cravo.llin nlt llii'iini Inn nitTi'ly l.iul' il nml ilia lirrlnrril la r.oinl Lti.tlli I lute lit.tny(i i'. ril k ill ri ' wci in li.u t'.t ttlio Mill btU.ll U' k . IU

HcocS'o GaroaparillaII 11 C'l i"l Iny lff." Jini.s V. Jovrii limit'i. Oct ItouD'b.

HOOU'fl P(LL0 " 't 'tt Jltinr rilli,titl.l il.k'...lloii, cu I.aj4i l. li;lJt-- li.

IIOIIIIilN. NKWMAN A TO.,;rttc lor ll.itviiiliin

11th oi


lacss !

I M I III I'tHlli'll tllityt'llf, till' OWIIl'l' llll'ltrainiMs of linehhotlld hsivi' tllL' vt'ry brut

j utility of I'i'imI for theirhorM'h. Thi' only plni't'for .such ii. tin


HP-- ll'.l.l.l'IIONKh I --ttlDKL1VKKY TO fllE PARK KYERY DAY.

Opi-'- i. A: Waukihu'Sk:(JoriHT (lll't'll nml Niititintistl'l'tdn.


AKCHITBOTB,hi r n ti Nl it -- ..'i' Di -it lluililiin-- .

I Tt -- llll'l, ll.ll.l.llllll, . I,

i itml Miei-riii-

is't't-i- i Inr Kv-'i- ) i f ll.iilil-nn- -

"I. I Hull t it .f in-. i...fnli liiiim,.nihil iiii'I l.nlnrm'.l 1. Ii;ii fur liii-Ti-

I iiiii Xliip- - n- - I ii it iiIni; I'mi-iiii- r uml lllui' I'miiiiiii;. I lnii-fn- r

Itiink or NYukpiii'i"


I lll.ii lo IM'illt.M I III-- ; I't'lll I'1 Hull I llllt't llu'lli-- , lilt Mini- III Nil. I i

N'l.iini'i .iri-e- i vt ti h t't'iinii Miiniifiti-iiiii'.- l

Jiiu-lr- i "i-- i tilth li iliu- -. Miipiiiri, I'tnrl,ft.. I.i-- l r- - .1 miii- I'nn l'ii)l..ii i

tr It Al-- u I'fih-i- i lliiiiil-niiiil- ii I .ni't.An m.i fiiiiil ul nit iiifk i kiilli-iitti- ,

W. J hAIHtlb.'.ru-t- l No. I. NuiiMim tiiiit

$rr arr

irarsnun wa (

Vff isrrv?r - 7,1' i., A





OjIiii liiiilwav I Iiiiii To,


Another Great Opportunity

To Bucuro Huin- - in Oim uf tho Most

Uolluhlful Lucitlilh-- to bo

Found In li- - Pnriiriia-- t

of tlin Pacific.

f it lii'itllht r n Petri r lm- I'.tiiiih-tii- il nn ri'piitittinii,Mnn.t hi 1.1 fli.jfii. In ihih - iiiiiuiuiity

tlm tMiinh'iliil ..,.,. pmtiifiil hi it itit.t .ij.,iirii iu ilmt ,iry,tHil iiiiiiplitTt., uml Kite li-- l'l

mini) mill.- - Ihi-- j hurt- - nli i in- -

tnull uiilin'.l Irmii n liini; c ti.' lln.u-.- l itlliick nl Pi !. Im.j

ucijtl.1 iili-.- l it tin- t'liiiiiiii- - nl P. ml rijriviiiiiin. nit il ii it untie hi c,lt.,rliiiu.


is mple!Anil cm In- - to m.... l, ilri. . ,,fII mp.llttl , , , . ,,tk, ., ,.,, (

iht- - tterlil.

I'h.ii. A. II. I.I..SH ,.( O.ilm i . Kv ,nlir inithiiri j Int -- nil In,. , ,, t. .,,,-- Ilpily l III.- - pii-- . yl In thi.

