GUIDE METHODOLOGIQUE ETV POUR LA · Pour pouvoir construire le protocole de vérification pour une...

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Transcript of GUIDE METHODOLOGIQUE ETV POUR LA · Pour pouvoir construire le protocole de vérification pour une...

Étude réalisée pour le compte de l’ADEME par Nathalie GUIGUES, Béatrice LALERE, Sophie

LARDY-FONTAN et Julie CABILLIC (LNE) LNE – 1 rue Gaston Boissier – 75724 Paris cedex 15

N° de contrat CONVENTION ADEME 12-81-C0100

Coordination technique : Pierre KERDONCUFF – Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies

(SEET) – Direction Productions et Energies Durables (DPED) – ADEME





Etat des lieux à juillet 2013

9 octobre 2013

Date de l’étude

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 2


Membres du Comité de pilotage :

Annie Larribet – Ministère du Redressement Productif / DGCIS Anne Morin – AQUAREF Pierre-François Staub – ONEMA / DAST Esterelle Villemagne – ONEMA / DAST

Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l’auteur ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause est illicite selon le Code de la propriété intellectuelle (art. L 122-4) et constitue une contrefaçon réprimée par le Code pénal. Seules sont autorisées (art. 122-5) les copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l’usage privé de copiste et non destinées à une utilisation collective, ainsi que les analyses et courtes citations justifiées par la caractère critique, pédagogique ou d’information de l’œuvre à laquelle elles sont incorporées, sous réserve, toutefois, du respect des dispositions des articles L 122-10 à L 122-12 du même Code, relatives à la reproduction par reprographie.

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 3


Annexe C : Inventaire des textes normatifs concernant la vérification des performances des paramètres quantitatifs et qualitatifs de surveillance des eaux .......................................................................................... 6

Normes ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

Protocoles ETV ........................................................................................................................................... 7


ETV – NOWATECH - DANETV ............................................................................................................ 23

Autres documents développés dans différents pays ................................................................................ 24

Royaume Uni - MCERT for water monitoring – Performance Standards ............................................. 24

Etats-Unis - Alliance for Coastal Technologies ................................................................................... 24

Bibliographie divers ................................................................................................................................... 25

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 4


La Commission Européenne met progressivement en place un dispositif de vérification des performances annoncées pour une éco-technologie innovante (Environmental Technology Verification) afin de promouvoir de manière crédible ces technologies sur le marché européen ou autre, et réduire le risque pour l’acheteur (privé ou public).

La Commission Européenne a ouvert en été 2012 un appel à candidature à un pré-programme ETV d’une durée de 3 à 5 ans, au titre d’organisme de vérification, pour les 3 domaines qui ont été les plus demandés par les Etats Membres : l’eau, l’énergie et les matériaux.

Le document GVP (General Verification Protocol) explicite comment pratiquer une vérification des allégations de performances d’une technologie innovante candidate à l’ETV, soumise par un proposant.

Pour pouvoir construire le protocole de vérification pour une technologie innovante dans le domaine de la surveillance et du traitement de l’eau, il est primordial de disposer d’un état des informations qui peuvent être utiles à l’élaboration de ce protocole. Il s’agit des textes régissant les domaines réglementaire et normatif. Toutes ces informations sont également utiles pour les développeurs d’éco-technologie innovante dans le montage de leur dossier de vérification. L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier les connaissances disponibles incluant les textes divers opposables et les descriptions des technologies pour la surveillance et le traitement de l’eau. Cependant, cet inventaire est loin d’être exhaustif de part i) le champ très vaste du domaine EAU dont les frontières peuvent se recouper avec les autres domaines ETV définis par l’Europe, ii) le fait qu’il s’agisse d’un instantané de l’état des lieux à juillet 2013. L’évolution rapide de la réglementation nécessiterait une mise à jour régulière, notamment du fait d’un nombre important de textes reglementaires ou normatifs en révision (ou qui vont l’être prochainement). Les sites internet permettant d’aller rechercher l’information la plus à jour possible sont listés. Cet inventaire comprend :

- les textes réglementaires européens et leur déclinaison nationale applicables à la surveillance des eaux (Annexe A)

- les textes normatifs traitant de définitions et terminologie dans le domaine de l’eau - les textes normatifs concernant la surveillance quantitative et qualitative des eaux (Annexe B) - les textes normatifs concernant la vérification des performances des paramètres quantitatifs et

qualitatifs de surveillance des eaux (Annexe C) - les informations disponibles sur les technologies connues pour le traitement des effluents aqueux

(Annexe D) - les protocoles ETV déjà publiés (Annexe E)

Une méthodologie permettant de synthétiser les informations techniques sous forme de fiches a été développée pour une matrice et un type de technologie donné. Les différentes rubriques de ces fiches sont :

- les textes et exigences réglementaires - les normes et/ou documents de référence pour l’évaluation des performances ainsi que les

paramètres de performances - les exemples de rapport de vérification ou de certificat / déclaration

La construction de ces fiches est effectuée en recherchant les différents documents listés dans les annexes A à E. Afin de faciliter la recherche de documents dans les annexes, une codification a été mise en place. Elle concerne à la fois le référencement des documents ainsi que les matrices et les technologies ou procédés pour la surveillance et le traitement de l’eau. Ainsi, une recherche par matrice et/ou technologies/procédés est réalisable rendant possible l’identification des textes d’intérêts pour un couple technologie / matrice. 6 fiches de synthèses sur la surveillance et le traitement de l’eau sont présentées à titre exemple.

