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. F1li'-:WA:T~Jrt;:tULON ·~;...:y; "" : .. -.1-''"f.'"F"'"'t""'N····,-s~H· .. A· T u· OISE 'The ~ia~::~:.r:~·~Ji)eYr y~~nl l.. ago, about Alum Sn ettic· Powl}ers · F,~IJ Festival and- Fair at RockY. Ford I .. . . being Injurious, no 'tonget prevans, or4

a Great Suc:ce:os. · · llcarcely exists. It Is a · well estab-



• NEW MEXICO, On the. momlng of 'Aug~Jst 31st f!rc UJ~Idental ~upaU~nl! that go with no k ~ li: c ·1 -W te Ion 'NATIONAL IRRIG~TI~N CONGRESS U;shed fact by chemical an::llysfs tllat -==============~==r'ld<-lltrQyed tbe etor(l ot J. C. Wc.a.ver at clvlllZt•d Ute from servant girls to c Y or.' 0 0

' a. rme j , ADJOURNS, 'Cream ot T~rta.r b¢1ng less '9latll"' <:arl11bad. '.A>~B •s,ooo,· lnsura"ce school teacher". T .. er"' ls "t 1.,11t Day, ColQrado~s original tau· festival, . . · .., • • ... "' " "' .. ,.... than Alum, when- exposed to heat, Is

,OQ(). Jlatt ol tbe explapatiQil or the source. now hM·ing many· Imitators, cont~nues . 1 The Coat of Cltlea. ! 'SACRAMENTO not· entirely va:porlzed as s the case, New York city's budget next rear The Kap.t~a.ti City Firemen's Cappel' o w~ltb w~l;.b X.:aln~a.tns AlbuqueJ· to grow ln popularity a,n.d a,t'tendance GOES NEXT. TO. ; with Alum, but leaves a residue In the

.Miplng &. Smr:l!lng Compan)' has lnc6r· ~~et-o' n,· "rn.:~ Crue'c~, sSil"eerg4Cill,tyi,lG~I3a,'filleu·lp,, Thurs~ay's gatberlllg, the twen~·- ' . bread, whlch is·Jnjurlous. Alum, on . wtll be $116,806,4~0 37 Tbls Ia one· J)()rah•d, th•• capftaiJzatl.qn bHing $3,- ....,. -., ~" • 1 hth f th t1 th 1 · t 1 Ctth ot the total eltpf'ndltures o~ the IJIJO,{.IOO. · Th« headq•~arterll are at AlumcJ;;ordo 11nd. the other towns ancl fj,g 0 e se es, was e arg~?s n A~ron Gove Talks on Philippine SU·. the eontra,ry, Is entirely evaporated 161 clUes ot the l.'nlted States hav- Deming, l.una county, and tlw lncor· cltleiJ, aonte of them called Into ,exist· the hilltory of both the fair and Water· . p t t while performing Its function durlpg. rmr~to:'l\ nnd dlrllCtorll M. E. Gat· enC'..e only recently and others. Import- melon Day. Had the nllJ.nagement of gar Tariff - Resoluttons ro es process of baking. leaving no atom ot lOS a JX>r,ulation or owr afJ,IJOO, In· te", J. 'Naish and John 'fU(!JI"r· · 'nnt centers ot population for the last th t 1 g1 •··I d t Against Fur:tner· Concessions- •nJurtous residoons substance, The

J dl b d 1 ' Y •· ' · '' · .. e a r vep a spec... or er or Want u"ntte"' sta•es Courts to De.' ~ e u ng t 0 bon ~8111'11 New or,.. In tile tt>rrft.orlaJ Suprem<· Court In ~j~~~C'.abll~nqred yeata.-Santa. Fe NElW weather best calculat¢ to Induce the · , "' • Rl 11 words "Ch~mlcally ,Pure'' errOneously spends one·tblrd. New Yorl( sr,endli Sf't~lfll()n at s1int<t Fe, the following werP. largest" J>Ol!!Sible attendanee, a ·xqore termlne lnter&tilte Water 9 ts. used to designate Cream of Tartar n. -~rq tl!an the six. next largt~~~~ citl!:'a atlru,tted tp practice: OcnrgE• r-·. Brl!W· , Charges Agai~tt Bu~a~m. ma@ltlc~nt 'day could not have been Bol.i!e,. Id.aho.-Montie B. owtn111 from Alum· bakhu; powder Is a mls·. --ctJieago, J>hlllldelphla. St. ln~ton or Aztec, Goorge W. Oliver or li 1 t the · c tl e ... 0 mmlttee no'"er. Baking Powder made ot pure

•11 ' \" · ""·' t J' 11 In a r"r.r.rt'. by a ....... of Colorad"' pro?l,ded. There w.ere five excursions ·c a rman o exe u v "' • -Da.Jtlrrlf,n!, Bot~ ton nml <'l!l'Veland. AI· n mqiH:rque, ... , ... .,..,.ep o .oswe • "'" ...... , v . ld d Tb d. . .h. •h lo"lng Alum fs aa chemically nure as· made A. 1.. l..ove of Rosw,ciJ 11.nd Fr(·d C. .Springs <~>:.J>i:rt accountants to Gover: I anl;l eight regular trains, which brou,gbt pres e urs ay w en I" e c " "·

tbQugh Ita J)O))Ulll!IOh lit only twice I>ezmHlorf or Santa. . ..or Hagerm~n ot ~ew l'tfQ"xlco, o.n tbe I' throngs of peox>te. ~~. 'e;xcess of B.I}.)' session of 'the. fourteenth National Ir· f,ro!ll . pure cream of tartar. .These Chicago's, 'Ita gOV(•rnm,.nt conts four G · u · h

1 tl con<.htu:m of thP finances of the New . . rlgaUon Congress .was called to order.. wordlil !llean nothing more nor less

um(•ll as much. Its debl hi more ovtrnor •• agerrnan as appo nlc: Mexlr..Q Penlt~ntla""' at Santa Fe;-san "revlous; year. An ·attendance of 15,- Aaron Go:ve or·. Colorado delivered than pure chemicals, and in no way · ChJ~rleu F. l!jn!Jtey, ot SanUL· l''e, a !AD Albuquerque IIP~elal t th 0 . v 000 Is d. consei'Vatlve esUm.ate. be(or~, the ~onventlon a tarllt ar~u- can they Imply that one baking pow-

than a third or tbe aggreglt1.e ~ty member t1f th(l board ot. J)enl~entlary N - ' 0 e jn e · Th ·agrlcultural·and art h11lls ,lind m!lnt against the further copcesalons if th c · t dllbt, whkh Is larger than tho ,.~uoJilai.I cclmrnlnsltJnf:r~. vice JA>!Jil! llfleld, rt• ewa, (•lJarges ,of the mdat sensal anal poultr,y houses wr:re thronged all day. to the sugar <If the Ph111J>pines. He ·der Is AlUm an . ano er r«;!am o .

sl .. r d Ll al'"' n oint" 1 Fra 1. w · n<Jttu·c ur~· made agfllnat H. 0. Bur sum, · Tartar, Alum has be~n decllired to b.CJ.... debt. The per ca.plta d<·bt of all thc.'Be .. 1e • .. e ,..., a.-11 "'' • n., ' · cllatrman of the New· Mexico !Wpubll· and the stalJs ar:d pens of live stock urged that the sug'ar b!'!et raisers of the. wholesome·, an established fact. Ev/· e!Uf:~J Ia J&7 or less than New ('inJ)c)',, ot .Albuqllf!rque, a membl!r. of. can ter rito.rlal .. commltlee and former bad hundreds of vJsitors specially 1»· Irrigated states should not be forced'

thl• lmard ·Of ff!genta ot th~ t:nlv!:ralry ,;uperuito'n"'• nt or ···»e. P"nlt<>ntlar•·, terestea In those departmen~s. which Into cloller competition with tbe'cheap ery large water system In the cltles, Yor)!'a. New York'!! .CXfiNldltures ex· of New. ~fexlco, nt. Al~uquortti.u:. . • and evlde;;c:e-and IJmdavlt; p;oduc~d were more attra~Uve . than ul;lual by labor of the Islands. along·the ~lssourl· river use Alum In ce.ed tbosw or any fM,.Ign dty._ 'fhe following offlclals have bef·p· an· to sustain the charg. -reaso,n of t~e sl;te and superior E)xcel· An ldabo delegate 'protested again t large . quantities to purify the ;water I.A>ndon cQunrll us•m only $fiO,OQO,OOo pointed In tb~ t 1nlted 8Ull£>s PI HI rid A . es. lene~ o,f the ex.hlbltl!. The parade or the''{lme of the ·Copgress being 'glvt ·· before pu!Dplng it into their y.rater a )'Mr.. J>arlsh 1:xrwndlt ur~a do not C011rt nt Stl.ntJt r-·... Int.,-rpr,,wr, .1 lJ. ur sum hal beEJq a le.ader In New wlnnera in the Jive stock departments over (Q the !liscusslon of tlie tarftf, an( mains tor consumptJo~. Cream of Tar-brio'" the total to 111,. Nf•W y{)rk tl"'· H;mrlo~·ni; crlf:r, A. W. ·fJiet:t; hail1tr11, ~<:_X·ICO. polft cs for ten years, ia In 'front of the crowded grand stands· Governor Mead of Washington, wbc tar baking powder Is · perhap~ good

" "' Jlo},:~rt MniJtoy;~;· Manuel 0. Milrllnf!Z . ,ealth> and bill! been chairman of the. a.t: noon was most IQ.terestlng and was 1 t d uro Tbc; l'XJ•<•ndltul'f!l! rir 1 he Qerman untf r·o~,ni;. Roybr'J' ln thf, t(,rrJto;lal I•ermbhc:an .con~miUoo for four. yeara. lndlcatlve of the .great progress being ~::t.b::: ~~~:~e~o :!:tic:: ~i:ur~':!r~s enough .for any one; Alum ·baking emt•lr.e are lel!ll Uuur flV(! Ume11 as dliJirkt cotllt, Brrullf•Y Thomas wai! ap· He 15 now ma}or o! th~ town of So· made by the entf!rprislng farmers and bj t powoer ts better •. an.d very much

corro. The rc110rt ball caus~>d a pro- l!tock' gr~'"ers of t"e valley In t .. at to lrJC!gatlon and It!! core!ated su ee s. h aper grMt, thi)JJ<l of the klngdur'n or P.rua· JIOIIJted. f'r)(:r. and J. A: Lujan. ball liT. round sens tion th b t N w "'"" '' +< Mr .. Gove tnslsted , his tariff ls~ua c e · eta IIU tlm•·s ali gr1:at, those or Spain Jl'r:•ni\·Owen, A H. nmadhead and P. l.f'e:xlc~. a · · .roug·.,Qu e brr~~h .;:~naygrtl~~~~ur~f ~~eprca~do~s.n. tbe ~uagas rlnbseeepta from the growing ·of A.tmospherlc Poisoning;

"'nly'a !'Uart•·r lar.,.t·r. Tbe Cf'D.I!Ua bu· A fl', \\lllliN• hnvr• bf•••n llfiJJolnt••d dr;l· .,IJrbiJm 1 h "00 ltb dl t sho t · ., 1 th to .. • "· · ' .u 8 c ar ~ w re~ r · track were of a varied character and The ·committee on orede.ntla' ]a re· • protests aga nst . 'e au mo-. rt•au ouiJetln wbJcb . <'Ontnlnll theiiC f•l{l~lt:ll te I ho gcX!d roal1s NlnVtt, 'ion at lli\'Elf:l f'S"'tcgatibg near)" •7 OOQ and ' ., " Tb · · Albuqut•rrtue; f:'x.(Jovern(Jr PrJrwe, H. 13. .' : "'· " ·"' • • · .the J'res~:nce of an unusually larga ported an· attendabce. 'of 1,,125 dele- bile omnibuses ot LOndon . ave reo stntludCII ull!o gives lqtonlstlrlr{ In· ('art wlight nrld l<'rPd · M uil('r :t!r thQ ~d6b tal ling to ic~ount tor about .$23,- . number ot fine arid fal!t horses made gates, rEpresenting· thlrt)· states. celved a powerful reenforcement by rurrnatlon al>~111t munll'l&llll ownerahlr1 l!hl'l•r1 urow€1tll' t·onvf'ntlon nt 'Aibu- J more or pen tenUacy run{1s: this portion of the day!s program ot , Tile ce;mm'htee on permanel!t.organl·' a deelaration' of, Sir Jame~ J:?ewar o~ · ·r 11 f b 1 A 1' 1 He ff> aJao· alleged to have !!hipped ""ar''·"d Interest t'o tlie tb'ou~ands who a 1 m 1 1 H 1 d bt d and oJ14•rnllon. wert 1 rds o t o e 1.- tJUt•riiiiO an,. . l Catron, B. M. Head ~h d f b 1 k ( b 1 "'' "' o zatlon announce the follow ng o · the cl1emica bass. e s un ou e • I • lt t ..... u unrl J. (~. Schurnnnn lf>·lhP. N',·ttlun"i lr· ouaan s 0 r c JUt or t e p(ln ten· crow!led the three grand stands to cers to direct the atralr·s of the fi#, ly among the hlg'h chem' .... al au' thorl-

lfA uw., Jbr own wa urwo. ....... , . •• tlnry f'Jr which nd funds were receiver.! their utmost capacity . . ~ ~ .. d••ll•hla owns ltli own. gau plant. rJgatlon ('IJhl.l'r<'HB at Uola1• City, Idaho, by th" ~nntltutlon, w.lth entering ,Jn,to Soon after the a'"'l.val rf th. e latest. teenth annual c<,>ngress; ties of tlie world,' arid h~s condemna-

by the ~:.nta E-'1: hoard ot trad<·. ·• w President Gov G E Chamberlain of t b. d f 1 ht 1.11 tJOIJ or u10 ff!W dth•fl that doe,a, " . . . personal contracts .wJth the 1mnl~en·. excursion train the principal event or • · · · 1 tlon of the moor uses an reg but rm 111 ,,r~ttullng rJtuntn•r 'own ciCC· At Y.aKI L1111 Vegal! a rnaskpd man r~llrY tor furnishing aupplles, with mls· ·the ·day, the assault on the Immense Oregorn first vice president, John I wans seems conclusive unless inven-