Special loducimenis lo F.tily Sealer:

Knr tiini'Tv tinj. ir 1. 1... , w III .fiii.oim o.s i'i:f ai, n:icM .t voi ii ii i,. nhiilitlllf .ili'tr.. I'nr ii t nn n time

'I'"-- trim ilittt-- . IihuIht hiiiI nil 1..1 i.. i

Iiik iinui-riiil- . ttill li.- - iip.llttl, iiml .ItlltrtT-f-- l

nl l t it) .it in it'll i prut-- tiinlilit'lnri. t.l.tiiiiinl,

I'ur fiirlle-- r pnrii.'iilnr.. nl llil-.."- i. nny nl i In- - IihuIht ilt'ii.t-- . in IliUlit. 'Ihi-ett- lii mm imn luWu-- t itt-lu-

thti-t-tth- prti n-- t- lu li unit- - it . .I.'in- - ..( mitlll; fit), tull ilu v.. In

'hu.ftihi nt-il- l

nl thi. iillnr. ttnhlit tin ilnn- - iiniiiu.ltoll In- - finiiii-i- l tn, nli. I ttill r In Un- -

I..II..V, Iliu--

Kr nli'i in of i tt'itr-- . thi. rniiiniiivJ tt ill r.irrj'.in-- rei.. Iinl. in, I i i ( . L

! (rum IV.ifl lit) in lliiniiluln h, h. ,,,ni- -

in: Iiirrivliitdt huh- - I -- iti'ii.eel (ruin II..ii..ii i ti, I', ,,. i H) ,,, (i,,.

Vi'lnlii; ; living J I tt -- Intii n it nllitij itlliir lift- - u'i iH-- lm it'll r.'iii- - r.,,', wnv.

i rnlf lf tli. in i. nt-- ri nl 'i mill llur.ilf. nn nil iiilii-- r .:i m ih-i- t I ruin- - ruiniiiii;luring lie-iln- t nr nielli will I... lt-t-nt- .

pi i milt- - llrM f.i., iiu.'i ,,.,,! ,, mid.fiiiiil

A iimiiI mIiiiiiI . ii l.i i I,, 1. i,. ,,tin- - IVnhiK'iiii, in ih, il,,,., inr., ii, it

t'ru.'i,. ) ,r j ) utr.Iiniii-ti- . Itu hi K llvliii; nt I'.itrl i ily

liO'tiVi- - iVtnl t 'li v Minimi x nilI ilni-i- . Iinvlni; hniiii-- . un tin- - ttill

liiMillnttfil tu rl.h- - trif un tinln.I'tnrl I'll) .titinii. in nml irnni

llii' IViilii.iiln,

Ihn-- e whe it .nit tu.'. hi nn. 'i..,.,. ,

lillilreli tn -- I'liiiulh ,n Him, I, i, fit ii imvt'lruii.Hirtiillnii ui nil intni. tn nmluniii l I'm, mr tin- - p.irp .t- - uf nt111- - III llti. I'tml. rlii'li uill fill hpupil. I in- - i. niini tn .'1 tn .11 miii. riihint i .'I'lil- -

K.piiil iinhiii'iiii'iii. fur tlniM' ilf. iiiiii m-.i't Ihui. . - in thi, f.iiiiiit) iii-- i in vi r

'.flint ii iiirtTi',1 In tli.' piiliiif.I III- - I'lllllp.lilt lln- - l..'1'H .iit.t. Iiiiii

' i iiitiiii-lln- i prifi, ul nil tim,r nn-- I

vil.l html in Hint lui'itliit,

Mniiilil it .ii, - li.- - in iv in n,i mi lik ihu pu-i--ut

iitiulil itu tin .fun ,.r thi; pii.tili.irt- - ulhum . nt IVttrl i uy

"A Wurd to the Wise iy




W.V-t- f OiLtml MsiiuKtT

Headquarters for White Goods


"N". S. SACHS'03O H'ort Street, Honolulu.

