Georges Lemaître

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  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    Georges LemaîtreGeorges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître (French: [ ə ləm t ]ʒɔʁʒ ɛ ʁ  ( listen); 17 July 1894 – 20June 1966) !s ! "el#i!n $riest%!str&n&mer  !n' $r&ess&r & $hysics !t the !th&lic *ni+ersity &

    ,eu+en-[1] .e $r&$&se' the the&ry & the e/$!nsi&n & the uni+erse% i'ely mis!ttriute' t& 'in


     .e !s the irst t& 'eri+e h!t is n& 3n&n !s .ules l! !n' m!'e the irstestim!ti&n & h!t is n& c!lle' the .ule c&nst!nt% hich he $ulishe' in 1927% t& ye!rs e&re

    .ules !rticle-[4][5][6][7] ,em!tre !ls& $r&$&se' h!t ec!me 3n&n !s the "i# "!n# the&ry & the

    &ri#in & the *ni+erse% hich he c!lle' his hy$&thesis & the$rime+!l !t&m &r the &smic ##-[8]

    Early life's_law's_law's_law

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


     cc&r'in# t& the "i# "!n# the&ry% theuni+erse emer#e' r&m !n e/tremely 'ense !n' h&t st!te

    (sin#ul!rity)- $!ce itsel h!s een e/$!n'in# e+er since% c!rryin##!l!/ies ith it% li3e r!isins in ! risin# l&! &

    re!'- he #r!$hic scheme !&+e is !n !rtists c&nce$ti&n illustr!tin# the e/$!nsi&n & ! $&rti&n & ! l!t


     ter ! cl!ssic!l e'uc!ti&n !t ! Jesuit sec&n'!ry sch&&l (&ll#e 'u !crnstitute &

    echn&ly% here he re#istere' &r the '&ct&r!te in sciences-


    >n 1925% &n his return t& "el#ium% he ec!me ! $!rt=time lecturer !t the !th&lic *ni+ersity &

    ,eu+en- .e then e#!n the re$&rt hich &ul' rin# him intern!ti&n!l !me% $ulishe' in 1927 in

    the  Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles ( Annals of the Scientific Society of Brussels)%

    un'er the title *n *ni+ers h&mne 'e m!sse c&nst!nte et 'e r!y&n cr&iss!nt ren'!nt c&m$te 'e

    l! +itesse r!'i!le 'es n

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    c&rrects% m!is +&tre $hysiEue est !&min!le [1] (G&ur c!lcul!ti&ns !re c&rrect% ut y&ur $hysics is

    !tr&ci&us-) he s!me ye!r% ,em!tre returne' t& C> t& $resent his '&ct&r!l thesis &n The

    gravitational field in a fluid sphere of uniform invariant density according to the theory of relativity -

    *$&n &t!inin# the AhH% he !s n!me'&r'in!ry $r&ess&r  !t the !th&lic *ni+ersity & ,eu+en-

    >n 190% ''in#t&n $ulishe' in the Monthly Notices of the oyal Astronomical Society  ! l&n#

    c&mment!ry &n ,em!tres 1927 !rticle% in hich he 'escrie' the l!tter !s ! rilli!nt s&luti&n t& the

    &utst!n'in# $r&lems & c&sm&ly-[14] he &ri#in!l $!$er !s $ulishe' in !n !re+i!te' n#lish

    tr!nsl!ti&n in 191% !l&n# ith ! seEuel y ,em!tre res$&n'in# t& ''in#t&ns c&mments-

    [15] ,em!tre !s then in+ite' t& ,&n'&n in &r'er t& t!3e $!rt in ! meetin# & the "ritish ss&ci!ti&n &n

    the rel!ti&n eteen the $hysic!l uni+erse !n' s$iritu!lity- here he $r&$&se' th!t the uni+erse

    e/$!n'e' r&m !n initi!l $&int% hich he c!lle' the Arime+!l t&m !n' 'e+el&$e' in ! re$&rt

    $ulishe' in Nature-[16] ,em!tre himsel !ls& 'escrie' his the&ry !s the &smic ## e/$l&'in# !t

    the m&ment & the cre!ti&n; it ec!me etter 3n&n !s the "i# "!n# the&ry% ! $eD&r!ti+e term

    c&ine' 'urin# ! "" r!'i& r&!'c!st y Fre' .&yle h& !s !n &stin!te $r&$&nent & the ste!'y

    st!te uni+erse% e+en until his 'e!th in 2001-

    his $r&$&s!l met ith s3e$ticism r&m his ell& scientists !t the time- ''in#t&n &un' ,em!tres

    n&ti&n un$le!s!nt- instein &un' it sus$ect ec!use he 'eeme' it unDustii!le r&m ! $hysic!l $&int

