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July 4, 2008 16:43 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE mgr-version-sd-rev

Stochastics and Dynamicsc© World Scientific Publishing Company




Fakultat fur Mathematik, Universitat Magdeburg

Postfach 4120, 39016 Magdeburg, Germany



Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universitat Darmstadt

Schloßgartenstraße 7, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany



Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universitat Darmstadt

Schloßgartenstraße 7, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany


Received (Day Month Year)Revised (Day Month Year)

Dedicated to Ludwig Arnold on his 70th birthday

We consider an infinite-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process on the spatial domain]0, 1[d driven by an additive nuclear or space-time white noise, and we study the approx-imation of this process at a fixed point in time. We determine the order of the minimalerrors as well as asymptotically optimal algorithms, both of which depend on the spa-tial dimension d and on the decay of the eigenvalues of the driving Wiener process W

in the case of nuclear noise. In particular, the optimal order is achieved by employingdrift-implicit Euler schemes with non-uniform time discretizations, while uniform timediscretizations turn out to be suboptimal in general. By means of non-asymptotic errorbounds and by simulation experiments we show that the asymptotic results are predictivefor the actual errors already for time discretizations with a small number of points.

Keywords: stochastic heat equation; additive nuclear noise; additive space-time whitenoise; Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process; non-uniform time discretization; implicit Eulerscheme; rate of convergence; optimality; non-asymptotic error bounds; simulation ex-periments.

AMS Subject Classification: 60H15, 60H35, 65C30

1. Introduction

Numerical algorithms for the pathwise approximation of stochastic ordinary or

stochastic partial differential equations have to discretize the driving Brownian


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2 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

motion W in a suitable way. To this end the vast majority of algorithms uses a

so-called uniform time discretization, i.e., a finite number of scalar components of

W are evaluated equidistantly with a common step-size.

Non-uniform discretizations for stochastic partial differential equations have

been constructed and analyzed only recently, see [8,9,11]. The authors consider

stochastic heat equations, and they show in particular that suitable non-uniform

discretizations are superior to all uniform ones.

In the present paper we consider as a model problem a linear stochastic heat

equation on the spatial domain ]0, 1[d, driven by an additive nuclear or space-

time white noise, so that the solution is given as an infinite-dimensional Ornstein-

Uhlenbeck process, see Section 2. We study algorithms that approximate the mild

solution of the equation at a fixed point in time, based on at most N evaluations of

the underlying scalar Brownian motions, see Section 3. In Section 4 we determine the

order of the corresponding minimal errors in terms of N as well as asymptotically

optimal algorithms, both of which depend on the spatial dimension d and on the

decay of the eigenvalues of the driving Wiener process W in the case of nuclear

noise. For d = 1 and space-time white noise the results were already established in


In most contributions to pathwise approximation of stochastic ordinary or

stochastic partial differential equations the asymptotic behaviour of average errors

is studied, and optimality of algorithms is understood accordingly. For any kind

of asymptotic error analysis the question arises whether the results are relevant in

computational practice, which in the present context means relevant for moderate

size discretizations. Since explicit error bounds are usually not available, one often

employs numerical experiments to gain further insight and in particular to compare

different algorithms. For stochastic differential equations this is commonly done ei-

ther by inspecting the performance of algorithms for (a small number of) individual

realizations or by (large scale) Monte Carlo experiments, which provide estimates

for the average errors of algorithms.

In the present paper we can avoid to use Monte Carlo simulations for estimation

of errors; instead we use explicit error formulas, which are available for the model

problem of an infinite-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. In this way we can

numerically compute the average error of specific algorithms up to any accuracy,

see Section 5.1. It turns out that the asymptotic results are predictive for the ac-

tual errors already for small size discretizations, and consequently the superiority of

non-uniform time discretizations is clearly visible in computational practice. These

findings also hold true for individual realizations, as shown by numerical experi-

ments in Section 5.2.

For stochastic ordinary differential equations non-uniform time discretizations

have been analyzed for the first time by [4], who study regular sequences of dis-

cretizations for approximation of scalar equations. These discretizations are defined

as quantiles of a common density, and the authors show how to optimally choose

the density depending on the drift and diffusion coefficients of the equation. Uni-

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Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 3

form discretizations, which constitute a special case thereof, usually turn out to be

suboptimal. For stochastic ordinary differential equations driven by additive frac-

tional noise optimal regular sequences of discretizations are determined by [12]. We

add that non-uniform time discretizations are also employed for approximation of

stochastic integrals, see [1,2], as well as for the construction of quadrature formulas

for stochastic ordinary differential equations, see [5].

Regular sequences do not permit to adjust the discretization to an individual tra-

jectory, which is the aim of any kind of adaptive step-size control. Several heuristics

are investigated in the literature for this purpose, but here we only refer to [3,6,7],

who determine optimal step-size controls for (systems of) stochastic ordinary dif-

ferential equations. In particular these step-size controls outperform any regular

sequence of designs for generic equations.

