ejercicio passé composé

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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Transcript of ejercicio passé composé

  • 7/29/2019 ejercicio pass compos


    A. Completa con pass compos

    1. Ce monsieur (tlphoner) l'hpital.

    2. Nous (jouer) au football.

    3. Vous (manger) beaucoup de frites!

    4. Anne (commencer) son devoir 8 heures du soir.

    5. Vous (regarder) la tl.

    6. Nous (donner) notre livre nos amis.

    7. Tu (appeler) le chien?

    8. Maman (prparer) le dner.

    10. Jacques (raconter) une belle histoire.

    11. Elle (donner) m' un cadeau.

    12. Tu (acheter) un beau cadeau pour l'anniversaire de maman.

    13. Il (inviter) tous ses amis pour sa petite fte.

    14. Jean et Luc (envoyer) une lettre leurs correspondants.

    15. Nous (jouer) au football hier.

    16. J' (trouver) ta lettre.

    17. Il (passer) trois semaines Blois.

    18. J' (voyager) avec Robin et Sammy.

    19. On (loger) chez des amis de Sophie.

    20. Il (mettre) la voiture dans le garage.

    21. Je n' (comprendre) pas le cours de franais.

    22. Il ne m' (dire) rien sur cet accident.

    23. J' (faire) mon devoir de maths hier soir.

    24. Il (donner) une fte pour son anniversaire.

    25. Le prof nous (interroger) .

    26. Nous (avoir) un petit problme avec notre voiture.

    27. Vous (lire) le livre de ce monsieur?

    28. Tu (connatre) mon professeur?

    29. Elle (oublier) mon adresse parce qu'elle (crire) ne m' pas une

  • 7/29/2019 ejercicio pass compos



    30. Tu (voir) mes chaussures bleues?

    31. Vous (rpter) votre nom?

    32. J' (tudier) ma leon de franais.

    33. Je n' (couter) pas tes disques.

    34. Maman (faire) un gteau pour mon anniversaire.

    35. Tu (prendre) un coca? Pourqoui?

    36. Vous (rpondre) oralement?

    37. Ils (prendre) le train 6 heures ce matin.

    38. Je n' (dire) rien .

    39. Elles (comprendre) bien .

    40. Nous (laver) la voiture.

  • 7/29/2019 ejercicio pass compos


    1. Completa con adjetivos terminados ened oing;

    Q1 of 10:Peter thought the marathon was __________ (challenge).

    Q2 of 10:

    I was __________ (annoy) by his attitude.

    Q3 of 10:Are you __________ (confuse)? Don't worry, I'll explain.

    Q4 of 10:That movie was really __________ (depress).

    Q5 of 10:It was an __________ (exhaust) day.

    Q6 of 10:The children were __________ (frighten) by the storm.

    Q7 of 10:You must be __________ (relieve) not that your exams are finished.

    Q8 of 10:The news was __________ (discourage).

    Q9 of 10:She is __________ (overwhelm) with work.

    Q10 of 10:Could this situation be any more __________ (frustrate).

  • 7/29/2019 ejercicio pass compos


    Fill the gaps with the adjectives in brackets.

    1 He's such a monotonous speaker. I was ________________ stiff. (bored / boring)

    2 Most sequels are ________________. (disappointed / disappointing)

    3 I had such a ________________ day I went straight to bed. (tired / tiring)

    4 Everyone's very ________________ about the news. (excited / exciting)

    5 That lamp produces a very ________________ effect. (pleased / pleasing)

    6 The whole school was ________________ by the tragic event. (saddened / saddening)

    7 I don't like watching ________________ films on my own. (depressed / depressing)

    8 I was ________________ when she told me she'd got divorced. (amazed / amazing)

    9 He's such a ________________ guy. He only ever talks about himself. (bored / boring)

    10 I'm very ________________ in films and theatre. (interested / interesting)

    11 No one knew what would happen next. We were all ________________ . (intrigued /intriguing)

    12 It was a very ________________ situation. (interested / interesting)

    13 There's been some very ________________ news. (surprised / surprising)

    14 His mother was ________________ by what she found under his bed. (disgusted /disgusting)

    15 Their hamburgers are ________________ . (disgusted / disgusting)

    16 Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly ________________ . (exhausted /exhausting)

    17 He's always showing off. It's really ________________ . (annoyed / annoying)

    18 I think Alex is one of the most ________________ people I've ever met. He can't keep stillfor a second. (annoyed / annoying)

    19 I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really________________ . (embarrassed / embarrassing)

    20 She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather ________________ .(embarrassed / embarrassing)

  • 7/29/2019 ejercicio pass compos