!"llt.erNI t1w Al'<'tlllc• d.ub room11 c•arly In upprotlrlatlon of runds durl_ng the ~n melon pile, was announced. The fine Henry Smith, Salt Lake; second vic.e tlon provides Innocuous motive power. trlc light wurh11, Cl11t·ul(o ·lwln!'; tlw 1 li"'~ llJ.ornl•l'' nn·a 111 Uu• J>olnt or a ·re· tl 1 l c hi d 1 1 1 It" }Jrestdent, B. H. Maxson, . Reno, Ne· · , . "' , .. re Pllr or. o a 11 m n at rat on, w 1' grove was jan1med with vl.slt'ors .. vada·,· th'rd ,;Ice president, Oeor"'e w. Sir James Dewar .. states that the, b~<Bt knov.o of tbm11• IJoston. Port· \'Ol'll"r .held ~Ill thf' roulr·tll• am.l cra11. gr"!ll! wllnnantlgem"nt •nd destruction ' · h ' • "' 1 11 " " · " .. • ... whose mouths were .watering for t e Barstow, Texas .•. secretary, D. ·H. Au- combustion of petro or. g!lso ne In ' 16nd ()r1· and '"'•·w Yc1rk 01,nr"'A mu· •JIII)'r'rs H(•vr:r,a,l mN1, lnclutlll!g the of recor·•a 1 1 1 f 1111 1 u • • • • "~ ., .. ..., • ""'· • u11c ous east and a score ·o W ng derson, .Chicago. these motors throws otr vast quanU-

1 I I r I A •. .. lml'lw••pt•r, wr-rEt II nf'fl 1111 w,Jt h their S"veral or the lod<•ers jou rna is and ' h h n t· 1111 •·rr es. uuurn operatea .. tsu:••K 111 the ~!lll whlh• th•• handlt rlfl{•d . - · · .., • worll:ers rapidly served t e thr~ng wit Sacram&nto, California, was chosen 1 ties of noxious gases. Some of these eltw" quarry. Vetrolt haa a munl·

1· othor lmt,(lrtant books are missing Rocky Ford llberaltty, half or a whole as the n<;xt place o'. meeting, It~:~ com-, are absoluto]y poisonous and "'11 1"'-

t Ill .:al,lf•H .. lie rovk 11hout $3f)(J In Hll- rrom the prison and are said to have ·meloll as requested, with ,cantaloupeS' •· "' ... """ tlr•n-1 IIIIJ>hult J~lanL Ono·flftb' of tho Hr, ,wl1rh J1,o 11r()OIJI'd lnlO n bag, hut !)een r.Iestrored. . . thrown· In galore . . petltors being Jamestown, Virginia; jurious. He holds that the air of Lon-tCJtnl rl•vt•llllt'll porno fr<fm the wa~r· loft a !Jim! $HIO In th•• tii•Kk. The (JOllr.o It Ia understood thE' r~>port wiiJ bn Tl;le waste of melons. seemed. wicked Reno,. :Nevada, and Las Vegasl New 1: don is bad . ei10Ugh already without workn In almpst t•VI!ry. caao tholl~ h11yt• u rJc•uc·riJJ!Ion, or thf' m'un. . t;l!ed aA QvldPn;e bl'(Or(l r.he next grand to cHy .vlsltorll, .man_y guest~ eating M*'1tco. t f th ,1 · · I the addition of .carbonic acid gas, the' watc,rw

11rka rr

111ro than

11ny ... , cost Th1• l<•rrltl)rlal SuJirNne Court nd· .Jury In Santa Fe county. Buraum was only· the choice core of a splendid - te repor · 0

• e. commt, ee on res- ··sulphurous gases p.nd worst of all ,. ""' ' 1 t "' 1 • h It tl olutlons as presented to. and adopted ·. ' ' . '

11r thr•lr malntenancll, . tho lnt,t,rcst jWJrnf•tl, August 30th 1irtt-r hl\lllllng lfllJ?er n 1'" 1 ebt O• t e pen en ary melon ·and threwlng ·aslde the great by the. congress expres8 e8 the hope· the asp~yxiatlng carbonic oxide.

•!own c!N'hllonll' ro•YPrllln~; the~ court In rrorn July, 1ll9V, to April, lllOG, or Aur· bulk of a tw~ntY·fiVe·P.ound red-cored' that the government lrrigaric;>n werks .Moreover, wllUe he admits that sci· and tho nlnkln,; ruud ,or UJO wator tlw c·urlf• or J .J. Hagurmnn et al VII ln'g thll .<•ntlr~ period of ~overnor bea·uty. . ' under construcUon and In conte"'pla·j ~nee can· Improve motors, he declares lion•la Ono or tho other IJJt•,r.Qotlng Sarnh /\llht•n .\fnck or ('htin•!l c;ounry ot ... ro s 'administration He was dis· Eastern visitors were' specially lm· ,.. th t tt 1 1 lbl f 1t t b

... .

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fn I.JI ln thiiJ lmlleUn, ·lo whtch the i•llrl nfflt·mlng rtw low<•r <:our• In jhe J\la<·erj w~en Governor Hni;t•rmllD1 Cll!Jif' pressed by the fruit display, belng·tn-· tlon wlll be pushed to an ea,rly comple··, a s mposs C.. or

0 urn P~

Nnw Yorlc World cllllll: attention, Ia T<•rrltory viS Yrnnk A .. HulJbPII of AI· Into offlcP. llurstlm Is now at Ills creduioos as to Colorado's horticultural Uon; heartily aJ)prov!!s the efficient trol and render the resulting P,Ses hiii'JJI~Jrtlt!P, tmrl ~tllowlng uppr•nlll trJ t hn chN:p r.lin<:h In Socorr:o county. resources. It ·Is doubtful If any lltatil and thorough work of the federal rec,· Innocuous, .

'"' 1J111t llobokt•n bao. tho hlglu~Kt J!Opula-' r·nlt••<l SrntN! . L, 111,,.1,111(' <'I1IJ'rt lrl U 1 h ·lamatlcn service ·and expresses ~he . • ', tJun to U

1o u.c::ru t

1r rmY. city: That Is " In the non could ave made·a tln£>r fullest confiderice In the honesty and WILD WITH ITCHING HUMOR.

I 'nltnd Stnt(•H VH. Hill Gmntlc Dam & , .Dete'nae of Bureum. display· of frut'ts, the exhibits being nbiUty of that serv'tce; endorses and

• •

• . ... ' • •

boi'IHJIIO IIR· ar«'a lo only 826 acres. Irrigation 'l'lltl)fJilll), nntl .J ,I>. MartJtWz · parHcularly strong In grapes, peaches, h t d -"m · t · Now York 111 tho lnrgt•ut city, with t•l al Vh Mnwt·ll J~tlld Otunt Corn· I ;nil Vt>gas oplnlnn·s~>ems to b('' ~nan, plums and prunes. Senator CrowleY'I:l commends t e earnes an 'i1 cten Eruption Broke' Out In Spots A,ll Ove,r

JJuliy · · JrucJtJsly th111 11. <>. lltl)·suin 'Is lnno· F 1 1 h Ed "' s 1 k d ,.,. worlt of the na,tlonal wcath~r bureau; . Body-Cured at Expense of Only an artlll or ovor aoo scluaro miles. • · a rv ew -ore ards, ' · '"· w n an r4

• commends the worlt of (lie federal Ag-N"w CJrll'ltll~ IIi •••t:onll and C~lcago MtJUJJIA•d J~lili'I'Jillln Hobert' Burr r••rH or nny intl'nt tonal wrong .Jn his ·N .. Berry were leading prize winners rlcultural Department In Ita Irrigation $1.25--Thanks CuUcura.

18 third r~'~'"'lltly lirrh•~>tl 111 Ho<·t1rr(> lu~vlng In admlulstrutlon ut the l>enltentt.a,ry nf· ln. this department. · and drainage lnvestl~ations. recom: I .. .

c·hafl{f' t W«> (Jiuz<· hrorlu•rll nnll 11. H. lttlra, snys I hi! Las Vegas <·or-reSilODcl· In all branoheil of agr.lculture and mends that the Irrigation congress The Cut!cur'!- R~!medles ·cured me ot llnll, trorn llw Olin rlvl•r country; .ar· r•nt or the I)(•nw~r Hepubllean. F. H. garden products the exhmlts. we,re' autnorlze Its president to appoint a my skin disease, and I am very thank-~-- __ ...._..._ -

Plaint of . the Hlndu1.

Thn Anglo lrHIInn I'Jon~tur h1111 .. nndortakon to '" lnt thu complaint of Jllncluo with n·f..r••IH'II to tho· "lnJuu· tii'IJ 1111d hJIIOlt•nt·o" nf I hu Jr.ugllllb fn Jndir&. A rorrNtpurulf'flt Qf tho · Dor· Jln TlllCI'blnll fllllll•iii•R fur.tlwr dotniiB. Young ulflc••rll aru ll<'(:IIIIOd or bolng

• • SIIN'IIIllY nnl(rllltt Olfl'ndrorll. "In drJ,V· lnu throu11b tho rlt If• a thoy 11IY l.bolr •hiJlll rll(lll 1111d loft, to l'!nar tho lllt•ulll, WILhOIIl r••IIN'IIIII! that thorO· by tlwy aroun•~ fo{lllllKil "hlc'h. gniD· '"" forro from )'t•nr Iii ) t•llr, must c·nd In un tlljlloHiun" Tht• 1•dUc-t•cl Jllndun an• aJU:rll•\'l•tl tu·•·nu110 tbo ll:nglltth trctllt Ut"ll' with 1 ho tu&me COil• tn~JWJ fta tbo coolll'l'l, 1 ••ru11lns to t!nt

• "F ueoclnto with thorn. Thor aro • • &ComtnB hn[>lttlont, tu JJroportlon an

tbcy Sbaro tho IJon(lfiiR or A ~uropoa~ • ·•rat om of od UI'Allon, at tho lJOIItpono­

mont or tho day wbon tboy nro tQ •

LI•nt"d .011 11 c•111 r"l' ur 11 tftttlln" crtttiP. l'h•r<•i•, p'r.eHhh•nt or' thl' ppnften!lary equally complimentary to the product· b r 1 t - M t bl · tl ~ ,., ·- ... . l . committee of five mem erlf to carry on u p you. , Y rou e was er)Jp on 'l'h•· urn·sll! WPn• ·miuh•· !In C'Omlllulnt f,ounl, ntt!'f !'llrt>fully ,.~amlufng h<' lveness of the soil of the Arkansas val· n: campaign of' publicity tn relation to of the skin, which broke out·In spots r~· of ·t•mployc~t of H. ~I Purlt4r o! Den· IIC('QilllliUlt,s' rf'll<Jt!, f\a)'S (bat every ley. • • · . l'l'rlgatlons, tJ:,· S eommlt(ee to be a~U· all over my body, and caused a COD•' v<;r, o\\ rwr or I hi• \ .' x 'f. ranch. nurt llrlJmi'I•nt lrrPgulnrlty exc•;p! pofislbl>· Watermelon Day was lnstltu~ed h;v Lh 1 • 1 • t aJ · h r li 1 1 .., or zeu to en.t> oy a sccrecary a a s · tlnua:l itching which nearly drove me IIU>JJ. tho uit·.n w1•n• ,. 1111 ~ht' hrundlng· diK<·n·p!tnch•f! of I reo or nur nne re< Hon. G. \V, .,wtnk In 187!! and for Sf!V· f ~25 h 1 d ... t

I II •· 1 1 1 11 tt.l I' ll r b 1 ary 0 "' a mont ; P e g,.s earn e. 8 wild at 'times. I got medicine of a l'ltiVt•fl IJf•lorudn~; 'Ill !hi' v. X T. ('0111· t (J :tn. ('1111 ul' I'XP u nf'f. e ·~ II tS . f'r.lll years be personally U,rnls ed .t H' I r tlllu} J~nC'h or the nll'n waJv!•cl ·pro·. uot 1llrangn Ulat In handling 11. halt melons required. For a number. of ~~~i~r~fr~~t;h~ ::~~~In o;~~t 1 !~:r~~= 4octor •. but ·It did not cure me, and llrrtiUIIl'}' ill'nrtu..: IIUd ~IIYU bond to IIJl· OJilllllll dollnrn In Hmall a('('OUDtll liome years n. free ·lunch wns given to all the country's w:iter sheds; fayors the' when I sa:w in a paper your !!.d. I sent Jll•tu twf~Jr•• tho grur.•l jurs·.. siiJ::ht ll'r!•gularllll•a rould IJ•i found. visitors, biit ·soon the the 'passas-e, wltb certain amendments, of, to you for the Cutlcura book IGld I

'I'llll Vult·nr.hL l'otJnl v ~e•·und Jurr I'(' Hngar·dln•~ '$fi,IJOO for which no great eV'ent became so great that this Senate Bill No. 4264, relntm~ tn the studied my case in lt. I then went V rlti~.IJ~>r" ~,•rf• rc>tiilll, Pl .. rce sa va that f 6 aturc was of necessity a ban done·• · · h t th d d b lurn•ld 1111 lnlllt•t nll'nt charging M nl<'otn ,. " •· ~ '" c • '-'· relinquishment ot reservoir sites, wit o e rug store· an ought one .cake

AiP.~~U&. u.n\1 VlctQr 'l't•IINI proJ!riPitJIIJ or tlw lwr.rd hall not required a SPparurt• 'fhe exhibit or agricultural' products In I he prll•llege or' selecting. lwu lands; I of Cutlcur~ Soap, one box of Ctittcura. II Hnft~(ln n1 Thon•n'u N .. ~ .Mt•xl<''' wll h \ oul'l~t•J• fol' PY<•ry Hrtut~l n<·rcmnt of In· the f:'llrly years of · w·atermelon Day expresses the opinion that. gov~rnment Ointment and one vial of Otttlcura tlw mnt<l••r of P<•t••r'slo<·urn' IL "lt;mtwr !'lc,t·l)tal f'XIll'llllf'K, but drr•w n wan ant wqs the nucleus of the present fair; enterprise for reclamatlo'! shou)d no~, Pllls. Prom. the first application r re<­jlll'h.'' lrlHt .J>' .. loiUrtry. .Wh~:u lliTtllh'd' • for thrM or~ rm:~ hundrPd. dollt~rh nt. ~ which has n. longer history of success nnnecefi'sarlly Interfere wrth prior prl· ceived reUef. I used the·first set and· fl.iu•r'IY nrt,..,. I h" ·C'rlrnc•, Tl'llt'll, 111. It ll~lhl- Mr. I I•·~<' .suy,s the bmu d I? J e than any similar fair In the \Vest. vate eut~rprlses; endorses the federal two xt k f C t a:.ol f. rn•t•ly nrlmlll•·d having Jmc•n tlw lie ~"~p,,] on. II•• J.:oi'H 111 Rnntu P• ro- Department of Agriculture's exuerl·; e ra ca e~ 0 u feura Soap, and t•IIJHll' or Blol'urn'K d<•uth, nlh•glng that mu:r~w J tn "!;-'•! ~~~f iotllle( r~e~~b~~~~ NEW SUGAR FACTORY. - menta ln dry farming In s!:ml·arld re-I was completE_ll.Y cureq. I. had sutrered .tlw taller htul roblwcl blru nnd tl~at hr• '~!!\ 1 1 ~·~1 tu·<·~ 1 :r ;;

11 ·i ~b~· t~:1• "bol~ glons; recommends the enactment ot tor.two years, and I again thank Cutl-

nu·ul'l\ blm tH 1•1 tllt• lwud with ll plfllol ~nr~t 1 ~.' ton t h•!' bottom 1 hut which will Large Plant Projected Betw~en Den- n fetlernl·law proscl'lblng'l!enaltfes for • cura for ·my · cu~e. qaude N. Jpbn: .,..