    & +ie- Bn the &ther h!n'% instein enc&ur!#e' ,em!tre t& l&&3 int& the $&ssiility & m&'els &

    n&n=is&tr&$ic e/$!nsi&n% s& it is cle!r he !s n&t !ltether 'ismissi+e & the c&nce$t- .e !ls&

    !$$reci!te' ,em!tres !r#ument th!t ! st!tic=instein m&'el & the uni+erse c&ul' n&t e sust!ine'

    ininitely int& the $!st-

    >n J!nu!ry 19% ,em!tre !n' instein% h& h!' met &n se+er!l &cc!si&nsIin 1927 in "russels% !tthe time & ! &l+!y &nerence% in 192 in "el#ium% !t the time & ! cycle & c&nerences in

    "russels !n' l!stly in 195 !t Arincet&nItr!+ele' tether t& the *-- st!te & !li&rni! &r ! series

    & semin!rs- ter the "el#i!n 'et!ile' his the&ry% instein st&&' u$% !$$l!u'e'% !n' is su$$&se' t&

    h!+e s!i'% his is the m&st e!utiul !n' s!tis!ct&ry e/$l!n!ti&n & cre!ti&n t& hich > h!+e e+er

    listene'-[17] .&e+er% there is 'is!#reement &+er the re$&rtin# & this Eu&te in the nes$!$ers & the

    time% !n' it m!y e th!t instein !s n&t !ctu!lly reerrin# t& the the&ry !s ! h&le ut t& ,em!tres

    $r&$&s!l th!t c&smic r!ys m!y in !ct e the let&+er !rti!cts & the initi!l e/$l&si&n- ,!ter rese!rch

    &n c&smic r!ys y &ert Cilli3!n &ul' un'ercut this $r&$&s!l% h&e+er-

    >n 19% hen he resume' his the&ry & the e/$!n'in# uni+erse !n' $ulishe' ! m&re 'et!ile'

    +ersi&n in the Annals of the Scientific Society of Brussels% ,em!tre &ul' !chie+e his #re!test #l&ry-

    Kes$!$ers !r&un' the &rl' c!lle' him ! !m&us "el#i!n scientist !n' 'escrie' him !s the le!'er 

    & the ne c&sm&lic!l $hysics-

    >n 196% he !s electe' memer & the A&ntiic!l c!'emy & ciences- .e t&&3 !n !cti+e r&le there%

    ec&min# its $resi'ent in C!rch 1960 !n' rem!inin# s& until his 'e!th- Hurin# @!tic!n >> he !s

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    !s3e' t& ser+e &n the irst s$eci!l c&mmissi&n t& e/!mine the Euesti&n & c&ntr!ce$ti&n- .&e+er%

    !s he c&ul' n&t tr!+el t& &me ec!use & his he!lth (he h!' suere' ! he!rt !tt!c3 in Hecemer

    1964)% ,em!tre 'emurre'% e/$ressin# his sur$rise th!t he !s e+en ch&sen% !t the time tellin# !

    H&minic!n c&lle!#ue% A- .enri 'e ie'm!tten% th!t he th&u#ht it !s '!n#er&us &r ! m!them!tici!n

    t& +enture &utsi'e & his s$eci!lity-[18]

     .e !s !ls& n!me' $rel!te (Monsignor ) in 1960 y A&$e J&hnLL>>>-

    >n 1941% he !s electe' memer & the &y!l c!'emy & ciences !n' rts & "el#ium-[citation needed ]

    >n 1946% he $ulishe' his &&3 &n !'"ypoth#se de l'Atome $rimitif  (The $rimeval Atom "ypothesis)-

    >t &ul' e tr!nsl!te' int& $!nish in the s!me ye!r !n' int& n#lish in 1950- [citation needed ]

    "y 1951% A&$e Aius L>> 'ecl!re' th!t ,em!tres the&ry $r&+i'e' ! scientiic +!li'!ti&n

    &r !th&licism- .&e+er% ,em!tre resente' the A&$es $r&cl!m!ti&n% st!tin# th!t the the&ry !s

    neutr!l !n' there !s neither ! c&nnecti&n n&r ! c&ntr!'icti&n eteen his reli#i&n !n' his the&ry-[19]