Immense Assortment ! Lowest Prices !

NAIN.SiidKr in Plain, Stripiil, I'lii-ck- . iin.l I'l.itti,.

Persian Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Linen LawnsIN A I.I. (lltADKs AND I'KIIT.s.

Ill .M II I K.-- J in stript-il- . riesks, IMiii.l- - Hint Hm- - I.m.- -.





LACES AND EMBROIDERIES!KMIIIKjIDKItY KlKIISUS m to- - S'ltln-- u ,V nu.l tniiili.irh in

All Wliltlt- - tilth In Miilili.

All-ov- er Embroldory, Embroidery Flouncos and Demi Flounces.

Lace3 of Every Description iu All Widths.

3ZC. . IiIEj"""51 --J Kol)iii.sMi Block, IIoiul Shoot,

N'KXr lo tlltDWAY V I'ttltfhlt

Stock Must be Sold on May 1st.I VI I.I sT.i.l. nrr MY KNTI Itl'. KPn-K-

. riiNHMrtvi, iiK

Dry and Gent's Furnishing Goods,

Men's and Boys' Suits, Etc., Etc.$3r 't irt imptiMHililc I'm- mo to iiii-iiliu- nil tin.- - Artieluri

inn! I'l'icfs-- !


Monday, March 19.PLKASK OIVK MK A CALL!

Stock Mast be Sold oa May 1st.

NOTICE.I Iiiivl-- bi'fti iiiMtiiii'inl b .Mir. ,1. M. iik s. k Sm.v.v.

iioirii.torof tho IIavaiia.IaI'asi:sk lt...,i:, lloU-- l utiivi,to stdl bis stock of .JAIWNKSN (JOOS. .M. n bi ,lrt..toitiiuM.t of .lAIWNKSK V.WKU NAI'KINS will l."H,I.KSS THAN t'O.sT.

Just Received p-- r S. S. " Mariposa "

A I.Alail. AVU Mi ll !: sun K !

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc.Vt IIKl III i AM. dCKi'lAI. XI'IKNl'IO.N ID uu;

JDroaa Goods ixx Wool and Miuaim,SILKS, LA0E3, ULOVES, UOSIERY. BrO . ETC.

B. P1. EHLEE.S &c GO.HOtdAi ail IfOiXT a'i'RmH:!'

I'M I'.l'Ho.M. Hit



GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR and FEED.TrcsU Califoruia Roll butter and Island Butter

VT ALWAYS ON HAND fitow G'.ods Hecelved by Ev-r- y btedmer from San Francisco,

wiiii'inii.!'.: M ' " "'-'"'- -i '".el ...u,,.

Ilitu'K. Ivi.mi Sthix-i- . IU:t Pout im i.tK.t Sno.inIU II I hi. hi II' M..-- .'tu- -


iiiioilcrs. Wlioble

' in 'A

'I' M.I.. .1 ' ..1I' ' Itu.x. .ill


k llHail (inici-r- s

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFre3h Goods by Evory California Stealer.

ick - noirsii - goods'- - a - spkcialty.Im tM,s(nH,sSo,,,,r,.r, gg fag" SuisMtni.N OituiMKu..I'KM.I'IIUM. u ., t(

ii. I-- :. .MiixrviiK & lino..iMiiiMi.iis tsti iii:ai.i:n, ,s

Grocaries, - Provisions - aid - Feed.N"vr"","," " "' ') Kvitr, I'mk.-- l Ir in il. I.ii.i,.,,, mi.ii .,,,.1 k.iiii- i-

CAI.Il'OKMA PHDDICI. - MY U KKY STKAMLHA'l I'r.h'r, Inlllitti mn niti-i- l lu nml i.Hk. Iiflivii.,1 i ,,.

I'm nf tin ui) ) IthhlM'VN" ,h "JVITM. SThr4nillh (JlUhlMKkU

KAM ruilNMt FOIll AM) KIMI h IK h Kill.



