-323- Artielaa 1. Adlnda, M A Pmrm vattlnM^n'a In £a«tam ......t Tb* Pattam of Bvral Sattlamnt In...

-323- Artielaa 1. Adlnda, M A Floyd, B, a. AhMd, B. AhMd, fi. 4, Ahaadt R. 6* AiaxandaTf J.w, Pmrm vattlnM^n'a In £a«tam Hlgtrla i A OaoerapMeal Appralaalf &con«ale OaDgrarbTt 6* Bandepadhyayay P. i 7, Bacarjaa, B, B. Baokar, B.K» 9. Bararford, M,w, 10. Barry, J.t^A GatTlaoB* W*L. Ifel - 4519o, 1M7, p/198. 3, Clark Cnlraralty, U.S.A., t Bnral Sattiemant typaa In tha l?tt«r Pradaab (Dnltad Pforlneas of Acra & OadM) Amala of tha Aaroelatlon of tha Amrlean Gaocra- phara. Vol • 4fi, Ho. 3, 1058, p/saS. I Tha Rural P^vlatSor of Bihar, Tha Gaocra- phlcal Bavlav, Vol - 51, Re. 8, Tha Aaarlean Qaegrftphloal Soelaty, Vav York, 19C1, p/a9B. t Tb* Pattam of Bvral Sattlamnt In Baat Paklatan, Tha Gaoiraphleal Eavlav, Vol-46, Ho. a, tba Aaartaan Oaocraphloal Soclaty, V«w Xork, 1986« p/388. 1 Tha Baale - Moa^Baalc eonaapt of UrUo Saonoiila Funotlona, beonoale Oaogrflphy, Vbl-30, Ho«3 Clark t)nlTartUy, U.S.A., 19M, p/a4«. Sattlanant Pattarna of Eaatam Kelhan CChotanacpui) QaeKr4>hioal Eaviaw of India, Vol-XlX, Ho. 1| Putaiahad ^ tha Oaogiraphieal Sooiaty of India, 1957, p/SD. t Taa aoUa of Vaat fiansal, Gaosraphical Baviaw of India, V61-XTI, No.S, PuUiahad by tha Gaog7«phioal ^elaty of India, 1954, p/1. t IntMflal Xicration In Braall a« Erldanea of an Pnbalanoad Kaonoale Structora, ayi^ealttB of Population Caepaph7( Slat Znt«maticnal Gaographieal Cottfjfat 196S, Rational CoBoiittaa for GaognvhTt Calcutta, India* 1971. I Tha toat VUlagac of Hadiaval Sogland, Tba Oaograpinaal Jovomal, Vel*117, Part-a, Tha toyal Oaosraphical Soclaty, tondon, 19SI, p/189. I Tha Fuietlonal Baaaa of tha Cantral Plaoa fiiararehy, Sconoaie Gaography Vel»34, Ho.2, Clark Onivaraity, C.S.A., l9S8, p/145-lM.

Transcript of -323- Artielaa 1. Adlnda, M A Pmrm vattlnM^n'a In £a«tam ......t Tb* Pattam of Bvral Sattlamnt In...

Page 1: -323- Artielaa 1. Adlnda, M A Pmrm vattlnM^n'a In £a«tam ......t Tb* Pattam of Bvral Sattlamnt In Baat Paklatan, Tha Gaoiraphleal Eavlav, Vol-46, Ho. a, tba Aaartaan Oaocraphloal



1 . Adlnda, M A Floyd, B,

a. AhMd, B.

S« AhMd, fi.

4 , Ahaadt R.

6* AiaxandaTf J.w,

Pmrm vattlnM^n'a In £a«tam Hlgtrla i A OaoerapMeal Appralaalf &con«ale OaDgrarbTt

6* Bandepadhyayay P. i

7, Bacarjaa, B,

B. Baokar, B.K»

9 . Bararford, M,w,

10. Barry, J.t^A GatTlaoB* W*L.

Ifel - 4519o, 1M7, p/198.

3 , Clark Cnlraralty, U.S.A.,

t Bnral Sattiemant typaa In tha l?tt«r Pradaab (Dnltad Pforlneas of Acra & OadM) Amala of tha Aaroelatlon of tha Amrlean Gaocra-phara. Vol • 4fi, Ho. 3 , 1058, p/saS.

I Tha Rural P^vlatSor of Bihar, Tha Gaocra-phlcal Bavlav, Vol - 51, Re. 8 , Tha Aaarlean Qaegrftphloal Soelaty, Vav York, 19C1, p/a9B.

t Tb* Pattam of Bvral Satt lamnt In Baat Paklatan, Tha Gaoiraphleal Eavlav, Vol-46, Ho. a, tba Aaartaan Oaocraphloal Soclaty, V«w Xork, 1986« p/388.

1 Tha Baale - Moa^Baalc eonaapt of UrUo Saonoiila Funotlona, beonoale Oaogrflphy, Vbl-30, Ho«3 Clark t)nlTartUy, U.S.A., 19M, p/a4«.

Sattlanant Pattarna of Eaatam Kelhan CChotanacpui) QaeKr4>hioal Eaviaw of India, Vol-XlX, Ho. 1 | Putaiahad ^ tha Oaogiraphieal Sooiaty of India, 1957, p/SD.

t Taa aoUa of Vaat fiansal, Gaosraphical Baviaw of India, V61-XTI, No.S, PuUiahad by tha Gaog7«phioal ^ e l a t y of India, 1954, p / 1 .

t IntMflal Xicration In Braall a« Erldanea o f an Pnbalanoad Kaonoale Structora, ayi^ealttB of Population Caepaph7( Slat Znt«maticnal Gaographieal Cottfjfat 196S, Rational CoBoiittaa for GaognvhTt Calcutta, India* 1971.

I Tha t o a t VUlagac o f Hadiaval Sogland, Tba Oaograpinaal Jovomal, Vel*117, Part-a , Tha toyal Oaosraphical Soclaty, tondon, 19SI, p/189.

I Tha Fuietlonal Baaaa of tha Cantral Plaoa fiiararehy, Sconoaie Gaography Vel»34, Ho.2, Clark Onivaraity, C.S.A., l9S8, p /145- lM.

Page 2: -323- Artielaa 1. Adlnda, M A Pmrm vattlnM^n'a In £a«tam ......t Tb* Pattam of Bvral Sattlamnt In Baat Paklatan, Tha Gaoiraphleal Eavlav, Vol-46, Ho. a, tba Aaartaan Oaocraphloal

- 3 ? 3 -

11 . Bbattacliarya, B, i

l a . Ili id.

1 3 . Bhattacharya* ?I.D. i

14, Bight, G.8,

1 ^ Ucvmarif B.Q.

16« BTDoka, r.

17, Bxiown, Ii.H,

18 . Brushy J.K*

19. rruBh, J .E . Jit

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20. ^aohnann, K,B,

81« Xbld.

2« Carruthara, Ian<

33. Cbattarjaa, L«

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31. Floyd, B. A Adlnda, N«

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4l« HodaoDy 3,Cm

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SO. Kail&» R.B.

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m ^ t a y l o r , 0.

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1**^, yt. •it -.-.