In (•ud.<•u.vo•·Jn_g t~• I'N'tl\'(•r hi& moJwy. uno: bc)~1; slt!Ps 1 n ll~ ben rd.· unlawful Interference with . fede.ral lion, Maple Grove Farm, R. F. D. 2. , Aftt•n-.alll It ul•tu•nn•tl thnt Ttl~h•ll 'Yn 11 Ju•fl.w HNII'Y !,. \\'lihlo' l:lH:VS, "No ver and Brighton. hE)adgales nnd otber Irrigation works. Walnut, Kan., June 15, 190.5." ~ llhle•ldlng sonwtlh!' l·liw, 111\d nangPr om• Jut n fool woilld suKpect Hurry o. Denver.-A Cot01:ndo sr"'lngs ape· The committee recommended the ; J)udlt•) IV Ita Jill! to· wprl< tlm cnsc•. Burll:rrn nf ht•lrlC' ,1 rwrtv .lllll<t." · clal to the Denver Republican 'fhurs- following resolution In relation to the Fear for Cologne Cathedral. 1

~;.~Ul tl~o ,~f?ult t hut Srnll h . 1111 t .llwn "I . bollcve Tlni'suni 'rntlrely lnno- day says: ~~{~h ~:a:'~:;ptZ~~ the Phlll~plnes, . Serlou~ damage to the 'magnificent ,o C'U t Ji >. .l'f•lll:'· S\IYK Don Bu,.;<·n•o H~ni<'I'O, "nntl It was stated here to-night that lin "lnr.smuch as th~ sugar beet ipdus· central portfl.l of Cologne cathedral is

,..~- - I wti: stand hv. him tt. tho laHt cil!eh, lndeJ)endcnt )Ject augur factory• Is pro· try l'n Irrigated "meri"a returns to our~~ feated. several Jarg. e pieces. of. c;arv-,

• .. • •


bavo a volco In Uw shaplns of tile · W t h . r 1 ( . 1 lit h jectc!l by. Denver and California cntl- n ,... ea t o New Mex co, IIIHI ·1 rwcC>KHnry, J:l/, Into t w 1 c ltallsts, tho Sit-e to be between Denver farmers an ;mnual . revemio of· over , ed ston!l ~ave fallen and. num~rous·

II Ill' nut only th•• Hlr·angm· who nBilll wllh him." · and Brighton. Tho mill Is 1o have n $20,0,0Q,OOO, and as the production at' ether 'portions show signs o( looseii· . '

oountrta poll"". Tho G(lrmao ro· rorrod ~.~ at a losB to undol'fltnnd the .JJrltiJf atUtudo towar<l U1o odu· I'Dic•<l, llfdlf'us. "I bllVO bocorne 80•

· qualDtod With a runnbor or tb011o," ho ~rlt.oa, "wt10tn I lljtt>ll dcmhJo<ll)' bot· tM Ulan lJl&IIY a~?-:'\!JJIIb Rnob ot Oor· man.. otltcJJill l .)ui.Va ~mot "

fi,-. ! #,. ~ .. Alaaka'a P'l11~lt ·Campaign.·

Alaska Ia to lluvo n uuvol OfPOrl~ .. nco In tbo •hllPO or u conaroatS!onal I'IIUJI•AIP, 'l'bo "Sownrd"s•urcllntul" 111 now a ffUII•nooJed tl<rrltory, uotltlod to r.,,,rett~ntaUon In tho nallbnftl lllll· Iahti uro Ill WMhlnKtun, and will Uvo UJI tu 1\t pr!vllogoa by t~locthu: a 'dol· ll&;llht t\ut It Ia not llkolY that Uu.tro will bo RQJtbiOir wildly uciUug a!x'ut lt. at Joaat. over moat of tho t6rrltol:1, ••r• tho ~)' tlrnoa. Alaska ball ·, popul11Uou .fJn•ntod to approXIma., 1 oo,ooo, nH)rtl~;.4ban half of tbn lnhab­it.ftnta behtl indian nail vet.'" 'rbo tar· rltory baa an aroa about equal to tbo 'Whole of tbo United Btatoll put ot lbo Mlaaltalppl rlvo( .. &lld...-palan·

• 1n1 ovor tttcb a rocton wm moan Ions rtdca ana. tra.mpi fur thb IPoll,Wndofa. tor ratlroada and bl&bwkya ·are aeareo In that part bf tbo •orht. Uowcmar, mott or Ule wbttee &NI tu bo rouuo In aotUomwts Uke Sitka and ln tho alata1 ~-.PI· ln tboac ,eooUon• Ulore II a proa~.,o' VliJOrolfa aamp&~lhlDJ. oa the whOla Uloro will be eontldor­able tnwroat Jn tbe·Jlrtt •lllOUCJn ro­tiU'U from • ~lulta.

~~J~ .... W ...... IJ!!:N:t!!!:%fl!:l ' Tho DOW ccm•ua· atatJaU~· or Uae

aewapaper buatuoaa aro •tocaorlo~t' ma to ·~t'tfdte wbd' make, ot help •ake, newapapora. ln .lDOOIJlm Wtlro lt.GtU&T ooplea ptlnted dllli lo tbo Ual~ Qt.Jt6a, aod tbeto • do~abt· &oil UllD)' DJ.Otil prln.tOtJ ~.

e. •=1';..__ ..... ~.= !!Otlete::=

Tbe diet eJrpOrt wbo preached on tbo nh.1o of whoto • and 1hon ACOriOd htmattr w dtatb with bollltil etabl mtAif empb&i~ tbt oomrnon •\t,IO!t or tht .~tatUM '*~• .... ,. ... ~0 tlrait)o... _,,

• •


• ' • .. , ,

• ' '

oaeruuuuali)'. "lluw • do your lurgv ''I htl\'o t•x-amlnl'd <•vnry 11"'m or 1 he capri.clly of at least 6,000 sacks of home of the sugar we now import from lng. The cathedral,. begun In 1248,.) t11w 1111 (•l!IHI; Jl(JW do thdr Jll•o)l'lu t•lw j ~~>r·orr." Knys Allorlll'Y 8. B.,.~ flav:~: sugar 11 ·day, or approximately 250 ton.s. the tropics would atforrt our farmers was not completed unUl 1880. It is 'Wt nn £•xii11QtiC't'' wlll'l'l.' tloi'H tho c•nor· I nnd 1 bcii~>Vl• 1111 <'lin be E>XJIII llf'l · A factory of this size would cost nearly an additional :;.nnual marltet for 11early ~enerally regarded as the finest piece rllot~~t h·nd'' ot t'lw!lv huHlnt•Hs honH~II " 1~ 111 1111111 1" lnnorl'nt ·" snys lion .let· $1,000,000. The H'avemeyer factories $100,~00,000 of beets, and as It has ·or Gotlilc architecture In the world. Nlirw rrour ?" Tht·Ht• t)tit•HIInns rll•t• h·t·nn!l nn ~ uoidH In t~e ·state nre sit uatod at Greeley. been urged that the United St <~les Con­URIII•d bf-qau~<n 111 to\\·o8 Jllw l:!nntn fo't• "Hili'•H•m utwnld 11 ~' conslth•rP•I In· Eaton, W'Jn{JIIor, Sterling, Loveland grcss further stimulate the sugar in· I.!IH 'V'<•:nll 'l.1tti ('rucoll, thor~ noct'nt 1111111 ht• Is Jlroven gUilty of and J<'prt Colllns. At Grund Junction dustry of the; Philippine .islands to pro­IH '1wtiNJU~Io l~tt•ll ·,u' lnnnufll!'llll'lng \~rc:~n~ ~Y. ~u 111.~ 1 .!11 ~~Y~WI~' ;;,~n ~~~ 1110~' Is tho Western Land & Sugar Com· duce all or a portion or the sugar we ltulub!rlt·l· ·or L11l dtlmrwyfl nnd 1 "I tr " n JllJI • ' 1 II! • · puny's plant, controlled .by J. R. Me· or arid America had hoped to produce; 1hron~11 of woi'IIIIH ,, going to nnd rt·om Klnnlo and associates of Colorado "T.llerefore, we protest against any I Ito n,illll. 011 tlw ot hor h.wd llwro Springs. The Ho<'kY Ford, Sugnr City further legislative concessions In fa· urt· unm·mollH ,,r<'LIK or hnfl• plulnn, KO a Hold·Up at Las Vegaa. nnd other Jllllnts·ln the Arkansas \'al· vor of Phlllpplne sugar and urge Lhat H!>nl'th•ly JlOIJUlnltcl th11t l•von sunountl· ley nro owned by the American Beet legislative agitation and ntt:• ·ks o1 the

·tng fbo tnrs:or towna tlwro nn• but Cow J.n11 Vt•g•'11 wcs the Hcenr of 11 bole! Sugar Cmnpan~·. which Is controlled by sugar production of this country cease, vllhtneH Tlw r'rnv1'11•r (•ntt•rln•: Snntn hold-up eurly In Uw morning of An Henry Oxnard and others. that this great Industry of arid Amer· l1'1: pvor tlw jl>t•m or ancl lUo Gum do If IIIII 2!lth, Whl'll 11 lono bandit rohli<•d All hough tlw McKinnie and Oxnard lea :nay. be fully developed." r~'t\•otlll. for lltllllllirP, will 1111l 14t•o o tlw tnro tnhlt• ttnd <'asb reglstt•r or tho fnctorl.,s are tnderwndent of the Hav<."' Another f'!solutlon expressed appre· lllllKill bnhltntlon for tho la11t twlllllY Arc:ulo saloon. According to lhl' moyer plants In the nortlwrn pan or datto., of the interest shown by Prea· n~tJc;u ur 11111 trll•: t•omlng <?"''I' tho 11tory of tho OCC'Illl11 11tll of the resort nt the stale, the three organizations wor·lt ldent Roosevelt In irrigation and rec· ai(nta J•'o t't•ntrnl ho will seo no 1lwoll· thll LJIIIQ, tthl rollhl't t' lterf'd lhrougil hand In band more or· less. lnmatlon work and of VlOE~·Presldent lot,; honlloJJ ft•nm tho cur window for the r:ont .door nnd sbovod a hlg six· Tho new plnnt, It Is stated, will be Fairbanks' courtesy In coming to ad· the lcwt lWNll)'•l\V() lllllttiJ; l'Oilllll}t over llhootor In the ruco or tht'l bartender., built rnr the P.llrpose of flghtlng the dres!J the congress. 1 ho sa~lJl l~o ratlW,n)' 1 be will l}otloe l''ronk Mcqnt}. Artor covering thut in· trust. A resolutlo'n introduced at the in· the nbllonl'll ut hotuos tor tho lniJt •dh•ldUul ami ordt•rlng him to throw up :;tanct> of persons interested In the t>l~lltct'}! rullua .. 'l'nldn~t tho r~ll rrom~ hlb hands 1ti truo border 11tylu, he or· Arkansas river litigation and a~opted annb F.f .to Um daat Into tho J>ecoa. elorod ~he two olh<"r men In the saloon Anti·Prohlbltlon Mayor RealgnL says:

In a Pinch, U~e ALLEN'S FOOT•EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smat~

lng, nervous feet and Ingrowing n'a!Ts.' It's the greatest comfort discovery ot the age. Makes new shoes eas7, A certain .cure for sweating feet. Sold by all druggist!!, 25c. Trlat package, FREE. Address A. s. Olmstell. JA Roy, N, Y •

Mag11lfjcent Sacred Edifice. The largest and COiltUest buildln&­

thus far undertaken in New York, the city of lmmens9 structures, is the magnificent $10,000,000 Episcopal Ca-.' thedral ot St. John the DlvJne, now be. lng erected .on Morningside • Helpts. 'l'hls wUl be the greatest edifice. In America, and the fourtb 1D tm.port­an¢e In the world.

F'orollt n011..,rvu, ho will soon luau olght to holst tbolr hands lllcowlae. Kansas Clty.-Mayor w. w. Rose or "We recQmmeud that the. Congres11 of dwolllug tlhle_,B and see none n~;uln H:tVII•g flt(J(j,J tlw tr.lo In n row with Kansas City, Kansas: Vernon J. Rose, of the United States consider the ex· . Belt's Deed of Generosity. until h!.l tltl'l~''tl \ht\ l'v,cos IUver, IIVt!D• tbclr, 11~da high over their hclldt<, Mr. chief of pollee of that city, and John F •. tension of the juriSdiction of the One of the' many persona '\VbtJm the ty~ftve ;milt.:_ .to•Uio ~at In n at might Dan• It procccdl•ll 10 rnko 1 he <-nsh on Kell)', captain of pollco Thursday United State~:~· courts to provide for the late Alfred Belt had befriended repaid llnli; nnd gnlnt: to ttlq WC!st ho ·fillll the fnt(J tnblq Into 11 snck llnd followed agreed tb resign their otncea upon judicial determlnaUon of \Vater rights. him ·with fngratltude and ,.j'tiuse. tru\•ol t wl<io nrt. .rtw' fwtore b1P NICllt It up with empt.Ylng til& contents of promise of the !I tate officials that con· on interstate streams.'' Lat th 1 ·um lltrUwa A vtllt!$'1l' or a hundrUtl poopl(!, tho msh register ln'tO' tho bnf;. Out or. tempt proceeding brought ngal~st Th er e mgrate fe 1 on evil e•. Ill (•o!UUI)'h'nnln. Ohio, ~t'll81fRQhllt~vl.tll, .t~lll goodntHJS of his bt>nrt M,Jtlft : Uo them recently In the Kanans Supremo , . ough down In the gutter, be •tiD