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 5


The European Commission is gradually implementing a verification program for innovative eco- technology: The ETV pilot programme. This programme provides for third-party verification, on a voluntary basis, of the performance claims made by technology manufacturers in business-to-business relations. The end product is a Statement of Verification, summarising the actual performance of the verified technology as well as the results of the tests performed. With proof of performance credibly assured, innovations can expect an easier market access and/or a larger market share and the technological risk is reduced for technology purchasers. The ETV pilot programme has been opened since 2012 to environmental technologies ready for the market and showing a potential for innovation, while providing environmental benefits in three technology areas: Water treatment and monitoring; Materials, waste and resources; Energy technologies The General Verification Protocol (GVP) explicit how to practice a verification of performance claims for an innovative technology submitted by an applicant. To build the verification protocol for innovative technology in the field of monitoring and water treatment, it is essential to gather all the information that may be useful in the development of this protocol, such as regulatory and normative texts. All this information is also useful for developers of innovative eco- technology to prepare their application. The objective of this study is to identify the available knowledge including various regulatory and normative texts as well as descriptions of technologies for monitoring and treatment of water. However, this inventory is far from complete because of i) the vast field of water treatment and monitoring whose boundaries may overlap with other areas defined by ETV Europe , ii ) the fact that it is of a snapshot of the state of knowledge in July 2013. Rapid changes in the regulations require regular updating, especially because a large number of regulatory or legislative texts are under review (or will be soon). Websites where to find the most up -to-date are listed. This inventory includes: - European and national regulations applicable to water monitoring (Appendix A) - Normative texts concerning definitions and terminology in the field of water - Normative texts concerning the quantitative and qualitative monitoring of water (Appendix B) - Normative texts concerning the performance verification of quantitative and qualitative parameters of water monitoring (Annex C) - The available information on waste water treatment technologies (Appendix D) - The ETV previously published protocols (Appendix E) A methodology to synthesize technical information in the form of summary sheets has been developed for a given matrix and a given type of technology. The different sections of the summary sheets are: - Regulatory texts and requirements - Standards and / or documents for performance evaluation and performance parameters - Examples of verification report or certificate / statement The construction of these summary sheets is performed by searching the various documents listed in Appendix A to E. To facilitate this search in the appendices, a codification was implemented. It concerns both the referencing of documents and the matrices and technologies or methods for monitoring and water treatment. Thus, a search by matrix and / or technology / process is feasible, enabling the identification of texts of interest for a given couple technology / matrix. 6 summary sheets on the monitoring and treatment of water are presented as example.

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 6

Annexe C : Inventaire des textes normatifs concernant la vérification des performances des paramètres quantitatifs et qualitatifs de surveillance des eaux


Code Norme Titre Technologie

Mesures physico-chimiques

C1.1 ISO 8466-2 : 2001 Qualité de l'eau - Étalonnage et évaluation des méthodes d'analyse et estimation des caractères de performance - Partie 2 : stratégie d'étalonnage pour fonctions d'étalonnage non linéaires du second degré


C1.2 ISO 8466-1 : 1990 Qualité de l'eau. Étalonnage et évaluation des méthodes d'analyse et estimation des caractères de performance. Partie 1 : évaluation statistique de la fonction linéaire d'étalonnage.


C1.3 NF EN ISO 15839 : 2006

Qualité de l'eau - Matériel d'analyse/capteurs directs pour l'eau - Spécifications et essais de performance CONT

C1.4 NF T90-554 : 2007 Qualité de l'eau - Matériel d'analyse/capteurs directs pour la mesure de faible turbidité - Spécifications et essais de performance


C1.5 NF T90-552 : 2004 Mesure en continu pour l'eau - Spécifications pour l'étude, la mise en oeuvre et l'exploitation CONT

C1.6 PR NF EN 16479-1 Qualité de l'eau - Exigences de performance et modes opératoires d'essai de conformité pour les équipements de surveillance de l'eau - Partie 1 : dispositifs d'échantillonnage automatiques (échantillonneurs) pour l'eau et les eaux usées


C1.7 PR NF EN 16479-2 Qualité de l'eau - Exigences de performance et modes opératoires d'essai de conformité pour les équipements de surveillance de l'eau - Partie 2 : Dispositifs de mesure en continu


C1.8 PR NF EN 16479-3 Qualité de l'eau - Exigences de performance et modes opératoires d'essai de conformité pour les équipements de surveillance de l'eau - Partie 3 : Dispositifs portables



C1.9 ISO 17381 : 2003 Qualité de l’eau – Choix et application des méthodes utilisants des kits prêts à l’emploi en analyse de l’eau KIT LAB-Kit

C1.10 NF T90-210 : 2009 Qualité de l'eau - Protocole d'évaluation initiale des performances d'une méthode dans un laboratoire LAB

C1.11 NF ISO 11352 : 2013 Qualité de l'eau - Estimation de l'incertitude de mesure basée sur des données de validation et de contrôle qualité LAB

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 7


C1.12 ISO 10705-3 : 2003 Qualité de l'eau - Détection et dénombrement des bactériophages - Partie 3 : validation des méthodes de concentration des bactériophages dans l'eau


C1.13 FD ENV ISO 13843 : 2001

Qualité de l'eau - Lignes directrices pour la validation des méthodes microbiologiques LAB


C1.14 ISO 11631 : 1998 Mesure de débit des fluides. Méthodes de spécification des performances des débitmètres. QTE

C1.15 E48-154 : 1994 Transmissions hydrauliques - Méthode d'essai de performances en débit des accumulateurs QTE

C1.16 NF EN 29104 : 1993 Mesure de débit des fluides dans les conduites fermées - Méthodes d'évaluation de la performance des débitmètres électromagnétiques utilisés pour les liquides


Protocoles ETV


Water monitoring

Code Technologies / Pollutants Test/Quality Assurance Plan Verification Protocol Briefs Technology type


C2.1 Arsenic Test Kits Portable Analyzers (PDF) (40 pp, 244 KB) December 2000

Generic Verification Protocol for Portable Water Analyzers for Metals and Other Inorganics (PDF) (34 pp, 696 KB)August 2002

Technology Brief: Arsenic Monitoring Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 4.34 MB) January 2007



C2.2 Beach Monitoring Not applicable.