     ?hen ,em!tre !n' H!niel B&nnell% the A&$es science !'+is&r% trie' t& $ersu!'e the A&$e n&tt& menti&n re!ti&nism $ulicly !nym&re% the A&$e !#ree'- .e $ersu!'e' the A&$e t& st&$ m!3in#

    $r&cl!m!ti&ns !&ut c&sm&ly-[21]?hile ! 'e+&ut &m!n !th&lic% he !s !#!inst mi/in# science

    ith reli#i&n%[22] th&u#h he !ls& !s & the &$ini&n th!t these t& iel's & hum!n e/$erience ere n&t

    in c&nlict-[2]

    Hurin# the 1950s% he #r!'u!lly #!+e u$ $!rt & his te!chin# &r3l&!'% en'in# it c&m$letely ith

    his n 2005% ,em!tre !s +&te' t& the 61st $l!ce & %e &rootste Belg  (he Mre!test "el#i!n)%

    ! Flemish tele+isi&n $rr!m &n the @- >n the s!me ye!r he !s +&te' t& the 78th $l!ce y the

    !u'ience & the !es plus grands Belges (he Mre!test "el#i!ns)% ! tele+isi&n sh& & the "F-


    ,em!tre !s ! $i&neer in !$$lyin# lert insteins the&ry &  #ener!l rel!ti+ity t& c&sm&ly- >n !

    1927 !rticle% hich $rece'e' 'in .ules l!n'm!r3 !rticle y t& ye!rs% ,em!tre 'eri+e' h!t

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    ec!me 3n&n !s .ules l! !n' $r&$&se' it !s ! #eneric $hen&men&n in rel!ti+istic c&sm&ly-

    ,em!tre !ls& estim!te' the numeric!l +!lue & the.ule c&nst!nt- .&e+er% the '!t! use' y

    ,em!tre 'i' n&t !ll& him t& $r&+e th!t there !s !n !ctu!l line!r rel!ti&n% hich .ule 'i' t&

    ye!rs l!ter-

    instein !s s3e$tic!l & this $!$er- ?hen ,em!tre !$$r&!che' instein !t the 1927 &l+!y

    &nerence% the l!tter $&inte' &ut th!t le/!n'er Frie'm!nn h!' $r&$&se' ! simil!r s&luti&n t&

    insteins eEu!ti&ns in 1922% im$lyin# th!t the r!'ius & the uni+erse incre!se' &+er time- (instein

    h!' !ls& criticie' Frie'm!nns c!lcul!ti&ns% ut ith're his c&mments-) >n 191% his annus

    mirabilis%[24] ,em!tre $ulishe' !n !rticle in Nature settin# &ut his the&ry & the $rime+!l !t&m-

    Frie'm!nn !s h!n'ic!$$e' y li+in# !n' &r3in# in the *% !n' 'ie' in 1925% s&&n !ter

    in+entin# the Frie'm!nn–,em!tre–&erts&n–?!l3er metric- "ec!use ,em!tre s$ent his entire

    c!reer in ur&$e% his scientiic &r3 is n&t !s ell 3n&n in the *nite' t!tes !s th!t & .ule &r

    instein% &th ell 3n&n in the *-- y +irtue & resi'in# there- Ke+ertheless% ,em!tres the&ry

    ch!n#e' the c&urse & c&sm&ly- his !s ec!use ,em!tre:

    • ?!s ell !cEu!inte' ith the &r3 & !str&n&mers% !n' 'esi#ne' his the&ry t& h!+e test!le

    im$lic!ti&ns !n' t& e in !cc&r' ith &ser+!ti&ns & the time% in $!rticul!r t& e/$l!in the

    &ser+e' re'shit & #!l!/ies !n' the line!r rel!ti&n eteen 'ist!nces !n' +el&cities;

    • Ar&$&se' his the&ry !t !n &$$&rtune time% since 'in .ule &ul' s&&n $ulish

    his +el&city='ist!nce rel!ti&n th!t str&n#ly su$$&rte' !n e/$!n'in# uni+erse !n'% c&nseEuently%

    the "i# "!n# the&ry;

    .!' stu'ie' un'er rthur ''in#t&n% h& m!'e sure th!t ,em!tre #&t ! he!rin# in thescientiic c&mmunity-