J • • •

llllnolll and New Yorlc, whoro larg(' 111 chungc tn t,lio rash box. 1 bd bnndlt CoUrt would' be dropped. Chlet llose · YOUNG LADY SH.OOTS. had a little shame left~nt$ wcUlld not ' olt!co aru 1\lt Uilck ns hucklobcrrlca on then coolly•kNl PUt through U}e and· Captain Kelb• will hand tlielr res• &ilk Mr. Bett tor help. The SQuUl Ar-. ,: ~·. " buall tho nbovo quo8tlona are no\'CJr I'Oilr door, with n ro.volvor still potntetl ignatlons to Mayor Rolle during the Wyoming Girl 'Arrested for Shoothlg. rJcan diamond m~ate aent tofone • n•kud for thoro tho ldti4 Jlft)Vntla more nt tho tbroo nflh>nisht!d> mun. nnd dis· day, and at·tbo Connell meeting Mayor Ranch. Foreman. ot the U';UUcky ones frlenda and «aid: ur leliJ tbut fAolorJ(Is nnif railroads nJtpetu·ed. tn tl,la dnr~ncas. · Rose wm tender bls reslgno.Uon, to- 1'Go and aee So-and:SO, aak If lte ;wants • 11

nlono build towoa und tbnt llll otltor • getlier with those· or tlie other two of·. Sheridan, :Wyo.-Miss :Edna Irvine.- ·any help, aud glve it to him, but.don't Jnduatrl~l! atu h~h;nU'Icnnt In <l(lii)Jlllrl• l.eglllatlvo·Councll Platrlcta. " ftclo.le. At Topeka the attorneys rnr daughter' of ~tate ~reasurer .Irvlno, l~t hlm think ft Is from In~. f 1011. · • .. • • • · · . • both sldos renched tbls agreement, who ls charged wltli sbootlng tn the bad & difference with hbn ad ~per-

Yet~ bo1·~ nrf,f rl' tcw ft8Urea· whlcb·. No lliiPOI'IIonnmnt for loglllluti\'•1 Pl!r: th'rCJo justlct')a of the Supreme Oollrt• btp George ll. Knighton, foreman of hap• It would annov '"'fill" . , abow nowi'Nt'Jw Mo)lcb a\IPlklrtiJ a tlOJ). poaoa hl,vlng boon nln'do or Now 1 till · • tho Leiter ranch on which the Irvinea , .., ulAUun ctil ·a;&,61)0 pooplo, a acnro ot l\loxlco tlllltlo 1891. Goirornor Huger:- cc> ne ng. were living, hlliJ b~n bound over under proaperou11 towns, hutidrodll or vllfnst~ll fiiiUl hall decided to lslluo 1\. proclarna~ • t&OO bonds. For many months, It Is 1md yt\t lu\11 no mmt roanufftctnrlnr. In• Uon. mClldng n il'ow ftPilOI'Uonmcnt. Exterminating tho Tick. alleged. Knighton hna mad~ things dls-ttu•tt·ltt. •'rllo "\'ft,hto of tbo WIQUl• u•~" ~bo olocUon returns of 1904 tor agreobte· for the Irvine family, partlcu· tural lrruducts llt'f'lihtccd tu Nttw Mo~l·· .~ b•liti&. Aooor4lna; to this ~ew t\lJ- WaablngtQn. - The work o! ex• larly Miss. lrttne Tuesday. when a w tUta r~r ~lfSlOOdll f:O:OOO,OQO~ tho JIOrUonmont· thQ l<!glslnUve councU terminating iho cattle tick In tho gate was left open and some hOmes e&.­'l'llhu'l of .tb~ .Mtol.a'~oorhleuct amounts d!attlc£1 will bo the rollmylng: • southern and 11ome of the western caped, Knighton IIJ .said to have· ao­tu ~~.u(lt),()pO: at Ua ilh~p lUld hllnb8 First,' San· Juan nM Rio Arrlbl\ at&toiJ 11 procresslng ti"UsfnctorUy, ac· cusCJd Miss lr,.tlne and It Is said used. eoh'l. fti,OOil,OUIJ• 1.11 ua cattlo aol4. 'to cottntloa: .Stl(ond, Tnoa n:n~ · Colfax: cordlng tO a eratotuent mado bt Sec- lndoeeat language, even swearing at almo11t $U1uoo.oo~: or lt1t CQal and otbOr thlrd. Colt•uc nl:ld Union: tbllrt,t•. Quny, f(t~ Wilson to-day. It began In VIr- her. · ltlluural pl'()dtit'll.!'. ovor fll,®Q,OOO. nooaevett, Cbnvea and 1lid1l)'; tltth, r.;lnla and North Carolina, where, lt Mlu Inrlne, though-cultured and re­Tho w,ag"a d16tt.tfj\ltb\l·bY lta tatl.-.,'.4• Otoro, ~lncoln nJu1 Olllldnlupo: ill~tll, was aali:t;~t4ltl co-ope111.t1on,ls bolng · fined and the Sl'&dnate of an e&JJt~rn alreaDy (!(tnttruct~J.9r tltUlUI' comslrf.lbil; Doll!A AUll. t~MI\ And Gran~; 1!1(1\'cnth, pven ttie .dopartmen~. both Ill tuone)' g(rls'. seminary. IOVI,!B the 111.Q~ Ufo Uon :111'\tro Ul't\~Jti:U(h),OOO. an.ll tbe~ S®Qrt(l noll Blerro; oh;btb, Vnlt~ncln, U4 tb«t e.xtunalon tit atato authoritY. to and rtdea much, 'cilrrytng a revolver •t tbefi;l n~ lluob llttlt,~ tucldontt\ll aa Mc~nl•t nntf $nm.toval ~ nluth, llfjrna· ·tho department's omclalll. Tht.l l\ppro- all umee. lrbli she Is sald (Q have tho ~n8ltu~:,h:»n ot \'alit toaervoJt''111• dUll); tenth, sau~tF~ ,IU\It 1'orrnne(); :Pr.latlon ror' tho work waa. P,a.GOo. pulled Jilt\ ordered Knlg!Jton to clcs••t. tt~ml, of ao.oOO•heflltha~kotlt, Qt Jl)(l,. ole~ntb., ,Ji!o~t nd San MlKuolo · SQme Qf tl\6 etatea have uot enacto'\ 'Which ~e 'did no~ do. She. lt tr; alleged. ooo =•ll, not to a~k or bral\obaa twelfUh ~axi-.llt cl. Eloveb or th~ao Jawa pte~tllng nnauclaJ. ~d otllel' aid then ellapped a o&l'trldse at b'tm whtch ot' 11 -t talaUUJ ~ot "'"\lnterattHJt' or dlatrletll are p~a~o,bly Repubuc•u to tbo IO.;v..:ekmme.nt, bUt Secrotaey·~ll· failed to exl)lOde, but When alle PUlled CiO:lontaaUon projt<lta a1td y( tl'l·u-.r nnd one DOm04.lrat. · eon J..&ld umt even wttb'the aum avail· tbe ttlscer aptn tho buiJet;.~uslit· .

• • •

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*'. "" i , · :r ··~· • • , , • • . , ablt. ax~u® PtoBt'f!sa haa heen rnacle. · KJit&h~on ln the hl~ retuas .fJIIii. · · o(> • • •• ··d¥~ ~-· ,, . .. . . . . ..... ..... )


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. \ ' . Peralatent An80mla Outed bv . Dr.

Williams• Pink PlUtt Aft.e~· Other , ~ . . ·' . .. . .R.,medlea t1ad' Failed•·

. ' .

' . . ' '

SCQTCHMEN. · H~NOR tire· monument a ·helght of 23 feet. · .,, Whetl I. begtUJ t.qJdng Dr. Wlll~ilml;li ·. MEMORY OF GREAT POET. · One .of these· ·Pal',\~ls represents· the P4ik Pill~,·· sn.y.s Mrs. Nathaniel .l''Ul~a, .. · · · I · · . . · · weil·known scene from 'Tam o' Sltnn· I of St. Alljalls, Somel\s!lt oounty,

MAY ·.Gf,T BOTH NOMJNA·TIONS · · ter," where the witch Is shown·ctuteb·· ••IwMthe,palest,most·bloodl~ssperson ' ' · · · M,woment Begu,n 18 Years . Ago to lug· the tall of the gl"lly 'mare, at~d :yon -.qo11ltl lJ.Ungine. My tongpe and

. · Theodore E: :Burton, the leading· congressma~ Erect Statue Qrowned 'with s~o- bears tll,e motto · · · gums wm:e colorless and my fingers ~nd from Ol)lo, .chalrman of I the commltt~ on. rivers ' cess-Work of l\lote~ Ed in· B~t_ plen8ures a;e like . poppies spre.W: ears were lUte wax. I hl\d two doctors and harbors, who I'OOen,tly returned froin attend· burgh Sculptor. YoQ sei:.;Q t"e flower, Its !>h>oin Is .shlod. ru)dtbeyprou~uucedlnytroubleaummia,

. ~ce o~ the lnterparllamE!ntary, arbltu~tlon' cPU· . . Anoth(;lr lllustra~es "The. Cottet',s i spells of VOJuitiug, .could not eat, . f4;lrence lp E-urope, may· have the rare distinction Chlc!!-go . ..,.;one of the most notallle Saturday Night," .and on the . granl Le in ft~ct, did upt' diU'e to, I bnl\ !lucll dis·. ot being t~e.nomlnee of·bot,h parties for reelec-. of the many inag,nltlcent monuinents below Is carved the Itne, tress.afr.erentinB• M-y.~tom~chwas{llled Uon. If this should· come about It wUl not be alt(l-' er~cted· by ·scots the. W(!rld over to the· ~rom !l('en~s like these· old scott.a's il'· witlq~ns·which canNtld, iue· a,wful apy, gether owing to his. personal popularity', although ·n!;,mory 'ot tbe great poEt of the pea- o-ur springs. The bnclmche I st11Tored wus at times t},lat is a large .factor, but because the Democrat's pi~. "Bobby!; a urns has just been Qn· A thlvd panel h r .. oiuvln:! or' Burns · alnaost nubenmble ftlld .the.lenst'exertion see no chance of defeath:~g blm and fear a, posSI· 'veiled In this clt;!. I ' ' ' t~~lng up the mous~·e nest. wiUl .tbe ·lila<le my hoort'bel\t so f!lllt that i could: ble ~ght for the honor of the nomination whl<:h The magnificent· bronze· carved by oft~uoted wot·ds to W.hlch the inclden~ bar1ttv br. ,:lathe •. Bu. t t.lio. worst of all was might intertere. with their }Japes for success In . · , · · . ' · • 1 "' the contest for other offices. . . , W: (}rant .steven~JOn, th~ noted Edln· gave r !36, , . tbe splitt.iug neuralgia Jl~•dadJle which

At a welco~e h()rile reception .'by· the burgh sculptor, Is the result of neat:IY'. Tbe best lnl.d plans o' mice and men .gang ueverlefttuefol'SeYenweolra. AbOnttbis

. . . ' '

Of course tl\e. rnan who thinks as ' . . highly of blmsel~ as you :do of yourself _ Is ·conc~lted . . . . '

t ,1 j

. . ,\fi~l A ('10 A R!il. -Will not mnkq you.norvouo.. Allk.JOI1r'~lll1' or Tbo :U .. B7man Oliiilr Co., 1110.11Ut $treol, O..nvor.

. "What <lo t.blnk of 'uwse 'plans for ' . . . ·oxplor~ng the. -1\rctlc' regtons wltli au· . tomqbllos ?" "They'~;e ·. nQue · of my · 'troubles," answered I<,armr Corntosllt:ll. ."Let the ·Esquf~os ·worry.".

·. TlpJ>ecanoe club In'. Cleyelan!f' Mr. ·em- 20 .years· of ;patient, Jovlng etrort. on . aft' ag_ley.- . . " . . ' time I hnd llntl sevcml IIIH~b f!Pells. My· Phaslzed his stan" f6r the · the' tb,e ·part Qf the Scottish' citizens .0 t On t~e remaining ~>Ide The Twa li111b .. s '~··otd<l be ·cold. 1\ll{l. withtm.t llllY 'Wr1to for clolh "'"11P1tia ol m;y JIO.t~ IJnnct 4 ' · · D " Ill b h f · ~· Tullorod .Bulla, 11111tltl by I, l!udo; lbo Uttle tmlor, right of in~lvldual · the· Ch.lcago. Aside from· a few llirge do-· ogs .. w e t & subJ~ct ~ th~ catv· .feeling·tlnu moll~ deathly lleUlilltious t6than<IC\IrttoSt., lJt.>nver. · · ·

, . . plan to have the nations, the. heavy sum required. for. h;~g, acompanlrd by ·thtl . motto, wonld cpm~ oYer 1110. , · · . . .. ' ' ' ... .,· . . , , . Foraker and Dl<;k for their the carrying out of the great ·project. In Vlrtpo's !JeJlvcnly road- . ', . . 1'Nothillg lli\d helped WtlU)Jtill began

tu-es advocate~ by. President Roosev:e}t ·bY omitting the . · . · ' · Th~ cottac;e I<JlfVes. the P!llnc11 .tar beht1 d. talti!ig Pr.Willitmia! 11~ulc. Pill:!,' ill fnot, ·· !ndorse~ent, ·Mr. Burton, however, that "the was ~ulis~~ibed .in ~~all ~mounts and · :fhe .stat'~;~e struiM In the center .>t I hA~l gro,\~·n wm·~e every duy. After I

· B11t. th.e coat (toesn't malll~ tlic man·

.. ltj• not only of m~n 'of all'parties 'In Ohio, but of Republicans;. C!lm~ from the hear.ts- of .the thousan<l!l :a @rge flower bed on the .llllght rise hmt t,nlten the,p.ills a flhm·t t.ime J cou~cl idont .. ' . ' ' ' H ' ' ' ,, ' ' • of loyal sons of. Scotland. I!ICattered 'o It th . r 'c• ,• b ildl ' see that t.hl')'· Wt')'.e beiil'tlting· ·Uie ailcl

~ot even !!. coat of tar and fet~tbera., Any' man posseli!;l("S the ability tp bll

'ns big a fool ns litl lllt1ases. · ' . . .

···· · .. M.;. Burto~ l's iw.torlotlsly unstibD;tsslve to the party iash ... I!'or throughout the pity .. Z'~.ver, probably, o~p .s e · . e re t·e · ,ory ~ .. ng Md: 1one.morlliilg I nwvke.enUi'.e)y fi·l•o from. Cl,eveland,, t}le ctty· :wh1oh he represents In congress, Is <iompletely was there a greater detnonstraUon of ~~ar the, },\goonf The !lite was chos ~n, pniu, Tho·- clish'!IHII aftt•r entiug dltlllll· .with the doc~rlne of 'rehabilitating the merchant· marine by· · · . . ·. 1 Y represe11,tat.ves of, the 1\te)lloltal penreclnull in thrt•o Wt'tllt_s l mH~~d t'.nt ton condemn.a the pr!ncltJIEi. :Surton Is ·unalterably opposed to a la·rger navy, . assoclatl.on,, the park ..:ommlsslon and 1\JI'ytliiug l Wllllletlnnd snfft:'r no weott•. and; .he ··s not altogethel· 'orthodox in his' talitr views·;· . : · · tpe munlcl))al· art comnil.slson and Is· yeniOl!!'O., lnl~p slt'pt souiHIJy·. ·I hn\'O

·' · · · . ·,;. • : ·. · · .· conli!i.dered the mo&t plcturesque and tnlteu !RWt'l'l'l bnxe!l of' piihtnn'tl lu~\'ll . , ' · . . . apprppl'latl'! that could be ·tound, .. g: :v- guiued ill1\"tlight froml20 to 1~4 !)Ollllili\

'. · ... 1.-. --'-'...-"':-:'.,..........,..---:-~-...-....,."'""'-----'-'--7.~;-:......,..,.;.._;.--:;_....,.':" .. ·~ . .:.--_...;..;.-:-...... ..,. · jtng, as· It. aof;'s; some_-'s11ggeotlon .or~ . mJtl.nm'J.le~·(ep,t~y ~,·~·llun\~. :• -. . .

