Articulatii Oase Muschi

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Articulatii Oase Muschi

  • 8/13/2019 Articulatii Oase Muschi



    Muscles of the Shoulder

    Deltoid(Fig. 68, 16, 17; Fig. 69, 18; Fig. 70, 24).This is the first muscle we stud i!

    c"!!ecti"! with the sh"ulder i! hum#! #!#t"m. $!deed, its wh"ll su%erfici#l%"siti"!, #!d es%eci#ll the m#!!er i! which it is se%#r#ted fr"m the surr"u!di!gmuscles, its &"lume, #!d its ch#r#cteristic m"delli!g, gi&e it such #! im%"rt#!ce th#t,fr"m the did#ctic %"i!t "f &iew, there is e&er i!dic#ti"! f"r c"mme!ci!g with thismuscle i! studi!g the regi"! t" which it 'el"!gs. $f, i! reg#rd t" u#dru%eds, we #ls"c"mme!ce with it, it is merel i! defere!ce t" the s%irit "f meth"d, #!d f"r the s#e "fsmmetr; f"r it is f#r fr"m %rese!ti!g, i! the l#tter, ch#r#cters s" disti!cti&e #!d s"cle#rl defi!ed.

    $t is !ecess#r t" rem#r, #t the "utset, th#t i! u#dru%eds, "! #cc"u!t "f the #'se!ce

    "r slight de&el"%me!t "f the cl#&icle, the cl#&icul#r %"rti"! "f this muscle is, #s weh#&e sh"w!, u!ited t" 'u!dles "f the s#me i!d 'el"!gi!g t" the ster!"*cleid"*m#st"id #!d tr#%e+ius t" f"rm the m#st"id"*humer#l (see %. 11). There e-ists,theref"re, i! #! i!de%e!de!t f"rm, the sc#%ul#r %"rti"! "!l.

    $t is this l#tter which, ' itself #l"!e, f"rms the delt"id "f u#dru%eds, # muscle!"w!, i! &eteri!#r #!#t"m, #s the long abductor of the arm.

    16/$! the d"g #!d the c#t it c"!sists "f tw" %#rts, "!e "f which #rises fr"m the s%i!e"f the sc#%ul#; the "ther fr"m the #cr"mi"! %r"cess. The!ce it %#sses t" the crest "fthe humerus, which limits the muscul"*s%ir#l gr""&e #!teri"rl, t" 'e #tt#ched #t #

    %"i!t which is f"u!d, #s i! "ther u#dru%eds, t" 'e the h"m"l"gue "f the hum#!delt"id im%ressi"!, "r delt"idV, "f the hum#! humerus.

    $! the "-, i! which the #cr"mi"! %r"cess, which is &er rudime!t#r, d"es !"t #tt#i!the le&el "f the gle!"id c#&it, the #cr"mi"! %"rti"! is 'ut slightl m#red "ff fr"mth#t which t#es its "rigi! fr"m the s%i!e "f the sc#%ul#.

    till, i! the h"rse, which is c"m%letel de%ri&ed "f #! #cr"mi"! %r"cess, the delt"idmuscle is c"rres%"!di!gl di&ided i!t" tw" %#rts, se%#r#ted fr"m "!e #!"ther 'su%erfici#l i!terstices, 'ut "f which the #rr#!geme!t differs fr"m th#t "f the %"rti"!s

    #'"&e i!dic#ted; "!e %#rt, the %"steri"r, #rises #'"&e fr"m the su%eri"r %#rt "f the%"steri"r '"rder, #!d the %"ster"*su%eri"r #!gle "f the sc#%ul# (e-#ctl #s if, i! m#!,cert#i! f#sciculi "f the delt"id t"" their "rigi! fr"m the #-ill#r '"rder #!d i!feri"r#!gle "f the sc#%ul#); the "ther, #!teri"r, #rises fr"m the tu'er"sit "f the s%i!e "f thes#me '"!e. The tw" %#rts, u!ited i!feri"rl, %r"ceed t" 'e i!serted i!t" the delt"idim%ressi"! "r i!fr#tr"chiteri#! crest "f the humerus.

    $t is !ecess#r t" #dd th#t the delt"id is i!serted i!t" the humerus, #'"&e the i!serti"!"f the m#st"id"*humer#l.

    This muscle fle-es #!d #'ducts the humerus, #!d #ls" r"t#tes it "utw#rds.

    ith reg#rd t" the "ther muscles "f the hum#! sh"ulder, su'sc#%ul#ris, su%r#s%i!#tus,i!fr#s%i!#tus, teres mi!"r #!d teres m#3"r, the #re #ls" %rese!t i! u#dru%eds, 'ut i!
  • 8/13/2019 Articulatii Oase Muschi


    # f"rm m"re el"!g#ted, #s the sc#%ul# h#s its dime!si"!s m"re e-te!ded fr"m 'el"wu%w#rdsth#t is, fr"m the gle!"id c#&it t"w#rds the su%eri"r "r s%i!#l '"rder.

    Subscaularis!This muscle "ccu%ies the su'sc#%ul#r f"ss#, fr"m which it t#es its"rigi!, le#&i!g free the su%eri"r %#rt where the surf#ce is f"u!d, t" which #re #tt#chedthe serr#tus m#g!us #!d the let"r #!guli sc#%ul. $t %#sses164t"w#rds the #rm, t"

    'e i!serted i!t" the sm#ll tu'er"sit "f the humerus. $t is #! #dduct"r "f the #rm.The su'sc#%ul#ris d"es !"t "ffer #! i!terest fr"m the %"i!t "f &iew "f e-ter!#l f"rm,f"r it is c"m%letel c"&ered ' the sc#%ul#.

    e s%e# "f it, h"we&er, 'ec#use we me!ti"! it i! hum#! #!#t"m, #!d th#t it #ff"rdsus here # !ew "%%"rtu!it "f 'ri!gi!g i!t" %r"mi!e!ce the differe!ces which e-ist i!c"!!ecti"! with the m"'ilit "f the sh"ulder.

    e remem'er th#t i! m#!, whe! the #rm is #'ducted, #!d the! r#ised # little #'"&ethe h"ri+"!t#l, the sc#%ul# see*s#ws, is se%#r#ted, t" # cert#i! e-te!t, fr"m the

    th"r#cic c#ge i!feri"rl #!d e-ter!#ll, #!d th#t, "! the su%erfici#l l#er "f muscles,we #re the! #'le t" see i! the '"tt"m "f the #rm%it, #t the le&el "f the dee% %"rti"! "fthe %"steri"r w#ll "f the l#tter, # sm#ll %#rt "f the su'sc#%ul#ris muscle.

    $! the #!im#ls with which we #re here "ccu%ied it is !"t the s#me; f"r the #rei!c#%#'le "f %erf"rmi!g with their f"re*lim's # m"&eme!t #!#l"g"us t" th#t t" whichwe h#&e 3ust referred, the humerus i! their c#se 'ei!g ret#i!ed i! c"!t#ct with thetru! ' the muscul#r m#sses which surr"u!d it.

    Surasi"atus(Fig. 68, 19; Fig. 70, 2; Fig. 72, 7).This muscle, #s its !#me

    i!dic#tes, "ccu%ies the su%r#s%i!"us f"ss#th#t is t" s#, th#t which, ' re#s"! "f thedirecti"! "f the sc#%ul# i! u#dru%eds, is situ#ted i! fr"!t "f r#ther th#! #'"&e thes%i!e. $t #rises fr"m this f"ss#; #!d, further, fr"m the e-ter!#l surf#ce "f the c#rtil#gewhich %r"l"!gs the sc#%ul# u%w#rds i! s"li%eds #!d rumi!#!ts. $t %r"3ects m"re "rless 'e"!d the su%r#s%i!"us f"ss# i! fr"!t.

    5fter %#ssi!g d"w!w#rds t"w#rds the humerus, it is i!serted i!t" the summit "f thegre#t tu'er"sit "r tr"chiterth#t is t" s#, t" # %#rt "f this "sse"us %r"mi!e!cewhich re%rese!ts the #!teri"r f#cet "f the gre#t tu'er"sit "f the hum#! humerus, i!t"which, #s we !"w, the c"rres%"!di!g muscle is i!serted.

    $! s"li%eds #!d rumi!#!ts it is i!serted, ' # sec"!d f#sciculus, i!t" the sm#lltu'er"sit.

    $! the %ig #!d the h"rse its #!teri"r '"rder is i! rel#ti"!16with the termi!#l%"rti"! "f the ster!"*%resc#%ul#r #!teri"r %"rti"! "f the sm#ll "r dee% %ect"r#l.

    The su%r#s%i!#tus, which i! m#! is c"m%letel c"&ered ' the tr#%e+ius, is %#rtl&isi'le i! the su%erfici#l l#er "f the c#t, d"g, %ig, #!d h"rse, i! the l"wer %#rt "f thes%#ce limited ' the m#st"id"*humer#l #!d the tr#%e+ius. $t is cr"ssed ' the sc#%ul"*tr#cheli#!.

    $t is, i! the "-, c"m%letel c"&ered ' these muscles, 'ut its f"rm, !"twithst#!di!gthis, is e#sil discer!ed ' the %r"mi!e!ce which it %r"duces. he! it c"!tr#cts, thesu%r#s%i!#tus muscle c#rries the humerus i!t" the %"siti"! "f e-te!si"!.
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    I"frasi"atus(Fig. 68, 20; Fig. 72, 8).This muscle, which "ccu%ies the i!fr#s%i!"usf"ss#, which, i! u#dru%eds, is situ#ted 'ehi!d the s%i!e "f the sc#%ul#, #rises fr"mthe wh"le e-te!t "f this f"ss#, #!d i! s"li%eds #!d rumi!#!ts e!cr"#ches "! thec#rtil#ge "f %r"l"!g#ti"!. $ts fi'res #re directed d"w!w#rds #!d f"rw#rds, t" 'ei!serted i!t" the gre#t tu'er"sit "f the humerusthe tr"chiter'el"w the i!serti"!

    "f the su%r#s%i!#tus.$t is c"m%letel c"&ered ("- #!d h"rse), "r i! %#rt "!l (c#t #!d d"g), ' the %"rti"!"f the delt"id which #rises fr"m the s%i!e "f the sc#%ul#; !e&ertheless, its %rese!ce isre&e#led ' the %r"mi!e!ce which it %r"duces.

    $t is #! #'duct"r #!d e-ter!#l r"t#t"r "f the humerus.

    $! c"!!ecti"! with this muscle, which, #s we h#&e 3ust %"i!ted "ut, is less see! i! thesu%erfici#l muscul#r l#er th#! the su%r#s%i!#tus, we will dr#w #tte!ti"! t" the f#ctth#t this #rr#!geme!t is e-#ctl the re&erse "f th#t which is f"u!d i! the hum#!

    sh"ulder. $! this l#tter it is the su%r#s%i!#tus which is !"t &isi'le; while, "! thec"!tr#r, the i!fr#s%i!#tus is u!c"&ered i! # c"!sider#'le %#rt "f its e-te!t. e further!"tice th#t it is #cc"m%#!ied ' the teres mi!"r, #!d th#t the teres m#3"r, situ#tedi!feri"rl, f"rms with these tw" muscles # flesh m#ss which, 'el"w, e!ds "! thesu%eri"r '"rder "f the gre#t d"rs#l muscle.

    $! u#dru%eds, i! which the i!fr#s%i!#tus is s" slightl &isi'le, the teres m#3"r #!dmi!"r #re !"t f"u!d #t #ll i! the su%erfici#l muscul#r l#er.

    1665cc"rdi!gl, we will s# 'ut few w"rds #'"ut them.

    F$. 72.:FT

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    $! 'rief, f"r the 'etter u!derst#!di!g "f the rel#ti"!s "f the teres m#3"r #!d mi!"rmuscles i! u#dru%eds, we m# f#!c the c"rres%"!di!g muscles i! m#! m"dified i!the f"ll"wi!g m#!!erA The i!fr#s%i!#tus, thicer, c"&eri!g the teres mi!"r; l#tissimusd"rsi, m"re e-te!ded i! its su%eri"r %#rt, c"&eri!g # l#rge %r"%"rti"! "f the teresm#3"r. 5s t" the rel#ti"!s "f the teres mi!"r with the delt"id, the e-ist i! m#!,

    seei!g, i! this c#se, the s#me muscle is, i! its e-ter!#l %"rti"!, c"&ered ' this l#tter.ith reg#rd t" the rel#ti"!s "f the teres m#3"r with the %"steri"r muscul#r m#ss "f the#rm, the #ls" e-ist i! m#!, si!ce the e-ter!#l surf#ce "f this muscle is c"&ered ' thetrice%s.

    These m"dific#ti"!s #re sufficie!t t" re!der the sm#ll #!d l#rge teres musclesc"m%letel i!&isi'le i! the su%erfici#l l#er.

    The muscles "f the sh"ulder which we h#&e 3ust 'ee! studi!g fulfil, with reg#rd t"the #rticul#ti"! which the surr"u!d, the fu!cti"! "f #cti&e lig#me!ts. This rDle ism#de !ecess#r ' the l#-it "f the sc#%ul"*humer#l c#%sule# l#-it which re!dersit i!c#%#'le ' itself "f m#i!t#i!i!g the '"!es i! c"!t#ct #t this 3"i!t.

    The s#me c"!diti"! e-ists i! m#!.

    $a""iculus Muscle of the Shoulder!This thi! muscle c"&ers, #s its !#me im%lies,the regi"! "f the sh"ulder, #!d is the c"!ti!u#ti"! f"rw#rd "f the %#!!iculus muscle"f the tru!.