Page 4: KMie PEiln HI S&...TII03. LINDSAY. vl iinrii n Nino Jkhklkk k, Vtiii. MtKKK. Kiikul liwi.r,t n Kimilully. i'nrlii-ula-r 'Hriiiliiii m.I loiill klii.lnof r,iilr. lllouk, Kurt Htifi-t-.


Jfc f V



New --York Life Insurance

JOHN A. McCAIL. President.o


Premium Income $ '27,488,057 41I ntein-it- , Routs, etc

Total Income

Deutli ClaimslSiidowtnenh mid AnnuitiesDividends, Puroliitscd Insurance, etc

Total to Policy Holders . .

Xuinlier of New Policies Issued .

Amount of Xew Insurance Written


AssetsLiabilities 4 percent Standard .

SurplusXumlier of Policies in ForceAmount uf Insurance in Force


Increase in Menelit to Policy Holder- -Increase in Assets






770 150 078

1,043,437 84:






(uilicie- -


I uereaso Surplusiicrensc Insurance Written

Increase Insurance FotceIncrease Xuiulier Policies Force

Xumlier Polieie Written 1803over I M2

Increaio Now Premium- - tliatl.Sii--

lti following rospectt York Life. In 1803, BKOKENKECORD9 made Hnrsolf other Company.

Fiiisi Xtimlier of polieie.". upplied



'I'm in

yv "arr !, lf'f " "s V4 -- "?

. 61"Z



1 O- -

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00' '



. 1 1 ,201,582 . 22



'1 ' 'WIS 42


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c'ff, 'Wf'

Sm-oni- i Xumlier uf new polieie nctuullv in 1803

w,l1 1"I1I


Tiiiimi of new in 1803 .

I'orurii Xumlier of new policies nctuallv paiil for in 1803

I'n-i- M Xet in new lni-i- ne

Si.niii Xet iueiease in number

bicvKsrit Xet e.niu in insurance





THEDaily Bulletin Publishing



7"rr"7T""",'!3L-- .







force 37,008





Amount is,iie,






Til 15 IK

j H

H, I.

Electric Printing

Merchant Street,






Goln Rule Bazaar.

W. F. ReVnOldS. : PrOD.j

The J)omelic Seiviny Machinemake happy wives ami weet

hear lx.

All kind Machine Acedlc amiAttachment hi make eveni woman. 'liappy. ,


(imtarx to cnarm trim ona analeave a happy mile.

lieeaiise ol Uisease,verso circumstances and orphaned

Spectacle and hyeylae to Jit ..nn,unnn. nn,i w ,., i,in,,,..i... .

!ilht n that both old andlnUnV '""" '" h"m'

a .Doll and lay to make the i

yonnyler happy.

Hcminyhm Typewriter In makethe l,uinr man happy.

.Ivnm Supplie to astl ymtny J

men anil maiilen to achieve hop.


lrc ami Can! Car to make

imiir hel qirl happt.' '

Wallet ami I'ocket Hook to I


ihiJv your het fellow happy.'workers.

"'""''"',, s"''"'' I" ""''i ii""' !

hoi" happy. i

'iitimi Card ami Society I

Stationery lo concey hnppine.

Oflicc Stationery ami WankHook, and to complete the ''"- - I

'"' of all i



n Man II indinq, Stem

"""j Xickel I'lateil Watch, '

ymirantceil a yooil timekeeper I

for id K0 I

' I

Empire Saloon,Cornar Hottl rlaawu Strtett.


Giioici-- : old

Family Wines and Brandies


PORT a". SHERRYS3 Years Old.

HI. 1ST. R,E3QXJA.rnr.ii, MASAOKIt iiiu

2STOTIOE5 TOVisitors, Picnic Parties, Lnaus


General Fulolio I

At Smith's Bus and Livery-Stables- ,

King Street,Adjoining Mitroiolluu Meat Market)

Is the Clieuil p'aee In town you can getIIushbs, Wairoiiettes, HuxKles and tiaddluHoneH. It will pay you to en II 'and webefore you try eUuwheie, Taleohone 408.iwiMlm


Latest Styles in Millinery-- TIIK I.ATKhT IK -

White and Colored Worsted GoodsTHK MObT t:O.M IM.KTK HTHl'K OK


Dressmaking Done by Mrs. Renner.

