[FRENCH] - Neo4j and Cypher - Remi Delhaye

Neo4j & Cypher Par ce que (Neo4j) –[:IS_A]–> (NoSQL Database) @rdlhio


Slides de ma présentation de "How to Neo4j and Cypher, la puissance des bases de données en graph"

Transcript of [FRENCH] - Neo4j and Cypher - Remi Delhaye

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Neo4j & CypherPar ce que

(Neo4j) –[:IS_A]–> (NoSQL Database)


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Neo4j ?- Base de donnée en graphe - Open-source - Éditée par Neo Technology

Des nœuds Des relations

Et c'est tout !

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Source : http://assets.neo4j.org/img/propertygraph/graphdb-gve.png

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NoSQL (Not only SQL)

Clef Valeur

Et (la aussi) c'est tout !


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Les fans de Game of Thrones qui n'ont pas vu l'E02S04...

Fermez les yeux !

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Source : http://3-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.thehollywoodgossip.com/images.thehollywoodgossip.com/iu/t_slideshow/v1397490988/xking-joffrey-poisoned.jpg.pagespeed.ic.wF0WIJvD0a.jpg

Mais c'est MAGNIFIQUE !

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(Graph) –[:RECORDS_DATA_IN]–> (Nodes) –[:WHICH_HAVE]–> (Properties)

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Créer des nœuds" C'est toi le nœud ! "

CREATE (Remi:Student { name:'Rémi' })

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Séléctionner des nœud

MATCH (Remi:Student) WHERE Remi.name = 'Rémi' RETURN Remi


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Créer des relations

CREATE (Kink:Student { name:'Chuck Norris' })

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MATCH (Remi:Student) WHERE Remi.name = 'Rémi' MATCH (Chuck:Student) WHERE Chuck.name = 'Chuck Norris' !CREATE (Remi)-[:LOVES]->(Chuck)

Créer des relations

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Créer des relationsMATCH (Remi:Student) WHERE Remi.name = 'Rémi' MATCH (Chuck:Student) WHERE Chuck.name = 'Chuck Norris' !CREATE (Arena:Place {name: 'Arena'}) CREATE (LasVegas:City {name: 'Las Vegas'}) !CREATE (Remi)-[:WILL_FIGHT_IN]->(Arena) CREATE (Chuck)-[:WILL_FIGHT_IN]->(Arena) CREATE (Arena)-[:IS_IN {since: 2004}]->(LasVegas)

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Créer des relationsMATCH (n) RETURN n

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MATCH (Remi:Student)-[:LOVES]->(someone) WHERE Remi.name = "Rémi" RETURN someone.name

Créer des relations

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Un peu de pratique !

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Question time !


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