    $t #rises, ' its su%eri"r %#rt, fr"m the regi"! "f the withers #!d fr"m the su%eri"rcer&ic#l lig#me!t; the!ce its fi'res desce!d directl t"w#rds the el'"w, t" termi!#te #tthe le&el "f the regi"! "f the f"re#rm.

    The muscle is !"t f"u!d i! the %ig "r i! the c#r!i&"r#.


    Muscles of the Ar%

    e sh"uld remem'er, #t the "utset, th#t i! m#! the muscles "f the #rm #re di&idedi!t" tw" gr"u%sA "!e #!teri"r, which c"!t#i!s the 'ice%s, 'r#chi#lis #!ticus, #!d thec"r#c"*'r#chi#lis; the "ther, %"steri"r, which is c"!stituted ' # si!gle muscle, thetrice%s.

    $! #!im#ls, we fi!d them i! the s#me !um'er #!d #rr#!ged i! #!#l"g"us f#shi"!th#t is t" s#, i! tw" gr"u%swith res%ect t" the '"!e "f the #rm. Eut the! we fi!dth#t the h#&e u!derg"!e # tr#!sf"rm#ti"! with reg#rd t" their le!gth, #!d it is thech#!ge "f ge!er#l #s%ect which results fr"m this m"dific#ti"! th#t we %r"ceed t"e-#mi!e.

    e !"w th#t i! u#dru%eds, #!d es%eci#ll i! the d"mestic #!im#ls, the humerus isrel#ti&el sh"rt i! %r"%"rti"! t" the f"re#rm. e h#&e #lre#d see!, i! de#li!g withthe '"!es, th#t whilst i! the hum#! s%ecies the humerus is l"!ger th#! the f"re#rm, i!the d"g #!d c#t these tw" segme!ts "f the f"re*lim' #re "f eu#l le!gth, #!d th#t thehumerus "f the h"rse is, "! the c"!tr#r, much sh"rter. @"w, let us su%%"se thehum#! humerus t" 'e sh"rter th#! it is i! re#lit; the #!teri"r muscles u!derg"i!g,

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    &er !#tur#ll, the s#me reducti"!, will 'e u!c"&ered "!l slightl ' th"se #'"&ethe delt"id #!d the gre#t %ect"r#l"r will rem#i! c"m%letel hidde! ' them. Thusw"uld 'e f"u!d re#li+ed the dis%"siti"! which we meet with i! u#dru%eds "f themuscles "f this regi"!.

    ith reg#rd t" the %"steri"r muscul#r m#ss "f the #rm, it d"es !"t u!derg" the s#me

    ch#!ge. The muscle which c"!stitutes itthe trice%s cu'iti"ccu%ies, "! thec"!tr#r, # gre#ter #re#. :et us su%%"se, furtherf"r it is the 'est meth"d "f

    c"m%rehe!di!g the h"m"l"gies which !"w "ccu% "ur #tte!ti"!the humerus "fm#! t" 'e sh"rte!ed #s 'ef"re, #!d directed d"w!w#rds #!d '#cw#rds (#s i!

    u#dru%eds), this '"!e w"uld f"rm #! #cute #!gle with the #-ill#r '"rder "f thesc#%ul#. :et us su%%"se #ls" th#t the l"!g %"rti"! "f the trice%s, i!ste#d "f #risi!g

    s"lel fr"m the su%eri"r %#rt "f this #-ill#r '"rder, is #tt#ched t" the wh"le le!gth "fthe l#tter, #!d th#t the169trice%s fills the wh"le i!teri"r "f the #!gle f"rmed ' the

    #rm #!d the sh"ulder. e the! sh#ll h#&e #! ide# "f wh#t the trice%s is i! u#dru%eds.

    $t is !ecess#r t" #dd th#t the ge!er#l resem'l#!ce w"uld 'e still m"re c"m%lete if the#rm were firml su%%"rted ' the side "f the th"r#-, 'ec#use i! u#dru%eds it

    "ccu%ies #! #!#l"g"us %"siti"!, determi!ed ' the #rr#!geme!t "f the muscles which,%r"ceedi!g fr"m the tru! #!d !ec, #re #tt#ched t" it.

    A"terior Re&io"

    Bices Cubiti(Fig. 68, 21; Fig. 72, 10, 11).This muscle, #ls" c#lled the long flexorof the forearm, d"es !"t merit the !#me e-ce%t ' its #!#l"g with the c"rres%"!di!gmuscle i! m#!. $!deed, i! the d"mestic #!im#ls it is !"t di&ided i!t" tw" %#rts; it is

    re%rese!ted ' # si!gle f#sciculus, l"!g #!d fusif"rm, situ#ted "! the fr"!t "f thehumerus, #!d directed "'liuel d"w!w#rds #!d '#cw#rds, #s the l#tter, "! its %#rt,is #ls" i!cli!ed.

    $t #rises #'"&e fr"m # tu'ercle #t the '#se "f the c"r#c"id %r"cess, which surm"u!tsthe gle!"id c#&it "f the sc#%ul#. $ts te!d"!, which is highl de&el"%ed i! thes"li%eds, "ccu%ies the 'ici%it#l gr""&e. e remem'er th#t i! these l#tter the gr""&e i!uesti"! is di&ided i!t" tw" ch#!!els ' # medi#! %r"mi!e!ce.

    The te!d"! i! which the muscle e!ds is i!serted i!t" # tu'er"sit, situ#ted "! thei!ter!#l surf#ce "f the su%eri"r e-tremit "f the r#diusthe 'ici%it#l tu'er"sit. $! the

    %ig, the c#t, #!d the d"g, there is det#ched fr"m the te!d"! t" which we h#&e 3ustreferred # f#sciculus "f the s#me !#ture, which, #fter h#&i!g w"u!d r"u!d the r#dius,is i!serted i!t" the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the ul!#, t"w#rds the '#se "f the "lecr#!"!

    %r"cess. Fr"m the i!feri"r %#rt "f the muscle #rises # fi'r"us '#!d, c"m%#r#'le t" the#%"!eur"tic e-%#!si"! "f the hum#! 'ice%s; 'ut, i!ste#d "f %#ssi!g d"w!w#rds #!di!w#rds, #s d"es the l#tter, it termi!#tes "! the muscul#r m#ss which c"!stitutes the#!ter"*e-ter!#l %#rt "f the f"re#rm.

    The 'ice%s is !"t see! i! the su%erfici#l l#er, e-ce%t i! the d"g #!d c#t (i! which the

    humerus is, i! f#ct, %r"%"rti"!#tel170l"!g); #!d e&e! i! them "!l t" the slighteste-te!t. $t is c"&ered %#rtl i! these l#tter, #!d c"m%letel i! "ther #!im#ls, ' thegre#t %ect"r#l #!d the i!feri"r %"rti"! "f the m#st"id"*humer#lth#t is t" s#, th#t
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    %#rt "f the l#tter which re%rese!ts the wh"le "f the cl#&icul#r fi'res "f the hum#!delt"id.

    The 'ice%s is # fle-"r "f the f"re#rm "! the #rm. $t #ls" c"!tri'utes t" the m"&eme!t"f e-te!si"! "f the humerus.

    Brachialis A"ticus(Fig. 68, 22; Fig. 69, 19; Fig. 70, 27; Fig. 72, 12).$! &eteri!#r#!#t"m further desig!#ted #s the short flexor of the forearm, this muscle, which isthic, "ccu%ies the muscul"*s%ir#l gr""&e, #!d #rises fr"m it, re#chi!g u%w#rds t"

    3ust 'el"w the he#d "f the humerus. Eut it d"es !"t, #s i! m#!, e-te!d t" the i!ter!#lsurf#ce "f the '"!e.

    itu#ted "! the "utside "f the 'ice%s, it is directed t"w#rds the f"re#rm, #!dtermi!#tes ' # fl#tte!ed te!d"!, which, di&idi!g i!t" tw" sli%s, %#sses 'el"w the

    'ici%it#l tu'er"sit, "! the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the r#dius, i!t" which "!e "f these sli%sis i!serted, while the "ther %r"ceeds t" termi!#te "! the ul!#.

    The i!feri"r h#lf "f this muscle is &isi'le "! the su%erfici#l l#er, i! the s%#ce limited%"steri"rl ' the trice%s 'r#chi#lis, #!d 'el"w ' the muscles "f the f"re#rm, whichc"rres%"!d t" the e-ter!#l muscles "f the hum#! f"re#rm, #!d i! fr"!t ' the gre#t

    %ect"r#l #!d the m#st"id"*humer#l. $t is i! the u%%er %#rt "f the i!ters%#ce whichse%#r#tes these l#tter fr"m the 'r#chi#lis #!ticus th#t the delt"id i!si!u#tes itself t"

    %r"ceed t" its i!serti"! i!t" the humerus.

    These rel#ti"!s %recisel rec#ll th"se which we meet with whe! we e-#mi!e thee-ter!#l surf#ce "f the hum#! #rm, with this differe!ce, h"we&erth#t i! the l#tterthe #!teri"r 'r#chi#lis #!ticus is e-te!si&el rel#ted, i! fr"!t, t" the 'ice%s. "we&er,

    i! #!im#ls it is !"t #'s"lutel the s#me, si!ce, #s we h#&e sh"w! #'"&e, the 'ice%s isc"&ered, m"re "r less c"m%letel, ' the m#st"id"*humer#l #!d the gre#t %ect"r#l.

    The 'r#chi#lis #!ticus fle-es the f"re#rm "! the #rm.

    Coraco'brachialis!$! m#! this muscle, which "ccu%ies171the su%eri"r h#lf, "rthird, "f the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the humerus, is &isi'le "!l whe! the #rm is #'ducted,#!d the! es%eci#ll whe! it #%%r"#ches the &ertic#l %"siti"!; i!deed, it is "!l i! this

    #ttitude th#t the regi"! which it "ccu%ies is #ccessi'le t" &iew.

    Eut #! #!#l"g"us #ttitude !"t 'ei!g %"ssi'le i! d"mestic #!im#ls, i! which the #rm is

    fi-ed #l"!g the c"rres%"!di!g %#rts "f the tru!, the result is th#t the c"r#c"*'r#chi#lis is #lw#s c"&ered, #!d th#t, c"!seue!tl, it %rese!ts !"thi!g "f i!terestfr"m "ur %"i!t "f &iew. e s%e# "f it, the!, merel i! "rder t" c"m%lete the series "fthe muscles "f the #!teri"r surf#ce "f the #rm, #m"!g which we r#! it, i! s%ite "f thef#ct th#t i! &eteri!#r #!#t"m it is descri'ed #s # muscle "f the sh"ulder.

    $t #rises #'"&e fr"m the c"r#c"id %r"cess, #!d the!ce %#sses d"w!w#rds t"w#rds thei!ter!#l surf#ce "f the humerus i!t" which it is i!serted, m"re "r less high u%,#cc"rdi!g t" the s%ecies. The c"r#c"*'r#chi#lis is #! #dduct"r "f the #rm.

    $osterior Re&io"

    Trices Cubiti(Fig. 68, 2/, 24; Fig. 69, 20, 21; Fig. 70, 28, 29; Fig. 72, 1/, 14, 1, 16).
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    This muscle, which is &"lumi!"us i! the u#dru%eds with which we #re herec"!cer!ed, fits m"re "r less c"m%letel the #!gul#r s%#ce 'etwee! the sc#%ul# #!d thehumerus. $ts 'ul f"rms # thic %r"mi!e!ce, which surm"u!ts the el'"w #!d thef"re#rm.

    e sh"uld s#, with reg#rd t" this m#ss, th#t if the delt"id d"es !"t c"!stitute i!

    u#dru%eds # %r"mi!e!ce sufficie!t t" remi!d "!e "f th#t which this muscle %r"ducesi! m#!, the trice%s, i! %r"duci!g #! #!#l"g"us eleti"!, seems t" re%l#ce i! thege!er#l f"rm "f the '"d the relief which the delt"id is i!c#%#'le "f %r"duci!g.

    The trice%s is di&ided i!t" three %"rti"!s, which, #s i! m#!, h#&e the !#mes middle,"r l"!g he#d; e-ter!#l #!d i!ter!#l he#ds. Eut th#t which re!ders the !"me!cl#ture #little c"m%lic#ted is th#t &eteri!#r #!#t"mists h#&e gi&e! "ther !#mes t" these three

    %#rtsA th#t "fgreat extensor of the forearm(c#%ut m#g!um) t" the l"!g he#d; theshort172extensor of the forearm(c#%ut %#r&um) t" the e-ter!#l he#d; #!d

    "f medium extensor of the forearm(c#%ut medium) t" the i!ter!#l.24

    24ther !#mes gi&e! ' cert#i! #uth"rs t" the %#rts "f this muscle which we h#&e3ust e!umer#ted still further c"m%lic#te this !"me!cl#ture.

    The l"!g he#d is further desig!#ted ' them u!der the !#mes "f the long"rgreatanconeus; the external headu!der th"se "f external anconeus, "r lateral"rshortanconeus; whilst the i!ter!#l he#d 'ec"mes the internal anconeus, "r median.

    $t is m"re es%eci#ll the l"!g %"rti"! #!d the e-ter!#l he#d which, 'ei!g &isi'le "!the e-ter!#l surf#ce "f the #rm, c"!tri'ute t" the e-ter!#l f"rm.