For stochastic ordinary differential equations the advantages of non-uniform

time discretization by means of regular sequences or adaptive step-size control are

present on the level of asymptotic constants. For stochastic heat equations non-

uniform discretizations outperform the uniform ones even with respect to the order

of convergence.

2. The Model Equation

As a model problem we consider the stochastic heat equation

dX(t) = ∆X(t) dt + dW (t),

X(0) = ξ(2.1)

with additive noise on the Hilbert space H = L2(]0, 1[d). Here ∆ denotes the Laplace

operator with Dirichlet boundary conditions, and ξ ∈ H is a deterministic initial

value. We consider nuclear as well as space-time white noise, i.e., for the covariance

Q : H → H of the (cylindrical) Brownian motion W we either suppose that Q is a

trace class operator or that Q = id. In the sequel these cases are called (TC) and

(ID), respectively. For (TC) we assume that the normalized eigenfunctions

hi(u) = 2d/2 ·d∏



of ∆ are also eigenfunctions of Q with corresponding eigenvalues

λi = |i|−γ2 (2.3)

for i = (i1, . . . , id) ∈ Nd, where

γ > d. (2.4)

In the (ID) case we put γ = 0.

Hence the smoothness of the noise and the smoothness of the solution X , too,

is controlled by γ, with larger values of γ leading to higher smoothness. Note that

βi(t) = λ−1/2i

· 〈W (t), hi〉 (2.5)

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4 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

defines an independent family of standard one-dimensional Brownian motions.

The mild solution X of equation (2.1) is given by

X(t) =∑


Yi(t) · hi, (2.6)

where the real-valued processes Yi are independent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes


dYi(t) = −µiYi(t) dt + λ1/2i


Yi(0) = 〈ξ, hi〉(2.7)


µi = π2 · |i|22. (2.8)

Approximation of X(T ) is therefore equivalent to approximation of Yi(T ) for all

i ∈ Nd.

3. The Computational Problem

Fix T > 0. We study the approximation of X(T ) on the basis of evaluations of

finitely many scalar Brownian motions βi at a finite number of points in ]0, T ].

The selection and evaluation of the scalar Brownian motions βi is specified by a

non-empty finite set

I ⊂ Nd, (3.1)

a collection

ν = (νi)i∈I ∈ NI (3.2)

of integers, and nodes

0 < t1,i < · · · < tνi,i ≤ T (3.3)

for every i ∈ I. Every Brownian motion βi with i ∈ I is evaluated at the corre-

sponding nodes tℓ,i, and the total number of evaluations is given by

|ν|1 =∑


νi. (3.4)

An approximation X(T ) to X(T ) is specified by

X(T ) = φ(βi1

(t1,i1), . . . , βi1(tνi1

,i1), . . . , βik(t1,ik

), . . . , βik(tνik

,ik)), (3.5)


φ : R|ν|1 → H (3.6)

is any measurable mapping and I = {i1, . . . , ik}, and the error of X(T ) is defined


e(X(T )) =(E‖X(T )− X(T )‖2



. (3.7)

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Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 5

Obviously it suffices to consider approximations X(T ) of the form

X(T ) =∑


Yi(T ) · hi, (3.8)


Yi(T ) = φi

(βi(t1,i), . . . , βi(tνi,i)


with any choice of measurable mappings φi : Rνi → R. Furthermore, the best choice

of φi is the conditional expectation of Yi(T ), but still we will also consider general

purpose methods for solving stochastic differential equations, instead.

The main issue for the approximation of X(T ) is the choice of the time dis-

cretization. A uniform time discretization of (βi)i∈N is defined by

νi = n (3.10)


tℓ,i = ℓ/n · T (3.11)

for i ∈ I and ℓ = 1, . . . , n with any choice of I ⊂ Nd and n ∈ N. More generally, one

may still want to evaluate the Brownian motions βi with i ∈ I equidistantly but

with a step-size depending on i. These so-called equidistant time discretizations are

defined by

tℓ,i = ℓ/νi · T (3.12)

for i ∈ I and ℓ = 1, . . . , νi with any choice of I ⊂ Nd and ν ∈ N

I . Finally, one

could avoid any a priori restriction when looking for a good time discretization.

To investigate the latter case we study the Nth minimal error

e∗N = infbX(T )∈X∗


e(X(T )) (3.13)

in the class X∗N of all algorithms (3.5) that use at most a total of N evaluations of

the scalar Brownian motions βi, i.e., |ν|1 ≤ N . The definition of the Nth minimal

errors eequiN and euni

N corresponding to the subclasses

XuniN ⊂ X

equiN ⊂ X

∗N (3.14)

of methods X(T ) ∈ X∗N that use a uniform or equidistant discretization, resp., is



e∗N ≤ eequiN ≤ euni

N , (3.15)

and a comparison of minimal errors reveals, for instance, whether non-equidistant

discretizations are superior to equidistant ones. Furthermore, the notion of optimal-

ity of algorithms is based on minimal errors: X(T ) ∈ X∗n is optimal if e(X(T )) = e∗N .

