Introduction Castem

Post on 22-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Introduction Castem

Presentation Cast3MAndrei Constantinescu Arnaud Delaplace

http://www-cast3m.cea.frProgram lements finis Cration ~ 1980 CEA Tierry Charras, Alain Millard, Pierre Verpeaux + ...

open source

langage orient objet ESOPEcompil GIBIANEinterpt ... donc trs souple

gratuit recherche / perso

Cast3M - Philosophieopti paramtres ; objet = oprateur objet objet ... ; paramtres: dimension space, messages, ... objet:gometrie: maillage, point, ligne, surface, volume nombres: flottant, entier, ... listes logiques: vrai, faux champs: par lment: par noeud:

, u



algbriques, trigonomtriques: +,,exp,log,tan mcaniques: bloq,rigi,pasapas,vibration,flambage,.... maillage: droite,volume,surface,syme,.... contrle: si,sinon,finsi;repeter,....

Cast3M Exemple chauffage Jouleproblme lctrique = problem thermique stationnaireMod_el = bar mode thermique isotrope QUA4; Mat_el = matr Mod_el 'K' K_el; K_rig = rigi Mod_el Mat_el; U_pot = reso (K_rig et cdlu_bas et cdlu_hau) u_bas; gradU = grad Mod_el U_pot; J = (nomc Q (changer chpo Mod_el (exco 'T,X' gradU)**2) ); J = J + (nomc Q (changer chpo Mod_el (exco 'T,Y' gradU)**2) ); J = J + (nomc Q (changer chpo Mod_el (exco 'T,Z' gradU)**2) ); F_J = source mod_bar J;

problme thermique avec source F_J problme mcanique ...

Cast3M - Algorithme lastodynamiqueK = rigi mod mat; M = mass mod mat; KM1 = M/(dt*dt) et (K/4.0); KM2 = M/(dt*dt) et (K/-4.0) * 2.0; F1 = press mass mod (lmoins et lplus) 0.08; U0 = manu chpo S 2 UX 0.0 UY 0.0; Fn = table; Un = table; n = 0; U1 = U0;

repeter boucle nb_temps; Fn.n = F1; Q = Fn.n + (KM2*U1) - (KM1*U0); V = reso KM1 Q; Un.n = redu V bord; U0 = U1; U1 = V; n = n + 1; fin boucle;

Cast3M ProgrammationProcedure = fonction, subroutinedebproc devi sig*mchaml; sxx sxy syy szz = = = = exco exco exco exco smxx smxy smyy smzz sig sig sig sig scal; scal; scal; scal;

trac = (1/3.) * (sxx + syy + szz); sxx syy szz = = = exco scal (sxx - trac) smxx; exco scal (syy - trac) smyy; exco scal (szz - trac) smzz;

dev = sxx et syy et szz et sxy; finproc dev;

Cast3M Other commandsSwitching from file reading to shell

opti donn 5; ... opti donn 3; ...

Save and recover data

opti sauv[er] 'my_file.dat'; sauv[er] object1 object2; opti rest[ituer] 'my_file.dat'; rest[ituer];

Save and recover mesh data (nodal coordinates and connectivities) -> see pdf document

Cast3M Pratique documents, notices, examples local repertoire d'installation

installations et documentations:... doc ... dgibi example.dgibi pdf ps html

Cast3M Pratique

lancement sur machines Linux

commandes en ligne (shell)

% castem -m XL ..... $ fin; %

commandes en fichier (editeur normal)

% castem -m XL mon_fichier.dgibi ..... $ fin; % les fichiers cres: UTILPROC, UTILNOTI: contient info procdures fort.98: contient commandes exectues

Cast3M Pratique


72 charactres sur ligne maximum 7 ligne conscutives chaque commande finit avec ; pas de diffrence entre majuscules ABCD... = minuscules abcd ... sauf en MOTS: 'TOTO' =!= 'toto'

* en premire caractre = commentaire pas des charactres spciaux TAB, ...

Cast3M Pratique

syntaxe algbre

pas de priorit des oprations algbriques

a + b * c = ( a + b ) * cen non

a + ( b * c )

mettez des paranthses !!!

Elasticity Example Tensile Test

Cast3M Exemple traction


Deplacement impose

Deplacements bloqus par symtrie

Cast3M Exemple tractionp 4 p 3


opti dime 2 echo 1 elem myelem; ldom = 1.; r = 0.1; p1 p2 p3 p4 = = = = 0. 0.; ldom 0.; ldom ldom; 0. ldom;


p 2

a2 = r 0.; a4 = 0. r; a3 = (r/1.4142) (r/1.4142);