    The l"!g %"rti"!, which is tri#!gul#r i! sh#%e #!d "f c"!sider#'le de&el"%me!t,

    #rises i! the c#t #!d the d"g fr"m the i!feri"r h#lf "r tw"*thirds "f the %"steri"r'"rder "f the sc#%ul# (#-ill#r '"rder); fr"m the wh"le e-te!t "f th#t '"rder #s f#r #sthe su%eri"r %"steri"r #!gle i! the %ig, the "-, #!d the h"rse; it the! %#ssesd"w!w#rds t"w#rds the #rticul#ti"! "f the el'"w, t" termi!#te i! # te!d"! which isi!serted i!t" the "lecr#!"! %r"cess. The %"rti"! "f this muscle which is !e-t thesc#%ul# is c"&ered ' the delt"id.

    The e-ter!#l he#d, situ#ted 'el"w the l"!g %"rti"!, is directed "'liuel d"w!w#rds#!d '#cw#rds. $t #rises fr"m the cur&ed crest which, fr"m the delt"id im%ressi"! "fthe humerus, is directed u%w#rd t" meet the #rticul#r he#d "f the s#me '"!e. This

    crest limiti!g the muscul"*s%ir#l gr""&e su%eri"rl, #!d the 'r#chi#lis #!ticus #risi!gfr"m the wh"le e-te!t "f this gr""&e, the result is th#t #t this le&el the e-ter!#l he#d isi! rel#ti"! with the 'r#chi#lis #!ticus. Fr"m this "rigi! it is directed t"w#rds theel'"w, t" 'e i!serted i!t" the "lecr#!"!, either directl "r ' the medium "f thete!d"! "f the l"!g %"rti"!. The %#rt "f this muscle which #rises fr"m the humerus isc"&ered ' the delt"id.

    5s f"r the i!ter!#l he#d (Fig. 76, 4), which, i! the su%erfici#l l#er, is "!l &isi'le i!its i!feri"r %#rt, "! the i!ter!#l #s%ect "f the #rm i! th"se #!im#ls i! which the el'"wis free "f the l#ter#l w#ll "f the th"r#- (the d"g #!d the c#t, f"r e-#m%le), it #rises

    fr"m the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the humerus, #!d the!ce %r"ceeds t" 'e i!serted i!t" the"lecr#!"!.
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    17/The trice%s e-te!ds the f"re#rm "! the #rm.

    5 f"urth muscle e-ists, which &eteri!#r #!#t"mists i!clude i! the stud "f the three%"rti"!s "f the trice%s which we h#&e 3ust 'ee! discussi!g, i! gi&i!g it the !#me"fsmall extensor of the forearm. Eut, #s this muscle is !" "ther th#! the #!c"!eus, #!d#s, i! hum#! #!#t"m, we descri'e the l#tter, #cc"rdi!g t" cust"m, i! c"!!ecti"! with

    the f"re#rm, it is whe! "! the su'3ect "f the l#tter th#t we will c"!cer! "ursel&es withit. This gr"u%i!g "f muscles c#!!"t f#il t" gi&e gre#ter cle#r!ess t" the descri%ti"! "fthe muscles "f these regi"!s.

    The Sule%e"tal or Accessor( Muscle of the Latissi%us Dorsi(Fig. 76, 2; Fig. 77,1).Eec#use "f the rel#ti"!s, t" which we h#&e #lre#d referred (see %. 142), "f thismuscle with the trice%s cu'iti, its descri%ti"! &er !#tur#ll f"ll"ws th#t "f the l#tter.

    $!deed, this su%%leme!t#r muscle "f the gre#t d"rs#l is further desig!#ted i!+""l"gic#l #!#t"m u!der the !#me "f long extensor of the forearm; #!d this !#me

    i!dic#tes th#t its stud m# 'e u!ited t" th#t "f the trice%s.itu#ted "! the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the #rm, it #rises fr"m the e-ter!#l #s%ect "f thete!d"! "f the l#tissimus d"rsi; it is &er highl de&el"%ed i! the h"rse, i! which it#ls" #rises fr"m the %"steri"r '"rder (#-ill#r) "f the sc#%ul#; the!, c"&eri!g i! %#rtthe i!ter!#l he#d "f the trice%s #!d #ls" the l"!g %"rti"!, "! the su%eri"r '"rder "fwhich it is f"lded, it %r"ceeds t" 'e i!serted i!t" the "lecr#!"! %r"cess #!d the #!ti*

    'r#chi#l #%"!eur"sis.

    $t e-te!ds the f"re#rm "! the #rm. Further, it m#es te!se the #%"!eur"sis i!t" whichit is i!serted; this e-%l#i!s the !#me "f tensor of the fascia of the forearm, which is

    s"metimes gi&e! t" it.$t seems t" us i!teresti!g t" #dd th#t, #'!"rm#ll, we s"metimes fi!d i! m#! #!

    #!#l"gue "f this muscle. $t is gi&e! "ff fr"m the l#tissimus d"rsi, !e#r the i!serti"! "fthe l#tter i!t" the humerus; it #cc"m%#!ies the l"!g he#d "f the trice%s #!d 'ec"mesfused with it. "metimes it is i!serted i!t" the "lecr#!"! %r"cess, #t "ther times i!t"the #!ti'r#chi#l #%"!eur"sis "r the e%itr"chle#. $t is "! #cc"u!t174"f its i!serti"!

    i!t" the l#st*me!ti"!ed, i! s"me c#ses, th#t it is #ls" desig!#ted ' the !#me"f dorso-epitrochlearmuscle.2

    2:. Testut, 5!"m#lies muscul#ires che+ lGh"mme e-%liuHes %#r lG#!#t"miec"m%#rHe,G I#ris, 1884, %. 118. 5. F. :e ?"u'le, Tr#itH des ri#ti"!s du sstJmemuscul#ire de lGh"mme et de leur sig!ific#ti"! #u %"i!t de &ue de lG#!thr"%"l"gie

    +""l"giue,G I#ris, 1897, t. i., %. 20/. Kd"u#rd Cuer, 5!"m#lies muscul#iresG(Bulletins de la Socit Anthropologique, I#ris, 189/).

    Muscles of the Forear%

    Eef"re c"mme!ci!g the s%eci#l e-#mi!#ti"! "f e#ch "f the muscles "f this regi"!, itis #'s"lutel i!dis%e!s#'le t" c"!sider their ge!er#l #rr#!geme!t, #!d t" determi!e&er cle#rl h"w we sh"uld stud them. e #re t"" well c"!&i!ced "f the im%"rt#!ce

    "f this %relimi!#r e-#mi!#ti"! t" dismiss it with"ut e!teri!g r#ther full i!t" it.$!deed, the regi"! "! the m"l"gic#l stud "f which we #re !"w e!teri!g is,u!uesti"!#'l, "!e "f the m"st c"m%lic#ted with which we h#&e t" de#l. e !"w
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    'esides, i! reg#rd t" the stud "f the f"re#rm i! m#!, h"w much # defi!ite meth"d is!ecess#r i! "rder th#t the #rr#!geme!t "f the muscles "f this regi"! 'e fi-ed i! themem"r, #!d th#t we #re u!#'le t" "'t#i! this result "therwise th#! ' gr"u%i!g thetwe!t muscles which c"!stitute it i! cle#rl defi!ed regi"!s.

    e #ls" !"w th#t these muscles #re first studied with the f"re#rm i! the %"siti"! "f

    su%i!#ti"!, #!d th#t it is "!l whe! the #re well !"w! #fter h#&i!g c"!sidered themi! this %"siti"! th#t we #re #'le t" #!#l+e #!d c"m%rehe!d their f"rms whe! it is i!


    @"w, #s we h#&e %"i!ted "ut i! the secti"! "! "ste"l"g (see%. /4), the f"re#rm i!u#dru%eds is #lw#s i! the %"siti"! "f %r"!#ti"!. h"uld we, the!, i! "rder t"

    m#i!t#i! the smmetr with hum#! #!#t"m, first stud the f"re#rm i! the %"siti"! "fsu%i!#ti"!L

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    A"terior a"d E)ter"al Re&io"

    Sui"ator Lo"&us!e !"w th#t this muscle, which is es%eci#ll # fle-"r "f thef"re#rm "! the #rm, %l#s, !"twithst#!di!g the !#me which h#s 'ee! gi&e! it, # %#rt"f 'ut little im%"rt#!ce i! the m"&eme!t "f su%i!#ti"!.

    $t #cts slightl, h"we&er, #s # su%i!#t"r, f"r, 'ei!g &er "'liue d"w!w#rds #!di!w#rds #t the time "f %r"!#ti"!, it is #'le, while te!di!g t" resume its &ertic#ldirecti"!, t" c#rr the r#dius "utw#rds; it %l#ces, i! f#ct, the f"re#rm i! # %"siti"!midw# 'etwee! %r"!#ti"! #!d su%i!#ti"!.

    e h#&e 3ust rec#lled these det#ils, i! "rder th#t it m# 'e m"re e#s t" u!derst#!dwh it d"es !"t e-ist i! #!im#ls i! which the r#dius #!d ul!# #re fused t"gether(h"rse, "-); #!d wh, "! the "ther h#!d, we fi!d tr#ces "f it i! the c#t #!d the d"g, i!which the r#diust" # slight e-te!t, it is trueis #'le t" r"t#te "! the ul!#. Thisdis%l#ceme!t 'ei!g # little m"re c"!sider#'le i! the felide, the l"!g su%i!#t"r is #little further de&el"%ed th#! it is i! the c#!i!e s%ecies; 'ut, !"twithst#!di!g, it is "!lrudime!t#r.

    The l"!g su%i!#t"r #rises, #'"&e, fr"m the e-ter!#l '"rder "f the humerus; the!ce, i!the f"rm "f # &er !#rr"w flesh '#!d, it %#sses "'liuel d"w!w#rds #!d i!w#rds, t"

    'e i!serted i!t" the i!feri"r %#rt "f the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the r#dius.

    $t #ssists i! tur!i!g the r#dius "utw#rds #!d %l#ci!g it i! fr"!t "f the ul!#, them"&eme!t "f su%i!#ti"! 'ei!g c#%#'le "f 'ei!g 'ut little further e-te!ded.

    First a"d Seco"d E)ter"al Radial MusclesAExtensor carpi radialis longior andbrevior(Fig. 7/, 8; Fig. 74, 8, 9; Fig. 7, 8, 9).Fused t"gether, these muscles f"rm 'their u!i"! wh#t &eteri!#r #!#t"mists c#ll the anterior extensor of the metacarpus.

    Eut we sh"uld #dd th#t these tw" muscles #re u!ited s" much the m"re i!tim#tel #swe e-#mi!e them i! %#ssi!g successi&el fr"m the c#t t" the d"g, %ig, "-, #!d h"rse.Thus, i! the c#t the #re "fte! disti!ct; i!177the d"g, the u!ite "!l #t the le&el "f

    the middle third "f the r#dius, #!d i!teri"rl the h#&e tw" te!d"!s; i! the %ig, the "-,#!d the h"rse the #re c"m%letel u!ited, #!d there e-ists 'ut # si!gle te!d"!.

    The anterior extensor of the metacarpus, which is situ#ted 'ehi!d the l"!g su%i!#t"rwhe! the l#tter e-ists, "ccu%ies the e-ter!#l #s%ect "f the f"re#rm; its well*defi!edf"rm #'s"lutel rec#lls the %r"mi!e!ce "! the su%eri"r %#rt "f the e-ter!#l m#rgi! "fthe hum#! f"re#rm.

    $t #rises su%eri"rl fr"m the %"rti"! "f the e-ter!#l '"rder "f the humerus which issitu#ted #'"&e the e%ic"!dle #!d 'ehi!d the muscul"*s%ir#l gr""&e. $ts flesh m#ss#%%e#rs i! the #!gul#r s%#ce '"u!ded ' the 'r#chi#lis #!ticus #!d the trice%s. Thesu%eri"r %"rti"! is c"&ered ' the e-ter!#l he#d "f the trice%s; et, i! the d"g, thesu%eri"r %"rti"! "f its humer#l #tt#chme!t is the "!l %#rt s" c"&ered. This muscle isdirected f"rw#rd #!d d"w!w#rds; it is #ls" i!cli!ed # little i!w#rds i! such m#!!er #st" %r"ceed t" "ccu% the #!teri"r #s%ect "f the f"re#rm.

    $ts flesh 'ell is !#rr"wed 'el"w, #!d, t"w#rds the i!feri"r %#rt "f the f"re#rm, isc"!ti!ued ' # te!di!"us %"rti"! which is situ#ted "! the #!teri"r surf#ce "f thec#r%us, #fter h#&i!g tr#&ersed the medi#! gr""&e "f the i!feri"r e-tremit "f the
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    $! the c#t #!d the d"g, i! which the u!i"! "f the tw" r#di#l e-te!s"rs is i!c"m%lete,the tw" te!d"!s #re i!serted i!t" the fr"!t "f the '#se "f the sec"!d #!d thirdmet#c#r%#l '"!es; c"!seue!tl, #s i! m#!, i!t" the met#c#r%#ls "f the i!de- #!dmiddle fi!gers.

    $! the "-, the te!d"!, which is si!gle, is i!serted i!t" the i!ter!#l #!d #!teri"r h#lf "fthe su%eri"r e-tremit "f the %ri!ci%#l met#c#r%#l.

    $! the %ig, this te!d"! is #tt#ched t" the '#se "f the l#rge i!ter!#l met#c#r%#l.