We add that minimal errors are the key quantities to determine the complexity

of numerical problems, see, e.g., [13,14,15] for results and references. A survey on

minimal errors for strong and weak approximation of stochastic ordinary differential

equations is given by [10].

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6 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

4. Asymptotic Results

As a rule, and in particular for stochastic heat equations, only the asymptotic

behavior of the minimal errors is known, and the analogue holds true with respect

to optimal algorithms. In the sequel we consider asymptotic optimality in the weak

sense, and we write aN � bN for two sequences (aN )N∈N and (bN )N∈N of positive

real numbers, if supN∈N aN/bN < ∞. Furthermore, aN ≍ bN means aN � bN and

bN � aN .

We introduce a sequence of algorithms X∗N (T ) with N ∈ N as follows. First of

all we define

I = {i ∈ Nd : |i|2 ≤ N1/d} (4.1)


νi =

⌈(λi/µi)1/3 · N (γ+2)/(3d)⌉, if γ < 3d − 2

⌈(λi/µi)1/3 · N/ lnN⌉, if γ = 3d − 2

⌈(λi/µi)1/3 · N⌉, if γ > 3d − 2.


Furthermore the nodes tℓ,i are given by

∫ tℓ,i


exp(−µi/3 · (T − t)) dt =ℓ


·∫ T


exp(−µi/3 · (T − t)) dt, (4.3)

and we combine this time discretization with a drift-implicit Euler scheme to ap-

proximate the solution Yi(T ) of (2.7) at time t = T . Thus the approximation Yi(T )

is given by

Yi(0) = 〈ξ, hi〉 (4.4)


Yi(tℓ,i) = Yi(tℓ−1,i) − µi · Yi(tℓ,i) · (tℓ,i − tℓ−1,i) + λi · (βi(tℓ,i) − βi(tℓ−1,i)) (4.5)

for ℓ = 1, . . . , νi. Finally, we use

X∗N (T ) =


Yi(T ) · hi (4.6)

as an approximation to X(T ). It is easily verified that |ν|1 � N , which implies

X∗N (T ) ∈ X

∗c·N for some constant c > 0 that only depends on d and γ.

We determine the asymptotic behavior of the Nth minimal errors, and we show

in particular that the sequence of algorithms X∗N (T ) is asymptotically optimal pro-

vided that ξ is sufficiently smooth.

Theorem 4.1. In the (ID) case,

e∗N ≍ N−1/2. (4.7)

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Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 7

In the (TC) case,

e∗N ≍

N−(γ−d+2)/(2d), if γ < 3d − 2

N−1 · (lnN)3/2, if γ = 3d − 2

N−1, if γ > 3d − 2.


If |〈ξ, hi〉| � |i|−12 , then

e(X∗N (T )) ≍ e∗N (4.9)

in both cases.

Proof. For every approximation X(T ) of the form (3.5) with time discretization

of (βi)i∈Nd partially specified by arbitrarily chosen I and ν we have

E‖X(T )− X(T )‖2H ≥


E(Yi(T ) − E(Yi(T ) |βi(t1,i), . . . , βi(tνi,i))




E(Y 2i (T )),


and equality holds if

X(T ) =∑


E(Yi(T ) |βi(t1,i), . . . , βi(tνi,i)) · hi. (4.11)

According to Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 in [11],



E(Yi(T ) − E(Yi(T ) |βi(t1,i), . . . , βi(tνi,i))

)2 ≍ λi

µi ν2i

. (4.12)

Furthermore, we have E(Y 2i

(T )) ≍ λi/µi. We conclude that (e∗N )2 is weakly equiv-

alent to the value aN of the minimization problem

F (I, ν) =∑



µi ν2i





→ min (4.13)

for I ⊂ Nd and ν ∈ N

I satisfying the constraint

|ν|1 ≤ N. (4.14)

In the (TC) case we let bN denote the square of the right-hand side in (4.8), while

bN = N−1 in the (ID) case. Elementary calculus shows that aN � bN . Furthermore

F (I, ν) � bN is easily verified for I and ν given by (4.1) and (4.2), respectively.

Now we derive an upper bound for the error of X∗N (T ). Clearly,

E‖X(T )− X∗N(T )‖2

H =∑


E(Yi(T ) − Yi(T ))2 +∑


E(Y 2i (T )), (4.15)


E(Yi(T ) − Yi(T ))2 � λi


·(〈ξ, hi〉2 +




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8 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

holds for the drift-implicit Euler scheme with time discretization given by (4.3), see

Lemma 3 in [11]. By assumption 〈ξ, hi〉2 � µ−1i

, so that E‖X(T ) − X∗N (T )‖2

H �F (I, ν) � bN with I and ν given by (4.1) and (4.2), respectively.

