g½Zâ[yf u~t ZéZâ ¶uEt½|Flegalhistory.or.kr/lawhist/book/48/03.pdf · h z Ù o o [Yj v...

목 차 . .개항 이후 서구법제도의 소개와 제도의 개혁 1. 서구법제도의 소개와 공평 2. 갑오을미개혁과 근대법제도의 도입 3. 유교적 공평의 원칙과 공권력 작용 . 독립신문의 법제 개혁론과 공평 1. 개인의 지위와 권리 2. 서구근대 법제의 특징과 개혁의 방향 3. 법집행 및 재판의 개혁과 공평 . 결론 57 19 세기말 공권력작용과 공평의 원칙 * 독립신문의 법제개혁론을 중심으로 전종익** 1) [국문요약] 조선시대 전통적인 유교적 덕목이자 공권력작용이 지켜야할 원칙이었던 ‘공평’은 개화기 근 대적 법질서의 특징을 나타내는 개념으로 사용되었다. 특히 19세기말 개화지식인들의 개혁론 을 대표하는 독립신문은 개인을 재산과 생명 등에 대한 권리를 가지고 스스로 경제생활을 해 나가는 존재로 평가하고 권리와 자유로운 경제활동을 보장하기 위한 새로운 법질서의 구축을 주장하였다. 독립신문은 개인의 자주적인 경제활동과 발전을 통한 국가의 독립과 부강을 지향 하고 이를 달성한 서구 근대법제의 특징을 ‘공평’으로 파악하였다. 따라서 ‘공평한 법률’의 제정 과 집행을 근대적인 국가로 발전하기 위한 과제로 보았다. 특히 갑오개혁과 을미개혁을 거치 * 이 논문은 2013. 6. 21. 개최된 법사학회 정기발표회에서 발표한 글을 수정보완한 것이다. 소중한 의견을 주신 법사학회 회원여러분과 심사위원분들께 감사드린다. 이 논문은 2011년도 정부(교육과학기술부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 연구되 었음(NRF-2011-332-B00518). ** 서울대 법대/법학전문대학원 부교수, [email protected]

Transcript of g½Zâ[yf u~t ZéZâ ¶uEt½|Flegalhistory.or.kr/lawhist/book/48/03.pdf · h z Ù o o [Yj v...

. 19

‘’ . ‘ ’
* 2013. 6. 21. .
2011 ()
58 48
, ,


. 1890
, , ,


[, ( ,
1982)] , , ,
, [ ,
( , 1996); ( , 2000)] .
19 59

. ,
, ,
‘’ ,


2) , 15~16
, 38(, 2008), 109~136 .
3) , ‘’, ‘’ ,
( , 2004), 129~130.
60 48
300 1898
1 1500, 7 3000
. , , ,

. ,
, ,


6) , ,
, ,

4) , ()(, 2006), 53~54, 62~63.
5) , , 36(, 2006 ), 135~160 . , , ,
6) , ( , 1981), 264~309.
7) , (, 1988), 160~171.
8) , , 222~231.
19 61
,9) , ,
,10) , ,
11), 6



9) , (, 2001), 58~71.
10) , : , 37 2
(, 2003), 67.
11) , :
, 6 2(, 2006), 223.
12) , : <> ‘’ , 41( , 2012), 289.
62 48
. 1890 13)
‘’ ‘To be equal,
just, true’ . 1897 14) ‘
’ “To be just; to be impartial; to be equitable”
. 1883 12 29
.15) “

( )”



( )
) . “
( )”
13) Horace Grant Underwood, A Concise Dictionary of the Korean Language(Yokohama : Seishi Bunsha, 1890).
14) James Scarth Gale, A Korean-English dictionary(Yokohama : Kelly & Walsh, Limited, 1897).
15) (https://www.mediagaon.or.kr :
444/jsp/search/SearchGoNewsConditionFrame.jsp, 2013. 6. 20. ) .
19 63
, “

)” , ,
“ ”
17) “
” 18)
“ ”
19) .
10 “




( )”
17) , ()( , 2000), 148( ).
18) , 349.
19) , 113.
64 48
‘ ’

. “

. “
” ,21)
, “


. ,

19 . (
) ,
. .
21) , 267.
22) , 271.