Generic Verification Protocol for Rapid Beach Water Quality Screening Technologies (PDF) (47 pp, 284 KB)August 2007


C2.3 Ballast Water Exchange Screening Tools

Ballast Water Exchange Screening Tools (PDF) (44 pp, 224 KB) January 2007

Not applicable.

Fact Sheet: Performance Verification of Ship Ballast Water Treatment


C2.4 Technologies and Exchange Screening Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 60 KB) January 2007


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 8


Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) and Total Coliform Detection in Drinking Water

Coliform Detection Technologies for Drinking Water (PDF) (54 pp, 820 KB) July 2010

Not applicable.

Technology Brief: E. coli and Total Coliform Detection in Drinking Water (PDF) (2 pp, 544 KB) April 2012


C2.6 Enzymatic Test Kits Enzymatic Test Kits (PDF) (45 pp, 432 KB) September 2005

Not applicable. KIT-Enzy EAU EBois

C2.7 Estrogen ELISA Kits

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Test Kits for the Quantitative Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) in Aqueous Phase Samples (PDF) (54 pp, 361 KB) June 2008

Not applicable. KIT-Elisa EAU EBois

C2.8 Immunoassay Test Kits for Atrazine

Test Kits for Detection of Atrazine in Water (PDF) (43 pp, 228 KB) September 2003

Generic Verification Protocol for Test Kits for Detection of Atrazine in Water (PDF) (34 pp, 388 KB)August 2004

Technology Brief: Immunoassay Test Kits for Atrazine (PDF) (2 pp, 3.58 MB) April 2007

KIT-Immu EAU EBois

C2.9 Immunoassay Test Kits for Biotoxins

Immunoassay Test Kits (PDF) (36 pp, 400 KB)January 2004

Not applicable. KIT-Immu EAU EBois

C2.10 Immunoassay Test Kits for Microcystins

Microcystin Test Kits (PDF) (46 pp, 512 KB) July 2010

Not applicable.

Technology Brief: Immunoassay Test Kits for Microcystins (PDF) (2 pp, 520 KB) April 2012


ESU ESO EBois ERecre

C2.11 Lead in Drinking Water Monitors

Quality Assurance Project Plan For Verification of ANDalyze Lead100 Test Kit and AND1000 Fluorimeter (PDF) (148 pp, 3.5 MB) July 2012.

Not applicable. KIT PORT


C2.12 Mobile Mass Spectrometers

Mobile Mass Spectrometers (PDF) (43 pp, 628 KB)July 2005

Not applicable. PORT-MetLAB


C2.13 Multi-Parameter Water Monitors for Distribution Systems

Multi-Parameter Water Monitors for Distribution Systems (PDF) (36 pp, 452 KB)

Not applicable. CONT PORT KIT


C2.14 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Probes

Long-Term Deployment of Multi-Parameter Water Quality Probes/Sondes (PDF) (100 pp, 4.28 MB) May 2002

Generic Verification Protocol for Long-Term Deployment of Multi-Parameter Water Quality Probes and Sondes (PDF) (39 pp, 592 KB) July 2002


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 9

C2.15 Multi-Parameter Water Sensor Technologies

Multi-Parameter Water Sensors (PDF) (30 pp, 168 KB)April 2007

Not applicable. PORT-Capt EBois

C2.16 Nitrate Sensors for Ground Water Monitoring

Nitrate Sensors for Groundwater Remediation Monitoring (PDF) (84 pp, 1.7 MB)April 2010

Not applicable. CONT-Sond ESO

C2.17 Nutrient Monitoring Technologies for Industrial Applications

Nutrient Analyzers at a Wastewater Treatment Plant (PDF) (82 pp, 1.93 MB)April 2005

Not applicable. ON-LINE ERU RI

C2.18 Passive Ground Water Samplers

Joint Process Document and Test/Quality Assurance Plan for Sorbisense GWS40 Passive Ground Water Sampler for Volatile Organic Compounds in Water (PDF) (181 pp, 2.1 MB) (EPA/600/R-09/029) July 2009, U.S. EPA ETV Program Advanced Monitoring Systems and NOWATECH DHI Water Monitoring Center

Not applicable. INTEG-Pas ESO

C2.19 Portable Cyanide Anaylzers

Portable Analyzers for Detection of Cyanide in Water (PDF) (46 pp, 716 KB) January 2003

Generic Verification Protocol for Portable Technologies for Detecting Cyanide in Water (PDF) (36 pp, 448 KB) September 2004



C2.20 Portable Water Analyzers/Test Kits (Nitrate/Nitrite)

Portable Analyzers (PDF) (40 pp, 244 KB) December 2000

Not applicable. PORT KIT



Rapid Enzymatic/Fluorescent Detection Technologies for Fungi and Bacteria

Mycometer®-test Rapid Fungi Detection and BactiQuant®-test Rapid Bacteria Detection Technologies (63 pp, 1.8 MB) April 2011

Not applicable.