A Business PropositionUeorue W. I iiiuolu, ho hn been etnb-litdie- d

in Honolulu for lHyeart ns h

Builder and Contractor,Wishen to eimiiete with tho hard timeand lo Kivn tu IIih public the beiiellt liyfuriilnhhii; them with uood uurk at lowprices for Ht 'anli, ouvaiinotiiUbrd tolet your irorty Koto ruin for the wuutofrepairs. Mr. I.luuotu villi guarantee putlnfatitioii. lMtroiihie the Kaniniiliia,

GEO. W. LINCOLN,lUtn-t-f fll1.' KIiik utreet


AROHITBOTS.H.rthtreet, lloiiohibt, II. I.

I'lium, bieellliiHtioiiH and Hiltieriuteiul.euue kIviui for Kvery Dewrlptlon of llullil-iliu- .

did HuildiiiK 'Uuvehnfully Kuiuod- -'tilled and KulurKt'd, DeslioiH for Interior' Decoration Mai or Meehiuiieul Draw-lu-

Tracing and lllue I'rlnlliiK. UrawliiK"for Hook or .Newspaper llheitratloii.


A Preacher on the Poori

Editor Bulletin:Tho columns of ntir cheerful eon- -


temporarr tho Stnr of tho 2nd iust.,contained a portion of a discourseon "Thorough Lift' Work" Biguod

Revd. A. 3. Twomiilv, from 1

have soloeted the following passageas being in my opinion, from aChristian standpoint, open to criti-cism:

"But Christianity is not only a re- -

llgion of sacrifices. It i a religionf the richest reward. It nays tint

l;te'" wages as one works tin infidelity and in hope I' or conseieu- -

dons labor insures Micro.. Tho'wretched poor ant llio who have

uover boeu conscientious workers inanything. Ihon loosonoss runsthrough the whole web of their lives.Of course there are some except ions.

- . ": r. -

those subject to those sad misuir- -lMDe, .f.hoy ,etnan,i our Vmpatlij M. But as a rule, tl.o all- -

jl(0l p))0r nrp t,10 rwkw ,fttsttrttltll lalntrtlttlf 11 Mtil ttiit lltltl illluiwwn riviiivn i in in 17 vwiiiiiiuii nThose who get nothing to do.oxeeptin very hard times, are the Mo nothings.' Good work always commandsits price. Good workmen are turnedoirlast when trade is dull anil taken

Tho ,,K.,rjm, f t, averagepreacher whose hearers, n in the

.present case, comprise the elite of,h C(,mmr,.jn nm ()(.jnl wr,, -,

that men are the architects of theirown fortunes, and that the road tosuccess lies cnuallv before eervman, physical conditions excepted,and he who is industrious and moraland honest, and conscieutiou gener-ally, will come out ahead and wearsilks and broadcloth; whereas "thewretched poor am those who hittenever liven conscientious workers inanything," and are therefore pooruu.. tl- -v nr.. n..t ,.,,,.i..,,ii.,h

it -- i i - i iy iiiosi reven'im iirencnur;altogether wrong! Men nrethearchi.tecls of their own fortunes still, andthey rise on the stepping-stone- s of.1....1 i. ii .i...-...i..- !i .....iui'iui nt'innmii. iiuirainiLMi uiiiiiituand widows, and low-price- d coolies totho of wealth andonurch';tnil(iU.