Remark 4.1. For a fixed index i ∈ Nd and every choice of νi the nodes tℓ,i given

by (4.3) are ℓ/νi-quantiles w.r.t. a fixed probability density. Sequences of discretiza-

tions of this kind are called regular. For the approximation of stochastic differential

equations regular sequences of discretizations have first been used by [4]. See, e.g.,

[14] for further results and references.

In order to construct asymptotically optimal algorithms in the subclasses XequiN

and XuniN we proceed as follows. For N ∈ N the time discretizations are given by

I = {i ∈ Nd : |i|2 ≤ N1/(d+2)} (4.17)

together with

νi =

⌈(λi · µi)1/3 · N (γ+4)/(3(d+2))⌉, if γ < 3d + 2

⌈(λi · µi)1/3 · N/ lnN⌉, if γ = 3d + 2

⌈(λi · µi)1/3 · N⌉, if γ > 3d + 2.



νi = ⌈N2/(d+2)⌉, (4.19)

respectively. As previously we combine these discretizations with a drift-implicit

Euler scheme to obtain approximations XequiN (T ) ∈ X

equic·N and Xuni

N (T ) ∈ Xunic·N to

X(T ).

Theorem 4.2. In the (ID) case,

eequiN ≍ euni

N ≍ N−1/6. (4.20)

In the (TC) case,

eequiN ≍

N−(γ−d+2)/(2d+4), if γ < 3d + 2

N−1 · (lnN)3/2, if γ = 3d + 2

N−1, if γ > 3d + 2,



euniN ≍

N−(γ−d+2)/(2d+4), if γ < d + 2

N−2/(d+2) · (lnN)1/2, if γ = d + 2

N−2/(d+2), if γ > d + 2.


If |〈ξ, hi〉| � |i|−12 , then

e(XequiN (T )) ≍ eequi

N (4.23)

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Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 9


e(XuniN (T )) ≍ euni

N (4.24)

in both cases.

Proof. According to Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 in [11],

E(Yi(T ) − E(Yi(T ) |βi(1/νi · T ), . . . , βi(T ))

)2 ≍ min



,λi · µi


). (4.25)

As in the proof of Theorem 4.1 we conclude that (eequiN )2 is weakly equivalent to

the value aN of the minimization problem

F (I, ν) =∑





,λi · µi






→ min (4.26)

for I ⊂ Nd and ν ∈ N

I satisfying the constraint

|ν|1 ≤ N. (4.27)

In the (TC) case we let bN denote the square of the right-hand side in (4.21),

while bN = N−1/3 in the (ID) case. Elementary calculus shows that aN � bN .

Furthermore F (I, ν) � bN is easily verified for I and ν given by (4.17) and (4.18),


Next, we derive an upper bound for the error of XequiN (T ). We have

E(Yi(T ) − Yi(T ))2 � λi ·(〈ξ, hi〉2 +



)· min





for the drift-implicit Euler scheme with time discretization given by (3.12), see

Lemma 6.1 in the Appendix. Hence 〈ξ, hi〉2 � |i|−22 implies E‖X(T )−Xequi

N (T )‖2H �

F (I, ν) � bN with I and ν given by (4.17) and (4.18), respectively.

The asymptotic estimates for euniN and e(Xuni

N (T )) are established analogously,

using (4.25) and (4.28) with νi given by (4.19).

Remark 4.2. In a comparison of the minimal errors we thus have three asymptotic

regimes, which are defined in terms of the underlying smoothness. Namely,


eN/eequiN = 0 and eequi

N ≍ euniN (4.29)

in the (ID) case and in the (TC) case with γ < d + 2,


eN/eequiN = 0 and lim


N /euniN = 0 (4.30)

in the (TC) case with d + 2 ≤ γ ≤ 3d + 2, and

eN ≍ eequiN and lim


N /euniN = 0 (4.31)

in the (TC) case with γ > 3d + 2.

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10 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

Clearly, we always have


eN/euniN = 0. (4.32)

Remark 4.3. Minimal errors are studied, too, for the approximation of stochastic

heat equations

dX(t) = ∆X(t) dt + B(t, X(t)) dW (t),

X(0) = ξ(4.33)

on spaces H = L2(]0, 1[d) w.r.t. to the error criterion

e(X) =


∫ T


‖X(t) − X(t)‖2H dt


. (4.34)

The latter takes into account the quality of an approximation X on the whole time

interval [0, T ]. We add that (2.1) corresponds to (4.33) with B(t, x) = id.

We briefly survey results that hold under suitable assumptions on the noise,

the initial value ξ, and the operator-valued mapping B, see [8,9]. These findings

significantly differ from the results on approximation of X at the single point T .