Cast3M Exemple tractionnelem = 10;


nel_bis = -20;

p 4

p 3

d12 = droite nel_bis a2 p2 dini 0.002 dfin 0.15 ; d23 = droite nelem p2 p3; d34 = droite nelem p3 p4; d41 = droite nel_bis p4 a4 dini 0.15 dfin 0.002 ; bis = droite nel_bis a3 p3 dini 0.003 dfin 0.22 ; arc23 = cerc nelem a2 p1 a3; arc34 = cerc nelem a3 p1 a4;


p 2

dom1 = dall d12 d23 (inve bis) (inve arc23); dom2 = dall (inve d41) (inve d34) (inve bis) arc34; dom = dom1 et dom2; trace dom;

Cast3M Exemple tractionmod


= dom mode mecanique elastique isotrope; = mod mate 'YOUN' 2.e11 'NU' 0.3;

p 4

p 3


rig = rigi mod mat; cd12 = bloq uy d12; cd41 = bloq ux d41; cd34 = bloq uy d34; f34 = depi cd34 0.1; u = reso (rig et cd12 et cd41 et cd34) f34;


p 2

trace (((contour dom) coul vert) et (dom plus u));

Cast3M Exemple tractionp 4 p 3


ux = exco ux u scal; uy = exco uy u scal; trace ux dom; trace (((ux*ux) + (uy*uy))**0.5) dom; eps = epsi mod u; sig = sigma mod mat u; trace mod sig;


p 2

Cast3M Exercices ISame geometry

change boundary conditions: applied forces forc[e] pressure pres[sion]: constant, varying

pass the compute the nodal values corresponding to the stress field using chan[ger] and plot using dess[iner] the evol[ution] on the hole boundary

start from the contour and mesh the plate using surf[ace] complete the plate through symetries: syme[trie] and turns (rotation): tour[ner] eliminate double nodes: elim[iner] apply boundary conditions, extract boundary nodes using poin[t] passage to 3D and shell elements opti dime 3;

Cast3M Exercices IIOther geometries Tube under pressure

circular pipe 2D / 3D shell / 3D Tube under temperature difference

circular pipe 2D / 3D shell / 3D

Spatially varying material constants create an inclusion using coor[dinate] fields and masq[uer], transform the field from nodes to Gauss points using chan[ger]

Plasticity Example Tensile Test

Cast3M Example simple tensile testImposed Displacement

Encastrated Displacements

Cast3M Example simple tensile testmyelem = TRI3; opti dime 2 echo 1 elem myelem; ldom = 1.; r = 0.1; p1 p2 p3 p4 = = = = 0. 0.; ldom 0.; ldom ldom; 0. ldom;

a2 = r 0.; a4 = 0. r; a3 = (r/1.4142) (r/1.4142);

Cast3M Example simple tensile testnelem = 10; nel_bis = -20; d12 = droite nel_bis a2 p2 dini 0.002 dfin 0.15 ; d23 = droite nelem p2 p3; d34 = droite nelem p3 p4; d41 = droite nel_bis p4 a4 dini 0.15 dfin 0.002 ; bis = droite nel_bis a3 p3 dini 0.003 dfin 0.22 ; arc23 = cerc nelem a2 p1 a3; arc34 = cerc nelem a3 p1 a4; dom1 = dall d12 d23 (inve bis) (inve arc23); dom2 = dall (inve d41) (inve d34) (inve bis) arc34; dom = dom1 et dom2; trace dom;

Cast3M Example simple tensile test


= mode dom mecanique elastique isotrope plastique cinematique; = mate mod_p 'YOUN' 2.e11 'NU' 0.3 'SIGY' 200.e6 'H' 2.e9;

tt = prog 0. pas 5. 20.; a_ud34 = prog 0. 1. 0. -1. 0.; ev_ud34 = evol manu 'TEMPS' tt 'DIMP' a_ud34; dess ev_ud34; ch_ud34 = char 'DIMP' ud34 ev_ud34;

Cast3M Example simple tensile test

tabexp = table;tabexp . 'MODELE' = mod_p; tabexp . 'CARACTERISTIQUES' = mat_p;

tabexp . 'BLOCAGES_MECANIQUES' = AA; tabexp . 'TEMPS_CALCULES' tabexp . 'CHARGEMENT' pasapas tabexp; = prog 0. pas 1. 20.; = ch_ud34;

Cast3M Example simple tensile testlist tabexp; list tabexp . deplacements ; list tabexp . contraintes ; trace trace trace

tabexp . contraintes . 15 mod; tabexp . variables_internes . 15 mod; tabexp . deformations_inelastiques . 15 mod

opti donn 5;

deplacement = displacement contraintes = stress deformation = strain variable internes = internal variables deformation inelastiques = anelastic strain (example plastic)

Cast3M ExercicesSame geometry change hardening type (fr. ecrouissage), then constitive law mode[le], mate[riaux]

plot using the time stress curve, strain stress curve using evol[ution] extracting values at nodes or gauss points extr[aire] constructiong the lists with prog[rammer] and repe[ter]

create a subroutine (fr. procedure) using debp[rocedure] and finp[rocedure] to encapsulate the preceding commands