Technology Brief: Rapid Fungi and Bacteria Detection Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 229 KB) September 2012


C2.22 Rapid Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Technologies

Rapid PCR Technologies (PDF) (36 pp, 448 KB) May 2004

Not applicable. LAB

C2.23 Rapid Toxicity Testing Systems

Rapid Toxicity Technologies (PDF) (45 pp, 448 KB)June 2003

Not applicable. KIT-Bio EBois

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 10

C2.24 Turbidimeters On-Line Turbidimeters (PDF) (77 pp, 492 KB) June 1999

Generic Verification Protocol for Verification of Online Turbidimeters (PDF) (57 pp, 359 KB) June 2012


C2.25 Underground Storage Tank Leak Detection Technologies

Underground Storage Tank Automatic Tank Gauging Leak Detection Systems (66 pp, 484 KB) August 2011

Not applicable.

C2.26 Wastewater Toxicity Monitors

HACH-LANGE GmbH LUMIStox 300 Bench Top Luminometer and ECLOX Handheld Luminometer (PDF) (164 pp, 1.7 KB) January 2010, U.S. EPA ETV Program Advance Monitoring Systems Center, DHI DANETV Water Centre, and ETV Canada.

Not applicable. PORT ER

Drinking water systems

Code Technologies / Pollutants

Test/Quality Assurance Plan Verification Protocol Briefs Technology type



Alternative Filtration and Media Technologies for Reduction of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants

Not applicable.

Generic Protocol for the Product Specific Challenge Testing of Bag and Cartridge Filter Systems (PDF) (24 pp, 330 KB) March 2012

FiltSupp EPot


Field Operations Document, Environmental Technology Verification of the Kinetico CPS100CPT Coagulation and Filtration System for the Physical Removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium From Drinking Water (PDF) (59 pp, 4.85 MB)May 1999

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Physical Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants (see Chapter 3, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Coagulation and Filtration for the Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants) (PDF) (46 pp, 364 KB) February 2005

CoagFloc DECAN FiltSupp


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 11


Alternative Filtration and Media Technologies for Reduction of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants

Field Operations Document, Lapoint Industries, Bag Filter System April 2000

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Physical Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants (see Chapter 4, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Bag Filters and Cartridge Filters for the Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants) (PDF) (39 pp, 324 KB) February 2005

FiltSupp EPot


Field Operations Document, Rosedale Products, Inc., GFS Cartridge/Bag Filter System for the Capture and Containment of Cryptosporidium and Giardia (Oo) cysts, February 1999

FiltSupp EPot

C2.31 Product Specific Test Plan, Retest of Separmatic's Pressure Precoat Filtration System, August 2002

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Physical Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants (see Chapter 5, Equipment Verification Testing Plan, Precoat Filtration – Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants) (PDF) (41 pp, 352 KB) February 2005

FiltSupp EPot

C2.32 Field Operations Document, Separmatic's Pressure Precoat Filtration System, July 1999

FiltSupp EPot

C2.33 Field Operations Document, Separmatic's Vacuum Precoat Filtration System, July 1999

FiltSupp EPot


Field Operations Document, Kinetico, Inc., Pressure Filtration System for the Physical Removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium From Drinking Water, June 1999

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Physical Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants (see Chapter 6, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Backwashable Depth Filtration for the Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants) (PDF) (43 pp, 344 KB) February 2005

FiltSupp EPot

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 12


Membrane Filtration Systems for Reduction of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants

Field Operations Document, Aquasource, Ultrafiltration System, November 1998

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Physical Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants (see Chapter 2, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants by Membrane Filtration) (PDF) (70 pp, 956 KB) February 2005


C2.36 Field Operations Document, Aquasource, Ultrafiltration System, September 1998



Test/QA Plan for the Microbial Seeding Challenge Study of the DOW Chemical Company UF SFD-2880 Ultrafiltration modules following the requirements of the EPA membrane filtration guidance manual for LT2ESWTR approval (PDF) (28 pp, 232 KB)



Test/QA Plan for Validating the DOW Chemical Company SFD-2880 Ultrafiltration Membrane Module for Virus Reduction following the Department of Health Victoria (Australia) Draft Guidelines for Validating Treatment Processes for Pathogen Reduction (PDF) (32 pp, 438 KB)


C2.39 Field Operations Document, PCI/Leopold, Ultration Filtration System, February 1999



Field Operations Document, Hydranautics, HYDRACap Ultrafiltration Membrane System, September 1998


C2.41 Field Operations Document, Ionics, UF-1-7T Ultrafiltration Membrane System, June 1999


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 13


Membrane Filtration Systems for Reduction of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants

Field Operations Document, Pall Corp., Microfiltration System – New Hampshire Test Facility, August 2000



Field Operations Document, Pall Corp., Microfiltration System – Pittsburgh Test Facility, November 1998


C2.44 Product-Specific Test Plan, Polymem, UF120 S2 Ultrafiltration Membrane Module, March 2002


C2.45 Product-Specific Test Plan, US Filter, 3M10C Microfiltration Membrane, May 2002



Field Operations Document, ZENON Environmental, Inc., ZeeWeed Ultrafiltration System for Physical Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants, November 1998



Field Operations Document, ZENON Environmental, Inc., ZeeWeed ZW-500 Ultrafiltration System for Physical Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants, November 1998