    "&th Frie'm!nn !n' ,em!tre $r&$&se' rel!ti+istic c&sm&lies e!turin# !n e/$!n'in# uni+erse-

    .&e+er% ,em!tre !s the irst t& $r&$&se th!t the e/$!nsi&n e/$l!ins there'shit & #!l!/ies- .e

    urther c&nclu'e' th!t !n initi!l cre!ti&n=li3e e+ent must h!+e &ccurre'- >n the 1980s% l!n

    Muth !n' n'rei ,in'e m&'iie' this the&ry y !''in# t& it ! $eri&' & inl!ti&n-

    instein !t irst 'ismisse' Frie'm!nn% !n' then ($ri+!tely) ,em!tre% &ut & h!n'% s!yin# th!t n&t !ll

    m!them!tics le!' t& c&rrect the&ries- ter .ules 'isc&+ery !s $ulishe'% instein Euic3ly !n'

    $ulicly en'&rse' ,em!tres the&ry% hel$in# &th the the&ry !n' its $r&$&ser #et !st recniti&n- [25]

    ,em!tre !s !ls& !n e!rly !'&$ter & c&m$uters &r c&sm&lic!l c!lcul!ti&ns- .e intr&'uce' the

    irst c&m$uter t& his uni+ersity (! "urr&u#hs 101) in 1958 !n' !s &ne & the in+ent&rs & the F!st

    F&urier tr!ns&rm !l#&rithm-[26]

    >n 19% ,em!tre &un' !n im$&rt!nt inh&mene&us s&luti&n & insteins iel'

    eEu!ti&ns 'escriin# ! s$heric!l 'ust cl&u'% the ,em!tre–&lm!n metric-'s_law's_law's_law's_law's_law's_law

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    >n 191% ,em!itre !s the irst scientist t& $r&$&se the e/$!nsi&n & the uni+erse !s !ctu!lly

    !cceler!tin# hich !s c&nirme' &ser+!ti&n!lly in the 1990s thr&u#h &ser+!ti&ns & +ery 'ist!nt

    y$e > su$ern&+! ith the .ule $!ce elesc&$e- [27]

    >n 1948 ,em!tre $ulishe'[28] ! $&lishe' m!them!tic!l ess!y Nu!terni&ns et es$!ce elli$tiEue

    hich cl!riie' !n &scure s$!ce- ?illi!m Oin#'&n li&r' h!' cry$tic!lly 'escrie' elli$tic s$!ce in

    187 !t ! time hen +ers&rs ere t&& c&mm&n t& menti&n- ,em!tre 'e+el&$e' the the&ry &

    Eu!terni&ns r&m irst $rinci$les s& th!t his ess!y c!n st!n' &n its &n% ut he rec!lle' the rl!n#en

    $rr!m in #e&metry hile 'e+el&$in# the metric #e&metry & elli$tic s$!ce- .- - C- &/eter % 

    !n&ther c&ntriut&r t& elli$tic #e&metry% summ!rie'[29] ,em!tres &r3 &r Mathematical evies-


    Bn 17 C!rch 194% ,em!tre recei+e' the Fr!ncEui Arie% the hi#hest "el#i!n scientiic 'istincti&n%

    r&m Oin# ,

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    • he Arime+!l t&m% in Cunit% Cilt&n O-% e'-% he&ries & the *ni+erse% he Free

    Aress% 1957-

    • !ema+tre, &- ./01/2- 3The )volution of the 4niverse5 %iscussion3- Nature 128  .161725 8009

    :;/- Bibcode5/01/Natur-/6

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    Georges Lema î tre 

    Belgian astronomer 


    July 17% 1894

    h!rler&i % "el#ium


    June 20% 1966

    ,eu+en% "el#ium

    Georges Lemaître,  (&rn July 17% 1894% h!rler&i% "el#iumI'ie' June 20%

    1966% ,eu+en)% "el#i!n !str&n&mer !n' c&sm&list h& &rmul!te' the m&'ern i#=

    !n# the&ry% hich h&l's th!t the uni+erse e#!n in ! c!t!clysmic e/$l&si&n & ! sm!ll%

    $rime+!l Psu$er=!t&m-Q

      ci+il en#ineer% ,em!tre ser+e' !s !n !rtillery &icer in the "el#i!n rmy 'urin# ?&rl'