. ,


, ,
, ,

, , , , ,
100 .25)
23) , ( )( , 2001), 242~248
24) , 1894 , 1894 5(,
1997), 107~111 .


,27) ,
, ,

‘ 14’ ‘
’ ‘’ ‘ ’32). 14
25) , , 286, 335~336.
26) , (, 2003), 434~437
27) , (
, 2006), 227~228.
28) 3 , I( , 1970), 26, 1894. 7. 10.
; 99, 1894. 9. 3.
; 89~90, 1894. 8. 10. 1894. 8. 12.
29) , 6, 1894. 6. 28. , .
30) , 57, 1894. 7. 16. 3..
31) , 14, 1894. 6. 28.
; , ; 20, 1894. 7. 2.
32) , 133~137, 1894. 12. 12.; 32~33, . 7. 12.; 118~122, 11. 21.; 190~
198, 1895. 3. 25.
19 67
, , , ,
. 13 “

)” ,
, .

. , ,
, ,
( 6; 9
), ( 8)
, , , , 5 2
(1) , (3)
, (46) (53-55



33) , ( , 2002), 69.
34) , , 258.
68 48

‘’ .


” 35)
() ()

” 36)
. ‘’

, “
35) 24(1887) 5 3. “, ,
, ” http://sillok.history.go.kr
36) 29(1892) 6 5. “, , ”
19 69



” 39)

. “

” 40)

. “
() (
37) 35(1898) 11 11. “ , , ”
38) 24(1887) 8 4. “, , ,
, ”
39) 27(1890) 12 9.“, , ,
, , ”
40) 29(1892) 6 25 “, , ,
, , ”
70 48
” 41) ‘
’ . 1898 10 29
‘ 6’

‘ ’ .42)


, “
” , () ()
() ‘ ’ ,
( )
‘’ .

41) 32(1895) 6 20 “ , , ,
, ”
42) 35(1898) 10 30. “,

43) 33(1896) 2 15. “


19 71
. .



, ,

. ‘’

44) , , 70~71.
45) , 19 : , 35
3(, 2001), 36.
46) , , 25(, 2008), 45.
72 48



, ,52)

47) , 19 ‘’ ,
( , 2004), 26~27.
48) 1896 8 13. “
, ( , 1981) DB (, 2000) .
49) 1898 7 15
51) 1896 12 8.
53) 1898 11 30.
54) , ‘’, ‘’ ,
( , 2004), 146~51.
19 73

.55) 14



. “

” , “

55) 1899 4 12.
56) 1898 7 27.
57) , , 78(
, 2012), 181.
58) , () , 13 1(
, 2005), 55. ‘’ ‘’ ,
, ‘ ’
. ‘’

, , 146 .
74 48

’ .






. ,
59) , : , , ,
: ( , 2006), 26~27.
60) ( ), (, 1992), 138~144.
19 75


.62) ,

(the rule of men) (rule of law)


. 64) ‘
’ ‘ ’
61) , , 27.
62) A. ( ), (, 2006), 124.
Peerenboom, “Varieties of Rule of law”, Asian Discourses of Rule of Law(London : Routledge, 2004), pp.2~
5 .
rule thin
. George P. Fletcher, Basic Concept of Legal
Thought(New York : Oxford University Press, 1996), pp.11~12 .
. . “

”(1897 4 17 45), “

”(1895 4 14 4)
76 48

” 66)
‘ ’

,67) ‘’
, , , ,

.68) “

” “

65) 1899 4 12.
66) 1899 8 12.
67) 1896 9 1.
68) 1899 2 23.
19 77
” . “

” 69)


” .71)

” “

. “
” .72) “
” “

69) 1899 7 29.
70) ‘’ .

“(1898. 9. 12. )
. 1899. 4. 5. 6. 28.
( 15) .
71) 1899 5 15.
72) 1898 4 9.
78 48
” .73)

. “

,74) 30


” 76)
. “
, “
”78) .

73) 1898 4 19. “

(1898 8 15)
74) 1899 7 14.
75) 1896 12 3.
76) 1899 9 18.
77) 1897 3 1.
78) 1899 3 4.
19 79

‘’ . ‘ ’


, , .



” 79),
1898 2
79) 1896 10 13.
80 48

”80) . “

” 81) “

” 82)
, ‘
’ .