Field Operations Document, ZENON Environmental, Inc., Enhanced Coagulation ZeeWeed ZW-500 Ultrafiltration Membrane System, September 1998

Equipment Verification Testing for Physical Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants (see Chapter 3, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Coagulation and Filtration for the Removal of Microbiological and Particulate Contaminants) (PDF) (46 pp, 364 KB)February 2005

FiltMem EPot


Technologies for Reduction of Arsenic and Inorganic Chemicals

Product-Specific Test Plan, Removal of Uranium in Drinking Water, Brimac HA 216 Adsorptive Media

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Removal of Radioactive Chemical Contaminants (PDF) (171 pp, 1.57 MB)April 2002

FiltSupp EPot

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 14


Technologies for Reduction of Arsenic and Inorganic Chemicals

Product-Specific Test Plan, Basin Water, High-Efficiency Ion Exchange Treatment System for Arsenic and Other Trace Metals, March 2005

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Arsenic Removal (see Chapter 2, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Removal of Arsenic by Ion Exchange) (PDF) (180 pp, 1.64 MB) September 2003

Technology Brief: Arsenic Treatment Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 128 KB) January 2007

FiltSupp ION


C2.51 Not applicable.

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Arsenic Removal (see Chapter 3, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Coagulation and/or Co-Precipitation and Filtration for Arsenic Removal (PDF) (180 pp, 1.64 MB)September 2003

Fact Sheet: EPA’s ETV Program Verifies Arsenic Removal Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 68 KB)March 2005




Field Operations Document, Environmental Technology Verification of the Kinetico CPS100CPT Coagulation and Filtration System for the Removal of Arsenic From Drinking Water (PDF) (139 pp, 7.81 MB)April 2000




Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Arsenic Removal (see Chapter 6, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Adsorptive Media Processes for the Removal of Arsenic (PDF) (180 pp, 1.64 MB) September 2003

ADS FiltSupp



Field Operations Document, Hydranautics, ESPA2-4040 Reverse Osmosis Membrane Element for the Removal of Arsenic From Drinking Water, March 2000

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Arsenic Removal (PDF) (180 pp, 1.64 MB) September 2003



Field Operations Document, Koch Membrane Systems, TFC – ULP4 Reverse Osmosis Membrane Element Module for the Removal of Arsenic From Drinking Water, March 2000


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 15


Technologies for Reduction of Arsenic and Inorganic Chemicals

Not applicable.

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Physical, Chemical, and Biological Removal of Nitrate (PDF) (161 pp, 1.31 MB)April 2002



C2.57 Not applicable.

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Removal of Inorganic Constituents (PDF) (101 pp, 888 KB) April 2002




Technologies for Reduction of Disinfection By-Products

Field Operations Document, PCI Membrane Systems , Inc., Nanofiltration Fyne Process System With AFC-30 Tubular Membranes, April 2000

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Removal of Precursors to Disinfection By-Products (see Chapter 2, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Membrane Processes for the Removal of Precursors to Disinfection By-Products) (PDF) (117 pp, 972 KB) September 2003

Technology Brief: Nanofiltration for Removal of Drinking Water Disinfection By-Product Precursors (PDF) (2 pp, 6.21 MB) June 2007


C2.59 Not applicable.

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Removal of Precursors to Disinfection By-Products (see Chapter 3, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption of Disinfection By-Product Precursors) (PDF) (117 pp, 972 KB) September 2003

FiltSupp Charb



Ultraviolet (UV), Ozone, and Alternative Inactivation, Disinfection, and Oxidation Technologies

Field Operations Document, Osmonics, Inc., Ozone/Advanced Oxidation System, July 1999

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Inactivation of Microbiological Contaminants (see Chapter 2, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Ozone-Based and Advanced Oxidation Processes for Inactivation of Microbiological Contaminants) (PDF) (160 pp, 476 KB) January 2003

Desinf O3



Field Operations Document, Chemical Services Co., ClorTec On-Site Halogen Generation System, February 2000

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Inactivation of Microbiological Contaminants (see Chapter 3, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – On-Site Generation of Halogen Disinfectants for Inactivation of Microbiological Contaminants) (PDF) (160 pp, 476 MB) January 2003

Desinf Cl2, ClO2, ClO, Br


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 16


Ultraviolet (UV), Ozone, and Alternative Inactivation, Disinfection, and Oxidation Technologies

Field Operations Document, Exceltec International Corp., ClorTec On-Site Halogen Generation System, February 2000

Desinf Cl2, ClO2, ClO, Br



Field Operations Document, EPA/NSF Environmental Technology Verification Test of the OXI Generator Model OXI-2B at SJWD Water District Drinking Water Plant, Lyman, South Carolina (PDF) (37 pp, 228 KB) June 2000

Desinf Cl2, ClO2, ClO


C2.64 Field Operations Document, Atlantic Ultraviolet Corp., Megatron Ultraviolet System, April 2001

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Inactivation of Microbiological Contaminants (see Chapter 4, Equipment Verification Testing Plan – Ultraviolet Radiation Technologies for Inactivation of Microbiological Contaminants) (PDF) (160 pp, 476 KB) January 2003

Desinf UV


C2.65 Field Operations Document, Calgon Carbon Corp., Sentinel Ultraviolet Reactor, March 1998



Field Operations Document for the EPA/NSF Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program Trojan UVSwift Ultraviolet System (PDF) (87 pp, 3.42 MB) March 2001

Desinf UV



Field Operations Document, PentaPure, Inc., H-3000 Mobile Water Purification Station at SJWD Water District Drinking Water Plant, Lyman, South Carolina, April 2007Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Inactivation of Microbiological Contaminants (PDF) (160 pp, 476 KB)January 2003

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Inactivation of Microbiological Contaminants (PDF) (160 pp, 476 KB) January 2003

Desinf O3 Cl, ClO2, ClO, Br UV


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 17


Ultraviolet (UV), Ozone, and Alternative Inactivation, Disinfection, and Oxidation Technologies

Not applicable.