    ?!r >- ter the !r he entere' ! semin!ry !n' in 192 !s &r'!ine' ! $riest- .e

    stu'ie' !t the *ni+ersity & !mri'#eRs s&l!r $hysicsl!&r!t&ry (192–24) !n' then !tthe C!ss!chusetts >nstitute & echn&ly%!mri'#e (1925–27)% here he ec!me

    !cEu!inte' ith the in'in#s & the meric!n !str&n&mers 'in A- .ule !n' .!rl&

    h!$ley &n the e/$!n'in# uni+erse- >n 1927% the ye!r he ec!me $r&ess&r

    & !str&$hysics !t the !th&lic *ni+ersity & ,eu+en (,&u+!in)% he $r&$&se' his i#=!n#

    the&ry% hich e/$l!ine' the recessi&n & the #!l!/ies ithin the r!me&r3 & lert

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    insteinRs the&ry & #ener!l rel!ti+ity- lth&u#h e/$!n'in# m&'els & the uni+erse h!'

    een c&nsi'ere' e!rlier% n&t!ly y the Hutch !str&n&mer ?illem 'e itter % ,em!treRs

    the&ry% !s m&'iie' y Me&r#e M!m&% h!s ec&me the le!'in# the&ry & c&sm&ly-

    ,em!tre !ls& 'i' rese!rch &n c&smic r!ys !n' &n the three=&'y $r&lem% hich

    c&ncerns the m!them!tic!l 'escri$ti&n & the m&ti&n & three mutu!lly !ttr!ctin# &'ies

    in s$!ce- .is &r3s inclu'e%iscussion sur lCévolution de lCunivers (19; PHiscussi&n &n

    the +&luti&n & the *ni+erseQ) !n'!C"ypoth#se de lCatome primitif  (1946; The $rimeval

     Atom5 An )ssay on *osmogony )-

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître





    born Ju! 1"# 1894# $%&r'ro#


    ,', Jun' .# 1966+

    Georges-Henri Lemaitre (1894-1966) showed that religion and science -- or

    at least physics -- did not have to be incompatible Le!aitre" born in

    #elgi$m" was a monsignor in the %atholic ch$rch

    #oth a priest and a cosmologist" Georges Lemaitre" perhaps not

    $ne&pectedly" spent m$ch o' his career st$dying the origin o' the $niverse

    'ter a stint as an artillery o''icer in the #elgian army d$ring orld ar

    *" he entered a seminary and was ordained a priest in the early 19+,s

    hortly a'ter" however" his interest in astronomy bro$ght him to

    %ambridge .niversity in /ngland and then to the !assach$setts *nstit$te

    o' 0echnology hile there" he became captivated by the new idea o' an

    e&panding $niverse He reasoned that i' the $niverse was e&panding now"

    then the '$rther yo$ go in the past" the $niverses contents m$st have been

    closer together He envisioned that at some point in the distant past" all the

    matter in the $niverse was cr$shed into a single ob2ect he called the

     3primeval atom 0his primeval atom then e&ploded" with all its constit$ent

    parts r$shing away His basic idea has become the most widely acceptedmodel 'or how the $niverse originated" what we today call the#ig #ang

    H' /&0 &02n&3', b! %!020 &n, 03u,', En03'n50

    &/0 o r&3&3on# ub0%', n 1917+ H' ,',u2', 3%&3

    En03'n50 3%'or! /'r' 3ru' (&n, 3%'r' %&, b''n oo,

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    ','n2' or 3 0n2' 1919)# 3 *'&n3 3%' un'r0' *u03

    b' '&n,n+


    In 19"# 3%' !'&r %' o3 %0 P% ro* MIT# L'*&3r'roo0', 3%0 3%'or!# n /%2% %' 03&3', 3%&3 3%'

    '&n,n un'r0' /&0 3%' 0&*' n & ,r'23on0 -- 3%'

    0&*' &/0 &',# &n, 30 2o*o03on /&0 3%' 0&*' --

    bu3 3 /&0 no3 03&32+ H' %&, no ,&3& 3o ro' 3%0# 0o

    *&n! 02'n3030 nor', 3+ (Ano3%'r 02'n303# So'3

    A':0&n,r Fr',*&nn# %&, 2o*' 3o 3%' 0&*' 2on2u0on

    n,''n,'n3!# & '/ !'&r0 '&r'r+) E'n En03'n /&0

    r'u23&n3 3o 'n,or0' 3%0 '3'n0on o %0 3%'or! o

    'n'r& r'&33!+ In 199 &3 3%' M3+ ;0on Ob0'r&3or!n $&orn E,/n Hubb' ,02o'r', 3%&3 &&'0