'HJS DECISION CA'·USED· A .RJOT · ·acene on one of the' lochs df Scotland. I?r .. W-11!1.ams P1nlt Pills 01 1 ~' nntt>lllta .. : ·: : . · been use_ thoy nd).llllly nm1w 11uw llluOtl.

. ' Jn~ge Wflllam. Jay Gaynor,- of . trf~~J~~~ do.ubtless had no Jdea, ,w)l~n he· handed cl decision that the .aJl.powE)rful Brooklyn · Ra·ptd Transit ·company could ·~ot lawfully colle'c't 1.~1!-

. cent fare~;~ to Coney Island, that the result wo·nld be a popular uprising against the Illegal attempt of th!! company· 'to collect that fare and that an all-day 'riot would occur In wP,lch 150,000 people would partie I pate Jl;nd two .or three· pflOple_ · be

. '· T.h~ .movement .t~ bu.lld: _the. st~~ue Fo•• l'll'olllllllt.ism," hidiicl"t i(lu, · !H'I'\'(Ius' was. ln~!Jgurated Octo)>~r 25, .1888,, hei\Ilndlf'!ll\llllliuui v ful'nHI of wt•llku('MI w~en. II·. meotlug ,\vas caii!Jd fm• the tht•Y'·nre're't•mupH'u.ilecl onu if ot·tliiuu:·y purpq!!e o.f forn.tirtg a~d Incorporating niNlidnes hu,•o fnilt'tl; 'l'lu·:Y nn• !inltlby

1 the· Btii'IIS Memorial 1..nd .Monument alldrnggi~;b;, or will bORI'IIt pnsqu\itl, nu as'sociatlon. :Po this ine~Ung ·e~·f;)ry rel'vipt of ,pri.'(l,·llQ t•t•uts pt•r l~r!x•. Rix 'Scottlsjl soclt1tY. In Chicago· In- hnx1•~ for $:.l:li0, l~y thn· Ik· "tll~nu~~:~ vi ted' to send delegates: All entered :M!!lhclue·Uoull'U~lY, SdtCIH't!t~dy, .N. ~. ,lll~q the pt•pJect w'lth enthusiasm anti -~-- . __ ~r-• --·-· • from that time until. 1893 there 'Willi·: .

. '

:Qenv·~r, Directory .... . ' .. '

·A.· ~$lJO. ~SiuidJe· ·.for.· . ·· ·. $28~ C..O.D~

Tbe 'Fred Moeller Saddle'&QarnessCo. 1·11 :1· J.IIO J.arhn<'r St....

: Uto~n\'t'r. (,nt~. .. · killed and a dozen Injured: If he had known this it w.oulii have made no· dltrerence ·with him.

) < ' < T '

. ' Th[s. is ·not the first time· J~tdge Gaynor hal' gre.ut activity among all the 'orgall'l· . We· can generallY ·a,•olcl a lot ot

' zatlons In· a general nnd coo 1)or-ati''l~ .t~uble by not BI\Yillg whnt wo think.·. " effort· to '.rtirther Jlte v.ralsf'worthy· v11- · . il1,.;.: w;.;-;..,;.; !i~.;;,;ih-; ~yru 1,, . -caused a sUr In Greater New Y orlc:- · He wenl

. against the 'leaders or· his. 'own'. party, smashing the rings right and !eft.· . , · '

Juqg~· Gaynor Is . no respecter of persc.ns. -When John· D ... Rockefeller was dodging. tJ:ie

. process servers by hiding 'In his mansion at ·· · · .· Poc.a~tlco Hills, Judge Gaynor said in a public

address tha't no de'ce'nt man would dodge a subpena· by hiding In his bo!Ue aud have his wife, ·his children and hJs ~enants· Ue repeatedly and' say· they did .n·at know where. lie was. · '

. -. .

terprist•. .Entertahiment.s ·of ill [ kl~d~ F-or <'lt11cirilh ult•tblnll, •onen• the .,um•, •••ht<·~· In:· were frequimt and the, preceNis W.ttitl ' '~~~l(I)Uatlon, nl1ay>J1~11ll. 'uro• wtucl c•ui!C. 2~c ~butt!~

-. ......... -~~-.

til ·all cases s~t<aside for'lhe monun;aeut. , Many· Dlalectl. ·. 'f11nd. Meanwhile subscriptions frt; Ill Tbero ·. ;irt1 sevont)··tll'Vt'.ll . tlistlnd a dollar· upward were constan~ly re· ·~lalocls slR)ken ln :Great Urltaln, · .celved from the me~b~rs of every bp­clety, And mapy of thel:le nave .e.ll .. · . · . lmp~nant t~ !\llotl1er8. alotli; Men made .at con:.i,der'able 'D!;,I·. ~Qmlno cnre~ull,- over; liot&le of C.'\STORlA, sonal · sacrlfi\ l, . .. l&fe a11d •1\ro remedy for Infanta and: children,.

MONOMENT TO· ROBERT· BUR~S: _In 1893 ca1uo the worl:l's fair.· or arid eett lhJtt It

. ' SENA-TOR .. BACKS A PRIZE FIGHT. ·' course nil .things gave way to Uu\t -.: n ·, ·

the. love' ·and :pride· of $cotchnien for · · ·. · eo"' t to th. elr great p' oet than ·has been· dis- ~rent <!Xhi·bltlon and the Scottish so- .. Signature of

Finest rooinH ·~lll1. w.t~•~l'•llent: bd~t ton<'hern, lll'IIHtl lnu!lncus n!'elhodiJ..

.Awurded mnny gold thedHI"'. tor .,,i~ur7 : 'lurlt)·. ·Full l.t'l'lll ·oplHIH Aul{ust 21st. '.· LOWl':<t tutc11. \\'rite tn·day fur bet(utl­tul rruo c•tlnlnt;'ue · W. '1'. PAHI\.8, Dr . Coni'! ·s\1., Pr1n<•lplll, ;Cii1b Uulhllnir, · 17:11 t\1'111>11 hllll Sl.

.. / j • • •

George S. Nixon, United States l:l~nator· 'from Nevada, who bas volunteered to see that · the

· Gans-Nelson prize fight at Goldfiel~ on L,abor day Is "pulleil otl' on the 'Square," owes his start in

.life to an Illness that took him to .Nevada, when-11. mere boy and .owes much of. his recently ·ac­quired millions to a; little qeal with a y~mng gam­

. bier ·whom he ·aided. when the ·gambler: .was In hard luck.

Nixon, at the age ·of 119, was a . telegraph ·operator in. New Castle, Cal., when a severe -at­tacit of malaria necessitated a -chango of. occupa­

. tlon. 'He went· to Reno, where he secl)red a posl· · tlon In .the First National bank. l'liree years 1ater be and others organized. the First National

. bank· of Winnemucca, of which. he soon became president. H~ ·became Interested )n mining, cat· 'tie and sheep raising. was publisher of a dally

· . . · p~per apd a politician. He was elected a mem· ber of the state legislature. In 1891 ahd was soon recognized as n leader, aml when Wtlllam M. Stewart ha~ served hts last term a,s senator, Nixon was h ·a posltlQn which made him the logical su~cessor. His first year.-of service at Wasltlngton brought him many honors, as he was made chalrmn.n of tll\ national banks committee of the senate arid a member of the committee! on ·coast defense; irilgatlon, mines and mlnlng,, transportation and' sale of meat products,. the PhlllpplJ,!es and examiiiatlon or the civil· service.

Nine ·yeil,rs ago, when Mr. Nixon was In· his ~an~ at Tptiopah, a youth " rough and ready appearance entered and· want~d to pa~n a diamond ring fu· $25. ·N:Jxon hesitated, as he had ilev~r done tha.t kind of business, ·bitt ·somE thing ln. the young man's appearance Impressed· hlm and. ho gave him th• money. - · - · · · · . · · · . · ·

The )'outli was George ·Wingfield, a boy from Oregon, who· was niore of.· a gambler than anything else. He wanted to make a try ,at mlntng, ·however, ·an<l the $26 helped him :over a very tight place. He did not forget Nixon's 'kindness and when he had· struck something' good be wrote him of It and Nixon .staked him. They have since been partners In w!la'tever deal. Wing-field undertakes and ·they have each made millions ou.t of· the alllance.

cletles were but inst.ances of ~he tnl\nv · ,·. p}ay.ed in this long-continued and final- organlznuo'ns . througliout tho· cntlr;; In Ueo 'F.or over 30 Ycui-a. ly trlumpha(lt etl'ort to erect a Worthy city whose· actfY.Itles In con~ecjuence . 'J.'bu Kind Yo~ Ilayo Alwti,Yu Bouaht ... monument to him ana one. that will were Jwld In abeyance ·and which. R\l - ' Send This Ad' . · · · The Central American Soldier., . grace the ·second· city cf Arilerl~a. has bet•n the history of every slmll" r . · " · Tlit>so · bllrt1footl•d soldlet·a a1·e an-

Tbe statue Is o"e or the. tl11est' In body, ren1alned for .a time .mi.lra ot· tagoulsta liot lo bo deilpiBN!. Nl•Ii,r.Jy ihe city. Its conception is noble and less tn'actlve, re<iul-J'Ing a fresh slim- worthll'll!l hi llttack, they an• nov(•rlhe­tne executlol). will add, fame to the al-. ulus to arouse ~h-e· ,latent. ~rithuslnsin.. If's!! t('nnc;lou 11 lrl hl,ldlng ll · JlOsltf{m, ·eady famous nam'c of Its creator. 'This new lnwetus to the 'movement. a.' trnft lhllt ~omes frolll thl\h' Sp&llish

IJ!i).e four panels which .adorn the sl<!es was given dnt·lng:l90lund eyer slu~~ descl"nt )Jrohahly. In· the <:uhnn eap1-

' Yor nur t'ODIJtlet8 TnJkfnq Mn;:h~ . '"'' t•nrnlnunt·rt. w., Moll 'ou'ftt-tt ou· o1uty lHrlllft. :<\.II tt~Yh~ nuwh· • lnoH lHlf thnnttnuctlf nf t'iWetrtiR, Tho k 1111(1lt·l'llllll•l••ll Mu•h• f'o .. ttm Cn.llfornln ~trt1ut~ ·.Dtmvfw •.

. ..... ~AIY&a•a WIG&'"

~r a SJ,?lendl!l pede~ut,l. or V~rmo,nt then tho leaders In nl! of the ·ooch.•· .palgn .Gen. Garcia fs ll!lltl to ha Vl· ll~ld. are also tbo wprk of· Steven- ties .have c~operated ac.tlvely_ with th\l In reply to the re,mat·k of an 'Amo.1·ican sop. aQ.d· provide a fitting base for the qmcer& of the memorial association In officer: · "'l')lp s·i111·niurds ·never 'at· perolc bro~ze. The sf:atu.e Js ten a,nd. a steady efl'ort to ~om~lote the big -lll~- tnrk:·· Thjs ·may have bem'l, true :In a hil:lf feet In height and. the pedestal , d_ertaklng which ha~ finally beeu · thl• _mn.ln; but tho dPfert~e or the' STOVE ~.\~t..rt.f.'.~~u~:. .. ~;·,~l.,:~~:.'( 1~~."~~ t":elve .~nd a half feet, gtvlng t~.e en- f crtnvned wlllt success. . trem··hl's ut caul•y sltowoil that th ••. , l'•dl.;·n. IH)Ii L .... ...,, ... .,.~~~':.:~!·h~'~':2ll.~

. . . . s)'anturds would holt! a posttl(ln wtth ·, WI SON STOCK SAD.OLES ... .,, ··rita,.,. ,,Jta'r-.1 -r-n•~,. 7 nA6\nta -JIAv ... ,.a • .a- 1L.,ftAm 11 -Jt•-... . '1~U~ J H l -vw "'"'.-..-~ ~v~--;-vs -v• z-v• - -:-v• • ~..- au-.u..v .rt, as much count~l' tmd ·renaclty as nny FAMous • • · \td\ l'l'mr d,t•utr.r Ct;r t·hean ··rn.kf! tu) l)tl~ttr:

· other troops. The Centra~ an.d .tho _ ___ --WILL HANDLE SA(iE MILLIQNS sell ~age f!)r ·a 'quarter of a century. South Amerlrullll. have not genemlly

· · . . ltle was the c>nl" man praised In tho ' ahowetl mltch t~teudlnoss In war, btil C. W. Osborne, New Power In New i fln~nclor's wilL As executor his !or- "thE-re ha'vp bl'Pn .occnslpns'. :wtHmtholr . . .