Protocol for Development of Test / Quality Assurance Plans for Validation of Ultraviolet (UV) Reactors (PDF) (39 pp, 408 KB) August 2011

Desinf UV


C2.69 Not applicable.

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing of Volatile Organic Chemical Removal (PDF) (138 pp, 1.36 MB) January 2004

StripAir ADS


C2.70 Not applicable.

Protocol for Equipment Verification Testing for Removal of Synthetic Organic Chemical Contaminants (PDF) (220 pp, 2.36 MB)January 2004

FiltMem Desinf O3 ADS


Water quality protection

Code Technologies / Pollutants Test/Quality Assurance Plan Verification Protocol Briefs Technology type

Specific Matrix


Animal Waste Treatment - Solids Separation

Brome Agri Maximizer Separator for Separation of Manure Solids From Flushed Swine Waste (PDF) (28 pp, 248 KB) January 2003

Not applicable.

Technology Brief: ETV and Animal Feeding Operations (PDF) (2 pp, 1.77 MB) March 2007

SepSol RI


Hoffland Environmental, Inc., Drag Screen and Clarifier for Separation of Manure Solids From Flushed Swine Waste (PDF) (29 pp, 100 KB) September 2003

SepSol RI


Test Plan for the Verification of Technologies for Separation of Manure Solids From Flushed Swine Waste (PDF) (29 pp, 412 KB) May 2002



C2.74 Ballast Water Treatment Technologies

Not applicable. Ballast Water Treatment Technologies September 2010

Fact Sheet: Performance Verification of Ship Ballast Water Treatment Technologies and Exchange Screening Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 60 KB)June 2011


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 18

C2.75 Chemically Enhanced High-Rate Separation

Not applicable.

Generic Verification Protocol for Chemically Enhanced High-Rate Separation (PDF) (51 pp, 660 KB) May 2000


C2.76 Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Technologies Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Quality Water Systems, Inc. (International Wastewater Systems), September 2004

Protocol for the Verification of Wastewater Treatment Technologies (PDF) (54 pp, 592 KB) April 2001

COAG Sable Desinf UV



Verification Test Plan for Big Fish Environmental, LLC Big Fish Environmental Septage Processing System (PDF) (58 pp, 848 KB) July 2008

Not applicable.

FiltBio ER ERU

C2.78 Flow Meters ADS Corp. Models 3600 and 4000 Telemetered Open Channel Flow Monitors – Laboratory, May 2001

Flow Meters for Wet-Weather Flow Applications in Small- and Medium-Sized Sewers (PDF) (62 pp, 3.06 MB)September 2000

Technology Brief: Storm Water Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 108 KB) January 2007



High-Rate Disinfection - Induction Mixers

Verification Test Plan for Induction Mixers Manufactured by the Mastrrr Company for High-Rate Disinfection of Wet-Weather Flows (PDF) (55 pp, 5.07 MB) August 2000

Generic Verification Protocol for Induction Mixers Used for High-Rate Disinfection of Wet-Weather Flows (PDF) (35 pp, 348 KB) June 2000

Technology Brief: Storm Water Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 108 KB) January 2007

MelGazLiq EPot ER EP


Verification Test Plan for Induction Mixers Manufactured by USFilter/Stranco for High-Rate Disinfection of Wet-Weather Flows (PDF) (79 pp, 4.69 MB)October 2000



C2.81 High-Rate Disinfection - Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection

WEDECO-Ideal Horizons TAK UV Disinfection System, April 2000

Generic Verification Protocol for High-Rate, Wet-Weather Flow Disinfection Applications (PDF) (81 pp, 1.28 MB)July 2000

Desinf O3



In-Drain Treatment Technologies

Verification Test Plan for Hydro Compliance Management, Inc., Hydro-Kleen Filtration System (PDF) (84 pp, 828 KB)February 2002

Protocol for the Verification of In-Drain Treatment Technologies (PDF) (40 pp, 556 KB) April 2001

Technology Brief: Storm Water Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 108 KB) January 2007

DECAN FiltSupp


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 19


In-Drain Treatment Technologies

Verification Test Plan for Hydro International, Inc., Up-FloT Filter for Stormwater Treatment (PDF) (62 pp, 560 KB) February 2006

DECAN FiltSupp



Infrastructure Rehabilitation Technologies

Verification Test Plan Epoxytec International Inc. (PDF) (34 pp, 180 KB) March 2009

Not applicable. Matériaux EPot ER


ESTE Project Brief: Verification of Products and Technologies for Rehabilitation of Drinking Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems (PDF) (2 pp, 64 KB) July 2011

Matériaux EPot ERU

C2.86 Verification Test Plan Protective Liner Systems (PDF) (34 pp, 184 KB) August 2008

Not applicable.

Matériaux EPot ERU

C2.87 Verification Test Plan Standard Cement Materials, Inc. (PDF)

Not applicable.

Matériaux EPot ERU


Generic Test Plan for the Verification of Coatings for Wastewater Collection Systems (PDF)

Not applicable.

Matériaux ERU

C2.89 Not applicable.