For equations with space-time white noise as well as nuclear noise approxima-

tions based on equidistant discretizations turn out to be asymptotically optimal,

i.e., eN ≍ eequiN for the respective minimal errors based on the error criterion (4.34).

Furthermore, for d = 1 and space-time white noise, eN ≍ euniN ≍ eequi

N ≍ N−1/6. On

the other hand, for equations with nuclear noise uniform discretizations are subop-

timal, asymptotically, at least for the specific equation (4.33) with B(t, x) = id.

5. Non-Asymptotic Results and Numerical Experiments

This section is devoted to a non-asymptotic comparison of the algorithms X⋄N(T )


⋄ ∈ {∗, equi, uni}. (5.1)

The corresponding number of evaluations of scalar Brownian motions is denoted by

C⋄N , and this quantity will serve as a basis for the comparison. Recall that

C⋄N = |ν|1, (5.2)

where I and ν are given by (4.1) and (4.2) for ⋄ = ∗, by (4.17) and (4.18) for

⋄ = equi, and by (4.17) and (4.19) for ⋄ = uni. By construction, we only have

C∗N ≍ Cequi

N ≍ CuniN ≍ N , which does not suffice for the purpose of this section.

Throughout this section we assume that

T = 1, ξ = 0, d ∈ {1, 2}. (5.3)

Furthermore we associate colors as follows: green corresponds to ⋄ = ∗, i.e., to

asymptotically optimal algorithms, blue corresponds to ⋄ = equi, i.e., to asymptot-

ically optimal algorithms in the subclasses XequiN , and red corresponds to ⋄ = uni,

i.e., to asymptotically optimal algorithms in the subclasses XuniN .

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Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 11

2 3 4 5 6 7







log 1


log 1


log10(CN◊ )

Suni = −0.165 , Auni = −0.167

Sequi = −0.165 , Aequi = −0.167

S∗ = −0.480 , A∗ = −0.500

Fig. 1. E⋄

N vs. C⋄

N for d = 1 and γ = 0

5.1. Non-Asymptotic Error Bounds

First we study the error

E⋄N = e(X⋄

N (1)) (5.4)

as a function of C⋄N . More precisely, we employ upper and lower bounds

L⋄N ≤ E⋄

N ≤ U⋄N (5.5)

that are easily computed up to any accuracy. See (6.30), (6.32) and (6.35) in the

Appendix for the precise definition and properties of these bounds.

Figures 1–7 visualize results for the spatial dimensions d = 1 and d = 2 and for

different values of γ. Here an open circle ◦ represents a value of (C⋄N , L⋄

N ) and a

cross × represents a value of (C⋄N , U⋄

N). Furthermore, regression lines based on the

collection of points (C⋄N , (U⋄

N +L⋄N)/2) are shown and the corresponding slopes are

denoted by S⋄. For comparison we have added the quantities A⋄, which provide the

respective orders of convergence due to Theorems 4.1 and 4.2.

Summarizing, the following statements hold true:

(i) The upper and lower bounds for the error hardly differ, so that (5.5) pro-

vides a tight control for the error. Actually, log10(U⋄N/L⋄

N) ≤ 0.028 for

d = 1 in Figures 1–4, and log10(U⋄N/L⋄

N) ≤ 0.121 for d = 2 in Figures 5–7.

(ii) The asymptotic results for the errors E⋄N ∈ [U⋄

N , L⋄N ] are in very good

accordance with their exact values. Actually, the slopes S⋄ of the regression

lines differ from the orders of convergence A⋄ according to Theorems 4.1

and 4.2 at most by 0.071 for d = 1 and by 0.107 for d = 2.

(iii) The differences between E∗N , Eequi

N and EuniN , as stated asymptotically in

Remark 4.2, are visible already for small values of C∗N , Cequi

N and CuniN .

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12 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

2 3 4 5 6 7−7






log 1


log 1


log10(CN◊ )

Suni = −0.485 , Auni = −0.500

Sequi = −0.489 , Aequi = −0.500

S∗ = −0.959 , A∗ = −1.000

Fig. 2. E⋄

N vs. C⋄

N for d = 1 and γ = 2

2 3 4 5 6 7







log 1


log 1


log10(CN◊ )

Suni = −0.638 , Auni = −0.667

Sequi = −0.773 , Aequi = −0.833

S∗ = −0.988 , A∗ = −1.000

Fig. 3. E⋄

N vs. C⋄

N for d = 1 and γ = 4

5.2. Comparison of Individual Realizations

For d = 1 and γ = 0 as well as γ = 1.1 we now compare realizations x⋄N (1)

of X⋄N (1), which are all based on the same trajectory of the driving (cylindrical)

Wiener process W in each comparison. Additionally, we include the corresponding

realization x∗M (1) of X∗

M (1) with M = 106, which serves as a substitute for the

realization of the exact solution of the equation at time T = 1, and which is shown

in black. By letting N depend on ⋄ ∈ {∗, equi, uni} we make sure that the values of