. , “

” ,83) “

” 84)
80) 1898 4 21, 28.
81) 1897 3 18 “ ”



.85) ,
. ,

‘ ’
84) 1897 5 29.
85) , 1896 5 12, 1897 10 16, 1898 1 4, 1899 4 25, 4 26.
82 48



, ,
.87) “

”88) “

” 89) .
“ ‘
’ ” ,90)

” ,91)
86) , , 15.
87) ( ), (, 2013), 46~47.
88) 1897 615.
89) 1899 128.
90) 1896 714.
19 83



. ,94)
,95) ,96) 97) .
1899 10 11 ‘ ’

[] [] []

92) “
” (1898 3 1)
93) , (, 1996), 329~330.
94) 1897 12 11.
95) 1898 9 26.
96) 1896 6 23.
97) 1896 7 14.
98) (1)
, (2)
84 48
, ,
, , , 5
‘ ’ .
(impartiality) ‘(fair)’
.99) (the independent) ‘fair
and impartial’ .100)


, (3)
, (4)
[] , (5)

[] , (6)
[] .
99) ‘ ’ (1899 5 6, 10 5)
. ‘’
100) .
, .

” (1896 11 17), (the independent)
(editorial) “after hid arrival, the whole matter was thoroughly investigated in the most fair and
impartial manner. It was found that the charges which the citizen made against the Magistrate were
correct.” .
19 85


. 19


‘’ . ‘ ’


, .


86 48





(rule of law) ‘ ’
‘ ’ .





19 87



‘ ’
19 ‘’

DB, , 2000.

https://www.mediagaon.or.kr : 444/jsp/search/SearchGoNewsConditionFrame.jsp, 2013. 6. 20.
101) 1992. 4. 28. 9024, 4, 225, 230
88 48
3 , I, , 1970.
, (), , 2000.
Gale, James Scarth, A Korean-English dictionary, Yokohama : Kelly & Walsh, Limited, 1897.
Underwood, Horace Grant, A Concise Dictionary of the Korean Language, Yokohama : Seishi
Bunsha, 1890.
, , , 2001.
, , , 1996.
, , , 2000.
, , , 1996.
, , , 2006.
, , , 2003.
, , , 2001.
, , , 1981.
, , , 2002.
, , , 1982.
, , , , 1992.
, , , , 2013.
A. , , , , 2006.
Fletcher, George P., Basic Concept of Legal Thought, New York : Oxford University Press, 1996.
, : , , ,
: , , 2006.
19 89
, , 78,
, 2012.
, , 25, , 2008.
, 19 ‘’ ,
, , 2004.
, ‘’, ‘’ ,
, , 2004.
, 1894 , 1894 5,
, 1997.
, 19 : , 35 3, , 2001.
, () , 13 1,
, 2005.
, :
, 6 2, , 2006.
, , , 2006.
, 15~16 , 38,
, 2008.
, : , 37
2, , 2003.
2006 .
, : <> ‘’ ,
41, , 2012.
Peerenboom, Randell, “Varieties of Rule of law”, Asian Discourses of Rule of Law, London :
Routledge, 2004.
The Exercise of Governmental Power and the Principle of ‘Impartiality()’
in the late 19th Centuries
Chon, Jong-Ik*
In the confucian government system, the ‘(impartiality)’ was one of the most
important virtues and the principle of exercise of public power. The concept of
impartiality was also used for describing a character of modern law system in the late
19th century. The intellectuals educated by modern western way considered a person as
a individual who has a right to life and property and can carry on economic activity
independently. They insisted to make new law system for protect rights and free
economic life of individuals. They understood that the task of enactment and application
of impartial laws must be fulfilled for that purpose. They also thought that it would be
a good way to improve wealth and power of nation. Though a great amount of western
style statutes were already introduced at that time, the laws could not be applied and
enforced as they are. Because officials and ordinary peoples did not know existence and
contents of the statutes and could not understand the meaning of the text, the
government did not exercise the power according to the law. Therefore, the intellectuals
considered enforcement of statutes without exception as most urgent task for reformation
* Associate Professor, Seoul National University, School / College of Law.
: 2013. 8.21., : 2013. 9.24.-10.13., : 2013.10.14.
19 91
at that time. They argued the introduction of modern procedures of criminal justice for
the task.
governmnet power