Xti "conscientious toiler' makes,or can make, a competence by pureindustry and honesty, by digging oriiolt-jncI-fli- business, or otherhonorable employments of the sameH(irt; nml it iA (be bioken-dow- u

liMJeraflmiimi and pick and sh.nelcrowd up the houew- -

lt institutions of other lands. Al- -

most aimmecan make nconipeteneeby loaning money on interest, or""aiiug n cuiiipaiir on sniiui or iiciiImiiB i.miilnl fiiul "watering'' thestock, or kidnapping South .SeaIslanders at n cost of .V2.1 a head andretailing them in lots to suit at ?2Ha head, or obtaining the emit rollinginterest in sugar plantation tunlgambling with the stock. Or con- -

trolling the supply of the people'slootl as ui the caseot our Heel I ne.' ;

or organising a corporation for thepurpose of exhibiting abandonedwomen in an immoral dance at ainntwinter lair. inese perieciiy j

legal but immoral avenues to localwealth are not available to the J

"wretched poor," but to the "con - '

scion t ions labor'' of Sir Gallihad i

Dives of unctuous respectability and '

unimpeachable church standing, j

All these nre things which it is notconvenient for the d dilet-tanti professor of theological moral-ity to see, much less to probe.

The truth is, that the Itev. Dr.Twomiilv, like the great majority ofins professional liretinen, has guttho situation of the poor in an inverted sort of waj, and his fads areall standing on their heads. .Morepaupors come to their sad fatethrough steady industry and "con-scientious labor," than through anyother cause. Some of then) are go-ing about Honolulu crippled amiblasted through being industriousin quarries, and many more arewrecked through falling oil highscaffoldings. A large number werethrifty, earned very little, saved verjlittle for fifty years, ami then somebody bolted with their saiugn intheir old age, and if they had drunkthe money instead tliey would have )

died in middle life and never readiedany poor old age at all. Almost nil j

the poor come to gtief through some '

sort or variety of "conscieiuioin.labor, nut the iiulivnlual who gotdisabled while bulling, or reached apatriarenai age and a veuerable pauper through bard a myth.i The assumption of tlie '

average Tory that a man who ispoor iniM be base and In.y, andthat the man who is rich must Inhouorable and iudtiMiiouh -- is a pul-pit Hut ion, and nu obvious untruth.

The "abject poor" is largely comnosed of tneu who bring up theirfamilies on strictly Christian priucipies, and in order the better to doso avoid hearing the tiiiln.t denunciation of poverty on the one hand, i

and the revolting "sympathy andaid" of patronisiiiL' ostentatious im..:.,. :.... i.i. ... ., ., .'iiii.iiiiiu nimiiu on I lie oinei

I hand. The Lord pronounced a bless- -i ., . . . on t no poor and lioasod titsanathema ai the rich and the scribeswho would In to enter over this eir- -


uumslauce. lie did (bat because hekuew how little judicium, fraud and


airs capi- - h"'put reason

anu tne met stands out ui relieftliat the church is toolrespecianie in nave auv mission, ami if Ibn nrii'imi nu,ll.,i i

; tvere to appear again in tlnlir ori

be "run as tagratils, and alioulthe only one of who would beeiigiuio for admission into genteelsociety would lie.ludas, for lie knewhow lo trade. and stick to. tin. -.

! ceeds on tlie most approved priucioles of Hiioiiidnri,rj ,.r il,iuI'l . .. . "" "Iniueieeiuii cetiiury gospel

Kl in An


?ni(faer&yrd Water,

mil cureJmmediaM!








orSMe evcY-hcr- ugyiUI





5Q3 Fort SU'ot,Where ihl luvnluuble household reined)

tuny be obtained by the


We have nUo the Uiri;et hliM-- id

Drugs, Medicines,

Chemicals, Perfumes,

Toilet Articles IM

Photographic Coods

Po lie found In the llnuiiilau liduudi..


--i BICYCLE 01iiCLUB.k,

v oLJ o(0 $10 aTonth

And be the ovwicr (

n Hue a llleyele n 0ll Is iKiMlhlr to coniruet

HHighest Grade!

Catalogues Free!


H. E. WALKER, 0CD Agent, Honolulu, II, I,

KEM:0"r.I-- i !