    $! the h"rse, the c"rres%"!di!g te!d"! is #tt#ched t" # tu'ercle which is situ#ted "!the #!teri"r surf#ce "f the '#se "f the %ri!ci%#l met#c#r%#l, # little i!ter!#l t" themedi#! %l#!e "f the l#tter.


    F$. 7/.:FT

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    esse!ti#l #ge!t i! the %r"ducti"! "f the m"&eme!t "f su%i!#ti"!.

    E)te"sor Co%%u"is Di&itoru%(Fig. 7/, 9, 10, 11; Fig. 74, 10, 11, 12).5ls" !#medi! &eteri!#r #!#t"m the anterior extensor of the phalanges, this muscle is situ#tede-ter!#l t" #!d 'ehi!d the #!teri"r e-te!s"r "f the met#c#r%us #lre#d descri'ed.


    F$. 74.:FT

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    The muscle with which we #re !"w "ccu%ied, l"!g #!d &ertic#l i! directi"!, #risesfr"m the i!feri"r %#rt "f the e-ter!#l '"rder "f the humerus (there it is c"&ered ' the#!teri"r e-te!s"r "f the met#c#r%us, fr"m which it is freed # little l"wer d"w!) #!dfr"m the e-ter!#l #!d su%eri"r tu'er"sit "f the r#dius. $! the c#r!i&"r#, it #rises fr"mthe e%ic"!dle. $ts flesh '"d is fusif"rm i! sh#%e, 'ec"mes te!di!"us i! the l"wer

    h#lf "f the f"re#rm, #!d the! di&ides i!t" # !um'er "f sli%s, ri!g i! !um'er#cc"rdi!g t" the s%ecies; this di&isi"! is c"rrel#ted t" th#t "f the h#!dth#t is t" s#,with the !um'er "f the digits. Eef"re re#chi!g this l#tter, the c"mm"! e-te!s"r "f thedigits %#sses thr"ugh the m"st e-ter!#l gr""&e "! the #!teri"r surf#ce "f the i!feri"re-tremit "f the r#dius.


    F$. 7.:FT

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    e-ter!#l, u!ites #t the le&el "f the su%eri"r %#rt "f the met#c#r%us with the te!d"! "fthe muscle which we #re #'"ut t" stud i! the f"ll"wi!g %#r#gr#%h (Fig. 7, 16). Thel#rger, #fter h#&i!g re#ched the #!teri"r surf#ce "f the digit, is #tt#ched t" the #!teri"r#s%ect "f the first #!d sec"!d %h#l#!ges, #!d the! f"rms # termi!#l e-%#!si"! whichis i!serted i!t" the %r#mid#l emi!e!ce "f the third.

    5t the le&el "f the first %h#l#!- this te!d"! recei&es "! e#ch "f its l#ter#l #s%ects #stre!gthe!i!g '#!d, which %r"ceeds fr"m the termi!#l e-tremit "f the suspensoryligament of the fetlock,26#!d cr"sses "'liuel d"w!w#rds #!d f"rw#rds "&er thesurf#ce "f the first %h#l#!- t" 3"i! the e-te!s"r te!d"! (Fig. 7, 12).

    26ee%. 200f"r # descri%ti"! "f this lig#me!t.

    5 simil#r #rr#!geme!t is f"u!d i! the "-.

    This '#!d is !"tice#'le u!der the si! which c"&ers the l#ter#l #s%ects "f the h#m.

    5s the !#me i!dic#tes, this muscle e-te!ds the %h#l#!ges, "!e u%"! the "ther. $t #ls"c"!tri'utes t" the e-te!si"! "f the h#!d, #s # wh"le, "! the f"re#rm.

    E)te"sor Mi"i%i Di&iti(Fig. 7/, 10; Fig. 74, 1, 16; Fig. 7, 14, 1).Thismuscle, the lateral extensor of the phalanges"f &eteri!#r #!#t"m, situ#ted "! the

    e-ter!#l184surf#ce "f the f"re#rm, 'ehi!d the c"mm"! e-te!s"r "f the digits, #rises,#s # rule, fr"m the e%ic"!dle (d"g, c#t), "r fr"m the e-ter!#l surf#ce "f the su%eri"r

    e-tremit "f the r#dius (h"rse). The te!d"! succeedi!g t" the flesh '"d #%%e#rst"w#rds the l"wer third "f the f"re#rm, #!d #t the le&el "f the wrist lies i! # gr""&e

    #!#l"g"us t" th#t which i! m#! is h"ll"wed "ut f"r the %#ss#ge "f the c"rres%"!di!gte!d"! #t the le&el "f the i!feri"r r#di"*ul!#r #rticul#ti"!. This gr""&e c"rres%"!ds t"the s#me #rticul#ti"! i! #!im#ls i! which the ul!# is well de&el"%ed, such #s the d"g#!d the c#t; 'ut it 'el"!gs t" the r#dius whe! the i!feri"r e-tremit "f the ul!# d"es

    !"t e-istf"r e-#m%le, i! the h"rse. $!deed, i! this #!im#l the gr""&e i! uesti"! isf"u!d "! the e-ter!#l surf#ce "f the c#r%#l e-tremit "f the r#dius.

    $! the d"g, the te!d"! is di&ided i!t" three %#rts, which, cr"ssi!g "'liuel thete!d"!s "f the c"mm"! e-te!s"r "f the digits, %#ss t" the three e-ter!#l digits, t" 'ei!serted ' 'le!di!g with the c"rres%"!di!g te!d"!s "f the l#tter i!t" the third

    %h#l#!ges "f th"se digits.

    Thus is e-%l#i!ed the !#me "f common extensor of the three external digitswhich iss"metimes gi&e! t" this muscle.

    $! the c#t, there is # f"urth te!d"!, which %#sses t" the i!de-*fi!ger, s" th#t the!#me common extensor of the four external digits is i! this c#se legitim#te, #!d thel#ter#l e-te!s"r "f the %h#l#!ges is #ls" # c"mm"! e-te!s"r, #s is the #!teri"re-te!s"r "f the %h#l#!ges, "r c"mm"! e-te!s"r "f the digits.

    $! the %ig, the te!d"!, which is si!gle, is i!serted i!t" the e-ter!#l digit, f"r whichre#s"! it h#s recei&ed the !#me "f theproper extensor of the small external digit.This muscle is, the!, re#ll the h"m"l"gue "f th#t which e-ists i! the hum#! s%ecies.

    $! the "-, it is c#lled theproper extensor of the external digit; it is #s thic #s thec"mm"! e-te!s"r.
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    Fi!#ll, i! the h"rse, the muscle is little de&el"%ed. $ts flesh '"d, thi! #!d fl#tte!edfr"m 'ef"re '#cw#rds, 'ec"mes disti!ctl &isi'le "!l 'el"w the middle "f the

    f"re#rm. 5'"&e, it is e!cl"sed i! # limited s%#ce, '"u!ded18i! fr"!t ' thec"mm"! e-te!s"r "f the digits, #!d 'ehi!d ' the %"steri"r ul!#r; there these tw"

    muscles #%%r"#ch e#ch "ther s" cl"sel th#t fr"m the %"i!t "f &iew "f e-ter!#l f"rm

    the seem t" 'e !e#rl i! c"!t#ct.The te!d"!, #fter recei&i!g the sm#ll f#sciculus fr"m the c"mm"! e-te!s"r (Fig. 7,16), #s well #s # fi'r"us '#!d em#!#ti!g fr"m the e-ter!#l surf#ce "f the c#r%us ( Fig.7, 17), is situ#ted #t the e-ter!#l side "f the te!d"! "f the #!teri"r e-te!s"r "f the

    %h#l#!ges, #!d is i!serted i!t" the #!teri"r surf#ce "f the su%eri"r e-tremit "f thefirst %h#l#!-.

    This muscle e-te!ds the digit "r digits i!t" which it is i!serted. $t #ls" #ssists i! them"&eme!t "f e-te!si"! "f the h#!d #s # wh"le.

    $osterior Ul"ar(Extensor carpi ulnaris) (Fig. 7/, 11; Fig. 74, 17; Fig. 7, 18).?esig!#ted ' &eteri!#r #!#t"mists #s the external flexor of the metacarpus,27"rexternal cubital, this muscle is situ#ted i! the %"steri"r regi"! "f the e-ter!#lsurf#ce "f the f"re#rm, 'ehi!d the l#ter#l e-te!s"r "f the %h#l#!ges.

    27Cert#i! #uth"rs gi&e it the !#me "f ulnar extensor of the wrist. $t is true th#t i!the hum#! 'ei!g this is its #cti"!; 'ut i! u#dru%eds, "wi!g t" its i!serti"! i!t" the

    %isif"rm, it dr#ws the h#!d i!t" the %"siti"! "f fle-i"!.

    $t #rises fr"m the e%ic"!dle; its flesh '"d, thic 'ut fl#tte!ed, is directed &ertic#llt"w#rds the c#r%us, #!d its te!d"! is i!serted i!t" the e-ter!#l %#rt "f the su%eri"r

    e-tremit "f the met#c#r%us, #fter h#&i!g gi&e! "ff # fi'r"us '#!d, which t#es its#tt#chme!t "! the %isif"rm.

    $t is i!serted, i! the c#t #!d the d"g, i!t" the su%eri"r e-tremit "f the fifthmet#c#r%#l; i! the %ig t" the e-ter!#l met#c#r%#l; i! the "- t" the e-ter!#l side "f thec#!"!*'"!e; i! the h"rse t" the su%eri"r e-tremit "f the e-ter!#l rudime!t#rmet#c#r%#l.

    This muscle fle-es the h#!d "! the f"re#rm, #!d i! #!im#ls i! which the r#di"*c#r%#l#rticul#ti"! %ermits, ' its f"rm#ti"!, it i!cli!es the h#!d slightl "utw#rdsth#t is,#'ducts it.

    A"co"eus(Fig. 72, 17; Fig. 7/, 1/).e h#&e #lre#d st#ted (%. 174) th#t the #!c"!eusis i!cluded with the trice%s186'r#chi#lis i! +""l"gic#l #!#t"m, #!d th#t &eteri!#r

    #!#t"mists gi&e it the !#me "fsmall extensor of the forearm.28

    28$t is #ls" c#lled ' s"me #uth"rs, thesmall anconeus.

    $! the d"g it rec#lls, #s t" %"siti"!, the hum#! #!c"!eus, 'ut with this differe!ceth#t, i! the l#tter, the #!c"!eus, tri#!gul#r i! "utli!e, h#s "!e "f its #!gles tur!ed"utw#rds (the e%ic"!dl"id #tt#chme!t) #!d "!e "f its sides tur!ed t"w#rds the"lecr#!"!. ere it is e!tirel the "%%"site. The #!c"!eus, simil#rl tri#!gul#r, is

    'r"#der e-ter!#ll. 5t this le&el it t#es its "rigi! fr"m the e-ter!#l '"rder "f thehumerus, the e%ic"!dle, #!d the e-ter!#l l#ter#l lig#me!t "f the #rticul#ti"! "f theel'"w; the!ce its fi'res c"!&erge t"w#rds the e-ter!#l surf#ce "f the "lecr#!"!, t" 'e
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    there i!serted.

    $t is i! rel#ti"!, #!teri"rl #!d i!feri"rl, with the %"steri"r ul!#r muscle. $t is c"&eredsu%eri"rl ' the e-ter!#l he#d "f the trice%s. $! the c#t the dis%"siti"! "f the#!c"!eus is #!#l"g"us. Eut i! the "ther u#dru%eds with which we #re herec"!cer!ed it is c"m%letel c"&ered ' the e-ter!#l he#d "f the trice%s. $t re#ll

    %#rtici%#tes i! the f"rm#ti"! "f the trice%s; #!d seei!g th#t it t#es "rigi! fr"m the%"steri"r surf#ce "f the humerus #t the m#rgi! "f the "lecr#!"! f"ss# (Fig. 72), #!d%r"ceeds the!ce t"w#rds the "lecr#!"! t" 'e i!serted, we c#! u!derst#!d wh&eteri!#r #!#t"mists h#&e c"!!ected its stud with th#t "f the %"steri"r muscul#rm#ss "f the #rm.

    This muscle is #! e-te!s"r "f the f"re#rm "! the #rm.

    e %r"ceed !"w t" i!uire wh#t the dee% muscles "f the %"steri"r regi"! "f thehum#! f"re#rm 'ec"me i! u#dru%edsA the l"!g #'duct"r "f the thum', the sh"rt

    e-te!s"r "f the thum', the l"!g e-te!s"r "f the thum', the %r"%er e-te!s"r "f thei!de-. e !"w th#t i! e&er i!st#!ce these muscles, which #re dee%l se#ted #t their"rigi!, 'ec"me su%erfici#l #fterw#rds.

    $! u#dru%eds, "! #cc"u!t "f the %"siti"! i! which the f"re#rm is %l#ced&i+.,%r"!#ti"!the c"rres%"!di!g muscles "ccu% the #!teri"r #s%ect "f this regi"!.