York Financial World. · It une Is made. "'~ht1 business will ~;o condu~:t hu~ liPen ,cpnspicnuus ror AM~RICAN HOUSE ~~~k~1'l~uu 11 J;:'~ .. New· Yor"'.,:_Charies W. Osborne, i right· alcn'g with Osborne at.tlw bt.:lm:· ,gallllntry, :·and nil the v_.lrtutts which oi•I•"L •rh~ bil•t ·~ uer dull hulul In ~be

I\ ~ \\'u-Ml.. Arnrrh~nn plnn. · tor many y<'ars a,:a.humble <'mploye In PRISCILLA'S DAUGHTER. ~o to miikt1 UJI th~ stalwart st,~'d.ler.- · ....:.',..-_.;...:..· ,..:-,.-..,.~,..-~ the small office which bears on Its N. 0. 'l'imE"I!·D(lnwqrat~ 0 · ·r . d H · · } door·'the name, "Russell .SilgP.," by a '·Old House That Marks the Sequel to Crucial ;~-.·-;:-·- •' . ·x ·o rl . ' 0 t-e St!dden. turri ,or. fortune's' wheel, finds· I . M.lles ·standish's .Courtship. " Dt~nvcr. Ono bock from Union DepoL

I .,.._.fts thn )JrlocJner '''as a WO"'nn o• Flt·l'r•root. · <.' H. MOHSIJ!. Ml'r. himself one pf the most powerful fig. · , .. · · · '" • '' u " '" • ttr~.,.._,.....:._;_.;;.· __ ~~-'------"-....,_, _:_ urcs In Wall street. f'or, as ·executor. New York.;_Thor!! Is a seque~ to extl'llorduuu·y m•rve. They tried In WANTFo-·~nN· ANI> IIOYH '" ~~~"o tllumhinlf Of the estate 0• f the vete' ~an or p1itl;l I '".fhe Courts!ll!> of' .1\llles Standish" E',VI-'rY lmowli way to make hor nerv.- - ' trncltt; dn.r 111111 nluht ,., ..... 1111; lll'lllllllliM

• , ·rmton; .fifo twbuJnndaiJlN; MJtt-c•hl.l n1t.M and calls. he ·wm n'ave the directing ·r·whiph Longfellow didn't. reter to anti ous." , tr•r 111 •lnyo; "'" w,.y tu •u•~·"""i' ···•~•ln~tuo 11'110-

• . ' hi h tl . r I I . . ..'l'h t ?'' c·utnn•do Nt.•hnttl 111 rncttle·n t•Juuah•n.r, of a fortune of $150,000,000. Mt'. Qs- I w c Jere ore s. n~t so well mown a 80 ,· · I04~·1H A rna'"""., Hht'tl, Uom•••r.. -


BROWN·PALACE HOTE~ · t.::~~~·:::!!r · l•;nrol"'nn· l'llan. ,1,1)0' nnd Vinw,...l. . ,

borne; concerning whom _the financier 'ns t.ho main l!ar:t or the story. On the . "Yea. 'l'hey shot otr a sun unl;Jxpect· ~ -"'"~---~_,.,..~...:...._.;.__:. __ _.;.._.;.....; edly, ft>lit\d 'l~lre!' and told her a ella: ~ou~~··· aau•t~ u.n·a·~.a, • · ·spoke as .his cohfidentlal and trusted .1'' -~ <:nu:1u~l"' a··..:sc.,;

assistant, enjoyed tho confidence of • ,, ,lant pnwdl•t· blast was an ·enrtliquulw, 111 •1u1y ,.11 ., 111· Hollll tur

' ...... J. . : '

"'till 1 d •r1 tl t•atulon or cut"· Ut'nvl'tf · Russell Sage from the very year n 8 te wall unmo:ve ' 1011 • Jey · 1t•w .11 .. ., .. ~., llo. 'ton-za ·

I PREACHER INVOLVED IN SCANDAL I he ··entered his ent'ploy. He Is now In lltll'rutl"d a mouse." l'ltt) Rt., n""""'· holo .

.... -------·-· ..... ....,._. __ _... ____ .,...._........,_· ----'-~-----.:·...;_--~· ~~~ st:;~sev::ltha~~:~· at~:th::e~~~~ st~~;~ ~~:fet~: n~::~ :!~oa~~;~.~erv~ E. ~. BU~LINGAME- 4 CO., Rev. Dr. Sheldon Jacltson, who Is reported to · " - ASSAY OffiCE CHEMICAL·

figure In a scandal affecting the government rein· height. His head Is surmounted by ail ou.~Not at aiL She only stepped on . AND LABORAl ORY ·deer herds In Alaska imd the funds of the Pres· aureole of snow-white ·hair and he ·.. Jhtabllah,dloColorado,J866. Sampl«-nbymellor byteri,an school at Sitka, has been ag_ent wears a mustache, Which has also It and Ia ughed. · uprcanrlll rec.,lv«- promGt 11nd cRrrfulattca• len of education In Alaska since 1885, and manager taken on 'the frost of age. But hts · "Ot·eat Ju~lter! · Such a woman ·as , 6o1d &SUter Bullion 111 ~~d·~"'J~~.::~~•:,Jtd· of the reindeer herds. For several years Dr. complexion 1!3 ruddy and his· eyes'HOUSE BUILT BY SON OF MILES that wouldnt !~86 her nerve If the'ConcenfratlonTests-tootb•.orcarloadlot!l. Jackson hall bee.n ·conspicuous· in church and edu· h f kll N · h 1•a1·th exploded. · Write for t&'ru••· ave a way o spar ng. one w o STANDISH. "Ob, yes. One . of the dete"tlves 1.736·1738 Lewrenee St •• Denver. Colo. catlonal work. He formerly was editor and pro- knows. him ever remember.s having I ,. prietor of the Rocky Mountain Presbyterian at' seen· .him when he did not have a

1 uther hand there Is more certainty stepped up and whlsp(Jred In h(Jr car

Denver; has been commissioner several times· to smile aQd a pieasant word. . 1 about it. . that. hM hnlr had been mussed up tor

the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, He had a v"catlon once. It was In 1 It will never be known posltl:vol.'' two hou1·s. ani,! tllu!! sho collapsed.'' ~lid in 1897' was elected moderator. He was born "' at Minavllle, N. Y., In 1834, and is a graduate of the year 1902, and tor a whole week , whether the doughty old1 Captain o! GOOD. A-ND ·HA.U,. Unio.n and Princeton theological semltt!tl'les. He did not come to the offipe. Mr. Os- j Plymouth did rea.lly send his young Is credited with having 111troduced the public borne thought the tnatter over care- friend John Alden to woo the !air school system Into Alaska, and at the Cbtcago fully, anci actually took three days. Priscilla for him or n.ot, but we do Resulta of Exce11lve Coffeo Drinking. 'world's talr he was awarded two diplomas and .ae worked year In and year out over kn.ow thn.t Johp Alden and Prlsdlla two medals. His name Is on the roster of a. 1 d d h s 1 ld were marr e , an t ~ ara 1 A .en, ' It Is remarltable what sutrerlng number ·ot the most prominent religious, phllan· 1 d b 1

sclenUftc socletteslll th~ United Stats. .' t le aug ter of John lden and· ':Is- some p11rsons 1111t up with Just to silt· cilia, wa:s afterward married to Alt'~x· i~ty an appetite for something. thropfc and Colorado Tent.


J ' '


ander Standish; the son of Miles A Mich. woman says; . "I had been Standish. · .. . using coffee since I was ·old enough to,

If Priscilla ref.use'd the old -captain have a cup, bt my own at tho table, h., took It p"llosophlcally, }or the rec· and from It I ,have sutrcred agony

· o~d ·testifies tha:t be atte·rwiud niar· hundreds of tlmos. ln. tlie' yc~rs past. ·'· -. Ben B. Lindsey· (that· is how he ~Signs his rled "llarba:.r-a: Who came In the sltlPt>e . ''MY trouble,flrst began 'In tho' ronn

'name),' a Denver judge .. :who started an lnvestlga· Aim, In 1623.'' Aiexaniler Standish >f .. bilious .colic, :coming on every ··row tlon ·Of the last election in· which the .citY. voted was her son, for Rose,. ~h() lay uutler. ·weeks .and almost ending my life. At away· .$;30,000,000 In gas, tramway' ~~d othet fran· · the ~rain fields,_ had ·no. children. . over.y attaclt for 8 y~arf! 1 sul'fereil IIi :<lJ!~I'eB, 'ft9,ds. hlm~;~elf up against one· ()f the bOld• It ~a. certain. that t~e two ramll!oH _ this· way. 1 Ullod to :pray for .death to eStJC&Sell of corporation rule In the hlatocy of the were a_ I ways friendlY. , for at a ver"' rell""e' m'e fro"" my ·surr'orl"'g. _ l. bad United States. 'Corporation attorneys bad tbr.M ~. ..,. ... .. Qoies prevented the district courts from invest!; early date tb!'IY Withdrew from Ply- also attacks of sick headache,' and ·b<l· gating U.ese alleged frauds.· Judge Lindsey or- ~outb, ~ails., !!-tid built the!r hom~s h~ .gan to .surter rs·om. catarrh o.f tho atom· dered Sheritr Nesbet w ·organize an armed· foree Duxbury, nine. miles distant, ach, and of course awful .dys.vepsla. and're. mov"' tbe ballot bOxes from a warehou•e tn The Standfshes and the Aldene were .,. b I II d k .. "' " . CH"'RLEs' w· • ·OSBORNE. · . - · '1..,or ll out a Y.ear · ve on crac 'I whli:!~ ·tJ.IEW were store<l, Tlie shedir was repUlsed " the first settlers of Duxbury, and their · d. w t n 11 1 g. that coffee

Largcult · coriva!J lfoo<t~ houee !n the Weat, Wrlto for ·lllulltra.to4. oalalo., Rob&. B. qutattnll. ~rae. lUl La~renu• St., Denver, Colo, . .

MUIGI&otuten ., Electric, HJftllllc, . · Belt .P.owet ·

. Hand a1d SJinalk · . '

ELEVATORS '6:1 gttar¢s. · Through the efforts of the Honest (A New Power 'In .Wan Street •• Ex· graves· lie there to-day. ers an a or. · . e. ov n . · · . ·. ElecUo~ .leape ~~ judge ob~lned oome of the ecutCir of ·the ~age Eatate.) · The Alden house -hi still standing niJ was· the ca~ae of all this suffering, 1 · nne tM

bOXes• , . . . . • ~~· also Alexa'ndor SUI.ndlsh'll ho~se •. onally quit 1t .and began _to usc. . 18110 W••••· Ito · · .~Ji.e wholesale· corruption whtch now •bolds,J the account. bOOkiJ lind tlie enveloptl's wblcb he ·built for Sarab Alden In. Postum_ :f'?<Jd Coftce •. It agreed. with DJUifVIDIIt ooLO.

~..-, · .D(!hVeJ' ·tn; Ita ga:a:ep ·may be Judged from the oon· ·o~ securities and never seemed tq teel l06il. · M'llell Btandlllh•IJ .h·o· m"' '"'as d"'· my ·s~mucli; my trouble~ h!lvo left . . •. ' ~J dttJona' fount',\ In one eleetlon precinct: ·. Only ftve .. .. u d I f t I I a y h ltb HOWARD E BURTON . ' ". ··bloc~·· tJ{Q covered by· rall~ay trilcks.' Only 129 the need!JL I • . str'Oyed l)y ~ro ancl tho son ilt .l!lald to' me an ' ' ~m all ga n n., m ea ''. ' I , atuJ4.T.'~ .

.m· en ond women llvl .... ln tb~ -tn·~ Jleglatered, 717: voted, 7.26, seven be- ·The only other· tltne. he ·was ab- ··have used some of the·tlmbers ·rrom under Its ulle. , · · ' I ·spocl(ll•n 'p.rlc .. : ooiq, idlver. reil4;rn tng 'f;;r mlnorttt partY~ banotl~ii wr~tten In same hana, ''Bllly" ·Green, c:on- sent f~Di 'his .post Wfl8 ,when 'the mad• the Mllris of his father's boUle. In tho I'No wonder I cond~mn colf,eo _and Jf'0'c~~r~t 7f.f~,.~oi~afilg~ ~![Jt.Y~il::o~~~· vJcted for ·~Ia fl', D'ttt m J'atl a 'f~w we?~ll ~d tllen, ~ut on the de~tlve' man No.I'choss threw_ a bomb at construction of hlii own. ·tea. No one cou14 be In a much more .~lj g::lt':arP. ·~o;rcn~Yau~S? 1\l'l!.~tll~"o~r., fO , · "Uncle' Ruasell." OsJkn'no WU carried , . "-""'. . , - · ·crltfcal condition . th!'D . 1 wall tram f.te'lerenat1 Carbonat• Natlorta'r'ir:iuc. .r:~udge L1Jid11ey ~~"'d tour .lel;dlJ;ag corporation inanagers .. to lrom the omce wttb. elotbJn8 tom l:t. . ·Quill Tootflploke From Franco. tho ui!O of ·t!Otl~e. ·some doctors pro-! . · · . . ·

fore tilm for 'nv~sUgatf6ii. They r~~sel) to tesUfy and be ~Jent~tbem tel jatl. •breds and wall tbopght to be badly QUill toothptcka ·como from lrranco. nounced Jt clincoJ:',. others .ulceration, WANT E o YOUNG MEN . . ~~ft\c~0~8:J·u~~~ ~~~ ~!f ftr:fiftlre ':!e:'h~1tll:~t :~1~!~ ~~~ 'f{'Ounded. A feK. dn:vs. 'n ·a bospltal Tbe largest ptctory, In· .tbo world ··J• but none s.ave mo ~LnY roller. . ~ut . . ·for tbe NAVY

. • who· o.:wn <:ourts, clt.r a:dtlllnlltrAUoJlS.and elecUon omclalll. . 1oon put him to· rights! ·ho-.r~ver. ·,. near Par111; ~her~. jbore Ia an annual alnc~. l- atoppod c:o1tee and betan Poa- ~lie• ii to ·n. rinin .b" abJe:bi14iod, of · .'Juate Llnilaey•tf 'great J)dp:QlaHty ·tn Denver ·I~ abo\Vn· b;p:_ t,be ta(:t tflat Jt. Is aaid of, Os~~e .m ~e street; l)l'()duct of 20,000,0u0 qu!Jisl . Th~ tae> tub:l 1. am g~ttlng well sq ta11t 1 can good cll!\rnctor :~ttd American oln••n•

· ... ~e~ be ran for till poslt!oil at tbe.t~t el~ctloq B year ago biiJ t;ppon"nt reo that be n~er 'JDftJI~f~ a ~urtty.· lfo ·tory was started tQ make quill ~enli, ~6artilf l'€1COJiltllonc1 lt for all. \VbO ·either nati"o·born tot nuturoll•i;tt: AP~ t!elved· bat 15 votes tO ·th\l Judt•'s tn .• ooo.. 'Judge Lhid,ey Iii atJ't•ti Of'~· . a blunelor In ht• judg•, but 1Vh~n thesd. WQ~t ·out of s~neqt · • at~ l cUd!' N•me .ilvcn. by· ply to Navy neorulth'ltr Otrtue. rocim 21.

· , !J11elu:iJe•a· a~eabor. ha -~,Wbl\: bf>y1s!l,_'bls vol«l~. tt:~rt. bli~'!' Jj ·or· coll~~.-.1 Qn_ toa~s. ,He use tt :wa• C:onv,erted Snto ·& toOtb!#lCk 'Polltlim Co., Battle Ct~okrMlch. J,tea~ 'Pionliel' bulhl!nlt• :tlef1Y•r• i>r rroo'm 411 ' .

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• . -~ ., . : · - . · :. .. tbe p<tw~r ·p~ .a«or~u•y ot. ~Ull" hiW;, · . . . . / '· tfie. UtUQ. ~oQt(; :~~TM R!Jild to Well• l'oJromo~ bUUdJn•• Pueblo. Co~orll4o. _. • • : • ,.,.;. • ·.,: ~. • ,.. • • • • : i .... t- • ~ , : • • J , ..