Sr PMU U O I VJ- - VX j .1IAVK MOVKl) Tu

Morgan S Auction RoomFor a abort lime. We are mill mjIIImi:

UepartUrO Bay UOal,

Charcoal. AlgerobaIMl -

KZincilirig WoodIS ANY QUANTITY.

414 BOTH TELEPHONES 414Hl.'l llll


rr idw tix IlCIt K. mjwQ ?2,"l"lu h,r,','l ueai Mil-trj.- mm"r H,,'l'' If


fok KENT

A I' IMt.MHH Kli ItKSIV dvnee oil lieretlllila

,, in,i!ll!"":J fe,idei

hib.. " 'lulu tf


( (hT,.n.. J. .V. .".


,...ikiiinii "in wi iiiiu iiuni

Iroin liormeur. all iihhIiiiiilliiiiroveiiieuth. iiIko Hani. , ....vjnilil... .....I U,i.u it....... ,...i."" s. H ' hAOilfi

ten t Kurt Mieet.

ioaiiug were required to make aChristian capitalist, what mi I'lMIKKK SICKLY I'l'lt-speakab-

the "Christian" . 't,M"""Kl,1',tttr,1,"talis) on by of his loalii g, '






. ,


I MM TO ISKOUM TIIK I'l' Dan Lyons' dancing elas-.e- s uicol CHEAP SHAVING.' I that I liuvti oimiikI my More at So. I Ml ll..n .... i"

Nunniiu street with Ojlen Manufnetured "' .A.r I every uestlnv ami rrin;i;i,..KMiw ItJewelry ..t with It.ihle, happldre., IVarls, l rday even ug, at 7 o'clock, afso on I. Itoel.f'.rt, I iu tike '

ute. Ju.treiiBlvedsoiiie Pure Ceylon lea-- - batiirday afternoon at '2 o'clock, the Uiieit.siruei Hlmvlnu Parlors, udio-n- -

J Tuition LTl Cents for Wlitli osSOII. .V Co.. where ., K.NM in,,,.,All IliiMatlon of ui) .Kk I. ollolled. "hiivecan bu hadSatisfaction iuaranteed' for If. t'eiilni Hair (Jut


wt ..&J,mA.l"''."i..1. " ""I '"""'" "'a.1,';," '"' """ I


The Prize

Awarded !

AnheUBer-Busc- h Brewing Co.Wins the Prize at theWorld's Fair with their"EAGLE" Brand Beer.

St. I.OUI, Oct. '.', IS.MKn. MAl.TARI.ANIt & Co., I.'tl.,

llunnliihi, II. I.Dtnr'Sim We linvu iimllcd yon n oojiy

ol the (lloliflifmocritt nlinoiuii'liiK tlie ,'K'utvictory won by the Amifi'sir-IIi'sci- i Aso- -(lATlnN with their "KAtil.K" Ilrntiil olIteer.

JSIKm-.- lANHiatSKIt-m'SO- ll llltKWIN'n A8SO--

(Sprrtnl Uttjinleh lo Ulnliflhiiwernl.)Worn it's HIR, f'lllt'tnn, Il.u, Oct. i.15.

No nward hns bmde so grntifyineto Ht. Ixiuls ninl ho Jntly incrilcilus the one uivcii v by tlie ColintibiunJury ol the World'? r'nir, consl'tlnn ot con- -'

uofrMMlM mid chomll of the highest rnnk,lo tlie Anlieii'er-llu'id- i llrcwlni; AksouIatlon. lly iiioiIiihIs ot mirivnllcil Imclimsjuiitcrprle. nnd by iiIiir the best materialproduced in AmvrlcA mid Kuroin', cxclud- -