    /'r' *on &/&! &3 %% 0'',0+ H' /&0# :' *o03

    'o'# un&/&r' o L'*&3r'50 19" 3%'or!+ Bu3

    L'*&3r' u0', Hubb'50 ,r&*&32 ,02o'r! &0 ','n2'

    or %0 3%'or!+ I3 /&0 '&0!+ I !ou *&n', 3%' &&'0

    ru0%n &/&! ro* u0 &0 & *o'#

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    ,0or,'r+ O3%'r0 3oo: no32' &n, n&*', %0 3%'or! =BIG


    *n the meantime" in 19+5" Lemaitre too a position as a part time lect$rer

    at the .niversite7 %atholi$e de Lo$vain (.%L) *t was here he begandown the path towards the thesis that wo$ld bring him to the attention o'

    the world *n 19+" he accepted a '$ll time position at .%L and released his

    wor entitled: Un Univers homoge`ne de masse constante et de rayon

    croissant rendant compte de la vitesse radiale des ne'buleuses

    extragalactiques ( homogeneo$s .niverse o' constant mass and growing

    radi$s acco$nting 'or the radial velocity (radial velocity: ;elocity along the

    line o' sight toward or away 'rom the observer) o' e&tragalactic neb$lae)

    0his paper e&plained the e&panding $niverse in a new way" and within the

    'ramewor o' the General 0heory o' relativity *nitially" many scientists"

    incl$ding lbert /instein" himsel'" were septical However" '$rther st$diesby /dwin H$bble" seemed to prove the theory *nitially called the and that the 'arther

    away the gala&y" the 'aster it was receding>that /instein came aro$ndltho$gh Lemaitre=s conception o' the #ig #ang was prophetic in many

    ways" his idea abo$t the initial state o' the $niverse is almost the polar

    opposite o' what we thin today

    *nstead o' a comple& initial str$ct$re that broe apart to 'orm the

    $niverse=s basic constit$ents" scientists now believe that the $niverse

    started o$t very simple and then grew more comple& as it evolved 0hat

    idea 'irst came 'rom the ?$ssian-born merican physicist George

    Gamov in the 194,s oring with his st$dent ?alph lpher" he envisioned

    the $niverse beginning with an e&traordinarily hot #ig #ang s the$niverse e&panded" this s$perhot primordial so$p o' protons" ne$trons"

    electrons" and radiation grew steadily cooler" and the constit$ents began

    '$sing into heavier elements Heli$m 'ormed 'irst" 'ollowed by all o' the

    heavier elements" with the process wrapping $p within abo$t hal' an ho$r

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    Lemaitre7s ideas opened more $estions" many o' which 'orced physics and

    astronomy together: hat was that primordial atom lie@ hy wo$ld it

    e&plode@ He p$rs$ed the topic 'or some time" even s$ggesting that there

    o$ght to be some 'orm o' bacgro$nd radiation in the $niverse" le't over

    'rom the initial e&plosion o' that primordial atom He became more

    interested in the philosophical rami'ications o' his theory" which weremany Athers too $p the big bang theory" and 'or several years there were

    strong debates between those s$pporting it and those who 'avored a

  • 8/19/2019 Georges Lemaître


    remaining so $ntil his death

    t the o$tset o' the econd ;atican %o$ncil" he was bem$sed to 'ind

    himsel' appointed by the Bope to sit on a commission investigating the

    s$b2ect o' birth control He was also named prelate (!onsignor) in 196, by

    Bope Eohn FF***

    t the end o' his li'e" he was devoted more and more to n$merical

    calc$lation He was in 'act a remarable algebraicist and arithmetical

    calc$lator ince 19D," he $sed the most power'$l calc$lating machines o'

    the time lie the !ercedes *n 1958" he introd$ced at the .niversity a

    #$rro$ghs / 1,1" the .niversity7s 'irst electronic comp$ter r Lemaitre

    ept a strong interest in the development o' comp$ters and" even more" in

    the problems o' lang$age and programming ith age" this interest grew

    $ntil it absorbed him almost completely

    He died on E$ne +," 1966 shortly a'ter having learned o' the discovery o'cosmic microwave bacgro$nd radiation" proo' o' his int$itions abo$t the

    birth o' the .niverse