    Lo"& Abductor of the Thu%b(Extensor ossis metacarpi187pollicis) a"d ShortE)te"sor of the Thu%b(Extensor primi internodii pollicis) (Fig. 7/, 14; Fig. 74,

    19; Fig. 7, 20).>!ited "!e t" the "ther i! m#!, 'le!ded i! u#dru%eds, the f"rm i!the l#tter the muscles t" which &eteri!#r #!#t"mists gi&e the !#me "f oblique

    extensor of the metacarpus.This muscle #rises fr"m the medi#! %"rti"! "f the selet"! "f the f"re#rm. There it isc"&ered ' the c"mm"! e-te!s"r "f the digits #!d th#t "f the sm#ll digit (#!teri"re-te!s"r #!d l#ter#l e-te!s"r "f the %h#l#!ges). The!, #t the i!ter!#l '"rder "f the first"f these muscles, it 'ec"mes su%erfici#l, %#sses d"w!w#rds #!d i!w#rds, cr"ssessu%erfici#ll the #!teri"r e-te!s"r "f the met#c#r%us, re#ches the i!feri"r e-tremit "fthe r#dius, #!d 'ec"mes l"dged i! the m"st i!ter!#l "f the gr""&es situ#ted "! the#!teri"r surf#ce "f this e-tremit, %#sses "! the i!ter!#l side "f the c#r%us, #!d isi!serted i!t" the su%eri"r e-tremit "f the m"st i!ter!#l met#c#r%#lth#t is, t" thefirst met#c#r%#l, "r met#c#r%#l "f the thum'i! the d"g #!d c#t; t" the i!ter!#lrudime!t#r met#c#r%#l i! the h"rse.

    $t is #! e-te!s"r "f the met#c#r%#l i!t" which it is i!serted; 'ut #s, if we rec#ll thee-treme e-#m%les gi&e! #'"&e, i! the d"g the first met#c#r%#l is !"t &er m"'ile, #!di! the h"rse the i!ter!#l rudime!t#r met#c#r%#l is #'s"lutel fi-ed t" the '"!e whichit #cc"m%#!ies, it is m"re e-#ct t" #dd th#t this muscle is %ri!ci%#ll #! e-te!s"r "fthe met#c#r%us #s # wh"le.

    5!d et, i! the c#t #!d the d"g, it is #ls" #'le t" #dduct the first met#c#r%#l '"!e. $t

    must 'e u!derst""d th#t this m"&eme!t w"uld 'e #'ducti"!, if the h#!d c"uld 'e%l#ced i! the %"siti"! "f c"m%lete su%i!#ti"!, #s i! the hum#! s%ecies.
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    Lo"& E)te"sor of the Thu%b(Extensor secundi internodii pollicis) a"d $roerE)te"sor of the I"de)(Extensor indicis).These tw" muscles #re 'le!ded t"gether

    ' their flesh '"dies, s" th#t the si!gle !#me "fproper extensor of the thumb andindexis %refer#'le. This muscle is 'ut "f slight im%"rt#!ce fr"m "ur %"i!t "f &iew,f"r it is e-tremel #tr"%hied, #!d s" much the m"re #s the !um'er "f the digits is

    lesse!ed.188$t #rises, #s the %recedi!g, fr"m the selet"! "f the f"re#rm, #!d there it is

    dee%l %l#ced. Eel"w, t"w#rds the c#r%us, its te!di!"us %#rt 'ec"mes su%erfici#l, t"e!d i! the f"ll"wi!g m#!!erA

    $! the c#r!i&"r#, the te!d"! di&ides i!t" tw" &er sle!der %#rts, which #re i!sertedi!t" the thum' #!d the i!de-. $! the %ig, the te!d"! is 'le!ded with th#t "f thec"mm"! e-te!s"r "f the i!ter!#l digits. Fi!#ll, i! the "- #!d the h"rse, it iss"metimes reg#rded #s 'ei!g 'le!ded with the c"mm"! "r #!teri"r e-te!s"r "f the

    %h#l#!ges. Eut t" us it #%%e#rs m"re r#ti"!#l t" s# th#t it d"es !"t e-ist, which,m"re"&er, is e-%l#i!ed ' the digit#l sim%lific#ti"! "f the h#!d.

    I"ter"al a"d $osterior Re&io"

    $ro"ator Teres(Fig. 76, 8).This muscle, #s m# e#sil 'e u!derst""d, u!derg"es,#s d" the su%i!#t"rs, # degree "f dege!er#ti"! i! %r"%"rti"! t" the l"ss "f m"'ilit "fthe r#dius "! the ul!#. $! #!im#ls i! which the '"!es "f the f"re#rm #re !"t fused ite-ists; i! th"se, "! the "ther h#!d, i! which this segme!t h#s 'ec"me sim%l #su%%"rti!g c"lum!, it is !"t de&el"%ed#t le#st, i! # !"rm#l m#!!er.

    $t is, c"!seue!tl, f"u!d 'est m#red i! the d"g #!d the c#t.F"rmi!g, #s i! m#!, the i!ter!#l limit "f the h"ll"w "f the el'"w, the %r"!#t"r teresh#s # dis%"siti"! #!#l"g"us t" th#t which ch#r#cteri+es the c"rres%"!di!g muscle i!the hum#! s%ecies. $t #rises fr"m the e%itr"chle# (i!ter!#l c"!dle), %r"ceedsd"w!w#rds #!d "utw#rds, #!d is i!serted i!t" the middle %"rti"! "f the '"d "f ther#dius.

    $t is i!t" the h"ll"w i! fr"!t "f the el'"w, which this muscle c"!tri'utes t" limit, th#tthe 'ice%s #!d the 'r#chi#lis #!ticus di%.

    $! the %ig #!d the "- it is #tr"%hied.$! the h"rse it d"es !"t e-ist. e m#, h"we&er, s"metimes fi!d it, 'ut i! #! #'!"rm#l

    f"rm. e were #'le t" dem"!str#te its %rese!ce i! the f"rm "f # flesh189t"!guesitu#ted "! the i!ter!#l side "f the el'"w (Fig. 78) i! # h"rse which we dissected m#!

    e#rs #g" i! the l#'"r#t"r "f the ch""l "f Fi!e 5rts. "re"&er#!d the f#ctseemed t" us #! i!teresti!g "!ethe f"re#rm t" which the muscle 'el"!ged h#d #!

    ul!# "f rel#ti&el c"!sider#'le de&el"%me!t (Figs. 79#!d 80).29

    29Kd"u#rd Cuer, 5'!"rm#l :e!gth "f the >l!# #!d Irese!ce "f # Ir"!#t"rTeres uscle i! # "rseG (Bulletin de la Socit dAnthropologie, I#ris, 1887).

    This muscle is # %r"!#t"r.Fle)or Cari Radialis(Fig. 76, 10; Fig. 77, 7).C#lled ' &eteri!#r #!#t"mists the
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    internal flexor of the metacarpus, this muscle, which is f"u!d "! the i!ter!#l #s%ect"f the f"re#rm, is situ#ted 'ehi!d the %r"!#t"r teres whe! this muscle e-ists, whilst i!the #!im#ls which #re de%ri&ed "f the l#tter the fle-"r c#r%i r#di#lis h#s i! fr"!t "f itthe i!ter!#l '"rder "f the r#dius, which se%#r#tes it fr"m the #!teri"r e-te!s"r "f themet#c#r%us.

    $t is !ecess#r t" #dd th#t the fle-"r c#r%i r#di#lis is simil#rl se%#r#ted fr"m the#!teri"r e-te!s"r "f the met#c#r%us ' the i!ter!#l '"rder "f the r#dius i! #!im#ls i!which the %r"!#t"r teres e-ists, 'ut the! "!l i! th#t %#rt "f the f"re#rm which issitu#ted 'el"w this l#tter.

    The fle-"r c#r%i r#di#lis #rises fr"m the e%itr"chle#. $ts flesh '"d, fusif"rm i!sh#%e, desce!ds &ertic#ll, #!d termi!#tes i! # te!d"! "! the %"steri"r surf#ce "f the

    '#ses "f the sec"!d #!d third met#c#r%#ls i! the d"g #!d the c#t, "! the met#c#r%#l "fthe l#rge i!ter!#l digit i! the %ig, "! the i!ter!#l side "f the met#c#r%us i! the "-, #!d"! the su%eri"r e-tremit "f the i!ter!#l rudime!t#r met#c#r%#l i! the h"rse.

    e see cle#rl, i! this l#tter, # su%erfici#l &ei! which, i! the sh#%e "f # str"!g c"rd,%#sses #l"!g the #!teri"r '"rder "f the fle-"r c#r%i r#di#lis; it is the su'cut#!e"usmedi#! "r i!ter!#l &ei!, which, f"rmi!g the c"!ti!u#ti"! "f the i!ter!#l met#c#r%#l&ei!, 3"i!s the &e!"us sstem "f the #rm, #fter h#&i!g cr"ssed "'liuel thec"rres%"!di!g %#rt "f the r#dius.

    $al%aris Lo"&us!This muscle, which e-ists disti!ctl i!190s"me #!im#ls, 'utwh"se #'se!ce is f#r fr"m 'ei!g r#re i! the hum#! s%ecies, is !"t de&el"%ed #s #

    disti!ct muscle i! #! "f the d"mestic u#dru%eds.

    F$. 76.:FT

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    the h"rse, while i! the d"g it "ccu%ies r#ther the e-ter!#l %#rt.

    This differe!ce #rises fr"m the f#ct th#t i! this l#tter, #s i! m#!, the #!teri"r ul!#r isse%#r#ted fr"m the fle-"r c#r%i r#di#lis ' #! i!terl i! which we see, "! the i!ter!#l#s%ect "f the f"re#rm, 3ust #t the le&el "f the el'"w, the fle-"rs "f the digits. Thisi!terl is s" much the wider #s there is !" %#lm#ris muscle t" su'di&ide its e-te!t

    (Fig. 81). $! the h"rse, the i!terl i! uesti"! d"es !"t e-ist. $! this #!im#l, i!deed,the #!teri"r ul!#r is i! c"!t#ct with the r#di#l fle-"r, s" th#t this muscle c#! "ccu%"!l # regi"! 'el"!gi!g r#ther t" the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the f"re#rm (Fig. 82).

    $! the d"g the #!teri"r ul!#r is i! c"!t#ct with the %"steri"r ul!#r. This rel#ti"! rec#llsth#t which is f"u!d i! m#!, where the tw" muscles #re merel se%#r#ted ' the crest"f the ul!# (Fig. 81). Eut i! the h"rse, i! which the #!teri"r ul!#r h#s, s" t" s%e#, slidt"w#rds the i!ter!#l #s%ect, this muscle is se%#r#ted #'"&e fr"m the %"steri"r ul!#r,#!d it is i! the i!terl se%#r#ti!g these tw" muscles th#t we #re #'le t" %ercei&e, 'utthis time #t the '#c "f the f"re#rm, the muscul#r m#ss "f the fle-"rs "f the digits(Fig. 82).


    F$. 77.:FT

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    10).This muscle #rises fr"m the e%itr"chle#; the!ce it %#sses t"w#rds the h#!d,'ec"mes te!di!"us, %#sses i! # gr""&e "! the %"steri"r #s%ect "f the c#r%us, #!dtermi!#tes "! the %#lm#r surf#ce "f the %h#l#!ges i! fur!ishi!g # !um'er "f te!d"!s

    %r"%"rti"!ed t" the digit#l di&isi"! "f the h#!d. h#te&er the !um'er, t" which wewill #g#i! refer, e#ch te!d"! is #tt#ched t" the sec"!d %h#l#!-, #fter 'ifurc#ti!g #t the

    le&el "f the first, s" #s t" f"rm # s"rt "f ri!g, desti!ed t" gi&e %#ss#ge t" thec"rres%"!di!g te!d"! "f the dee% fle-"r. This ri!g #!d this %#ss#ge h#&e g#i!ed f"rthe muscle the !#me "fperforated flexor.

    $! the d"g #!d the c#t the %ri!ci%#l te!d"! is di&ided i!t" f"ur %#rts, which g" t" thef"ur l#st digits.

    $! the "- it is di&ided i!t" tw" %#rts "!l; #s, m"re"&er, i! the %ig, wh"se su%erfici#lfle-"r is desti!ed f"r the tw" l#rge digits "!l, the l#ter#l digits recei&i!g !" %#rt "f it.

    Fi!#ll, i! the h"rse the te!d"! is si!gle.

    e h#&e %re&i"usl %"i!ted "ut th#t i! the c#r!i&"r# this muscle is &isi'le "! thei!ter!#l #!d %"steri"r #s%ects "f the f"re#rm, i! the i!terl which is limited i! fr"!t

    ' the fle-"r c#r%i r#di#lis #!d 'ehi!d #!d "utside ' the #!teri"r ul!#r.

    Cert#i! det#ils #re still t" 'e #dded t" the descri%ti"! "f194this muscle. e wille!ter "! #! #!#lsis "f them #fter we h#&e gi&e! s"me i!dic#ti"!s rel#ti&e t" the

    f"ll"wi!g muscleA

    Dee Fle)or of the Di&its(!lexor digitorum profundus) (Fig. 7, 21, 22; Fig. 76,12; Fig. 77, 11, 11).This muscle is c"&ered ' the su%erfici#l fle-"r. $t #rises fr"m

    the e%itr"chle#, fr"m the r#dius, #!d fr"m the ul!#, either fr"m the "lecr#!"! %r"cess#s i! the "-, %ig, #!d h"rse"r fr"m #lm"st the wh"le e-te!t "f the sh#ft "f thes#me '"!e, #s i! the c#t #!d d"g.

    F$. 78.:

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    $! the "- there #re 'ut tw" te!d"!s.

    $! the h"rse the te!d"! is si!gle.