Verification Protocol for the Verification of Grouting Materials for Infrastructure Rehabilitation (PDF) (49 pp, 480 Kb) September 2004

Matériaux EPot ERU

C2.90 Mercury Amalgam Separation

Verification Test Plan for the Dental Recycling North America Mercury Removal System (PDF) (73 pp, 448 KB)June 2001

Protocol for the Verification of Mercury Amalgam Removal Technologies (PDF) (50 pp, 732 KB) April 2001




Residential Nutrient Reduction

Test Plan for the Massachusetts Septic System Test Center for Verification Testing of AWT Bioclere Nutrient Reduction Technology (PDF) (28 pp, 232 KB)February 2001

Protocol for the Verification of Residential Wastewater Treatment Technologies for Nutrient Reduction (PDF) (41 pp, 468 KB) November 2000

Technology Brief: Residential Nutrient Reduction (PDF) (2 pp, 132 KB) January 2007

FiltBio ANC

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 20


Residential Nutrient Reduction

Massachusetts Septic System Test Center for Verification Testing of BioConcepts, Inc., ReCip System Nutrient Reduction Technology, December 2002

FiltBio ANC


Test Plan for the Bio-Microbics RetroFAST 0.375 Under the U.S. EPA ETV Program at the Mamquam Wastewater Technology Test Facility (PDF) (36 pp, 328 KB) September 2001

FiltBio ANC


Test Plan for the Massachusetts Septic System Test Center for Verification Testing of F.R. Mahony Amphidrome Model "Single-Family Unit" Nutrient Reduction Technology (PDF) (28 pp, 248 KB)January 2001

FiltBio ANC


Test Plan for the Massachusetts Septic System Test Center for Verification Testing of SeptiTech Nutrient Reduction Technology (PDF) (26 pp, 232 KB) August 2001

FiltBio ANC


Test Plan for the Massachusetts Septic System Test Center for Verification Testing of Waterloo Biofilter Nutrient Reduction Technology (PDF) (27 pp, 172 KB)February 2001

FiltBio ANC

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 21


Storm Water Source-Area Treatment Devices

Baysaver, Inc., Baysaver Separation System, TEA-21 Project Area, City of Griffin, Spalding County, GA, July 2003

Verification Protocol Storm Water Source-Area Treatment Technologies (PDF) (31 pp, 528 KB) March 2002

Technology Brief: Storm Water Technologies (PDF) (2 pp, 108 KB) January 2007




Test Plan for the Verification of Downstream Defender®, Madison Water Utility Administration Building Site, Madison, Wisconsin (PDF) (58 pp, 1.3 MB) September 2005

ResGras SepSol



Practical Best Management CrystalStream Oil/Grit Separator, Model 1046-C, TEA-21 Project Area, City of Griffin, Spalding County, GA, June 2003

ResGras SepSol ADS


C2.100 Stormwater Management, Inc., StormFilter, November 2002

ResGras SepSol FiltSupp



Stormwater Management, Inc., StormFilter, TEA-21 Project Area, City of Griffin, Spalding County, GA, July 2003

ResGras SepSol FiltSupp



Verification of the StormFilter, Riverwalk Site (Water Street at I-794), Milwaukee, WI, January 2004

ResGras SepSol FiltSupp



Stormwater Management, Inc., StormScreen, TEA-21 Project Area, City of Griffin, Spalding County, GA, June 2003

ResGras SepSol


C2.104 Test Plan for Terre Hill Concrete Products Terre Kleen, December 2004

ResGras SepSol


C2.105 Test Plan for the Verification of the Vortechs System, Riverwalk Site, Milwaukee, WI, January 2001

ResGras SepSol


Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 22


Storm Water Source-Area Treatment Devices

Storm Water Treatment: Verification of Arkal Filtration Systems, Inc., Pressurized Storm Water Filtration Systems, November 2000

ResGras SepSol FiltSupp



AbTech Industries, Inc., Ultra-Urban Filter D12020N, Camp Northers City Park Maintenance Facility, City of Griffin, Spalding County, GA, July 2003

ResGras SepSol



UltraTech International, Inc., Ultra-DrainGuard and Oil Sediment Plus, Camp Northers City Park Maintenance Facility, City of Griffin, Spalding County, GA, July 2003

ResGras SepSol



Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection - Secondary Effluent/Wastewater Reuse

Verification Test Plan for the Aquionics, Inc., UV Disinfection System for Reuse Applications (PDF) (90 pp, 1.54 MB)December 2002

Verification Protocol for Secondary Effluent and Water Reuse Disinfection Applications (PDF) (102 pp, 1.38 MB)October 2002

Technology Brief: Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Systems for Secondary Wastewater Effluent and Water Reuse (PDF) (2 pp, 260 KB)April 2007

Desinf UV



Verification Test Plan for the Ondeo Dregremont, Inc., Aquaray HO Disinfection System for Reuse Applications (PDF) (93 pp, 1.68 MB) December 2002

Desinf UV



Verification Test Plan for the Suntec Environmental UV Disinfection System for Secondary Effluent Applications (PDF) (69 pp, 1.05 MB) February 2003

Desinf UV


C2.112 Urban Runoff Models XPSWMM, February 2002 Verification Protocol for Urban Runoff Models (PDF) (38 pp, 420 KB)October 2000

Model EMN

C2.113 Vortex High-Rate Solids Separation

Separation Equipment Manufactured by CDS Technologies, Inc., Used for the Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), November 2002

Generic Verification Protocol for Vortex Separation (PDF) (41 pp, 532 KB) May 2000