1 . ~, • • ~ • • '~/' •. ••'J'lier~• •. ~···o~/' · · ,

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WffiTJ!l OAKS,· • NEW MEXJCO. /r·----·---- ·---- '

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11t.uihtuuirig. · J\n: ·~brai " ·.· , . · '· , ··.. · .. -tp"ft· ... !nr. ·•nmrit

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. . Wite of famou• Aeronaut, ,. .

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tlon,". thou~h~ Mrs. Bryden, and, mak· .lng the girJ comfortable for the night, she l~rt her. · · . , . · . ' '

Among NeJlle's effe.cts· she foun·a a Iarge:qqan'tlty·of .fruit' an.d.she th~ught that tlte ,glrl·htg'bt hav~ been sick an!f' huaglned ... that she ' ha(l had . a . hein·

' . ' '

orrhage or something equally Interest,.: ' . .

lng. . . .. · : It Is a rule at the .cit~ 'hospltai~.

the .same .as. at all r w.en-regqlated In·· stltutlons, for those)n .. cbarge tQ ma~e an Inspection· of · the el:fects' of . all strangers .. WhQ are bro11ght in 'durmg the .nlglit. ·This is ·done- 'so .that no claim c~il bl' made by patients ..

. . Three Peraone R~IC\Ied Aft'er Cllng'tng

to ShiP'• Bottom ior Two Days. . . Norfolk; Va.-Ravlng, stark mad,·

after having clung to the bottom of a fishing schooner for two days after being rblpwrecked, two men and a boy ware rescued from PamUco sound. Two women wb,o were on the vessel are missing. ·

' Those \;aved are I. A. Ballance~ . .

Charles Foster and Bennie Jennett, the last named being a mere lad. The women missing are Mrs. B. A. Johnson and Miss Jennie Burrus, of Middleton, N. C. Tbe crew of th~ sckooner An· nle Farr()w were the rescuers, and the wrecked vessel' was the .Lutl;ler B. May.

The rescuers saw the ~cbooner float­Ing bottom .. ·upwards, a llfeboat ·was

I ai)ilt out and· the men 1.\Dd boy were 4 ' ' '

ta)ten off. Th-ey ·l;lad b!;Je~ . "'ltl}out •toc1d or water since Monday afternoOn~

· the. vessel was ove~urned hi a The tw'o · women. were ln. the wlic!ln \he, vessel ·Was' 'wrecked

and had no chance, of f;!scape, . __ .....,...._ ................... ;_·

' ' '

A. HEALTHY· OLD A.GE. ' . . '


·. }'roviaen~ b~ a1l<;>tted us. eaoh at Jea8t seventy years in which ·t? fwflll ourxnlssion,ln life, and it j.s gen~~Y· pur own fa~~t if we f3:ie prema.tu~~y •


?.M' • ..




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P!luto. I ~'!go ban~er

·~'~.q, Morqcco. newspaper . North Dakota to have fQwid and a rep,:eset,~,tatht,e of : the key tq tlie, qu~auon, · ''How sb~i

· . states atto):'ney's oftice batt been we P.rQtect the peqple f·roJI\ CratJds. In of the his trail for weeks through a clU8 fur- manu.factured prodllcts?'~: A ne~ 'law

·nlshed by a womaij.. ha'S ·r~~enUy gone l.nto ell'ect deslgn~d

' ' '

' J[ost· Impprtant ' ·Past ~ .. -u

/ r ·. · · Five· J;liore ~Japanese have. b.een a'!'" tq make It lmpos~lble to deceivE) j>eo. .. .. rested ~~ot St.· George's Island, ·one of .vie into buying hiferlpr and' ~dulter-

~t-ereatlnrr the p~ybliort group1 by the .sove~- ated paint under the lmpre1!11ion that ; •·~~. ot tbe. ment agent accu!led 'pt"P.~~chlng,seals. they are·getUn~ rel!.l paint,_ ¥iz.: _pure

i Into ;,~qaalJ. . Robert Gordon, a-: ~hl'rag~, boY 16 'le~d a~d linseed on.. ·. i '\ · Den~~;tt. of years old has confesaed to. striking The North·. Dak0ta ~aw.mak~r.s did V ~ . ' ' " an· 8-year:old boy ~lth -~· 'brick, fltUn· attempt to {\hSOlutely pr(JhlbJt the

'• ,.J • :Personal. . . nlng him a'nd. the~ burying· jl~m alive . . plgment!j!, or ml~tures 0~ ~·· P!jrclv~l Doc)ge,._ ·ex~8ecretarf! ·or under the !!ldewailt before.hls fathel!'s r,tgments. They a~opted the slo,gan,

tlle.,.AI;tlf;!rlean ell\b~sy at Berl~n, has hQUS~. The boy's body was .fo.~nd Let the labE>l. teU,. _ and .then· left to sone tQ ·.t.r:oldo, to assjlme. the pos~ of .. where Gordon . said he _had ,bUrled it. the per.~l~ to buy. whlch.ever tlley f~rst .s~cretarY. of· eml?a.ssy 11-t thll Jl).p- The ·Se!:re·~ary of agriculture· has wished. . . · . . · · · · · anese caplta.l; . . .- . . appointed two e:~tpert~ tO make an In· , Un~er .t~ls .Plf!.n, If· any qne 'Yis~e!l_

Dr, Albert ~- Hutd, for 55 ·· a vestlg~tlon · of scientific methods of to buy a .of :rpclt:dust, gro.~nd­Jirofesf!.or In Kno* college, Galesburg, .grading ilncl Inspecting grali! with· a quartz and. otl!er cheap elementfJ

' ,l,l),, IIJ dead at the age of 83' yea_rs. · view to I!,Upplllntln~ state IDRpectlon Which are}ound·ln ·t,naP,y ·paints .. and WH~laJD , J., B~y~n. ll)ef with a re.: with national lnspecU»n. so-call~~ . ~h!te leads,. · .. ~o on? ca~ ...

markable welcome· on his arrival at Th d I I ., •h I fi ht f. .object,. for they do ,t. wl,th theli eyes • :W!'! • • . · • e ec son .n • e ·pr ze g or · · B t 'ir ·theY. pr~fer genuine Ne,.lv 'V,'Oi'k,ftom a:· year's, travel J.n f~~- the lightweight' chiu:ii'plonshlp._ of the. !)Phelnt. 'l -~ a d lfns'e'ed II th'ey ca elgn c.gmilrles. ·The Neb.raska "home ·· · · · · · · (l' B ttl! w e e ..... · n o ' ·. _n, fo1ks·tt'tQ4he number-of i'ao· were the' wNorl.ld be~wGeenldf~oeldGaNn!! a~ ·a a 't :! ~e·.sure of ?etting:lt, for none but

, . ·~· " . . ,. . . ' · · · e so~ a~ o. _te • . ~v., w fl g v. the genuine article can beav a lAbel )...D.rst tp gi, lt the returning travelers.: to Gans· on. a foul In the •2d .round. hi h " · · · hit· ·I d ,; .

. , .Judge . Al.ton ··.B. Partter, !:i( N;ew . More tiran . 1 ooo . delegdtes ·repre· . ~.I c lsl aytsh pus"'tae 't.'Y .. el 'tea , .. f · · · r · ·· · .iJ" t • · · ·· · · . n a o er . es m x ures are o · ' ~orl~. f~r.rt~~~ ''democrat c c~n.)& 'Ia e s~nthig one-half . the. ~tates .9f the ten sold' .as p'ure white lea<l·-.which . for prijsldent, nd4:.essed the ~~:nnual unl.on. were present. at· the . OI,renln~ contain little_ sometimes·. no_ ree•IIo.

. : .s~essi~n _of the ~merlp;t~ B!!or assocla; ~~salon of qie lrrlgat!on . congress. at white. lead. . . . . _ · . · . . tlo~. at_ St. ,Paul.()~. the .. cong~stlo~ of Boise,· Id. . . ' ' . . ' ' ' It would .seem that were this sinne I · (Jle Law.:· · • · .. ·. : · .: · . . . . The {owa ~j:Ate f~lr~: whl~~ recently prlnclpie applied to food.. bever·ag4~~·1

'· A monument '.hM Jjeen . unveiled at clo!'led, b~qke .all · past records In and. !lll ptli~r. prepared ar't!cles, wn43re. · . C~m4en, .Maine, to· · tb;e m~n).ory .of 'point . ot attendance, ;.'more ,than 250,· 'de~ieption .Is prac~iced. upon· the buy. . Wllllam ConW:a!, a· natlv~: .o_f . thai 000 p~ople having vJ~Ited ~e er, .the. question would l?,e s!'lved ... _.It · town, who- refused to haul down. the cultural exposition.. · . . . . . would leave us free ·to buy· what

' ; Vnited Stat.e.s flag ~f;· tl(e Pensacola, .. The Bos~on and Phlhidelphla Amer-, 'pleased,: but . would . protect us from; ' Ji'Ja., navy yard at the :breaking put lean !~ague teams pla))ed a 24-lnning unwittingly buying what we did_ ·not of the r.ebeUion. · .' .· · game at Boston .. Only onc9 ~as thl~ .want:- . · · '

' . Pedro .Mo~tt has been proclaim~d n~mber .o~ lnnl~gs: b~eri. exceeded so DO~~EVS TURN' UP .TOES,..·· 'resident of .Chile· ·by 'the· unanlmptts far. as recorded. . .

. -vote. of the congress. , . '.L'he Sjlltan· has ·ordered the Jmprls- Don't Kllo·w ·Enough. to Get .In Ou~ ..

. . ·Prof. Lucien .I. J;llalt•~ of the Kan~as 9nment of slave.~ traders and the lib- . of the Rain, . . .. · unzyer~lty, bas ·re!llgned· his ·position et:atlon of slaves arriving at Moroc- ,. •

·to. !levote· his ·t,lme ·entirely ·to research can _ports .. _ on boar~· . ships.· This: ~ The war·. department bas lea'rned work. · · · · · .: ' the ~lr!j!t ~ppllcatlon Qf the through ~x.iierlence that the American Vic~ Pfelilf1Jent Fairbanks·. delivered of the. Algeclra~ conf~reiu:e. do~k~y has, not sense enr1ugh to. Jfve_

. ~e Jp~qclp!l,t. · ·address at· the re- ·. Au.gust, Kru~er. .a )we~lthy cltl~en In the Philippines. · · · .. . t •· cent Dodge Cl.ty; Kan., reunloti of old ot l:fan.coclt, Ia., went sua.genly l~sa~e Some tl,rne :ago,· more, In the ·nitture

·• i soldiers ... ··, . · . ·. :·and fired· a rltle ·repeatedly froin his an experiment than _for an)". other

.. ' , '

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INNI·NG.' · rf.ROKf,· ; ' ,. . . . . . ' . . ' . . . , , , , I

·If more tban ordln~ry skilUn playing brings the honors of the gaTfle to the' .winni~g plii-yer, ·so exceptional merit in a. r~medy

. ensures ·the' commendation of :the well infqrmed, and as a·r.ea- · • ' ' ' • ' •' ' I ' • '

sonablE! amount pf ~utdoor life ancl re.creation i~ conduc1ve to the h~alth.and str.ength, so does a perfect laxa~ive t~nd t9 one·'s improvement in cases· of constipation, bili?u!?pess, heaqa~;:hes, etc. It is a:ll importan.t, however,· in sel~cting a b:x:ative; ~o · .

' . . . ' ' . '

. , choose one .of know.n qt,tality a:nd e·xoellence, lik~;~ the ever pl~asant ~yrup of· Figs; ma~ufactured by. the C:alifornia. fig· Syrup Qo., a laxative whiGh sw~etens and cleanses the system effectually, when a laxative is l)eeded, without any unplfJas~nt.

, ·after effects.- as it. acts naturally !l,nd gently on the i,ntl'lrra.l. '.organs,· simply asf!i~ting naturt) when nature.' n~·eds:assistance, · · ~ithout,iriping, irri~tlng or d~bilitating the internal organs jn' · l).riy way-, a~ it:contains nothi~g.of an.objectionab1e or. injurious n~ture. ·As .the plants which .«-.-e ·carJ:~b,ined·w.ith the figs in

·the manufaCture of Syrup. of' Figs are- k'nown to physicians tQ ·act rriost beneficially upon the system. the rewedy has met . ·with tl) general approval as. a family 'lafC.ativ.~. a fa?t ..yelL .. worth considering in making purchases. . . · · ·

. It is because ·of the:fact that:SYR~~·0F FIGS is'a remedy.of known quality and ·exce\lence, a:hd approved by .

' physicians that has 'led to its· use by so many millions of well. ' informed people, who would not use any .remedy of. un·certain

· · qt.1ality or inferior reputation.. Every family should tia:v-e ·a bottle of. the genuine .'ori hand .. at all times, t9. use when a

· laxative remedy Is required.. Ple'aso to 'remember that 't[le . . · ge·nuine Syrup· -of Figs is .for. sale 'in. po'ttles 'of ol)'l si;ze

• I • ' ~ . . ·:

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.. · . Preinter Stolyp·l_n h~s. taken· up,. bis fron~ P.orch Into a· crqw.d,. of inen .w.ho reas9n, (he. bureau o! lnsular)atralrs. residence. at the winter · pal.ace ·In: were passing,. seriously wounding four aent a diu en· Am~rlcan donkeys, coni· ~~ quarters formerly _oc!Jupled' . by 'o.f. them, A~ter being shot four times inoqiy ·kno'\Vn as. "bu.rros," to Manna· C!)u~t Witte; · . . · . .. by citizens,-·. who riddled his . hpu~. f!)r use among' the ·Spantsh·speaklng

· · only, by ·au reputable druggists, and ih~t fl,lll name. of the· · comp'any_:._ California. Eig ·syrup. Co.; is· plainly ptinted o.n · ~he :front· of every. packa~o., Regular price, f,)Oc· per bo t~Je, ' . ..

Edward .Jtos~water, ·rounder·. and wltp bull~ts, Kruger. was captured. . ··people. 'l;'he natives. · did j!o~ i_ake IP,roprletor .of tpe O~ahli, Bee, was . Justice Sta~for~. of .the' Dlfltrlct ot kindly to the new species, . how~vel', 'fO,un'd. dead· In that· cfty recently. He ·Columbia ·supreme court re!;)ently. ren· but rather .IooJted at them from· afar Jia·d eVI(Jently :. died of' -heart'.' failure: ·nered a ·~ec!slon. in which he ~eclar-· .off.' , ; . . . ' ..