    5s their !#mes i!dic#te, these muscles, '"th su%erfici#l #!d dee%, fle- the digits. $!#dditi"! t" this, the fle- the h#!d "! the f"re#rm.

    e me!ti"!ed #'"&e th#t cert#i! det#ils rel#ti&e t" the su%erfici#l fle-"r must 'e#!#l+ed i! # s%eci#l w#. e !"w #dd th#t this sh"uld #ls" 'e d"!e with reg#rd t"the dee% fle-"r. The %"i!t i! uesti"! is the #rr#!geme!t which the te!d"!s "f thesemuscles %rese!t #t the le&el "f the %#lm#r regi"! "f the h#!d.

    $t is e#s, i! the c#se "f the d"g "r the c#t, t" %icture t" "!eGs self this #rr#!geme!t,es%eci#ll if we rec"llect th#t which e-ists i! the hum#! s%ecies. The te!d"!s "f thefle-"rs #re %l#ced "! # i!d "f muscul#r 'ed f"rmed ' the u!i"! "f the muscles "fthe regi"!, 'ut, m"re"&er, fr"m the %"i!t "f &iew "f e-ter!#l f"rm, these te!d"!s #re!"t "f &er gre#t im%"rt#!ce.

    Eut i! the "- #!d the h"rse it is uite "therwise. Fr"m the sim%lific#ti"! "f theselet"! "f the h#!d, #!d the reducti"! "f the !um'er "f m"&eme!ts which the '"!es

    th#t f"rm it #re #'le t" e-ecute, there !#tur#ll results # dimi!uti"! "f its muscul#r#%%#r#tus. 5%#rt fr"m the e-iste!ce "f muscul#r &estiges "f 'ut little im%"rt#!ce, wec#! s# th#t, i! re#lit, the h#!d d"es !"t %"ssess #! muscles. ! its %#lm#r #s%ect

    #re f"u!d "!l the te!d"!s "f the fle-"rs "f the digits, #!d #s these te!d"!s#re196l#rge, #!d the h#!d l"!g, the gi&e "rigi! t" e-ter!#l f"rms which it is

    !ecess#r t" e-#mi!e.

    F$. 79.:

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    /0ee, #s reg#rds this crest, i! the %#r#gr#%h rel#ti&e t" the h""f "f the s"li%eds,the figures which re%rese!t the third %h#l#!-, &iewed "! its i!feri"r surf#ce (Figs.

    101#!d 102, %. 28).

    The %#rt which these te!d"!s %l# is "f gre#t im%"rt#!ce i! the l#rge u#dru%eds.

    These te!d"!s, i! f#ct, i! #dditi"! t" the #cti"! determi!ed ' the c"!tr#cti"! "f the

    flesh fi'res t" which the succeed, m#i!t#i! the #!gle f"rmed ' the c#!"!*'"!e#!d the %h#l#!ge#l %"rti"! "f the h#!d, #!d %re&e!t its eff#ceme!t u!der the weight"f the '"d duri!g the time "f st#!di!g. Their str"!g de&el"%me!t, #!d the %"siti"!the "ccu%, m#e this u!derst""d, with"ut it 'ei!g !ecess#r t" i!sist "! it further.

    e me!ti"!ed #'"&e th#t the te!d"!G desce!ds &ertic#ll fr"m the c#r%us t"w#rdsthe fetl"cs. This is #s it sh"uld 'e. Eut, i! s"me h"rses, it is "'liue d"w!w#rds #!d

    '#cw#rds, s" th#t the c#!"!, i!ste#d "f 'ei!g "f eu#l de%th fr"m 'ef"re '#cw#rdsi! its wh"le le!gth, is # little !#rr"wer i! its u%%er %#rt.

    This results fr"m the f#ct th#t the te!d"!s "f the fle-"rs, t"" firml '"u!d ' thec#r%#l she#th, gr#du#ll se%#r#te #s the %#ss fr"m the met#c#r%us, g"i!g t" 3"i! thefetl"c; he!ce the "'liuit %"i!ted "ut #'"&e. This #'!"rm#lit %r"duci!g #deleteri"us result, i! the se!se th#t the te!di!"us #%%#r#tus #cts with less stre!gth #s#! "rg#! "f su%%"rt, it c"!stitutes # defect "f c"!f"rm#ti"! which is e-%ressed 's#i!g th#t the te!d"! h#s f#iled.G

    Lo"& $roer Fle)or of the Thu%b(!lexor longus198pollicis) (Fig. 76, 14).5swe h#&e #lre#d %"i!ted "ut, this muscle is re%rese!ted i! u#dru%eds ' the r#di#l

    'u!dle "f the dee% fle-"r "f the digits, s" th#t the tw" muscles #re i! re#lit 'le!ded

    the "!e t" the "ther. This u!i"! is s"metimes f"u!d, 'ut "!l #s #! #'!"rm#lit, i! thehum#! s%ecies. e h#&e met s"me e-#m%les "f this i! the c"urse "f "ur dissecti"!s.

    $ro"ator +uadratus!This muscle c"!f"rms t" the ge!er#l l#w which we h#&e#lre#d %"i!ted "ut i! c"!!ecti"! with th"se which h#&e f"r their #cti"! the r"t#ti"!"f the r#dius #r"u!d the ul!#. e remem'er, i!deed, th#t whe! the '"!es "f thef"re#rm #re fused with "!e #!"ther, the muscles which #re desti!ed t" %r"duce #m"'ilit which h#s the! 'ec"me im%"ssi'le dis#%%e#r #t the s#me 'l"w.

    F$. 81.?$5=5 F T

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    dem"!str#te its %rese!ce i! the d"g #!d the c#t.

    $t is &er dee%l situ#ted. This is wh, #!d #ls" "! #cc"u!t "f the %l#! which we h#&etr#ced f"r "ursel&es, we will sim%l s# th#t it is situ#ted "! the %"ster"*

    i!ter!#l199#s%ect "f the selet"! "f the f"re#rm, #!d th#t it e-te!ds fr"m the ul!#t" the r#dius.

    $t seems t" us, h"we&er, sufficie!tl i!teresti!g t" #dd th#t, i!ste#d "f "ccu%i!g, #si! the hum#! s%ecies, the i!feri"r f"urth "f the tw" '"!es, it e-te!ds, %#rticul#rl i!the d"g, "&er their wh"le le!gth, with the e-ce%ti"! "f their su%eri"r #!d i!feri"re-tremities.

    Muscles of the Ha"d

    e will first rec#ll th#t, i! m#!, the %#lm "f the h#!d is di&ided i!t" three regi"!sA #medi#! %#lm#r regi"!, which is "ccu%ied ' the te!d"!s "f the fle-"rs "f the digits,

    the lum'ric#les, #!d, dee%l, ' the i!ter"sse"us muscles; #! e-ter!#l regi"!, "rthe!#r emi!e!ce, f"rmed ' the muscles desti!ed f"r the m"&eme!ts "f the thum'; #!i!ter!#l regi"!, "r h%"the!#r emi!e!ce, which c"!t#i!s the muscles %r"%er t" thesm#ll digit #!d the %#lm#r cut#!e"us muscle.

    These muscles #re f"u!d, m"re "r less de&el"%ed, i! the d"g #!d the c#t.

    $! the "- #!d the h"rse we meet with !" &estige "f the muscles "f the the!#r "rh%"the!#r emi!e!ces. @e&ertheless, i! these #!im#ls we fi!d the muscles which

    'el"!g t" the ce!tr#l regi"! "f the %#lm. e refer t" the lum'ric#les #!d thei!ter"sse"us.

    5lth"ugh this f#ct h#s !" rel#ti"! t" the "'3ect "f "ur stud, it #%%e#rs t" usi!teresti!g t" #!!"u!ce th#t there #re tr#ces "f the lum'ric#les f"u!d i! the s"li%eds.These muscles #re re%rese!ted ' tw" flesh 'u!dles, situ#ted "!e "! e#ch side "f thete!d"! "f the dee% fle-"r, #'"&e the ri!g "f the te!d"! "f the su%erfici#l fle-"r. Thesesm#ll muscles #re c"!ti!ued #s sle!der te!d"!s, which 'ec"me l"st i! the fi'r"ustissue "f thespur, which is the h"r! %r"cess situ#ted #t the %"steri"r %#rt "f thefetl"c, #!d which is c"&ered ' the h#irs, m"re "r less #'u!d#!t, which c"!stitutethe wisp.

    5s f"r the i!ter"sse"us muscles, the #re re%rese!ted ' thesuspensory ligament ofthe fetlock, #!d ' tw" "ther200sm#ll muscles, te!di!"us thr"ugh"ut, which #resitu#ted 'etwee! the %ri!ci%#l met#c#r%#l #!d the rudime!t#r "!es.

    The sus%e!s"r lig#me!t "f the fetl"c is c"!sidered #! i!ter"sse"us muscle, "!#cc"u!t "f the red flesh stri#ti"!s which it c"!t#i!s, #!d fr"m cert#i! rel#ti"!s whichit f"rms with the te!d"! "f the c"mm"! e-te!s"r "f the digits "r #!teri"r e-te!s"r "fthe %h#l#!ges. This lig#me!t (Fig. 7, 26; Fig. 77, 1/), which %l#s #! im%"rt#!t %#rt i!the st#!di!g %"siti"! #s # su%%"rt "f the f""t, is # fi'r"us '#!d situ#ted 'etwee! thete!d"!s "f the fle-"rs "f the digits #!d the %ri!ci%#l met#c#r%#l. $t #rises #'"&e, fr"m

    the sec"!d r"w "f the c#r%#ls, desce!ds t"w#rds the fetl"c, where it di&ides i!t" tw"'r#!ches, which #re i!serted i!t" the l#rge ses#m"id '"!es. 5t the s#me le&el, thislig#me!t gi&es "ff tw" fi'r"us '#!ds which, %#ssi!g d"w!w#rds #!d f"rw#rds, 3"i!
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    the te!d"! "f the #!teri"r e-te!s"r "f the %h#l#!ges, 'le!di!g with it, #fter h#&i!ge#ch cr"ssed "!e "f the l#ter#l #s%ects "f the %#ster!. e h#&e #lre#d referred t"these '#!ds (%. 18/).

    $t is with these l#tter th#t #re 'le!ded the l"!g #!d sle!der te!d"!s which f"rm i! #gre#t me#sure the tw" "ther i!ter"sse"us muscles %re&i"usl descri'ed.

    5 lig#me!t "f the s#me i!d is f"u!d i! the "- (Fig. 74, 2/).


    Muscles of the $el*is

    The muscles which s%eci#ll i!terest us i! this regi"!, 'ec#use "f their su%erfici#l%"siti"!, #re the gluteus m#-imus #!d the gluteus medius. 5s f"r the gluteusmi!imus, it is dee%l situ#ted, #!d m"re "r less sh#r%l m#red "ff fr"m the sec"!d

    "f the %recedi!g muscles.$!#smuch #s the gluteus medius is m"re sim%le i! #rr#!geme!t th#! the m#-imus,#!d will #id us i! #rr#!gi!g "ur ide#s i! c"!!ecti"! with the l#tter, it is with the stud"f it th#t we will c"mme!ce.

    ,luteus Medius(Fig. 68, 29; Fig. 69, 26; Fig. 70, /).This201muscle, #s i! m#!,"ccu%ies the e-ter!#l ili#c f"ss#. Eut this l#tter 'ei!g directed differe!tl i! the

    digitigr#des #!d the u!gul#tes, #s we h#&e %"i!ted "ut i! the secti"! "! "ste"l"g(see%%. 91#!d 99), the muscle i! uesti"! h#s c"!seue!tl !"t the s#me directi"! i!

    the tw" gr"u%s "f #!im#ls, 'ei!g tur!ed "utw#rds i! the first, #!d u%w#rds i! the

    sec"!d.$t is the thicest "f the glutei, #!d gi&es t" the regi"! which it "ccu%ies # r"u!dedf"rm.

    Fr"m the ili#c f"ss# fr"m which it #rises the flesh fi'res #re directed t"w#rds thefemur, t" 'e i!serted i!t" the gre#t tr"ch#!ter. $t is c"&ered ' #! #%"!eur"sis, #!d i!

    %#rt ' the gre#t glute#l. $t c"m%letel c"&ers the sm#ll glute#l, which &eteri!#r#!#t"mists desig!#te ' the !#me "f the deep gluteal.

    $! the c#r!i&"r# it d"es !"t %#ss i! fr"!t "f the ili#c crest, 'ut, i! the "-, #!d m"re

    %#rticul#rl i! the h"rse, it is %r"l"!ged #!teri"rl, #!d thus c"&ers, t" # cert#i!e-te!t, the muscles "f the c"mm"! m#ss.

    he! it c"!tr#cts, t#i!g its fi-ed %"i!t #t the %el&is, the gluteus medius e-te!ds thethigh, which it is #ls" #'le t" #'duct. $f, "! the "ther h#!d, its fi-ed %"i!t is "! thefemur, it #cts "! the tru!, which it r#ises, %r"duci!g "scill#ti!g m"&eme!ts "f the

    %el&is. $t c"!tri'utes i! this w# t" the #cti"! "f re#ri!g. e #ls" see it disti!ctl#%%e#r ' the %r"mi!e!ce which it %r"duces i! the d"g, which, #cc"rdi!g t" the time*h"!"ured %hr#se,fait le beau.

    ,luteus Ma)i%us(Fig. 68, 28; Fig. 69, 2; Fig. 70, //, /4).The gre#t glute#l muscle,further desig!#ted i! &eteri!#r #!#t"m thesuperficial gluteal, is %r"%"rti"!#telless de&el"%ed i! u#dru%eds th#! i! m#!. $!deed, i! the l#tter, where it is "f &er
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    gre#t thic!ess, its &"lume is due t" the im%"rt#!t fu!cti"! which it fulfils i!m#i!t#i!i!g the 'i%ed #ttitude.