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Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 13

2 3 4 5 6 7







log 1


log 1


log10(CN◊ )

Suni = −0.650 , Auni = −0.667

Sequi = −0.929 , Aequi = −1.000

S∗ = −0.993 , A∗ = −1.000

Fig. 4. E⋄

N vs. C⋄

N for d = 1 and γ = 6

2 3 4 5 6 7






log 1


log 1


log10(CN◊ )

Suni = −0.305 , Auni = −0.375

Sequi = −0.339 , Aequi = −0.375

S∗ = −0.667 , A∗ = −0.750

Fig. 5. E⋄

N vs. C⋄

N for d = 2 and γ = 3

C⋄N almost coincide in each of the comparisons shown in Figures 8–11. Furthermore,

the values of the L2-distance

δ⋄N = ‖x∗M (1) − x⋄

N (1)‖2H =

(∫ 1


|x∗M (1)(u) − x⋄

N (1)(u)|2 du



are given.

Figures 8–11 clearly show that X∗N (1) yields far better approximations than

XuniN (1) and Xequi

N (1). With about 1000 evaluations of scalar Brownian motions

July 4, 2008 16:43 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE mgr-version-sd-rev

14 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

2 3 4 5 6 7







log 1


log 1


log10(CN◊ )

Suni = −0.422 , Auni = −0.500

Sequi = −0.651 , Aequi = −0.750

S∗ = −0.935 , A∗ = −1.000

Fig. 6. E⋄

N vs. C⋄

N for d = 2 and γ = 6

2 3 4 5 6 7







log 1


log 1


log10(CN◊ )

Suni = −0.436 , Auni = −0.500

Sequi = −0.894 , Aequi = −1.000

S∗ = −0.968 , A∗ = −1.000

Fig. 7. E⋄

Nvs. C⋄

Nfor d = 2 and γ = 10

x∗N (1) already resolves most of the local details of x∗

M (1) rather accurate, while

xuniN (1) and xequi

N (1) do not at all come close to this.

Of course, this superiority corresponds to the fact that X∗N (1) computes ap-

proximations in span{hi : |i|2 ≤ N} for d = 1, while XuniN (1) and Xequi

N (1) do only

compute approximations in span{hi : |i|2 ≤ N1/3} for d = 1. We stress, however,

that these subspaces are not selected arbitrarily, but in an asymptotically optimal

way for uniform, equidistant and general time discretization. In other words, one is

forced to compute approximations in comparatively low-dimensional spaces as long

July 4, 2008 16:43 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE mgr-version-sd-rev

Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 15

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0





N = 118 , CNuni = 100 , δN

uni = 0.1564N = 64 , CN

equi = 100 , δNequi = 0.1403

N = 65 , CN∗ = 100 , δN

∗ = 0.0822

Fig. 8. Realization of X(1), bXuniN (1), bX


N(1), bX∗

N (1) for d = 1, γ = 0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







N = 1000 , CNuni = 1000 , δN

uni = 0.0762

N = 729 , CNequi = 1024 , δN

equi = 0.0834

N = 590 , CN∗ = 1000 , δN

∗ = 0.0299

Fig. 9. Realization of X(1), bXuniN

(1), bXequi

N(1), bX∗

N(1) for d = 1, γ = 0

as one decides to discretize in a uniform or equidistant way.

For illustration we (partially) present the time discretizations that have been

used in the computations in Figure 8, i.e., in the case d = 1 and γ = 0 with 100

evaluations of scalar Brownian motions. The algorithm X∗65(1) evaluates β1, . . . , β65

with the numbers of evaluations given in Table 1.

July 4, 2008 16:43 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE mgr-version-sd-rev

16 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0





N = 118 , CNuni = 100 , δN

uni = 0.0826

N = 64 , CNequi = 118 , δN

equi = 0.0841

N = 42 , CN∗ = 100 , δN

∗ = 0.0277

Fig. 10. Realization of X(1), bXuniN (1), bX


N(1), bX∗

N (1) for d = 1, γ = 1.1

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0





N = 1000 , CNuni = 1000 , δN

uni = 0.0258

N = 621 , CNequi = 1002 , δN

equi = 0.0262

N = 315 , CN∗ = 1004 , δN

∗ = 0.0064

Fig. 11. Realization of X(1), bXuniN

(1), bXequi

N(1), bX∗

N(1) for d = 1, γ = 1.1

In particular, β21, . . . , β65 are only evaluated at t1,i = 1. For β1 the nodes are

given in Table 2.

The discretization used by Xequi64 (1) and Xuni

118(1) are completely specified by the

number of nodes given in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.