ItiK corn nml other ndillturnntH or stirm- -irntes. the (llllerent kind ot tlie Anhenorllllrch beer linvu lxcoine the favorites withtho American itcorle, mid bnvo now coniniervil the lilKheM nttard In nvery jinrtleii- -lar, whii'h lind to bu eiinldend by theroliiinblnu jury. The IiIkIi chnnictcr olthe award uiven y by tliujurort willbe Is'tler undervtmid when It N known thaithe dllleri'tit beer exhibited by tho Anhciispr-ltii- pf h llreulnit A(N'latlon had toroiuiiclc with himdredi. ol the ino-- t excellent dldn.v ol other brewers. The factthat nu other concern has received soitintiv iMilntx for the various ecutlal miniltleof uood leer anew the Umii'sreiultliui a the leader of nil Ainerli'inibeers, mid Mr. Adolphus llci-e- h cmi feelproud over thl remit co luxtlv inerlteil.


j ttoins,Mo- - JSo)" Tbe above Is a ol (be

: um- -" t--u- m mm mtbe Prize.

I XltL. In orderiti I! tills Peer be nre tink lor the "KAdl.K" llrimd.

Macfarlane & Co., L'd,H'ft-t- f AtffntM far It'itnilmtt Utttmh



si IS eov. pa

H illH

I o I I

p S




Notice to Consumers!

Thf new ii'iitkn uf Ihe UdVtliiitn

F.ltttric Co. tirint) imw rtin)jll'trd,

tiotire m herein uiceii Hint frommid ufler Jamuiey tilth Ihe Cum-pun- y

i piepured In mtpiily imiiii-deme-

ehrtrir liilitiiHI '"

In u feir dnils the Ciiiujuiiiij will

oIkii lie prepared In urninh elrctrie

milium fur power, and uf nhieh

due nutiei it ill lie iliven.

'I'hi Co inpuny further nnnuunee

Ihul Ihey nre prepared In rereiie

tinier fur iiilrrinr wiriny mid eon

fiirniih fijluien unit nil Jlltinijn in

eiiniieitiuii with new Heri'iee,

I'rinlul rulm, rriiulutiuiiii nmlCuinpiiny'ii rutin eon lie hud on

upplieiiliun In Ihe .Siiperiulenilenl,

Wm. G. IRWIN,UJ'.'-l- l I'llKHIUKNT II. K. t:o.

Til K


Arc Keiidvlng New Involi'L'c of





Whele Ihey are fully preputial to do allkinds of work In the luteal styles, t

the honest notice and ot tliemo! Hiaaotmhle HhWo.

Fln, k Vtli Hn , Sptdl


KxiTiited In (he 11 o.l Allini'llveM unlit:!.




Ketul the follow Iuk paltlal llt of rwi Ialtle and gel thuliui.LLTiN'S pilcca bc- -

loro pluulug your ordcn, liy hu doingyou will sum-- both time uud money.

I.ellul 11 cud it,Nolo llcudr,

li ill lleiuU,MiiuioiiiiiUiiiiiiJ,

UlIU of Ludiiiis,J HtrtlfllllllltB,


Agrctiiiiiinla,dhippiug (Juulrncta,

Uhock liooks,Legal Ulauko,

t.'ulunduio,Wedding Umdd,

Visiting ('arda,liusiiiOBe (Jurde,

Fuiitral CJunlf,Admission CunU,

Fiuloriial l.'unU,Time Oantb,

Milk 1'ickuta,Meal Tiukuts,

' Tbculru TiukuU,.Soliolursliiji Cuilillcatitn,

Corpoiatiou ('erlilicuteh,Marriage (Jeililirntor,

iU'Coiplb of all kiuils,Plantation Orders,

I'roininhory N'ltcs,I'aiJipliluU,


Luliulh of ovor vuriely,J'oliliones in any lauguaKc,

Kuvclopes it Letter Uirculuis,Sikh ting Hcoiuu it Hecoiils,

I'uipttluul Washing Lints,Ufimral Hook Work,

Klc, Klc Lie, hie,

I'llllled ami llloi'ked when denllt-il- .

W Nu Job l allowed Iu IdsVm (ll ol-fl- oo

UUtll It kIvm isunHctloli.

--. )