    $! u#dru%eds it c"!tri'utes t" f"rm the su%erfici#l %#rt "f the cru%%er #!d thee-ter!#l surf#ce "f the thigh. $t is di&ided i!t" tw" %#rtsA "!e #!teri"r, the "ther


    ith reg#rd t" this l#tter, it will 'e !ecess#r t" i!dic#te202h"w it h#s 'ee!s"metimes reg#rded, #!d t" wh#t %"rti"! "f the muscul#r sstem i! m#! itc"rres%"!ds. Eut we 'elie&e th#t it is 'etter t" see 'ef"reh#!d, with"ut #!

    %rec"!cei&ed ide#, h"w these tw" %#rts #re #rr#!ged.

    $! the d"g, the #!teri"r %"rti"! "f the gluteus m#-imus #rises fr"m the s#crum, whiles"me fi'res situ#ted further f"rw#rd #rise fr"m the surf#ce "f the gluteus medius, !e#rthe ili#c s%i!e, #!d fr"m the te!s"r "f the f#sci# l#t# with which these fi'res #re

    'le!ded. The %"steri"r %"rti"!, u!ited t" the %recedi!gth#t is t" s#, t" th"se "f its

    fi'res which #rise fr"m the s#crumt#es its "rigi! fr"m the first c"ccge#l &erte'r#.These tw" %"rti"!s #re directed t"w#rds the femur, t" 'e i!serted i!t" the gre#ttr"ch#!ter, #!d t" the e-ter!#l 'r#!ch "f the su%eri"r 'ifurc#ti"! "f the li!e# #s%er#.

    $! the c#t, the %"steri"r 'u!dle is less defi!itel 'le!ded with the #!teri"r. E # l"!g#!d sle!der te!d"! which, 'ehi!d, tur!s #r"u!d the gre#t tr"ch#!ter, #!d %#sses #l"!gthe surf#ce "f the f#sci# l#t#, it %r"ceeds t" 3"i! the !ee*c#%.

    $! the %ig, the %"steri"r %"rti"! is much m"re de&el"%ed.

    $! the h"rse, the #!teri"r %"rti"! #rises fr"m the i!ter!#l ili#c s%i!e (%"steri"r i!

    m#!), fr"m the e-ter!#l ili#c s%i!e (#!teri"r i! m#!), #!d, 'etwee! these tw" "sse"us%"i!ts, fr"m the #%"!eur"sis, which c"&ers the gluteus medius. Eetwee! these tw""rigi!s the muscle is dee%l gr""&ed, s" th#t the te!de!c is t" di&ide i!t" tw"

    %"rti"!s, e#ch "f which is directed t"w#rds "!e "f the ili#c #!gles. $! this gr""&e thegluteus medius is t" 'e see!.

    The flesh 'u!dles c"!&erge, #!d #re directed t"w#rds the e-ter!#l #s%ect "f thefemur, t" 'e i!serted i!t" the "sse"us %r"mi!e!ce !"w! #s the third tr"ch#!ter, #fter

    %#ssi!g 'e!e#th the flesh fi'res "f the %"steri"r %"rti"!. The l#tter, which is m"rec"!sider#'le th#! the %recedi!g %"rti"!, #rises #'"&e fr"m the s#cr#l crest, fr"m the

    #%"!eur"sis which e!&el"%s the c"ccge#l muscles, fr"m the s#cr"*sci#tic lig#me!t,#!d fr"m the tu'er"sit "f the ischium. Fr"m this "rigi! it %#sses d"w!w#rds,e-%#!ds, the!, descri'i!g # cur&e with the c"!&e-it 'ehi!d, it

    'ec"mes20/!#rr"wed, #!d %r"ceeds t" 'e i!serted ' # dee% f#sciculus i!t" thethird tr"ch#!ter, t" the f#sci# l#t#, #!d, l#stl, t" the !ee*c#% ' the i!feri"r %#rt "f its


    5'"&e, its %"steri"r '"rder is c"&ered ' the semi*te!di!"sus; i!teri"rl, the s#me'"rder is i! rel#ti"! with the 'ice%s fem"ris.

    $! the "-, the tw" %#rts "f the gre#t glute#l muscle #re 'le!ded t"gether.

    The l"!g #!d 'r"#d flesh '#!d which the f"rm #rises i! # m#!!er c"rres%"!di!g t"th#t which we h#&e 3ust i!dic#ted i! c"!!ecti"! with the h"rse, e-ce%t th#t it h#s !"

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    #tt#chme!t t" the femur. The f#sci# l#t# #dheres str"!gl t" its #!teri"r '"rder f"r #c"!sider#'le le!gth. The f"rm "f the su%eri"r '"rder "f the gre#t glute#l muscle "fthis #!im#l differs fr"m th#t "f the #!#l"g"us %"rti"! i! the h"rse. This differe!ceresults fr"m the %eculi#r #s%ect which the c"rres%"!di!g regi"! "f the %el&is %rese!ts,#!d fr"m the f#ct th#t, i! the "-, #s the semi*te!di!"sus d"es !"t c"&er the %"rti"! "f

    the gre#t glute#l which #rises fr"m the tu'er"sit "f the ischium, the #tt#chme!ts "fthis muscle t" the s#cr"*sci#tic lig#me!t #re u!c"&ered.

    $ts desce!di!g %"rti"!, #s # wh"le, h#s # rectili!e#r f"rm, #!d d"es !"t f"rm # cur&esuch #s we i!dic#ted i! the c#se "f the h"rse.

    The #!teri"r %"rti"! "f the gre#t glute#l fle-es the thigh. 5s reg#rds the %"steri"r%"rti"!, it e-te!ds the thigh, #!d #'ducts it.

    The #cti"! "f this l#tter %"rti"! is %#rticul#rl i!teresti!g #s reg#rds the h"rse,'ec#use "f the gre#t de&el"%me!t "f the muscul#r m#ss which this regi"! %rese!ts i!

    this #!im#l. $f the muscle t#es its fi-ed %"i!t #'"&e, it #cts, i! the e-te!si"! "f thethigh duri!g w#li!g, ' %r"3ecti!g the tru! f"rw#rd duri!g the wh"le time th#t thehi!d*lim' t" which it 'el"!gs is i! c"!t#ct with the gr"u!d. $f, "! the c"!tr#r, itt#es its fi-ed %"i!t 'el"w, it m#es the %el&is descri'e # see*s#w m"&eme!t,u%w#rds #!d '#cw#rds, "! the c"-"*fem"r#l #rticul#ti"!, #!d s" c"!tri'utes t" the#cti"! "f re#ri!g.

    204@"w th#t we h#&e # !"wledge "f the dis%"siti"! "f the gre#t glute#l muscle,the m"me!t h#s c"me t" i!uire wh#t is the sig!ific#ti"! "f its %"steri"r %"rti"!. The#cti"! "f the #!teri"r %#rt 'ei!g cle#rl c"m%#r#'le t" the hum#! gre#t glute#l, there

    c#! 'e !" d"u't #s reg#rds the h"m"l"g "f this %"rti"!, s" we will !"t i!sist "! itfurther.

    f the %"steri"r %"rti"! it is wh"ll differe!t, f"r it is the h"m"l"gue "f # flesh'u!dle #!!e-ed t" the gre#t glute#l "f m#!, 'ut which is !"t de&el"%ed e-ce%t #s #!#'!"rm#lit.

    $!deed, we s"metimes fi!d, %l#ced #l"!g the i!feri"r '"rder "f the gre#t glute#l, #flesh f#sciculus, se%#r#ted fr"m this muscle ' # slight i!ters%#ce. This f#sciculus,l"!g #!d !#rr"w, t#es "rigi! fr"m the summit "f the s#crum, "r the c"cc-, #!d g"est" %#rt#e "f the fem"r#l i!serti"!s "f the muscle which it #cc"m%#!ies. e further!"te # muscle "f the s#me i!d, #!d %rese!ti!g the s#me #s%ect, which c"mes fr"mthe tu'er"sit "f the ischium. @"twithst#!di!g the differe!ce which e-ists, it is this#'!"rm#l f#sciculus "f m#! which i! the u#dru%eds here studied is c"!sidered #sc"!stituti!g the %"steri"r %"rti"! "f the gre#t glute#l.

    E"urgel#t, c"!sideri!g this %"steri"r %"rti"! #s 'el"!gi!g t" the 'ice%s cruris, t"which, it is true, it #dheres, f"rms "f them # muscle which he desig!#tes u!der the!#me "f the long vastus. The #!teri"r f#sciculus "f this l"!g stus is !"!e "ther th#!the %"steri"r %"rti"! "f the gre#t glute#l which we h#&e 3ust 'ee! studi!g.

    Muscles of the Thi&h

    These muscles #re di&ided i!t" three regi"!sA %"steri"r, #!teri"r, #!d i!ter!#l.

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    $! # c"rres%"!di!g m#!!er t" th#t which we descri'ed i! c"!!ecti"! with the #rm, thethigh is #%%lied t" the side "f the tru!, #!d is free, m"re "r less, "!l #t the le&el "fthe i!feri"r %#rt.

    Further, ' re#s"! "f this sh"rte!i!g "f the femur, the gre#t glute#l muscle, which isel"!g#ted i! the "- #!d the h"rse, f"r e-#m%le, "ccu%ies i! %#rt the regi"!

    c"rres%"!di!g20t" th#t which i! m#! is "ccu%ied ' the muscles "f the thigh,which here #re reduced i! le!gth. $! "ther w"rds, the #re !"t su%er%"sed, #s i! the

    hum#! s%ecies, 'ut 3u-t#%"sed. This is wh#t we will &erif further "!.

    The thigh, #s # wh"le, is fl#tte!ed fr"m with"ut i!w#rds, its tr#!s&erse di#meter 'ei!gless i! e-te!t th#! its #!ter"*%"steri"r. $ts e-ter!#l surf#ce is slightl r"u!ded; th#t is,"f c"urse, i! u#dru%eds with sufficie!tl well*de&el"%ed muscles. $ts i!ter!#lsurf#ce is !"w! #s theflat of the thigh.

    Muscles of the $osterior Re&io"

    $t is !"t u!%r"fit#'le t" rec#ll t" mi!d wh#t muscles f"rm the su%erfici#l l#er "f thisregi"! i! the hum#! 'ei!g. The #re the 'ice%s cruris, semi*te!di!"sus, #!d semi*mem'r#!"sus. e !"w %r"ceed t" disc"&er their #!#l"gues i! u#dru%eds.

    Bices Cruris(Fig. 68, /0; Fig. 69, 27; Fig. 70, /6).$t is this which, #cc"rdi!g t"E"urgel#t, f"rms the ce!tr#l #!d %"steri"r %"rti"!s "f the l"!g stus muscle whichwe h#&e me!ti"!ed #'"&e.

    e !"w th#t the 'ice%s "f m#! is s" !#med fr"m the tw" %"rti"!s which f"rm itsu%%er %#rt. $! d"mestic u#dru%eds, #!d #ls" i! the m#3"rit "f the m#mm#ls, this

    muscle is reduced t" # si!gle %"rti"!, th#t which c"mes fr"m the %el&is. $t is theref"rethe %"rti"! which #rises fr"m the femur which d"es !"t e-ist. This c"!diti"! iss"metimes f"u!d #s #! #'!"rm#lit i! the hum#! s%ecies.

    The 'ice%s #rises fr"m the tu'er"sit "f the ischium; he!ce it is directed, wide!i!g #sit g"es, t"w#rds the leg, where it termi!#tes ' #! #%"!eur"sis which 'le!ds with thef#sci# l#t# #!d the #%"!eur"sis "f the leg, #!d the! %r"ceeds t" 'e #tt#ched t" the#!teri"r '"rder "r crest "f the ti'i#. E its i!feri"r %"rti"! it limits e-ter!#ll the

    %"steri"r regi"! "f the !eethe %"%lite#l s%#ce.

    5 fi'r"us i!tersecti"! tr#&erses the 'ice%s i! its wh"le le!gth, with the result th#t themuscle l""s #s if f"rmed "f tw" %"rti"!s, "!e "f which is situ#ted i! fr"!t "f the"ther.

    206$! the d"g #!d the c#t it #ls" #rises fr"m the s#cr"*sci#tic lig#me!t. 5t this le&elits c"!t"ur is disti!guish#'le fr"m th#t which c"rres%"!ds t" the glute#l muscles, s"th#t we there fi!d tw" %r"mi!e!ces "!e #'"&e the "ther. The su%eri"r is f"rmed '

    the glute#l muscles; the i!feri"r c"rres%"!ds t" the tu'er"sit "f the ischium. The tw"%r"mi!e!ces #re se%#r#ted ' # de%ressi"!, fr"m which the 'ice%s emerges. e dr#w

    #tte!ti"! t" this f"rm, the ch#r#cter "f which is s" e-%ressi&e "f e!erg i! the

    c#r!i&"r#.$! these #!im#ls the 'ice%s is i!serted, ' its #!teri"r fi'res, i!t" the #rticul#ti"! "fthe !ee, while i! the rest "f its e-te!t it c"&ers i! gre#t me#sure ' its #%"!eur"sis
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    the e-ter!#l #s%ect "f the leg.

    $! the %ig, the 'ice%s is 'ut slightl m#red "ff fr"m the %"steri"r %#rt "f the gre#tglute#l. $! the "-, the di&isi"! 'etwee! these tw" muscles is # little m"re disti!ct.