Finally, let Xunik,n(1) denote the algorithm that uses a uniform discretization of

the Brownian motions β1, . . . , βk with a common step-size 1/n together with a

July 4, 2008 16:43 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE mgr-version-sd-rev

Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 17

Table 1. Evaluations of Brownian motions for bX∗

65(1) if d = 1and γ = 0

i 1 2 3 4, . . . , 7 8, . . . , 20 21, . . . , 65

νi 8 5 4 3 2 1

Table 2. Discretization of β1 for bX∗

65(1) if d = 1 and γ = 0

t1,1 t2,1 t3,1 t4,1 t5,1 t6,1 t7,1 t8,1

0.438 0.611 0.720 0.800 0.864 0.916 0.961 1

Table 3. Discretization of W forbX

equi64 (1) if d = 1 and γ = 0

i 1 2 3 4

νi 14 22 29 35

drift-implicit Euler scheme. According to Theorem 4.2, the asymptotically optimal

choice of k and n is given by k = ⌊N1/3⌋ and n = ⌈N2/3⌉, if d = 1 and γ = 0, and

Xunik,n(1) = Xuni

N (1) with this choice. For N = 274 625 evaluations of scalar Brownian

motions the latter algorithm would compute approximations in span{hi : |i|2 ≤ k}with k = 65.

Now we proceed differently by fixing k = 65 and choosing a small number n ∈ N

such that the error of Xunik,n(1) is close to the error of X∗

N(1) for N = 65. It turns

out that n = 154 is a reasonable choice, and corresponding realizations are shown

in Figure 12. Both algorithms compute approximations in the same subspace with

about the same accuracy. However, 10 010 evaluations are needed by Xuni65,154(1)

while 100 evaluations suffice for the algorithm X∗65(1).

Clearly, the superiority of X∗N (1) to algorithms using a uniform or equidistant

discretization, both, in an asymptotic and non-asymptotic sense, increases strongly

with increasing accuracy demands.

6. Appendix

An Upper Bound for the Drift-Implicit Euler Scheme

Fix y0 ∈ R, µ ≥ 1, as well as a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion β, and

consider the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process given by

dY (t) = −µY (t) dt + dβ(t),

Y (0) = y0.(6.1)

July 4, 2008 16:43 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE mgr-version-sd-rev

18 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

Table 4. Discretization of W forbXuni118(1) if d = 1 and γ = 0

i 1 2 3 4

νi 25 25 25 25

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







k = 65 , n = 154 , Ck,nuni = 10010 , δk,n

uni = 0.0988

N = 65 , CN∗ = 100 , δN

∗ = 0.0783

Fig. 12. Realization of X(1), bXunik,n

(1), bX∗

N(1) for d = 1, γ = 0

Fix ν ∈ N and let Y (T ) denote the drift-implicit Euler approximation to Y (T )

based on the equidistant nodes tℓ = ℓ/ν · T , i.e.,

Y (T ) = y0 · (1 + µ · T/ν)−ν +ν−1∑


(1 + µ · T/ν)−(ν−ℓ) · (β(tℓ+1) − β(tℓ)). (6.2)

We provide an upper bound for the mean squared error of Y (T ).

Lemma 6.1.

E|Y (T ) − Y (T )|2 � (y20 + 1/µ) · min(1, µ2/ν2) (6.3)

Proof. Define an auxiliary approximation Y (T ) to Y (T ) by

Y (T ) = y0 · exp(−µ · T ) +



exp(−µ · (T − tℓ)) · (β(tℓ+1) − β(tℓ)). (6.4)

Due to Lemma 2 in [11],

E|Y (T ) − Y (T )|2 � min(1/µ, µ/ν2), (6.5)

so that it remains to verify

E|Y (T ) − Y (T )|2 � (y20 + 1/µ) · min(1, µ2/ν2). (6.6)

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Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 19

Put µ = µ · T as well as sℓ = ℓ/ν and

ρℓ = (1 + µ/ν)−(ν−ℓ) (6.7)

for ℓ = 0, . . . , ν.

First we assume µ/ν ≤ 1. Clearly,

E|Y (T ) − Y (T )|2 = y20 · (ρ0 − exp(−µ))2 +





(ρℓ − exp(−µ · (1 − sℓ))2. (6.8)


(1 + x)−1 − exp(−x) ≤ x2/2 (6.9)

for x ≥ 0 as well as

(1 + x)−1 ≤ exp(−x/2) (6.10)

for x ∈ [0, 1] to obtain

ρℓ − exp(−µ · (1 − sℓ))

=((1 + µ/ν)−1 − exp(−µ/ν)



exp(−(ν − ℓ − 1 − j) · µ/ν)

(1 + µ/ν)j

≤ µ2




exp(−(ν − ℓ − 1 − j) · µ/(2ν)) · exp(−j · µ/(2ν))

≤ µ2

ν2· (ν − ℓ) · exp(−(ν − ℓ − 1) · µ/(2ν)).