SepSol ER

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 23


Code Technology Matrix Effect Targets Technologies Documents available

Water monitoring technologies


Sorbisense GWS40 passive sampler for volatile organic compounds in groundwater


Contaminated groundwater ESO

Measurement of concentrations of volatile organic contaminants Additional parameters: User manual: complete Cost structure: listed, see report Health and safety: no classified compounds used

Volatile organic compounds Detection limits: 0.3-75 μg/L Linear range: up to 1.000-2500 μg/L Trueness: 85-170% Robustness: 65-120% Precision: < 15% relative standard deviation False negatives: yes False positives: yes

Sorbisense passive sampler with tracer based calculation of the amount of water that the sampler has been exposed to and quantification by sampler extraction and head space GC-MS INTEG-Pas

Verification protocol Test plan Joint verification process


Water treatment technologies/advanced chemical water treatment


Aqua Chameleon UV/Ozone system by

ULTRAAQUA for removal of geosmin and MIB in

recirculated aquaculture process water

Process water in recirculated aquaculture EAqua

Removal of taste and odour compounds

Taste and odour compound removal in treated process water: Geosmin > 1 μg/hour 2-MIB > 0,5 μg/hour

UV/O3 advanced oxidation technology Desinf UV, O3

Quick scan Verification protocol Test plan


Aqua Chameleon UV/hydrogen peroxide system by ULTRAAQUA for removal of geosmin and MIB in recirculated aquaculture process water

Process water in recirculated aquaculture EAqua

Removal of taste and odour compounds

Taste and odour compound removal in treated process water: Geosmin > 1 μg/hour 2-MIB > 0,5 μg/hour

UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation technology Desinf UV, H2O2

Quick scan Verification protocol Test plan

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 24

Autres documents développés dans différents pays

Royaume Uni - MCERT for water monitoring – Performance Standards

Code Protocole d’évaluation de performances Type de technologie


C3.1 Performance standards and test procedures for water flowmeters (PDF, 250KB) QTE


C3.2 Performance Standards and Test Procedures for Continuous Water Monitoring Equipement - Part 1 Automatic Wastewater Sampler (PDF, 248KB)


C3.3 Performance Standards and Test Procedures for Continuous Water Monitoring Equipment - Part 2 On-line Analysers (PDF, 412KB)


C3.4 Performance standards and rest procedures for portable water equipment monitoring equipment - Part 3 Portable analysers (PDF, 404KB)


Etats-Unis - Alliance for Coastal Technologies

Code Paramètre Protocole d’évaluation de performances Type de technologie


C3.5 pH Detailed Testing Protocols used for evaluating the performance of in situ pH sensors



C3.6 Hydrocarbon Detailed Testing Protocols used for evaluating the performance of in situ hydrocarbon sensors

C3.7 pC02 Detailed Testing Protocols used for evaluating the performance of pCO2 analyzers are available for download

C3.8 Salinity Detailed Testing Protocols used for evaluating the performance of salinity sensors

C3.9 Nutrient Detailed Testing Protocols used for evaluating the performance of in situ nutrient analyzers

C3.10 Turbidity Detailed Testing Protocols used for evaluating the performance of in situ turbidity sensors

C3.11 TSS/POC Determination of TSS and POC Blank Corrections

C3.12 Fluorometer Detailed Testing Protocols used for evaluating the performance of in situ chlorophyll fluorometers

C3.13 HPLC Chl HPLC Chlorophyll Processing for the ACT Performance Verification of in situ fluorometers

C3.14 DO Sensors Detailed Testing Protocols used for evaluating the performance of in situ dissolved oxygen sensors

Guide méthodologique ETV – Domaine de l’eau – Annexe C - juillet 2013 25

Bibliographie divers

Code Titre Organisme Référence Type de technologie



Protocole de Validation d'une méthode alternative commerciale par rapport à une méthode de référence Application à l’analyse microbiologique de l’eau. Révision 1 – Adoptée par AFNOR Certification le 10 mai 2010

AFNOR certification LAB

C4.2 Technologies and Techniques for Early Warning Systems to Monitor and Evaluate Drinking Water Quality: A State-of-the-Art Review . Part 9

Office of Research and Development National Homeland Security Research Center, EPA, august 2005

EPA/600/R-05/156 CONT EPot

C4.3 Quality systems for environmental data and technology programs – Requirements with guidance for use. 1-4-2004.

American Society for Quality. ANSI/ASQ E4-2004.

C4.4 National Coastal Condition Assessment Laboratory Methods Manual

EPA, November 2010 EPA No. 841-R-09-002

C4.5 Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms Third Edition

EPA, October 2002 EPA-821-R-02-014


Guidelines for Conducting and Reporting on the Verification and Calibration of Performance of Discharge Measurement Instruments. Draft WMO Project “Assessment of the Performance of Flow Measurement Instruments and Techniques

Patrick J. McCurry; March 2012; EPA


C4.7 Wastewater treatment systems – field performance verification NSF NSF/ANSI 360 – 2010 ER ERU

C4.8 Evaluation of components and devices used in wastewater treatment systems

NSF NSF/ANSI 46 – 2010a ER ERU

C4.9 Protocole d’évaluation technique pour les installations d’assainissement non collectif dont la charge est inférieure ou égale à 20 équivalents habitants

AFSSET, 2009 Rapport d’appui scientifique et technique


C4.10 Grey Technolology Testing Protocol CSIRC, 2008

C4.11 Evaluating household water treatment options : health-based targets and microbiologie performance specifications

WHO, 2011

C4.12 Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) – Process Overview

Whashington State Department of Ecology, 2011


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