    $! the h"rse, the sci#tic "rigi! "f the 'ice%s is c"&ered ' the semi*te!di!"sus, s" th#t

    it "!l 'ec"mes free l"wer d"w!, t" #%%e#r i! the s%#ce limited 'ehi!d ' the semi*te!di!"sus, #!d i! fr"!t ' the %"steri"r %#rt "f the gluteus m#-imus.

    he! the 'ice%s c"!tr#cts, t#i!g its fi-ed %"i!t fr"m #'"&e, it fle-es the leg #!dhel%s t" e-te!d the thigh. $f, "! the "ther h#!d, it t#es its fi-ed %"i!t fr"m 'el"w, itl"wers the ischium, m#es the %el&is u!derg" # see*s#w m"&eme!t, #!d #cts thus i!the m"&eme!t "f re#ri!g. $t is s"metimes c#lled, "! #cc"u!t "f "!e "f its #cti"!s, #!dthe %"siti"! which it "ccu%ies, the e-ter!#l fle-"r, "r %er"!e#l muscle "f the leg.G

    Se%i'te"di"osus(Fig. 68, /1; Fig. 70, /7; Fig. 87, 1; Fig. 88, 1; Fig. 89, 28).Thismuscle f"rms the c"!t"ur "f the thigh %"steri"rl, s" th#t whe! the l#tter is &iewed

    fr"m the side, it is the semi*te!di!"sus #'"&e #ll th#t f"rms the "utli!e. Eut, #s wesh#ll s""! see, it is i! this c#se m"re disti!ct #'"&e th#! 'el"w, 'ec#use "f thede&i#ti"! which it u!derg"es i! "rder t" "ccu% ' its i!feri"r %#rt the i!ter!#l side "fthe leg.

    $! the d"g, the c#t, #!d the "-, the semi*te!di!"sus207#rises fr"m the tu'er"sit "fthe ischium "!l, #s i! the hum#! s%ecies. $! the %ig, it #ls" t#es "rigi! higher u%

    fr"m the s#cr"*sci#tic lig#me!t #!d the c"ccge#l #%"!eur"sis. $! the h"rse, ite-te!ds still further, f"r it is #ls" #tt#ched t" the crest "f the s#crum.

    The i!dic#ti"! "f these "rigi!s is "f im%"rt#!ce fr"m the %"i!t "f &iew "f e-ter!#lf"rm, #!d t" c"!&i!ce "ursel&es "f this it is sufficie!t t" c"m%#re, i! the "- #!d theh"rse, the regi"! "f the %el&is situ#ted 'el"w the r""t "f the t#il. $! the "-, wh"sesemi*te!di!"sus #rises fr"m the tu'er"sit "f the ischium "!l, this regi"! isde%ressed, #!d the c#&it which is f"rmed #t this le&el is limited 'ehi!d ' thetu'er"sit, which we !"w is &er thic #!d %r"mi!e!t #'"&e. This c#uses thesu%eri"r %#rt "f the cru%%er t" 'e less "'liue th#! i! the h"rse. This ch#r#cteristic ism"re es%eci#ll m#red i! the c"w, the 'ull h#&i!g this regi"! "f # m"re r"u!dedf"rm.

    $! the h"rse, "! #cc"u!t "f the semi*te!di!"sus #sce!di!g t" the c"cc-, #!d e&e! t"the s#crum, the de%ressi"! i! uesti"! d"es !"t e-ist, #!d the %rese!ce "f thetu'er"sit "f the ischium is "!l slightl re&e#led.

    ?esce!di!g fr"m the "rigi! i!dic#ted #'"&e, #!d i!cli!i!g m"re #!d m"re i!w#rds,the semi*te!di!"sus %r"ceeds t" 'le!d with the #%"!eur"sis "f the leg, t" 'e i!sertedi!t" the #!teri"r '"rder "f the ti'i#, #fter cr"ssi!g "&er the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f thel#tter. $t f"rms the i!ter!#l '"u!d#r "f the %"%lite#l s%#ce.

    he! this muscle c"!tr#cts, t#i!g its fi-ed %"i!t #t the %el&is, it fle-es the leg. $f, "!the "ther h#!d, it t#es its fi-ed %"i!t #t the ti'i#, it m#es the %el&is descri'e # see*

    s#w m"&eme!t, #!d #cts #cc"rdi!gl i! the m"&eme!t "f re#ri!g.$t is s"metimes !#med the i!ter!#l "r ti'i#l fle-"r "f the leg,G i! "%%"siti"! t" the
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    crur#l 'ice%s, which, #s st#ted #'"&e, is the! the e-ter!#l fle-"r "f the s#me regi"!.

    Se%i'%e%bra"osus(Fig. 68, /2; Fig. 87, 2; Fig. 88, 2).This muscle, situ#ted "! thei!!er side "f the semi*te!di!"sus, c#! 'e see! "!l whe! the thigh is reg#rded "! its

    %"steri"r #s%ect.

    208$t is "!l ' re#s"! "f the h"m"l"g "f situ#ti"! with the c"rres%"!di!g musclei! m#! th#t we gi&e the !#me u!der which we #re studi!g it; i!deed, its structure isdiffere!t, f"r it d"es !"t %rese!t the l"!g, 'r"#d, #%"!eur"tic te!d"! which, i! its

    su%eri"r %#rt, ch#r#cteri+es this muscle i! the hum#! s%ecies.

    $t #rises #'"&e fr"m the i!feri"r surf#ce "f the ischium, #!d fr"m the tu'er"sit "f thes#me '"!e. $! the %ig, #!d es%eci#ll i! the h"rse, it %#sses further u%w#rds, t" #risefr"m the #%"!eur"sis "f the c"ccge#l muscles. " th#t if we c"m%#re it with th#t "fthe "-, which d"es !"t e-te!d 'e"!d the ischium, we fi!d th#t it is #ss"ci#ted withthe semi*te!di!"sus i! determi!i!g the differe!ce "f #s%ect t" which we h#&e #lre#d

    c#lled #tte!ti"! i! c"!!ecti"! with the regi"! "f the %el&is situ#ted 'el"w the r""t "fthe t#il.

    The semi*mem'r#!"sus is the! directed d"w!w#rds #!d f"rw#rds, t" t#e its %l#ce "!the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the thigh, where it is %#rtl c"&ered ' the gr#cilis muscle. $t isi!serted i! the f"ll"wi!g m#!!erA

    $! the d"g #!d the c#t it is di&ided i!t" tw" %#rts, #!teri"r #!d %"steri"r. The first, them"re de&el"%ed, is #tt#ched t" the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the i!feri"r e-tremit "f thefemur; the sec"!d t" the i!ter!#l tu'er"sit "f the ti'i#.

    The s#me #rr#!geme!t "ccurs i! the "-.$! the h"rse it is i!serted i!t" the i!ter!#l surf#ce "f the i!ter!#l c"!dle "f the femur.

    The semi*mem'r#!"sus is #! e-te!s"r "f the thigh whe! it t#es its fi-ed %"i!t #t the%el&is; it is #ls" #! #dduct"r "f the l"wer lim'. $f it t#es its fi-ed %"i!t 'el"w it#ssists i! the #cti"! "f re#ri!g.

    $t is !"w !ecess#r f"r us, es%eci#ll #s reg#rds the h"rse, t" #dd s"me i!dic#ti"!srel#ti&e t" the e-teri"r f"rms "f the regi"! c"!stituted ' the semi*mem'r#!"sus #!dsemi*te!di!"sus. These tw" muscles f"rm, ' their u!i"!, # surf#ce c"!t"ur, slightl%r"3ecti!g #!d "f el"!g#ted f"rm, which "ccu%ies the %"steri"r '"rder "f the thigh,

    the c"!t"ur c"rres%"!di!g t" the regi"! !"w! #s the buttock, i!209s%ite "f the f#ctth#t !"!e "f the glute#l muscles t#e #! %#rt i! the structure "f this regi"!. Eut the

    #%%e#r#!ces, t" # cert#i! e-te!t, 3ustif the %reserti"! "f this !#me. $!deed, 'ec#use"f the gr""&e which se%#r#tes the glute#l regi"! "f "!e side fr"m th#t "f the "%%"site

    side, #!d fr"m the %"siti"! "f the #!#l "rifice i! the su%eri"r %#rt "f this gr""&e, wem# #dmit the !#me which, i! hi%%"l"g, h#s 'ee! gi&e! t" this %#rt "f the thigh.

    $! #dditi"! t" the re#s"!s 3ust gi&e!, #!d which #re 3ustified es%eci#ll ' the %"siti"!"ccu%ied ' the muscul#r m#ss f"rmed ' the u!i"! "f the tw" muscles, there is

    #!"ther which, this time, h#s # rel#ti"! t" # cert#i! det#il "f f"rm. $! the su%eri"r %#rt"f the c"!&e-it, which the glute#l regi"! descri'es i! the gre#ter %#rt "f its e-te!t,there is f"u!d # m"re s#lie!t %"i!t, gre#tl #cce!tu#ted i! le#! #!im#ls, due t" the
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    %rese!ce "f the tu'er"sit "f the ischium; it is thepoint"r angle of the buttock. 5tthis le&el, #!d !e#r the medi#! li!e, the semi*mem'r#!"sus, !"t #%"!eur"tic, 'utflesh, #!d e&e! thicer there th#! #!where else, s"metimes %r"duces # sh#r%ll"c#li+ed %r"mi!e!ce. 5!d #s this %r"mi!e!ce is situ#ted "! the "uter side "f the #!#l"rifice, the resem'l#!ce t" # sm#ll 'utt"cG is still m"re m#red.

    $! le#! h"rses # dee% gr""&e se%#r#tes the m#ss f"rmed ' the semi*mem'r#!"sus#!d semi*te!di!"sus fr"m th#t "f the "ther muscles "f the thigh situ#ted m"re i!fr"!t; this gr""&e is !"w! ' # !#me which i! this c#se is rem#r#'l e-%ressi&eth#t "f the li!e "f %"&ert.G

    $f we e-#mi!e the glute#l regi"! #s # wh"le ' l""i!g #t the thigh fr"m the side, we%l#i!l see the gr#ceful cur&e %r"duced ' the ge!er#l c"!&e-it #'"&e i!dic#ted. eretur! t" this %"i!t, i! "rder t" #dd th#t, i! its l"wer %#rt, this cur&e #lters itsch#r#cter; th#t is t" s#, it is re%l#ced ' # slight c"!c#&it. This, which is desig!#tedu!der the !#me "f the fold of the buttock, is situ#ted cl"se t" the le&el "f #rticul#ti"!"f the leg with the thigh*'"!e.


    Muscles of the A"terior Re&io"

    First we rec#ll th#t i! m#! the #!teri"r muscles "f the thigh #reA the trice%s cruris, thete!s"r "f the f#sci# l#t#, #!d the s#rt"rius.

    Trices Cruris(Fig. 8, /6; Fig. 69, /1; Fig. 70, 41; Fig. 84, 2; Fig. 87, /; Fig. 88, /).This muscle, which "ccu%ies the gre#ter %#rt "f the s%#ce 'etwee! the %el&is #!d the

    #!teri"r #s%ect "f the femur, c"!sists "f three %#rtsA #! e-ter!#l, "r stus e-ter!us; #!i!ter!#l, "r stus i!ter!us; #!d # medi#! "r l"!g %"rti"!, "r rectus fem"ris. Thisdi&isi"! #cc"rdi!gl rec#lls th#t which ch#r#cteri+es the hum#! trice%s cruris.Furtherm"re, #s i! the c#se "f the l#tter, the stus e-ter!us #!d the stus i!ter!ust#e their "rigi! fr"m the sh#ft "f the femur, while the l"!g %"rti"! #rises fr"m the

    %el&is. The vastus externus#rises fr"m the e-ter!#l li% "f the li!e# #s%er# "f thefemur ("r fr"m the e-ter!#l '"rder "f the %"steri"r surf#ce "f this '"!e i! the "- #!dthe h"rse, i! which the li!e# #s%er#, c"!sider#'l wide!ed, es%eci#ll i! the l#tter,f"rms # surf#ce), #!d fr"m the e-ter!#l surf#ce "f the sh#ft "f the femur. Fr"m this

    "rigi! its fi'res %#ss d"w!w#rds #!d f"rw#rds, t" 'e i!serted i!t" the te!d"! "f thel"!g %"rti"! "f the muscle #!d i!t" the %#tell#.

    $! the d"g #!d the c#t the stus e-ter!us is the m"st &"lumi!"us "f the three %"rti"!swhich c"!stitute the trice%s muscle. $t is c"&ered ' the f#sci# l#t#; 'ut!"twithst#!di!g this, its %rese!ce is re&e#led ' # %r"mi!e!ce which "ccu%ies thee-ter!#l surf#ce "f the thigh, #!d surm"u!ts, i! the regi"! "f the !ee, the m"reslightl de&el"%ed "!e which is %r"duced ' the !ee*c#%.

    The vastus internus, situ#ted "! the i!!er surf#ce "f the thigh, t#es its "rigi! fr"mthe c"rres%"!di!g surf#ce "f the femur, #!d %r"ceeds t"w#rds the %#tell#.

    The rectus fem"ris #rises fr"m the ili#c '"!e, #'"&e the c"tl"id c#⁢ its flesh'"d, which is fusif"rm, #!d situ#ted i! fr"!t "f #!d 'etwee! the tw" sti muscles, is
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    directed t"w#rds the %#tell#, i!t" which it is i!serted ' # te!d"!, which re