This implies

(ρ0 − exp(−µ))2 ≤ µ4

ν2· exp(−µ) · exp(µ/ν) ≤ 2 exp(1) · µ2


as well as

(ρℓ − exp(−µ(1 − sℓ)))2

≤ 2 exp(1) · µ2

ν2· exp(−µ · (1 − sℓ)) · (µ2 · (1 − sℓ+1)

2 + 1)(6.13)

for ℓ ∈ {0, . . . , ν − 1}. Hence

E|Y (T ) − Y (T )|2

� y20 · µ2







ν· exp(−µ · (1 − sℓ)) · (µ2 · (1 − sℓ+1)

2 + 1)

� y20 · µ2



ν2·∫ 1


exp(−µ · (1 − t)) · (µ2 · (1 − t)2 + 1) dt

� (y20 + 1/µ) · µ2/ν2.


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20 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

Next, we consider the case µ/ν > 1. Then

E|Y (T )|2 = y20 · ρ2

0 +T




ρ2ℓ ≤ y2

0 +T

ν + µ·




(1 + µ/ν)ℓ≤ y2

0 +2T

µ. (6.15)


E|Y (T )|2 = y20 · exp(−2µ) +





exp(−2µ · (1 − sℓ))

≤ y20 + T ·

∫ 1


exp(−2µ · (1 − t)) dt

≤ y20 +




and we conclude that

E|Y (T ) − Y (T )|2 � E|Y (T )|2 + E|Y (T )|2 � y20 +


µ. (6.17)

By (6.14) and (6.17) we conclude that

E|Y (T ) − Y (T )|2 � (y20 + 1/µ) · min(1, µ2/ν2)

� (y20 + 1/µ) · min(1, µ2/ν2),


which completes the proof.

Explicit Upper and Lower Bounds for the Algorithms X⋄


In the sequel we assume that ξ = 0 and T = 1, and we turn to the derivation of the

explicit upper and lower error bounds employed in (5.5) in Section 5. Fix K ≥√


and consider an approximation X(1) to X(1) given by

X(1) =∑


Yi(1) · hi, (6.19)

where Yi(1) denotes the drift-implicit Euler approximation of Yi(1) based on νi

nodes 0 < t1,i < . . . < tνi,i = 1. Put

ηi = (1 − exp(−2µi))/(2µi) (6.20)

for i ∈ Nd. Furthermore, let

ρi,ℓ =



(1 + µi · (ti,ℓ − ti,ℓ−1)


for ℓ = 1, . . . , νi, and put

αi = ηi −2




ρi,ℓ ·(exp(−µi · (1 − ti,ℓ)) − exp(−µi · (1 − ti,ℓ−1))





ρ2i,ℓ · (ti,ℓ − ti,ℓ−1)


July 4, 2008 16:43 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE mgr-version-sd-rev

Approximation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 21

for i ∈ Nd with |i|2 ≤ K. Finally, define

A(X(1)) =∑


λi · αi, B(K) =∑


λi · ηi, (6.23)

and note that

e2(X(1)) =∑


E|Yi(1) − Yi(1)|2 +∑


E|Yi(1)|2 = A(X(1)) + B(K). (6.24)

We provide upper and lower bounds for B(K) in the cases d = 1 and d = 2. Put

BU(K) =

{(2π2 · (γ + 1))−1 · K−(γ+1), if d = 1

(4π · γ)−1 · (K −√

2)−γ , if d = 2,(6.25)

and let

BL(K) = (2π2 · (γ + 1))−1 ·(1 − (2π2 · (K + 1)2)−1

)· (K + 1)−(γ+1) (6.26)

in the case d = 1, while

BL(K) = (2π2)−1 ·(1 − (2π2 · (K + 1)2)−1


×((π/(2γ)) · (K +

√2)−γ − (2/(γ + 1)) · K−(γ+1)

) (6.27)

for d = 2. Elementary calculus shows that

BL(K) ≤ B(K) ≤ BU(K). (6.28)

Moreover, we have



BL(K)= 1. (6.29)

In the case d = 1 we take

L⋄N =


N (1)) + BL(KN ))1/2

, U⋄N =


N (1)) + BU(KN ))1/2

, (6.30)


KN =

{N, if ⋄ = ∗⌊N1/3⌋, if ⋄ ∈ {equi, uni}.


In the case d = 2 we use

L⋄N =


N (1)) +∑

KN <|i|2≤ eKN

λi · ηi + BL(KN )



U⋄N =


N (1)) +∑

KN <|i|2≤ eKN

λi · ηi + BU(KN )



KN = KN = ⌊N1/2⌋ (6.33)

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22 T. Muller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, T. Wagner

for ⋄ = ∗ and

KN = ⌊N1/4⌋, KN = ⌊N1/3⌋ (6.34)

for ⋄ ∈ {equi, uni}.Clearly, (6.28) and (6.29) imply

L⋄N ≤ e(X⋄

N (1)) ≤ U⋄N , lim




= 1. (6.35)


This work is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).


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