.. wlliie· asleep." .. Mr.. Rosewater· had ed, that, boycotts o_f la'!ior unions ~ere Seven died.· ·Such was tlie news rl!' . been proihlnent in· Nebraska and :na- legal. ' . . . ' ' . ' ' ce!ved at. t~e bureau recently. 'When

tional ·affafrs .for many y~ars and. was· The will ·of. Frank J{. late the torrential · r..alns, set In :the little


· · , & candidate before the recent repub- -presl!lent of tho wrecked· animals were caugbt out 'in the open, · · ··IIcari state convention for United Trust company:,·. 0f · Phlladelphla, · has and not knowing how to shelter them:

'·. ·B'tates Senator. 'He was born In B~ .. be~J;l tiled .. 'fqr·:probate. 1;118 .propertY 'StHyes lfke the native beast of bur· hemla tn'·u~41, coming, 'to. this co.qn .. 'anid\Jntin;·tl>.-$130,000 .w~ left ·to hla den, seven docm~. dumb beasts turned

This: Is What · . . . . . . . .

· try-~~ i8~4: · . · · · son; wh~ tq, sole executor,. ' \ UJl .their toes. .. . . . , Alton B. 'Parker, of New York, has. Osawathmle'; 'Kan., recentl~ hel1} " '.'Tqey ought to· die,"· sald a. war

.be!I,Ji elected president of tha Amerl- -three days'· celeJiratlon of the 5Qth· oftlc!al who has a dee~ Catch·es ·Me·!.

. ; can\. Bar assoclatloll'• , . • · anniversary of the ba~tle at t~n:t. pla~a. interest In_ every~lng · to. . Following his great reception tn bet:v(een a force under John- Brow:n the Phlll,pplnes; theY ~ught, to ~le

.New. York, Wlll,lam .~:· r· " .made and the pro. slavery men. Vl\':e Pres- If they dqn't k.~?w enough to get I~;~ . l6oz.~n .. Th.lrd More Starch.

' follr · SP'eeches i·n . New H: .n, Coiin., !,dent Fairbanks was the, principle or- out o.f the ral~. , , . iD one attt,rpo:on.: . ator ·or :the occasion, . WORN TO 'A SKELETON.

Charles ,Earl has. become, solicitor The suspicion that Frank K. HIP- . : · · · · · · of 'th'e department of commerce and pie, late.· president of u ... , w-;ecked A Wonderful Reatoratio.n Caused· . a labor as successor to E. W. Sims, who Real Estate .Trust company: of Phil:- . Sensation .in a Per~nsy_lvanla lJecQmes :United· states district ·attar-. adelphia, ~ad commlrt~d· suldde_ has . . · Town. . nay at Chicago; • .. been confirmed by· the. corqner. .The· . ·c .. c. Eberhardt, . formerly of· Sa· ofllcla_ls kept the_ matte!' secret in or- Mrs. Charles .N. Preston; 'ot Elkland,

Jlna Kan., ··baa >been appointed Amer· Jer to avdld a financial panic. · · . Pa., says.:. ~'Three· years. ago I found ica;. consul.' at"''iqultos, Peru.· · The s'tatemen~ of :ij.ecetver Earle, that my. housewo,rlt. ·

Prof. v;, vJ:·. 'Garrett, of the chair Of, tbe broken}teal Estate .T~ust' c(lm-' -was becom~ng a bur, '· 9f metallurgy In tlle. Missouri Scho 1 pany of Phlladelp~fa, that the late, den; I tired easily;·

·of Mines hils resfiw,ed to accfilpt il. president Frank K. H.ppJe had prac· .had no ambition and .. POE!ltlon ~lth the Amerl~an Smelting· tlcally stc:>lell ,more than $5,001>,000, was.tadlng' fast. My

ani} Refining company-. , create4. a profo:"n~ .. s~nsatlon· In that · JlOmplexlon 'got 'yel· Rosa M. Water has resigned fro'm. a .city. . ' · .'. :. :.' · · · · . · · · low, and I lost

· position In the loan· 'a!,id curreiuiy dl· . E.stlmates ro/. ca-nal· ~ppr~prlations 50 pouhds; My'· thirst, vision In 'Washington which. she ha-d for 19~7 are nd~ In course ,f• prepara- was terrible, '· and

.~~ held for· 37 years · having · been aP.. qon at the ofllce of the ~sthmlan canal there w_as suga_J.,-. In "' pplntf~d by Preside~t Gran~. commission at· . Washl~gt'On. It 'Is . th~ . kidney seer~

. . ,. · . ·. - ·- ··- · thought that·an appropriation of $.2~.~ tiona. Mj dootor !tept me' 9n a strict ~. Mfaco,>llnn<>OUII, 0.00,000 'for each year will. be J.:equlred._ dle.t, ~ut al .his medicine was, npt help-

. . .. '. .




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A~ ... ·, ..

·FULL . .. .

Po.U·No· ' '


. .A~ ~fpeal as!tlng for fj,OOi> · President - RooseveltT . hils lssu(ld a· 'lng. me,·;: b ··gan using Doan's Kidney to rn"Sii tho bnUdlng.;, of 'the •Western .p-roclamation •Jllltttil.ed~ 'e,rect ·~he Pills. They· helped me once, and

' ..

No premiums, but ·one.,.thJt>d · · ' Pacltlc rallroadds. being sent through recent reciprocal' treaty with' Spal:n. soon all traces of. sugar' dhlap:pea•re<L I · · ·the east. · · • · · . · . . · · · ·· The Unlffl.!i; army. transport I have regained JDY fqrmer weight apd more starch than you get of

other. brands. Try it :now, . for ·. A crop tha~ wni produ~e $15,400 per Sheridan recently. ran on a coral· am perfectly well.'' . . acre. ~s .. bee.n discovered In BrazJl ott the southwestern coast of S9ld by al~ dealers. 50 cents ·a box. accord'IJ.ig. to a· report. to 1the rlepatt· lslatid ol!- Oahu. on whle~ Honolulu Foster·¥11burn Co.,· Buffalo, N. Y.

' I I

hot or cold' starchmg d has no ment ot commerce ~nd laticr from · lo~~ted. She ·had on board 125 pas· Consul General Anderson. It ·Js Bra7 sengers and ·50 soldiers . besides the &llhin linen and eff9,rtll ar.e being erew. Oreat difficulty was expel'l· made to put It to phactrjiiil use: ' · , ; '~k.i. tit ta,Jttbg them Qff. . · A Cuban governme.nt 'transpott M· .;, 'Phe Kansas railway .commlssloneTs pects to load 6,000,0QO rounds o~ am- ,.)la,ve held t,hat the state demurrage munition ·and a bat;tery of. rapid-fire ·raw Is valid and ruled that the rall­cuns al New York to be employeil·ln road,s must pay one dollar a day for aupprosslng the Cuban rebellion. . . every day that .. empty . cars are not

Mormon representatives ·have pur· forwarded after an order to do so has c'ltased another large tract•or land ln .gone out Mexico and plan to send there 12,000 Cuban Insurgents recently raided Mormon families from Utah, Colora· the Coiistancla estate near Olenfuegos. do and· Neyada. . The -!Unerlcan owners havb appealed , Fifteen questionable hotels In the to the state department 1\t Washing-~owntown district ot Chicago were re- ton. :

. eenUl''talded l>r· tJ!.e pollee and. the Ninety-seven/ thousand · people prol>Jietors anti Inmates arreate4.. · pa,ss:ed through ·the gates on tll&

.. Dr. Otto.Schlnidt, of Colont'has·suc- opening day .of the Mlna:esota. ·state eeededln ,making ·cultures or the can· fair, breaking all attendance ~ecords. cer bacillus 'and :declares that a_rem· The interstate -commerce. comml&'. edy ta:t, the dls~ase"l.s now possible .. slon is :rec~lvlng· ·m1~1iy. .coniplaintll , ~<lC<!tdlng to the .. report' ot the San frorn shippers throughout tlie coun­

l'tapclj,!iQ health~.depart'D!;ent •52 per~ tiy wlio are, ~kin~ advantage of the. aQns 121t their _Uv~s ll} ,the:.earthq~_ake- pl'o~islons of the new .r~te , l!'-W to ..

. or Api:'j( t!J~ · ~. .~ , . · ... ,seek .rellef from tho onero~ condl· . . . . : <?T:f:a,oqo arrqts : 'Were mad~ lq t~~ns I~posed on them b7 .the t:&U· · · on~· r)lt In . Wa'rs~ljr.. Many co~~ r9ad · companlea. . . · pla~~:h~ve b~n ouuJ..~;of the btiital·.. . TWen.ty-flve · joints IIi · Dickinson

I~ ot lb.e;po~tce. _..:,,, · .• . · . . eounty, Kan., were recentlJ raided b7 Pr8tif.4ent. Rl_ple~. o.f ~e .santa F~. the eounty authQrltles. · .

,.. ord~red, jl{).\ 09. D.Jbte ·passes be · .. . . . . · • . . . l*lllled over· that ro3d, 1u4 ,that 'eJ:fst• T~e laf!t day ot August 'broke. an tns tr6sP<)natf6n lie. boncir.ed until. heat records lq Englllnd. Much

· Je..e*(J'fraUo~. 1.: : . . . .. -. . . · • :terlu~ .w~ reporte_d In . ~ndon. · . . •'1'.\ie Rusatan cott~Jp!. at:_.Tl~n ·~4bt. ~· Chlei.Eupnee.r S~v~ns, o.r tl!• ~an• ~ sliot by a. coneesllfQn:'-cohtractor auqa. canal estimates-. that .. .lt. wUl , n­. ._.iitl:r and .~nns~roliait lioundeci. . qtilro~ 1~$ carl~ads.. of cttmeD;t uerr.

. tf.. · ~rd~ w :r. D •. Qo))utn, ~seer~ da7 (or· two reara· to .bul,ld the lOeb :·,:: ·tart ot the •ata~· 'l;loard of agriculture, on: thtt fathmiUl. , ' '

Kausaa. li•s gained· 66,492,1D popula· omeliil statist!~ or Russian ter;. ., Uol: during the. past year. t;Osll!~ tor ~lie .wee,k' . reeentiy sho!r

~ · . :tn' Ule ··Kansius state omi:ers have that. 101 oftlclala were . klllecl; 9J ~lied ,requests to return their ex- woiltlded; and tlil!'t.291. private

. · ··~te~~· ~ to .beadqn~rters at .New _were e.lthe~ kllle4 or wounded. . . ~otlt. ,. . . . _ The Situ, · rei~et corpora;. : · · : · fibie~n Rttaala'll aol~rs,' found u~ hila 'let a tot 4,000· two

:_ · cilutt· bt partich:iatlns In tbe recent· and three J'9G!m. <. · ·1QtlUnt ·at Se~1J0,. J'ortrna we..-.. r• .tn; .tho ~lt7 ~aru.wlt:bllid

.. , ,. .Oiiiltif ~•ot.. ·, · . , montk , ........ ~ ,_.., - ...... - ..... .. "' '. -'• . . '

~ !", I ' • 1 >

• • ' ' ...:: ' ,.

Fal1e Alarm •. equal and will pot stick to the iron.

From the valley there came a cloud of dust· and a distant rumble. The man of the stone age rushed up the mountain and perched himself on . · B U C H A. N 'S hlgh~st peak. .

"shucks!" ·exclaimed the · tugltlve, SILVER FLEECE DIP as he sllppeclhown to the valley again, · . . _· "It Is only a poor dinosaur roaml~g t• unquestionably the best sheep d!J> on the mar­about for' h1a breakfast. From. the ket. It curea the wofat cases of SCAB with· noise 1 thOU'"ht. it must be an auto. outlnjuriugtbe wool. Instantly soluble lu wnl<"r

• at an, temperature .. Non poleououa-aafe. Jf rnoblle." 1our dealer hasn't It In ~lock, write tbe

And .the man' wen~ back to his OAftBO&.IO SOAP CO., NEW YORk CITY.

l)eaceful occupation 'of hewing an ao B~•· wf;.ter Wbe~t Per Ac;; apartm,nt house·out ·or a solid cliff. "'•''" the ;.seld ofl!al&er't Red oro•• Ry~t1d Winter

' ~ Wheat. Send loIn ttamJHI for trefl a&tnple or eame,U · · I aloo catalolrUe oUVIDtfr Wheato, Kye,ll&rl~, CloY8ro, . To keep ·YOUl' auto looking br gbt TimothY.:.. o .... ~ llulbo, 'l're301\·"'· tor tall pl&!ll\hlf' . use the following lidxture for aU paint· . !_·"~~~~~~~ ~~..:~c.....,.wa .. ed parts: Sperm oU; one-half pint: . u amlctidwftll! .'i'hoapaon'l EJI Water common vinegar, one-half pint:· !lll · aore 0J:~·.... . .

RE. ADERS ot this paper de-::;.;;;.;.-;.;;;,.;.;.;;. slrlnll' to buy any· - lhlnll' advertised IR Its c:olumns should Insist upon havlnll wha.t they ask lor, retuslnlf r U aubsU• lutes or lmllaUona.

· Dellance Starch ls the lntcst .Inven­tion ·rn that Une and an Improvement on all other makes; It Is more eoo­nonilcal, does. better work, takes 'less thne: Got ·u frorn iLnY grocer, . ·

bergamot, one dram. MIX and rub with , ~ · -- • -clean cloth. For all brass work use . ·FIRST .,..0 TION trlpoU, 'one au,d one-half poun .. s: .llny U ltibrlcatJng oll, eight ounces; gasoline; . , ·The first col)sider~tion in the matter of food is nut~ition 1 the nex.t three.quarts. This 'leone or the best facility. of.digeit.ion.and at~simil.ation ,The grains li .. k. e_ wheat.'shou.ld. cleaners for all polished brass. . b f d h h 11 h h f b i ·xr you contempJate buying a medium. . e Jre erre i w ac • are we . w1t t e consfJfuents o, ra n priced automobile· and want to be <:OT· an ·an a taln or· sectliins a car sliltable for .. lng ·o~ counfr7·l'C)a.ds, 'up hlllas weU·aa 'down. hill, you wUt' make no ·mistake In buying either . a Buleck, Maxwell, Mltcibell; Reo, Knox, Franklin or Queen: •. These range 111 .Prl~. from. t76o ~ $2,ooo.. · . ' · · · . ·



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L. ·ooOCLAS· hoes

PAIN that women s'uffer every month, can· be relieved by taking opiates and other dangerous drugs, but the only safe way is to cure the ·disease that causes the pain, which can be done by ~king


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. : "I would. noarli_ dl~ eVerY morith,~' writes . Mrs. · NellJo· Frerich,· of, :0.; ~'with

·pains In head and back. · but Cardul eased all p;aln. · I ~­·not re_commend ., tocrhlghly ••

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· · At ail


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